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            AUGUST 2011

• Background and Objective
• Methodology
• Our Panel of Experts
• Our Tablet Checklist
• Appendix
 –   Additional case studies
 –   Learn more about our panel of experts

                      A note to readers: To make the report easy to navigate, we’ve added hyperlinks to the What We’ll Cover and Our Tablet Checklist
                      pages, so you can jump immediately to the items that most interest you (or, alternatively, you can read the material straight through).   2
Since the iPad’s debut last year, consumers worldwide have embraced the concept
of a tablet computer.
  • Already tablets are taking hold more firmly than netbooks did in 2009, with IDC
    forecasting that 53.5 million units will ship this year. 
  • The market-creating iPad remains firmly in the lead, with competitors jockeying for
    second and third place. 
For marketers, it’s been a scramble to get a handle on how consumers are using
this new device and how best to reach them through this portal.
  • Indeed, tablets are used quite differently than either PCs or smartphones. 
  • The focus tends to be on leisure—gaming, shopping, reading, watching video and
    emailing. Tablet consumers tend to be less interested in getting things done than in
    having some fun. 
How can brands be a part of that experience? This report aims to deliver actionable
recommendations for marketers, with case studies that help illustrate these ideas.
As we collect more cases, we’ll be adding them to this report.
We spoke with seven professionals in interactive media—both internal and external
to JWT—to develop a point of view on best practices for brands.

Their value to the project was their capacity to:
  • Be three to five years ahead of the general consumer in terms of awareness/adoption
    of new media tools, brands, behaviors and attitudes.
  • Notice past and current trends and reflect on them.
  • Comment on their own experience and relate it to broader social and consumer trends.
  • Act as de facto gatekeepers, validators and thought leaders by virtue of their
     connections and visibility.


JAMES COOPER,                      MACIEK GORZKOWSKI,                DOMINIK HOFMANN,                   USHER LIEBERMAN,
chief creative innovation          head of experience,               mobile product manager,            director of communications,
officer, JWT New York              JWT London                        head of R&D,         TheFind

                  PAUL SCHOKNECHT,              PAUL SOON,                            GREG ZAPAR,
                  senior partner, digital       regional director,                    vice president, experience
                  experience director,          XM Asia                               design, Digitaria
                  JWT Atlanta

                                                                                                           *See Appendix for bios of experts.   5
1. Lean back with the tablet, all around the house
2. Do with smartphones, discover with tablets
3. Tablets tackle a broad audience; so should you
4. Look beyond apps
5. Support your investment
6. Be social, in an offline way
7. Make it perfect—then make it better
8. But remember, perfect doesn’t automatically mean packed with bells and whistles
9. Define your goal from the outset
10. Reinvent the experience, not the message

 Smartphones may have started the mobile media revolution, but tablets have brought it home.
 These intimate, always-on machines are as small and light as a book, with infinitely more
 possibilities. Unlike their bulkier computing cousins, tablets are “lean back” devices that tax only
 the pincer fingers, so they can be operated in full slouch. They put consumers at the center of
 their home entertainment experience, traveling along from kitchen to couch to bed.
 Users flit between home computer and television less often now that the tablet more comfortably
 delivers streaming video, email and Web surfing capabilities. And while the television may still get
 primetime play, the tablet is surely within reach as a second screen. Once the TV goes dark, the
 tablet follows the user to bed for a game of Angry Birds—the 21st-century nightcap. Consider
 tablets an all-access pass to a consumer’s home and know your brand may be called up at any time.


                                     “If I looked at my tablet usage myself, it’s changed the way I
                                      surf the Web at home. Now I sit back at home on my couch
                                           and I am on my tablet instead of on my computer. With
                                         your laptop, you’re locked in—you can’t move as much as
                                                                         you can with your tablet.”
                                                           —PAUL SCHOKNECHT, senior partner, digital
                                                                      experience director, JWT Atlanta

“We used to walk in as agencies and
we would have the website in the middle
of the circle, and that was the central
hub, and we would have links off to the                                       “When somebody is spending time
side to YouTube or mobile or tablet;                                          with their iPad, they’re curled up on
now the user is at the center of that                                         the couch; it’s the one thing they’re
circle, and the website just became                                           focused on. They’re completely willing
another channel.”                                                             to dedicate all their time to that like
                                                                              they would with a good book.”
            —GREG ZAPAR, vice president,
               experience design, Digitaria                                        —DOMINIK HOFMANN, mobile product
                                                                                        manager, head of R&D,

 When people pick up their smartphones, they generally have a task in
 mind—check the time, the weather, email, movie listings. But tablet
 users are different. They are relaxed, they are reclined, they are open to
 suggestion. In short, they’re a marketer’s dream. Tablet in hand, users
 swipe and tap in search of a new experience.

 Brands that provide that using tablet technology like the gyroscope,
 geolocation and more might find tablet users more responsive and
 generous with their time than mobile consumers on the go.


                      “Shopping on a PC is built around a search engine. On the phone, it’s more about
                      enhancing the in-store experience. When we look at tablets, we see this is a
                      different medium. Search through the iPad wasn’t going to be a very pleasing
                      experience; on the other hand, paper catalogs offer a magazine-like experience. It’s
                      part entertainment—seeing what different things look like and giving ideas and
                      inspiration—and part commerce. The iPad lends itself well to that: that tactile feel,
that feeling of discovery. There’s a way to integrate what we’ve built online and forward it to the iPad and
make it different—make it more about consumption, exploration, discovery.”
                                                               —USHER LIEBERMAN, director of communications, TheFind

                  “The phone is still that communication device. It is a voice- as well as
                text- and email-based device. Sure it lets you browse the Web, bank, get
                       airline tickets, but with the tablet, there’s a discovery aspect to it.”
                          —PAUL SCHOKNECHT, senior partner, digital experience director, JWT Atlanta


          “A smartphone is a personal device that’s with you all the time. It’s going to see
          a lot of search activity, location-based search and that sort of thing. You have to
          think of the smartphone as the always-on, always-with-you device and the
          tablet as doing more considered things.”
                                           —USHER LIEBERMAN, director of communications, TheFind

 “It’s a great channel for discovery. One of the reasons people are so much
more open to something like their tablet than a computer or smartphone is
    the tablet is pretty much a leisure device. ... When you’re in that state of
   mind, you’re really receptive to someone introducing something to you.”
              —DOMINIK HOFMANN, mobile product manager, head of R&D,



This pregnancy calendar opens a window into the womb by showing the development of the fetus
beginning at four weeks. Users can scroll through gestational weeks, tap for information and use touch
points to zoom and rotate glowing representations of a baby’s growing features. While most apps take a
utilitarian approach, this one seizes on the wonder of impending parenthood by using tablet technology to
its fullest.

                                                                                              Image credit: Pampers   12


Say what you want about Gore’s narrative style, this e-book takes full advantage of the iPad’s capabilities
and delivers an experience that feels less like reading and more like exploring. Users swipe through the
pages, dipping in and out of layers of information, photographs, world maps and video. Even infographics
are interactive, revealing additional information to more curious readers.

