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28 October 2013

Sport Injuries
Mohammad Alsofyani
Teaching Assistant – Orthopedic Department

6th MBBS - Surgery Module


Sport Injuries

Upper Limb

Lower Limb


Frozen Shoulder

PCL Injury

Tennis Elbow

Meniscal Injury

Golfer’s Elbow

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

ACL Injury

Ankle Sprain

28 October 2013

Upper Limb

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

Impingement Syndrome.
Frozen Shoulder.
Tennis Elbow
Golfer‟s Elbow.

28 October 2013

1. Impingement Syndrome
 Anatomy:
 The shoulder consists of three
bones (humerus, scapula and
 2 joints
(glenohumeral, acromioclavicular
 2 articulations
(scapulothoracic, acromiohumer
al) that are joined by several
interconnecting ligaments and
layers of muscles.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

1. Impingement Syndrome
 Anatomy:
 Rotator cuff is a group of muscles and their tendons
that act to stabilize the shoulder.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

1. Impingement Syndrome




Nerve Supply


fossa of scapula

tubercle of

Abduct the

Suprascapular nerve


fossa of scapula

tubercle of


Suprascapular nerve

Teres Minor

Lateral border of

tubercle of


Axillary nerve



Lesser tubercle


Upper and lower
subscapular nerves

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

1. Impingement Syndrome
 Definition: Is a painful disorder which is thought to
arise from repetitive compression or rubbing of
the rotator cuff.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

1. Impingement Syndrome
 Pathophysiology:



6th MBBS - Surgery Module




Rotator Cuff

28 October 2013

1. Impingement Syndrome
 Grades:




Grade I

18 – 30 years

tendinitis –
subacromial bursitis


Grade II

40 – 45 years

tendinitis –
subacromial bursitis –
partial tear - fibrosis

Overuse –

Grade III

Over 45 years

tendinitis –
subacromial bursitis –
progressive fibrosis –
disruption of the cuff

Overuse – Fall –
degeneration in
the cuff

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

1. Impingement Syndrome
 Clinical Features:
 Pain.
 Swelling.
 Limitation of shoulder movement.
 Muscle atrophy.
 Tenderness over greater tuberosity.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

1. Impingement Syndrome
 Diagnosis:

Clinical Examinations
6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

1. Impingement Syndrome
 Diagnosis:
 Clinical tests:
1. The painful arc: on active abduction, the
pain is aggravated as the arm transverses
an arc between 60° and 120°.

2. The impingement sign: The scapula is
stabilized with one hand while the other
raises the affected arm in flexion,
abduction and internal rotation. The test is
positive when the pain is elicited.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

1. Impingement Syndrome
 Diagnosis:
 Non-invasive:
1. X-ray.
2. MRI.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

1. Impingement Syndrome
 Diagnosis:
 Invasive:
1. Arthrography: Dye is injected into
the glenohumeral joint and
postinjection radiographs are filmed
to assess the integrity of the
glenohumeral joint. If dye escapes
out of the joint and into the
subacromial space, it is diagnostic
of a full-thickness rotator cuff tear.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

1. Impingement Syndrome
 Diagnosis:
 Invasive:
1. Arthroscopy: Minimally invasive visual surgical
procedure to assess shoulder pathology.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

1. Impingement Syndrome
 Management:
 Conservative:
1. It consists of rest, heat, massage, NSAIDs, local
infiltration of hydrocortisone.
2. Exercises both active and passive.
3. Temporary immobilization.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

1. Impingement Syndrome
 Management:
 Operative:
1. Failure of conservative treatment for three months.
2. Patients are young and active.
3. Increase loss of shoulder function.
 Methods:
1. Excision of calcium deposits.
2. Repair of incomplete tear.
3. Acromioplasty.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

2. Frozen Shoulder
(Adhesive Capsulitis)
 Definition: it is a disorder characterized by progressive

pain and stiffness of the shoulder which usually resolves
spontaneously after about 18 months.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

