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National 5 Computer
Software Development
Faculty of ICT
Aims - Systems Lesson 1
 To

introduce Course Structure
 Issue Jotters/Resources
 Rules
 5 Box Diagram
 Discuss Hardware/Software/Input/Output
 Create Folder label
Class Rules

Get to class on time and line up quietly with jacket off
Come into class in an orderly fashion and take out folder
No chewing gum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Always sit at the “Theory desks” to see lesson aims
Take out pencil/pen
No talking when I am talking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hands up when answering
Treat others in class with respect
Follow all instructions
Course Outline
 Mandatory


Software Design and Development (3 outcomes)
Information Systems Design and Development (2

 Evidence

should be gathered throughout the
year to meet the 5 outcomes
 Assessment

Written Exam 90 marks
Coursework in class 60 marks
Folders to Create
 S4

Computer Science

Software Development
Info Systems Design and Development
5 Box Diagram
Aims - Systems Lesson 2
Last Lesson
 5 Box Diagram
 Hardware/Software/In
put/Output Device
 Folder label

 Main Memory



Create poster on
AM and ROM
Main Memory
 Main

Memory can either be RAM or

 Random Access Memory




RAM holds all the data currently in use by
the Computer System
Volatile = the contents are lost when the
Computer is Switched off
Processor can read and write to RAM at
high speed
Typically 4-8Gb in a Desktop
Main Memory
 Read


Only Memory

Data is stored permanently and cannot be
Data is written to ROM at manufacture
Lesson Starter

Give 3 examples of Input Devices
What does RAM and ROM stand for?
What is the difference between RAM and
Aims - Systems Lesson 3
Last Lesson
 Main Memory



Hardware Poster

 The Processor


ALU/Control Unit

Find 4 devices and
take a note of their
Processor Speed
The Processor
The processor or Central Processing Unit is the
brain of the computer where all the decision
making, calculations etc are carried out
 We send instructions (programs) to the processor
to get the computer to do something
 Processor speed (clock speed) is measure in how
many millions of instructions the processor can
process per second (typically 3-4Ghz)
 Dual Core = 2 processors
 Quad Core = 4 processors
Parts of the Processor
 Control



Makes sure programs are processed in
the correct order
Is responsible for bringing data from
RAM into the processor

 Arithmetic

Logic Unit

Performs calculations
Makes decisions using AND, OR, NOT
and IF
 Registers

are storage locations inside the

 Memory Address Register

These Registers store the addresses of where the
data came from in RAM

 Memory

Data Register

These store the data that has been read from
RAM or going to be written back to RAM
Backing Storage


A Backing Storage device is a 
piece of hardware that is used
to store data permanently when
the computer is switched off


Hard Disk (500Gb – 1TB)
Magnetic Tape (500TB +)
USB Memory Stick (2GB- 64Gb)


CDROM/R/RW (750Mb)
ROM = written at manufacture
Recordable = store to once then ROM
Rewriteable = save over the top of items

Sequential Access = This
is Backing Storage where
you access data in a
particular order
Direct Access = This
Backing Storage allows
you to access data in any
An interface is a piece of hardware
positioned between a peripheral and
the CPU. The interface
compensates for any differences
 Firewire
 Functions




The interface compensates for the
difference in speed
Analogue to Digital Conversion
(Microphone – Processor)
Interface may temporarily store data,
for example, the buffer in the printer
Aims - Systems Lesson 4
Last Lesson
 The Processor
 ALU/Control Unit

 The Processor


Address Bus
 Revision Questions
 Buses

are wires or channels that carry data
to and from the Processor and Main Memory
 Address Bus


Carries Address information from RAM into the
Memory Address Register in the Processor
1 way
The larger the address bus the more addresses
you can access
 Data




Carries data to and from RAM into the Memory
Data Register
2 way
The number of wires in the Data Bus determines
how much data can flow per clock cycle
The width of the Data Bus directly affects
Aims - Systems Lesson 5
Last Lesson
 The Processor



Address Bus

 Data Bus
 Interfaces
Aims - Systems Lesson 6
Last Lesson
 Data Bus
 Interfaces

 Data Storage
 Storage Units
 Storage Calculations
Data Storage


Numbers, Text,
Images, Sound and
video are all stored as
a series of ons and offs
(1s and 0s) inside the
computer system.
These series of 1s and
0s are made up of
pulses of electricity
from 1 volt to 5 volts
Storage Capacities
0 or 1 = 1 bit
8 bits = 1 byte
1024 bytes = 1 Kilobyte
1024 Kilobytes = 1 Megabyte

1024 Megabytes = 1 Gigabyte

1024 Gigabytes = 1 Terabyte
Storage of Music Files


William has an Ipod with a capacity of 1Gigabyte (1Gb). If a song
requires 2 Megabytes of storage space, how many songs can
you store on the Ipod
1Gb = 1024Mb
Ipod = 1024Mb
Song = 2 Megabytes
Number of songs = 1024


512 songs
Storage of Music Files

Drew has an Ipad with a capacity of 32Gigabyte.
If an image requires 512 Kilobytes of storage
space, how many images can you store on the
Lesson Starter
 How

many 4Mb images can you store on an
8Gb Iphone?
Aims - Systems Lesson 7
Last Lesson
 Data Storage
 Storage Units
 Storage Calculations

