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The Problem Of Water Conservation
Water is very important in everyone's daily lives. They need it to shower, brush their teeth, cook,
taking care of the landscapes, and most importantly to live. Water is everywhere but as some
people say it will soon become scarce due to the fact people are being very wasteful with it. Water
conservation is a big topic in the United States when it comes to California, a state known for their
droughts. It seems like every years there is always something on the news headlines talking about
a drought in California. Conserving water would obviously become an even bigger deal if we
lived in California instead of the Midwest. Obviously the topic of water conservation is still a big
topic in the Midwest because as a nation, people are wasteful and taking having water for granted in
our everyday lives. Although scientists and astronomers are learning how they can get water from
comets and asteroids if planet Earth were to run out of water one day it is still in the experimental
phase and is not a for sure thing on Earth. For the time being, instead of wasting the water, in
people's everyday life's they can help reduce the risk of water going completely extinct by
understanding how the water is going to waste, solutions to saving water, and being smart when
dealing with landscaping.
People say that the Earth is running short on water but never seem to point out that there are some
backup plans that are being put into action and tested out currently by scientist. When people think
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How Water Is Used For Water Essay
1.Domestic– this is basically the main use of water. Such as drinking water, washing clothes, dishes,
cars, bathing, preparing your food, brushing your teeth, flushing the toilet, etc. It is estimated that
10% of worldwide water use is for household purposes used in every home. 2.Agricultural– water is
used for the growing of our foods. Much of our fresh water is also used outdoors for watering
lawns, flower beds, and vegetable gardens. The agricultural sector is by far the biggest user of
freshwater. It is estimated that 70% of worldwide fresh water is used for irrigation. 3.Recreation–
water is needed for swimming, fishing, and canoeing, boating, rafting and for anything possible in
water. 4.Transportation– Transportation is yet another way that we use water. Also, people use
boats and ferries to travel to and from work every day and cruise ships or just going sailing.
5.Industrial– water is used by industries to generate electricity, transport people and goods and
manufacture things. It is estimated that 20% of worldwide water use is industrial. These include
power plants, that uses water for cooling or as a power source (i.e. hydroelectric plants), and oil
refineries, which uses water in the chemical procedures, and manufacturing plants, that use water as
a solvent. 6.Environmental– water is used for firefighting, street cleaning, and watering public areas
such as parks, grass, trees and flowers. It is also used to fill public fountains and the
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Persuasive Essay On Water Conservation
Before tackling the problem of water conservation, it is crucial to know the aspects of the issues.
Water depletion results from lack of precipitation and dwindling amounts of snow pack that allow
the use of run off. Due to the gradual increase of climate, both of these water supplies have
decreased and research has shown the continued drop in water reserves. At this rate, the demand
for water will outweigh its supply, leading to massive drought. California especially faces this
problem since it uses the most water out of all fifty states in America. The California Water
Science Center states that on average, each Californian uses 181 gallons of water every day,
which amounts to about 355,000 million gallons a year. They also state that in a typical Southern
California city, the most annual rainfall gained is 19.5 inches, which is not enough to sustain
large communities. This data shows why it is critical to conserve current stored water and reduce
the use of future water obtained. A common action that members of communities plagued with
drought often participate in is wasting water while waiting for their sink to get hot. This small
daily task can waste gallons of usable water and adds to the problem of a drought. To solve this
issue, one does not need a high IQ or large amounts of money, simply a large pitcher or container of
some kind. While waiting for sink water to get hot, once can simply fill up a container with the
water that is running. Once the water is at its
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Speech On Water Conservation
Dear Reader, Close your eyes and imagine this: it is summer and you are sitting on the edge of
the river bank. You are listening to the water as it swiftly rushes by you. You can see how the
Sun's light glistens off the transparent cyan water. A state of serenity overcomes you. There are
birds chirping all around and the most beautiful butterflies hovering around some nearby shrubs.
Now, open your eyes and go look at the closest river. Do you notice all the trash along the banks?
How about the water? Do you see the motor oil shining on it? Not so peaceful is it? Sadly, this is
a very common sight for most waterways in Kentucky. According to National Geographic,
developing countries dump 70 percent of their waste into the water. Yet water is very essential
for life. This is why we must have good water conservation practices. Without water conservation
the only way for us to have rivers like what I described will be when we imagine them. On
November 7, 2017, three classes of high school students at Red Bird Christian High School did a
water assessment of Red Bird River with the local Forestry Department. I had the opportunity to be
part of one of the classes. We studied macroinvertebrates and what they mean for the health of the
river. In the water assessment we took a D–net and in different spots of the river we went across
kicking up the dirt and rocks. After cleaning the net out into a bucket we cleared out all the leaves
and rocks. We looked at the rocks for any sign of
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Water Conservation
Water is essential for life on earth. Water is needed for growing food, keeping ourselves clean,
generating power, controlling fire and most importantly to stay alive! This list is simply non–ending.
This shows that water is an integral part of our daily life and we are heavily dependent on it.
Water conservation–
Refers to reducing the usage of water and recycling of waste water for different purposes such as
cleaning, manufacturing, and agricultural irrigation.
Water conservation can be defined as:
1. A reduction in water use accomplished by implementation of water conservation or water
efficiency measures; or, 2. Improved water management practices that reduce or enhance
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Using less water also puts less pressure on our sewage treatment facilities, and uses less energy for
water supply to the grid.
Why should you conserve water?
There are many good reasons to conserve water. Water conservation can help meet future needs.
Saving water will save you money. Water conservation helps preserve the environment. Saving water
will save energy.
Although water conservation helps, some people have misconceptions about what water
conservation can and can't do. If we all work together to conserve water, we can help assure a bright
and prosperous life for future generations. Become an advocate of conservation in your community.
Help promote conservation as a wise and important water management principle.
