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Separation Of Church And State Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of the separation of church and state can be a challenging task for
various reasons. Firstly, the topic itself is complex and multifaceted, encompassing historical,
legal, philosophical, and sociopolitical dimensions. Navigating through these different aspects
requires thorough research and understanding to provide a comprehensive analysis.
Additionally, the concept of the separation of church and state is deeply ingrained in societal
norms and values, often sparking intense debates and controversies. Therefore, crafting an essay
on this topic requires a balanced approach, considering diverse perspectives while maintaining
Furthermore, the historical context and evolving interpretations of this principle add another
layer of complexity to the essay. It's essential to delve into the historical background, examining
key events and legal precedents that have shaped the understanding of the separation of church
and state over time.
Moreover, addressing the implications of this principle in contemporary society demands critical
thinking and analysis. Exploring its impact on various aspects such as education, public policy,
and individual rights requires careful examination of current issues and debates.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the separation of church and state necessitates extensive
research, critical analysis, and a nuanced understanding of its historical context and
contemporary relevance.
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Separation Of Church And State Essay Separation Of Church And State Essay
Corruption Of Somalia After World War II
mohammad Brief geography and history In the late 1800 s, European colonialism
came to Somalia. Especially in areas away from the coast, they fought in a fierce
way. In the end, most of Somalia came to be under the control of Britain, France or
Italy. World War II brought about further fighting in the region, as Somalia s ocean
access is strategic. After World War II, Italy, Britain and USA remained involved in
governing Somalia. In 1960, the Somali Republic was established with a civilian
government. In 1969, Mohamed Barre seized power and became the ruler of
Somalia. He ushered in socialist views of nationalized businesses and cooperative
farms. Government positions in his regime went to clans loyal to him, despite his
regime s outwardly anti clan laws. The Cold War further complicated matters in
Somalia. Both the West and the Soviet Union believed the area to be of strategic
importance. Hence weapons and humanitarian and financial aid come into Somalia
from outside governments. CORRUPTION IN SOMALIA As one of the longest
running state collapses, Somalia faces many of the major corruption challenges that
affect conflict torn countries, with widespread corruption and a deeply established
patronage system undermining the legitimacy of the FGS. Corruption is further
exacerb ated by the absence of a strong functional
HSM 320 Mastery Exercises
HSM 320 Mastery Exercises
Week 1
1. Which of the following are the two dimensions that differentiate various parenting
a. Warmth/responsiveness and parental control
2. As a typical parent in Latin America, Maria would place great emphasis on
developing a strong sense of _____ in her children.
a. Family ties
3. A style of controlling a child s behavior where the parent tells the child what to
do, when to do it, and why it should be done is called ________.
a. Direct instruction
4. According to Baumrind (1975, 1991), the four distinct parenting styles do NOT
include which of the following?
a. Egalitarian
5. Gabe tends to be very aggressive with his siblings and peers, and he is doing
poorly in school. According to your chapter, he ... Show more content on ...
5. Which of the following represents the correct order of the first three stages of
psychosocial development?
a. Basic trust vs. mistrust, autonomy vs. shame and doubt, and initiative vs. guilt
6. Jessminder is a two year old girl who is exploring her world. She can walk very
well and frequently tries to walk away from her parents to go look around.
According to Erikson, Jessminder is attempting to develop a sense of ________.
a. Autonomy
7. According to Erikson, which is the foundation of human development?
a. trust in oneself and others
8. Which of the following is the primary thrust of the psychosocial theory of
a. At each of eight different stages, people encounter a unique crisis that must be
resolved for development to proceed normally.
9. A blend of autonomy, shame, and doubt give rise to ________, the knowledge that,
within limits, a youngster can act on his/her world with intentionality.
a. Will
10. Which developmentalist is credited with having proposed the psychosocial theory
of development?
a. Erick Erikson
11. According to Erikson, a proper balance of trust and mistrust leads children to
develop a sense of ___
a. Hope
12. The fact that infant Ricardo has come to expect that his mother is available when
he needs her means that Ricardo has developed ________.
a. An internal working model
13. Verna struggles with several different behavioral problems, including anxiety,
anger, and aggressive actions. According to
Cis 210 – Systems Analysis and Development Website...
Website Migration Project
Chinnasut Nhurod
CIS 210 Systems Analysis and Development
Dr. Wesley E. Phillips
Strayer University
September 15, 2013
Website Migration Project for Tony s Chips
Building the Web Architecture
In order to build the web architecture, the system analyst would be required to analyse
the business requirements of the organization and then develop a clear statement of
goals of the organization. Since, the old site of the company is running it would be
vital to understand the technological and business related issues associated with the
previous website. Along, with that it should also be determined whether the IT staffs
of the company possesses necessary experience and skills essential for the ... Show
more content on ...
Following are the steps which would be adopted by the company to minimize the
downtime during migration. * DNS Preparation: Before beginning the process of
migration the company would assure that the TTL is set to an hour for all the DNS
records. This step would be taken 48 hours before the migration begins. During this
process the company will ensure that when the migration is complete the IP address,
the switch and the website data in the DNS records will get to the new location
swiftly. * Inventory Collection: The Company will ensure that its web directory
and the database are moved efficiently. Along, with that the company will also
create a list of all the items that are required to be moved from the old website to
the new websites. This could include special server setups for the website. In case
there are any cron jobs running a new server would be required on the new
location. * Displaying a Sorry Note: The company will develop a small page with
the site logo on it, and it will display a note Sorry for the interruption but we are
moving to a new server to enhance customer experience. We will be back online
soon . This page would be placed in front of the web directory and none of the
visitors would be able to any other pages of the website (McCann, amp; Rooney,).
Keeping the visitors away for the website will ensure zero percent data loss. *
Database Movement: Now, after blocking the access to the website that database will
The Management Plan For A New Employee
Every place of employment has standards when going through the hiring process.
The new employee of nursing in the hospital/home health and HIPAA is who we
are going to focus on. The Veterans Hospital is no different in having a process.
Most companies have to develop risk management tools to assist in their safety as
well as the employee and we call it: employee training. Within this title, or umbrella,
we have several subtitles of items that deal with training or having the credentials for
the new employees to reduce risks for everyone.
The focus of this risk management plan for nursing of a new employee on HIPAA is
to provide an ongoing, extensive, and precise approach to reducing risk vulnerability
of HIPPA regulations. The risk... Show more content on ...
With telework the VA goes through a PIV verification and frequent password codes
of every three months and mandatory updates. Mobile use is also used as a life line
for clarifications and verifications. With this also comes the urge of taking pictures of
a patient, texting something that shouldn t and leaving messages on machines that do
not belong to that patient leaving secured information. Also with new fax machines
that copy and fax electronically without even printing a single paper we depend on a
confirmation sheet that it was delivered to the correct person.
With mobile phones, per VA policy, consent must be obtained first before getting
pictures and verbal recordings. With electronic faxes, release of Information must still
be obtained. Staff must use the ROI Plus software to track the accounting of
disclosures. A coversheet must still be used as in normal fax use. Information on
drug, alcohol, HIV, or sickle cell anemia status may not be transmitted by fax
machine, unless the transmittal is directed to medical personnel to the extent
necessary to meet criteria of a medical emergency (Shulkin, 2016). Personal
information should never be written on the first cover sheet. The comparisons with
all the regulations during trainings are correct and maintained. It
William Wallace Speech
During the First War of Scottish Independence against King Edward I of England,
a soldier known to all yet at the same time not a face many recognize had to rise to
the occasion. Armed only with faith and an army of farmers and other militiamen
William Wallace and his men gather at the top of the hill opposite of the enemy
getting ready for another battle, he looks to his men all with worry in their eyes,
for they are outnumbered three to one. William with his faith and bravery begins
to give a speech to try and rally his men. Sons of Scotland, I am William Wallace.
William announces. A veteran speaks up, William Wallace is 7 feet tall, Yes, I ve
heard. Kills men by the hundreds, and if he were here he d consume the English with
fireballs... Show more content on ...
Wallace and his remaining men had moved on to find another place to camp and
recuperate. As more and more men are hearing the stories of William Wallace, the
more men are joining the army. After months of preparations and planning for their
next siege to try and kill the king of england and win their freedom they finally
figure out where and how they are to do it. They had planned to have their leader
Wallace to give himself up. When the men get to the city all of Wallace s followers
were to disguise themselves and wait until William was to give them the cue to
attack. The king had fallen very sick and was getting prepared to give his country
to his son. His last will was to live long enough to see Wallace and his men all
killed. As soon as William and his men make it to the city Wallace was taken by the
king s men and locked up. After being questioned the brave soldier was sentenced
to death only given two options. The first option was to ask for mercy, if he were
to do that he would be granted it with a quick clean death. The second option was
that he would then be tortured and beaten in front of everybody. Wallace is not one
to be asking for mercy because he himself is a merciless
Social Classes
Education within social classes have grown exponentially apart over the last couple
decades because many different factors have been presented in today s society.
Education plays an important role in today s classification of social classes, but first
we need to understand the different levels of social classes. Social classesare often
determined by education, occupation, wealth, and your social network. These social
classes are the upper class; top 3% and the wealthiest, the middle class; 50% of the
United States, and the lower/working class; typically people of poverty,
unemployment, and homelessness. Each level of class has different guidelines
/standards when it comes to education, the upper class has the highest level of
education, of... Show more content on ...
These people are least educated and tend to live paycheck to paycheck. It is this class
that you will find people collecting welfare and living in government housing.
Homelessness and unemployment run high in this class. Anyone in this class lacks
proper medical care, adequate housing, clothing and food. Rarely will you find
someone in this class that holds an advanced academic degree, graduated high school,
and are thinking about furthering their schooling into secondary schools past the
mandatory minimum education requirements. The lower class students are usually
labelled in school, as the ones who are uneducated, unmotivated, and predictable
when the schooling gets harder. This leads to the lower class students often feeling
demoralized and uninspired to become better, so they give up without even trying to
succeed. With little to none support from their family, most of these students start
school unable to read, they test poorly, and are often absent a lot more than usual.
Education usually becomes of not of importance within this social group. By the
time, these students are actually eligible for special programs, grants, or loans they
are often unmotivated or disadvantaged and unwilling to accept help from others,
which leads to the decline of education in the lower class, further separating the
educational levels between
Morrison s Seven Reasons Why A Scientist Believes In God
In the light of modern science religion appears to be a remnant of ancient
superstition that will one day be completely replaced by a scientific view of the
world. (p.104) However, with developing science, many people found themselves
that God become more awardable ever because of these newly found and developed
knowledge of sciences. Modern philosophers interest to know whether or not this ever
booming sciencehas affect the people s views toward religious beliefs. For example,
Seven Reasons Why a Scientist Believes in God by A. Cressy Morrison, a highly
respected scientist. (p.105) In this paper, I will discuss what Morrison s Seven
Reasons and reasons why this particular subject is interesting. Numerous proofs
have been offered for the existence of God such as argument from agreement,
argument from Scripture. Morrison s Seven Reasons Why a Scientist Believes in
God is typical example for the argument from design. According to this argument, the
world is so intricately put together to maintain the existence of various types of life
that it must have been designed by an extremely rational being.(p.105) Life does not
exist by chance because the probability of all the necessary factors existing in the...
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According to first, second and sixth reasons, the world that we live is so well
deign that life sprouting in everywhere and every creature is so balance that no one
species can dominate all others. Morrison pointed out in his third reason that God
give helpless creature the animal instinct to protect themselves proved that God is
good. Moreover, Morrison argued in the fourth reason that man has something more
than animal instinct, the power of reason, and The fact that man can conceive the
idea of God is in itself a unique proof in this seventh reason. The reason five is that
provision for all living is revealed in phenomena which we know today but which
Darwin did not know such as the wonders of
Effects Of Group B Streptoccus In Neonates
Group B Streptococcus in Neonates
Michaela Pimentel
Neonatal Sepsis
Group B streptococcus, or GBS, is most commonly known as neonatal sepsis. The
causative organism for this infection is an encapsulated Streptococcus agalactiae.
Streptococcus agalactie is a gram positive spherical bacterium that can be found
within the reproductive, gastrointestinal tract and rectum. Although it is not a
sexually transmitted infection, this type of bacterium cause harm to the fetus during
pregnancy. It comes and goes throughout a persons lifetime and does not show
symptoms in women who are colonized. Although group b streptococcus exists in the
rectum of 25% of pregnant women, only about 2% of them will develop an ... Show
more content on ...
Although the late onset form is usually linked to a mother with a GBS infection, there
are some cases in which the cause is unknown. Unlike the other forms of GBS, the
late onset form cannot be treated with antibiotics and may cause more life threatening
side effects if not detected.
Since people with a GBS infection are typically asymptomatic, this type of bacteria
doesn t typically harm them. However, during pregnancy, mothers with group b strep
may develop other infections such as a urinary tract infection, an infection of the
amniotic fluid or an infection of the lining of the uterus. If the infant swallows the
infected amniotic fluid during labor, they are at risk for developing a more life
threatening disease. Common complications for newborns include meningitis,
pneumonia and sepsis. Meningitis is an infection of the brain and spinal cord.
Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs causing respiratory distress. Sepsis is an
infection of the blood that spreads throughout the body. The Center for disease
control classifies Group B Streptococcus as the, leading cause of meningitis, and
sepsis, in a newborn s first week of life (Center for disease control, 2016). An infant
who tests positive for any of these infections will be closely monitored in the
intensive care unit for neonates. Since these complications are life threatening, early
detection can be the best defense in saving an infant s life.
Diagnosing this infection
Fun House, By Alison Bechdel
Fun House, the autobiography written by author Alison Bechdel centers around her
life growing up and the death of her father. The autobiography is in a graphic novel
format that artistically depicts relevant events that occurred in Bechdel s life when
she was growing up. The novel shows the problems that dysfunctional families have
in a realistic way without sugar coating anything. The plot of Fun House centers
around Bechdel s life and what it was like living in a household where the parents did
not pay that much attention to their children and focused on other things, where the
father who is supposed to the head of the household, has a dark secret concerning his
sexual orientation, where the protagonist (Alison) is dealing with gender... Show more
content on ...
On page 16, Bechdel says that her father [did] not make things, but [made] things
appear the be what they were not which proves that her father wanted to keep up the
appearances of a perfect family with no problems. In my opinion, I think that it is
really sad and awful that as a child, Alison did not get the love and attention that she
should have received from her father because he was too obsessed with other things
such as decorating their house and making sure that they seemed like the perfect
family even though realistically they were not.
In Chapter 2, Alison talks about her father s death. Her father got hit by a truck
and died, and she thinks it was a suicide but there was no evidence suggesting that
and the only one who thinks that is Alison. In addition to that in Chapter 4: In the
Shadow of Young Girls in Flowers, Bechdel talks more in depth about her father s
death and describes what occurred. She explains that her father had been doing
some gardening just before he died and that was the cause of his death. According
to Alison, her father was doing yard work and as he was crossing the road with to
throw away brush that he was carrying, then suddenly he jumps backwards into the
road right as a truck is coming and it runs him over (89). The man who was driving
the truck that hit Mr. Bechdel explains that it was an accident and that Alison s father
did not jump into the road on purpose, but that he seemed
Why Knights Were Respected In The Middle Ages
Did you know knights were one of the most important parts of the middle ages?
And do you know if they really followed all the rules and if they were
acknowledged in the medieval age? Well, this essay will inform us everything we
need to know about why Knights were respected in The Dark Ages, and that they
respected all the rules. Now starting off, a knightis a mounted soldier, the word
mounted in the medieval age was to ride on something like a horse and that s why
we see most of the knights on horses. All knights followed the code of chivalry,
knights served their lord, and knights were respected by all. This essay will argue
about whether if knights were respected in the medieval age. And this essay will
support the argument that knights were respected and followed all the rules.... Show
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A knight s job was to defend women and children and anyone in a difficult situation
or trouble. If a knight protected no one in distress, he would not deserve to be a
knight. Now let s talk about the Knight In Shining Armor , which means a person
who comes to a women s aid. The code of chivalry represented how a knight should
act and behave. A knight was said to remain a knight by his father. If the father is a
knight then most probably the son will also be a knight. Whenever a knight is at
war or at any conflict, he will have to save the people first and then engage into
fighting. A knight is always supposed to fulfill his duty. Even though the lead
crucial role of the knight was to serve and protect his lord, he would also need to
defend the people of the
My Family Are Having A Wonderful Christmas Season !
Hey there Gina, I hope you and your family are having a wonderful Christmas
season! I was going though a bin of old photos a while ago and found some photos
of your baptism, I thought I d give them to you in case you didn t get a copy, or if
you did and they got lost or something. As for the book... Well a few months ago I
was looking at deals in the kindle store in the Christian section, and after reading
the introduction chapter within the book, I was encouraged and impressed so I
bought the kindle version for myself for a couple of dollars. I was reading it a few
weeks ago, and was like, Wow, the content here is so good! I should totally get a
couple of copies to give to some of the moms that I know who have their hands full
with young ones. And anyways, you were one of the people I thought of I think I
had watched the video of Wesley frustrated with writing the letter B a few days
before, so that might explain it. Haha. I remember during a sermon hearing the
pastor say that 10% of the words that Jesus used in the gospels were direct quotes
form the scriptures (the old testament), I say that because one of the reasons I find
Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full to be so encouraging is because it
seems to me (from what I ve read so far) that about 50% of the words that Gloria uses
are direct quotes from scripture. It s rare for me to find a book so encouraging, and
that illuminates my heart to the word of God, books like this only seem to come
along every few
Mel Ginnis Analysis
Mel McGinnis, a cardiothoracic surgeon, shows his appreciation of the heart and
even beyond the operating room, with an appreciation for the idea of love. Mel s
lead in the debate about love seems quite normal, yet as the conversation continues
it is clear that the idea of love has a deeper effect on him. He shares his personal
experiences and opinions only to further his confusion for his true definition of love.
