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DBQ On Ancient Mesopotamian Civilization
Sumerian DBQ Think for a second about a world without civilization, without laws. I bet you don't
know who developed civilization! The Mesopotamians did, they also created lots of amazing
inventions! Some of these civilizations also developed in China and Egypt. Ancient Mesopotamia.
Two contributions from the Mesopotamian Civilization were the invitation of the cuneiform and
Hammurabi's Code.
Did you know that the ancient Mesopotamian created cuneiform? Cuneiform was the first form of
writing. It was created over 5000 years ago! Mesopotamians created Cuneiform to make trading
deals. You might think in your head, why don't they just remember it? Well, that is because if they
traded a year from now the people could lie and get more of their
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Maya And The Ancient Civilizations
To this day, historians still discuss when exactly the Maya civilizations started but the most
commonly accepted date is 1800 BCE in the Soconusco Region. Unlike other Mesoamerican
civilizations, Maya was not confined to one area of land but rather stretched out over Central
America. To historians today, the Maya civilization reached its peak during the Classic Period
between AD 250 and 900. At its peak, the Maya population was over 2,000,000 people. Excavations
of Mayan cities have uncovered plazas, temples, pyramids, ball playing courts, and even art. The
peak of this civilization is considered to have occurred when the Mayans started to carve and
produce beautiful low relief steles. The Stele in Figure 1 from the late Classic Maya period is an
example of a low relief stele that the Mayans were so known for. Steles are generally made from
wood or stone and are taller than the average human. They were erected as a monumental object for
either commutative or funerary purposes. In Mesoamerica, the first steles were first seen from the
Olmec's; Mesoamerican civilization that existed between 1200 to 400 BCE. Maya Steles are
typically carved in low relief in stone with a base altar; a base that typically had the name or some
sort of offering to the figure in the stele. It was in the peak of the Mayan civilization, the Classic
period, AD 250–900, which the steles were predominantly employed. The Maya people used steles
mainly in the Classic period (AD 250–900) within their peak
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Hunter-Gatherers In Ancient Civilization
Approximately 2.5 million years ago humans lived as hunter–gatherers that would move in bands,
later on, they would turn into the great civilization of the ancient world due to better technique and a
more organized society. Starting from the neolithic age which consists of hunter–gatherers. There
were basically early modern humans. Hunter–gatherers had populated a lot of the earth by 30,000
years ago, continued the hunter and gathering way of life. They would feed off of wild plants and
animals and move from one location to another. They would also use the fur of their killings as
clothes. In a hunting and gatherings economy, they would move from one location to another to
secure their food supply. Hunter–gatherers were very self–sufficient.
The change comes from around 10,000 years ago when people first discover how to cultivate crops
and domesticate animals. This meant they could stay in sedentary areas. This lead to a more efficient
living. Hunter–gatherers were no longer nomads and soon would become pastoral nomads since
they stayed in permanent areas. The areas they settled around was near rivers since they needed a
water source. Also, this is the most significant individual ... Show more content on
People began using metals, such as copper and bronze, instead of stones to make tools. Later on,
they created a system of letters and began to write. This new form of living was called civilization.
To keep peace among people living closely together and the city–state, they need rules. The first set
of laws was The Code of Hammurabi, as rules were called, they needed some sort of authority so the
rules were enforced. Thus some societies developed governments. The rules were enforced no
matter the person's hierarchy. Also wasn't only one type of government. There are different types of
governments that were used in great civilization due to beliefs of the leader and society, some of
them were the absolute monarchy, empire, direct democracy, or
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How Did Ancient Civilizations Affect The Development Of...
Civilizations were able to bloom due to the development of agriculture. Agriculture resulted in more
food, resulting in less hunters and farmers, letting more people become soldiers, tradesmen, and
craft workers, developing more diversified societies. The leaders of farming communities and towns
developed early forms of government, while a few powerful men/women ruled over larger land and
livestock. With the surplus quantity food, the population kept growing at an exponential rate,
resulting in the growth of towns and kingdoms. With the change of how people obtained food,
technology advanced even further with the surplus of different jobs, leaders formed a government
and rules for towns, land, livestock, and the population growth resulted
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Ancient Civilizations
The Connections Between Ancient Civilizations
A civilization is born through the domestication of plants and animals followed by the cultivation of
these products in which a surplus allows for the specialization of labor. Civilizations allowed for
humans to create order and pursue intellectual and spiritual matters to a degree in which man had
not previously been allowed. Most ancient civilizations arose from a fertile farming location and
predictable harvest. When basic needs have been provided for the specialization of labor can provide
a culture a chance at endless artistic and technological advances. An analysis of the characteristics of
civilization demonstrates common threads which connect the ancient societies of Sumeria, Egypt,
and the Indus River Valley. Many of these connections can be found within each civilization's
religion, government, location, language, trade, and technology.
The deepest connection that binds Sumeria, Egypt, and the Indus River Valley together is their
location on a prominent river. Rivers provide rich fertile topsoil and access to freshwater, which
together are a recipe for life. Without these pockets of agricultural paradise these civilizations may
not have been formed at all. With societies such as Egypt, the Nile river was a calm, predictable, and
benevolent god. This allowed for the Egyptian people to use basic irrigation techniques such as the
Basin technique. This allowed for the regular flood waters to be contained and replenish the
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The Civilizations Of Ancient Civilization
Civilization, derived from the latin word "civis" meaning "citizen", or simply someone who lives in
a city. However, what is the difference between a group of people who live in a town and our
modern concept of civilization. To find the answer to that question we can turn to the civilizations of
ancient times. The beginning of civilization as we know it began in the Neolithic era. This era began
with a very distinct change to the way of life, from the old way of migrating constantly to wherever
the food roams to settling down in one area and growing food to sustain oneself. Yet, the first
civilizations were more than just people who stayed in the same place, grew their own food, and
relied on water and shelter. They had something that made them standout from the people around
them. Each ancient civilization had different values and cultures that led to the diverse institutions
founded by these ancient civilizations. The first ancient civilization of the Neolithic era is that of
Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia comes from the greek words "meso", in between, and "potami"
meaning river. This refers to the location of the region of Mesopotamia which lies between the
Tigress and Euphrates Rivers. The first urban society of Mesopotamia is Sumer. One value of Sumer
and of Mesopotamia is the love of religion and the beliefs in their gods. Religion plays a huge role
in the values of the Sumerians as each large settlement has a temple where a priestly class acts as
managers. Worship held a
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Characteristics Of Ancient Civilizations
Were ancient cultures actually considered civilizations? Four of the most important ancient
civilizations were Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, ancient India, and ancient China. In order to be
considered a civilization a culture must have seven different characteristics. These seven
characteristics of a civilization are writing system, social classes, organized government, public
works, arts and architecture, job specialization, and complex religions.
Mesopotamia was a region in the fertile crescent that was located within the Tigris–Euphrates river
system. In modern day geography it is roughly located in Iraq, the eastern parts of Syria, and
Southeastern Turkey. First, mesopotamia used a writing system known as cuneiform. This writing
system ... Show more content on ...
For example, the king could create a law and the assembly could overturn it. To our knowledge the
Sumerians did not write down their laws. When the king passed a new law everyone was expected
to learn and obey it. Fourth, ancient Mesopotamia people did build public works. Mesopotamia's
public works consisted of dikes, dams, city walls, warehouses, canals and ziggurats. Canals were
one of the most important public works because they were built to bring water to the cropping fields.
Fifth, arts and architecture definitely existed in Mesopotamia. For example, the Hanging Gardens,
one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, is located in Mesopotamia. The people of
Mesopotamia also built ziggurats and made elaborate designs on their pottery. Sixth, job
specialization was very important in Mesopotamia since not one person could master all the skills.
Some of the many jobs in Mesopotamia are farmers, weavers, potters, scribes, astronomers, and
musicians. Scribes were very important since they were the only people the knew how to write.
Finally, Mesopotamia did have a complex religion. They had a polytheistic belief which means that
the people of Mesopotamia believed in many gods. They also believed that the gods were associated
with and controlled various forces of nature. Whenever a bad thing happened, such as a flood, the
Mesopotamians believed that they were getting punished. Overall, it can be concluded that
mesopotamia was a civilization.
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Ancient Egypt And Ancient Civilizations
As seen throughout time, one of the chief concerns of all ancient civilizations was to maintain order
and stability. Civilizations such as ancient Egypt, ancient Rome and even the ancient Babylonian
societies all set forth an effort to maintain stability. Influencing forces on this stability were
religious, political and even geographical. I've noticed that many civilizations flourish for hundreds
of years only to fall or be taken over by the next generation. Some cities today are remnants of these
fallen empires such as Rome in Italy or Alexandria in Egypt. Our earliest signs of human civilization
date all the way back to 10,000BCE, when we see the Neolithic revolution. First signs of farming
are seen in the fertile crescent, along with the domestication of animals. The spread of agriculture
allows for permanent settling in a single area. The Fertile Crescent was the perfect place for first
civilization because it was located in major river basins which in turn made the soil extremely
fertile. The Tigres and Euphrates river that surrounded the Fertile Crescent also acted as an easy
source of transportation through out the area. This encouraged trade and the development of new
communities. Around 5300BCE Sumaria is often accepted as the first civilization, it was a collection
of city–states who shared common values and they also had Cuneiform which was the first
documented form of writing. Sumaria also held the first government bureaucracy with laws which
helped them hold
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Ancient Civilization Paper
Ancient Civilization Paper
Do you remember the story of Jacob in the Bible? I do, and as I think about how while he was in
Egypt, God gave him the knowledge, skill, and forethought for the preparation for store houses
when the great famine struck the land. This reminds me of how difficult times were in early
civilization. As I studied the textbook, World Civilizations: volume 1: to 1700, I see how far our
civilization has come. I will cover most of the things that made the different cultures better, such as;
advances in technology, major trade routes established, the cultures who utilized the specific trade
routes, and the advancement that agriculture and trade made to influence individual civilizations.
Starting in the Paleolithic Age, times were hard, they worked extremely hard for everything they
could find. The family unit was their society, not until later in time did that grow into communities.
It was at the beginning of the Neolithic Age when the breakthrough began regarding social
organization. In this era, they depended on hunting wild game and gathering wild plants for food.
"In the Holocene era, (a geologic age beginning about 12,000 B.C.E. to the present) the world
experienced a dramatic shift to a generally warmer and somewhat drier climate. As conditions
became drier, human groups were forced to settle near surviving bodies of water and to adopt
methods for producing, rather than hunting and foraging for their food. The gradual adoption of
agriculture demanded
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Impact Of Geography On Ancient Civilizations
Impact Of Geography Geography has impacted many cultures and religions, as well as where people
settle down to grow a civilization. Geography has impacted may civilizations throughout the years
such as but not limited to, the Incas, the Mayans, the early hunter gatherer societies, the Chinese, the
Egyptians, as well as the Indians. Civilizations tended to grow near mountains, rivers, and
coastlines, most notable civilization that grew on the river was the Egyptians. Egyptians were
mainly able to survive because of the fact that the Nile River was going through the center of their
kingdom. The Nile was a main source of nourishment as well as a timetable, because the Egyptians
knew when it would flood and when it would recede, so they planned their growing seasons
according to the flooding of the Nile River. Egyptians were not the only well known culture to
develop alongside the shores of a major river a Far East culture also developed. The Chinese empire
did not necessarily start alongside a river, but that was where they most likely had the most amount
of wealth in the region because that was where they grew the most amounts of crops, due to the
fertile land around the yellow river. This influenced the growth of wealth–based societies where the
wealthy people would not live near the rivers, but instead in the mountains, and only the poor
farmers who worked the land would live by the rivers because of the fertile land and the ability to
grow crops. Rivers were also a
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The Ancient Civilization
The intrigue of The Mayans has always existed through the telling of their ritualistic practices or
their calendar, but the fall of such an advanced civilization is perhaps the most intriguing story of
all.To understand what causes great civilizations, it is vital to note the process of collapse in other
civilizations, such as the great Roman Empire. Differences in time period, geographical landscapes,
and other circumstances mean no direct correlations are possible, but the outstanding point of
similarity is that no single factor accounts for a large civilization 's collapse. One similarity between
these two civilizations is the process which brought the downfall of other empires. This can be the
result of the general disregard of rulers for the resources at their disposal and the long–term welfare
of the people they ruled. The period prior to the Maya collapse is often described through
extravagant building projects, unproductive wars, and the overexploitation of natural resources,
especially land, forests, and water. In the past, historians have concluded that the fall of the Maya
civilization was caused by warfare, drought, and disease. Writers of other disciplines. have used the
Mayans to write about disasters, civil strife, and even science fiction. With some of these causes
holding true, there is still a very fundamental factor missing in the landscape of the ancient Maya
which they could not ultimately overcome. The Maya civilization's downfall ultimately can be
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Similarities Between Civilizations And Ancient Civilizations
Although the Mesopotamia civilization was thought to be located in between the Tigris and
Euphrates river , which is now west of Iraq , and the Indus Valley civilization was thought to be
located near the Indus Valley , now New Delhi , India , these two civilizations have many
similarities and also many differences . These specific similarities and differences range from
location , religion , way of life , types of governments , political structures , social structures ,
intuitions and many more . Both civilizations are considered to be ancient civilizations , meaning ,
based on the free dictionary* , the history of an ancient world from the earliest known civilizations
to the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in 476 a.d . In this essay I will explain and inform ,
you the reader , about the similarities and differences between these two civilizations . "The first
known civilization in the Fertile Crescent was uncovered in the 1800 ' s in Mesopotamia . The Tigris
and Euphrates rivers define Mesopotamia , which means , ' between the rivers ' , in Greek. " This
civilization is known for many things , but one of the main things they are known for are creating
the first writing systems. Their form of writing , cuneiform , used different pictures to represent
various objects but soon shifted to the use of geometric shapes to symbolize spoken sound. Also
using judicial literature , one of Hammurabi ' s code of laws , and tipped literature stylus for writing
, or record
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Ancient Egypt : An Ancient Civilization
Have you ever wondered what it was like to be apart of an ancient civilization? Well, if I had to
chose an ancient civilization to be apart of I'd chose the Egypt (Nile) because of it's great economic
standards and it's interesting culture and religion. In Egypt they had great agriculture resources,
festivals, and lots of different customs and beliefs. This all sounds interesting right? Well, if you
want to know more, keep reading!
