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Thyroid Cancer
Dr. Mukesh V.M
Thyroid - Anatomy
 2 lobes, isthmus & ascending pyramidal lobe.
 Isthmus – absent in 10% , Pyramidal lobe – absent in 50%.
 Thyroglossal duct - extends between the thyroid gland and the
foramen cecum of the tongue.
 At level of C5 – body of T1
 Weighs about 30g.
 Each lobe - 5 cm in length, 3 cm width, 2-3 cm thick.
 The isthmus connecting the two lobes - 1.3 cm in breadth.
Capsules of Thyroid Gland
 True Capsule - A connective tissue capsule - continuous with the septa- makes up the
stroma of the organ.
 False capsule ( Perithyroid sheath / Surgical capsule ) :-
- external to the true capsule
- well developed layer derived from the pretracheal fascia.
- thickening of fascia - fixes back of lobes to the cricoid cartilage - Ligaments of Berry.
 Superior parathyroid glands - lie between the true capsule and false capsule.
 Inferior parathyroids - between the true and false capsules, within the thyroid
parenchyma, or lying on the outer surface of the fascia.
 The levator muscle - occasionally connect the hyoid bone with thyroid gland.
Vascular Supply
 Superior Thyroid Artery
o arises from the external carotid
artery at the bifurcation of the
common carotid artery.
o passes downward and anteriorly
to reach the superior pole of the
thyroid gland.
o supplies the cricothyroid muscle
and the cricopharyngeus muscle.
o At the superior pole, the
superior thyroid artery divides
into anterior and posterior
 The inferior thyroid artery
o arises from the thyrocervical trunk
o The recurrent laryngeal nerve may
pass anterior or posterior to the
artery, or b/w its branches.
o supplies lower pole of thyroid gland.
 Thyroid Ima Artery
o unpaired and inconstant
o arises from brachiocephalic artery/
right common carotid/aortic arch.
o 10% of individuals.
o Its position anterior to the trachea
makes it important in tracheostomy.
 Superior Thyroid Vein - Emerging
from the superior pole of thyroid,
& enter IJV.
 Middle Thyroid Vein - crosses the
common carotid artery to open
into IJV. This vein may be absent
or double("fourth" thyroid vein.)
 Inferior Thyroid Vein - Largest.
Rarely, the right vein crosses
trachea to enter left
brachiocephalic vein - form a
common trunk with the left vein -
thyroid ima vein.
 Median Superior Drainage -Superior margin of isthmus
and medial margins of lateral lobes - end in the
digastric lymph nodes or prelaryngeal ("Delphian") nodes
just above the isthmus.
 Median Inferior Drainage - Lower isthmus and lower
medial portions of lateral lobes - end in the pretracheal
and brachiocephalic nodes.
 Right and Left Lateral Drainage - lateral border of each
lobe - end in the internal jugular chain.
 Posterior Drainage - inferomedial surfaces of lateral
lobes - drain into nodes along the recurrent laryngeal
Well Differentiated
Thyroid Ca
Thyroid Ca
Thyroid Ca
Hurthle Cell Ca
Oncogenesis in Well differentiated Cancer
a) TRK, RET/PTC, Met ,cerb2 –
 Growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase
 Mutation causes PTC.
 RET proto-oncogene - located in chr. 10 , translocation with chr 17 => formation of
fusion gene RET/PTC => tyrosine kinase activation
- predilection for distant mets.
b) ras -
 Signal transduction protein
 Mutation of ras gene => production of inactive form of GTP => inactivation of protein
degradation => protein accumulation.
 40% of thyroid tumours has 1 of 3 ras gene point mutations (H-ras, K-ras, or N-ras).
 K-ras mutations - more frequent in radiation-induced PTCs
c) gsp -
 Signal transduction protein
 Usually associated with hot nodules.