Conserving water saves you money! Not only will your water bill go down, but as you use less
water, your gas or energy bill will also decline. If your whole community conserves, you will also
pay less fees for water–related services. Water conserving communities will not need to pay as much
to develop new supplies and expand or upgrade water and wastewater infrastructure.
Wise usage of water helps us in saving money. We have to pay for the water we use. If we use less
water, we will have more money left to spend on other things.
Preserve the Environment–
Water is the life–blood of
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Human beings and ecological systems depend on water for survival (Kenneth). No human, animal
or plant can survive for long without this essential commodity. For us humans, water is the
driving engine of most of our economic and recreational activities. For instance, we depend on
water for the production of energy in industries, transportation and outdoor recreation. Most of us
equally depend on water for the provision of amenity and cultural values. Barlow and Clarke state
that one cannot simply whisk away the crisis of fresh water we have in the world today (25). For
us, fresh water is very essential for direct consumption. A huge majority of plants and animals also
depend on fresh water for survival. Experts predict that if we do more content...
The first solution would lie in addressing the amount of water we use for agricultural purposes
(McCarthy). In the United States of America, millions of tons of agricultural output are realized
courtesy of over–pumping. To address the concern of diverting a lot of water for agricultural use,
farmers ought to adopt water conserving agricultural practices. That would include changing certain
cropping methods and adopting the use of drip–sprinklers instead of the traditional horse pipes.
Some would argue against such a move as being a contributing factor to food shortages. The truth
is that it would in fact prevent wastages that are occasioned by surplus production. Most farmers
in the U.S. are normally engaged in commercial agriculture. By adhering to apt agricultural
practices, they would save the country from producing excess products that would simply be
wasted. Water harvesting during rainy seasons would also be a good way to conserve the finite
fresh water. This would not only ensure that a lot of water is not wasted in irrigation, but would
also result in cost cutting for farmers. In addition to saving on the cost of irrigation water, farmers
would not incur a lot of electricity costs that accrue from pumping water from rivers or lakes. For
such a solution to be arrived at, the federal government would have to play a central role. It would
have to come up with policies and legislations that govern
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Argumentative Essay On Water Pollution
In recent times, a popular issue that sparks much controversy amongst the population is Pollution.
Since the Industrial Revolution, pollution has been rapidly increasing, whether it be air pollution or
soil pollution, the effects are prevalent. From the Great Barrier Reef slowly dying, to the polar ice
caps melting to climate change, pollution has been much more noticeable than in prior times.
Although, it is clear that pollution is causing great issues for our environment, many fail to
acknowledge the issue and or simply overlook the issues, especially if they do not notice how these
issues affect them personally. These effects on our environment actually impact the human body and
can affect different systems within the body such as the respiratory, reproductive orimmune system.
An issue that deserves recognition would be that of the affects of water pollution and access to clean
water on the immune system. Water is an essential factor for the survival of human beings. As a
matter of fact, life can occur on Earth because of water. Although, waster is an essential to life,
there are many in have little to no access to clean water. Water is necessary because it can help
nutrients travel within the body as well as filter out the kidneys. If one was to drink polluted water,
then they are exposing their body's systems to harmful bacteria that can harm the different systems
such as the respiratory, immune and nerve system. Exposure to water pollution and lack of access to
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Water Pollution In Florida Essay
Water is a necessity for human life and Earth's environment. As the Earth's population continues to
grow we continue to strain the Earth for its water supply. Water pollution is when there is a
biological change in the nature of the water biologically typically in a negative way. As water
pollution began as natural causes through animals and other environmental issues as the increase in
human activity over the years there was an expansion in water pollution. As the increase in
contamination is obviously due to the excess of human activity due to the earth's history it affects
them the most. With Florida being a highly populated state surrounded by large bodies of water puts
us at a greater risk of contamination. As Florida being a prime vacation spot the demand for clean
refreshing water should be high, but with the ongoing water contamination the likelihood of that isn't
very high. If this continues then Florida's being a beautiful vacation home would turn into an
environmental dump.
Many people do not acknowledge the importance of water in life and how polluted water can
become. The pollution of water in Florida is a factor that developed with time. Florida in the
beginning was completely underwater. Many settlers dug wells and built dams on the rivers to be
able to drink water (Florida's Water...2002). The population started to grow rapidly in Florida,
resulting in competition for survival.
Florida's population in the 1920's was about 970,000, the growth of the
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Importance Of Water Conservation Essay
Water, the source of life, is essential in supporting both our daily and business activities. In our
daily activities, we need water to make food, to shower, to wash clothes, and to drink to maintain
our body energy, etc. In business activities, we need water to operate restaurant, hotel facilities
like spas and hot tubs, and to generate power, etc. Based on how much we rely on water, there
needs no further emphasis on the importance of water in our lives. Yet, water, this finite resource,
is getting more and more scarce due to either excessive use of water or poor awareness of water
conservation. And as human develops and industrialization process speeds up, our demand for
water has become greater and greater. If we do not pay attention to water conservation, the situation
will get worse, which will lead to drought and affect the nature at the worse. Therefore, it is our
responsibility to conserve water in our daily life, and more importantly in our business operations.
According to a report conducted by United States Environmental Protection Agency, hotels and
restaurants' water usage account for fifteen percent of the total water use in commercial and
institutional facilities in the United States (Saving Water), so there are many opportunities to
conserve water in these two sectors, and we are going to discuss what can be done and how exactly
do some restaurants and hotels do to conserve water. From the time a restaurant is open, to the time
it is closed, from prepping
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Water Conservation Essay
One of the items people, animals, and our environment cannot live without is water. Water is
extremely vital in the everyday life of everyone in the world from everyday life of drinking,
washing clothes, animals, grains, cleaning, and so many other uses that eliminating water would
eliminate our species as we all depend on the necessity of water. "The water footprint refers to the
volumes of water consumption and pollution that are 'behind' your daily consumption". (Network,
2010) If an average American uses approximately 80–100 gallons of water per day then an average
American needs to change their ways and contribute to a better water footprint. Water is critical for
ecological systems and the health of humans. Animals or more content...