The idea of love creates conflict in Mel s life because he has trouble understanding
it out of the resentment in his marriage and the possibility of loving multiple
people. Mel s inability to create a clear connotation for love leads him to question
certain aspects of life. Mel has a lot to say about love and there is no doubt in his
mind that we spend our whole lives learning about what it actually is. He believes
that no one is exactly experienced when it comes to love, What do any of us really
know about love? Mel said. It seems to me we re just beginners at love. (Carver
556) Although he cannot define it he has had experiences that help him understand
what true love looks like in a relationship. A particular experience that had an effect
on Mel, was when he treated an old couple at the hospital. They were badly injured in
a... Show more content on ...
A major part of their marriage was spent living in fear of Terri s ex boyfriend, who
constantly threatened their lives. Although Ed, Terri s ex boyfriend. was
physically abusive in his relationship with her, she still thought he truly loved her.
Through his past experience with the old couple, he s makes it known that abuse
isn t love, My God, don t be silly. That s not love and you know it, Mel said. I don t
know what you d call it, but I sure know you wouldn t call it love. (Carver 552)
Even though Ed is no longer alive Mel and Terri s marriage definitely suffers with
her assumption that his abuse was an act of true
Comparison Between Optical Telescope Systems And
Background knowledge:
The topic of this investigation is to compare and contrast three different optical
telescope systems that are used in modern day times. The three main telescope
systems that will be focused on in this report will be reflecting, refracting and
cassegrain which is a combination of both and how different types of error such as
aberration effect the telescopes ability to capture an image and the quality of the
image it produces.
Reflecting telescopes use mirrors to reflect incoming light rays onto a secondary
mirror which magnifies it through an eye piece to form an image. (BBC, 2015)
When light rays come in contact with the mirror they are called the incident ray
and then when the ray reflects back off the mirror it is then called the reflected ray.
As the light rays hit and leave the mirror at particular angles these are titled angle of
incidence and angle of reflection which can be seen in the figure 2 below.
By the first law of reflection it is assumed that the angle of reflection is equal to the
angle of incidence. This would only be true for totally reflective flat surfaces.
When light rays come into contact with convex and concave mirrors parallel to the
normal they are reflected onto a focal point . To find the focal point of a mirror, the
mirror formula can be used.
Where f is the focal length, u is the objects actual distance away from the mirror and
v is the distance the image is formed from the mirror.
To find the
Project Individual Reflection Paper And Project Group
Project Individual Reflection Paper and Project Group Through the completion of
my project group in the assessment course, I have gained an immense amount of
knowledge and a plethora of assessment practice. The project framework allows me
to contribute in the WMU s strategic plan initiatives in developing a project about
the Signature designation while taking the course. In here, I was able to create a
variety of project s products, such as project proposal, poster and project s
presentation and evaluation. This paper reflects my knowledge and experience in
the accomplishing of the assessment course. Project Group Challenges There are
several challenges to finishing the project group. First, the project has identified as
an initiative necessary to encourage students involving in the campus activities. In
here, I have an opportunity for applying a rigorous assessment. For instance, I have
roles in the project to create literature review finding, co curricular criteria transcript
in others institutions and record the student feedbacks in the steering committee of
meeting in the project. Second, I learned how to collaborate in assessing program.
In here, I have an opportunity for discussing the findings with peer group to create a
treaty of the evidence. The rigor in assessment is tended to document observation
and reports on the observation of change (Keeling, Wall, Urderhile, Dungy, 2008, p.
35; Gardener, 2003). I found the Signature project is aligned to the
Film Analysis Of Fight Club
Fight Club is the opposite of Watchmen, the style of David Fincher and his faded
green aesthetic fit perfectly in the world of Fight Club and help to give the Film a
sense of identity that wouldn t exist if the film was created by a lesser director.
The way this Film is shot, the editing, the score, it all combines to help tell the
story in a new way that feels entirely separate from the book. Additionally, Fincher
works to bring the concepts of the book to life through adaptation not translation, he
knows that many of the themes and ideas of the book will not work if simply ripped
out of the page and thrown on screen. He decided early on that the Novel would have
to change to fit the screen, he knows that communicating messages across... Show
more content on ...
Things like The lady sitting next to Jack in the airplane wearing glasses and a red
coat and then Tyler pops up in the exact same spot, wearing similar clothing. Mirrors
not showing the reflection of Tyler or Marla, Bob s shirt being burned to the car
wreck that Jack is investigating. Hell, there s an entire section about how dildos in
the Film relate to how the Film is actually a metaphor for Jack s sexual identity and
the battle between Masculinity (Represented by Tyler) and Femininity (Represented
by Marla) happening in Jack s head. Now hearing these ideas from me with no proof
may make them seem far fetched, but I really recommend you go to the site and read
up on it. I won t cover it here because I can t say anymore without simply stealing the
author s intellectual property, but I think you get the point; Fight Club is a testament
not only to adaptations but also to masterful filmmaking.
The edit at the beginning of this section showing Jared Leto falling to the ground
was no accident. Watch it again, you can tell that Sound is taken full advantage of.
Whereas a book would never have that sound, in the fight club you aren t reading
Fight Club you re feeling it in your gut.
Fight Club is a success in terms of an adaptation and of well done filmmaking. Why
Watchmen fails is a complete lack of Identity
4. Identity
When you watch a Film such as Fight Club, Se7en, Zodiac, Enemy or Prisoners.
Caesar Imperialism
One of the most defining moments in Roman history was the assassination of Gaius
Julius Caesar on the 15th of March, 44 BCE. It sparked the transition from a
republican to an imperial system of government for Rome. Caesar admired the idea of
a government that was controlled by an individual (Imperialism), and not by senators
constantly jostling for power (Republicanism). There are three points that suggest
why his assassination was the key moment for the transition to take place. Firstly,
Caesar emphasized heavily on the idea that a dictator would assist in the centralizing
of power within Rome, therefor allowing Rome to endure as the dominant force
throughout the Mediterranean. Secondly, after Caesar s death, the second triumvirate
was formed... Show more content on ...
The conquest of Gaul took place from 58 BCE until 51 BCE, in which Caesar
fought in a number of large battles including the decisive battle of Alesia in 52
BCE, which completed the conquest and gained Rome full control over Gaul.
During his time as proconsul, Caesar saw a great opportunity in obtaining control
over the Gallic province to the North of Rome, as he believed that the centralization
of power was accomplished through gaining land. By the end of the Gallic Wars in
51 BCE, Caesar had reduced to the form of a province the whole of Gaul enclosed by
the Pyrenees, the Alps, the Cevennes, the Rhine, and the Rhone about 640 000 square
miles (Suetonius, Julius Caesar, 25). One of Caesar s motives for taking control of
this much land was that it was a major expansion of the Roman frontier. It created a
complete circuit of his empire, which would then be bounded on all sides by the
ocean (Plutarch. 579). Caesar s strong interest in centralizing power within Rome
died with him, the old form of a republic government was exhausted. Knowing this,
Caesar made no attempt to mask his opinion, bypassing traditional practices
(Bradley, 393). With Caesar naming himself Dictator perpetuo Dictator for life in
47 BCE, the senate soon began to see Caesar s power as a major threat to their own
roles as senators. A step towards imperialism was a result of Caesar s death and his
idea to centralize power in Rome through an individual, forthcoming the second
Milton Hershey Research Paper
The Hershey Company, was started by an entrepreneur by the name of Milton S.
Hershey. After many failed attempts, in 1894 Milton Hershey, started the Hershey
Chocolate Company which produced sweet chocolate and cocoa for the flavoring
and coating of Hershey s own caramels. While his new company was selling more
than a hundred different items made of sweet chocolate, Hershey wanted to perfect a
formula for producing milk chocolate. Once done, Milton Hershey would become the
first American to develop a formula for manufacturing milk chocolate. After 121
years on the market, the Hershey Companycontinue to make changes. A business that
was once known only for their chocolate bars, now has become a global sweet icon.
With treats that include not
The Philosophy of International and Free Trade
A trade liberalization process on a global scale has started since the post WWII
period, with most countries pursuing the philosophy of international and national free
trade. Even though the complete free trade has not been made possible yet, and
maybe it will never be, numerous agreements have been made in the name of trade
liberalization. They allowed the trade between different countries and within the same
country to a certain degree of liberalization where several new business practices can
be implemented.
The two highest expressions of this trade liberalization are off shoring and
outsourcing. Moreover these two practices are more and more often applied together.
However, it is crucial to clearly distinct the differences between off shoring and
outsourcing. It is common mistake to consider them as synonyms. Off shoring can
occur without out sourcing necessarily taking place, on the other hand the existence
of out sourcing does not mean off shoring is happing as well.
Off shoring refers to the relocation by a company of a business process, either
operational or supporting ones, from one country to a different one. However
recently it is commonly used in relation to the practice of relocation to developing
countries, with lower wages. It can consist of administrative or technical processes,
such as accounting and manufacturing. On the other hand some business services,
such as legal services, tend to be out sourced instead of off shore.
Out sourcing
The Secret Of Empathy, Enlightenment, And Internal
The Secret of Empathy, Enlightenment, and Internal Growth There are two senses
of reality: external and internal. External reality is an observable universe, but
perspectives differ and thus cause different opinions. To experience internal reality
is to confuse one s own reality with a shared reality, resulting in a loss of empathy
and disregarding how others are affected. An external mindset displays an
understanding of different opinions in a shared world, whereas with internal
mindset a person s devotion to a belief becomes their private world. When a person
is passionate about their beliefs they tend to disregard other perspectives, or live
internally. This is a common practice because, depending upon upbringing, different
moral values have been instilled in the person. Typically, people will not partake in
activities or actions that defy their morality, so they tend to align with others who
share similar values. However, people who are unwilling to think beyond their own
beliefs lose their sense of empathy. The more devoted a person is to their morals, the
less empathy they might have. When we look outside ourselves to other perspectives,
we can better connect to an external rather than simply an internal reality,
approaching the world with an enlightened state of mind capable of both empathy
and consistent growth. A less narrow minded person is capable of accessing an
external reality. Typically, it seems that the more devout citizens are more closed
minded. They
The Five Husbands In The Wife Of Bath s Tale
The wife of bath stands up for women equality and does not let men push her around.
She had five husbands, with each of them she used a technique to get what she
wanted. She would blame them for things they did not do, she would make them buy
her things and have complete mastery over all of them. With her fifth husbandthings
become rocky with her having the upper hand in the relationship. This is shown
through the book that her husband reads which in that book degrades women. She
snaps back into this mode of control and stands up for women by tearing the pages
out of this book. The wifeof bath thinks women should always have mastery in a
marriage,this leads her to realize with her fifth husband women get taken for granted
and have a bad... Show more content on ...
In her story she used the old lady to represent her. The old lady makes a condition
with this knight and they get married but he did not want to marry her. While they
are married the old lady has these talks with the knight about being a respectful and
accepting her as her: No shame in poverty if the heart is gay, As seneca and all
learned say./Lastly you taxed me with being old.Yet even if you never have been
told by ancient books, you gentlemen engage,yourselves in honour to respect old
age (290).The knight becomes ashamed of her for all her flaws, but the old lady
tells him that this should not matter to him and being a knight these virtues should
be obvious to him. She gives him a choice of how their marriage will continue on:
You have two choices; which one will you try? To have me old and ugly till I die,
but still a loyal, true, and humble wife that never would displease you all her life,
or would you rather I were young and pretty and chance your arm what happens in
a city where friends will visit you because of me, yes and in other places too maybe
(291). In this scenario she gives him two choices for the fate of their marriage. He
explains to her whatever she wants to do he will submit: And have i won the
mastery? Said she, since i m to choose and rule as i think fit? Certainly wife, he
Essay On The Importance Of Bilingualism
The Importance of Bilingualism The room smelled of old age and use. Comfy
chairs seated 47 individuals ranging from ages 15 to 60. The main organizer,
Brother Yuri, stood at the head of the oval shaped table. ВЁNow that I ve told you
what to expect, we need to discuss interpreters. Who here knows how to speak
Spanish? Questioned Brother Yuri at our weekly missionary meeting. 47 sets of
eyes stared blankly at him. No one raised their hand. Being able to speak spanish is
crucial for our trip. How are you guys going to communicate with the families?
How will you get the messages across if you cannot speak Spanish? He constantly
berated us to spend some time and try to learn Spanish. We were, after all going to
Mexico. But no one really understood how important it was to be able to speak
more than one language. Being able to speak Spanish was an imperative aspect of
our trip, as is being bilingual in America. The use of multiple languages should be
embraced and accepted in a culture rather than be driven into the ground and quelled.
In their essays on bilingualism in the United States, both Martin Espada and Richard
Rodrigues state their definitions of bilingualism. According to Martin Espada,
bilingualism is the idea that speaking another language encompases your culture,
traditions, and that it should be done freely and without reservations. However,
Richard Rodrigues stands firm in his belief, which happens to be different from
Espada s. According to Rodriguez, in order
Ethical Standards For Mental Health Service Providers
Running head: ETHICAL STANDARDS EXAM12 Ethical Standards for Mental
Health Service Providers Final Exam Alanna Sampson Yorkville University Question
1 Introducing the limits of confidentiality in simple language that a client can
understand is the first step in establishing the therapeutic relationship. ?Confidently
should be explained to all potential clients with the general understanding that any
information gained from the counseling relationship is kept confidential. They
must also share that there are limitations when it comes to safety concerns.
Examples of these limitations would be if the professional has a concern that the
clients are at a risk of harming themself, someone else, or if they are posing a risk
to the counselor. There are additional reasons why a counselor will have to break
confidentiality in cases when there is a confession that is ordered by the court or
requested by the client. They may also need to release records in a situation where a
client has filed a complaint towards their counselor (Martin, Shepard Lehr, 2015).
Working within the confines of consulting or private practice the Canadian
Counseling and Psychotherapy Association Standards of Practice (2015) must be
followed. The counselor who is providing the third party service should have a clear
understanding as to their role, the relationship with each party, the possible uses of
any information accumulated, and any limits of confidentiality (2015). More
Online Brand Engagement Is Different From Offline...
Online brand engagement is qualitatively different from offline engagement as the
nature of the customer s interactions with a brand, company and other customers are
different on the internet (Chak 2003). Verhoef et al. (2010) support that customer
engagement consists of multiple online behaviors as blogging, customer ratings and e
word of mouth. Furthermore, they state that customer engagementis affected by firm
initiatives, customer characteristics, and environmental/contextual factors (Verhoef et
al., 2010).
According to Sashi (2012) customer engagement is a topic that has had an emerging
interest during the last years, based on the development of Internet and the new tools
that have emerged with it Web 2.0 (Sashi, 2012). Due to the increasingly networking
society customers can easily interact with other customers and this non transactional
customer behavior has become more important for companies when developing their
strategies (Verhoef et al., 2010). Hollebeek et al. (2014) and van Doorn et al. (2010)
mention how important the understanding of online brand engagement is in the social
media platforms as well as recognizing the opportunities for brand to extract value
from their followers. Van Doorn (2010) supports also, that it is important for
companies to fully understand the impact of customer brand engagement since the
digital world involves a broad audience with immediacy breadth.
To be more precise, social networks are communities where people are able to
The Career Of Orthopedic Surgery
The career of orthopedic surgery is of utmost importance to the entire medical field
and health in general. Orthopedic surgery is the field of medicine involving the
rearrangement, repairing, and mending of bone marrow and skeletal structures within
the human body. Normally, students pursuing a career in orthopedic surgerymust
complete a vigorous, extensively designed course of education needed for
certification. Once finished with education, orthopedic surgeons will have completed
approximately 14 years of formal education. This career choice comes with vigorous
requirements; extensive preparation is required before a student may encounter any
patients. The practice of orthopedic surgeryis certainly a career choice that deserves...
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These specialists help improve people s quality of life; they help people live their
lives to the fullest. Such an important career requires a great deal of education; there
are many prestigious schools that have programs for orthopedic surgery. There are
hundreds of colleges around that nation that have programs designed to instruct
future orthopedic surgeons. The University of Virginia is ranked as one of the top
thirty medical schools in the United States. David Craig states in an article describing
the orthopedic residency program, With more than 70 years of proven history, we are
established as a national and international leader in providing outstanding patient
care, medical education, and musculoskeletal research. Clearly, the orthopedic
program at the University of Virginia is well renowned. One of the most favorable
benefits of attending medical school at the University of Virginia is the state of the
art musculoskeletal research, methods, and procedures used throughout the program
(Craig). The average cost of four years of undergraduate education without financial
aid at the University of Virginia is $122,288 (Craig). The average overall cost of in
state tuition for medical school without financial aid is $288,908 (Rector and Board
of Supervisors). The University of Virginia offers several different scholarships to
which scholars can apply; of these is the Fellowship foundation, designed for medical
school students.
