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                         Deepti Lakshman, M.V.Kannan and H.Bhojraj
    Programme Planning and Evaluation Group, ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore-560017, India

  Managing multiple and complex projects under one roof is a challenge within many
  space agencies in the world. Too often, in these space organizations, projects
  schedule runs on a critical path and ultimately slips from the baseline plan due to a
  number of reasons. In a multi project environment, a spillover in one project activity
  significantly affects the pace of the parallel and future projects which are directly or
  indirectly depend on the same resources. In the wake of this, the space agencies are
  actively involved in locating the factors that are negatively affecting the progress of
  the project, but in the present scenario, the traditional methods and techniques are
  proved to be less adequate. In the early 80s when the manufacturing firms were
  looking for a technique to identify and remove the causes of defects and errors in the
  manufacturing process, the concept of Six Sigma originated at Motorola. Six Sigma
  makes use of DMAIC Methodology to systematically Define, Measure, Analyze,
  Improve, and Control the manufacturing processes and eliminate defects. This paper
  attempts to extend the benefits of the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Techniques
  from the Analytical phase of the DMAIC methodology to troubleshoot the causes of
  spacecraft Project Schedule slippage.       It illustrates the use of three key RCA
  Techniques- WHY-WHY Technique, Cause & Effect Analysis and Pareto
  Analysis for better understanding the parameters that are responsible for schedule
  shift from estimated one in a space industry. The above three techniques are broadly
  described to ensure their application in all the area of project management. In a
  nutshell, this paper provides an insight into one of the challenging aspect of
  Project Management: Identification of all the possible causes that may result
  in Project Schedule Variance, using the RCA Techniques.

  Keywords: Six Sigma, DMAIC methodology, Root Cause Analysis Techniques, WHY-
  WHY Technique, Cause & Effect Analysis, Pareto Analysis, Schedule slippage

1. INTRODUCTION:                                   continuing its pursuit towards enhancing
                                                   self-reliance     in     the    area     of
At the present juncture, Indian space              telecommunication,            broadcasting,
programme is flourishing rapidly and               navigation,     resource     survey    and
promoting          the      socio-economic         management,        cartography,    weather
development of our nation. Today, the              forecasting by developing state of art
Indian space programme has spread its              technologies etc.
wings from Aryabatta, Bhaskara,Apple                       As the Indian space programme is
and sounding rockets to Satellite launch           expanding its horizon, so are the number,
vehicles-     Polar     Satellite   Launch         complexity and the size of the projects
Vehicle(PSLV)       and   Geo-Synchronous          increasing. The wide application of space
Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV), remote            technology in the economic growth of the
sensing and communication satellites –             country necessitates the adaptation of
Indian Remote sensing Satellite (IRS) &            working in a multi project environment.
Indian National Satellite System(INSAT),           Managing multi –dimension projects with
Space capsule Recovery experiment,                 the available resources, capability and
Chandrayaan-1-the first mission to our             infrastructure is the greatest concern of
closest celestial body Moon and the future         the Project Management Team (PMT) of
interplanetary mission including to that of        the Indian Space Organizations. To
sending     an Indian into space in the            overcome the challenge of schedule
coming years. The space programme is               deviation due to mid course change in

                                        Page 1 of 14
Configuration/ scope, Inter-Project conflict         from the six sigma tool kit. The DMAIC is
over resources, Communication deficit,               a data-driven structured and logical tool
shifting Organizational Priorities etc, the          for problem defining and decision making.
PMT should devise a methodology to                   This paper aims to spread the essence of
identify the root cause of the slippage              DMAIC Methodology in the multiproject
from the baseline plan. The methodology              environment     of    the    Indian   space
will help them to carefully review the               organization.   However,      the primary
critical path of the project schedule and            emphasis of this paper is on the Root
take pro-active approach for the forth               Cause Analysis (RCA) Techniques of
coming projects in the organization.                 the    Analytical    phase      of   DMAIC
  In the eighties when Motorola, seek to             Methodology. This paper demonstrates
identify and remove the causes of defects            the use of the three RCA Techniques –
in their manufacturing     processes, the            WHY-WHY Technique, Cause & Effect
concept of Six Sigma was invented. Six               Analysis and Pareto Analysis to
Sigma was originally developed as a set of           uncover the factors that contributes to
practices     designed      to     improve           spacecraft schedule delays. Although RCA
manufacturing processes and eliminate                Techniques do not provide solution to a
defects,    but    its  application     was          problem, but sets the foundation by
subsequently extended to other types of              analytically and logically defining the root
business processes as well. The Six Sigma            cause of a problem, to develop a concrete
Methodologies offers a wide range of                 and structured solution.
techniques and tools to improve the
Project management process. Although                 This paper has three main streams. The
every one of them may not be directly                first is to highlight the challenges of
applicable    to    a   project    oriented          project managements; the second is
organization but with some customization,            introduce an overview of six sigma and
the key features can be embedded in the              DMAIC methodology and third is to
Project management system. The DMAIC                 discuss the three root cause analysis
methodology where the acronym stands                 technique with illustrations of spacecraft
for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve,               projects.
and Control, is one such methodology

       Lower                     Normal Distribution Centered                     Upper
    Specification                                                              Specification
       Limit                                                                      Limit
                                           68.27 %

                                           95.45 %

    0.001 PPM                                                                      0.001 PPM
                                         99.9999998 %

                Fig 1.1: Six Sigma limits with centered Normal distribution

                                         Page 2 of 14
Lower                   Normal Distribution shifted 1.5σ          Upper
     Specification                                                     Specification
        Limit                                                             Limit

                     Fig 1.2: Effect of 1.5 Sigma Shift in the Mean.

2. BASICS OF SIX SIGMA:                           2.1SIX SIGMA-
                                                             DMAIC METHODOLOGY:
Six Sigma (the lower-case Greek letter σ)
is used to estimate standard deviation (a         Six Sigma is a disciplined, data-driven
measure of variation) of a population. The        approach for eliminating defects in any
six sigma scale of measure is perfectly           process right from manufacturing to
correlated to such characteristics as             service industries. Six Sigma improves the
defects per unit, part per million                process performance, decreases variation
defectives. When a process is at a Six            and maintains consistent quality of the
Sigma level of performance, it is believed        process    output.     Six   Sigma   uses
that there will be practically very few           methodologies for process performance
items that fail to meet the specifications        improvement,            reduction        in
limits.                                           defects/variation and help in maintaining
                                                  consistent quality of the process output.
A centered six-sigma process has a                This is accomplished through the use of
normal distribution with mean=target and          Six Sigma DMAIC Methodology. DMAIC
specifications    placed    six     standard      Methodology is based on W. Edwards
deviations to either side of the mean. At         Deming's Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle.
this point, the portions of the distribution
that are beyond the specifications contain
0.002 parts-per-million (ppm) of the data
(0.001 on each side) as shown in fig 1.1.
Practice     has    shown      that     most
manufacturing processes experience a
shift (due to drift over time) of 1.5
standard deviations so that the mean no
longer equals target. When this happens
in a six-sigma process, a larger portion of
the distribution now extends beyond the
specification limits: 3.4 parts-per-million
(ppm) as shown in Fig 1.2.

