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Nutritional deficiency disorders
Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
 Malnutrition- Refers to both under nutrition as well as
over nutrition
 Under nutrition- Inadequate consumption, poor absorption
or excessive loss of nutrients.
 Over nutrition- Overindulgence or excessive intake of
specific nutrients.
Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
 Definition – Acc to WHO it is a range of pathological
conditions arising from coincidental lack in varying
proportions of protein and calories occurring most
frequently in infants and young children and
commonly associated with infection.
Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
I. Clinical classification
 Marasmus: weight for age < 60% expected + without edema
 Kwashiorkor: weight for age < 80% + edema
 Marasmic kwashiorkor: wt for age <60% + edema
Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
II. Gomez classification
 Based on weight for age
 Grade I  90-75 % of expected weight
 Grade II 75 – 60 % of expected weight
 Grade III  <60 % of expected weight
Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
III. IAP classification
 Based on weight for age
 Weight of a child is compared with weight of normal expected
for that age
 If the child is having edema letter ‘k’ is placed in front of the
 Grade I  80-71 % of expected weight
 Grade II 70 – 61 % of expected weight
 Grade III 60 - 51 % of expected weight
 Grade IV  < 50 % of expected weight
9/25/20206Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
IV. Jelliffee’s classification
 Similar to IAP classification but normal goes upto 90% and grade IV
is < 60%
 If the child is having edema letter ‘k’ is placed in front of the grade
 Grade I  80-90 % of expected weight
 Grade II 70 – 79 % of expected weight
 Grade III 60 - 69 % of expected weight
 Grade IV  < 60 % of expected weight
9/25/20207Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
V. Wellcome classification
VI. WHO classification
Wt. for age Edema No edema
60-80% Kwashiorkor Underweight
<60% Marasmic –
Edema No Yes
Wt for height 70-79% <70%
Height for age 85-89% < 85%
9/25/20208Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
 VII. Waterlow classification
Normal Wasted Stunted
Weight for age Normal Less Less
Weight for
Normal Less Normal
Height for age Normal Normal Less
9/25/20209Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
MAC Nutritional status
>13.5 cm Green Normal
12.5-13.5 Yellow Mild and moderate
< 12.5 cm Red Severe PEM
VIII. Arnold’s classification based on Mid arm
 Used for below 5 years of age
 <13.5 cm : Malnutrition
 Shakir tape is used to measure MAC
9/25/202010Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
 PEM results from many inter related factors :
1. Sociodemographic factors
2. Environmental factors
3. Nutritional factors
1. Sociodemographic factors
 Large family size
 Lack of child spacing
 Neglect of girl child
Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
2. Environmental factors
 Low socio economic status
 Poverty and ignorance
 Illiteracy
 Poor sanitation and low standard of living
 Parental attitudes and rearing practices
 Cultural practices
 Natural or man made disasters
 Chronic diseases
 Inadequate medical facilities
3.Nutritional factors
 Early weaning from breast or late weaning
 Diet during illness-increased intestinal loss, anorexia
 Maternal malnutrition
 Low birth weight
 Recurrent infections and infestations, diarrhea, worm infestations
9/25/202012Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
 Also known as athrepsia
 Marasmus is a form of severe PEM which occur as result
from energy deficiency that may occur at any age,
particularly in early infancy and is characterized by:
 Severe wasting (body weight is less than 60% of the expected), the
body utilizes all fat stores before using muscles.
 Loss of subcutaneous fat.
 Gross muscle wasting.
 Absence of edema.
Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
 Inadequate diet
 Faulty eating habits
 Anomalies such as cleft lip and cleft palate which prevents
intake of food
 Conditions such as anorexia, vomiting and diarrhea
 Allergy to certain foods
 Disturbed mother and child relationships
9/25/202014Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
 Insufficient protein consumption.
 The word kwashiorkor describes the malnourished
child, the result of the ill-health which develops
when an infant is weaned from breast-feeding when
a sibling is born and monopolizes breast feeding.
Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
 Causes
 Social and Economic
 Poverty
 Ignorance
 Inadequate weaning practices
 Child abuse
 Cultural and social practices
 Vegetarian diet
 Low fat diet
9/25/202016Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
Clinical Features
 Kwashiorkor – meaning red haired boy
 Classical features – Lethargy, Edema, Growth failure
 The main clinical features are
 Skin changes, hair changes, facies, associated vitamin deficiency,
Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
I. Skin changes
1. Dry scaly skin: mosaic pattern appearing on trunk and limbs
2. Thin, shiny, stretched over edematous limbs.
3. Skin changes more commonly seen in extremities.
4. Starts with erythematous rashes –> hyper pigmentation ->
desquamate -> hyper pigmented patches.