                                                                                           Image credit: Push Pop Press   13
 Last year, the iPad’s $500 entry point made it seem like an expensive toy.
 While Apple may continue to command a premium, manufacturers
 including Samsung and Blackberry are offering cheaper options, and more
 will follow. Audiences are quickly broadening—tablets are no longer the
 province of early adopters from the media and tech worlds. For college
 students, for example, tablets are a great way to combine textbooks, notebooks
 and study aids. And people who use their computers primarily for media
 consumption, email and social networking will see the tablet as a lower-
 cost alternative to a laptop.


               “This holiday season there will be a big drive by HP, ASUS and
               Samsung to try and hit the iPad head-on. In New York, in a creative
               industry, a lot of us say, ‘Hey, I have to use an iPad.’ But in the normal
               working world, they’ll see a tablet that is $200 cheaper and it sort of
               does the same thing. The next generation is the one to watch.”
                                   —JAMES COOPER, chief creative innovation officer, JWT New York

“With our app, we did start out with higher-end retailers because we think that
   matches the demographic right now. It’s a bit of a luxury to have one right
now. But you’re going to see the wireless carriers subsidize the tablets the way
       they do phones. It probably won’t be this year, but as we get toward the
  holidays, Sprint or Verizon or someone who wants to make a real splash will
 subsidize a tablet entry with a contract. It will create a much broader market.”
                               —USHER LIEBERMAN, director of communications, TheFind


                                                    “Certain people are just not going to have computers,
                                              they’re going to skip that step. Tablets are in the ballpark of
                                                  cheap laptops. And if it has built-in 3G, it will do things
                                               better than a laptop. At home they will use a tablet, and at
                                                                               work they’ll have a desktop.”
“Long term, it will be                                   —MACIEK GORZKOWSKI, head of experience, JWT London
interesting to see if it’s going to
have to cannibalize PC sales. It
is the perfect device to buy for
                                                                           “They’re priced at a point where they’re
someone who only uses the
                                                                           affordable for anyone who has any kind of
Internet to surf the Web and do
                                                                           disposable income. Just as someone might buy
email. It’s a simpler device to
                                                                           themselves a laptop, they can buy a tablet.”
use; there’s not the problems
                                                                                          —DOMINIK HOFMANN, mobile product
currently with viruses.”                                                                       manager, head of R&D,
—PAUL SCHOKNECHT, senior partner,
   digital experience director, JWT Atlanta



This interactive textbook publisher has secured funding from McGraw-Hill and Pearson to create and license
more than 100 new textbooks that will be available for the iPad this fall. The books use multi-screen touch
technology that allows students to interact with the text, highlight and make notes on screen, and send
those notes to others, including the professor. “If I understand something and my friend doesn’t, I can help
explain to it to her,” one freshman told “You obviously can’t get that in a traditional textbook.”

                                                                                               Image credit: Inkling   17
  It’s easy to understand why every brand seems to be app-focused.
  Smartphones have dominated mobile marketing, and connecting with
  consumers via small screens requires a specially designed interface. But
  tablets open up more options. The bigger screen offers a more pleasant
  Web surfing experience, so a tablet-optimized site might be your best bet.
  Meanwhile, content streams are everywhere, offering licensing and
  advertising opportunities. If your app is not offering your customer
  something valuable, don’t bother.


                                                                      “Clients come to us and say
                                                                      they want a tablet app. I go
                                                                      through a larger strategy piece
                                                                      and explore how tablets fit in
                    “Brands that have                                 with their digital ecosystem: Are
                    come to us in                                     we really looking at a tablet
                    terms of                   application or a traditional site that’s optimized for
                    developing tablet          tablets or just tablet-friendly? A tablet-friendly site
                    apps have a service        for most users doesn’t have Flash because that
                    to offer: Johnny           impacts the ability to see it on an iPad. When we talk
Walker wants to educate consumers;             about an optimized site, it’s a custom build.”
Singapore Tourism Board has                           —GREG ZAPAR, vice president, experience design, Digitaria
mapping and so forth. It’s going to be
hard to develop an app for shampoo
that will be used every day.”
                                              “If you don’t want to do your own app, is there
     —PAUL SOON, regional director, XM Asia         something smart about doing a deal with
                                                someone else, a platform syndication, so that
                                                           you’re parceling out information?”
                                                         —JAMES COOPER, chief creative innovation
                                                                           officer, JWT New York



This website started by asking visitors what device they were using to access content, then redirected them
to an optimized site depending on the answer. Now, ESPN has dispensed with the question, and the site
sniffs out your device and loads a page that’s optimized for the mobile phone, tablet or computer. ESPN is
well represented in app stores too, but this multi-device Web platform ensures the brand is reaching tablet
owners who simply want to check the site.

                                                                                             Image credit:   20
  Call it meta-marketing. App stores are crowded, and tablet users
  have a whole world of media choices literally at their fingertips. The
  only way consumers are going to know your offering is out there is
  if you ensure they find your brand’s app via email, app store
  promotions, paid media and more. Then keep it on their radars with
  free or premium upgrades.


                                                                                                     “In the beginning, you
                   “Like any other product launch, there comes the
                                                                                                     could put an app out
                   role of paid media. Whenever [a brand]
                                                                                                     there and make a lot of
                   communicates something, the app should be
                                                                                                     money. The app stores
                   mentioned. When someone uses the app, it
                                                                                                     are so full now, you have
                   should be amplified socially.”
                                                                                                     to ask yourself, ‘How are
                                      —PAUL SOON, regional director, XM Asia   you promoting that, how are you breaking
                                                                               through?’ More and more, you’ll see marketing
                                                                               plans advertising applications, more and more
 “It makes sense to invest in the application                                  pushing of applications and content from the
and keep putting out new features. It makes                                    mobile Web that will sniff out what device
 people happier when they’re using it, and it                                  you’re coming from and saying, ‘Go to our
                  helps to climb the charts.”                                  website, download our application.’”
         —DOMINIK HOFMANN, mobile product                                                   —PAUL SCHOKNECHT, senior partner,
              manager, head of R&D,                                              digital experience director, JWT Atlanta

 In hand, everything about a tablet suggests it is a very personal
 possession. Its book-like form, touch screen and users’ thoughtfully
 curated apps all point to an intimate media experience. But within
 households, tablet usage is fluid. Families and friends pass it around,
 sharing information and experiences and collaborating on purchase
 decisions. This gives marketers a valuable entry into households and
 makes evangelists out of tablet users, who share brand information with
 decision makers.


                   “They are very intimate; they are really meant for one
            person at a time engaging with content. On the other hand,
              they tend to be shared devices, too. The two in [our] house
             tend to be shared by everybody. It’s not a personal device.”
                                                —USHER LIEBERMAN, director of
                                                        communications, TheFind

“A lot of the apps on our devices are
shared amongst family members. I
have a lot of kids apps; I have a lot of
princess apps meant to entertain my                                        “It’s a social device. … It’s
my daughter while we are waiting for                                       really easy to curl up on
dinner to arrive.”                                                         the couch with your loved
              —GREG ZAPAR, vice president,                                 one and look at the device,
                 experience design, Digitaria                              and if there is a photo you
                                                                           can just pass it. It’s not
                                                    heavy and it’s not fragile, and you’re not
                                                    worried about dropping it. ... There’s a social
                                                    aspect to it that’s not an online social aspect.”
                                                                  —DOMINIK HOFMANN, mobile product
                                                                       manager, head of R&D,



Parents may consider it a stroke of evil genius. The toy retailer reimagined its catalog for the iPad: Knowing
how children drool over its paper iteration, Toys R Us designed an app that allows kids to view the catalog
sans price information—as with old-fashioned his and her menus—and create personalized wish lists. A
separate portal saves the sticker shock for parents.