What was Egypt's economy based on exactly? You've heard of the Nile River right? Well, in ancient
Egypt they relied on the Nile so much it was the main contributor in ancient Egypt for its
agricultural wealth. Each summer the Nile had copious amounts of nutrient–rich silt onto the banks
lining its side. Their fertile land was fostered the stable cultivation of crops such as barley and wheat
as the Egyptian's allowed people to move from a primarily meat–dependent society to one that could
store and rely on grain, doing this it allowed them to abandon nomadic lifestyles and remain in the
same place year after year so a more complex civilization could develop.
For centuries, the Nile had always flooded the valley. Egyptian's created a routine in dealing with
the seasons. The flooding period was called Aketo, it usually lasted from July to December, by using
the current calendar months. When the Nile flooded, farmlands were underwater so Egyptian's used
irrigation canals to run their water to the lands that couldn't reach the Nile. From March to
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Interesting Features of Ancient Civilizations
Question: Try to imagine what it was like to live during that time and in that place. What was it that
caused the transition from Neolithic life to 'civilization?' What were some of the major features of
those civilizations that you found interesting? One of the most interesting features of ancient
civilizations was the extent to which topography influenced cultural worldviews and practices. For
example, in the case of the Sumerians, they possessed a highly–evolved and complex culture, as
manifested in the philosophical depth of their Epic of Gilgamesh. However, the openness of the land
in which they lived to invaders made them vulnerable as did the propensity of the land to
catastrophic flooding. This may be one of the reasons why they did not create as politically and
architecturally complex a society as Egypt or Greece. It also likely affected the relatively dark
worldview expressed in Gilgamesh. However, despite the susceptibility to invasions, subsequent
civilizations in the area, like the Babylonians, created ways of tracking the stars and other valuable
methods of observing and interpreting the world in a scientific fashion that were to become the
building–blocks of modern civilization in other areas. In contrast to Mesopotamia, Egypt had the
advantage of a regular, predictable source of fertilization of its soil in the form of the Nile. This
stable source of food enabled the creation of one of the world's great empires. The "pharaoh was
responsible for all
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Ancient Greece: The Fall Of Ancient Civilization
Ancient civilizations are an important part of the world timeline. Some of these ancient civilizations
exist today, but most are aware that these civilizations are rare and disguised. There are multiple
different factors regarding the fall of societies including: war, capital, natural disasters, over
population and even diseases. Although some civilizations collapsed more rapidly than others, each
society ended because of internal and/or external factors. Ancient Greece was one of the most
dominant and powerful civilizations during its time. After the death of Alexander the Great, the
society became divided. This divide created two weak city states and separate governments. The
Romans took this to their advantage and came together which ultimately made them stronger than
Greece's individual city states (Nardo 2000). The fall of Greece started because of internal conflict
which led to external factors. However Rome eventually collapsed mostly because internal conflict.
This internal conflict resulted in external conflict when Rome became a dictatorship and the citizens
became ... Show more content on ...
An analysis of soil moisture at the ruins of Akkadian cities in the northern farmlands suggest that the
civilization dried up because of an extreme drought. These findings were the first time that a climate
change could be directly linked to a fall of a society. This would also explain the sudden migration
of people to the south which result in the doubling populations of southern cities, overtaxed food
and water supplies (Wilford 1993). Akkadian cities were not the only civilization effected by natural
disasters. Rome also suffered from earthquakes, the Antonine Plague, and famines. Greece was also
hit with an earthquake followed by a tsunami. Libya, Cyprus and Sicily were also effected by these
disasters (Barclay
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Justice In Ancient Civilizations
Since the beginning of time, society imposes us different rules of etiquettes that we need to follow.
Keep your mouth close while eating, be polite with older people, hold the door for ladies etc... These
are actual ones but its interesting to see the evolution of the etiquette through time. At a certain point
in the middle age, it was convenable to burp as loudly as you can after eating to show your host that
the food was good. In fact, the rules of etiquettes are strongly linked with social values like respect.
Other social values were really important in ancient civilizations. Despite the lack of organisation of
their societies, justice and religion were concerns for every leader of these civilizations. In this
argumentative essay, I will ... Show more content on ...
As we seen in the first paragraph, many books of law have been created to regulate many activities
or forbid others. Ancient Egypt has their book of the dead, Ancient Mesopotamia their Hammurabi's
code and ancient Hittites had a pretty similar book of law created by using Hammurabi's code has a
base . It's interesting how these texts are advanced for the time they were written. Has a leader, you
need a way to spread these ideas through all the civilization. They did it without printers or social
network, this is pretty impressive. Some surprising policies have been made following this justice
concept. For example, ''Eye for an eye'' law was made by Mesopotamians to penalized the criminal
by doing him the same thing he did or something equivalent. In our modern society, we would think
this is horrible and this practice would be forbidden but in these times, it's a way to increase justice
and make their world more equal. Moreover, using a strong military system, Greek civilizations like
Sparta have a justice system based on their military order. Some could say that this is not justice
because there is not really an establish system but the will to regulate activities of the population is a
form of justice for me. In brief, civilizations are sharing the same justice desire but use different
method to reach their
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The Origins Of The Ancient Civilization
Could you imagine the entire population of The United States just disappearing? That is what
happened to the Mayans. In a time span of only one hundred years, the whole Maya population was
wiped out. There are several theories about the cause of their decline. Due to their disappearance the
great Mayan inventions were lost in time until modern day anthropologists discovered that they
made their own calendar and language along with many other things. What anthropologists do know
for sure is that the Mayans were an ancient Mesoamerican civilization dating back to 250 B.C
"made up of more than 19 million people"( Their empire centered in the tropical
lowlands of what is now Guatemala. The Maya people reached their peak of power around the 6th
century A.D. The Mayans were successful in many ways;, a website dedicated to
informing the public about important historical information, states, "The Maya excelled at
agriculture, pottery, hieroglyph writing, calendar–making and mathematics, and left behind an
astonishing amount of impressive architecture and symbolic artwork" (Maya). The Mayans were an
intelligent people, we know they created the Mayan calendar, had their own written language, they
also had their own way of building large pyramids by hand. The Maya also made paper from tree
bark and wrote in books made from this paper, these books were known as codices. Only four of
these codices are known to have survived. The Maya built many of their
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The Ancient Civilization
The ancient Maya civilisation has generated great interest in many academic scholars and scientists,
due to the phenomenon which saw one of the most dramatic civilisation collapses in recorded
history, during what has been referred to as the Terminal Classic Period– A.D. ∼700 to 950 (Haug et
al, 2003). Interestingly, the ancient civilisation has been characterised by its collapse in the 9th
century, perhaps even more so than its remarkable accomplishments, such as: creating vast
hierarchical and political structures, architecture and symbolic artwork (Masson, 2012). The Maya
empire comprised of indigenous populations, who were situated in North America, and inhabited
southern present– day Mexico, Belize, El Salvador, Houndras and the semi–tropical lowland
environment of Guatemala (Faust, 2001). The Maya collapse is an incredibly controversial topic,
which is still debated in society today. Many substantial arguments have been placed to explain the
fundamental cause of collapse, especially the downfall of the Maya lowland areas of the Yucatán
peninsular region, which was arguably affected the most significantly. Consequently, this essay will
examine the key hypotheses presented for the reasoning behind the collapse of the ancient Maya.
Focusing on: drought and whether its cause was due to natural climatic changes or anthropogenic
forcing, social factors such as, disease and war, and finally political and cultural issues, which may
have led to the Maya demise. Natural
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Ancient Civilization
All ancient civilisations were very well developed. Discuss.
It is evident that most aspects of life in ancient civilisations were well developed. Many aspects of
society in Ancient Greece were very advanced. Ancient Egypt was a very advanced civilisation in
many different parts of life. Ancient Chinese culture, entertainment and architecture were all well
developed, as well as numerous other things.
Many aspects of Ancient Greek society were well developed. Ancient Greek religion was very
advanced, with many gods and goddesses. All the gods and goddesses represented, or were god of
something, for example, Poseidon was god of the sea, storms, earthquakes and horses. They had
many myths and legends about gods with morals to teach lessons and some to explain things, and
some are still told. To the Greeks, worshiping the gods was a part of daily life. Huge temples and
structures were built to honour the gods, which remain today. Architecture in ancient Greece was
very advanced, with many incredibly well built and designed buildings and sculptures, with some
remaining to his day. An aspect of Ancient Greek architecture that has continued to be used today is
columns. Columns were used in many structures, providing strength and stability. An example of a
building from ancient Greece that used columns is the Parthenon, a temple dedicated to the goddess
Athena, which still stands today. The ancient Greeks were the first known civilization to have a
democracy, this shows that
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Women's Role In Ancient Civilizations
The environment had a large part in shaping early human history and civilizations. The peoples of
the Paleolithic era were generally hunter gatherer nomadic peoples that traveled out of Sub–Saharan
Africa looking for better food supply and environments. The Neolithic Era gave rise to human
settlement and the beginning of human civilization. The first civilizations settled between the Tigris
and Euphrates rivers around the area that would later be called the Fertile Crescent because of its
plentiful in cereal crops, water, and animals that could be domesticated. A civilization such as
Mesopotamia highlighted the relationship between fertile lands and societies.
According to Diamond, environments and human societies are intertwined in that human ... Show
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The Byzantine Empire ruled by Hammurabi did not see women as equal to men. Hammurabi's
Codes gave women some rights, but they were not completely equal to men. For example, one of the
codes allows a woman accused of cheating on her husband to merely swear she did not do it and go
back home. On the other hand a woman who is convicted of neglecting their husband may, if her
husband wishes, be forced to stay in his house as a servant while he is remarried.
Sparta, a militant society in Ancient Greece, allowed women more freedoms than any of the other
Greek city states. Women were able to educate themselves, have physical training, and own
property. But their general priority was to bear and birth more healthy Spartan males. The Muslim
empire allowed women to keep their property both before and after their marriage, and according to
Islamic scripture women were made at the same time as man, meaning that they are equal to a man.
Women could serve as leaders, warriors, and even generals. But the death of Muhammad and the
continued spread of Islam led to more conservative values and essentially the imbalanced treatment
of women. Through examining each of these civilizations, it can be inferred that pre–modern
civilizations generally had varying ideas of what the role of women should be in
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Ancient History-Olmec Civilization
Mexico's history includes the historical development of human societies. The history of human
societies began approximately 25,000 years ago. From this time on, archeological evidence of
human presence started being detected. This historical period, is characterized by the development
of various Indian cultures. According to the web page "Ancient History–Olmec Civilization", the
oldest Indian tribe known to preserve historic monuments as well as lay the groundwork
development of all other Indian cultures, was the Olmec civilization. The Olmec civilization started
forming in 1500 BC and the end of their culture is assumed to be around 500 BC. The Olmec were
really skilled sculptors and they had great architectures. However, another very important ... Show
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Mexico lost extensive territory in the north part of the state. The founder of modern Mexican states,
is Benito Juárez. The discovery of oil in the Gulf of Mexico, led to the country's relatively higher
standard of living compared to other Latin American countries. Furthermore, during the Mexican
Revolution, the poor parts of Mexico formed a movement led by Emiliano Zapata. Seven years of
the Revolution within Mexico, greatly weakened the country, politically and economically.
