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Module 5
Marina Robles, Emma Näslund-Hadley,
María Clara Ramos, and Juan Roberto Paredes
Rise Up Against Climate Change!
A school-centered educational initiative
of the Inter-American Development Bank
Modules in the Toolkit
Module 1 What Is Climate Change?
Module 2 Motivating the School Community to Rise
Up against Climate Change
Module 3 Environmentally Friendly School
Module 4 Energy Savings, Efficient Use, and
Alternative Technologies
Module 5 Sustainable Water Management
Module 6 Comprehensive Solid Waste Management
Module 7 School Green Areas
Module 8 Selecting and Using Sustainable Materials
Module 9 Managing Risk in the School
Elaborated by Maria Robles, Emma Näslund-Hadley,
María Clara Ramos, and Juan Roberto Paredes.
Editor: Steven Kennedy.
Design and illustration: Sebastián Sanabria.
Copyright © 2015 Inter-American Development Bank. This work is licensed under a Creative
Commons IGO 3.0 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC-IGO BY-NC-ND 3.0 IGO)
license ( and may be
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is allowed.
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The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily
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countries they represent.
Cataloging-in-Publication data provided by the
Inter-American Development Bank
Felipe Herrera Library
Sustainable water management / Marina Robles, Emma Näslund-Hadley,
María Clara Ramos, Juan Roberto Paredes.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographic references.
1. Water—Management—Latin America.  2. Climatic changes—Latin America.  3. Sustainable
development—Latin America.  4. Sanitation—Latin America.  I. Robles, Marina. II. Näslund-
Hadley, Emma.  III. Ramos, María Clara‫ .‏‬ IV. Paredes, Juan Roberto.  V. Inter-American
Development Bank. Education Division. 
A school-centered edu-
cational initiative of the
Inter-American Develop-
ment Bank
Identifying the
Making a change
in your school
Monitoring and 	
evaluating progress
Tips for finding		
financial support
•	 The water cycle in the
•	 School water use: habits
and perceptions
•	 Conditions of the
school’s hydraulic system
Contents of module 5
•	 Decrease water	
»» Small technical
»» New habits and 	
•	 Adopt alternative	
»» Dry toilets
»» Artificial wetlands 	
and biofilters
»» Permeable paving
»» Collecting rainwater
from roofs
Even though there is plenty of water on earth, not
all of it is suitable for consumption. One out of
every five people does not have access to safe
drinking water, and 40 percent of the planet’s
population lacks basic sanitation systems.
2 2
is ocean is fresh water
of planet earth is
covered in water
is ice
70 % 20 % 10 %
70 % 29 %
1 %
2.5 %97.5 %
75 %
Of the world's fresh water
enters watersheds in the form
of rivers and lakes
is groundwater
of that 75%:
for irrigation for industry for domestic use
the problem
Have you ever wondered where the water you drink comes from, where
it goes after you use it, or how people survive when water is not avail-
able or easily accessible?
Water is almost as old as the planet. Despite the fact that the earth
looks blue-green from a distance—evidence of its abundant volumes
of water—not all of this liquid is available for human consumption.
Ninety-seven percent of the earth’s water is salt water, 2 percent of it is
frozen, and only 1 percent flows as fresh water under or over ground.
Figure 1. The world’s water
Water resources are also unevenly distributed—abundant in some
places and lacking in others. About 1 billion people worldwide must
travel great distances daily to obtain it. In Latin America, despite
considerable improvements in recent decades, almost 10 percent of
the population (approximately 60 million people) still lack household
access to this vital resource (Adler, Carmona, and Bojalil, 2008).
0 1,000 1,700 2,500 6,000 15,000 70,000 684,000 Data not avalible
Freshwater availability, cubic meters per person and per year, 2007
1,000 1,700 2,500 6,000 15,000 70,000 684,000 Data not available
Fresh water availability, cubic meters per person and per year, 2007
Fresh water
available worldwide
Figure 2. Fresh water available worldwide
> 80 %
60 % - 80%
40 % - 60%
20 % - 40%
0 % - 20%
No Data
Box 1. To live comfortably a person needs at least 20 liters of water a day;
this totals 7,300 liters per person per year. Unfortunately, many do
not have access to this amount because of environmental condi-
tions, lack of infrastructure, and poor water quality (that is, unfit for
human consumption)
Population with access
to good-quality water
water needs
> 80%
No data
Subterranean wáter courses
Water in
Water in atmosphere
Water in ice
and snow
Water runoff
into rivers
Natural purification
There is a strong link between ecosystems and the water cycle. High
rates of deforestation and the contamination of seas, lakes, and rivers
(due to inadequate sewage and industrial sanitation) leave certain
regions particularly vulnerable to the scarcity and pollution of water
(figure 3).
Inequality is clearly evident in global levels of access to and consump-
tion of water. While some people barely have access to 20 liters per
day (the minimum needed for basic needs), others consume over 400
liters. Should we consider this a result of ignorance, or apathy—or a
combination of both?
Figure 3. The water cycle
Water in ice
and snow
Water runoff
into rivers
Water in
Subterranean water courses
Water in atmosphere
Natural purification
Many people waste large volumes of water while washing their cars or
sidewalks or while showering. This misuse probably results from hav-
ing misunderstood the water cycle and assuming water to be a renew-
able and unlimited natural resource. Although safe water is available to
these people at present—even as other people suffer scarcity—it will
not necessarily always be so.
Population growth, human apathy, the widely held belief that water is
an unrestricted renewable resource, increased costs of supply (since
we have to go continually farther and deeper to get it), pollution prob-
lems, lack of sanitation systems and technologies, and the intensifica-
tion of droughts and floods (caused by climate change) have all further
exacerbated the problem of water scarcity.
This problem is enormous; although your school cannot solve it alone,
your intervention can make a big difference. First, you can change the
perception that water is an unlimited resource and emphasize that
supplying water involves using energy for drilling wells, transporting the
water, and purifying it. Second, your school can serve as an example of
a responsible user. Solutions are available to any group willing to work
together to adopt alternative forms of retrieving water, allow it to infil-
trate the subsoil, and handle it more effectively.
Liters of water to produce
500 gr
500 gr
1 litro
Piece of
300 gr
500 gr
1 cup of 750 ml
300 gr
300 gr
300 gr
500 ml
A pack
1,000 liters of water to produce a liter of milk
2,500 liters of water to produce 500 gms of cheese
840 liters of water to produce a coffee jar
1,700 liters of water to produce 500 gms of rice
1,830 liters of water to produce 300 gms of a piece of lamb
500 gr
500 gr
Figure 4. How much water does it take to manufacture a product?
Virtual water
Source: Virtual Water 2007 (
Note: Poster based on Hoekstra and Chapagain, 2007. Designed by Timm Kekeritz.
If a school is using water as if it were an unlimited resource, it must
change that mindset. This can be accomplished by making necessary
adjustments to the curriculum and by teacher (and student) example.
Smart use of water is vital to transforming the traditional school into an
environmentally friendly space.
Transforming and improving water utilization in schools is not as diffi-
cult as you may imagine. Once a group makes up its mind, much can
be accomplished through consistent action. The first step in establish-
ing a water management program is to identify and analyze existing
conditions, including the water habits and perceptions of the school
community and the state of the school’s water supply and sanitation
Next, steps can be taken to reduce water consumption, either through
adoption of new habits and customs by the school population or the in-
corporation of small changes and new technologies that improve water
use and allow its infiltration to underground aquifers.
DiagnosisPreparing a general diagnosis of water conditions in the school in-
volves at least three steps:
•	 Outline the route that water follows in the school: consider
where it comes from, the path it takes, and where it goes
when it leaves.
•	 Identify how water is used and regarded by the school
•	 Evaluate the school’s current hydraulic facilities.
Making a change
in your school
The water cycle
in the school
Understanding how the school obtains, uses, and disposes of water
are the first tasks of the diagnostic exercise. In most schools, water
distribution systems will either be hidden beneath building foundations
or hard for the inexperienced eye to observe. Take advantage of your
students’ and teachers’ interest and resources, your communities’
water services offices, and the senior school staff responsible for the
schoolyards, restrooms, and gardens. Tour the school facilities together
to determine the path of water at the school.
By addressing these considerations, you will be able to ascertain
whether the school is actively generating problems for the ecosys-
tem, either in how it accesses water resources or how it disposes
of water.
