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Pros And Cons Of Recreational Marijuana
Have you ever stopped to wonder what the world would be like if recreational drugs were legal? Many citizens are protesting to legalize recreational
drugs in the United States. They say that these recreational drugs like cannabis, heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, amphetamines, LSD, and opium are harmless
to the people of the world and won't affect it. One of the main recreational drug that teenagers and young adults are commonly using is cannabis, also
known as marijuana. This drug has grown in the United States exceeding more than any other drug. Teenagers want this drug to be legal so they can
smoke it anywhere they want. Some states and local officials do not agree with this protest because these drugs have been causing serious damage to
citizens in this country. Many of them have died consuming these drugs. Drugs have been and still is a topical issue around the world. There are
many in favor to legalize recreational drugs, but there are more in favor to not legalize it. Recreational drugs in the United States need to be illegal
because it has psychological effects, causes serious changes in the body and it causes fatal accidents.
Recreational drugs in the United States should not be legalized because it causes serious changes to the body. In an article called "Pros and Cons of
Using Recreational Marijuana" it talks about the disadvantages of using recreational marijuana. It also shows the reasons why using marijuana is
harmful and what it does to your body. For example,
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Legalizing Recreational Drugs Within the United States Essay
A recreational drug is defined as "any controlled substance used to alter one's mind state or for non–medical purposes, without the permission or
supervision of a physician" (Recreational Drug). Recreational drugs include both illegal and legal substances, some of which are extremely prevalent in
the United States. The most popular recreational drug in the world is caffeine. Nearly, "80 – 90% of adult Americans consume caffeine every day"
(Caffeine addiction). Other popular recreational drugs include nicotine (found in cigarettes), alcohol (found in beer, cocktails, wine, etc.), and cannabis
(a.k.a. marijuana or weed) (Recreational Drug Use). These three drugs are found throughout the world and are used by a wide variety of cultures. Some
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(History of Alcoholic Beverages). Alcohol can be found at bars, liquor stores, gas stations and supermarkets for sale to anyone 21 years or older.
Alcohol was not always legalized; from 1920 to 1933 there was a prohibition of alcohol, outlawing all alcohol consumption within the United States
(Prohibition). "Initially, alcohol generally produces feelings of relaxation, euphoria and general cheerfulness, but further consumption can lead to
blurred vision and coordination problems". Large amounts of alcohol consumption can lead to loss of consciousness, vomiting, diarrhea, anger,
aggressiveness, sadness, depression, alcohol poisoning, and eventually even death (Short–Term Effects). Both nicotine and alcohol are highly addictive
but are still legal within the United States.
Cannabis also known as marijuana, weed, pot, dope, hash and a variety of other names is derived from Cannabis Indica or Cannabis Sativa.
"According to the United Nations, cannabis is the most widely used illicit substance in the world" (Cannabis Drug). Cannabis originated in Central
Asia where it was believed to be discovered in the 3rd millenium B.C. The first culture to discover cannabis' smoking properties were the Aryans who
used the drug for religious ceremonies. Cannabis is the fourth most frequently used recreational drug in the world and the most popular illegal
recreational drug in the United States. Cannabis is
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Pros And Cons Of Marijuana Legalization
The Debate over Marijuana Legalization Introduction The use of recreational marijuana was legalized in the state of Colorado in the November 2012
election (Hudak, 2015). As Colorado's Amendment Sixty–Four was put into place, its ruling and subsequent implementation were in direct conflict
with U.S. federal legislation that criminalizes the drug's possession and use (Hudak, 2015). With more states legalizing the use of medical marijuana
and a small percentage of jurisdictions following Colorado's lead, the debate over whether marijuana should be legal continues. Proponents of the
debate advocate that the use of marijuana in small to moderate amounts is not any less harmful than the recreational use of alcohol. Proponents of the
drug's use also advocate that many with chronic diseases and terminal illnesses benefit from the drug's pain relieving effects. Opponents of legalization
state that harmful use of the drug will likely increase and children could become exposed to harmful levels of the drug (Alcoholism Drug Abuse
Weekly, 2014). While both sides have legitimate perspectives, the legalization of marijuana for medical and recreational use does not cause undue harm
to a society that has already been using the drug for multiple purposes. On the contrary, legalization brings to... Show more content on
In addition, legalization allows local governments to reap tax revenues from the sale of the drug and re–distribute that tax revenue to social and
educational programs. Legalization of the drug for recreational use in Colorado involved an elaborate and sophisticated framework of how the drug
would be made available for sale (Hudak,
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Recreational Drugs and Their Usage
The usage of drugs is a very common practice in our society nowadays. The usage of drugs can vary from medical purposes to recreational
purposes. What is drugs? 'A drug is any chemical you take that affects the way your body works.' (Science Museum, What is a drug?, n.d.) So this
does not mean that drugs can only be in the form of pill, tablet, oral solution, and injection drugs can also in the form of tobacco that contains
nicotine, or drinkable substance such as coffee and tea that contains caffeine and beer that contains alcohol. (Crocq, 2003) For some people nowadays
recreational drugs already become a way of life. Recreational drug is 'a drug used without medical justification for its psychoactive effects often in the
belief that occasional use of such a substance is not habit–forming or addictive.' (Merriam Webster, recreational drug, 2013) Most of people use
recreational drug in order to enchant their recreational experience. Some of recreational drugs are illegal in most country but there is some common
drugs that are universally legal such as nicotine, caffeine and alcohol (ethanol). Regretless it is legal or illegal recreational drugs can be categorize
into four major category: Stimulants, Depressants, Opioids and Hallucinogens. (Castle Craig Hospital, 2013) Stimulants drugs are 'a class of drugs that
elevate mood, increase feelings of well–being, and increase energy and alertness.' (The National Institute on Drug Abuse, Drug Facts Stimulants, 2013)
This types
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Rastafarianism And Alcohol Use
Catholicism, Rastafarianism, Scientology, and Mind Altering Substances.
Drugs are used everyday in society, from medicine, to recreational use, they are all around us in our everyday lives. Some are considered to be bad,
and dangerous, and yet others save lives, so who decides which ones we should, or should not, use? Besides the obvious answer of not using the ones
that have very high chances of killing you, such as heroin, meth, etc..., But what about the ones that do not have a tendency to kill, are very hard to
overdose on, and for the most part are Scientifically safe to the human brain? In most cases all drug use is frowned upon in the two out of three
religions (Catholicism, and Scientology) and marijuana is the only drug mentioned in ... Show more content on ...
Like Catholicism they tend to have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to recreational drug use, and even have their own rehab program developed
specifically targeted at youth. They do believe in the use of medicine, when prescribed by a doctor, and will rely on medical advice given to them by
a doctor as well. Smoking and drinking have no prohibition on them, as long as they are used in moderation, just like catholicism and they believe
that it is important for one to enjoy themselves every now and then, if that means drinking so be it. However it is commonly believed that
Scientology tends to send false messages about their actual beliefs, and it has been noted that in the rehab program made by Scientologists (called
Narconon) they state that all drugs of any type are evil and poisonous to the body, which is quite contradicting to what they stated about medicine.
Overall it would be safe to assume that Scientology has a strict belief that all drugs are just generally bad, and use can only lead to destruction, which
is quite a fogged, close minded approach, but, it is the one they have chosen to go.
Some religions use drugs as a part of the religion, others consider them evil and deadly, and some just believe in simple moderation, overall it is clear
that every religion has a different perspective on drug use, whether it be medicinal or recreational. In today's society it truly is up to independent
choice, as there are so
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Recreational Drug Use in Husak's A Moral Right to Use Drugs
According to Husak, "A Moral Right to Use Drugs." There is nothing inherently wrong about using recreational drugs; therefore, they should be legal
for adults. He believes that since there are between one–quarter and one–third of all felony charges involve drug offenses as a result, court have become
clogged, and prison overcrowding is legendary. Due to the fact that illegal drugs have become the single most important concern of our criminal justice
system if Americans were allowed to use drug there would be less people in prison with a drug felony and there would be less crimes, He states that
more than three–quarters of those arrested are eventually charged with possession typically of marijuana. Many crimes of possession involve
amounts that include a presumption of intent to distribute. Sometimes the quantity of drugs that creates this presumption is small. If the government
legalize drugs it would be easier for them to track down people that overdose and using drugs the wrong way. Husak says that illegal drugs provide
the ideal scapegoat. Drugs are alleged to be so powerful that persons cannot be blamed very much for succumbing to them, as they could be blamed
for not studying or working. And drugs are so plentiful and easy to conceal that government cannot be blamed very much for failing to eliminate them.
I agree with him the government cannot be blamed for failing to eliminate them but, if they make it legal it wouldn't really be a problem for the
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Government Should Legalize Recreational Drugs In Canada
In 2013 there was over a hundred thousand drug related crimes recorded in Canada. Some countries around the world, such as the Netherlands, have
loosened their restrictions on recreational drug use in an attempt to lower crime rates in their nation. The current law in Canada strictly prohibits the
use and distribution of all recreational drugs. Many people, however, question if this is the best way to regulate drugs. Some would argue that
legalizing drugs would create an economic opportunity for the government, reduce crime, reduce drug illnesses and fatalities, and give citizens their
justified rights. Thus, the government should legalize recreational drugs to be consumed and distributed in the same way as alcohol. Many people do
not put enough thought into the idea of how the state should regulate drugs; they feel that since they do not use drugs, it does not affect them.
However, the truth is the legalization of recreational drugs would be a huge change for Canada. It would change the lives of all citizens, whether they
use drugs or not. How the state regulates drugs will force a change on even a non–users social life, taxes, morals, and much more. The first reason the
state should legalize drugs is because if recreational drugs were sold in the free market, the state would be able to make large economic gains.
Introducing drugs to the free market would allow the government to put a high tax on drugs just as they do with cigarettes or alcohol and make a huge
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Pros and Cons of Recreational Drug Use Essay
It is no secret that drug use has the ability to completely alter a person's state of consciousness, whether it be through extreme euphoria, increased
hyperactivity, pain relief or psychedelic hallucinations. Although many drugs are used for medical purposes, the global issue of recreational drug use
is now being fronted as an extremely serious matter that is steadily on the uprise. Recreational drug use is often associated with negativity, addiction and
as having serious physical and mental repercussions. One of the few class of drugs that is often associated with both positive and negative connotations
are hallucinogens, otherwise known as "psychedelics", which have powerful altering effects on ones sense of perception, brain function ... Show more
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It is such effects as the latter, synaesthesia, which introduces the cons and explicit dangers of ingesting a hallucinogenic drug. This is particularly
mentioned when regarding the use of lysergic acid diethylamide, commonly known as LSD or acid. LSD is rather infamous in the hallucinogenic drug
world, known to induce extremely convincing hallucinations. Unlike ayahuasca, a hallucinogen that is discussed below, there have been many cases
individuals using LSD and never properly recovering. This is evident in not only LSD users, but all hallucinogenic drugs. When an individual
consumes a hallucinogenic substance, they run the risk of aspects of a specific trip reoccurring at later times that can last for years, even when in a
completely sober state (Vale, 2007). This, of course, is a negative aspect of participating in recreational use of LSD, as it can happen to an individual
even if they experiment with the drug once and once only. Hallucinogens have the power to not only alter conscious perception of surroundings when a
person is sober, but also have the power to inflict grave physical harm when taken in large, pure amounts. Such harm includes complications regarding
blood platelets, muscular twitches and tremors, respiratory arrest and uncontrolled seizures (Vale, 2007).
Another risk that is run when recreationally using hallucinogens is that of a "bad trip". Hallucinogens are unpredictable in what they will warp the mind
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Should Legalizing Marijuana Be Legalized?
Growing up in America, you most likely heard the words "drugs are bad for you" in some shape, way or form. Being a child, you are susceptible
to believe the words of people older than you without knowing the reasoning behind why you should believe it. It became clear as I grew up that
there were still people who continued to use drugs even through they're clearly illegal. legalizing Marijuana for recreational use has been a
controversial topic for years and is still up for debate. Today this substance is so common it's featured in things people enjoy such as movies, TV
shows and music. If marijuana were to be legalized we could potentially boost our economy, regulate the drug and its consumption, and save money on
cost of enforcing the drug ... Show more content on ...
In a survey conducted by the New England Journal of Medicine 1446 votes were recorded from 72 countries and 56 states and provinces in North
America, it's no surprise the overall result was that 76% were in favor for legalizing this substance. Doctors who prescribe marijuana as an aid for
people focus on its healing affects and how it alleviates suffering of the patient. Although further studies still need to be conducted on its effects,
overall marijuana is a highly acceptable drug in the health industry. marijuana has never directly been associated with being the cause of disease the
way tobacco is associated with cancer or alcohol with cirrhosis or in other words destruction of the liver. Casual use by healthy individuals has little
to no effect on overall health, in fact a study surveyed the heaviest users only suffer from symptoms of bronchitis, but moderate smoking poses little to
no risk. With its increasing support more studies may be conducted on it effects and could potentially lead it to become legal for recreational
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Recreational Drug Use
Recreational drug use by students in post–secondary institutions has been a troubling epidemic for many years in North America. Recreational drug
use can be hard to track because many people who use drugs recreationally do not consider themselves drug users. Therefore many of these users
become invisible to most research that involves drugs and the use of them. The term recreational drug user refers to someone who uses drugs to get high
for reasons other than for a medical condition. Substances that most commonly fall under the recreational category are marijuana, cocaine, and
MDMA. Even legal substances such as nicotine and alcohol can be considered recreational drugs.
The demographic of this type of this type of drug use is relatively large,
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The Street Scene : Statistics And Impact Of Recreational...
