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The increasing (im)possibilities of justice
and care in open, distance learning
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By Paul Prinsloo
University of South Africa (Unisa)
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• The South African government spends a mere 0.6% of GDP on its
universities, lagging behind many other countries (Russia at 1.8%,
Argentina at 1.4% and India at 1.3%)” (Govender, 2016).
• Undergraduate courses are subsidised 50% compared to face-to-
face, residential higher education
• Course/module success rate of 68%
• Cohort completion rates for 3-year undergraduate degrees: 23-27%
dropout/non-return in the first year. Only 6.4% complete the
qualification in 5.1 years
• Cohort completion rates for 4 year undergraduate degrees: 27%
dropout/non-return with only 15.8% completing the qualification in
6 years
Open distance learning in the context of higher
education in South Africa:
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Distance education’s traditional response to
the revolving door and poor attrition rates
was to increase personal tutorial support.
“This appears to be the least cost-effective
way of helping students”
(Daniel, Kanwar, & Uvalić-Trumbić, 2009, p.
Source: Molapo, M., & van Zyl, D. (2014). An overview of Unisa’s October/November 2014 Exam Sitting
Results. Unpublished report
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What are the potential, the challenges and ethical
implications in learning analytics and using
algorithms, Artificial Intelligence and machine
learning to address issues of cost, quality, access
and care?
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What are the potential, challenges and
ethical implications in learning analytics and
using algorithms, Artificial Intelligence and
machine learning to address issues of cost,
quality, justice, access and care?
funding and
Justice, care and student support in a resource-
constrained world
The future of
data-driven –
but …
What are the potential, challenges and ethical implications in learning
analytics and using algorithms, Artificial Intelligence and machine learning
to address issues of cost, quality, justice, access and care?
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Student data as the ‘new black”, as oil, as a
resource to be mined
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Imagine what we could learn if we put a tracker on
everyone and everything (Jurdak, 2016)
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We know where you
are. We know where
you’ve been. We can
more or less know
what you're thinking
(@FrankPasquale, 2016)
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How much (more) student data do we need?
‘how much is enough data
to solve my problem?’
(Adryan, 2015)
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An (im)possible balancing act
We need to ensure the
sustainability of higher
education in the light of
• funding constraints
• increased competition
• the socioeconomic
• student needs
• increased need for
• audit & quality
assurance regimes
• #FeesMustFall
The fiduciary duty of higher
education to
• care
• create supportive,
appropriate and effective
teaching and learning
• ethical collection,
analysis and use of
student data
• transparency
Also see: Prinsloo, P., & Slade, S. (2014). Educational triage in open distance learning: Walking a moral tightrope. The International
Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 15(4), 306-331. Retrieved from
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We need to critically consider the ethical
implications of …
• With having access to more information about our students’
identity, life-worlds and learning journey, it is important that
we know the limitations of the data, our samples, our models,
our analyses and recognise our assumptions, biases,
perceptions and lack of understanding
• Knowing more about our students does not, necessarily,
result in understanding
• When we know and understand more, responding in
appropriate ways may be outside our locus of control, outside
of our budget, or outside our job descriptions and
performance criteria
• Students’ digital lives are but a minute part of a bigger whole
– so we should not pretend as if our data represent the whole
• The data we collect are never ‘raw’, ‘uncontaminated’, or just
‘scraped’… Our samples, choices, timing and tools change and
impact on data. “Data are in fact framed technically,
economically, ethically, temporally, spatially and
philosophically. Data do not exist independently of the ideas,
instruments, practices, contexts and knowledges used to
generate, process and analyse them” (Kitchen, 2014, p. 2)
We need to critically consider the ethical
implications of … (2)
We need to critically consider the ethical
implications of … (3)
• Data have contexts. To re-use data outside of the original
context and purpose for which it was collected impacts on the
contextual integrity.
• Knowing ‘what’ is happening, does not necessarily tell us the
• Education is an open, recursive system (Biesta 2007, 2010)
where multiple variables not only intersect but often also
constitute one another. Let us therefore tread carefully between
correlation and causation…
Caught between correlation and causation
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Caught between correlation and causation
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While Artificial Intelligence (AI) “tools are
producing compelling advances in complex tasks,
with dramatic improvements in energy
consumption, audio processing, and leukemia
detection”, we are also faced with the reality that
“AI systems are already making problematic
judgements that are producing significant social,
cultural, and economic impacts in people’s
everyday lives” (Crawford and Whittaker, 2016,
par. 1).
