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CRP6: Forests, Trees and Agroforestry:
livelihoods, landscapes and governance
ICRAF’s GRP6 (Policies and incentives for multifunctional
landscapes with trees that provide environmental services)
    CIFOR’s Domain 4 (Managing the trade-offs between
   conservation and development at the landscape scale)
            form the primary basis for CRP6.3:
Globally applicable concepts, hypotheses
      Global policy development

Stage I   Stage II Stage III Stage IV Stage V
ZoneA     ZoneA     ZoneA     ZoneA   ZoneA
ZoneB     ZoneB     ZoneB     ZoneB   ZoneB
ZoneC     ZoneC ZoneC ZoneC ZoneC

           Every place is unique
Sentinel landscape design?
   Can it run?
 cal-economy systems
CGIAR Strategic Results Framework
SLO1. Reducing             SLO2. Increasing          SLO3. Improving          SLO4. Sustainable
rural poverty              food security             nutrition and health     management of
                                                                              natural resources
Measurables include        Measurables include       Measurables incluide     Measurables are
increased income           changing levels of        metrics of healthy       resource use per unit
from farm and non-         production, price and     growth, particularly     of production, resto-
farm activities, per-      access to affordable      in children, and         ration and conserva-
mitting investment in      food by the urban and     dietary intake,          tion of ecosystem
health, education and      rural poor.               nutrient up-take and     services and reduced
other poverty-redu-                                  consequent health        impacts of climatic
cing activities.                                     effects.                 change & shocks.
CRP6.1 helps redu-         CRP6.5 looks at ‘ex-      CRP6.1 (supported by     CRP6.2 and CRP6.3
cing rural poverty,        tensification’ and        6.2) has attention to    focus on resource
through tree-based         economic investment       fruit trees and          (biodiversity) conser-
livelihoods; it includes   in agriculture and        medici-nals in various   vation and ecosystem
poverty in forest mar-     forestry as a driver of   stages of                services
gins and of forest-        tree cover transitions.   domestication, as        CRP6.4 researches
dependent people           CRP6.1 contributes        contributor to nutri-    ecosystem-based
CRP6.4 includes rural      agroforestry techno-      tional quality and       adaptive responses
vulnerability to cli-      logies for food pro-      health management        and REDD financing
mate change                duction
Redirecting development pathways
 towards environmental integrity

                      Positive incentives are needed
                      to reward rural poor for the
                      environmental services they
                      can/do provide
Dominant DIVERGENT model                                                       UrLand
 of territorial configuration (i.e.
 land sparing)
                            UrLand                          NatLand             Rural Matrix
                        Cheap massive                                           Landscapes
                        (highly profitable)             Rural-urba             and livelihoods
                        urban housing                       n                                    Ag Land
Control of water        Elite                            migraton
excess and           Suburban       Rural-urban

scarcity             residence                               Low Quality
              Elite       Rural                              provi-sioning

   NatLand                poor               Wage
     Fortress type
                         servants           Cheap massive
                                     Elite(highly profitable)                CONVERGENT model
    against masses                  Organic   industrial
                                     food agribussiness                       (i.e. land sharing)
              Control of erosion and water                       García-Barrios et. al. 2009. Bioscience
              excess and scarcity                                 and 2010 La Jornada del Campo.
Forest and tree cover transitions: a unifying
           concept across CRP6

                                      X-linkage of
Temporal   Spatial    Institutional
                                       actions in
 pattern   pattern      challenge

     The holistic forest+tree view of the world
      (combines both ‘forester’ and ‘agroforester’ point-of-views)
Source: Global tree cover inside and outside forest, according to the Global Land Cover 2000
 dataset, the FAO spatial data on farms versus forest, and the analysis by Zomer et al. (2009)
CRP6 Forests, Trees and Agroforestry:
 livelihoods, landscapes and governance
Component 3: Landscape management for environmental
   services, biodiversity conservation and livelihoods

1. Understanding drivers of forest transition
2. Understanding the consequences of forest transition
   for environmental services and livelihoods
3. Learning landscapes: dynamics of multifunctionality
Building on a joint history
                CIFOR Domain 4 + ICRAF GRP 6