As part of this first exercise, it may be useful to draw a sketch or
map of your school in addition to listing information in a format
similar to the example provided in table 1.
Table 1. Analyzing where the school’s water comes from and where it ends up
Topic or question Answer Comments
Origin of the water supply The Lerma-Cutzamala Basin and Magdalena Contre-
ras River
Both the basin and the river are heavily overused. In
fact, deeper wells are being built each year. The basin
system is very far from town, so water transportation
costs are very high.
Each year, the communities adjacent to the basin hold
demonstrations asking officials to stop supplying the
town with water because they themselves experience
serious scarcity problems.
Costs incurred by the town to pro-
vide the water supply
More people are without access to water each year.
Many communities hold meetings and protest march-
es demanding increased supply.
Cost of water to the community per
cubic meter or per liter
Water supply problems in the school
School’s drinking water supply and
drainage and runoff systems
A complex network supplies water to restrooms, the
kitchen, laboratories, sports facilities, and other areas.
(The water comes from the town’s water supply.)
It is supplied by tankers and trucks that bring water in
containers to fill the school tanks.
The school has its own water well.
It can be useful to find out how old the school’s water
systems are, as well as the frequency of their break-
down and regular maintenance.
If toilets use drinking water, consider making the
small adjustments necessary to use gray water(water
from sinks or showers).
Water consumption at the school
(over a given period of time)
In cubic meters or liters
Economic cost
School population total (students, teachers, and other employees)
Uses of drinking water at the school
(may be estimated in percentages or in liters,
if you are able to calculate it)
Restroom cleaning
General school cleaning
Garden irrigation
Washing backyards and sidewalks
Washing cars
Washing tools
Washing kitchen and dining room utensils
Bodies of water close to the school (lagoon, lake, wetland, river, dam, ocean, others)
Where is the water used at the school
disposed of?
At a drainage system in town, a river or stream nearby, a local treatment
plant, a treatment plant of the school, and so on.
Where does the water used at school
finally end up?
Once it goes down the drain, it is treated and dumped on a nearby
beach. (Without any treatment it ends up in a lagoon, from which the
area gets its water supply.)
It is important to keep in mind
that, as in all natural systems,
water is part of a cycle. Every-
thing we do to this cycle (good
or bad) will later affect us.
Table 1. Analyzing where the school’s water comes from and where it ends up, continued
Drainage Drinking water
School water use: community
habits and perceptions
The most significant legacy your school leaves is the education it offers
to students and the rest of the community. Educating people in intelli-
gent, sustainable water use is of paramount importance.
As you examine current water use and envision future improvements,
members of the school community may be invited to share their ideas
and viewpoints. This exchange could be conducted in a classroom.
Teachers and students should be encouraged to include an activity of
this kind in their curricular or extracurricular activities. You may also
carry out a small survey or interview to collect answers, discuss them
with the group, and share them with the school community.
You may choose to conduct both a written survey and classroom dis-
cussions. In tables 2 and 3, we offer guides for both exercises. Once
they are completed, you can collect all the information, illustrate it in
a way that makes it easy to understand, and share it with the school
community. The next step will be to motivate community members to
participate in the initiative.
(Note: The exchange of ideas can take place over a one-hour session;
if more time is needed, several short sessions are more effective than
one single long one. Moreover, if the community you are bringing to-
gether does not see plans taking shape over the short term, they may
become discouraged. Take initial steps before preparing a comprehen-
sive plan.)
Figure 5. Water’s journey
Drainage Drinking water
Table 2. Ideas for a classroom exchange on water use
Meeting objective:
Find out the views of the school community (students, parents, teachers,
and so on) on the water problem. Develop ideas to improve the
school community’s water utilization performance.
Meeting location
and date
Schedule Discussion questions and
Initial presenter or pre-
senter in charge
Required materials and general
8:00 AM
to 8:05
Present meeting objective
and agenda
Initiative leader Meeting objectives and agenda
should be typed, presented on
a board or blackboard in front
of the classroom, or projected
Appoint one or two rapporteurs for the
process, who will record what is said
and agreed on.
8:05 AM
to 8:45
Do you believe the school
adds to the community’s
or the world’s water prob-
lems? Why?
Do you believe that the
school has a water-related
problem (supply, quality,
cost, and so on)? What are
the school’s main water
Invite a guest speaker to offer an over-
view of the topic in the community or the
world, then open up the discussion.
Start with a round of open sharing and
close with a brief talk given by a guest.
8:45 AM
to 9:00
What can the school com-
munity do to improve the
school’s water utilization
Provide examples of what other
schools, local or international,
have done.
Record agreements and a list of volun-
teers who want to take part in initiating
specific proposals.
Table 3. Sample survey: the school community’s views on the water problem
Name: School role:
school grade
What river, ecosystem, or basin
supplies the school’s water?
Name? Don’t know
What is the town’s main water-related problem? Shortage
Poor quality
Other (specify)
Do you think the school handles its water in an envi-
ronmentally harmful way? What harm is caused?
Contamination—sewage or other
Waste from consumption
Waste due to poor facilities and leaks
Do you think the school can make adjustments to improve its management of water? YES NO
If yes, continue to the next questions. If no, ask why and go to the last question.
What are
Agree on new ways to decrease consumption
Fix leaks
Use rain water collectors
Reuse gray and sewage water
Create a means to treat gray and sewage water
Would you be willing to participate in initiatives or actions like these? YES NO
If yes, continue with the following questions. If no, go to the last question.
In what way? Exercise care in my consumption
Detect and fix leaks
Seek advice on using a collector, biofilter, or other alternative technology
Get support from educational or governmental institutions
Gather materials
Convince other colleagues to participate in a project like this
If no, answer the following question.
What might encourage you to participate in actions such as these?
Table 3. Sample survey: the school community’s views on the water problem, continued
have formed large areas of moisture (because of their location deep
within walls or floors) will be evident. Others will be more difficult to
identify, including small leaks in toilets or very slow seepage from un-
derground piping. Such leaks may be few but steady.
Before consulting a specialist, conduct your own audit. Recommenda-
tions on how to proceed and how to record, systematize, and solve the
problems discovered are as follows.
Condition of the school’s hydraulic facilities
The first step is to identify the school’s hydraulic facilities (restrooms,
swimming pool, showers, drinking water dispensers, dishwashers,
washbasins, and so on), and the location and distribution of drinking
water networks, drainage, and wastewater.
To determine whether facilities are working properly, it is essential to
audit leaks. You can do this through a class activity with students. With
a map and record sheet, inspect all hydraulic facilities. Initially, only
surface leaks (such as dripping faucets and showers) or those that
Green water supply
Pipe rainwater
Fire hose
Storage tank
Storage tank
Figure 6. Storing and using rainwater
Storage tank
Pipe rainwater
Potable water
Green water supply
Fire hose
Storage tank
6 4
6 4
6 4
6 4
6 4
For wells
Hydrant pits
Compound pressure valve
Home use
Industrial use
6 4
6 4
6 4
6 4
Water meters
Figure 7. Examples of various types of water meters
•	 Once you locate the water meter, locate the flow indicator.
Usually this is a red triangular pointer or narrow needle—
like that on a watch dial. When water is flowing, the indica-
tor moves visibly.
•	 Close all the stopcocks in the school’s water system, in-
cluding those in tanks and cisterns, and observe the flow
indicator. If it continues to move, you have leaks. You can
gauge their size by how fast the needle is moving.
Home use Hydrant pits
For wells
Industrial use
Compoud pressure valve
Water meters
•	 Once a leak is detected, you must determine whether its
source is inside the building or between the building and
municipal supply. Look for the shutoff valve to the building’s
hydraulic facility and close it; if the meter stops, the leak
is inside the building, and you must carefully inspect each
item that uses water (toilets, taps, and so on). If the meter
is still moving, the leak is outside the building; you should
then look for wet spots, areas where more grass has grown
or that are greener than their surroundings, drainage runoff,
and so on.
•	 In case you do not detect the source of the problem, call a
specialist or consult the local water authority in your com-
Figure 8. Sources of water waste
RecommendationsA diagnosis of your school’s water resources and usage patterns can
be used to:
•	 Learn about and raise awareness of the availability and
quality of the water in your town and school.
•	 Plan and design, along with school authorities, a gradual
change of the school’s water-management technologies.