If gsp mutation + ras mutation => Aggressive PTC/FTC
d) Tumour suppressor gene – p53
 Signal transduction protein
 Sensitive to radiation exposure
 Seen in aggressive PTCs / FTCs
a) Tyrosine kinase receptors – Met
b) N-ras - inactive GTP => ineffective protein degradation =>
d) PAX 8 – PPAR1 – fusion of DNA binding domain of thyroid
transcription factor (PAX8) to peroxisome proliferator-activated
receptor gamma 1(PPAR1)
Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
 80% of all thyroid malignancies.
 Predominant thyroid carcinoma in children.
 Individual exposed to external radiation.
 Women : Men = 2:1
 Mean age of presentation – 30-40 years
 Usually Euthyroid - a slow growing painless mass in neck.
 Dysphagia, dyspnoea, dysphonia - Locally advanced d/s
 Characterized by multi-focality in 80-85%
 risk of lymph node mets – esp children & young adults –
lateral aberrant thyroid.
PTC – Pathology
 Gross – Hard and Whitish
 Remain flat on sectioning in contrast to normal tissue/ benign lesions that tend
to bulge.
 Histology – Exhibit Papillary projection
- Mixed Papillary and Follicular pattern
- Pure Follicular pattern
 Diagnosis by – characteristic cellular features
o Cells - cuboidal
o Pale abundant cytoplasm
o Crowded nuclei grooving
o Intra-cytoplasmic inclusion – Orphan Annie nucleus
o Psammomma bodies –Mx calcific deposits(clumps of sloughed cells)
o Multifocality is common, asso with increased risk of cervical node mets and
these lesions may invade adjacent strctures such as trachea esophagus and RLN
Other Varieties
 T- cell
 Insular
 Columnar
 Diffusing sclerosis
 Trabecular
 Poorly differentiated
 1% with worse prognosis.
 Minimal / Occult / Micro-carcinoma
o Tumours of 1cm or less with no local invasion through thyroid
o Not associated with lymph node mets.
o Non palpable ,incidental finding, 2-36% thyroids at autopsy
o Recurrence – 5% , Mortality – 0.5%
 Intra-thyroidal – confined to thyroid gland, no evidence of
extrathyroid invasion
 Extra-thyroidal – invade through the thyroid capsule and/or into
adjacent structures.
Prognostic Indicators
 Low risk patients
o Young
o Well differentiated tumour
o No mets
o Small primary lesion
 High risk patients
o Older
o Poorly differentiated tumour
o Local invasion
o Distant mets
o Large primary lesion
 High Risk / B/l tumours – Total or near total thyroidectomy
Advantages :-
1. RAI - effectively detect and treat residual thyroid tissue or
metastatic d/s
2. makes serum Tg level a more sensitive marker of
recurrent/persistent d/s
3. eliminates contralateral occult cancers as sites of recurrence
(85% of tumors are multifocal)
4. reduces the risk of recurrence ; improves survival
5. 1% risk of progression to undifferentiated /anaplastic Ca
6. reduces need for re-operative surgery.
 Therapeutic b/l central neck lymph node dissection
o Biopsy proven central or lateral compartment d/s prior to Sx.
o Central compartment nodal disease found at time of Sx
 Prophylactic unilateral i/l central lymph node dissection
o Primary tumour > 4cms
o Extra-thyroidal extension is appreciated at time of Sx
 Therapeutic lateral lymph node dissection.
o Biopsy proven metastatic lateral lymphadenopathy (IIa /III /IV)
Follicular Carcinoma
 10% of thyroid cancers
 F:M = 3:1
 Mean age of presentation – 50yrs
 More common in iodine deficient access.
 Usually present as a solitary thyroid nodule with a history
of rapid increase in size and long standing goitre.
 Pain – uncommon (except when Hmrg in nodule)
 Cervical lymph node mets – uncommon
 Distal mets may be present
 < 1% hyper-functioning with feature of thyrotoxicosis.
 Solitary lesions, usually surrounded by a capsule.
 Histologically, follicles are present, but lumen may be devoid of colloid.