The Street Scene: Statistics and Impact of Recreational Drug use in the United States
D'yana Conley
Maria Laura Ituah
Kelly Mulhern
Coty Tunwar
Doctor of Pharmacy Candidates, Class of 2016
Chicago State University
College of Pharmacy
D'Yana Conley
Maria Laura Ituah
Kelly Mulhern
Coty Tunwar Topic: The Street Scene– Statistics and Impact of Recreational Drug use in the United States Abstract
In present time, recreational drug use in the United States has become a widely recognized topic that has generated a large amount of research over the
years, which makes it a topic well worth discussing. Statistical findings show distinct trends that reveal important information on not only the types of
drugs being abused, but ... Show more content on ...
Studies show that different stressors present in these age groups can possibly contribute to the increased drug abuse. The biggest threat recreational
drug use presents is the decline in the overall of health of Americans and the increase in annual healthcare costs directly and indirectly. Understanding
the impact is key to one day seeing a decline in the rising numbers of drug abusers.
Introduction A recreational drug is defined as any substance with pharmacologic effects that is taken voluntarily for personal pleasure or satisfaction
rather than for medicinal purposes.1 As our knowledge about science and drug development expand compounded with the overall accessibility of this
information in the digital age, recreational drug use will most likely continue to flourish. In the late 1990's it was recorded that Americans used close to
14 metric tons of heroin, 1000 metric tons or marijuana and 20 tons of methamphetamines.2. In the year 2000 alone, Americans spent about $10 billion
dollars on heroin, $5.4 billion on methamphetamines, and $11 billion on marijuana.2 The true cost of addiction and addictive disorders spans far beyond
just the cost of the user. Health care costs including detoxification, rehabilitation, prevention, training and research has increased since 1992 where it
was calculated that drug abuse treatment and prevention costs were $9 billion dollars, research and insurance administration costs were $983 million
dollars and support
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Legalization Of Recreational Drugs Essay
The legalization of recreational drugs in the United States is a polarizing issue that affects every American, whether they are a drug user or not. Both
sides present arguments that call for changes to federal drug policy. The pro–drug side says that the recreational use of drugs should be allowed and the
law should change to legalize it. The anti–drug side says that the use of drugs should continue to be illegal and more should be done to control drug
use. All side of this issue have a point they want to make and it is important to understand the verifiable facts surrounding the use of recreational drugs.
In 1970, Congress passed the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act, found in Title 21, Chapter 13 of the... Show more content on ...
They cite many cases where all of these issues have happened and where they could happen in the future. They view their side of the argument as a
serious and major policy decision that can affect Americans for generations to come. Their first point in their favor is that while police and other law
enforcement agencies are trying to enforce drug laws, minorities are disproportionately targeted. They say that minorities, especially African American
males, are subject to arrest more often, are incarcerated at a higher rate and serve longer sentences in prison ("Against", 2017). Law enforcement tends
to enforce drug laws in areas that have been determined to be "high crime" and often, these areas are predominately African American communities. As
the population of cities, especially the inner–city, continue to grow over time, the number of people imprisoned for drug offenses will continue to rise
("Against", 2017). Their next point covers the government's spending on the enforcement of drug policy. The DEA had a budget in 2016 of
$2,080,000,000 ("DEA", 2016). Of course, not all of this is spent on stopping people from doing recreational drugs, but any money spent, in the eyes
of pro–legalization proponents, is too much. In 2015, the federal government spent $36 billion on drug enforcement across all of its agencies
("Alarming", 2016). The United States spends around $80 billion per year on its prisons and
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The Legalization Of Marijuana Legalization
On November 8th, 2016, the California Marijuana Legalization Initiative may be included on the ballot. The people of California will vote on
whether to legalize the recreational use of cannabis for adults. The move targets at regulating the consumption of the drug and taxing it like other
legalized drugs. California was the first state to legalize medical marijuana in 1996 (National Institute of Drug Abuse). The state prohibited any
legal actions from being taken on patients and recognized caregivers arrested in possession of the drug. This is considered the motivating factor for
the push to legalize recreational use of the drug. There have been two fled attempts to achieve this. Both endeavors were defeated at the ballot stage.
Forty years on the matter has risen again, and the people of California may have the mandate to legalize or not legalize the recreational use of the
drug. The issue has resulted in an enormous debate. Those against the legalization of the drug argue on the basis of the adverse effects on the body
and mind of the users. And on the other hand, proponents such as myself argue on the basis of economic benefits to the state and the reduction of the
drug's misuse. Opponents of the legalization of marijuana for recreational use argue that the use of marijuana have harmful effects on the body. One
effect is to the lungs. Smoking marijuana results in a closely threefold increase in the inhalation of tar as compared to tobacco use. Research also
shows that
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Discuss the social problems that result from the...
I. Discuss the social problems that result from the widespread availability of cheap alcohol The drinking of alcohol is completely acceptable in many if
not most parts of society and, in the UK, it is legal to be bought by anyone over the age of 181. This is a well–known fact but a lesser known one is
that in the UK, alcohol can be legally drunk on private premises by anyone over the age of 52 and youths aged 16 and over may drink alcohol3 in
restaurants from the age of 16 if with an adult4. Apart from religious reasons, most people do not see a problem with a temperance attitude towards the
consumption of alcohol, indeed research suggests that the occasional and moderate consumption of alcohol may have benefits to health. The... Show
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Also, the general health of those who abuse alcohol declines and it often leads to an early death. One reason for bad health from alcohol is chronic
liver disease. From 1970 – 2000, deaths in the UK from cirrhosis increased by 900%. The primary cause of cirrhosis is drinking too much alcohol. In
conclusion, there are numerous social problems which result from freely available cheap alcohol. These problems include health issues, domestic
problems, a rise in crime and a general degradation of our town and city centres. II. Expand on the other issues that have made alcohol a significant
social problem In the answer above, as well as the main, obvious social issues I did touch on the problem of health and crime resulting from the
consumption (or rather, over consumption) of alcohol. I will now expand on these issues in more detail. During a time of austerity institutions such as
the NHS are extremely hard pressed to provide an adequate service to the population. The NHS in England currently has to make ВЈ20bn of efficiency
savings (between 2011 and 2015). These savings of 4% a year are needed if the NHS is to meet rising demands and maintain quality, with funding
effectively frozen in real terms during the current spending review period. The last thing it needs is for a social issue to increase the number of
patients that it has. In 2010, the NHS published a report on the cost of binge
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Legalizing Cannabis Research Paper
Smoking cannabis is a constant controversy in our society. 1 of 3 people in America have tried it in some time in their life's even though it not
legal in many countries. Our society is divided in two different ideologies. , the ones who support cannabis legalization and the ones who are totally
against it recreational use. Like every object in this world it have pros and cons. Smoking is a benefit if use for medical reasons. In the recreational
way it also as some pros and cons, making it a constant debate whether it should be legalized by the government or not.
One of its pros is that cannabis is proven to be a very successful method to endure pain cause by many medical diseases. Cancer is an example of a
lethal decease that 39% of men and women will eventually be diagnosed with. Some researchers ... Show more content on ...
The majority of society think that its bad for the human being but they might not know some positive effect that the cannabis might have in our body.
Marijuana consumers are skinnier than the average person and has a healthier metabolism. Another good thing about smoking it is that it increases the
lung capacity. It might help improve the lung capacity that was affected by tabaco. The recreational use of cannabis could bring a lot of positive
effects in our daily life. There are only 8 states in the US with a legal use of recreational cannabis.
Cannabis also has it negative effect in our bodies. The first negative effect that persist when smoking marijuana is the effect in our body in a short
term. Some of the most common effect are dry mouth, red eyes and fatigue. Like all the recreational drugs, smoking weed could lead to addiction.
About 9% of the consumers of this drug will become addicted to it. Everything in excess is bad for your health and in the case of cannabis it can
lead to low pressure or to diabetes. In the US there are 21 states with no laws legalizing the marijuana in any sort of
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Effects Of Alcohol Consumption On Popular Recreational...
The recreational use of soft drugs such as marijuana or ecstasy is less harmful than alcohol consumption and therefore should be decriminalised.
When you hear the word drugs, what's the first thing that comes to mind? A nightclub full of adolescents, hopped up on happy pills, raving until night
turns to day, or going down to the liquor store to buy a bottle of wine with dinner? Decriminalising recreational soft drugs is something that cannot be
taken lightly, and a decision that can have many negative, but also positive outcomes. My initial opinion, and evaluation of this essay prompt is quite a
varied one. Therefore this is a very weak deductive argument that begs the question. Alcohol as a drug itself, is just as, if not more harmful ... Show
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Such as, the psycho–active effects of recreational drugs, and the neurological consequences that pose risk to societies and individuals. Which
substances actually fall into the category of "Soft Drugs," as recreational drugs have several categories to determine this. The harms and inherent risks
of alcohol to society and individuals. As well as the revenue building the government receives from legalized drugs which will also determine the
legality of that particular drug.
The supporting evidence I have provided for my negative position on the exam prompt, is from three different sources that will re–iterate my
evaluation of the topic. As studies suggest, 'On average, alcohol causes 22,000 premature deaths in the UK each year while ecstasy causes 10. These
figures are contestable but their order of magnitude is not' (Wolff, J, 2007, p4). Consequently this is a strong, and clear indication that alcohol, is a lot
more harmful than a certain, so called soft drug. But this does not give a clear indication on the wide adverse effects of recreational drugs compared to
alcohol. (Wolff, J, 2007, p8) suggests that, 'Drug use harms strangers by involving them in the collisions, shootouts and other catastrophes to which the
impaired and overly aggressive drug users
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Critically Discuss What Howard Parker Et Al (1998) Mean by...
Critically discuss what Howard Parker et al (1998) mean by the normalisation of recreational drug use. How convinced are you by this explanation of
the contemporary drug situation?
This essay is going to look at Howard Parker et al's (1998) theory of 'normalisation' and critically evaluate whether or not it still relevant in
contemporary society. The essay will begin by explaining the theory in relation to how and where it developed from. The essay will move on to focus
on specific aspects such as globalisation and how certain issues have affected the 'normalisation' of recreational drug use. The focus will then move
onto describing the seven dimensions of 'normalisation' that Howard et al (1998) developed; drug availability, drug ... Show more content on ...
The first dimension looks at drug availability and accessibility, without which Parker et al (2002) claim 'normalisation', could not take place. Over
the past decade the availability of a variety of drugs has increased. With more and more drugs becoming available on the streets, prices are falling
lower than ever. However purity levels are remaining the same, causing drug use to increase. Nowadays most youngsters obtain their drugs through
social networks and friends of friends, who know the local dealers supplying on a small–scale level (Parker et al, 2002). Although this would therefore
mean a huge population of young Britons have breached the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, this type of dealing is extremely common and also very
difficult for the police to detect, as it is concealed between small networks of users buying usually 'recreational' drugs for personal use (Parker et al.
2002). Such behaviours between these groups of friends have become so 'normalised' that they do not see what they are doing as breaking the law,
most of the users will otherwise live a fairly law–abiding lifestyle where drugs have a purely recreational purpose (Parker et al, 2002).
The next dimension looks at drug trying and how rates have increased (especially during the 1990s) among adolescent Britons over the past few
decades (Parker et al, 1998). Drug trying rates are younger than ever with young Britons being the most involved drug
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How To Legalize Recreational Drugs
Ashish Diyali
Prompt 2
Professor Chandler
Recreational drugs
My thesis is that recreational drugs are situation, both can be bad or good for a person depending on the type of drug and how it is used. This essay
will discuss the negative aspects to promoting the utilization of illegal recreational drugs such as a rare disease, misunderstanding of the health risks,
and social destructive activities that follow its use. On the other hand, this essay will discuss how legalizing these drugs would lower crime and
influence of the drug lords who sell illicit pharmaceuticals, actually lessen the negative abuse of drugs, and lower the spread of diseases by promoting
safe and cheaper access to safe recreational alternatives.
Now, ... Show more content on ...
For example, reports that smoking marijuana deposits three to five times more tar into your lungs and has 50 to 70 percent more
carcinogenic hydrocarbons, affecting the respiratory system at a greater rate than the often–maligned tobacco cigarette.
Moreover, another misunderstanding of the medical side of many recreational drugs is they have benefit from ingestion rather than smoking. With
marijuana as a staple drug example, smoking it affects and alters the brain. Furthermore, marijuana decreases the release of dopamine in the stratum
region of your brain, which is responsible for working memory, impulsive and attention behavior. Other researchers have found that people who smoke
marijuana on regular basis tends to lose the grey matter in the brain which is a major part of the central nervous system, impacting muscle control,
memory, sensory, emotion, speech, decision making and self–control. Perhaps more importantly, this also leads to adverse mental health like
depression and anxiety
And this is not just marijuana, as other studies have shown the same negative affect on other recreational drugs that likewise lowered the release of
dopamine in the brain. Despite being considered a safe alternative, burning anything alters the plant, changing the chemical compound and proving
harmful to the body. Thus, this "safe" plant that is burned, releases the toxins and carcinogen where it can be exposed to the body and its respiratory
The third
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Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana
The legalization of marijuana in multiple states has sparked a nationwide debate. Marijuana has been legalized for either medical or recreation and
even for both of the reasons in some sate. believe marijuana should be legalized for recreational use in Indiana because marijuana will be controlled
better, it will allow law enforcement to shift their focus to more important issues in the community, and it will stimulate the economy. With the
legalization of marijuana, the government can have better control of the drug. With marijuana being illegal right now, there is absolutely no control
or limit of how much there is available for people to purchase. By legalizing it, the government can give out a certain number of licenses that allow
businesses or individual to grow marijuana. With this system they will be able to control not only the amount of marijuana available for anyone, but
they will also be able to keep a record of who produces it. Just like the sale of alcohol, by legalizing marijuana, the government can set a minimum age
requirement to ensure that marijuana can be purchased by those who they think should be able consume it recreationally. Legalizing marijuana will let
law... Show more content on ...
