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Social Science
Social Science
- a category of academic disciplines,
concerned with society and the
relationships among individuals within
a society.
- the discipline that studies the chronological
record of events (as affecting a nation or
people), based on a critical examination of
source materials and usually presenting an
explanation of their causes.
- seeks to analyze and describe the
production, distribution, and consumption of
wealth. It is the allocation of limited wants to
supply the unlimited wants of the people.
- scientific discipline that studies mental states
and processes and behaviour in humans and
other animals.
- the scientific study of the material remains of
past human life and activities.
- the science that deals with the study of the
human culture and how it evolves through
Political Science
- the science that deals with the study of
politics, government and institutions
- the science that deals with the study of the
society, its origin, development, networks and
- A group of people living together in
organized communities, following a common
laws, virtues, customs and traditions.
- Originated from the Latin word “socius” and
“societas” which means companion and from
the French term “societe” which means
Theories on the Origin of Society
- theory about the origin of society due to the
endless tension that happens within a group or
- Suggested by Karl Marx
Conflict Theory
Structural-Functional Theory
- theory about the origin of the society due to
the harmonious relationship between its
- popularized by Herbert Spencer, presents
these parts of society as "organs" that work
toward the proper functioning of the "body" as
a whole.
Symbolic Interaction Theory
- theory about the origin of society based on
the communication and connection between
the members of the community.
- Founded by George Herbert Mead
Social Institutions
considered as the bedrock or foundation of the society
a formal institution designated to preserve and transfer
cultural knowledge and identity to the members of a society
a social institution generally responsible for the production
and allocation of scarce resources and services
a social institution which states policy and law
an institution responsible for the circulation of vital
information among the members of society
an organized collection of beliefs intended to explain
the meaning, origin and purpose of life and existence.
A complex whole that encompasses beliefs,
practices, values, attitudes, laws, norms, artifacts,
symbols and knowledge that a person learns and
shares as a member of a community.
Richley Crapo, a system of ideas, feelings and
survival strategies shared in a particular group. A
structure that unifies a human group and gives it an
identity as a society.
Aspects of Culture
- Culture is diverse
- Culture is complex
- Culture requires language
- Culture is dynamic
- Culture is organic
Material and Non-Material
Subculture and Counterculture
Born Again
Dating Daan
Democracy CommunismX
Real and Ideal Culture
Elements of Culture
acceptable standards
Organized and repetitive patterns that society have come
to accept. Acceptable behavior of the folks or members of
the society
Valued folkways that involves moral or ethical values,
respecting authority, marriage and sex behavior patterns,
religious rituals and the like.
Formalized mores that are legislated, approved and
implemented in a society.
are ideas that people hold to be true, factual and real.
Belief are either scientific or non-scientific
are illustrations that used to represents a particular
of something. It may be used to represent, express and/or
stand for an event, situation, person or idea.
- The process by which beings develop from
earlier beings.
- Change of place of position or posture.
- Evolutionary development of human
characteristics that made hominids (organisms
belonging in the Homogenus) distinct from
their primate ancestors.
Homo rudolfensis
- The first hominid discovered by
anthropologist Richard Leakey in Kenya 1972.
- Some scholars believes that this species
should be classified under the genus
Homo habilis
- Owe the first relics of tools
- The first hominids who uses tools (stone) in
Homo erectus
- Best represented by the Java Man.
Discovered in Java, Indonesia. Believed to be
crucial in defining the moments by which
humanity evolved.
- Discovered fire ( there were a lot of
saying/theories how it was discovered
Homo neanderthalensis
- Neanderthal are more similar to Homo Erectus, who walked
erect and had big crania.
- Found in Africa and Asia
- They were more primitive in comparison to modern humans.
- They exhibited similar mental sophistication by wearing animal
skin and furs to protect them from changing weather conditions
- They are the first people
Homo sapiens
- With smaller face, lighter skull with bigger provision for
brain and straighter limbs, this is the species of the
modern human(homo sapiens).
- Originated from Africa and expanded throughout the
world about thousand years ago.
- In the Philippines, Homo Sapiens were manifested in
the discovering of the Tabon Man (existed 20tya)
Callao Man (existed 60tya)
- Homo Sapiens are believed to be the first species to alter
their environment and utilize their resources.
- They learned to settle in one place or another to develop
further their food product.
- This act gave birth to villages and towns, eventually they
learned how to communicate; symbols and languages were
- Considered as the Golden Era of the Homo Genus which
learned to adjust to the needs and wants of the modern
- Long process of improving the human’s
everyday living through innovation, discovery,
enhancing, routines and creating mechanisms
which the intention of harmonitizing and
harnessing the fullest potentials of their fellow
human beings.
Paleolithic Age
-Derived from two Greek words “paleo” which
means “old” and “lithic” which means “stone”
(Old Stone Period)
Earliest stage of human development which
took place about 2.5mya to 10tya
3 Division on Paleolithic
Lower and Middle Paleolithic Phase
Rough and unpolished stones were used as
implements by the hominids, specifically Homo
Habilis and Homo Erectus.
Upper Paleolithic Phase
Still used rough and unpolished stone tools, new
materials came into use like the first non-made
material, which was a mixture of clay with
powdered bone.
Neolithic Age
- Came from two Greek words “neo” means “new” and
“lithic” means “stone”Neolithic culture is the background
from which civilization appears. It is slow yet radical
transformation of human behavior and organization.