“Just as we learn our biases from the world around us, AI
will learn its biases from us” (Collins, 2016)
perform the
Task is shared
perform task:
human supervision
perform task: no
human input
Seeing Yes or No? Yes or No? Yes or No? Yes or No?
Processing Yes or No? Yes or No? Yes or No? Yes or No?
Acting Yes or No? Yes or No? Yes or No? Yes or No?
Learning Yes or No? Yes or No? Yes or No? Yes or No?
Danaher, J. (2015). How might algorithms rule our lives? Mapping the logical space of algocracy. [Web log post]. Retrieved from
Human-algorithm interaction in the collection, analysis and
use of student data
the task
Task is
task: human
task: no
Seeing Yes or
Yes or
Yes or No? Yes or No?
Yes or
Yes or
Yes or No? Yes or No?
Acting Yes or
Yes or
Yes or No? Yes or No?
Yes or
Yes or
Yes or No? Yes or No?
Danaher, J. (2015). How might algorithms rule our lives? Mapping the logical space of algocracy. [Web log post]. Retrieved from
Some possibilities (with their own set of challenges…)
• Admission: Addressing inter-generational
disadvantage, ‘red-lining’, but what about
• Fit between students’ choice, aspirations,
potential, career choice,
• Learning journey structure, content,
resources, just-in-time feedback,
‘personalisation’, formative assessment, etc
• Allocation of resources
Important to note that there is not a one-size-fits-all and disciplinary context, and
the the impact of bias, downstream impact and unintended consequences must be
What are the potential, challenges and ethical implications in learning
analytics and using algorithms, Artificial Intelligence and machine learning
to address issues of cost, quality, justice, access and care?
Images from:
Image sources:
So, what are the possibility, limitations
and ethical challenges for open, distance
learning to use advances in technology to
actually remove barriers, achieve (more)
justice and care?
The way forward (some pointers)
• Rule 1: Do no harm.
• Rule 2: Read rule 1
• Students have a right to know who designs our algorithms, for
what purposes, using what data, how they are affected, and
make an informed decision to opt-in
• Provide students access to information and data held about
them, to verify and/or question the conclusions drawn, and
where necessary, provide context
• Provide access to a neutral ombudsperson
• Opting in/opting out
• Ethical oversight? Accountability?
(See Prinsloo & Slade, 2015; Slade & Prinsloo, 2013; Willis, Slade & Prinsloo 2016)
Thank you
Paul Prinsloo
Research Professor in Open Distance Learning (ODL)
College of Economic and Management Sciences, Office number
3-15, Club 1, Hazelwood, P O Box 392
Unisa, 0003, Republic of South Africa
T: +27 (0) 12 433 4719 (office)
Personal blog:
Twitter profile: @14prinsp
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References and additional reading (cont)
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References and additional reading (cont)
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References and additional reading (cont)
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References and additional reading (cont)
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References and additional reading (cont)
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distance learning. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 16(1).
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References and additional reading (cont)
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References and additional reading (cont)
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References and additional reading (cont)
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Technology Research and Development. DOI: 10.1007/s11423-016-9463-4 Retrieved
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The increasing (im)possibilities of justice and care in open, distance learning - Paul Prinsloo #EDENRW9

  • 1. Imagecredit: The increasing (im)possibilities of justice and care in open, distance learning Image credit: By Paul Prinsloo @14prinsp University of South Africa (Unisa)
  • 3. Imagecredit: I do not own the copyright of any of the images in this presentation. I therefore acknowledge the original copyright and licensing regime of every image used. This presentation (excluding the images) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
  • 9. Imagecredit: • The South African government spends a mere 0.6% of GDP on its universities, lagging behind many other countries (Russia at 1.8%, Argentina at 1.4% and India at 1.3%)” (Govender, 2016). • Undergraduate courses are subsidised 50% compared to face-to- face, residential higher education • Course/module success rate of 68% • Cohort completion rates for 3-year undergraduate degrees: 23-27% dropout/non-return in the first year. Only 6.4% complete the qualification in 5.1 years • Cohort completion rates for 4 year undergraduate degrees: 27% dropout/non-return with only 15.8% completing the qualification in 6 years Open distance learning in the context of higher education in South Africa:
  • 11. Imagecredit: Distance education’s traditional response to the revolving door and poor attrition rates was to increase personal tutorial support. “This appears to be the least cost-effective way of helping students” (Daniel, Kanwar, & Uvalić-Trumbić, 2009, p. 34). Source: Molapo, M., & van Zyl, D. (2014). An overview of Unisa’s October/November 2014 Exam Sitting Results. Unpublished report
  • 13. Imagecredit: What are the potential, the challenges and ethical implications in learning analytics and using algorithms, Artificial Intelligence and machine learning to address issues of cost, quality, access and care?