If Indiana decides to legalize marijuana it will be sending the wrong message to its community. It will be promoting the distribution of other drugs as
well because people will have the hope that just like marijuana, other drugs can potentially be legalized to. The legalization of marijuana will be
contradicting the drug prevention programs like DARE that teenager have gone through and completed. It will put to waste all the money that was
invested to develop programs that educated teenagers on drug use and prevention. Also, by legalizing marijuana the government would be encouraging
its citizens to use drugs. The legalization of marijuana for recreational use will only create confusion among the citizens of
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Legalizing Recreational Pot
English 1B
16 February 2016
Legalizing Recreational Pot Heavy marijuana smokers are at risk for some of the same health effects as cigarette smokers, like bronchitis and other
respiratory illnesses. Marijuana is the most commonly abused illegal drug in the United States and around the world. Those who support its
legalization, for medical or for recreational use, fail to recognize that the greatest costs of marijuana are not related to its prohibition; they are the costs
resulting from marijuana use itself. If the United States were to legalize marijuana, the number of users would increase. New users would not be
limited to adults if marijuana was legalized, as regulations on alcohol and tobacco does not prevent use by youth. The ... Show more content on ...
Besides the curiosity and easy accessibility, another reason the number of drug users across the United States would increase would be because
marijuana is a gateway for other drugs. Since the legalization of marijuana would make smoking weed out in public and smoking in general a social
norm, many users of marijuana could possibly fall under the curiosity of what other drugs can do and how they could make them feel while on them.
The high that marijuana causes is what drives many people to start using. Although other drugs provide different types of high, the high people
experience from marijuana may not be enough anymore if it were legalized throughout the states. Since smoking weed would be a social norm if it
were legalized, there is a high chance that many users of the drug may often fall into irresponsible habits of using or even start to try new drugs
because the high from marijuana is not enough for them anymore. According to the Foundation for a Free Drug World,
The vast majority of cocaine users began by first using a "gateway drug" like marijuana, cigarettes or alcohol. Of course, not everyone who smokes
marijuana and hashish goes on to use harder drugs. Some never do. Others quit using marijuana altogether. But some do turn to harder drugs. One study
found that youth (12 to 17 years old) who use marijuana
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Legalization Of Marijuan Recreational And Medicinal Purposes
Marijuana: Recreational to Cultural to Medicinal Purpose and Legalization Kalpana Sapkota Northwestern Oklahoma State University Abstract This
paper provides detailed information about the controversial topic that is the legalization of marijuana. Different articles proved that legal status of
marijuana has been debated vigorously and will continue to be a heated debate for years to come. Marijuana has its negative effect but it can be used
for recreational, cultural and medicinal purposes. Different people have different views regarding legalization of marijuana, but the most significant
argument against legalization is that governmental approval of marijuana as a prescription drug would send the wrong message to the general
population and would cause more extensive recreational use of this drug. The appropriate government response to the negative effects is to fight them
directly b stopping the illegal practitioners from doing them (Barnes, 2000, p.29). Legalization of marijuana does not force people to use it but it is a
personal choice to have it or not. Marijuana has its positive and negative effects, but the government should make plan to increase the positive effect
and to eliminate the negative effect. Keywords: controversial, neuropharmacologic, long term memory, short term memory, Mahashivaratri. Marijuana
the common drug The term "marijuana" is a word with many different names and indistinct origins. It is a Latin, American and Spanish word.
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The Olympics, The World Cup, Wimbledon, The World Series,
The Olympics, the World Cup, Wimbledon, the World Series, the Final Four, March Madness
–all of these events draw in thousands of diverse people,
worldwide every year. But what are these crowds there for? The athletes. Pro, semi–pro, and collegiate athletes unite sports enthusiasts that have a
common passion for competition. However, watching and participating in these heart–pounding and lively displays of athleticism are not always as
unified as they appear. Two sides emerge when one concept is mentioned: should athletes be tested and punished forrecreational drug use. Due to the
fact that testing and punishment are two different areas of this debate, this paper will only be focusing on the former, punishment, in order to narrow
the focus ... Show more content on ...
Athletes, as well as other American citizens, know that these substances are banned and users who are actively choosing to partake of these
recreational drugs are committing a felonious act. All laws, from driving over the speed limit to homicide, have to be enforced, otherwise there would
be chaos. Consuming drugs such as the aforementioned are detrimental to the health of these athletes and with testing any future health concerns
related to recreational drug use in athletes may be prevented.
On the other hand, these athletes, from collegiate to pro, are of an age that they know that there are right and wrong choices. Although these drugs
are illegal, athletes are aware of the risks they are taking when choosing to use drugs; they are also aware that, in the long run, using drugs could
prematurely, end their careers. In the United States, there is a "strong legal and moral tradition of individual liberty...", says Doctor Thomas Murray a
former director of Case Western Reserve University's Center of Biomedical Ethics, this means that athletes, as well as any other citizen has the
"...right to take risks if we so desire" and to " with our own bodies what we wish" (Murray 27). There are other options available to athletes and
citizens that are just as harmful for a person's health, but are not regulated within athletic communities. Options, such as fast food, alcohol, and other
behaviors that can be deemed
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The Legalization Of Recreational Marijuana
Name: Course: Date: Federal Legalization of Recreational Marijuana Marijuana is a very controversial drug that spurs a lot of debate as to whether
it should be legalized for recreational purposes or not. Most of the states already have legalized marijuana for medical purposes although the federal
government prohibits any use of it. Proponents and opponents to this debate each try to argue their side and to show why recreational marijuana
should be or should not be legalized but no consensus has been reached due to the complexity of the problem especially resulting from federal and
state laws contradictions on the laws pertaining to drug use. Proponents argue that legalizing marijuana would increase revenue, lower burden on law
enforcement, increase national security, safeguards individual rights, and make consumption safer. Opponents on the other hand, argue legalizing
marijuana would create a gateway for harder drugs like cocaine, emergence of black markets, create new users, cause health problems, and loss of
productivity. The issue is thus a headache for the federal and state governments bearing in mind the public support that legalization has been getting
over the years. Leaders and mostly governors are at a loss whether to succumb to people's needs or use their discretion or moral values in deciding
whether to support or not. The issue is thus becoming a great concern for law enforcement officers, parents, educators, health care workers, government
and the public as
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Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana
Marijuana is the most popular recreational drug globally and the third in America (Stuart). It is, however, unique because unlike many others
recreational drugs, it also has a range of medical uses. The separation of medical from recreational marijuana is a challenging and confusing task, which
has affected its legal status significantly. Consequently, nearly half of theUnited States has legalized marijuana for medical uses while a few others
have legalized it both for medicinal and recreational uses. Nonetheless, there are significant reasons that make the legalization of marijuana completely
beneficial as a legal recreational and therapeutic drug. Not only would it benefit patients and people using it for recreational purposes but it would ...
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It also provides the treatment for Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, glaucoma, Arthritis, depression, anxiety, Hepatitis C and morning sickness (Iversen
165). It is also a less toxic drug compared to various other drugs that physicians often prescribe. These qualities of marijuana as a medicine have led to
its use in adoption by health providers widely. Marijuana improves the immune function of patients with HIV–1 infection more than other medicine like
placebo do. For instance, a study examining the short–term effects of the cannabinoids found that the patients who smoked or took marijuana pills
gained an average of 4 pounds more than those who took placebo (Iversen 168). Marijuana has some significant uses for cancer and asthma patients,
too. It increases their appetite, relieves nausea and vomiting in cancer patients, and it inhibits tumor growth and enlarges the airways. This does not
only cause its use for chemotherapies but also to ease asthma attacks. Terminally ill patients, especially those suffering from terminal cancer and
advanced AIDS, take marijuana because its benefits are more than its suspected risks. To these patients, the institutions that regulate the use of
marijuana for medical purposes need to relax the federal laws with their regard because physicians administer the drug based on care
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Argumentative Essay: The Medicinal Use Of Marijuana
The medicinal use of 'Marijuana' is a growing practice that is creeping its way into Australian culture and the current legal system. As societal beliefs
develop and change throughout time so too does the debate on medicinal Marijuana. So, do we as the general society really want another drug to be
decriminalized and brought into mainstream culture? Do we really want our Government condoning the recreational usage of Marijuana? However,
cannabis, when assessed for its medicinal properties contains a cannabinoid known as 'CBD', which has been seen to possess healing qualities. While
at such an early untested, uncertified and unsteady time, is it time or is it too early to legalize 'marijuana' for medicinal purposes? Society would yield
multiple ... Show more content on ...
With a large debilitating effect upon mental, physical and emotional health, recreational marijuana is an extremely controversial legal issue in the
present era. With a high amount of vigilance for the detrimental health effects of recreational usage, the study for the effect of medicinal use is left
unknown. The current Queensland legislation states that cannabis is a Schedule 1 Dangerous Drug and is therefore considered illicit. Currently the
prevalence of cannabis is at an alarming level and is rapidly entering into mainstream Australian culture. While the laws attempt to protect the citizens
from the harmful effects of drugs, they cannot hide the clear untested and unproven medical qualities that the drug possesses. Without testing this
substance and automatically governing it as a 'safe drug' is a way of condoning recreational drug use to the younger generations. However, after close
scientific analysis 'medical marijuana' should be safely implemented into society. Why should we go through a rigorous process of amending the
current legislation (Drugs Misuse Act 1986 (QLD)) to provide society with something that is essentially toxic? However, society would yield multiple
benefits if marijuana were decriminalized for the sole purpose of medical use. Additionally, through outlawing drugs such as tobacco and alcohol to
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Drug Use Recreational Drugs
Recreational drugs are substances used for nonmedical reasons usually for leisure or pleasure but can cause addiction, health issues and even criminal
activity. These types of drugs typically include cocaine, marijuana, amphetamines, alcohol, tobacco, opiates and other psychedelic drugs. The
significance of this behavior to public health is that drug usage can have effects on prescription medication effectiveness and the damage a disease can
inflict on one's self. Not only can this behavior have effects on physical dimensions of health but mental and emotional health can be greatly affected.
These effects could be events like making mistakes at work, relationship conflict over drug use and being more likely to participate in other risky
health behaviors such as unprotected sex. A study at Boston Medical Center shows how even "weekend–only" drug use can quickly and easily
transform into a more frequent habit. The study had a sample size of 483 primary–care patients who made two visits the medical center six months
apart. Among those who claimed to be "weekend–only" users for the first visit, only 19.2% maintained that label while more than half the sample
reported using drugs more than just on the weekend (Saitz, et al, June 2016). The behavior of using recreational drugs is relevant because this course
attempts to apply different models and theories to possibly change health behavior; drug use is a behavior that many people would like to personally
change in order to improve
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Recreational Drug Abuse In The United States
The use of recreational drugs have been on the rise in the U.S in the last fifty five years. This trend has led to the growing concern of how these
popular recreational drugs are affecting human health. Since the evolution of recreational drugs, researchers have conducted studies to determine how
drugs impact the human body. From these studies, we have discovered how addictive these drugs are, their affect on a person both mentally and
physically, and how exposure to drugs can lead to life problems. So the real question is, how is this rise of recreational drugs hurting American society's
health and safety?
Early on in research, scientists discovered that recreational drugs are addictive, but this did not stop people from trying recreational drugs due to many
reasons, like peer pressure. Judith Bernstein who has her PhD and is a professor at Boston College where she specializes in teaching community health
sciences, conducted a study on the addictive properties of recreational ... Show more content on ...
Brian J. Piper who is a behavioral neuroscientist conducted a study to determine how adopted children are affected by prenatal exposure to
recreational drugs. He discovered that adopted children with prenatal exposure to recreational drugs have more mental and physical problems. Because
the children were exposed to recreational drugs at a young age, they were negatively affected because they did not receive the nutrition that they needed
(Piper 1). Adopted children that have been exposed to recreational drugs face greater difficulties. The exposure the drugs can have detrimental effects to
behavioral functions. "Adoptive children with histories of prenatal exposure to recreational drugs had statistically and substantially greater difficulties
with executive (or self–regulatory) and behavioral functioning" (Piper 9). This shows that not only do they affect your body overall, but they also
affect the people around
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To What Extent Is Recreational Drug Use Is Immoral Or Immoral
Recreational Drug Use: Moral or Immoral?
The question regarding drug use has prevailed in ethics for centuries: is recreational drug use morally permissible? Many argue that it is immoral due to
the resulting harms, while others argue that humans have the moral right to engage in such an activity (Richards 2–3)(Huemer 7). Perhaps the answer
lies in the circumstances. Under conditions that ensure safety, minimize abuse, and do not risk others, it is morally permissible for adults to use drugs
for recreational purposes.
Those against recreational drug use often argue that it is immoral because it is degrading and leads to addiction (Richards 2–3)(Fieser 1)(Wilson 26).
David A.J. Richards's Sex, Drugs, Death and the Law: An Essay on Human Rights ... Show more content on ...
As mentioned, a behavior is immoral if it is degrading and fails to be proficient in a virtue; thus, addiction is immoral because it overwhelms
self–control as the drug controls the user in terms of habit and lifestyle (Richards 2). This is regarding addiction as a health concern and uncontrollable
thirst; however, according to James Fieser's "DRUGS," addiction in regard to morality is "ultimately a matter of personal choice," where "with the
right will power," one can choose to stop the addictive behavior despite the difficulty, and "failure to do so is a moral weakness where users know that
their actions are wrong but choose to do them anyway" (1). In this alternative definition of addiction, the behavior remains immoral as the user
"chooses" to continue, knowing it is wrong. Regardless of either definition, immorality is evident.
