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Jamie Jackson

        Business Leadership

          Course 5453.50

Personal Leadership Development Plan

         Dr. Kerry S. Webb

According to the DISC assessment I am an S-Style. A short description of the S-Style is S-styles

are calm, helpful, patient, and modest and laid back. They are eager to help, loyal and often make

excellent team players. S-styles tend to be patient listeners, trustworthy, and balanced between

tasks and people. They are very persistent. S-styles need stability and security and, therefore,

need help with change. They may be too willing to pitch in and at times are taken advantage of.

Others may perceive S-styles as too slow, stuck on the status quo, indecisive, stubborn and even

quietly resentful. An S-Style does not get easily excited, listens carefully, nods and goes along,

is easy-going, asks questions and inquires about the specifics, seems to have strong opinions but

does not express them vocally, appears thoughtful and completely new ideas/things seem to

make him/her uncomfortable. It also states that my primary role is an Assurer. An Assurer is

thorough and calm and concentrates on her work. She does not like when people disturb her, and

she does not disturb others. The Assurer dreads mistakes and wants to work at her pace. Others

find her accurate and someone who observes everything. The Assurer is also seen as quiet and

private. In reality she is a considerate person and often does not speak out until the conversation

has already taken place. The Assurer finds it extremely important to know what others expect
from her and how they want her to proceed. She finds it uncomfortable to jump into the unknown

without the support of others. She wants matters to proceed systematically and does not tolerate

surprises unless their effects to the overall context are deliberated upon carefully. She does not

find it important to be actively involved with others. However, the Assurer finds it important she

can rely on others if help is needed.

The DISC assessment states the attributes of my personal behavior style are calm, thorough,

steady, patient, exact, punctual, undemanding, adaptive, adjustable, shy, quiet, pleasant,

organized, careful, kind.


As an S-Style my strengths are that I can master details, follow rules, concentrate on one thing at

the time, be very cost efficient, don’t drift from one thing to another, and develop things step-by-

step. It further states that as strengths I am a reliable part of the team, stable when competition is

not tough, knows and follows traditions of the team, stay in her own area of responsibility,

reliable and invisible worker, and do not compete against friends. I am supportive, loyal

consistent, reliable, agreeable, high self control, and a good listener. Overall I have good people

skills and am a good team player or leader.
I feel that most of these strengths are accurate. The ones I disagree with are don’t drift from one

thing to another and does not compete against friends. I do have a tendency to start something

then after a few minutes get bored and move to something else. I am also very competitive.

However, I did grow up playing sports so this could be attributed to something I learned rather

than a trait I was born with.


Possible weaknesses for an S-Style are resists change, take a long time to adjust to change, holds

a grudge, sensitive to criticism, and difficulty establishing priorities. They can be overly

lenient/tolerant, procrastinate, indecisive, overly possessive, indirect with others, and have

trouble meeting deadlines as well as a lack of initiative. Conforming, awkward, dependent, slow,

and retiring are weaknesses as well. S also has a tendency to sacrifice results for harmony.

I agree with all of these tendencies except resists change or taking a long time to adjust to

change because I like to constantly do things that are different to gain new experiences. All of

the others are things that I have noticed and that others have told me.


 It states that S are motivated when new things are organized and issues proceed in a controlled

manner. It states that S are further motivated by security and reliability, possibility to specialize,

clear operating instructions, criteria for decision making, and appreciation as an expert and a

helper. S also like the possibility to concentrate on their own work, support when starting new

assignments, and explanations for changing things. S tends to gravitate toward consistency and

appreciation for traditions, reducing all risk factors, and the possibility to plan beforehand.
S also enjoy the role of an observer, analyzer and listener as well as values time, as that heals all

wounds and solves many problems. Furthermore S also like good team-spirit and opportunities to

operate as a member of an experienced team. Since S are modest, adjustable and security-

seeking, they do not like situations that are risky or decisions that create negative feelings in

others. S also dislikes sudden situations and people who cannot listen. Things that reduce S

motivation are mistakes, stepping on others' toes, deciding everything, having to venture into the

unknown alone, unnecessary raising of voice, taking unnecessary risks, and trying to influence

people against their will. It further states that having to start projects all alone, restlessness and

insecurity, carelessness, chaos and disagreements, and personal criticism without clear reasons

also will reduce S motivation. Overall S are mainly motivated by relationships.