 Representing positive
whole numbers

Decimal to Binary
Binary to Decimal
Decimal Counting System
When we represent numbers we use the decimal
counting system, for example
 123,000
100 10
 Since the computer is 2 state, the binary counting
system goes up by the power 2, rather than 10 i.e
256 128 64
How Positive Whole Numbers are
128 64 32
= 32 + 2
 134
128 64 32
= 128 + 4 + 2










Binary back to Decimal
1011 0011
128 64
= 128 + 32 + 16 + 2 + 1



Binary Conversion
Convert the following
Decimal Numbers to
 31
 67
 105

Convert the following
Binary Numbers to
1011 0111
0011 0110
0101 1011
Aims - Systems Lesson 8
Last Lesson
 Representing positive  Representing decimal
whole numbers
numbers using
 Decimal to Binary
Floating Point

Binary to Decimal
Representing Non Whole
 How

do we represent the number 128.75 in









 128




+ 0.5 + 0.25
 = 128.75








Mantissa and Exponent

































 Mantissa



 Exponent

8 4 2
1 0 0

How do we represent the number 38.125 using
floating point


























 Mantissa



 Exponent

8 4 2
0 1 1


Representing Non Whole
 Mantissa

relates to the precision of the
number you can represent i.e 34.44454321





 Exponent








relates to the position of the
decimal point and the range of the number
Aims - Systems Lesson 9
Last Lesson
 Representing decimal  Representing
numbers using
Floating Point

How are Characters




Character Set


American Standard Code for
Information Interchange
Each key on the keyboard is
converted into a binary code
using 7 bits
Using 7 bits i.e 2 = 128
characters can be represented
A list of all the characters
which the computer can

Control Characters

Codes 0 to 31 are non
printable characters, for
example tab, return, alt

Character Binary



000 1001



000 1101



010 0000



010 0001



010 0010



011 0001



100 0001



110 0001

 Unicode

is coding system which uses 16 bits
per character
 This allows 2 ^
 65,536 characters can be represented
 Adv

Allows you to represent characters from different

 Dis
 Takes

up more than double the space to
store each character
Binary Message



Lesson Starter



How many characters can be represented in
Give 1 advantage and 1 disadvantage of
Unicode over ASCII
Convert 129 to binary
What 2 items are stored in Floating Point?
Aims - Systems Lesson 10
Last Lesson
 Representing


 Representing Bitmap
 Pixels and Resolution
BIT Map Graphics



Bit Map = the graphic is made up
from a series of pixels

 Pixel

Stands for Picture Element
A pixel is a dot on the screen. It is a graphic
segmented up into its simplest form
Graphics Resolution



The more pixels there
are per inch, the finer
the detail of the image
800 x 600 pixels lower
quality than 1024 x 768
As the number of pixels
increases so does the
storage space required

Pixel Pattern
using 8x8 grid

Pixel Pattern
using 16x16
Aims - Systems Lesson 11
Last Lesson
 Representing Bitmap
 Pixels and Resolution

 Bitmap Calculations
 Vector Images
 Revision on Systems
theory for end of Unit
Bitmap Calculations

have a black and white image that is 400
pixels by 200 pixels. Calculate the storage
requirements of this image to the nearest kb
 I have a black and white image that is 600
pixels by 500 pixels. Calculate the storage
requirements of this image to the nearest kb
 I have a black and white image that is 4
inches by 3 inches with a Resolution of
400dpi. Calculate the storage requirements of
this image to the nearest kb
Bitmap Graphics
 In

a Bitmap package, each pixel is converted
into a series of on and offs 1/0.
 Images cannot overlap, the one on top
replaces the pixels below
 You can edit each individual pixel, for
example, red eye removal
 Gets very pixelated if you scale it up
Vector Graphics
 In

a Vector graphics
package , the image
is made up of shapes
layered on top of each
 The Object attributes
are stored

Shape = circle, startX,
startY, endX, endY,
circle colour, line
Aims - Systems Lesson 12
Last Lesson
 Representing Bitmap
 Pixels and Resolution
 Bitmap Calculations
 Vector Images

 Colour Depth
 Compression
Bit Depth (Colour Depth)


The number of colours you use per pixel
The lower the bit depth = the less colours you
can represent per pixel, this would make the
image poorer quality
Reducing the colour depth reduces the file
size of the Bitmap image
The number of bits used to represent colours
in the graphic

1 bit = black or white
2 bits = 4 colours
3 bits = 8 colours
8 bits = 256 colours
16 bits = 65,536 colours
True colour 24 bits = 16,777,216 colours this is true


This is uncompressed data

 Compression

Where you reduce the file size of an image/ audio file etc
The file will take up less space on Backing Storage,
upload and download faster but some of the quality may
be lost

