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Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
Subespacios de funciones integrables respecto de una
medida vectorial y extensi´on de operadores
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez
J. M. Calabuig O. Delgado
Instituto de Matem´atica Pura y Aplicada (I.M.P.A.).
Departamento de Matem´atica Aplicada.
Universidad Polit´ecnica de Valencia.
Camino de Vera S/N, 46022, Valencia.
Mallorca, Mayo 2007
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
En esta charla mostramos que la extensi´on de un operador definido en un espacio de
funciones de Banach es equivalente, bajo ciertos requisitos m´ınimos, a su
factorizaci´on a trav´es de un subespacio de funciones integrables respecto de la
medida vectorial mT asociada al operador T. Adem´as, este subespacio particular
determina aquella propiedad del operador que se pretende preservar, en el sentido de
que constituye el dominio ´optimo -el mayor subespacio al que se puede extender-, de
manera que la extensi´on conserva esta propiedad. Esto permite un planteamiento
abstracto de ciertos aspectos de la teor´ıa de dominio ´optimo, que se ha desarrollado
de manera importante en los ´ultimos tiempos, principalmente en la direcci´on de
caracterizar cu´al es el mayor espacio de funciones de Banach al que se pueden
extender algunos operadores de importancia en an´alisis. Adem´as, permite clasificar
las propiedades de los operadores que se conservan en la extensi´on en funci´on
del subespacio de L1(mT ) que constituye su dominio ´optimo.
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
Index of the talk
1 Notation and preliminaries
2 Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
3 A factorization theorem
4 An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
Index of the talk
1 Notation and preliminaries
2 Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
3 A factorization theorem
4 An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
Index of the talk
1 Notation and preliminaries
2 Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
3 A factorization theorem
4 An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
Index of the talk
1 Notation and preliminaries
2 Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
3 A factorization theorem
4 An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
Notation and preliminaries
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
General notation
(Ω,Σ,µ) will be a finite measure space,
E be a Banach space and E its topological dual,
BE the unit ball of E,
P(A) will represent the set of partitions π of A into finite number of disjoint
measurable sets,
m : Σ → E will be a (countably additive) vector measure,
The semivariation of m over A ∈ Σ is defined by
m (A) = sup
x ∈BE
| m,x |(A) = sup
x ∈BE
| m,x (B)|,
with the usual notation
m,x (B) = m(B),x for each B ∈ Σ,
A ∈ Σ is called m-null if m (A) = 0.
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
General notation
(Ω,Σ,µ) will be a finite measure space,
E be a Banach space and E its topological dual,
BE the unit ball of E,
P(A) will represent the set of partitions π of A into finite number of disjoint
measurable sets,
m : Σ → E will be a (countably additive) vector measure,
The semivariation of m over A ∈ Σ is defined by
m (A) = sup
x ∈BE
| m,x |(A) = sup
x ∈BE
| m,x (B)|,
with the usual notation
m,x (B) = m(B),x for each B ∈ Σ,
A ∈ Σ is called m-null if m (A) = 0.
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
In this talk we assume that µ and m are mutually absolutely continuous.
In particular, µ can be a Rybakov measure; recall that a Rybakov measure for a vector
measure m is a scalar measure ν defined as the variation of a measure m,x , where
x ∈ E , whenever m is absolutely continuous with respect to ν.
A Rybakov measure always exists for every vector measure m (see [5, IX.2.2]).
Banach function (sub)spaces.
Let L0(µ) be the space of all measurable real functions on Ω.
1 We will call Banach function space to any Banach space X(µ) ⊆ L0(µ) with norm
· X(µ) satisfying that
1) if f ∈ L0(µ), g ∈ X(µ) with |f| ≤ |g| µ-a.e. then f ∈ X(µ) and f X(µ) ≤ g X(µ).
2) For every A ∈ Σ, the characteristic function χA belongs to X(µ).
2 By a Banach function subspace of X(µ) we mean a Banach function space
continuously contained in X(µ), with the same order structure (allowing different
3 A Banach function space is order continuous if order bounded increasing
sequences are convergent in norm.
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
In this talk we assume that µ and m are mutually absolutely continuous.
In particular, µ can be a Rybakov measure; recall that a Rybakov measure for a vector
measure m is a scalar measure ν defined as the variation of a measure m,x , where
x ∈ E , whenever m is absolutely continuous with respect to ν.
A Rybakov measure always exists for every vector measure m (see [5, IX.2.2]).
Banach function (sub)spaces.
Let L0(µ) be the space of all measurable real functions on Ω.
1 We will call Banach function space to any Banach space X(µ) ⊆ L0(µ) with norm
· X(µ) satisfying that
1) if f ∈ L0(µ), g ∈ X(µ) with |f| ≤ |g| µ-a.e. then f ∈ X(µ) and f X(µ) ≤ g X(µ).
2) For every A ∈ Σ, the characteristic function χA belongs to X(µ).
2 By a Banach function subspace of X(µ) we mean a Banach function space
continuously contained in X(µ), with the same order structure (allowing different
3 A Banach function space is order continuous if order bounded increasing
sequences are convergent in norm.
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
L1(m)L1(m)L1(m) spaces.
A function f : Ω → R is said to be integrable with respect to the measure m if
1 for each x ∈ E we have that f ∈ L1( m,x ),
2 for each A ∈ Σ there exists xA ∈ E such that
xA,x =
fd m,x for every x ∈ E .
The element xA is usually denoted by A f dm. The space of the classes (equality
m-almost everywhere) of these functions is denoted by L1(m). The expression
f m = sup
x ∈BE
|f|d| m,x | for each f ∈ L1
defines a lattice norm on L1(m) for which L1(m) is an order continuous Banach
function space.
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
The indefinite integral mf : Σ → E of a function f ∈ L1(m) is defined by
mf (A) =
fdm, A ∈ Σ.
The Orlicz-Pettis Theorem ensures that mf is again a countably additive vector
measure. An equivalent norm for L1(m) is given by
|||f|||m = sup
for each f ∈ L1
Moreover |||f|||L1(m) ≤ f L1(m) ≤ 2|||f|||L1(m) ([5, Ch. I.1.11]).
Lp(m)Lp(m)Lp(m) spaces.