                                                        Fig 2.1: Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle

                                         Page 3 of 14
   DEFINE       MEASURE         ANALYZE           DESIGN            NO
                                                                         IMPROVE       CONTROL


                                  Fig 2.2: DMAIC Methodology

2.2STAGES OF DMAIC METHODOLOGY                     activities involves in this phase are
                                                   mission    analysis,   feasibility    studies,
  The     different   stages    of   DMAIC         technology needs analysis, analysis of
Methodology are explained by mapping it            payload and spacecraft bus configuration
with the life cycle of a satellite Project.        etc. Once the spacecraft configuration is
Broadly speaking, a Spacecraft project             finalized the prime activities during
goes through four phases - Concept and             planning phase are the identification of
Design           Phase,        Subsystems          the     team,    defining     the      project
Fabrication         Phase,      Spacecraft         deliverables,   resources,       finance     &
Assembly and Integration Phase and                 Organizational    Support      required     to
Pre and Post Launch Phases during its              complete the project and estimating the
life cycle as shown in fig 3. The concept          expected Project completion time etc.
and Design Phase begins with a feasibility         Once a project is defined, one can
studies for mission as per the user                methodically        proceeds          through
demand. Afterwards, payload and the                Measurement, Analysis, Improvement,
mainframe spacecraft configuration will be         and Control phase.
finalised.It is followed by the execution
phase comprising of hardware fabrication,          Some of the key tools offered by the
testing and assembly/integration activities        DMAIC methodology in this phase are
etc. The final phase consists of Pre-                    Project Charter
Launch, Launch, and Post launch activities               Work/Product Breakdown Structure
carried out in the launch site and the                   Gantt chart
control centers. The phases are separated                Network diagram
by major reviews which include Baseline
Design Reviews, Preliminary Design                 The spacecraft design finalization mark its
Reviews, Critical Design Reviews and               transition    from     planning    Phase    to
Pre-shipment Review etc.                           execution phase. During this Phase the
The stages in the DMAIC methodology                primary       activities     are      detailed
will be discussed in the following text with       identification and assignment of tasks
respect to its application in the life cycle       based on spacecraft configuration, to
of a spacecraft project.                           respective subsystem groups/area. In this
                                                   phase     the    prototype     models     and
D - DEFINE:                                        qualification     testing     validate     the
The first stage in the DMAIC methodology           spacecraft configuration. As the execution
focuses on concept and design phase of             phase progress, groups across the
the spacecraft project. The primary                organization     become      more     actively
activity in this phase is to develop and           involved in the fabrication of subsystem
define the project requirements w.r.t the          packages. The functional behaviors of the
application and to design a plan for               subsystem packages are tested in a
realization within constraints of time,            simulated space environment. Finally it
resources, or cost. The pre-formulation            will be delivered to Assembly and

                                          Page 4 of 14
Integration    team    to   complete  its            Some of the key tools used in this stage
integration with the spacecraft bus.                 are
The integrated spacecraft will then be                    Gantt chart
subjected to intensive environmental and                  Network Diagram
functional tests that include Open mode                   Project Milestone Summary
and closed mode Spacecraft level tests,                   Baseline Plan Vs Actual Execution
Thermovac tests, Dynamic tests, and post                  summary
dynamic tests etc. Once the tests and                     Project Deliverable checklist
reviews are completed the spacecraft will
be shipped to the launch site.                       A- ANALYZE:

Of the five stages in the DMAIC                      During the realization of a spacecraft
methodology,        Measure,   Analyze,              project, there are numerous challenges
Improve, and Control is exceptionally                and issues such as schedule slippage,
useful during the execution phase of the             Budget over run, configuration changes
spacecraft project. These stages aid the             that can arise to threaten the success of
project Management team in digging                   the project. The analytical stage of the
beneath the apparent causes of schedule              DMAIC methodology analyzes the data
slippage. These stages are explained in              recorded in the measurement stage to
brief in the following text.                         identify the root cause of the deviation
                                                     from the baseline plan. The techniques
M-MEASURE:                                           available in this stage enable to explore
Once the project is underway, the actual             all potential or real causes that result in
progress of the project needs to be                  the deviation of any of the Project
constantly monitored against the planned             Performance parameter.
progress. The deliverable due dates, the
major milestone events, & budget                     The   various     Root    Cause     Analysis
expenditures,    are   the  key project              Techniques useful in this stage are
elements which are normally measured to                    Histogram
monitor the actual performance of the                       Pareto Chart
project. This stage of DMAIC is helpful in                 Time Series/Run Chart
collecting the relevant data to track the                  Regression Analysis
progress of the project. It records the                    Cause        and      Effect/Fishbone
variations between the actual and planned                  Diagram
performance of the project and the                         Why Tree Technique
estimated variance acts as an input to                      Process Map Review and Analysis
adjust or update the plan in order to get                   Statistical Analysis
the project back on track.

                              LIFE CYCLE-SPACECRAFT PROJECT

                                                                          PRE LAUNCH
                                                           ASSEMBLY &       & POST
                                                             TESTING        LAUNCH
                               & TESTING

                   CONCEPT &

                  PLANNING                   EXECUTION                  COMPLETION

                                             Fig 3
                                       Page 5 of 14
I- IMPROVE :                                      from     other   parallel    projects  are
Once the root causes are identified, and          interchanged. Additional cost can arise
prioritized, corrective actions are outlined      from such configuration changes, spill
and implemented in the system. This               over     task,    repetitive     component
stage pinpoints exactly what can be done          procurements, uneconomic outsourcing
in the existing system to prevent the             etc. Thus to have a complete control over
reoccurrence of the problem in future.            the estimated plan, it is imperative to
Thus it mainly addresses the area that            identify the elements responsible for the
contributed     to    the    problem     and      variance. This can be achieved with the
determines the best actions to improve            help of the various root cause analytical
the system. However, it is recognized that        techniques available.
complete prevention of recurrence by a            This paper focuses primarily on the
single intervention is not always possible.       analytical phase of DMAIC methodology.
Thus, it is often considered to be an             It offers an insight in to the concept of
iterative process, and is frequently viewed       Root Cause Analysis. It mainly illustrates
as a tool of continuous improvement.              three Root Cause analytical Techniques
                                                  viz WHY-WHY Technique, Cause &
Some of the tools helpful in this stage are       Effect analysis, Pareto Analysis to
                                                  address the factors that contribute to
  Action Priority Matrix                          variation in spacecraft project execution
  Pareto Analysis                                 from baseline plan.
  Consulted-Informed ) Matrix                     2.2.1. A ROOT CAUSE ANALYIS (RCA):
  Project Dashboard.
  Decision Tree                                   Root Cause Analysis is a class of
                                                  problem solving methods aimed at
C- CONTROL:                                       identifying the root causes of problems or
Once improvement and implementation               events. The practice of RCA is predicated
activity is underway, consideration must          on the belief that problems are best
be given to the last step in the DMAIC            solved by attempting to correct or
process, “Control”. To achieve excellence         eliminate the root causes, as opposed to
in Project Management, adherence to the           merely     addressing    the    immediately
success critical factors such as schedule,        obvious symptoms. The step by step
Budget, quality standard, etc is utmost           process of identify the problem by a RCA
important. Reviewing of the project               technique     can    helps    the    project
performance      regularly  and   at  the         management team to address all the
stipulated review points will help to             areas     that     has    intervened     the
sustain it in future.                             performance of the project and shifted it
Some of the key tools used in this phase          from the estimated plan. RCA is
are                                               considered      to    be    a    continuous
       Tracking Gantt chart                       improvement tool in the field of quality
       Resource Usage Analysis                    management. The three RCA techniques
       Workload Analysis                          addressed in this paper are WHY-WHY
       Earned Value Analysis                      Technique, Cause & Effect Analysis,
       Cash Flow Analysis                         Pareto Analysis. None of this technique
                                                  is new to the statistical community;
                                                  however this paper is making an effort to
2.2.1 ANALYTICAL STAGE OF DMAIC                   introduce it as a strategic option and
METHODOLOGY                                       effective    decision-making/root     cause
                                                  identification tool in the field of Project
Each spacecraft project will have a               Management.
planned -Schedule, budget and scope. A
change in any one of above factor can             The prerequisite of the RCA Technique is
adversely affect the other. For example to        that there should be a Cross-Functional
recover a spacecraft Project which is             Team (CFT) with people from different
running behind schedule, the project team         functional expertise working toward a
sometimes change the configuration of             common goal of identifying the root cause
the spacecraft in the middle of its life          of the problem and recommending the
cycle, while sometimes the deliverables           best solution. Information from all level of

                                         Page 6 of 14
management and experience in the                   Illustration: To Illustrate the Concept of
project related area would provide a               Why-WHY      technique     in    spacecraft
greater visibility in to the problem and will      Schedule management, a study on the
help to formulate a strategic, tactical, and       realization   of     a     high     power
operational decision. The following article        communication satellite with a lift off
discusses the three RCA techniques in              mass of more a three tons was
brief with illustration.                           conducted.