Bottled Water Essay
Water is one of the most important natural resources for the life in our planet, which
is why all nations in the world make afford to prevent the contamination for this
precious liquid. It is important for agriculture and for many other things. Also it
maintains the balance of the flora and wildlife. In recent years, American has been
created different machines to drink water, for example, water fount, that can be found
in schools and public space. Also, the used of bottled wateris very popular because
people can go anywhere with that and is very comfortable. Despite the constantly
used of bottle water is dangerous because it can develop different diseases, and the
excessive used of the plastic material can be hurtful for the environment.
Keywords: diseases, plastic materials, environment
The Negative Effects of Drinking Bottled Water
Water is very essential for Society because it bring a lot of benefits in agriculture,
commercial and industrial. Communities used water in everything in the public
park, schools and every day used, for example, cleaning, cooking and outdoor
activities. Society need to be aware that without water we cannot survive, that why
people should take care our planet for the new generations. In recent years,
American has been created different machines to drink water, for example, water
fount, that can be found in schools and public space. Also, the used of bottled water
is very popular because people can go anywhere with that and is very
Negative Politeness
Politeness strategies are verbal strategies that take the addressee s feelings into
account by showing respect for his or her face. A person s face is the social
prestige that they hold in a certain situation and it can have both negative and
positive connotations. With positive face being the desire to be liked and
appreciated, and negative face being the desire to not be imposed upon or intruded.
According to the study done by Hobbs, some positive politeness strategies would
be, complimenting, joking and claiming reciprocity and are also often mainly used
by men. As for negative politeness strategies, taking blame, apologizing, hedging,
and softening the force of requests are mostly used by females. Compliments are
commonly used by males and females as positive politeness strategies when trying to
save face but as mentioned above, each sex takes different approaches to these
strategies. This paper will discuss in detail the differences between maleand female
compliments as well as how each feel about certain compliments paid to same sex
or opposite sex pairs. There will also be discussion of power positions, face
threatening acts, solidarity, and cross gendermiscommunication in relation to
Compliments by nature are used to make other people feel good, they increase or
consolidate the solidarity between two individuals and can create or maintain rapport.
There are, however, situations in which individuals use compliments as praise and
admirations rather
Sjogren s Syndrome Essay
Sjogren s syndrome (SS) is a chronic, systemic autoimmune disease characterized
by keratoconjunctivitis and xerostomia results from infiltration of the lacrimal
glands and salivary glands by lymphocytes. It occurs worldwide and in all age
groups with a female predisposition. It may exist as primary or secondary SS. Oral
manifestations of SS may help in early diagnosis and management of the disease.
We present a case report a comprehensive literature review of sjogren s syndrome.
KEYWORDS: Sjogren s syndrome, Xerostomia, Xerophthalmia, Sicca symptoms,
Shirmer s test,
Sjogren s syndrome is the second most common rheumatoid autoimmune disease
characterized by lymphocytic infiltration of salivary and lacrimal glands results in dry
... Show more content on ...
Mavragani CP, Crow MK. (2010) Activation of the type I interferon pathway in
primary Sjogren s syndrome. J Autoimmun. Nov;35(3):225 31.
8.Mavragani CP, Moutsopoulos HM. (2010) The geoepidemiology of Sjogren s
syndrome. Autoimmun Rev;9(5):A305e10.
9.Jonsson R, Moen K, Vesterheim D, Szodoray P. (2002) Current issues in Sjögren
s syndrome. Oral Dis;8:130 140.
10.Mathews SA, Kurien BT, Scofield RH. (2008) Oral manifestation of sjogren s
syndrome. J Dent res.Apr: 87(4):308 18.
11.Strand VTalal N Advances in the diagnosis and concept of Sjögren s syndrome
(autoimmune exocrinopathy). Bull Rheum Dis. 1979 1980;301046 1052
12.Martin SG, Michael G, Jonsthsn A. (2008). Burket s oral Medicine.11th ed.
Ontario.BC Decker Inc. E book.
13.Fox RIKang HI Pathogenesis of Sjögren s syndrome. Rheum Dis Clin North
Am.1992;18517 538
14.Boumba DSkopouli FNMoutsopoulos HM Cytokine mRNA expression in the
labial salivary gland tissues from patients with primary Sjögren s syndrome. Br J
Rheumatol. 1995;34326 333
15.TengnГ©r PHalse A KHaga H JJensson RWahren Herlenius M Detection of anti
Ro/SSA and anti La/SSB autoantibody producing cells in salivary glands from
patients with Sjögren s syndrome. Arthritis Rheum. 1998;412238
What Are The Effects Of Disney Fairy Tales
Disney fairy tales, sweet and seemingly innocent tales, are they causing children to
lack certain knowledge that they need or are they helping our children? When one
thinks of Disney fairy tales they might think of Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty and
have happy thoughts, but would they have the same thoughts if they knew that these
tales were derived from the rather gruesome Grimm s Fairy Tales? Did Disney
actually hinder children s learning by watering down these tales and sheltering the
children from the dark realities of the world? Does teaching little girls that princesses
are treated like royalty and everything works out, in the end, make their expectations
too high?
Think about this, if all your life you were taught that everyone is respectful and
then when you finally got old enough, you realized that not everyone is respectful,
how would you feel? This experience would probably make you rather angry and
confused. Trying to deal with disrespectful people when you have only dealt with
respectful people for most of your life would be extremely difficult, you might
even snap at someone. This is only a minor example of what sheltering can be like
for a growing child. If you told your child all their life that everything will be solved
by a prince charming then how do you think they would handle the cold hard truth
when they get older? There is an episode of Criminal Minds, a show about FBI
profilers, that provides a perfect example of this type of sheltering of children.
Manipulating and Deceiving Viewers with Sound Bites and...
Manipulating and Deceiving Viewers with Sound Bites and Images In Duguid
and Brown s article The Social Life of Documents , the authors make mention of
how documents usually tend to raise more debate than suppress it. This is true, as
there can be an innumerable amount of possible interpretations for one document
alone. However, while there is no right interpretation of a document, there has to
be a set of standards to abide by to judge all of these competing ideologies. This is
where the use of sound bites and images used in news media tend to be a source of
debate. First of all, sound bites are defined as film segments within a news story that
show someone speak without interruption , while image bites are defined as film...
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In so many words, the image can be influential in delivering a subconscious
message. Another problem that occurs with the use of images in the media, is the
disagreement that occurs when textual crawls on the bottom of the screen are
unconnected to the captions, images, and audio narrative they are shown in
conjunction with (Wojcieszak, 10). This results in audience distraction, as the
work required to comprehend the contradictory messages is similar to reading two
newspapers at once (Esser, 4). Now for some specific examples of the juxtaposition
of words and images in the media. In the aftermath of both 9/11 and Hurricane
Katrina, CNN, Fox News and MSNBC, repeatedly used onscreen and audio
messages during their broadcasts to add to the gravity of the already dramatic
footage. In one case, CNN used images of military trucks and armed, uniformed men
because they conveyed a sense of emergency and also because of their association
with wars and danger (see Appendix A). This idea was further encouraged by
combining this footage with the captions, The Day After and America Under Attack.
Also repeatedly using the words victims and soldiers, Green 4 upheld the drama of
this iconic linguistic combination (Wojcieszak, 10). After the 9/11 attacks, the
Palestinian rights activist Hanan Ashrawi was interviewed on CNN. She was trying
to convince the American public of the unrepresentative nature of the celebrations that
Tightening Restrictions On Foreign Students Essay
A.Conservative party promises 2015
With the newly elected Conservative government planning on tightening restrictions
on foreign students studying in the UK, the populace must be informed as to the
extent of the damage inflict on the economy by foreign students and foreign
graduates who stay in the economy and they must also be well informed as to the
short and long term implications of policy change affecting educational temporary
migration as a party of the overall moving structure that is the United Kingdom.
Studies before anticipated that SMEs and NGOs would be disproportionately
negatively impacted by the reform as compared to other firms, mainly because of
their size (lack of resources
Citing i Graduate survey found that 44% of non EU graduates working in the UK
were doing so for an SME
Tension between government s immigration policy of significant reduction and its
belief that significantly increasing numbers of international student is an achievable
2.Background to UK Post Study Work
A.What the regulations were
In 2008, the UK Government introduced the Points Based System (PBS) through
which immigration into the United Kingdom is regulated to date. In these new
immigration regulations, each applicant must reach a point threshold in order to
qualify for leave to enter the country. With there having been over 80 visa
classifications in place prior to the PBS, its implementation required a complete
restructuring and streamlining of
Essay on “Friends of Dorothy” Unite Against
Friends of Dorothy Unite
Homosexual, gay, queer, faggot, fairy, queen, dyke, all words to describe an
individual with same sex proclivities. To be a gay in the 1950s and 1960s was to be
asking for a death wish. Gay individuals in America were subjected to an anti
homosexual legal system that denied these individuals with their basic rights and
freedoms. In 1952, Homosexuality was considered a mental disorder by the American
Psychistric Association in the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual. Communities were
often the subject to the eradication of homosexuals from neighborhoods, parks, bars,
and beaches. Local and State governments quickly organized and banned the wearing
of opposite gender clothing with universities expelling professors ... Show more
content on ...
The night of the 27th was different and the bar was not aware of the impending
raid. Early morning, at 1:20 AM on Saturday June 28th, 1969 the raid commenced
with two patrol officers, Detective Charles Smythe and Deputy Inspector Seymour
Pine, in addition to four plainclothes officers, entered the premises announcing,
Police We re taking the place! The group inside the club however did not follow
the normal procedure. Standard procedure dictated that the inside patrons were to
line up and present identification, those who were dressed as women were taken
into the restroom to verify their sex by female officers which normally results in
arrests. That night, however, those dressed as women refused to be manhandled by
officers and stood their ground, in addition to the men in line who refused to
produce identification. As individuals were being released from the front door to the
street, the patrons did not leave. The patrons stayed and gathered in larger and larger
groups until approximately one hundred and fifty people were standing outside, some
who were not even customers but rather people passing by who
Critically Examine the Geopolitics of Humanitarian Aid...
Critically examine the geopolitics of humanitarian aid within the 21st century.
How have responses to famine changed over time and what are the key challenges to
famine prevention today?
Geopolitics have played a huge role in humanitarian aid in the current century.
Because humanitarian aid is largely sponsored by western countries it poses a huge
problem in the form of a parochial form of theorizing 1 that supports the interests of
the richest countries of the world. For the purpose of this essay I will begin by
examining the problems that have arisen in the most recent years of humanitarian aid
assistance. This arises from conditional aid, whereby donor countries or organizations
impose conditions in order for recipient countries to ... Show more content on ...
In cases such as Iraq and Afghanistan the United States military assumed a huge role
for the distribution of disaster and humanitarian assistance alongside their military
objectives. If foreign militaries are carrying out humanitarian aid alongside military
objectives, then there is no way that aid can be supplied to whoever is in need in
ways that are impartial, neutral and independent. This new system whereby foreign
militaries are responsible for supplying aid has created huge security problems for
not only the military, but for the people who are receiving aid. Opposing factions to
foreign military time and time again in Afghanistan and Iraq have targeted civilians
receiving aid to further their own agenda. 7
These are the problems that exist in the humanitarian aid industry today, but these
problems have developed over a course of many years and responses to famine and
humanitarian disasters have evolved over time. Thirty years ago disaster relief and
humanitarian aid were not considered to be of huge significance on a geopolitical
scale. During the 70 s and 80 s although humanitarian crisis existed, the geopolitics
was more focused on the cold war and respecting the sovereignty of nation states.
Although crisis in Africa, East Pakistan and Guatemala (to name a few) were made
The India And Pakistan Conflict Remains One Of The Most
The India and Pakistan conflict remains one of the most unfaltering and unresolved
conflicts of our time. Since the birth of the nation in 1947, conflict ensued over
religion and territory dividing the great nation into two independent states, today
known as India and Pakistan. The history of relations between the two nations
follows an oscillating track between times of peace and resumptions of wars and
crises. Conflict expanded to encompass a broad range of issues from terrorism to a
nuclear arms race through the history of these nations. Having engaged in four wars
over six decades the countries still stand divided over a multitude of issues today,
leading to high tensions between the borders. Through the assistance of... Show more
content on ...
The Indian National Congress, founded in 1885, led the independence movement. At
first, its goal was to gain more rights for Indians and more say in the British
administration. However, as its power grew in the twentieth century, it agitated
increasingly for complete independence. Mahatma Gandhi, a rising voice in the
Indian National Congress, led the movement under a philosophy of satyagraha, also
known as peaceful protest. Two other independence movements followed in 1930 and
1942, and due to the increasing pressure on British government during World War II,
India was granted its independence in 1947 (Kaul, 2011). Now, it was the time to
institutionalize a government for this newly formed nation. After being granted its
independence, the newly formed nation started to face religious conflicts with
Muslims on one side and Hindus and Sikhs on the other. According to the Central
Intelligence Agency (2017), the new nation was comprised of approximately 20%
Muslims and 78% of Hindus and Sikhs creating tension between the differing
religions. This tension erupted in violence and according to an analysis created by
William Dalrymple in his article The Great Divide (2015), he characterizes the shift in
attitude as communities that had coexisted for almost a millennium attacked each
other in a terrifying outbreak of sectarian violence, with Hindus and Sikhs on one side
and Muslims on the other a mutual genocide as unexpected as it was unprecedented.
Fortune 500 Cvs Health Case Study
Kayla Rodger
Holly Klawitter
Business organization and ethics
14 September 2015
Fortune 500 CVS Health CVS health hasn t always been that name at one point they
went by CVS Caremark and still some of the things they have out there are named
CVS Caremark. The main corporation is based out of Woonsocket Rhode Island.
There are roughly 8,500 CVS Health pharmacies and clinics around the world with
more to be built eventually. CVS Health is ranked number ten on the fortune 500
and has went up in ranking yearly. CVS stands for convenience, value, service.
Ethics and Human Rights Standard of ethics for CVS Health is interacting with
vendors and suppliers. Also interacting with possible vendors and suppliers to the
highest ethical standard with in the applying laws. What this means interacting with
suppliers and vendors is giving them all the help you can possibly give, give them
any information that is give able, make sure you are following every guideline you
can follow and do it with the most respect you can ... Show more content on ...
Suppliers and vendors are huge to CVS Health and I think they will continue to be.
They do have their weaknesses and I think that adding more stores around the
world will help some of those weaknesses. The more demand goes up the more that
CVS Health will be needed. There will always be hospitals, doctors, clinics which
means there will always be a need for food/pharmacies around the US. CVS Health
also does Social Responsibilities grants for improving health and healthcare
nationwide . Which is really great because healthcare and health can always use the
extra money to put into testing out new medications or even for equipment they may
need in certain offices, clinics, hospitals whatever it may
Death Of A Shaman Documentary Analysis
The documentary, Death of a Shaman, centers around a Mien woman, Fahm Fong,
and her family s story of immigrating to the United States from Thailand. The Mien
people had originally lived in the hills of Laos, and due to the aid they gave the U.S.
during the Vietnam war, they were forced to leave Laos and settle in Thailand. Fahm
Fong s familyimmigrated to the United Statesin 1980 when she was still very young.
Her father was a notable figure in Thailand as he was his community s shaman, but
once they arrived in the United States he lost his identity and started a downward
spiral. As Fahm was growing up she was not very close to her father, but after he
had asked her to help him make a documentary she agreed. Sadly, Fahm s father
died soon after, but she felt it was her destiny to finish what he had started and return
to her family in Thailand. She eventually reconnected with her family in Thailand
and discovered more secrets about her family s past. She learned the culture of the
Mien people and finally found a sense of belonging, and through this finally felt like
she had fulfilled her father s wishes to reconnect with his identity.... Show more
content on ...