 Malignancy - defined by presence of capsular and vascular invasion.
 Minimally-invasive tumours –
o grossly encapsulated
o evidence of microscopic invasion through the tumour capsule/ into
small- to medium-size vessels (venous calibre)/ immediately outside the
 Widely invasive tumours –
o large-vessel invasion/ broad areas of tumour invasion through the
o May be un-encapsulated.
 Total thyroidectomy should be performed when thyroid
cancer is diagnosed.
 Frankly invasive carcinoma- completion of total
thyroidectomy primarily (so that 131I can be used to detect
and ablate metastatic disease. )
 Total thyroidectomy in patients with angioinvasion is also
 Prophylactic nodal dissection is unwarranted (nodal
involvement is infrequent)
 In patient with nodal metastases, therapeutic neck
dissection is recommended.
 Mortality - 15% at 10 years and 30% at 20 years.
 Poor long-term prognosis is predicted by:
o Age >50 years at presentation
o Tumour size >4 cm
o Higher tumour grade
o Marked vascular invasion
o Extra-thyroidal invasion
o Distant metastases at the time of diagnosis.
Hurthle Cell Carcinoma
 3% of all thyroid malignancies.
 Subtype of follicular cancer.
 Characterized by capsular and vascular invasion.
 Can’t be diagnosed by FNAC.
 Sheets of eosinophilic cells packed with mitochondria.
 Multifocal / B/l
 Don’t take up RAI
 Mets to local nodes(25%) and distant sites.
 Same fashion as FTC
 When Hürthle cells found –check for invasiveness and
 Treatment –Sx (same workup of a follicular neoplasm).
Diagnosis of a solitary nodule
 ? h/o Radiation exposure
 ? h/o thyroid cancer syndrome( FAP/Cowden’s/Warner/Carney’s complex)
 New thyroid mass/nodule.
 Enlargement of previously detected nodule.
 Pain secondary to hmrg into nodule.
 Palpable cervical node.
 Dyphagia/dysphonia/dyspnoea
Adjuvant therapy
 Goals – prolonging survival and reducing the future
recurrence of cancer.
 Mainstay of adjuvant Rx for well differenciated thyroid Ca
1) Radioactive I – 131
2) TSH suppression
1) I- 131 Therapy
1) Performed through thyroid hormone withdrawal.
o 2-3 weeks to produce desired level of TSH > 25-30 IU/ml.
o In prolonged withdrawal(4-6 weeks) - can take short acting
T3 (liothyronine) in the initial weeks of withdrawal to
ameliorate hypothyroid symptoms.
2) Performed using recombinant human TSH (rh TSH)
o used in patients who are at a risk of hypothyroidism –
elderly / cardiac / patients with spine and bone mets.
 I-123 and I-131 used for initial diagnostic whole body scan:
o Aids in disease staging
o Assist with dosing of I-131 therapy
 RAI ablation used primarily in :
o Pts 40yrs or older
o Primary tumor > 1cm
o Multifocal tumour
o Pts with extra-thyroidal disease d/t tissue invasion and mets.
 Most low risk pts (don’t receive I-131)
o Primary tumour < 1cm with negative surgical margins
o Without lympho-vascular or extra-thyroidal extension
o No uptake on initial post uptake scan
 Pts with small volume disease (receive 30-100 mci of RAI)
o Tumour 1-4 cms limited to thyroid
o Uptake only in thyroid bed in initial post op scan
 Pts receiving higher doses (100-150 mci) :
o Extra-thyroidal extension / lymph node mets
o Significant uptake on initial post op scan
 Pts receiving much higher doses (150 – 200) :
o Distant metastasis preoperatively
Radio-ablation Rx
Hormone Replacement Rx
(levothyroxine sodium – 2Mg/kg/day)
 Dose is adjusted to reach an appropriate level of TSH
suppression for a patiennt as determined on basis of disease
status and clinico-pathological features.