2.2.1.A(i) WHY-WHY TECHNIQUE:                      At the superficial level, it was observed
                                                   that basic design change in battery
The WHY-WHY Technique, which was                   configuration, Priority Conflict amongst
made popular in the 1970s by the Toyota            ongoing and parallel projects, non-
Production System is an easy and often-            availability        of       TTC        –RF
effective tool for uncovering the root of a        system(communication         system)    and
Problem. This Technique is also known, as          Power Electronics package on time and
WHY TREE TECHNIQUE amongst the                     the indigenization of systems such as heat
Quality Management Professionals. It is a          pipe radiator panels, TXCO (temperature
simple tool where one can peel away the            Controlled Crystal oscillator) for both
root cause of a problem by repeatedly              transmitter and receivers and Inclusion of
asking the question "WHY”. Answer to the           Programmable          Auto      temperature
first “WHY” will prompt another “WHY”              controller      in   TMTC     system    has
and the answer to the second “WHY” will            significantly influenced the schedule of the
prompt another and so on. Thus the                 project. To have a greater insight in to the
apparent reason for a problem will lead            sources of schedule slippage and to
you to another question and finally to the         identify the root cause, each cause is
root cause of the problem.                         thoroughly analyzed using the why tree
                                                   technique. For example, the mid course
HOW TO USE THE TOOL:                               changes in the battery configuration from
  1. Write down the specific problem.              2 No of 125 Ah NiH2 batteries to 3 no of
     Writing the issue helps in formalize          100Ah        Li-ion    hold     considerably
     the problem and describe it                   accountable for the slippage of the project
     completely. It also helps the Cross           from the baseline plan. The detailed
     functional team to focus on the               analysis reveals that the battery was
     same problem.                                 reconfigured in the midst of the
  2. Ask WHY the problem happens and               realization due to the non availability of
     write the answer down below the               the indigenous batteries during the
     problem.                                      assembly and integration phase of the
  3. If the answer just provided doesn't           project.     Actually    the    indigenously
     identify the root cause of the                developed battery cells were subjected to
     problem that one has wrote down               excessive voltage during its qualification
     in step 1, ask WHY again and write            test which results into failure of battery
     that answer down.                             cells. This failure reverted back battery to
  4. Loop back to step 3 until the team            its design stage and delayed its realization
     is in agreement that the problem's            cycle. The three battery configuration also
     root cause is identified. Again, this         called for the introduction of new Power
     may take fewer or more times                  Electronic Packages, Battery Interface
     than five WHYs.                               Modules and modification of the existing
                                                   power packages as well as the harness.
                                                   As an alternative option, procurement
Why- WHY technique is a kind of
                                                   process of battery from external vendor
brainstorming tool where cross-functional
                                                   was also initiated in parallel. However due
team will identify the events associated
                                                   to internal circuit failure in the battery
with a particular problem and ultimately
                                                   string during load testing, even external
discovers the actual cause of the event.
                                                   vendor could not delivered the battery on
For each event there can be sub event
                                                   time. Thus this design change in battery
and causes. This process should be
                                                   configuration adversely affected the pace
continued until the team reaches the root
                                                   of the project and setback its overall
cause of the event.
                                                   progress by around 9 months. Similarly all
                                                   the causes of the schedule drift are

                                          Page 7 of 14
represented by Why Tree Technique in the
    figure 4.

                               Spacecraft Project Schedule Slippage


             WHY?                           WHY?                     WHY?                               WHY?
       Ongoing Parallel        Non-availability of                 Change in Battery                Indeginization
          Projects             subsystem on time               Configuration from 2 No of             of system
                                                               125 Ah NiH2 batteries to 3
                                                                  No of 100Ah Li-ion                      WHY?
                                                   WHY?                 batteries
                             Non-availability of
                              TTC-RF system          Non-availability of                            Qualification
                                                     Power Electronics                                 cycle

                                                                   WHY?                        WHY?                  Concept &
                                                      Introduction of new                                               design
                                                                                           Vendor not able to        finalization
                           Zener diode               core power package &
   TTC-RF package                                                                          deliver battery on
                          failure during                battery interface
     diverted to                                                                                  time
                          card level test                    module
    other project
Waiting time to                                                        Non-availability of                  Battery during
share common                 Electrical                             indigenously developed                   load Testing
    facility                overstress                                    battery cells

                                    Non-availability of
                                    components /Component                  Cell failures              String internal
                                    list/fabrication details                 during                    circuit failure
                                    during Fabrication Phase               qualification

                                                                                                         Short circuit


          Fig 4: Why Tree representation of causes of spacecraft schedule slippage

    2.2.1.A(ii)CAUSE & EFFECT DIAGRAM:                          Chart, Flowchart And Scatter Diagram. It
                                                                is also known as a fishbone diagram
    The second technique is the Cause &                         because of its shape, similar to the side
    Effect Diagram.                                             view of a fish skeleton. In quality
    Cause & Effect diagram was originally                       Management, the user attempts to define
    developed by Professor Kaoru ishikawa                       multiple possible causes for a given
    who pioneered Quality management                            reason in the four areas of Manpower,
    processes in the Kawasaki Shipyards and                     Methods, Material and Machines. Similarly
    in the process become the one of the                        any delay in the execution of the satellite
    founding fathers of Modern management.                      project could be found by systematic
    Cause & effect diagram, which is often                      mapping of all the probable causes
    referred to as an Ishikawa Diagram is                       influencing the project and its effect on
    one of the seven basic tool of Quality                      the completion of the project using the
    Management along with Histogram,                            fishbone diagram. For each cause we
    Pareto Chart, Check Sheet, Control                          have to ask the question why? This will

                                                     Page 8 of 14
help to identify the sub-cause and finally       design and integration etc. This was a
the root cause.                                  unique project where scientists/ Engineers
Thus WHY-WHY Technique can be used as            from the different sub-continents worked
a part of fishbone diagram to construct          together to interface the scientific
the further bones of the fish. Once the          instruments. Miniaturization of systems,
most probable causes are identified, one         underestimation     of     the    technical
can drill down to the root cause using the       complexities, ad hoc task delegation to
WHY-WHY Technique.                               team     member,      lack     of   proper
                                                 communication all added up to delays in
How to construct a Fishbone Diagram:             project.

   1. First gather materials needed like         All the major causes that resulted in
      Flip Chart, OHP & transparencies or        schedule slippage are categorized and
      board for writing.                         represented in terms of a fish-bone
   2. Call together the Cross Functional         diagram shown in figure 5.
      team.                                      Thus, with the free flow of information
   3. In the Flip chart, transparency or         from the member of the team, it is
      on the board draw a long arrow             possible to organize the causes in an
      horizontally across the middle             orderly and logical manner as shown in fig
      pointing to the right, and label the       5. This is a laborious process but the
      arrowhead with the title of the            benefit is an excellent understanding of a
      issue to be explained. This is the         complex problem in a simple way.
      ‘backbone’ of the ‘fish’.
   4. Draw     spurs coming off the              So far we have seen that how the above
      ‘backbone’ at about 45 degrees,            two techniques helps us to explore all
      one for every likely cause of the          potential or real causes that result in a
      problem that the group can think           defect or failure. Despite the fact that
      of; and label each at its outer end.       there will be multiple causes for a
      Add     sub-spurs     to    represent      particular problem, we need to identify
      subsidiary causes. Highlight any           those whose removal can produce
      causes that appear more than once          significant   overall    effect   on     the
      – they may be significant.                 performance of the project schedule.
   5. Ideally, it is eventually re-drawn so      There can be situation when a few causes
      that position along the backbone           will be responsible for the overall delay of
      reflects the relative importance of        the project. Even though the Cause &
      the different parts of the problem,        Effect Diagram and the Why Tree
      with the most important at the             Technique help to identify the root cause
      head end.                                  of the problem, they cannot provide the
                                                 information about the frequency of
                                                 occurrence of a particular cause. This can
Illustration: An evaluation of the               be achieved by the Pareto Analysis.
execution      of      a      technology
demonstrator maiden remote sensing
spacecraft project was conducted and             2.2.1. A (iii) Pareto Analysis:
the potential causes that had a huge
impact on project schedule are identified
using the cause and effect diagram.              Pareto Analysis is used when there are
                                                 multiple causes for a problem and priority
Being a novel remote sensing mission,            has to be set to attack the cause based on
there was a lot of complexity involved in        their frequency of occurrence. The Pareto
realization of major sub-systems of the          provides facts needed to prioritize the
project. Therefore the configuration and         causes     that    are    responsible    for
design phase of the spacecraft has taken         malfunctioning/problem in any system.
a major portion of the total project             Pareto Analysis is based on the classical
lifespan attributable to the technology          80/20 rules. That is, when several factors
challenges in the areas of Data handling         affect a situation, few factors will account
and transmission, data storage schemes,          for most of the impact.
Communication system, Power handling
system, Bus management unit, thermal