Let 1 ≤ p < ∞. A measurable function f : Ω → R is said to be p-integrable if |f|p is
integrable with respect to m. The expression.
f Lp(m) = sup
x ∈BE
d| m,x |
for each f ∈ Lp
defines a lattice norm on Lp(m) ([6]). The space Lp(m) is an order continuous Banach
function subspace of L1(m).
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
The indefinite integral mf : Σ → E of a function f ∈ L1(m) is defined by
mf (A) =
fdm, A ∈ Σ.
The Orlicz-Pettis Theorem ensures that mf is again a countably additive vector
measure. An equivalent norm for L1(m) is given by
|||f|||m = sup
for each f ∈ L1
Moreover |||f|||L1(m) ≤ f L1(m) ≤ 2|||f|||L1(m) ([5, Ch. I.1.11]).
Lp(m)Lp(m)Lp(m) spaces.
Let 1 ≤ p < ∞. A measurable function f : Ω → R is said to be p-integrable if |f|p is
integrable with respect to m. The expression.
f Lp(m) = sup
x ∈BE
d| m,x |
for each f ∈ Lp
defines a lattice norm on Lp(m) ([6]). The space Lp(m) is an order continuous Banach
function subspace of L1(m).
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
The indefinite integral mf : Σ → E of a function f ∈ L1(m) is defined by
mf (A) =
fdm, A ∈ Σ.
The Orlicz-Pettis Theorem ensures that mf is again a countably additive vector
measure. An equivalent norm for L1(m) is given by
|||f|||m = sup
for each f ∈ L1
Moreover |||f|||L1(m) ≤ f L1(m) ≤ 2|||f|||L1(m) ([5, Ch. I.1.11]).
Lp(m)Lp(m)Lp(m) spaces.
Let 1 ≤ p < ∞. A measurable function f : Ω → R is said to be p-integrable if |f|p is
integrable with respect to m. The expression.
f Lp(m) = sup
x ∈BE
d| m,x |
for each f ∈ Lp
defines a lattice norm on Lp(m) ([6]). The space Lp(m) is an order continuous Banach
function subspace of L1(m).
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions.
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
Y(µ)Y(µ)Y(µ) semivariation.
Let m : Σ → E be a (countably additive) vector measure and Y(µ) a Banach function
space. The Y(µ)-semivariation m Y(µ) of m is defined by
m Y(µ) := sup
m(Ai )
∈ BY(µ) .
Y(µ)(m) spaces.
We define L1
Y(µ)(m) as the space of all (classes of m-a.e. equal) functions f of L1(m)
such that the vector measure associated to m, mf , has finite Y(µ)-semivariation
endowed with the norm
f L1
(m) := mf Y(µ) = sup
ϕ simple
Y(µ)(m) is always a Banach function subspace of L1(m).
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
Y(µ)Y(µ)Y(µ) semivariation.
Let m : Σ → E be a (countably additive) vector measure and Y(µ) a Banach function
space. The Y(µ)-semivariation m Y(µ) of m is defined by
m Y(µ) := sup
m(Ai )
∈ BY(µ) .
Y(µ)(m) spaces.
We define L1
Y(µ)(m) as the space of all (classes of m-a.e. equal) functions f of L1(m)
such that the vector measure associated to m, mf , has finite Y(µ)-semivariation
endowed with the norm
f L1
(m) := mf Y(µ) = sup
ϕ simple
Y(µ)(m) is always a Banach function subspace of L1(m).
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
Some particular subspaces of L1(m) that are nowadays well known can be
represented in terms of the spaces L1
1 The semivariation of a vector measure can be computed by
m = sup
m(Ai )
∈ BL∞(µ) = m L∞(µ),
where µ is a finite positive measure equivalent to m (see [5, Ch.I]). Thus, for any
function f ∈ L1(m), mf = mf L∞(µ) = f L1
Hence, L1(m) = L1
2 Let 1 < p < ∞ and 1/p +1/p = 1. It is known that for any function f ∈ Lp(m), the
mf Lp (m)
= sup
ϕ simple
Lp (m)
equals the norm f L
w (m)
of a function f belonging to L
w (m) ( [7] ).
In fact, it can be proved that L
w (m) = L1
Lp (m)
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
Some particular subspaces of L1(m) that are nowadays well known can be
represented in terms of the spaces L1
1 The semivariation of a vector measure can be computed by
m = sup
m(Ai )
∈ BL∞(µ) = m L∞(µ),
where µ is a finite positive measure equivalent to m (see [5, Ch.I]). Thus, for any
function f ∈ L1(m), mf = mf L∞(µ) = f L1
Hence, L1(m) = L1
2 Let 1 < p < ∞ and 1/p +1/p = 1. It is known that for any function f ∈ Lp(m), the
mf Lp (m)
= sup
ϕ simple
Lp (m)
equals the norm f L
w (m)
of a function f belonging to L
w (m) ( [7] ).
In fact, it can be proved that L
w (m) = L1
Lp (m)
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
Some particular subspaces of L1(m) that are nowadays well known can be
represented in terms of the spaces L1
1 The semivariation of a vector measure can be computed by
m = sup
m(Ai )
∈ BL∞(µ) = m L∞(µ),
where µ is a finite positive measure equivalent to m (see [5, Ch.I]). Thus, for any
function f ∈ L1(m), mf = mf L∞(µ) = f L1
Hence, L1(m) = L1
2 Let 1 < p < ∞ and 1/p +1/p = 1. It is known that for any function f ∈ Lp(m), the
mf Lp (m)
= sup
ϕ simple
Lp (m)
equals the norm f L
w (m)
of a function f belonging to L
w (m) ( [7] ).
In fact, it can be proved that L
w (m) = L1
Lp (m)
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
Some particular subspaces of L1(m) that are nowadays well known can be
represented in terms of the spaces L1
1 The semivariation of a vector measure can be computed by
m = sup
m(Ai )
∈ BL∞(µ) = m L∞(µ),
where µ is a finite positive measure equivalent to m (see [5, Ch.I]). Thus, for any
function f ∈ L1(m), mf = mf L∞(µ) = f L1
Hence, L1(m) = L1
2 Let 1 < p < ∞ and 1/p +1/p = 1. It is known that for any function f ∈ Lp(m), the
mf Lp (m)
= sup
ϕ simple
Lp (m)
equals the norm f L
w (m)
of a function f belonging to L
w (m) ( [7] ).
In fact, it can be proved that L
w (m) = L1
Lp (m)
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
A factorization theorem.