- “Food-Gathering Revolution”, age of invention
agriculture, provide great impact in the way of people’s
- This allowed them to domesticate animals which were
regular sources of milk, meat and even clothing
Copper Age
- Civilizations were found to have grown
Catal Hüyük in Turkey, were the first people who make
cloths from Linen. Painted their houses with vultures and
headless men, and were decorated with plaster bull heads
and statuettes of mother goddesses.
- Another civilization, began the summerians, grew in a
fertile plain between the rivers “Tigris” and “Euphrates”,
known as the fertile crescent.
- Mesopotamia (Iraq) “Land between two rivers”
- Nile River in Egypt
- Asian and North American civilizations, were copper was
first used.
(Priest-Kings) The religious and political leaders who
were believed to possess divine powers and who could
directly communicate with powerful being.
- Since farming was a tedious task, it was the male who
has the usual responsibility of filling the lands.
- Patriarch was customarily given the prime responsibility of
the household’s decision, except in some communities in
Africa, where women wielded authority in household
Bronze Age
• When summerians learned how to melt metal and
make bronze, the start of Bronze Age (4000-35000
• They discovered sailing, which helped them in trading
with other towns.
• Plow for farming was also invented and used
spreadwide in Middle East.
• The first to devise systems of counting (decimal
system, and the 60-minute division in an hour).
• They also invented the calendar, and the wheel for
pot-making and carts.
• Bronze age, first recovered from writing, cuneiform originated
Egyptians had their own writing too, form of hieroglyphs.
• Dynasty of kingdoms ruled in Egypt, where the king was the most
powerful person, regarded as HORUS or the God of Sun and in
1554 BCE it became Pharaohs.
• In this age, human society establish of city, states or sovereign
cities, agriculture and culture of towns developed, increased of
population, UR and URUK are the first cities of Summerian.
• Cities were ruled by elders, who appointed generals to lead in
times of war.
• Ziggurats or stepped temples, center cities. They believe that
gods controlled their everyday lives and must be offered with
daily offerings to keep dangers happening to the city.
Iron Age
• Hittites refined iron ore to create weapons, pots, and
other essentials.
• Greek began using shadow clocks, holding olympic
games and breeding philosophy and science.
• Glass vessels were used by Mesopotamian
• Alphabet were developed by Phoenicians, who also
introduced purple dye, the first dye in history.
• Assyrians, began taking over cities throughout
Mesopotamia which paved the way to the growth of
military empires and conquered Israel
• Oligarchs (wealthy nobles) ruled the city
• The constant upheavals brought for a new
government that changed the system of city-
states from the Iron Age to the present time
In this system, the people held power in governing their
land. People were allowed to govern, however they still
elected 10 leaders (1 from each tribe) who would exercise
full responsibility for the states accounts.
Because of the birth of the Athenian democracy, people
in the society learned that they too- even if they were not
blessed with “supernatural powers” of the priest-kings or
with military power and influence of the generals- could
rule and govern their land. This practice evolved to more
complicated ideals which led to the type of societies with
people , such as the Filipinos at present.
- primarily consists of processes and
techniques observed by members of society
towards an “acceptable, proper, and
desirable way of living” and occur through
social interaction and transmission of culture
in a particular group.
Personality vs. Identity
Personality: refers to the body of the person. The person
acquired that body since his/her conception, and he/she
has no or less chances of changing it completely. It is
his/her thumbmark, the symbol of his/her being, the
major evidence that he/she exist.
Identity: maybe likened to the sense of fashion that is
observed by other people’s eyes. It is what mostly
remember of him/her. A person may have adapted it
from a friend, a colleague, or a family, and he/she may
change it if he/she wills to.
Determinants of Personality Formation
Biological Inheritance (Nature):
the genetic characteristics of one’s parents
have something to do with his/her personality.
Genes have provide “raw materials” from
which personality is formed, such as biological
structures, psychological processes, reflexes,
urges, capacity, intelligence and traits.
Determinants of Personality Formation
Environment (Nurture):
environment can influence personality formation and
Geographical Environment: the location, climate,
topography, and natural resources in one’s society are all
parts of his/her environment]
Cultural Environment: cultural environment refers to the
learned ways of living, the norms, values, and beliefs one
gets accustomed to in a society
Social Environment: interactions happening in a particular
group are all parts of a person’s social environment
Agents of Socialization
Family: prime agents of socialization. It is from the family that a
person gets most of his/her traits, ranging from hereditary to
social one. One recognizes his/her roles and status in the
society because of family
Barkada or peers: helps a person experience things beyond he
or her family allows
School: plays a vital role on one’s socialization which helps
meets different person with varying beliefs, cultural
orientations, and attitudes
Mass Media: includes television. Newspaper, radio, and the
Social Processes
Enculturation: the manner by which a person
learns or adopts the culture followed by his/her
co-members of society.
Acculturation: the process by which a person
adapts to the influence of another culture by
borrowing many of its aspects.
Assimilation: using another culture while
maintaining the mother culture.
Cooperation: a form of social interaction
wherein two or more persons work together.
Differentiation: the process of designating each
member of society with particular roles to
achieve social goals.
Amalgamation: when two families or groups
become one through a formal union.
Stratification: the hierarchical arrangement of
social categories.
Conflict: struggle over status or power.
Competition: struggle that can translated into
Social Control
• mechanisms by which the social behavior of
people is controlled to maintain order or to
re-establish broken orders.