                       Starting new joint projects:
Recently approved:                Approval expected soon:

Sustainable Sulawesi              Sustainable Rural Development through High
Supported by CIDA                 Value Biocarbon Approaches: building
                                  multifunctional landscapes and institutions in
                                  West and East Africa
                                  Supported by Finland
SLO4. Sustainable management of natural resources
Feedback Loops Added to Four Conceptual Models
Linking Land Change with Driving Forces and Actors
Landscape management options

                           Livelihoods in context

              1.       2.       3.       4.       5.
 Local     Producti Conser Enviro. Adapting Trade           Improving
              on    vation Services      &         &       Livelihoods,
Drivers     Tree cover transitions and forest quality
                       ilding                                 Enviro.
External   systems   and               reducing invest
                     use              emissions ment

               Institutions, gender, capacity strengthening &

                     Global actors and value chains
  The components of CRP6 share common goals and
            networked impact pathways
SLO4. Sustainable management of natural
Theme 6.3.1. Understanding patterns and drivers of forest (tree
     cover) transition in decline and restoration phases

                                Recognition by
                                government agencies and
                                in public debate of tree
                                cover and forest transitions
                                as a basis for realistic land
                                use and development
                                planning and institutional
                                reform of land use
Theme-level outcome             Verifiable indicator
                              Policy documents use
                              quantitative tree cover
                              criteria and multiple forest
                              types, rather than merely
                              binary 'deforestation/
Recognition by government
                              reforestation' data
agencies and in public debate
of tree cover and forest      CRP6 tools and approaches to
transitions as a basis for    multi-layered driver analysis
realistic land use and        are adopted for
development planning and international/national/local
institutional reform of land policy development
use regulation                Institutional support and
                             interest in Agroforestry
                             Policy Initiative and Forest
                             Landscape Restoration
CRP 6.3.1 Output targets
• Empirical data sets of quantitative and
  qualitative tree cover transitions across major …
• Empirical data on changes in spatial pattern of
  tree cover within landscapes in relation to segre..
• Methods for monitoring and quantifying tree
  cover refined and linked to data uncertainty
• Proximate and ultimate drivers of land use and
  tree cover change: inference from spatial…
• Policy levers and negotiation opportunities to
  influence drivers of tree cover transitions, rehabilitation
  and/or agroforestry transformation
Trees used as history book                                                                     leiocarpus

where climate records are      -25
scarce or unreliable

                             δ18 C



                                     26                                                                               A. leiocarpus
                                                                                                                      S. birrea


Evergreen Anogeissus           δ18O

     leiocarpus in                   21
    Burkina Faso                     20
Tree cover transition

Widening: area planted < area cleared   Contracting: area planted > cleared
Examples of things we do 6.3.1
                               In the 1990s, loss of
                               natural cover increased
                               the amount of ‘low C-
                               stock’/low economic
                               value land; tree (crop)
                               planting was 28% of the
                               loss of natural forest

After 2000, planting of
tree crops equals 90% of
concurrent loss of natural
forest; the amount of low
C-stock/low economic
value land decreases
Coarsening of pattern: segregate
Examples of things we do 6.3.1

                                          deforestation re- and afforestation
           Fields,fallow, forest mosaic


forests,                                                                                           Fields,
   agro-                                                                                           forests
 forests                                                                                           & parks