Even though Fahm s family did assimilate into the American lifestyle, her parents
suffered from losing almost everything they had in their Mien lifestyle. As an
American, I thought that because we are the land of opportunity and are mostly
accepting of all cultures that it would be difficult to suffer so much after immigrating
here, but Fahm s father s story exemplified the reality that not all people thrive after
What Is The Theme Of The Pie By Gary Soto
At some point in almost everyone s childhood, there is a moment of deliberate
wrongdoing, followed by panic and guilt. Perhaps it is standing on the water spout
outside the house and neglecting to inform an adult when the pipe breaks and
spews water into the backyard. Maybe it is lying to a parent about the whereabouts of
a dollar after the ice cream truck goes by. For author Gary Soto, it was stealing a pie
from the neighborhood grocery store. In his autobiography, Soto recounts the story
and emotions of his six year old self taking an apple pie off the rack and walking
home with it, only to be overwhelmed by a guilt ridden conscience. Throughout the
narrative, Soto uses imagery and precise diction to recreate his experiences as a guilty
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This changes with the appearance of Cross Eyed Johnny, a neighborhood boy who
asks for some pie and is denied. Soto continues to eat, but tears blurred [his] eyes as
[he] remembered the grocer s forehead . This time, the mention of tears is not
because it was about the best thing [he] had ever tasted but rather because he felt
true guilt. He is reminded of the angelic grocer, and even though he is beginning to
feel horrible continues to stuff his face with pie. Cross Eyed Johnny comments,
your hands are dirty, before [climbing] his roof to watch the other boy eat. This
once again brings up the symbolism of dirty hands, as though they are tainted with
sin. The symbolism intensifies as Cross Eyed Johnny [jumps] off and [hobbles]
away because the fall had hurt him . This represents a fall from grace, for the
young Soto has committed perhaps the worst sin of his six year long life. He
begins to feel paranoid and sees the pie tin [glaring] at [him] and feeling his face
sticky with guilt . The personification of the pie tin shows that the boy feels like he
is being watched and judged for his sin, and wet imagery is once again used to
describe the stickiness of guilt. The sweetness was too tempting to resist, but now he
has to deal with the guilt that clings to him covers his conscience. As he sits on the
curb, A car
The Tragelaphus Is The Second Largest Antelope Just
The Tragelaphus strepsiceros is the second largest antelope just behind the giant
Eland. With strips down its back and large spiral horns around three ft. in length
make the kudu easily distinguishable. Males tend to be much larger than females,
ranging from 200 850 pounds, reaching heights of around five feet and lengths
almost eight feet long. Females are much smaller, weighing 260 460 lbs. standing
around four feet and lengths six seven feet. With them being that size they seem to
not have a large number of predators; lions, leopards, hyenas, wild dogs as well as
humans for the larger ones, with the young s having predators from cheetahs, eagles,
and snakes. Greater Kudus have been known to clear lengths 8+ feet and heights of 6
feet... Show more content on ...
With gestation being 9 months, babies are usually seen between February and
March when the grass tends to be at its highest. Greater Kudus tend to have one
calve, rarely two; mothers suckle for 7 minutes at a time until calf is nearly 3
weeks old. Hiding for 2 weeks calves join the herd but continue to lie out at least at
night for an additional 4 5 weeks. Vocal communication is common with a gruff bark
is one of the loudest noises antelope make. Males grunt loudly when rutting and
fighting, with a suppressed whine during courtship. The greater kudu does have a SSP
with Dennis Charlton as the SSP and studbook coordinator. The main goal for the
greater kudu is to maximize genetic diversity in the captive population to maintain it
as genetically diverse as possible this provides for sustainable and cooperative zoo
populations of kudu to avoid having to pull animals from the wild. Originally
establish as a PMP (Population Management Plan) in 1995 as kudu were not
necessarily endangered in the wild but the AZA community wanted to manage
captive species for sustainability in the long run. The PMP title dropped off in
2012 and all programs earned the SSP designation (just on different tiers based on
sustainability parameters.) The greater kudu has been in US zoos since the early
1900 s! There are certain protected preserves where kudu would be relatively safe
from poaching but they would
The Quarrel Between Two Princes
Gargiulo 2
Teddy Gargiulo
English 242
Professor Mufti
13 February 2015 Paper # 1: Close Reading ?Sometimes the quarrel between two
princes is to decide which of them shall dispossess a third of his dominions, where
neither of them pretend to any right. Sometimes one prince quarreleth with one
another; for fear the other should quarrel with him. Sometimes a war is entered upon,
because the enemy is too strong, and sometimes because he is too weak.
Sometimes our neighbors want the things which we have, or have the things
which we want; and we will both fight, til they take ours or give us theirs. It is a
very justifiable cause of war to invade a country after the people have been wasted
by famine, destroyed by pestilence, or embroiled by factions amongst themselves. It
is justifiable to enter into a war against our nearest ally, when one of his towns lie
convenient to us, or a territory or land, that would render our dominions round and
compact. If a prince send forces into a nation, where the people are poor and
ignorant, he may lawfully put half of them to death, and make slaves of the rest, in
order to civilize and reduce them from their barbarous way of living.? (Swift 2602).
This quotation comes from the middle of chapter five, part four of Gulliver?s
Travels, by Johnathon Swift, as Gulliver begins explaining the state of England to the
master Houyhnhnm, and more specifically, why princes in England go to war with
one another. This passage is of particular import
Change Of Heart About Animals By Jeremy Rifkin
In the assert of ВЁA Change Of Heart about AnimalsВЁ by Jeremy Rifkin, the author
strongly supports animals rights and has been working to prove animal intelligences
and emotions can see understand through science. Rifkin include pigВґs studies at
Purdue University, where scientists found the animal can feel depressed under
isolated conditions or health problems. Even Dr Arthur Saniotis, fellow with the
University s School of Medical Sciences stated, ВЁscience tells us that animals can
have cognitive faculties that are superior to human beings. Due to the rise of the
agriculture evolution, people going to consume animals as property and began
viewing human as superiority for our exclusive aptitude in reasoning. Human began
to break themselves from the nature when technology and standard language imply in
everyday life in the world.... Show more content on ...
Animals are much more complex and innovative that should be given more credit
than it should be. Now learned about the animal feelings exist, human could be too
cruel in using their survivor coat, fur, for expensive souvenirs or fashion runway.
The Born Free USA organization expounds in 50 million violently killed animals for
fashion every year. Fur is believed to get from meat production, but ВЁfur comes
from animals who are factory farmed or trapped purely for fashion.ВЁ Animal furs
are obtained through gassing, electrocution, or neck breaking in traps. Imagined a full
house of fully coated species trap in a cramp factory house, the animal of intelligence
are thought to be under humane treatment, but the fashion factories say differently.
Rifkin support of animal is simply a moral principle that every human should have
instead of thinking as a superior intelligent
Relaxed Hair Is Better Than Natural Hair Essay
Many people have compared natural hair and relaxed as both being healthy. I
strongly agree that natural hair is healthy for various reasons. I agreed to that
because you not using the chemicals that you use for relaxed hair. For natural hair all
you need is water, wild growth and moisturizer. Relaxed hairmake your hair look very
thin also you using perms which has chemicals that s not healthy for your hair. Some
women think relaxed hair is better than natural. Why is that ? It s because they think
when your hair natural it s very unlikeable. Natural hair has all the components to
grow healthy, long, and thick hair.
Natural hair does grow healthier than natural hair because you do not use
chemicals to harm your hair. Black women discover their natural kinky hair.
Natural hair is thicker because your hair follicles are textured. Yes I can say when
you wash your hair and try to detangle it, it s a challenge to do. Natural hair is
healthier because it doesn t stripped away your hair. With natural hair keep your
scalp moisturized. Natural hair curl pattern is very pretty. I think going natural
gives your hair a better chance to grow since it isn t being damaged by chemicals.
Relaxed hair is bad because some people flat iron they hair every two weeks, that s
not good because heat can break your hair off.
Many women spend so much money on there relaxed hair. Relaxed hair is very
expensive when you go to the salon every 2 weeks. After a women decides to go
natural, she will not go
Essay on “Soldier’s Home” by Hemingway
This is an essay on the short story Soldier s Home by Hemingway. Will the life of a
soldier ever be the same after returning from war? Many generations of young adults
have gone from their homes with tranquil settings to experience war and come home
to a different world. Many have witnessed the devastations and atrocities that occur
with war. Harold Krebs, a young manfrom a small town with a loving family is no
different from those before him and those to follow. The anguish of what war is
however cannot dispel the thoughts and memories of what many young men come
home to face in the real world. Many have trouble coping in the new world known as
The setting in this story is a small town in rural Oklahoma in the late hot ... Show
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Krebs learned to lie about his experiences and added details into them that most
formal soldiers thought as common knowledge of a soldier; however, it was not
easy for him. The small town in this story and society in general is the antagonist in
this story for not welcoming him home as they had the other returning men. Krebs
found to be listened to at all he had to lie and after he had done this twice he, too
had a reaction against the war and against talking about it (185), and withdrew from
society more because of the distaste of war and the lies he had to tell. The town folk
thought of his stories as unimportant. Krebs withdrew from society.
The front porch of the house where he grew up now became his solitude. Krebs
withdrew into his own world, always reading or reminiscing about the enactments
he was involved with in Germany. Krebs world revolved around his memories, he
had been a good soldier (187). He struggled mentally to overcome his past life in the
military and the haunting of society not welcoming him back, or so he thought.
Krebs fought in his own mind the releasing of his enlistment world and that of the
present world. The internal fight becomes the foil in this story: two worlds fighting
each other in his
Examples Of Greed In John Steinbeck
The works of John Steinbeck have been used universally on scholarly account
because of his ability to establish themes in his writing that are relevant to life. The
Pearl, is one work that contains issues as ideas that are still significant to this day.
One theme, such as greed, is displayed throughout the course of the novel. As each
character develops, their intentions with the pearlbecome evident to the reader. This
theme is seen through many of the characters who are eager to obtain the pearl. In
The Pearl, the theme of greed is shown through the doctor s intentions, Kino s
attitude, and Juana s discontent of the pearl. The doctor, along with common
people in the town, is very judgemental and only cares about what he will benefit
from, long term. They only want to be there to help if later it will fulfill their
wishes for with what they desire. The doctor looked past his aged patient and saw
himself sitting in a restaurant in Paris and a waiter was just opening a bottle of
wine. (Steinbeck 23) The doctor is clearly only concerned for what he will be able to
get out of Kino. As... Show more content on ...
She watches him go through the motions and how the pearl corrupts his decision
making abilities. Kino this pearl is evil. Let us throw it before it destroys us. Let us
crush it between two stones...Kino, it is evil, it s evil! (Steinbeck 56) The pearl is
destroying each and every character s livelihood. They want to destroy it before it
destroys them. It is the pearl. said Juan Tomas, There is a devil in the pearl.
(Steinbeck 64) The pearl has only brought harm and hardships i.e. the devil This is a
parallel to how money in society can affect someone. ...It has ruined everyone I know
(Steinbeck/Morris 111) It is something that that has taken control of everyone. Greed
and social status also come to play because it was something they had never had,
something only
Tuskegee Airmen Research Paper
The Tuskegee Airmen of World War II
John C. Robinson, enrolled at the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama and got his
degree in Mechanics at only eighteen years old (Brownlee, R.A 2012). When he
returned a war hero from being the commander of the Ethiopian Air Force, he
dreamed of having an aeronautical school at Tuskegee (Brownlee). However, out of
pure luck Tuskegee was chosen to be a part of the Civilian Pilot Training Program,
even though Robinson didn t have a hand in this and he was teaching at Keesler and
Chanute Air Fields during World War II (Brownlee). He laid the foundation and
standards for who African Americanpilots were during World War II: well respected,
and had excellent piloting and combat skills. Through his determination and ... Show
more content on ...
Davis, who was the commander of the 99th fighter group, would become the
commander of the 332nd group (Haulman, Dale L. 2010). In 1944, the group went
to Italy where the 99th squadron was, and they served under the fifteenth Air Force.
According to Haulman, [they were] given the primary mission of escorting heavy
bombers such as Boeing B 17s and Consolidated B 24s to their targets in southern,
central, and eastern Europe (Haulman). Soon after spotting a warship on the Gulf of
Venezia and Gulf of Trieste and shooting it down till it sunk, the next day the entire
group received the p 51 Mustangs that were faster and had a longer range in combat
(Haulman). With this new equipment, the Tuskegee Airmenwas one of seven fighter
groups selected to escort the heavy bombers of the Fifteenth Air Force (Haulman).
The Tuskegee Airmen would rotate on escorting each bomber wing, their fighter
planes had a distinctive red tail on it, to identify that they were American and what
their main mission was (Haulman). During their time in the Fifteenth Air Force,
Haulman reported they had encountered enemies 35 out of 311 missions that they
completed for the Fifteenth Air Force, and seven out of 172 heavy bomber
missions, had been shot down my enemy aircraft (Haulman). Even during World War
II, Tuskegee Airmen shot down 112 enemy airplanes (Haulman), this is how well
trained they fought together. According to Haulman The 332d earned another
Distinguished Unit Citation [on top of what the 99th group received beforehand]
for the only Fifteenth Air Force mission to Berlin, the German capital. The raid took
place on March 24, 1945. Three Tuskegee Airmen pilots each shot down a German
Me 262 jet that day (Haulman). Not only is this a big feat for them because the
The Importance Of Obstetric Services For Pregnant
1.) Obstetric services are provided to pregnant women for before, during, and after
birth. These services are very expensive; however, they are very important.
Discontinuing these practices could create a multiple of problems. A pregnancy
can be a very scary time in a women s life, especially if this is her first birth.
Obstetricians help a soon to be mother understand a variety of different facts, such
as due date, nutrition for the fetus, monitoring complications and so much more!
With such a heavy expense with not equal return, hospitals are beginning to stop
these services. The article by Commins explained how hospitals are cutting the
costs by having a family doctor deliver a child, instead of hiring obstetricians.
Without a specialist there could be a raise in postnatal deaths. My older sister was
born with the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck. Without a team of
specialized, well trained doctors, my sister may have not of survived. Not only would
the death rate of infants increase, women would also feel uneasy about their
pregnancy. Take Moberly, Missouri for example, the Moberly Rural Health Clinic
is about 30 minutes from where I grew up. Moberly Rural Health Clinic has one
obstetrician/gynecologist for labor, which is awesome for those who live in the
surrounding area. I visited my little cousins who had just been born there. It was a
happy experience; if my aunt had to drive an hour to Columbia to give birth she
could have not made it to the University
Gas Exchange Diseases
Respiratory Diseases and Gas Exchange in the Older Adult Gas Exchange is
defined as the process by which oxygen is transported to cells and carbon dioxide is
transported from cells (Giddens, 2013). Simply, it is breathing in oxygen from the
air to our blood, and breathing out carbon dioxide from our bloodto the air, which all
takes place in our lungs. As a person ages, physiological changes to the body happen;
changes that can affect proper gas exchange. This paper will identify some of these
changes that affect gas exchange in the older adult, some common pulmonary
diseases affecting this population, as well the relationship these diseases have to gas
exchange and my personal clinical experience.
Gas Exchange in the Older Adult As mentioned, gas exchange is the transfer of
oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs. ... Show more content on ...
Changes that can affect the gas exchange process in the older adult include
alterations to major systems such as the respiratory, musculoskeletal and immune
systems. Lung tissue changes; alveoli (tiny air sacs in the lungs) lose shape over
time and becoming baggy, thus allowing air to get trapped in the lungs, and not
allowing enough oxygen to the blood and carbon dioxide out, making it harder to
breathe (Martin, 2014). The diaphragm weakens over time, which in turn makes it
more difficult to get air in and out of the lungs. An older adult s immune system
changes with age as well. An aging adult may not recover from a respiratory
infection or exposure to smoke or other irritants as easily as they used to. These
alterations in the older adult can lead to many respiratory problems. Some examples
of these issues will be discussed
Conflict Resolution at General Hospital
Conflict Resolution at General Hospital
Christy D. Harris
Dr. Jack Huddleston, Professor
BUS520: Leadership and Organizational Behavior
August 20, 2011
Discuss the conflict that is occurring at General Hospital.
The conflict that is occurring at General Hospital is simply a case of making the
right financial decisions and man vs. computer. What I mean by that is, in trying to
make cost effective decisions on how to cut back on expenses they chose to replace
capable human beings that gave accurate results with a computerized system that is
not glitch free and has not been proven to give accurate readings and correct patient
information on the right patients nor was it approved by the ... Show more content on ...
He can then utilize the appropriate negotiation strategy to achieve a win win
situation. For example with the physician controlled cost being addressed step by
step, one physician at a time and the theory of cost containment steps that he
developed being also addressed his argument will then be capable of showing how
the hospital will still be able to function as if the old methods were still in place and
then show how the hospital would have a chance of turning things around. Then he
can format a plan of action that will help them achieve this goal. Once this has been
fully negotiated upon and an agreement has been reached he is then ready to present
the final plan of action to the staff (board) and began making the necessary changes.
Recommend a strategy for Hammer to resolve the problem.
Instead of utilizing the Distributive negotiations strategy with the good cop bad cop
approach that clearly didn t work, I would recommend the Integrative negotiations
strategy. This will allow all parties or departments involved to identify the problems,
assess alternatives, discuss the pros and cons, and reach an agreement between all
parties that would work for the hospital.
Sometimes management decisions and conflict resolutions are impossible to be
resolved by one or two individuals. Team work should always be an alternative to
find the answer in company issues on any level. Managers should have the knowledge
Are We Still Worship Gods In The Illiad
The values people hold today are similar to the ones that where held back in the
time of the Illiad. People believed that once a God or Goddess has spoken to him
/her that they must obey it or face further reprimand because it was considered to be
an unspoken sign of disrespect if they did not comply. They believed that they would
be damned to the Underworld once they have died. The difference in worship is that
we worship Godor his son Jesus. IN the time of the Greeks they worshiped mostly
women and some men Gods. People still worship Gods today and fell the same.
The only difference now is that if you sin, you can now repent and be forgiven. The
Illiad describes many hardships that many had to face. It also describes how the war
in Troy
The Meaning Of Just Mercy In To Kill A Mockingbird
Bailey Bohrer
Ms. Bucksbarg
Writing 101
September 7, 2017
McMillian s Mockingbird Prayer
Many people believe the titles of names of places, people, or books have little to no
meaning, I can argue there is a reason behind every single capitalized letter and
chapter title and every person s name. In the common read, Just Mercy we can
truly test this theory. Throughout the introduction and sixteen chapters that
follow, the amount of emotion and strategically placed names of each chapter
depict a strong image of struggle or happiness. The title of the book itself Just
Mercy represents all that America strives to become a civil and lawful society. We
can start by dissecting the title Just Mercy . If you were to google Just the word is
defined by having a basis in or conforming to fact or reason. ( Just. Merriam
Webster). The definition of the word Mercy states two different meanings,
compassion; or a blessing that is an act of divine favor. (Mercy. Merriam Webster).
