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Preparing for Sponsor Audits

    Lorrie D. Divers, CCRP, RQAP-GCP
     Director, Clinical Trials Quality Assurance
          ACM Global Central Laboratory
   RPCI Education Day for Clinical Research Staff
            April 16, 2010 – Buffalo NY
      The contents of this presentation are my own
      and do not represent the opinions or advice of
      my employer, ACM Global Central Laboratory.

      Information regarding FDA inspections
      contained in this presentation was obtained from
      publicly available sources. My interpretation of
      this information is also my own.

16-Apr-                  Divers, RPCI Education Day    2
Preparing for Sponsor Audits
      Follow the Protocol!
      Comply with the Regulations!
      Document Everything!

16-Apr-             Divers, RPCI Education Day   3
      Why Do Sponsors Audit Investigators /
      Study Sites?
      What Should You Expect?
      How to Prepare for a Sponsor Audit
      How to Respond to Observations and
      How to Be Prepared

16-Apr-               Divers, RPCI Education Day   4
Why Sponsors Audit Sites

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Why Sponsors Audit Sites
      Sponsors have a regulatory obligation to
      monitor investigators / study sites
              Auditing is a GCP best practice
              Auditing is different than monitoring
      Audits evaluate all study activities to
              Protection of subjects’ rights
              Integrity and reliability of the data generated
              A well-controlled clinical trial was conducted
16-Apr-                        Divers, RPCI Education Day       6
Why Sponsors Audit Sites
      Routine per Sponsor Procedures
              Specific pre-defined criteria: New
              investigators, data trends, study sites with
              past issues, new monitor, etc.
              Evaluate the monitoring, adequacy of
              Sponsor procedures
              Just good business / GCP practice
      In preparation for FDA submission
              It’s better to know sooner rather than later
16-Apr-                        Divers, RPCI Education Day    7
Why Sponsors Audit Sites
      In anticipation of an FDA inspection
              Prepare investigator and study site staff
              Who? High enrollers, sites with significant
              differences in comparison with others (AEs,
              deviations, high response rate), new investigator /
              study conducted was not the investigator’s specialty
      For cause
              Persistent non-compliance, suspected fraud, other
              concerns expressed by monitor or sponsor staff
              Observations from audit of in-house study files /
              records and/or data
16-Apr-                          Divers, RPCI Education Day          8
What to Expect
      Audits should provide education, not be
      perceived as punishment
      Generally two to three days in length
              Agenda provided prior to audit, including list of
              records and documents to be reviewed
              Monitor may or may not attend
      Auditor(s) may be Sponsor staff or may be
              Suggestion: Ask for identification if not accompanied
              by a monitor you know
16-Apr-                           Divers, RPCI Education Day          9
What to Expect
      Auditors are not monitors
              Primary concern is overall compliance
                 Regulations, GCP guidance / standards
                 Protocol and associated documents
                 Procedures – Yours and the Sponsors
      What is revealed about the conduct of the
              Documents and records
              Investigator, all study staff
              Monitors, monitoring reports
16-Apr-                           Divers, RPCI Education Day   10
What to Expect
      Auditors will talk to people and ask
      questions, not just look at documents
      Auditors will be looking at both the big
      picture and the details
              Questions about parts are used to evaluate
              systems (parts = whole)
              Questions about systems may reveal
              concerns about parts (hole = missing parts)

16-Apr-                      Divers, RPCI Education Day     11
A few ‘secrets’ about Auditors

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A few ‘secrets’ about Auditors
      Our Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is
      encouraged and may be pronounced
              We will pull at threads and push against
                “What if…”
              We will repeat ourselves
                Frequently, on purpose, and often

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A few ‘secrets’ about Auditors
      We are generally natural investigators
              Skilled at formulating pictures from very few
              puzzle pieces
              Have had significant training and/or
              experience with investigative techniques
                Can read people
                May be intentionally obtuse
                May use the ‘Mr. Rogers’ approach or the ‘Dirty
                Harry’ approach (or both)

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How to Prepare

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How to Prepare
      Review the agenda and ensure all records and
      all personnel will be available
      Have a quiet location for the auditor(s) to work
              Preferably empty of other records
              Conference room is ideal
      Most auditors will not want someone in
      attendance at all times
              Assign one person to interact regularly with auditor(s)
              Agree upon frequency of checking in

16-Apr-                           Divers, RPCI Education Day        16
How to Prepare
      Have all documentation related to the
      study readily available
              Regulatory binder
                Exclude: Audit-related; financial/contractual
              Original signed informed consent forms
              Case report forms
              Source documentation
                All charts, records, worksheets
                Original or certified copies
16-Apr-                         Divers, RPCI Education Day      17
How to Prepare
      If the study was conducted in the past, PI
      and study staff should re-familiarize
      themselves with the protocol and records
      Additional documents to have available:
              All clinical research related procedures and
              operational documentation (standard forms,
              checklists, etc.)
              Training records for all study personnel

16-Apr-                       Divers, RPCI Education Day     18
During the Audit
      Keep brief notes
              Questions asked / answers given
              Documents requested and provided
              Discussions of complex issues
      Keep copies of documents collected
              Stamp or mark ‘copy’ and ‘confidential’ documents
              collected by the auditor
      Suggest a brief wrap-up at the end of each day
      to confirm outstanding items, questions and any
      requests for next day
16-Apr-                          Divers, RPCI Education Day       19
During the Audit
      Respond to the question asked with simple,
      honest, and complete answers
              Listen actively and ask for clarification if you are
              unsure of what is being asked
              Don’t rely on memory alone – review the
              documents yourself if necessary
              ‘I don’t know; we will review and get back to you by
              the end of the day’ is an acceptable answer, if
              Deferring to and locating the correct person to answer
              the question within a specified time frame is also
16-Apr-                          Divers, RPCI Education Day        20
During the Audit
      Don’t hide
              Don’t just say ‘Yes’ when additional information is helpful
              and relevant     You may create the wrong picture
      Don’t reveal
              Don’t answer an unasked question                   It may lead to
              unnecessary thread-pulling
      Don’t debate
              Clarify misunderstandings with positive rather than
              negative statements
      Be professional at all times
              Auditors are always listening and observing

16-Apr-                             Divers, RPCI Education Day                    21
At the End of the Audit
      The auditor(s) should conduct an ‘exit interview’
              Review observations and findings
                 May provide recommendations
                     Caution may be warranted
                 May review specific regulatory obligations
              PI and key study staff should participate
      There is no expectation of perfection
              Clinical trials are conducted, monitored and audited
              by human beings
              Remember, it should be educational