 TSH suppression and RAI ablation is of no use in medullary and
anaplastic carcinoma (because no uptake / no TSH receptor)
 Most recurrences of DTC occur within the first 5 years
after initial treatment.
 Can also occur decades late.
• Recur in the neck.
• Recur at distant sites
• Lung/bone/soft tissue
• Brain/liver/adrenals (old)
 Every 6 months for the first 1-3 years , Yearly thereafter.
 Follow up visits of DTC.
o Clinical examination
o S. thyroglobulin, TSH, free T4
o Cervical ultrasonography
o CT and MRI of neck
 Thyroglobulin values normally drop after thyroidectomy and ablation
o Should be < 2ng/ml when patient is taking T4.
o Should be < 5ng/ml when patient is hypothyroid.
o Tg level >2ng/ml highly suggestive of metastatic disease/persistent
normal tissue
o Sensitive indicator of recurrent or persistent disease.
 Risk of recurrence – tumour biology , extent of initial Sx ,
and other prognostic variables.
 30% of DTC will develop recurrent disease.
 Out of this 66% occur within 10yrs after initial Sx.
 80% occur in neck alone.(74% cervical nodes,20% thyroid
remnant,6% local muscle)
 20% distant metastasis – commonly to lungs.
Treatment of Recurrence
Recurrent well differentiated disease
 Tg 1-2 ng/ml
o non-resectable & non iodine responsive
o TSH suppression with levothyroxine.
 Tg 10 ng/ml
o all imaging negative in detecting recurrence
o RAI ablation considered
 Recurrence detected in imaging and physical examination
o Surgical resection is the preferred management (risk of
RLN injury and avascularization of parathyroid)
Treatment of distant metastasis
 CNS disease - considered for neurosurgical
resection, followed by RAI ablation and image
guided radiation therapy.
 Bone and other distant metastases – treated
surgically in presence of enlarging lesions for
palliation in symptomatic pts.
 External beam radiation - for pts unable to tolerate
Sx with d/s negative on radioactive uptake.

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Thyroid Cancer

  • 2. Thyroid - Anatomy  2 lobes, isthmus & ascending pyramidal lobe.  Isthmus – absent in 10% , Pyramidal lobe – absent in 50%.  Thyroglossal duct - extends between the thyroid gland and the foramen cecum of the tongue.  At level of C5 – body of T1  Weighs about 30g.  Each lobe - 5 cm in length, 3 cm width, 2-3 cm thick.  The isthmus connecting the two lobes - 1.3 cm in breadth.
  • 3.
  • 4. Capsules of Thyroid Gland  True Capsule - A connective tissue capsule - continuous with the septa- makes up the stroma of the organ.  False capsule ( Perithyroid sheath / Surgical capsule ) :- - external to the true capsule - well developed layer derived from the pretracheal fascia. - thickening of fascia - fixes back of lobes to the cricoid cartilage - Ligaments of Berry.  Superior parathyroid glands - lie between the true capsule and false capsule.  Inferior parathyroids - between the true and false capsules, within the thyroid parenchyma, or lying on the outer surface of the fascia.  The levator muscle - occasionally connect the hyoid bone with thyroid gland.
  • 5. Vascular Supply  Superior Thyroid Artery o arises from the external carotid artery at the bifurcation of the common carotid artery. o passes downward and anteriorly to reach the superior pole of the thyroid gland. o supplies the cricothyroid muscle and the cricopharyngeus muscle. o At the superior pole, the superior thyroid artery divides into anterior and posterior branches.
  • 6.  The inferior thyroid artery o arises from the thyrocervical trunk o The recurrent laryngeal nerve may pass anterior or posterior to the artery, or b/w its branches. o supplies lower pole of thyroid gland.  Thyroid Ima Artery o unpaired and inconstant o arises from brachiocephalic artery/ right common carotid/aortic arch. o 10% of individuals. o Its position anterior to the trachea makes it important in tracheostomy.