Democratic Revolution culminated in 1917 announcing the progressive constitution. This
established a partial redistribution of land landowners. It guaranteed eight hour days, a six–day
working week, set a minimum wage, equalized the pay, banned child labor, legalized trade unions,
and gave a limited right to strike. The Constitution also declared the land and the mineral wealth of
the country as a national property and prohibited further acquisitions by foreigners. Mexico
participated in World War II on behalf of the anti–Hitler coalition. Due to the support Mexico
became a founding member of the United
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Religion Of The Ancient Civilizations
From the ancient Mesopotamian civilizations to the Muslim world, antiquity has always been filled
with religions of all sorts. These religions helped guide how ancient peoples lived life and came
about doing even the most common tasks that people like us do today. Religion impacted the
civilizations of the ancient world by greatly influencing how peoples of ancient civilizations acted,
how they thought about the world around them, how civilizations were organized and maintained,
and how they interacted with civilizations of another religion.
First, religions in civilizations of the ancient world impacted the way of life for followers of the
religions. Followers of different religions worshiped their religions differently, but it is true that all
followers of religion have some sort of way to practice their religion. It is known that many ancient
peoples spent a significant amount of time in their lives to practice their religion. For example, the
religion of Islam stresses the importance of praying five times a day. Thus, Muslims, compared to
adherents to other religions, would have had spent more time each day on praying. Another facet of
Islam is jihad. In wars, this principle of striving in the way of Allah motivated Muslim soldiers to
fight gloriously and fearlessly, knowing that their actions are honorable and righteous. Undoubtedly,
this common belief within Muslim armies boosted war morale and helped Islam under Muhammad
spread like wildfire throughout the Arabian
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Characteristics Of Ancient Civilizations
Ancient Egypt was one of the most notorious ancient civilizations in my opinion. They had many
great achievements that were necessary to all of the architecture they had built and what they had
done to live and thrive in a decent society. Ancient Egypt was in my opinion the most active of
many of the ancient civilizations. Ancient Egypt had a social hierarchy that basically set up how
each person was ranked throughout the civilization. At the top of the social hierarchy would be the
Pharaohs, who were the rulers of ancient Egypt. The second one down on the social hierarchy would
be the priests and the nobles. The nobles were the only people allowed to hold government posts,
and the priests were the people that were responsible for pleasing the gods. The third down the
social hierarchy would be the Vizier's, who was the civilizations chief minister, who supervised the
government. Next down the social hierarchy would be the soldiers who protected the ancient
civilizations from attacks and went into battle when needed. The fourth down the social hierarchy
would be the scribes, who keeps record of what is going on in the civilization. Next on the social
hierarchy would be the merchants and the artisans. The merchants are the people in the civilization
that sell or trade different items. The artisans are people in the civilization that make and trade items
made by hand. Next on the social hierarchy would be the peasants, who are basically people who
wander and sometimes have the
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Ancient Mesopotamia And Ancient Civilizations
Throughout many cultures in ancient civilizations, humans have held a belief in superior beings to
which they called gods. The gods, in the eyes of many of the ancient people, were responsible for
many things such as crop growth, storms, fertility, and even creation of life. The Mesopotamians,
Egyptians, and the Hebrews all had gods that they interacted with. Understanding the likenesses and
differences in how these people interacted with their gods might give us an insight to how similar or
different the three civilizations were.
In ancient Mesopotamia, humans had many gods. According to their beliefs, there was a war
between the old gods and the new gods. They were created by the storm god Marduk when he
defeated the god Tiamat's champion Quingu. From Quingu's remains. Marduk created man and they
were to be co–laborers with the gods to hold off the forces of chaos in order to keep the
communities running smoothly. The humans provided the gods with everything they needed from
food to sacrifices and taking care of the temples which were the god's homes on earth. In return the
gods took care of the humans in every aspect of their lives such as continued health or a good
harvest. It was the god Enlil who legitimized the rule of kings. This is what gave a particular person
the right to impose their rule over all others. The person who rules is the one who has direct
communication with the god of their city. Even though there is communication with the gods, this
did not
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Ancient Civilizations : Compare And Contrasting Ancient...
Contrasting Ancient Civilizations
Most people believe that all ancient civilizations were the same: they all lived with a steadfast
loyalty to their one and only king that ruled all of the lands, civilizations only achievements were
monumental buildings, and they vacuously attacked neighboring societies to gain more land for
millennia. While some of this knowledge is true to an extent, civilizations accomplished an
abundance more than some realize. Some fail to register that early civilizations are unique from each
other. Egypt and Mesopotamia were two distinct civilizations. Despite similarities such as both
being river civilizations, Egypt and Mesopotamia contrasted with each other in the areas of, type of
ruling, religion, and ... Show more content on ...
The Egyptians viewed the afterlife as a happy place filled with food and the gods. In contrast, the
Mesopotamians viewed the afterlife as a place of horror and fear. The vital cause for the differences
of viewpoints in the afterlife is the River they depended on. Both civilizations saw the afterlife as an
extension of their current life. With this being said, the Nile was giving and gave them lots of water
along with silt, which was crucial for the survival of their crops. In turn, the Egyptians perspective
on the afterlife was gracious. Conversely, the Mesopotamians depended on the Tigris and Euphrates
rivers. While it did bless them with fresh water, on occasions, the river would grow violent and
cause a catastrophic amount of damage to their homes and crops. Since they also viewed their
afterlife as an extension to their current lives, they saw it as a dark and horrible place that wasn't
wanted. However, both civilizations accomplished achievements through religion and for other
The last way Egyptians and Mesopotamian civilizations diverge and converge with each other is
because of their accomplishments. They both accomplished mathematics, medicine, architecture of
their structures dedicated to their gods, and calendars. Both probably accomplished these specific
tasks because each either helped them survive or helped them religious wise. One achievement that
was exclusive to the Egyptians was mummification. In ancient Egyptian
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Early Civilizations : Ancient Civilizations
LeAndra Reed
Dr. Houck, History 2311
September 18, 2015
Early Civilization
All civilizations, whether old or new, strive for advancement. In order to advance, certain techniques
and characteristics have to be combined and manipulated to achieve this progression. "A civilization
is a complex culture in which large numbers of human beings share a variety of common elements."
Examples of these early civilizations that used similar characteristics to flourish were the Sumerians
in Mesopotamia and the Egyptians in Egypt. A civilization is formed by several characteristics. The
most important being the need for a sufficient group of people. Next would be a central place for
these people to congregate. These structures typically would be used for religious purposes as well
as a place to delegate how the societies would operate. People in these early civilizations would
typically live closer to the central structure. This is turned led to the creation of writing to record and
communicate between people of these early societies. In these early civilizations, people relied
heavily on their neighbors and would work together to keep prospering. Early examples of these
characteristics forming a civilization would be in Mesopotamia and Egypt civilizations.
Mesopotamia was an area between "the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Southwest Asia."
Mesopotamia received little rainfall yet lands were plentiful and rich. The overflow of the bordering
rivers would bring in "fertile silt" to
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Ancient Civilization Dbq
If ancient civilizations did not invent new ideas and machines, the world would not be in the spot it
is today. Innovation is necessary for the continuation and improvement of a society. Ancient cities in
the River Valley were very intelligent and knew how to use the resources they could find.
Civilizations in the Middle East and Asia, circa 3,000 BCE, showed great success in the areas of
government, science and technology, and writing. The cities made advancements in government and
the security of their lands. For example, the Amorites rebuilt the walls of Babylon with burnt brick
to keep themselves safe from intruders (doc 3). Another instance of the advancement of government
practices in ancient times was in the Mauryan Empire under Ashoka's rule (doc 9). Ashoka had rock
edicts inscribed to proclaim the laws of the land to each and every citizen. He made sure the ...
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The Assyrians were using bandages to treat wounds and knew about inflammation, while the
Egyptians were treating their mummies with crushed spices and perfumes (doc 1 and 4). Medical
achievements were very important during this time period because there were diseases that were
hard to protect oneself against, therefore the doctors must learn how to treat them one contracted.
Document 2 shows a picture from an Egyptian book, and a boat is present. Boats were a very useful
invention because using them made it easy to go up and down the Nile River. The Chinese had very
advanced silk and bronze making techniques (doc 5 and 7). They were the best at using bronze to
make pots and jewelry at the time, and it brought them a lot of revenue, just like their silk clothes
and fabric did. The people from Ancient India had a proper drainage system to remove waste from
homes (doc 6), while the Egyptians made advancements in engineering and geometry (doc 12).
Learning about these things made building the pyramids
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Comparing Ancient Civilizations
The true definition of civilization can vary from person to person. Everyone has their own
perspective, but some can agree A civilization can be defined as when a society reaches an
advancement in cultures, governments, and socialization. In the chapters there are many different
civilizations to chose from and compare. The two civilizations that interested me the most were the
ancient Athenians and Rome. The similarities and difference in these two are numerous ancient
civilizations create such a diverse conception in many ways.
The Ancient Greeks and Romans both began their histories as city–states. They have many similar
views on politics, and the two were societies which believed that multiple gods effected their lives.
The Greeks had Zeus
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Ancient River Valley Civilization
The river valley civilizations had many characteristics that were similar in every valley. Two of
these characteristics are rivers and natural barriers. These can either be advantages or disadvantages.
These advantages and disadvantages can shape how an empire forms, survives, and how long it
There are many advantages to forming civilizations in ancient river valleys. One of these advantages
was the rivers. The rivers provide irrigation for crops, and when they flood, they deposit fertile soil.
One example of this is Mesopotamia, which is Greek for "land between the rivers". Mesopotamia is
also known as the Fertile Crescent, because of this fertile soil. Another one of these advantages was
natural barriers. Natural barriers protection from invaders. One example of this is India, in which the
civilization ended due to earthquakes. India had the Himalayas, the Thar Desert, and two bodies of
water, the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal.
There were also many disadvantages to forming civilizations in ancient river valleys. One of these ...
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to 1279 A.D. They developed the Mandate of Heaven, which was the basis of royal authority. They
said that when there was famines, natural disasters, and peasants revolts, the current ruler had lost
the Mandate of Heaven, and when there was a revolt, and the dynasty was overthrown, it was
justified by using the Mandate of Heaven. This showed the dynastic cycle, the pattern of the rise,
fall, and replacement of dynasties. The Chinese developed a way to travel by sea and were no longer
isolated. The developed silk, and the government ran silk mills and put private weavers out of
business, and then they traded the silk to other parts of the world, which made them very wealthy.
Their empire finally ended when Kublai Khan, grandson of Genghis Khan, took over China to
expand the Mongolian
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The Rise Of Civilization And Ancient Civilizations
The rise of civilization has always fascinated people. Since the appearance of anatomically modern
human beings, some one hundred and fifty thousand years ago, the emergence of civilization has
been one of the most important accomplishments of people.
Civilization is defined as "an organizing principle that implies common institutions, economic
systems, social structures, and values that extend over space and time" (Matthews 3). Some of the
things that make up a civilization are religion, government, arts, writing and language, currency,
study of science, math and medicine – as examples. The two earliest known civilizations were
Mesopotamia and Egypt. These two civilizations arose around the same time and coincidentally near
one another, near the Mediterranean Sea. Many similarities and differences exist between these
ancient civilizations. In particular, the religions of these two civilizations are distinguishably
different, yet have many concrete similarities as well.
The religions of Mesopotamia and Egypt are the products of the environment that the people lived in
and their experiences living in it. Because of the harsh and unpredictable nature of their
environment, the religion of the ancient people in Mesopotamia was very pessimistic.
They lived only at the mercy of their gods, who they believed were of great power and controlled
the environment. In ancient Egypt, contrastingly, nature was far more stable and predictable. It was
thusly believed that the gods favored
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Ancient Civilizations: Cuneiform And Hieroglyphics
many ancient civilizations made advancements in their own ways. Some include creating ways of
writing and creating large and complex structures. The two most important forms of early writing
were cuneiform and hieroglyphics. Hieroglyphics were created by the Ancient
Egyptians just like the famous pyramids that amaze us to this day. All of these things gave way to
even more creations that helped created the world like it is today.