                                        Page 9 of 14

 Multiple Projects                                                          Non-availability of
                                                                           Data Handling System
                                                                              on time to AIT

                  Backlog of other projects
                                                                                                    ASIC failure during Environment Testing

                                                                                                        Non-availability of components like FPGA &
 Improper balancing of                                                                                  Fabrication details during Fabrication Phase
                                                        Non-availability of PCBs during Fabrication Phase

  Single Person (Deputy Project
  Director) identified for Multiple                                      PCBs failure during                             New payload Interface standards
              Projects                                                     manufacturing                                    & data transfer protocols

                                                                                      Each Payload with different data                                          EFFECT
                         Project Priority conflict                                                 rates
                                                                                                                                 New Design
           Delayed delivery of mould from                                                                                   Maiden Project/ New design
            vendor due to failure in DIE
                                                                                      International collaboration
                                                                                                                         Miniaturization of systems
     Fibre/matrix debonding              Composite delamination                                                 Eg: Inertial Reference unit, Star sensor and
  observed during vibration test                                         Underestimation of the technical                  communication system
                                                                            complexities in S/C Bus
Radial crack during thermal
                                                                                                     Ad hoc task delegation to team
                          Change in Thermal Control Element                  Communication
                            (from white Paint to Germanium                      issue
                          coated Thermal Film & MLI blanket)                                   Adaptation of new international space data protocols

  Manufacturing of high performance                                                Configuration
     data transmission antenna                                                      finalization

               Fig 5: CAUSE & EFFECT DIAGRAM (Fishbone Diagram) representation of causes of spacecraft schedule slippage

                                                                                     Page 10 of 14
Steps to plot a Pareto Diagram:
                                                        PCB is the backbone of spacecraft
        Form a table listing the causes and             electronic system.Numerous numbers of
        their frequency of occurrence as a              PCBs are required in the assembly and
        percentage.                                     wiring of onboard electronics subsystem
        Arrange the rows in the decreasing              for all spacecraft projects. All of the PCB
        order of importance of the causes,              used for onboard electronics packages
        i.e. the most important cause first.            requires a high degree of quality and
        Add a cumulative percentage                     reliability. Moreover, the complexity of
        column to the table.                            PCB       manufacturing     has    increased
        Plot with causes on x-axis and                  dramatically over the last 3 decades
        cumulative percentage on y-axis.                progressing from straightforward double-
        Join the above points to form a                 sided PCB to highly complex multi-layer
        curve.                                          PCBs with mixture of through hole,
        Plot (on the same graph) a bar                  surface mount and chip on board
        graph with causes on x-axis and                 configuration.Board        layouts      have
        percent frequency on y-axis.                    consequently increased in density with
                                                        tighter tolerances and decreased distance
Illustration: The sub-causes of the                     between electrical contacts. With this
schedule delays are analyzed using the                  increase in complexity the possibility of
Pareto analysis technique in the following              manufacturing       defects     has      also
section. If we recall the examples                      consequently increased. Nevertheless,
discussed in the previous sections of this              defects directly affect the form, fit,
paper, one of the causes of the Non-                    function and long-term performance of
availability of Data handling Package                   the PCB, which is the prerequisite of the
on time was Printed Circuit Board                       spacecraft electronic packages. Let us
(PCB) failure during manufacturing.                     further dig out the root cause of PCB
                                                        failures with the help of Pareto Analysis.

                                          Total                       % Of total
          Type of defects                          Cumulative.                           % of total
Sr.No                                 defects                            defects

                    a                       b             c          d=(c/116)*100             e

1        Board Delamination          40           40                34%                 34%

2                                    25           65                22%                 56%

3        Cold solder Joint           16           81                14%                 70%

4        Poor Die Bonding            13           94                11%                 81%

5        Broken metal lines          12           106               10%                 91%

         Surface Contamination
6        by   metal     &    ionic   10           116               9%                  100%



                           50                                                                                                                                120%
      TO T A L N O . O F

                           40                                                                                                                                100%
         D EF E C T S

                                                                                                                                                                    CU MM %
                           10                                                                                                                                20%
                           0                                                                                                                                 0%
                                                    M isalig n m en t

                                                                                                                       B roken m e tal
                                                                                                   B on d in g
                                                                                                   p oor D ie
                                 D elam in a tion

                                                                              Cold sold er

                                                                                                                                         Co n tam in ation
                                                     Com p on en t

                                                                                                                                         ion ic resid u es
                                                                                                                                           b y m et al &
                                                                                 Join t

                                                                                                                                              S u rface
                                      B oard

                                                                                                                            lin es
                                                                            TYPE OF DEFECTS

                                                                        Total No. of Defects                     Cumm. %

                                Fig 6: Pareto Chart of PCB failure by reported causes

As Pareto Analysis is a statistical                                                               accounts for majority of the defectives
technique in problem solving, sample data                                                         PCB i.e. 40 No, followed by Component
on the most common sources of defects,                                                            Misalignment, and so on. Thus Pareto
the highest occurring type of defect is                                                           Diagram is an excellent tool for
collected and being plotted as shown in fig                                                       identification of root causes and its
6.                                                                                                frequency of occurrence during the
                                                                                                  spacecraft subsystem realization phase.
The typical causes of PCB                                               failures                  This technique based on statistical data
observed during the study were.                                                                   will help the spacecraft subsystem group
                                                                                                  to focus on the vital few causes that is
     Board Delamination                                                                           responsible for creating most of the issues
     Component Misalignment                                                                       and difficulties. Thus Pareto Analysis is a
     Cold solder Joint                                                                            powerful and effective tool in continuous
     Poor Die Bonding                                                                             improvement and problem solving to
     Broken metal lines                                                                           separate the ‘vital few’ from the ‘many
     Surface Contamination by metal and                                                           other’ causes.
     ionic residues
                                                                                                  3. CONCLUSION&
All the defects that are responsible for the                                                         RECOMMENDATION:
total effect are arranged in a descending
order in table 1.      This gives a clarity                                                       Juggling multiple projects, all competing
regarding the level of contribution of each                                                       for common resources, lack of priorities
defect. We can see in the Pareto diagram                                                          setting, project delays, changing external
that it is the Board Delamination that                                                            environment,      growing    technologies,

demands a proactive project management               RCA offer simple but effective tools to
approach. Managing a balance between                 help in this effort.
the different ongoing projects within an              To sum up, eventhough Six Sigma is now
organization and that too when they are              a    well    established     philosophy in
in their different phases of their life cycle        manufacturing community, this paper
is indeed a great challenge to a project             attempts to spread its root and help it to
Management team. The Six Sigma DMAIC                 grow     in   the    project    management
– Methodology can make some of these                 discipline also.
challenges little bit less daunting and help
to accomplish the estimated schedule,
cost reduction, process enhancement
milestones etc. The different stages of the          ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
DMAIC – Methodology can be integrated
with the phases in the life cycle of the             The authors would like to thank our
satellite project, and together they can             Director, Dr.T.K Alex, for inspiring us to
strive for the improvement of the system.            write this paper.
The Root Cause Analysis (RCA) techniques
discussed in this paper encourages a
structured and systematic analysis of the
problem instead of jumping into a hasty
conclusion. The three techniques, WHY-               [1] Forrest W Breyfogle,”Implementing six
WHY Technique, Cause & Effect                        sigma: Smarter solutions using statistical
analysis, Pareto Analysis can aid in                 methods”, John Wiley, New York,2003
conducting a rigorous analysis of the                [2]    Joglekar,    Anand     M,”Statistical
problems, in a structured and methodical             methods for six sigma: In R & D and
way and not on Peer committees’ personal             manufacturing”,John             Wiley,New
preferences.                                         York,2003
                                                     [3]D      H    Stamatis,    “Six     sigma
                                                     fundamentals: A complete guide to the
 This paper shows how the three
                                                     system, methods and tools”, Productivity
techniques can be used to identify the
                                                     Press, New York, 2004
root causes of project schedule delays.
                                                     [4]      Harold      Kerzner,      “Project
Out of the three techniques, the Why Tree
                                                     management: A systems approach to
technique is the simplest tools which
                                                     planning, scheduling and controlling”,Van
explore all potential causes of schedule
                                                     Nostrand Reinhold Company
slippage by repeatedly asking the
                                                     [5] Robert J Latino, “Root cause analysis:
question "Why”. The Cause-and-effect
                                                     Improving performance for bottom line
diagrams can reveal key relationships
                                                     result”, CRC Press, 1999
among various factors attributing to
project delays. Pareto analysis which is
statistical technique is used for selection
the few key causes from the trivial many
that produce significant overall effect in
the progress of the project. The above
three techniques can be used individually
or in combination to understand the root