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What Happens After the Audit

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What Happens After the Audit
      Auditor and/or Sponsor should provide a
      written report 3 – 6 weeks after the audit
        Review and compare with your notes
        Clarify any questions or concerns
      Observations are most often rated as
              Critical: An error that calls into question the reliability
              and integrity of the data, presents significant risk(s)
              to study subjects, indicates a lack of compliance with
              GCP regulations. An accumulation of major errors
              indicates a high level of suspicion for a systems
16-Apr-                            Divers, RPCI Education Day          24
An Auditor’s Perspective
              Major: An error that suggests deficiencies in
              compliance with GCP and/or the site’s
              procedures but does not result in a critical error.
              An accumulation of minor errors suggests a
              systematic failure may have occurred.
              Minor: An error that does not meet the definition
              of critical or major but may suggest some
              deficiencies in compliance.
      May also include Recommendations

16-Apr-                         Divers, RPCI Education Day      25
Responding to Audit Findings
      Will generally request a written response and/or
      a corrective and preventive action plan (CAPA)
      Your written responses should be SMART
              Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-
              bound / Trackable
      Be clear, be precise
              Back up statements with facts (documents, data)
              Try to avoid being defensive

16-Apr-                          Divers, RPCI Education Day       26
Responding to Audit Findings
      Don’t promise actions you cannot, or do
      not intend to, follow through on
              If a corrective action cannot be carried out
              right away, respond with a proposed
              completion date

16-Apr-                        Divers, RPCI Education Day    27
Corrective & Preventive Action Plans

      Corrective Actions = Reactive
              Correct the source of non-compliance and
              prevent future, similar problems
                Start with root cause analysis (the ‘5 why’s’ of a
                Then develop effective resolutions based on true
                cause, such as:
                   SOPs – May need to be study specific
                   Remedial training
                   Quality control checks
16-Apr-                          Divers, RPCI Education Day      28
Root Cause Investigation
      When a mistake or an error or an incident
      of non-compliance occurs, evaluate why
              What was the actual mistake?
                Hint: It may not be what it appears to be
              Under what circumstances did it occur?
              Who was involved?
              When was the error detected and how?
              What were the consequences?
                Were subjects’ safety, rights or welfare impacted?

16-Apr-                         Divers, RPCI Education Day           29
      Preventive Actions = Proactive
              Ensure quality and compliance the first time,
              every time
                Record keeping/actions as events occur
                Training prior to duties
                Good documentation practices
                Frequent meetings and internal reviews

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How to Be Prepared

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How to Be Prepared
      Know and understand regulations and
      GCP guidance documents
                Investigator Responsibility – Protecting the Rights,
                Safety, and Welfare of Study Subjects (FDA
                Guidance, Oct. 2009)
      Seek training
              Reliable sessions can now be found on-line
              Participate in national organizations’ meetings
16-Apr-                          Divers, RPCI Education Day        32
How to Be Prepared
      Review the protocol and associated
              Consider how to conduct the study at your
              site and in accordance with your procedures
              Participate in investigator meetings, SIVs
      Learn from monitoring visits and audits
              Ask questions
      Apply the concept of Quality Systems
16-Apr-                       Divers, RPCI Education Day   33
Being Prepared Avoids…
      In both 2000 and 2004, the most common
      observations cited by FDA inspectors
              Failure to follow the protocol / investigational
              Failure to maintain adequate and accurate
              Failure to account for disposition of study
              drugs / test articles
              Failure to report Adverse Events
              Problems related to informed consent
16-Apr-                         Divers, RPCI Education Day       34
Being Prepared & Quality Systems

      “Janet Woodcock, the Deputy Commissioner of
      Operations at the FDA, stated that she is
      strongly encouraging all parties conducting
      clinical research to recognize that quality is a
      ‘system’ characteristic and that quality cannot
      be inspected into a trial but instead must be
      designed into the process.”

              Kit Howard, A Risk-Based Approach for Assessing Data
              Quality, Journal of Clinical Research Vol. 3, No. 6, June 2007

16-Apr-                           Divers, RPCI Education Day              35
Quality Systems
      A comprehensive approach that
              Complies with regulations and GCP
              Assures control and integrity of data, protection of
              subjects’ rights and welfare
              Standardizes processes to minimize unintended
              variability and diminish risk
              Measures quality at each critical step
      “Quality system means the organizational structure,
      responsibilities, procedures, processes, and resources
      for implementing quality management.” 21 CFR 820.3(v)

16-Apr-                           Divers, RPCI Education Day         36
An FDA Inspection Perspective
       “This letter also discusses your written response
      dated February 23, 2005, to the inspectional
      observations noted on the Form FDA 483. While
      the submission provides an explanation of events
      that occurred at your site, it does not discuss how
      you personally intend to address the deficiencies,
      nor does it provide a detailed explanation of system-
      wide corrective actions that will be take to prevent
      these deficiencies from occurring in the future. It is
      recommended, at a minimum, that staff training be
      provided that includes retraining on Good Clinical
      Practices (GCP) guideline with emphasis on safety.
16-Apr-                    Divers, RPCI Education Day      37
An FDA Inspection Perspective
      This will assist you and your staff in the protection of
      human subjects as it relates to the informed consent
      process and the federal regulations for
      investigational device exemption studies. In
      addition, we recommend that you establish specific
      Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for your
      research activities.”
                                 Source: FDA Warning letter, Jun 23, 2005; Khoury

16-Apr-                     Divers, RPCI Education Day                          38
Unfortunately, “no magic formula”
      “Currently, some individuals suggest using
      a quality system approach to avoid
      compliance actions, improve research
      data quality and facilitate the advance of
      new technologies into the marketplace.
      Unfortunately, there is no magic formula
      for how to devise or implement a quality
      system in the clinical trial setting…..”
              ME Marcarelli, ‘5 Habits of Highly Effective Sponsors’
              Regulatory Affairs Focus, April 2007

16-Apr-                       Divers, RPCI Education Day               39
7 Elements of a Quality System
      Equipment and Facility controls
      Records, Documents, Change Controls
      Material Controls
              i.e., Investigational product(s) and ancillary
      Design Controls
              i.e., Key study design elements such as subject
              screening/selection, AE reporting, laboratory or
              other special testing
16-Apr-                          Divers, RPCI Education Day      40
7 Elements of a Quality System
      Production & Process Controls
              i.e., Study personnel, PI role and
              responsibilities, monitoring
      Management Controls
              i.e., Procedures, policies, structure
      Corrective and Preventive Actions

