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Saikha Kausar
Masthead: The masthead 'Pandemonium' is
clearly visible at the top of the page. The font
used is very dramatic and messy which fits into
the rock genre and would enable the audience to
be drawn to it. It has a worn out effect which
looks like it has been scratched which gives it a
rebellious look which would attract my youthful
audience. The font is black. This is the colour that
is generally used on rock magazines which shows
that i have followed the conventions. Also, the
masthead on a magazine usually promotes the
genre of the magazine in collaboration with the
main image of the artist; I have successfully used
this convention.
Background: The background and layout of my
magazine is fairly simple and well structured. The
grey background image behind the artist allows
the audience to see the model clearly because
the background is plain.
Pull Quote: I used a pull quote from within the
magazine of the main artist. This would interest
the reader as it is personal because it is what the
artist has said. The pull quote is also the main
coverline on the magazine cover which would
further attract the audience. Pull quotes are used
in most rock magazines to draw the attention of
the reader to buy the magazine. This is a
convention that I have followed.
Header/ Footer: The header is located on the
very top of the page and the footer is placed at
the very bottom. They are both a blue shade
which makes the yellow text more vibrant. I used
a mixture of capital and lower case letters. Capital
letters help draw attention to the magazine
also, important information is usually in
uppercase lettering
Flash: The flash looks like it has been
sprayed onto the cover by someone
which adds a sense of realism to the
magazine which would attract the
audience. The use of the short snappy
flash makes it easier to read as it is
clearly visible on the front cover in
yellow capital text making it bold and
eye-catching to the audience. The
trigger words 'WIN' and 'FREE' would
also attract the audience because it
makes the reader want to find out
more information.
Barcode/Date/Price: I have placed the barcode and price on
the bottom right hand corner of the front cover almost so it is
out of the way and does not take away the attraction from the
masthead, main image and coverlines. It is not important so it
is sort of disguised which would help the reader forget to look
for the price and just buy the magazine without knowing how
much it actually costs. Most rock magazines have the barcode
on the bottom right hand corner of the page which is a
convention that I have successfully followed. I have placed the
date just underneath the masthead because i think it is
important for the readers to know if it is a new issue or not.
Also, from feedback in my focus group I have found that my
audience like to know the date of the issue. The date is in
white which almost blends into the background, this is so that
the reader is not distracted by it and to show that it is not the
main attraction on the page.
Colour Theme: I have used a variety of colours on the front
cover (blue, yellow, red, black, grey, white and brown) these
colours carry on through the 3 pages I have created which
shows that the magazine has a theme. This is also another
music magazine convention that I have followed. The grey
canvas as the background has helped the colours stand out
and appear more bright which would attract the audience. The
colours used are unisex which suggests that they are suitable
for both genders (male or female).
Insert: I have used two inserts on the front cover. The first
insert is a coverline ‘The future… REVEALED!’ followed by an
image of another artist featured in the magazine. This would
attract the audience because the coverline is mysterious and
does not ‘reveal’ anything which is why the audience would
want to read more. I gained positive feedback from my target
audience about this insert because it interests the reader. The
second insert is a coverline ‘WIN!’ followed by an image of
arm bands/bracelets. This would attract the audience because
they have an opportunity to win something which may excite
them into reading more about how to win. The two insert
coverlines are written in yellow text which differentiates them
from the coverlines which are red.
Main Cover Line: The main cover line is a quote and the
artists name is a very bold red font which takes up about
one fifth of the page. The quote is used from the double
page spread interview of the artist. This would interest the
audience because it is from within the magazine making
them want to find out more about the main artist. I changed
the font into an 'italic' format which makes the text look
similar to handwriting. It is written in white which could
attract both genders. It is placed on top of a dark
background which really makes it stand out and appeal to
the audience. The use of ellipses shows the reader that
there is still more to the magazine and there is further
interesting information inside the magazine. The artist's
name in red font makes the magazine pop and immediately
grabs the attention of the audience as it is very big and
placed just underneath the models face so everyone will see
it. The text is clear and simple to read. The main cover line is
short and only uses five words which makes it precise and
easy to read for the audience.