On the other hand, those who believe recreational drug use is morally permissible often argue that humans simply have the right to do so (Huemer
7). The right to use drugs is derived from the right to bodily autonomy, which Michael Huemer's "America's Unjust Drug War" defines as "the right
to exercise control over [one's] own body . . . in a manner similar to the way one may exercise control over one's property" (7). Pro–recreational drug
use arguments claim that humans have the right to engage in such an activity; therefore, it is morally permissible (Huemer
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Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana
Cannabis, also known as marijuana among other names, is a psychoactive drug from the cannabis plant intended for medical and recreational use. The
legality of marijuana has been a passionately debated subject for decades. As of 2018, only eight states have marijuana legalized for recreational use.
In addition to, there are roughly about twenty–two states that have medical marijuana broadly legalized. Such as the state of new york. Although, the
legalization of marijuana will prove beneficial not only for science, people, and economics, but also for planetary properties. However, the legalization
of marijuana here in New York can cause many dilemmas such as, it is a gateway drug, it is harmful to the state, and recreational use can be detrimental
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For example, the state of New York would change pretty drastically if we legalized marijuana. There would be more people smoking and driving,
or smoking and doing something which can be dangerous or distracting. To prove this point, CNCB indicated that drug impaired driving will
increase if marijuana is legalized. Marijuana is already a significant factor of all crashes injuries and deaths. Another point to be noting is that more
people would be dependent on it. In fact, it would be more accessible for little kids. stated the fact that the legalization of
recreational marijuana has been linked with teen violence, suicide, teen violence, and HIVs. A fact that should be taken into consideration should be
the use of marijuana by adolescents can disrupt emotional development, delay puberty, and can even delay the monthly cycle in females. Crime is
another huge factor that can be harmful if New York state decided to legalize recreational marijuana. Legalization of marijuana would not cut down
on crime at all. It expressed that family disputes, rape, robbery, reckless driving, and murder will still continue or even rise in New York if the the
decision was made to legalize recreational
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Should Marijuana Be Legalized?
"Someday pray that he will grow a farm barn full, recent research shows it's not so darn harmful." (Madvillain, "America's Most Blunted") Despite
the wide amount of research that shows the positive benefits of marijuana, it remains illegal under federal law. In recent years, numerous states have
defied federal law and legalized marijuana for both recreational and medicinal use. Arizona has legalized marijuana for medical use, but it still
remains illegal to use recreationally. This is absurd, as the evidence gathered over the last few decades strongly supports the notion that it is safer than
alcohol, a widely available substance. Marijuana being listed as a Schedule I drug has ruined thousands of lives. Not to mention, an anti–marijuana
agenda being broadcasted on behalf of multiple organizations combined with an uninformed population are a portion of the reasons why it remains
illegal under federal law. Although federal legalization may be well out of the picture, Arizona should demonstrate progressiveness and legalize
marijuana for recreational use. Legalizing marijuana would be beneficial as the local economy would experience an increase in revenue similar to other
states that have legalized the substance, and citizens who partake in using a minimally harmful substance would not have to worry about local law
enforcement ruining their lives. In years past, marijuana use was attributed to causing lung cancer and cognitive impairment. Extensive research has
disputed this
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Legalizing Marijuana For Recreational Use
Legalizing Marijuana in Texas for Recreational Use The well known debate over the legalization of marijuana for recreational use in The United
States has been ongoing since 1935. Recently Colorado and Washington have legalized the use of marijuana for recreational use. By doing so, the
legalization of the recreational use of marijuana has become more of an issue than it already was and now brings other states to question whether or
not they should legalize marijuana (Breecher). Which brings about the question is the legalization of marijuana for recreational use in Texas a good
idea? I believe that legalizing marijuana would be a good idea. Just like the use of alcohol people should be able to choose if they want to use
marijuana. Advocates of legalizing the recreational use of marijuana would agree, legalizing the recreational use of marijuana could yield substantial
tax revenue, save the government money by decreasing the number of arrests and incarcerations, and quite possibly create a safer driving environment.
By legalizing the recreation use of marijuana, the state of Texas would have to regulate it, control it, and tax it. By doing so, a substantial amount of
money could be made off of the taxation. To provide backing to this statement, in 2012 Michigan collected $10 million just from medical marijuana
dispensaries, imagine how much could be made off of the taxation of marijuana for recreational use (Smith). To put things further into perspective,
Jeffrey Miron,
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Why I 'm For Recreational Use Marijuana
Throughout history, the perception of marijuana for recreational has been misguided by many. If we look at prior research, compare it to other
drugs, some may argue that it is not a dangerous drug, and can be of great use. The purpose of this present discussion is to show an understanding of
why I'm for recreational use of marijuana. Secondarily, the goal of this paper is to discuss the argument for and against the utilization of this drug. In
this article, assuming the role of the Governor of New York, it would state policies on the recreational use of Marijuana, and how the distribution would
Keywords: marijuana, legalizing, policies, recreational
Why I'm for Recreational Use of Marijuana?
The approach to drug use or ... Show more content on ...
The purpose of this present discussion is to discuss why as Governor of New York marijuana would be legalized for recreational use. Secondarily, the
goal of this paper is to describe the policies on recreational marijuana use and how the distribution would work.
Why legalize marijuana for recreational use and how the distribution would work?
As the Governor of New York marijuana would be legalized for recreational use for various reasons. According to Anslinger and Cooper (1937),
Marijuana derivative of the Indian hemp plant called Cannabis sativa. It was used as a medication to cure depression, hysteria, insanity, and mental
retardation (Anslinger & Cooper, 1937). Then during the 1800 's the drug was used for other purposes but because it could not be injected it
became ineffective (Anslinger & Cooper, 1937). Later on in the 1920 's, it was perceived by people in power that marijuana was a minority drug
(Anslinger & Cooper, 1937). The dangers of marijuana were vigorously exaggerated to discourage new users and persuade current users to cease
using the drug (Sifaneck et al., 2015). This was a prevention strategy that was used to scare youth away from using the drug (Sifaneck et al., 2015).
Anslinger (2009, as cited in Anslinger & Cooper, 1937) indicated that among young people, crimes such as robberies, murders, suicides, and burglary
was the results of marijuana use. This statement was very untrue, and marijuana can be very
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The Pros And Cons Of Legalizing Marijuana
The question of whether or not marijuana should be legalized for recreational and medicinal use has been a three decade long conversation. There
are many pros and cons to legalizing marijuana. There are many different ideas about the effects of marijuana, but as with any drug answers are
going to vary depending on the person you survey. Age, health, and mental stability are all factors to consider how a drug can positively or negatively
affect you, and marijuana is no different. To be legal or not to be legal is the million dollar question up for debate.
There are several reasons why marijuana is such a hot topic all over the world, especially in the United States of America. Marijuana is the most
commonly used drug in the world, with two hundred and forty–seven million people using marijuana on a regular basis (World Health Organization).
Marijuana is only growing in users and the amount of marijuana is only increasing. This is why this debate an even hotter topic than in recent memory,
and that is because people want change. People want to see change regarding the laws, regulations, and policies on marijuana, not only for medicinal
use but for recreational use as well.
In New York City, one of our largest cities in the United States, if you are caught with marijuana it is punishable by law. An arrest for possession of
less than 2 ounces of marijuana in a public place is classified as criminal possession of marijuana in the 5th degree a Class B misdemeanor punishable
by 3
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Why Do Americans Use Recreational Drugs
Recreational drugs are a relevant part of modern culture and society. Alcohol is by far the most common in America. With majority of the country
claiming to drink, alcohol abuse occurs often. The continual use of alcohol has led to the end of careers and personal relationships, domestic abuse,
billions of dollars in healthcare and medical expenses, and the death of millions. Although the effects of alcohol are destructive, the causes such as
social pressure and coping with pain are just as detrimental to the lives of many Americans. Social pressure is a leading cause to alcohol abuse.
Being socially accepted is an innate desire of human beings. Alcohol use is indirectly and directly promoted. From the pestering of peers to try a shot
of vodka
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Illicit Drug Use
According to (Humphrey, J. 2012) an extensive fluctuation in the use of illicit drugs and enormous use of alcohol users are found around the world.
Substance abuse is particularly prevalent among the young worldwide (Humphrey, J. 2012). The processes of worldwide tend to increase the
availability of mind–boggling substances (Humphrey, J. 2012). Illicit drug use, like excessive alcohol consumption, is a world–wide phenomenon. It is
estimated that the annual worldwide cost on illicit drugs top $321 billion (Humphrey, J. A., & Schmalleger, F.2012).
The question is, what is determined a Drug? According to study a physical substance may be classified as a drug if it causes recognizable physical or
psychological effects however, Humphrey, 2012)... Show more content on ...
2012). The most common drug is marijuana (Humphrey, J. 2012). Illicit drug use is most common between the ages of 16 and 25, as might be
expected; persons over the age of 65 are decidedly unlikely to use illicit drugs of any kind. However, among 12– to 13–year–olds, nonmedical use of
prescription drugs was the most common form of illicit drug offending, followed by marijuana and inhalants (Humphrey, J. A., & Schmalleger, F.2012).
However, we can appreciate that recreational users have lower odds of increasing drug user than of illicit drug users, and likely lower odds of
increasing drug use to extreme (Bernstein, J. 2015). According to research only a fifth of those who initially reported moderate drug use retained that
pattern while some abstained but at the same time, most shifted to include regular drug use (Bernstein, J. 2015). These findings suggest caution in
accepting recreational drug use as reassuring, and the importance of following patients in whom drug use is identified (Bernstein, J.
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Cannabis: Keeps the Mind Balanced
Drugs in America
Cannabis– Keeps the Mind Balanced Marijuana also known Cannabis is the most common recreational drug of choice in modern day society.
Although marijuana is currently one of the most controversial drugs, it is statistically the safest of any drug in the United States and around the
world yet it is still illegal. Aside the recreational use of marijuana; it can be used as a pain reliever and a relaxant. Marijuana is extremely beneficial to
cancer, AIDS, glaucoma, and multi sclerosis patients in which it offers a strong sense of relief. I believe that marijuana is therapeuticdrug that can be
used recreational and medicinal. Although marijuana offers many benefits, there are still many issues that surround the use of the drug. The constant
battle over legalizing marijuana stems from its classification as a Schedule I drug. Schedule I drugs are extremely high risk for latent substance abuse.
I have various standpoints on the recreational use of marijuana in which if it's used to relief individuals stress level then why oppose the use. I am firm
believer marijuana smokers use the drug to block out traumatizing past experiences. Anything that can help comfort a mother suffering from glaucoma
should unquestionably be supported. Marijuana can be used for spiritual purposes in which it can help one meditate at ease. It creates a calm and
relaxing atmosphere to think freely which puts the mind at ease. The medicinal use of marijuana is a prime example on why
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Marijuan The Pseudo Gate Way Drug
Marijuana: The Pseudo Gate way Drug
My thesis states that the federal government of United States of America should legalize marijuana. Legalizing would not only benefit the people of
need for medical uses but also our economy for recreational use. In the year of 2014 the state of Colorado was the one of the first few states to
legalize the use of recreational marijuana. Colorado retailers sold $386 million of medical marijuana and $313 million for purely recreational purposes
(Ingraham). Within one year of the legalization of cannabis, Colorado cannabis market was able to generate nearly seven hundred million dollars. The
money garnered from the market is not only significant but also the taxation of it will benefit sectors in need nationally. For an example since the
legalization of cannabis in Colorado it has gained $15.6 million in tax revenues, the funds benefit a called "Building Excellent Schools Today (BEST)
grant program meant to generate additional funding for public schools in the state to renew or replace deteriorating facilities.
Despite the fact of the potential market boom and it benefiting other sectors, prohibitionist groups urge that cannabis is a threat to society and its
youth. An organization known as "Save Our Society from Drugs (S.O.S)" claims that the use of medical marijuana is a scam is by special interest
groups used to exploit the sick and dying. According to Save Our Society from Drugs, crude cannabis does not have any medical properties
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Drug Use Vs. Recreational Use
It is no secret that drug use has made a solid establishment within our society and will continually push negative results on people, particularly on the
youth culture who are experiencing the confusing and exciting journey to adulthood (Measham et al, 2001). Just looking at the 60% increase in those
charged and tried for Class Adrug related crimes (Mallender et al, 2002), it is clear that research in this area is needed fast and vast quantities.
However, it is since the argument that recreational use is now a familiar activity among popular sub youth cultures as apposed to the minority
(Manning, 2007) that the area of attitudes towards recreational drug use be examined closer.
Drug Use in the UK – From Past to Modern Day
– Comparison of UK to other nations
– Key characteristics, demographics and psychograpics of Drug users in UK – age, gender etc.
– Drug usage / types / places / attitudes (drug use vs recreational use)
Target Demo– Students
There is a well–established link between students and the clubbing culture with vast findings on drug usage and the student population (CASE) .
Music festivals
Analysis of the changes
Acceptable behaviour?
Traditional / Classic Theories of Drug Use
The concept of normilization, coined during the 1950s, was initially used to describe people with leanring difficulties creating 'normal ' living
surroundings (Howard Parker, Lisa Williams and Judith Aldridge, 2002). Since that time the extent to which recreational drug use had been
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Overuse And Misuse Of Drugs
The Overuse and Misuse of alcohol and or recreational drugs is a major problem throughout the youth of the world, and they change people, they
change the way people think, they change the way people act, and through an improved awareness and economic funds to raise awareness, and help
provided for those affected by drugs and alcohol. I will be exploring how drugs and alcohol affect men's life due to the social, economic, and cultural
factors. Many factors contribute to the misuse of Alcohol and other drugs in male health, these include social, cultural, and economic. "Drug Abuse
costs the healthcare system about 11 billion with overall costs reaching as high as 193 billion" ( 2017). "Approximately 1 in 20 male
adults, a quarter of a billion of people between the ages of 15 and 64 years, used at least one recreational drug in 2014" (UNODC 2016). "12 million
people inject recreational drug, 1.6 million people who inject recreational drugs are living with HIV, and 6 million are living with Hepatitis C"
(UNODC 2016). These scary facts can be hugely reduced by as little as a supportive family or a supportive friend.