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A Quality Systems Approach

16-Apr-           Divers, RPCI Education Day   42
A Quality Systems Approach
              Failure to follow the protocol /
              investigational plan

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A Quality Systems Approach
      Principal Investigator should personally conduct
      / supervise the conduct of the clinical trial
              A PI can delegate authority but cannot delegate
              responsibility for clinical trials
                Read the protocol, IB, other documents related to the
                conduct of the study provided by the sponsor
              PI should keep himself/herself informed throughout
              the conduct of the study
                Meet with sub-investigators, study staff
                Read IRB and sponsor correspondence
                Make time to meet with the monitor
                Provide training opportunities for self and study staff

16-Apr-                              Divers, RPCI Education Day           44
A Quality Systems Approach
              PI should ensure staff (and self) are adequately
              trained on / understand delegated tasks (and
                Protocol procedures
                Regulatory commitments
                Investigational product accountability
                Informed consent process
                Good documentation practices
              Document training
                If needed, request protocol-specific training from sponsor

16-Apr-                             Divers, RPCI Education Day               45
A Quality Systems Approach
      Sites should develop and use standard
      operating procedures (SOPs) to ensure
      accuracy and consistency
              Checklists, forms, process flowcharts
      Create and use accurate eligibility, study
      procedure, reminder checklists
              Inclusion and exclusion criteria exist to protect
              subjects and ensure scientific validity of the results,
              thus protecting future recipients of the product
              Adhere to all the other protocol, sponsor, IRB and
              institutional requirements
16-Apr-                           Divers, RPCI Education Day            46
An Auditor’s Perspective
      Auditors will be sensitive to warning signs of lack
      of PI involvement, over-delegation or delegation
      to non-qualified personnel
              No source notes with PI signature
              Never available to meet with monitor
              Not initialing/dating IRB and/or sponsor
              No evidence of assessment of AEs or SAEs,
              inclusion/exclusion, study procedure results, informed
              consent process
              Study staff express frustration with investigator

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A Quality Systems Approach

              Failure to maintain adequate and accurate

16-Apr-                      Divers, RPCI Education Day   48
A Quality Systems Approach
      Document, document, document
              Less is not “better”
              Standard of care PLUS protocol required
      If it’s a document related to the study,
      keep it!
              Don’t throw it out, shred it, misplace it, put it in a pile,
              stuff it in a drawer, leave it at home, let the kids use it
              for scrap paper, keep it in the trunk of the car….
                 Maintain a date-ordered, topic-ordered file, preferably in a
                 study-specific binder
16-Apr-                              Divers, RPCI Education Day                 49
A Quality Systems Approach
      Keep CRFs up to date to ensure accurate
      information is recorded and maintained
      Use a quality control process to ensure
      IRB approval is in place prior to enrolling
              Examples: Checklist; internal study start-up
              meeting with all sub-investigators and study

16-Apr-                       Divers, RPCI Education Day     50
A Quality Systems Approach
      Make sure you are aware of, and
      understand, your IRB’s policies and
              How do they issue approvals; is the ICF
              stamped or watermarked?
              Complete the continuing review report
              accurately and in a timely manner

16-Apr-                       Divers, RPCI Education Day   51
A Quality Systems Approach
      A simple information log / spreadsheet for
      IRB submissions and documents can be
      used to track:
              Date of initial IRB approval
                Documents approved
              Expected date(s) of continuing review
              Date of re-approval(s)
                Version/approval date(s) of updated ICFs
16-Apr-                         Divers, RPCI Education Day   52
Documentation > Documents
      How the paper tells the story is important
              Inaccurate or incomplete records
              Late entries
              Improper corrections
              Inappropriate personnel completing
      Electronic records
              21 CFR Part 11
              FDA Guidance: Computerized Systems Used
              In Clinical Investigations, May 2007
16-Apr-                       Divers, RPCI Education Day   53
ALCOA Principles for GDP
      Attributable: Appropriately signed, initialed,
      dated, (who wrote it when)
      Legible: No hieroglyphics; properly corrected
         One line through, add new information, initial
         and date
      Contemporaneous: Documented in proximity
      to occurrence, not 6 months later
      Original: If not, why not?      Certified copies
      Accurate: Correct subject; sensible dates;
      modifications clearly explained if not self-evident
16-Apr-                   Divers, RPCI Education Day    54
And now a few words about…

16-Apr-        Divers, RPCI Education Day   55
Notes to File
      From ‘Note to Self: No More Notes to File’
      by Carl Anderson, Applied Clinical Trials,
      March 2008
              “A common document at many clinical sites is
              the memo or note to file (NTF). When used
              properly, an NTF can be a positive
              practice. Some in the clinical trials
              community, however, seem to think an NTF is
              a panacea for all things that have gone
              wrong. Make a mistake? Then write an
16-Apr-                       Divers, RPCI Education Day   56
Notes to File
      Retrospective “documentation” is a very
      risky practice for both sponsors and sites
              From a Warning Letter issued to Sanofi-
              Aventis in October, 2007
                “Our investigation found that Aventis failed to
                take any action to secure compliance while the
                study was ongoing except to generate
                numerous memos to file after all subjects had
                completed the study.”

16-Apr-                        Divers, RPCI Education Day     57
Notes to File
      From a Warning Letter issued to a clinical
              “We note that there were no medical histories in these
              subjects’ research files. For subjects [-] you created
              Memos to File stating that medical records were not
              obtained due to subjects’ primary care physicians
              being located in Mexico. These memos do not
              sufficiently address the issue of the missing
              medical histories. Without the medical histories…it
              is not possible to verify if the subjects met inclusion
              criteria for the study.”               [Source: June 30, 2008; Hsueh]

16-Apr-                               Divers, RPCI Education Day                 58
An Auditor’s Perspective
      Notes to file are “flags” for auditors and
      regulatory authority inspectors
        Prompt us to look at processes and
        procedures related to the issue documented
        Prompt us to ask more specific questions
        Tell us a “story” about the conduct of the
        study, including about the monitoring
      So, how do you want your NTFs to look?