    Integrate                                                                     Segregate
CRP 6.3.2 Output targets
• Tools for and case studies of quantifying
  buffering of water flows and other hydrological ES..
• Tools for and case studies of understanding
  biodiversity-based environmental services across.. Not just carbon? Quantified tradeoffs be-
  tween C stocks and other environmental services..
• Gender, age and wealth-specific appreciation
  of tree cover transitions in relation to demo- ..
• Tested tools and governance mechanisms for
  adaptive landscape management of ecology-
• Policies for the agriculture-forestry interface
  and strategies for sustaining food security, ecologi-..
CRP 6.3.3 Output targets
• Network of ‘active learning landscapes’ on
  RES/PES mechanisms maintained and enhanced
• Synthesis from action research sites, identi-
  fying principles, methods and processes for advan..
• Identification of improved modalities and
  approaches to effectively support conservation in.. Participatory models for reserve manage-
  ment: resource use rights, threats to targeted … Impact studies testing assumptions of the
  CRP6.3 theory of change and output-outcome-
  impact pathways.
Quantification of land cover &
   Sentinel                                terrestrial C balance; driver
   landscapes as                           analysis  REDD+/REALU
   spatial integration         Drivers
   of CRP6 research
                             CRP6.3.1                  CRP6.4.1
Livelihood options and                                 CRP6.5.1
their ES tradeoffs                           International trade and
                                             investment as driver of change
CRP6.1                      Consequences
                             CRP6.3.2                      = some key
CRP6.2                                                     interactions
Forest-based biodiversity                                  within CRP6
& genetic resource
conservation; sustainable
forest management in
practice                     CRP6.3.3
                                Learning    Mitigation and adaptation at
                                            landscape scale; REDD+ as
                              landscapes    basis of funding landscape
Quantification of land cover &
    Sentinel and
                                     terrestrial C balance; sparing vs.
    benchmark                        sharing discussion
    landscapes of        Drivers
    other CRPs
                       CRP6.3.1                    CRP7
Green vs blue water
relationships &
                                                   CRP 1.1,
ecosystem services
                      Consequences                 1.2, 1.3
                       CRP6.3.2                          = links
CRP2                                                     to other
Institutions and                                         CRPs
collective action

                       CRP6.3.3                    CRP7
                          Learning     Mitigation and adaptation at
                                      landscape scale; sparing vs.
                        landscapes   sharing discussion at local level
Sentinel landscape design?
Monitoring change &
attributing it to ‘drivers’


   Can it run?
Four tables to discuss….
• 1. How to reconcile development/intervention
  and monitoring/non-intervention objectives
  across time and space
• 2. Describing, understanding patterns of change
  and local/global drivers of ‘forest transition’
• 3. Consequences of change in tree cover for a)
  livelihoods, b) ecosystem services
• 4. What can be done: governance options,
  learning landscapes
SLO4. Sustainable management of natural
   Theme 6.3.2. Understanding consequences of tree cover
transition for livelihoods, environmental goods and services and
                           adaptive policy

                                   Local resource managers in
                                   tree-based multiple use
                                   landscapes use cost-effective
                                   and replicable tools and
                                   approaches to appraise likely
                                   impacts of changes in land-
                                   use on watershed functions,
                                   biodiversity and carbon stocks
                                   as well as on the economic
                                   productivity of the landscape
SLO4. Sustainable management of natural
  Theme 6.3.2. Understanding consequences of tree cover
transition for livelihoods, environmental goods and services &
                          adaptive policy

                                 Land use planners and
                                 practioners use principles
                                 and methods resulting in
                                 clearer and more transparent
                                 recognition of conservation
                                 and development trade-offs
                                 in land and rights allocation,
                                 as well as adjustments to
                                 economic incentives
     Theme-level outcome
Local resource managers in tree-       Documented use
based multiple use landscapes use      of tools and
cost-effective and replicable tools    approaches
and approaches to appraise likely      developed, tested
impacts of changes in land-use on      and/or promoted
watersheds, biodiversity and carbon    by CRP6 partners
stocks as well as on the economic
productivity of the landscape
Land-use planners and practitioners    Documented
use principles and methods resulting   application of
in clearer and more transparent        participatory land-
recognition of conservation and        use planning for
development trade-offs in land and     forest margin
rights allocation, as well as          settings, integrated
adjustments to economic incentives     with tenure reform
Synergies between
                     Pcrop Ptree Cstore Wsh Biod Land
Crop production                 Concave likely

 Tree production                      No preference

 Carbon storage

Examples of things we do 6.3.2
 Sustainable Weighting of Economy-Ecology Tradeoffs:
organized reduction or Stretching Our Use of Resources

