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Preconception Care:  Intention to prevent congenital anomalies.  Prevention of neural tube defects by folic acid supplementation.  Glucose control in DM resulting in lower incidence of abnormalities.  Proper nutrition, exercise, smoking cessation, abstinence from Alcohol Protection from radiation (x rays),  and drugs to avoid teratogenicity  Infection control: STD and rubella Tx,  hepatitis immunity status
Prenatal Care GYN-Menstrual  History / Parental medical history:  DM, Htn, Cardiac, Thyroid, Anemia, Genetic disease,  Habits: Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs, Diet, Activities, Caffeine intake, Meds Obstetric History:   -Dates of all pregnancies including termination, spontaneous abortion  -Outcome and gestational length of pregnancy -Neonatal complications,  Rh incompatibility, Malformations -Weight, Apgar score, and number of live born infants. -Types of  delivery: vaginal delivery,  forceps,  C-section,  Breech Complications:   Shoulder dystocia,  premature labor,  placenta previa,  post-partum hemorrhage
Laboratory Evaluation-Baseline -CBC (Ht/Hb),  U/A (protein, glucose, C/S),  ABO blood type,  Rh type -VDRL/RPR test, Cervical culture for  GC and  Chlamydia  -Rubella antibody titer,  Hepatitis B surface antigen,  CMV titers,  Toxoplasmosis antibody test - Hemoglobin  electrophoresis for risk groups:  Sickle cell in African American,  B-thalassemia in Mediterranean  -Tay-Sachs, Gaucher, Kanavan, Newman-Pick testing in Jews  -HIV antibody testing if  suspected ( patient authorization)
During Pregnancy   1.  10 weeks.  Chorionic Villus Sampling (TAY-SACHS) 2.  15-18 weeks.  Serum triple-screen for NTD (AFP, beta-HCG, estriol) or  Serum quadruple by adding Inhibin.  AFP down, B-HCG up, Estriol Down  = DOWN Syndrome or chromosomal defect AFP elevated levels  = Fetal neural tube defects 3.   15 -19 weeks.  Amniocentesis (karyotypic/cong ab,), TAY-SACH TEST  U/S  ↑  35 Y (risk of genetic or chromosomal disorders) 4.  26 weeks.   Blood glucose screen (one hour Glucola test).  5.  26-32 weeks.  Ht / Hb (Iron def.) and  L/S ratio 2:1 (fetal lung maturity) 6.   34-36 weeks.  Consider GC, Chlamydia, Herpes, Syphilis screening in high-risk women. 7.  36-37 weeks.  Screening for G-B Streptococcus
Fetal Assessment Alfa feto-protein:   increase:  NTD, anencephaly, renal agenesis decrease:  IUGR, Chromosomal Trisomies 13-18-21 Amniotic Fluid Volume Estimation: Oligohydramnio:   (Less than 500 ml of fluid)  ↓  of the amniotic fluid.  Rupture of the membranes is the most common cause.  Other causes include: Placental  Insufficiency, Associated with renal or urologic abnormalities, IUGR,  lung hypoplasia,  premature rupture of membranes. Polyhydramnio:   (More than 2L of fluid).  Excess of amniotic fluid.  It is associated with diabetes,  CNS defects such as: Anencephaly, Neural Tube Defects.  Suggestive of GI anomalies such as Upper Intestinal  obstruction  like: Duodenal  atresia,  tracheo-esophageal  fistula.
Chorionic Villus Sampling:  Done in the first trimester for genetic studies.  The cells obtained are identical to those of the fetus, grown and analyzed. Complications include pregnancy loss and limb abnormalities. Amniocentesis:   Amniotic Fluid (20 ml) is withdrawn under US guidance, and is analyzed for prenatal  diagnosis of karyotypic abnormalities such as: congenital  defects, fetal lung  maturity,  and NTD.  Complications include pregnancy loss, amniotic fluid leakage, fetal injury  This process is indicated for:   Women over 35 y. of age:  ↑  risk of malformations- 21, 18, 13 trissomy  Women who had a child with a  chromossomal  abnormality. To rule out Inborn Errors of Metabolism
Test of Fetal Lung Maturity Lecithin: Sphingomyelin (L:S) Ratio Lecithin:  phosphatidylcholine measured in the amniotic fluid, being the active component of  surfactant. Is manufactured by alveolar type II cells. Sphingomyelin  is a phospholipid, found in body tissues other than lungs. The L:S ratio compares levels of lecithin which increases in late gestation, to levels of  Sphingomyelin that remains constant.  The L:S ratio is  1:1 by 31-32 weeks, and 2:1 by 35 weeks gestation. L:S-2:1  Lungs are mature (98% accuracy). L:S-1.5-1.9  50% will develop Respiratory Distress Syndrome L:S-1-1.5  73% will develop Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Human embryo of 7 weeks
Beyond 8 weeks, the Embryo is called Fetus
Critical Periods of Human Development