  • 7. Veins  Superior Thyroid Vein - Emerging from the superior pole of thyroid, & enter IJV.  Middle Thyroid Vein - crosses the common carotid artery to open into IJV. This vein may be absent or double("fourth" thyroid vein.)  Inferior Thyroid Vein - Largest. Rarely, the right vein crosses trachea to enter left brachiocephalic vein - form a common trunk with the left vein - thyroid ima vein.
  • 8. Lymphatics  Median Superior Drainage -Superior margin of isthmus and medial margins of lateral lobes - end in the digastric lymph nodes or prelaryngeal ("Delphian") nodes just above the isthmus.  Median Inferior Drainage - Lower isthmus and lower medial portions of lateral lobes - end in the pretracheal and brachiocephalic nodes.  Right and Left Lateral Drainage - lateral border of each lobe - end in the internal jugular chain.  Posterior Drainage - inferomedial surfaces of lateral lobes - drain into nodes along the recurrent laryngeal nerve.
  • 9. Well Differentiated Thyroid Ca Papillary Thyroid Ca Follicular Thyroid Ca Hurthle Cell Ca
  • 10. Oncogenesis in Well differentiated Cancer
  • 11. PTC a) TRK, RET/PTC, Met ,cerb2 –  Growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase  Mutation causes PTC.  RET proto-oncogene - located in chr. 10 , translocation with chr 17 => formation of fusion gene RET/PTC => tyrosine kinase activation - predilection for distant mets. b) ras -  Signal transduction protein  Mutation of ras gene => production of inactive form of GTP => inactivation of protein degradation => protein accumulation.  40% of thyroid tumours has 1 of 3 ras gene point mutations (H-ras, K-ras, or N-ras).  K-ras mutations - more frequent in radiation-induced PTCs
  • 12. PTC c) gsp -  Signal transduction protein  Usually associated with hot nodules. If gsp mutation + ras mutation => Aggressive PTC/FTC d) Tumour suppressor gene – p53  Signal transduction protein  Sensitive to radiation exposure  Seen in aggressive PTCs / FTCs
  • 13. FTC a) Tyrosine kinase receptors – Met b) N-ras - inactive GTP => ineffective protein degradation => accumulation c) PTEN d) PAX 8 – PPAR1 – fusion of DNA binding domain of thyroid transcription factor (PAX8) to peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma 1(PPAR1)
  • 14. Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma  80% of all thyroid malignancies.  Predominant thyroid carcinoma in children.  Individual exposed to external radiation.  Women : Men = 2:1  Mean age of presentation – 30-40 years  Usually Euthyroid - a slow growing painless mass in neck.  Dysphagia, dyspnoea, dysphonia - Locally advanced d/s  Characterized by multi-focality in 80-85%  risk of lymph node mets – esp children & young adults – lateral aberrant thyroid.
  • 15. PTC – Pathology  Gross – Hard and Whitish  Remain flat on sectioning in contrast to normal tissue/ benign lesions that tend to bulge.  Histology – Exhibit Papillary projection - Mixed Papillary and Follicular pattern - Pure Follicular pattern  Diagnosis by – characteristic cellular features o Cells - cuboidal o Pale abundant cytoplasm o Crowded nuclei grooving o Intra-cytoplasmic inclusion – Orphan Annie nucleus o Psammomma bodies –Mx calcific deposits(clumps of sloughed cells) o Multifocality is common, asso with increased risk of cervical node mets and these lesions may invade adjacent strctures such as trachea esophagus and RLN
  • 16.
  • 17. Other Varieties  T- cell  Insular  Columnar  Diffusing sclerosis  Trabecular  Poorly differentiated  1% with worse prognosis.
  • 18. Macroscopically  Minimal / Occult / Micro-carcinoma o Tumours of 1cm or less with no local invasion through thyroid capsule/angio-invasion. o Not associated with lymph node mets. o Non palpable ,incidental finding, 2-36% thyroids at autopsy o Recurrence – 5% , Mortality – 0.5%  Intra-thyroidal – confined to thyroid gland, no evidence of extrathyroid invasion  Extra-thyroidal – invade through the thyroid capsule and/or into adjacent structures.