                                                                                               Image credit: Toys R Us   25


This recipe app allows family cooks to dip in and out of its voluminous content using the touch screen.
And while it could pass for just another cookbook, it also includes activities for children and regular
content updates, ensuring users can cook and play together in the kitchen.

                                                                                            Image credit: Kraft Foods   26
 Blame it on Apple: Its walled-garden approach to innovation has resulted
 in a near-perfect device, and its strict app standards have created a near-
 uniform experience. As a result, tablet users demand more than they
 would from glitch-prone personal computers or websites. To help ensure
 users a great experience, have a nimble development team in place able
 to quickly fix flaws and create a long-term roadmap that includes
 upgrades and refreshed content.


                  “People have paid money for something they don’t really
                   need, so there’s more pressure on the marketer to come
                       up with engaging material. Consumers are saying, ‘I
                  bought this thing; I spent my hard-earned money on this
                   bright, shiny thing. It needs to do something different.’”
                        —JAMES COOPER, chief creative innovation officer, JWT New York

“The great experience is expected—
it’s just table stakes to get in. It’s
important that it has some long-
term benefit for your consumer.”
                                                                        “We’re just now getting into the era
    —PAUL SCHOKNECHT, senior partner,
       digital experience director, JWT Atlanta
                                                                        where we understand what a perfect,
                                                                        uniform website should look like. ... But
                                                                        with apps, there really is the idea of the
                                                                        perfect tablet application, and that’s
                                                                        because it came out as such a perfect
                                                  device. The way tablets have evolved has led to the idea of a
                                                  really high standard for a really desirable tablet application.”
                                                                                                —DOMINIK HOFMANN,
                                                                             mobile product manager, head of R&D,

 Tablets offer a long list of eye-catching features: the multi-touch
 screen, the page curl, a gyroscope and accelerometer (the sensors that
 determine acceleration and tilt), not to mention audio and video. Don’t
 be fooled into thinking more is more. Include only the technology that
 will enhance your message and improve the functionality of your app
 or site. Style may catch users’ attention, but once the novelty wears off,
 they’ll be seeking substance.


                  “Start small and build on that. Don’t shoot
                  for the moon, because what you don’t want
                  are bad reviews right out of the gate.”
                                      —GREG ZAPAR, vice president,
                                         experience design, Digitaria

                   “When we first started working on [the iPad app],
                 we had the page curl, just because we could. But we came to find
                  out that while the iPad is able to do it, it’s not the best thing for
                  users. ... A lot of times things are put in because it’s glossier, but
                                       if it’s not making people happier, don’t use it. ”
                    —DOMINIK HOFMANN, mobile product manager, head of R&D,



This ad used only one of the tablet’s many features but to great effect. At first swipe, it appeared to be
simply a photograph of a hooded prisoner standing in a corner of a jail cell. But when readers attempted to
swipe past the disturbing image, the screen didn’t budge. After several attempts, a message appeared:
“Torture disappears only when you do something about it.” People were then referred to a link where they
could sign a petition.

                                                                                        Image credit: TBWA Germany   31
 Consumers can’t commit to a long-term relationship with every app—
 some are keepers because they provide a valuable service, others are
 novelties. Will your app be one arm of a larger campaign or an
 investment in itself, intended to deepen your relationship with
 consumers? Like any marketing effort, the goal for tablet executions
 must be well-defined and developed thoughtfully.


              “There are two ways of looking at an app. You can do a quick hit that’s fun—you spend
              $100,000 and you get a decent amount of people playing with that for 5-10 minutes;
              it’s still better than a TV spot. Or you can spend 500 grand on a utility-based app. The
              thing is, there are only so many [branded apps] you use that you come to rely on.”
                                                          —JAMES COOPER, chief creative innovation officer, New York

“By 30 days, almost all apps are at zero usage, and it’s almost to zero at about 14
days. If there is no ongoing value, it’s likely not to be used and more likely to be
  deleted. If you want to stick around, you have to invest in the user experience,
  even if it’s just paying for pizza and getting people at the office to play around
   with it for five minutes; it really provides good feedback on what users want.”
                                   —GREG ZAPAR, vice president, experience design, Digitaria



Users won’t be whipping out this app on a regular basis, but it is a fun party trick. The idea is simple: Take a
photograph with the iPad or iPhone’s camera (or choose one from your library), then superimpose some
facial hair for a laugh. How long it stays on a user’s device depends on how deeply friends are entertained
by a digital Wooly Willy, but for a few minutes at a time, Schick is the life of the party.

                                                                                                    Image credit: Schick   34
  At the turn of the millennium, newspapers posted material online rather
  inelegantly; a decade later, publishers have developed slideshows, videos
  and a variety of interactive features. But the news—the reporting, writing
  and images—remains the star player, while everything else is context. The
  key is to adjust according to the medium while retaining your core message.
  Look at how tablets are driving consumption and tweak your delivery to make
  it fun and interesting.


                                                                                                                    “It isn’t about
                                                                                                                    recreating your
                                    “You have to think about it as
                                                                                                                    content, but it is
                                    content. That’s the piece. They just
                                                                                                                    about rethinking it.
                                    have great content, and then you
                                                                                                                    You look at the
                                    experience it as you will.”
                                                                                                                    history of new
                                        —PAUL SCHOKNECHT, senior partner,
                                           digital experience director, JWT Atlanta
                                                                                             mediums, and they all evolved. When
                                                                                             television came out, they took radio
                                                                                             shows and put them on TV. And it took
                                                                                             them a while to figure out that doesn’t
  “Tablet input is quite simple. The less consumers have to input,                           work. ... When the Internet arrived,
     the better. You choose one to 10, but you don’t have to type                            [newspapers] just slapped their front
anything. It’s as if you were having a conversation with someone                             pages online. But that wasn’t all that
   and all they gave you were one-word answers. But as a brand,                              effective. The content evolved over time.
you have to be the conversationalist and you have to expect one-                             It’s going to evolve. Ultimately, it’s about
                                          word answers: Yes or no.”                          taking the content you already have and
                 —MACIEK GORZKOWSKI, head of experience, JWT London                          making it right for the medium.”
                                                                                                         —USHER LIEBERMAN, director of
                                                                                                                 communications, TheFind



The tablet edition of this tech magazine uses the print edition as a springboard for digital content,
including audio, video and more. The May 2011 issue launched with a video of cover comic Andy Samberg,
a touch-sensitive cover image that links to feature stories, and multiple touch points throughout that
launch interactive infographics, content and video all within Wired’s recognizable design and layout.

                                                                                            Image credit: Wired   37




Chances are, if you’re older than 6, you’ve seen the Disney classics more than once. This year, Disney found
a way to reinvent the viewing experience for families by synchronizing Blu-ray discs to tablets so viewers
can simultaneously watch bonus features. Features include production drawings that come to life when you
move a slider back and forth, extra videos, games and an art gallery. “We really thought about a family
sitting together or a mom sitting with her kids watching Bambi and playing some of the games together at
the same time, going through some of the activities,” Lori MacPherson of Walt Disney Studios told USA
Today. The second-screen experience also works for PCs.