I can see all of these in my personality except navigating away from risky situations. I won’t do

anything that is wrong but I will take chances if needed.


When communicating S tend to have difficulty getting acquainted in a big group of different

people. S are neither inspiring nor motivating by character and are more like a patient and quiet

example that influences people with their reliability. It states that S feel that my basic position is

that the fewer acquaintances they have and the more they resemble S, the better their chances are

to gain their trust.

I feel that this is somewhat accurate. I am a quiet person by nature and tend to sit back and

listen and watch. I am more comfortable communicating in small groups versus large ones. I

also don’t have to have a big group of friends but prefer a few close ones. The only difference is

while I do like people that are similar to me I am open to those who are different as well because

it fosters a better environment.

They tend to be quiet and indirect and casual. They don't show their emotions. They may not say

anything if they disagree just to keep peace. They are moderate and controlled. They ask, they

don't tell. They want answers to their "HOW" and "WHEN" questions. They accommodate

others and are flexible in their attitude. S prefers quiet discussions with one or two people. If

they receive appreciation, they maintain a high level of performance. They build close

relationships with a small group of friends. They are people-oriented and their speech may

appear softer, with an open posture. They will have relaxed, warm facial expressions and prefer a

casual approach. S is more accepting and agreeable by nature and will make every effort to avoid

hurting another person even if that means making personal sacrifices. They come across as

warm, receptive, trusting, and friendly. They prioritize connecting with people and are even-

tempered, patient, understanding, and sincere. They are usually outwardly calm and tend to mask

their feelings. You often don't know just what a Core-S is thinking or feeling, unless they choose

to share that information with you.

I agree with everything in this section regarding my emotional response. I don’t show my

emotions often but I do value people and relationships. I am very calm even in the midst of

hectic or stressful situations. I also tend to keep quiet in order to not argue unless its something I

am passionate about.


For decision making it states that S style reflects great care. S considers different possibilities

and takes a stand only if they are convinced. Some may find S to be a slow decision maker. S

need information and guidance to make decisions, as well as enough time to dig into problems
because they try to consider the facts as well as the rights of their team, and after that S try to

make the fairest, best decision.

I feel that this assessment is accurate as well. I take my time making important decisions to make

sure I’ve looked at all the facts and possible outcomes—sometimes more than once. I like to look

at all the facts and do what I think would be good for everybody not just myself.


Under tension or conflict S tend to think too long before deciding, pay attention to the

unessential as well, gets stuck in one place, checks things too many times, and reacts slowly and

too carefully. S also have a tendency when clarifying something, to make things complicated,

hesitating when they should be making a decision and beginning to fight after the war is already

over. S will take criticism of their work as a personal affront and become are too hard on their

selves. If S disagrees they will resist change passively by consenting or complying passively

without protest and also wait for people in authority to tell me what to do and then lead them to

believe, falsely, that they will comply. S can also get a “what’s the use” feeling and become a

victim, defeatist, or martyr.

I completely agree with this section as well. When faced with a decision I tend to overanalyze

and over think it, often checking the situation from many different angles several times. I also

have a tendency to disagree with people but not be vocal about and then do it the way I think it

should be done.

Some suggestions for improving S effectiveness in relating with others is to be more assertive

and aggressive, speak out, act now, think less, keep emotions under control, and do not be afraid

of change and new things. Be more open to change. Be more direct in your interactions. Focus

on overall goals of the team rather than specific procedures. Deal with confrontation

constructively. Develop more flexibility. Increase pace to accomplish goals. Show more

initiative. Work at expressing thoughts, opinions, and feelings. Ask other people for advice about

how to do their job more efficiently. Learn to consciously change their familiar habits. Learn to

try different ways of doing things. Learn not to stop even when in doubt about what to do.

Try to remember that they can learn from my mistakes-they do not have to avoid them.

Learn to try new things even though they make mistakes at times. Learn to start working even

when they feel they are not ready. Learn to do several things simultaneously. Learn not to think

about what is best for others. Learn to imagine that their job is like a sports event where only the

winner will be rewarded. Try not to do the same thing twice the same way. Always think about

how this could be done in a different way. Practice accepting their initial opinion as the final

one. Learn to make a decision based only on the most important criteria. Learn to tell people

what they can gain from what they are saying. Learn not to talk about possible problems and

risks. Know that other people don't know what they’re feeling or thinking. Learn to face

confrontation, initiate more, increase pace, be less sensitive, focus on timely results, be more

confident and enthusiastic about ideas, overcome the fear of offending and speak up directly on

an issue when it is needed.