Layout: The layout of the front cover is fairly simple which is
similar to many rock magazines. There are coverlines on
both sides of the page and they surround the models face.
They are placed neatly around the page and there it does
not look too crowded which would attract the reader
because if there is too much going on, on the page then the
audience will not even bother to read the information. Many
magazines have a straightforward layout which is why they
all look almost similar to one another. I think my magazine
has followed that convention and fits in well.
Language: The language I have used is very straightforward and direct. It is informal which creates a
friendly atmosphere for the audience which would invite them into reading the magazine. The words
used are alluring, with important information in uppercase lettering making it easier to read for the
audience and more attractive. The language is almost in note form and sentences are broken down
without making it too detailed however it gets the point across to the reader. Many music magazines
follow this convention.
Coverlines: I have three coverlines on the front cover.
The font I have used is bold and simple and very easy to
read for the reader. The font I have used for the
coverlines is ‘ Berlin Sans FB’. All the coverlines are
written on top of a black background with either red or
blue coloured font. This makes the colours stand out
and appear brighter on the cover. The first coverline is
about different artists included in the magazine which
would attract a larger audience as one if their favourite
artists may be featured, meaning that they would buy
the magazine. The artists are written in blue or white
text against a white or black background which makes
the coverline eye-catching. The second coverline is
about upcoming events and gigs. This would attract the
audience because they are young and like to go out and
about so when there is a gig they will know all the
information. This coverline is placed underneath the
flash so the reader cannot miss it out and will read it.
The third coverline is placed just above the second
insert and it is about entering a quiz and the end prize is
not mentioned. This will attract the audience because
the coverline is secretive making the reader want to find
out what the prize is. Many rock music magazines have
exciting and mysterious coverlines which is a technique
to make the audience buy the magazine as it draws
them in. I have also followed this convention.
Main Image: The main image is placed in the centre of the page. It is a close-up of the main
artist (Terri) who is also featured on the double page spread. Her face is clearly visible which
would draw the attention of the audience. Terri is making direct eye contact with the
audience, her head is slanted down with her eyebrow raised and she has a smirk on her face.
This could connote rebellion and youthfulness as she is pulling a playful yet serious expression
on her face. Her hair is styled open and messily connoting that she is care-free which may
influence her young fans. She is wearing red lipstick showing that she is dominant. This also
fits in with the house style of the magazine because her make-up fits in with the colours used
throughout the magazine. Terri is wearing a lot of make-up and very bold eyeliner which fits
in with the youthful social group of rock where there is a stereotype that people who listen to
rock may they be male or female wear lots of eyeliner. Her head is placed over the masthead
showing her importance in the magazine and that she is the main feature which is why she is
covering the masthead and is the main thing the reader would see as soon as they look at the
front cover. Many rock magazines use these conventions and features on the main image of
the magazine which is why I have followed this convention.
• Looking at my inspiration and other rock magazine covers I have challenged
conventions by not advertising any posters on my front cover. I did this on purpose
because I did not want the magazine to look overly crowded which is usually the
case with rock magazines as there are many different colours used and various
wild fonts. I wanted my magazine to be slightly different in that my audience feel
comfortable reading the front cover and not frustrated because it is too out of
place. I have found in my focus group that this is what my target audience liked
about my magazine.
• Many rock magazines are aimed at men. I have challenged this convention by
using strictly female images on the front cover so that the magazine
predominantly attracts females rather than males because this is my target group.
• Another convention that I have challenged on a rock magazine is by using a close
up of the model rather than a medium or long shot. I have done this so that the
audience can see the artist’s facial expression clearly. I have also found from my
focus group that this close up draws the attention of the reader making them want
to carry on reading what is on the rest of the page.
Masthead: The masthead is clearly visible at the top
left hand corner of the page. It is in yellow font
which stands out against the white background
around it. The white background looks like the paper
has been ripped which adds a messy look to the
contents page like the masthead on the front cover.
This fits in with the conventions of a rock magazine.
Colour Theme: I have used the same colours as
my front cover on my contents page which
shows that the pages belong together and are
part of one magazine which created a house
style for the magazine. This is the convention
that is usually followed by all magazines and I
have included in my own product.