 Lossy

Compression where some of the original data is lost e.g

 Lossless

Compression where the file size is reduced but none of
the data is lost, e.g GIF




Which bus is unidirectional? (1)
List the 3 parts of the processor (3)
What is the difference between RAM and ROM? (1)
Convert 99 to binary (1)
What is the difference between a Bitmap image and a Vector
image? (1)
How many bits are used per character in ASCII and Unicode? (2)
What is the bitdepth of the image if it is in 65,536 colours? (1)
I have an image that is 700 pixels by 400 pixels in True Colour.
Calculate the storage requirements of the image (2)
What is the difference between Lossy and Lossless
compression? (2)
When storing a real number using Floating Point, what 2 items
are stored? (2)
Aims - Systems Lesson 13
Last Lesson
 Colour Depth
 Compression

 File Formats
 Audio Sampling
Audio Sampling
Standard File Formats






A Standard File Format is a file format that will open up in many
different programs
 TXT = the text is stored but none of the formatting is store
 Rich Text Format = the text and the formatting is stores, e.g. font
style, size etc
 GIF /PNG (lossless)
 JPEG (lossy)
 Bitmap = stores the colour for each pixel = very large file sizes
PDF = an Adobe file format for sharing documents. You cannot edit
the text in a PDF, only view it
Aims - Systems Lesson 12
Last Lesson
 Bitmap Calculations
 Vector Images

 Systems End of Unit
Aims – Software Development
Lesson 1
 Variables
 Variable types
 Creating Variables
 Assigning Data to Variables



A variable is an item of data that is given a name and data type
and is stored in the computers memory for later use in a
Variables can be used to store a variety of different types of data

Variable Types

String = storing text e.g. “Mr HRH” or 01698_420437
Integers = whole numbers e.g. 232
Single = non whole (real) numbers e.g. 34.565
Booleans = storing a yes/no (true/false) value
Characters = stores a single Character e.g. A
Assigning Data to Variables
 Creating



Dim username as string (This will set up a
variable called username to store text)
Dim height as single (This will set up a
variable called height to store a decimal

 Assigning

Data to Variables

username = inputbox(“Please enter your
username”) – This will bring up an input
box asking the user to enter a value and
will store it in the variable “username”
Lesson Starter

What is a variable?
Give 3 different variable types
Aims – Software Development
Lesson 2
Last Lesson
 Variables
 Variable types
 Creating Variables
 Assigning Data to

 Arithmetic Operators
 String Manipulation
Arithmetic Operators
Remember when you are assigning data to
variables you start with the variable name you are
writing to first
area = length * breadth
area = 3.14 * (radius * radius)
answer = numberone / numbertwo
answer = numberone ^ 2
String Manipulation
 Concatenation

Joining together strings
username = forename & surname

 Substrings


Username = left(forename, 3) & right(surname,3)
If your forename = freddie and surname =
mercury this would give you freury
Left and Right are predefined functions
Lesson Starter



I have the variables area, length and
breadth. Write the code to calculate the
area, using the other variables
I have the variables username, firstname
and surname. Write the code that would add
the first 4 characters from firstname to the
last 4 characters in surname, putting this
into the variable username
What is meant by string concatenation?
Aims – Software Development
Lesson 3
Last Lesson
 Arithmetic Operators
 String Manipulation

 Conditional
 Logical Operators
Conditional Statements
 We

use Conditional Statements in
programming to make decisions
 If statements
If userage < 17 then
picDisplay.print “Cannot Drive”
picDisplay.print “Can Drive”
End if
Logical Operators
 Using

AND, OR and Not as part of decision
 AND = when both parts of the condition must
be met for the outcome to happen
If firstname = “Henry” AND surname = “Haggarty” then
outcome = “legend”
End if
 OR

= when 1 part of the condition must be
met for the outcome to happen

If team = “Celtic” OR team = “Rangers” then
supporter = “idiot”
End if
Aims – Software Development
Lesson 4
Last Lesson
 Conditional
 Logical Operators

 Loops

A Loop is used to repeat instructions
 Fixed Loop


A fixed loop repeats the code a set number of

For num = 1 to 10
picDisplay.print “I must not swear”
Next num
Conditional Loops
 Input

Validation is a Standard Algorithm that
is used to ensure the data entered is within a
particular range

1.1 Loop while the number is less than 1 or more than 20
Do while entry < 1 or entry > 20
1.2 Ask the user to enter again
Entry = inputbox(“This is not valid, please enter again”
1.3 Close validation
Nested Loop

loop inside a loop

For num = 1 to 5
rating(num) = inputbox(“Enter movie rating”)
Do while rating(num) < 0 or rating(num) > 5
rating(num) = inputbox(“Not valid”)
Next num
Conditional Loops
Loop Until
‘1.1 Open conditional loop
‘1.2 Ask user to enter question
question = inputbox(“Enter question”)
‘1.3 Loop until they say please
Loop until question = “crisps please”
Aims – Software Development
Lesson 6
Last Lesson
 Nested Loops
 Input Validation

 Predefined Functions
 1 Dimensional Arrays




When you test your program you should use 3
types of test data
Example = this program wants you to enter the
first number in the National Lottery (1 to 49)
Normal = data within the range (30 or 25 or 3)
Extreme = data at the boundaries of the normal
range (1 or 49)
Exceptional = data outside the normal range (50,
231 etc)
Readability of Code
 Someone

else looking at or editing your code
will understand it better if you do the following
 Internal Commentary