2. Frozen Shoulder
(Adhesive Capsulitis)
 Etiology: Idiopathic
 Risk Factors:
 Diabetes.
 Dupuytren‟s disease.

 Hyperlipidemia.
 Hyperthyroidism.
 Cardiac disease.
 Hemiplegia.
 After recovery from neurosurgery.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

2. Frozen Shoulder
(Adhesive Capsulitis)
 Clinical Features:
 Age 40 – 60 years.
 70% of patients are women.
 Pain gradually increases in severity and
often prevents sleeping on the
affected side.
 After several months it begins to
 Stiffness becomes an increasing
problem, continuing for another 6-12
months after pain has disappeared.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

2. Frozen Shoulder
(Adhesive Capsulitis)

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

•Duration 9-15
•Minimal pain
except at end of
limitation of ROM
with rigid end

Stage 3 (Thawing or Recovery)

•Duration 1-9
•Pain with active
and passive
limitation with
flexion, abductio
n, external and
internal rotation.

Stage 2 (Frozen)

Stage 1 (Freezing)

 Stages:

•Duration 15-24
•Minimal pain.
improvement in

28 October 2013

2. Frozen Shoulder
(Adhesive Capsulitis)
 Diagnosis:

“Not every stiff or painful shoulder is a frozen shoulder. And
indeed there is some controversy over the criteria for
diagnosing frozen shoulder” (Zuckerman et al., 1994)

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

2. Frozen Shoulder
(Adhesive Capsulitis)
 Diagnosis:
 The diagnosis of frozen shoulder is clinical resting on
two characteristic features:
1. Painful restriction of the movement in the presence
of normal x-rays.

2. A natural progression through three successive

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

2. Frozen Shoulder
(Adhesive Capsulitis)
 Management:
 Conservative:
1. To relieve pain and prevent further stiffness.
2. Analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs.
3. Reassure the patient that recovery is certain.
4. Pendulum exercises are encouraged.
5. Once the acute pain has subsided, manipulation
under general anesthesia may improve the range
of movement.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

2. Frozen Shoulder
(Adhesive Capsulitis)
 Management:
 Operative:
1. Surgery doesn‟t have a well-defined role.
2. The main indication is prolonged and disabling
restriction of movement which fails to respond to
conservative treatment.
3. The rotator interval and coracohumeral ligament
are released and the coracoacromial ligament is

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

3. Tennis Elbow (Lateral
 Definition: Pain and tenderness over the lateral

epicondyle of the elbow (The bony insertion of the
common extensor tendons).

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

3. Tennis Elbow (Lateral
 Mechanisms: Forceful repetitive wrist extension.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

3. Tennis Elbow (Lateral
 Clinical Features:
 Active individual of 30 or 40 years.
 Gradual pain and localized to the lateral
 The elbow looks normal, and flexion and extension
are full and painless.
 Pain can be elicited by:
1. Extending the elbow.
2. Pronating the forearm.

3. Passively flexing the wrist.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

3. Tennis Elbow (Lateral
 Management:
 Conservative:
1. Rest and physiotherapy.
2. Injection of the tender area with
corticosteroid and local anesthetic
relieves pain.
3. Using a brace centered over the
back of your forearm may also help
relieve symptoms of tennis elbow.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

3. Tennis Elbow (Lateral
 Management:
 Operative:
1. Persistent of symptoms for 6 to 12 months.
2. A few cases are sufficiently persistent or recurrent.
3. Release of lateral epicondylar muscles.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

4. Golfer‟s Elbow (Medial
 Definition: Is very similar to Tennis Elbow but occurs on
the medial side of the elbow where the flexor origins
are effected.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

4. Golfer‟s Elbow (Medial
 Mechanisms: overuse flingers flexion.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

4. Golfer‟s Elbow (Medial
 Clinical Features:
 Resisted wrist and finger flexion in pronation will
provoke the pain

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

Lower Limb

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

ACL Injury.
PCL Injury.
Meniscal Injury.
Ankle Sprain.