The world's first written language was created by the Sumerians 5000 years ago. The ancient
language called cuneiform was invented by the Sumerians to keep track of business dealings and to
keep records of new ideas that could now be passed down new ideas in a more reliable and easy
way. One of the big reasons they made it for ... Show more content on ...
The Egyptians took cuneiform to what I think was the next level. Unlike the Sumerian writing
system ,cuneiform, Egyptian hieroglyphics were based on pictures. Also in Egypt's writing system
the pictures could stand for not only ideas or objects, but also sounds. The
Egyptians started to take notice that the clay and stone that they were carving into was beginning to
become a difficult "canvas", so they invented the first form of paper. This paper was called papyrus
and it came from the papyrus plant which is a type of reed.
The Egyptians made many very important discoveries and inventions. One of the most famous of
these was the building of the great pyramids. These amazing structures were constructed during the
Old Kingdom time period by the Egyptian kings. The sole purpose of the pyramids was to serve as a
house or tomb for deceased kings. To create these unique structures the Egyptians had to master the
skills of geometry, architecture, mathematics, and engineering. The Sumerians created the first
written language and the Egyptians took the Sumerians cuneiform to the next level and created the
mighty pyramids. All three of these
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Why Is Ancient Egypt So Important To Ancient Civilization
River Civilizations Essay. Rivers are very important to any ancient civilization. One of the major
resources that rivers provided was silt. Silt is a kind of dirt filled with important minerals and
nutrients that are very helpful in planting and growing crops. Silt is produced when a river floods
and after the flood is over a nutrient rich soil is left over. Another recourse that rivers provide is
food. Rivers can provide fish that can be used to feed a family or whole city. The final major
function of rivers in my opinion is transportation. Transportation is a very important river function
because it can lead to trade and growth of a civilization. By trading you can get recourses that you
don't have or that you want and you can borrow ... Show more content on ...
One of those civilizations was ancient Egypt. Ancient Egypt was located on the Nile River which
flows through Egypt, Sudan, Uganda, Ethiopia, Zaire, the Sahara Desert, Kenya, Tanzania, Eritrea,
Burundi and Rwanda. The Nile River is the longest river in the world. The Nile River had many of
functions for Ancient Egypt and helped them in many different ways from silt to transportation. The
Ancient Egyptians were able to predict flooding of the Nile which came in handy so they could be
well protected and prepared. The Ancient Egyptians would actually celebrate the flooding the Nile
because they knew that after the flood was over silt would be left over which they could use to grow
crops if there was a drought. Egyptians were also excellent sailors which came in handy when it
came time for trading. Ancient Egypt traded many of things like gold, papyrus, linen, and grain.
Trading also helped Egypt move forward because they could borrow ideas from other places that
they traded with and mix them into their culture. In my opinion trading was good, but it also was
bad because it allowed people to know that there was a great civilization there and know people
knew how to get
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Women in Ancient Civilizations
The role of women in different civilizations, even though on different spectrums of the world, had
many similarities and only a few differences. Women in these four civilizations: Greece, Egypt,
China, and India faced many of the same hardships, struggles, and prejudices. Some of this
treatment of women didn't even end until present day (1920's). In some of these civilizations women
were able to rise up somewhat in their communities but it didn't come without some kind of
When it came to the rights of these women, they really didn't have any at all. In Greece women were
considered to be second class citizens at best. All women were forbidden to own property, inherit
their own name, vote, or attend political debate. Men ... Show more content on ...
Now it is around the age of eighteen for both. The woman and the woman's family must still present
dowry to the husband and his family. There were also limited rights in the family back then as there
is now. Women in India can go through being burned and abused by their husbands with nothing
being done at all (
These women, even though they were very restricted, they were responsible for items when it came
to home and family. Out of all of the
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Ancient Civilizations And The Egyptian Civilization
William McNeill, author of A World History, is in accordance with the belief that ancient
civilizations who were in constant contact with conflict and war could develop a more advanced
system of law, bureaucracy, and market prices. By that logic, Mesopotamia would have been far
more advanced than Egypt. For example, Mesopotamia frequented attacks from barbarians because
of the lay of the land. They also had trouble controlling war between centers of industry due to the
inevitable struggle with the course of the river. On the Egyptian side, the high levels of land
surrounding the Nile, outside of where the Egyptian civilization laid its ground, made it very
difficult for barbarians to invade. Egypt also adopted the Sumerian influences and ... Show more
content on ...
There are also many limits on women and marriage and divorce procedures. In Mesopotamian
society, the wealthy man who owned property, otherwise known as the "seignior," was the most
well–respected individual. The punishments for a seignior committing an act against another
seignior, a member of government, or another supreme institution like the state or church, was
highly extreme, mainly resulting in equal torture, ultimate death or death via thrown into the river.
For example, "If a seignior has destroyed the eye of a member of the aristocracy, they shall destroy
his eye" (32, R). However, if a seignior were to commit a crime against a commoner, slave, or
women, the punishment would be vastly less extreme. "If he has destroyed the eye of a commoner
or broken the bone of a commoner, he shall pay one mina of silver" (32, R). A system of law that is
not just for every punishment and for everyone, no matter the social class, is not a just system. By
instituting harsher punishments and inequality, Mesopotamia was establishing a foundation of
failure. On the other hand, Egypt's, The Book of the Dead, isn't necessarily a law code like the Code
of Hammurabi, but there is evidence of law within its context. Egypt believed highly in obtaining a
life free of wrongdoing in order to enter into the afterlife. After death, an Egyptian, more than likely
a wealthy man, stands in front of the hall of Two–Justices and renounces sin to
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Ancient Mexican Civilization Analysis
This is where the civilizations became to be. Many things were created here like the steel, paper,
iron drill bits, and waterwheels. If this river had not been here it would have affected life for the
chinese very hard. The river supplied water and gave fertile land to farm plants that would help them
survive. The classes in society. The classes were aristocrats, farmers, and merchants. The aristocrats
lived in large houses with roofs, gardens, and courtyards. They were very rich. To keep out bandits,
they put walls around their houses. Inside the houses they had fine furniture and silk. The father
would divide their land to his sons when they were older. As he divided it, the land became smaller
and smaller. The farmers were below the ... Show more content on ...
Many were rich, but landowners and farmers looked down on them. Government officials thought
that anyone with a government job should not think about their own money, so merchants were not
allowed to have a government job. The chinese family was proud of their family name. They were
so proud that the family name would come first in their writing. Most families were large. They
were large because they needed farmers and everyone in the family worked on the fields. The older
sons made their own crops. Everyone in the house had to respect the older men of the house. The
oldest male was usually the head of the house, but sometimes it would be a brother. Whoever the
head male was, the wife had to obey them. They practiced filial piety. The men of the house went to
school and ran the government. To have a peaceful society they used confucianism, daoism, and
legalism. Confucianism was a doctrine to harmony to parents, family, country, order, and
tranquillity. Confucius was the doctrine of "The Way". Families burnt scents for their ancestors, as
he taught them. He had a monument/ temple. They worshiped many gods. They thought angry
spirits ruined crops, lost battles, and brought good luck. They went to temples to burn pager, food,
and clothing because they think their ancestors will need them. If a king wanted to know something
a priest wrote questions on oracle bones and delivered the
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Confucius: The Values Of Ancient Civilizations
In the ancient times around 2070 B.C.E. a new civilization formed in the eastern part of the world, a
civilization that would be highly dependent on duties of people. While in the west, another
civilization was emerging and in 509 B.C.E. the Roman republic emerged. Both the Civilizations
also had similar ideas of duties, such as relationships and obligations. Even though the different
civilizations contained many of the same duties, the different civilization contained different types
of relationships with different values.
In the state of Lu, within the Chinese dynasty called the Zhou, a Chinese philosopher, named
Confucius, born in 551 B.C.E., became one of the most influential philosophers to walk the earth.
He started a philosophy called ... Show more content on ...
Also when Corpus states, "She provided my life with luxuries, when she handed over all the gold
and pearls [...] deceiving my adversarial guards" (Corpus) he is stating that it was his Wife's duty to
their relationship to be adversarial to him. On the other hand, Ban Zhao, a female, Chinese,
Confucian writes "Lessons for Women" about Confucianism. When Zhao writes,
"[...] I took up the dustpan and the broom in the Cao family. During this time with trembling I feared
constantly that I might disgrace my parents, and that I might multiply difficulties"(Ban Zhao)
Ban Zhao truly exclaims that her obligation to her marriage isn't like the roman marriage, for she
doesn't spend her time with her husband, but rather her broom. Also when she says
"If a husband is unworthy, then he possesses nothing by which to control his wife. If a wife is
unworthy, then she possesses nothing with which to serve her husband"(Ban Zhao)
When She exclaims this she shows that men are rulers over their wives, who might as well be
slaves. In the Roman culture, Women still have to serve their husbands, except she doesn't contain
the role of a slave. However in the Chinese culture the wife is almost a slave to her husband. These
passages show that the duty of marriage is to be a servant to your
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Ancient Egyptian Civilization
The ancient Egyptian civilization is arguably the oldest civilization in the world. It is believed to
have emerged around 5,500 years ago, although some scholars have estimated an even earlier date.
During the predynastic period the Egyptians were not united, but as the Sahara desert expanded
many people began moving their settlements around the Nile River. These settlements started
coming together to form towns. As these towns progressed they developed many new ideas to help
the society run smoother. However the total unification and start of the ancient Egyptian civilization
did not happen, until Hierakonpolis expanded and conquered Naqada. The ancient Egyptian
civilization was now created. Since this civilization was one of the first in the world, there was no
structure to start with. In order to function as a thriving civilization, the Egyptians had to accomplish
agricultural, architectural, medical, and educational advancements. The ancient Egyptian's
advancements in agriculture is one of the driving forces that lead to the success of their empire. The
Egyptian civilization came together because of the need for fertile soil and a constant supply of
water. Although the Nile was a constant supply of water, the Egyptians still needed to find a way to
bring the water to their crops. Murray shows the reason why irrigation was needed, "In Egypt, 6000
years ago, when the latest 'rainy interlude' began to wane, neolithic tribesmen from both sides
flocked into the Nile Valley
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Ancient Civilization Society
Ever since man began to roam this earth some 3–5 million years ago, societies have been evolving
and growing to bring us to the current civilizations that we have today. Although there are some
general differences between the societies such as origin, appearance, and tradition there is far more
argumentation to reinforce how similarly they evolved and developed. To begin, it is indispensable
that we delve into the earliest forms of humanity.
Most if not all groups maintained their survival through a similar nomadic lifestyle of hunting and
gathering. Continuation of early societies also depended on living off of the river. The Tigris and
Euphrates, Nile River, and Indus Valley provided a source to fish as well as fertile land for the
Mesopotamian, Egyptian, and Harappan societies respectively. In India and China, the elders of the
family were looked at as the leaders and decision makers. This continues on through the
development of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Olmec and Persian empires as variations of Kings and
Pharaohs are a precedent of dominance. Religion was a primary part of life in ancient civilizations
as it is today. Although there are differences between monotheistic and polytheistic groups, worship
was crucial to the development of the Maya and Olmec as well as the Hebrews and Israelites. One
of the most extraordinary advances towards ... Show more content on ...
Actually, they seem to have more alike than not. The key word that needs to be understood while
studying them is evolution. In order to evolve, these ancient civilizations had to borrow and regulate
ideas from each other. Without the development of communication, classification, and various other
patterns of life, these societies would not have been able to sustain life within the harshness of the
ancient world. Of course differences can be observed, but it is the similarities that truly allowed
societies to
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The Mayan Civilization : Ancient Civilization
The Mayan Civilization:
For many centuries the Mayan was of life was a mystery to archaeologists. Their geography, social
structure, government, economy/trade, technology, writing, and arts were all thought to be forever
lost. Now, as archaeologists are still uncovering more information, what was once referred to as
"The Lost Civilization of Maya", has been awakened from the grave of unknown. Geography:
The ancient Mayan Civilization surrounded by the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean stretched
from the southern tip of Mexico to Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. The tropical
climate was ideal for growing, their main crop, maize along with sweet potatoes, avocado pears, and
paw paws. There was plenty of rain in the whole ... Show more content on ...