Examples of products and water is that the "global average water footprint: 15500 liters of water
per kg of beef" and the "global average water footprint: 2400 liters of water for one hamburger!"
(Network, 2010) Understanding the amount of water our world uses is imperative as there are many
consequences to follow globally.
The global consequences of using so much water are that globally we are in a water crisis. The
demand for water is always a necessity and as population increases the need for water increases. The
lack of safe drinking water and sanitation varies from country to country. "More than one out of
six people lack access to safe drinking water, namely 1.1 billion people, and more than two out of
six people lack adequate sanitation, namely 2.6 billion people. 2900 children die every day from
water borne diseases". (Council, 2009) Not only is there a crisis with consumption of water for
people but also it is critical that humans reduce the amount of water they use for industrial and
agricultural development in order not to effect the aquatic ecosystems and their species. "Water
covers almost 70 percent of the surface of the globe and is the Earth's most abundant resource.
About 97 percent of the water is the oceans and is too salty for drinking, growing crops, and most
other human resources". (Frederick, 2004)
Since globally there is a water crisis, it is important to conserve as much water as possible every
day. Not only understanding how I
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Importance Of Water Conservation Essay
Water conservation is an important part in everyday lives. People have grown careless of how
they use water, causing lots of it to go to waste. At least twenty nine billion gallons of water are
wasted each day in most American households.Thankfully, there are ways to stop this. The
bathroom is the place where most water is consumed. Many people keep the water on when they
are shaving or brushing their teeth. This leads to tons of gallons of water being wasted every day.
To help conserve water, you should try to take short, five minute showers, instead of long
showers or bubblebaths. If you do take a bath, be sure that you plug the drain as soon as you turn
on the water and adjust the temperature of the water as the tub fills up. The kitchen is another
place where a lot of water is wasted. To prevent this, try to use the dishwasher only when you have
full loads of dishes. Don't use water to defrost frozen foods, but put them in the refrigerator
overnight. Store drinking water in the refrigerator instead of letting the faucet run until it becomes
cold. When doing laundry, make sure only full loads of laundry are washed. Consider purchasing
a washing machine that can save you more water and and prevent high levels of energy
consumption. Two very common ways that people waste water are from leaks and the out doors.
Some people may not even know that their faucet has a leak, causing lots of water to be wasted.
Leaks can waste up to two hundred gallons of water each day.
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Water is everywhere. Not only does water surround the continents but also we are mostly made
up of water and also need it to survive. If we don't have access to water it will significantly affect
our health. The economy will be affected by the water and how expensive it will be. This will lead
to the environmental effects, with farmers not having enough water to keep their farms going. A
variety of authors demonstrate throughout their articles that water is a limited resource and that
humans need to start taking action in every aspect of their lives. However, water conservation
cannot be solved in one way. In order to address the issues of water conservation, we need to inform
people, regulate businesses and protect resources more content...
There is a significant distinction between the amounts of freshwater on the surface and below the
surface. One way to start using our resources better is using the water that is underground instead
of relying on water on the surface. We will soon run out of surface water and once we do then the
countries with poor sanitation will be even worse and there will be a drastic increase in the death
rates. When countries start to use these underground aquifers their people will be healthier and not
die of unnecessary causes.
Some Asian and North African have an easily accessible water resource; if they mismanage their
resources some of the world will be in trouble. This is a global problem and if one country does
not uses its own resources this could lead to a domino effect for other nations. As Leslie states that
the "penalty of mismanagement of this valuable resource is now coming due, and it is no
exaggeration to say that the results could be catastrophic for these countries, and, given their
importance, for the world as a whole." The countries with the highest population are China, India,
Pakistan, Mexico and most of the Middle East and North Africa and they are not utilizing their water
resource and taking advantage of the water they have without thinking of the long term side effects.
These main countries also do not realize that groundwater depletion is one of the most serious
problems in water management says
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Kansas Water Conservation
Water is a resource that has always been available to us, and I feel as a society we have taken it
for granted for many generations. While I was doing the research for this water conservation
essay, it opened my eyes to the importance of my generation to preserve the remaining aquifer.
Although I don't reside in Southwest Kansas, I have very strong ties to this area of Kansas where
the family farm is located. The impact of not preserving water will not only affect our family farm
in Grant and Stevens county, but also the cattle that graze on the grass in the pasture. Along with
our pasture, we have farm ground that is irrigated to raise silage, corn, and wheat; which is sold to
feed yards in the area for cattle. Without water, the more content...
Take shorter showers, turn off the water when we brush our teeth and just be more conscious of
water usage in order to not be wasteful. When it comes to future farmers, they can pay close
attention to water per acre feet regulations and follow them closely. Another way to extend water
when it comes to agriculture is to use less water intensive crops. Examples are grain sorghum, cotton
and sunflowers. Repairing leaks in irrigation and utilizing new and improved ways to irritate are
other possible solutions. One new way to irrigate is the PMDI (Precision Mobile Drip irrigation
technology system called (Dragon–Line). This new system is predicting a potential for 20–50%
water savings compared to conventional irrigation. I believe that for my generation to help with
water conservation, we need to be diligent about educating everyone in the past, present and future
about the importance of not taking this precious natural resource for
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As we all know, water is essential for mankind's survival. However, people seem to believe that our
water supply is endless since there is more water than land on this Earth. Water regenerates and is
redistributed through evaporation, making it seem endlessly renewable. So why worry?
Actually, only one percent of the world's water has the capability of being used by us. About
ninety–seven percent is salty seawater, and two percent is frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps.
That only leaves one percent of the precious water that is to be used by not only people, but used
by animals, plants, and food. Dehydration, which is the lack of water, will kill us faster than
starvation, which is the lack of food. Since the plants more content...