Immediately upon putting these two words together you come to find they balance
each other. The correspondence between just and mercy sound like they belong
together, it simply means the fact of being kind. Beginning with the rest of the titles,
Stevenson parallels Harper Lee s famous novel To Kill a Mockingbirdinto his day to
day struggles of an unjust court system.
In order to understand it s important to realize, how Bryan Stevenson incorporates To
Kill a Mockingbird into his novel. Stevenson describes

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  • 1. Separation Of Church And State Essay Writing an essay on the topic of the separation of church and state can be a challenging task for various reasons. Firstly, the topic itself is complex and multifaceted, encompassing historical, legal, philosophical, and sociopolitical dimensions. Navigating through these different aspects requires thorough research and understanding to provide a comprehensive analysis. Additionally, the concept of the separation of church and state is deeply ingrained in societal norms and values, often sparking intense debates and controversies. Therefore, crafting an essay on this topic requires a balanced approach, considering diverse perspectives while maintaining objectivity. Furthermore, the historical context and evolving interpretations of this principle add another layer of complexity to the essay. It's essential to delve into the historical background, examining key events and legal precedents that have shaped the understanding of the separation of church and state over time. Moreover, addressing the implications of this principle in contemporary society demands critical thinking and analysis. Exploring its impact on various aspects such as education, public policy, and individual rights requires careful examination of current issues and debates. In conclusion, writing an essay on the separation of church and state necessitates extensive research, critical analysis, and a nuanced understanding of its historical context and contemporary relevance. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Separation Of Church And State Essay Separation Of Church And State Essay
  • 2. Corruption Of Somalia After World War II CORRUPTION IN SOMALIA FINAL GRADUATE PAPER Mohammad mohammad Brief geography and history In the late 1800 s, European colonialism came to Somalia. Especially in areas away from the coast, they fought in a fierce way. In the end, most of Somalia came to be under the control of Britain, France or Italy. World War II brought about further fighting in the region, as Somalia s ocean access is strategic. After World War II, Italy, Britain and USA remained involved in governing Somalia. In 1960, the Somali Republic was established with a civilian government. In 1969, Mohamed Barre seized power and became the ruler of Somalia. He ushered in socialist views of nationalized businesses and cooperative farms. Government positions in his regime went to clans loyal to him, despite his regime s outwardly anti clan laws. The Cold War further complicated matters in Somalia. Both the West and the Soviet Union believed the area to be of strategic importance. Hence weapons and humanitarian and financial aid come into Somalia from outside governments. CORRUPTION IN SOMALIA As one of the longest running state collapses, Somalia faces many of the major corruption challenges that affect conflict torn countries, with widespread corruption and a deeply established patronage system undermining the legitimacy of the FGS. Corruption is further exacerb ated by the absence of a strong functional
  • 3. HSM 320 Mastery Exercises HSM 320 Mastery Exercises Week 1 1. Which of the following are the two dimensions that differentiate various parenting styles? a. Warmth/responsiveness and parental control 2. As a typical parent in Latin America, Maria would place great emphasis on developing a strong sense of _____ in her children. a. Family ties 3. A style of controlling a child s behavior where the parent tells the child what to do, when to do it, and why it should be done is called ________. a. Direct instruction 4. According to Baumrind (1975, 1991), the four distinct parenting styles do NOT include which of the following? a. Egalitarian 5. Gabe tends to be very aggressive with his siblings and peers, and he is doing poorly in school. According to your chapter, he ... Show more content on ... 5. Which of the following represents the correct order of the first three stages of psychosocial development? a. Basic trust vs. mistrust, autonomy vs. shame and doubt, and initiative vs. guilt 6. Jessminder is a two year old girl who is exploring her world. She can walk very well and frequently tries to walk away from her parents to go look around. According to Erikson, Jessminder is attempting to develop a sense of ________. a. Autonomy 7. According to Erikson, which is the foundation of human development? a. trust in oneself and others 8. Which of the following is the primary thrust of the psychosocial theory of development? a. At each of eight different stages, people encounter a unique crisis that must be resolved for development to proceed normally. 9. A blend of autonomy, shame, and doubt give rise to ________, the knowledge that, within limits, a youngster can act on his/her world with intentionality. a. Will 10. Which developmentalist is credited with having proposed the psychosocial theory of development? a. Erick Erikson 11. According to Erikson, a proper balance of trust and mistrust leads children to develop a sense of ___ a. Hope 12. The fact that infant Ricardo has come to expect that his mother is available when he needs her means that Ricardo has developed ________. a. An internal working model 13. Verna struggles with several different behavioral problems, including anxiety,
  • 4. anger, and aggressive actions. According to
  • 5. Cis 210 – Systems Analysis and Development Website... Website Migration Project Chinnasut Nhurod CIS 210 Systems Analysis and Development Dr. Wesley E. Phillips Strayer University September 15, 2013 Website Migration Project for Tony s Chips Building the Web Architecture In order to build the web architecture, the system analyst would be required to analyse the business requirements of the organization and then develop a clear statement of goals of the organization. Since, the old site of the company is running it would be vital to understand the technological and business related issues associated with the previous website. Along, with that it should also be determined whether the IT staffs of the company possesses necessary experience and skills essential for the ... Show more content on ... Following are the steps which would be adopted by the company to minimize the downtime during migration. * DNS Preparation: Before beginning the process of migration the company would assure that the TTL is set to an hour for all the DNS records. This step would be taken 48 hours before the migration begins. During this process the company will ensure that when the migration is complete the IP address, the switch and the website data in the DNS records will get to the new location swiftly. * Inventory Collection: The Company will ensure that its web directory and the database are moved efficiently. Along, with that the company will also create a list of all the items that are required to be moved from the old website to the new websites. This could include special server setups for the website. In case there are any cron jobs running a new server would be required on the new location. * Displaying a Sorry Note: The company will develop a small page with the site logo on it, and it will display a note Sorry for the interruption but we are moving to a new server to enhance customer experience. We will be back online soon . This page would be placed in front of the web directory and none of the visitors would be able to any other pages of the website (McCann, amp; Rooney,). Keeping the visitors away for the website will ensure zero percent data loss. * Database Movement: Now, after blocking the access to the website that database will be
  • 6. The Management Plan For A New Employee Every place of employment has standards when going through the hiring process. The new employee of nursing in the hospital/home health and HIPAA is who we are going to focus on. The Veterans Hospital is no different in having a process. Most companies have to develop risk management tools to assist in their safety as well as the employee and we call it: employee training. Within this title, or umbrella, we have several subtitles of items that deal with training or having the credentials for the new employees to reduce risks for everyone. The focus of this risk management plan for nursing of a new employee on HIPAA is to provide an ongoing, extensive, and precise approach to reducing risk vulnerability of HIPPA regulations. The risk... Show more content on ... With telework the VA goes through a PIV verification and frequent password codes of every three months and mandatory updates. Mobile use is also used as a life line for clarifications and verifications. With this also comes the urge of taking pictures of a patient, texting something that shouldn t and leaving messages on machines that do not belong to that patient leaving secured information. Also with new fax machines that copy and fax electronically without even printing a single paper we depend on a confirmation sheet that it was delivered to the correct person. With mobile phones, per VA policy, consent must be obtained first before getting pictures and verbal recordings. With electronic faxes, release of Information must still be obtained. Staff must use the ROI Plus software to track the accounting of disclosures. A coversheet must still be used as in normal fax use. Information on drug, alcohol, HIV, or sickle cell anemia status may not be transmitted by fax machine, unless the transmittal is directed to medical personnel to the extent necessary to meet criteria of a medical emergency (Shulkin, 2016). Personal information should never be written on the first cover sheet. The comparisons with all the regulations during trainings are correct and maintained. It
  • 7. William Wallace Speech During the First War of Scottish Independence against King Edward I of England, a soldier known to all yet at the same time not a face many recognize had to rise to the occasion. Armed only with faith and an army of farmers and other militiamen William Wallace and his men gather at the top of the hill opposite of the enemy getting ready for another battle, he looks to his men all with worry in their eyes, for they are outnumbered three to one. William with his faith and bravery begins to give a speech to try and rally his men. Sons of Scotland, I am William Wallace. William announces. A veteran speaks up, William Wallace is 7 feet tall, Yes, I ve heard. Kills men by the hundreds, and if he were here he d consume the English with fireballs... Show more content on ... Wallace and his remaining men had moved on to find another place to camp and recuperate. As more and more men are hearing the stories of William Wallace, the more men are joining the army. After months of preparations and planning for their next siege to try and kill the king of england and win their freedom they finally figure out where and how they are to do it. They had planned to have their leader Wallace to give himself up. When the men get to the city all of Wallace s followers were to disguise themselves and wait until William was to give them the cue to attack. The king had fallen very sick and was getting prepared to give his country to his son. His last will was to live long enough to see Wallace and his men all killed. As soon as William and his men make it to the city Wallace was taken by the king s men and locked up. After being questioned the brave soldier was sentenced to death only given two options. The first option was to ask for mercy, if he were to do that he would be granted it with a quick clean death. The second option was that he would then be tortured and beaten in front of everybody. Wallace is not one to be asking for mercy because he himself is a merciless
  • 8. Social Classes Education within social classes have grown exponentially apart over the last couple decades because many different factors have been presented in today s society. Education plays an important role in today s classification of social classes, but first we need to understand the different levels of social classes. Social classesare often determined by education, occupation, wealth, and your social network. These social classes are the upper class; top 3% and the wealthiest, the middle class; 50% of the United States, and the lower/working class; typically people of poverty, unemployment, and homelessness. Each level of class has different guidelines /standards when it comes to education, the upper class has the highest level of education, of... Show more content on ... These people are least educated and tend to live paycheck to paycheck. It is this class that you will find people collecting welfare and living in government housing. Homelessness and unemployment run high in this class. Anyone in this class lacks proper medical care, adequate housing, clothing and food. Rarely will you find someone in this class that holds an advanced academic degree, graduated high school, and are thinking about furthering their schooling into secondary schools past the mandatory minimum education requirements. The lower class students are usually labelled in school, as the ones who are uneducated, unmotivated, and predictable when the schooling gets harder. This leads to the lower class students often feeling demoralized and uninspired to become better, so they give up without even trying to succeed. With little to none support from their family, most of these students start school unable to read, they test poorly, and are often absent a lot more than usual. Education usually becomes of not of importance within this social group. By the time, these students are actually eligible for special programs, grants, or loans they are often unmotivated or disadvantaged and unwilling to accept help from others, which leads to the decline of education in the lower class, further separating the educational levels between
  • 9. Morrison s Seven Reasons Why A Scientist Believes In God In the light of modern science religion appears to be a remnant of ancient superstition that will one day be completely replaced by a scientific view of the world. (p.104) However, with developing science, many people found themselves that God become more awardable ever because of these newly found and developed knowledge of sciences. Modern philosophers interest to know whether or not this ever booming sciencehas affect the people s views toward religious beliefs. For example, Seven Reasons Why a Scientist Believes in God by A. Cressy Morrison, a highly respected scientist. (p.105) In this paper, I will discuss what Morrison s Seven Reasons and reasons why this particular subject is interesting. Numerous proofs have been offered for the existence of God such as argument from agreement, argument from Scripture. Morrison s Seven Reasons Why a Scientist Believes in God is typical example for the argument from design. According to this argument, the world is so intricately put together to maintain the existence of various types of life that it must have been designed by an extremely rational being.(p.105) Life does not exist by chance because the probability of all the necessary factors existing in the... Show more content on ... According to first, second and sixth reasons, the world that we live is so well deign that life sprouting in everywhere and every creature is so balance that no one species can dominate all others. Morrison pointed out in his third reason that God give helpless creature the animal instinct to protect themselves proved that God is good. Moreover, Morrison argued in the fourth reason that man has something more than animal instinct, the power of reason, and The fact that man can conceive the idea of God is in itself a unique proof in this seventh reason. The reason five is that provision for all living is revealed in phenomena which we know today but which Darwin did not know such as the wonders of
  • 10. Effects Of Group B Streptoccus In Neonates Group B Streptococcus in Neonates Michaela Pimentel Microbiology Hayes 10/31/17 Neonatal Sepsis Group B streptococcus, or GBS, is most commonly known as neonatal sepsis. The causative organism for this infection is an encapsulated Streptococcus agalactiae. Streptococcus agalactie is a gram positive spherical bacterium that can be found within the reproductive, gastrointestinal tract and rectum. Although it is not a sexually transmitted infection, this type of bacterium cause harm to the fetus during pregnancy. It comes and goes throughout a persons lifetime and does not show symptoms in women who are colonized. Although group b streptococcus exists in the rectum of 25% of pregnant women, only about 2% of them will develop an ... Show more content on ... Although the late onset form is usually linked to a mother with a GBS infection, there are some cases in which the cause is unknown. Unlike the other forms of GBS, the late onset form cannot be treated with antibiotics and may cause more life threatening side effects if not detected. Since people with a GBS infection are typically asymptomatic, this type of bacteria doesn t typically harm them. However, during pregnancy, mothers with group b strep may develop other infections such as a urinary tract infection, an infection of the amniotic fluid or an infection of the lining of the uterus. If the infant swallows the infected amniotic fluid during labor, they are at risk for developing a more life threatening disease. Common complications for newborns include meningitis, pneumonia and sepsis. Meningitis is an infection of the brain and spinal cord. Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs causing respiratory distress. Sepsis is an infection of the blood that spreads throughout the body. The Center for disease control classifies Group B Streptococcus as the, leading cause of meningitis, and sepsis, in a newborn s first week of life (Center for disease control, 2016). An infant who tests positive for any of these infections will be closely monitored in the intensive care unit for neonates. Since these complications are life threatening, early detection can be the best defense in saving an infant s life. Diagnosing this infection
  • 11. Fun House, By Alison Bechdel Fun House, the autobiography written by author Alison Bechdel centers around her life growing up and the death of her father. The autobiography is in a graphic novel format that artistically depicts relevant events that occurred in Bechdel s life when she was growing up. The novel shows the problems that dysfunctional families have in a realistic way without sugar coating anything. The plot of Fun House centers around Bechdel s life and what it was like living in a household where the parents did not pay that much attention to their children and focused on other things, where the father who is supposed to the head of the household, has a dark secret concerning his sexual orientation, where the protagonist (Alison) is dealing with gender... Show more content on ... On page 16, Bechdel says that her father [did] not make things, but [made] things appear the be what they were not which proves that her father wanted to keep up the appearances of a perfect family with no problems. In my opinion, I think that it is really sad and awful that as a child, Alison did not get the love and attention that she should have received from her father because he was too obsessed with other things such as decorating their house and making sure that they seemed like the perfect family even though realistically they were not. In Chapter 2, Alison talks about her father s death. Her father got hit by a truck and died, and she thinks it was a suicide but there was no evidence suggesting that and the only one who thinks that is Alison. In addition to that in Chapter 4: In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flowers, Bechdel talks more in depth about her father s death and describes what occurred. She explains that her father had been doing some gardening just before he died and that was the cause of his death. According to Alison, her father was doing yard work and as he was crossing the road with to throw away brush that he was carrying, then suddenly he jumps backwards into the road right as a truck is coming and it runs him over (89). The man who was driving the truck that hit Mr. Bechdel explains that it was an accident and that Alison s father did not jump into the road on purpose, but that he seemed