OBSTETRIC COMPLICATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH  FETAL OR NEONATAL RISK Vaginal Bleeding:  In the 1 st  or early in 2 nd   trimester. due to threatened or actual spontaneous abortion Vaginal bleeding with Continuous Pregnancy:  Fetus  at risk for congenital or chromosomal disorders . Premature Rupture of Membranes:   Occurs in absence of labor.  Associated with risk of maternal or fetal infection:  G-B Strep, E.coli, lysteria Prolonged Rupture of the Membranes:   Greater than 24 Hours.  Associated with risk of maternal or fetal infection:  G-B Strep, E.coli, lysteria Toxemia of Pregnancy or Pre-Eclampsia:  Is probably of vascular etiology that may result in:  Maternal  HTN,  IUGR  IU asphyxia. Vaginal Bleeding that is painless:   Is not associated with labor.  Occur in late 2nd or in the 3rd  trimester.  Often is Placenta Previa -
Abnormalities of Placenta:   Large infarcts:   Associated with mal-nutrition. Placenta Previa:   Premature separation of placenta and impairment of fetal  O2 Large Placenta:   Associated with erythroblastosis fetalis  and maternal diabetes. Amniom Nodosum:  Associated with hypoplastic lung and  polycystic kidneys  Small Placenta:   Associated with SGA infant. Amniotic Fluid: Clear:  Normal Dark Green:  Meconium stained. Consider recent  IU anoxia  Yellow:  Intrauterine anoxia episode of 10 days previously  Clots:   Placental hemorrhage Light Green:  Bile stained. Consider intestinal obstruction. Brown-Hazel:  Fetal death
Malformation   abnormality of embryonic morphogenesis of tissue.  It usually results from genetic, chromosomal, or teratogenic influences.  Malformations often require surgical intervention.  Deformation   represents a change in shape, form, or position of a  normal body part or organ due to exposure to mechanical or extrinsic forces. Majority of deformations respond to medical therapy alone  Disruption   represents a defect caused by a breakdown in a normal body part or organ. A classic example is the combination of clefting, constriction bands, and limb reduction defects associated with the presence of amniotic bands  .  Dysplasia   is characterized by abnormal organization of cells within tissue, which usually has a genetic basis. An example is achondroplasia, the most frequent form of skeletal dysplasia.  Each of these categories can have a  sequence  associated with it.  Sequence   refers to a recognizable pattern of multiple anomalies that occurs when a single problem in morphogenesis cascades, resulting in secondary and tertiary errors in morphogenesis and a corresponding series of structural alterations.  Pierre-Robin  Association  An association is a pattern of malformations that occurs together too frequently to be due to random chance alone, but for which no specific etiology is yet recognized. Mosaicism   Presence of two or more genetically different cell lines in the same individual, where one is normal. Karyotype   test to detect abnormal numbers of chromosomes and deletions, translocations, large enough  to be seen by light microscopy. FISH  Fluorescence in situ hybridization:  Hybridization of a fluorescently tagged DNA probe to  chromosome, allow  a detection of submicroscopy deletions and duplications classifications of structural anomalies
TRYSSOMY 21- DOWN SYNDROME Is a syndrome consisting of multiple abnormalities. It is the most common autosomal chromosomal abnormality. Incidence:  1:600 live births  Male : Female ratio is 1.3:1 Maternal age: 15-29 years   1/1500  30-34 years   1/800 35-39 years    1/250 40-44 years    1/100 Over 45 years    1/50  Genetics:   90-92% of cases are due to chromossomal non-disjunction (failure to segregate during  meiosis) in the maternal DNA and 3% in the paternal DNA 4% due to Translocation between chromossome 21 and 14 1%  Mosaic
S/S:   General:   Short stature,  Hypotonia ,  mongoloid facies,   Head:   Brachicephaly w/ a flattened occiput , Microcephaly, delay  closure of fontanels Eyes:  Upward palpebral fissures,  inner epichantal folds, Brushfields  spots  (specking of the  iris), lens opacities, cataracts, nystagmus Ears:  Small, prominent,  low-set Nose:  Small,  flat or depressed nasal bridge Mouth:   Palate high and narrow Tongue:  Macroglossia, open mouth,  protrusion of the tongue  (small mandible and maxilla)  Teeth:  Missing in 50%, small, hypoplastic, irregular placement Neck:  Short appearance, sometimes webbed,  atlanto-axial instability Heart:  Assess for murmurs, arrhythmias (AV canal), cyanosis.  CHD, VSD Abdomen:  Diastesis recti, ↑ frequency of duodenal/esophageal atresia  Genital:  in Males: small penis, cryptorchidism Extremities:   Hands with short metacarpals  and broad phalanges.  5th finger with hypoplasia of the mid phalanx (clinodactily) ,  syndactily  Simian  crease  (single transverse palmar crease).  Wide gap  between  1st and 2nd  toe  (sandal Gap) Skin:  Infant: Cutis marmorata, velvety skin.  Adolescent: Coarse, dry skin  Neurology:  Poor Moro reflex,  mental retardation, Developmental delay.