                                                                                               Image credit: Disney   40


The acronym may be testosterone-friendly, but Cosmopolitan magazine’s DNA is dominant throughout its
new Cosmo for Guys app. The application is designed for the iPad with the requisite bells and whistles,
reimagining Cosmo for male readers. The Cosmo message remains—sex and relationship features, advice
and, of course, self-help quizzes. So gentleman, which hair trick will save YOU this summer?

                                                                                         Image credit: Cosmopolitan   41


JAMES COOPER, chief creative innovation officer, JWT New York
Cooper is responsible for managing JWT New York’s creative product in
the emerging digital space and further developing JWT’s footprint in this
area. He has worked on iPhone and iPad applications for Rolex and
Bloomberg; was part of the agency’s successful Lean Cuisine win; and has
signed an innovative deal with TechStars, a startup incubator, to embed the
agency with new companies.
As integrated creative director at Saatchi NY, Cooper created “The Most
Valuable Tweeter” campaign for Wheaties—marking the first time a brand
has placed value on a tweet—and led a JCPenney campaign where women
could put their men in a “digital doghouse.” Prior to Saatchi, he was a
creative director at two of the U.K.’s leading independent digital agencies,
Dare and Agency Republic. At Dare, Cooper worked with clients including
Sony, BMW and Vodafone, and counts a crowd-sourced film project with
John Malkovich for Sony Vaio as one of his favorite projects. Campaign
magazine described Cooper as “one of the brightest stars in digital
Cooper blogs regularly for Adweek and Creative Social and has taught at
Miami Ad School and Watford College. He also founded Celebrity Ping
Pong ( and is rated No. 1,293 in table tennis in the U.S.


MACIEK GORZKOWSKI, head of experience, JWT London
Gorzkowski’s remit at JWT is to foster the conception and development of
digital experiences across the client base. He joined the agency in April
2010 from Play, which he co-founded. Gorzkowski started his career at
Saatchi & Saatchi in Warsaw, rising to account director while managing
brands such as Pizza Hut, KFC, Head & Shoulders and Levi’s. He made the
move into digital in 1999 as account director at itraffic in San Francisco,
working on Disney and subsequently running the affiliate program across
all of itraffic’s clients.
In 2001, Gorzkowski moved to London with itraffic (now,
where as client services director he ran British Airways, arguably the largest
digital account in the U.K. at the time. In 2005 he co-founded Play as
managing director. During his time at Play, he managed award-winning
campaigns for clients including Foster’s, RBS, NatWest, ITV, BBC and TfL.


DOMINIK HOFMANN, mobile product manager, head of R&D,
While other kids were building forts, Hofmann was building computer
interfaces. During his time at Razorfish and Blockbuster’s Digital
Innovation Group, and as a consultant across the Fortune world, he’s been
involved with projects for Web, mobile and touch screen. Thankfully, his
role at Jetsetter combines his love of all things cutting-edge and dismisses
his relative inexperience with the world of fortification.


USHER LIEBERMAN, director of communications, TheFind
Lieberman has been director of corporate communications at TheFind,
a vertical search engine for shopping, since 2009. His experience in
e-commerce dates back to the mid-1990s, when he managed the
campaigns of many dot-com and services companies that either sold
directly to consumers or helped facilitate e-commerce in its infancy.
Following a five-year entrepreneurial stretch, Lieberman was recruited
in 2007 to be spokesperson for eBay.
He holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of
Colorado at Boulder, is a collector of vinyl records and South American
fútbol jerseys, an avid mountain biker, father of three, an Amazon Prime
subscriber and firmly believes it is best to dive directly into the deep end of
the pool.


PAUL SCHOKNECHT, senior partner, digital experience director,
JWT Atlanta
Schoknecht drives digital strategy, social media and user experience for
JWT clients. His group is charged with activating brands across the digital
spectrum. Schoknecht’s passion for the space and knowledge about what’s
coming next help brands stay ahead of the curve. He leads digital
engagement from program inception to creative development and, finally,
to reporting, giving him the insight to ensure that all pieces are meeting
the original goals and that the correct analytics are measuring ROI.


PAUL SOON, regional director, XM Asia
One of Singapore’s leading digital marketers, Soon has more than 10 years
of digital marketing experience working with leading brands such as
Nokia, Nike, HSBC, Singapore Tourism Board and HP. He has spent a
significant part of his career servicing the HP Asia Pacific account,
producing dynamic results for the client: optimizing the usability of HP’s
online stores, customizing an eCRM solution and launching HP’s largest
consumer online campaign. In 2009, Marketing magazine voted Soon
No. 1 on its list of “35 and under talent.”


GREG ZAPAR, vice president, experience design, Digitaria
Zapar has 14 years of experience in business, technology, product
management and experience design innovation. With a focus on emerging
technologies, his current post incorporates evangelizing and evolving
experience design as a practice to understand, define and incorporate
digital experiences as incredibly powerful brand assets. By unifying
strategy, creative and technology disciplines, he seeks to closely partner
with brands to seamlessly integrate business objectives into digital
experiences that delight audiences.
Zapar started his marketing management career from Virginia Tech in
technology sales for Xerox Corp. With formal training in e-commerce and
project management, he held a variety of roles for companies including
CBS College Sports Network and Gateway. The past eight years were spent
in agency environments with a focus on information architecture and user
experience roles for clients including Apple, Microsoft, Qualcomm, Best
Western, Experian, W.K. Kellogg Foundation and Sempra Energy.

466 Lexington Avenue                                                                                Ann M. Mack
                                             Written by                   Deanna Zammit             212-210-7378
New York, NY 10017 | @JWT Worldwide                 Director of trendspotting    Ann M. Mack      | @JWTIntelligence                                                          @annmmack
                                             Editor                       Marian Berelowitz | @AnxietyIndex
                                             Trends strategist            Jessica Vaughn
                                             Design                       Paris Tempo Productions
                                             Proofreader                  Nick Ayala
                                             Contributor                  Sarah Siegel              (c) 2011 J. Walter Thompson Company.
                                                                                                    All Rights Reserved.

 About JWT: JWT is the world’s best-known marketing communications brand. Headquartered in New York, JWT is a true
 global network with more than 200 offices in over 90 countries employing nearly 10,000 marketing professionals.
 JWT consistently ranks among the top agency networks in the world and continues its dominant presence in the
 industry by staying on the leading edge—from producing the first-ever TV commercial in 1939 to developing award-
 winning branded content for brands such as Freixenet, Ford and HSBC.
 JWT’s pioneering spirit enables the agency to forge deep relationships with clients including Bayer, Bloomberg, Cadbury,
 Diageo, DTC, Ford, HSBC, Johnson & Johnson, Kellogg’s, Kimberly-Clark, Kraft, Nestlé, Nokia, Rolex, Royal Caribbean,
 Schick, Shell, Unilever, Vodafone and many others. JWT’s parent company is WPP (NASDAQ: WPPGY).