• Conformity: to comply or to follow with social
rules and orders.
• Deviance: when people behave in contrast
with what is expected of them.
Forms of Deviance
Innovation: refers to the use of unadvised or sometimes
illegal methods to achieve social goals.
Ritualism: following social norms but tend to forget
achieving social goals.
Retreatism: happens when individuals try to escape
achieving social goals because they cannot fulfill them.
Rebellion: promoting change and introducing alternative
values and institutions
- Is a number of people with similar norms,
values, and expectations who regularly and
consciously interact with one another.
Types of Groups
Primary Group: a group characterized by
intimate, face-to-face association and
cooperation among its members
Also the immediate support system of an
individual in navigating a very complex social
Example: Family, Barkada
Types of Groups
Secondary Group: a group which is not
closely bonded with each other with face-
to-face interaction
Refers to the formal and impersonal
group wherein members have little social
intimacy or mutual understanding
Example: people in a review center
Types of Groups
The classification of groups may also refer to the feeling of
belongingness and feeling of antagonism among the
In-Group: people who feel that they belong to the group
There is such a high regard for each member that
collective terms like “we”, “us”, or “tayo” are commonly
Example: Barkada
Out-Group: people who feel that they should not have
been on that group
Example: Transferees in a new school
- A network is the structure of connection of
an individual with oneself, with another
individual, and group.
Levels of Network
- Networks starts from a single individual,
expanding his/her contacts with another
Micro Level
Meso Level
- An individual linked together but has low
level of density.
Macro Level
- Individuals who belong in this level rarely
exhibit intimate social interaction.
- person’s relationship with his/her relatives.
Types of Kinship
- A kin by blood.
Consanguineal or Lineal
- The bond between husband and wife.
Affinal Kinship
- Personal kinship that is based on neither of
the two. It’s either by adoption or ritual.
Fictive or Collateral
- A set of people connected by blood,
marriage, or adoption.
- A set of people, related or unrelated by
blood, who shares a common residences.
Non- State
United Nations
- Founded in 1945, it was established to
rebuild peace after World War 2.
- Founded by 51 member states.
- 193 member state as of 2019.
- Headed by Secretary General
- Antonio Guterres (current)
- Trygve Lie (first official HSG)
International Monetary Fund
- Founded in 1945, it was established to foster
global monetary cooperation, secure
financial stability, facilitate international trade,
and reduce poverty.
- Founded by 29 member states.
- 189 member state as of 2019.
- Headed by Governor
- Christine Legarde(current)
World Bank
- Founded in 1944, it was established to
facilitate post-war reconstruction.
- 189 member state as of 2019.
- Headed by President
- Jim yong Kim (current)
- Eugene Meyer(first official)
-derived from the Greek word “polis” which
means city-state. Politics is the activity of the
people where they create, preserve, and
amend laws under which they live.
-the process of decision making and
implementation. It is the governments ability to
make and enforce rules and to deliver services.
-form of government that theoretically permits
no individual freedom and that seeks to
subordinate all aspects of individuals life to
-a system of government in which all of the
people of a state are involved in making
decisions about its affairs.
-a group of people that share a common
culture, or traits, a different kind of
-a self-governing entity, a term that can be
interchanged with the term country.
4 Elements of a State
1. People - reffered to as the inhabintants of the
2. Territory - the fixed space or portion of earth
inhabited by the people of the state.
3. Government - the agency or instrumentality
through which the will of the state is
formulated, expressed and realized.
4. Sovereignty – the independent authority over
a geographical area.
Fundamental Powers of a State
1. Police Power – power of the state to enact laws
or regulation that promotes common good in
relation to individuals enjoyment of his rights.
2. Power of Eminent Domain – pertains to that
power of the state to expropriate private
property for public use, upon payment of just
3. Power of Taxation – to impose charges upon
persons, property, etc. to defray govt.
Branches of the
-The executive power granted to the President
is the power to enforce and execute laws
faithfully. The laws required to be administered
by the President includes the Constitution and
all statues lawfully enacted by the Congress.
Qualification of the President: (Art. VII, Sec. 2)
• A natural born citizen of the Philippines,
• A registered voter
• Able to read and write
• At least 40 years old at the day of election.
• Resident of the Philippines for at least 10
Term of Office: 6 years, not eligible of reelection.
Shall begin by 30th day of June.
Powers of the President:
1. Power to execute laws.
2. Power to appoint and to remove.
3. Control and supervision
4. Supervision of Local Government Unit
5. Military (Commander-in-Chief)
6. Legislative ( Executive and Administrative Orders)
7. Executive Clemency (Pardons and suspend sentences)
8. Contract Loan
9. Diplomatic
-the authority, under Constitution, to make
laws, and to alter and to repeal them.
It is consists of 2 houses: The Senate (Upper
House) and the House of Representatives
(Lower House)
The Senate House of Representatives
Qualification • Natural born citizen of
• Registered Voter
• Able to read and write
• At least 35 years old at
the day of election
• Resident for not less
than 2 years.
• Natural born citizen of
• Registered Voter
• Able to read and write
• At least 25 years old at
the day of election
• Resident for not less
than 1 year.
Composition • Composed of 24
members (Senators)
• District Representatives
• Partylist Representatives
Headed by • Senate President • House Speaker
Term of Office • No senator can serve
more than 2 consecutive
• No representative can
serve for more 3
consecutive terms.