Commoners could not vote as the Mayan Civilization was not a democracy. The Mayan Civilization
has always had a strong social class and was always a monarchy. Government:
The Mayans always were a separated nation, that was made up of a collection of city–states. They
had a hierarchical system in their government. They lived in city–states much like the Egyptians and
the Mesopotamians. The Mayans has no professional armies but warfare was still quite important to
the government. Mayan government would also raid other city–states. The Mayan rulers were
thought of as a human–god hybrid. The rules were passed down by generation. It was unlikely for
women to become rulers but occasionally when the king was too young, at war or unavailable for
some other reason women would rule. All city–states were similar in the laws, the gods they
believed in, architectural style, clothing and their way of life. Yet the Mayans never came together
because of the common greed that nobles shared: wanting more power and land. Economy/Trade:
The most important trading item for the Mayans was salt and the Yucatan Peninsula had lots of salt.
The people of the Yucatan Peninsula traded honey, beeswax, bird feathers, and slaves. The feathers
traded ranged from toucans all the way to hummingbirds, these feathers were used in clothing. The
lowland products included cacao, lime stone for building, vannila, jaguar pelts and
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DBQ On Ancient Mesopotamian Civilization

  • 1. DBQ On Ancient Mesopotamian Civilization Sumerian DBQ Think for a second about a world without civilization, without laws. I bet you don't know who developed civilization! The Mesopotamians did, they also created lots of amazing inventions! Some of these civilizations also developed in China and Egypt. Ancient Mesopotamia. Two contributions from the Mesopotamian Civilization were the invitation of the cuneiform and Hammurabi's Code. Did you know that the ancient Mesopotamian created cuneiform? Cuneiform was the first form of writing. It was created over 5000 years ago! Mesopotamians created Cuneiform to make trading deals. You might think in your head, why don't they just remember it? Well, that is because if they traded a year from now the people could lie and get more of their ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Maya And The Ancient Civilizations To this day, historians still discuss when exactly the Maya civilizations started but the most commonly accepted date is 1800 BCE in the Soconusco Region. Unlike other Mesoamerican civilizations, Maya was not confined to one area of land but rather stretched out over Central America. To historians today, the Maya civilization reached its peak during the Classic Period between AD 250 and 900. At its peak, the Maya population was over 2,000,000 people. Excavations of Mayan cities have uncovered plazas, temples, pyramids, ball playing courts, and even art. The peak of this civilization is considered to have occurred when the Mayans started to carve and produce beautiful low relief steles. The Stele in Figure 1 from the late Classic Maya period is an example of a low relief stele that the Mayans were so known for. Steles are generally made from wood or stone and are taller than the average human. They were erected as a monumental object for either commutative or funerary purposes. In Mesoamerica, the first steles were first seen from the Olmec's; Mesoamerican civilization that existed between 1200 to 400 BCE. Maya Steles are typically carved in low relief in stone with a base altar; a base that typically had the name or some sort of offering to the figure in the stele. It was in the peak of the Mayan civilization, the Classic period, AD 250–900, which the steles were predominantly employed. The Maya people used steles mainly in the Classic period (AD 250–900) within their peak ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Hunter-Gatherers In Ancient Civilization Approximately 2.5 million years ago humans lived as hunter–gatherers that would move in bands, later on, they would turn into the great civilization of the ancient world due to better technique and a more organized society. Starting from the neolithic age which consists of hunter–gatherers. There were basically early modern humans. Hunter–gatherers had populated a lot of the earth by 30,000 years ago, continued the hunter and gathering way of life. They would feed off of wild plants and animals and move from one location to another. They would also use the fur of their killings as clothes. In a hunting and gatherings economy, they would move from one location to another to secure their food supply. Hunter–gatherers were very self–sufficient. The change comes from around 10,000 years ago when people first discover how to cultivate crops and domesticate animals. This meant they could stay in sedentary areas. This lead to a more efficient living. Hunter–gatherers were no longer nomads and soon would become pastoral nomads since they stayed in permanent areas. The areas they settled around was near rivers since they needed a water source. Also, this is the most significant individual ... Show more content on ... People began using metals, such as copper and bronze, instead of stones to make tools. Later on, they created a system of letters and began to write. This new form of living was called civilization. To keep peace among people living closely together and the city–state, they need rules. The first set of laws was The Code of Hammurabi, as rules were called, they needed some sort of authority so the rules were enforced. Thus some societies developed governments. The rules were enforced no matter the person's hierarchy. Also wasn't only one type of government. There are different types of governments that were used in great civilization due to beliefs of the leader and society, some of them were the absolute monarchy, empire, direct democracy, or ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. How Did Ancient Civilizations Affect The Development Of... Civilizations were able to bloom due to the development of agriculture. Agriculture resulted in more food, resulting in less hunters and farmers, letting more people become soldiers, tradesmen, and craft workers, developing more diversified societies. The leaders of farming communities and towns developed early forms of government, while a few powerful men/women ruled over larger land and livestock. With the surplus quantity food, the population kept growing at an exponential rate, resulting in the growth of towns and kingdoms. With the change of how people obtained food, technology advanced even further with the surplus of different jobs, leaders formed a government and rules for towns, land, livestock, and the population growth resulted ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Ancient Civilizations The Connections Between Ancient Civilizations A civilization is born through the domestication of plants and animals followed by the cultivation of these products in which a surplus allows for the specialization of labor. Civilizations allowed for humans to create order and pursue intellectual and spiritual matters to a degree in which man had not previously been allowed. Most ancient civilizations arose from a fertile farming location and predictable harvest. When basic needs have been provided for the specialization of labor can provide a culture a chance at endless artistic and technological advances. An analysis of the characteristics of civilization demonstrates common threads which connect the ancient societies of Sumeria, Egypt, and the Indus River Valley. Many of these connections can be found within each civilization's religion, government, location, language, trade, and technology. The deepest connection that binds Sumeria, Egypt, and the Indus River Valley together is their location on a prominent river. Rivers provide rich fertile topsoil and access to freshwater, which together are a recipe for life. Without these pockets of agricultural paradise these civilizations may not have been formed at all. With societies such as Egypt, the Nile river was a calm, predictable, and benevolent god. This allowed for the Egyptian people to use basic irrigation techniques such as the Basin technique. This allowed for the regular flood waters to be contained and replenish the ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Civilizations Of Ancient Civilization Civilization, derived from the latin word "civis" meaning "citizen", or simply someone who lives in a city. However, what is the difference between a group of people who live in a town and our modern concept of civilization. To find the answer to that question we can turn to the civilizations of ancient times. The beginning of civilization as we know it began in the Neolithic era. This era began with a very distinct change to the way of life, from the old way of migrating constantly to wherever the food roams to settling down in one area and growing food to sustain oneself. Yet, the first civilizations were more than just people who stayed in the same place, grew their own food, and relied on water and shelter. They had something that made them standout from the people around them. Each ancient civilization had different values and cultures that led to the diverse institutions founded by these ancient civilizations. The first ancient civilization of the Neolithic era is that of Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia comes from the greek words "meso", in between, and "potami" meaning river. This refers to the location of the region of Mesopotamia which lies between the Tigress and Euphrates Rivers. The first urban society of Mesopotamia is Sumer. One value of Sumer and of Mesopotamia is the love of religion and the beliefs in their gods. Religion plays a huge role in the values of the Sumerians as each large settlement has a temple where a priestly class acts as managers. Worship held a ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Characteristics Of Ancient Civilizations Were ancient cultures actually considered civilizations? Four of the most important ancient civilizations were Mesopotamia, ancient Egypt, ancient India, and ancient China. In order to be considered a civilization a culture must have seven different characteristics. These seven characteristics of a civilization are writing system, social classes, organized government, public works, arts and architecture, job specialization, and complex religions. Mesopotamia was a region in the fertile crescent that was located within the Tigris–Euphrates river system. In modern day geography it is roughly located in Iraq, the eastern parts of Syria, and Southeastern Turkey. First, mesopotamia used a writing system known as cuneiform. This writing system ... Show more content on ... For example, the king could create a law and the assembly could overturn it. To our knowledge the Sumerians did not write down their laws. When the king passed a new law everyone was expected to learn and obey it. Fourth, ancient Mesopotamia people did build public works. Mesopotamia's public works consisted of dikes, dams, city walls, warehouses, canals and ziggurats. Canals were one of the most important public works because they were built to bring water to the cropping fields. Fifth, arts and architecture definitely existed in Mesopotamia. For example, the Hanging Gardens, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, is located in Mesopotamia. The people of Mesopotamia also built ziggurats and made elaborate designs on their pottery. Sixth, job specialization was very important in Mesopotamia since not one person could master all the skills. Some of the many jobs in Mesopotamia are farmers, weavers, potters, scribes, astronomers, and musicians. Scribes were very important since they were the only people the knew how to write. Finally, Mesopotamia did have a complex religion. They had a polytheistic belief which means that the people of Mesopotamia believed in many gods. They also believed that the gods were associated with and controlled various forces of nature. Whenever a bad thing happened, such as a flood, the Mesopotamians believed that they were getting punished. Overall, it can be concluded that mesopotamia was a civilization. ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Ancient Egypt And Ancient Civilizations As seen throughout time, one of the chief concerns of all ancient civilizations was to maintain order and stability. Civilizations such as ancient Egypt, ancient Rome and even the ancient Babylonian societies all set forth an effort to maintain stability. Influencing forces on this stability were religious, political and even geographical. I've noticed that many civilizations flourish for hundreds of years only to fall or be taken over by the next generation. Some cities today are remnants of these fallen empires such as Rome in Italy or Alexandria in Egypt. Our earliest signs of human civilization date all the way back to 10,000BCE, when we see the Neolithic revolution. First signs of farming are seen in the fertile crescent, along with the domestication of animals. The spread of agriculture allows for permanent settling in a single area. The Fertile Crescent was the perfect place for first civilization because it was located in major river basins which in turn made the soil extremely fertile. The Tigres and Euphrates river that surrounded the Fertile Crescent also acted as an easy source of transportation through out the area. This encouraged trade and the development of new communities. Around 5300BCE Sumaria is often accepted as the first civilization, it was a collection of city–states who shared common values and they also had Cuneiform which was the first documented form of writing. Sumaria also held the first government bureaucracy with laws which helped them hold ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Ancient Civilization Paper Ancient Civilization Paper Do you remember the story of Jacob in the Bible? I do, and as I think about how while he was in Egypt, God gave him the knowledge, skill, and forethought for the preparation for store houses when the great famine struck the land. This reminds me of how difficult times were in early civilization. As I studied the textbook, World Civilizations: volume 1: to 1700, I see how far our civilization has come. I will cover most of the things that made the different cultures better, such as; advances in technology, major trade routes established, the cultures who utilized the specific trade routes, and the advancement that agriculture and trade made to influence individual civilizations. Starting in the Paleolithic Age, times were hard, they worked extremely hard for everything they could find. The family unit was their society, not until later in time did that grow into communities. It was at the beginning of the Neolithic Age when the breakthrough began regarding social organization. In this era, they depended on hunting wild game and gathering wild plants for food. "In the Holocene era, (a geologic age beginning about 12,000 B.C.E. to the present) the world experienced a dramatic shift to a generally warmer and somewhat drier climate. As conditions became drier, human groups were forced to settle near surviving bodies of water and to adopt methods for producing, rather than hunting and foraging for their food. The gradual adoption of agriculture demanded ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Impact Of Geography On Ancient Civilizations Impact Of Geography Geography has impacted many cultures and religions, as well as where people settle down to grow a civilization. Geography has impacted may civilizations throughout the years such as but not limited to, the Incas, the Mayans, the early hunter gatherer societies, the Chinese, the Egyptians, as well as the Indians. Civilizations tended to grow near mountains, rivers, and coastlines, most notable civilization that grew on the river was the Egyptians. Egyptians were mainly able to survive because of the fact that the Nile River was going through the center of their kingdom. The Nile was a main source of nourishment as well as a timetable, because the Egyptians knew when it would flood and when it would recede, so they planned their growing seasons according to the flooding of the Nile River. Egyptians were not the only well known culture to develop alongside the shores of a major river a Far East culture also developed. The Chinese empire did not necessarily start alongside a river, but that was where they most likely had the most amount of wealth in the region because that was where they grew the most amounts of crops, due to the fertile land around the yellow river. This influenced the growth of wealth–based societies where the wealthy people would not live near the rivers, but instead in the mountains, and only the poor farmers who worked the land would live by the rivers because of the fertile land and the ability to grow crops. Rivers were also a ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. The Ancient Civilization The intrigue of The Mayans has always existed through the telling of their ritualistic practices or their calendar, but the fall of such an advanced civilization is perhaps the most intriguing story of all.To understand what causes