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Tablet Checklist (August 2011)

  • 2. WHAT WE’LL COVER • Background and Objective • Methodology • Our Panel of Experts • Our Tablet Checklist • Appendix – Additional case studies – Learn more about our panel of experts A note to readers: To make the report easy to navigate, we’ve added hyperlinks to the What We’ll Cover and Our Tablet Checklist pages, so you can jump immediately to the items that most interest you (or, alternatively, you can read the material straight through). 2
  • 3. BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE Since the iPad’s debut last year, consumers worldwide have embraced the concept of a tablet computer. • Already tablets are taking hold more firmly than netbooks did in 2009, with IDC forecasting that 53.5 million units will ship this year.  • The market-creating iPad remains firmly in the lead, with competitors jockeying for second and third place.  For marketers, it’s been a scramble to get a handle on how consumers are using this new device and how best to reach them through this portal. • Indeed, tablets are used quite differently than either PCs or smartphones.  • The focus tends to be on leisure—gaming, shopping, reading, watching video and emailing. Tablet consumers tend to be less interested in getting things done than in having some fun.  How can brands be a part of that experience? This report aims to deliver actionable recommendations for marketers, with case studies that help illustrate these ideas. As we collect more cases, we’ll be adding them to this report. 3
  • 4. METHODOLOGY We spoke with seven professionals in interactive media—both internal and external to JWT—to develop a point of view on best practices for brands. Their value to the project was their capacity to: • Be three to five years ahead of the general consumer in terms of awareness/adoption of new media tools, brands, behaviors and attitudes. • Notice past and current trends and reflect on them. • Comment on their own experience and relate it to broader social and consumer trends. • Act as de facto gatekeepers, validators and thought leaders by virtue of their connections and visibility. 4
  • 5. OUR PANEL OF EXPERTS* JAMES COOPER, MACIEK GORZKOWSKI, DOMINIK HOFMANN, USHER LIEBERMAN, chief creative innovation head of experience, mobile product manager, director of communications, officer, JWT New York JWT London head of R&D, TheFind PAUL SCHOKNECHT, PAUL SOON, GREG ZAPAR, senior partner, digital regional director, vice president, experience experience director, XM Asia design, Digitaria JWT Atlanta *See Appendix for bios of experts. 5
  • 6. OUR TABLET CHECKLIST 1. Lean back with the tablet, all around the house 2. Do with smartphones, discover with tablets 3. Tablets tackle a broad audience; so should you 4. Look beyond apps 5. Support your investment 6. Be social, in an offline way 7. Make it perfect—then make it better 8. But remember, perfect doesn’t automatically mean packed with bells and whistles 9. Define your goal from the outset 10. Reinvent the experience, not the message 6
  • 7. LEAN BACK WITH THE TABLET, 1. ALL AROUND THE HOUSE Smartphones may have started the mobile media revolution, but tablets have brought it home. These intimate, always-on machines are as small and light as a book, with infinitely more possibilities. Unlike their bulkier computing cousins, tablets are “lean back” devices that tax only the pincer fingers, so they can be operated in full slouch. They put consumers at the center of their home entertainment experience, traveling along from kitchen to couch to bed. Users flit between home computer and television less often now that the tablet more comfortably delivers streaming video, email and Web surfing capabilities. And while the television may still get primetime play, the tablet is surely within reach as a second screen. Once the TV goes dark, the tablet follows the user to bed for a game of Angry Birds—the 21st-century nightcap. Consider tablets an all-access pass to a consumer’s home and know your brand may be called up at any time. 7
  • 8. 1. LEAN BACK WITH THE TABLET, ALL AROUND THE HOUSE “If I looked at my tablet usage myself, it’s changed the way I surf the Web at home. Now I sit back at home on my couch and I am on my tablet instead of on my computer. With your laptop, you’re locked in—you can’t move as much as you can with your tablet.” —PAUL SCHOKNECHT, senior partner, digital experience director, JWT Atlanta “We used to walk in as agencies and we would have the website in the middle of the circle, and that was the central hub, and we would have links off to the “When somebody is spending time side to YouTube or mobile or tablet; with their iPad, they’re curled up on now the user is at the center of that the couch; it’s the one thing they’re circle, and the website just became focused on. They’re completely willing another channel.” to dedicate all their time to that like they would with a good book.” —GREG ZAPAR, vice president, experience design, Digitaria —DOMINIK HOFMANN, mobile product manager, head of R&D, 8
  • 9. DO WITH SMARTPHONES, 2. DISCOVER WITH TABLETS When people pick up their smartphones, they generally have a task in mind—check the time, the weather, email, movie listings. But tablet users are different. They are relaxed, they are reclined, they are open to suggestion. In short, they’re a marketer’s dream. Tablet in hand, users swipe and tap in search of a new experience. Brands that provide that using tablet technology like the gyroscope, geolocation and more might find tablet users more responsive and generous with their time than mobile consumers on the go. 9
  • 10. 2. DO WITH SMARTPHONES, DISCOVER WITH TABLETS “Shopping on a PC is built around a search engine. On the phone, it’s more about enhancing the in-store experience. When we look at tablets, we see this is a different medium. Search through the iPad wasn’t going to be a very pleasing experience; on the other hand, paper catalogs offer a magazine-like experience. It’s part entertainment—seeing what different things look like and giving ideas and inspiration—and part commerce. The iPad lends itself well to that: that tactile feel, that feeling of discovery. There’s a way to integrate what we’ve built online and forward it to the iPad and make it different—make it more about consumption, exploration, discovery.” —USHER LIEBERMAN, director of communications, TheFind “The phone is still that communication device. It is a voice- as well as text- and email-based device. Sure it lets you browse the Web, bank, get airline tickets, but with the tablet, there’s a discovery aspect to it.” —PAUL SCHOKNECHT, senior partner, digital experience director, JWT Atlanta 10
  • 11. 2. DO WITH SMARTPHONES, DISCOVER WITH TABLETS “A smartphone is a personal device that’s with you all the time. It’s going to see a lot of search activity, location-based search and that sort of thing. You have to think of the smartphone as the always-on, always-with-you device and the tablet as doing more considered things.” —USHER LIEBERMAN, director of communications, TheFind “It’s a great channel for discovery. One of the reasons people are so much more open to something like their tablet than a computer or smartphone is the tablet is pretty much a leisure device. ... When you’re in that state of mind, you’re really receptive to someone introducing something to you.” —DOMINIK HOFMANN, mobile product manager, head of R&D, 11
  • 12. 2. DO WITH SMARTPHONES, DISCOVER WITH TABLETS PAMPERS, HELLO BABY This pregnancy calendar opens a window into the womb by showing the development of the fetus beginning at four weeks. Users can scroll through gestational weeks, tap for information and use touch points to zoom and rotate glowing representations of a baby’s growing features. While most apps take a utilitarian approach, this one seizes on the wonder of impending parenthood by using tablet technology to its fullest. Image credit: Pampers 12
  • 13. 2. DO WITH SMARTPHONES, DISCOVER WITH TABLETS AL GORE, OUR CHOICE (PUSH POP PRESS) Say what you want about Gore’s narrative style, this e-book takes full advantage of the iPad’s capabilities and delivers an experience that feels less like reading and more like exploring. Users swipe through the pages, dipping in and out of layers of information, photographs, world maps and video. Even infographics are interactive, revealing additional information to more curious readers. Image credit: Push Pop Press 13