28 October 2013

1. ACL Injury
 Anatomy:
 Origin:
1. Medial and anterior aspect of the
tibial plateau.
 Insertion:
1. Lateral femoral condyle.
 Function:
1. provide approximately 85% of total
restraining force of anterior
2. Prevents excessive tibial medial
and lateral rotation.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

1. ACL Injury
 Definition: One of the most common knee injuries is
an anterior cruciate ligament sprain or tear.

 Mechanisms:
 Hyperextension force.
 Twisting force on a semiflexed knee.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

1. ACL Injury
 Mechanisms:
 Hyperextension force.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

1. ACL Injury
 Mechanisms:
 Twisting force on a semiflexed knee.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

1. ACL Injury
 Clinical Features:
 Immediately collapse and is painful.
 Popping sensation felt or heard.
 Swelling.
 Giving away.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

1. ACL Injury
 Classification:
 Ligaments sprain are classified in three degrees:
1. 1st Degree: Tear of only a few fibers of the ligament.
Minimal swelling, localized tenderness but little
functional disability.

2. 2nd Degree: Almost all the fibers of a ligament are
disrupted. Pain, swelling and inability to use the
limb. Joint movements are normal.
3. 3rd Degree: complete tear of the ligament

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

1. ACL Injury
 Diagnosis:

Clinical Examinations
6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

1. ACL Injury
 Diagnosis:
 Clinical Examinations:
1. Lachman‟s test.
2. Anterior drawer test.
3. Pivot shift test.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

1. ACL Injury
 Diagnosis:
 Radiological Examinations:
1. Plain X-ray: to demonstrate bone avulsed or
associated fracture.
2. MRI

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

1. ACL Injury
 Diagnosis:
 Arthroscopy:
1. May be needed in cases where doubt

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

1. ACL Injury
 Management:
 Conservative:
1. Most cases of grades I and II.
2. The hematoma is aspirated and the knee is
immobilized in a commercially available knee
3. After a few weeks, the adequate strength can be
regained by physiotherapy.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

1. ACL Injury
 Management:
 Operative:
1. Indicated in multiple ligaments injured
knee, especially in young athletes.
2. Performed 2-3 weeks after injury after acute phase
3. Methods:
a) Repair of the ligament: performed for fresh. Additional
reinforcement is provided by a fascial or tendon graft
(Tendon of Hamstring).

b) Reconstruction: in cases of ligament injuries presenting

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

2. PCL Injury
 Anatomy:
 Origin:
1. The posterior intercondylar area of
the tibia.
 Insertion:
1. Medial condyle of the femur.
 Function:
1. keeps the tibia from moving
backwards too far.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

2. PCL Injury
 Definition: It is less common than ACL tears.

 Mechanisms:
 Backward force on tibia.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

2. PCL Injury
 Clinical Features:
 Pain with swelling that occurs steadily and quickly
after the injury.
 Swelling that makes the knee stiff and may cause a

 Difficulty walking.
 The knee feels unstable, like it may "give out”.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

3. Meniscal Injury
 Anatomy:
 The semilunar cartilages are two crescentshaped plates of fibrocartilage placed on
condylar surface of the tibia
 Functions:

1. Increase the stability of the knee.
2. Controlling the complex rolling and
gliding actions of the joint.
3. Distributing load during movement.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

3. Meniscal Injury
 Definition: Medial meniscus is more commonly injured
than the lateral and is usually associated with other
ligament injuries of the knee.

 Mechanisms:
 Medial meniscal:
1. In young: twisting force with the knee bent and
taking weight.
2. In middle age: fibrosis has decreased the mobility
of meniscus and hence tear occurs with less force.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

3. Meniscal Injury
 Mechanisms:

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

3. Meniscal Injury
 Classifications

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

3. Meniscal Injury
 Clinical Features:
 Usually a young person.
 Pain (usually on the medial side).
 Knee is „locked‟ in partial flexion.
 Sometimes the knee gives way spontaneously.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

3. Meniscal Injury
 Diagnosis:
 Clinical Examinations:
1. McMurray‟s Test.
2. Apley Compression Test.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