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
Let X(µ) be an order continuous Banach function space and let T : X(µ) → E be an
operator. As usual, we define the (countably additive) vector measure
mT : Σ → E by mT (A) := T(χA).
An operator T is µ-determined if the set of mT -null sets equals the set of µ-null sets.
Let Y(µ) be a Banach function space over µ containing the set of the simple functions.
Y(µ)Y(µ)Y(µ)-extensible operators.
A µ-determined operator T : X(µ) → E is said to be Y(µ)-extensible if there is a
constant K > 0 such that
T(fϕ) ≤ K f X(µ) ϕ Y(µ)
for every function f ∈ X(µ) and every simple function ϕ.
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
Let X(µ) be an order continuous Banach function space and let T : X(µ) → E be an
operator. As usual, we define the (countably additive) vector measure
mT : Σ → E by mT (A) := T(χA).
An operator T is µ-determined if the set of mT -null sets equals the set of µ-null sets.
Let Y(µ) be a Banach function space over µ containing the set of the simple functions.
Y(µ)Y(µ)Y(µ)-extensible operators.
A µ-determined operator T : X(µ) → E is said to be Y(µ)-extensible if there is a
constant K > 0 such that
T(fϕ) ≤ K f X(µ) ϕ Y(µ)
for every function f ∈ X(µ) and every simple function ϕ.
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
Let X(µ) be an order continuous Banach function space and let T : X(µ) → E be an
operator. As usual, we define the (countably additive) vector measure
mT : Σ → E by mT (A) := T(χA).
An operator T is µ-determined if the set of mT -null sets equals the set of µ-null sets.
Let Y(µ) be a Banach function space over µ containing the set of the simple functions.
Y(µ)Y(µ)Y(µ)-extensible operators.
A µ-determined operator T : X(µ) → E is said to be Y(µ)-extensible if there is a
constant K > 0 such that
T(fϕ) ≤ K f X(µ) ϕ Y(µ)
for every function f ∈ X(µ) and every simple function ϕ.
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
Theorem (First part)
Let X(µ) be an order continuous Banach function space with and let Y(µ) be a
Banach function space verifying that the simple functions are dense. Given a
µ-determined operator T : X(µ) → E the following assertions are equivalent
1 T is Y(µ)-extensible.
2 The bounded linear map T can be factored through the space L1
Y(µ)(mT ) as
Y(µ)(mT )
where the integration map IY(µ) is also Y(µ)-extensible.
3 There is a constant K > 0 verifying that for every f ∈ L1(m)
(mT )f Y(µ) ≤ K f X(µ)
where (mT )f : Σ → E is the vector measure given by (mT )f (A) = A fdmT .
4 X(µ)·Y(µ) ⊆ L1(mT ).
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
Theorem (First part)
Let X(µ) be an order continuous Banach function space with and let Y(µ) be a
Banach function space verifying that the simple functions are dense. Given a
µ-determined operator T : X(µ) → E the following assertions are equivalent
1 T is Y(µ)-extensible.
2 The bounded linear map T can be factored through the space L1
Y(µ)(mT ) as
Y(µ)(mT )
where the integration map IY(µ) is also Y(µ)-extensible.
3 There is a constant K > 0 verifying that for every f ∈ L1(m)
(mT )f Y(µ) ≤ K f X(µ)
where (mT )f : Σ → E is the vector measure given by (mT )f (A) = A fdmT .
4 X(µ)·Y(µ) ⊆ L1(mT ).
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
Theorem (Second part, optimal domain)
Moreover, if Z(µ) is any other order continuous Banach function space such that
X(µ) ⊆ Z(µ) with continuous inclusion,
T can be extended to Z(µ) and this extension is Y(µ)-extensible,
then Z(µ) ⊆ L1
Y(µ)(mT ) with continuous inclusion.
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
Assume that T is continuous. In this case taking into account that for each f ∈ X(µ)
and each ϕ simple function
T(fϕ) E ≤ K fϕ X(µ) ≤ K f X(µ) ϕ L∞(µ),
we obtain that T is L∞(µ)-extensible. Reciprocally if T is L∞(µ)-extensible then taking
ϕ = χΩ we obtain that T is continuous. Applying Theorem 3 we obtain that the optimal
domain is L1
L∞(µ)(m) = L1(m) so this result includes the case studied by Curbera G.P.
and Ricker W. in [2].
Example ([1])
In [1] the authors introduce the notion of Lp-product extensible operator and define the
spaces L1
p,µ (m). In this article they prove that the bigger function space (i.e. the optimal
domain) to which an Lp-product extensible operator T can be extended preserving this
property is exactly the space L1
p,µ (mT ). Actually the notion of Lp-product extensible
operator coincides with our definition of Y(µ)-extensible operator with Y(µ) = Lp(µ) for
1 < p < ∞. In this case the space L1
p,µ (mT ) is now L1
Lp(µ)(mT ). Hence Theorem 6 in [1]
is a particular case of Theorem 3.
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
Assume that T is continuous. In this case taking into account that for each f ∈ X(µ)
and each ϕ simple function
T(fϕ) E ≤ K fϕ X(µ) ≤ K f X(µ) ϕ L∞(µ),
we obtain that T is L∞(µ)-extensible. Reciprocally if T is L∞(µ)-extensible then taking
ϕ = χΩ we obtain that T is continuous. Applying Theorem 3 we obtain that the optimal
domain is L1
L∞(µ)(m) = L1(m) so this result includes the case studied by Curbera G.P.
and Ricker W. in [2].
Example ([1])
In [1] the authors introduce the notion of Lp-product extensible operator and define the
spaces L1
p,µ (m). In this article they prove that the bigger function space (i.e. the optimal
domain) to which an Lp-product extensible operator T can be extended preserving this
property is exactly the space L1
p,µ (mT ). Actually the notion of Lp-product extensible
operator coincides with our definition of Y(µ)-extensible operator with Y(µ) = Lp(µ) for
1 < p < ∞. In this case the space L1
p,µ (mT ) is now L1
Lp(µ)(mT ). Hence Theorem 6 in [1]
is a particular case of Theorem 3.
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
An application: extension of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
A Banach lattice E is p-convex if there is a constant K such that for each finite set
x1,...,xn ∈ E,
|xi |p
≤ K(
Let T : E → F be an operator, where F is a lattice. T is p-concave if there is a
constant K such that for each finite family x1,...,xn ∈ E,
T(xi ) p
≤ K (
|xi |p
If X(µ) a Banach function space we define its p-th power X(µ)[p] as the space
X(µ)[p] := {|f|p
: f ∈ X(µ)}.