Drought, like a destructing earthquake or flood, is a natural disaster. Drought is an insidious
hazard to nature. It results from a deficiency of precipitation over a long period of time over an
area. Precipitation is any kind of moisture like rain, snow, and sleet. One can determine how
malicious a drought can be by the amount of precipitation, and how long it is (Gleick, 2006).
What Are the Causes of Drought?
Although the main reason a drought occurs is the lack of precipitation, it is also caused by other
factors. High pressure is one of the main contributors of drought. Although a high–pressure system
brings clear, cool weather, if the high–pressure system continues for a long period of time, this will
eventually lead to a drought (100 Ways, 2012).
Another factor that contributes to the causes of drought is the lack of oceanic air mass. Most dry
land is given a nice breeze of water by oceanic winds. However, if these winds are not strong
enough to get the evaporated water to the dry lands, these lands will lack the moisture they
desperately need (100 Ways, 2012).
Deforestation is known to be the destruction of forests and woodlands. It is also one of the causes
that lead up to drought. Deforestation increases the risk of drought by taking all of the groundwater
from soil, which they heavily depend on to stay healthy (Deforestation, 2014).
What Are the Effects of a Drought?
Most people believe that a drought is not as bad as a
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Persuasive Speech : Water Conservation
Speech #4: Persuasive 2 Speech Outlines Guide Complete this form. Copy the entire contents of
the form. Paste it into a new document. Save the new document as "lastnameHW7." Upload it to
the Week 7 Homework Dropbox. Name: Micheal Boor WORKING OUTLINE Complete this
outline using complete sentences. Topic: Water Conservation in the U.S. Specific purpose
statement: To persuade my audience to take action in order to conserve one of the most finite and
precious resources we have in the U.S. Thesis statement (central idea): Access and availability to
fresh water are essential to the survival of the human race. Fresh water is a finite source and once it
is gone, we have limited options to replenish it, so we must take action to conserve the fresh water
we do have especially at home in the United States. Organizational pattern: Motivated Sequence
(required) Attention Step 1.Attention–getter: Many of us in the United States take for granted that
we would always have an infinite supply of fresh water. This is not true; the authors of the Gale
Encyclopedia of Science, K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner wrote that, "less than 3% of
water on Earth is fresh water" (Lerner and Lerner.) 2.Audience relevance: We all rely on access to
fresh water for our very survival; from drinking water to hydroelectric dams, fresh water is an
integral part of your everyday life. 3.Central idea: Access and availability to fresh water are essential
to the survival of the human race. Fresh
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Water Conservation Of Water
The average adult human body can go approximately four days without water. This statement
alone tells us that water is very important to the human body. So what would we do without water
and why is this relevant? Without water we would die and this is a relevant matter because we
are overusing our water sources. If we continue to use too much water, Earth will no longer be
able to support us. According to Madison Powers, we are taking freshwater faster than it can
replenish itself (Par 2). This affects us all because everybody needs water to survive. How do we
solve this issue? Simple. Water conservation. There are some water conservation efforts in place at
this moment. For example in Cynthia Barnett's essay, " Water Works", it is brought up that green
roofs and cisterns can reduce run off by 50–85 percent as well as capture water for outdoor irrigation
(Barnett, 2). Everybody need to work together to cut down on our excessive use of water and help
conserve water in whatever way possible. Freshwater resources are being overused by us
humans. A rarely known fact is that only 2.5% of water on earth is freshwater (Powers, par 12).
Just to add to the problem, most of the freshwater resources we do have are not readily accessible.
When a freshwater source is found, it is quickly used up by our ever growing need for water. A
common estimate for the average amount of water used per day by each person is 80–100 gallons
(USGS, par 1). Take into consideration that we have about 320
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Persuasive Essay On Save Water
Water is something no one can live without. In fact, human bodies are about sixty–five percent water.
Therefore, water conservation is a project everyone should be willing to participate in. Specifically,
in the Logan, Utah area, water conservation is an important topic, as the citizens use water every
day. "In an interview with The Herald Journal, USU sociology professor Douglas Jackson–Smith
said the city's water concerns have the potential to increase, based on Logan's anticipated
population growth by 2050" (Peikes). There is a growing concern about the amount of water the
city will have or be able to produce for the growing population. Although it is important that each
citizen is staying hydrated and being hygienic, people do not need to use so much water in doing
so. Many people have cut back on watering their lawns, or started to take shorter showers, but there
are more options to choose from and ways to conserve water. This problem is solvable, if only more
people would participate and take steps to conserve water.
First, the citizens of Logan, Utah should act in conserving the water supply in Logan for now and for
the future. The actions they can take are simple, and come down to the basic rule "stop using so
much/ wasting water". Each individual resident can take steps to conserve water within their homes.
