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Anju George, Associate Professor, SGCON,
8/17/2020 1Anju George , SGCON
Basic terminologies
 Population- it is the entire aggregation
of cases in which a r/ser is interested.
 Eg
 Target population – entire population in
which a r/ser is interested.
 Accessible population – composed of
cases from target population that are
accessible to the r/ser as study
 Sampling – process of selecting a
portion of the population to represent
the entire population
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 Sample – subset of the population
 Element – basic units of research study
which is usually humans.
 Sampling frame – list of all the elements in
the population from which the sample is
 Sampling error ; the difference between
the sample mean and the population mean
 Sampling bias - distortion that arises when
the sample is not a representative of
 Sampling plan : plan that specifies8/17/2020 3Anju George , SGCON
 Economical
 Improved quality of data
 Quick study results
 Precision and accuracy of data
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Characteristics of good
 Representative
 Free from bias and errors
 No substitution and incompleteness
 Appropriate sample size
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Sampling process
 Identifying and defining the target
 Describing the accessible population
& ensuring sampling frame
 Specifying the sampling unit
 Specifying sample selection methods
 Determining the sample size
 Specifying the sampling plan
 Selecting a desired sample
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Factors influencing the sampling
 Nature of the r/ser
◦ Inexperienced investigator
◦ Lack of interest
◦ Lack of honesty
◦ Intensive workload
◦ Inadequate supervision
 Nature of the sample
◦ Inappropriate sampling technique
◦ Sample size
◦ Defective sampling frame
8/17/2020 7Anju George , SGCON
Contn …
 Circumstances
◦ Lack of time
◦ Large geographic area
◦ Lack of co-operation
◦ Natural calamities
8/17/2020 8Anju George , SGCON
Sampling technique- quantitative
1. Simple random
2. Stratified random
3. Systematic random
4. cluster /multistage
5. Sequential
Non probability
1. Purposive
2. Convenient
3. Consecutive
4. Quota
5. Snowball
8/17/2020 9Anju George , SGCON
Non probability sampling
 Des not give the population equal
chances to get selected into the study
 Elements are chosen by choice and
not by chance
 Non random technique is used
because of the r/sers constraint
towards time, money and work force
 Sample are not always the
representative part of the population
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 Uses :
 This type of sampling can be utilized when :
 Showing that a particular trait is existent in the population
 The r/ser targets to make a qualitative ,pilot or
exploratory study
 The r/ser does not aim to produce results that will be
utilized to generate generalizations pertaining to the
entire population
 The r/ser has got limited time, work force and money
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Purposive sampling
 Judgmental or authoritative sampling
 Subjects are chosen to be a part of the
samples based on a specific purpose in
 In Purposive sampling , the r/ser
believes that some subjects are fit for r/s
compared to others. This is the reason
why they are purposively chosen .
 Experts who have in depth knowledge
about the accessible popln under study
may be asked to provide help to select
samples. 8/17/2020 12Anju George , SGCON
 Merits :
 Simple to draw samples
 Saves resources , less field work
 Demerits :
 Requires in-depth knowledge about the popln.