•	 Design a comprehensive water-saving and environmentally
sound water-management program for the		
school community.
Many of the recommended actions depend on the school’s spatial,
economic, and human resources. While some actions require special-
ized help and costly technologies, others are very easy to implement at
low cost. Yet, much of the work to improve the way we use water has
to emerge from our own efforts, intent, and desire to succeed.
Developing a savings plan depends on the aspirations and resources
of each group and school. Following a format like the one proposed in
table 4 can help; other ideas may emerge at your group meetings to
enrich, modify, or supplement it.
A plan usually has better results when made in a group. Convene a
planning session with members of the school community—include
parents, students, teachers, administrative and maintenance
staff, and others. Begin by presenting an overview of
their insights into the problem, and discuss how
their suggestions could improve the school’s
environmental performance 	
and student learning.
Table 4. Preparing a plan to save water and improve water management at the school
Problem Potential causes Solution
Actions required to implement
Those responsible
for carrying out or
coordinating the plan
Water leaks in
the restrooms.
Equipment is old or in
poor condition.
diagnosis of
Change faucets
and washers.
Make a schoolwide schedule to fix leaks.
Request support from a plumber to guide the
Purchase materials.
Reduction of
leakage and
Coordinated by the gym
teacher with support from
Participation by students in
the entire process.
Waste of water
in the kitchen,
restrooms, and
Students, teachers, and
Campaign for
responsible water
Prepare posters.
Include the topic in the curriculum for all
Assign teams (of teachers and students) to
monitor the ways in which water is used.
Raise the school
awareness about
the value of water.
Coordinated by the
students’ association.
Lack of
about alternative
Inadequate time taken to
Lack of informative
material on the subject.
Appoint either a
member of the
staff to
investigate or a
group of students
(as part of
Find volunteers interested in the topic.
Integrate the subject into the school
curriculum, then plan and carry out a
research project with students.
Increase knowledge
about the topic.
Options for water
use in the school.
Coordinated by the science
teacher with the support of
administrative staff.
Parents and students
to lend support to the
Lack of financial
resources to
make repairs or
to the water
Insufficient budget
allocated to schools for
system maintenance
and adaptation to new
environmental conditions.
possible support
to develop
forms of water
Quote cost to make technical improvements
in school.
Obtain advice for the project planned.
Contact potential sources of financial support
and check requirements for support.
Organize financial
support to carry out
a plan or program
of technical
improvement in
the school’s water
Coordinated by the
parents’ association, with
the participation of the
school’s teachers and
Decrease water consumption
Options for reducing water consumption range from technical inter-
ventions to behavioral change. The following tips can help you create
a water-saving plan in the school community. Even though this activity
can be initiated and promoted by anyone in the community, experience
has shown that excellent results are obtained when the plan is de-
signed and coordinated by student groups and associations.
Emphasize the plan’s objectives at your meetings and classes. Put up
posters depicting your goals and your achievements.
Small technical changes
•	 Solve leakage problems by replacing old washers, changing
or repairing small parts, or replacing whole sections of pip-
ing. For small problems, you can ask the assistance of com-
munity members or parents who know about plumbing and
have the required tools. If the school conditions allow it, you
can get help from a certified technician. The economic and
water savings you will achieve will be worth it, as a dripping
tap can waste up to 30 liters of water a day!
•	 Place a couple of plastic bottles (of 1 or 2 liters each) filled
with sand, stones, or water inside the toilet tank if you have
high-capacity toilet tanks (greater than 10 liters and usually
built before 1999). By running tests to find the minimum
amount of water the toilet needs to work perfectly, you can
save up to 4 liters per flush. If your school has the budget,
you could consider new equipment or dual flush valves,
which can be adapted to any type of toilet (figure 9). Users
of these valves can choose how much water to use when
flushing—whether three liters for urine or six liters for solid
•	 Place water-saving devices on taps or showers. Search
for local organizations and institutions that can advise you
on water-saving products. If you are unable to locate any,
browse the Internet—many can be purchased and shipped
to you.
Dual flush valve
Pressure Time Censor
•	 Change conventional 16-liter toilets to
small 6-liter ones.
•	 Build dry toilets, also known as compost-
ing toilets.
•	 Put containers and tanks in place to
collect rainwater for use in garden sprin-
klers or in bathrooms. Cover these con-
tainers with a fine mesh to prevent the
breeding of mosquitoes.
•	 Install water-saving faucets in the sink,
if possible. There are several different
kinds—from the most sophisticated that
automatically cut off water flow after a
given time period, to those with a small
lever at the faucet’s center to adjust
overall pressure (figure 10).
Figure 9. Dual flush valves
Figure 10. A type of water-saving faucet
Dual flush valve
Pressure TIme Sensor
New habits and behaviors
•	 Establish new ways to save water, and create posters con-
taining this information to educate the school community.
The most simple ways to achieve significant water savings
-	 Shutting the tap while washing hands or brushing
-	 Turning off the shower while soaping up. If the school
offers shower facilities for athletes or workers, em-
phasize their role in this water-saving practice.
-	 Watering gardens or filling containers in the afternoon
or evening (to prevent loss by evaporation) and de-
creasing the frequency of watering.
-	 Not using toilets as trash cans.
•	 Eliminate or reduce the use of cleaning products with in-
gredients toxic to the ecosystem. Use organic soaps and
detergents that have no phosphates and, without violating
any hygiene rules, use natural cleaners such as white vine-
gar for cleaning glass.
Adopt alternative technologies
There is a wide range of techniques and technologies to improve the
way we use water—both drinking water and wastewater (gray and
sewage water). Some of them (such as diffusers or low-consumption
toilets) will only help you save water, while others capture rainwater. Yet
others treat and make wastewater reusable. These tools range from
sophisticated and high-cost products to replicas of natural ecosystems
that are simple to build and maintain and much more economical.
As you read below, you will find some of the alternative techniques
available to schools, and recommendations for further reading. In some
cases, you will need to rely on an expert or a person with experience
and knowledge from your immediate school community or locale. Basic
requirements for success are available space and the will to work hard.
When this work is performed as a component of a school project in-
volving teachers and parents as volunteers, not only is water manage-
ment provided, but the cohesion of the school community and social
networks is also strengthened.
Dry toilets
Although building dry toilets is not possible in all situations, they can
be an excellent option in rural schools with yards, areas where water is
scarce, and communities with no access to town drainage networks.
Dry toilets offer several advantages: they do not use water, do not
require a sewer system, do not pollute bodies of water (because the
organic material first breaks down in the decomposition chambers),
can produce compost, and are easy to build and maintain.
A dry toilet essentially separates solid waste from liquid. Solid waste
accumulates in a treatment chamber consisting of a tank, where it is
broken down slowly and eventually transformed to compost.
Tope de agua
Artificial wetlands and biofilters
Artificial wetlands replicate the action of sewage treatment plants
and the aquatic ecosystems known as wetlands (which include lakes,
lagoons, rivers, marshes, estuaries, swamps, and so on). The role
that these ecosystems play in the world is crucial: they are import-
ant retainers of carbon dioxide (CO2
) and they generate oxygen (O2
Moreover, they protect many diverse creatures, serve as shock absorb-
ers against the impact of natural phenomena such as cyclones and
storms, and help filter and clean water.
There are two types of wastewater treatment devices—those that use
surface flow and those that use subsurface flow. In the first instance,
water flows on the surface and is exposed to the environment; in the
second, water flows underground. The second option produces no bad
smells, does not foster mosquitoes, and is easy to maintain. It is also
the best option for a school because of the safety it affords: students
are not tempted to play in the water. Just as with dry toilets, the con-
struction of biofilters is a great opportunity for rural schools.
Figure 11. An artificial wetland
Pea gravel
Water level
river gravel
Length of
Recycle mound
with 2 inches of
large mulch
Building a wetland calls for certain space and soil constraints:
•	 Wetlands require roughly 3 square meters (m2
) for ev-
ery 10 users, which means that a school of 100 people
would require 30m2
of biogarden or artificial wetland.
•	 Soil that is impermeable or exposed to very high rainfall
is not suitable for wetlands. Consult an expert to assess
soil conditions.
clay loam
Figure 12. Covered or underground or subsurface wetland
Water level
clay loam
Top of berm
Length of flow
Allows the
passage of
Lets sow grass
and plants
drainage for
soils with low
Bed Seat
Seat gravel
Permeable paving
The waterproofing of most current buildings requires rain water to
flow into drainage systems, which prevents it from contributing to the
underground aquifers. If your school has or needs to have covered soil
spaces, build them with permeable paving. This allows water to pass
through. This material creates a yard in areas that have to be covered
with soil (useful for a play area, park, or sports court) or are used for
vehicle transit, while allowing water to filter into the subsoil.