great civilizations, it is vital to note the process of collapse in other civilizations, such as the great Roman Empire. Differences in time period, geographical landscapes, and other circumstances mean no direct correlations are possible, but the outstanding point of similarity is that no single factor accounts for a large civilization 's collapse. One similarity between these two civilizations is the process which brought the downfall of other empires. This can be the result of the general disregard of rulers for the resources at their disposal and the long–term welfare of the people they ruled. The period prior to the Maya collapse is often described through extravagant building projects, unproductive wars, and the overexploitation of natural resources, especially land, forests, and water. In the past, historians have concluded that the fall of the Maya civilization was caused by warfare, drought, and disease. Writers of other disciplines. have used the Mayans to write about disasters, civil strife, and even science fiction. With some of these causes holding true, there is still a very fundamental factor missing in the landscape of the ancient Maya which they could not ultimately overcome. The Maya civilization's downfall ultimately can be ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Similarities Between Civilizations And Ancient Civilizations Although the Mesopotamia civilization was thought to be located in between the Tigris and Euphrates river , which is now west of Iraq , and the Indus Valley civilization was thought to be located near the Indus Valley , now New Delhi , India , these two civilizations have many similarities and also many differences . These specific similarities and differences range from location , religion , way of life , types of governments , political structures , social structures , intuitions and many more . Both civilizations are considered to be ancient civilizations , meaning , based on the free dictionary* , the history of an ancient world from the earliest known civilizations to the collapse of the Western Roman Empire in 476 a.d . In this essay I will explain and inform , you the reader , about the similarities and differences between these two civilizations . "The first known civilization in the Fertile Crescent was uncovered in the 1800 ' s in Mesopotamia . The Tigris and Euphrates rivers define Mesopotamia , which means , ' between the rivers ' , in Greek. " This civilization is known for many things , but one of the main things they are known for are creating the first writing systems. Their form of writing , cuneiform , used different pictures to represent various objects but soon shifted to the use of geometric shapes to symbolize spoken sound. Also using judicial literature , one of Hammurabi ' s code of laws , and tipped literature stylus for writing , or record ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Ancient Egypt : An Ancient Civilization Have you ever wondered what it was like to be apart of an ancient civilization? Well, if I had to chose an ancient civilization to be apart of I'd chose the Egypt (Nile) because of it's great economic standards and it's interesting culture and religion. In Egypt they had great agriculture resources, festivals, and lots of different customs and beliefs. This all sounds interesting right? Well, if you want to know more, keep reading! What was Egypt's economy based on exactly? You've heard of the Nile River right? Well, in ancient Egypt they relied on the Nile so much it was the main contributor in ancient Egypt for its agricultural wealth. Each summer the Nile had copious amounts of nutrient–rich silt onto the banks lining its side. Their fertile land was fostered the stable cultivation of crops such as barley and wheat as the Egyptian's allowed people to move from a primarily meat–dependent society to one that could store and rely on grain, doing this it allowed them to abandon nomadic lifestyles and remain in the same place year after year so a more complex civilization could develop. For centuries, the Nile had always flooded the valley. Egyptian's created a routine in dealing with the seasons. The flooding period was called Aketo, it usually lasted from July to December, by using the current calendar months. When the Nile flooded, farmlands were underwater so Egyptian's used irrigation canals to run their water to the lands that couldn't reach the Nile. From March to ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Interesting Features of Ancient Civilizations Question: Try to imagine what it was like to live during that time and in that place. What was it that caused the transition from Neolithic life to 'civilization?' What were some of the major features of those civilizations that you found interesting? One of the most interesting features of ancient civilizations was the extent to which topography influenced cultural worldviews and practices. For example, in the case of the Sumerians, they possessed a highly–evolved and complex culture, as manifested in the philosophical depth of their Epic of Gilgamesh. However, the openness of the land in which they lived to invaders made them vulnerable as did the propensity of the land to catastrophic flooding. This may be one of the reasons why they did not create as politically and architecturally complex a society as Egypt or Greece. It also likely affected the relatively dark worldview expressed in Gilgamesh. However, despite the susceptibility to invasions, subsequent civilizations in the area, like the Babylonians, created ways of tracking the stars and other valuable methods of observing and interpreting the world in a scientific fashion that were to become the building–blocks of modern civilization in other areas. In contrast to Mesopotamia, Egypt had the advantage of a regular, predictable source of fertilization of its soil in the form of the Nile. This stable source of food enabled the creation of one of the world's great empires. The "pharaoh was responsible for all ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Ancient Greece: The Fall Of Ancient Civilization Ancient civilizations are an important part of the world timeline. Some of these ancient civilizations exist today, but most are aware that these civilizations are rare and disguised. There are multiple different factors regarding the fall of societies including: war, capital, natural disasters, over population and even diseases. Although some civilizations collapsed more rapidly than others, each society ended because of internal and/or external factors. Ancient Greece was one of the most dominant and powerful civilizations during its time. After the death of Alexander the Great, the society became divided. This divide created two weak city states and separate governments. The Romans took this to their advantage and came together which ultimately made them stronger than Greece's individual city states (Nardo 2000). The fall of Greece started because of internal conflict which led to external factors. However Rome eventually collapsed mostly because internal conflict. This internal conflict resulted in external conflict when Rome became a dictatorship and the citizens became ... Show more content on ... An analysis of soil moisture at the ruins of Akkadian cities in the northern farmlands suggest that the civilization dried up because of an extreme drought. These findings were the first time that a climate change could be directly linked to a fall of a society. This would also explain the sudden migration of people to the south which result in the doubling populations of southern cities, overtaxed food and water supplies (Wilford 1993). Akkadian cities were not the only civilization effected by natural disasters. Rome also suffered from earthquakes, the Antonine Plague, and famines. Greece was also hit with an earthquake followed by a tsunami. Libya, Cyprus and Sicily were also effected by these disasters (Barclay ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Justice In Ancient Civilizations Since the beginning of time, society imposes us different rules of etiquettes that we need to follow. Keep your mouth close while eating, be polite with older people, hold the door for ladies etc... These are actual ones but its interesting to see the evolution of the etiquette through time. At a certain point in the middle age, it was convenable to burp as loudly as you can after eating to show your host that the food was good. In fact, the rules of etiquettes are strongly linked with social values like respect. Other social values were really important in ancient civilizations. Despite the lack of organisation of their societies, justice and religion were concerns for every leader of these civilizations. In this argumentative essay, I will ... Show more content on ... As we seen in the first paragraph, many books of law have been created to regulate many activities or forbid others. Ancient Egypt has their book of the dead, Ancient Mesopotamia their Hammurabi's code and ancient Hittites had a pretty similar book of law created by using Hammurabi's code has a base . It's interesting how these texts are advanced for the time they were written. Has a leader, you need a way to spread these ideas through all the civilization. They did it without printers or social network, this is pretty impressive. Some surprising policies have been made following this justice concept. For example, ''Eye for an eye'' law was made by Mesopotamians to penalized the criminal by doing him the same thing he did or something equivalent. In our modern society, we would think this is horrible and this practice would be forbidden but in these times, it's a way to increase justice and make their world more equal. Moreover, using a strong military system, Greek civilizations like Sparta have a justice system based on their military order. Some could say that this is not justice because there is not really an establish system but the will to regulate activities of the population is a form of justice for me. In brief, civilizations are sharing the same justice desire but use different method to reach their ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Origins Of The Ancient Civilization Could you imagine the entire population of The United States just disappearing? That is what happened to the Mayans. In a time span of only one hundred years, the whole Maya population was wiped out. There are several theories about the cause of their decline. Due to their disappearance the great Mayan inventions were lost in time until modern day anthropologists discovered that they made their own calendar and language along with many other things. What anthropologists do know for sure is that the Mayans were an ancient Mesoamerican civilization dating back to 250 B.C "made up of more than 19 million people"( Their empire centered in the tropical lowlands of what is now Guatemala. The Maya people reached their peak of power around the 6th century A.D. The Mayans were successful in many ways;, a website dedicated to informing the public about important historical information, states, "The Maya excelled at agriculture, pottery, hieroglyph writing, calendar–making and mathematics, and left behind an astonishing amount of impressive architecture and symbolic artwork" (Maya). The Mayans were an intelligent people, we know they created the Mayan calendar, had their own written language, they also had their own way of building large pyramids by hand. The Maya also made paper from tree bark and wrote in books made from this paper, these books were known as codices. Only four of these codices are known to have survived. The Maya built many of their ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Ancient Civilization The ancient Maya civilisation has generated great interest in many academic scholars and scientists, due to the phenomenon which saw one of the most dramatic civilisation collapses in recorded history, during what has been referred to as the Terminal Classic Period– A.D. ∼700 to 950 (Haug et al, 2003). Interestingly, the ancient civilisation has been characterised by its collapse in the 9th century, perhaps even more so than its remarkable accomplishments, such as: creating vast hierarchical and political structures, architecture and symbolic artwork (Masson, 2012). The Maya empire comprised of indigenous populations, who were situated in North America, and inhabited southern present– day Mexico, Belize, El Salvador, Houndras and the semi–tropical lowland environment of Guatemala (Faust, 2001). The Maya collapse is an incredibly controversial topic, which is still debated in society today. Many substantial arguments have been placed to explain the fundamental cause of collapse, especially the downfall of the Maya lowland areas of the Yucatán peninsular region, which was arguably affected the most significantly. Consequently, this essay will examine the key hypotheses presented for the reasoning behind the collapse of the ancient Maya. Focusing on: drought and whether its cause was due to natural climatic changes or anthropogenic forcing, social factors such as, disease and war, and finally political and cultural issues, which may have led to the Maya demise. Natural ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Ancient Civilization All ancient civilisations were very well developed. Discuss. It is evident that most aspects of life in ancient civilisations were well developed. Many aspects of society in Ancient Greece were very advanced. Ancient Egypt was a very advanced civilisation in many different parts of life. Ancient Chinese culture, entertainment and architecture were all well developed, as well as numerous other things. Many aspects of Ancient Greek society were well developed. Ancient Greek religion was very advanced, with many gods and goddesses. All the gods and goddesses represented, or were god of something, for example, Poseidon was god of the sea, storms, earthquakes and horses. They had many myths and legends about gods with morals to teach lessons and some to explain things, and some are still told. To the Greeks, worshiping the gods was a part of daily life. Huge temples and structures were built to honour the gods, which remain today. Architecture in ancient Greece was very advanced, with many incredibly well built and designed buildings and sculptures, with some remaining to his day. An aspect of Ancient Greek architecture that has continued to be used today is columns. Columns were used in many structures, providing strength and stability. An example of a building from ancient Greece that used columns is the Parthenon, a temple dedicated to the goddess Athena, which still stands today. The ancient Greeks were the first known civilization to have a democracy, this shows that ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Women's Role In Ancient Civilizations The environment had a large part in shaping early human history and civilizations. The peoples of the Paleolithic era were generally hunter gatherer nomadic peoples that traveled out of Sub–Saharan Africa looking for better food supply and environments. The Neolithic Era gave rise to human settlement and the beginning of human civilization. The first civilizations settled between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers around the area that would later be called the Fertile Crescent because of its plentiful in cereal crops, water, and animals that could be domesticated. A civilization such as Mesopotamia highlighted the relationship between fertile lands and societies. According to Diamond, environments and human societies are intertwined in that human ... Show more content on ... The Byzantine Empire ruled by Hammurabi did not see women as equal to men. Hammurabi's Codes gave women some rights, but they were not completely equal to men. For example, one of the codes allows a woman accused of cheating on her husband to merely swear she did not do it and go back home. On the other hand a woman who is convicted of neglecting their husband may, if her husband wishes, be forced to stay in his house as a servant while he is remarried. Sparta, a militant society in Ancient Greece, allowed women more freedoms than any of the other Greek city states. Women were able to educate themselves, have physical training, and own property. But their general priority was to bear and birth more healthy Spartan males. The Muslim empire allowed women to keep their property both before and after their marriage, and according to Islamic scripture women were made at the same time as man, meaning that they are equal to a man. Women could serve as leaders, warriors, and even generals. But the death of Muhammad and the continued spread of Islam led to more conservative values and essentially the imbalanced treatment of women. Through examining each of these civilizations, it can be inferred that pre–modern civilizations generally had varying ideas of what the role of women should be in ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Ancient History-Olmec Civilization Mexico's history includes the historical development of human societies. The history of human societies began approximately 25,000 years ago. From this time on, archeological evidence of human presence started being detected. This historical period, is characterized by the