16-Apr-                 Divers, RPCI Education Day   59
Do you want…
      NTFs that just document errors without
              Examining the cause of the problem
              Explaining the remediation
              Being necessary
      Notes to file that are
              Poorly and/or inaccurately written
              Frequent and repetitive

16-Apr-                          Divers, RPCI Education Day   60
Do you want…
      Effective notes to file that correct, clarify, or add
      to the existing source documentation and are
              Well-written – clear and accurate
              Relevant – appropriate level of detail
              Infrequent – and not repetitive
              Timely – not written the day before an audit or
      NTFs that demonstrate GCP compliance by
      documenting corrective and preventive actions
16-Apr-                          Divers, RPCI Education Day     61
An Auditor’s Perspective
      Good Documentation Practices prevent the
      need for retrospective Notes to File
              Examples of how poor practices lead to this
                “Late entries are sometimes made without adequate
                documentation by the person making the entry including the
                time and date the entry was made. In addition, the actual
                source of the late entry is not always evident. This is
                particularly evident with regards to AEs.”
                “Progress notes occasionally had multiple date stamps, or
                were undated, making it difficult to determine the date the
                exam was actually performed. In addition, some of the date
                changes are not dated or initialed and it cannot be
                determined when or by whom these changes were made.”
16-Apr-                            Divers, RPCI Education Day                 62
A Quality Systems Approach

              Failure to account for disposition of study
              drugs / test articles

16-Apr-                      Divers, RPCI Education Day     63
A Quality Systems Approach
      Maintain prospective accountability records
              Use the sponsor-provided form, if possible
              Keep all shipping receipts and return records
              Check the protocol and/or request written information
              from the sponsor on accountability
      Periodically reconcile against stock and against
      patient administration/use records
      Resolve and document any discrepancies at the
      time they occur or as soon as discovered

16-Apr-                          Divers, RPCI Education Day       64
A Quality Systems Approach
      Review the protocol’s randomization (or
      treatment assignment) requirements
              Ensure all staff understand and are aware
      If it is an oral medication the study subject
      will be taking at home, determine how
      treatment compliance will be documented
              Diary card, PDA, IVRS, daily phone log

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A Quality Systems Approach

              Failure to report Adverse Events

16-Apr-                      Divers, RPCI Education Day   66
A Quality Systems Approach
      Understand the protocol, sponsor, and IRB
      requirements for reporting adverse events,
      serious adverse events, and safety
              Medically qualified study staff (investigator
              or sub-investigator) should document
              assessment of all adverse events

16-Apr-                       Divers, RPCI Education Day      67
A Quality Systems Approach
      Use a dated cover letter when submitting
      information to the IRB and maintain a copy
      with the submitted information
      A simple tracking spreadsheet can also be
              Date SAE or safety report was submitted
              Description / identification of what was
              submitted, when, to whom (IRB, Sponsor,
16-Apr-                       Divers, RPCI Education Day   68
A more few words about…

16-Apr-                Divers, RPCI Education Day   69
Source / Study Worksheets
      Source documentation is a regulatory
      responsibility of clinical investigators
              Can delegate authority but not responsibility
                Delegation of authority log with printed name,
                signature, initials, roles, date(s) involved
              Appropriately trained, qualified and
              supervised personnel
              No appearance of falsification or fraud

16-Apr-                         Divers, RPCI Education Day       70
Sponsor’s Expectations
      FDA Guideline for the Monitoring of
      Clinical Investigations, January 1988
              “A sponsor is responsible for assuring that
              data submitted to FDA in support of safety
              and effectiveness of a test article are accurate
              and complete. The most effective way to
              assure the accuracy of data submitted to FDA
              is to review individual subject records and
              other supporting documents and compare
              those records with the reports prepared by the
              investigator for submission to the sponsor.”
16-Apr-                        Divers, RPCI Education Day    71
Source Data Verification
      “All information in original records and certified
      copies of original records of clinical findings,
      observations, or other activities in a clinical trial
      necessary for the reconstruction and evaluation
      of the trial.” [ICH E6, 1.51]
      FDA has consistently advised that source record
      quality is enhanced by using the site’s normal
      record keeping system to the maximum extent
              See for example, “The Facts About Source Documents,”
16-Apr-                               Divers, RPCI Education Day                72
Normal Records vs. Source Worksheets

      What are your routine records? Are they
      adequate and accurate?
      Source worksheets should supplement,
      not substitute for or duplicate records
              Normal clinical documentation ≠ clinical
              research record-keeping but if normal
              documentation is adequate for the protocol,
              using different documentation is risky
      And what if there are only source
16-Apr-                       Divers, RPCI Education Day    73
An Auditor’s Perspective
An Example
      “Recommendation: The site should reconsider their use of
      sponsor-provided source worksheets in situations where their
      routine clinic documentation is adequate. They should not
      duplicate information but should use the source worksheets
      only to document information not captured as part of their
      normal record-keeping. One recommendation is to cross-out
      unnecessary portions of source worksheets, indicating “see
      clinic chart,” and fill out only study-specific questions /
      information not otherwise adequately documented in the clinic
      and/or surgery records. In addition, if source worksheets are
      used, they must be signed like a clinic chart note would be.”

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A Quality Systems Approach

      Problems related to informed consent

16-Apr-             Divers, RPCI Education Day   75
A Quality Systems Approach
      Learn the history of the ethics of clinical
              On-line courses are available from the NCI and NIH
              A number of good reference books are available
              Check with your IRB, ask the sponsor
      Read the regulations
              Ethical obligations became regulatory obligations and
              regulatory obligations are the LAW
              Numerous guidance documents aid in understanding

16-Apr-                          Divers, RPCI Education Day        76
A Quality Systems Approach
      Adequacy of informed consent is an
      investigator responsibility
              Carefully review any sponsor-provided ICF
                Compare it to the protocol, the product information,
                and your IRB requirements
              Persons obtaining consent should be
              appropriately qualified / trained to do so
                If not done by PI or medically qualified sub-
                investigator, subject should have opportunity to
                discuss any questions or concerns
16-Apr-                          Divers, RPCI Education Day        77
A Quality Systems Approach
      Establish and follow good document
      control practices for ICFs
              If your IRB does not stamp or watermark the
              IRB-approved consent form, ask them to
              consider this or do it yourself (SOP)
              Password-protect / limit access to any non-
              approved versions that may be stored on the
              Use a tracking and/or filing method to ensure
              only the current IRB-approved version is
16-Apr-                       Divers, RPCI Education Day      78
A Quality Systems Approach
      The form is just a document - Informed
      consent is a process
              Auditors look for evidence of the process
                ICF version used consistent with IRB approved
                version? How is this ensured?
                Who obtained consent? Were all questions
                Was consent obtained prior to any protocol-
                specific procedures?
                How was re-consent carried out and documented?
16-Apr-                        Divers, RPCI Education Day    79
An Auditor’s Perspective
      Informed Consent process issues are often
      illustrated by a pattern of errors
              “A significant number of signed Consent Forms have
              date and signature anomalies made both by subjects
              and study personnel.”
                 Date(s) changed – In several instances, changed by several
                 days, weeks, or in one case, by more than a month
                 Two instances of subject signing on ‘Person obtaining
                 consent line’ – One instance remained uncorrected
                 Often not dated by subject and/or PI themselves
              “For multiple subjects, the incorrect version of the ICF
              was used initially, and re-consent with the correct
              version not obtained, until observed by the monitor.”
16-Apr-                             Divers, RPCI Education Day                80
What Can You Do?