3. Meniscal Injury
 Diagnosis:
 Radiological Examinations:
1. Plain X-ray
2. MRI

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

3. Meniscal Injury
 Diagnosis:
 Arthroscopy:
1. May be needed in cases
where doubt persists.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

3. Meniscal Injury
 Management:
 Conservative:
1. Indicated in patients soon after injury with no
2. If knee is locked, it is manipulated under general
3. The is immobilized for 2-3 weeks followed by

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

3. Meniscal Injury
 Management:
 Operative:
1. Indicated if the joint can‟t be unlocked and if
symptoms are recurrent.
2. Closed partial meniscectomy via an arthroscope is
better than total removal of the menisci by open

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

4. Ankle Sprain
 Anatomy:
 Ligaments of the ankle:
1. Anterior talofibular ligament.
2. Calcaneofibular ligament.
3. Posterior talofibular ligament.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

4. Ankle Sprain
 Definition: Common injury in sport. If
improperly treated it may result in
chronic laxity, pain or delayed

 Mechanisms:
 Inversion of supinated planter flexed

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

4. Ankle Sprain
 Clinical Features:
 Anterior talofibular ligament commonly injured
followed by Calcaneofibular ligament.
 The posterior talofibular ligament is rarely sprained.
 Pain, swelling and tenderness over the affected

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

4. Ankle Sprain
 Diagnosis:
 Clinical:
1. Anterior Drawer Test: If the displacement of talus is
more than 8 mm anterior, it suggests laxity of the
anterior talofibular ligament.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

4. Ankle Sprain
 Diagnosis:
 Radiological Examinations:
1. X-ray : AP of the ankle to assess talar tilt.
2. Talar tilt test:
 Examiner stabilizes the leg with one hand while inverting
plantar flexed heel with the other hand.
 Alternatively, place the patient's leg in the lateral
position, hanging off the table.
 A strap is applied around the ankle which courses
around the lateral side of the ankle.

 A 4 kg wt is then applied which forces the ankle into
inversion and plantar flexion.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

4. Ankle Sprain
 Diagnosis:
 Radiological Examinations:
1. Talar tilt test: If the tilt is
more than 5°, it suggests
laxity of anterior talofibular
and calcaneofibular

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

4. Ankle Sprain
 Management:
 Grade I:
1. Ice therapy, compression bandage, foot
elevation, NSAIDs, are the recommended

 Grade II:
1. Long leg cast, range of motion
exercises, strengthening exercises are helpful.
 Grade III:
1. Same lines as mentioned above and sometimes
may require surgical repair.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

Case Study

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

A 25-year-old man was playing football for his local
team. While going in for a tackle he sustained a
twisting injury to his knee. There was no immediate
swelling. He continued to play for about ten
minutes to the end of the game but then
complained of some pain in the medial aspect of
his knee. He awoke the next day with a painful
swelling in the knee and so consults his general

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

This young man has some mild
marked tenderness to palpation
over the medial joint line. He has
normal varus/valgus stability of
the knee and a negative
anterior draw and Lachman‟s
test. The range of motion is full. A
plain x ray shows good
space, and MRI film is shown.

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

 What is the diagnosis?
 What are the common clinical features of this injury?
 How would you manage this injury?

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

Textbook of Orthopedics (John Ebnezar).
Aply‟s System of Orthopedics and Fractures.
Essential of Orthopedics (RM Shenoy).
Essential Orthopedics (J.Maheshwari).
Field Guide to Fracture Management (Richard B.
 Current Diagnosis and Treatment of Orthopedic
(Harry B. Skinner).
 Essential Orthopedic and Trauma (David J. Dandy)
 Pocket of Orthopedics and Fractures. (Ronald