The Social factors that have contributed to the overuse and misuse of alcohol and or recreational drugs include peer pressure, bad parenting, and poor
education. The desire to fit in or to impress others is a huge factor as to why young men are misusing and overusing recreational drugs, some social
groups support drug and alcohol use, and encourage its
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Pros And Cons Of Recreational Marijuana

  • 1. Pros And Cons Of Recreational Marijuana Have you ever stopped to wonder what the world would be like if recreational drugs were legal? Many citizens are protesting to legalize recreational drugs in the United States. They say that these recreational drugs like cannabis, heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, amphetamines, LSD, and opium are harmless to the people of the world and won't affect it. One of the main recreational drug that teenagers and young adults are commonly using is cannabis, also known as marijuana. This drug has grown in the United States exceeding more than any other drug. Teenagers want this drug to be legal so they can smoke it anywhere they want. Some states and local officials do not agree with this protest because these drugs have been causing serious damage to citizens in this country. Many of them have died consuming these drugs. Drugs have been and still is a topical issue around the world. There are many in favor to legalize recreational drugs, but there are more in favor to not legalize it. Recreational drugs in the United States need to be illegal because it has psychological effects, causes serious changes in the body and it causes fatal accidents. Recreational drugs in the United States should not be legalized because it causes serious changes to the body. In an article called "Pros and Cons of Using Recreational Marijuana" it talks about the disadvantages of using recreational marijuana. It also shows the reasons why using marijuana is harmful and what it does to your body. For example, ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Legalizing Recreational Drugs Within the United States Essay A recreational drug is defined as "any controlled substance used to alter one's mind state or for non–medical purposes, without the permission or supervision of a physician" (Recreational Drug). Recreational drugs include both illegal and legal substances, some of which are extremely prevalent in the United States. The most popular recreational drug in the world is caffeine. Nearly, "80 – 90% of adult Americans consume caffeine every day" (Caffeine addiction). Other popular recreational drugs include nicotine (found in cigarettes), alcohol (found in beer, cocktails, wine, etc.), and cannabis (a.k.a. marijuana or weed) (Recreational Drug Use). These three drugs are found throughout the world and are used by a wide variety of cultures. Some ... Show more content on ... (History of Alcoholic Beverages). Alcohol can be found at bars, liquor stores, gas stations and supermarkets for sale to anyone 21 years or older. Alcohol was not always legalized; from 1920 to 1933 there was a prohibition of alcohol, outlawing all alcohol consumption within the United States (Prohibition). "Initially, alcohol generally produces feelings of relaxation, euphoria and general cheerfulness, but further consumption can lead to blurred vision and coordination problems". Large amounts of alcohol consumption can lead to loss of consciousness, vomiting, diarrhea, anger, aggressiveness, sadness, depression, alcohol poisoning, and eventually even death (Short–Term Effects). Both nicotine and alcohol are highly addictive but are still legal within the United States. Cannabis also known as marijuana, weed, pot, dope, hash and a variety of other names is derived from Cannabis Indica or Cannabis Sativa. "According to the United Nations, cannabis is the most widely used illicit substance in the world" (Cannabis Drug). Cannabis originated in Central Asia where it was believed to be discovered in the 3rd millenium B.C. The first culture to discover cannabis' smoking properties were the Aryans who used the drug for religious ceremonies. Cannabis is the fourth most frequently used recreational drug in the world and the most popular illegal recreational drug in the United States. Cannabis is ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Pros And Cons Of Marijuana Legalization The Debate over Marijuana Legalization Introduction The use of recreational marijuana was legalized in the state of Colorado in the November 2012 election (Hudak, 2015). As Colorado's Amendment Sixty–Four was put into place, its ruling and subsequent implementation were in direct conflict with U.S. federal legislation that criminalizes the drug's possession and use (Hudak, 2015). With more states legalizing the use of medical marijuana and a small percentage of jurisdictions following Colorado's lead, the debate over whether marijuana should be legal continues. Proponents of the debate advocate that the use of marijuana in small to moderate amounts is not any less harmful than the recreational use of alcohol. Proponents of the drug's use also advocate that many with chronic diseases and terminal illnesses benefit from the drug's pain relieving effects. Opponents of legalization state that harmful use of the drug will likely increase and children could become exposed to harmful levels of the drug (Alcoholism Drug Abuse Weekly, 2014). While both sides have legitimate perspectives, the legalization of marijuana for medical and recreational use does not cause undue harm to a society that has already been using the drug for multiple purposes. On the contrary, legalization brings to... Show more content on ... In addition, legalization allows local governments to reap tax revenues from the sale of the drug and re–distribute that tax revenue to social and educational programs. Legalization of the drug for recreational use in Colorado involved an elaborate and sophisticated framework of how the drug would be made available for sale (Hudak, ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Recreational Drugs and Their Usage The usage of drugs is a very common practice in our society nowadays. The usage of drugs can vary from medical purposes to recreational purposes. What is drugs? 'A drug is any chemical you take that affects the way your body works.' (Science Museum, What is a drug?, n.d.) So this does not mean that drugs can only be in the form of pill, tablet, oral solution, and injection drugs can also in the form of tobacco that contains nicotine, or drinkable substance such as coffee and tea that contains caffeine and beer that contains alcohol. (Crocq, 2003) For some people nowadays recreational drugs already become a way of life. Recreational drug is 'a drug used without medical justification for its psychoactive effects often in the belief that occasional use of such a substance is not habit–forming or addictive.' (Merriam Webster, recreational drug, 2013) Most of people use recreational drug in order to enchant their recreational experience. Some of recreational drugs are illegal in most country but there is some common drugs that are universally legal such as nicotine, caffeine and alcohol (ethanol). Regretless it is legal or illegal recreational drugs can be categorize into four major category: Stimulants, Depressants, Opioids and Hallucinogens. (Castle Craig Hospital, 2013) Stimulants drugs are 'a class of drugs that elevate mood, increase feelings of well–being, and increase energy and alertness.' (The National Institute on Drug Abuse, Drug Facts Stimulants, 2013) This types ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Rastafarianism And Alcohol Use Catholicism, Rastafarianism, Scientology, and Mind Altering Substances. Drugs are used everyday in society, from medicine, to recreational use, they are all around us in our everyday lives. Some are considered to be bad, and dangerous, and yet others save lives, so who decides which ones we should, or should not, use? Besides the obvious answer of not using the ones that have very high chances of killing you, such as heroin, meth, etc..., But what about the ones that do not have a tendency to kill, are very hard to overdose on, and for the most part are Scientifically safe to the human brain? In most cases all drug use is frowned upon in the two out of three religions (Catholicism, and Scientology) and marijuana is the only drug mentioned in ... Show more content on ... Like Catholicism they tend to have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to recreational drug use, and even have their own rehab program developed specifically targeted at youth. They do believe in the use of medicine, when prescribed by a doctor, and will rely on medical advice given to them by a doctor as well. Smoking and drinking have no prohibition on them, as long as they are used in moderation, just like catholicism and they believe that it is important for one to enjoy themselves every now and then, if that means drinking so be it. However it is commonly believed that Scientology tends to send false messages about their actual beliefs, and it has been noted that in the rehab program made by Scientologists (called Narconon) they state that all drugs of any type are evil and poisonous to the body, which is quite contradicting to what they stated about medicine. Overall it would be safe to assume that Scientology has a strict belief that all drugs are just generally bad, and use can only lead to destruction, which is quite a fogged, close minded approach, but, it is the one they have chosen to go. Some religions use drugs as a part of the religion, others consider them evil and deadly, and some just believe in simple moderation, overall it is clear that every religion has a different perspective on drug use, whether it be medicinal or recreational. In today's society it truly is up to independent choice, as there are so ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Recreational Drug Use in Husak's A Moral Right to Use Drugs According to Husak, "A Moral Right to Use Drugs." There is nothing inherently wrong about using recreational drugs; therefore, they should be legal for adults. He believes that since there are between one–quarter and one–third of all felony charges involve drug offenses as a result, court have become clogged, and prison overcrowding is legendary. Due to the fact that illegal drugs have become the single most important concern of our criminal justice system if Americans were allowed to use drug there would be less people in prison with a drug felony and there would be less crimes, He states that more than three–quarters of those arrested are eventually charged with possession typically of marijuana. Many crimes of possession involve amounts that include a presumption of intent to distribute. Sometimes the quantity of drugs that creates this presumption is small. If the government legalize drugs it would be easier for them to track down people that overdose and using drugs the wrong way. Husak says that illegal drugs provide the ideal scapegoat. Drugs are alleged to be so powerful that persons cannot be blamed very much for succumbing to them, as they could be blamed for not studying or working. And drugs are so plentiful and easy to conceal that government cannot be blamed very much for failing to eliminate them. I agree with him the government cannot be blamed for failing to eliminate them but, if they make it legal it wouldn't really be a problem for the responsible ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Government Should Legalize Recreational Drugs In Canada In 2013 there was over a hundred thousand drug related crimes recorded in Canada. Some countries around the world, such as the Netherlands, have loosened their restrictions on recreational drug use in an attempt to lower crime rates in their nation. The current law in Canada strictly prohibits the use and distribution of all recreational drugs. Many people, however, question if this is the best way to regulate drugs. Some would argue that legalizing drugs would create an economic opportunity for the government, reduce crime, reduce drug illnesses and fatalities, and give citizens their justified rights. Thus, the government should legalize recreational drugs to be consumed and distributed in the same way as alcohol. Many people do not put enough thought into the idea of how the state should regulate drugs; they feel that since they do not use drugs, it does not affect them. However, the truth is the legalization of recreational drugs would be a huge change for Canada. It would change the lives of all citizens, whether they use drugs or not. How the state regulates drugs will force a change on even a non–users social life, taxes, morals, and much more. The first reason the state should legalize drugs is because if recreational drugs were sold in the free market, the state would be able to make large economic gains. Introducing drugs to the free market would allow the government to put a high tax on drugs just as they do with cigarettes or alcohol and make a huge ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Pros and Cons of Recreational Drug Use Essay It is no secret that drug use has the ability to completely alter a person's state of consciousness, whether it be through extreme euphoria, increased hyperactivity, pain relief or psychedelic hallucinations. Although many drugs are used for medical purposes, the global issue of recreational drug use is now being fronted as an extremely serious matter that is steadily on the uprise. Recreational drug use is often associated with negativity, addiction and as having serious physical and mental repercussions. One of the few class of drugs that is often associated with both positive and negative connotations are hallucinogens, otherwise known as "psychedelics", which have powerful altering effects on ones sense of perception, brain function ... Show more content on ... It is such effects as the latter, synaesthesia, which introduces the cons and explicit dangers of ingesting a hallucinogenic drug. This is particularly mentioned when regarding the use of lysergic acid diethylamide, commonly known as LSD or acid. LSD is rather infamous in the hallucinogenic drug world, known to induce extremely convincing hallucinations. Unlike ayahuasca, a hallucinogen that is discussed below, there have been many cases individuals using LSD and never properly recovering. This is evident in not only LSD users, but all hallucinogenic drugs. When an individual consumes a hallucinogenic substance, they run the risk of aspects of a specific trip reoccurring at later times that can last for years, even when in a completely sober state (Vale, 2007). This, of course, is a negative aspect of participating in recreational use of LSD, as it can happen to an individual even if they experiment with the drug once and once only. Hallucinogens have the power to not only alter conscious perception of surroundings when a person is sober, but also have the power to inflict grave physical harm when taken in large, pure amounts. Such harm includes complications regarding blood platelets, muscular twitches and tremors, respiratory arrest and uncontrolled seizures (Vale, 2007). Another risk that is run when recreationally using hallucinogens is that of a "bad trip". Hallucinogens are unpredictable in what they will warp the mind ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Should Legalizing Marijuana Be Legalized? Growing up in America, you most likely heard the words "drugs are bad for you" in some shape, way or form. Being a child, you are susceptible to believe the words of people older than you without knowing the reasoning behind why you should believe it. It became clear as I grew up that there were still people who continued to use drugs even through they're clearly illegal. legalizing Marijuana for recreational use has been a controversial topic for years and is still up for debate. Today this substance is so common it's featured in things people enjoy such as movies, TV shows and music. If marijuana were to be legalized we could potentially boost our economy, regulate the drug and its consumption, and save money on cost of enforcing the drug ... Show more content on ... In a survey conducted by the New England Journal of Medicine 1446 votes were recorded from 72 countries and 56 states and provinces in North America, it's no surprise the overall result was that 76% were in favor for legalizing this substance. Doctors who prescribe marijuana