There are various RCA methods available
other than the above three which can be
used for the analysis of the project
delays. But the basis of all the techniques
is systematic and structured approach to
uncover the root causes. In a multi-
project environment, there are numerous
factors that accounts for schedule
slippage, budget over run etc. In order to
address these issues, a high level of
understanding of factors is essential. The

Deepti Lakshman joined ISRO in December 2006. She holds a bachelor
degree in Industrial Engineer and pursuing her MBA in Operation
Management. She is working in Projects Division, PPEG. Her current role
includes Project Monitoring, Project life cycle evaluation, project planning
& Scheduling, Resource Planning, critical path analysis & System

M.V. Kannan joined ISRO Satellite Centre in November 1973 in
Structure after graduation in Science from Madras University and
Engineering in Aeronautic from Madras Institute of Technology (MIT),
Chennai. He was involved in Theoretical analysis, Experimental stress
analysis and load testing of spacecraft structures holding responsible
positions. He has contributed significantly for Stretched Rohini Satellite
Series, INSAT-3B and GSAT-1 as Deputy Project Director, Structures. He
is heading Projects Division, PPEG since 2003. He is also the Deputy
Project Director-Technical Services of Astronaut Training Centre, HSP.
His areas of interest are in Aerospace structural design, analysis and
testing, Multi-Project Management and Systems Engineering.

H. Bhojraj got his B.E. (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering from Madurai
University, Tamilnadu and joined ISRO on 1972. Presently he is Group
Director for Programme Planning and Evaluation Group, ISAC and also
additionally holding the post of Controller, ISRO Satellite Centre,
Bangalore. He worked in the area of Satellite Thermal Control System
and was responsible for fabrication and implementation of Thermal
Control System for Indian Satellites from Aryabhata to Chandrayaan I.
He played a key role in indigenisation of thermal control elements for
Satellite application. He got NRDC award for development of Rigid
Optical Solar Reflector (OSR) in 1990 and for flexible heater in 1999. He
has published more than 15 papers both in National and International