 Bias may exist
 Weakness - reliability of the authority and sampling
process lead to bias
 Subjects have no equal chance to participate in the
8/17/2020 13Anju George , SGCON
Convenience sampling
 Accidental sampling
 The samples are selected due to their
convenient accessibility and proximity
to the r/ser
 Eg:
8/17/2020 14Anju George , SGCON
 Merits :
◦ Easy, cheap, least time consuming
◦ Saves time , money and resources
 Demerits :
◦ Sampling bias can occur
◦ Sample is not representative
◦ Findings cannot be generalized
8/17/2020 15Anju George , SGCON
Consecutive sampling
 Total enumerative sampling
 The investigator picks up all the
available subjects who are meeting
the inclusion and exclusion criteria
 Eg :-
8/17/2020 16Anju George , SGCON
 Merits :
 Less effort in sampling process
 Not expensive, not time consuming and no work
force required
 More representativeness of the selected sample
 Demerits :
 No plan about the sample size and the sampling
 Does not guarantee representation
 Results cannot be generalized
8/17/2020 17Anju George , SGCON
Quota sampling
 The r/s er ensures equal or
proportionate representation of the
samples, depending on which trait is
considered as the basis for quota
 Bases of quota are usually age,
gender, education , race, religion , s/e
 Steps :
◦ Divide the population into subgroups
◦ Recognize the proportions of the
◦ Choosing subjects from the sub groups8/17/2020 18Anju George , SGCON
 Merits :
◦ Cheap
◦ Suitable for studies where field work has to be
carried out
 Demerits :
◦ May not be always representative
◦ Other traits may be over represented
◦ Bias is possible
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Snow ball sampling
 Chain referral sampling
 It is used by the r/s ers to identify potential
subjects n studies where subjects are hard
to locate , such as commercial sex workers ,
drug abusers etc
 The r/s er asks for assistance from the
subjects to identify people with similar trait
of interest after observing the initial subject
 Types :
 Linear snowball sampling
 Exponential snow ball sampling
 Non exponential snow ball sampling
8/17/2020 20Anju George , SGCON
 Merits :
◦ Helps the r/ser to reach the popln that are
difficult to sample
◦ Simple, cheap and cost efficient
 Demerits
◦ Less control over sampling method
◦ No guarantee over representation
◦ Sampling bias
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Probability sampling
 Based on theory of probability
 Provides equal chance to all
individuals in the population to get
selected into the study
 Possible only throu randomization
 Sampling and systematic bias is less
 Representative sample is obtained
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Simple random sampling
 Pre requisites
◦ Homogenous population & a list of the
elements of accessible population
(sampling frame )
 Drawing of sample is throu :
◦ The lottery method
◦ The use of table of random numbers
◦ The use of computer
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 Merits :
 Sample can be easily assembled
 Fair way of selecting sample
 Require min. kno. about the population
 Unbiased
 Free from sampling errors
 Sample errors can be easily computed and
accuracy of estimate is easily assessed
 Demerits
 Require complete and up to date list of all members
of the popln.
 Expensive & time consuming
 Lot of procedure before sample is drawn
 Does not make use of the r/sers knowledge about
the popln.
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Stratified random sampling
 Used for heterogeneous popln.
 r/ser divide the entire popln into
different homogeneous subgps or
strata and then randomly selects the
final sample
 Strata are divided according to the
selected traits of the population
 Types : proportionate stratified random
sampling & disproportionate stratified
random sampling8/17/2020 25Anju George , SGCON
 Merits
◦ Ensure representation of all gps of the popln
◦ Comparison is possible b/w subgps
◦ Can include the in accessible and smallest
subgroups in the popln
◦ High statistical precision
◦ Hence require less sample size - save time,
money and effort
 Demerits
◦ Require more accurate information reg the
samples in proportionate sampling
◦ Large population must be available
◦ Possibility of faulty classification
8/17/2020 26Anju George , SGCON
Systematic random sampling
 Involves selection of every Kth case
from the list of the group.
 K = N/n
 Where N is the no. of the subjects in
the target population and n is the size
of the sample
 Eg:-
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 Method of selection is :
 The sampling frame is prepared (list of
subjects in the target population ) with
random distribution of subjects
 Randomly select the first subject and then
every Kth case is selected
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 Merits :
◦ Convenient & simple
◦ Distribution of sample is even throughout the
◦ Less time consuming and cheaper than simple
random sampling
◦ Statistically more efficient and provides a
representative sample
 Demerits :
◦ If the first subject is not randomly selected then it
becomes a non random sampling technique
◦ It can sometimes be biased
◦ If sampling frame does not have randomly distributed
sample, it may not be appropriate to select a
representative sample 8/17/2020 29Anju George , SGCON
Cluster or multistage
 Done usually when population size is
large to carry out a simple ran.
 Usually done when the r/s is focused
on a wide geographic area
 Eg: a r/ser needs to survey the
academic performance of Indian high
school students
8/17/2020 30Anju George , SGCON
 Types of cluster sampling are:
◦ One stage cluster sampling
 Sampling is done only once. For eg: if the r/ser
wants to study about homeless people who live in
shelters, and if there are shelters , the r/ser would
randomly select one shelter and may include those
people into the study.
◦ Two stage cluster sampling
 Sub sampling is done in this type. I.e., for eg. In the
above case the r/ser will select the shelter randomly
and will also select the people randomly for
including in the study.
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◦ Multistage cluster sampling
 Involves the repetition of two basic steps: listing and
 At each stage the sampling technique can differ.