I feel that this section is going to be greatly beneficial to me as I take charge as a leader in my

professional and personal life. All of these are things that I don’t do but feel I need to do
because I constantly feel that I am getting pushed over because I tend to be quiet, compliant,

nonconfrontational, and indirect. I care more about people’s feelings than I do about getting my

point across or asking for what I need at times.


At my job we are very relationship oriented and try to learn each other’s personalities so that we

can foster more positive interactions and a more productive work environment. In order to do

this we take two personality assessments—Personalysis and StrengthFinders.

I have included my Personalysis assessment below as well as what it means.

Personalysis® Information

This graph represents your preferred style. It reflects your strengths and the roles you enjoy.

Jamie likes roles that call for both people skills and administrative functions. In approach, is

flexible yet careful, friendly but restrained. When managing, provides some latitude but monitors

things when predictability is important. Can be interrupted and then refocus on own agenda.

Organizes and coordinates, regulates and ties up loose ends to get things done. Frustrated with

mavericks that are unable to adapt to organizational requirements.


This graph represents the way you learned you should interact with others. It reflects the way

you expect others to communicate with you.

Jamie expects management and others to promote participation and listen to ideas. They should

provide freedom and flexibility. Expects to be kept in the loop, exchange information and have a

reliable way to proceed. If approached right, will be self-managing and accountable. To

overcome problems, uses reason, looks for choices and an innovative solution. Does not respond

well to those who become too insistent and impatiently discount questions.


This graph represents the basic concerns that must be satisfied to feel confident and effective.

Jamie has a need to be efficient and have predictability. Motivated to test ideas, make plans and

be reliable. In making decisions, studies the facts, considers alternatives and risks, and tries to

consolidate position. Under pressure, uses healthy skepticism and sticks to priorities. Self-

confidence is elevated when there is sincere dialog and the ability to keep control. Frustrated by

pressures to do things fast rather than right.


                       Scorer 1   Scorer 2   Scorer 3   Scorer 4   Scorer 5   Average of   My Scores   Difference
                                                                               Scorers                 in Scores

Core Competencies

Oral                      4          6          5                                              5
                                                                                5.00                     0.00

Written                   7          6          6                                              7
                                                                                6.33                     0.67

Team Building             5          7          7                                              6
                                                                                6.33                     -0.33

Team Player               5          7          7                                              6
                                                                                6.33                     -0.33

Creative Problem-         6          7          6                                              5
                                                                                6.33                     -1.33

Interpersonal Skills      7          7          7                               7.00           7         0.00
Manage Client             7          7          6                                              7
                                                                                6.67                     0.33

Self-Direction            4          7          7                               6.00           6         0.00
Flexibility               5          6          7                                              7
                                                                                6.00                     1.00

Connecting and            7          7          6                                              5
                                                                                6.67                     -1.67

Professionalism           5          7          6                                              7
                                                                                6.00                     1.00

Financial Leadership      5          5          5                                              5
                                                                                5.00                     0.00


Leadership Behavior       7          6          6                                              7
                                                                                6.33                     0.67
Visioning Process           5           7      6                                           6
                                                                             6.00                    0.00

Team Leadership             4           5      6                             5.00          6         1.00
Taking Appropriate          7           5      6                                           5
Action                                                                       6.00                    -1.00

Foster Conflict             4           5      6                                           5
Resolution (win-win)
                                                                             5.00                    0.00

Project Management          4           7      6                                           6
                                                                             5.67                    0.33

Employee Involvement        4           5      6                             5.00          5         0.00

Coach and Motivator         5           5      6                             5.33          6         0.67

Professional or

Business Skills             6           7      6                                           7
                                                                             6.33                    0.67

Professionalism             5           7      6                             6.00          7         1.00
Technical Competency        7           7      6                             6.67          6         -0.67

Items in purple represent my lowest scores.

Items in green represent my highest scores.

   Observations and Insights

   My highest scores tend to be in areas that have to deal with my relationships with others while

   my lowest scores tend to be with communication skills. I am a good speaker however; I have

   problems with speaking in front of groups, getting my point across, and handling disagreements.
There was on average a 1 point difference between the averages of my scorers scores and my

personal scores.