                                          This may be
                                       societal optimum,
                                      but requires SWEET

                                          Getting here
                                           may turn
Actors in the landscape and livelihood assets


       van Noordwijk and Leimona (2010) Ecology and Society
SLO4. Sustainable management of natural
   Theme 6.3.3. Actively learning landscapes where
innovative response and policy options are being tested
                          Local and external
                          stakeholders negotiate and
                          have access to a range of
                          conditional and performance-
                          based arrangements that
                          support the provision and
                          maintenance of
                          environmental services and
                          biodiversity in productive
SLO4. Sustainable management of natural
   Theme 6.3.3. Actively learning landscapes where
innovative response and policy options are being tested

                          Opportunities for win-win
                          solutions in restoration
                          contexts are fully used,
                          while the hard tradeoffs
                          are recognised and contest
                          over them is replaced by
Theme-level Outcome               Verifiable indicator
Stakeholders negotiate and          National policy
have access to a range of           formulation and new
conditional and performance-        action research
based arrangements that             undertakings refer to
support the provision and           multiple PES paradigms
maintenance of environmental        that were derived from
services and biodiversity in        RUPES and PRESA
productive landscapes               experience
Opportunities for win-win           Documented progress
solutions in restoration contexts   on tenure reform and
are fully used, while the hard      negotiated joint
tradeoffs are recognised and        management regimes in
contest over them is replaced       conservation and
by negotiation                      restoration contexts,
                                    that refer to CRP6
                                    approaches and results
Where would you like
 to see more trees?
Participatory resource mapping followed by
simulation board game with agents of change:
seeking contracts for logging or oilpalm conversion,
or agreements on forest protection and ecolabelling

                                                  (Photographs: Grace Villamor)
Tradeoff at land use system level                         Opportunity cost at landcape scale

                                                              opportunity cost, $/t CO2e,
                             Slope indicates                                                Emission reduction poten-
     Carbon stock, tC/Ha
                             emissions per                                                  tial for given C price
                             gain in $/ha         I                                                                      II

                                                                                                                     e.g. ADSB
                                               e.g. ASB-II                                     Cumulative emissions
                                               reports of                                                            2007/8
                           NPV, $/Ha
                                                                 Dynamic land use scenario model
Agents with
                                                                           C stock
variation in
base, moti-
vation, live-                                                                                                           III
lihood stra-                       IV
tegies.                                                      Rural income                                 Rural income
interacting                                                  (declining)                                     (increasing)
with rules
& policies                                                                                           C stock      e.g. FALLOW
             Agent-based land use change model
                                                                                                     (decreasing) scenarios
Hypothesis of PES replacing social motivation to protect ES
Effort to protect/enhance ES

                                                            results of ES
                                                            Strong loss
                                                            of social

                        0        low       medium high
                               External financial rewards
Price condition for inter-generational
increase in altruism:
    Individual     Social    Group
(   Benefits -
                 )+( )(
                                    )> 0
                            Benefits -

Loss of social cohesion (‘relatedness’)
term implies shift from group to
individual ‘benefit–cost’ considerations
Balancing act is needed

Efficiency                              Fairness

                       Free and prior
3. National economies in global market context           1.Patch-level cyclical
                             K: Approach
  Stored capital

                                                        LU-system properties
                    r: Exp                           2.LU adoption dynamics

                   Interlinkage                         Living landscapes

Nesting of three non-linear dynamic systems: 1) patch-level tree growth and decay,
2) landscape level adoption and abandonment of tree-based production systemns,
and 3) national economies as part of global markets and policy interventions
Rights to define forest Five different ways of classifying forest:
 1. By ecosys- 2. By vegetation    3. By land use     4. By ‘owner’ 5. By ‘co-management
 tem service      & its C-stocks      category                         regime’
                                    Conservation +      10% State      National Park
                                    watershed             Forest       Protected Area
                                    protection           Forest
                                    forest                             Restoration conces-
                        Emis-                           domain         sion
                        GHG                            53% Other +     Community-forest
                    C capture       Production           disputed
                                    forest             forest lands    Village forest