  • 19. Prognostic Indicators  Low risk patients o Young o Well differentiated tumour o No mets o Small primary lesion  High risk patients o Older o Poorly differentiated tumour o Local invasion o Distant mets o Large primary lesion
  • 20. Management  High Risk / B/l tumours – Total or near total thyroidectomy Advantages :- 1. RAI - effectively detect and treat residual thyroid tissue or metastatic d/s 2. makes serum Tg level a more sensitive marker of recurrent/persistent d/s 3. eliminates contralateral occult cancers as sites of recurrence (85% of tumors are multifocal) 4. reduces the risk of recurrence ; improves survival 5. 1% risk of progression to undifferentiated /anaplastic Ca 6. reduces need for re-operative surgery.
  • 21.  Therapeutic b/l central neck lymph node dissection o Biopsy proven central or lateral compartment d/s prior to Sx. o Central compartment nodal disease found at time of Sx  Prophylactic unilateral i/l central lymph node dissection o Primary tumour > 4cms o Extra-thyroidal extension is appreciated at time of Sx  Therapeutic lateral lymph node dissection. o Biopsy proven metastatic lateral lymphadenopathy (IIa /III /IV)
  • 22. Follicular Carcinoma  10% of thyroid cancers  F:M = 3:1  Mean age of presentation – 50yrs  More common in iodine deficient access.  Usually present as a solitary thyroid nodule with a history of rapid increase in size and long standing goitre.  Pain – uncommon (except when Hmrg in nodule)  Cervical lymph node mets – uncommon  Distal mets may be present  < 1% hyper-functioning with feature of thyrotoxicosis.
  • 23. Pathology  Solitary lesions, usually surrounded by a capsule.  Histologically, follicles are present, but lumen may be devoid of colloid.  Malignancy - defined by presence of capsular and vascular invasion.  Minimally-invasive tumours – o grossly encapsulated o evidence of microscopic invasion through the tumour capsule/ into small- to medium-size vessels (venous calibre)/ immediately outside the capsule.  Widely invasive tumours – o large-vessel invasion/ broad areas of tumour invasion through the capsule. o May be un-encapsulated.
  • 24. Management  Total thyroidectomy should be performed when thyroid cancer is diagnosed.  Frankly invasive carcinoma- completion of total thyroidectomy primarily (so that 131I can be used to detect and ablate metastatic disease. )  Total thyroidectomy in patients with angioinvasion is also recommended.  Prophylactic nodal dissection is unwarranted (nodal involvement is infrequent)  In patient with nodal metastases, therapeutic neck dissection is recommended.  Mortality - 15% at 10 years and 30% at 20 years.
  • 25. Prognosis  Poor long-term prognosis is predicted by: o Age >50 years at presentation o Tumour size >4 cm o Higher tumour grade o Marked vascular invasion o Extra-thyroidal invasion o Distant metastases at the time of diagnosis.
  • 26. Hurthle Cell Carcinoma  3% of all thyroid malignancies.  Subtype of follicular cancer.  Characterized by capsular and vascular invasion.  Can’t be diagnosed by FNAC.
  • 27. Pathology  Sheets of eosinophilic cells packed with mitochondria.  Multifocal / B/l  Don’t take up RAI  Mets to local nodes(25%) and distant sites. Treatment  Same fashion as FTC  When Hürthle cells found –check for invasiveness and malignancy  Treatment –Sx (same workup of a follicular neoplasm).
  • 28. Diagnosis of a solitary nodule  ? h/o Radiation exposure  ? h/o thyroid cancer syndrome( FAP/Cowden’s/Warner/Carney’s complex)  New thyroid mass/nodule.  Enlargement of previously detected nodule.  Pain secondary to hmrg into nodule.  Palpable cervical node.  Dyphagia/dysphonia/dyspnoea
  • 29.