5. This alternative hypo/hyper pigmented patches gives an
appearance of flaky paint dermatosis
6. On the pressure sites, jet black patches appear which then
exfoliate leaving the sub adjacent zone leading to crazy
pavement dermatosis
Contn..9/25/202018Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
9/25/202019Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
7. Deep fissures are seen on elbows, knees ,groin and behind the
8. Multiple punctuate pinkish areas develop over extremities due to
perifollicular hemorrhage
9. Angular stomatitis due to potassium and riboflavin deficiency
10. Gangrenous dermatitis
11. Scabies and pyoderma
12. Skin lesions
9/25/202020Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
II. Hair changes
1. Thin, scanty, easily pluckable, lusterless, commonly
brownish/less black
2. Dyschromotrichia – light color of hair
3. Flag sign – Alternate band of hyper pigmented and hypo
pigmented hair
4. Hair loss can also affect eyelashes and eyebrows
9/25/202021Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
III. Facies
1. Cheeks look full due to hydration of cells of buccal fat and
surrounding tissues
2. Moon face appearance
9/25/202022Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
IV. Associated Vitamin deficiency
1. Angular stomatitis due to riboflavin deficiency
2. Rickets (Vitamin D)
3. Scurvy (Vitamin C)
V. Anemia
1. Normochromic normocytic anemia
2. Can be hypochromic macrocytic anemia due to iron
3. Hepatosplenomegaly
9/25/202023Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
 Marasmus –
 The characteristic feature is loss of subcutaneous fat
 Grade I – loss of fat in axilla and groin
 Grade II – loss of fat in axilla, groin, abdomen and gluteal region
 Grade III – loss of fat in axilla, groin, abdomen, gluteal region,
chest and spine
 Grade IV – loss of fat in axilla, groin, abdomen, gluteal region,
chest, spine, buccal pads.
Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
 Old man appearance
 Cheeks and temples are hollow
 Skin is loose and wrinkled, loss of elasticity
 Marasmic purpura in terminal cases
 Distended abdomen, scaphoid with visible peristalsis
 Later when infection sets in
 Apathetic and less active
 Constipation
 Severe electrolyte imbalance  convulsions and various
neurological signs
9/25/202025Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
9/25/202026Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
 Assessment should include:-
 Socioeconomic status and sociocultural factors
 Severity
 Classify malnutrition
 Associated mineral and vitamin deficiency
 Complication
 Assess etiology
 Check development
 Ensure immunization
Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
 Lab investigations such as :-
 Hb and peripheral smear
 Sr. protein and albumin
 Blood sugar and electrolytes
 Other investigations to check evidence for infections – blood
counts, blood culture and sensitivity, urine and stool
examination, chest x-ray, mantoux test.
Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
 Nutritional assessment – wt, ht, MAC, Head
circumference and chest circumference
 Skinfold thickness
 Biochemical measurements
 Serum albumin :<3g/100ml in kwashiorkor : normal or
slightly decreased in marasmus
 Hydroxyprolene/creatinine ratio is ess
 Plasma/amino acid ratio is low
 Elevated growth hormone and plasma cortisol levels
 Insulin levels are reduced
 Elevated TSH
Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
S = Sugar deficiency (Hypoglycemia)
H = Hypothermia
I = Infections
D = Deficiency of micronutrients
ELectrolyte abnormality
9/25/2020Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
 Falls under 3 phases and is a ten step process
1. Acute/initial phase (1-7 days)
 It includes
 Assessment
 Management of life threatening complications step 1-5
 Nutritional management step 6-8
2.Recovery/Rehabilitation phase (2-6 weeks)
o It includes
 Nutritional management step 6-8
 Physical and emotional stimulation step 9
 Family education step 10
3. Follow up phase (6 weeks- 6 months)
o It includes
 Nutritional rehabilitation and continual care at home step 10
 Monitoring and home visits step 10
Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
A. General Principles of Routine Care
Stabilization Rehabilitation
Days 1-2 Days 3-7 Weeks 2 – 6
1 Treat / Prevent Hypoglycemia
2 Treat / Prevent Hypothermia
3 Treat / Prevent Dehydration
4 Correct Electrolyte Imbalance
5 Treat / Prevent Infection
6 Correct micro-nutrient deficiencies
Iron supplementation
7 Start Cautious Feeding
8 Achieve Catch-up Growth
9 Provide Sensory Stimulation
and Emotional Support
10 Prepare for Follow-Up 9/25/202032Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
1.Prevent & correct hypoglycaemia
Hypoglycemia - Is due to reduced glycogen stores
and increased utilization.