6th MBBS - Surgery Module

28 October 2013

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Sport Injuries

  • 1. 28 October 2013 Sport Injuries Mohammad Alsofyani Teaching Assistant – Orthopedic Department 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 1
  • 2. 2 Syllabus Sport Injuries Upper Limb Lower Limb Impingement Syndrome Frozen Shoulder PCL Injury Tennis Elbow Meniscal Injury Golfer’s Elbow 6th MBBS - Surgery Module ACL Injury Ankle Sprain 28 October 2013
  • 3. 3 Upper Limb 1. 2. 3. 4. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module Impingement Syndrome. Frozen Shoulder. Tennis Elbow Golfer‟s Elbow. 28 October 2013
  • 4. 4 1. Impingement Syndrome  Anatomy:  The shoulder consists of three bones (humerus, scapula and clavicle).  2 joints (glenohumeral, acromioclavicular ).  2 articulations (scapulothoracic, acromiohumer al) that are joined by several interconnecting ligaments and layers of muscles. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 5. 5 1. Impingement Syndrome  Anatomy:  Rotator cuff is a group of muscles and their tendons that act to stabilize the shoulder. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 6. 6 1. Impingement Syndrome Muscle Origin Insertion Action Nerve Supply Supraspinatus Supraspinous fossa of scapula Greater tubercle of humerus Abduct the arm Suprascapular nerve Infraspinatus Infracspinous fossa of scapula Greater tubercle of humerus External rotation Suprascapular nerve Teres Minor Lateral border of scapula Greater tubercle of humerus External rotation Axillary nerve Subscapularis Subscapular fossa Lesser tubercle Internal rotation Upper and lower subscapular nerves 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 7. 7 1. Impingement Syndrome  Definition: Is a painful disorder which is thought to arise from repetitive compression or rubbing of the rotator cuff. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 8. 8 1. Impingement Syndrome  Pathophysiology: Degeneration Trauma 6th MBBS - Surgery Module Vascular Reaction Swelling Impingement Rotator Cuff Disruption 28 October 2013
  • 9. 9 1. Impingement Syndrome  Grades: Grade Age Cause Mechanism Grade I 18 – 30 years Supraspinatus tendinitis – subacromial bursitis overuse Grade II 40 – 45 years Supraspinatus tendinitis – subacromial bursitis – partial tear - fibrosis Overuse – degeneration (Osteoarthritis) Grade III Over 45 years Supraspinatus tendinitis – subacromial bursitis – progressive fibrosis – disruption of the cuff Overuse – Fall – atrophic degeneration in the cuff 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 10. 10 1. Impingement Syndrome  Clinical Features:  Pain.  Swelling.  Limitation of shoulder movement.  Muscle atrophy.  Tenderness over greater tuberosity. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 11. 11 1. Impingement Syndrome  Diagnosis: Arthroscopy Radiological Examinations Clinical Examinations 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 12. 12 1. Impingement Syndrome  Diagnosis:  Clinical tests: 1. The painful arc: on active abduction, the pain is aggravated as the arm transverses an arc between 60° and 120°. 2. The impingement sign: The scapula is stabilized with one hand while the other raises the affected arm in flexion, abduction and internal rotation. The test is positive when the pain is elicited. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 13. 13 1. Impingement Syndrome  Diagnosis:  Non-invasive: 1. X-ray. 2. MRI. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 14. 14 1. Impingement Syndrome  Diagnosis:  Invasive: 1. Arthrography: Dye is injected into the glenohumeral joint and postinjection radiographs are filmed to assess the integrity of the glenohumeral joint. If dye escapes out of the joint and into the subacromial space, it is diagnostic of a full-thickness rotator cuff tear. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 15. 15 1. Impingement Syndrome  Diagnosis:  Invasive: 1. Arthroscopy: Minimally invasive visual surgical procedure to assess shoulder pathology. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 16. 16 1. Impingement Syndrome  Management:  Conservative: 1. It consists of rest, heat, massage, NSAIDs, local infiltration of hydrocortisone. 2. Exercises both active and passive. 3. Temporary immobilization. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 17. 17 1. Impingement Syndrome  Management:  Operative: 1. Failure of conservative treatment for three months. 2. Patients are young and active. 3. Increase loss of shoulder function.  Methods: 1. Excision of calcium deposits. 2. Repair of incomplete tear. 3. Acromioplasty. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 18. 18 2. Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)  Definition: it is a disorder characterized by progressive pain and stiffness of the shoulder which usually resolves spontaneously after about 18 months. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 19. 19 2. Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)  Etiology: Idiopathic  Risk Factors:  Diabetes.  Dupuytren‟s disease.  Hyperlipidemia.  Hyperthyroidism.  Cardiac disease.  Hemiplegia.  After recovery from neurosurgery. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 20. 20 2. Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)  Clinical Features:  Age 40 – 60 years.  70% of patients are women.  Pain gradually increases in severity and often prevents sleeping on the affected side.  After several months it begins to subside.  Stiffness becomes an increasing problem, continuing for another 6-12 months after pain has disappeared. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 21. 21 2. Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis) 6th MBBS - Surgery Module •Duration 9-15 months. •Minimal pain except at end of ROM. •Significant limitation of ROM with rigid end feel. Stage 3 (Thawing or Recovery) •Duration 1-9 months. •Pain with active and passive ROM. •Significant limitation with flexion, abductio n, external and internal rotation. Stage 2 (Frozen) Stage 1 (Freezing)  Stages: •Duration 15-24 months. •Minimal pain. •Progressive improvement in ROM 28 October 2013
  • 22. 22 2. Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)  Diagnosis: “Not every stiff or painful shoulder is a frozen shoulder. And indeed there is some controversy over the criteria for diagnosing frozen shoulder” (Zuckerman et al., 1994) 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 23. 23 2. Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)  Diagnosis:  The diagnosis of frozen shoulder is clinical resting on two characteristic features: 1. Painful restriction of the movement in the presence of normal x-rays. 2. A natural progression through three successive stages. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 24. 24 2. Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)  Management:  Conservative: 1. To relieve pain and prevent further stiffness. 2. Analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs. 3. Reassure the patient that recovery is certain. 4. Pendulum exercises are encouraged. 5. Once the acute pain has subsided, manipulation under general anesthesia may improve the range of movement. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 25. 25 2. Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)  Management:  Operative: 1. Surgery doesn‟t have a well-defined role. 2. The main indication is prolonged and disabling restriction of movement which fails to respond to conservative treatment. 3. The rotator interval and coracohumeral ligament are released and the coracoacromial ligament is excised. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 26. 26 3. Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)  Definition: Pain and tenderness over the lateral epicondyle of the elbow (The bony insertion of the common extensor tendons). 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 27. 27 3. Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)  Mechanisms: Forceful repetitive wrist extension. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 28. 28 3. Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)  Clinical Features:  Active individual of 30 or 40 years.  Gradual pain and localized to the lateral epicondyle.  The elbow looks normal, and flexion and extension are full and painless.  Pain can be elicited by: 1. Extending the elbow. 2. Pronating the forearm. 3. Passively flexing the wrist. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 29. 29 3. Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)  Management:  Conservative: 1. Rest and physiotherapy. 2. Injection of the tender area with corticosteroid and local anesthetic relieves pain. 3. Using a brace centered over the back of your forearm may also help relieve symptoms of tennis elbow. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 30. 30 3. Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis)  Management:  Operative: 1. Persistent of symptoms for 6 to 12 months. 2. A few cases are sufficiently persistent or recurrent. 3. Release of lateral epicondylar muscles. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 31. 31 4. Golfer‟s Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis)  Definition: Is very similar to Tennis Elbow but occurs on the medial side of the elbow where the flexor origins are effected. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 32. 32 4. Golfer‟s Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis)  Mechanisms: overuse flingers flexion. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 33. 33 4. Golfer‟s Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis)  Clinical Features:  Resisted wrist and finger flexion in pronation will provoke the pain 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 34. 34 Lower Limb 1. 2. 3. 4. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module ACL Injury. PCL Injury. Meniscal Injury. Ankle Sprain. 28 October 2013