Some kinds of permeable paving must be installed by specialists; there
are also options that anyone with basic building knowledge can install.
Each region has its own name for such materials: cobblestone, adob-
loque, adopasto, and so on. Any construction material warehouse will
give you more information.
Moreover, you have to take precautions to ensure that the permeable
paving is a genuinely environmentally friendly option. If the area is used
as a parking area as well as a patio, drippings of oil, gasoline, and oth-
er car-related liquids could contaminate the water by seeping into the
garden or water table. You must guard against this. Finally, permeable
paving cannot withstand high-density traffic or heavy vehicles.
Allows the
passage of
Allows for grass
and plants
Bed seat
drainage for
soils with low
Gravel bed
Figure 13. Permeable paving
Rainwater filter
Green water supply
Drinking water tap
Control box
Rainwater colec-
tion pipes
Mains water
supply pipes
overflow drain
Rainwater Collection System
Collecting rainwater from roofs
During the rainy season, it is estimated that over 80 percent of the
water flowing in drainage areas is rainwater that could be collected
and used.
The catchment, or collection, of rainwater is not a new practice. In
many countries, especially in urban areas where water can become
scarce, people collect water for irrigation, housecleaning, and
drinking. Most collection systems are simple containers placed at the
end of gutters to collect the water that runs off roofs.
Figure 14. Rainwater collection system
collection pipes
colection pipes
overflow drain
Rainwater filter
Mains water
supply pipes
water tap
Rainwater collection system
-	 A simple plan involves installing gutters on the roofs
and directing the water toward garden areas that
need more moisture.
-	 A complex plan can be as elaborate as the uses
to which you would like to devote the water. If you
want to use rainwater for irrigation or toilets, include
an area for collection, piping, filtering, storage, and
distribution. If you also want to use it for human
consumption, you must have a treatment plant to
ensure the health of those who drink it.
This simple and useful educational practice can decrease the pressure
exerted on the area’s water resources and make more gardening
projects possible.
Rainwater collection can be performed through these steps:
•	 An analysis of conditions at the school during the rainy sea-
son: Where does the rain on the roof flow? Are there gutters
to collect it? Are roofs in good condition? Is there space in
the schoolyard to place large containers for collection?
•	 An analysis of the school’s financial status to decide wheth-
er to develop a simple or complex plan to collect rainwater,
based on planned water use (figure 15):
Simple water harvest
for irrigation
and sanitary
Water harvest for irrigation
and sanitation
Water harvest for human
area of
area of
area of
Figure 15. Rainwater harvesting techniques
Simple water harvest Water harvest for
irrigation and sanitation
Water harvest for
human consumption
area of
area of
area of
irrigation storage
for irrigation
and sanitation
Source: Adapted from Water Use and Conservation Bureau, A Waterwise Guide to Rainwater
Harvesting (New Mexico Office of the State Engineer);
Monitoring and
evaluating progress
The first indication that your plan is progressing well is the water bill.
Log such bill amounts monthly or as frequently as they arrive at the
If the school does not get water bills, you can keep a record of water
meter readings. This will allow you to see how much you have spent
every month and to adjust your plan accordingly.
If your consumption remains very high despite your campaigns and
new technologies and techniques, you may have persistent major
leaks. If so, audit the leaks.
One indicator that your plan is functioning well is a reduction in the
presence of toxic cleaning products—which ensures that the water
that you are sending down the drain or to a wetland contains no highly
toxic pollutants.
Finally, monitor interest in participating in the project. Regularly ask
participants about their experiences with the program. Ask what they
would change, and what new interventions they would like to promote.
Tips for finding
financial support
An important part of the research involves visiting the offices
responsible for managing the water system in your hometown and
asking for information (that is not possible to collect through your
diagnosis) and training. These professionals can explain to you how
the water system works in your town and region. Many of these
institutions provide training in environmental education that might be
of great help to the school staff.
These offices may also offer advice on possible funding that enables
you to initiate projects and improve water management at your
school. In many parts of the world, such institutions have initiated
technology replacement programs for restrooms and other re-
source-saving devices.
•	 ACEPESA (Asociación Centroamericana para la Economía, la
Salud y el Ambiente). 2010. Manual para la Construcción y
Mantenimiento de Biojardineras. II Edición. San José, Costa
Rica: ACEPESA. Recommendations
and guidelines for the construction of artificial wetlands for
wastewater treatment.
•	 Adler, Ilán, Gabriela Carmona, and José Antonio Bojalil. 2008.
Manual de Captación de Aguas de Lluvia Para Centros Ur-
banos. UNEP and the International Renewable Resources
•	 Capital Regional District (of British Columbia, Canada). “Per-
meable Pavement.”
•	 EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency). 1993.
“Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands for Waste Water
Treatment, A Technology Assessment.”
Recommendations and guidelines for the construction of arti-
ficial wetlands for wastewater treatment.
•	 Fundación Agua Tuya. 2008. Manual de Construcción:
ECOSAN, Baños Ecológicos Secos. Cochabamba, Bolivia:
Fundación Agua Tuya. Rec-
ommendations and guidelines for building dry toilets.
•	 Guía de los baños secos. “Global Dry Toilet.” Club of Finland,
Tampere, Finlandia. Recommenda-
tions and guidelines for building dry toilets.
•	 Hoekstra, A. Y., and A. K. Chapagain. 2007. “Water Footprints
of Nations: Water Use by People as a Function of Their Con-
sumption Pattern.” Water Resources Management 21(1):
•	 National Institute of Ecology, INE Portal on Sustainable Housing.
2010. “In the Bathroom.”
•	 Pervious Concrete Pavement. “An Overview.” http://www.pervi-
•	 SACM (Sistema deAguas de la Ciudad de México).“Catalog ofWater
Saving Products and Devices,Alternatives for the Efficient and Ra-
tional Use ofWater in the City of Mexico.”http://www.sacm.df.gob.
mx.Provides a list of numerous water-saving devices that are already
available on the market,and their features.
•	 SASI Group (University of Sheffield) and Mark Newman (University of
Michigan).2003.“Water for Domestic Use.” http://www.worldmapper.
org UNATSABAR (Technical Support Unit for Rural Sanitation),
Pan American Center for Sanitation Engineering and Environ-
mental Sciences, Division of Health and the Environment, Pan
American Health Organization—Regional Office of the World
Health Organization. 2001. “Guide to Rainwater Catchment De-
•	 UNATSABAR. 2001. “Rainwater Collection Design Guide.” http:// UNDP (United Nations Development Pro-
gramme).2006.Human Development Report 2006.NewYork:UNDP.
•	 Urbanarbolismo. 2008. “Using Permeable Pavements.” http://
•	 Water Use and Conservation Bureau. A Waterwise Guide to Rain-
water Harvesting. New Mexico Office of the State Engineer—
•	 World Bank Group, Depweb. “Access to Drinking Water.” http://
Marina Robles, Emma Näslund-Hadley, María Clara
Ramos, and Juan Roberto Paredes
Sustainable Water Management
Module 5
Rise Up Against Climate Change!