 Blood glucose < 54 mg/dl
 Child is able to take oral feeds – 50ml bolus of 10%
glucose solution orally.
 Child is unable to take oral feeds –treat with IV 2ml/kg of
25% D or 5 ml/kg of 10% D followed by 50 ml of 10%D as
IV infusion.
Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
2.Prevent and correct hypothermia
 Hypothermia – is due to decreased heat
production, decreased BMR and increased heat loss
due to large surface area and loss of subcutaneous
 Axillary temperature < 35°C
 Clothe the child including extremities and head especially at
 Place a heater/ lamp nearby (avoid hot water bags )
 Provide woollen clothing
 Encourage kangaroo mother care
Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
3. Treat / prevent dehydration
 As these children are more prone to fluid overload,
sodium restriction and fluid restriction to be done while
 ReSoMal (Rehydrating Solution for Malnutrition) is given
 70-100 ml/kg over 8-12 hrs.
 5ml/kg every 30mts for first 2 hrs then 5-10ml/kg/hr for next 4-10 hrs.
 If there is diarrhoea, 50-100ml of ReSoMal for each
Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
4. Correct electrolyte imbalance
 Hypokalemia is a problem in both marasmus and
kwashiorkor which leads to respiratory muscle paralysis.
 If potassium <2 – administer 40meq/l of K⁺
 If potassium is between 2-2.5 – administer 30meq/l of K ⁺
 Hypomagnesaemia is another problem that can lead to
muscle weakness. The treatment is 50% MgSO4 at a dose of
0.3ml/kg x 7 days
Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
5. Treat infections
 Infections caused by Gram negative organisms
are septicaemia, respiratory diseases, otitis
media, diarrheal diseases.
 Skin disorders are caused by gram positive
 IM/IV Ampicillin 50 mg/kg + gentamycin 7.5
Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
6. Correct micronutrient deficiencies
 Provide multivitamin supplements
 Administer vitamin A single dose, orally if its not given in the last month
(dosage :- if age>1 year 2lac IU, 6- 12 months 1 lac IU, 0-5 months 50,000
 Folic acid - 1mg/day
 Zinc - 2mg/kg/day
 Copper - 0.3 mg/kg/day
 Iron - 3mg/kg/day
Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
7. Start cautious feeding
 Initiate feeding as soon as possible as frequent small feeds (upto
12 meals/day)
 If unable to take orally- NG feeds
 The goal is to provide 80-100 kcal/kg/day
 Total fluid recommended is 130ml/kg/d, reduce to 100ml/kg/d if
there is severe, generalized edema
 Continue breast feeding
 Start with F-75 starter feeds every 2 hrly
 F-75 contains 75kCal/100ml with 1g protein/100ml
Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
8. Achieve catch up growth
 Once appetite returns in 2-3 days, encourage higher feeds
 Increase volume offered in each feed and decrease the
frequency of feeds to 6 feeds/day
 Continue breast feeding on demand
 Make a gradual transition from F-75 to F-100 diet
 F-100 contains 100kCal/100ml with 2.5-3g protein/100ml
 Increase calories to 150-200 kCal/kg/d and proteins to 4-
 Add complementary foods as soon as possible to prepare
the child for home foods at discharge
Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
9. Tender loving care & sensory stimulation
 A cheerful, stimulating environment
 Age appropriate structured play therapy for at least 15-
30 mins/day
 Age appropriate physical activity as soon as the child is
well enough
 Tender loving care
Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
10. Prepare for follow up after recovery
 Total duration for recovery 6-8 wks
 Criteria for recovery- weight for length 90%
 Weekly follow ups for the first 2 months
 Once a month for the next two months
Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
Anju George, SGCON, Parumala

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Protein energy malnutrition

  • 2. INTRODUCTION  Malnutrition- Refers to both under nutrition as well as over nutrition  Under nutrition- Inadequate consumption, poor absorption or excessive loss of nutrients.  Over nutrition- Overindulgence or excessive intake of specific nutrients. 9/25/2020 2 Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 3. PROTEIN ENERGY MALNUTRITION  Definition – Acc to WHO it is a range of pathological conditions arising from coincidental lack in varying proportions of protein and calories occurring most frequently in infants and young children and commonly associated with infection. 