 Theses sampling units are referred to as primary sampling
unit, secondary sampling unit, tertiary sampling unit etc until
one gets the final sampling unit
◦ Probability proportion to size cluster sampling
 Involves selecting clusters after considering the proportional
distribution of the elements in the target population8/17/2020 32Anju George , SGCON
 Merits :-
 Cheap, quick, and easy for large population
 Large population can be studied and require only
list of the members
 Enables the investigators to use existing division
such as districts, villages, towns etc
 Demerits :-
 Gives the least representative sample
 High possibility of having sampling error
 Not useful for a small homogeneous population
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Sequential sampling
 In this the sample size is not fixed
 The investigator selects small sample
and tries to make out inferences; if not
able to draw results , the r/s er adds
more subjects until clear cut
inferences can be drawn.
 Eg :
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 Merits :
 Helps to conduct study on a small representative
 Help in finding inferences of a study
 Demerits:
 Requires repeated entry into the field for collecting
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Sample size determination
 Sample size in qualitative studies
◦ Data saturation
◦ In ethnography 25-50 key informants is
needed , in phenomenology 10 or less
samples is required , grounded theory uses
generally 20 to 30
 Sample size in quantitative studies
◦ Choose largest size of samples because
sample error is inversely proportional to
sample size
◦ Power analysis
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 Thumb rules for estimating sample size
 Degree of precision required
 Type of sampling
 Homogeneity of population
 Cost and convenience
 Sample size determination using a table
 Power analysis
◦ Power – r/ser specifies the power he/she
wishes to achieve. Then the sample size for
that level of power can be estimated.
◦ effect size – it is the actual size of effect the
r/ser is looking for. ie, it is the effect of an
independent variable on the DV.
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Statistical determination of the
sample size
The r/ser tries to set a sample size that
minimizes making two types of errors :
◦ To claim that variables are related when
they are not (type I error )
◦ To conclude the opposite that two
variables are unrelated when in fact they
are related (type II error )
8/17/2020 38Anju George , SGCON
Sample size for descriptive
 n = (1-n/N) x t ² (p x q)
Where :
n = sample size
N = size of the eligible population
t ² = square value of SD score that refers to the
area under a normal distribution of values
p = percentage category for which the sample
size is computed
q= 1-p
d² = square value of one half of the precision
internal around the sample estimate
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Finite population correction factor is not
considered as it has little effect when
sample size is < 5% of the total
population .
3 components left out : probability level,
confidence interval and a variance.
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t= probability level
It is the SD score that expresses the % of a
variables value that falls within a set
interval when variables are normally
1 SD includes approx. 68 % of the sample
value and the score is 1.0
2 SD includes approx. 95 % of the sample
value and the score is 1.96
1 SD includes approx. 99 % of the sample
value and the score is 2.88/17/2020 41Anju George , SGCON
 Variance (p&q)
◦ a variable expressed in 2 categories- those
who do and those who do not
◦ The proportion that would agree (p+q) has to
be summed up as 1.0
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◦ For eg. If we want to carry out a study to
estimate the number of adults smoking in
Ludhiana . To determine the sample size we
need to come up with a good guess or
estimate of the %of smokers before we do the
study .
◦ For that we do:
 Take the estimate
 Guess
 Conduct a small pilot study ie, call for a random
sample of 25-50 houses. P is the proportion of adult
who smoke and q=1-p
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 Confidence interval (d)- is the margin
of error that the r/ser will tolerate
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Sample size determination using
 www.
8/17/2020 45Anju George , SGCON
Factors affecting sample size
 Design effect- quantitative r/s require a
large sample size
qualitative r/s require a small
sample size
 Resources available – see all resources
are available when large sample size is
 Nature of the study – longi. studies-
small sample size &one time studies –
large sample size
 Sampling methods used – smaller
efficiently selected samples are better
than badly selected larger samples
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 Homogeneity - if samples are
homogenous- small SS required
 Effect size – if relationship b/w IDV &DV is
strong- SS is required
 Degree of accuracy desired from the
estimate- limit of tolerable errors that exist
in sample estimates
 Degree of confidence –the margin of error
that is allowed
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 Cooperation and attrition
 Subgroup analysis
 Measurement factors
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Sampling errors
Sampling error is the deviation of the
characteristics, traits, behaviors, qualities
or figures of the entire population .