as an aid for people focus on its healing affects and how it alleviates suffering of the patient. Although further studies still need to be conducted on its effects, overall marijuana is a highly acceptable drug in the health industry. marijuana has never directly been associated with being the cause of disease the way tobacco is associated with cancer or alcohol with cirrhosis or in other words destruction of the liver. Casual use by healthy individuals has little to no effect on overall health, in fact a study surveyed the heaviest users only suffer from symptoms of bronchitis, but moderate smoking poses little to no risk. With its increasing support more studies may be conducted on it effects and could potentially lead it to become legal for recreational ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Recreational Drug Use Recreational drug use by students in post–secondary institutions has been a troubling epidemic for many years in North America. Recreational drug use can be hard to track because many people who use drugs recreationally do not consider themselves drug users. Therefore many of these users become invisible to most research that involves drugs and the use of them. The term recreational drug user refers to someone who uses drugs to get high for reasons other than for a medical condition. Substances that most commonly fall under the recreational category are marijuana, cocaine, and MDMA. Even legal substances such as nicotine and alcohol can be considered recreational drugs. The demographic of this type of this type of drug use is relatively large, ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Street Scene : Statistics And Impact Of Recreational... The Street Scene: Statistics and Impact of Recreational Drug use in the United States D'yana Conley Maria Laura Ituah Kelly Mulhern Coty Tunwar Doctor of Pharmacy Candidates, Class of 2016 Chicago State University College of Pharmacy D'Yana Conley Maria Laura Ituah Kelly Mulhern Coty Tunwar Topic: The Street Scene– Statistics and Impact of Recreational Drug use in the United States Abstract In present time, recreational drug use in the United States has become a widely recognized topic that has generated a large amount of research over the years, which makes it a topic well worth discussing. Statistical findings show distinct trends that reveal important information on not only the types of drugs being abused, but ... Show more content on ... Studies show that different stressors present in these age groups can possibly contribute to the increased drug abuse. The biggest threat recreational drug use presents is the decline in the overall of health of Americans and the increase in annual healthcare costs directly and indirectly. Understanding the impact is key to one day seeing a decline in the rising numbers of drug abusers. Introduction A recreational drug is defined as any substance with pharmacologic effects that is taken voluntarily for personal pleasure or satisfaction rather than for medicinal purposes.1 As our knowledge about science and drug development expand compounded with the overall accessibility of this information in the digital age, recreational drug use will most likely continue to flourish. In the late 1990's it was recorded that Americans used close to 14 metric tons of heroin, 1000 metric tons or marijuana and 20 tons of methamphetamines.2. In the year 2000 alone, Americans spent about $10 billion dollars on heroin, $5.4 billion on methamphetamines, and $11 billion on marijuana.2 The true cost of addiction and addictive disorders spans far beyond
  • 12. just the cost of the user. Health care costs including detoxification, rehabilitation, prevention, training and research has increased since 1992 where it was calculated that drug abuse treatment and prevention costs were $9 billion dollars, research and insurance administration costs were $983 million dollars and support ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Legalization Of Recreational Drugs Essay The legalization of recreational drugs in the United States is a polarizing issue that affects every American, whether they are a drug user or not. Both sides present arguments that call for changes to federal drug policy. The pro–drug side says that the recreational use of drugs should be allowed and the law should change to legalize it. The anti–drug side says that the use of drugs should continue to be illegal and more should be done to control drug use. All side of this issue have a point they want to make and it is important to understand the verifiable facts surrounding the use of recreational drugs. BACKGROUND In 1970, Congress passed the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act, found in Title 21, Chapter 13 of the... Show more content on ... They cite many cases where all of these issues have happened and where they could happen in the future. They view their side of the argument as a serious and major policy decision that can affect Americans for generations to come. Their first point in their favor is that while police and other law enforcement agencies are trying to enforce drug laws, minorities are disproportionately targeted. They say that minorities, especially African American males, are subject to arrest more often, are incarcerated at a higher rate and serve longer sentences in prison ("Against", 2017). Law enforcement tends to enforce drug laws in areas that have been determined to be "high crime" and often, these areas are predominately African American communities. As the population of cities, especially the inner–city, continue to grow over time, the number of people imprisoned for drug offenses will continue to rise ("Against", 2017). Their next point covers the government's spending on the enforcement of drug policy. The DEA had a budget in 2016 of $2,080,000,000 ("DEA", 2016). Of course, not all of this is spent on stopping people from doing recreational drugs, but any money spent, in the eyes of pro–legalization proponents, is too much. In 2015, the federal government spent $36 billion on drug enforcement across all of its agencies ("Alarming", 2016). The United States spends around $80 billion per year on its prisons and ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Legalization Of Marijuana Legalization On November 8th, 2016, the California Marijuana Legalization Initiative may be included on the ballot. The people of California will vote on whether to legalize the recreational use of cannabis for adults. The move targets at regulating the consumption of the drug and taxing it like other legalized drugs. California was the first state to legalize medical marijuana in 1996 (National Institute of Drug Abuse). The state prohibited any legal actions from being taken on patients and recognized caregivers arrested in possession of the drug. This is considered the motivating factor for the push to legalize recreational use of the drug. There have been two fled attempts to achieve this. Both endeavors were defeated at the ballot stage. Forty years on the matter has risen again, and the people of California may have the mandate to legalize or not legalize the recreational use of the drug. The issue has resulted in an enormous debate. Those against the legalization of the drug argue on the basis of the adverse effects on the body and mind of the users. And on the other hand, proponents such as myself argue on the basis of economic benefits to the state and the reduction of the drug's misuse. Opponents of the legalization of marijuana for recreational use argue that the use of marijuana have harmful effects on the body. One effect is to the lungs. Smoking marijuana results in a closely threefold increase in the inhalation of tar as compared to tobacco use. Research also shows that ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Discuss the social problems that result from the... I. Discuss the social problems that result from the widespread availability of cheap alcohol The drinking of alcohol is completely acceptable in many if not most parts of society and, in the UK, it is legal to be bought by anyone over the age of 181. This is a well–known fact but a lesser known one is that in the UK, alcohol can be legally drunk on private premises by anyone over the age of 52 and youths aged 16 and over may drink alcohol3 in restaurants from the age of 16 if with an adult4. Apart from religious reasons, most people do not see a problem with a temperance attitude towards the consumption of alcohol, indeed research suggests that the occasional and moderate consumption of alcohol may have benefits to health. The... Show more content on ... Also, the general health of those who abuse alcohol declines and it often leads to an early death. One reason for bad health from alcohol is chronic liver disease. From 1970 – 2000, deaths in the UK from cirrhosis increased by 900%. The primary cause of cirrhosis is drinking too much alcohol. In conclusion, there are numerous social problems which result from freely available cheap alcohol. These problems include health issues, domestic problems, a rise in crime and a general degradation of our town and city centres. II. Expand on the other issues that have made alcohol a significant social problem In the answer above, as well as the main, obvious social issues I did touch on the problem of health and crime resulting from the consumption (or rather, over consumption) of alcohol. I will now expand on these issues in more detail. During a time of austerity institutions such as the NHS are extremely hard pressed to provide an adequate service to the population. The NHS in England currently has to make ВЈ20bn of efficiency savings (between 2011 and 2015). These savings of 4% a year are needed if the NHS is to meet rising demands and maintain quality, with funding effectively frozen in real terms during the current spending review period. The last thing it needs is for a social issue to increase the number of patients that it has. In 2010, the NHS published a report on the cost of binge ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Legalizing Cannabis Research Paper Smoking cannabis is a constant controversy in our society. 1 of 3 people in America have tried it in some time in their life's even though it not legal in many countries. Our society is divided in two different ideologies. , the ones who support cannabis legalization and the ones who are totally against it recreational use. Like every object in this world it have pros and cons. Smoking is a benefit if use for medical reasons. In the recreational way it also as some pros and cons, making it a constant debate whether it should be legalized by the government or not. One of its pros is that cannabis is proven to be a very successful method to endure pain cause by many medical diseases. Cancer is an example of a lethal decease that 39% of men and women will eventually be diagnosed with. Some researchers ... Show more content on ... The majority of society think that its bad for the human being but they might not know some positive effect that the cannabis might have in our body. Marijuana consumers are skinnier than the average person and has a healthier metabolism. Another good thing about smoking it is that it increases the lung capacity. It might help improve the lung capacity that was affected by tabaco. The recreational use of cannabis could bring a lot of positive effects in our daily life. There are only 8 states in the US with a legal use of recreational cannabis. Cannabis also has it negative effect in our bodies. The first negative effect that persist when smoking marijuana is the effect in our body in a short term. Some of the most common effect are dry mouth, red eyes and fatigue. Like all the recreational drugs, smoking weed could lead to addiction. About 9% of the consumers of this drug will become addicted to it. Everything in excess is bad for your health and in the case of cannabis it can lead to low pressure or to diabetes. In the US there are 21 states with no laws legalizing the marijuana in any sort of ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Effects Of Alcohol Consumption On Popular Recreational... The recreational use of soft drugs such as marijuana or ecstasy is less harmful than alcohol consumption and therefore should be decriminalised. When you hear the word drugs, what's the first thing that comes to mind? A nightclub full of adolescents, hopped up on happy pills, raving until night turns to day, or going down to the liquor store to buy a bottle of wine with dinner? Decriminalising recreational soft drugs is something that cannot be taken lightly, and a decision that can have many negative, but also positive outcomes. My initial opinion, and evaluation of this essay prompt is quite a varied one. Therefore this is a very weak deductive argument that begs the question. Alcohol as a drug itself, is just as, if not more harmful ... Show more content on ... Such as, the psycho–active effects of recreational drugs, and the neurological consequences that pose risk to societies and individuals. Which substances actually fall into the category of "Soft Drugs," as recreational drugs have several categories to determine this. The harms and inherent risks of alcohol to society and individuals. As well as the revenue building the government receives from legalized drugs which will also determine the legality of that particular drug. The supporting evidence I have provided for my negative position on the exam prompt, is from three different sources that will re–iterate my evaluation of the topic. As studies suggest, 'On average, alcohol causes 22,000 premature deaths in the UK each year while ecstasy causes 10. These figures are contestable but their order of magnitude is not' (Wolff, J, 2007, p4). Consequently this is a strong, and clear indication that alcohol, is a lot more harmful than a certain, so called soft drug. But this does not give a clear indication on the wide adverse effects of recreational drugs compared to alcohol. (Wolff, J, 2007, p8) suggests that, 'Drug use harms strangers by involving them in the collisions, shootouts and other catastrophes to which the impaired and overly aggressive drug users ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Critically Discuss What Howard Parker Et Al (1998) Mean by... Critically discuss what Howard Parker et al (1998) mean by the normalisation of recreational drug use. How convinced are you by this explanation of the contemporary drug situation? This essay is going to look at Howard Parker et al's (1998) theory of 'normalisation' and critically evaluate whether or not it still relevant in contemporary society. The essay will begin by explaining the theory in relation to how and where it developed from. The essay will move on to focus on specific aspects such as globalisation and how certain issues have affected the 'normalisation' of recreational drug use. The focus will then move onto describing the seven dimensions of 'normalisation' that Howard et al (1998) developed; drug availability, drug ... Show more content on ... The first dimension looks at drug availability and accessibility, without which Parker et al (2002) claim 'normalisation', could not take place. Over the past decade the availability of a variety of drugs has increased. With more and more drugs becoming available on the streets, prices are falling lower than ever. However purity levels are remaining the same, causing drug use to increase. Nowadays most youngsters obtain their drugs through social networks and friends of friends, who know the local dealers supplying on a small–scale level (Parker et al, 2002). Although this would therefore mean a huge population of young Britons have breached the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, this type of dealing is extremely common and also very difficult for the police to detect, as it is concealed between small networks of users buying usually 'recreational' drugs for personal use (Parker et al. 2002). Such behaviours between these groups of friends have become so 'normalised' that they do not see what they are doing as breaking the law, most of the users will otherwise live a fairly law–abiding lifestyle where drugs have a purely recreational purpose (Parker et al, 2002). The next dimension looks at drug trying and how rates have increased (especially during the 1990s) among adolescent Britons over the past few decades (Parker et al, 1998). Drug trying rates are younger than ever with young Britons being the most involved drug ... Get more on ...