9/25/2020 3 Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 4. CLASSIFICATION I. Clinical classification  Marasmus: weight for age < 60% expected + without edema  Kwashiorkor: weight for age < 80% + edema  Marasmic kwashiorkor: wt for age <60% + edema 9/25/2020 4 Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 5. II. Gomez classification  Based on weight for age  Grade I  90-75 % of expected weight  Grade II 75 – 60 % of expected weight  Grade III  <60 % of expected weight 9/25/2020 5 Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 6. III. IAP classification  Based on weight for age  Weight of a child is compared with weight of normal expected for that age  If the child is having edema letter ‘k’ is placed in front of the grade  Grade I  80-71 % of expected weight  Grade II 70 – 61 % of expected weight  Grade III 60 - 51 % of expected weight  Grade IV  < 50 % of expected weight 9/25/20206Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 7. IV. Jelliffee’s classification  Similar to IAP classification but normal goes upto 90% and grade IV is < 60%  If the child is having edema letter ‘k’ is placed in front of the grade  Grade I  80-90 % of expected weight  Grade II 70 – 79 % of expected weight  Grade III 60 - 69 % of expected weight  Grade IV  < 60 % of expected weight 9/25/20207Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 8. V. Wellcome classification VI. WHO classification Wt. for age Edema No edema 60-80% Kwashiorkor Underweight <60% Marasmic – kwashiorkor Marasmus Moderate malnutrition Severe malnutrition Edema No Yes Wt for height 70-79% <70% Height for age 85-89% < 85% 9/25/20208Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 9.  VII. Waterlow classification Normal Wasted Stunted Weight for age Normal Less Less Weight for height Normal Less Normal Height for age Normal Normal Less 9/25/20209Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 10. MAC Nutritional status >13.5 cm Green Normal 12.5-13.5 Yellow Mild and moderate PEM < 12.5 cm Red Severe PEM VIII. Arnold’s classification based on Mid arm circumference  Used for below 5 years of age  <13.5 cm : Malnutrition  Shakir tape is used to measure MAC 9/25/202010Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 11. ETIOLOGY OF PEM  PEM results from many inter related factors : 1. Sociodemographic factors 2. Environmental factors 3. Nutritional factors 1. Sociodemographic factors  Large family size  Lack of child spacing  Neglect of girl child 9/25/2020 11 Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 12. 2. Environmental factors  Low socio economic status  Poverty and ignorance  Illiteracy  Poor sanitation and low standard of living  Parental attitudes and rearing practices  Cultural practices  Natural or man made disasters  Chronic diseases  Inadequate medical facilities 3.Nutritional factors  Early weaning from breast or late weaning  Diet during illness-increased intestinal loss, anorexia  Maternal malnutrition  Low birth weight  Recurrent infections and infestations, diarrhea, worm infestations 9/25/202012Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 13. Marasmus  Also known as athrepsia  Marasmus is a form of severe PEM which occur as result from energy deficiency that may occur at any age, particularly in early infancy and is characterized by:  Severe wasting (body weight is less than 60% of the expected), the body utilizes all fat stores before using muscles.  Loss of subcutaneous fat.  Gross muscle wasting.  Absence of edema. 9/25/2020 13 Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 14. Causes  Inadequate diet  Faulty eating habits  Anomalies such as cleft lip and cleft palate which prevents intake of food  Conditions such as anorexia, vomiting and diarrhea  Allergy to certain foods  Disturbed mother and child relationships 9/25/202014Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 15. Kwashiorkor  Insufficient protein consumption.  The word kwashiorkor describes the malnourished child, the result of the ill-health which develops when an infant is weaned from breast-feeding when a sibling is born and monopolizes breast feeding. 9/25/2020 15 Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 16.  Causes  Social and Economic  Poverty  Ignorance  Inadequate weaning practices  Child abuse  Cultural and social practices  Vegetarian diet  Low fat diet 9/25/202016Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 17. Clinical Features  Kwashiorkor – meaning red haired boy  Classical features – Lethargy, Edema, Growth failure  The main clinical features are  Skin changes, hair changes, facies, associated vitamin deficiency, anemia 9/25/2020 17 Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 18. I. Skin changes 1. Dry scaly skin: mosaic pattern appearing on trunk and limbs 2. Thin, shiny, stretched over edematous limbs. 