That is usually the easy part. The hard part about conserving water is getting businesses and the city
itself to conserve water. Businesses waste a substantial
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Water Conservation Essay
"Every month about 3.9 trillion gallons of water is consumed by the United States alone" stated
The Water Information Program. Water conservation is when you use water efficiently and avoid
waste. Our water supply is restricted which means we don't have an endless supply. The Earth
only has 3% of fresh water and we only have access to about 1% of it. We currently have an
increasing population which makes it more important than ever to conserve our water supply. Most
of the water we have access to is either wasted or polluted. We need to take action to help conserve
the water we use today! Water is the most important substance to sustain human life. Water makes up
to 60 percent of the human body. We can survive roughly up to 7–8 days without water. It is
important to conserve water because it minimizes the effects of water shortages during droughts,
water sustains human life, it helps preserve our environment, and it saves money. Conserving water
helps minimize the effects of water shortages during droughts. Even though water eventually returns
back to the Earth, it doesn't always return to the same spot. When an area doesn't get the water it
needs, a drought occurs. A drought occurs when there is a prolonged period of abnormally low
rainfall; resulting in water shortages. Droughts also cause food shortages because when a drought
takes place crops can't grow due to the lack of water. Droughts can cause major damages and some
areas can't recover. Conserving water can
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Water Conservation Essays

  • 1. The Problem Of Water Conservation Water is very important in everyone's daily lives. They need it to shower, brush their teeth, cook, taking care of the landscapes, and most importantly to live. Water is everywhere but as some people say it will soon become scarce due to the fact people are being very wasteful with it. Water conservation is a big topic in the United States when it comes to California, a state known for their droughts. It seems like every years there is always something on the news headlines talking about a drought in California. Conserving water would obviously become an even bigger deal if we lived in California instead of the Midwest. Obviously the topic of water conservation is still a big topic in the Midwest because as a nation, people are wasteful and taking having water for granted in our everyday lives. Although scientists and astronomers are learning how they can get water from comets and asteroids if planet Earth were to run out of water one day it is still in the experimental phase and is not a for sure thing on Earth. For the time being, instead of wasting the water, in people's everyday life's they can help reduce the risk of water going completely extinct by understanding how the water is going to waste, solutions to saving water, and being smart when dealing with landscaping. People say that the Earth is running short on water but never seem to point out that there are some backup plans that are being put into action and tested out currently by scientist. When people think Get more content on
  • 2. How Water Is Used For Water Essay 1.Domestic– this is basically the main use of water. Such as drinking water, washing clothes, dishes, cars, bathing, preparing your food, brushing your teeth, flushing the toilet, etc. It is estimated that 10% of worldwide water use is for household purposes used in every home. 2.Agricultural– water is used for the growing of our foods. Much of our fresh water is also used outdoors for watering lawns, flower beds, and vegetable gardens. The agricultural sector is by far the biggest user of freshwater. It is estimated that 70% of worldwide fresh water is used for irrigation. 3.Recreation– water is needed for swimming, fishing, and canoeing, boating, rafting and for anything possible in water. 4.Transportation– Transportation is yet another way that we use water. Also, people use boats and ferries to travel to and from work every day and cruise ships or just going sailing. 5.Industrial– water is used by industries to generate electricity, transport people and goods and manufacture things. It is estimated that 20% of worldwide water use is industrial. These include power plants, that uses water for cooling or as a power source (i.e. hydroelectric plants), and oil refineries, which uses water in the chemical procedures, and manufacturing plants, that use water as a solvent. 6.Environmental– water is used for firefighting, street cleaning, and watering public areas such as parks, grass, trees and flowers. It is also used to fill public fountains and the Get more content on
  • 3. Persuasive Essay On Water Conservation Before tackling the problem of water conservation, it is crucial to know the aspects of the issues. Water depletion results from lack of precipitation and dwindling amounts of snow pack that allow the use of run off. Due to the gradual increase of climate, both of these water supplies have decreased and research has shown the continued drop in water reserves. At this rate, the demand for water will outweigh its supply, leading to massive drought. California especially faces this problem since it uses the most water out of all fifty states in America. The California Water Science Center states that on average, each Californian uses 181 gallons of water every day, which amounts to about 355,000 million gallons a year. They also state that in a typical Southern California city, the most annual rainfall gained is 19.5 inches, which is not enough to sustain large communities. This data shows why it is critical to conserve current stored water and reduce the use of future water obtained. A common action that members of communities plagued with drought often participate in is wasting water while waiting for their sink to get hot. This small daily task can waste gallons of usable water and adds to the problem of a drought. To solve this issue, one does not need a high IQ or large amounts of money, simply a large pitcher or container of some kind. While waiting for sink water to get hot, once can simply fill up a container with the water that is running. Once the water is at its Get more content on
  • 4. Speech On Water Conservation Dear Reader, Close your eyes and imagine this: it is summer and you are sitting on the edge of the river bank. You are listening to the water as it swiftly rushes by you. You can see how the Sun's light glistens off the transparent cyan water. A state of serenity overcomes you. There are birds chirping all around and the most beautiful butterflies hovering around some nearby shrubs. Now, open your eyes and go look at the closest river. Do you notice all the trash along the banks? How about the water? Do you see the motor oil shining on it? Not so peaceful is it? Sadly, this is a very common sight for most waterways in Kentucky. According to National Geographic, developing countries dump 70 percent of their waste into the water. Yet water is very essential for life. This is why we must have good water conservation practices. Without water conservation the only way for us to have rivers like what I described will be when we imagine them. On November 7, 2017, three classes of high school students at Red Bird Christian High School did a water assessment of Red Bird River with the local Forestry Department. I had the opportunity to be part of one of the classes. We studied macroinvertebrates and what they mean for the health of the river. In the water assessment we took a D–net and in different spots of the river we went across kicking up the dirt and rocks. After cleaning the net out into a bucket we cleared out all the leaves and rocks. We looked at the rocks for any sign of Get more content on