 Reasons for sampling error : -
◦ r/s ers draw different subjects from the same
population, but the subjects have individual
◦ Because of biased sampling procedure
◦ Chance – eventhough randomization is done
there can be still chance that the sample is
not a true representative
◦ Systematic error – ie, the result of the sample
differ from the result of the entire population
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Two basic reasons for sampling
error are:
 Chance error – error occur by chance
for eg. Some one did a comparative
study on malnutrition in under five
children in 2 cities A & B. unfortunately
city B had more no. of slum dwellers, so
it comprised of more malnourished
children and hence the skewing of the
 Sampling bias- tendency to favor the
selection of sampling units that possess
a particular characteristic leading to
over representation .
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Types of sampling bias are:
 Self selection bias- happens in situation when
participants in the study have some kind of
control over the study to participate or not
 Exclusion bias – happens when some people
of the group are eliminated
 Healthy user bias- happens when the selected
sample has more likelihood to be healthier as
compared to the general population .
To minimize sampling error , maximize
sample size
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Problems of sampling
 Sampling errors
 Lack of sample representativeness
 Difficulty in estimation of sample size
 Lack of knowledge about the sampling
 Lack of resources
 Lack of co-operation
 Lack of existing appropriate sampling
frames for larger population
 Callous approach of the r/s er towards
sampling process
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Sampling – qualitative
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Selection of samples…
 Participants are not selected randomly
 Samples tend to be small
 Sample members are not wholly
prespecified : they are emergent
 Sample selection is driven to a great
extent by conceptual requirements rather
than the desire for representativeness.
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Convenience sampling
 also called as Volunteer sampling
 Easy & efficient method
Snowball sampling
Purposive sampling
◦ Maximum variation sampling – involves selection
of samples with a wide range of variations on
dimensions of interest. (ie ensuring that there is
men & women, rich&poor)
◦ Homogenous sampling – it deliberately reduces
variation and permits a more focused inquiry
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◦ Typical case sampling – involves selecting of samples that
illustrate or highlight what is typical, average, normal or
 Stratified purposive sampling – this strategy approaches
max variation sampling , but it is typically done along a
single dimension. (eg. Income, age )
 Extreme (deviant) case sampling / outlier sampling – this
approach provides opportunities for learning from the
most unusual and extreme cases (eg, outstanding
success or notable failure)
 Intensity sampling – involves information rich cases that
manifest the phenomenon of interest intensely.
 Reputational case sampling - involves selecting cases
based on recommendation of an expert or a key8/17/2020 56Anju George , SGCON
Special sampling cases
◦ Critical case sampling – involves selection of samples regarding
phenomenon of interest
◦ Criterion sampling – involves selection of a sample that meets a
predetermined criterion of importance
◦ Revelatory case sampling - involves identifying and gaining
access to a single case representing a phenomenon that was
previously inaccessible to the research scrutiny.
◦ Sampling of politically important cases – used to select or search
for politically sensitive cases or sites for analysis
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 Sampling sequentially
Opportunistic sampling / emergent sampling – involves adding of
new cases to a sample based on changes in r/s circumstances
as data is being collected.
Confirming and disconfirming cases – confirming cases are that
additional cases which fit in to the r/s ers conceptualization with
new data. Disconfirming cases are those which do not fit and
poses threat to the r/sers interpretation
Theoretical sampling - is a strategy involving the selection of
incidents, slices of life, time periods, or people on the basis of
their potential manifestation of important theoretical constructs.
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Sampling in three main
qualitative traditions
 Sampling in ethnography
 Sampling in phenomenological studies
 Sampling in grounded theory
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8/17/2020 Anju George , SGCON 60

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Sampling - everything you need to know in the basics of sampling!!!!