3. Skin changes more commonly seen in extremities. 4. Starts with erythematous rashes –> hyper pigmentation -> desquamate -> hyper pigmented patches. 5. This alternative hypo/hyper pigmented patches gives an appearance of flaky paint dermatosis 6. On the pressure sites, jet black patches appear which then exfoliate leaving the sub adjacent zone leading to crazy pavement dermatosis Contn..9/25/202018Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 20. 7. Deep fissures are seen on elbows, knees ,groin and behind the ears 8. Multiple punctuate pinkish areas develop over extremities due to perifollicular hemorrhage 9. Angular stomatitis due to potassium and riboflavin deficiency 10. Gangrenous dermatitis 11. Scabies and pyoderma 12. Skin lesions 9/25/202020Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 21. II. Hair changes 1. Thin, scanty, easily pluckable, lusterless, commonly brownish/less black 2. Dyschromotrichia – light color of hair 3. Flag sign – Alternate band of hyper pigmented and hypo pigmented hair 4. Hair loss can also affect eyelashes and eyebrows 9/25/202021Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 22. III. Facies 1. Cheeks look full due to hydration of cells of buccal fat and surrounding tissues 2. Moon face appearance 9/25/202022Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 23. IV. Associated Vitamin deficiency 1. Angular stomatitis due to riboflavin deficiency 2. Rickets (Vitamin D) 3. Scurvy (Vitamin C) V. Anemia 1. Normochromic normocytic anemia 2. Can be hypochromic macrocytic anemia due to iron deficiency 3. Hepatosplenomegaly 9/25/202023Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 24.  Marasmus –  The characteristic feature is loss of subcutaneous fat  Grade I – loss of fat in axilla and groin  Grade II – loss of fat in axilla, groin, abdomen and gluteal region  Grade III – loss of fat in axilla, groin, abdomen, gluteal region, chest and spine  Grade IV – loss of fat in axilla, groin, abdomen, gluteal region, chest, spine, buccal pads. 9/25/2020 24 Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 25.  Old man appearance  Cheeks and temples are hollow  Skin is loose and wrinkled, loss of elasticity  Marasmic purpura in terminal cases  Distended abdomen, scaphoid with visible peristalsis  Later when infection sets in  Apathetic and less active  Constipation  Severe electrolyte imbalance  convulsions and various neurological signs 9/25/202025Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 27. EVALUATION OF CHILD WITH PEM  Assessment should include:-  Socioeconomic status and sociocultural factors  Severity  Classify malnutrition  Associated mineral and vitamin deficiency  Complication  Assess etiology  Check development  Ensure immunization 9/25/2020 27 Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 28.  Lab investigations such as :-  Hb and peripheral smear  Sr. protein and albumin  Blood sugar and electrolytes  Other investigations to check evidence for infections – blood counts, blood culture and sensitivity, urine and stool examination, chest x-ray, mantoux test. 9/25/2020 28 Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 29. Diagnosis  Nutritional assessment – wt, ht, MAC, Head circumference and chest circumference  Skinfold thickness  Biochemical measurements  Serum albumin :<3g/100ml in kwashiorkor : normal or slightly decreased in marasmus  Hydroxyprolene/creatinine ratio is ess  Plasma/amino acid ratio is low  Elevated growth hormone and plasma cortisol levels  Insulin levels are reduced  Elevated TSH 9/25/2020 29 Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 30. S = Sugar deficiency (Hypoglycemia) H = Hypothermia I = Infections D = Deficiency of micronutrients E ELectrolyte abnormality L D Dehydration E COMPLICATIONS 9/25/2020Anju George, SGCON, Parumala 30