Increased risk for:  Leukemia, hypothyroidism, cataracts, Otitis media LAB:   -Prenatal karyotyping via amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling.  -Chromossomal karyotype on cultured lymphocytes from peripheral blood.  You do it postnatally, if you suspect Down -Auditory brain stem evoked response at 6 months of life. Vision at 4 Y.  -TSH, T4 Imaging:  Fetal U/S: Polyhydramnio ECHO/ CX-Ray: R/O cardiac disease TX: *Supportive *Genetic counseling *Referral to specialists
TRYSSOMY 13-  PATAU’S  SYNDROME 1/7000 live births Highly lethal within the first 3 months of life. Survival after 6 month is  5% S/S:  General:   prenatal/postnatal growth retardation, Developmental Delay Head/Face:   Severe brain abnormalities (   holoprosencephaly ) ( failure of the forebrain to divide   properly)  Scalp defect (aplasia cutis congenita) Microphaltmia,  corneal abnormalities Cleft lip/palate Microcephaly Deafness Low set of ears Chest:  Congenital heart disease (ASD, VSD, PDA),  missing  ribs. Extremities:   Overlapping of fingers / toes,   polydactily,   hypoplastic and  hyperconvex nails Others anomalies:  Cystic kidneys,  hooked penis  Dx:   Karyotype  study with FISH analysis Most children die in the first year. Survivors are retarded
Trisomy 13 at age 7 years (survival beyond the first year is uncommon).  He is deaf and legally blind.
TRYSSOMY 18 - EDWARDS  TRYSSOMY Incidence: 1:5000 live births Highly lethal within the first 3 months of life. 10% survive the 1 st  year Only 5% live up to 1 year of life S/S:   Prenatal/postnatal growth deficiency, premature birth,  Developmental Delay Head/face:  Small and premature appearance,  Microcephaly  Narrow nose and hypoplastic nasal alae Narrow bifrontal diameter,  Prominent occiput Micrognathia , Cleft lip/palate,  low set of ears Chest:  Congenital heart disease (ASD,VSD, PDA).  Short sternum,   Extremities:  Clinodactily,  clenched hands with overlapping 2  nd -5 th  fingers , hypoplastic nails rocker-bottom feet   Dx:  Karyotype study with FISH analysis 50% die in first week, 99% die by 1 year
Overlapping  fingers Rocker bottom feet
Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome), exhibiting characteristic facial features, short sternum, overlapping  fingers with clenched fists, and a left-sided clubfoot
TURNER  SYNDROME 45X, XO (mosaic) Karyotype. Absence of one X chromosome 1/2000  births Clinical manifestations:   Short Stature,   Low hairline,  webbed neck,  underdeveloped breasts wide hypoplastic nipples,  horseshoe kidney, Shield (broad) chest Heart:  CoA, bicuspid aortic valve and high BP. Neonates:  Carpal/pedal edema can reappear in adolescence (lymphedema) Primary amenorrhea:  No estrogen production  with  ↑  gonadotropins   ovarian failure. Delayed puberty    gonadal failure,  sterility,  Infantile uterus, sparse pubic and axillary hair Mental development is normal, having problems in the spatial perceptual ability  Dx:  Chromossomic (Karyotype) study.  Often, the missing sex chromosome is paternally derived EKG, Renal US, Hearing screening Tx:  Girls with Turner syndrome should receive appropriate hormone therapy during adolescence such as Growth hormone, and estrogens replacement to ensure normal sexual  characteristics
Turner Syndrome
Turner  Syndrome  Webbed neck – spaced nipples
Turner syndrome
Turner  Syndrome  Webbed neck – Low ear implantation
Turner  Syndrome - Carpopedal edema
KLINEFELTER  SYNDROME 47, XXY karyotype (80%) Incidence of 1/1000in males Postpubertal males signs appears:   Male Infertility    from hypogonadism with hypospermia or aspermia.  (Seminiferous tubular function is lost, causing infertility) Small and soft testes,  gynecomastia , small penis  Tall stature with intelligence in the normal range, may have educational/psychological problems  Long limbs, Scoliosis may develop during adolescence.  Behavioral problems may be more common than in the population at large  Dx:  Gonadotropins levels are elevated unless normal levels  of testosterone  are produced. TX:  Testosterone replacement injections : promotes secondary sexual characteristics.
A, Relatively narrow shoulders, increased carrying angle of arms, female distribution of pubic hair and  normal penis but with small scrotum due to small testicular size.  B, Small testes and penis.  C, Gynecomastia
FRAGILE X SYNDROME Fragile X syndrome is a X-linked condition caused by  allelic expansion (mutation) of a   trinucleotide repeat disorder  CGG   in  the FMR1 gene.   Incidence: 1 / 4000 S/S:   Developmental delay:   speech delay,  poor motor coordination,  learning disabilities   Behavioral disorder:  Disciplinary problems, temper tantrums,  hyperactivity,  mood disorders, schizoid  personality, and significant disturbances in affect, socialization, and communication  Cognitive impairment:   Decrease IQ 28-49 range Head/Face:   Macrocephaly, Long Face, Large forehead,  Prominent ears, Prominent mandible, Flattened nasal  bridge Hyperextensible joints,  Velvety skin Mitral Valve Prolapse Macroorchidism( adolescence) Dx : DNA molecular genetic test:   Southern blot analysis of DNA extracted from cells, usually in blood  Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of DNA, is done with less blood Tx:  Early intervention, including speech and language therapy and occupational therapy.  Stimulants, antidepressants, and antianxiety drugs may be beneficial for some children
Fragile X Syndrome.  A and B, Note the long, wide, and protruding ears, elongated face, and flattened nasal bridge.  C, Macro-orchidism in adult man with fragile X syndrome.
fragile X syndrome.  Note the prominent and elongated ears and long face.
PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME A chromosome deletion of 15q11-q13 including the Prader-Willi critical region of the paternally derived chromosome 15 (majority of cases).  Maternal uniparental disomy (UPD) child inherits both copies of chromosome 15 from  mother S/S:   Newborn:   hypotonia,  history of decreased fetal movement in utero  poor sucking and swallowing    FTT  baby's cry may be weak  Mental retardation motor development/speech is delayed Infancy   Hypotonia Hyperphagia     Morbid Obesity   (trunk, buttocks, proximal limbs) Facies: bifrontal diameter is narrow, the eyes are often described as "almond shaped,"  strabismus is not unusual.  Skin:   Hypopigmentation,  hair blonde to light brown,  blue eyes Extremities:   Hands and feet are  small from birth  Short stature Genitals:  Penis and testes are hypoplastic in males.  Menarche in females is delayed or absent, and menses, when present, are sparse and irregular.  Gonadotropic hormone levels are reduced in both sexes.  Infertility is the rule.  Lab:   High resolution karyotype,  Methylation studies,  Appropriate DNA FISH probes  Tx:  Supportive, multispecialty
Prader-Willi syndrome.  A, This patient demonstrates the marked obesity characteristic of Prader-Willi syndrome. Excess fat is distributed over the trunk, buttocks, and proximal extremities. B and C, Small hands (and feet) and a hypoplastic penis and scrotum are other typical features.
Prader-Willi syndrome (note the inverted V-shaped upper lip, small hands, and truncal obesity).
ANGELMAN  SYNDROME Angelman syndrome are disorders that derive from abnormalities of imprinted genes.  The critical region of chromosome 15q11-q13 for Angelman syndrome is located adjacent to the Prader Willi critical region.  Paternal UPD (uniparental disomy) child inherits both copies of chromosome 15 from father Incidence of 1 in 15,000 to 1 in 20,000 live births.  S/S: Neuro:  Developmental delay, Hypotonia  Severe cognitive deficits; speech is impaired or  absent Spontaneous laughter  Major motor seizures are common. Gait is ataxic, with toe-walking (abnormal puppet-like gait) Jerky arm movements/hand flapping.  Head/Face:  Microbrachycephaly  Maxillary hypoplasia  Large mouth Prognathism  Short stature (in adults)
Dx: Because of complexity of the diagnostic process, families of children suspected  should be referred for genetic evaluation and diagnostic testing  DNA   methylation  analysis  identifies approximately 80% of AS and is the single most sensitive test for AS.  If  DNA   methylation  analysis  is normal,  UBE3A   sequence analysis  is the next appropriate diagnostic test.  If the  DNA   methylation  analysis  is positive, the next step is  FISH  analysis.  If the  FISH  analysis is normal, studies using  DNA   polymorphism  analysis can be used to distinguish  UPD  (uniparental disomy).
Angelman Syndrome
Marfan Syndrome   Is a genetic disorder of connective tissue that is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait.  The site of the genetic abnormality or mutation is the Fibrillin gene on chromosome 15.  S/S: Eyes:  Subluxation of the lens usually displaced in an upward direction.  Myopia and astigmatism are common  risk for developing glaucoma, cataracts, and retinal detachment in adulthood.  Iridodonesis (tremulosness of the Iris) Musculoskeletal:  arachnodactyly,  joint hyperextensibility due to ligamentous laxity  tall stature with long, thin extremities  an arm span that exceeds height  pectus excavatum or carinatum  Pes planus and thoracolumbar kyphoscoliosis  The incidence of hernias, both inguinal and femoral  Heart:   Mitral valve prolapse (MVP)  progressing to mitral insufficiency  Aortic aneurysm (changes in the root and ascending aorta)  Acute aortic dissection  before 10y.  Presence of a high arched palate is common.  Marfan individuals are of normal intelligence, an occasional patient may have learning disabilities. Dx:  Clinical, Echo/MRI, Multispeciaty, Slit-Lamp Tx:  Beta-Blockers,  Elective aortic repair, Bacterial Endocarditis prophylaxis, bracing/surgery for scoliosis Angiotensin II receptor blockers (restore the walls of aorta)
A and B- prominent arachnodactyly of both fingers and toes.  clubbing due to associated  cardiopulmonary problems and the flattening of the arch of his foot.  C- severe pectus carinatum  D- significant kyphosis and joint contractures, long arms.