The leadership scores indicate that I need to focus on developing my communication skills when

it comes to speaking in groups, getting a vision across to others, and conflict resolution.

Personal Growth Strategies

I will focus on my communication skills and my leadership skills as personal growth areas. In

order to strengthen my communication and leadership skills I need to learn how to communicate

in large groups, delegate, handle conflict/disagreements, encourage employee involvement, and

learn to create a vision and get it across effectively. In order to do this I am going to employ the

following strategies—join a toastmasters group, find a positive leadership mentor, take a conflict

resolution course, and volunteer for more speaking opportunities.

Team Development Strategies

In order to become a better team leader I need to learn how to communicate better within a

group, get my ideas/vision across more effectively, make quicker decisions, not worry so much

about others feelings, and how to foster positive conflict resolution.

I can motivate others to perform better and be more effective by acknowledging them when they

do good, letting them know it’s ok to make mistakes long as they learn from them, give them

clear goals and direction, and valuing their input in decision making.

Leadership Goal                  Strategy               Timeline           New Skill or Behavior

          (What will you          (Action plans to create      (Date when        (What is your target measure?
                                        the change)              you will          What will you measure?)
       improve or change?)

1.   Work on Oral                Join toastmasters            11/30/2011    Learn to express my self better in

     Communication                                                          group settings or in front of large

2.   Foster Employee             Start delegating             11/30/2011    Learn to include others when

     Involvement                 responsibilities more                      working on projects instead of doing
                                                                            it all myself

3.   Work on Foster Conflict     Be more open and direct;     11/30/2011    Learn to disagree with others and

     Resolution                  take some negotiating                      come to a positive compromise
                                 and conflict resolution                    without me just giving up and giving
                                 courses                                    in

4.   Work on Connecting and      Join a group for my          11/30/2011    Connect with more people within

     Networking                  career, Reach out to                       my field and learn better networking
                                 others at my job                           techniques

5.   Build Leadership and Team   Find a positive leadership   11/30/2011    Learn how to lead, delegate, and

     Building Skills             mentor                                     empower my employees