  • 35. 35 1. ACL Injury  Anatomy:  Origin: 1. Medial and anterior aspect of the tibial plateau.  Insertion: 1. Lateral femoral condyle.  Function: 1. provide approximately 85% of total restraining force of anterior translation. 2. Prevents excessive tibial medial and lateral rotation. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 36. 36 1. ACL Injury  Definition: One of the most common knee injuries is an anterior cruciate ligament sprain or tear.  Mechanisms:  Hyperextension force.  Twisting force on a semiflexed knee. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 37. 37 1. ACL Injury  Mechanisms:  Hyperextension force. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 38. 38 1. ACL Injury  Mechanisms:  Twisting force on a semiflexed knee. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 39. 39 1. ACL Injury  Clinical Features:  Immediately collapse and is painful.  Popping sensation felt or heard.  Swelling.  Giving away. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 40. 40 1. ACL Injury  Classification:  Ligaments sprain are classified in three degrees: 1. 1st Degree: Tear of only a few fibers of the ligament. Minimal swelling, localized tenderness but little functional disability. 2. 2nd Degree: Almost all the fibers of a ligament are disrupted. Pain, swelling and inability to use the limb. Joint movements are normal. 3. 3rd Degree: complete tear of the ligament 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 41. 41 1. ACL Injury  Diagnosis: Arthroscopy Radiological Examinations Clinical Examinations 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 42. 42 1. ACL Injury  Diagnosis:  Clinical Examinations: 1. Lachman‟s test. 2. Anterior drawer test. 3. Pivot shift test. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 43. 43 1. ACL Injury  Diagnosis:  Radiological Examinations: 1. Plain X-ray: to demonstrate bone avulsed or associated fracture. 2. MRI 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 44. 44 1. ACL Injury  Diagnosis:  Arthroscopy: 1. May be needed in cases where doubt persists. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 45. 45 1. ACL Injury  Management:  Conservative: 1. Most cases of grades I and II. 2. The hematoma is aspirated and the knee is immobilized in a commercially available knee immobilizer. 3. After a few weeks, the adequate strength can be regained by physiotherapy. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 46. 46 1. ACL Injury  Management:  Operative: 1. Indicated in multiple ligaments injured knee, especially in young athletes. 2. Performed 2-3 weeks after injury after acute phase subsided. 3. Methods: a) Repair of the ligament: performed for fresh. Additional reinforcement is provided by a fascial or tendon graft (Tendon of Hamstring). b) Reconstruction: in cases of ligament injuries presenting late. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 47. 47 2. PCL Injury  Anatomy:  Origin: 1. The posterior intercondylar area of the tibia.  Insertion: 1. Medial condyle of the femur.  Function: 1. keeps the tibia from moving backwards too far. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 48. 48 2. PCL Injury  Definition: It is less common than ACL tears.  Mechanisms:  Backward force on tibia. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 49. 49 2. PCL Injury  Clinical Features:  Pain with swelling that occurs steadily and quickly after the injury.  Swelling that makes the knee stiff and may cause a limp.  Difficulty walking.  The knee feels unstable, like it may "give out”. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 50. 50 3. Meniscal Injury  Anatomy:  The semilunar cartilages are two crescentshaped plates of fibrocartilage placed on condylar surface of the tibia  Functions: 1. Increase the stability of the knee. 2. Controlling the complex rolling and gliding actions of the joint. 3. Distributing load during movement. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 51. 51 3. Meniscal Injury  Definition: Medial meniscus is more commonly injured than the lateral and is usually associated with other ligament injuries of the knee.  Mechanisms:  Medial meniscal: 1. In young: twisting force with the knee bent and taking weight. 2. In middle age: fibrosis has decreased the mobility of meniscus and hence tear occurs with less force. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 52. 52 3. Meniscal Injury  Mechanisms: 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 53. 53 3. Meniscal Injury  Classifications 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 54. 54 3. Meniscal Injury  Clinical Features:  Usually a young person.  Pain (usually on the medial side).  