  • 12. Why Knights Were Respected In The Middle Ages Did you know knights were one of the most important parts of the middle ages? And do you know if they really followed all the rules and if they were acknowledged in the medieval age? Well, this essay will inform us everything we need to know about why Knights were respected in The Dark Ages, and that they respected all the rules. Now starting off, a knightis a mounted soldier, the word mounted in the medieval age was to ride on something like a horse and that s why we see most of the knights on horses. All knights followed the code of chivalry, knights served their lord, and knights were respected by all. This essay will argue about whether if knights were respected in the medieval age. And this essay will support the argument that knights were respected and followed all the rules.... Show more content on ... A knight s job was to defend women and children and anyone in a difficult situation or trouble. If a knight protected no one in distress, he would not deserve to be a knight. Now let s talk about the Knight In Shining Armor , which means a person who comes to a women s aid. The code of chivalry represented how a knight should act and behave. A knight was said to remain a knight by his father. If the father is a knight then most probably the son will also be a knight. Whenever a knight is at war or at any conflict, he will have to save the people first and then engage into fighting. A knight is always supposed to fulfill his duty. Even though the lead crucial role of the knight was to serve and protect his lord, he would also need to defend the people of the
  • 13. My Family Are Having A Wonderful Christmas Season ! Hey there Gina, I hope you and your family are having a wonderful Christmas season! I was going though a bin of old photos a while ago and found some photos of your baptism, I thought I d give them to you in case you didn t get a copy, or if you did and they got lost or something. As for the book... Well a few months ago I was looking at deals in the kindle store in the Christian section, and after reading the introduction chapter within the book, I was encouraged and impressed so I bought the kindle version for myself for a couple of dollars. I was reading it a few weeks ago, and was like, Wow, the content here is so good! I should totally get a couple of copies to give to some of the moms that I know who have their hands full with young ones. And anyways, you were one of the people I thought of I think I had watched the video of Wesley frustrated with writing the letter B a few days before, so that might explain it. Haha. I remember during a sermon hearing the pastor say that 10% of the words that Jesus used in the gospels were direct quotes form the scriptures (the old testament), I say that because one of the reasons I find Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full to be so encouraging is because it seems to me (from what I ve read so far) that about 50% of the words that Gloria uses are direct quotes from scripture. It s rare for me to find a book so encouraging, and that illuminates my heart to the word of God, books like this only seem to come along every few
  • 14. Mel Ginnis Analysis Mel McGinnis, a cardiothoracic surgeon, shows his appreciation of the heart and even beyond the operating room, with an appreciation for the idea of love. Mel s lead in the debate about love seems quite normal, yet as the conversation continues it is clear that the idea of love has a deeper effect on him. He shares his personal experiences and opinions only to further his confusion for his true definition of love. The idea of love creates conflict in Mel s life because he has trouble understanding it out of the resentment in his marriage and the possibility of loving multiple people. Mel s inability to create a clear connotation for love leads him to question certain aspects of life. Mel has a lot to say about love and there is no doubt in his mind that we spend our whole lives learning about what it actually is. He believes that no one is exactly experienced when it comes to love, What do any of us really know about love? Mel said. It seems to me we re just beginners at love. (Carver 556) Although he cannot define it he has had experiences that help him understand what true love looks like in a relationship. A particular experience that had an effect on Mel, was when he treated an old couple at the hospital. They were badly injured in a... Show more content on ... A major part of their marriage was spent living in fear of Terri s ex boyfriend, who constantly threatened their lives. Although Ed, Terri s ex boyfriend. was physically abusive in his relationship with her, she still thought he truly loved her. Through his past experience with the old couple, he s makes it known that abuse isn t love, My God, don t be silly. That s not love and you know it, Mel said. I don t know what you d call it, but I sure know you wouldn t call it love. (Carver 552) Even though Ed is no longer alive Mel and Terri s marriage definitely suffers with her assumption that his abuse was an act of true
  • 15. Comparison Between Optical Telescope Systems And Modern... Background knowledge: The topic of this investigation is to compare and contrast three different optical telescope systems that are used in modern day times. The three main telescope systems that will be focused on in this report will be reflecting, refracting and cassegrain which is a combination of both and how different types of error such as aberration effect the telescopes ability to capture an image and the quality of the image it produces. Reflecting telescopes use mirrors to reflect incoming light rays onto a secondary mirror which magnifies it through an eye piece to form an image. (BBC, 2015) When light rays come in contact with the mirror they are called the incident ray and then when the ray reflects back off the mirror it is then called the reflected ray. As the light rays hit and leave the mirror at particular angles these are titled angle of incidence and angle of reflection which can be seen in the figure 2 below. By the first law of reflection it is assumed that the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence. This would only be true for totally reflective flat surfaces. When light rays come into contact with convex and concave mirrors parallel to the normal they are reflected onto a focal point . To find the focal point of a mirror, the mirror formula can be used. 1/f=1/u+1/v Where f is the focal length, u is the objects actual distance away from the mirror and v is the distance the image is formed from the mirror. To find the
  • 16. Project Individual Reflection Paper And Project Group Project Individual Reflection Paper and Project Group Through the completion of my project group in the assessment course, I have gained an immense amount of knowledge and a plethora of assessment practice. The project framework allows me to contribute in the WMU s strategic plan initiatives in developing a project about the Signature designation while taking the course. In here, I was able to create a variety of project s products, such as project proposal, poster and project s presentation and evaluation. This paper reflects my knowledge and experience in the accomplishing of the assessment course. Project Group Challenges There are several challenges to finishing the project group. First, the project has identified as an initiative necessary to encourage students involving in the campus activities. In here, I have an opportunity for applying a rigorous assessment. For instance, I have roles in the project to create literature review finding, co curricular criteria transcript in others institutions and record the student feedbacks in the steering committee of meeting in the project. Second, I learned how to collaborate in assessing program. In here, I have an opportunity for discussing the findings with peer group to create a treaty of the evidence. The rigor in assessment is tended to document observation and reports on the observation of change (Keeling, Wall, Urderhile, Dungy, 2008, p. 35; Gardener, 2003). I found the Signature project is aligned to the
  • 17. Film Analysis Of Fight Club Fight Club is the opposite of Watchmen, the style of David Fincher and his faded green aesthetic fit perfectly in the world of Fight Club and help to give the Film a sense of identity that wouldn t exist if the film was created by a lesser director. The way this Film is shot, the editing, the score, it all combines to help tell the story in a new way that feels entirely separate from the book. Additionally, Fincher works to bring the concepts of the book to life through adaptation not translation, he knows that many of the themes and ideas of the book will not work if simply ripped out of the page and thrown on screen. He decided early on that the Novel would have to change to fit the screen, he knows that communicating messages across... Show more content on ... Things like The lady sitting next to Jack in the airplane wearing glasses and a red coat and then Tyler pops up in the exact same spot, wearing similar clothing. Mirrors not showing the reflection of Tyler or Marla, Bob s shirt being burned to the car wreck that Jack is investigating. Hell, there s an entire section about how dildos in the Film relate to how the Film is actually a metaphor for Jack s sexual identity and the battle between Masculinity (Represented by Tyler) and Femininity (Represented by Marla) happening in Jack s head. Now hearing these ideas from me with no proof may make them seem far fetched, but I really recommend you go to the site and read up on it. I won t cover it here because I can t say anymore without simply stealing the author s intellectual property, but I think you get the point; Fight Club is a testament not only to adaptations but also to masterful filmmaking. The edit at the beginning of this section showing Jared Leto falling to the ground was no accident. Watch it again, you can tell that Sound is taken full advantage of. Whereas a book would never have that sound, in the fight club you aren t reading Fight Club you re feeling it in your gut. Fight Club is a success in terms of an adaptation and of well done filmmaking. Why Watchmen fails is a complete lack of Identity 4. Identity When you watch a Film such as Fight Club, Se7en, Zodiac, Enemy or Prisoners.
  • 18. Caesar Imperialism One of the most defining moments in Roman history was the assassination of Gaius Julius Caesar on the 15th of March, 44 BCE. It sparked the transition from a republican to an imperial system of government for Rome. Caesar admired the idea of a government that was controlled by an individual (Imperialism), and not by senators constantly jostling for power (Republicanism). There are three points that suggest why his assassination was the key moment for the transition to take place. Firstly, Caesar emphasized heavily on the idea that a dictator would assist in the centralizing of power within Rome, therefor allowing Rome to endure as the dominant force throughout the Mediterranean. Secondly, after Caesar s death, the second triumvirate was formed... Show more content on ... The conquest of Gaul took place from 58 BCE until 51 BCE, in which Caesar fought in a number of large battles including the decisive battle of Alesia in 52 BCE, which completed the conquest and gained Rome full control over Gaul. During his time as proconsul, Caesar saw a great opportunity in obtaining control over the Gallic province to the North of Rome, as he believed that the centralization of power was accomplished through gaining land. By the end of the Gallic Wars in 51 BCE, Caesar had reduced to the form of a province the whole of Gaul enclosed by the Pyrenees, the Alps, the Cevennes, the Rhine, and the Rhone about 640 000 square miles (Suetonius, Julius Caesar, 25). One of Caesar s motives for taking control of this much land was that it was a major expansion of the Roman frontier. It created a complete circuit of his empire, which would then be bounded on all sides by the ocean (Plutarch. 579). Caesar s strong interest in centralizing power within Rome died with him, the old form of a republic government was exhausted. Knowing this, Caesar made no attempt to mask his opinion, bypassing traditional practices (Bradley, 393). With Caesar naming himself Dictator perpetuo Dictator for life in 47 BCE, the senate soon began to see Caesar s power as a major threat to their own roles as senators. A step towards imperialism was a result of Caesar s death and his idea to centralize power in Rome through an individual, forthcoming the second
  • 19. Milton Hershey Research Paper The Hershey Company, was started by an entrepreneur by the name of Milton S. Hershey. After many failed attempts, in 1894 Milton Hershey, started the Hershey Chocolate Company which produced sweet chocolate and cocoa for the flavoring and coating of Hershey s own caramels. While his new company was selling more than a hundred different items made of sweet chocolate, Hershey wanted to perfect a formula for producing milk chocolate. Once done, Milton Hershey would become the first American to develop a formula for manufacturing milk chocolate. After 121 years on the market, the Hershey Companycontinue to make changes. A business that was once known only for their chocolate bars, now has become a global sweet icon. With treats that include not
  • 20. The Philosophy of International and Free Trade A trade liberalization process on a global scale has started since the post WWII period, with most countries pursuing the philosophy of international and national free trade. Even though the complete free trade has not been made possible yet, and maybe it will never be, numerous agreements have been made in the name of trade liberalization. They allowed the trade between different countries and within the same country to a certain degree of liberalization where several new business practices can be implemented. The two highest expressions of this trade liberalization are off shoring and outsourcing. Moreover these two practices are more and more often applied together. However, it is crucial to clearly distinct the differences between off shoring and outsourcing. It is common mistake to consider them as synonyms. Off shoring can occur without out sourcing necessarily taking place, on the other hand the existence of out sourcing does not mean off shoring is happing as well. Definitions: Off shoring refers to the relocation by a company of a business process, either operational or supporting ones, from one country to a different one. However recently it is commonly used in relation to the practice of relocation to developing countries, with lower wages. It can consist of administrative or technical processes, such as accounting and manufacturing. On the other hand some business services, such as legal services, tend to be out sourced instead of off shore. Out sourcing
  • 21. The Secret Of Empathy, Enlightenment, And Internal Growth... The Secret of Empathy, Enlightenment, and Internal Growth There are two senses of reality: external and internal. External reality is an observable universe, but perspectives differ and thus cause different opinions. To experience internal reality is to confuse one s own reality with a shared reality, resulting in a loss of empathy and disregarding how others are affected. An external mindset displays an understanding of different opinions in a shared world, whereas with internal mindset a person s devotion to a belief becomes their private world. When a person is passionate about their beliefs they tend to disregard other perspectives, or live internally. This is a common practice because, depending upon upbringing, different moral values have been instilled in the person. Typically, people will not partake in activities or actions that defy their morality, so they tend to align with others who share similar values. However, people who are unwilling to think beyond their own beliefs lose their sense of empathy. The more devoted a person is to their morals, the less empathy they might have. When we look outside ourselves to other perspectives, we can better connect to an external rather than simply an internal reality, approaching the world with an enlightened state of mind capable of both empathy and consistent growth. A less narrow minded person is capable of accessing an external reality. Typically, it seems that the more devout citizens are more closed minded. They
  • 22. The Five Husbands In The Wife Of Bath s Tale The wife of bath stands up for women equality and does not let men push her around. She had five husbands, with each of them she used a technique to get what she wanted. She would blame them for things they did not do, she would make them buy her things and have complete mastery over all of them. With her fifth husbandthings become rocky with her having the upper hand in the relationship. This is shown through the book that her husband reads which in that book degrades women. She snaps back into this mode of control and stands up for women by tearing the pages out of this book. The wifeof bath thinks women should always have mastery in a marriage,this leads her to realize with her fifth husband women get taken for granted and have a bad... Show more content on ... In her story she used the old lady to represent her. The old lady makes a condition with this knight and they get married but he did not want to marry her. While they are married the old lady has these talks with the knight about being a respectful and accepting her as her: No shame in poverty if the heart is gay, As seneca and all learned say./Lastly you taxed me with being old.Yet even if you never have been told by ancient books, you gentlemen engage,yourselves in honour to respect old age (290).The knight becomes ashamed of her for all her flaws, but the old lady tells him that this should not matter to him and being a knight these virtues should be obvious to him. She gives him a choice of how their marriage will continue on: You have two choices; which one will you try? To have me old and ugly till I die, but still a loyal, true, and humble wife that never would displease you all her life, or would you rather I were young and pretty and chance your arm what happens in a city where friends will visit you because of me, yes and in other places too maybe (291). In this scenario she gives him two choices for the fate of their marriage. He explains to her whatever she wants to do he will submit: And have i won the mastery? Said she, since i m to choose and rule as i think fit? Certainly wife, he
  • 23. Essay On The Importance Of Bilingualism The Importance of Bilingualism The room smelled of old age and use. Comfy chairs seated 47 individuals ranging from ages 15 to 60. The main organizer, Brother Yuri, stood at the head of the oval shaped table. ВЁNow that I ve told you what to expect, we need to discuss interpreters. Who here knows how to speak Spanish? Questioned Brother Yuri at our weekly missionary meeting. 47 sets of eyes stared blankly at him. No one raised their hand. Being able to speak spanish is crucial for our trip. How are you guys going to communicate with the families? How will you get the messages across if you cannot speak Spanish? He constantly berated us to spend some time and try to learn Spanish. We were, after all going to Mexico. But no one really understood how important it was to be able to speak more than one language. Being able to speak Spanish was an imperative aspect of our trip, as is being bilingual in America. The use of multiple languages should be embraced and accepted in a culture rather than be driven into the ground and quelled. In their essays on bilingualism in the United States, both Martin Espada and Richard Rodrigues state their definitions of bilingualism. According to Martin Espada, bilingualism is the idea that speaking another language encompases your culture, traditions, and that it should be done freely and without reservations. However, Richard Rodrigues stands firm in his belief, which happens to be different from Espada s. According to Rodriguez, in order
  • 24. Ethical Standards For Mental Health Service Providers Running head: ETHICAL STANDARDS EXAM12 Ethical Standards for Mental Health Service Providers Final Exam Alanna Sampson Yorkville University Question 1 Introducing the limits of confidentiality in simple language that a client can understand is the first step in establishing the therapeutic relationship. ?Confidently should be explained to all potential clients with the general understanding that any information gained from the counseling relationship is kept confidential. They must also share that there are limitations when it comes to safety concerns. Examples of these limitations would be if the professional has a concern that the clients are at a risk of harming themself, someone else, or if they are posing a risk to the counselor. There are additional reasons why a counselor will have to break confidentiality in cases when there is a confession that is ordered by the court or requested by the client. They may also need to release records in a situation where a client has filed a complaint towards their counselor (Martin, Shepard Lehr, 2015). Working within the confines of consulting or private practice the Canadian Counseling and Psychotherapy Association Standards of Practice (2015) must be followed. The counselor who is providing the third party service should have a clear understanding as to their role, the relationship with each party, the possible uses of any information accumulated, and any limits of confidentiality (2015). More