                                    Convertible                        Logging concession
                                    forest                             Plantation contract
                                           Official conversion from
                                           forest to non-forest land
                                           status: ‘planned              Mixed agroforest,
                                           deforestation’                 private forests,
                                      Non-forest land uses               landscapes with
                                             (APL)                             trees
10% TREE cover in
                                     agricultural lands…

                                    Enough to qualify as
                      Meadow 1996   2006 Fallow
                              XP    2011 Vineyard

  Land cover

3101 Fremont Drive, Sonoma,
California, United States
Sentinel Landscapes and Component 3: links in the CRP6

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Sungsang Mangrove Restoration and Ecotourism (SMART): A participatory action ...
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Coastal and mangrove vulnerability assessment In the Northern Coast of Java, ...
Coastal and mangrove vulnerability assessment In the Northern Coast of Java, ...Coastal and mangrove vulnerability assessment In the Northern Coast of Java, ...
Coastal and mangrove vulnerability assessment In the Northern Coast of Java, ...
Carbon Stock Assessment in Banten Province and Demak, Central Java, Indonesia
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Sentinel Landscapes and Component 3: links in the CRP6

  • 1. CRP6: Forests, Trees and Agroforestry: livelihoods, landscapes and governance
  • 2.
  • 3. ICRAF’s GRP6 (Policies and incentives for multifunctional landscapes with trees that provide environmental services) AND CIFOR’s Domain 4 (Managing the trade-offs between conservation and development at the landscape scale) form the primary basis for CRP6.3:
  • 4. Globally applicable concepts, hypotheses  Global policy development Stage I Stage II Stage III Stage IV Stage V ZoneA ZoneA ZoneA ZoneA ZoneA ZoneB ZoneB ZoneB ZoneB ZoneB ZoneC ZoneC ZoneC ZoneC ZoneC Every place is unique
  • 6.
  • 8. CGIAR Strategic Results Framework SLO1. Reducing SLO2. Increasing SLO3. Improving SLO4. Sustainable rural poverty food security nutrition and health management of natural resources Measurables include Measurables include Measurables incluide Measurables are increased income changing levels of metrics of healthy resource use per unit from farm and non- production, price and growth, particularly of production, resto- farm activities, per- access to affordable in children, and ration and conserva- mitting investment in food by the urban and dietary intake, tion of ecosystem health, education and rural poor. nutrient up-take and services and reduced other poverty-redu- consequent health impacts of climatic cing activities. effects. change & shocks. CRP6.1 helps redu- CRP6.5 looks at ‘ex- CRP6.1 (supported by CRP6.2 and CRP6.3 cing rural poverty, tensification’ and 6.2) has attention to focus on resource through tree-based economic investment fruit trees and (biodiversity) conser- livelihoods; it includes in agriculture and medici-nals in various vation and ecosystem poverty in forest mar- forestry as a driver of stages of services gins and of forest- tree cover transitions. domestication, as CRP6.4 researches dependent people CRP6.1 contributes contributor to nutri- ecosystem-based CRP6.4 includes rural agroforestry techno- tional quality and adaptive responses vulnerability to cli- logies for food pro- health management and REDD financing mate change duction
  • 9. Redirecting development pathways towards environmental integrity Positive incentives are needed to reward rural poor for the environmental services they can/do provide
  • 10. Dominant DIVERGENT model UrLand of territorial configuration (i.e. land sparing) Quality UrLand NatLand Rural Matrix Cheap massive Landscapes (highly profitable) Rural-urba and livelihoods urban housing n Ag Land Control of water Elite migraton excess and Suburban Rural-urban migrants scarcity residence Low Quality Food Elite Rural provi-sioning Ecotourism NatLand poor Wage laborers AgLand Fortress type Eco- servants Cheap massive Marginalized conservation Elite(highly profitable) CONVERGENT model against masses Organic industrial food agribussiness (i.e. land sharing) Control of erosion and water García-Barrios et. al. 2009. Bioscience excess and scarcity and 2010 La Jornada del Campo.