Powers of the Congress
1. Power of Legislative Investigation
2. Power of Appropriation (GAA)
3. Power of Taxation
4. Non-legislative Power (impeachment of the
Procedures in the Approval of
the Bill
First Reading
1. Only the number and the title of the bill is
2. The committee may decide to kill or to
3. The committee will submit
recommendation for approval or
Second Reading
1. The entire bill is read before the chamber. The
stage of debate and amendment.
2. After the bill is approved, it is printed into final
form, 3 days before the last reading.
Third Reading
1. Only the title is read.
2. No amendments.
3. If approved, it will be submitted to the
President for approval.
Presidential Veto
A veto power is the power of the President
to reject the bill passed by the Congress. As
a rule, the President must veto the entire
bill. However, the President shall have the
power to veto any particular item.
-Judicial Power is vested in the Supreme Court
and other lower courts. It involves the duty to
settle actual controversies involving rights,
which are legally amendable and enforeceable.
Composition of the Supreme
1 Chief Justice
14 Associate Justices
They are appointed by the President upon the
recommendation of the Judicial and Bar
Council which submit 3 nominees.
Judicial and Bar Council
The JBC is to recommend appointees to the Judiciary.
1. Chief Justice
2. Secretary of Justice
3. Representative of Congress
4. Representative of the Integrated Bar of the
5. Professor of Law
6. Private Sector Representative
7. Clerk of the Supreme Court
Members of the Supreme Court • Natural born Citizen
• At least 40 years old
• A judged of lower court or
engages in the practice of law
for at least 15 years.
Members of the Lower Collegiate
(Court of Appeals, Court of Tax
Appeals, Sandiganbayan)
• Natural born citizen
• Member of the Philippine Bar
• Congress may prescribe other
Members of the Lower Courts
(Regional Trial Court, Municipal
Trial Court, Metropolitan Trial
Court, Municipal Circuit Trial
• Citizen of the Philippines
natural or naturalized)
• Member of the Philippine Bar
• Congress may prescribed other
Powers of the Supreme Court
1. Original Jurisdiction – first to hear the case.
2. Appellate Jurisdiction – to review, revise, modify, or
affirm final judgments rendered by the lower courts.
3. Temporary Assignment of Judges of the Lower Court
4. Order to Change the Venue of the Trial – to avoid
miscarriage of justice
5. Rule-Making Power
6. Appoint Officials and Employees
7. Administrative supervision over courts and personnel
Local Government
Lower Gov’t Unit (LGU)
LGU refers to political administrative divisions
of a state that s under the jurisdiction of the
national, regional, and provincial government,
this is within the act of physically reaching to
the citizens it governs, with officials elected.
3. Cities - a complex matter; most cities are
component cities in which they are part of a
province. A City is governed by the mayor and its
legislature is the Sangguniang Panlungsod.
4. Municipalities - always part of a province. A
municipality is governed by the mayor and its
legislature us the Sangguninang Bayan.
5. Barangays - the smallest unit. It is governed by
the Baranggay Kapitan and its Kagawad and
Sangguniang Kabataan.
Levels of Local Government Unit
1. Autonomous Regions – have more powers
than other LGUs. An autonomous region is
governed by the regional governor; its
legislature is the regional legislative
2. Provinces - the highest level of LGUs. A
province is governed by the governor and
its legislature is the Sangguniang
Microeconomics - the branch of
economics that deals with individual
decision making.
Macroeconomics – the branch of
economics that studies the relationship
among broad economic aggregates.
Scarcity - the basic and central economic problem
confronting every society.
4 Factors of Production
1. Land – refers to all natural resources, which are given
by and found in nature.
2. Labor – any form of human effort exerted in the
production of goods and services.
3. Capital – manmade good used in the production of
other goods.
4. Entrepreneurship – a person who organized,
manages, and assumes the risks of a firm, taking a
idea or a new product.
Market – a place where buyers and sellers
Demand – pertains to the willingness of
the consumer to buy commodities.
Quantity demanded – pertains to the unit
or quantity of goods and services that
consumers are willing to buy.
Supply – pertains to the willingness of the
consumer to sell commodities.
Quantity supplied – pertains to the unit or
quantity of goods and services that
suppliers are willing to sell.
Supply – pertains to the willingness of the
consumer to sell commodities.
Quantity supplied – pertains to the unit or
quantity of goods and services that
suppliers are willing to sell.
Law of Demand – when quantity demanded
increases(decreases), prices increases (decreases),
ceteris paribus. Direct relationship.
Law of Supply – when quantity supplied
increases(decreases), prices decreases (increases),
ceteris paribus. Reverse relationship.
Ceteris paribus – all other things remain constant
Equilibrium –
when quantity
demanded is
equals to
Other related terms:
Unemployment - refers to the unemployed labor resource.
Inflation - the rise in the general level of prices of goods and
services in the economy over a period of time.
Fiscal Policy – an instrument use to control economic problems
through taxation and government expenses.
Monetary Policy - involves the regulation of the money supply.
Expansionary – to increases
Contractionary – to decrease

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Social Science

  • 2. Social Science - a category of academic disciplines, concerned with society and the relationships among individuals within a society.
  • 3. History - the discipline that studies the chronological record of events (as affecting a nation or people), based on a critical examination of source materials and usually presenting an explanation of their causes.