A young man with Marfan syndrome, showing  long limbs and narrow face.
NOONAN SYNDROME Noonan syndrome is an autosomal dominant, mutations in  PTPN11 —a gene on chromosome 12q24.1. genetic disorder that shares a number of clinical features with Turner syndrome .  present in 1 in 1000 to 1 in 2500.  is seen in both males and females  S/S:  Head/face  webbing of the neck,  Hypertelorism,  epicanthus,  downward slanted palpebral fissures,  ptosis,  micrognathia,  ears  are low set and posteriorly rotated.  Hair can be coarse and curly, and the posterior hairline is often low.  High-frequency sensorineural hearing loss is common. Chest/Heart:   pectus carinatum or pectus excavatum,  congenital heart disease ( pulmonary stenosis, ASD), septal hypertrophy,  Hypertrophic  cardiomyopathy is found in 20% and can be  severe as to necessitate cardiac transplant  Musculoskeletal:   short stature, clinodactyly , cubitus valgus,  IQ is 86.  Verbal IQ tends to be better than performance IQ. intelligence are usually normal. Coagulation abnormalities (factors XI/XII) are found in approximately one third of cases.  Puberty can be delayed.  Cryptorchidism, small testes when present in males, can result in sterility.  Females are fertile.  Dx:  Clinical, Chromosomal studies   Tx:   Human growth hormone has resulted in improvement in growth velocity , specialties
Note the widely spaced eyes, low-set ears, webbing of the neck, shield chest, pectus, and increased carrying angle of the arms.
CORNELIA DELANGE SYNDROME Most cases are the result of autosomal dominant mutations  in the  NIPBL  gene on chromosome 5p13  S/S: Intrauterine growth retardation, persistent postnatal failure to thrive,  moderate to severe cognitive impearment  Head/Facies:  Microcephaly with a flat occiput and low hairline  Long  eyelashes,  medial fusion of eyebrows (synophrys),  facial hirsutism,  Small nose with anteverted nostrils; long philtrum; micrognathia   Downturned upper lip with cupid's-bow shape  Heart:  Congenital heart disease Extremities:   small hands and feet,  hypoplastic limbs, and even  phocomelia.  Skin:  Hirsutism is generalized and distinctive  Cutis marmorata is a frequent feature.  Genitals   Males: hypospadias with cryptorchidism is common  Females: may have a bicornuate uterus.  Most affected adults are  short in stature. Dx:  Chromosomal analysis Prognosis:  survival and normal development is poor
A and B, Facial features seen in an infant and an older child include finely arched heavy eyebrows, long  eyelashes, small upturned nose, long smooth philtrum, and Cupid's-bow mouth.  C, Small hands, hypoplastic proximally placed thumb, and short fifth finger with mild clinodactyly  Cornelia de Lange Syndrome
WILLIAMS SYNDROME Williams syndrome  is a  an autosomal dominant  disorder caused by a deletion of about 26 genes from the long arm of Chromosome 7.  affects an estimated 1 in 7,500 to 10,000 people. S/S:  Developmental delay, highly verbal and sociable, Tend to love music, mild to moderate mental  retardation  Neonatal hypercalcemia   Head/Face:  Hoarse voice, Microcephaly Hyperacusis,  Fullness around eyes and lips, medial eyebrow flare,  Flattened nasal bridge, epicanthal fold,  Stellate  pattern of iris, long philtrium Short Stature  Poor visual-motor integration skills  Heart:  Congenital heart defects (supravalvar aortic stenosis, pulmonary stenosis, VSD, ASD) Musculoskeletal:  pectus excavatum , abnormal side-to-side or front-to-back curvature of the spine  (scoliosis or kyphosis),  an awkward gait.  mild to moderate mental retardation  Dx:  FISH  analysis Tx:   Symptomatic care is mostly supportive,  Multispecialties  ,[object Object],[object Object],Williams syndrome, also known as Williams-Beuren syndrome, is a rare genetic disorder characterized by growth delays before and after birth (prenatal and postnatal growth retardation), short stature, a varying degree of mental deficiency, and distinctive facial features that typically become more pronounced with age. Such characteristic facial features may include a round face, full cheeks, thick lips, a large mouth that is usually held open, and a broad nasal bridge with nostrils that flare forward (anteverted nares). Affected individuals may also have unusually short eyelid folds (palpebral fissures), flared eyebrows, a small lower jaw (mandible), and prominent ears. Dental abnormalities may also occur including abnormally small, underdeveloped teeth (hypodontia) with small, slender roots.  Williams syndrome may also be associated with heart (cardiac) defects, abnormally increased levels of calcium in the blood during infancy (infantile hypercalcemia), musculoskeletal defects, and/or other abnormalities. Cardiac defects may include obstruction of proper blood flow from the lower right chamber (ventricle) of the heart to the lungs (pulmonary stenosis) or abnormal narrowing above the valve in the heart between the left ventricle and the main artery of the body (supravalvular aortic stenosis). Musculoskeletal abnormalities associated with Williams syndrome may include depression of the breastbone (pectus excavatum), abnormal side-to-side or front-to-back curvature of the spine (scoliosis or kyphosis), or an awkward gait. In addition, most affected individuals have mild to moderate mental retardation; poor visual-motor integration skills; a friendly, outgoing, talkative manner of speech; a short attention span; and are easily