Each line of code should have a clear comment
1.1. Ask the user for this firstname
firstname = inputbox(“Please enter your first

 Meaningful

Variable Names

Dim username as string
NOT – dim u as string
This helps you identify exactly what you are
storing in your program
Readability of Code
 Indentation

For loopcounter = 1 to 5
picDisplay.print “Hello World”

Next loopcounter
If surname = “Arthur” then
picDisplay.print “Hello Mr Arthur”
End if
 The

start and end of your loops or If
statements should be aligned vertically so
you can see where they start and end
Design Notations
 In

the Design phase the problem is broken
down into chunks
 The solution to the problem is called the
 Stepwise Refinement = breaking the problem
down into smaller and smaller steps

Graphical Design Notations
Text Based Design Notation
 Pseudocode

Where the stages of the program are broken
down and written in English steps
Lesson Starter



Give 3 ways that you can improve the
Readability of a program
I write a program to calculate how many
yawns Jannat has per day. The program
should take in a value between 0 and 40.
Give 3 tests you could carry out on this
program, listing the test data
What design notation do you currently use to
break problems down into simpler steps
Graphical Design Notations
 Flow


These use different shaped
boxes to represent
programming elements

Diamonds = if statements
Rounded rectangles = loops
Rectangles = calculations
Case Diagram
 This

gives a quick overview of how a
program or system works
 This is a Case Diagram for a Customer
Order System
Activity Diagrams
 More

complex flow chart
 B = start or end of an activity
 Black circle represent the final state
Predefined Functions
 This

is a piece of code that has been
prewritten and you refer to it using a keyword
 Predefined functions only return 1 value
 Examples
 ucase (makes all the characters capital)
 round (this rounds the decimal number to the
nearest whole number)
 format(depth,”##.00”)
 username = left(firstname,3) – This takes the
first 3 characters from the variable username
Aims – Software Development
Lesson 7
Last Lesson
 Predefined Functions
 1 Dimensional Arrays

 Filling Arrays with For
 Testing
1 Dimensional Arrays
 Where

you store a list of data of the same
data type
 Dim username(100) as string
 This would set up an array to store 100
 Each element of the array is identified by the
variable name and index number

username(0) = “arod”
username(1) = “jdog”
username(2) = “eman”

 Option

Base 1
 This makes the array start at index 1
Filling Arrays
For num = 1 to 100
Username(num) = inputbox(“Enter username”)
Next num
Displaying Arrays
For num = 1 to 100
picDisplay.print Username(num)
Next num
Lesson Starter
Lesson Starter
Errors in Code
 Syntax


An error in the sequence of characters in your code
picDisplay.pritn (“Hello World”)

 Execution


An error that prevents a program from running for
example, trying to assign to a variable that has not
been declared

 Logic


An error in the design of the program that will result
in the wrong answer or output
If age > 60 or age < 100 then
picDisplay.print “Pensioner”
Aims – Software Development
Lesson 8
Last Lesson
 Filling Arrays with For
 Testing

 Errors in Code
 Readability
High Level Languages

High Level Language is a programming
language that uses everyday words
 Features

English like words
Build in functions like left, right, mid, ucase
Must be translated to machine code
Portable - Can be run on different platforms

picDisplay.print “HRH is a legend”
Low Level Language Machine
 Machine

Code is the only language a
computer can process
 101010101
 It is an impossible language to program in
and errors would be inevitable
All programs written in a
High Level Language
must be translated to
Machine Code
 Interpreters




Translates and executes
the program one line at a
Errors are highlighted at
each line making them
easier to identify
Interpreter is loaded into
RAM during translation




Translates the High
Level Language
(Source Code) into
Machine Code (Object
Code) in one operation
You can run the Object
Code without the
Translator being
present in RAM
Counting Occurrences
5.1 Set the Counter to 0
5.2 Loop round for all the positions in the array
5.3 If the current position is the Target Value
5.4 Add 1 to Counter
5.5 End If
5.6 End loop
Finding Maximum
3.1 Set the lowest place in the array to maximum
3.2 Loop For the size of the array
3.3 If the current score is higher than maximum then set to maximum
3.4 End if
3.5 End Loop
Linear Search
4.1 Ask user for the target value
4.2 loop for each item in the list
4.3 If current item = target value then
4.4 Display target value
4.5 End if
4.6 End loop