A school-centered educational initiative
of the Inter-American Development Bank

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Sustainable water management

  • 1. Management Water Sustainable Module 5 Marina Robles, Emma Näslund-Hadley, María Clara Ramos, and Juan Roberto Paredes Rise Up Against Climate Change! A school-centered educational initiative of the Inter-American Development Bank
  • 2. Modules in the Toolkit Module 1 What Is Climate Change? Module 2 Motivating the School Community to Rise Up against Climate Change Module 3 Environmentally Friendly School Infrastructure Module 4 Energy Savings, Efficient Use, and Alternative Technologies Module 5 Sustainable Water Management Module 6 Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Module 7 School Green Areas Module 8 Selecting and Using Sustainable Materials Module 9 Managing Risk in the School Elaborated by Maria Robles, Emma Näslund-Hadley, María Clara Ramos, and Juan Roberto Paredes. Editor: Steven Kennedy. Design and illustration: Sebastián Sanabria. Copyright © 2015 Inter-American Development Bank. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons IGO 3.0 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (CC-IGO BY-NC-ND 3.0 IGO) license ( and may be reproduced with attribution to the IDB and for any non-commercial purpose. No derivative work is allowed. Any dispute related to the use of the works of the IDB that cannot be settled amicably shall be submitted to arbitration pursuant to the UNCITRAL rules. The use of the IDB’s name for any purpose other than for attribution, and the use of IDB’s logo shall be subject to a separate written license agreement between the IDB and the user and is not authorized as part of this CC-IGO license. Note that link provided above includes additional terms and conditions of the license. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Inter-American Development Bank, its Board of Directors, or the countries they represent. Cataloging-in-Publication data provided by the Inter-American Development Bank Felipe Herrera Library Sustainable water management / Marina Robles, Emma Näslund-Hadley, María Clara Ramos, Juan Roberto Paredes. p. cm. Includes bibliographic references. 1. Water—Management—Latin America.  2. Climatic changes—Latin America.  3. Sustainable development—Latin America.  4. Sanitation—Latin America.  I. Robles, Marina. II. Näslund- Hadley, Emma.  III. Ramos, María Clara‫ .‏‬ IV. Paredes, Juan Roberto.  V. Inter-American Development Bank. Education Division.  IDB-BR-167 A school-centered edu- cational initiative of the Inter-American Develop- ment Bank 2015
  • 3. Identifying the problem Diagnosis Making a change in your school Bibliography Recommendations Monitoring and evaluating progress Tips for finding financial support • The water cycle in the school • School water use: habits and perceptions • Conditions of the school’s hydraulic system Contents of module 5 • Decrease water consumption »» Small technical changes »» New habits and behaviors • Adopt alternative technologies »» Dry toilets »» Artificial wetlands and biofilters »» Permeable paving »» Collecting rainwater from roofs
  • 4.
  • 5. 1 Even though there is plenty of water on earth, not all of it is suitable for consumption. One out of every five people does not have access to safe drinking water, and 40 percent of the planet’s population lacks basic sanitation systems.
  • 6. 2 2 is ocean is fresh water of planet earth is covered in water is ice 70 % 20 % 10 % 70 % 29 % 1 % 2.5 %97.5 % 75 % Of the world's fresh water enters watersheds in the form of rivers and lakes is groundwater of that 75%: for irrigation for industry for domestic use Identifying the problem Have you ever wondered where the water you drink comes from, where it goes after you use it, or how people survive when water is not avail- able or easily accessible? Water is almost as old as the planet. Despite the fact that the earth looks blue-green from a distance—evidence of its abundant volumes of water—not all of this liquid is available for human consumption. Ninety-seven percent of the earth’s water is salt water, 2 percent of it is frozen, and only 1 percent flows as fresh water under or over ground. Figure 1. The world’s water 2 Source:
  • 7. 3 Water resources are also unevenly distributed—abundant in some places and lacking in others. About 1 billion people worldwide must travel great distances daily to obtain it. In Latin America, despite considerable improvements in recent decades, almost 10 percent of the population (approximately 60 million people) still lack household access to this vital resource (Adler, Carmona, and Bojalil, 2008). 0 1,000 1,700 2,500 6,000 15,000 70,000 684,000 Data not avalible Scarcity Stress Vulnerability Freshwater availability, cubic meters per person and per year, 2007 Source: 0 Scarcity Stress Vulnerability 1,000 1,700 2,500 6,000 15,000 70,000 684,000 Data not available Fresh water availability, cubic meters per person and per year, 2007 Fresh water available worldwide Figure 2. Fresh water available worldwide
  • 8. 4 > 80 % 60 % - 80% 40 % - 60% 20 % - 40% 0 % - 20% No Data Box 1. To live comfortably a person needs at least 20 liters of water a day; this totals 7,300 liters per person per year. Unfortunately, many do not have access to this amount because of environmental condi- tions, lack of infrastructure, and poor water quality (that is, unfit for human consumption) Our Population with access to good-quality water water needs Source: > 80% 60%-80% 40%-60% 20%-40% 0%-20% No data
  • 9. 5 Subterranean wáter courses Infiltration Infiltration Evaporation Water in oceans Wellspring Vapor transformation Solar heat Precipitation Sublimation Water in atmosphere Water in ice and snow Lake Water runoff into rivers Natural purification Condensation There is a strong link between ecosystems and the water cycle. High rates of deforestation and the contamination of seas, lakes, and rivers (due to inadequate sewage and industrial sanitation) leave certain regions particularly vulnerable to the scarcity and pollution of water (figure 3). Inequality is clearly evident in global levels of access to and consump- tion of water. While some people barely have access to 20 liters per day (the minimum needed for basic needs), others consume over 400 liters. Should we consider this a result of ignorance, or apathy—or a combination of both? Figure 3. The water cycle Vapor transformation Condensation Precipitation Sublimation Water in ice and snow Wellspring Evaporation Water runoff into rivers Lake Infiltration Infiltration Water in oceans Solar Heat Infiltration Subterranean water courses Water in atmosphere Natural purification 5
  • 10. 6 Many people waste large volumes of water while washing their cars or sidewalks or while showering. This misuse probably results from hav- ing misunderstood the water cycle and assuming water to be a renew- able and unlimited natural resource. Although safe water is available to these people at present—even as other people suffer scarcity—it will not necessarily always be so. Population growth, human apathy, the widely held belief that water is an unrestricted renewable resource, increased costs of supply (since we have to go continually farther and deeper to get it), pollution prob- lems, lack of sanitation systems and technologies, and the intensifica- tion of droughts and floods (caused by climate change) have all further exacerbated the problem of water scarcity. This problem is enormous; although your school cannot solve it alone, your intervention can make a big difference. First, you can change the perception that water is an unlimited resource and emphasize that supplying water involves using energy for drilling wells, transporting the water, and purifying it. Second, your school can serve as an example of a responsible user. Solutions are available to any group willing to work together to adopt alternative forms of retrieving water, allow it to infil- trate the subsoil, and handle it more effectively.
  • 11. 7 Liters of water to produce VIRTUAL WATER Egg One 200 Orange An 50 Bread 500 gr 650 Wheat 500 gr 500 Milk 1 litro 1,000 Piece of Lamb 300 gr 1,830 Rice 500 gr 1,700 Tea 1 cup of 750 ml 750 Beef 300 gr 4,500 Pork 300 gr 1,440 Chicken 300 gr 1,170 Beer 500 ml 150 Fries A pack 185 Wine Bottle 720 Coffe Jar 840 1,000 liters of water to produce a liter of milk 2,500 liters of water to produce 500 gms of cheese 840 liters of water to produce a coffee jar 1,700 liters of water to produce 500 gms of rice 1,830 liters of water to produce 300 gms of a piece of lamb Apple An 70 Corn 500 gr 450 Cheese 500 gr 2,500 Figure 4. How much water does it take to manufacture a product? Virtual water Source: Virtual Water 2007 ( Note: Poster based on Hoekstra and Chapagain, 2007. Designed by Timm Kekeritz.
  • 12. 8 If a school is using water as if it were an unlimited resource, it must change that mindset. This can be accomplished by making necessary adjustments to the curriculum and by teacher (and student) example. Smart use of water is vital to transforming the traditional school into an environmentally friendly space. Transforming and improving water utilization in schools is not as diffi- cult as you may imagine. Once a group makes up its mind, much can be accomplished through consistent action. The first step in establish- ing a water management program is to identify and analyze existing conditions, including the water habits and perceptions of the school community and the state of the school’s water supply and sanitation infrastructure. Next, steps can be taken to reduce water consumption, either through adoption of new habits and customs by the school population or the in- corporation of small changes and new technologies that improve water use and allow its infiltration to underground aquifers. DiagnosisPreparing a general diagnosis of water conditions in the school in- volves at least three steps: • Outline the route that water follows in the school: consider where it comes from, the path it takes, and where it goes when it leaves. • Identify how water is used and regarded by the school community. • Evaluate the school’s current hydraulic facilities. Making a change in your school
  • 13. 9 The water cycle in the school Understanding how the school obtains, uses, and disposes of water are the first tasks of the diagnostic exercise. In most schools, water distribution systems will either be hidden beneath building foundations or hard for the inexperienced eye to observe. Take advantage of your students’ and teachers’ interest and resources, your communities’ water services offices, and the senior school staff responsible for the schoolyards, restrooms, and gardens. Tour the school facilities together to determine the path of water at the school. By addressing these considerations, you will be able to ascertain whether the school is actively generating problems for the ecosys- tem, either in how it accesses water resources or how it disposes of water. As part of this first exercise, it may be useful to draw a sketch or map of your school in addition to listing information in a format similar to the example provided in table 1.