distracted. In most individuals with Williams syndrome, the disorder appears to occur spontaneously for unknown reasons (sporadically). However, familial cases have also been reported. Sporadic and familial cases are thought to result from deletion of genetic material from adjacent genes (contiguous genes) within a specific region of chromosome 7 (7q11.23). Resources This is an abstract of a report from the National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc. ® (NORD). A copy of the complete report can be obtained for a small fee by visiting the NORD website. The complete report contains additional information including symptoms, causes, affected population, related disorders, standard and investigational treatments (if available), and references from medical literature. For a full-text version of this topic, see  The information provided in this report is not intended for diagnostic purposes. It is provided for informational purposes only. NORD recommends that affected individuals seek the advice or counsel of their own personal physicians.  It is possible that the title of this topic is not the name you selected. Please check the Synonyms listing to find the alternate name(s) and Disorder Subdivision(s) covered by this report.  This disease entry is based upon medical information available through the date at the end of the topic. Since NORD's resources are limited, it is not possible to keep every entry in the Rare Disease Database completely current and accurate. Please check with the agencies listed in the Resources section for the most current information about this disorder.  For additional information and assistance about rare disorders, please contact the National Organization for Rare Disorders at P.O. Box 1968, Danbury, CT 06813-1968; phone (203) 744-0100; web site or email  Last Updated:   8/15/2006  Copyright   1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2006 National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc.  E-mail This |       P rint This                   Copyright 1989, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2003 National Organization for Rare Disorders, Inc. This information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor. By using AOL Body, you indicate that you have read, understood, and agreed to our  Terms of Service,  Use of Content Agreement  and  AOL Body Advertising Policy.  Read more about our  content partners . August 15, 2006 Last updated:
Williams Syndrome: wide-set eyes, upturned nose, large maxilla, prominent philtrum, and pointed chin.
Williams syndrome:   broad forehead, short palpebral fissures,  low nasal bridge,  anteverted nostrils,  long philtrum, full cheeks, and  large and often downturned mouth.
MALFORMATION DUE TO AN INBORN ERRORS OF METABOLISM LYSOSOMAL STORAGE DISEASES Classification of Lysosomal Storage Disorders DISORDER CLASS  UNDERLYING DEFECT Mucopolysaccharidoses  Defective metabolism of glycosaminoglycans Sphingolipidoses and sulfatidoses  Defective degradation of sphingolipids and their components Glycogen storage diseases  Defective degradation of glycogen Oligosaccharidoses  Defective degradation of the glycan portion of glycoproteins Mucolipidoses  Defective degradation of acid mucopolysaccharides,  sphingolipids and/or glycolipids
MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSES   TYPE  DISORDER  ENZYME DEFICIENCY MPS I   Hurler syndrome  α-l-iduronidase  Hurler-Scheie syndrome   Scheie syndrome  MPS II   Hunter syndrome  Iduronate sulfatase MPS III   Sanfilippo disease   Type A  Heparan  N -sulfatase  Type B  α- N -acetylglucosaminidase  Type C  Heparan- N -acetyltransferase MPS IV   Morquio disease   Type A  N -Acetylgalactosamine-6 sulfate sulfatase  Type B  β-Galactosidase MPS VI   Maroteaux- Lamy disease  Arylsulfatase B MPS VII  Sly disease  β-Glucuronidase
MPS-I  HURLER MPS type I is due to a mutation in the gene that codes for α-L-iduronidase (located on chromosome 4p16.3), which results in impaired degradation of dermatan and heparan sulfate  S/S:   Between 6-24 months (12 months), growth rate decreases and signs of developmental delay appears. Growth and Development ceases around 3 or 4 years, resulting in short stature with a shortened trunk, and progressive  regression in cognitive abilities /  milestones.  Head/face:   prominence of the forehead,  broad nose with a flattened nasal bridge,  enlargement and  protrusion of the tongue,   chronic hearing loss,  corneal clouding ,  retinal degeneration or  glaucoma;  tonsillar / adenoidal hypertrophy predispose the child to URI ,  sleep apnea. Heart:  Cardiomyopathy with asymmetric hypertrophy of the ventricular septum,  Thickening of the aortic and mitral valves, which  progress to valvular insufficiency. Abd:   Hepatosplenomegaly  results in a protuberant abdomen  Skeletal:   Dysostosis multiplex,   progressive joint stiffness resulting in contractures.  Hands are  broad, fingers are short and clawed,  Widening of the ribs into an oar shape  Skin:   Thickening of the skin with hirsutism  Dx:  Assay of skin fibroblasts for specific lysosomal hydrolases Tx:  Enzyme replacement therapy
Hurler syndrome.  A, The coarsening of facial features  includes prominence of the forehead,  a flattened nasal bridge,  short broad nose, and widening of the lips.  Features appear puffy due to thickening of the skin.  B, Progressive joint stiffness and contractures lead to clawing of the hand.