  • 5. Water Conservation WATER CONSERVATION INTRODUCTION: Water is essential for life on earth. Water is needed for growing food, keeping ourselves clean, generating power, controlling fire and most importantly to stay alive! This list is simply non–ending. This shows that water is an integral part of our daily life and we are heavily dependent on it. Water conservation– Refers to reducing the usage of water and recycling of waste water for different purposes such as cleaning, manufacturing, and agricultural irrigation. Water conservation can be defined as: 1. A reduction in water use accomplished by implementation of water conservation or water efficiency measures; or, 2. Improved water management practices that reduce or enhance more content... Using less water also puts less pressure on our sewage treatment facilities, and uses less energy for water supply to the grid. Why should you conserve water? There are many good reasons to conserve water. Water conservation can help meet future needs. Saving water will save you money. Water conservation helps preserve the environment. Saving water will save energy. Although water conservation helps, some people have misconceptions about what water conservation can and can't do. If we all work together to conserve water, we can help assure a bright and prosperous life for future generations. Become an advocate of conservation in your community. Help promote conservation as a wise and important water management principle. [pic]SAVE MONEY– Conserving water saves you money! Not only will your water bill go down, but as you use less water, your gas or energy bill will also decline. If your whole community conserves, you will also pay less fees for water–related services. Water conserving communities will not need to pay as much to develop new supplies and expand or upgrade water and wastewater infrastructure. Wise usage of water helps us in saving money. We have to pay for the water we use. If we use less water, we will have more money left to spend on other things. Preserve the Environment– Water is the life–blood of Get more content on
  • 6. Human beings and ecological systems depend on water for survival (Kenneth). No human, animal or plant can survive for long without this essential commodity. For us humans, water is the driving engine of most of our economic and recreational activities. For instance, we depend on water for the production of energy in industries, transportation and outdoor recreation. Most of us equally depend on water for the provision of amenity and cultural values. Barlow and Clarke state that one cannot simply whisk away the crisis of fresh water we have in the world today (25). For us, fresh water is very essential for direct consumption. A huge majority of plants and animals also depend on fresh water for survival. Experts predict that if we do more content... The first solution would lie in addressing the amount of water we use for agricultural purposes (McCarthy). In the United States of America, millions of tons of agricultural output are realized courtesy of over–pumping. To address the concern of diverting a lot of water for agricultural use, farmers ought to adopt water conserving agricultural practices. That would include changing certain cropping methods and adopting the use of drip–sprinklers instead of the traditional horse pipes. Some would argue against such a move as being a contributing factor to food shortages. The truth is that it would in fact prevent wastages that are occasioned by surplus production. Most farmers in the U.S. are normally engaged in commercial agriculture. By adhering to apt agricultural practices, they would save the country from producing excess products that would simply be wasted. Water harvesting during rainy seasons would also be a good way to conserve the finite fresh water. This would not only ensure that a lot of water is not wasted in irrigation, but would also result in cost cutting for farmers. In addition to saving on the cost of irrigation water, farmers would not incur a lot of electricity costs that accrue from pumping water from rivers or lakes. For such a solution to be arrived at, the federal government would have to play a central role. It would have to come up with policies and legislations that govern Get more content on
  • 7. Argumentative Essay On Water Pollution In recent times, a popular issue that sparks much controversy amongst the population is Pollution. Since the Industrial Revolution, pollution has been rapidly increasing, whether it be air pollution or soil pollution, the effects are prevalent. From the Great Barrier Reef slowly dying, to the polar ice caps melting to climate change, pollution has been much more noticeable than in prior times. Although, it is clear that pollution is causing great issues for our environment, many fail to acknowledge the issue and or simply overlook the issues, especially if they do not notice how these issues affect them personally. These effects on our environment actually impact the human body and can affect different systems within the body such as the respiratory, reproductive orimmune system. An issue that deserves recognition would be that of the affects of water pollution and access to clean water on the immune system. Water is an essential factor for the survival of human beings. As a matter of fact, life can occur on Earth because of water. Although, waster is an essential to life, there are many in have little to no access to clean water. Water is necessary because it can help nutrients travel within the body as well as filter out the kidneys. If one was to drink polluted water, then they are exposing their body's systems to harmful bacteria that can harm the different systems such as the respiratory, immune and nerve system. Exposure to water pollution and lack of access to Get more content on
  • 8. Water Pollution In Florida Essay Water is a necessity for human life and Earth's environment. As the Earth's population continues to grow we continue to strain the Earth for its water supply. Water pollution is when there is a biological change in the nature of the water biologically typically in a negative way. As water pollution began as natural causes through animals and other environmental issues as the increase in human activity over the years there was an expansion in water pollution. As the increase in contamination is obviously due to the excess of human activity due to the earth's history it affects them the most. With Florida being a highly populated state surrounded by large bodies of water puts us at a greater risk of contamination. As Florida being a prime vacation spot the demand for clean refreshing water should be high, but with the ongoing water contamination the likelihood of that isn't very high. If this continues then Florida's being a beautiful vacation home would turn into an environmental dump. Many people do not acknowledge the importance of water in life and how polluted water can become. The pollution of water in Florida is a factor that developed with time. Florida in the beginning was completely underwater. Many settlers dug wells and built dams on the rivers to be able to drink water (Florida's Water...2002). The population started to grow rapidly in Florida, resulting in competition for survival. Florida's population in the 1920's was about 970,000, the growth of the Get more content on
  • 9. Importance Of Water Conservation Essay Water, the source of life, is essential in supporting both our daily and business activities. In our daily activities, we need water to make food, to shower, to wash clothes, and to drink to maintain our body energy, etc. In business activities, we need water to operate restaurant, hotel facilities like spas and hot tubs, and to generate power, etc. Based on how much we rely on water, there needs no further emphasis on the importance of water in our lives. Yet, water, this finite resource, is getting more and more scarce due to either excessive use of water or poor awareness of water conservation. And as human develops and industrialization process speeds up, our demand for water has become greater and greater. If we do not pay attention to water conservation, the situation will get worse, which will lead to drought and affect the nature at the worse. Therefore, it is our responsibility to conserve water in our daily life, and more importantly in our business operations. According to a report conducted by United States Environmental Protection Agency, hotels and restaurants' water usage account for fifteen percent of the total water use in commercial and institutional facilities in the United States (Saving Water), so there are many opportunities to conserve water in these two sectors, and we are going to discuss what can be done and how exactly do some restaurants and hotels do to conserve water. From the time a restaurant is open, to the time it is closed, from prepping Get more content on