  • 30. Adjuvant therapy  Goals – prolonging survival and reducing the future recurrence of cancer.  Mainstay of adjuvant Rx for well differenciated thyroid Ca is 1) Radioactive I – 131 2) TSH suppression
  • 31. 1) I- 131 Therapy 1) Performed through thyroid hormone withdrawal. o 2-3 weeks to produce desired level of TSH > 25-30 IU/ml. o In prolonged withdrawal(4-6 weeks) - can take short acting T3 (liothyronine) in the initial weeks of withdrawal to ameliorate hypothyroid symptoms. 2) Performed using recombinant human TSH (rh TSH) o used in patients who are at a risk of hypothyroidism – elderly / cardiac / patients with spine and bone mets.
  • 32.  I-123 and I-131 used for initial diagnostic whole body scan: o Aids in disease staging o Assist with dosing of I-131 therapy  RAI ablation used primarily in : o Pts 40yrs or older o Primary tumor > 1cm o Multifocal tumour o Pts with extra-thyroidal disease d/t tissue invasion and mets.
  • 33.  Most low risk pts (don’t receive I-131) o Primary tumour < 1cm with negative surgical margins o Without lympho-vascular or extra-thyroidal extension o No uptake on initial post uptake scan  Pts with small volume disease (receive 30-100 mci of RAI) o Tumour 1-4 cms limited to thyroid o Uptake only in thyroid bed in initial post op scan
  • 34.  Pts receiving higher doses (100-150 mci) : o Extra-thyroidal extension / lymph node mets o Significant uptake on initial post op scan  Pts receiving much higher doses (150 – 200) : o Distant metastasis preoperatively
  • 35. Surgery Radio-ablation Rx Hormone Replacement Rx (levothyroxine sodium – 2Mg/kg/day)
  • 36.  Dose is adjusted to reach an appropriate level of TSH suppression for a patiennt as determined on basis of disease status and clinico-pathological features.  TSH suppression and RAI ablation is of no use in medullary and anaplastic carcinoma (because no uptake / no TSH receptor)
  • 37. Surveillance  Most recurrences of DTC occur within the first 5 years after initial treatment.  Can also occur decades late. PTC • Recur in the neck. FTC • Recur at distant sites • Lung/bone/soft tissue (young) • Brain/liver/adrenals (old)
  • 38.  Every 6 months for the first 1-3 years , Yearly thereafter.  Follow up visits of DTC. o Clinical examination o S. thyroglobulin, TSH, free T4 o Cervical ultrasonography o CT and MRI of neck  Thyroglobulin values normally drop after thyroidectomy and ablation o Should be < 2ng/ml when patient is taking T4. o Should be < 5ng/ml when patient is hypothyroid. o Tg level >2ng/ml highly suggestive of metastatic disease/persistent normal tissue o Sensitive indicator of recurrent or persistent disease.
  • 39. Recurrence  Risk of recurrence – tumour biology , extent of initial Sx , and other prognostic variables.  30% of DTC will develop recurrent disease.  Out of this 66% occur within 10yrs after initial Sx.  80% occur in neck alone.(74% cervical nodes,20% thyroid remnant,6% local muscle)  20% distant metastasis – commonly to lungs.
  • 40. Treatment of Recurrence Recurrent well differentiated disease  Tg 1-2 ng/ml o non-resectable & non iodine responsive o TSH suppression with levothyroxine.  Tg 10 ng/ml o all imaging negative in detecting recurrence o RAI ablation considered  Recurrence detected in imaging and physical examination o Surgical resection is the preferred management (risk of RLN injury and avascularization of parathyroid)
  • 41. Treatment of distant metastasis  CNS disease - considered for neurosurgical resection, followed by RAI ablation and image guided radiation therapy.  Bone and other distant metastases – treated surgically in presence of enlarging lesions for palliation in symptomatic pts.  External beam radiation - for pts unable to tolerate Sx with d/s negative on radioactive uptake.