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Personal leadership plan

  • 1. Jamie Jackson Business Leadership Course 5453.50 Personal Leadership Development Plan Dr. Kerry S. Webb
  • 2. SECTION ONE: SELF AWARENESS According to the DISC assessment I am an S-Style. A short description of the S-Style is S-styles are calm, helpful, patient, and modest and laid back. They are eager to help, loyal and often make excellent team players. S-styles tend to be patient listeners, trustworthy, and balanced between tasks and people. They are very persistent. S-styles need stability and security and, therefore, need help with change. They may be too willing to pitch in and at times are taken advantage of. Others may perceive S-styles as too slow, stuck on the status quo, indecisive, stubborn and even quietly resentful. An S-Style does not get easily excited, listens carefully, nods and goes along, is easy-going, asks questions and inquires about the specifics, seems to have strong opinions but does not express them vocally, appears thoughtful and completely new ideas/things seem to make him/her uncomfortable. It also states that my primary role is an Assurer. An Assurer is thorough and calm and concentrates on her work. She does not like when people disturb her, and she does not disturb others. The Assurer dreads mistakes and wants to work at her pace. Others find her accurate and someone who observes everything. The Assurer is also seen as quiet and private. In reality she is a considerate person and often does not speak out until the conversation has already taken place. The Assurer finds it extremely important to know what others expect
  • 3. from her and how they want her to proceed. She finds it uncomfortable to jump into the unknown without the support of others. She wants matters to proceed systematically and does not tolerate surprises unless their effects to the overall context are deliberated upon carefully. She does not find it important to be actively involved with others. However, the Assurer finds it important she can rely on others if help is needed. The DISC assessment states the attributes of my personal behavior style are calm, thorough, steady, patient, exact, punctual, undemanding, adaptive, adjustable, shy, quiet, pleasant, organized, careful, kind. ASSESSMENT OF STRENGTHS As an S-Style my strengths are that I can master details, follow rules, concentrate on one thing at the time, be very cost efficient, don’t drift from one thing to another, and develop things step-by- step. It further states that as strengths I am a reliable part of the team, stable when competition is not tough, knows and follows traditions of the team, stay in her own area of responsibility, reliable and invisible worker, and do not compete against friends. I am supportive, loyal consistent, reliable, agreeable, high self control, and a good listener. Overall I have good people skills and am a good team player or leader.
  • 4. I feel that most of these strengths are accurate. The ones I disagree with are don’t drift from one thing to another and does not compete against friends. I do have a tendency to start something then after a few minutes get bored and move to something else. I am also very competitive. However, I did grow up playing sports so this could be attributed to something I learned rather than a trait I was born with. ASSESSMENT OF WEAKNESSES Possible weaknesses for an S-Style are resists change, take a long time to adjust to change, holds a grudge, sensitive to criticism, and difficulty establishing priorities. They can be overly lenient/tolerant, procrastinate, indecisive, overly possessive, indirect with others, and have trouble meeting deadlines as well as a lack of initiative. Conforming, awkward, dependent, slow, and retiring are weaknesses as well. S also has a tendency to sacrifice results for harmony. I agree with all of these tendencies except resists change or taking a long time to adjust to change because I like to constantly do things that are different to gain new experiences. All of the others are things that I have noticed and that others have told me. MOTIVATIONAL STYLE It states that S are motivated when new things are organized and issues proceed in a controlled manner. It states that S are further motivated by security and reliability, possibility to specialize, clear operating instructions, criteria for decision making, and appreciation as an expert and a helper. S also like the possibility to concentrate on their own work, support when starting new assignments, and explanations for changing things. S tends to gravitate toward consistency and appreciation for traditions, reducing all risk factors, and the possibility to plan beforehand.
  • 5. S also enjoy the role of an observer, analyzer and listener as well as values time, as that heals all wounds and solves many problems. Furthermore S also like good team-spirit and opportunities to operate as a member of an experienced team. Since S are modest, adjustable and security- seeking, they do not like situations that are risky or decisions that create negative feelings in others. S also dislikes sudden situations and people who cannot listen. Things that reduce S motivation are mistakes, stepping on others' toes, deciding everything, having to venture into the unknown alone, unnecessary raising of voice, taking unnecessary risks, and trying to influence people against their will. It further states that having to start projects all alone, restlessness and insecurity, carelessness, chaos and disagreements, and personal criticism without clear reasons also will reduce S motivation. Overall S are mainly motivated by relationships. I can see all of these in my personality except navigating away from risky situations. I won’t do anything that is wrong but I will take chances if needed. COMMUNICATION STYLE When communicating S tend to have difficulty getting acquainted in a big group of different people. S are neither inspiring nor motivating by character and are more like a patient and quiet example that influences people with their reliability. It states that S feel that my basic position is that the fewer acquaintances they have and the more they resemble S, the better their chances are to gain their trust. I feel that this is somewhat accurate. I am a quiet person by nature and tend to sit back and listen and watch. I am more comfortable communicating in small groups versus large ones. I also don’t have to have a big group of friends but prefer a few close ones. The only difference is while I do like people that are similar to me I am open to those who are different as well because it fosters a better environment.