development of various Indian cultures. According to the web page "Ancient History–Olmec Civilization", the oldest Indian tribe known to preserve historic monuments as well as lay the groundwork development of all other Indian cultures, was the Olmec civilization. The Olmec civilization started forming in 1500 BC and the end of their culture is assumed to be around 500 BC. The Olmec were really skilled sculptors and they had great architectures. However, another very important ... Show more content on ... Mexico lost extensive territory in the north part of the state. The founder of modern Mexican states, is Benito Juárez. The discovery of oil in the Gulf of Mexico, led to the country's relatively higher standard of living compared to other Latin American countries. Furthermore, during the Mexican Revolution, the poor parts of Mexico formed a movement led by Emiliano Zapata. Seven years of the Revolution within Mexico, greatly weakened the country, politically and economically. Democratic Revolution culminated in 1917 announcing the progressive constitution. This established a partial redistribution of land landowners. It guaranteed eight hour days, a six–day working week, set a minimum wage, equalized the pay, banned child labor, legalized trade unions, and gave a limited right to strike. The Constitution also declared the land and the mineral wealth of the country as a national property and prohibited further acquisitions by foreigners. Mexico participated in World War II on behalf of the anti–Hitler coalition. Due to the support Mexico became a founding member of the United ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Religion Of The Ancient Civilizations From the ancient Mesopotamian civilizations to the Muslim world, antiquity has always been filled with religions of all sorts. These religions helped guide how ancient peoples lived life and came about doing even the most common tasks that people like us do today. Religion impacted the civilizations of the ancient world by greatly influencing how peoples of ancient civilizations acted, how they thought about the world around them, how civilizations were organized and maintained, and how they interacted with civilizations of another religion. First, religions in civilizations of the ancient world impacted the way of life for followers of the religions. Followers of different religions worshiped their religions differently, but it is true that all followers of religion have some sort of way to practice their religion. It is known that many ancient peoples spent a significant amount of time in their lives to practice their religion. For example, the religion of Islam stresses the importance of praying five times a day. Thus, Muslims, compared to adherents to other religions, would have had spent more time each day on praying. Another facet of Islam is jihad. In wars, this principle of striving in the way of Allah motivated Muslim soldiers to fight gloriously and fearlessly, knowing that their actions are honorable and righteous. Undoubtedly, this common belief within Muslim armies boosted war morale and helped Islam under Muhammad spread like wildfire throughout the Arabian ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Characteristics Of Ancient Civilizations Ancient Egypt was one of the most notorious ancient civilizations in my opinion. They had many great achievements that were necessary to all of the architecture they had built and what they had done to live and thrive in a decent society. Ancient Egypt was in my opinion the most active of many of the ancient civilizations. Ancient Egypt had a social hierarchy that basically set up how each person was ranked throughout the civilization. At the top of the social hierarchy would be the Pharaohs, who were the rulers of ancient Egypt. The second one down on the social hierarchy would be the priests and the nobles. The nobles were the only people allowed to hold government posts, and the priests were the people that were responsible for pleasing the gods. The third down the social hierarchy would be the Vizier's, who was the civilizations chief minister, who supervised the government. Next down the social hierarchy would be the soldiers who protected the ancient civilizations from attacks and went into battle when needed. The fourth down the social hierarchy would be the scribes, who keeps record of what is going on in the civilization. Next on the social hierarchy would be the merchants and the artisans. The merchants are the people in the civilization that sell or trade different items. The artisans are people in the civilization that make and trade items made by hand. Next on the social hierarchy would be the peasants, who are basically people who wander and sometimes have the ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Ancient Mesopotamia And Ancient Civilizations Throughout many cultures in ancient civilizations, humans have held a belief in superior beings to which they called gods. The gods, in the eyes of many of the ancient people, were responsible for many things such as crop growth, storms, fertility, and even creation of life. The Mesopotamians, Egyptians, and the Hebrews all had gods that they interacted with. Understanding the likenesses and differences in how these people interacted with their gods might give us an insight to how similar or different the three civilizations were. In ancient Mesopotamia, humans had many gods. According to their beliefs, there was a war between the old gods and the new gods. They were created by the storm god Marduk when he defeated the god Tiamat's champion Quingu. From Quingu's remains. Marduk created man and they were to be co–laborers with the gods to hold off the forces of chaos in order to keep the communities running smoothly. The humans provided the gods with everything they needed from food to sacrifices and taking care of the temples which were the god's homes on earth. In return the gods took care of the humans in every aspect of their lives such as continued health or a good harvest. It was the god Enlil who legitimized the rule of kings. This is what gave a particular person the right to impose their rule over all others. The person who rules is the one who has direct communication with the god of their city. Even though there is communication with the gods, this did not ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Ancient Civilizations : Compare And Contrasting Ancient... Contrasting Ancient Civilizations Most people believe that all ancient civilizations were the same: they all lived with a steadfast loyalty to their one and only king that ruled all of the lands, civilizations only achievements were monumental buildings, and they vacuously attacked neighboring societies to gain more land for millennia. While some of this knowledge is true to an extent, civilizations accomplished an abundance more than some realize. Some fail to register that early civilizations are unique from each other. Egypt and Mesopotamia were two distinct civilizations. Despite similarities such as both being river civilizations, Egypt and Mesopotamia contrasted with each other in the areas of, type of ruling, religion, and ... Show more content on ... The Egyptians viewed the afterlife as a happy place filled with food and the gods. In contrast, the Mesopotamians viewed the afterlife as a place of horror and fear. The vital cause for the differences of viewpoints in the afterlife is the River they depended on. Both civilizations saw the afterlife as an extension of their current life. With this being said, the Nile was giving and gave them lots of water along with silt, which was crucial for the survival of their crops. In turn, the Egyptians perspective on the afterlife was gracious. Conversely, the Mesopotamians depended on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. While it did bless them with fresh water, on occasions, the river would grow violent and cause a catastrophic amount of damage to their homes and crops. Since they also viewed their afterlife as an extension to their current lives, they saw it as a dark and horrible place that wasn't wanted. However, both civilizations accomplished achievements through religion and for other reasons. The last way Egyptians and Mesopotamian civilizations diverge and converge with each other is because of their accomplishments. They both accomplished mathematics, medicine, architecture of their structures dedicated to their gods, and calendars. Both probably accomplished these specific tasks because each either helped them survive or helped them religious wise. One achievement that was exclusive to the Egyptians was mummification. In ancient Egyptian ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Early Civilizations : Ancient Civilizations LeAndra Reed Dr. Houck, History 2311 September 18, 2015 Early Civilization All civilizations, whether old or new, strive for advancement. In order to advance, certain techniques and characteristics have to be combined and manipulated to achieve this progression. "A civilization is a complex culture in which large numbers of human beings share a variety of common elements." Examples of these early civilizations that used similar characteristics to flourish were the Sumerians in Mesopotamia and the Egyptians in Egypt. A civilization is formed by several characteristics. The most important being the need for a sufficient group of people. Next would be a central place for these people to congregate. These structures typically would be used for religious purposes as well as a place to delegate how the societies would operate. People in these early civilizations would typically live closer to the central structure. This is turned led to the creation of writing to record and communicate between people of these early societies. In these early civilizations, people relied heavily on their neighbors and would work together to keep prospering. Early examples of these characteristics forming a civilization would be in Mesopotamia and Egypt civilizations. Mesopotamia was an area between "the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Southwest Asia." Mesopotamia received little rainfall yet lands were plentiful and rich. The overflow of the bordering rivers would bring in "fertile silt" to ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Ancient Civilization Dbq If ancient civilizations did not invent new ideas and machines, the world would not be in the spot it is today. Innovation is necessary for the continuation and improvement of a society. Ancient cities in the River Valley were very intelligent and knew how to use the resources they could find. Civilizations in the Middle East and Asia, circa 3,000 BCE, showed great success in the areas of government, science and technology, and writing. The cities made advancements in government and the security of their lands. For example, the Amorites rebuilt the walls of Babylon with burnt brick to keep themselves safe from intruders (doc 3). Another instance of the advancement of government practices in ancient times was in the Mauryan Empire under Ashoka's rule (doc 9). Ashoka had rock edicts inscribed to proclaim the laws of the land to each and every citizen. He made sure the ... Show more content on ... The Assyrians were using bandages to treat wounds and knew about inflammation, while the Egyptians were treating their mummies with crushed spices and perfumes (doc 1 and 4). Medical achievements were very important during this time period because there were diseases that were hard to protect oneself against, therefore the doctors must learn how to treat them one contracted. Document 2 shows a picture from an Egyptian book, and a boat is present. Boats were a very useful invention because using them made it easy to go up and down the Nile River. The Chinese had very advanced silk and bronze making techniques (doc 5 and 7). They were the best at using bronze to make pots and jewelry at the time, and it brought them a lot of revenue, just like their silk clothes and fabric did. The people from Ancient India had a proper drainage system to remove waste from homes (doc 6), while the Egyptians made advancements in engineering and geometry (doc 12). Learning about these things made building the pyramids ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Comparing Ancient Civilizations The true definition of civilization can vary from person to person. Everyone has their own perspective, but some can agree A civilization can be defined as when a society reaches an advancement in cultures, governments, and socialization. In the chapters there are many different civilizations to chose from and compare. The two civilizations that interested me the most were the ancient Athenians and Rome. The similarities and difference in these two are numerous ancient civilizations create such a diverse conception in many ways. The Ancient Greeks and Romans both began their histories as city–states. They have many similar views on politics, and the two were societies which believed that multiple gods effected their lives. The Greeks had Zeus ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Ancient River Valley Civilization The river valley civilizations had many characteristics that were similar in every valley. Two of these characteristics are rivers and natural barriers. These can either be advantages or disadvantages. These advantages and disadvantages can shape how an empire forms, survives, and how long it lasts. There are many advantages to forming civilizations in ancient river valleys. One of these advantages was the rivers. The rivers provide irrigation for crops, and when they flood, they deposit fertile soil. One example of this is Mesopotamia, which is Greek for "land between the rivers". Mesopotamia is also known as the Fertile Crescent, because of this fertile soil. Another one of these advantages was natural barriers. Natural barriers protection from invaders. One example of this is India, in which the civilization ended due to earthquakes. India had the Himalayas, the Thar Desert, and two bodies of water, the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal. There were also many disadvantages to forming civilizations in ancient river valleys. One of these ... Show more content on ... to 1279 A.D. They developed the Mandate of Heaven, which was the basis of royal authority. They said that when there was famines, natural disasters, and peasants revolts, the current ruler had lost the Mandate of Heaven, and when there was a revolt, and the dynasty was overthrown, it was justified by using the Mandate of Heaven. This showed the dynastic cycle, the pattern of the rise, fall, and replacement of dynasties. The Chinese developed a way to travel by sea and were no longer isolated. The developed silk, and the government ran silk mills and put private weavers out of business, and then they traded the silk to other parts of the world, which made them very wealthy. Their empire finally ended when Kublai Khan, grandson of Genghis Khan, took over China to expand the Mongolian ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. The Rise Of Civilization And Ancient Civilizations The rise of civilization has always fascinated people. Since the appearance of anatomically modern human beings, some one hundred and fifty thousand years ago, the emergence of civilization has been one of the most important accomplishments of people. Civilization is defined as "an organizing principle that implies common institutions, economic systems, social structures, and values that extend over space and time" (Matthews 3). Some of the things that make up a civilization are religion, government, arts, writing and language, currency, study of science, math and medicine – as examples. The two earliest known civilizations were Mesopotamia and Egypt. These two civilizations arose around the same time and coincidentally near one another, near the Mediterranean Sea. Many similarities and differences exist between these ancient civilizations. In particular, the religions of these two civilizations are distinguishably different, yet have many concrete similarities as well. The religions of Mesopotamia and Egypt are the products of the environment that the people lived in and their experiences living in it. Because of the harsh and unpredictable nature of their environment, the religion of the ancient people in Mesopotamia was very pessimistic. They lived only at the mercy of their gods, who they believed were of great power and controlled the environment. In ancient Egypt, contrastingly, nature was far more stable and predictable. It was thusly believed that the gods favored ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Ancient Civilizations: Cuneiform And Hieroglyphics many ancient civilizations made advancements in their own ways. Some include creating ways of writing and creating large and complex structures. The two most important forms of early writing were cuneiform and hieroglyphics. Hieroglyphics were created by the Ancient Egyptians just like the famous pyramids that amaze us to this day. All of these things gave way to even more creations that helped created the world like it is today. The world's first written language was created by the Sumerians 5000 years ago. The ancient language called cuneiform was invented