Editorial: Most magazines include an editorial on the contents page which is written by
the editor of the magazine. I have included a small editorial in the left column on the
contents page. It is humorous and light-hearted which creates a friendly and youthful
atmosphere for the audience.
Images: I have used a total of 4 artists on my contents page
which gives the audience a variety of different artists and
ones that they may like. The first artist used is the main
image of the contents page who is a male artist. He is also
wearing eyeliner like the artist on my front cover. He is
looking up at the masthead which attracts the reader
because they will follow his eye line. By using a male artist I
can attract a male audience even though my magazine is
aimed at predominantly females. The other two images are
small and part of the contents on the bottom half of the
page. The first image is rock charts and the other image is a
poster. This would attract the audience because it shows
that there is a lot going on in the magazine so it would be
worth their money. The fourth image is of the front cover
and the artist is ‘Terri’ I have used this image to show that
the readers can subscribe to the magazine or get it delivered
to their homes. This would attract the audience because my
target group are seen as ‘lazy’ and like to stay at home so
they may prefer to get their magazines delivered. These
conventions are seen in many other rock magazines which is
the reason why I have used them too.
Headings: The headings are the same as the
coverlines on the front cover which follows the
house style of the magazine. The numbers are
written in red which stand out against the white
background. This attracts the audience because they
will not have to look for the numbers because they
are visible and bold. This is the same as other rock
magazines that I have researched. Also, the
contents are in columns which makes the page look
neat and easy to follow. I have followed this
convention of a rock magazine.
Coverlines: I have used one coverline which is similar to the main coverline on the front
cover which introduces the interview with the main artist ‘Terri’. This is important so that
the reader knows that the article is the main feature of the magazine and that ‘Terri’ is
the main artist in this issue of the magazine. This is another convention that I have seen
in many rock magazines.
Date/Website: I have placed the date and the issue number of the magazine just
underneath the masthead of the contents page which shows that it is important
information. It is also written in the same font as the masthead which further signifies
its importance. Magazines usually put the dates and issue numbers on the contents
page as well. I have also added icons of online social websites where readers can
interact and catch up on information about the magazine. I have placed these icons on
the top right hand corner of the page so they do not distract the audience from the rest
of the content.
Selling Lines: I have used selling lines in the last
column on the bottom half right hand side of the
page. One sell line is a ‘guess who’ puzzle where
the reader gets to win a CD album f they guess
correctly. This is a game that is youthful and is
usually played by younger people. It would also
attract the audience because it is playful and
they get to win a prize if they are right. Most
rock magazines usually include a game that their
readers can play. I have also followed this
• I have only used 4 images on my contents
page when usually there are more than 4 (6 or
7) I have done this again so that the page is
not too crowded as opposed to existing
magazines which use a variety of different
images which is why I wanted my magazine to
be different and more clearer to read for my
target audience who prefer reading a neat
page rather than a busy looking one.
Drop cap: The drop cap gives the article a
more personal touch like the artists has hand
written the article herself. Also, it gives the
impression that there is important news and
information on these two pages as drop caps
are generally used on newspapers. This is a
convention that almost every magazine uses
which is why I have used it.
Colour Theme: I have used the same colours
that I have used on the past two pages on the
double page spread interview too. This is so
that there is a consistent house style
throughout the whole magazine and so the
pages look like they belong to one another.
By line: I have written a by line at the bottom
of the page which tells the reader who taken
the photographs of the model. Every
magazine has this convention which is why I
have it too.
Main Image: The main image takes up more than half of the right hand side page signifying that Terri should
be the main focal point. I have collaborated four pictures of her into one showing that she has many
different personalities and that she is youthful so that the young audience can relate with her. She is dressed
in brown, black, red and blue which shows that her outfit fits in with the house style of my magazine. She is
pointing right at the audience which would attract them into reading the article also, she is looking directly
into the camera. Connoting that she is dominant and powerful. Almost all magazines use an image of the
artist that they are interviewing on the double page spread which is also what I have done.
Pull Quote: I have used a different pull quote from the interview which is different to the one I have used on the
front cover. This attracts the audience because they would want to know more about the artist because two
quotes are not enough. I used the same font as the one in the contents page to follow the house style of the
magazine. It is blue so that it stands out against the brown background and grabs the readers attention.