  • 14. 10 Table 1. Analyzing where the school’s water comes from and where it ends up Topic or question Answer Comments Origin of the water supply The Lerma-Cutzamala Basin and Magdalena Contre- ras River Both the basin and the river are heavily overused. In fact, deeper wells are being built each year. The basin system is very far from town, so water transportation costs are very high. Each year, the communities adjacent to the basin hold demonstrations asking officials to stop supplying the town with water because they themselves experience serious scarcity problems. Costs incurred by the town to pro- vide the water supply More people are without access to water each year. Many communities hold meetings and protest march- es demanding increased supply. Cost of water to the community per cubic meter or per liter Water supply problems in the school School’s drinking water supply and drainage and runoff systems A complex network supplies water to restrooms, the kitchen, laboratories, sports facilities, and other areas. (The water comes from the town’s water supply.) It is supplied by tankers and trucks that bring water in containers to fill the school tanks. The school has its own water well. It can be useful to find out how old the school’s water systems are, as well as the frequency of their break- down and regular maintenance. If toilets use drinking water, consider making the small adjustments necessary to use gray water(water from sinks or showers).
  • 15. 11 Water consumption at the school (over a given period of time) In cubic meters or liters Economic cost School population total (students, teachers, and other employees) Uses of drinking water at the school (may be estimated in percentages or in liters, if you are able to calculate it) Drinking Restroom cleaning General school cleaning Garden irrigation Washing backyards and sidewalks Washing cars Washing tools Washing kitchen and dining room utensils Bodies of water close to the school (lagoon, lake, wetland, river, dam, ocean, others) Where is the water used at the school disposed of? At a drainage system in town, a river or stream nearby, a local treatment plant, a treatment plant of the school, and so on. Where does the water used at school finally end up? Once it goes down the drain, it is treated and dumped on a nearby beach. (Without any treatment it ends up in a lagoon, from which the area gets its water supply.) It is important to keep in mind that, as in all natural systems, water is part of a cycle. Every- thing we do to this cycle (good or bad) will later affect us. Table 1. Analyzing where the school’s water comes from and where it ends up, continued
  • 16. 12 Drainage Drinking water P School water use: community habits and perceptions The most significant legacy your school leaves is the education it offers to students and the rest of the community. Educating people in intelli- gent, sustainable water use is of paramount importance. As you examine current water use and envision future improvements, members of the school community may be invited to share their ideas and viewpoints. This exchange could be conducted in a classroom. Teachers and students should be encouraged to include an activity of this kind in their curricular or extracurricular activities. You may also carry out a small survey or interview to collect answers, discuss them with the group, and share them with the school community. You may choose to conduct both a written survey and classroom dis- cussions. In tables 2 and 3, we offer guides for both exercises. Once they are completed, you can collect all the information, illustrate it in a way that makes it easy to understand, and share it with the school community. The next step will be to motivate community members to participate in the initiative. (Note: The exchange of ideas can take place over a one-hour session; if more time is needed, several short sessions are more effective than one single long one. Moreover, if the community you are bringing to- gether does not see plans taking shape over the short term, they may become discouraged. Take initial steps before preparing a comprehen- sive plan.) Figure 5. Water’s journey Drainage Drinking water
  • 17. 13 Table 2. Ideas for a classroom exchange on water use Meeting objective: Find out the views of the school community (students, parents, teachers, and so on) on the water problem. Develop ideas to improve the school community’s water utilization performance. Meeting location and date Schedule Discussion questions and subjects Initial presenter or pre- senter in charge Required materials and general ideas Comments 8:00 AM to 8:05 AM Present meeting objective and agenda Initiative leader Meeting objectives and agenda should be typed, presented on a board or blackboard in front of the classroom, or projected digitally. Appoint one or two rapporteurs for the process, who will record what is said and agreed on. 8:05 AM to 8:45 AM Do you believe the school adds to the community’s or the world’s water prob- lems? Why? Do you believe that the school has a water-related problem (supply, quality, cost, and so on)? What are the school’s main water problems? Invite a guest speaker to offer an over- view of the topic in the community or the world, then open up the discussion. Start with a round of open sharing and close with a brief talk given by a guest. 8:45 AM to 9:00 AM What can the school com- munity do to improve the school’s water utilization performance? Provide examples of what other schools, local or international, have done. Record agreements and a list of volun- teers who want to take part in initiating specific proposals.
  • 18. 14 Table 3. Sample survey: the school community’s views on the water problem Name: School role: Parent Associated school grade Teacher Student Staff Other What river, ecosystem, or basin supplies the school’s water? Name? Don’t know What is the town’s main water-related problem? Shortage Poor quality Pollution Wastefulness Other (specify) Do you think the school handles its water in an envi- ronmentally harmful way? What harm is caused? None Contamination—sewage or other Waste from consumption Waste due to poor facilities and leaks Do you think the school can make adjustments to improve its management of water? YES NO If yes, continue to the next questions. If no, ask why and go to the last question.
  • 19. 15 What are they? Agree on new ways to decrease consumption Fix leaks Use rain water collectors Reuse gray and sewage water Create a means to treat gray and sewage water Others Would you be willing to participate in initiatives or actions like these? YES NO If yes, continue with the following questions. If no, go to the last question. In what way? Exercise care in my consumption Detect and fix leaks Seek advice on using a collector, biofilter, or other alternative technology Get support from educational or governmental institutions Gather materials Convince other colleagues to participate in a project like this Others If no, answer the following question. What might encourage you to participate in actions such as these? Table 3. Sample survey: the school community’s views on the water problem, continued
  • 20. 16 have formed large areas of moisture (because of their location deep within walls or floors) will be evident. Others will be more difficult to identify, including small leaks in toilets or very slow seepage from un- derground piping. Such leaks may be few but steady. Before consulting a specialist, conduct your own audit. Recommenda- tions on how to proceed and how to record, systematize, and solve the problems discovered are as follows. Condition of the school’s hydraulic facilities The first step is to identify the school’s hydraulic facilities (restrooms, swimming pool, showers, drinking water dispensers, dishwashers, washbasins, and so on), and the location and distribution of drinking water networks, drainage, and wastewater. To determine whether facilities are working properly, it is essential to audit leaks. You can do this through a class activity with students. With a map and record sheet, inspect all hydraulic facilities. Initially, only surface leaks (such as dripping faucets and showers) or those that Green water supply Pipe rainwater harvesting Drain PotableWater Supply Fire hose Storage tank Control Box Storage tank Figure 6. Storing and using rainwater 16 Storage tank Pipe rainwater harvesting Potable water supply Green water supply Drain Fire hose Storage tank Control box
  • 21. 17 0 5 19 6 4 2 3 8 7 0 5 19 6 4 2 3 8 7 m3 0 5 19 6 4 2 3 8 7 0 5 19 6 4 2 3 8 7 0 5 19 6 4 2 3 8 7 m3 For wells Hydrant pits Compound pressure valve Home use Industrial use 0 5 19 6 4 2 3 8 7 0 5 19 6 4 2 3 8 7 m3 0 5 19 6 4 2 3 8 7 0 5 19 6 4 2 3 8 7 m3 Water meters Figure 7. Examples of various types of water meters • Once you locate the water meter, locate the flow indicator. Usually this is a red triangular pointer or narrow needle— like that on a watch dial. When water is flowing, the indica- tor moves visibly. • Close all the stopcocks in the school’s water system, in- cluding those in tanks and cisterns, and observe the flow indicator. If it continues to move, you have leaks. You can gauge their size by how fast the needle is moving. Home use Hydrant pits For wells Industrial use Compoud pressure valve Water meters
  • 22. 18 Simple water harvest Toilet Shower Pipes Taps • Once a leak is detected, you must determine whether its source is inside the building or between the building and municipal supply. Look for the shutoff valve to the building’s hydraulic facility and close it; if the meter stops, the leak is inside the building, and you must carefully inspect each item that uses water (toilets, taps, and so on). If the meter is still moving, the leak is outside the building; you should then look for wet spots, areas where more grass has grown or that are greener than their surroundings, drainage runoff, and so on. • In case you do not detect the source of the problem, call a specialist or consult the local water authority in your com- munity. Figure 8. Sources of water waste Simple water harvest Taps Shower Pipes Toilet
  • 23. 19 RecommendationsA diagnosis of your school’s water resources and usage patterns can be used to: • Learn about and raise awareness of the availability and quality of the water in your town and school. • Plan and design, along with school authorities, a gradual change of the school’s water-management technologies. • Design a comprehensive water-saving and environmentally sound water-management program for the school community. Many of the recommended actions depend on the school’s spatial, economic, and human resources. While some actions require special- ized help and costly technologies, others are very easy to implement at low cost. Yet, much of the work to improve the way we use water has to emerge from our own efforts, intent, and desire to succeed. Developing a savings plan depends on the aspirations and resources of each group and school. Following a format like the one proposed in table 4 can help; other ideas may emerge at your group meetings to enrich, modify, or supplement it. A plan usually has better results when made in a group. Convene a planning session with members of the school community—include parents, students, teachers, administrative and maintenance staff, and others. Begin by presenting an overview of their insights into the problem, and discuss how their suggestions could improve the school’s environmental performance and student learning.