by the Sumerians to keep track of business dealings and to keep records of new ideas that could now be passed down new ideas in a more reliable and easy way. One of the big reasons they made it for ... Show more content on ... The Egyptians took cuneiform to what I think was the next level. Unlike the Sumerian writing system ,cuneiform, Egyptian hieroglyphics were based on pictures. Also in Egypt's writing system the pictures could stand for not only ideas or objects, but also sounds. The Egyptians started to take notice that the clay and stone that they were carving into was beginning to become a difficult "canvas", so they invented the first form of paper. This paper was called papyrus and it came from the papyrus plant which is a type of reed. The Egyptians made many very important discoveries and inventions. One of the most famous of these was the building of the great pyramids. These amazing structures were constructed during the Old Kingdom time period by the Egyptian kings. The sole purpose of the pyramids was to serve as a house or tomb for deceased kings. To create these unique structures the Egyptians had to master the skills of geometry, architecture, mathematics, and engineering. The Sumerians created the first written language and the Egyptians took the Sumerians cuneiform to the next level and created the mighty pyramids. All three of these ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Why Is Ancient Egypt So Important To Ancient Civilization River Civilizations Essay. Rivers are very important to any ancient civilization. One of the major resources that rivers provided was silt. Silt is a kind of dirt filled with important minerals and nutrients that are very helpful in planting and growing crops. Silt is produced when a river floods and after the flood is over a nutrient rich soil is left over. Another recourse that rivers provide is food. Rivers can provide fish that can be used to feed a family or whole city. The final major function of rivers in my opinion is transportation. Transportation is a very important river function because it can lead to trade and growth of a civilization. By trading you can get recourses that you don't have or that you want and you can borrow ... Show more content on ... One of those civilizations was ancient Egypt. Ancient Egypt was located on the Nile River which flows through Egypt, Sudan, Uganda, Ethiopia, Zaire, the Sahara Desert, Kenya, Tanzania, Eritrea, Burundi and Rwanda. The Nile River is the longest river in the world. The Nile River had many of functions for Ancient Egypt and helped them in many different ways from silt to transportation. The Ancient Egyptians were able to predict flooding of the Nile which came in handy so they could be well protected and prepared. The Ancient Egyptians would actually celebrate the flooding the Nile because they knew that after the flood was over silt would be left over which they could use to grow crops if there was a drought. Egyptians were also excellent sailors which came in handy when it came time for trading. Ancient Egypt traded many of things like gold, papyrus, linen, and grain. Trading also helped Egypt move forward because they could borrow ideas from other places that they traded with and mix them into their culture. In my opinion trading was good, but it also was bad because it allowed people to know that there was a great civilization there and know people knew how to get ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Women in Ancient Civilizations The role of women in different civilizations, even though on different spectrums of the world, had many similarities and only a few differences. Women in these four civilizations: Greece, Egypt, China, and India faced many of the same hardships, struggles, and prejudices. Some of this treatment of women didn't even end until present day (1920's). In some of these civilizations women were able to rise up somewhat in their communities but it didn't come without some kind of interference. When it came to the rights of these women, they really didn't have any at all. In Greece women were considered to be second class citizens at best. All women were forbidden to own property, inherit their own name, vote, or attend political debate. Men ... Show more content on ... Now it is around the age of eighteen for both. The woman and the woman's family must still present dowry to the husband and his family. There were also limited rights in the family back then as there is now. Women in India can go through being burned and abused by their husbands with nothing being done at all ( These women, even though they were very restricted, they were responsible for items when it came to home and family. Out of all of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Ancient Civilizations And The Egyptian Civilization William McNeill, author of A World History, is in accordance with the belief that ancient civilizations who were in constant contact with conflict and war could develop a more advanced system of law, bureaucracy, and market prices. By that logic, Mesopotamia would have been far more advanced than Egypt. For example, Mesopotamia frequented attacks from barbarians because of the lay of the land. They also had trouble controlling war between centers of industry due to the inevitable struggle with the course of the river. On the Egyptian side, the high levels of land surrounding the Nile, outside of where the Egyptian civilization laid its ground, made it very difficult for barbarians to invade. Egypt also adopted the Sumerian influences and ... Show more content on ... There are also many limits on women and marriage and divorce procedures. In Mesopotamian society, the wealthy man who owned property, otherwise known as the "seignior," was the most well–respected individual. The punishments for a seignior committing an act against another seignior, a member of government, or another supreme institution like the state or church, was highly extreme, mainly resulting in equal torture, ultimate death or death via thrown into the river. For example, "If a seignior has destroyed the eye of a member of the aristocracy, they shall destroy his eye" (32, R). However, if a seignior were to commit a crime against a commoner, slave, or women, the punishment would be vastly less extreme. "If he has destroyed the eye of a commoner or broken the bone of a commoner, he shall pay one mina of silver" (32, R). A system of law that is not just for every punishment and for everyone, no matter the social class, is not a just system. By instituting harsher punishments and inequality, Mesopotamia was establishing a foundation of failure. On the other hand, Egypt's, The Book of the Dead, isn't necessarily a law code like the Code of Hammurabi, but there is evidence of law within its context. Egypt believed highly in obtaining a life free of wrongdoing in order to enter into the afterlife. After death, an Egyptian, more than likely a wealthy man, stands in front of the hall of Two–Justices and renounces sin to ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Ancient Mexican Civilization Analysis This is where the civilizations became to be. Many things were created here like the steel, paper, iron drill bits, and waterwheels. If this river had not been here it would have affected life for the chinese very hard. The river supplied water and gave fertile land to farm plants that would help them survive. The classes in society. The classes were aristocrats, farmers, and merchants. The aristocrats lived in large houses with roofs, gardens, and courtyards. They were very rich. To keep out bandits, they put walls around their houses. Inside the houses they had fine furniture and silk. The father would divide their land to his sons when they were older. As he divided it, the land became smaller and smaller. The farmers were below the ... Show more content on ... Many were rich, but landowners and farmers looked down on them. Government officials thought that anyone with a government job should not think about their own money, so merchants were not allowed to have a government job. The chinese family was proud of their family name. They were so proud that the family name would come first in their writing. Most families were large. They were large because they needed farmers and everyone in the family worked on the fields. The older sons made their own crops. Everyone in the house had to respect the older men of the house. The oldest male was usually the head of the house, but sometimes it would be a brother. Whoever the head male was, the wife had to obey them. They practiced filial piety. The men of the house went to school and ran the government. To have a peaceful society they used confucianism, daoism, and legalism. Confucianism was a doctrine to harmony to parents, family, country, order, and tranquillity. Confucius was the doctrine of "The Way". Families burnt scents for their ancestors, as he taught them. He had a monument/ temple. They worshiped many gods. They thought angry spirits ruined crops, lost battles, and brought good luck. They went to temples to burn pager, food, and clothing because they think their ancestors will need them. If a king wanted to know something a priest wrote questions on oracle bones and delivered the ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Confucius: The Values Of Ancient Civilizations In the ancient times around 2070 B.C.E. a new civilization formed in the eastern part of the world, a civilization that would be highly dependent on duties of people. While in the west, another civilization was emerging and in 509 B.C.E. the Roman republic emerged. Both the Civilizations also had similar ideas of duties, such as relationships and obligations. Even though the different civilizations contained many of the same duties, the different civilization contained different types of relationships with different values. In the state of Lu, within the Chinese dynasty called the Zhou, a Chinese philosopher, named Confucius, born in 551 B.C.E., became one of the most influential philosophers to walk the earth. He started a philosophy called ... Show more content on ... Also when Corpus states, "She provided my life with luxuries, when she handed over all the gold and pearls [...] deceiving my adversarial guards" (Corpus) he is stating that it was his Wife's duty to their relationship to be adversarial to him. On the other hand, Ban Zhao, a female, Chinese, Confucian writes "Lessons for Women" about Confucianism. When Zhao writes, "[...] I took up the dustpan and the broom in the Cao family. During this time with trembling I feared constantly that I might disgrace my parents, and that I might multiply difficulties"(Ban Zhao) Ban Zhao truly exclaims that her obligation to her marriage isn't like the roman marriage, for she doesn't spend her time with her husband, but rather her broom. Also when she says "If a husband is unworthy, then he possesses nothing by which to control his wife. If a wife is unworthy, then she possesses nothing with which to serve her husband"(Ban Zhao) When She exclaims this she shows that men are rulers over their wives, who might as well be slaves. In the Roman culture, Women still have to serve their husbands, except she doesn't contain the role of a slave. However in the Chinese culture the wife is almost a slave to her husband. These passages show that the duty of marriage is to be a servant to your ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Ancient Egyptian Civilization The ancient Egyptian civilization is arguably the oldest civilization in the world. It is believed to have emerged around 5,500 years ago, although some scholars have estimated an even earlier date. During the predynastic period the Egyptians were not united, but as the Sahara desert expanded many people began moving their settlements around the Nile River. These settlements started coming together to form towns. As these towns progressed they developed many new ideas to help the society run smoother. However the total unification and start of the ancient Egyptian civilization did not happen, until Hierakonpolis expanded and conquered Naqada. The ancient Egyptian civilization was now created. Since this civilization was one of the first in the world, there was no structure to start with. In order to function as a thriving civilization, the Egyptians had to accomplish agricultural, architectural, medical, and educational advancements. The ancient Egyptian's advancements in agriculture is one of the driving forces that lead to the success of their empire. The Egyptian civilization came together because of the need for fertile soil and a constant supply of water. Although the Nile was a constant supply of water, the Egyptians still needed to find a way to bring the water to their crops. Murray shows the reason why irrigation was needed, "In Egypt, 6000 years ago, when the latest 'rainy interlude' began to wane, neolithic tribesmen from both sides flocked into the Nile Valley ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Ancient Civilization Society Ever since man began to roam this earth some 3–5 million years ago, societies have been evolving and growing to bring us to the current civilizations that we have today. Although there are some general differences between the societies such as origin, appearance, and tradition there is far more argumentation to reinforce how similarly they evolved and developed. To begin, it is indispensable that we delve into the earliest forms of humanity. Most if not all groups maintained their survival through a similar nomadic lifestyle of hunting and gathering. Continuation of early societies also depended on living off of the river. The Tigris and Euphrates, Nile River, and Indus Valley provided a source to fish as well as fertile land for the Mesopotamian, Egyptian, and Harappan societies respectively. In India and China, the elders of the family were looked at as the leaders and decision makers. This continues on through the development of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Olmec and Persian empires as variations of Kings and Pharaohs are a precedent of dominance. Religion was a primary part of life in ancient civilizations as it is today. Although there are differences between monotheistic and polytheistic groups, worship was crucial to the development of the Maya and Olmec as well as the Hebrews and Israelites. One of the most extraordinary advances towards ... Show more content on ... Actually, they seem to have more alike than not. The key word that needs to be understood while studying them is evolution. In order to evolve, these ancient civilizations had to borrow and regulate ideas from each other. Without the development of communication, classification, and various other patterns of life, these societies would not have been able to sustain life within the harshness of the ancient world. Of course differences can be observed, but it is the similarities that truly allowed societies to ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. The Mayan Civilization : Ancient Civilization The Mayan Civilization: For many centuries the Mayan was of life was a mystery to archaeologists. Their geography, social structure, government, economy/trade, technology, writing, and arts were all thought to be forever lost. Now, as archaeologists are still uncovering more information, what was once referred to as "The Lost Civilization of Maya", has been awakened from the grave of unknown. Geography: The ancient Mayan Civilization surrounded by the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean stretched from the southern tip of Mexico to Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. The tropical climate was ideal for growing, their main crop, maize along with sweet potatoes, avocado pears, and paw paws. There was plenty of rain in the whole ... Show more content on ... Commoners could not vote as the Mayan Civilization was not a democracy. The Mayan Civilization has always had a strong social class and was always a monarchy. Government: The Mayans always were a separated nation, that was made up of a collection of city–states. They had a hierarchical system in their government. They lived in city–states much like the Egyptians and the Mesopotamians. The Mayans has no professional armies but warfare was still quite important to the government. Mayan government would also raid other city–states. The Mayan rulers were thought of as a human–god hybrid. The rules were passed down by generation. It was unlikely for women to become rulers but occasionally when the king was too young, at war or unavailable for some other reason women would rule. All city–states were similar in the laws, the gods they believed in, architectural style, clothing and their way of life. Yet the Mayans never came together because of the common greed that nobles shared: wanting more power and land. Economy/Trade: The most important trading item for the Mayans was salt and the Yucatan Peninsula had lots of salt. The people of the Yucatan Peninsula traded honey, beeswax, bird feathers, and slaves. The feathers traded ranged from toucans all the way to hummingbirds, these feathers were used in clothing. The lowland products included cacao, lime stone for building, vannila, jaguar pelts and ... Get more on ...