MPS  II- HUNTER  SYNDROME Hunter syndrome is inherited as an X-linked recessive trait. Mild and severe forms of the disorder result from changes (mutations) of a gene (IDS gene) that regulates production of the iduronate sulfatase enzyme, needed to brake complex sugars produced in the body. The IDS gene is located on the long arm (q) of chromosome X (Xq28).  S/S: Initial symptoms starts at two to four years of age.  progressive growth delays, resulting in short stature;  Head/Face:   Macrocephaly. delayed tooth eruption, progressive hearing loss, thickening of the lips,  tongue, and nostrils  Heart:  thickening of the heart valves leading to a decline in cardiac function Lungs:  Obstructive airway disease Abd:  Hepatosplenomegaly,  joint stiffness, with  restriction of movements;  Skeletal:   short neck and broad chest  Two clinical forms of Hunter syndrome have been recognized:  Early-onset , more severe form (MPS IIA), profound mental retardation may be apparent by late childhood.  Late-onset , mild form of the disease (MPS IIB), intelligence may be normal or only slightly impaired.  Dx: Clinical  Diagnosis by measuring the iduronate-2-sulfatase (I2S) enzyme Tx: No treatment, supportive
Morquio Syndrome Morquio's syndrome is an autosomal recessive inheritance mucopolysaccharide storage disease.  Error in Carbohydrate metabolism . It is a relatively rare dwarfism with serious consequences.  Two forms are recognized, type A and type B. Type A is a deficiency of the enzyme  N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfate  sulfatase .  Type B is a deficiency of the enzyme  beta- galactosidase .  S/S: Widely spaced teeth  Corneal clouding Hearing loss  Enlarged heart  Abnormal skeletal development: Scoliosis  Hyper mobile joints  Large fingers  Knock-knees,  Short trunk  with pectus carinatum  Bell shaped chest (ribs flared)  Severe growth retardation 82-115 cms Odontoid hypoplasia Compression of spinal cord  Dwarfism  The intelligence is normal .  Dx:  Biochemical markers:  Type A: Increase urinary excretion of keratan sulfate/chondroitin-6-sulfate Type B: Increase urinary excretion of keratan sulfate Tx: Enzyme replacement therapy is not effective. Supportive
NEUROFIBROMATOSIS Neurofibromatosis is an autosomal dominant disorder producing tumors along the course of nerves and occasionally resulting in soft tissue or bony deformity.   Neurofibromatosis has 2 forms: Type 1 (von Recklinghausen's) is most prevalent, causing neurologic, cutaneous, orthopedic symptoms  Type 2 accounts for 10% of cases, manifesting primarily as congenital bilateral acoustic neuroma.   Genetics: NF1 gene has been localized to chromosome 17.   NF2 gene has been localized to chromosome 22.  affects about 1 in 3000 individuals.  Neurofibromas are benign tumors consisting of Schwann cells and neural fibroblasts.  There are 4 types: Cutaneous neurofibromas are soft and fleshy  Subcutaneous neurofibromas are firm and nodular.  Nodular plexiform neurofibromas may involve spinal nerve roots produce intraspinal / extraspinal masses  Plexiform neurofibromas : diffuse thickening of nerve,  present at birth in the orbital or temporal region of  the face.  Causes  overgrowth of an extremity and a deformity of the bone. There are 2 types of central (cranial nerve) neurofibromas:  Optic gliomas, which may cause progressive blindness.  NF-1  Acoustic neuromas (vestibular schwannomas), causes  dizziness, ataxia, deafness, and tinnitus.  NF-2
S/S:   NF-1   2 or more must be present to diagnose Café -au- Lait  (need > 6)  .5mm in diameter in prepubertal children,  >15mm in  postpubertal  individuals Lesions are medium-brown,  over the trunk, pelvis, and flexor creases of elbows  Axillary or inguinal freckling Neurofibromas  (2 or more) or 1 plexiform neurofibroma  Lisch nodules (Iris hamartomas) Optic Glioma (visual loss with optic atrophy)   Osseous lesion such as a sphenoid dysplasia, thinning of long bone cortex with / without pseudoarthrosis  A first-degree relative (i.e., parent, sibling, or child) with NF-1, according to these criteria     Learning disabilities Increased risk for malignancy  Short stature and macrocephaly   Patients with NF-1 can be affected with various tumors of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves   Hypertension in 10% NF-2 Bilateral acoustic neuromas.  They cause hearing loss and unsteadiness, headache  Bilateral 8th cranial (vestibulocochlear) nerve masses may be present.  Family members may have gliomas, meningiomas, or schwannomas.  Cataracts   Dx:  Clinical , DNA testing, Genetic counseling, MRI of Brain, X-Ray of Lower Extremities Tx:  No   treatment. Surgery, Irradiation, braces for scoliosis, psychological help
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Effects of smoking in pregnancy ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Caffeine: Coffee, Tea, Cola   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Prescription drugs ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
THALIDOMIDE Thalidomide   is a sedative-hypnotic medication. The drug is a potent Teratogen.  Severe birth defects may result if the drug is taken during pregnancy.  Children were born with:  Missing or malformed limbs( phocomelia) (bilateral)  No ears or deafness  Missing or extra fingers or toes  Partial or total loss of sight  Improper formation of the heart, kidney and other internal organs  Improper formation of the anus and/or genitalia  Cleft Palate  Flattening of the bridge of the nose
Suggested guidelines for drug screening of the neonate ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
How effective is screening? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Marijuana (pot/joint): Effect on  the Baby   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Cocaine (crack/coke ) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Amphetamines   ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Morphine/Heroin/Methadone/Demerol ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Narcotics: effects on the baby ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
CONGENITAL ANOMALIES Innumerable congenital anomalies, many of a minor nature, can be noted at birth.  Although any single minor malformation may be of little medical consequence, the  identification of three or more in a single infant may be a clue to more serious errors of  morphogenesis  The majority of minor external anomalies involve the hands, feet, and head
Supernumerary digit
Syndactyly.  Cornelia de Lange Syndrome
Aural fistula.