  • 21. Imagecredit: Image sources: What are the potential, challenges and ethical implications in learning analytics and using algorithms, Artificial Intelligence and machine learning to address issues of cost, quality, justice, access and care?
  • 22. Imagecredit: Access, funding and rankings Justice, care and student support in a resource- constrained world The future of learning: Digital, distributed, data-driven – but … increasingly unequal
  • 23. Imagecredit: Access Cost Quality What are the potential, challenges and ethical implications in learning analytics and using algorithms, Artificial Intelligence and machine learning to address issues of cost, quality, justice, access and care? Images from:
  • 24. Imagecredit: Student data as the ‘new black”, as oil, as a resource to be mined Image credit: world-energy-outlook.jpg
  • 29. Imagecredit: Imagine what we could learn if we put a tracker on everyone and everything (Jurdak, 2016) Image credit:
  • 30. Imagecredit: We know where you are. We know where you’ve been. We can more or less know what you're thinking about (@FrankPasquale, 2016) Image credit:
  • 32. Imagecredit: How much (more) student data do we need? ‘how much is enough data to solve my problem?’ (Adryan, 2015) Image credit: leo/1341913549
  • 33. Imagecredit: An (im)possible balancing act We need to ensure the sustainability of higher education in the light of • funding constraints • increased competition • the socioeconomic downturn • student needs • increased need for efficiency/effectiveness • audit & quality assurance regimes • #FeesMustFall The fiduciary duty of higher education to • care • create supportive, appropriate and effective teaching and learning environments • ethical collection, analysis and use of student data • transparency Also see: Prinsloo, P., & Slade, S. (2014). Educational triage in open distance learning: Walking a moral tightrope. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 15(4), 306-331. Retrieved from Image crediet:,_9th_Street_NW_-_Washington,_D.C..jpg
  • 34. Imagecredit: We need to critically consider the ethical implications of … • With having access to more information about our students’ identity, life-worlds and learning journey, it is important that we know the limitations of the data, our samples, our models, our analyses and recognise our assumptions, biases, perceptions and lack of understanding • Knowing more about our students does not, necessarily, result in understanding • When we know and understand more, responding in appropriate ways may be outside our locus of control, outside of our budget, or outside our job descriptions and performance criteria
  • 35. Imagecredit: • Students’ digital lives are but a minute part of a bigger whole – so we should not pretend as if our data represent the whole • The data we collect are never ‘raw’, ‘uncontaminated’, or just ‘scraped’… Our samples, choices, timing and tools change and impact on data. “Data are in fact framed technically, economically, ethically, temporally, spatially and philosophically. Data do not exist independently of the ideas, instruments, practices, contexts and knowledges used to generate, process and analyse them” (Kitchen, 2014, p. 2) We need to critically consider the ethical implications of … (2)
  • 36. Imagecredit: We need to critically consider the ethical implications of … (3) • Data have contexts. To re-use data outside of the original context and purpose for which it was collected impacts on the contextual integrity. • Knowing ‘what’ is happening, does not necessarily tell us the ‘why’… • Education is an open, recursive system (Biesta 2007, 2010) where multiple variables not only intersect but often also constitute one another. Let us therefore tread carefully between correlation and causation…
  • 37. Caught between correlation and causation Image credit:
  • 38. Caught between correlation and causation (cont.) Image credit:
  • 39. Imagecredit: While Artificial Intelligence (AI) “tools are producing compelling advances in complex tasks, with dramatic improvements in energy consumption, audio processing, and leukemia detection”, we are also faced with the reality that “AI systems are already making problematic judgements that are producing significant social, cultural, and economic impacts in people’s everyday lives” (Crawford and Whittaker, 2016, par. 1).