  • 31. MANAGEMENT  Falls under 3 phases and is a ten step process 1. Acute/initial phase (1-7 days)  It includes  Assessment  Management of life threatening complications step 1-5  Nutritional management step 6-8 2.Recovery/Rehabilitation phase (2-6 weeks) o It includes  Nutritional management step 6-8  Physical and emotional stimulation step 9  Family education step 10 3. Follow up phase (6 weeks- 6 months) o It includes  Nutritional rehabilitation and continual care at home step 10  Monitoring and home visits step 10 9/25/2020 31 Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 32. A. General Principles of Routine Care STEPS PHASE Stabilization Rehabilitation Days 1-2 Days 3-7 Weeks 2 – 6 1 Treat / Prevent Hypoglycemia 2 Treat / Prevent Hypothermia 3 Treat / Prevent Dehydration 4 Correct Electrolyte Imbalance 5 Treat / Prevent Infection 6 Correct micro-nutrient deficiencies Iron supplementation 7 Start Cautious Feeding 8 Achieve Catch-up Growth 9 Provide Sensory Stimulation and Emotional Support 10 Prepare for Follow-Up 9/25/202032Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 33. 1.Prevent & correct hypoglycaemia Hypoglycemia - Is due to reduced glycogen stores and increased utilization.  Blood glucose < 54 mg/dl  Child is able to take oral feeds – 50ml bolus of 10% glucose solution orally.  Child is unable to take oral feeds –treat with IV 2ml/kg of 25% D or 5 ml/kg of 10% D followed by 50 ml of 10%D as IV infusion. 9/25/2020 33 Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 34. 2.Prevent and correct hypothermia  Hypothermia – is due to decreased heat production, decreased BMR and increased heat loss due to large surface area and loss of subcutaneous fat.  Axillary temperature < 35°C  Clothe the child including extremities and head especially at night  Place a heater/ lamp nearby (avoid hot water bags )  Provide woollen clothing  Encourage kangaroo mother care 9/25/2020 34 Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 35. 3. Treat / prevent dehydration  As these children are more prone to fluid overload, sodium restriction and fluid restriction to be done while rehydrating.  ReSoMal (Rehydrating Solution for Malnutrition) is given  70-100 ml/kg over 8-12 hrs.  5ml/kg every 30mts for first 2 hrs then 5-10ml/kg/hr for next 4-10 hrs.  If there is diarrhoea, 50-100ml of ReSoMal for each stool 9/25/2020 35 Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 36. 4. Correct electrolyte imbalance  Hypokalemia is a problem in both marasmus and kwashiorkor which leads to respiratory muscle paralysis.  If potassium <2 – administer 40meq/l of K⁺  If potassium is between 2-2.5 – administer 30meq/l of K ⁺  Hypomagnesaemia is another problem that can lead to muscle weakness. The treatment is 50% MgSO4 at a dose of 0.3ml/kg x 7 days 9/25/2020 36 Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 37. 5. Treat infections  Infections caused by Gram negative organisms are septicaemia, respiratory diseases, otitis media, diarrheal diseases.  Skin disorders are caused by gram positive organism.  IM/IV Ampicillin 50 mg/kg + gentamycin 7.5 mg/kg 9/25/2020 37 Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 38. 6. Correct micronutrient deficiencies  Provide multivitamin supplements  Administer vitamin A single dose, orally if its not given in the last month (dosage :- if age>1 year 2lac IU, 6- 12 months 1 lac IU, 0-5 months 50,000 IU)  Folic acid - 1mg/day  Zinc - 2mg/kg/day  Copper - 0.3 mg/kg/day  Iron - 3mg/kg/day 9/25/2020 38 Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 39. 7. Start cautious feeding  Initiate feeding as soon as possible as frequent small feeds (upto 12 meals/day)  If unable to take orally- NG feeds  The goal is to provide 80-100 kcal/kg/day  Total fluid recommended is 130ml/kg/d, reduce to 100ml/kg/d if there is severe, generalized edema  Continue breast feeding  Start with F-75 starter feeds every 2 hrly  F-75 contains 75kCal/100ml with 1g protein/100ml 9/25/2020 39 Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 40. 8. Achieve catch up growth  Once appetite returns in 2-3 days, encourage higher feeds  Increase volume offered in each feed and decrease the frequency of feeds to 6 feeds/day  Continue breast feeding on demand  Make a gradual transition from F-75 to F-100 diet  F-100 contains 100kCal/100ml with 2.5-3g protein/100ml  Increase calories to 150-200 kCal/kg/d and proteins to 4- 6g/kg/d  Add complementary foods as soon as possible to prepare the child for home foods at discharge 9/25/2020 40 Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 41. 9. Tender loving care & sensory stimulation  A cheerful, stimulating environment  Age appropriate structured play therapy for at least 15- 30 mins/day  Age appropriate physical activity as soon as the child is well enough  Tender loving care 9/25/2020 41 Anju George, SGCON, Parumala
  • 42. 10. Prepare for follow up after recovery  Total duration for recovery 6-8 wks  Criteria for recovery- weight for length 90%  Weekly follow ups for the first 2 months  Once a month for the next two months 9/25/2020 42 Anju George, SGCON, Parumala

Editor's Notes

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