If X(µ) is p-convex, X(µ)[p] is a Banach function space over µ with the quasi norm
g X(µ)[p]
:= |g|1/p p
, g ∈ X(µ)[p],
that in this case is equivalent to a norm.
If µ is a finite measure, then the inclusion X(µ) ⊆ X(µ)[p] is well-defined and
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
A Banach lattice E is p-convex if there is a constant K such that for each finite set
x1,...,xn ∈ E,
|xi |p
≤ K(
Let T : E → F be an operator, where F is a lattice. T is p-concave if there is a
constant K such that for each finite family x1,...,xn ∈ E,
T(xi ) p
≤ K (
|xi |p
If X(µ) a Banach function space we define its p-th power X(µ)[p] as the space
X(µ)[p] := {|f|p
: f ∈ X(µ)}.
If X(µ) is p-convex, X(µ)[p] is a Banach function space over µ with the quasi norm
g X(µ)[p]
:= |g|1/p p
, g ∈ X(µ)[p],
that in this case is equivalent to a norm.
If µ is a finite measure, then the inclusion X(µ) ⊆ X(µ)[p] is well-defined and
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
A Banach lattice E is p-convex if there is a constant K such that for each finite set
x1,...,xn ∈ E,
|xi |p
≤ K(
Let T : E → F be an operator, where F is a lattice. T is p-concave if there is a
constant K such that for each finite family x1,...,xn ∈ E,
T(xi ) p
≤ K (
|xi |p
If X(µ) a Banach function space we define its p-th power X(µ)[p] as the space
X(µ)[p] := {|f|p
: f ∈ X(µ)}.
If X(µ) is p-convex, X(µ)[p] is a Banach function space over µ with the quasi norm
g X(µ)[p]
:= |g|1/p p
, g ∈ X(µ)[p],
that in this case is equivalent to a norm.
If µ is a finite measure, then the inclusion X(µ) ⊆ X(µ)[p] is well-defined and
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
A Banach lattice E is p-convex if there is a constant K such that for each finite set
x1,...,xn ∈ E,
|xi |p
≤ K(
Let T : E → F be an operator, where F is a lattice. T is p-concave if there is a
constant K such that for each finite family x1,...,xn ∈ E,
T(xi ) p
≤ K (
|xi |p
If X(µ) a Banach function space we define its p-th power X(µ)[p] as the space
X(µ)[p] := {|f|p
: f ∈ X(µ)}.
If X(µ) is p-convex, X(µ)[p] is a Banach function space over µ with the quasi norm
g X(µ)[p]
:= |g|1/p p
, g ∈ X(µ)[p],
that in this case is equivalent to a norm.
If µ is a finite measure, then the inclusion X(µ) ⊆ X(µ)[p] is well-defined and
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
Let X(µ) be an order continuous p-convex Banach function space and E a
p-concave Banach lattice. Consider a positive operator T : X(µ) → E. Then it is
known that there is a function h belonging to the dual of X(µ)[p] such that
T(f) ≤ K |f|p
, f ∈ X(µ).
We can assume also that h > 0 µ-a.e.
We can use this inequality to generate a norm function by
(ϕ) := sup{ T(fϕ) : |f|p
hdµ ≤ 1}, ϕ simple.
By using a density argument we can generate a function space G(µ) satisfying
fϕ dmT ≤ Kq∗
(ϕ) |f|p
Now we can apply the factorization theorem to this inequality. We obtain in this
way an extension of T to the subspace L1
G(µ)(mT ) that is optimal in the sense that
G(µ)(mT ) is the biggest space to which T can be extended still satisfying the
The subspace L1
G(µ)(mT ) is p-convex.
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
Notation and preliminaries
Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions
A factorization theorem
An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s.
Some references
Calabuig J.M., Galaz F., Jim´enez Fern´andez E. and S´anchez P´erez E.A., Strong factorization
of operators on spaces of vector measure integrable functions and unconditional convergence
of series. To appear in Mathematische Zeitschrift.
Curbera, G.P. and Ricker, W.J.: Optimal domains for the kernel operator associated with
Sobolev’s inequality , Studia Math., 158(2), (2003), 131-152 (see also Corrigenda in the same
journal , 170, (2005), 217-218).
Delgado, O.: Optimal domains for kernel operators on [0,∞)×[0,∞), Studia Math. 174 (2006),
Delgado, O. and Soria, J.: Optimal domain for the Hardy operator, J. Funct. Anal. 244 (2007),
Diestel J. and Uhl J.J., Vector Measures, Math. Surveys, vol. 15, Amer. Math. Soc.,
Providence, RI, 1977.
Fern´andez, A., Mayoral, F., Naranjo, F., S´aez, C. and S´anchez-P´erez, E.A.: Spaces of
p-integrable functions with respect to a vector measure., Positivity, 10(2006), 1-16.
S´anchez P´erez E.A., Compactness arguments for spaces of p-integrable functions with
respect to a vector measure and factorization of operators through Lebesgue-Bochner
spaces. Illinois J. Math. 45,3(2001), 907-923.
Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores

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Subespacios de funciones integrables respecto de una medidavectorialyextensio ́ndeoperadores

  • 1. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. Subespacios de funciones integrables respecto de una medida vectorial y extensi´on de operadores Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez J. M. Calabuig O. Delgado Instituto de Matem´atica Pura y Aplicada (I.M.P.A.). Departamento de Matem´atica Aplicada. Universidad Polit´ecnica de Valencia. Camino de Vera S/N, 46022, Valencia. X EARCO Mallorca, Mayo 2007 Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 2. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. En esta charla mostramos que la extensi´on de un operador definido en un espacio de funciones de Banach es equivalente, bajo ciertos requisitos m´ınimos, a su factorizaci´on a trav´es de un subespacio de funciones integrables respecto de la medida vectorial mT asociada al operador T. Adem´as, este subespacio particular determina aquella propiedad del operador que se pretende preservar, en el sentido de que constituye el dominio ´optimo -el mayor subespacio al que se puede extender-, de manera que la extensi´on conserva esta propiedad. Esto permite un planteamiento abstracto de ciertos aspectos de la teor´ıa de dominio ´optimo, que se ha desarrollado de manera importante en los ´ultimos tiempos, principalmente en la direcci´on de caracterizar cu´al es el mayor espacio de funciones de Banach al que se pueden extender algunos operadores de importancia en an´alisis. Adem´as, permite clasificar las propiedades de los operadores que se conservan en la extensi´on en funci´on del subespacio de L1(mT ) que constituye su dominio ´optimo. Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 3. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. Index of the talk 1 Notation and preliminaries 2 Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions 3 A factorization theorem 4 An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 4. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. Index of the talk 1 Notation and preliminaries 2 Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions 3 A factorization theorem 4 An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 5. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. Index of the talk 1 Notation and preliminaries 2 Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions 3 A factorization theorem 4 An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 6. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. Index of the talk 1 Notation and preliminaries 2 Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions 3 A factorization theorem 4 An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 7. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. FIRST PART Notation and preliminaries Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 8. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. General notation (Ω,Σ,µ) will be a finite measure space, E be a Banach space and E its topological dual, BE the unit ball of E, P(A) will represent the set of partitions π of A into finite number of disjoint measurable sets, m : Σ → E will be a (countably additive) vector measure, The semivariation of m over A ∈ Σ is defined by m (A) = sup x ∈BE | m,x |(A) = sup x ∈BE sup π∈P(A) ∑ B∈π | m,x (B)|, with the usual notation m,x (B) = m(B),x for each B ∈ Σ, A ∈ Σ is called m-null if m (A) = 0. Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 9. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. General notation (Ω,Σ,µ) will be a finite measure space, E be a Banach space and E its topological dual, BE the unit ball of E, P(A) will represent the set of partitions π of A into finite number of disjoint measurable sets, m : Σ → E will be a (countably additive) vector measure, The semivariation of m over A ∈ Σ is defined by m (A) = sup x ∈BE | m,x |(A) = sup x ∈BE sup π∈P(A) ∑ B∈π | m,x (B)|, with the usual notation m,x (B) = m(B),x for each B ∈ Σ, A ∈ Σ is called m-null if m (A) = 0. Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 10. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. Remark In this talk we assume that µ and m are mutually absolutely continuous. In particular, µ can be a Rybakov measure; recall that a Rybakov measure for a vector measure m is a scalar measure ν defined as the variation of a measure m,x , where x ∈ E , whenever m is absolutely continuous with respect to ν. A Rybakov measure always exists for every vector measure m (see [5, IX.2.2]). Banach function (sub)spaces. Let L0(µ) be the space of all measurable real functions on Ω. 1 We will call Banach function space to any Banach space X(µ) ⊆ L0(µ) with norm · X(µ) satisfying that 1) if f ∈ L0(µ), g ∈ X(µ) with |f| ≤ |g| µ-a.e. then f ∈ X(µ) and f X(µ) ≤ g X(µ). 2) For every A ∈ Σ, the characteristic function χA belongs to X(µ). 2 By a Banach function subspace of X(µ) we mean a Banach function space continuously contained in X(µ), with the same order structure (allowing different norms). 3 A Banach function space is order continuous if order bounded increasing sequences are convergent in norm. Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 11. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. Remark In this talk we assume that µ and m are mutually absolutely continuous. In particular, µ can be a Rybakov measure; recall that a Rybakov measure for a vector measure m is a scalar measure ν defined as the variation of a measure m,x , where x ∈ E , whenever m is absolutely continuous with respect to ν. A Rybakov measure always exists for every vector measure m (see [5, IX.2.2]). Banach function (sub)spaces. Let L0(µ) be the space of all measurable real functions on Ω. 1 We will call Banach function space to any Banach space X(µ) ⊆ L0(µ) with norm · X(µ) satisfying that 1) if f ∈ L0(µ), g ∈ X(µ) with |f| ≤ |g| µ-a.e. then f ∈ X(µ) and f X(µ) ≤ g X(µ). 2) For every A ∈ Σ, the characteristic function χA belongs to X(µ). 2 By a Banach function subspace of X(µ) we mean a Banach function space continuously contained in X(µ), with the same order structure (allowing different norms). 3 A Banach function space is order continuous if order bounded increasing sequences are convergent in norm. Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 12. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. L1(m)L1(m)L1(m) spaces. A function f : Ω → R is said to be integrable with respect to the measure m if 1 for each x ∈ E we have that f ∈ L1( m,x ), 2 for each A ∈ Σ there exists xA ∈ E such that xA,x = A fd m,x for every x ∈ E . The element xA is usually denoted by A f dm. The space of the classes (equality m-almost everywhere) of these functions is denoted by L1(m). The expression f m = sup x ∈BE |f|d| m,x | for each f ∈ L1 (m), defines a lattice norm on L1(m) for which L1(m) is an order continuous Banach function space. Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 13. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. The indefinite integral mf : Σ → E of a function f ∈ L1(m) is defined by mf (A) = A fdm, A ∈ Σ. The Orlicz-Pettis Theorem ensures that mf is again a countably additive vector measure. An equivalent norm for L1(m) is given by |||f|||m = sup A∈Σ A fdm E for each f ∈ L1 (m). Moreover |||f|||L1(m) ≤ f L1(m) ≤ 2|||f|||L1(m) ([5, Ch. I.1.11]). Lp(m)Lp(m)Lp(m) spaces. Let 1 ≤ p < ∞. A measurable function f : Ω → R is said to be p-integrable if |f|p is integrable with respect to m. The expression. f Lp(m) = sup x ∈BE |f|p d| m,x | 1 p for each f ∈ Lp (m), defines a lattice norm on Lp(m) ([6]). The space Lp(m) is an order continuous Banach function subspace of L1(m). Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 14. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. The indefinite integral mf : Σ → E of a function f ∈ L1(m) is defined by mf (A) = A fdm, A ∈ Σ. The Orlicz-Pettis Theorem ensures that mf is again a countably additive vector measure. An equivalent norm for L1(m) is given by |||f|||m = sup A∈Σ A fdm E for each f ∈ L1 (m). Moreover |||f|||L1(m) ≤ f L1(m) ≤ 2|||f|||L1(m) ([5, Ch. I.1.11]). Lp(m)Lp(m)Lp(m) spaces. Let 1 ≤ p < ∞. A measurable function f : Ω → R is said to be p-integrable if |f|p is integrable with respect to m. The expression. f Lp(m) = sup x ∈BE |f|p d| m,x | 1 p for each f ∈ Lp (m), defines a lattice norm on Lp(m) ([6]). The space Lp(m) is an order continuous Banach function subspace of L1(m). Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 15. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. The indefinite integral mf : Σ → E of a function f ∈ L1(m) is defined by mf (A) = A fdm, A ∈ Σ. The Orlicz-Pettis Theorem ensures that mf is again a countably additive vector measure. An equivalent norm for L1(m) is given by |||f|||m = sup A∈Σ A fdm E for each f ∈ L1 (m). Moreover |||f|||L1(m) ≤ f L1(m) ≤ 2|||f|||L1(m) ([5, Ch. I.1.11]). Lp(m)Lp(m)Lp(m) spaces. Let 1 ≤ p < ∞. A measurable function f : Ω → R is said to be p-integrable if |f|p is integrable with respect to m. The expression. f Lp(m) = sup x ∈BE |f|p d| m,x | 1 p for each f ∈ Lp (m), defines a lattice norm on Lp(m) ([6]). The space Lp(m) is an order continuous Banach function subspace of L1(m). Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 16. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. SECOND PART Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions. Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 17. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. Y(µ)Y(µ)Y(µ) semivariation. Let m : Σ → E be a (countably additive) vector measure and Y(µ) a Banach function space. The Y(µ)-semivariation m Y(µ) of m is defined by m Y(µ) := sup n ∑ i=1 αAi m(Ai ) E : n ∑ i=1 αAi χAi ∈ BY(µ) . L1 Y(µ)(m)L1 Y(µ)(m)L1 Y(µ)(m) spaces. We define L1 Y(µ)(m) as the space of all (classes of m-a.e. equal) functions f of L1(m) such that the vector measure associated to m, mf , has finite Y(µ)-semivariation endowed with the norm f L1 Y(µ) (m) := mf Y(µ) = sup ϕ simple ϕ∈BY(µ) fϕdm E . L1 Y(µ)(m) is always a Banach function subspace of L1(m). Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 18. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. Y(µ)Y(µ)Y(µ) semivariation. Let m : Σ → E be a (countably additive) vector measure and Y(µ) a Banach function space. The Y(µ)-semivariation m Y(µ) of m is defined by m Y(µ) := sup n ∑ i=1 αAi m(Ai ) E : n ∑ i=1 αAi χAi ∈ BY(µ) . L1 Y(µ)(m)L1 Y(µ)(m)L1 Y(µ)(m) spaces. We define L1 Y(µ)(m) as the space of all (classes of m-a.e. equal) functions f of L1(m) such that the vector measure associated to m, mf , has finite Y(µ)-semivariation endowed with the norm f L1 Y(µ) (m) := mf Y(µ) = sup ϕ simple ϕ∈BY(µ) fϕdm E . L1 Y(µ)(m) is always a Banach function subspace of L1(m). Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 19. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. Example Some particular subspaces of L1(m) that are nowadays well known can be represented in terms of the spaces L1 Y(µ)(m). 1 The semivariation of a vector measure can be computed by m = sup n ∑ i=1 αAi m(Ai ) E : n ∑ i=1 αAi χAi ∈ BL∞(µ) = m L∞(µ), where µ is a finite positive measure equivalent to m (see [5, Ch.I]). Thus, for any function f ∈ L1(m), mf = mf L∞(µ) = f L1 L∞(µ) (m). Hence, L1(m) = L1 L∞(µ)(m). 2 Let 1 < p < ∞ and 1/p +1/p = 1. It is known that for any function f ∈ Lp(m), the expression mf Lp (m) = sup ϕ simple ϕ∈B Lp (m) fϕdm E equals the norm f L p w (m) of a function f belonging to L p w (m) ( [7] ). In fact, it can be proved that L p w (m) = L1 Lp (m) (m). Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 20. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. Example Some particular subspaces of L1(m) that are nowadays well known can be represented in terms of the spaces L1 Y(µ)(m). 1 The semivariation of a vector measure can be computed by m = sup n ∑ i=1 αAi m(Ai ) E : n ∑ i=1 αAi χAi ∈ BL∞(µ) = m L∞(µ), where µ is a finite positive measure equivalent to m (see [5, Ch.I]). Thus, for any function f ∈ L1(m), mf = mf L∞(µ) = f L1 L∞(µ) (m). Hence, L1(m) = L1 L∞(µ)(m). 2 Let 1 < p < ∞ and 1/p +1/p = 1. It is known that for any function f ∈ Lp(m), the expression mf Lp (m) = sup ϕ simple ϕ∈B Lp (m) fϕdm E equals the norm f L p w (m) of a function f belonging to L p w (m) ( [7] ). In fact, it can be proved that L p w (m) = L1 Lp (m) (m). Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 21. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. Example Some particular subspaces of L1(m) that are nowadays well known can be represented in terms of the spaces L1 Y(µ)(m). 1 The semivariation of a vector measure can be computed by m = sup n ∑ i=1 αAi m(Ai ) E : n ∑ i=1 αAi χAi ∈ BL∞(µ) = m L∞(µ), where µ is a finite positive measure equivalent to m (see [5, Ch.I]). Thus, for any function f ∈ L1(m), mf = mf L∞(µ) = f L1 L∞(µ) (m). Hence, L1(m) = L1 L∞(µ)(m). 2 Let 1 < p < ∞ and 1/p +1/p = 1. It is known that for any function f ∈ Lp(m), the expression mf Lp (m) = sup ϕ simple ϕ∈B Lp (m) fϕdm E equals the norm f L p w (m) of a function f belonging to L p w (m) ( [7] ). In fact, it can be proved that L p w (m) = L1 Lp (m) (m). Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 22. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. Example Some particular subspaces of L1(m) that are nowadays well known can be represented in terms of the spaces L1 Y(µ)(m). 1 The semivariation of a vector measure can be computed by m = sup n ∑ i=1 αAi m(Ai ) E : n ∑ i=1 αAi χAi ∈ BL∞(µ) = m L∞(µ), where µ is a finite positive measure equivalent to m (see [5, Ch.I]). Thus, for any function f ∈ L1(m), mf = mf L∞(µ) = f L1 L∞(µ) (m). Hence, L1(m) = L1 L∞(µ)(m). 2 Let 1 < p < ∞ and 1/p +1/p = 1. It is known that for any function f ∈ Lp(m), the expression mf Lp (m) = sup ϕ simple ϕ∈B Lp (m) fϕdm E equals the norm f L p w (m) of a function f belonging to L p w (m) ( [7] ). In fact, it can be proved that L p w (m) = L1 Lp (m) (m). Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 23. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. THIRD PART A factorization theorem. Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 24. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. Let X(µ) be an order continuous Banach function space and let T : X(µ) → E be an operator. As usual, we define the (countably additive) vector measure mT : Σ → E by mT (A) := T(χA). An operator T is µ-determined if the set of mT -null sets equals the set of µ-null sets. Let Y(µ) be a Banach function space over µ containing the set of the simple functions. Y(µ)Y(µ)Y(µ)-extensible operators. A µ-determined operator T : X(µ) → E is said to be Y(µ)-extensible if there is a constant K > 0 such that T(fϕ) ≤ K f X(µ) ϕ Y(µ) for every function f ∈ X(µ) and every simple function ϕ. Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 25. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. Let X(µ) be an order continuous Banach function space and let T : X(µ) → E be an operator. As usual, we define the (countably additive) vector measure mT : Σ → E by mT (A) := T(χA). An operator T is µ-determined if the set of mT -null sets equals the set of µ-null sets. Let Y(µ) be a Banach function space over µ containing the set of the simple functions. Y(µ)Y(µ)Y(µ)-extensible operators. A µ-determined operator T : X(µ) → E is said to be Y(µ)-extensible if there is a constant K > 0 such that T(fϕ) ≤ K f X(µ) ϕ Y(µ) for every function f ∈ X(µ) and every simple function ϕ. Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 26. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. Let X(µ) be an order continuous Banach function space and let T : X(µ) → E be an operator. As usual, we define the (countably additive) vector measure mT : Σ → E by mT (A) := T(χA). An operator T is µ-determined if the set of mT -null sets equals the set of µ-null sets. Let Y(µ) be a Banach function space over µ containing the set of the simple functions. Y(µ)Y(µ)Y(µ)-extensible operators. A µ-determined operator T : X(µ) → E is said to be Y(µ)-extensible if there is a constant K > 0 such that T(fϕ) ≤ K f X(µ) ϕ Y(µ) for every function f ∈ X(µ) and every simple function ϕ. Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 27. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. Theorem (First part) Let X(µ) be an order continuous Banach function space with and let Y(µ) be a Banach function space verifying that the simple functions are dense. Given a µ-determined operator T : X(µ) → E the following assertions are equivalent 1 T is Y(µ)-extensible. 2 The bounded linear map T can be factored through the space L1 Y(µ)(mT ) as X(µ) T // i $$ E L1 Y(µ)(mT ) IY(µ) ;; where the integration map IY(µ) is also Y(µ)-extensible. 3 There is a constant K > 0 verifying that for every f ∈ L1(m) (mT )f Y(µ) ≤ K f X(µ) where (mT )f : Σ → E is the vector measure given by (mT )f (A) = A fdmT . 4 X(µ)·Y(µ) ⊆ L1(mT ). Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 28. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. Theorem (First part) Let X(µ) be an order continuous Banach function space with and let Y(µ) be a Banach function space verifying that the simple functions are dense. Given a µ-determined operator T : X(µ) → E the following assertions are equivalent 1 T is Y(µ)-extensible. 2 The bounded linear map T can be factored through the space L1 Y(µ)(mT ) as X(µ) T // i $$ E L1 Y(µ)(mT ) IY(µ) ;; where the integration map IY(µ) is also Y(µ)-extensible. 3 There is a constant K > 0 verifying that for every f ∈ L1(m) (mT )f Y(µ) ≤ K f X(µ) where (mT )f : Σ → E is the vector measure given by (mT )f (A) = A fdmT . 4 X(µ)·Y(µ) ⊆ L1(mT ). Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 29. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. Theorem (Second part, optimal domain) Moreover, if Z(µ) is any other order continuous Banach function space such that X(µ) ⊆ Z(µ) with continuous inclusion, T can be extended to Z(µ) and this extension is Y(µ)-extensible, then Z(µ) ⊆ L1 Y(µ)(mT ) with continuous inclusion. Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 30. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. Example Assume that T is continuous. In this case taking into account that for each f ∈ X(µ) and each ϕ simple function T(fϕ) E ≤ K fϕ X(µ) ≤ K f X(µ) ϕ L∞(µ), we obtain that T is L∞(µ)-extensible. Reciprocally if T is L∞(µ)-extensible then taking ϕ = χΩ we obtain that T is continuous. Applying Theorem 3 we obtain that the optimal domain is L1 L∞(µ)(m) = L1(m) so this result includes the case studied by Curbera G.P. and Ricker W. in [2]. Example ([1]) In [1] the authors introduce the notion of Lp-product extensible operator and define the spaces L1 p,µ (m). In this article they prove that the bigger function space (i.e. the optimal domain) to which an Lp-product extensible operator T can be extended preserving this property is exactly the space L1 p,µ (mT ). Actually the notion of Lp-product extensible operator coincides with our definition of Y(µ)-extensible operator with Y(µ) = Lp(µ) for 1 < p < ∞. In this case the space L1 p,µ (mT ) is now L1 Lp(µ)(mT ). Hence Theorem 6 in [1] is a particular case of Theorem 3. Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 31. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. Example Assume that T is continuous. In this case taking into account that for each f ∈ X(µ) and each ϕ simple function T(fϕ) E ≤ K fϕ X(µ) ≤ K f X(µ) ϕ L∞(µ), we obtain that T is L∞(µ)-extensible. Reciprocally if T is L∞(µ)-extensible then taking ϕ = χΩ we obtain that T is continuous. Applying Theorem 3 we obtain that the optimal domain is L1 L∞(µ)(m) = L1(m) so this result includes the case studied by Curbera G.P. and Ricker W. in [2]. Example ([1]) In [1] the authors introduce the notion of Lp-product extensible operator and define the spaces L1 p,µ (m). In this article they prove that the bigger function space (i.e. the optimal domain) to which an Lp-product extensible operator T can be extended preserving this property is exactly the space L1 p,µ (mT ). Actually the notion of Lp-product extensible operator coincides with our definition of Y(µ)-extensible operator with Y(µ) = Lp(µ) for 1 < p < ∞. In this case the space L1 p,µ (mT ) is now L1 Lp(µ)(mT ). Hence Theorem 6 in [1] is a particular case of Theorem 3. Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 32. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. FOURTH PART An application: extension of operators on p-convex B. f. s. Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 33. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. A Banach lattice E is p-convex if there is a constant K such that for each finite set x1,...,xn ∈ E, ( n ∑ i=1 |xi |p )1/p ≤ K( n ∑ i=1 xi p )1/p . Let T : E → F be an operator, where F is a lattice. T is p-concave if there is a constant K such that for each finite family x1,...,xn ∈ E, ( n ∑ i=1 T(xi ) p )1/p ≤ K ( n ∑ i=1 |xi |p )1/p . If X(µ) a Banach function space we define its p-th power X(µ)[p] as the space X(µ)[p] := {|f|p : f ∈ X(µ)}. If X(µ) is p-convex, X(µ)[p] is a Banach function space over µ with the quasi norm g X(µ)[p] := |g|1/p p X(µ) , g ∈ X(µ)[p], that in this case is equivalent to a norm. If µ is a finite measure, then the inclusion X(µ) ⊆ X(µ)[p] is well-defined and continuous. Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 34. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. A Banach lattice E is p-convex if there is a constant K such that for each finite set x1,...,xn ∈ E, ( n ∑ i=1 |xi |p )1/p ≤ K( n ∑ i=1 xi p )1/p . Let T : E → F be an operator, where F is a lattice. T is p-concave if there is a constant K such that for each finite family x1,...,xn ∈ E, ( n ∑ i=1 T(xi ) p )1/p ≤ K ( n ∑ i=1 |xi |p )1/p . If X(µ) a Banach function space we define its p-th power X(µ)[p] as the space X(µ)[p] := {|f|p : f ∈ X(µ)}. If X(µ) is p-convex, X(µ)[p] is a Banach function space over µ with the quasi norm g X(µ)[p] := |g|1/p p X(µ) , g ∈ X(µ)[p], that in this case is equivalent to a norm. If µ is a finite measure, then the inclusion X(µ) ⊆ X(µ)[p] is well-defined and continuous. Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 35. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. A Banach lattice E is p-convex if there is a constant K such that for each finite set x1,...,xn ∈ E, ( n ∑ i=1 |xi |p )1/p ≤ K( n ∑ i=1 xi p )1/p . Let T : E → F be an operator, where F is a lattice. T is p-concave if there is a constant K such that for each finite family x1,...,xn ∈ E, ( n ∑ i=1 T(xi ) p )1/p ≤ K ( n ∑ i=1 |xi |p )1/p . If X(µ) a Banach function space we define its p-th power X(µ)[p] as the space X(µ)[p] := {|f|p : f ∈ X(µ)}. If X(µ) is p-convex, X(µ)[p] is a Banach function space over µ with the quasi norm g X(µ)[p] := |g|1/p p X(µ) , g ∈ X(µ)[p], that in this case is equivalent to a norm. If µ is a finite measure, then the inclusion X(µ) ⊆ X(µ)[p] is well-defined and continuous. Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 36. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. A Banach lattice E is p-convex if there is a constant K such that for each finite set x1,...,xn ∈ E, ( n ∑ i=1 |xi |p )1/p ≤ K( n ∑ i=1 xi p )1/p . Let T : E → F be an operator, where F is a lattice. T is p-concave if there is a constant K such that for each finite family x1,...,xn ∈ E, ( n ∑ i=1 T(xi ) p )1/p ≤ K ( n ∑ i=1 |xi |p )1/p . If X(µ) a Banach function space we define its p-th power X(µ)[p] as the space X(µ)[p] := {|f|p : f ∈ X(µ)}. If X(µ) is p-convex, X(µ)[p] is a Banach function space over µ with the quasi norm g X(µ)[p] := |g|1/p p X(µ) , g ∈ X(µ)[p], that in this case is equivalent to a norm. If µ is a finite measure, then the inclusion X(µ) ⊆ X(µ)[p] is well-defined and continuous. Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 37. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. Let X(µ) be an order continuous p-convex Banach function space and E a p-concave Banach lattice. Consider a positive operator T : X(µ) → E. Then it is known that there is a function h belonging to the dual of X(µ)[p] such that T(f) ≤ K |f|p hdµ 1/p , f ∈ X(µ). We can assume also that h > 0 µ-a.e. We can use this inequality to generate a norm function by q∗ (ϕ) := sup{ T(fϕ) : |f|p hdµ ≤ 1}, ϕ simple. By using a density argument we can generate a function space G(µ) satisfying that fϕ dmT ≤ Kq∗ (ϕ) |f|p hdµ 1/p . Now we can apply the factorization theorem to this inequality. We obtain in this way an extension of T to the subspace L1 G(µ)(mT ) that is optimal in the sense that L1 G(µ)(mT ) is the biggest space to which T can be extended still satisfying the inequality. The subspace L1 G(µ)(mT ) is p-convex. Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores
  • 38. Notation and preliminaries Vector measures and spaces of integrable functions A factorization theorem An application: extensions of operators on p-convex B. f. s. Some references Calabuig J.M., Galaz F., Jim´enez Fern´andez E. and S´anchez P´erez E.A., Strong factorization of operators on spaces of vector measure integrable functions and unconditional convergence of series. To appear in Mathematische Zeitschrift. Curbera, G.P. and Ricker, W.J.: Optimal domains for the kernel operator associated with Sobolev’s inequality , Studia Math., 158(2), (2003), 131-152 (see also Corrigenda in the same journal , 170, (2005), 217-218). Delgado, O.: Optimal domains for kernel operators on [0,∞)×[0,∞), Studia Math. 174 (2006), 131-145. Delgado, O. and Soria, J.: Optimal domain for the Hardy operator, J. Funct. Anal. 244 (2007), 119-133. Diestel J. and Uhl J.J., Vector Measures, Math. Surveys, vol. 15, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1977. Fern´andez, A., Mayoral, F., Naranjo, F., S´aez, C. and S´anchez-P´erez, E.A.: Spaces of p-integrable functions with respect to a vector measure., Positivity, 10(2006), 1-16. S´anchez P´erez E.A., Compactness arguments for spaces of p-integrable functions with respect to a vector measure and factorization of operators through Lebesgue-Bochner spaces. Illinois J. Math. 45,3(2001), 907-923. Enrique A. S´anchez P´erez Subespacios y extensiones de operadores