  • 40. Imagecredit: “Just as we learn our biases from the world around us, AI will learn its biases from us” (Collins, 2016)
  • 41. (1) Humans perform the task (2) Task is shared with algorithms (3) Algorithms perform task: human supervision (4) Algorithms perform task: no human input Seeing Yes or No? Yes or No? Yes or No? Yes or No? Processing Yes or No? Yes or No? Yes or No? Yes or No? Acting Yes or No? Yes or No? Yes or No? Yes or No? Learning Yes or No? Yes or No? Yes or No? Yes or No? Danaher, J. (2015). How might algorithms rule our lives? Mapping the logical space of algocracy. [Web log post]. Retrieved from Human-algorithm interaction in the collection, analysis and use of student data
  • 42. (1) Humans perform the task (2) Task is shared with algorith ms (3) Algorithms perform task: human supervision (4) Algorithms perform task: no human input Seeing Yes or No? Yes or No? Yes or No? Yes or No? Processi ng Yes or No? Yes or No? Yes or No? Yes or No? Acting Yes or No? Yes or No? Yes or No? Yes or No? Learnin g Yes or No? Yes or No? Yes or No? Yes or No? Danaher, J. (2015). How might algorithms rule our lives? Mapping the logical space of algocracy. [Web log post]. Retrieved from Some possibilities (with their own set of challenges…) • Admission: Addressing inter-generational disadvantage, ‘red-lining’, but what about ‘open’? • Fit between students’ choice, aspirations, potential, career choice, • Learning journey structure, content, resources, just-in-time feedback, ‘personalisation’, formative assessment, etc • Allocation of resources Important to note that there is not a one-size-fits-all and disciplinary context, and the the impact of bias, downstream impact and unintended consequences must be considered.
  • 43. Imagecredit: Access Cost Quality What are the potential, challenges and ethical implications in learning analytics and using algorithms, Artificial Intelligence and machine learning to address issues of cost, quality, justice, access and care? Images from:
  • 44. Imagecredit: Image sources: So, what are the possibility, limitations and ethical challenges for open, distance learning to use advances in technology to actually remove barriers, achieve (more) justice and care?
  • 45. Imagecredit: The way forward (some pointers) • Rule 1: Do no harm. • Rule 2: Read rule 1 • Students have a right to know who designs our algorithms, for what purposes, using what data, how they are affected, and make an informed decision to opt-in • Provide students access to information and data held about them, to verify and/or question the conclusions drawn, and where necessary, provide context • Provide access to a neutral ombudsperson • Opting in/opting out • Ethical oversight? Accountability? (See Prinsloo & Slade, 2015; Slade & Prinsloo, 2013; Willis, Slade & Prinsloo 2016)
  • 46. Imagecredit: Thank you Paul Prinsloo Research Professor in Open Distance Learning (ODL) College of Economic and Management Sciences, Office number 3-15, Club 1, Hazelwood, P O Box 392 Unisa, 0003, Republic of South Africa T: +27 (0) 12 433 4719 (office) Personal blog: Twitter profile: @14prinsp
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  • 59. Imagecredit: References and additional reading (cont) Willis, J. E., Slade, S., & Prinsloo, P. (2016). Ethical oversight of student data in learning analytics: A typology derived from a cross-continental, cross-institutional perspective. Educational Technology Research and Development. DOI: 10.1007/s11423-016-9463-4 Retrieved from World Bank. (2016). Digital dividends. Washington: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank. Retrieved from

Editor's Notes

  1. Balancing access to higher education with providing a caring and enabling environment to students, had always been central in the evolution of distance education. Achieving both justice and care in ways outside of the frame of reference of residential education, had always been a key characteristic of distance education, throughout its evolution. From the early days in distance education, we were concerned with those on the outside, those who never had access to opportunities for whatever reason. We spent time and resources on removing barriers. We cared, despite the distance, for those who wanted and/or needed another chance in life.   The choice of the title of this presentation grew from considering that, on the one hand, especially with regard to the affordances of technology, and the rich history of theoretical and empirical research in distance education, the possibilities of us embracing justice and care have never been greater. We can, possibly care more than ever before. On the other hand, there is a range of factors making justice and care increasingly impossible in open, distance learning contexts.