  • 1. Sampling Anju George, Associate Professor, SGCON, Parumala 8/17/2020 1Anju George , SGCON
  • 2. Basic terminologies  Population- it is the entire aggregation of cases in which a r/ser is interested.  Eg  Target population – entire population in which a r/ser is interested.  Accessible population – composed of cases from target population that are accessible to the r/ser as study participants  Sampling – process of selecting a portion of the population to represent the entire population 8/17/2020 2Anju George , SGCON
  • 3.  Sample – subset of the population elements.  Element – basic units of research study which is usually humans.  Sampling frame – list of all the elements in the population from which the sample is drawn  Sampling error ; the difference between the sample mean and the population mean  Sampling bias - distortion that arises when the sample is not a representative of population  Sampling plan : plan that specifies8/17/2020 3Anju George , SGCON
  • 4. Purposes  Economical  Improved quality of data  Quick study results  Precision and accuracy of data 8/17/2020 4Anju George , SGCON
  • 5. Characteristics of good sample  Representative  Free from bias and errors  No substitution and incompleteness  Appropriate sample size 8/17/2020 5Anju George , SGCON
  • 6. Sampling process  Identifying and defining the target population  Describing the accessible population & ensuring sampling frame  Specifying the sampling unit  Specifying sample selection methods  Determining the sample size  Specifying the sampling plan  Selecting a desired sample 8/17/2020 6Anju George , SGCON
  • 7. Factors influencing the sampling process  Nature of the r/ser ◦ Inexperienced investigator ◦ Lack of interest ◦ Lack of honesty ◦ Intensive workload ◦ Inadequate supervision  Nature of the sample ◦ Inappropriate sampling technique ◦ Sample size ◦ Defective sampling frame 8/17/2020 7Anju George , SGCON
  • 8. Contn …  Circumstances ◦ Lack of time ◦ Large geographic area ◦ Lack of co-operation ◦ Natural calamities 8/17/2020 8Anju George , SGCON
  • 9. Types Sampling technique- quantitative Probability 1. Simple random 2. Stratified random 3. Systematic random 4. cluster /multistage 5. Sequential Non probability 1. Purposive 2. Convenient 3. Consecutive 4. Quota 5. Snowball 8/17/2020 9Anju George , SGCON
  • 10. Non probability sampling  Des not give the population equal chances to get selected into the study  Elements are chosen by choice and not by chance  Non random technique is used because of the r/sers constraint towards time, money and work force  Sample are not always the representative part of the population 8/17/2020 10Anju George , SGCON
  • 11.  Uses :  This type of sampling can be utilized when :  Showing that a particular trait is existent in the population  The r/ser targets to make a qualitative ,pilot or exploratory study  The r/ser does not aim to produce results that will be utilized to generate generalizations pertaining to the entire population  The r/ser has got limited time, work force and money 8/17/2020 11Anju George , SGCON
  • 12. Purposive sampling  Judgmental or authoritative sampling  Subjects are chosen to be a part of the samples based on a specific purpose in mind  In Purposive sampling , the r/ser believes that some subjects are fit for r/s compared to others. This is the reason why they are purposively chosen .  Experts who have in depth knowledge about the accessible popln under study may be asked to provide help to select samples. 8/17/2020 12Anju George , SGCON
  • 13.  Merits :  Simple to draw samples  Saves resources , less field work  Demerits :  Requires in-depth knowledge about the popln.  Bias may exist  Weakness - reliability of the authority and sampling process lead to bias  Subjects have no equal chance to participate in the study 8/17/2020 13Anju George , SGCON
  • 14. Convenience sampling  Accidental sampling  The samples are selected due to their convenient accessibility and proximity to the r/ser  Eg: 8/17/2020 14Anju George , SGCON
  • 15.  Merits : ◦ Easy, cheap, least time consuming ◦ Saves time , money and resources  Demerits : ◦ Sampling bias can occur ◦ Sample is not representative ◦ Findings cannot be generalized 8/17/2020 15Anju George , SGCON
  • 16. Consecutive sampling  Total enumerative sampling  The investigator picks up all the available subjects who are meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria  Eg :- 8/17/2020 16Anju George , SGCON
  • 17.  Merits :  Less effort in sampling process  Not expensive, not time consuming and no work force required  More representativeness of the selected sample  Demerits :  No plan about the sample size and the sampling schedule  Does not guarantee representation  Results cannot be generalized 8/17/2020 17Anju George , SGCON
  • 18. Quota sampling  The r/s er ensures equal or proportionate representation of the samples, depending on which trait is considered as the basis for quota  Bases of quota are usually age, gender, education , race, religion , s/e status  Steps : ◦ Divide the population into subgroups ◦ Recognize the proportions of the subgroups ◦ Choosing subjects from the sub groups8/17/2020 18Anju George , SGCON