  • 14. TABLETS TACKLE A BROAD 3. AUDIENCE; SO SHOULD YOU Last year, the iPad’s $500 entry point made it seem like an expensive toy. While Apple may continue to command a premium, manufacturers including Samsung and Blackberry are offering cheaper options, and more will follow. Audiences are quickly broadening—tablets are no longer the province of early adopters from the media and tech worlds. For college students, for example, tablets are a great way to combine textbooks, notebooks and study aids. And people who use their computers primarily for media consumption, email and social networking will see the tablet as a lower- cost alternative to a laptop. 14
  • 15. 3. TABLETS TACKLE A BROAD AUDIENCE; SO SHOULD YOU “This holiday season there will be a big drive by HP, ASUS and Samsung to try and hit the iPad head-on. In New York, in a creative industry, a lot of us say, ‘Hey, I have to use an iPad.’ But in the normal working world, they’ll see a tablet that is $200 cheaper and it sort of does the same thing. The next generation is the one to watch.” —JAMES COOPER, chief creative innovation officer, JWT New York “With our app, we did start out with higher-end retailers because we think that matches the demographic right now. It’s a bit of a luxury to have one right now. But you’re going to see the wireless carriers subsidize the tablets the way they do phones. It probably won’t be this year, but as we get toward the holidays, Sprint or Verizon or someone who wants to make a real splash will subsidize a tablet entry with a contract. It will create a much broader market.” —USHER LIEBERMAN, director of communications, TheFind 15
  • 16. 3. TABLETS TACKLE A BROAD AUDIENCE; SO SHOULD YOU “Certain people are just not going to have computers, they’re going to skip that step. Tablets are in the ballpark of cheap laptops. And if it has built-in 3G, it will do things better than a laptop. At home they will use a tablet, and at work they’ll have a desktop.” “Long term, it will be —MACIEK GORZKOWSKI, head of experience, JWT London interesting to see if it’s going to have to cannibalize PC sales. It is the perfect device to buy for “They’re priced at a point where they’re someone who only uses the affordable for anyone who has any kind of Internet to surf the Web and do disposable income. Just as someone might buy email. It’s a simpler device to themselves a laptop, they can buy a tablet.” use; there’s not the problems —DOMINIK HOFMANN, mobile product currently with viruses.” manager, head of R&D, —PAUL SCHOKNECHT, senior partner, digital experience director, JWT Atlanta 16
  • 17. 3. TABLETS TACKLE A BROAD AUDIENCE; SO SHOULD YOU INKLING, INTERACTIVE TEXTBOOKS This interactive textbook publisher has secured funding from McGraw-Hill and Pearson to create and license more than 100 new textbooks that will be available for the iPad this fall. The books use multi-screen touch technology that allows students to interact with the text, highlight and make notes on screen, and send those notes to others, including the professor. “If I understand something and my friend doesn’t, I can help explain to it to her,” one freshman told “You obviously can’t get that in a traditional textbook.” Image credit: Inkling 17
  • 18. 4.LOOK BEYOND APPS It’s easy to understand why every brand seems to be app-focused. Smartphones have dominated mobile marketing, and connecting with consumers via small screens requires a specially designed interface. But tablets open up more options. The bigger screen offers a more pleasant Web surfing experience, so a tablet-optimized site might be your best bet. Meanwhile, content streams are everywhere, offering licensing and advertising opportunities. If your app is not offering your customer something valuable, don’t bother. 18
  • 19. 4. LOOK BEYOND APPS “Clients come to us and say they want a tablet app. I go through a larger strategy piece and explore how tablets fit in “Brands that have with their digital ecosystem: Are come to us in we really looking at a tablet terms of application or a traditional site that’s optimized for developing tablet tablets or just tablet-friendly? A tablet-friendly site apps have a service for most users doesn’t have Flash because that to offer: Johnny impacts the ability to see it on an iPad. When we talk Walker wants to educate consumers; about an optimized site, it’s a custom build.” Singapore Tourism Board has —GREG ZAPAR, vice president, experience design, Digitaria mapping and so forth. It’s going to be hard to develop an app for shampoo that will be used every day.” “If you don’t want to do your own app, is there —PAUL SOON, regional director, XM Asia something smart about doing a deal with someone else, a platform syndication, so that you’re parceling out information?” —JAMES COOPER, chief creative innovation officer, JWT New York 19
  • 20. 4. LOOK BEYOND APPS ESPN.COM This website started by asking visitors what device they were using to access content, then redirected them to an optimized site depending on the answer. Now, ESPN has dispensed with the question, and the site sniffs out your device and loads a page that’s optimized for the mobile phone, tablet or computer. ESPN is well represented in app stores too, but this multi-device Web platform ensures the brand is reaching tablet owners who simply want to check the site. Image credit: 20
  • 21. 5.SUPPORT YOUR INVESTMENT Call it meta-marketing. App stores are crowded, and tablet users have a whole world of media choices literally at their fingertips. The only way consumers are going to know your offering is out there is if you ensure they find your brand’s app via email, app store promotions, paid media and more. Then keep it on their radars with free or premium upgrades. 21
  • 22. 5. SUPPORT YOUR INVESTMENT “In the beginning, you “Like any other product launch, there comes the could put an app out role of paid media. Whenever [a brand] there and make a lot of communicates something, the app should be money. The app stores mentioned. When someone uses the app, it are so full now, you have should be amplified socially.” to ask yourself, ‘How are —PAUL SOON, regional director, XM Asia you promoting that, how are you breaking through?’ More and more, you’ll see marketing plans advertising applications, more and more “It makes sense to invest in the application pushing of applications and content from the and keep putting out new features. It makes mobile Web that will sniff out what device people happier when they’re using it, and it you’re coming from and saying, ‘Go to our helps to climb the charts.” website, download our application.’” —DOMINIK HOFMANN, mobile product —PAUL SCHOKNECHT, senior partner, manager, head of R&D, digital experience director, JWT Atlanta 22
  • 23. BE SOCIAL, 6. IN AN OFFLINE WAY In hand, everything about a tablet suggests it is a very personal possession. Its book-like form, touch screen and users’ thoughtfully curated apps all point to an intimate media experience. But within households, tablet usage is fluid. Families and friends pass it around, sharing information and experiences and collaborating on purchase decisions. This gives marketers a valuable entry into households and makes evangelists out of tablet users, who share brand information with decision makers. 23
  • 24. 6. BE SOCIAL, IN AN OFFLINE WAY “They are very intimate; they are really meant for one person at a time engaging with content. On the other hand, they tend to be shared devices, too. The two in [our] house tend to be shared by everybody. It’s not a personal device.” —USHER LIEBERMAN, director of communications, TheFind “A lot of the apps on our devices are shared amongst family members. I have a lot of kids apps; I have a lot of princess apps meant to entertain my “It’s a social device. … It’s my daughter while we are waiting for really easy to curl up on dinner to arrive.” the couch with your loved —GREG ZAPAR, vice president, one and look at the device, experience design, Digitaria and if there is a photo you can just pass it. It’s not heavy and it’s not fragile, and you’re not worried about dropping it. ... There’s a social aspect to it that’s not an online social aspect.” —DOMINIK HOFMANN, mobile product manager, head of R&D, 24