16-Apr-            Divers, RPCI Education Day   81
The Paper Tells the Story
      Documentation is how auditors determine how
      the study was conducted
              Help them just turn the pages….
      Accurate, complete documentation of all aspects
      of the study illustrates regulatory and protocol
                Subject records
                IRB records
                Drug or device accountability
                Informed consent
                AE / SAE reporting
16-Apr-                            Divers, RPCI Education Day   82
The Paper Tells the Story
      Correction is a documented action
              Appropriate to the cause of the problem
              Procedures, checklists, templates, etc.
              Quality control checks
      Compliance is a behavior exhibited by
              Knowledge of regulations
              Execution of procedures

16-Apr-                        Divers, RPCI Education Day   83
What Can You Do
      Practice good documentation practices from the
      start of the study (ALCOA)
      Document errors and their correction in a timely
              Recognize patterns and consider the story they tell
              Make CAPA a habit, including assessing
      Understand the protocol, GCP requirements
      and investigator responsibilities
              Ask questions of the monitor, sponsor, PI, IRB,
              Checkout the FDA, NIH and NCI websites

16-Apr-                          Divers, RPCI Education Day         84
What Can You Do
      Remember the key areas of GCP compliance
              Subject welfare
              Data validity and integrity
              Test article (study drug, investigational device) control
              Ignorance of the regulations (law) is not an excuse
      Remember the keys to quality
              Effective and adequate the first time = the best
              way every time
              If it isn’t documented….

16-Apr-                           Divers, RPCI Education Day          85

16-Apr-         Divers, RPCI Education Day   86
Contact Information
Lorrie D. Divers, CCRP, RQAP-GCP

     “Quality is never an accident; it is always the
     result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent
     direction and skillful execution; it represents the
     wise choice of many alternatives.”
                                                        Willa A. Foster