  • 10. Water Conservation Essay One of the items people, animals, and our environment cannot live without is water. Water is extremely vital in the everyday life of everyone in the world from everyday life of drinking, washing clothes, animals, grains, cleaning, and so many other uses that eliminating water would eliminate our species as we all depend on the necessity of water. "The water footprint refers to the volumes of water consumption and pollution that are 'behind' your daily consumption". (Network, 2010) If an average American uses approximately 80–100 gallons of water per day then an average American needs to change their ways and contribute to a better water footprint. Water is critical for ecological systems and the health of humans. Animals or more content... Examples of products and water is that the "global average water footprint: 15500 liters of water per kg of beef" and the "global average water footprint: 2400 liters of water for one hamburger!" (Network, 2010) Understanding the amount of water our world uses is imperative as there are many consequences to follow globally. The global consequences of using so much water are that globally we are in a water crisis. The demand for water is always a necessity and as population increases the need for water increases. The lack of safe drinking water and sanitation varies from country to country. "More than one out of six people lack access to safe drinking water, namely 1.1 billion people, and more than two out of six people lack adequate sanitation, namely 2.6 billion people. 2900 children die every day from water borne diseases". (Council, 2009) Not only is there a crisis with consumption of water for people but also it is critical that humans reduce the amount of water they use for industrial and agricultural development in order not to effect the aquatic ecosystems and their species. "Water covers almost 70 percent of the surface of the globe and is the Earth's most abundant resource. About 97 percent of the water is the oceans and is too salty for drinking, growing crops, and most other human resources". (Frederick, 2004) Since globally there is a water crisis, it is important to conserve as much water as possible every day. Not only understanding how I Get more content on
  • 11. Importance Of Water Conservation Essay Water conservation is an important part in everyday lives. People have grown careless of how they use water, causing lots of it to go to waste. At least twenty nine billion gallons of water are wasted each day in most American households.Thankfully, there are ways to stop this. The bathroom is the place where most water is consumed. Many people keep the water on when they are shaving or brushing their teeth. This leads to tons of gallons of water being wasted every day. To help conserve water, you should try to take short, five minute showers, instead of long showers or bubblebaths. If you do take a bath, be sure that you plug the drain as soon as you turn on the water and adjust the temperature of the water as the tub fills up. The kitchen is another place where a lot of water is wasted. To prevent this, try to use the dishwasher only when you have full loads of dishes. Don't use water to defrost frozen foods, but put them in the refrigerator overnight. Store drinking water in the refrigerator instead of letting the faucet run until it becomes cold. When doing laundry, make sure only full loads of laundry are washed. Consider purchasing a washing machine that can save you more water and and prevent high levels of energy consumption. Two very common ways that people waste water are from leaks and the out doors. Some people may not even know that their faucet has a leak, causing lots of water to be wasted. Leaks can waste up to two hundred gallons of water each day. Get more content on
  • 12. Water is everywhere. Not only does water surround the continents but also we are mostly made up of water and also need it to survive. If we don't have access to water it will significantly affect our health. The economy will be affected by the water and how expensive it will be. This will lead to the environmental effects, with farmers not having enough water to keep their farms going. A variety of authors demonstrate throughout their articles that water is a limited resource and that humans need to start taking action in every aspect of their lives. However, water conservation cannot be solved in one way. In order to address the issues of water conservation, we need to inform people, regulate businesses and protect resources more content... There is a significant distinction between the amounts of freshwater on the surface and below the surface. One way to start using our resources better is using the water that is underground instead of relying on water on the surface. We will soon run out of surface water and once we do then the countries with poor sanitation will be even worse and there will be a drastic increase in the death rates. When countries start to use these underground aquifers their people will be healthier and not die of unnecessary causes. Some Asian and North African have an easily accessible water resource; if they mismanage their resources some of the world will be in trouble. This is a global problem and if one country does not uses its own resources this could lead to a domino effect for other nations. As Leslie states that the "penalty of mismanagement of this valuable resource is now coming due, and it is no exaggeration to say that the results could be catastrophic for these countries, and, given their importance, for the world as a whole." The countries with the highest population are China, India, Pakistan, Mexico and most of the Middle East and North Africa and they are not utilizing their water resource and taking advantage of the water they have without thinking of the long term side effects. These main countries also do not realize that groundwater depletion is one of the most serious problems in water management says Get more content on
  • 13. Kansas Water Conservation Water is a resource that has always been available to us, and I feel as a society we have taken it for granted for many generations. While I was doing the research for this water conservation essay, it opened my eyes to the importance of my generation to preserve the remaining aquifer. Although I don't reside in Southwest Kansas, I have very strong ties to this area of Kansas where the family farm is located. The impact of not preserving water will not only affect our family farm in Grant and Stevens county, but also the cattle that graze on the grass in the pasture. Along with our pasture, we have farm ground that is irrigated to raise silage, corn, and wheat; which is sold to feed yards in the area for cattle. Without water, the more content... Take shorter showers, turn off the water when we brush our teeth and just be more conscious of water usage in order to not be wasteful. When it comes to future farmers, they can pay close attention to water per acre feet regulations and follow them closely. Another way to extend water when it comes to agriculture is to use less water intensive crops. Examples are grain sorghum, cotton and sunflowers. Repairing leaks in irrigation and utilizing new and improved ways to irritate are other possible solutions. One new way to irrigate is the PMDI (Precision Mobile Drip irrigation technology system called (Dragon–Line). This new system is predicting a potential for 20–50% water savings compared to conventional irrigation. I believe that for my generation to help with water conservation, we need to be diligent about educating everyone in the past, present and future about the importance of not taking this precious natural resource for Get more content on