  • 19.  Merits : ◦ Cheap ◦ Suitable for studies where field work has to be carried out  Demerits : ◦ May not be always representative ◦ Other traits may be over represented ◦ Bias is possible 8/17/2020 19Anju George , SGCON
  • 20. Snow ball sampling  Chain referral sampling  It is used by the r/s ers to identify potential subjects n studies where subjects are hard to locate , such as commercial sex workers , drug abusers etc  The r/s er asks for assistance from the subjects to identify people with similar trait of interest after observing the initial subject  Types :  Linear snowball sampling  Exponential snow ball sampling  Non exponential snow ball sampling 8/17/2020 20Anju George , SGCON
  • 21.  Merits : ◦ Helps the r/ser to reach the popln that are difficult to sample ◦ Simple, cheap and cost efficient  Demerits ◦ Less control over sampling method ◦ No guarantee over representation ◦ Sampling bias 8/17/2020 21Anju George , SGCON
  • 22. Probability sampling  Based on theory of probability  Provides equal chance to all individuals in the population to get selected into the study  Possible only throu randomization  Sampling and systematic bias is less  Representative sample is obtained 8/17/2020 22Anju George , SGCON
  • 23. Simple random sampling  Pre requisites ◦ Homogenous population & a list of the elements of accessible population (sampling frame )  Drawing of sample is throu : ◦ The lottery method ◦ The use of table of random numbers ◦ The use of computer 8/17/2020 23Anju George , SGCON
  • 24.  Merits :  Sample can be easily assembled  Fair way of selecting sample  Require min. kno. about the population  Unbiased  Free from sampling errors  Sample errors can be easily computed and accuracy of estimate is easily assessed  Demerits  Require complete and up to date list of all members of the popln.  Expensive & time consuming  Lot of procedure before sample is drawn  Does not make use of the r/sers knowledge about the popln. 8/17/2020 24Anju George , SGCON
  • 25. Stratified random sampling  Used for heterogeneous popln.  r/ser divide the entire popln into different homogeneous subgps or strata and then randomly selects the final sample  Strata are divided according to the selected traits of the population  Types : proportionate stratified random sampling & disproportionate stratified random sampling8/17/2020 25Anju George , SGCON
  • 26.  Merits ◦ Ensure representation of all gps of the popln ◦ Comparison is possible b/w subgps ◦ Can include the in accessible and smallest subgroups in the popln ◦ High statistical precision ◦ Hence require less sample size - save time, money and effort  Demerits ◦ Require more accurate information reg the samples in proportionate sampling ◦ Large population must be available ◦ Possibility of faulty classification 8/17/2020 26Anju George , SGCON
  • 27. Systematic random sampling  Involves selection of every Kth case from the list of the group.  K = N/n  Where N is the no. of the subjects in the target population and n is the size of the sample  Eg:- 8/17/2020 27Anju George , SGCON
  • 28.  Method of selection is :  The sampling frame is prepared (list of subjects in the target population ) with random distribution of subjects  Randomly select the first subject and then every Kth case is selected 8/17/2020 28Anju George , SGCON
  • 29.  Merits : ◦ Convenient & simple ◦ Distribution of sample is even throughout the population ◦ Less time consuming and cheaper than simple random sampling ◦ Statistically more efficient and provides a representative sample  Demerits : ◦ If the first subject is not randomly selected then it becomes a non random sampling technique ◦ It can sometimes be biased ◦ If sampling frame does not have randomly distributed sample, it may not be appropriate to select a representative sample 8/17/2020 29Anju George , SGCON
  • 30. Cluster or multistage sampling  Done usually when population size is large to carry out a simple ran. sampling.  Usually done when the r/s is focused on a wide geographic area  Eg: a r/ser needs to survey the academic performance of Indian high school students 8/17/2020 30Anju George , SGCON
  • 31.  Types of cluster sampling are: ◦ One stage cluster sampling  Sampling is done only once. For eg: if the r/ser wants to study about homeless people who live in shelters, and if there are shelters , the r/ser would randomly select one shelter and may include those people into the study. ◦ Two stage cluster sampling  Sub sampling is done in this type. I.e., for eg. In the above case the r/ser will select the shelter randomly and will also select the people randomly for including in the study. 8/17/2020 31Anju George , SGCON