  • 4. Economics - seeks to analyze and describe the production, distribution, and consumption of wealth. It is the allocation of limited wants to supply the unlimited wants of the people.
  • 5. Psychology - scientific discipline that studies mental states and processes and behaviour in humans and other animals.
  • 6. Archaeology - the scientific study of the material remains of past human life and activities.
  • 7. Anthropology - the science that deals with the study of the human culture and how it evolves through time.
  • 8. Political Science - the science that deals with the study of politics, government and institutions
  • 9. Sociology - the science that deals with the study of the society, its origin, development, networks and functions.
  • 10. Society - A group of people living together in organized communities, following a common laws, virtues, customs and traditions. - Originated from the Latin word “socius” and “societas” which means companion and from the French term “societe” which means companionship.
  • 11. Theories on the Origin of Society - theory about the origin of society due to the endless tension that happens within a group or community. - Suggested by Karl Marx Conflict Theory
  • 12. Structural-Functional Theory - theory about the origin of the society due to the harmonious relationship between its members. - popularized by Herbert Spencer, presents these parts of society as "organs" that work toward the proper functioning of the "body" as a whole.
  • 13. Symbolic Interaction Theory - theory about the origin of society based on the communication and connection between the members of the community. - Founded by George Herbert Mead
  • 14. Social Institutions Family considered as the bedrock or foundation of the society Education a formal institution designated to preserve and transfer cultural knowledge and identity to the members of a society Economy a social institution generally responsible for the production and allocation of scarce resources and services
  • 15. Government a social institution which states policy and law enforced Media an institution responsible for the circulation of vital information among the members of society Religion an organized collection of beliefs intended to explain the meaning, origin and purpose of life and existence.
  • 16. Culture A complex whole that encompasses beliefs, practices, values, attitudes, laws, norms, artifacts, symbols and knowledge that a person learns and shares as a member of a community. Richley Crapo, a system of ideas, feelings and survival strategies shared in a particular group. A structure that unifies a human group and gives it an identity as a society.
  • 17. Aspects of Culture - Culture is diverse - Culture is complex - Culture requires language - Culture is dynamic - Culture is organic
  • 19. Subculture and Counterculture Christianity Catholics INC Born Again Dating Daan Democracy CommunismX
  • 20. Real and Ideal Culture
  • 21. Elements of Culture Norms acceptable standards Folkways Organized and repetitive patterns that society have come to accept. Acceptable behavior of the folks or members of the society Mores Valued folkways that involves moral or ethical values, respecting authority, marriage and sex behavior patterns, religious rituals and the like.
  • 22. Laws Formalized mores that are legislated, approved and implemented in a society. Beliefs are ideas that people hold to be true, factual and real. Belief are either scientific or non-scientific Symbols are illustrations that used to represents a particular of something. It may be used to represent, express and/or stand for an event, situation, person or idea.
  • 24. Evolution - The process by which beings develop from earlier beings. - Change of place of position or posture.
  • 25. Homonization - Evolutionary development of human characteristics that made hominids (organisms belonging in the Homogenus) distinct from their primate ancestors.
  • 26. Homo rudolfensis - The first hominid discovered by anthropologist Richard Leakey in Kenya 1972. - Some scholars believes that this species should be classified under the genus Austrulopitheaus.
  • 27. Homo habilis - Owe the first relics of tools - The first hominids who uses tools (stone) in able
  • 28. Homo erectus - Best represented by the Java Man. Discovered in Java, Indonesia. Believed to be crucial in defining the moments by which humanity evolved. - Discovered fire ( there were a lot of saying/theories how it was discovered
  • 29. Homo neanderthalensis - Neanderthal are more similar to Homo Erectus, who walked erect and had big crania. - Found in Africa and Asia - They were more primitive in comparison to modern humans. - They exhibited similar mental sophistication by wearing animal skin and furs to protect them from changing weather conditions - They are the first people
  • 30. Homo sapiens - With smaller face, lighter skull with bigger provision for brain and straighter limbs, this is the species of the modern human(homo sapiens). - Originated from Africa and expanded throughout the world about thousand years ago. - In the Philippines, Homo Sapiens were manifested in the discovering of the Tabon Man (existed 20tya) Callao Man (existed 60tya)
  • 31. - Homo Sapiens are believed to be the first species to alter their environment and utilize their resources. - They learned to settle in one place or another to develop further their food product. - This act gave birth to villages and towns, eventually they learned how to communicate; symbols and languages were born. - Considered as the Golden Era of the Homo Genus which learned to adjust to the needs and wants of the modern humans
  • 32. Humanization - Long process of improving the human’s everyday living through innovation, discovery, enhancing, routines and creating mechanisms which the intention of harmonitizing and harnessing the fullest potentials of their fellow human beings.
  • 33. Paleolithic Age -Derived from two Greek words “paleo” which means “old” and “lithic” which means “stone” (Old Stone Period) Earliest stage of human development which took place about 2.5mya to 10tya
  • 34. 3 Division on Paleolithic Lower and Middle Paleolithic Phase Rough and unpolished stones were used as implements by the hominids, specifically Homo Habilis and Homo Erectus. Upper Paleolithic Phase Still used rough and unpolished stone tools, new materials came into use like the first non-made material, which was a mixture of clay with powdered bone.