  • 25. Online Brand Engagement Is Different From Offline... Online brand engagement is qualitatively different from offline engagement as the nature of the customer s interactions with a brand, company and other customers are different on the internet (Chak 2003). Verhoef et al. (2010) support that customer engagement consists of multiple online behaviors as blogging, customer ratings and e word of mouth. Furthermore, they state that customer engagementis affected by firm initiatives, customer characteristics, and environmental/contextual factors (Verhoef et al., 2010). According to Sashi (2012) customer engagement is a topic that has had an emerging interest during the last years, based on the development of Internet and the new tools that have emerged with it Web 2.0 (Sashi, 2012). Due to the increasingly networking society customers can easily interact with other customers and this non transactional customer behavior has become more important for companies when developing their strategies (Verhoef et al., 2010). Hollebeek et al. (2014) and van Doorn et al. (2010) mention how important the understanding of online brand engagement is in the social media platforms as well as recognizing the opportunities for brand to extract value from their followers. Van Doorn (2010) supports also, that it is important for companies to fully understand the impact of customer brand engagement since the digital world involves a broad audience with immediacy breadth. To be more precise, social networks are communities where people are able to
  • 26. The Career Of Orthopedic Surgery The career of orthopedic surgery is of utmost importance to the entire medical field and health in general. Orthopedic surgery is the field of medicine involving the rearrangement, repairing, and mending of bone marrow and skeletal structures within the human body. Normally, students pursuing a career in orthopedic surgerymust complete a vigorous, extensively designed course of education needed for certification. Once finished with education, orthopedic surgeons will have completed approximately 14 years of formal education. This career choice comes with vigorous requirements; extensive preparation is required before a student may encounter any patients. The practice of orthopedic surgeryis certainly a career choice that deserves... Show more content on ... These specialists help improve people s quality of life; they help people live their lives to the fullest. Such an important career requires a great deal of education; there are many prestigious schools that have programs for orthopedic surgery. There are hundreds of colleges around that nation that have programs designed to instruct future orthopedic surgeons. The University of Virginia is ranked as one of the top thirty medical schools in the United States. David Craig states in an article describing the orthopedic residency program, With more than 70 years of proven history, we are established as a national and international leader in providing outstanding patient care, medical education, and musculoskeletal research. Clearly, the orthopedic program at the University of Virginia is well renowned. One of the most favorable benefits of attending medical school at the University of Virginia is the state of the art musculoskeletal research, methods, and procedures used throughout the program (Craig). The average cost of four years of undergraduate education without financial aid at the University of Virginia is $122,288 (Craig). The average overall cost of in state tuition for medical school without financial aid is $288,908 (Rector and Board of Supervisors). The University of Virginia offers several different scholarships to which scholars can apply; of these is the Fellowship foundation, designed for medical school students. As
  • 27. Bottled Water Essay Water is one of the most important natural resources for the life in our planet, which is why all nations in the world make afford to prevent the contamination for this precious liquid. It is important for agriculture and for many other things. Also it maintains the balance of the flora and wildlife. In recent years, American has been created different machines to drink water, for example, water fount, that can be found in schools and public space. Also, the used of bottled wateris very popular because people can go anywhere with that and is very comfortable. Despite the constantly used of bottle water is dangerous because it can develop different diseases, and the excessive used of the plastic material can be hurtful for the environment. Keywords: diseases, plastic materials, environment The Negative Effects of Drinking Bottled Water Water is very essential for Society because it bring a lot of benefits in agriculture, commercial and industrial. Communities used water in everything in the public park, schools and every day used, for example, cleaning, cooking and outdoor activities. Society need to be aware that without water we cannot survive, that why people should take care our planet for the new generations. In recent years, American has been created different machines to drink water, for example, water fount, that can be found in schools and public space. Also, the used of bottled water is very popular because people can go anywhere with that and is very
  • 28. Negative Politeness Politeness strategies are verbal strategies that take the addressee s feelings into account by showing respect for his or her face. A person s face is the social prestige that they hold in a certain situation and it can have both negative and positive connotations. With positive face being the desire to be liked and appreciated, and negative face being the desire to not be imposed upon or intruded. According to the study done by Hobbs, some positive politeness strategies would be, complimenting, joking and claiming reciprocity and are also often mainly used by men. As for negative politeness strategies, taking blame, apologizing, hedging, and softening the force of requests are mostly used by females. Compliments are commonly used by males and females as positive politeness strategies when trying to save face but as mentioned above, each sex takes different approaches to these strategies. This paper will discuss in detail the differences between maleand female compliments as well as how each feel about certain compliments paid to same sex or opposite sex pairs. There will also be discussion of power positions, face threatening acts, solidarity, and cross gendermiscommunication in relation to compliments. Compliments by nature are used to make other people feel good, they increase or consolidate the solidarity between two individuals and can create or maintain rapport. There are, however, situations in which individuals use compliments as praise and admirations rather
  • 29. Sjogren s Syndrome Essay Sjogren s syndrome (SS) is a chronic, systemic autoimmune disease characterized by keratoconjunctivitis and xerostomia results from infiltration of the lacrimal glands and salivary glands by lymphocytes. It occurs worldwide and in all age groups with a female predisposition. It may exist as primary or secondary SS. Oral manifestations of SS may help in early diagnosis and management of the disease. We present a case report a comprehensive literature review of sjogren s syndrome. KEYWORDS: Sjogren s syndrome, Xerostomia, Xerophthalmia, Sicca symptoms, Shirmer s test, INTRODUCTION: Sjogren s syndrome is the second most common rheumatoid autoimmune disease characterized by lymphocytic infiltration of salivary and lacrimal glands results in dry ... Show more content on ... Mavragani CP, Crow MK. (2010) Activation of the type I interferon pathway in primary Sjogren s syndrome. J Autoimmun. Nov;35(3):225 31. 8.Mavragani CP, Moutsopoulos HM. (2010) The geoepidemiology of Sjogren s syndrome. Autoimmun Rev;9(5):A305e10. 9.Jonsson R, Moen K, Vesterheim D, Szodoray P. (2002) Current issues in SjГ¶gren s syndrome. Oral Dis;8:130 140. 10.Mathews SA, Kurien BT, Scofield RH. (2008) Oral manifestation of sjogren s syndrome. J Dent res.Apr: 87(4):308 18. 11.Strand VTalal N Advances in the diagnosis and concept of SjГ¶gren s syndrome (autoimmune exocrinopathy). Bull Rheum Dis. 1979 1980;301046 1052 12.Martin SG, Michael G, Jonsthsn A. (2008). Burket s oral Medicine.11th ed. Ontario.BC Decker Inc. E book. 13.Fox RIKang HI Pathogenesis of SjГ¶gren s syndrome. Rheum Dis Clin North Am.1992;18517 538 14.Boumba DSkopouli FNMoutsopoulos HM Cytokine mRNA expression in the labial salivary gland tissues from patients with primary SjГ¶gren s syndrome. Br J Rheumatol. 1995;34326 333 15.TengnГ©r PHalse A KHaga H JJensson RWahren Herlenius M Detection of anti Ro/SSA and anti La/SSB autoantibody producing cells in salivary glands from patients with SjГ¶gren s syndrome. Arthritis Rheum. 1998;412238
  • 30. What Are The Effects Of Disney Fairy Tales Disney fairy tales, sweet and seemingly innocent tales, are they causing children to lack certain knowledge that they need or are they helping our children? When one thinks of Disney fairy tales they might think of Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty and have happy thoughts, but would they have the same thoughts if they knew that these tales were derived from the rather gruesome Grimm s Fairy Tales? Did Disney actually hinder children s learning by watering down these tales and sheltering the children from the dark realities of the world? Does teaching little girls that princesses are treated like royalty and everything works out, in the end, make their expectations too high? Think about this, if all your life you were taught that everyone is respectful and then when you finally got old enough, you realized that not everyone is respectful, how would you feel? This experience would probably make you rather angry and confused. Trying to deal with disrespectful people when you have only dealt with respectful people for most of your life would be extremely difficult, you might even snap at someone. This is only a minor example of what sheltering can be like for a growing child. If you told your child all their life that everything will be solved by a prince charming then how do you think they would handle the cold hard truth when they get older? There is an episode of Criminal Minds, a show about FBI profilers, that provides a perfect example of this type of sheltering of children.
  • 31. Manipulating and Deceiving Viewers with Sound Bites and... Manipulating and Deceiving Viewers with Sound Bites and Images In Duguid and Brown s article The Social Life of Documents , the authors make mention of how documents usually tend to raise more debate than suppress it. This is true, as there can be an innumerable amount of possible interpretations for one document alone. However, while there is no right interpretation of a document, there has to be a set of standards to abide by to judge all of these competing ideologies. This is where the use of sound bites and images used in news media tend to be a source of debate. First of all, sound bites are defined as film segments within a news story that show someone speak without interruption , while image bites are defined as film... Show more content on ... In so many words, the image can be influential in delivering a subconscious message. Another problem that occurs with the use of images in the media, is the disagreement that occurs when textual crawls on the bottom of the screen are unconnected to the captions, images, and audio narrative they are shown in conjunction with (Wojcieszak, 10). This results in audience distraction, as the work required to comprehend the contradictory messages is similar to reading two newspapers at once (Esser, 4). Now for some specific examples of the juxtaposition of words and images in the media. In the aftermath of both 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina, CNN, Fox News and MSNBC, repeatedly used onscreen and audio messages during their broadcasts to add to the gravity of the already dramatic footage. In one case, CNN used images of military trucks and armed, uniformed men because they conveyed a sense of emergency and also because of their association with wars and danger (see Appendix A). This idea was further encouraged by combining this footage with the captions, The Day After and America Under Attack. Also repeatedly using the words victims and soldiers, Green 4 upheld the drama of this iconic linguistic combination (Wojcieszak, 10). After the 9/11 attacks, the Palestinian rights activist Hanan Ashrawi was interviewed on CNN. She was trying to convince the American public of the unrepresentative nature of the celebrations that
  • 32. Tightening Restrictions On Foreign Students Essay 1.Introduction A.Conservative party promises 2015 With the newly elected Conservative government planning on tightening restrictions on foreign students studying in the UK, the populace must be informed as to the extent of the damage inflict on the economy by foreign students and foreign graduates who stay in the economy and they must also be well informed as to the short and long term implications of policy change affecting educational temporary migration as a party of the overall moving structure that is the United Kingdom. Studies before anticipated that SMEs and NGOs would be disproportionately negatively impacted by the reform as compared to other firms, mainly because of their size (lack of resources Citing i Graduate survey found that 44% of non EU graduates working in the UK were doing so for an SME Tension between government s immigration policy of significant reduction and its belief that significantly increasing numbers of international student is an achievable goal 2.Background to UK Post Study Work A.What the regulations were In 2008, the UK Government introduced the Points Based System (PBS) through which immigration into the United Kingdom is regulated to date. In these new immigration regulations, each applicant must reach a point threshold in order to qualify for leave to enter the country. With there having been over 80 visa classifications in place prior to the PBS, its implementation required a complete restructuring and streamlining of
  • 33. Essay on “Friends of Dorothy” Unite Against Prejudice Friends of Dorothy Unite Homosexual, gay, queer, faggot, fairy, queen, dyke, all words to describe an individual with same sex proclivities. To be a gay in the 1950s and 1960s was to be asking for a death wish. Gay individuals in America were subjected to an anti homosexual legal system that denied these individuals with their basic rights and freedoms. In 1952, Homosexuality was considered a mental disorder by the American Psychistric Association in the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual. Communities were often the subject to the eradication of homosexuals from neighborhoods, parks, bars, and beaches. Local and State governments quickly organized and banned the wearing of opposite gender clothing with universities expelling professors ... Show more content on ... The night of the 27th was different and the bar was not aware of the impending raid. Early morning, at 1:20 AM on Saturday June 28th, 1969 the raid commenced with two patrol officers, Detective Charles Smythe and Deputy Inspector Seymour Pine, in addition to four plainclothes officers, entered the premises announcing, Police We re taking the place! The group inside the club however did not follow the normal procedure. Standard procedure dictated that the inside patrons were to line up and present identification, those who were dressed as women were taken into the restroom to verify their sex by female officers which normally results in arrests. That night, however, those dressed as women refused to be manhandled by officers and stood their ground, in addition to the men in line who refused to produce identification. As individuals were being released from the front door to the street, the patrons did not leave. The patrons stayed and gathered in larger and larger groups until approximately one hundred and fifty people were standing outside, some who were not even customers but rather people passing by who
  • 34. Critically Examine the Geopolitics of Humanitarian Aid... Critically examine the geopolitics of humanitarian aid within the 21st century. How have responses to famine changed over time and what are the key challenges to famine prevention today? Geopolitics have played a huge role in humanitarian aid in the current century. Because humanitarian aid is largely sponsored by western countries it poses a huge problem in the form of a parochial form of theorizing 1 that supports the interests of the richest countries of the world. For the purpose of this essay I will begin by examining the problems that have arisen in the most recent years of humanitarian aid assistance. This arises from conditional aid, whereby donor countries or organizations impose conditions in order for recipient countries to ... Show more content on ... In cases such as Iraq and Afghanistan the United States military assumed a huge role for the distribution of disaster and humanitarian assistance alongside their military objectives. If foreign militaries are carrying out humanitarian aid alongside military objectives, then there is no way that aid can be supplied to whoever is in need in ways that are impartial, neutral and independent. This new system whereby foreign militaries are responsible for supplying aid has created huge security problems for not only the military, but for the people who are receiving aid. Opposing factions to foreign military time and time again in Afghanistan and Iraq have targeted civilians receiving aid to further their own agenda. 7 These are the problems that exist in the humanitarian aid industry today, but these problems have developed over a course of many years and responses to famine and humanitarian disasters have evolved over time. Thirty years ago disaster relief and humanitarian aid were not considered to be of huge significance on a geopolitical scale. During the 70 s and 80 s although humanitarian crisis existed, the geopolitics was more focused on the cold war and respecting the sovereignty of nation states. Although crisis in Africa, East Pakistan and Guatemala (to name a few) were made aware
  • 35. The India And Pakistan Conflict Remains One Of The Most The India and Pakistan conflict remains one of the most unfaltering and unresolved conflicts of our time. Since the birth of the nation in 1947, conflict ensued over religion and territory dividing the great nation into two independent states, today known as India and Pakistan. The history of relations between the two nations follows an oscillating track between times of peace and resumptions of wars and crises. Conflict expanded to encompass a broad range of issues from terrorism to a nuclear arms race through the history of these nations. Having engaged in four wars over six decades the countries still stand divided over a multitude of issues today, leading to high tensions between the borders. Through the assistance of... Show more content on ... The Indian National Congress, founded in 1885, led the independence movement. At first, its goal was to gain more rights for Indians and more say in the British administration. However, as its power grew in the twentieth century, it agitated increasingly for complete independence. Mahatma Gandhi, a rising voice in the Indian National Congress, led the movement under a philosophy of satyagraha, also known as peaceful protest. Two other independence movements followed in 1930 and 1942, and due to the increasing pressure on British government during World War II, India was granted its independence in 1947 (Kaul, 2011). Now, it was the time to institutionalize a government for this newly formed nation. After being granted its independence, the newly formed nation started to face religious conflicts with Muslims on one side and Hindus and Sikhs on the other. According to the Central Intelligence Agency (2017), the new nation was comprised of approximately 20% Muslims and 78% of Hindus and Sikhs creating tension between the differing religions. This tension erupted in violence and according to an analysis created by William Dalrymple in his article The Great Divide (2015), he characterizes the shift in attitude as communities that had coexisted for almost a millennium attacked each other in a terrifying outbreak of sectarian violence, with Hindus and Sikhs on one side and Muslims on the other a mutual genocide as unexpected as it was unprecedented.