16-Apr-                    Divers, RPCI Education Day                 87

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  • 2. Disclaimers The contents of this presentation are my own and do not represent the opinions or advice of my employer, ACM Global Central Laboratory. Information regarding FDA inspections contained in this presentation was obtained from publicly available sources. My interpretation of this information is also my own. 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 2
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  • 5. Why Sponsors Audit Sites 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 5
  • 6. Why Sponsors Audit Sites Sponsors have a regulatory obligation to monitor investigators / study sites Auditing is a GCP best practice Auditing is different than monitoring Audits evaluate all study activities to ensure Protection of subjects’ rights Integrity and reliability of the data generated A well-controlled clinical trial was conducted 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 6
  • 7. Why Sponsors Audit Sites Routine per Sponsor Procedures Specific pre-defined criteria: New investigators, data trends, study sites with past issues, new monitor, etc. Evaluate the monitoring, adequacy of Sponsor procedures Just good business / GCP practice In preparation for FDA submission It’s better to know sooner rather than later 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 7
  • 8. Why Sponsors Audit Sites In anticipation of an FDA inspection Prepare investigator and study site staff Who? High enrollers, sites with significant differences in comparison with others (AEs, deviations, high response rate), new investigator / study conducted was not the investigator’s specialty For cause Persistent non-compliance, suspected fraud, other concerns expressed by monitor or sponsor staff Observations from audit of in-house study files / records and/or data 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 8
  • 9. What to Expect Audits should provide education, not be perceived as punishment Generally two to three days in length Agenda provided prior to audit, including list of records and documents to be reviewed Monitor may or may not attend Auditor(s) may be Sponsor staff or may be consultants Suggestion: Ask for identification if not accompanied by a monitor you know 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 9
  • 10. What to Expect Auditors are not monitors Primary concern is overall compliance Regulations, GCP guidance / standards Protocol and associated documents Procedures – Yours and the Sponsors What is revealed about the conduct of the study? Documents and records Investigator, all study staff Monitors, monitoring reports 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 10
  • 11. What to Expect Auditors will talk to people and ask questions, not just look at documents Auditors will be looking at both the big picture and the details Questions about parts are used to evaluate systems (parts = whole) Questions about systems may reveal concerns about parts (hole = missing parts) 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 11
  • 12. A few ‘secrets’ about Auditors 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 12
  • 13. A few ‘secrets’ about Auditors Our Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is encouraged and may be pronounced We will pull at threads and push against boundaries “What if…” We will repeat ourselves Frequently, on purpose, and often 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 13
  • 14. A few ‘secrets’ about Auditors We are generally natural investigators Skilled at formulating pictures from very few puzzle pieces Have had significant training and/or experience with investigative techniques Can read people May be intentionally obtuse May use the ‘Mr. Rogers’ approach or the ‘Dirty Harry’ approach (or both) 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 14
  • 15. How to Prepare 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 15
  • 16. How to Prepare Review the agenda and ensure all records and all personnel will be available Have a quiet location for the auditor(s) to work Preferably empty of other records Conference room is ideal Most auditors will not want someone in attendance at all times Assign one person to interact regularly with auditor(s) Agree upon frequency of checking in 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 16
  • 17. How to Prepare Have all documentation related to the study readily available Regulatory binder Exclude: Audit-related; financial/contractual documents Original signed informed consent forms Case report forms Source documentation All charts, records, worksheets Original or certified copies 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 17
  • 18. How to Prepare If the study was conducted in the past, PI and study staff should re-familiarize themselves with the protocol and records Additional documents to have available: All clinical research related procedures and operational documentation (standard forms, checklists, etc.) Training records for all study personnel 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 18
  • 19. During the Audit Keep brief notes Questions asked / answers given Documents requested and provided Discussions of complex issues Keep copies of documents collected Stamp or mark ‘copy’ and ‘confidential’ documents collected by the auditor Suggest a brief wrap-up at the end of each day to confirm outstanding items, questions and any requests for next day 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 19
  • 20. During the Audit Respond to the question asked with simple, honest, and complete answers Listen actively and ask for clarification if you are unsure of what is being asked Don’t rely on memory alone – review the documents yourself if necessary ‘I don’t know; we will review and get back to you by the end of the day’ is an acceptable answer, if appropriate Deferring to and locating the correct person to answer the question within a specified time frame is also acceptable 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 20
  • 21. During the Audit Don’t hide Don’t just say ‘Yes’ when additional information is helpful and relevant You may create the wrong picture Don’t reveal Don’t answer an unasked question It may lead to unnecessary thread-pulling Don’t debate Clarify misunderstandings with positive rather than negative statements Be professional at all times Auditors are always listening and observing 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 21
  • 22. At the End of the Audit The auditor(s) should conduct an ‘exit interview’ Review observations and findings May provide recommendations Caution may be warranted May review specific regulatory obligations PI and key study staff should participate There is no expectation of perfection Clinical trials are conducted, monitored and audited by human beings Remember, it should be educational 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 22
  • 23. What Happens After the Audit 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 23
  • 24. What Happens After the Audit Auditor and/or Sponsor should provide a written report 3 – 6 weeks after the audit Review and compare with your notes Clarify any questions or concerns Observations are most often rated as Critical: An error that calls into question the reliability and integrity of the data, presents significant risk(s) to study subjects, indicates a lack of compliance with GCP regulations. An accumulation of major errors indicates a high level of suspicion for a systems failure. 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 24
  • 25. An Auditor’s Perspective Major: An error that suggests deficiencies in compliance with GCP and/or the site’s procedures but does not result in a critical error. An accumulation of minor errors suggests a systematic failure may have occurred. Minor: An error that does not meet the definition of critical or major but may suggest some deficiencies in compliance. May also include Recommendations 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 25
  • 26. Responding to Audit Findings Will generally request a written response and/or a corrective and preventive action plan (CAPA) Your written responses should be SMART Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time- bound / Trackable Be clear, be precise Back up statements with facts (documents, data) Try to avoid being defensive 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 26
  • 27. Responding to Audit Findings Don’t promise actions you cannot, or do not intend to, follow through on If a corrective action cannot be carried out right away, respond with a proposed completion date 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 27
  • 28. Corrective & Preventive Action Plans Corrective Actions = Reactive Correct the source of non-compliance and prevent future, similar problems Start with root cause analysis (the ‘5 why’s’ of a problem) Then develop effective resolutions based on true cause, such as: SOPs – May need to be study specific Checklists Remedial training Quality control checks 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 28
  • 29. Root Cause Investigation When a mistake or an error or an incident of non-compliance occurs, evaluate why What was the actual mistake? Hint: It may not be what it appears to be Under what circumstances did it occur? Who was involved? When was the error detected and how? What were the consequences? Were subjects’ safety, rights or welfare impacted? 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 29
  • 30. CAPA Preventive Actions = Proactive Ensure quality and compliance the first time, every time SOPs Checklists Record keeping/actions as events occur Training prior to duties Good documentation practices Frequent meetings and internal reviews 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 30
  • 31. How to Be Prepared 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 31
  • 32. How to Be Prepared Know and understand regulations and GCP guidance documents Topics/RunningClinicalTrials/default.htm Investigator Responsibility – Protecting the Rights, Safety, and Welfare of Study Subjects (FDA Guidance, Oct. 2009) Seek training Reliable sessions can now be found on-line Participate in national organizations’ meetings 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 32
  • 33. How to Be Prepared Review the protocol and associated documents Consider how to conduct the study at your site and in accordance with your procedures Participate in investigator meetings, SIVs Learn from monitoring visits and audits Ask questions Apply the concept of Quality Systems 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 33