  • 11. Forest and tree cover transitions: a unifying concept across CRP6 X-linkage of Temporal Spatial Institutional actions in pattern pattern challenge landscape
  • 12. > The holistic forest+tree view of the world (combines both ‘forester’ and ‘agroforester’ point-of-views) Source: Global tree cover inside and outside forest, according to the Global Land Cover 2000 dataset, the FAO spatial data on farms versus forest, and the analysis by Zomer et al. (2009)
  • 13. CRP6 Forests, Trees and Agroforestry: livelihoods, landscapes and governance Component 3: Landscape management for environmental services, biodiversity conservation and livelihoods 1. Understanding drivers of forest transition 2. Understanding the consequences of forest transition for environmental services and livelihoods 3. Learning landscapes: dynamics of multifunctionality
  • 14. Building on a joint history CIFOR Domain 4 + ICRAF GRP 6 Starting new joint projects: Recently approved: Approval expected soon: Sustainable Sulawesi Sustainable Rural Development through High Supported by CIDA Value Biocarbon Approaches: building multifunctional landscapes and institutions in West and East Africa Supported by Finland
  • 15. SLO4. Sustainable management of natural resources
  • 16. Feedback Loops Added to Four Conceptual Models Linking Land Change with Driving Forces and Actors
  • 17. Landscape management options Livelihoods in context 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Local Producti Conser Enviro. Adapting Trade Improving on vation Services & & Livelihoods, Drivers Tree cover transitions and forest quality ilding Enviro. Services, External systems and reducing invest Governance use emissions ment Institutions, gender, capacity strengthening & partnerships Global actors and value chains The components of CRP6 share common goals and networked impact pathways
  • 18. SLO4. Sustainable management of natural resources Theme 6.3.1. Understanding patterns and drivers of forest (tree cover) transition in decline and restoration phases Recognition by government agencies and in public debate of tree cover and forest transitions as a basis for realistic land use and development planning and institutional reform of land use regulation
  • 19. Theme-level outcome Verifiable indicator Policy documents use quantitative tree cover criteria and multiple forest types, rather than merely binary 'deforestation/ Recognition by government reforestation' data agencies and in public debate of tree cover and forest CRP6 tools and approaches to transitions as a basis for multi-layered driver analysis realistic land use and are adopted for development planning and international/national/local institutional reform of land policy development use regulation Institutional support and interest in Agroforestry Policy Initiative and Forest Landscape Restoration
  • 20. CRP 6.3.1 Output targets • Empirical data sets of quantitative and qualitative tree cover transitions across major … • Empirical data on changes in spatial pattern of tree cover within landscapes in relation to segre.. • Methods for monitoring and quantifying tree cover refined and linked to data uncertainty • Proximate and ultimate drivers of land use and tree cover change: inference from spatial… • Policy levers and negotiation opportunities to influence drivers of tree cover transitions, rehabilitation and/or agroforestry transformation
  • 21. -24 A. Trees used as history book leiocarpus where climate records are -25 scarce or unreliable δ18 C -26 -27 1999 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 2001 2003 2005 2007 Year 26 A. leiocarpus S. birrea 25 24 Evergreen Anogeissus δ18O 23 22 leiocarpus in 21 Burkina Faso 20 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 Year
  • 22. Tree cover transition Widening: area planted < area cleared Contracting: area planted > cleared
  • 23. Examples of things we do 6.3.1 In the 1990s, loss of natural cover increased the amount of ‘low C- stock’/low economic value land; tree (crop) planting was 28% of the loss of natural forest After 2000, planting of tree crops equals 90% of concurrent loss of natural forest; the amount of low C-stock/low economic value land decreases
  • 25. Examples of things we do 6.3.1 deforestation re- and afforestation Fields,fallow, forest mosaic Farm Plantations forests, Fields, agro- forests forests & parks Integrate Segregate