  • 6. EMOTIONAL RESPONSE STYLE They tend to be quiet and indirect and casual. They don't show their emotions. They may not say anything if they disagree just to keep peace. They are moderate and controlled. They ask, they don't tell. They want answers to their "HOW" and "WHEN" questions. They accommodate others and are flexible in their attitude. S prefers quiet discussions with one or two people. If they receive appreciation, they maintain a high level of performance. They build close relationships with a small group of friends. They are people-oriented and their speech may appear softer, with an open posture. They will have relaxed, warm facial expressions and prefer a casual approach. S is more accepting and agreeable by nature and will make every effort to avoid hurting another person even if that means making personal sacrifices. They come across as warm, receptive, trusting, and friendly. They prioritize connecting with people and are even- tempered, patient, understanding, and sincere. They are usually outwardly calm and tend to mask their feelings. You often don't know just what a Core-S is thinking or feeling, unless they choose to share that information with you. I agree with everything in this section regarding my emotional response. I don’t show my emotions often but I do value people and relationships. I am very calm even in the midst of hectic or stressful situations. I also tend to keep quiet in order to not argue unless its something I am passionate about. DECISION MAKING STYLE For decision making it states that S style reflects great care. S considers different possibilities and takes a stand only if they are convinced. Some may find S to be a slow decision maker. S need information and guidance to make decisions, as well as enough time to dig into problems
  • 7. because they try to consider the facts as well as the rights of their team, and after that S try to make the fairest, best decision. I feel that this assessment is accurate as well. I take my time making important decisions to make sure I’ve looked at all the facts and possible outcomes—sometimes more than once. I like to look at all the facts and do what I think would be good for everybody not just myself. BEHAVIOR UNDER TENSION OR CONFICT Under tension or conflict S tend to think too long before deciding, pay attention to the unessential as well, gets stuck in one place, checks things too many times, and reacts slowly and too carefully. S also have a tendency when clarifying something, to make things complicated, hesitating when they should be making a decision and beginning to fight after the war is already over. S will take criticism of their work as a personal affront and become are too hard on their selves. If S disagrees they will resist change passively by consenting or complying passively without protest and also wait for people in authority to tell me what to do and then lead them to believe, falsely, that they will comply. S can also get a “what’s the use” feeling and become a victim, defeatist, or martyr. I completely agree with this section as well. When faced with a decision I tend to overanalyze and over think it, often checking the situation from many different angles several times. I also have a tendency to disagree with people but not be vocal about and then do it the way I think it should be done. SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVING EFFECTIVENESS IN RELATING WITH OTHERS
  • 8. Some suggestions for improving S effectiveness in relating with others is to be more assertive and aggressive, speak out, act now, think less, keep emotions under control, and do not be afraid of change and new things. Be more open to change. Be more direct in your interactions. Focus on overall goals of the team rather than specific procedures. Deal with confrontation constructively. Develop more flexibility. Increase pace to accomplish goals. Show more initiative. Work at expressing thoughts, opinions, and feelings. Ask other people for advice about how to do their job more efficiently. Learn to consciously change their familiar habits. Learn to try different ways of doing things. Learn not to stop even when in doubt about what to do. Try to remember that they can learn from my mistakes-they do not have to avoid them. Learn to try new things even though they make mistakes at times. Learn to start working even when they feel they are not ready. Learn to do several things simultaneously. Learn not to think about what is best for others. Learn to imagine that their job is like a sports event where only the winner will be rewarded. Try not to do the same thing twice the same way. Always think about how this could be done in a different way. Practice accepting their initial opinion as the final one. Learn to make a decision based only on the most important criteria. Learn to tell people what they can gain from what they are saying. Learn not to talk about possible problems and risks. Know that other people don't know what they’re feeling or thinking. Learn to face confrontation, initiate more, increase pace, be less sensitive, focus on timely results, be more confident and enthusiastic about ideas, overcome the fear of offending and speak up directly on an issue when it is needed. I feel that this section is going to be greatly beneficial to me as I take charge as a leader in my professional and personal life. All of these are things that I don’t do but feel I need to do