  • 34. Being Prepared Avoids… In both 2000 and 2004, the most common observations cited by FDA inspectors Failure to follow the protocol / investigational plan Failure to maintain adequate and accurate records Failure to account for disposition of study drugs / test articles Failure to report Adverse Events Problems related to informed consent 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 34
  • 35. Being Prepared & Quality Systems “Janet Woodcock, the Deputy Commissioner of Operations at the FDA, stated that she is strongly encouraging all parties conducting clinical research to recognize that quality is a ‘system’ characteristic and that quality cannot be inspected into a trial but instead must be designed into the process.” Kit Howard, A Risk-Based Approach for Assessing Data Quality, Journal of Clinical Research Vol. 3, No. 6, June 2007 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 35
  • 36. Quality Systems A comprehensive approach that Complies with regulations and GCP Assures control and integrity of data, protection of subjects’ rights and welfare Standardizes processes to minimize unintended variability and diminish risk Measures quality at each critical step “Quality system means the organizational structure, responsibilities, procedures, processes, and resources for implementing quality management.” 21 CFR 820.3(v) 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 36
  • 37. An FDA Inspection Perspective “This letter also discusses your written response dated February 23, 2005, to the inspectional observations noted on the Form FDA 483. While the submission provides an explanation of events that occurred at your site, it does not discuss how you personally intend to address the deficiencies, nor does it provide a detailed explanation of system- wide corrective actions that will be take to prevent these deficiencies from occurring in the future. It is recommended, at a minimum, that staff training be provided that includes retraining on Good Clinical Practices (GCP) guideline with emphasis on safety. 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 37
  • 38. An FDA Inspection Perspective This will assist you and your staff in the protection of human subjects as it relates to the informed consent process and the federal regulations for investigational device exemption studies. In addition, we recommend that you establish specific Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for your research activities.” Source: FDA Warning letter, Jun 23, 2005; Khoury 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 38
  • 39. Unfortunately, “no magic formula” “Currently, some individuals suggest using a quality system approach to avoid compliance actions, improve research data quality and facilitate the advance of new technologies into the marketplace. Unfortunately, there is no magic formula for how to devise or implement a quality system in the clinical trial setting…..” ME Marcarelli, ‘5 Habits of Highly Effective Sponsors’ Regulatory Affairs Focus, April 2007 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 39
  • 40. 7 Elements of a Quality System Equipment and Facility controls Records, Documents, Change Controls Material Controls i.e., Investigational product(s) and ancillary supplies Design Controls i.e., Key study design elements such as subject screening/selection, AE reporting, laboratory or other special testing 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 40
  • 41. 7 Elements of a Quality System Production & Process Controls i.e., Study personnel, PI role and responsibilities, monitoring Management Controls i.e., Procedures, policies, structure Corrective and Preventive Actions 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 41
  • 42. A Quality Systems Approach 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 42
  • 43. A Quality Systems Approach Failure to follow the protocol / investigational plan 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 43
  • 44. A Quality Systems Approach Principal Investigator should personally conduct / supervise the conduct of the clinical trial A PI can delegate authority but cannot delegate responsibility for clinical trials Read the protocol, IB, other documents related to the conduct of the study provided by the sponsor PI should keep himself/herself informed throughout the conduct of the study Meet with sub-investigators, study staff Read IRB and sponsor correspondence Make time to meet with the monitor Provide training opportunities for self and study staff 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 44
  • 45. A Quality Systems Approach PI should ensure staff (and self) are adequately trained on / understand delegated tasks (and responsibilities) Protocol procedures Regulatory commitments Investigational product accountability Informed consent process Good documentation practices Document training If needed, request protocol-specific training from sponsor 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 45
  • 46. A Quality Systems Approach Sites should develop and use standard operating procedures (SOPs) to ensure accuracy and consistency Checklists, forms, process flowcharts Create and use accurate eligibility, study procedure, reminder checklists Inclusion and exclusion criteria exist to protect subjects and ensure scientific validity of the results, thus protecting future recipients of the product Adhere to all the other protocol, sponsor, IRB and institutional requirements 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 46
  • 47. An Auditor’s Perspective Auditors will be sensitive to warning signs of lack of PI involvement, over-delegation or delegation to non-qualified personnel No source notes with PI signature Never available to meet with monitor Not initialing/dating IRB and/or sponsor correspondence No evidence of assessment of AEs or SAEs, inclusion/exclusion, study procedure results, informed consent process Study staff express frustration with investigator 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 47
  • 48. A Quality Systems Approach Failure to maintain adequate and accurate records 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 48
  • 49. A Quality Systems Approach Document, document, document Less is not “better” Standard of care PLUS protocol required information If it’s a document related to the study, keep it! Don’t throw it out, shred it, misplace it, put it in a pile, stuff it in a drawer, leave it at home, let the kids use it for scrap paper, keep it in the trunk of the car…. Maintain a date-ordered, topic-ordered file, preferably in a study-specific binder 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 49
  • 50. A Quality Systems Approach Keep CRFs up to date to ensure accurate information is recorded and maintained Use a quality control process to ensure IRB approval is in place prior to enrolling subjects Examples: Checklist; internal study start-up meeting with all sub-investigators and study staff 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 50
  • 51. A Quality Systems Approach Make sure you are aware of, and understand, your IRB’s policies and practices How do they issue approvals; is the ICF stamped or watermarked? Complete the continuing review report accurately and in a timely manner 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 51
  • 52. A Quality Systems Approach A simple information log / spreadsheet for IRB submissions and documents can be used to track: Date of initial IRB approval Documents approved Expected date(s) of continuing review report(s) Date of re-approval(s) Version/approval date(s) of updated ICFs 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 52
  • 53. Documentation > Documents How the paper tells the story is important Inaccurate or incomplete records Late entries Improper corrections Inappropriate personnel completing Electronic records 21 CFR Part 11 FDA Guidance: Computerized Systems Used In Clinical Investigations, May 2007 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 53
  • 54. ALCOA Principles for GDP Attributable: Appropriately signed, initialed, dated, (who wrote it when) Legible: No hieroglyphics; properly corrected One line through, add new information, initial and date Contemporaneous: Documented in proximity to occurrence, not 6 months later Original: If not, why not? Certified copies Accurate: Correct subject; sensible dates; modifications clearly explained if not self-evident 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 54
  • 55. And now a few words about… 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 55
  • 56. Notes to File From ‘Note to Self: No More Notes to File’ by Carl Anderson, Applied Clinical Trials, March 2008 “A common document at many clinical sites is the memo or note to file (NTF). When used properly, an NTF can be a positive practice. Some in the clinical trials community, however, seem to think an NTF is a panacea for all things that have gone wrong. Make a mistake? Then write an NTF…” 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 56
  • 57. Notes to File Retrospective “documentation” is a very risky practice for both sponsors and sites From a Warning Letter issued to Sanofi- Aventis in October, 2007 “Our investigation found that Aventis failed to take any action to secure compliance while the study was ongoing except to generate numerous memos to file after all subjects had completed the study.” 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 57
  • 58. Notes to File From a Warning Letter issued to a clinical investigator “We note that there were no medical histories in these subjects’ research files. For subjects [-] you created Memos to File stating that medical records were not obtained due to subjects’ primary care physicians being located in Mexico. These memos do not sufficiently address the issue of the missing medical histories. Without the medical histories…it is not possible to verify if the subjects met inclusion criteria for the study.” [Source: June 30, 2008; Hsueh] 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 58
  • 59. An Auditor’s Perspective Notes to file are “flags” for auditors and regulatory authority inspectors Prompt us to look at processes and procedures related to the issue documented Prompt us to ask more specific questions Tell us a “story” about the conduct of the study, including about the monitoring So, how do you want your NTFs to look? 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 59