  • 35. Neolithic Age - Came from two Greek words “neo” means “new” and “lithic” means “stone”Neolithic culture is the background from which civilization appears. It is slow yet radical transformation of human behavior and organization. - “Food-Gathering Revolution”, age of invention agriculture, provide great impact in the way of people’s lives. - This allowed them to domesticate animals which were regular sources of milk, meat and even clothing
  • 36. Copper Age - Civilizations were found to have grown Catal Hüyük in Turkey, were the first people who make cloths from Linen. Painted their houses with vultures and headless men, and were decorated with plaster bull heads and statuettes of mother goddesses. - Another civilization, began the summerians, grew in a fertile plain between the rivers “Tigris” and “Euphrates”, known as the fertile crescent. - Mesopotamia (Iraq) “Land between two rivers” - Nile River in Egypt
  • 37. - Asian and North American civilizations, were copper was first used. (Priest-Kings) The religious and political leaders who were believed to possess divine powers and who could directly communicate with powerful being. - Since farming was a tedious task, it was the male who has the usual responsibility of filling the lands. - Patriarch was customarily given the prime responsibility of the household’s decision, except in some communities in Africa, where women wielded authority in household matters.
  • 38. Bronze Age • When summerians learned how to melt metal and make bronze, the start of Bronze Age (4000-35000 BCE) • They discovered sailing, which helped them in trading with other towns. • Plow for farming was also invented and used spreadwide in Middle East. • The first to devise systems of counting (decimal system, and the 60-minute division in an hour). • They also invented the calendar, and the wheel for pot-making and carts.
  • 39. • Bronze age, first recovered from writing, cuneiform originated Egyptians had their own writing too, form of hieroglyphs. • Dynasty of kingdoms ruled in Egypt, where the king was the most powerful person, regarded as HORUS or the God of Sun and in 1554 BCE it became Pharaohs. • In this age, human society establish of city, states or sovereign cities, agriculture and culture of towns developed, increased of population, UR and URUK are the first cities of Summerian. • Cities were ruled by elders, who appointed generals to lead in times of war. • Ziggurats or stepped temples, center cities. They believe that gods controlled their everyday lives and must be offered with daily offerings to keep dangers happening to the city.
  • 40. Iron Age • Hittites refined iron ore to create weapons, pots, and other essentials. • Greek began using shadow clocks, holding olympic games and breeding philosophy and science. • Glass vessels were used by Mesopotamian • Alphabet were developed by Phoenicians, who also introduced purple dye, the first dye in history. • Assyrians, began taking over cities throughout Mesopotamia which paved the way to the growth of military empires and conquered Israel • (LAND ACQUISITION)
  • 41. • Oligarchs (wealthy nobles) ruled the city (Athens) • The constant upheavals brought for a new government that changed the system of city- states from the Iron Age to the present time
  • 42. Democratization In this system, the people held power in governing their land. People were allowed to govern, however they still elected 10 leaders (1 from each tribe) who would exercise full responsibility for the states accounts. Because of the birth of the Athenian democracy, people in the society learned that they too- even if they were not blessed with “supernatural powers” of the priest-kings or with military power and influence of the generals- could rule and govern their land. This practice evolved to more complicated ideals which led to the type of societies with people , such as the Filipinos at present.
  • 44. Socialization - primarily consists of processes and techniques observed by members of society towards an “acceptable, proper, and desirable way of living” and occur through social interaction and transmission of culture in a particular group.
  • 45. Personality vs. Identity Personality: refers to the body of the person. The person acquired that body since his/her conception, and he/she has no or less chances of changing it completely. It is his/her thumbmark, the symbol of his/her being, the major evidence that he/she exist. Identity: maybe likened to the sense of fashion that is observed by other people’s eyes. It is what mostly remember of him/her. A person may have adapted it from a friend, a colleague, or a family, and he/she may change it if he/she wills to.
  • 46. Determinants of Personality Formation Biological Inheritance (Nature): the genetic characteristics of one’s parents have something to do with his/her personality. Genes have provide “raw materials” from which personality is formed, such as biological structures, psychological processes, reflexes, urges, capacity, intelligence and traits.
  • 47. Determinants of Personality Formation Environment (Nurture): environment can influence personality formation and development. Geographical Environment: the location, climate, topography, and natural resources in one’s society are all parts of his/her environment] Cultural Environment: cultural environment refers to the learned ways of living, the norms, values, and beliefs one gets accustomed to in a society Social Environment: interactions happening in a particular group are all parts of a person’s social environment
  • 48. Agents of Socialization Family: prime agents of socialization. It is from the family that a person gets most of his/her traits, ranging from hereditary to social one. One recognizes his/her roles and status in the society because of family Barkada or peers: helps a person experience things beyond he or her family allows School: plays a vital role on one’s socialization which helps meets different person with varying beliefs, cultural orientations, and attitudes Mass Media: includes television. Newspaper, radio, and the internet
  • 49. Social Processes Enculturation: the manner by which a person learns or adopts the culture followed by his/her co-members of society. Acculturation: the process by which a person adapts to the influence of another culture by borrowing many of its aspects. Assimilation: using another culture while maintaining the mother culture.
  • 50. Cooperation: a form of social interaction wherein two or more persons work together. Differentiation: the process of designating each member of society with particular roles to achieve social goals. Amalgamation: when two families or groups become one through a formal union.
  • 51. Stratification: the hierarchical arrangement of social categories. Conflict: struggle over status or power. Competition: struggle that can translated into innovation.