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Rca paper

  • 1. APPLICATION OF ROOT ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES IN SPACECRAFT PROJECT MANAGEMENT Deepti Lakshman, M.V.Kannan and H.Bhojraj Programme Planning and Evaluation Group, ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore-560017, India Abstract Managing multiple and complex projects under one roof is a challenge within many space agencies in the world. Too often, in these space organizations, projects schedule runs on a critical path and ultimately slips from the baseline plan due to a number of reasons. In a multi project environment, a spillover in one project activity significantly affects the pace of the parallel and future projects which are directly or indirectly depend on the same resources. In the wake of this, the space agencies are actively involved in locating the factors that are negatively affecting the progress of the project, but in the present scenario, the traditional methods and techniques are proved to be less adequate. In the early 80s when the manufacturing firms were looking for a technique to identify and remove the causes of defects and errors in the manufacturing process, the concept of Six Sigma originated at Motorola. Six Sigma makes use of DMAIC Methodology to systematically Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control the manufacturing processes and eliminate defects. This paper attempts to extend the benefits of the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Techniques from the Analytical phase of the DMAIC methodology to troubleshoot the causes of spacecraft Project Schedule slippage. It illustrates the use of three key RCA Techniques- WHY-WHY Technique, Cause & Effect Analysis and Pareto Analysis for better understanding the parameters that are responsible for schedule shift from estimated one in a space industry. The above three techniques are broadly described to ensure their application in all the area of project management. In a nutshell, this paper provides an insight into one of the challenging aspect of Project Management: Identification of all the possible causes that may result in Project Schedule Variance, using the RCA Techniques. Keywords: Six Sigma, DMAIC methodology, Root Cause Analysis Techniques, WHY- WHY Technique, Cause & Effect Analysis, Pareto Analysis, Schedule slippage 1. INTRODUCTION: continuing its pursuit towards enhancing self-reliance in the area of At the present juncture, Indian space telecommunication, broadcasting, programme is flourishing rapidly and navigation, resource survey and promoting the socio-economic management, cartography, weather development of our nation. Today, the forecasting by developing state of art Indian space programme has spread its technologies etc. wings from Aryabatta, Bhaskara,Apple As the Indian space programme is and sounding rockets to Satellite launch expanding its horizon, so are the number, vehicles- Polar Satellite Launch complexity and the size of the projects Vehicle(PSLV) and Geo-Synchronous increasing. The wide application of space Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV), remote technology in the economic growth of the sensing and communication satellites – country necessitates the adaptation of Indian Remote sensing Satellite (IRS) & working in a multi project environment. Indian National Satellite System(INSAT), Managing multi –dimension projects with Space capsule Recovery experiment, the available resources, capability and Chandrayaan-1-the first mission to our infrastructure is the greatest concern of closest celestial body Moon and the future the Project Management Team (PMT) of interplanetary mission including to that of the Indian Space Organizations. To sending an Indian into space in the overcome the challenge of schedule coming years. The space programme is deviation due to mid course change in Page 1 of 14
  • 2. Configuration/ scope, Inter-Project conflict from the six sigma tool kit. The DMAIC is over resources, Communication deficit, a data-driven structured and logical tool shifting Organizational Priorities etc, the for problem defining and decision making. PMT should devise a methodology to This paper aims to spread the essence of identify the root cause of the slippage DMAIC Methodology in the multiproject from the baseline plan. The methodology environment of the Indian space will help them to carefully review the organization. However, the primary critical path of the project schedule and emphasis of this paper is on the Root take pro-active approach for the forth Cause Analysis (RCA) Techniques of coming projects in the organization. the Analytical phase of DMAIC In the eighties when Motorola, seek to Methodology. This paper demonstrates identify and remove the causes of defects the use of the three RCA Techniques – in their manufacturing processes, the WHY-WHY Technique, Cause & Effect concept of Six Sigma was invented. Six Analysis and Pareto Analysis to Sigma was originally developed as a set of uncover the factors that contributes to practices designed to improve spacecraft schedule delays. Although RCA manufacturing processes and eliminate Techniques do not provide solution to a defects, but its application was problem, but sets the foundation by subsequently extended to other types of analytically and logically defining the root business processes as well. The Six Sigma cause of a problem, to develop a concrete Methodologies offers a wide range of and structured solution. techniques and tools to improve the Project management process. Although This paper has three main streams. The every one of them may not be directly first is to highlight the challenges of applicable to a project oriented project managements; the second is organization but with some customization, introduce an overview of six sigma and the key features can be embedded in the DMAIC methodology and third is to Project management system. The DMAIC discuss the three root cause analysis methodology where the acronym stands technique with illustrations of spacecraft for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, projects. and Control, is one such methodology Lower Normal Distribution Centered Upper Specification Specification Limit Limit 68.27 % 95.45 % 0.001 PPM 0.001 PPM 99.9999998 % Fig 1.1: Six Sigma limits with centered Normal distribution Page 2 of 14
  • 3. Lower Normal Distribution shifted 1.5σ Upper Specification Specification Limit Limit Fig 1.2: Effect of 1.5 Sigma Shift in the Mean. 2. BASICS OF SIX SIGMA: 2.1SIX SIGMA- DMAIC METHODOLOGY: Six Sigma (the lower-case Greek letter σ) is used to estimate standard deviation (a Six Sigma is a disciplined, data-driven measure of variation) of a population. The approach for eliminating defects in any six sigma scale of measure is perfectly process right from manufacturing to correlated to such characteristics as service industries. Six Sigma improves the defects per unit, part per million process performance, decreases variation defectives. When a process is at a Six and maintains consistent quality of the Sigma level of performance, it is believed process output. Six Sigma uses that there will be practically very few methodologies for process performance items that fail to meet the specifications improvement, reduction in limits. defects/variation and help in maintaining consistent quality of the process output. A centered six-sigma process has a This is accomplished through the use of normal distribution with mean=target and Six Sigma DMAIC Methodology. DMAIC specifications placed six standard Methodology is based on W. Edwards deviations to either side of the mean. At Deming's Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle. this point, the portions of the distribution that are beyond the specifications contain 0.002 parts-per-million (ppm) of the data (0.001 on each side) as shown in fig 1.1. Practice has shown that most manufacturing processes experience a shift (due to drift over time) of 1.5 standard deviations so that the mean no longer equals target. When this happens in a six-sigma process, a larger portion of the distribution now extends beyond the specification limits: 3.4 parts-per-million (ppm) as shown in Fig 1.2. Fig 2.1: Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle Page 3 of 14
  • 4. MODIFY DEFINE MEASURE ANALYZE DESIGN NO IMPROVE CONTROL NO YES REDESIGN Fig 2.2: DMAIC Methodology 2.2STAGES OF DMAIC METHODOLOGY activities involves in this phase are mission analysis, feasibility studies, The different stages of DMAIC technology needs analysis, analysis of Methodology are explained by mapping it payload and spacecraft bus configuration with the life cycle of a satellite Project. etc. Once the spacecraft configuration is Broadly speaking, a Spacecraft project finalized the prime activities during goes through four phases - Concept and planning phase are the identification of Design Phase, Subsystems the team, defining the project Fabrication Phase, Spacecraft deliverables, resources, finance & Assembly and Integration Phase and Organizational Support required to Pre and Post Launch Phases during its complete the project and estimating the life cycle as shown in fig 3. The concept expected Project completion time etc. and Design Phase begins with a feasibility Once a project is defined, one can studies for mission as per the user methodically proceeds through demand. Afterwards, payload and the Measurement, Analysis, Improvement, mainframe spacecraft configuration will be and Control phase. finalised.It is followed by the execution phase comprising of hardware fabrication, Some of the key tools offered by the testing and assembly/integration activities DMAIC methodology in this phase are etc. The final phase consists of Pre- Project Charter Launch, Launch, and Post launch activities Work/Product Breakdown Structure carried out in the launch site and the Gantt chart control centers. The phases are separated Network diagram by major reviews which include Baseline Design Reviews, Preliminary Design The spacecraft design finalization mark its Reviews, Critical Design Reviews and transition from planning Phase to Pre-shipment Review etc. execution phase. During this Phase the The stages in the DMAIC methodology primary activities are detailed will be discussed in the following text with identification and assignment of tasks respect to its application in the life cycle based on spacecraft configuration, to of a spacecraft project. respective subsystem groups/area. In this phase the prototype models and D - DEFINE: qualification testing validate the The first stage in the DMAIC methodology spacecraft configuration. As the execution focuses on concept and design phase of phase progress, groups across the the spacecraft project. The primary organization become more actively activity in this phase is to develop and involved in the fabrication of subsystem define the project requirements w.r.t the packages. The functional behaviors of the application and to design a plan for subsystem packages are tested in a realization within constraints of time, simulated space environment. Finally it resources, or cost. The pre-formulation will be delivered to Assembly and Page 4 of 14
  • 5. Integration team to complete its Some of the key tools used in this stage integration with the spacecraft bus. are The integrated spacecraft will then be Gantt chart subjected to intensive environmental and Network Diagram functional tests that include Open mode Project Milestone Summary and closed mode Spacecraft level tests, Baseline Plan Vs Actual Execution Thermovac tests, Dynamic tests, and post summary dynamic tests etc. Once the tests and Project Deliverable checklist reviews are completed the spacecraft will be shipped to the launch site. A- ANALYZE: Of the five stages in the DMAIC During the realization of a spacecraft methodology, Measure, Analyze, project, there are numerous challenges Improve, and Control is exceptionally and issues such as schedule slippage, useful during the execution phase of the Budget over run, configuration changes spacecraft project. These stages aid the that can arise to threaten the success of project Management team in digging the project. The analytical stage of the beneath the apparent causes of schedule DMAIC methodology analyzes the data slippage. These stages are explained in recorded in the measurement stage to brief in the following text. identify the root cause of the deviation from the baseline plan. The techniques M-MEASURE: available in this stage enable to explore Once the project is underway, the actual all potential or real causes that result in progress of the project needs to be the deviation of any of the Project constantly monitored against the planned Performance parameter. progress. The deliverable due dates, the major milestone events, & budget The various Root Cause Analysis expenditures, are the key project Techniques useful in this stage are elements which are normally measured to Histogram monitor the actual performance of the Pareto Chart project. This stage of DMAIC is helpful in Time Series/Run Chart collecting the relevant data to track the Regression Analysis progress of the project. It records the Cause and Effect/Fishbone variations between the actual and planned Diagram performance of the project and the Why Tree Technique estimated variance acts as an input to Process Map Review and Analysis adjust or update the plan in order to get Statistical Analysis the project back on track. LIFE CYCLE-SPACECRAFT PROJECT PRE LAUNCH ASSEMBLY & & POST TESTING LAUNCH SUBSYTEM FABRICATION & TESTING CONCEPT & DESIGN PLANNING EXECUTION COMPLETION Fig 3 Page 5 of 14