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  • 1. National 5 Computer Science Software Development Faculty of ICT
  • 2. Aims - Systems Lesson 1  To introduce Course Structure  Issue Jotters/Resources  Rules  5 Box Diagram  Discuss Hardware/Software/Input/Output Device  Create Folder label
  • 3. Class Rules 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Get to class on time and line up quietly with jacket off Come into class in an orderly fashion and take out folder No chewing gum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Always sit at the “Theory desks” to see lesson aims Take out pencil/pen No talking when I am talking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hands up when answering Treat others in class with respect Follow all instructions
  • 4. Course Outline  Mandatory   Units Software Design and Development (3 outcomes) Information Systems Design and Development (2 outcomes)  Evidence should be gathered throughout the year to meet the 5 outcomes  Assessment   Written Exam 90 marks Coursework in class 60 marks
  • 5. Folders to Create  S4   Computer Science Software Development Info Systems Design and Development
  • 7. Aims - Systems Lesson 2 Last Lesson  5 Box Diagram  Hardware/Software/In put/Output Device  Folder label Today  Main Memory    RAM ROM Create poster on Hardware/Software/R AM and ROM
  • 8. Main Memory  Main Memory can either be RAM or ROM  Random Access Memory     RAM holds all the data currently in use by the Computer System Volatile = the contents are lost when the Computer is Switched off Processor can read and write to RAM at high speed Typically 4-8Gb in a Desktop
  • 9. Main Memory  Read   Only Memory Data is stored permanently and cannot be changed Data is written to ROM at manufacture
  • 10. Lesson Starter 1. 2. 3. Give 3 examples of Input Devices What does RAM and ROM stand for? What is the difference between RAM and ROM?
  • 11. Aims - Systems Lesson 3 Last Lesson  Main Memory    RAM ROM Hardware Poster Today  The Processor   ALU/Control Unit Find 4 devices and take a note of their Processor Speed
  • 12. The Processor The processor or Central Processing Unit is the brain of the computer where all the decision making, calculations etc are carried out  We send instructions (programs) to the processor to get the computer to do something  Processor speed (clock speed) is measure in how many millions of instructions the processor can process per second (typically 3-4Ghz)  Dual Core = 2 processors  Quad Core = 4 processors 
  • 13. Parts of the Processor  Control   Unit Makes sure programs are processed in the correct order Is responsible for bringing data from RAM into the processor  Arithmetic   Logic Unit Performs calculations Makes decisions using AND, OR, NOT and IF
  • 14. Registers  Registers are storage locations inside the processor  Memory Address Register  These Registers store the addresses of where the data came from in RAM  Memory  Data Register These store the data that has been read from RAM or going to be written back to RAM
  • 15. Backing Storage   A Backing Storage device is a  piece of hardware that is used to store data permanently when the computer is switched off  Magnetic     Hard Disk (500Gb – 1TB) Magnetic Tape (500TB +) USB Memory Stick (2GB- 64Gb) Optical      CDROM/R/RW (750Mb) ROM = written at manufacture Recordable = store to once then ROM Rewriteable = save over the top of items DVDROM/R/RW (4.7Gb) Sequential Access = This is Backing Storage where you access data in a particular order Direct Access = This Backing Storage allows you to access data in any order
  • 16. Interface An interface is a piece of hardware positioned between a peripheral and the CPU. The interface compensates for any differences  USB  Firewire  Functions     The interface compensates for the difference in speed Analogue to Digital Conversion (Microphone – Processor) Interface may temporarily store data, for example, the buffer in the printer
  • 17. Aims - Systems Lesson 4 Last Lesson  The Processor  ALU/Control Unit Today  The Processor  Registers Address Bus  Revision Questions 
  • 19. Buses  Buses are wires or channels that carry data to and from the Processor and Main Memory  Address Bus    Carries Address information from RAM into the Memory Address Register in the Processor 1 way The larger the address bus the more addresses you can access
  • 20. Buses  Data     Bus Carries data to and from RAM into the Memory Data Register 2 way The number of wires in the Data Bus determines how much data can flow per clock cycle The width of the Data Bus directly affects performance
  • 21. Aims - Systems Lesson 5 Last Lesson  The Processor   Registers Address Bus Today  Data Bus  Interfaces
  • 22. Aims - Systems Lesson 6 Last Lesson  Data Bus  Interfaces Today  Data Storage  Storage Units  Storage Calculations
  • 23. Data Storage   Numbers, Text, Images, Sound and video are all stored as a series of ons and offs (1s and 0s) inside the computer system. These series of 1s and 0s are made up of pulses of electricity from 1 volt to 5 volts
  • 24. Storage Capacities 0 or 1 = 1 bit 8 bits = 1 byte 1024 bytes = 1 Kilobyte 1024 Kilobytes = 1 Megabyte 1024 Megabytes = 1 Gigabyte 1024 Gigabytes = 1 Terabyte
  • 25. Storage of Music Files      William has an Ipod with a capacity of 1Gigabyte (1Gb). If a song requires 2 Megabytes of storage space, how many songs can you store on the Ipod 1Gb = 1024Mb Ipod = 1024Mb Song = 2 Megabytes Number of songs = 1024 2 = 512 songs
  • 26. Storage of Music Files  Drew has an Ipad with a capacity of 32Gigabyte. If an image requires 512 Kilobytes of storage space, how many images can you store on the Ipad?