  • 19. How To Legalize Recreational Drugs Ashish Diyali 10/27/17 Prompt 2 Professor Chandler Recreational drugs My thesis is that recreational drugs are situation, both can be bad or good for a person depending on the type of drug and how it is used. This essay will discuss the negative aspects to promoting the utilization of illegal recreational drugs such as a rare disease, misunderstanding of the health risks, and social destructive activities that follow its use. On the other hand, this essay will discuss how legalizing these drugs would lower crime and influence of the drug lords who sell illicit pharmaceuticals, actually lessen the negative abuse of drugs, and lower the spread of diseases by promoting safe and cheaper access to safe recreational alternatives. Now, ... Show more content on ... For example, reports that smoking marijuana deposits three to five times more tar into your lungs and has 50 to 70 percent more carcinogenic hydrocarbons, affecting the respiratory system at a greater rate than the often–maligned tobacco cigarette. Moreover, another misunderstanding of the medical side of many recreational drugs is they have benefit from ingestion rather than smoking. With marijuana as a staple drug example, smoking it affects and alters the brain. Furthermore, marijuana decreases the release of dopamine in the stratum region of your brain, which is responsible for working memory, impulsive and attention behavior. Other researchers have found that people who smoke marijuana on regular basis tends to lose the grey matter in the brain which is a major part of the central nervous system, impacting muscle control, memory, sensory, emotion, speech, decision making and self–control. Perhaps more importantly, this also leads to adverse mental health like depression and anxiety And this is not just marijuana, as other studies have shown the same negative affect on other recreational drugs that likewise lowered the release of dopamine in the brain. Despite being considered a safe alternative, burning anything alters the plant, changing the chemical compound and proving harmful to the body. Thus, this "safe" plant that is burned, releases the toxins and carcinogen where it can be exposed to the body and its respiratory system. The third
  • 20. ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana The legalization of marijuana in multiple states has sparked a nationwide debate. Marijuana has been legalized for either medical or recreation and even for both of the reasons in some sate. believe marijuana should be legalized for recreational use in Indiana because marijuana will be controlled better, it will allow law enforcement to shift their focus to more important issues in the community, and it will stimulate the economy. With the legalization of marijuana, the government can have better control of the drug. With marijuana being illegal right now, there is absolutely no control or limit of how much there is available for people to purchase. By legalizing it, the government can give out a certain number of licenses that allow businesses or individual to grow marijuana. With this system they will be able to control not only the amount of marijuana available for anyone, but they will also be able to keep a record of who produces it. Just like the sale of alcohol, by legalizing marijuana, the government can set a minimum age requirement to ensure that marijuana can be purchased by those who they think should be able consume it recreationally. Legalizing marijuana will let law... Show more content on ... If Indiana decides to legalize marijuana it will be sending the wrong message to its community. It will be promoting the distribution of other drugs as well because people will have the hope that just like marijuana, other drugs can potentially be legalized to. The legalization of marijuana will be contradicting the drug prevention programs like DARE that teenager have gone through and completed. It will put to waste all the money that was invested to develop programs that educated teenagers on drug use and prevention. Also, by legalizing marijuana the government would be encouraging its citizens to use drugs. The legalization of marijuana for recreational use will only create confusion among the citizens of ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Legalizing Recreational Pot English 1B 16 February 2016 Legalizing Recreational Pot Heavy marijuana smokers are at risk for some of the same health effects as cigarette smokers, like bronchitis and other respiratory illnesses. Marijuana is the most commonly abused illegal drug in the United States and around the world. Those who support its legalization, for medical or for recreational use, fail to recognize that the greatest costs of marijuana are not related to its prohibition; they are the costs resulting from marijuana use itself. If the United States were to legalize marijuana, the number of users would increase. New users would not be limited to adults if marijuana was legalized, as regulations on alcohol and tobacco does not prevent use by youth. The ... Show more content on ... Besides the curiosity and easy accessibility, another reason the number of drug users across the United States would increase would be because marijuana is a gateway for other drugs. Since the legalization of marijuana would make smoking weed out in public and smoking in general a social norm, many users of marijuana could possibly fall under the curiosity of what other drugs can do and how they could make them feel while on them. The high that marijuana causes is what drives many people to start using. Although other drugs provide different types of high, the high people experience from marijuana may not be enough anymore if it were legalized throughout the states. Since smoking weed would be a social norm if it were legalized, there is a high chance that many users of the drug may often fall into irresponsible habits of using or even start to try new drugs because the high from marijuana is not enough for them anymore. According to the Foundation for a Free Drug World, The vast majority of cocaine users began by first using a "gateway drug" like marijuana, cigarettes or alcohol. Of course, not everyone who smokes marijuana and hashish goes on to use harder drugs. Some never do. Others quit using marijuana altogether. But some do turn to harder drugs. One study found that youth (12 to 17 years old) who use marijuana ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Legalization Of Marijuan Recreational And Medicinal Purposes Marijuana: Recreational to Cultural to Medicinal Purpose and Legalization Kalpana Sapkota Northwestern Oklahoma State University Abstract This paper provides detailed information about the controversial topic that is the legalization of marijuana. Different articles proved that legal status of marijuana has been debated vigorously and will continue to be a heated debate for years to come. Marijuana has its negative effect but it can be used for recreational, cultural and medicinal purposes. Different people have different views regarding legalization of marijuana, but the most significant argument against legalization is that governmental approval of marijuana as a prescription drug would send the wrong message to the general population and would cause more extensive recreational use of this drug. The appropriate government response to the negative effects is to fight them directly b stopping the illegal practitioners from doing them (Barnes, 2000, p.29). Legalization of marijuana does not force people to use it but it is a personal choice to have it or not. Marijuana has its positive and negative effects, but the government should make plan to increase the positive effect and to eliminate the negative effect. Keywords: controversial, neuropharmacologic, long term memory, short term memory, Mahashivaratri. Marijuana the common drug The term "marijuana" is a word with many different names and indistinct origins. It is a Latin, American and Spanish word. ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Olympics, The World Cup, Wimbledon, The World Series, The Olympics, the World Cup, Wimbledon, the World Series, the Final Four, March Madness –all of these events draw in thousands of diverse people, worldwide every year. But what are these crowds there for? The athletes. Pro, semi–pro, and collegiate athletes unite sports enthusiasts that have a common passion for competition. However, watching and participating in these heart–pounding and lively displays of athleticism are not always as unified as they appear. Two sides emerge when one concept is mentioned: should athletes be tested and punished forrecreational drug use. Due to the fact that testing and punishment are two different areas of this debate, this paper will only be focusing on the former, punishment, in order to narrow the focus ... Show more content on ... Athletes, as well as other American citizens, know that these substances are banned and users who are actively choosing to partake of these recreational drugs are committing a felonious act. All laws, from driving over the speed limit to homicide, have to be enforced, otherwise there would be chaos. Consuming drugs such as the aforementioned are detrimental to the health of these athletes and with testing any future health concerns related to recreational drug use in athletes may be prevented. On the other hand, these athletes, from collegiate to pro, are of an age that they know that there are right and wrong choices. Although these drugs are illegal, athletes are aware of the risks they are taking when choosing to use drugs; they are also aware that, in the long run, using drugs could prematurely, end their careers. In the United States, there is a "strong legal and moral tradition of individual liberty...", says Doctor Thomas Murray a former director of Case Western Reserve University's Center of Biomedical Ethics, this means that athletes, as well as any other citizen has the "...right to take risks if we so desire" and to " with our own bodies what we wish" (Murray 27). There are other options available to athletes and citizens that are just as harmful for a person's health, but are not regulated within athletic communities. Options, such as fast food, alcohol, and other behaviors that can be deemed ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Legalization Of Recreational Marijuana Name: Course: Date: Federal Legalization of Recreational Marijuana Marijuana is a very controversial drug that spurs a lot of debate as to whether it should be legalized for recreational purposes or not. Most of the states already have legalized marijuana for medical purposes although the federal government prohibits any use of it. Proponents and opponents to this debate each try to argue their side and to show why recreational marijuana should be or should not be legalized but no consensus has been reached due to the complexity of the problem especially resulting from federal and state laws contradictions on the laws pertaining to drug use. Proponents argue that legalizing marijuana would increase revenue, lower burden on law enforcement, increase national security, safeguards individual rights, and make consumption safer. Opponents on the other hand, argue legalizing marijuana would create a gateway for harder drugs like cocaine, emergence of black markets, create new users, cause health problems, and loss of productivity. The issue is thus a headache for the federal and state governments bearing in mind the public support that legalization has been getting over the years. Leaders and mostly governors are at a loss whether to succumb to people's needs or use their discretion or moral values in deciding whether to support or not. The issue is thus becoming a great concern for law enforcement officers, parents, educators, health care workers, government and the public as ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana Marijuana is the most popular recreational drug globally and the third in America (Stuart). It is, however, unique because unlike many others recreational drugs, it also has a range of medical uses. The separation of medical from recreational marijuana is a challenging and confusing task, which has affected its legal status significantly. Consequently, nearly half of theUnited States has legalized marijuana for medical uses while a few others have legalized it both for medicinal and recreational uses. Nonetheless, there are significant reasons that make the legalization of marijuana completely beneficial as a legal recreational and therapeutic drug. Not only would it benefit patients and people using it for recreational purposes but it would ... Show more content on ... It also provides the treatment for Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, glaucoma, Arthritis, depression, anxiety, Hepatitis C and morning sickness (Iversen 165). It is also a less toxic drug compared to various other drugs that physicians often prescribe. These qualities of marijuana as a medicine have led to its use in adoption by health providers widely. Marijuana improves the immune function of patients with HIV–1 infection more than other medicine like placebo do. For instance, a study examining the short–term effects of the cannabinoids found that the patients who smoked or took marijuana pills gained an average of 4 pounds more than those who took placebo (Iversen 168). Marijuana has some significant uses for cancer and asthma patients, too. It increases their appetite, relieves nausea and vomiting in cancer patients, and it inhibits tumor growth and enlarges the airways. This does not only cause its use for chemotherapies but also to ease asthma attacks. Terminally ill patients, especially those suffering from terminal cancer and advanced AIDS, take marijuana because its benefits are more than its suspected risks. To these patients, the institutions that regulate the use of marijuana for medical purposes need to relax the federal laws with their regard because physicians administer the drug based on care ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Argumentative Essay: The Medicinal Use Of Marijuana The medicinal use of 'Marijuana' is a growing practice that is creeping its way into Australian culture and the current legal system. As societal beliefs develop and change throughout time so too does the debate on medicinal Marijuana. So, do we as the general society really want another drug to be decriminalized and brought into mainstream culture? Do we really want our Government condoning the recreational usage of Marijuana? However, cannabis, when assessed for its medicinal properties contains a cannabinoid known as 'CBD', which has been seen to possess healing qualities. While at such an early untested, uncertified and unsteady time, is it time or is it too early to legalize 'marijuana' for medicinal purposes? Society would yield multiple ... Show more content on ... With a large debilitating effect upon mental, physical and emotional health, recreational marijuana is an extremely controversial legal issue in the present era. With a high amount of vigilance for the detrimental health effects of recreational usage, the study for the effect of medicinal use is left unknown. The current Queensland legislation states that cannabis is a Schedule 1 Dangerous Drug and is therefore considered illicit. Currently the prevalence of cannabis is at an alarming level and is rapidly entering into mainstream Australian culture. While the laws attempt to protect the citizens from the harmful effects of drugs, they cannot hide the clear untested and unproven medical qualities that the drug possesses. Without testing this substance and automatically governing it as a 'safe drug' is a way of condoning recreational drug use to the younger generations. However, after close scientific analysis 'medical marijuana' should be safely implemented into society. Why should we go through a rigorous process of amending the current legislation (Drugs Misuse Act 1986 (QLD)) to provide society with something that is essentially toxic? However, society would yield multiple benefits if marijuana were decriminalized for the sole purpose of medical use. Additionally, through outlawing drugs such as tobacco and alcohol to ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Drug Use Recreational Drugs Recreational drugs are substances used for nonmedical reasons usually for leisure or pleasure but can cause addiction, health issues and even criminal activity. These types of drugs typically include cocaine, marijuana, amphetamines, alcohol, tobacco, opiates and other psychedelic drugs. The significance of this behavior to public health is that drug usage can have effects on prescription medication effectiveness and the damage a disease can inflict on one's self. Not only can this behavior have effects on physical dimensions of health but mental and emotional health can be greatly affected. These effects could be events like making mistakes at work, relationship conflict over drug use and being more likely to participate in other risky health behaviors such as unprotected sex. A study at Boston Medical Center shows how even "weekend–only" drug use can quickly and easily transform into a more frequent habit. The study had a sample size of 483 primary–care patients who made two visits the medical center six months apart. Among those who claimed to be "weekend–only" users for the first visit, only 19.2% maintained that label while more than half the sample reported using drugs more than just on the weekend (Saitz, et al, June 2016). The behavior of using recreational drugs is relevant because this course attempts to apply different models and theories to possibly change health behavior; drug use is a behavior that many people would like to personally change in order to improve ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Recreational Drug Abuse In The United States The use of recreational drugs have been on the rise in the U.S in the last fifty five years. This trend has led to the growing concern of how these popular recreational drugs are affecting human health. Since the evolution of recreational drugs, researchers have conducted studies to determine how drugs impact the human body. From these studies, we have discovered how addictive these drugs are, their affect on a person both mentally and physically, and how exposure to drugs can lead to life problems. So the real question is, how is this rise of recreational drugs hurting American society's health and safety? Early on in research, scientists discovered that recreational drugs are addictive, but this did not stop people from trying recreational drugs due to many reasons, like peer pressure. Judith Bernstein who has her PhD and is a professor at Boston College where she specializes in teaching community health sciences, conducted a study on the addictive properties of recreational ... Show more content on ... Brian J. Piper who is a behavioral neuroscientist conducted a study to determine how adopted children are affected by prenatal exposure to recreational drugs. He discovered that adopted children with prenatal exposure to recreational drugs have more mental and physical problems. Because the children were exposed to recreational drugs at a young age, they were negatively affected because they did not receive the nutrition that they needed (Piper 1). Adopted children that have been exposed to recreational drugs face greater difficulties. The exposure the drugs can have detrimental effects to behavioral functions. "Adoptive children with histories of prenatal exposure to recreational drugs had statistically and substantially greater difficulties with executive (or self–regulatory) and behavioral functioning" (Piper 9). This shows that not only do they affect your body overall, but they also affect the people around ... Get more on ...