  • 25. 6. BE SOCIAL, IN AN OFFLINE WAY TOYS R US, IPAD CATALOG FOR KIDS Parents may consider it a stroke of evil genius. The toy retailer reimagined its catalog for the iPad: Knowing how children drool over its paper iteration, Toys R Us designed an app that allows kids to view the catalog sans price information—as with old-fashioned his and her menus—and create personalized wish lists. A separate portal saves the sticker shock for parents. Image credit: Toys R Us 25
  • 26. 6. BE SOCIAL, IN AN OFFLINE WAY KRAFT, BIG FORK LITTLE FORK This recipe app allows family cooks to dip in and out of its voluminous content using the touch screen. And while it could pass for just another cookbook, it also includes activities for children and regular content updates, ensuring users can cook and play together in the kitchen. Image credit: Kraft Foods 26
  • 27. MAKE IT PERFECT—THEN 7. MAKE IT BETTER Blame it on Apple: Its walled-garden approach to innovation has resulted in a near-perfect device, and its strict app standards have created a near- uniform experience. As a result, tablet users demand more than they would from glitch-prone personal computers or websites. To help ensure users a great experience, have a nimble development team in place able to quickly fix flaws and create a long-term roadmap that includes upgrades and refreshed content. 27
  • 28. 7. MAKE IT PERFECT—THEN MAKE IT BETTER “People have paid money for something they don’t really need, so there’s more pressure on the marketer to come up with engaging material. Consumers are saying, ‘I bought this thing; I spent my hard-earned money on this bright, shiny thing. It needs to do something different.’” —JAMES COOPER, chief creative innovation officer, JWT New York “The great experience is expected— it’s just table stakes to get in. It’s important that it has some long- term benefit for your consumer.” “We’re just now getting into the era —PAUL SCHOKNECHT, senior partner, digital experience director, JWT Atlanta where we understand what a perfect, uniform website should look like. ... But with apps, there really is the idea of the perfect tablet application, and that’s because it came out as such a perfect device. The way tablets have evolved has led to the idea of a really high standard for a really desirable tablet application.” —DOMINIK HOFMANN, mobile product manager, head of R&D, 28
  • 29. 8. BUT REMEMBER, PERFECT DOESN’T AUTOMATICALLY MEAN PACKED WITH BELLS AND WHISTLES Tablets offer a long list of eye-catching features: the multi-touch screen, the page curl, a gyroscope and accelerometer (the sensors that determine acceleration and tilt), not to mention audio and video. Don’t be fooled into thinking more is more. Include only the technology that will enhance your message and improve the functionality of your app or site. Style may catch users’ attention, but once the novelty wears off, they’ll be seeking substance. 29
  • 30. 8. BUT REMEMBER, PERFECT DOESN’T AUTOMATICALLY MEAN PACKED WITH BELLS AND WHISTLES “Start small and build on that. Don’t shoot for the moon, because what you don’t want are bad reviews right out of the gate.” —GREG ZAPAR, vice president, experience design, Digitaria “When we first started working on [the iPad app], we had the page curl, just because we could. But we came to find out that while the iPad is able to do it, it’s not the best thing for users. ... A lot of times things are put in because it’s glossier, but if it’s not making people happier, don’t use it. ” —DOMINIK HOFMANN, mobile product manager, head of R&D, 30
  • 31. 8. BUT REMEMBER, PERFECT DOESN’T AUTOMATICALLY MEAN PACKED WITH BELLS AND WHISTLES AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL, GERMAN IPAD APP This ad used only one of the tablet’s many features but to great effect. At first swipe, it appeared to be simply a photograph of a hooded prisoner standing in a corner of a jail cell. But when readers attempted to swipe past the disturbing image, the screen didn’t budge. After several attempts, a message appeared: “Torture disappears only when you do something about it.” People were then referred to a link where they could sign a petition. Image credit: TBWA Germany 31
  • 32. DEFINE YOUR GOAL FROM 9. THE OUTSET Consumers can’t commit to a long-term relationship with every app— some are keepers because they provide a valuable service, others are novelties. Will your app be one arm of a larger campaign or an investment in itself, intended to deepen your relationship with consumers? Like any marketing effort, the goal for tablet executions must be well-defined and developed thoughtfully. 32
  • 33. 9. DEFINE YOUR GOAL FROM THE OUTSET “There are two ways of looking at an app. You can do a quick hit that’s fun—you spend $100,000 and you get a decent amount of people playing with that for 5-10 minutes; it’s still better than a TV spot. Or you can spend 500 grand on a utility-based app. The thing is, there are only so many [branded apps] you use that you come to rely on.” —JAMES COOPER, chief creative innovation officer, New York “By 30 days, almost all apps are at zero usage, and it’s almost to zero at about 14 days. If there is no ongoing value, it’s likely not to be used and more likely to be deleted. If you want to stick around, you have to invest in the user experience, even if it’s just paying for pizza and getting people at the office to play around with it for five minutes; it really provides good feedback on what users want.” —GREG ZAPAR, vice president, experience design, Digitaria 33
  • 34. 9. DEFINE YOUR GOAL FROM THE OUTSET SCHICK, SHAVE-O-MATIC Users won’t be whipping out this app on a regular basis, but it is a fun party trick. The idea is simple: Take a photograph with the iPad or iPhone’s camera (or choose one from your library), then superimpose some facial hair for a laugh. How long it stays on a user’s device depends on how deeply friends are entertained by a digital Wooly Willy, but for a few minutes at a time, Schick is the life of the party. Image credit: Schick 34
  • 35. REINVENT THE EXPERIENCE, 10. NOT THE MESSAGE At the turn of the millennium, newspapers posted material online rather inelegantly; a decade later, publishers have developed slideshows, videos and a variety of interactive features. But the news—the reporting, writing and images—remains the star player, while everything else is context. The key is to adjust according to the medium while retaining your core message. Look at how tablets are driving consumption and tweak your delivery to make it fun and interesting. 35
  • 36. 10. REINVENT THE EXPERIENCE, NOT THE MESSAGE “It isn’t about recreating your “You have to think about it as content, but it is content. That’s the piece. They just about rethinking it. have great content, and then you You look at the experience it as you will.” history of new —PAUL SCHOKNECHT, senior partner, digital experience director, JWT Atlanta mediums, and they all evolved. When television came out, they took radio shows and put them on TV. And it took them a while to figure out that doesn’t “Tablet input is quite simple. The less consumers have to input, work. ... When the Internet arrived, the better. You choose one to 10, but you don’t have to type [newspapers] just slapped their front anything. It’s as if you were having a conversation with someone pages online. But that wasn’t all that and all they gave you were one-word answers. But as a brand, effective. The content evolved over time. you have to be the conversationalist and you have to expect one- It’s going to evolve. Ultimately, it’s about word answers: Yes or no.” taking the content you already have and —MACIEK GORZKOWSKI, head of experience, JWT London making it right for the medium.” —USHER LIEBERMAN, director of communications, TheFind 36
  • 37. 10. REINVENT THE EXPERIENCE, NOT THE MESSAGE WIRED The tablet edition of this tech magazine uses the print edition as a springboard for digital content, including audio, video and more. The May 2011 issue launched with a video of cover comic Andy Samberg, a touch-sensitive cover image that links to feature stories, and multiple touch points throughout that launch interactive infographics, content and video all within Wired’s recognizable design and layout. Image credit: Wired 37
  • 38. APPENDIX 38