  • 27. Lesson Starter  How many 4Mb images can you store on an 8Gb Iphone?
  • 28. Aims - Systems Lesson 7 Last Lesson  Data Storage  Storage Units  Storage Calculations Today  Representing positive whole numbers   Decimal to Binary Binary to Decimal
  • 29. Decimal Counting System When we represent numbers we use the decimal counting system, for example  123,000 100,000 10,000 1,000 100 10 1 1 2 3 0 0 0  Since the computer is 2 state, the binary counting system goes up by the power 2, rather than 10 i.e 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 
  • 30. How Positive Whole Numbers are Stored 34 128 64 32 0 0 1 = 32 + 2  134 128 64 32 1 0 0 = 128 + 4 + 2  16 0 8 0 4 0 2 1 1 0 16 0 8 0 4 1 2 1 1 0
  • 31. Binary back to Decimal 1011 0011 128 64 32 16 8 1 0 1 1 0 = 128 + 32 + 16 + 2 + 1 =179 4 0 2 1 1 1
  • 32. Binary Conversion Convert the following Decimal Numbers to Binary  31  67  105  Convert the following Binary Numbers to Decimal 1011 0111 0011 0110 0101 1011 
  • 33. Aims - Systems Lesson 8 Last Lesson Today  Representing positive  Representing decimal whole numbers numbers using  Decimal to Binary Floating Point  Binary to Decimal
  • 34. Representing Non Whole Numbers  How do we represent the number 128.75 in binary? 128 64 32 16 1 0 0 0  128 8 0 4 2 0 + 0.5 + 0.25  = 128.75 1 0 0.5 0 1 0.25 0.125 1 0 0.0625 0
  • 36. How do we represent the number 38.125 using floating point 32 16 8 4 2 1 0.5 0.25 0.125 0.0625 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1  Mantissa 1 0 0  Exponent 6 8 4 2 0 1 1 1 0 0
  • 37. Representing Non Whole Numbers  Mantissa relates to the precision of the number you can represent i.e 34.44454321 8 4 2 1  Exponent 0.5 0.25 0.125 0.075 0.0375 0.01875 0.009375 relates to the position of the decimal point and the range of the number
  • 38. Aims - Systems Lesson 9 Last Lesson Today  Representing decimal  Representing numbers using characters Floating Point  ASCII  Unicode
  • 39. How are Characters Represented  ASCII     Character Set   American Standard Code for Information Interchange Each key on the keyboard is converted into a binary code using 7 bits 7 Using 7 bits i.e 2 = 128 characters can be represented A list of all the characters which the computer can process Control Characters  Codes 0 to 31 are non printable characters, for example tab, return, alt Character Binary Decimal tab 000 1001 9 return 000 1101 13 space 010 0000 32 ! 010 0001 33 ‘ 010 0010 34 1 011 0001 49 A 100 0001 65 a 110 0001 97
  • 40. Unicode  Unicode is coding system which uses 16 bits per character 16  This allows 2 ^ characters  65,536 characters can be represented  Adv  Allows you to represent characters from different languages  Dis  Takes up more than double the space to store each character
  • 42. Lesson Starter 1. 2. 3. 4. How many characters can be represented in ASCII? Give 1 advantage and 1 disadvantage of Unicode over ASCII Convert 129 to binary What 2 items are stored in Floating Point?
  • 43. Aims - Systems Lesson 10 Last Lesson  Representing characters   ASCII Unicode Today  Representing Bitmap images  Pixels and Resolution
  • 44. BIT Map Graphics SCREEN MEMORY PIXEL Bit Map = the graphic is made up from a series of pixels MEMORY REQUIRED 8 BITS X 8 BITS = 64 BITS = 8 BYTES
  • 45. Pixels/Resolution  Pixel   Stands for Picture Element A pixel is a dot on the screen. It is a graphic segmented up into its simplest form
  • 46. Graphics Resolution    The more pixels there are per inch, the finer the detail of the image 800 x 600 pixels lower quality than 1024 x 768 As the number of pixels increases so does the storage space required Pixel Pattern using 8x8 grid Pixel Pattern using 16x16 grid
  • 47. Aims - Systems Lesson 11 Last Lesson  Representing Bitmap images  Pixels and Resolution Today  Bitmap Calculations  Vector Images  Revision on Systems theory for end of Unit Test
  • 48. Bitmap Calculations I have a black and white image that is 400 pixels by 200 pixels. Calculate the storage requirements of this image to the nearest kb  I have a black and white image that is 600 pixels by 500 pixels. Calculate the storage requirements of this image to the nearest kb  I have a black and white image that is 4 inches by 3 inches with a Resolution of 400dpi. Calculate the storage requirements of this image to the nearest kb
  • 49. Bitmap Graphics  In a Bitmap package, each pixel is converted into a series of on and offs 1/0.  Images cannot overlap, the one on top replaces the pixels below  You can edit each individual pixel, for example, red eye removal  Gets very pixelated if you scale it up
  • 50. Vector Graphics  In a Vector graphics package , the image is made up of shapes layered on top of each other  The Object attributes are stored  Shape = circle, startX, startY, endX, endY, circle colour, line thickness
  • 51. Aims - Systems Lesson 12 Last Lesson  Representing Bitmap images  Pixels and Resolution  Bitmap Calculations  Vector Images Today  Colour Depth  Compression
  • 52. Bit Depth (Colour Depth)     The number of colours you use per pixel The lower the bit depth = the less colours you can represent per pixel, this would make the image poorer quality Reducing the colour depth reduces the file size of the Bitmap image The number of bits used to represent colours in the graphic       1 bit = black or white 2 bits = 4 colours 3 bits = 8 colours 8 bits = 256 colours 16 bits = 65,536 colours True colour 24 bits = 16,777,216 colours this is true colour