  2. Allow me to also provide context for my presentation and specifically the title of the presentation: When I raise the issue of the increasing (im)possibilities of justice and care in open distance learning, I do so from the specific context of a developing world context with massive inequalities and the often unbearable inter-generational weight and legacy of colonialism and apartheid. I also cannot ignore the fact that my understanding of the (im)possibilities of justice and care is shaped by my own location in this debate as a 57 years old, white, gay male. I cannot and do not want to pretend that the weight and the privileges of whiteness do not matter, and possibly, disqualify myself from participating in this debate. In this specific context of a post-apartheid society and various initiatives to address the inter-generational legacy of colonialism and apartheid, education is often seen as the key initiative to address inequalities and unemployment. Now that I have located and declared my own positionality in the context of talking about the (im)possibilities of justice and care in open distance learning, let me disclose some of my beliefs central to my approach to this keynote:   I do not belief that education, on its own, can address the structural inequalities and inter-generational legacy of colonialism and apartheid. We should not expect of education to solve all of societies’ problems. Yes, education can make a difference and without education we will not be able to address the vast inequalities in society and in the world. We need multiple stakeholders to engage in addressing inequality. Governments cannot de-fund higher education on the one hand, and on the other hand, expect of higher education to, somehow, contribute to erasing inequalities and injustices. We cannot be expected to increase participation rates, and access to students often underprepared for higher and distance education, while government actively defund and underestimate the costs of providing caring and just environments. I further believe that while higher education, and specifically open, distance learning should be committed to justice and addressing injustices, justice is not enough. While providing access to higher education is a key aspect of embracing justice, access is not enough. For justice to be realised, we also have to consider an ethics of care. To allow students to enter higher education without an ethics of care, may constitute justice deferred.
  3. In the context of South Africa, Govender (2016) reports that in the period between 1994 and 2014, “the number of students in our public universities more than doubled. During the same period the proportion of black students at universities increased from 52% to 81% of the student population.” Despite evidence of widening access, national government subsidies to university budgets fell “from an already low 49% in 2000 to 40% in 2012.” (Govender, 2016). Except for the increased pressure on infrastructure due to the increase in student numbers “employment of full-time academic staff has not matched increases in student numbers” (Govender, 2016).
  4. We appointed more staff, often in contract positions to provide support to students, and evidence suggests that this immensely increased the salary budgets, and that the impact of this initiative, however well-intended, was limited. In attempting to address student attrition and failure, we often followed and follow a “bang-bang” approach, shooting at noises in the dark, not sure where we are aiming, not sure what causes the noise, but at least we can count the number of bullets spent.
  5. I would like to make it very clear that I don’t subscribe to the Silicon Valley narrative that education is broken and that technology can solve it. My research provides record of my constant skepticism and wariness when we subscribe to a strategy of “to save everything, click here” (Morozov, 2013). I do, however, belief that advances in technology and specifically data, algorithms, Artificial Intelligence and machine learning can address some of the issues we face. So the issue is not if technology can make a difference, but under what conditions…
  6. “To help with his class this spring, a Georgia Tech professor hired Jill Watson, a teaching assistant unlike any other in the world. Throughout the semester, she answered questions online for students, relieving the professor’s overworked teaching staff.” The article continues to state that students remarked about the timeliness of responses, the care received and of course, the fact that she was on duty 24/7. We should, however, not miss the point that this male professor created a female bot. There do not seem to be any limits to male perceptions that they teach while females can do the caring. Even if she is a bot.
  7. Talking about algorithms, Artifical Intelligence and machine learning immediately raises a number of serious issues, and one of the most dominant issues in the popular press is the question whether robots will replace teachers…Except for the fact that this is a crude representation of the potential of Artificial Intelligence, it does allow for some light relief...
  8. We have to consider the question against the backdrop of increased access, decreasing funding and the increasing impact of Global University Rankings. How do we talk about justice and care in a university sector where global university rankings determine funding, access, definitions of excellence and where the more students get rejected by a particular institution, “the higher it scores on student selectivity” (Stack, 2016). “They [rankings] play a pivotal role in the dramatic increase in higher education institutions’ spend on marketing and public relations” (Stack, 2016). As Stack (2016) and others indicate, the data in the global university rankings are not objective, the criteria represents very specific epistemologies and power interests, and impact negatively on “equity and access, furthering the marginalization of oppressed peoples and constraining ways of knowing” (Estera & Shahjahan, 2016). A disturbing figure of 60% of the world’s population is still offline and many of the opportunities and benefits of being and conversing online “are offset by emerging risks” (World Bank, 2016, p. 3). The Report mentions the fact that in advanced economies technology polarizes labor markets and increases inequality – “in part because technology augments higher skills while replacing routine jobs, forcing many workers to compete for low-paying jobs” (p. 3). Due to “the absence of accountable institutions” technology amplifies “the voice of elites, which can result in policy capture and greater state control” (p. 3). The “economics of the Internet favor natural monopolies, [and] the absence of a competitive business environment can result in more concentrated markets, benefiting incumbent firms.” And the following statement is most probably the most disturbing. The Report (2016) states that “Not surprisingly, the better educated, well connected, and more capable have received most of the benefits—circumscribing the gains from the digital revolution” (p. 3).