  • 6. I- IMPROVE : from other parallel projects are Once the root causes are identified, and interchanged. Additional cost can arise prioritized, corrective actions are outlined from such configuration changes, spill and implemented in the system. This over task, repetitive component stage pinpoints exactly what can be done procurements, uneconomic outsourcing in the existing system to prevent the etc. Thus to have a complete control over reoccurrence of the problem in future. the estimated plan, it is imperative to Thus it mainly addresses the area that identify the elements responsible for the contributed to the problem and variance. This can be achieved with the determines the best actions to improve help of the various root cause analytical the system. However, it is recognized that techniques available. complete prevention of recurrence by a This paper focuses primarily on the single intervention is not always possible. analytical phase of DMAIC methodology. Thus, it is often considered to be an It offers an insight in to the concept of iterative process, and is frequently viewed Root Cause Analysis. It mainly illustrates as a tool of continuous improvement. three Root Cause analytical Techniques viz WHY-WHY Technique, Cause & Some of the tools helpful in this stage are Effect analysis, Pareto Analysis to address the factors that contribute to Action Priority Matrix variation in spacecraft project execution Pareto Analysis from baseline plan. RACI(Responsible-Accountable- Consulted-Informed ) Matrix 2.2.1. A ROOT CAUSE ANALYIS (RCA): Project Dashboard. Decision Tree Root Cause Analysis is a class of problem solving methods aimed at C- CONTROL: identifying the root causes of problems or Once improvement and implementation events. The practice of RCA is predicated activity is underway, consideration must on the belief that problems are best be given to the last step in the DMAIC solved by attempting to correct or process, “Control”. To achieve excellence eliminate the root causes, as opposed to in Project Management, adherence to the merely addressing the immediately success critical factors such as schedule, obvious symptoms. The step by step Budget, quality standard, etc is utmost process of identify the problem by a RCA important. Reviewing of the project technique can helps the project performance regularly and at the management team to address all the stipulated review points will help to areas that has intervened the sustain it in future. performance of the project and shifted it Some of the key tools used in this phase from the estimated plan. RCA is are considered to be a continuous Tracking Gantt chart improvement tool in the field of quality Resource Usage Analysis management. The three RCA techniques Workload Analysis addressed in this paper are WHY-WHY Earned Value Analysis Technique, Cause & Effect Analysis, Cash Flow Analysis Pareto Analysis. None of this technique is new to the statistical community; however this paper is making an effort to 2.2.1 ANALYTICAL STAGE OF DMAIC introduce it as a strategic option and METHODOLOGY effective decision-making/root cause identification tool in the field of Project Each spacecraft project will have a Management. planned -Schedule, budget and scope. A change in any one of above factor can The prerequisite of the RCA Technique is adversely affect the other. For example to that there should be a Cross-Functional recover a spacecraft Project which is Team (CFT) with people from different running behind schedule, the project team functional expertise working toward a sometimes change the configuration of common goal of identifying the root cause the spacecraft in the middle of its life of the problem and recommending the cycle, while sometimes the deliverables best solution. Information from all level of Page 6 of 14
  • 7. management and experience in the Illustration: To Illustrate the Concept of project related area would provide a Why-WHY technique in spacecraft greater visibility in to the problem and will Schedule management, a study on the help to formulate a strategic, tactical, and realization of a high power operational decision. The following article communication satellite with a lift off discusses the three RCA techniques in mass of more a three tons was brief with illustration. conducted. 2.2.1.A(i) WHY-WHY TECHNIQUE: At the superficial level, it was observed that basic design change in battery The WHY-WHY Technique, which was configuration, Priority Conflict amongst made popular in the 1970s by the Toyota ongoing and parallel projects, non- Production System is an easy and often- availability of TTC –RF effective tool for uncovering the root of a system(communication system) and Problem. This Technique is also known, as Power Electronics package on time and WHY TREE TECHNIQUE amongst the the indigenization of systems such as heat Quality Management Professionals. It is a pipe radiator panels, TXCO (temperature simple tool where one can peel away the Controlled Crystal oscillator) for both root cause of a problem by repeatedly transmitter and receivers and Inclusion of asking the question "WHY”. Answer to the Programmable Auto temperature first “WHY” will prompt another “WHY” controller in TMTC system has and the answer to the second “WHY” will significantly influenced the schedule of the prompt another and so on. Thus the project. To have a greater insight in to the apparent reason for a problem will lead sources of schedule slippage and to you to another question and finally to the identify the root cause, each cause is root cause of the problem. thoroughly analyzed using the why tree technique. For example, the mid course HOW TO USE THE TOOL: changes in the battery configuration from 1. Write down the specific problem. 2 No of 125 Ah NiH2 batteries to 3 no of Writing the issue helps in formalize 100Ah Li-ion hold considerably the problem and describe it accountable for the slippage of the project completely. It also helps the Cross from the baseline plan. The detailed functional team to focus on the analysis reveals that the battery was same problem. reconfigured in the midst of the 2. Ask WHY the problem happens and realization due to the non availability of write the answer down below the the indigenous batteries during the problem. assembly and integration phase of the 3. If the answer just provided doesn't project. Actually the indigenously identify the root cause of the developed battery cells were subjected to problem that one has wrote down excessive voltage during its qualification in step 1, ask WHY again and write test which results into failure of battery that answer down. cells. This failure reverted back battery to 4. Loop back to step 3 until the team its design stage and delayed its realization is in agreement that the problem's cycle. The three battery configuration also root cause is identified. Again, this called for the introduction of new Power may take fewer or more times Electronic Packages, Battery Interface than five WHYs. Modules and modification of the existing power packages as well as the harness. As an alternative option, procurement Why- WHY technique is a kind of process of battery from external vendor brainstorming tool where cross-functional was also initiated in parallel. However due team will identify the events associated to internal circuit failure in the battery with a particular problem and ultimately string during load testing, even external discovers the actual cause of the event. vendor could not delivered the battery on For each event there can be sub event time. Thus this design change in battery and causes. This process should be configuration adversely affected the pace continued until the team reaches the root of the project and setback its overall cause of the event. progress by around 9 months. Similarly all the causes of the schedule drift are Page 7 of 14
  • 8. represented by Why Tree Technique in the figure 4. Spacecraft Project Schedule Slippage WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? Ongoing Parallel Non-availability of Change in Battery Indeginization Projects subsystem on time Configuration from 2 No of of system 125 Ah NiH2 batteries to 3 No of 100Ah Li-ion WHY? WHY? batteries WHY? Non-availability of TTC-RF system Non-availability of Qualification Power Electronics cycle WHY? WHY? WHY? Concept & Introduction of new design Vendor not able to finalization Zener diode core power package & TTC-RF package deliver battery on failure during battery interface diverted to time card level test module other project WHY? Waiting time to Non-availability of Battery during share common Electrical indigenously developed load Testing facility overstress battery cells WHY? Non-availability of components /Component Cell failures String internal list/fabrication details during circuit failure during Fabrication Phase qualification testing Short circuit Overcharging Fig 4: Why Tree representation of causes of spacecraft schedule slippage 2.2.1.A(ii)CAUSE & EFFECT DIAGRAM: Chart, Flowchart And Scatter Diagram. It is also known as a fishbone diagram The second technique is the Cause & because of its shape, similar to the side Effect Diagram. view of a fish skeleton. In quality Cause & Effect diagram was originally Management, the user attempts to define developed by Professor Kaoru ishikawa multiple possible causes for a given who pioneered Quality management reason in the four areas of Manpower, processes in the Kawasaki Shipyards and Methods, Material and Machines. Similarly in the process become the one of the any delay in the execution of the satellite founding fathers of Modern management. project could be found by systematic Cause & effect diagram, which is often mapping of all the probable causes referred to as an Ishikawa Diagram is influencing the project and its effect on one of the seven basic tool of Quality the completion of the project using the Management along with Histogram, fishbone diagram. For each cause we Pareto Chart, Check Sheet, Control have to ask the question why? This will Page 8 of 14