Font: I have used the same font throughout all the
pages which follows the house style of the
magazine. However, the font that is more
important or that I want to stand out I have
changed to bold so that it catches the reader’s
eye. I have put Terri’s answers in italic which gives
the feel that she has actually written them out
which makes the article more realistic and
personal. This is a convention that most magazines
use as they stick to the same or very similar fonts
so the magazine does not look odd which is what I
have followed as well.
Language: The language I have used
throughout is very informal and almost
slang based. This is because I am trying to
aim the magazine at a young audience.
Many magazines use this convention and
write in a form that is suitable for their
chosen target audience, like I have done
with mine too.
Hyphenate: In the article I have made it neat and clear
to read by getting rid of the hyphens. Through my
research into other rock magazines I have found that
there are no hyphens in the interview articles and they
look tidy which impacts the layout. This is a general
convention that all magazines use.
Introduction: I have introduced the artist on the
double page spread so that the reader is aware of who
the interview is about. This is also a convention that is
used in most interview articles in a magazine which is
why I have followed this convention.
Artist Name: the artists name ‘Terri’ is next
to the title so they know that the interview is
about her. The font has been consistent
trough the three pages so the audience know
that she is the main feature in the magazine.
This is usually a common feature in rock
Title: The title of the page is ‘Exclusive
Interview’ This informs the reader what this
page is about. The title font is also messy
similar to fonts used on the past two pages
which links with the rock genre and my target
audience. Most rock magazines have this
Footer: I have added a footer at the bottom
of the page where I have placed the page
number, website and by line in font yellow
font so that it stands out against the blue
footer. The website I have added is there to
help the readers interact with the magazine
and artists.
Layout: I have used 6 columns to separate the
article so it looks organised and easy to read.
Almost all articles are put into columns which
what I have found out from my research into
existing products.
• One convention that I have challenged is by using 6 columns to
spread my article out in. In my research I found that there are only
usually 3 or 4 columns worth of writing. I have done this because it
enabled me to write more about the artist which would attract the
audience because they would find out more about the artist as her
interview is very detailed.
• The image of the model that I have used is a mixture of her images
which is a convention that I have challenged because I have not
seen images like this on an existing double page spread. Also, the
image only takes up half the page whereas usually they take up the
whole one side of the double page spread. I have done this so that I
had more room to add in the 3 columns of the article and to place
the quote right about the image that I have used.

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Question 1

  • 2. Masthead: The masthead 'Pandemonium' is clearly visible at the top of the page. The font used is very dramatic and messy which fits into the rock genre and would enable the audience to be drawn to it. It has a worn out effect which looks like it has been scratched which gives it a rebellious look which would attract my youthful audience. The font is black. This is the colour that is generally used on rock magazines which shows that i have followed the conventions. Also, the masthead on a magazine usually promotes the genre of the magazine in collaboration with the main image of the artist; I have successfully used this convention. Background: The background and layout of my magazine is fairly simple and well structured. The grey background image behind the artist allows the audience to see the model clearly because the background is plain. Pull Quote: I used a pull quote from within the magazine of the main artist. This would interest the reader as it is personal because it is what the artist has said. The pull quote is also the main coverline on the magazine cover which would further attract the audience. Pull quotes are used in most rock magazines to draw the attention of the reader to buy the magazine. This is a convention that I have followed. Header/ Footer: The header is located on the very top of the page and the footer is placed at the very bottom. They are both a blue shade which makes the yellow text more vibrant. I used a mixture of capital and lower case letters. Capital letters help draw attention to the magazine also, important information is usually in uppercase lettering Flash: The flash looks like it has been sprayed onto the cover by someone which adds a sense of realism to the magazine which would attract the audience. The use of the short snappy flash makes it easier to read as it is clearly visible on the front cover in yellow capital text making it bold and eye-catching to the audience. The trigger words 'WIN' and 'FREE' would also attract the audience because it makes the reader want to find out more information. Barcode/Date/Price: I have placed the barcode and price on the bottom right hand corner of the front cover almost so it is out of the way and does not take away the attraction from the masthead, main image and coverlines. It is not important so it is sort of disguised which would help the reader forget to look for the price and just buy the magazine without knowing how much it actually costs. Most rock magazines have the barcode on the bottom right hand corner of the page which is a convention that I have successfully followed. I have placed the date just underneath the masthead because i think it is important for the readers to know if it is a new issue or not. Also, from feedback in my focus group I have found that my audience like to know the date of the issue. The date is in white which almost blends into the background, this is so that the reader is not distracted by it and to show that it is not the main attraction on the page. Colour Theme: I have used a variety of colours on the front cover (blue, yellow, red, black, grey, white and brown) these colours carry on through the 3 pages I have created which shows that the magazine has a theme. This is also another music magazine convention that I have followed. The grey canvas as the background has helped the colours stand out and appear more bright which would attract the audience. The colours used are unisex which suggests that they are suitable for both genders (male or female). Insert: I have used two inserts on the front cover. The first insert is a coverline ‘The future… REVEALED!’ followed by an image of another artist featured in the magazine. This would attract the audience because the coverline is mysterious and does not ‘reveal’ anything which is why the audience would want to read more. I gained positive feedback from my target audience about this insert because it interests the reader. The second insert is a coverline ‘WIN!’ followed by an image of arm bands/bracelets. This would attract the audience because they have an opportunity to win something which may excite them into reading more about how to win. The two insert coverlines are written in yellow text which differentiates them from the coverlines which are red.
  • 3. Main Cover Line: The main cover line is a quote and the artists name is a very bold red font which takes up about one fifth of the page. The quote is used from the double page spread interview of the artist. This would interest the audience because it is from within the magazine making them want to find out more about the main artist. I changed the font into an 'italic' format which makes the text look similar to handwriting. It is written in white which could attract both genders. It is placed on top of a dark background which really makes it stand out and appeal to the audience. The use of ellipses shows the reader that there is still more to the magazine and there is further interesting information inside the magazine. The artist's name in red font makes the magazine pop and immediately grabs the attention of the audience as it is very big and placed just underneath the models face so everyone will see it. The text is clear and simple to read. The main cover line is short and only uses five words which makes it precise and easy to read for the audience. Layout: The layout of the front cover is fairly simple which is similar to many rock magazines. There are coverlines on both sides of the page and they surround the models face. They are placed neatly around the page and there it does not look too crowded which would attract the reader because if there is too much going on, on the page then the audience will not even bother to read the information. Many magazines have a straightforward layout which is why they all look almost similar to one another. I think my magazine has followed that convention and fits in well. Language: The language I have used is very straightforward and direct. It is informal which creates a friendly atmosphere for the audience which would invite them into reading the magazine. The words used are alluring, with important information in uppercase lettering making it easier to read for the audience and more attractive. The language is almost in note form and sentences are broken down without making it too detailed however it gets the point across to the reader. Many music magazines follow this convention. Coverlines: I have three coverlines on the front cover. The font I have used is bold and simple and very easy to read for the reader. The font I have used for the coverlines is ‘ Berlin Sans FB’. All the coverlines are written on top of a black background with either red or blue coloured font. This makes the colours stand out and appear brighter on the cover. The first coverline is about different artists included in the magazine which would attract a larger audience as one if their favourite artists may be featured, meaning that they would buy the magazine. The artists are written in blue or white text against a white or black background which makes the coverline eye-catching. The second coverline is about upcoming events and gigs. This would attract the audience because they are young and like to go out and about so when there is a gig they will know all the information. This coverline is placed underneath the flash so the reader cannot miss it out and will read it. The third coverline is placed just above the second insert and it is about entering a quiz and the end prize is not mentioned. This will attract the audience because the coverline is secretive making the reader want to find out what the prize is. Many rock music magazines have exciting and mysterious coverlines which is a technique to make the audience buy the magazine as it draws them in. I have also followed this convention. Main Image: The main image is placed in the centre of the page. It is a close-up of the main artist (Terri) who is also featured on the double page spread. Her face is clearly visible which would draw the attention of the audience. Terri is making direct eye contact with the audience, her head is slanted down with her eyebrow raised and she has a smirk on her face. This could connote rebellion and youthfulness as she is pulling a playful yet serious expression on her face. Her hair is styled open and messily connoting that she is care-free which may influence her young fans. She is wearing red lipstick showing that she is dominant. This also fits in with the house style of the magazine because her make-up fits in with the colours used throughout the magazine. Terri is wearing a lot of make-up and very bold eyeliner which fits in with the youthful social group of rock where there is a stereotype that people who listen to rock may they be male or female wear lots of eyeliner. Her head is placed over the masthead showing her importance in the magazine and that she is the main feature which is why she is covering the masthead and is the main thing the reader would see as soon as they look at the front cover. Many rock magazines use these conventions and features on the main image of the magazine which is why I have followed this convention.