  • 32. ◦ Multistage cluster sampling  Involves the repetition of two basic steps: listing and sampling  At each stage the sampling technique can differ.  Theses sampling units are referred to as primary sampling unit, secondary sampling unit, tertiary sampling unit etc until one gets the final sampling unit ◦ Probability proportion to size cluster sampling  Involves selecting clusters after considering the proportional distribution of the elements in the target population8/17/2020 32Anju George , SGCON
  • 33.  Merits :-  Cheap, quick, and easy for large population  Large population can be studied and require only list of the members  Enables the investigators to use existing division such as districts, villages, towns etc  Demerits :-  Gives the least representative sample  High possibility of having sampling error  Not useful for a small homogeneous population 8/17/2020 33Anju George , SGCON
  • 34. Sequential sampling  In this the sample size is not fixed  The investigator selects small sample and tries to make out inferences; if not able to draw results , the r/s er adds more subjects until clear cut inferences can be drawn.  Eg : 8/17/2020 34Anju George , SGCON
  • 35.  Merits :  Helps to conduct study on a small representative sample  Help in finding inferences of a study  Demerits:  Requires repeated entry into the field for collecting samples 8/17/2020 35Anju George , SGCON
  • 36. Sample size determination  Sample size in qualitative studies ◦ Data saturation ◦ In ethnography 25-50 key informants is needed , in phenomenology 10 or less samples is required , grounded theory uses generally 20 to 30  Sample size in quantitative studies ◦ Choose largest size of samples because sample error is inversely proportional to sample size ◦ Power analysis 8/17/2020 36Anju George , SGCON
  • 37.  Thumb rules for estimating sample size  Degree of precision required  Type of sampling  Homogeneity of population  Cost and convenience  Sample size determination using a table  Power analysis ◦ Power – r/ser specifies the power he/she wishes to achieve. Then the sample size for that level of power can be estimated. ◦ effect size – it is the actual size of effect the r/ser is looking for. ie, it is the effect of an independent variable on the DV. 8/17/2020 37Anju George , SGCON
  • 38. Statistical determination of the sample size The r/ser tries to set a sample size that minimizes making two types of errors : ◦ To claim that variables are related when they are not (type I error ) ◦ To conclude the opposite that two variables are unrelated when in fact they are related (type II error ) 8/17/2020 38Anju George , SGCON
  • 39. Sample size for descriptive study  n = (1-n/N) x t ² (p x q) d² Where : n = sample size N = size of the eligible population t ² = square value of SD score that refers to the area under a normal distribution of values p = percentage category for which the sample size is computed q= 1-p d² = square value of one half of the precision internal around the sample estimate 8/17/2020 39Anju George , SGCON
  • 40. Finite population correction factor is not considered as it has little effect when sample size is < 5% of the total population . 3 components left out : probability level, confidence interval and a variance. 8/17/2020 40Anju George , SGCON
  • 41. t= probability level It is the SD score that expresses the % of a variables value that falls within a set interval when variables are normally distributed. 1 SD includes approx. 68 % of the sample value and the score is 1.0 2 SD includes approx. 95 % of the sample value and the score is 1.96 1 SD includes approx. 99 % of the sample value and the score is 2.88/17/2020 41Anju George , SGCON
  • 42.  Variance (p&q) ◦ a variable expressed in 2 categories- those who do and those who do not ◦ The proportion that would agree (p+q) has to be summed up as 1.0 8/17/2020 42Anju George , SGCON
  • 43. ◦ For eg. If we want to carry out a study to estimate the number of adults smoking in Ludhiana . To determine the sample size we need to come up with a good guess or estimate of the %of smokers before we do the study . ◦ For that we do:  Take the estimate  Guess  Conduct a small pilot study ie, call for a random sample of 25-50 houses. P is the proportion of adult who smoke and q=1-p 8/17/2020 43Anju George , SGCON
  • 44.  Confidence interval (d)- is the margin of error that the r/ser will tolerate 8/17/2020 44Anju George , SGCON
  • 45. Sample size determination using calculator  www. 8/17/2020 45Anju George , SGCON
  • 46. Factors affecting sample size  Design effect- quantitative r/s require a large sample size qualitative r/s require a small sample size  Resources available – see all resources are available when large sample size is selected  Nature of the study – longi. studies- small sample size &one time studies – large sample size  Sampling methods used – smaller efficiently selected samples are better than badly selected larger samples 8/17/2020 46Anju George , SGCON
  • 47.  Homogeneity - if samples are homogenous- small SS required  Effect size – if relationship b/w IDV &DV is strong- SS is required  Degree of accuracy desired from the estimate- limit of tolerable errors that exist in sample estimates  Degree of confidence –the margin of error that is allowed 8/17/2020 47Anju George , SGCON