  • 26. CRP 6.3.2 Output targets • Tools for and case studies of quantifying buffering of water flows and other hydrological ES.. • Tools for and case studies of understanding biodiversity-based environmental services across.. Not just carbon? Quantified tradeoffs be- tween C stocks and other environmental services.. • Gender, age and wealth-specific appreciation of tree cover transitions in relation to demo- .. • Tested tools and governance mechanisms for adaptive landscape management of ecology- • Policies for the agriculture-forestry interface and strategies for sustaining food security, ecologi-..
  • 27. CRP 6.3.3 Output targets • Network of ‘active learning landscapes’ on RES/PES mechanisms maintained and enhanced • Synthesis from action research sites, identi- fying principles, methods and processes for advan.. • Identification of improved modalities and approaches to effectively support conservation in.. Participatory models for reserve manage- ment: resource use rights, threats to targeted … Impact studies testing assumptions of the CRP6.3 theory of change and output-outcome- impact pathways.
  • 28.
  • 29. Quantification of land cover & Sentinel terrestrial C balance; driver landscapes as analysis  REDD+/REALU spatial integration Drivers of CRP6 research CRP6.3.1 CRP6.4.1 Livelihood options and CRP6.5.1 their ES tradeoffs International trade and investment as driver of change CRP6.1 Consequences CRP6.3.2 = some key CRP6.2 interactions Forest-based biodiversity within CRP6 & genetic resource conservation; sustainable forest management in CRP6.4.1 practice CRP6.3.3 Learning Mitigation and adaptation at landscape scale; REDD+ as landscapes basis of funding landscape investments
  • 30. Quantification of land cover & Sentinel and terrestrial C balance; sparing vs. benchmark sharing discussion landscapes of Drivers other CRPs CRP6.3.1 CRP7 Green vs blue water relationships & CRP 1.1, ecosystem services Consequences 1.2, 1.3 CRP5 CRP6.3.2 = links CRP2 to other Institutions and CRPs collective action CRP6.3.3 CRP7 Learning Mitigation and adaptation at landscape scale; sparing vs. landscapes sharing discussion at local level
  • 31. Sentinel landscape design? Monitoring change & attributing it to ‘drivers’ Stimulating change Can it run?
  • 32. Four tables to discuss…. • 1. How to reconcile development/intervention and monitoring/non-intervention objectives across time and space • 2. Describing, understanding patterns of change and local/global drivers of ‘forest transition’ • 3. Consequences of change in tree cover for a) livelihoods, b) ecosystem services • 4. What can be done: governance options, learning landscapes
  • 33.
  • 34. SLO4. Sustainable management of natural resources Theme 6.3.2. Understanding consequences of tree cover transition for livelihoods, environmental goods and services and adaptive policy Local resource managers in tree-based multiple use landscapes use cost-effective and replicable tools and approaches to appraise likely impacts of changes in land- use on watershed functions, biodiversity and carbon stocks as well as on the economic productivity of the landscape
  • 35. SLO4. Sustainable management of natural resources Theme 6.3.2. Understanding consequences of tree cover transition for livelihoods, environmental goods and services & adaptive policy Land use planners and practioners use principles and methods resulting in clearer and more transparent recognition of conservation and development trade-offs in land and rights allocation, as well as adjustments to economic incentives
  • 36. Verifiable Theme-level outcome indicator Local resource managers in tree- Documented use based multiple use landscapes use of tools and cost-effective and replicable tools approaches and approaches to appraise likely developed, tested impacts of changes in land-use on and/or promoted watersheds, biodiversity and carbon by CRP6 partners stocks as well as on the economic productivity of the landscape Land-use planners and practitioners Documented use principles and methods resulting application of in clearer and more transparent participatory land- recognition of conservation and use planning for development trade-offs in land and forest margin rights allocation, as well as settings, integrated adjustments to economic incentives with tenure reform
  • 37. Synergies between functions Pcrop Ptree Cstore Wsh Biod Land Crop production Concave likely Tree production No preference Carbon storage Watershed services Biodiversity Landscape beauty
  • 38.