  • 4.
  • 5. • Looking at my inspiration and other rock magazine covers I have challenged conventions by not advertising any posters on my front cover. I did this on purpose because I did not want the magazine to look overly crowded which is usually the case with rock magazines as there are many different colours used and various wild fonts. I wanted my magazine to be slightly different in that my audience feel comfortable reading the front cover and not frustrated because it is too out of place. I have found in my focus group that this is what my target audience liked about my magazine. • Many rock magazines are aimed at men. I have challenged this convention by using strictly female images on the front cover so that the magazine predominantly attracts females rather than males because this is my target group. • Another convention that I have challenged on a rock magazine is by using a close up of the model rather than a medium or long shot. I have done this so that the audience can see the artist’s facial expression clearly. I have also found from my focus group that this close up draws the attention of the reader making them want to carry on reading what is on the rest of the page.
  • 6. Masthead: The masthead is clearly visible at the top left hand corner of the page. It is in yellow font which stands out against the white background around it. The white background looks like the paper has been ripped which adds a messy look to the contents page like the masthead on the front cover. This fits in with the conventions of a rock magazine. Colour Theme: I have used the same colours as my front cover on my contents page which shows that the pages belong together and are part of one magazine which created a house style for the magazine. This is the convention that is usually followed by all magazines and I have included in my own product. Editorial: Most magazines include an editorial on the contents page which is written by the editor of the magazine. I have included a small editorial in the left column on the contents page. It is humorous and light-hearted which creates a friendly and youthful atmosphere for the audience. Images: I have used a total of 4 artists on my contents page which gives the audience a variety of different artists and ones that they may like. The first artist used is the main image of the contents page who is a male artist. He is also wearing eyeliner like the artist on my front cover. He is looking up at the masthead which attracts the reader because they will follow his eye line. By using a male artist I can attract a male audience even though my magazine is aimed at predominantly females. The other two images are small and part of the contents on the bottom half of the page. The first image is rock charts and the other image is a poster. This would attract the audience because it shows that there is a lot going on in the magazine so it would be worth their money. The fourth image is of the front cover and the artist is ‘Terri’ I have used this image to show that the readers can subscribe to the magazine or get it delivered to their homes. This would attract the audience because my target group are seen as ‘lazy’ and like to stay at home so they may prefer to get their magazines delivered. These conventions are seen in many other rock magazines which is the reason why I have used them too. Headings: The headings are the same as the coverlines on the front cover which follows the house style of the magazine. The numbers are written in red which stand out against the white background. This attracts the audience because they will not have to look for the numbers because they are visible and bold. This is the same as other rock magazines that I have researched. Also, the contents are in columns which makes the page look neat and easy to follow. I have followed this convention of a rock magazine. Coverlines: I have used one coverline which is similar to the main coverline on the front cover which introduces the interview with the main artist ‘Terri’. This is important so that the reader knows that the article is the main feature of the magazine and that ‘Terri’ is the main artist in this issue of the magazine. This is another convention that I have seen in many rock magazines. Date/Website: I have placed the date and the issue number of the magazine just underneath the masthead of the contents page which shows that it is important information. It is also written in the same font as the masthead which further signifies its importance. Magazines usually put the dates and issue numbers on the contents page as well. I have also added icons of online social websites where readers can interact and catch up on information about the magazine. I have placed these icons on the top right hand corner of the page so they do not distract the audience from the rest of the content. Selling Lines: I have used selling lines in the last column on the bottom half right hand side of the page. One sell line is a ‘guess who’ puzzle where the reader gets to win a CD album f they guess correctly. This is a game that is youthful and is usually played by younger people. It would also attract the audience because it is playful and they get to win a prize if they are right. Most rock magazines usually include a game that their readers can play. I have also followed this convention.