  • 48.  Cooperation and attrition  Subgroup analysis  Measurement factors 8/17/2020 48Anju George , SGCON
  • 49. Sampling errors Sampling error is the deviation of the characteristics, traits, behaviors, qualities or figures of the entire population .  Reasons for sampling error : - ◦ r/s ers draw different subjects from the same population, but the subjects have individual differences ◦ Because of biased sampling procedure ◦ Chance – eventhough randomization is done there can be still chance that the sample is not a true representative ◦ Systematic error – ie, the result of the sample differ from the result of the entire population 8/17/2020 49Anju George , SGCON
  • 50. Two basic reasons for sampling error are:  Chance error – error occur by chance for eg. Some one did a comparative study on malnutrition in under five children in 2 cities A & B. unfortunately city B had more no. of slum dwellers, so it comprised of more malnourished children and hence the skewing of the result  Sampling bias- tendency to favor the selection of sampling units that possess a particular characteristic leading to over representation . 8/17/2020 50Anju George , SGCON
  • 51. Types of sampling bias are:  Self selection bias- happens in situation when participants in the study have some kind of control over the study to participate or not  Exclusion bias – happens when some people of the group are eliminated  Healthy user bias- happens when the selected sample has more likelihood to be healthier as compared to the general population . To minimize sampling error , maximize sample size 8/17/2020 51Anju George , SGCON
  • 52. Problems of sampling  Sampling errors  Lack of sample representativeness  Difficulty in estimation of sample size  Lack of knowledge about the sampling process  Lack of resources  Lack of co-operation  Lack of existing appropriate sampling frames for larger population  Callous approach of the r/s er towards sampling process 8/17/2020 52Anju George , SGCON
  • 53. Sampling – qualitative 8/17/2020 53Anju George , SGCON
  • 54. Selection of samples…  Participants are not selected randomly  Samples tend to be small  Sample members are not wholly prespecified : they are emergent  Sample selection is driven to a great extent by conceptual requirements rather than the desire for representativeness. 8/17/2020 54Anju George , SGCON
  • 55. Convenience sampling  also called as Volunteer sampling  Easy & efficient method Snowball sampling Purposive sampling ◦ Maximum variation sampling – involves selection of samples with a wide range of variations on dimensions of interest. (ie ensuring that there is men & women, rich&poor) ◦ Homogenous sampling – it deliberately reduces variation and permits a more focused inquiry 8/17/2020 55Anju George , SGCON
  • 56. ◦ Typical case sampling – involves selecting of samples that illustrate or highlight what is typical, average, normal or representative  Stratified purposive sampling – this strategy approaches max variation sampling , but it is typically done along a single dimension. (eg. Income, age )  Extreme (deviant) case sampling / outlier sampling – this approach provides opportunities for learning from the most unusual and extreme cases (eg, outstanding success or notable failure)  Intensity sampling – involves information rich cases that manifest the phenomenon of interest intensely.  Reputational case sampling - involves selecting cases based on recommendation of an expert or a key8/17/2020 56Anju George , SGCON
  • 57. Special sampling cases ◦ Critical case sampling – involves selection of samples regarding phenomenon of interest ◦ Criterion sampling – involves selection of a sample that meets a predetermined criterion of importance ◦ Revelatory case sampling - involves identifying and gaining access to a single case representing a phenomenon that was previously inaccessible to the research scrutiny. ◦ Sampling of politically important cases – used to select or search for politically sensitive cases or sites for analysis 8/17/2020 57Anju George , SGCON
  • 58.  Sampling sequentially Opportunistic sampling / emergent sampling – involves adding of new cases to a sample based on changes in r/s circumstances as data is being collected. Confirming and disconfirming cases – confirming cases are that additional cases which fit in to the r/s ers conceptualization with new data. Disconfirming cases are those which do not fit and poses threat to the r/sers interpretation Theoretical sampling - is a strategy involving the selection of incidents, slices of life, time periods, or people on the basis of their potential manifestation of important theoretical constructs. 8/17/2020 58Anju George , SGCON
  • 59. Sampling in three main qualitative traditions  Sampling in ethnography  Sampling in phenomenological studies  Sampling in grounded theory 8/17/2020 59Anju George , SGCON
  • 60. 8/17/2020 Anju George , SGCON 60