  • 24. 20 Table 4. Preparing a plan to save water and improve water management at the school Problem Potential causes Solution Actions required to implement solution Results expected Those responsible for carrying out or coordinating the plan Water leaks in the restrooms. Equipment is old or in poor condition. Comprehensive diagnosis of leaks. Change faucets and washers. Make a schoolwide schedule to fix leaks. Request support from a plumber to guide the work. Purchase materials. Reduction of leakage and consumption. Coordinated by the gym teacher with support from parents. Participation by students in the entire process. Waste of water in the kitchen, restrooms, and laboratories. Students, teachers, and workers. Campaign for responsible water use. Prepare posters. Include the topic in the curriculum for all grades. Assign teams (of teachers and students) to monitor the ways in which water is used. Decrease consumption. Raise the school community’s awareness about the value of water. Coordinated by the students’ association. Lack of knowledge about alternative technologies. Inadequate time taken to investigate. Lack of informative material on the subject. Appoint either a member of the administrative staff to investigate or a group of students (as part of classwork). Find volunteers interested in the topic. Integrate the subject into the school curriculum, then plan and carry out a research project with students. Increase knowledge about the topic. Options for water use in the school. Coordinated by the science teacher with the support of administrative staff. Parents and students to lend support to the research. Lack of financial resources to make repairs or modifications to the water system. Insufficient budget allocated to schools for system maintenance and adaptation to new environmental conditions. Others. Investigate possible support programs to develop alternative forms of water management. Quote cost to make technical improvements in school. Obtain advice for the project planned. Contact potential sources of financial support and check requirements for support. Organize financial support to carry out a plan or program of technical improvement in the school’s water management. Coordinated by the parents’ association, with the participation of the school’s teachers and administrators.
  • 25. 21 Decrease water consumption Options for reducing water consumption range from technical inter- ventions to behavioral change. The following tips can help you create a water-saving plan in the school community. Even though this activity can be initiated and promoted by anyone in the community, experience has shown that excellent results are obtained when the plan is de- signed and coordinated by student groups and associations. Emphasize the plan’s objectives at your meetings and classes. Put up posters depicting your goals and your achievements. Small technical changes • Solve leakage problems by replacing old washers, changing or repairing small parts, or replacing whole sections of pip- ing. For small problems, you can ask the assistance of com- munity members or parents who know about plumbing and have the required tools. If the school conditions allow it, you can get help from a certified technician. The economic and water savings you will achieve will be worth it, as a dripping tap can waste up to 30 liters of water a day! • Place a couple of plastic bottles (of 1 or 2 liters each) filled with sand, stones, or water inside the toilet tank if you have high-capacity toilet tanks (greater than 10 liters and usually built before 1999). By running tests to find the minimum amount of water the toilet needs to work perfectly, you can save up to 4 liters per flush. If your school has the budget, you could consider new equipment or dual flush valves, which can be adapted to any type of toilet (figure 9). Users of these valves can choose how much water to use when flushing—whether three liters for urine or six liters for solid waste. • Place water-saving devices on taps or showers. Search for local organizations and institutions that can advise you on water-saving products. If you are unable to locate any, browse the Internet—many can be purchased and shipped to you.
  • 26. 22 Dual flush valve Pressure Time Censor Water-Saving Faucet • Change conventional 16-liter toilets to small 6-liter ones. • Build dry toilets, also known as compost- ing toilets. • Put containers and tanks in place to collect rainwater for use in garden sprin- klers or in bathrooms. Cover these con- tainers with a fine mesh to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes. • Install water-saving faucets in the sink, if possible. There are several different kinds—from the most sophisticated that automatically cut off water flow after a given time period, to those with a small lever at the faucet’s center to adjust overall pressure (figure 10). Figure 9. Dual flush valves Figure 10. A type of water-saving faucet Dual flush valve Water-saving faucet Pressure TIme Sensor
  • 27. 23 New habits and behaviors • Establish new ways to save water, and create posters con- taining this information to educate the school community. The most simple ways to achieve significant water savings include: - Shutting the tap while washing hands or brushing teeth. - Turning off the shower while soaping up. If the school offers shower facilities for athletes or workers, em- phasize their role in this water-saving practice. - Watering gardens or filling containers in the afternoon or evening (to prevent loss by evaporation) and de- creasing the frequency of watering. - Not using toilets as trash cans. • Eliminate or reduce the use of cleaning products with in- gredients toxic to the ecosystem. Use organic soaps and detergents that have no phosphates and, without violating any hygiene rules, use natural cleaners such as white vine- gar for cleaning glass. Adopt alternative technologies There is a wide range of techniques and technologies to improve the way we use water—both drinking water and wastewater (gray and sewage water). Some of them (such as diffusers or low-consumption toilets) will only help you save water, while others capture rainwater. Yet others treat and make wastewater reusable. These tools range from sophisticated and high-cost products to replicas of natural ecosystems that are simple to build and maintain and much more economical. As you read below, you will find some of the alternative techniques available to schools, and recommendations for further reading. In some cases, you will need to rely on an expert or a person with experience and knowledge from your immediate school community or locale. Basic requirements for success are available space and the will to work hard. When this work is performed as a component of a school project in- volving teachers and parents as volunteers, not only is water manage- ment provided, but the cohesion of the school community and social networks is also strengthened. Dry toilets Although building dry toilets is not possible in all situations, they can be an excellent option in rural schools with yards, areas where water is scarce, and communities with no access to town drainage networks. Dry toilets offer several advantages: they do not use water, do not require a sewer system, do not pollute bodies of water (because the organic material first breaks down in the decomposition chambers), can produce compost, and are easy to build and maintain. A dry toilet essentially separates solid waste from liquid. Solid waste accumulates in a treatment chamber consisting of a tank, where it is broken down slowly and eventually transformed to compost.