  • 30. To What Extent Is Recreational Drug Use Is Immoral Or Immoral Recreational Drug Use: Moral or Immoral? The question regarding drug use has prevailed in ethics for centuries: is recreational drug use morally permissible? Many argue that it is immoral due to the resulting harms, while others argue that humans have the moral right to engage in such an activity (Richards 2–3)(Huemer 7). Perhaps the answer lies in the circumstances. Under conditions that ensure safety, minimize abuse, and do not risk others, it is morally permissible for adults to use drugs for recreational purposes. Those against recreational drug use often argue that it is immoral because it is degrading and leads to addiction (Richards 2–3)(Fieser 1)(Wilson 26). David A.J. Richards's Sex, Drugs, Death and the Law: An Essay on Human Rights ... Show more content on ... As mentioned, a behavior is immoral if it is degrading and fails to be proficient in a virtue; thus, addiction is immoral because it overwhelms self–control as the drug controls the user in terms of habit and lifestyle (Richards 2). This is regarding addiction as a health concern and uncontrollable thirst; however, according to James Fieser's "DRUGS," addiction in regard to morality is "ultimately a matter of personal choice," where "with the right will power," one can choose to stop the addictive behavior despite the difficulty, and "failure to do so is a moral weakness where users know that their actions are wrong but choose to do them anyway" (1). In this alternative definition of addiction, the behavior remains immoral as the user "chooses" to continue, knowing it is wrong. Regardless of either definition, immorality is evident. On the other hand, those who believe recreational drug use is morally permissible often argue that humans simply have the right to do so (Huemer 7). The right to use drugs is derived from the right to bodily autonomy, which Michael Huemer's "America's Unjust Drug War" defines as "the right to exercise control over [one's] own body . . . in a manner similar to the way one may exercise control over one's property" (7). Pro–recreational drug use arguments claim that humans have the right to engage in such an activity; therefore, it is morally permissible (Huemer ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana Cannabis, also known as marijuana among other names, is a psychoactive drug from the cannabis plant intended for medical and recreational use. The legality of marijuana has been a passionately debated subject for decades. As of 2018, only eight states have marijuana legalized for recreational use. In addition to, there are roughly about twenty–two states that have medical marijuana broadly legalized. Such as the state of new york. Although, the legalization of marijuana will prove beneficial not only for science, people, and economics, but also for planetary properties. However, the legalization of marijuana here in New York can cause many dilemmas such as, it is a gateway drug, it is harmful to the state, and recreational use can be detrimental ... Show more content on ... For example, the state of New York would change pretty drastically if we legalized marijuana. There would be more people smoking and driving, or smoking and doing something which can be dangerous or distracting. To prove this point, CNCB indicated that drug impaired driving will increase if marijuana is legalized. Marijuana is already a significant factor of all crashes injuries and deaths. Another point to be noting is that more people would be dependent on it. In fact, it would be more accessible for little kids. stated the fact that the legalization of recreational marijuana has been linked with teen violence, suicide, teen violence, and HIVs. A fact that should be taken into consideration should be the use of marijuana by adolescents can disrupt emotional development, delay puberty, and can even delay the monthly cycle in females. Crime is another huge factor that can be harmful if New York state decided to legalize recreational marijuana. Legalization of marijuana would not cut down on crime at all. It expressed that family disputes, rape, robbery, reckless driving, and murder will still continue or even rise in New York if the the decision was made to legalize recreational ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Should Marijuana Be Legalized? "Someday pray that he will grow a farm barn full, recent research shows it's not so darn harmful." (Madvillain, "America's Most Blunted") Despite the wide amount of research that shows the positive benefits of marijuana, it remains illegal under federal law. In recent years, numerous states have defied federal law and legalized marijuana for both recreational and medicinal use. Arizona has legalized marijuana for medical use, but it still remains illegal to use recreationally. This is absurd, as the evidence gathered over the last few decades strongly supports the notion that it is safer than alcohol, a widely available substance. Marijuana being listed as a Schedule I drug has ruined thousands of lives. Not to mention, an anti–marijuana agenda being broadcasted on behalf of multiple organizations combined with an uninformed population are a portion of the reasons why it remains illegal under federal law. Although federal legalization may be well out of the picture, Arizona should demonstrate progressiveness and legalize marijuana for recreational use. Legalizing marijuana would be beneficial as the local economy would experience an increase in revenue similar to other states that have legalized the substance, and citizens who partake in using a minimally harmful substance would not have to worry about local law enforcement ruining their lives. In years past, marijuana use was attributed to causing lung cancer and cognitive impairment. Extensive research has disputed this ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Legalizing Marijuana For Recreational Use Legalizing Marijuana in Texas for Recreational Use The well known debate over the legalization of marijuana for recreational use in The United States has been ongoing since 1935. Recently Colorado and Washington have legalized the use of marijuana for recreational use. By doing so, the legalization of the recreational use of marijuana has become more of an issue than it already was and now brings other states to question whether or not they should legalize marijuana (Breecher). Which brings about the question is the legalization of marijuana for recreational use in Texas a good idea? I believe that legalizing marijuana would be a good idea. Just like the use of alcohol people should be able to choose if they want to use marijuana. Advocates of legalizing the recreational use of marijuana would agree, legalizing the recreational use of marijuana could yield substantial tax revenue, save the government money by decreasing the number of arrests and incarcerations, and quite possibly create a safer driving environment. By legalizing the recreation use of marijuana, the state of Texas would have to regulate it, control it, and tax it. By doing so, a substantial amount of money could be made off of the taxation. To provide backing to this statement, in 2012 Michigan collected $10 million just from medical marijuana dispensaries, imagine how much could be made off of the taxation of marijuana for recreational use (Smith). To put things further into perspective, Jeffrey Miron, ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Why I 'm For Recreational Use Marijuana Throughout history, the perception of marijuana for recreational has been misguided by many. If we look at prior research, compare it to other drugs, some may argue that it is not a dangerous drug, and can be of great use. The purpose of this present discussion is to show an understanding of why I'm for recreational use of marijuana. Secondarily, the goal of this paper is to discuss the argument for and against the utilization of this drug. In this article, assuming the role of the Governor of New York, it would state policies on the recreational use of Marijuana, and how the distribution would work. Keywords: marijuana, legalizing, policies, recreational Why I'm for Recreational Use of Marijuana? The approach to drug use or ... Show more content on ... The purpose of this present discussion is to discuss why as Governor of New York marijuana would be legalized for recreational use. Secondarily, the goal of this paper is to describe the policies on recreational marijuana use and how the distribution would work. Why legalize marijuana for recreational use and how the distribution would work? As the Governor of New York marijuana would be legalized for recreational use for various reasons. According to Anslinger and Cooper (1937), Marijuana derivative of the Indian hemp plant called Cannabis sativa. It was used as a medication to cure depression, hysteria, insanity, and mental retardation (Anslinger & Cooper, 1937). Then during the 1800 's the drug was used for other purposes but because it could not be injected it became ineffective (Anslinger & Cooper, 1937). Later on in the 1920 's, it was perceived by people in power that marijuana was a minority drug (Anslinger & Cooper, 1937). The dangers of marijuana were vigorously exaggerated to discourage new users and persuade current users to cease using the drug (Sifaneck et al., 2015). This was a prevention strategy that was used to scare youth away from using the drug (Sifaneck et al., 2015). Anslinger (2009, as cited in Anslinger & Cooper, 1937) indicated that among young people, crimes such as robberies, murders, suicides, and burglary was the results of marijuana use. This statement was very untrue, and marijuana can be very ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Pros And Cons Of Legalizing Marijuana The question of whether or not marijuana should be legalized for recreational and medicinal use has been a three decade long conversation. There are many pros and cons to legalizing marijuana. There are many different ideas about the effects of marijuana, but as with any drug answers are going to vary depending on the person you survey. Age, health, and mental stability are all factors to consider how a drug can positively or negatively affect you, and marijuana is no different. To be legal or not to be legal is the million dollar question up for debate. There are several reasons why marijuana is such a hot topic all over the world, especially in the United States of America. Marijuana is the most commonly used drug in the world, with two hundred and forty–seven million people using marijuana on a regular basis (World Health Organization). Marijuana is only growing in users and the amount of marijuana is only increasing. This is why this debate an even hotter topic than in recent memory, and that is because people want change. People want to see change regarding the laws, regulations, and policies on marijuana, not only for medicinal use but for recreational use as well. In New York City, one of our largest cities in the United States, if you are caught with marijuana it is punishable by law. An arrest for possession of less than 2 ounces of marijuana in a public place is classified as criminal possession of marijuana in the 5th degree a Class B misdemeanor punishable by 3 ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Why Do Americans Use Recreational Drugs Recreational drugs are a relevant part of modern culture and society. Alcohol is by far the most common in America. With majority of the country claiming to drink, alcohol abuse occurs often. The continual use of alcohol has led to the end of careers and personal relationships, domestic abuse, billions of dollars in healthcare and medical expenses, and the death of millions. Although the effects of alcohol are destructive, the causes such as social pressure and coping with pain are just as detrimental to the lives of many Americans. Social pressure is a leading cause to alcohol abuse. Being socially accepted is an innate desire of human beings. Alcohol use is indirectly and directly promoted. From the pestering of peers to try a shot of vodka ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Illicit Drug Use According to (Humphrey, J. 2012) an extensive fluctuation in the use of illicit drugs and enormous use of alcohol users are found around the world. Substance abuse is particularly prevalent among the young worldwide (Humphrey, J. 2012). The processes of worldwide tend to increase the availability of mind–boggling substances (Humphrey, J. 2012). Illicit drug use, like excessive alcohol consumption, is a world–wide phenomenon. It is estimated that the annual worldwide cost on illicit drugs top $321 billion (Humphrey, J. A., & Schmalleger, F.2012). The question is, what is determined a Drug? According to study a physical substance may be classified as a drug if it causes recognizable physical or psychological effects however, Humphrey, 2012)... Show more content on ... 2012). The most common drug is marijuana (Humphrey, J. 2012). Illicit drug use is most common between the ages of 16 and 25, as might be expected; persons over the age of 65 are decidedly unlikely to use illicit drugs of any kind. However, among 12– to 13–year–olds, nonmedical use of prescription drugs was the most common form of illicit drug offending, followed by marijuana and inhalants (Humphrey, J. A., & Schmalleger, F.2012). However, we can appreciate that recreational users have lower odds of increasing drug user than of illicit drug users, and likely lower odds of increasing drug use to extreme (Bernstein, J. 2015). According to research only a fifth of those who initially reported moderate drug use retained that pattern while some abstained but at the same time, most shifted to include regular drug use (Bernstein, J. 2015). These findings suggest caution in accepting recreational drug use as reassuring, and the importance of following patients in whom drug use is identified (Bernstein, J. ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Cannabis: Keeps the Mind Balanced Drugs in America Cannabis– Keeps the Mind Balanced Marijuana also known Cannabis is the most common recreational drug of choice in modern day society. Although marijuana is currently one of the most controversial drugs, it is statistically the safest of any drug in the United States and around the world yet it is still illegal. Aside the recreational use of marijuana; it can be used as a pain reliever and a relaxant. Marijuana is extremely beneficial to cancer, AIDS, glaucoma, and multi sclerosis patients in which it offers a strong sense of relief. I believe that marijuana is therapeuticdrug that can be used recreational and medicinal. Although marijuana offers many benefits, there are still many issues that surround the use of the drug. The constant battle over legalizing marijuana stems from its classification as a Schedule I drug. Schedule I drugs are extremely high risk for latent substance abuse. I have various standpoints on the recreational use of marijuana in which if it's used to relief individuals stress level then why oppose the use. I am firm believer marijuana smokers use the drug to block out traumatizing past experiences. Anything that can help comfort a mother suffering from glaucoma should unquestionably be supported. Marijuana can be used for spiritual purposes in which it can help one meditate at ease. It creates a calm and relaxing atmosphere to think freely which puts the mind at ease. The medicinal use of marijuana is a prime example on why ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Marijuan The Pseudo Gate Way Drug Marijuana: The Pseudo Gate way Drug My thesis states that the federal government of United States of America should legalize marijuana. Legalizing would not only benefit the people of need for medical uses but also our economy for recreational use. In the year of 2014 the state of Colorado was the one of the first few states to legalize the use of recreational marijuana. Colorado retailers sold $386 million of medical marijuana and $313 million for purely recreational purposes (Ingraham). Within one year of the legalization of cannabis, Colorado cannabis market was able to generate nearly seven hundred million dollars. The money garnered from the market is not only significant but also the taxation of it will benefit sectors in need nationally. For an example since the legalization of cannabis in Colorado it has gained $15.6 million in tax revenues, the funds benefit a called "Building Excellent Schools Today (BEST) grant program meant to generate additional funding for public schools in the state to renew or replace deteriorating facilities. Despite the fact of the potential market boom and it benefiting other sectors, prohibitionist groups urge that cannabis is a threat to society and its youth. An organization known as "Save Our Society from Drugs (S.O.S)" claims that the use of medical marijuana is a scam is by special interest groups used to exploit the sick and dying. According to Save Our Society from Drugs, crude cannabis does not have any medical properties ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Drug Use Vs. Recreational Use It is no secret that drug use has made a solid establishment within our society and will continually push negative results on people, particularly on the youth culture who are experiencing the confusing and exciting journey to adulthood (Measham et al, 2001). Just looking at the 60% increase in those charged and tried for Class Adrug related crimes (Mallender et al, 2002), it is clear that research in this area is needed fast and vast quantities. However, it is since the argument that recreational use is now a familiar activity among popular sub youth cultures as apposed to the minority (Manning, 2007) that the area of attitudes towards recreational drug use be examined closer. Drug Use in the UK – From Past to Modern Day – Comparison of UK to other nations – Key characteristics, demographics and psychograpics of Drug users in UK – age, gender etc. – Drug usage / types / places / attitudes (drug use vs recreational use) Target Demo– Students There is a well–established link between students and the clubbing culture with vast findings on drug usage and the student population (CASE) . Music festivals Analysis of the changes Acceptable behaviour? Traditional / Classic Theories of Drug Use The concept of normilization, coined during the 1950s, was initially used to describe people with leanring difficulties creating 'normal ' living surroundings (Howard Parker, Lisa Williams and Judith Aldridge, 2002). Since that time the extent to which recreational drug use had been ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Overuse And Misuse Of Drugs The Overuse and Misuse of alcohol and or recreational drugs is a major problem throughout the youth of the world, and they change people, they change the way people think, they change the way people act, and through an improved awareness and economic funds to raise awareness, and help provided for those affected by drugs and alcohol. I will be exploring how drugs and alcohol affect men's life due to the social, economic, and cultural factors. Many factors contribute to the misuse of Alcohol and other drugs in male health, these include social, cultural, and economic. "Drug Abuse costs the healthcare system about 11 billion with overall costs reaching as high as 193 billion" ( 2017). "Approximately 1 in 20 male adults, a quarter of a billion of people between the ages of 15 and 64 years, used at least one recreational drug in 2014" (UNODC 2016). "12 million people inject recreational drug, 1.6 million people who inject recreational drugs are living with HIV, and 6 million are living with Hepatitis C" (UNODC 2016). These scary facts can be hugely reduced by as little as a supportive family or a supportive friend. The Social factors that have contributed to the overuse and misuse of alcohol and or recreational drugs include peer pressure, bad parenting, and poor education. The desire to fit in or to impress others is a huge factor as to why young men are misusing and overusing recreational drugs, some social groups support drug and alcohol use, and encourage its ... Get more on ...