  • 60. Do you want… NTFs that just document errors without Examining the cause of the problem Explaining the remediation Being necessary Notes to file that are Poorly and/or inaccurately written Frequent and repetitive 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 60
  • 61. Do you want… Effective notes to file that correct, clarify, or add to the existing source documentation and are Well-written – clear and accurate Relevant – appropriate level of detail Infrequent – and not repetitive Timely – not written the day before an audit or inspection NTFs that demonstrate GCP compliance by documenting corrective and preventive actions (CAPA) 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 61
  • 62. An Auditor’s Perspective Good Documentation Practices prevent the need for retrospective Notes to File Examples of how poor practices lead to this “Late entries are sometimes made without adequate documentation by the person making the entry including the time and date the entry was made. In addition, the actual source of the late entry is not always evident. This is particularly evident with regards to AEs.” “Progress notes occasionally had multiple date stamps, or were undated, making it difficult to determine the date the exam was actually performed. In addition, some of the date changes are not dated or initialed and it cannot be determined when or by whom these changes were made.” 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 62
  • 63. A Quality Systems Approach Failure to account for disposition of study drugs / test articles 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 63
  • 64. A Quality Systems Approach Maintain prospective accountability records Use the sponsor-provided form, if possible Keep all shipping receipts and return records Check the protocol and/or request written information from the sponsor on accountability Periodically reconcile against stock and against patient administration/use records Resolve and document any discrepancies at the time they occur or as soon as discovered 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 64
  • 65. A Quality Systems Approach Review the protocol’s randomization (or treatment assignment) requirements Ensure all staff understand and are aware If it is an oral medication the study subject will be taking at home, determine how treatment compliance will be documented Diary card, PDA, IVRS, daily phone log 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 65
  • 66. A Quality Systems Approach Failure to report Adverse Events 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 66
  • 67. A Quality Systems Approach Understand the protocol, sponsor, and IRB requirements for reporting adverse events, serious adverse events, and safety updates Medically qualified study staff (investigator or sub-investigator) should document assessment of all adverse events 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 67
  • 68. A Quality Systems Approach Use a dated cover letter when submitting information to the IRB and maintain a copy with the submitted information A simple tracking spreadsheet can also be helpful Date SAE or safety report was submitted Description / identification of what was submitted, when, to whom (IRB, Sponsor, others) 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 68
  • 69. A more few words about… 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 69
  • 70. Source / Study Worksheets Source documentation is a regulatory responsibility of clinical investigators Can delegate authority but not responsibility Delegation of authority log with printed name, signature, initials, roles, date(s) involved Appropriately trained, qualified and supervised personnel No appearance of falsification or fraud 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 70
  • 71. Sponsor’s Expectations FDA Guideline for the Monitoring of Clinical Investigations, January 1988 “A sponsor is responsible for assuring that data submitted to FDA in support of safety and effectiveness of a test article are accurate and complete. The most effective way to assure the accuracy of data submitted to FDA is to review individual subject records and other supporting documents and compare those records with the reports prepared by the investigator for submission to the sponsor.” 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 71
  • 72. Source Data Verification “All information in original records and certified copies of original records of clinical findings, observations, or other activities in a clinical trial necessary for the reconstruction and evaluation of the trial.” [ICH E6, 1.51] FDA has consistently advised that source record quality is enhanced by using the site’s normal record keeping system to the maximum extent possible See for example, “The Facts About Source Documents,” 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 72
  • 73. Normal Records vs. Source Worksheets What are your routine records? Are they adequate and accurate? Source worksheets should supplement, not substitute for or duplicate records Normal clinical documentation ≠ clinical research record-keeping but if normal documentation is adequate for the protocol, using different documentation is risky And what if there are only source worksheets? 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 73
  • 74. An Auditor’s Perspective An Example “Recommendation: The site should reconsider their use of sponsor-provided source worksheets in situations where their routine clinic documentation is adequate. They should not duplicate information but should use the source worksheets only to document information not captured as part of their normal record-keeping. One recommendation is to cross-out unnecessary portions of source worksheets, indicating “see clinic chart,” and fill out only study-specific questions / information not otherwise adequately documented in the clinic and/or surgery records. In addition, if source worksheets are used, they must be signed like a clinic chart note would be.” 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 74
  • 75. A Quality Systems Approach Problems related to informed consent 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 75
  • 76. A Quality Systems Approach Learn the history of the ethics of clinical research On-line courses are available from the NCI and NIH A number of good reference books are available Check with your IRB, ask the sponsor Read the regulations Ethical obligations became regulatory obligations and regulatory obligations are the LAW Numerous guidance documents aid in understanding 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 76
  • 77. A Quality Systems Approach Adequacy of informed consent is an investigator responsibility Carefully review any sponsor-provided ICF template Compare it to the protocol, the product information, and your IRB requirements Persons obtaining consent should be appropriately qualified / trained to do so If not done by PI or medically qualified sub- investigator, subject should have opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 77
  • 78. A Quality Systems Approach Establish and follow good document control practices for ICFs If your IRB does not stamp or watermark the IRB-approved consent form, ask them to consider this or do it yourself (SOP) Password-protect / limit access to any non- approved versions that may be stored on the computer Use a tracking and/or filing method to ensure only the current IRB-approved version is used 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 78
  • 79. A Quality Systems Approach The form is just a document - Informed consent is a process Auditors look for evidence of the process ICF version used consistent with IRB approved version? How is this ensured? Who obtained consent? Were all questions addressed? Was consent obtained prior to any protocol- specific procedures? How was re-consent carried out and documented? 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 79
  • 80. An Auditor’s Perspective Informed Consent process issues are often illustrated by a pattern of errors “A significant number of signed Consent Forms have date and signature anomalies made both by subjects and study personnel.” Date(s) changed – In several instances, changed by several days, weeks, or in one case, by more than a month Two instances of subject signing on ‘Person obtaining consent line’ – One instance remained uncorrected Often not dated by subject and/or PI themselves “For multiple subjects, the incorrect version of the ICF was used initially, and re-consent with the correct version not obtained, until observed by the monitor.” 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 80
  • 81. What Can You Do? 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 81
  • 82. The Paper Tells the Story Documentation is how auditors determine how the study was conducted Help them just turn the pages…. Accurate, complete documentation of all aspects of the study illustrates regulatory and protocol compliance Subject records IRB records Drug or device accountability Informed consent AE / SAE reporting Correspondence 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 82
  • 83. The Paper Tells the Story Correction is a documented action Appropriate to the cause of the problem Procedures, checklists, templates, etc. Training Quality control checks Compliance is a behavior exhibited by Documentation Knowledge of regulations Execution of procedures Audits 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 83
  • 84. What Can You Do Practice good documentation practices from the start of the study (ALCOA) Document errors and their correction in a timely manner Recognize patterns and consider the story they tell Make CAPA a habit, including assessing effectiveness Understand the protocol, GCP requirements and investigator responsibilities Ask questions of the monitor, sponsor, PI, IRB, auditors Checkout the FDA, NIH and NCI websites 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 84
  • 85. What Can You Do Remember the key areas of GCP compliance Subject welfare Data validity and integrity Test article (study drug, investigational device) control Ignorance of the regulations (law) is not an excuse Remember the keys to quality Effective and adequate the first time = the best way every time If it isn’t documented…. 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 85
  • 86. Questions 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 86
  • 87. Contact Information Lorrie D. Divers, CCRP, RQAP-GCP 585-429-2386 “Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.” Willa A. Foster 16-Apr-2010 16-Apr- Divers, RPCI Education Day 87