  • 9. because I constantly feel that I am getting pushed over because I tend to be quiet, compliant, nonconfrontational, and indirect. I care more about people’s feelings than I do about getting my point across or asking for what I need at times. ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENTS TAKEN At my job we are very relationship oriented and try to learn each other’s personalities so that we can foster more positive interactions and a more productive work environment. In order to do this we take two personality assessments—Personalysis and StrengthFinders. I have included my Personalysis assessment below as well as what it means. Personalysis® Information Colorgraph™
  • 10. Rational This graph represents your preferred style. It reflects your strengths and the roles you enjoy. Jamie likes roles that call for both people skills and administrative functions. In approach, is flexible yet careful, friendly but restrained. When managing, provides some latitude but monitors things when predictability is important. Can be interrupted and then refocus on own agenda. Organizes and coordinates, regulates and ties up loose ends to get things done. Frustrated with mavericks that are unable to adapt to organizational requirements. Socialized This graph represents the way you learned you should interact with others. It reflects the way you expect others to communicate with you. Jamie expects management and others to promote participation and listen to ideas. They should provide freedom and flexibility. Expects to be kept in the loop, exchange information and have a reliable way to proceed. If approached right, will be self-managing and accountable. To overcome problems, uses reason, looks for choices and an innovative solution. Does not respond well to those who become too insistent and impatiently discount questions. Instinctive This graph represents the basic concerns that must be satisfied to feel confident and effective. Jamie has a need to be efficient and have predictability. Motivated to test ideas, make plans and be reliable. In making decisions, studies the facts, considers alternatives and risks, and tries to consolidate position. Under pressure, uses healthy skepticism and sticks to priorities. Self- confidence is elevated when there is sincere dialog and the ability to keep control. Frustrated by pressures to do things fast rather than right. STRENGTH FINDERS ASSESSMENT
  • 11. SECTION TWO: ASSESING MY LEADERSHIP BEHAVIOR Scorer 1 Scorer 2 Scorer 3 Scorer 4 Scorer 5 Average of My Scores Difference Scorers in Scores Core Competencies Oral 4 6 5 5 5.00 0.00 Communication Written 7 6 6 7 6.33 0.67 Communication Team Building 5 7 7 6 6.33 -0.33 Team Player 5 7 7 6 6.33 -0.33 Creative Problem- 6 7 6 5 Solving 6.33 -1.33 Interpersonal Skills 7 7 7 7.00 7 0.00 Manage Client 7 7 6 7 Relationships 6.67 0.33 Self-Direction 4 7 7 6.00 6 0.00 Flexibility 5 6 7 7 6.00 1.00 Connecting and 7 7 6 5 Networking 6.67 -1.67 Professionalism 5 7 6 7 6.00 1.00 Financial Leadership 5 5 5 5 5.00 0.00 Leadership Competencies Leadership Behavior 7 6 6 7 6.33 0.67
  • 12. Visioning Process 5 7 6 6 6.00 0.00 Team Leadership 4 5 6 5.00 6 1.00 Taking Appropriate 7 5 6 5 Action 6.00 -1.00 Foster Conflict 4 5 6 5 Resolution (win-win) 5.00 0.00 Project Management 4 7 6 6 5.67 0.33 Employee Involvement 4 5 6 5.00 5 0.00 Coach and Motivator 5 5 6 5.33 6 0.67 Professional or Individual Competencies Business Skills 6 7 6 7 6.33 0.67 Professionalism 5 7 6 6.00 7 1.00 Technical Competency 7 7 6 6.67 6 -0.67 Items in purple represent my lowest scores. Items in green represent my highest scores. Observations and Insights My highest scores tend to be in areas that have to deal with my relationships with others while my lowest scores tend to be with communication skills. I am a good speaker however; I have problems with speaking in front of groups, getting my point across, and handling disagreements.
  • 13. There was on average a 1 point difference between the averages of my scorers scores and my personal scores. The leadership scores indicate that I need to focus on developing my communication skills when it comes to speaking in groups, getting a vision across to others, and conflict resolution. Personal Growth Strategies I will focus on my communication skills and my leadership skills as personal growth areas. In order to strengthen my communication and leadership skills I need to learn how to communicate in large groups, delegate, handle conflict/disagreements, encourage employee involvement, and learn to create a vision and get it across effectively. In order to do this I am going to employ the following strategies—join a toastmasters group, find a positive leadership mentor, take a conflict resolution course, and volunteer for more speaking opportunities. Team Development Strategies In order to become a better team leader I need to learn how to communicate better within a group, get my ideas/vision across more effectively, make quicker decisions, not worry so much about others feelings, and how to foster positive conflict resolution. I can motivate others to perform better and be more effective by acknowledging them when they do good, letting them know it’s ok to make mistakes long as they learn from them, give them clear goals and direction, and valuing their input in decision making. SECTION THREE: PERSONAL LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT
  • 14. Leadership Goal Strategy Timeline New Skill or Behavior (What will you (Action plans to create (Date when (What is your target measure? the change) you will What will you measure?) improve or change?) measure) 1. Work on Oral Join toastmasters 11/30/2011 Learn to express my self better in Communication group settings or in front of large audiences 2. Foster Employee Start delegating 11/30/2011 Learn to include others when Involvement responsibilities more working on projects instead of doing it all myself 3. Work on Foster Conflict Be more open and direct; 11/30/2011 Learn to disagree with others and Resolution take some negotiating come to a positive compromise and conflict resolution without me just giving up and giving courses in 4. Work on Connecting and Join a group for my 11/30/2011 Connect with more people within Networking career, Reach out to my field and learn better networking others at my job techniques 5. Build Leadership and Team Find a positive leadership 11/30/2011 Learn how to lead, delegate, and Building Skills mentor empower my employees 6. 7.
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