  • 9. help to identify the sub-cause and finally design and integration etc. This was a the root cause. unique project where scientists/ Engineers Thus WHY-WHY Technique can be used as from the different sub-continents worked a part of fishbone diagram to construct together to interface the scientific the further bones of the fish. Once the instruments. Miniaturization of systems, most probable causes are identified, one underestimation of the technical can drill down to the root cause using the complexities, ad hoc task delegation to WHY-WHY Technique. team member, lack of proper communication all added up to delays in How to construct a Fishbone Diagram: project. 1. First gather materials needed like All the major causes that resulted in Flip Chart, OHP & transparencies or schedule slippage are categorized and board for writing. represented in terms of a fish-bone 2. Call together the Cross Functional diagram shown in figure 5. team. Thus, with the free flow of information 3. In the Flip chart, transparency or from the member of the team, it is on the board draw a long arrow possible to organize the causes in an horizontally across the middle orderly and logical manner as shown in fig pointing to the right, and label the 5. This is a laborious process but the arrowhead with the title of the benefit is an excellent understanding of a issue to be explained. This is the complex problem in a simple way. ‘backbone’ of the ‘fish’. 4. Draw spurs coming off the So far we have seen that how the above ‘backbone’ at about 45 degrees, two techniques helps us to explore all one for every likely cause of the potential or real causes that result in a problem that the group can think defect or failure. Despite the fact that of; and label each at its outer end. there will be multiple causes for a Add sub-spurs to represent particular problem, we need to identify subsidiary causes. Highlight any those whose removal can produce causes that appear more than once significant overall effect on the – they may be significant. performance of the project schedule. 5. Ideally, it is eventually re-drawn so There can be situation when a few causes that position along the backbone will be responsible for the overall delay of reflects the relative importance of the project. Even though the Cause & the different parts of the problem, Effect Diagram and the Why Tree with the most important at the Technique help to identify the root cause head end. of the problem, they cannot provide the information about the frequency of occurrence of a particular cause. This can Illustration: An evaluation of the be achieved by the Pareto Analysis. execution of a technology demonstrator maiden remote sensing spacecraft project was conducted and 2.2.1. A (iii) Pareto Analysis: the potential causes that had a huge impact on project schedule are identified using the cause and effect diagram. Pareto Analysis is used when there are multiple causes for a problem and priority Being a novel remote sensing mission, has to be set to attack the cause based on there was a lot of complexity involved in their frequency of occurrence. The Pareto realization of major sub-systems of the provides facts needed to prioritize the project. Therefore the configuration and causes that are responsible for design phase of the spacecraft has taken malfunctioning/problem in any system. a major portion of the total project Pareto Analysis is based on the classical lifespan attributable to the technology 80/20 rules. That is, when several factors challenges in the areas of Data handling affect a situation, few factors will account and transmission, data storage schemes, for most of the impact. Communication system, Power handling system, Bus management unit, thermal Page 9 of 14
  • 10. CAUSES Multiple Projects Non-availability of Data Handling System on time to AIT Backlog of other projects ASIC failure during Environment Testing Non-availability of components like FPGA & Improper balancing of Fabrication details during Fabrication Phase Resources Non-availability of PCBs during Fabrication Phase Single Person (Deputy Project Director) identified for Multiple PCBs failure during New payload Interface standards Projects manufacturing & data transfer protocols Each Payload with different data EFFECT Project Priority conflict rates New Design Schedule Slippage Delayed delivery of mould from Maiden Project/ New design vendor due to failure in DIE International collaboration Miniaturization of systems Fibre/matrix debonding Composite delamination Eg: Inertial Reference unit, Star sensor and observed during vibration test Underestimation of the technical communication system complexities in S/C Bus Radial crack during thermal cycling Ad hoc task delegation to team Change in Thermal Control Element Communication (from white Paint to Germanium issue coated Thermal Film & MLI blanket) Adaptation of new international space data protocols Manufacturing of high performance Configuration data transmission antenna finalization Fig 5: CAUSE & EFFECT DIAGRAM (Fishbone Diagram) representation of causes of spacecraft schedule slippage Page 10 of 14
  • 11. Steps to plot a Pareto Diagram: PCB is the backbone of spacecraft Form a table listing the causes and electronic system.Numerous numbers of their frequency of occurrence as a PCBs are required in the assembly and percentage. wiring of onboard electronics subsystem Arrange the rows in the decreasing for all spacecraft projects. All of the PCB order of importance of the causes, used for onboard electronics packages i.e. the most important cause first. requires a high degree of quality and Add a cumulative percentage reliability. Moreover, the complexity of column to the table. PCB manufacturing has increased Plot with causes on x-axis and dramatically over the last 3 decades cumulative percentage on y-axis. progressing from straightforward double- Join the above points to form a sided PCB to highly complex multi-layer curve. PCBs with mixture of through hole, Plot (on the same graph) a bar surface mount and chip on board graph with causes on x-axis and configuration.Board layouts have percent frequency on y-axis. consequently increased in density with tighter tolerances and decreased distance Illustration: The sub-causes of the between electrical contacts. With this schedule delays are analyzed using the increase in complexity the possibility of Pareto analysis technique in the following manufacturing defects has also section. If we recall the examples consequently increased. Nevertheless, discussed in the previous sections of this defects directly affect the form, fit, paper, one of the causes of the Non- function and long-term performance of availability of Data handling Package the PCB, which is the prerequisite of the on time was Printed Circuit Board spacecraft electronic packages. Let us (PCB) failure during manufacturing. further dig out the root cause of PCB failures with the help of Pareto Analysis. Cumulative Total % Of total Type of defects Cumulative. % of total Sr.No defects defects defect a b c d=(c/116)*100 e 1 Board Delamination 40 40 34% 34% Component 2 25 65 22% 56% Misalignment 3 Cold solder Joint 16 81 14% 70% 4 Poor Die Bonding 13 94 11% 81% 5 Broken metal lines 12 106 10% 91% Surface Contamination 6 by metal & ionic 10 116 9% 100% residues Table-1 11
  • 12. PARETO CHART 50 120% TO T A L N O . O F 40 100% D EF E C T S CU MM % 80% 30 60% 20 40% 10 20% 0 0% M isalig n m en t B roken m e tal B on d in g p oor D ie D elam in a tion Cold sold er Co n tam in ation Com p on en t ion ic resid u es b y m et al & Join t S u rface B oard lin es TYPE OF DEFECTS Total No. of Defects Cumm. % Fig 6: Pareto Chart of PCB failure by reported causes As Pareto Analysis is a statistical accounts for majority of the defectives technique in problem solving, sample data PCB i.e. 40 No, followed by Component on the most common sources of defects, Misalignment, and so on. Thus Pareto the highest occurring type of defect is Diagram is an excellent tool for collected and being plotted as shown in fig identification of root causes and its 6. frequency of occurrence during the spacecraft subsystem realization phase. The typical causes of PCB failures This technique based on statistical data observed during the study were. will help the spacecraft subsystem group to focus on the vital few causes that is Board Delamination responsible for creating most of the issues Component Misalignment and difficulties. Thus Pareto Analysis is a Cold solder Joint powerful and effective tool in continuous Poor Die Bonding improvement and problem solving to Broken metal lines separate the ‘vital few’ from the ‘many Surface Contamination by metal and other’ causes. ionic residues 3. CONCLUSION& All the defects that are responsible for the RECOMMENDATION: total effect are arranged in a descending order in table 1. This gives a clarity Juggling multiple projects, all competing regarding the level of contribution of each for common resources, lack of priorities defect. We can see in the Pareto diagram setting, project delays, changing external that it is the Board Delamination that environment, growing technologies, 12
  • 13. demands a proactive project management RCA offer simple but effective tools to approach. Managing a balance between help in this effort. the different ongoing projects within an To sum up, eventhough Six Sigma is now organization and that too when they are a well established philosophy in in their different phases of their life cycle manufacturing community, this paper is indeed a great challenge to a project attempts to spread its root and help it to Management team. The Six Sigma DMAIC grow in the project management – Methodology can make some of these discipline also. challenges little bit less daunting and help to accomplish the estimated schedule, cost reduction, process enhancement milestones etc. The different stages of the ACKNOWLEDGEMENT DMAIC – Methodology can be integrated with the phases in the life cycle of the The authors would like to thank our satellite project, and together they can Director, Dr.T.K Alex, for inspiring us to strive for the improvement of the system. write this paper. The Root Cause Analysis (RCA) techniques discussed in this paper encourages a REFERENCES structured and systematic analysis of the problem instead of jumping into a hasty conclusion. The three techniques, WHY- [1] Forrest W Breyfogle,”Implementing six WHY Technique, Cause & Effect sigma: Smarter solutions using statistical analysis, Pareto Analysis can aid in methods”, John Wiley, New York,2003 conducting a rigorous analysis of the [2] Joglekar, Anand M,”Statistical problems, in a structured and methodical methods for six sigma: In R & D and way and not on Peer committees’ personal manufacturing”,John Wiley,New preferences. York,2003 [3]D H Stamatis, “Six sigma fundamentals: A complete guide to the This paper shows how the three system, methods and tools”, Productivity techniques can be used to identify the Press, New York, 2004 root causes of project schedule delays. [4] Harold Kerzner, “Project Out of the three techniques, the Why Tree management: A systems approach to technique is the simplest tools which planning, scheduling and controlling”,Van explore all potential causes of schedule Nostrand Reinhold Company slippage by repeatedly asking the [5] Robert J Latino, “Root cause analysis: question "Why”. The Cause-and-effect Improving performance for bottom line diagrams can reveal key relationships result”, CRC Press, 1999 among various factors attributing to project delays. Pareto analysis which is statistical technique is used for selection the few key causes from the trivial many that produce significant overall effect in the progress of the project. The above three techniques can be used individually or in combination to understand the root causes. There are various RCA methods available other than the above three which can be used for the analysis of the project delays. But the basis of all the techniques is systematic and structured approach to uncover the root causes. In a multi- project environment, there are numerous factors that accounts for schedule slippage, budget over run etc. In order to address these issues, a high level of understanding of factors is essential. The 13
  • 14. Deepti Lakshman joined ISRO in December 2006. She holds a bachelor degree in Industrial Engineer and pursuing her MBA in Operation Management. She is working in Projects Division, PPEG. Her current role includes Project Monitoring, Project life cycle evaluation, project planning & Scheduling, Resource Planning, critical path analysis & System Engineering. M.V. Kannan joined ISRO Satellite Centre in November 1973 in Structure after graduation in Science from Madras University and Engineering in Aeronautic from Madras Institute of Technology (MIT), Chennai. He was involved in Theoretical analysis, Experimental stress analysis and load testing of spacecraft structures holding responsible positions. He has contributed significantly for Stretched Rohini Satellite Series, INSAT-3B and GSAT-1 as Deputy Project Director, Structures. He is heading Projects Division, PPEG since 2003. He is also the Deputy Project Director-Technical Services of Astronaut Training Centre, HSP. His areas of interest are in Aerospace structural design, analysis and testing, Multi-Project Management and Systems Engineering. H. Bhojraj got his B.E. (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering from Madurai University, Tamilnadu and joined ISRO on 1972. Presently he is Group Director for Programme Planning and Evaluation Group, ISAC and also additionally holding the post of Controller, ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore. He worked in the area of Satellite Thermal Control System and was responsible for fabrication and implementation of Thermal Control System for Indian Satellites from Aryabhata to Chandrayaan I. He played a key role in indigenisation of thermal control elements for Satellite application. He got NRDC award for development of Rigid Optical Solar Reflector (OSR) in 1990 and for flexible heater in 1999. He has published more than 15 papers both in National and International Journals. 14