  • 53. Compression  RAW  This is uncompressed data  Compression   Where you reduce the file size of an image/ audio file etc The file will take up less space on Backing Storage, upload and download faster but some of the quality may be lost  Lossy  Compression where some of the original data is lost e.g a JPEG  Lossless  Compression where the file size is reduced but none of the data is lost, e.g GIF
  • 54. Quiz 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Which bus is unidirectional? (1) List the 3 parts of the processor (3) What is the difference between RAM and ROM? (1) Convert 99 to binary (1) What is the difference between a Bitmap image and a Vector image? (1) How many bits are used per character in ASCII and Unicode? (2) What is the bitdepth of the image if it is in 65,536 colours? (1) I have an image that is 700 pixels by 400 pixels in True Colour. Calculate the storage requirements of the image (2) What is the difference between Lossy and Lossless compression? (2) When storing a real number using Floating Point, what 2 items are stored? (2)
  • 55. Aims - Systems Lesson 13 Last Lesson  Colour Depth  Compression Today  File Formats  Audio Sampling
  • 57. Standard File Formats       A Standard File Format is a file format that will open up in many different programs Text  TXT = the text is stored but none of the formatting is store  Rich Text Format = the text and the formatting is stores, e.g. font style, size etc Audio  MP3/WAV Image  GIF /PNG (lossless)  JPEG (lossy)  Bitmap = stores the colour for each pixel = very large file sizes Video  AVI/MOV/MPEG4 PDF = an Adobe file format for sharing documents. You cannot edit the text in a PDF, only view it
  • 58. Aims - Systems Lesson 12 Last Lesson  Bitmap Calculations  Vector Images Today  Systems End of Unit Test
  • 59. Aims – Software Development Lesson 1 Today  Variables  Variable types  Creating Variables  Assigning Data to Variables
  • 60. Variables    A variable is an item of data that is given a name and data type and is stored in the computers memory for later use in a program Variables can be used to store a variety of different types of data Variable Types      String = storing text e.g. “Mr HRH” or 01698_420437 Integers = whole numbers e.g. 232 Single = non whole (real) numbers e.g. 34.565 Booleans = storing a yes/no (true/false) value Characters = stores a single Character e.g. A
  • 61. Assigning Data to Variables  Creating   Variables Dim username as string (This will set up a variable called username to store text) Dim height as single (This will set up a variable called height to store a decimal number)  Assigning  Data to Variables username = inputbox(“Please enter your username”) – This will bring up an input box asking the user to enter a value and will store it in the variable “username”
  • 62. Lesson Starter 1. 2. What is a variable? Give 3 different variable types
  • 63. Aims – Software Development Lesson 2 Last Lesson  Variables  Variable types  Creating Variables  Assigning Data to Variables Today  Arithmetic Operators  String Manipulation
  • 64. Arithmetic Operators Remember when you are assigning data to variables you start with the variable name you are writing to first area = length * breadth area = 3.14 * (radius * radius) answer = numberone / numbertwo answer = numberone ^ 2
  • 65. String Manipulation  Concatenation   Joining together strings username = forename & surname  Substrings    Username = left(forename, 3) & right(surname,3) If your forename = freddie and surname = mercury this would give you freury Left and Right are predefined functions
  • 66. Lesson Starter 1. 2. 3. I have the variables area, length and breadth. Write the code to calculate the area, using the other variables I have the variables username, firstname and surname. Write the code that would add the first 4 characters from firstname to the last 4 characters in surname, putting this into the variable username What is meant by string concatenation?
  • 67. Aims – Software Development Lesson 3 Last Lesson  Arithmetic Operators  String Manipulation Today  Conditional Statements  Logical Operators
  • 68. Conditional Statements  We use Conditional Statements in programming to make decisions  If statements If userage < 17 then picDisplay.print “Cannot Drive” Else picDisplay.print “Can Drive” End if
  • 69. Logical Operators  Using AND, OR and Not as part of decision statements  AND = when both parts of the condition must be met for the outcome to happen If firstname = “Henry” AND surname = “Haggarty” then outcome = “legend” End if  OR = when 1 part of the condition must be met for the outcome to happen If team = “Celtic” OR team = “Rangers” then supporter = “idiot” End if
  • 70. Aims – Software Development Lesson 4 Last Lesson  Conditional Statements  Logical Operators Today  Loops   Fixed Conditional
  • 71. Loops A Loop is used to repeat instructions  Fixed Loop   A fixed loop repeats the code a set number of times For num = 1 to 10 picDisplay.print “I must not swear” Next num
  • 72. Conditional Loops  Input Validation is a Standard Algorithm that is used to ensure the data entered is within a particular range 1.1 Loop while the number is less than 1 or more than 20 Do while entry < 1 or entry > 20 1.2 Ask the user to enter again Entry = inputbox(“This is not valid, please enter again” 1.3 Close validation loop
  • 73. Nested Loop A loop inside a loop For num = 1 to 5 rating(num) = inputbox(“Enter movie rating”) Do while rating(num) < 0 or rating(num) > 5 rating(num) = inputbox(“Not valid”) Loop Next num
  • 74. Conditional Loops Loop Until ‘1.1 Open conditional loop Do ‘1.2 Ask user to enter question question = inputbox(“Enter question”) ‘1.3 Loop until they say please Loop until question = “crisps please”