  • 52. Social Control • mechanisms by which the social behavior of people is controlled to maintain order or to re-establish broken orders. • Conformity: to comply or to follow with social rules and orders. • Deviance: when people behave in contrast with what is expected of them.
  • 53. Forms of Deviance Innovation: refers to the use of unadvised or sometimes illegal methods to achieve social goals. Ritualism: following social norms but tend to forget achieving social goals. Retreatism: happens when individuals try to escape achieving social goals because they cannot fulfill them. Rebellion: promoting change and introducing alternative values and institutions
  • 55. Group - Is a number of people with similar norms, values, and expectations who regularly and consciously interact with one another.
  • 56. Types of Groups Primary Group: a group characterized by intimate, face-to-face association and cooperation among its members Also the immediate support system of an individual in navigating a very complex social life Example: Family, Barkada
  • 57. Types of Groups Secondary Group: a group which is not closely bonded with each other with face- to-face interaction Refers to the formal and impersonal group wherein members have little social intimacy or mutual understanding Example: people in a review center
  • 58. Types of Groups The classification of groups may also refer to the feeling of belongingness and feeling of antagonism among the members In-Group: people who feel that they belong to the group There is such a high regard for each member that collective terms like “we”, “us”, or “tayo” are commonly used Example: Barkada Out-Group: people who feel that they should not have been on that group Example: Transferees in a new school
  • 59. Networks - A network is the structure of connection of an individual with oneself, with another individual, and group.
  • 60. Levels of Network - Networks starts from a single individual, expanding his/her contacts with another individual. Micro Level
  • 61. Meso Level - An individual linked together but has low level of density. Macro Level - Individuals who belong in this level rarely exhibit intimate social interaction.
  • 63. Kinship - person’s relationship with his/her relatives.
  • 64. Types of Kinship - A kin by blood. Consanguineal or Lineal - The bond between husband and wife. Affinal Kinship - Personal kinship that is based on neither of the two. It’s either by adoption or ritual. Fictive or Collateral
  • 65. Family - A set of people connected by blood, marriage, or adoption. Household - A set of people, related or unrelated by blood, who shares a common residences.
  • 67. United Nations - Founded in 1945, it was established to rebuild peace after World War 2. - Founded by 51 member states. - 193 member state as of 2019. - Headed by Secretary General - Antonio Guterres (current) - Trygve Lie (first official HSG)
  • 68. International Monetary Fund - Founded in 1945, it was established to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, and reduce poverty. - Founded by 29 member states. - 189 member state as of 2019. - Headed by Governor - Christine Legarde(current)
  • 69. World Bank - Founded in 1944, it was established to facilitate post-war reconstruction. - 189 member state as of 2019. - Headed by President - Jim yong Kim (current) - Eugene Meyer(first official)
  • 71. Politics -derived from the Greek word “polis” which means city-state. Politics is the activity of the people where they create, preserve, and amend laws under which they live. Governance -the process of decision making and implementation. It is the governments ability to make and enforce rules and to deliver services.
  • 73.
  • 74.
  • 75. Totalitarianism -form of government that theoretically permits no individual freedom and that seeks to subordinate all aspects of individuals life to authority. Democracy -a system of government in which all of the people of a state are involved in making decisions about its affairs.
  • 77. Nation -a group of people that share a common culture, or traits, a different kind of approximation. State -a self-governing entity, a term that can be interchanged with the term country.
  • 78. 4 Elements of a State 1. People - reffered to as the inhabintants of the state. 2. Territory - the fixed space or portion of earth inhabited by the people of the state. 3. Government - the agency or instrumentality through which the will of the state is formulated, expressed and realized. 4. Sovereignty – the independent authority over a geographical area.
  • 79. Fundamental Powers of a State 1. Police Power – power of the state to enact laws or regulation that promotes common good in relation to individuals enjoyment of his rights. 2. Power of Eminent Domain – pertains to that power of the state to expropriate private property for public use, upon payment of just compensation. 3. Power of Taxation – to impose charges upon persons, property, etc. to defray govt. expenses.
  • 81. Executive -The executive power granted to the President is the power to enforce and execute laws faithfully. The laws required to be administered by the President includes the Constitution and all statues lawfully enacted by the Congress.
  • 82. President Qualification of the President: (Art. VII, Sec. 2) • A natural born citizen of the Philippines, • A registered voter • Able to read and write • At least 40 years old at the day of election. • Resident of the Philippines for at least 10 years.
  • 83. President Term of Office: 6 years, not eligible of reelection. Shall begin by 30th day of June. Powers of the President: 1. Power to execute laws. 2. Power to appoint and to remove. 3. Control and supervision 4. Supervision of Local Government Unit 5. Military (Commander-in-Chief) 6. Legislative ( Executive and Administrative Orders) 7. Executive Clemency (Pardons and suspend sentences) 8. Contract Loan 9. Diplomatic
  • 84. Legislative -the authority, under Constitution, to make laws, and to alter and to repeal them. It is consists of 2 houses: The Senate (Upper House) and the House of Representatives (Lower House)
  • 85. The Senate House of Representatives Qualification • Natural born citizen of PH • Registered Voter • Able to read and write • At least 35 years old at the day of election • Resident for not less than 2 years. • Natural born citizen of PH • Registered Voter • Able to read and write • At least 25 years old at the day of election • Resident for not less than 1 year. Composition • Composed of 24 members (Senators) • District Representatives (80%) • Partylist Representatives Headed by • Senate President • House Speaker Term of Office • No senator can serve more than 2 consecutive terms • No representative can serve for more 3 consecutive terms.