  • 36. Fortune 500 Cvs Health Case Study Kayla Rodger Holly Klawitter Business organization and ethics 14 September 2015 Fortune 500 CVS Health CVS health hasn t always been that name at one point they went by CVS Caremark and still some of the things they have out there are named CVS Caremark. The main corporation is based out of Woonsocket Rhode Island. There are roughly 8,500 CVS Health pharmacies and clinics around the world with more to be built eventually. CVS Health is ranked number ten on the fortune 500 and has went up in ranking yearly. CVS stands for convenience, value, service. Ethics and Human Rights Standard of ethics for CVS Health is interacting with vendors and suppliers. Also interacting with possible vendors and suppliers to the highest ethical standard with in the applying laws. What this means interacting with suppliers and vendors is giving them all the help you can possibly give, give them any information that is give able, make sure you are following every guideline you can follow and do it with the most respect you can ... Show more content on ... Suppliers and vendors are huge to CVS Health and I think they will continue to be. They do have their weaknesses and I think that adding more stores around the world will help some of those weaknesses. The more demand goes up the more that CVS Health will be needed. There will always be hospitals, doctors, clinics which means there will always be a need for food/pharmacies around the US. CVS Health also does Social Responsibilities grants for improving health and healthcare nationwide . Which is really great because healthcare and health can always use the extra money to put into testing out new medications or even for equipment they may need in certain offices, clinics, hospitals whatever it may
  • 37. Death Of A Shaman Documentary Analysis The documentary, Death of a Shaman, centers around a Mien woman, Fahm Fong, and her family s story of immigrating to the United States from Thailand. The Mien people had originally lived in the hills of Laos, and due to the aid they gave the U.S. during the Vietnam war, they were forced to leave Laos and settle in Thailand. Fahm Fong s familyimmigrated to the United Statesin 1980 when she was still very young. Her father was a notable figure in Thailand as he was his community s shaman, but once they arrived in the United States he lost his identity and started a downward spiral. As Fahm was growing up she was not very close to her father, but after he had asked her to help him make a documentary she agreed. Sadly, Fahm s father died soon after, but she felt it was her destiny to finish what he had started and return to her family in Thailand. She eventually reconnected with her family in Thailand and discovered more secrets about her family s past. She learned the culture of the Mien people and finally found a sense of belonging, and through this finally felt like she had fulfilled her father s wishes to reconnect with his identity.... Show more content on ... Even though Fahm s family did assimilate into the American lifestyle, her parents suffered from losing almost everything they had in their Mien lifestyle. As an American, I thought that because we are the land of opportunity and are mostly accepting of all cultures that it would be difficult to suffer so much after immigrating here, but Fahm s father s story exemplified the reality that not all people thrive after coming
  • 38. What Is The Theme Of The Pie By Gary Soto At some point in almost everyone s childhood, there is a moment of deliberate wrongdoing, followed by panic and guilt. Perhaps it is standing on the water spout outside the house and neglecting to inform an adult when the pipe breaks and spews water into the backyard. Maybe it is lying to a parent about the whereabouts of a dollar after the ice cream truck goes by. For author Gary Soto, it was stealing a pie from the neighborhood grocery store. In his autobiography, Soto recounts the story and emotions of his six year old self taking an apple pie off the rack and walking home with it, only to be overwhelmed by a guilt ridden conscience. Throughout the narrative, Soto uses imagery and precise diction to recreate his experiences as a guilty ... Show more content on ... This changes with the appearance of Cross Eyed Johnny, a neighborhood boy who asks for some pie and is denied. Soto continues to eat, but tears blurred [his] eyes as [he] remembered the grocer s forehead . This time, the mention of tears is not because it was about the best thing [he] had ever tasted but rather because he felt true guilt. He is reminded of the angelic grocer, and even though he is beginning to feel horrible continues to stuff his face with pie. Cross Eyed Johnny comments, your hands are dirty, before [climbing] his roof to watch the other boy eat. This once again brings up the symbolism of dirty hands, as though they are tainted with sin. The symbolism intensifies as Cross Eyed Johnny [jumps] off and [hobbles] away because the fall had hurt him . This represents a fall from grace, for the young Soto has committed perhaps the worst sin of his six year long life. He begins to feel paranoid and sees the pie tin [glaring] at [him] and feeling his face sticky with guilt . The personification of the pie tin shows that the boy feels like he is being watched and judged for his sin, and wet imagery is once again used to describe the stickiness of guilt. The sweetness was too tempting to resist, but now he has to deal with the guilt that clings to him covers his conscience. As he sits on the curb, A car
  • 39. The Tragelaphus Is The Second Largest Antelope Just Behind... The Tragelaphus strepsiceros is the second largest antelope just behind the giant Eland. With strips down its back and large spiral horns around three ft. in length make the kudu easily distinguishable. Males tend to be much larger than females, ranging from 200 850 pounds, reaching heights of around five feet and lengths almost eight feet long. Females are much smaller, weighing 260 460 lbs. standing around four feet and lengths six seven feet. With them being that size they seem to not have a large number of predators; lions, leopards, hyenas, wild dogs as well as humans for the larger ones, with the young s having predators from cheetahs, eagles, and snakes. Greater Kudus have been known to clear lengths 8+ feet and heights of 6 feet... Show more content on ... With gestation being 9 months, babies are usually seen between February and March when the grass tends to be at its highest. Greater Kudus tend to have one calve, rarely two; mothers suckle for 7 minutes at a time until calf is nearly 3 weeks old. Hiding for 2 weeks calves join the herd but continue to lie out at least at night for an additional 4 5 weeks. Vocal communication is common with a gruff bark is one of the loudest noises antelope make. Males grunt loudly when rutting and fighting, with a suppressed whine during courtship. The greater kudu does have a SSP with Dennis Charlton as the SSP and studbook coordinator. The main goal for the greater kudu is to maximize genetic diversity in the captive population to maintain it as genetically diverse as possible this provides for sustainable and cooperative zoo populations of kudu to avoid having to pull animals from the wild. Originally establish as a PMP (Population Management Plan) in 1995 as kudu were not necessarily endangered in the wild but the AZA community wanted to manage captive species for sustainability in the long run. The PMP title dropped off in 2012 and all programs earned the SSP designation (just on different tiers based on sustainability parameters.) The greater kudu has been in US zoos since the early 1900 s! There are certain protected preserves where kudu would be relatively safe from poaching but they would
  • 40. The Quarrel Between Two Princes Gargiulo 2 Teddy Gargiulo English 242 Professor Mufti 13 February 2015 Paper # 1: Close Reading ?Sometimes the quarrel between two princes is to decide which of them shall dispossess a third of his dominions, where neither of them pretend to any right. Sometimes one prince quarreleth with one another; for fear the other should quarrel with him. Sometimes a war is entered upon, because the enemy is too strong, and sometimes because he is too weak. Sometimes our neighbors want the things which we have, or have the things which we want; and we will both fight, til they take ours or give us theirs. It is a very justifiable cause of war to invade a country after the people have been wasted by famine, destroyed by pestilence, or embroiled by factions amongst themselves. It is justifiable to enter into a war against our nearest ally, when one of his towns lie convenient to us, or a territory or land, that would render our dominions round and compact. If a prince send forces into a nation, where the people are poor and ignorant, he may lawfully put half of them to death, and make slaves of the rest, in order to civilize and reduce them from their barbarous way of living.? (Swift 2602). This quotation comes from the middle of chapter five, part four of Gulliver?s Travels, by Johnathon Swift, as Gulliver begins explaining the state of England to the master Houyhnhnm, and more specifically, why princes in England go to war with one another. This passage is of particular import
  • 41. Change Of Heart About Animals By Jeremy Rifkin Summary In the assert of ВЁA Change Of Heart about AnimalsВЁ by Jeremy Rifkin, the author strongly supports animals rights and has been working to prove animal intelligences and emotions can see understand through science. Rifkin include pigВґs studies at Purdue University, where scientists found the animal can feel depressed under isolated conditions or health problems. Even Dr Arthur Saniotis, fellow with the University s School of Medical Sciences stated, ВЁscience tells us that animals can have cognitive faculties that are superior to human beings. Due to the rise of the agriculture evolution, people going to consume animals as property and began viewing human as superiority for our exclusive aptitude in reasoning. Human began to break themselves from the nature when technology and standard language imply in everyday life in the world.... Show more content on ... Animals are much more complex and innovative that should be given more credit than it should be. Now learned about the animal feelings exist, human could be too cruel in using their survivor coat, fur, for expensive souvenirs or fashion runway. The Born Free USA organization expounds in 50 million violently killed animals for fashion every year. Fur is believed to get from meat production, but ВЁfur comes from animals who are factory farmed or trapped purely for fashion.ВЁ Animal furs are obtained through gassing, electrocution, or neck breaking in traps. Imagined a full house of fully coated species trap in a cramp factory house, the animal of intelligence are thought to be under humane treatment, but the fashion factories say differently. Rifkin support of animal is simply a moral principle that every human should have instead of thinking as a superior intelligent
  • 42. Relaxed Hair Is Better Than Natural Hair Essay Many people have compared natural hair and relaxed as both being healthy. I strongly agree that natural hair is healthy for various reasons. I agreed to that because you not using the chemicals that you use for relaxed hair. For natural hair all you need is water, wild growth and moisturizer. Relaxed hairmake your hair look very thin also you using perms which has chemicals that s not healthy for your hair. Some women think relaxed hair is better than natural. Why is that ? It s because they think when your hair natural it s very unlikeable. Natural hair has all the components to grow healthy, long, and thick hair. Natural hair does grow healthier than natural hair because you do not use chemicals to harm your hair. Black women discover their natural kinky hair. Natural hair is thicker because your hair follicles are textured. Yes I can say when you wash your hair and try to detangle it, it s a challenge to do. Natural hair is healthier because it doesn t stripped away your hair. With natural hair keep your scalp moisturized. Natural hair curl pattern is very pretty. I think going natural gives your hair a better chance to grow since it isn t being damaged by chemicals. Relaxed hair is bad because some people flat iron they hair every two weeks, that s not good because heat can break your hair off. Many women spend so much money on there relaxed hair. Relaxed hair is very expensive when you go to the salon every 2 weeks. After a women decides to go natural, she will not go
  • 43. Essay on “Soldier’s Home” by Hemingway This is an essay on the short story Soldier s Home by Hemingway. Will the life of a soldier ever be the same after returning from war? Many generations of young adults have gone from their homes with tranquil settings to experience war and come home to a different world. Many have witnessed the devastations and atrocities that occur with war. Harold Krebs, a young manfrom a small town with a loving family is no different from those before him and those to follow. The anguish of what war is however cannot dispel the thoughts and memories of what many young men come home to face in the real world. Many have trouble coping in the new world known as home. The setting in this story is a small town in rural Oklahoma in the late hot ... Show more content on ... Krebs learned to lie about his experiences and added details into them that most formal soldiers thought as common knowledge of a soldier; however, it was not easy for him. The small town in this story and society in general is the antagonist in this story for not welcoming him home as they had the other returning men. Krebs found to be listened to at all he had to lie and after he had done this twice he, too had a reaction against the war and against talking about it (185), and withdrew from society more because of the distaste of war and the lies he had to tell. The town folk thought of his stories as unimportant. Krebs withdrew from society. The front porch of the house where he grew up now became his solitude. Krebs withdrew into his own world, always reading or reminiscing about the enactments he was involved with in Germany. Krebs world revolved around his memories, he had been a good soldier (187). He struggled mentally to overcome his past life in the military and the haunting of society not welcoming him back, or so he thought. Krebs fought in his own mind the releasing of his enlistment world and that of the present world. The internal fight becomes the foil in this story: two worlds fighting each other in his
  • 44. Examples Of Greed In John Steinbeck The works of John Steinbeck have been used universally on scholarly account because of his ability to establish themes in his writing that are relevant to life. The Pearl, is one work that contains issues as ideas that are still significant to this day. One theme, such as greed, is displayed throughout the course of the novel. As each character develops, their intentions with the pearlbecome evident to the reader. This theme is seen through many of the characters who are eager to obtain the pearl. In The Pearl, the theme of greed is shown through the doctor s intentions, Kino s attitude, and Juana s discontent of the pearl. The doctor, along with common people in the town, is very judgemental and only cares about what he will benefit from, long term. They only want to be there to help if later it will fulfill their wishes for with what they desire. The doctor looked past his aged patient and saw himself sitting in a restaurant in Paris and a waiter was just opening a bottle of wine. (Steinbeck 23) The doctor is clearly only concerned for what he will be able to get out of Kino. As... Show more content on ... She watches him go through the motions and how the pearl corrupts his decision making abilities. Kino this pearl is evil. Let us throw it before it destroys us. Let us crush it between two stones...Kino, it is evil, it s evil! (Steinbeck 56) The pearl is destroying each and every character s livelihood. They want to destroy it before it destroys them. It is the pearl. said Juan Tomas, There is a devil in the pearl. (Steinbeck 64) The pearl has only brought harm and hardships i.e. the devil This is a parallel to how money in society can affect someone. ...It has ruined everyone I know (Steinbeck/Morris 111) It is something that that has taken control of everyone. Greed and social status also come to play because it was something they had never had, something only
  • 45. Tuskegee Airmen Research Paper The Tuskegee Airmen of World War II John C. Robinson, enrolled at the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama and got his degree in Mechanics at only eighteen years old (Brownlee, R.A 2012). When he returned a war hero from being the commander of the Ethiopian Air Force, he dreamed of having an aeronautical school at Tuskegee (Brownlee). However, out of pure luck Tuskegee was chosen to be a part of the Civilian Pilot Training Program, even though Robinson didn t have a hand in this and he was teaching at Keesler and Chanute Air Fields during World War II (Brownlee). He laid the foundation and standards for who African Americanpilots were during World War II: well respected, and had excellent piloting and combat skills. Through his determination and ... Show more content on ... Davis, who was the commander of the 99th fighter group, would become the commander of the 332nd group (Haulman, Dale L. 2010). In 1944, the group went to Italy where the 99th squadron was, and they served under the fifteenth Air Force. According to Haulman, [they were] given the primary mission of escorting heavy bombers such as Boeing B 17s and Consolidated B 24s to their targets in southern, central, and eastern Europe (Haulman). Soon after spotting a warship on the Gulf of Venezia and Gulf of Trieste and shooting it down till it sunk, the next day the entire group received the p 51 Mustangs that were faster and had a longer range in combat (Haulman). With this new equipment, the Tuskegee Airmenwas one of seven fighter groups selected to escort the heavy bombers of the Fifteenth Air Force (Haulman). The Tuskegee Airmen would rotate on escorting each bomber wing, their fighter planes had a distinctive red tail on it, to identify that they were American and what their main mission was (Haulman). During their time in the Fifteenth Air Force, Haulman reported they had encountered enemies 35 out of 311 missions that they completed for the Fifteenth Air Force, and seven out of 172 heavy bomber missions, had been shot down my enemy aircraft (Haulman). Even during World War II, Tuskegee Airmen shot down 112 enemy airplanes (Haulman), this is how well trained they fought together. According to Haulman The 332d earned another Distinguished Unit Citation [on top of what the 99th group received beforehand] for the only Fifteenth Air Force mission to Berlin, the German capital. The raid took place on March 24, 1945. Three Tuskegee Airmen pilots each shot down a German Me 262 jet that day (Haulman). Not only is this a big feat for them because the
  • 46. The Importance Of Obstetric Services For Pregnant Women... 1.) Obstetric services are provided to pregnant women for before, during, and after birth. These services are very expensive; however, they are very important. Discontinuing these practices could create a multiple of problems. A pregnancy can be a very scary time in a women s life, especially if this is her first birth. Obstetricians help a soon to be mother understand a variety of different facts, such as due date, nutrition for the fetus, monitoring complications and so much more! With such a heavy expense with not equal return, hospitals are beginning to stop these services. The article by Commins explained how hospitals are cutting the costs by having a family doctor deliver a child, instead of hiring obstetricians. Without a specialist there could be a raise in postnatal deaths. My older sister was born with the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck. Without a team of specialized, well trained doctors, my sister may have not of survived. Not only would the death rate of infants increase, women would also feel uneasy about their pregnancy. Take Moberly, Missouri for example, the Moberly Rural Health Clinic is about 30 minutes from where I grew up. Moberly Rural Health Clinic has one obstetrician/gynecologist for labor, which is awesome for those who live in the surrounding area. I visited my little cousins who had just been born there. It was a happy experience; if my aunt had to drive an hour to Columbia to give birth she could have not made it to the University
  • 47. Gas Exchange Diseases Respiratory Diseases and Gas Exchange in the Older Adult Gas Exchange is defined as the process by which oxygen is transported to cells and carbon dioxide is transported from cells (Giddens, 2013). Simply, it is breathing in oxygen from the air to our blood, and breathing out carbon dioxide from our bloodto the air, which all takes place in our lungs. As a person ages, physiological changes to the body happen; changes that can affect proper gas exchange. This paper will identify some of these changes that affect gas exchange in the older adult, some common pulmonary diseases affecting this population, as well the relationship these diseases have to gas exchange and my personal clinical experience. Gas Exchange in the Older Adult As mentioned, gas exchange is the transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs. ... Show more content on ... Changes that can affect the gas exchange process in the older adult include alterations to major systems such as the respiratory, musculoskeletal and immune systems. Lung tissue changes; alveoli (tiny air sacs in the lungs) lose shape over time and becoming baggy, thus allowing air to get trapped in the lungs, and not allowing enough oxygen to the blood and carbon dioxide out, making it harder to breathe (Martin, 2014). The diaphragm weakens over time, which in turn makes it more difficult to get air in and out of the lungs. An older adult s immune system changes with age as well. An aging adult may not recover from a respiratory infection or exposure to smoke or other irritants as easily as they used to. These alterations in the older adult can lead to many respiratory problems. Some examples of these issues will be discussed
  • 48. Conflict Resolution at General Hospital Conflict Resolution at General Hospital Christy D. Harris Dr. Jack Huddleston, Professor BUS520: Leadership and Organizational Behavior August 20, 2011 Discuss the conflict that is occurring at General Hospital. The conflict that is occurring at General Hospital is simply a case of making the right financial decisions and man vs. computer. What I mean by that is, in trying to make cost effective decisions on how to cut back on expenses they chose to replace capable human beings that gave accurate results with a computerized system that is not glitch free and has not been proven to give accurate readings and correct patient information on the right patients nor was it approved by the ... Show more content on ... He can then utilize the appropriate negotiation strategy to achieve a win win situation. For example with the physician controlled cost being addressed step by step, one physician at a time and the theory of cost containment steps that he developed being also addressed his argument will then be capable of showing how the hospital will still be able to function as if the old methods were still in place and then show how the hospital would have a chance of turning things around. Then he can format a plan of action that will help them achieve this goal. Once this has been fully negotiated upon and an agreement has been reached he is then ready to present the final plan of action to the staff (board) and began making the necessary changes. Recommend a strategy for Hammer to resolve the problem. Instead of utilizing the Distributive negotiations strategy with the good cop bad cop approach that clearly didn t work, I would recommend the Integrative negotiations strategy. This will allow all parties or departments involved to identify the problems, assess alternatives, discuss the pros and cons, and reach an agreement between all parties that would work for the hospital. Sometimes management decisions and conflict resolutions are impossible to be resolved by one or two individuals. Team work should always be an alternative to find the answer in company issues on any level. Managers should have the knowledge true
  • 49. Are We Still Worship Gods In The Illiad The values people hold today are similar to the ones that where held back in the time of the Illiad. People believed that once a God or Goddess has spoken to him /her that they must obey it or face further reprimand because it was considered to be an unspoken sign of disrespect if they did not comply. They believed that they would be damned to the Underworld once they have died. The difference in worship is that we worship Godor his son Jesus. IN the time of the Greeks they worshiped mostly women and some men Gods. People still worship Gods today and fell the same. The only difference now is that if you sin, you can now repent and be forgiven. The Illiad describes many hardships that many had to face. It also describes how the war in Troy
  • 50. The Meaning Of Just Mercy In To Kill A Mockingbird Bailey Bohrer Ms. Bucksbarg Writing 101 September 7, 2017 McMillian s Mockingbird Prayer Many people believe the titles of names of places, people, or books have little to no meaning, I can argue there is a reason behind every single capitalized letter and chapter title and every person s name. In the common read, Just Mercy we can truly test this theory. Throughout the introduction and sixteen chapters that follow, the amount of emotion and strategically placed names of each chapter depict a strong image of struggle or happiness. The title of the book itself Just Mercy represents all that America strives to become a civil and lawful society. We can start by dissecting the title Just Mercy . If you were to google Just the word is defined by having a basis in or conforming to fact or reason. ( Just. Merriam Webster). The definition of the word Mercy states two different meanings, compassion; or a blessing that is an act of divine favor. (Mercy. Merriam Webster). Immediately upon putting these two words together you come to find they balance each other. The correspondence between just and mercy sound like they belong together, it simply means the fact of being kind. Beginning with the rest of the titles, Stevenson parallels Harper Lee s famous novel To Kill a Mockingbirdinto his day to day struggles of an unjust court system. In order to understand it s important to realize, how Bryan Stevenson incorporates To Kill a Mockingbird into his novel. Stevenson describes