  • 75. Aims – Software Development Lesson 6 Last Lesson  Nested Loops  Input Validation Today  Predefined Functions  1 Dimensional Arrays
  • 76. Testing      When you test your program you should use 3 types of test data Example = this program wants you to enter the first number in the National Lottery (1 to 49) Normal = data within the range (30 or 25 or 3) Extreme = data at the boundaries of the normal range (1 or 49) Exceptional = data outside the normal range (50, 231 etc)
  • 77. Readability of Code  Someone else looking at or editing your code will understand it better if you do the following  Internal Commentary    Each line of code should have a clear comment 1.1. Ask the user for this firstname firstname = inputbox(“Please enter your first name”)  Meaningful    Variable Names Dim username as string NOT – dim u as string This helps you identify exactly what you are storing in your program
  • 78. Readability of Code  Indentation For loopcounter = 1 to 5 picDisplay.print “Hello World” Next loopcounter If surname = “Arthur” then picDisplay.print “Hello Mr Arthur” End if  The start and end of your loops or If statements should be aligned vertically so you can see where they start and end
  • 79. Design Notations  In the Design phase the problem is broken down into chunks  The solution to the problem is called the Algorithm  Stepwise Refinement = breaking the problem down into smaller and smaller steps   Graphical Design Notations Pseudocode
  • 80. Text Based Design Notation  Pseudocode  Where the stages of the program are broken down and written in English steps
  • 81. Lesson Starter 1. 2. 3. Give 3 ways that you can improve the Readability of a program I write a program to calculate how many yawns Jannat has per day. The program should take in a value between 0 and 40. Give 3 tests you could carry out on this program, listing the test data What design notation do you currently use to break problems down into simpler steps
  • 82. Graphical Design Notations  Flow  Charts These use different shaped boxes to represent programming elements    Diamonds = if statements Rounded rectangles = loops Rectangles = calculations
  • 83. Case Diagram  This gives a quick overview of how a program or system works  This is a Case Diagram for a Customer Order System
  • 84. Activity Diagrams  More complex flow chart  B = start or end of an activity  Black circle represent the final state
  • 85. Predefined Functions  This is a piece of code that has been prewritten and you refer to it using a keyword  Predefined functions only return 1 value  Examples  ucase (makes all the characters capital)  round (this rounds the decimal number to the nearest whole number)  format(depth,”##.00”)  username = left(firstname,3) – This takes the first 3 characters from the variable username
  • 86. Aims – Software Development Lesson 7 Last Lesson  Predefined Functions  1 Dimensional Arrays Today  Filling Arrays with For Loops  Testing
  • 87. 1 Dimensional Arrays  Where you store a list of data of the same data type  Dim username(100) as string  This would set up an array to store 100 usernames  Each element of the array is identified by the variable name and index number    username(0) = “arod” username(1) = “jdog” username(2) = “eman”  Option Base 1  This makes the array start at index 1
  • 88. Arrays Filling Arrays For num = 1 to 100 Username(num) = inputbox(“Enter username”) Next num Displaying Arrays For num = 1 to 100 picDisplay.print Username(num) Next num
  • 91.
  • 92. Errors in Code  Syntax   Error An error in the sequence of characters in your code picDisplay.pritn (“Hello World”)  Execution  Error An error that prevents a program from running for example, trying to assign to a variable that has not been declared  Logic Error An error in the design of the program that will result in the wrong answer or output If age > 60 or age < 100 then picDisplay.print “Pensioner” 
  • 93. Aims – Software Development Lesson 8 Last Lesson  Filling Arrays with For Loops  Testing Today  Errors in Code  Readability
  • 94.
  • 95.
  • 96. High Level Languages A High Level Language is a programming language that uses everyday words  Features     English like words Build in functions like left, right, mid, ucase Must be translated to machine code Portable - Can be run on different platforms picDisplay.print “HRH is a legend”
  • 97. Low Level Language Machine Code  Machine Code is the only language a computer can process  101010101  It is an impossible language to program in and errors would be inevitable
  • 98. Translators All programs written in a High Level Language must be translated to Machine Code  Interpreters     Translates and executes the program one line at a time Errors are highlighted at each line making them easier to identify Interpreter is loaded into RAM during translation  Compilers   Translates the High Level Language (Source Code) into Machine Code (Object Code) in one operation You can run the Object Code without the Translator being present in RAM
  • 99.
  • 100.
  • 101. Counting Occurrences 5.1 Set the Counter to 0 5.2 Loop round for all the positions in the array 5.3 If the current position is the Target Value 5.4 Add 1 to Counter 5.5 End If 5.6 End loop
  • 102. Finding Maximum 3.1 Set the lowest place in the array to maximum 3.2 Loop For the size of the array 3.3 If the current score is higher than maximum then set to maximum 3.4 End if 3.5 End Loop
  • 103. Linear Search 4.1 Ask user for the target value 4.2 loop for each item in the list 4.3 If current item = target value then 4.4 Display target value 4.5 End if 4.6 End loop