  • 14. As we all know, water is essential for mankind's survival. However, people seem to believe that our water supply is endless since there is more water than land on this Earth. Water regenerates and is redistributed through evaporation, making it seem endlessly renewable. So why worry? Actually, only one percent of the world's water has the capability of being used by us. About ninety–seven percent is salty seawater, and two percent is frozen in glaciers and polar ice caps. That only leaves one percent of the precious water that is to be used by not only people, but used by animals, plants, and food. Dehydration, which is the lack of water, will kill us faster than starvation, which is the lack of food. Since the plants more content... Drought, like a destructing earthquake or flood, is a natural disaster. Drought is an insidious hazard to nature. It results from a deficiency of precipitation over a long period of time over an area. Precipitation is any kind of moisture like rain, snow, and sleet. One can determine how malicious a drought can be by the amount of precipitation, and how long it is (Gleick, 2006). What Are the Causes of Drought? Although the main reason a drought occurs is the lack of precipitation, it is also caused by other factors. High pressure is one of the main contributors of drought. Although a high–pressure system brings clear, cool weather, if the high–pressure system continues for a long period of time, this will eventually lead to a drought (100 Ways, 2012). Another factor that contributes to the causes of drought is the lack of oceanic air mass. Most dry land is given a nice breeze of water by oceanic winds. However, if these winds are not strong enough to get the evaporated water to the dry lands, these lands will lack the moisture they desperately need (100 Ways, 2012). Deforestation is known to be the destruction of forests and woodlands. It is also one of the causes that lead up to drought. Deforestation increases the risk of drought by taking all of the groundwater from soil, which they heavily depend on to stay healthy (Deforestation, 2014). What Are the Effects of a Drought? Most people believe that a drought is not as bad as a Get more content on
  • 15. Persuasive Speech : Water Conservation Speech #4: Persuasive 2 Speech Outlines Guide Complete this form. Copy the entire contents of the form. Paste it into a new document. Save the new document as "lastnameHW7." Upload it to the Week 7 Homework Dropbox. Name: Micheal Boor WORKING OUTLINE Complete this outline using complete sentences. Topic: Water Conservation in the U.S. Specific purpose statement: To persuade my audience to take action in order to conserve one of the most finite and precious resources we have in the U.S. Thesis statement (central idea): Access and availability to fresh water are essential to the survival of the human race. Fresh water is a finite source and once it is gone, we have limited options to replenish it, so we must take action to conserve the fresh water we do have especially at home in the United States. Organizational pattern: Motivated Sequence (required) Attention Step 1.Attention–getter: Many of us in the United States take for granted that we would always have an infinite supply of fresh water. This is not true; the authors of the Gale Encyclopedia of Science, K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner wrote that, "less than 3% of water on Earth is fresh water" (Lerner and Lerner.) 2.Audience relevance: We all rely on access to fresh water for our very survival; from drinking water to hydroelectric dams, fresh water is an integral part of your everyday life. 3.Central idea: Access and availability to fresh water are essential to the survival of the human race. Fresh Get more content on
  • 16. Water Conservation Of Water The average adult human body can go approximately four days without water. This statement alone tells us that water is very important to the human body. So what would we do without water and why is this relevant? Without water we would die and this is a relevant matter because we are overusing our water sources. If we continue to use too much water, Earth will no longer be able to support us. According to Madison Powers, we are taking freshwater faster than it can replenish itself (Par 2). This affects us all because everybody needs water to survive. How do we solve this issue? Simple. Water conservation. There are some water conservation efforts in place at this moment. For example in Cynthia Barnett's essay, " Water Works", it is brought up that green roofs and cisterns can reduce run off by 50–85 percent as well as capture water for outdoor irrigation (Barnett, 2). Everybody need to work together to cut down on our excessive use of water and help conserve water in whatever way possible. Freshwater resources are being overused by us humans. A rarely known fact is that only 2.5% of water on earth is freshwater (Powers, par 12). Just to add to the problem, most of the freshwater resources we do have are not readily accessible. When a freshwater source is found, it is quickly used up by our ever growing need for water. A common estimate for the average amount of water used per day by each person is 80–100 gallons (USGS, par 1). Take into consideration that we have about 320 Get more content on
  • 17. Persuasive Essay On Save Water Water is something no one can live without. In fact, human bodies are about sixty–five percent water. Therefore, water conservation is a project everyone should be willing to participate in. Specifically, in the Logan, Utah area, water conservation is an important topic, as the citizens use water every day. "In an interview with The Herald Journal, USU sociology professor Douglas Jackson–Smith said the city's water concerns have the potential to increase, based on Logan's anticipated population growth by 2050" (Peikes). There is a growing concern about the amount of water the city will have or be able to produce for the growing population. Although it is important that each citizen is staying hydrated and being hygienic, people do not need to use so much water in doing so. Many people have cut back on watering their lawns, or started to take shorter showers, but there are more options to choose from and ways to conserve water. This problem is solvable, if only more people would participate and take steps to conserve water. First, the citizens of Logan, Utah should act in conserving the water supply in Logan for now and for the future. The actions they can take are simple, and come down to the basic rule "stop using so much/ wasting water". Each individual resident can take steps to conserve water within their homes. That is usually the easy part. The hard part about conserving water is getting businesses and the city itself to conserve water. Businesses waste a substantial Get more content on
  • 18. Water Conservation Essay "Every month about 3.9 trillion gallons of water is consumed by the United States alone" stated The Water Information Program. Water conservation is when you use water efficiently and avoid waste. Our water supply is restricted which means we don't have an endless supply. The Earth only has 3% of fresh water and we only have access to about 1% of it. We currently have an increasing population which makes it more important than ever to conserve our water supply. Most of the water we have access to is either wasted or polluted. We need to take action to help conserve the water we use today! Water is the most important substance to sustain human life. Water makes up to 60 percent of the human body. We can survive roughly up to 7–8 days without water. It is important to conserve water because it minimizes the effects of water shortages during droughts, water sustains human life, it helps preserve our environment, and it saves money. Conserving water helps minimize the effects of water shortages during droughts. Even though water eventually returns back to the Earth, it doesn't always return to the same spot. When an area doesn't get the water it needs, a drought occurs. A drought occurs when there is a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall; resulting in water shortages. Droughts also cause food shortages because when a drought takes place crops can't grow due to the lack of water. Droughts can cause major damages and some areas can't recover. Conserving water can Get more content on