  • 7.
  • 8. • I have only used 4 images on my contents page when usually there are more than 4 (6 or 7) I have done this again so that the page is not too crowded as opposed to existing magazines which use a variety of different images which is why I wanted my magazine to be different and more clearer to read for my target audience who prefer reading a neat page rather than a busy looking one.
  • 9. Drop cap: The drop cap gives the article a more personal touch like the artists has hand written the article herself. Also, it gives the impression that there is important news and information on these two pages as drop caps are generally used on newspapers. This is a convention that almost every magazine uses which is why I have used it. Colour Theme: I have used the same colours that I have used on the past two pages on the double page spread interview too. This is so that there is a consistent house style throughout the whole magazine and so the pages look like they belong to one another. By line: I have written a by line at the bottom of the page which tells the reader who taken the photographs of the model. Every magazine has this convention which is why I have it too. Main Image: The main image takes up more than half of the right hand side page signifying that Terri should be the main focal point. I have collaborated four pictures of her into one showing that she has many different personalities and that she is youthful so that the young audience can relate with her. She is dressed in brown, black, red and blue which shows that her outfit fits in with the house style of my magazine. She is pointing right at the audience which would attract them into reading the article also, she is looking directly into the camera. Connoting that she is dominant and powerful. Almost all magazines use an image of the artist that they are interviewing on the double page spread which is also what I have done. Pull Quote: I have used a different pull quote from the interview which is different to the one I have used on the front cover. This attracts the audience because they would want to know more about the artist because two quotes are not enough. I used the same font as the one in the contents page to follow the house style of the magazine. It is blue so that it stands out against the brown background and grabs the readers attention. Font: I have used the same font throughout all the pages which follows the house style of the magazine. However, the font that is more important or that I want to stand out I have changed to bold so that it catches the reader’s eye. I have put Terri’s answers in italic which gives the feel that she has actually written them out which makes the article more realistic and personal. This is a convention that most magazines use as they stick to the same or very similar fonts so the magazine does not look odd which is what I have followed as well. Language: The language I have used throughout is very informal and almost slang based. This is because I am trying to aim the magazine at a young audience. Many magazines use this convention and write in a form that is suitable for their chosen target audience, like I have done with mine too. Hyphenate: In the article I have made it neat and clear to read by getting rid of the hyphens. Through my research into other rock magazines I have found that there are no hyphens in the interview articles and they look tidy which impacts the layout. This is a general convention that all magazines use. Introduction: I have introduced the artist on the double page spread so that the reader is aware of who the interview is about. This is also a convention that is used in most interview articles in a magazine which is why I have followed this convention. Artist Name: the artists name ‘Terri’ is next to the title so they know that the interview is about her. The font has been consistent trough the three pages so the audience know that she is the main feature in the magazine. This is usually a common feature in rock magazines. Title: The title of the page is ‘Exclusive Interview’ This informs the reader what this page is about. The title font is also messy similar to fonts used on the past two pages which links with the rock genre and my target audience. Most rock magazines have this convention. Footer: I have added a footer at the bottom of the page where I have placed the page number, website and by line in font yellow font so that it stands out against the blue footer. The website I have added is there to help the readers interact with the magazine and artists. Layout: I have used 6 columns to separate the article so it looks organised and easy to read. Almost all articles are put into columns which what I have found out from my research into existing products.
  • 10.
  • 11. • One convention that I have challenged is by using 6 columns to spread my article out in. In my research I found that there are only usually 3 or 4 columns worth of writing. I have done this because it enabled me to write more about the artist which would attract the audience because they would find out more about the artist as her interview is very detailed. • The image of the model that I have used is a mixture of her images which is a convention that I have challenged because I have not seen images like this on an existing double page spread. Also, the image only takes up half the page whereas usually they take up the whole one side of the double page spread. I have done this so that I had more room to add in the 3 columns of the article and to place the quote right about the image that I have used.