Knee is „locked‟ in partial flexion.  Sometimes the knee gives way spontaneously. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 55. 55 3. Meniscal Injury  Diagnosis:  Clinical Examinations: 1. McMurray‟s Test. 2. Apley Compression Test. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 56. 56 3. Meniscal Injury  Diagnosis:  Radiological Examinations: 1. Plain X-ray 2. MRI 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 57. 57 3. Meniscal Injury  Diagnosis:  Arthroscopy: 1. May be needed in cases where doubt persists. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 58. 58 3. Meniscal Injury  Management:  Conservative: 1. Indicated in patients soon after injury with no locking. 2. If knee is locked, it is manipulated under general anesthesia. 3. The is immobilized for 2-3 weeks followed by physiotherapy. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 59. 59 3. Meniscal Injury  Management:  Operative: 1. Indicated if the joint can‟t be unlocked and if symptoms are recurrent. 2. Closed partial meniscectomy via an arthroscope is better than total removal of the menisci by open surgery. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 60. 60 4. Ankle Sprain  Anatomy:  Ligaments of the ankle: 1. Anterior talofibular ligament. 2. Calcaneofibular ligament. 3. Posterior talofibular ligament. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 61. 61 4. Ankle Sprain  Definition: Common injury in sport. If improperly treated it may result in chronic laxity, pain or delayed recovery.  Mechanisms:  Inversion of supinated planter flexed foot. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 62. 62 4. Ankle Sprain  Clinical Features:  Anterior talofibular ligament commonly injured followed by Calcaneofibular ligament.  The posterior talofibular ligament is rarely sprained.  Pain, swelling and tenderness over the affected ligament. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 63. 63 4. Ankle Sprain  Diagnosis:  Clinical: 1. Anterior Drawer Test: If the displacement of talus is more than 8 mm anterior, it suggests laxity of the anterior talofibular ligament. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 64. 64 4. Ankle Sprain  Diagnosis:  Radiological Examinations: 1. X-ray : AP of the ankle to assess talar tilt. 2. Talar tilt test:  Examiner stabilizes the leg with one hand while inverting plantar flexed heel with the other hand.  Alternatively, place the patient's leg in the lateral position, hanging off the table.  A strap is applied around the ankle which courses around the lateral side of the ankle.  A 4 kg wt is then applied which forces the ankle into inversion and plantar flexion. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 65. 65 4. Ankle Sprain  Diagnosis:  Radiological Examinations: 1. Talar tilt test: If the tilt is more than 5°, it suggests laxity of anterior talofibular and calcaneofibular ligaments 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 66. 66 4. Ankle Sprain  Management:  Grade I: 1. Ice therapy, compression bandage, foot elevation, NSAIDs, are the recommended treatment.  Grade II: 1. Long leg cast, range of motion exercises, strengthening exercises are helpful.  Grade III: 1. Same lines as mentioned above and sometimes may require surgical repair. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 67. 67 Case Study 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 68. 68 History A 25-year-old man was playing football for his local team. While going in for a tackle he sustained a twisting injury to his knee. There was no immediate swelling. He continued to play for about ten minutes to the end of the game but then complained of some pain in the medial aspect of his knee. He awoke the next day with a painful swelling in the knee and so consults his general practitioner. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 69. 69 Examination This young man has some mild swelling, associated with marked tenderness to palpation over the medial joint line. He has normal varus/valgus stability of the knee and a negative anterior draw and Lachman‟s test. The range of motion is full. A plain x ray shows good preservation of the joint space, and MRI film is shown. 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 70. 70 Questions  What is the diagnosis?  What are the common clinical features of this injury?  How would you manage this injury? 6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013
  • 71. 71 References Textbook of Orthopedics (John Ebnezar). Aply‟s System of Orthopedics and Fractures. Essential of Orthopedics (RM Shenoy). Essential Orthopedics (J.Maheshwari). Field Guide to Fracture Management (Richard B. Birrer).  Current Diagnosis and Treatment of Orthopedic (Harry B. Skinner).  Essential Orthopedic and Trauma (David J. Dandy)  Pocket of Orthopedics and Fractures. (Ronald McRae).      6th MBBS - Surgery Module 28 October 2013