  • 28. 24 RECYCLE MOUND WITH 2 INCHES OF LARGE MULCH 1 2 PEA GRAVEL WETLAND PLANTS Tope de agua LENGTH IN DIRECTION OF FLOW INFLOW OUT FLOW LARGE SCREENED RIVER GRAVEL PEA GRAVEL Artificial wetlands and biofilters Artificial wetlands replicate the action of sewage treatment plants and the aquatic ecosystems known as wetlands (which include lakes, lagoons, rivers, marshes, estuaries, swamps, and so on). The role that these ecosystems play in the world is crucial: they are import- ant retainers of carbon dioxide (CO2 ) and they generate oxygen (O2 ). Moreover, they protect many diverse creatures, serve as shock absorb- ers against the impact of natural phenomena such as cyclones and storms, and help filter and clean water. There are two types of wastewater treatment devices—those that use surface flow and those that use subsurface flow. In the first instance, water flows on the surface and is exposed to the environment; in the second, water flows underground. The second option produces no bad smells, does not foster mosquitoes, and is easy to maintain. It is also the best option for a school because of the safety it affords: students are not tempted to play in the water. Just as with dry toilets, the con- struction of biofilters is a great opportunity for rural schools. Figure 11. An artificial wetland Pea gravel 1 2 Wetland plants Pea gravel Outflow Water level Large screened river gravel Length of flow Inflow 24 Recycle mound with 2 inches of large mulch
  • 29. 25 Building a wetland calls for certain space and soil constraints: • Wetlands require roughly 3 square meters (m2 ) for ev- ery 10 users, which means that a school of 100 people would require 30m2 of biogarden or artificial wetland. • Soil that is impermeable or exposed to very high rainfall is not suitable for wetlands. Consult an expert to assess soil conditions. RIPRAP TOP OF BERM Sandy, clay loam TOP OF WATER LENGTH IN DIRECTION OF FLOW LINER INV IN INV OUT LINER Figure 12. Covered or underground or subsurface wetland Riprap Water level Sandy, clay loam Top of berm Outflow Length of flow LinerLiner Inflow 25
  • 30. 26 Allows the passage of water Allows evaporation Cobble Lets sow grass and plants Granular base Underground drainage for soils with low absorbency Permeable paving Bed Seat Seat gravel Permeable paving The waterproofing of most current buildings requires rain water to flow into drainage systems, which prevents it from contributing to the underground aquifers. If your school has or needs to have covered soil spaces, build them with permeable paving. This allows water to pass through. This material creates a yard in areas that have to be covered with soil (useful for a play area, park, or sports court) or are used for vehicle transit, while allowing water to filter into the subsoil. Some kinds of permeable paving must be installed by specialists; there are also options that anyone with basic building knowledge can install. Each region has its own name for such materials: cobblestone, adob- loque, adopasto, and so on. Any construction material warehouse will give you more information. Moreover, you have to take precautions to ensure that the permeable paving is a genuinely environmentally friendly option. If the area is used as a parking area as well as a patio, drippings of oil, gasoline, and oth- er car-related liquids could contaminate the water by seeping into the garden or water table. You must guard against this. Finally, permeable paving cannot withstand high-density traffic or heavy vehicles. Allows the passage of water Cobble Allows evaporation Allows for grass and plants Permeable paving Bed seat Granular base Underground drainage for soils with low absorbency Gravel bed Figure 13. Permeable paving
  • 31. 27 Rainwater filter Green water supply Drinking water tap Outside tap Control box Rainwater colec- tion pipes Mains water supply pipes Rainwater overflow drain Rainwater Collection System Collecting rainwater from roofs During the rainy season, it is estimated that over 80 percent of the water flowing in drainage areas is rainwater that could be collected and used. The catchment, or collection, of rainwater is not a new practice. In many countries, especially in urban areas where water can become scarce, people collect water for irrigation, housecleaning, and drinking. Most collection systems are simple containers placed at the end of gutters to collect the water that runs off roofs. Figure 14. Rainwater collection system Outside tap Control box Rainwater collection pipes Rainwater colection pipes Rainwater overflow drain Rainwater filter Mains water supply pipes Drinking water tap Rainwater collection system 27
  • 32. 28 - A simple plan involves installing gutters on the roofs and directing the water toward garden areas that need more moisture. - A complex plan can be as elaborate as the uses to which you would like to devote the water. If you want to use rainwater for irrigation or toilets, include an area for collection, piping, filtering, storage, and distribution. If you also want to use it for human consumption, you must have a treatment plant to ensure the health of those who drink it. This simple and useful educational practice can decrease the pressure exerted on the area’s water resources and make more gardening projects possible. Rainwater collection can be performed through these steps: • An analysis of conditions at the school during the rainy sea- son: Where does the rain on the roof flow? Are there gutters to collect it? Are roofs in good condition? Is there space in the schoolyard to place large containers for collection? • An analysis of the school’s financial status to decide wheth- er to develop a simple or complex plan to collect rainwater, based on planned water use (figure 15): Simple water harvest filters Filters storage storage treatment distribution Drain irrigation for irrigation and sanitary Water harvest for irrigation and sanitation Water harvest for human consumption area of collection area of collection area of collection Figure 15. Rainwater harvesting techniques Simple water harvest Water harvest for irrigation and sanitation Water harvest for human consumption area of collection area of collection area of collection irrigation storage storage drain treatment distribution filters filters for irrigation and sanitation Source: Adapted from Water Use and Conservation Bureau, A Waterwise Guide to Rainwater Harvesting (New Mexico Office of the State Engineer);
  • 33. 29 Monitoring and evaluating progress The first indication that your plan is progressing well is the water bill. Log such bill amounts monthly or as frequently as they arrive at the school. If the school does not get water bills, you can keep a record of water meter readings. This will allow you to see how much you have spent every month and to adjust your plan accordingly. If your consumption remains very high despite your campaigns and new technologies and techniques, you may have persistent major leaks. If so, audit the leaks. One indicator that your plan is functioning well is a reduction in the presence of toxic cleaning products—which ensures that the water that you are sending down the drain or to a wetland contains no highly toxic pollutants. Finally, monitor interest in participating in the project. Regularly ask participants about their experiences with the program. Ask what they would change, and what new interventions they would like to promote.
  • 34. 30 Tips for finding financial support An important part of the research involves visiting the offices responsible for managing the water system in your hometown and asking for information (that is not possible to collect through your diagnosis) and training. These professionals can explain to you how the water system works in your town and region. Many of these institutions provide training in environmental education that might be of great help to the school staff. These offices may also offer advice on possible funding that enables you to initiate projects and improve water management at your school. In many parts of the world, such institutions have initiated technology replacement programs for restrooms and other re- source-saving devices.
  • 35. 31 • ACEPESA (Asociación Centroamericana para la Economía, la Salud y el Ambiente). 2010. Manual para la Construcción y Mantenimiento de Biojardineras. II Edición. San José, Costa Rica: ACEPESA. Recommendations and guidelines for the construction of artificial wetlands for wastewater treatment. • Adler, Ilán, Gabriela Carmona, and José Antonio Bojalil. 2008. Manual de Captación de Aguas de Lluvia Para Centros Ur- banos. UNEP and the International Renewable Resources Institute. • Capital Regional District (of British Columbia, Canada). “Per- meable Pavement.” • EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency). 1993. “Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands for Waste Water Treatment, A Technology Assessment.” Recommendations and guidelines for the construction of arti- ficial wetlands for wastewater treatment. • Fundación Agua Tuya. 2008. Manual de Construcción: ECOSAN, Baños Ecológicos Secos. Cochabamba, Bolivia: Fundación Agua Tuya. Rec- ommendations and guidelines for building dry toilets. • Guía de los baños secos. “Global Dry Toilet.” Club of Finland, Tampere, Finlandia. Recommenda- tions and guidelines for building dry toilets. • Hoekstra, A. Y., and A. K. Chapagain. 2007. “Water Footprints of Nations: Water Use by People as a Function of Their Con- sumption Pattern.” Water Resources Management 21(1): 35–48. • National Institute of Ecology, INE Portal on Sustainable Housing. 2010. “In the Bathroom.” agua/usos-en-el-hogar/en-el-bano. • Pervious Concrete Pavement. “An Overview.” http://www.pervi- • SACM (Sistema deAguas de la Ciudad de México).“Catalog ofWater Saving Products and Devices,Alternatives for the Efficient and Ra- tional Use ofWater in the City of Mexico.”http://www.sacm.df.gob. mx.Provides a list of numerous water-saving devices that are already available on the market,and their features. • SASI Group (University of Sheffield) and Mark Newman (University of Michigan).2003.“Water for Domestic Use.” http://www.worldmapper. org UNATSABAR (Technical Support Unit for Rural Sanitation), Pan American Center for Sanitation Engineering and Environ- mental Sciences, Division of Health and the Environment, Pan American Health Organization—Regional Office of the World Health Organization. 2001. “Guide to Rainwater Catchment De- sign.” • UNATSABAR. 2001. “Rainwater Collection Design Guide.” http:// UNDP (United Nations Development Pro- gramme).2006.Human Development Report 2006.NewYork:UNDP. • Urbanarbolismo. 2008. “Using Permeable Pavements.” http:// • Water Use and Conservation Bureau. A Waterwise Guide to Rain- water Harvesting. New Mexico Office of the State Engineer— USA. • World Bank Group, Depweb. “Access to Drinking Water.” http:// Bibliography
  • 36. Marina Robles, Emma Näslund-Hadley, María Clara Ramos, and Juan Roberto Paredes Sustainable Water Management Module 5 Rise Up Against Climate Change! A school-centered educational initiative of the Inter-American Development Bank 2015