  • 86. Powers of the Congress 1. Power of Legislative Investigation 2. Power of Appropriation (GAA) 3. Power of Taxation 4. Non-legislative Power (impeachment of the President)
  • 87. Procedures in the Approval of the Bill First Reading 1. Only the number and the title of the bill is read. 2. The committee may decide to kill or to consider 3. The committee will submit recommendation for approval or disapproval.
  • 88. Second Reading 1. The entire bill is read before the chamber. The stage of debate and amendment. 2. After the bill is approved, it is printed into final form, 3 days before the last reading. Third Reading 1. Only the title is read. 2. No amendments. 3. If approved, it will be submitted to the President for approval.
  • 89. Presidential Veto A veto power is the power of the President to reject the bill passed by the Congress. As a rule, the President must veto the entire bill. However, the President shall have the power to veto any particular item.
  • 90. Judiciary -Judicial Power is vested in the Supreme Court and other lower courts. It involves the duty to settle actual controversies involving rights, which are legally amendable and enforeceable.
  • 91. Composition of the Supreme Court 1 Chief Justice 14 Associate Justices They are appointed by the President upon the recommendation of the Judicial and Bar Council which submit 3 nominees.
  • 92. Judicial and Bar Council The JBC is to recommend appointees to the Judiciary. Members: 1. Chief Justice 2. Secretary of Justice 3. Representative of Congress 4. Representative of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines 5. Professor of Law 6. Private Sector Representative 7. Clerk of the Supreme Court
  • 93. Qualification Qualifications Members of the Supreme Court • Natural born Citizen • At least 40 years old • A judged of lower court or engages in the practice of law for at least 15 years. Members of the Lower Collegiate (Court of Appeals, Court of Tax Appeals, Sandiganbayan) • Natural born citizen • Member of the Philippine Bar • Congress may prescribe other qualifications Members of the Lower Courts (Regional Trial Court, Municipal Trial Court, Metropolitan Trial Court, Municipal Circuit Trial Courts) • Citizen of the Philippines natural or naturalized) • Member of the Philippine Bar • Congress may prescribed other qualification
  • 94. Powers of the Supreme Court 1. Original Jurisdiction – first to hear the case. 2. Appellate Jurisdiction – to review, revise, modify, or affirm final judgments rendered by the lower courts. 3. Temporary Assignment of Judges of the Lower Court 4. Order to Change the Venue of the Trial – to avoid miscarriage of justice 5. Rule-Making Power 6. Appoint Officials and Employees 7. Administrative supervision over courts and personnel
  • 96. Lower Gov’t Unit (LGU) LGU refers to political administrative divisions of a state that s under the jurisdiction of the national, regional, and provincial government, this is within the act of physically reaching to the citizens it governs, with officials elected.
  • 97. 3. Cities - a complex matter; most cities are component cities in which they are part of a province. A City is governed by the mayor and its legislature is the Sangguniang Panlungsod. 4. Municipalities - always part of a province. A municipality is governed by the mayor and its legislature us the Sangguninang Bayan. 5. Barangays - the smallest unit. It is governed by the Baranggay Kapitan and its Kagawad and Sangguniang Kabataan.
  • 98. Levels of Local Government Unit 1. Autonomous Regions – have more powers than other LGUs. An autonomous region is governed by the regional governor; its legislature is the regional legislative assembly. 2. Provinces - the highest level of LGUs. A province is governed by the governor and its legislature is the Sangguniang Panlalawigan.
  • 100. Microeconomics - the branch of economics that deals with individual decision making. Macroeconomics – the branch of economics that studies the relationship among broad economic aggregates.
  • 101. Scarcity - the basic and central economic problem confronting every society. 4 Factors of Production 1. Land – refers to all natural resources, which are given by and found in nature. 2. Labor – any form of human effort exerted in the production of goods and services. 3. Capital – manmade good used in the production of other goods. 4. Entrepreneurship – a person who organized, manages, and assumes the risks of a firm, taking a idea or a new product.
  • 102. Market – a place where buyers and sellers meet. Demand – pertains to the willingness of the consumer to buy commodities. Quantity demanded – pertains to the unit or quantity of goods and services that consumers are willing to buy.
  • 103. Supply – pertains to the willingness of the consumer to sell commodities. Quantity supplied – pertains to the unit or quantity of goods and services that suppliers are willing to sell.
  • 104. Supply – pertains to the willingness of the consumer to sell commodities. Quantity supplied – pertains to the unit or quantity of goods and services that suppliers are willing to sell.
  • 105. Law of Demand – when quantity demanded increases(decreases), prices increases (decreases), ceteris paribus. Direct relationship. Law of Supply – when quantity supplied increases(decreases), prices decreases (increases), ceteris paribus. Reverse relationship. Ceteris paribus – all other things remain constant
  • 106. Equilibrium – when quantity demanded is equals to quantity supplied
  • 107. Other related terms: Unemployment - refers to the unemployed labor resource. Inflation - the rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in the economy over a period of time. Fiscal Policy – an instrument use to control economic problems through taxation and government expenses. Monetary Policy - involves the regulation of the money supply. Expansionary – to increases Contractionary – to decrease