  • 39. Examples of things we do 6.3.2 Sustainable Weighting of Economy-Ecology Tradeoffs: organized reduction or Stretching Our Use of Resources (SWEETorSOUR)? This may be societal optimum, but requires SWEET Production Possibility Frontier Getting here may turn SOUR
  • 40. Actors in the landscape and livelihood assets 2 van Noordwijk and Leimona (2010) Ecology and Society
  • 41. SLO4. Sustainable management of natural resources Theme 6.3.3. Actively learning landscapes where innovative response and policy options are being tested Local and external stakeholders negotiate and have access to a range of conditional and performance- based arrangements that support the provision and maintenance of environmental services and biodiversity in productive landscapes
  • 42. SLO4. Sustainable management of natural resources Theme 6.3.3. Actively learning landscapes where innovative response and policy options are being tested Opportunities for win-win solutions in restoration contexts are fully used, while the hard tradeoffs are recognised and contest over them is replaced by negotiation
  • 43. Theme-level Outcome Verifiable indicator Stakeholders negotiate and National policy have access to a range of formulation and new conditional and performance- action research based arrangements that undertakings refer to support the provision and multiple PES paradigms maintenance of environmental that were derived from services and biodiversity in RUPES and PRESA productive landscapes experience Opportunities for win-win Documented progress solutions in restoration contexts on tenure reform and are fully used, while the hard negotiated joint tradeoffs are recognised and management regimes in contest over them is replaced conservation and by negotiation restoration contexts, that refer to CRP6 approaches and results
  • 44. Where would you like to see more trees?
  • 45. Participatory resource mapping followed by simulation board game with agents of change: seeking contracts for logging or oilpalm conversion, or agreements on forest protection and ecolabelling (Photographs: Grace Villamor)
  • 46. Tradeoff at land use system level Opportunity cost at landcape scale opportunity cost, $/t CO2e, Slope indicates Emission reduction poten- Carbon stock, tC/Ha emissions per tial for given C price gain in $/ha I II e.g. ADSB reports e.g. ASB-II  Cumulative emissions reports of 2007/8 1990’s NPV, $/Ha Dynamic land use scenario model Agents with C stock variation in (increasing) resource base, moti- vation, live- III lihood stra- IV tegies. Rural income  Rural income interacting (declining) (increasing) with rules & policies C stock e.g. FALLOW Agent-based land use change model (decreasing) scenarios
  • 47. Hypothesis of PES replacing social motivation to protect ES Effort to protect/enhance ES Baseline Schematic results of ES experiment No Medium Strong loss of social motivation 0 low medium high External financial rewards
  • 48. Price condition for inter-generational increase in altruism: Individual Social Group ( Benefits - Costs )+( )( cohe- sion )> 0 Benefits - Costs Loss of social cohesion (‘relatedness’) term implies shift from group to individual ‘benefit–cost’ considerations
  • 49. Balancing act is needed Efficiency Fairness Free and prior informed consent
  • 50.
  • 51. 3. National economies in global market context 1.Patch-level cyclical succession K: Approach CarrCap Stored capital LU-system properties Ω:Crash r: Exp 2.LU adoption dynamics Growth α:Reorganize Interlinkage Living landscapes Nesting of three non-linear dynamic systems: 1) patch-level tree growth and decay, 2) landscape level adoption and abandonment of tree-based production systemns, and 3) national economies as part of global markets and policy interventions
  • 52. Rights to define forest Five different ways of classifying forest: 1. By ecosys- 2. By vegetation 3. By land use 4. By ‘owner’ 5. By ‘co-management tem service & its C-stocks category regime’ Conservation + 10% State National Park watershed Forest Protected Area protection Forest forest Restoration conces- Emis- domain sion sion GHG 53% Other + Community-forest C capture Production disputed forest forest lands Village forest Benefit-sharing Convertible Logging concession forest Plantation contract Official conversion from forest to non-forest land status: ‘planned Mixed agroforest, deforestation’ private forests, community Non-forest land uses landscapes with (APL) trees
  • 53. 10% TREE cover in agricultural lands… Enough to qualify as forest? Meadow 1996 2006 Fallow XP 2011 Vineyard Land cover change…. 3101 Fremont Drive, Sonoma, California, United States