  • 40. ADDITIONAL CASE STUDIES DISNEY SECOND SCREEN, BAMBI EDITION Chances are, if you’re older than 6, you’ve seen the Disney classics more than once. This year, Disney found a way to reinvent the viewing experience for families by synchronizing Blu-ray discs to tablets so viewers can simultaneously watch bonus features. Features include production drawings that come to life when you move a slider back and forth, extra videos, games and an art gallery. “We really thought about a family sitting together or a mom sitting with her kids watching Bambi and playing some of the games together at the same time, going through some of the activities,” Lori MacPherson of Walt Disney Studios told USA Today. The second-screen experience also works for PCs. Image credit: Disney 40
  • 41. ADDITIONAL CASE STUDIES COSMOPOLITAN, CFG The acronym may be testosterone-friendly, but Cosmopolitan magazine’s DNA is dominant throughout its new Cosmo for Guys app. The application is designed for the iPad with the requisite bells and whistles, reimagining Cosmo for male readers. The Cosmo message remains—sex and relationship features, advice and, of course, self-help quizzes. So gentleman, which hair trick will save YOU this summer? Image credit: Cosmopolitan 41
  • 43. LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR PANEL OF EXPERTS JAMES COOPER, chief creative innovation officer, JWT New York Cooper is responsible for managing JWT New York’s creative product in the emerging digital space and further developing JWT’s footprint in this area. He has worked on iPhone and iPad applications for Rolex and Bloomberg; was part of the agency’s successful Lean Cuisine win; and has signed an innovative deal with TechStars, a startup incubator, to embed the agency with new companies. As integrated creative director at Saatchi NY, Cooper created “The Most Valuable Tweeter” campaign for Wheaties—marking the first time a brand has placed value on a tweet—and led a JCPenney campaign where women could put their men in a “digital doghouse.” Prior to Saatchi, he was a creative director at two of the U.K.’s leading independent digital agencies, Dare and Agency Republic. At Dare, Cooper worked with clients including Sony, BMW and Vodafone, and counts a crowd-sourced film project with John Malkovich for Sony Vaio as one of his favorite projects. Campaign magazine described Cooper as “one of the brightest stars in digital advertising.” Cooper blogs regularly for Adweek and Creative Social and has taught at Miami Ad School and Watford College. He also founded Celebrity Ping Pong ( and is rated No. 1,293 in table tennis in the U.S. 43
  • 44. LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR PANEL OF EXPERTS MACIEK GORZKOWSKI, head of experience, JWT London Gorzkowski’s remit at JWT is to foster the conception and development of digital experiences across the client base. He joined the agency in April 2010 from Play, which he co-founded. Gorzkowski started his career at Saatchi & Saatchi in Warsaw, rising to account director while managing brands such as Pizza Hut, KFC, Head & Shoulders and Levi’s. He made the move into digital in 1999 as account director at itraffic in San Francisco, working on Disney and subsequently running the affiliate program across all of itraffic’s clients. In 2001, Gorzkowski moved to London with itraffic (now, where as client services director he ran British Airways, arguably the largest digital account in the U.K. at the time. In 2005 he co-founded Play as managing director. During his time at Play, he managed award-winning campaigns for clients including Foster’s, RBS, NatWest, ITV, BBC and TfL. 44
  • 45. LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR PANEL OF EXPERTS DOMINIK HOFMANN, mobile product manager, head of R&D, While other kids were building forts, Hofmann was building computer interfaces. During his time at Razorfish and Blockbuster’s Digital Innovation Group, and as a consultant across the Fortune world, he’s been involved with projects for Web, mobile and touch screen. Thankfully, his role at Jetsetter combines his love of all things cutting-edge and dismisses his relative inexperience with the world of fortification. 45
  • 46. LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR PANEL OF EXPERTS USHER LIEBERMAN, director of communications, TheFind Lieberman has been director of corporate communications at TheFind, a vertical search engine for shopping, since 2009. His experience in e-commerce dates back to the mid-1990s, when he managed the campaigns of many dot-com and services companies that either sold directly to consumers or helped facilitate e-commerce in its infancy. Following a five-year entrepreneurial stretch, Lieberman was recruited in 2007 to be spokesperson for eBay. He holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Colorado at Boulder, is a collector of vinyl records and South American fútbol jerseys, an avid mountain biker, father of three, an Amazon Prime subscriber and firmly believes it is best to dive directly into the deep end of the pool. 46
  • 47. LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR PANEL OF EXPERTS PAUL SCHOKNECHT, senior partner, digital experience director, JWT Atlanta Schoknecht drives digital strategy, social media and user experience for JWT clients. His group is charged with activating brands across the digital spectrum. Schoknecht’s passion for the space and knowledge about what’s coming next help brands stay ahead of the curve. He leads digital engagement from program inception to creative development and, finally, to reporting, giving him the insight to ensure that all pieces are meeting the original goals and that the correct analytics are measuring ROI. 47
  • 48. LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR PANEL OF EXPERTS PAUL SOON, regional director, XM Asia One of Singapore’s leading digital marketers, Soon has more than 10 years of digital marketing experience working with leading brands such as Nokia, Nike, HSBC, Singapore Tourism Board and HP. He has spent a significant part of his career servicing the HP Asia Pacific account, producing dynamic results for the client: optimizing the usability of HP’s online stores, customizing an eCRM solution and launching HP’s largest consumer online campaign. In 2009, Marketing magazine voted Soon No. 1 on its list of “35 and under talent.” 48
  • 49. LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR PANEL OF EXPERTS GREG ZAPAR, vice president, experience design, Digitaria Zapar has 14 years of experience in business, technology, product management and experience design innovation. With a focus on emerging technologies, his current post incorporates evangelizing and evolving experience design as a practice to understand, define and incorporate digital experiences as incredibly powerful brand assets. By unifying strategy, creative and technology disciplines, he seeks to closely partner with brands to seamlessly integrate business objectives into digital experiences that delight audiences. Zapar started his marketing management career from Virginia Tech in technology sales for Xerox Corp. With formal training in e-commerce and project management, he held a variety of roles for companies including CBS College Sports Network and Gateway. The past eight years were spent in agency environments with a focus on information architecture and user experience roles for clients including Apple, Microsoft, Qualcomm, Best Western, Experian, W.K. Kellogg Foundation and Sempra Energy. 49
  • 50. TABLET CHECKLIST CONTACT: 466 Lexington Avenue Ann M. Mack Written by Deanna Zammit 212-210-7378 New York, NY 10017 | @JWT Worldwide Director of trendspotting Ann M. Mack | @JWTIntelligence @annmmack Editor Marian Berelowitz | @AnxietyIndex Trends strategist Jessica Vaughn Design Paris Tempo Productions Proofreader Nick Ayala Contributor Sarah Siegel (c) 2011 J. Walter Thompson Company. All Rights Reserved. About JWT: JWT is the world’s best-known marketing communications brand. Headquartered in New York, JWT is a true global network with more than 200 offices in over 90 countries employing nearly 10,000 marketing professionals. JWT consistently ranks among the top agency networks in the world and continues its dominant presence in the industry by staying on the leading edge—from producing the first-ever TV commercial in 1939 to developing award- winning branded content for brands such as Freixenet, Ford and HSBC. JWT’s pioneering spirit enables the agency to forge deep relationships with clients including Bayer, Bloomberg, Cadbury, Diageo, DTC, Ford, HSBC, Johnson & Johnson, Kellogg’s, Kimberly-Clark, Kraft, Nestlé, Nokia, Rolex, Royal Caribbean, Schick, Shell, Unilever, Vodafone and many others. JWT’s parent company is WPP (NASDAQ: WPPGY).