Amniotic bands. A lower extremity amniotic band caused amputation of the toes and constriction around  the lower leg.
DELIVERY  ROOM  RESUSCITATION  PROCEDURES *Resuscitation begins before delivery. *Obstetric chart to be discussed with obstetrical team *Know what type of anesthesia is going to be used *Check if neonatal resuscitation equipment is working and ready *Check if resuscitation drugs are available and in place
DELIVERY  PROCEDURES  FOR  ALL  NEWBORNS 1 -Suction Nose/Oropharinx- Suction the mouth  first , then the nose before the infant take  his first breath because  suction of the nose first, induce gasping 2- Clamp  AND CUT  the umbilical cord, within 30-60 seconds of age.  Milk the cord if it is necessary, before clamping it. 3- Place the newborn in a 15-degree Trendelemburg’s  position in a warmed resuscitator  with overhead radiant heater.  Dry to avoid excessive heat loss, since chilling     acidosis. 4-  EXAMINE THE CHILD-APGAR.   Aspirate the mouth, pharynx, nose. The suction should not take more than  10 sec.  Beware  of   direct vagal  nerve stimulation by the catheter tip     vaso-vagal reflex   with  bradycardia  and/or laryngeal  spasm resulting into apnea, asphyxia and depression.  5-  Once the Newborn is stabilize, and  breathing  vigorously:  *Administer Vit-K 1 mg IM  preventing hemorrhage in Newborn  *Silver Nitrate 1% sol. or Erythromycin 0.5% ophtalmic oint. *ID- foot printing
Milking the umbilical cord is not indicated in those cases: Materno-fetal blood incompatibility Prematurity Intracranial hemorrhage  It is indicated in the following cases: C-section, placing the newborn in a lower level than the mother Premature placental separation Anemic newborns
Exit of the Head and Beginning of Shoulder
Apgar  Examination
THE APGAR SCORING  SCALE *Simple assessment of intrapartum stress, cardio-pulmonary, and neurologic adaptation to  a new independent life and an objective idea of how much resuscitation an infant will  required at birth. *Evaluate the newborn at  1,  5 and 10 minutes after birth. *Causes of low Apgar: -Asphyxia  -Prematurity -Maternal Drugs  -Fetal Sepsis -Fetal CNS and Resp. Depression
Apgar  Scores The Apgar score should be assigned at  1,  5,  10 minutes  Sign Score  0 Score  1 Score  2 Heart Rate Absent Below 100 Above 100 Respiratory  Effort Absent Weak, irregular, or   gasping Good, crying Muscle   Tone Flaccid Some flexion of   extremities Well flexed, or active movements   of  extremities Reflex Irritability No response Grimace  or weak   cry Good cry Color Blue all over,   or pale Blue Extremities   Body Pink Pink all over
APGAR CLINICAL MANAGEMENT OF THE NEWBORN Apgar Score at 1 minute:  7-10  Normal Newborn  4- 6  Moderately depressed newborn  0- 3  Severely depressed newborn  Normal Newborn:   Brief suctioning and a slap/massage on the soles/back   Moderately Depressed Newborn Infants:   Oxygen, Positive pressure by  bag and Mask, Efficient suctioning, Warm environment . Severely Depressed Newborn Infants:   Keep in warm environment, efficient suctioning, oxygen. Maintain open airway, umbilical catheterization, IV line (fluid, drugs)  Endotracheal  intubation with artificial respiration or by Bag and mask.  Cardiac massage, Usage of medications.
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Evaluate  Respirations Spontaneous HR <100 Evaluate HR Inj. Narcan Drug  Depressed Yes No HR <60 Ct Ventilation + Chest compression Drugs if: HR <80, after 30 secs PPV +100% O2 + chest compression HR 60-100 -HR increasing Ct ventilation -HR not increasing (<80) Ct chest compression HR >100 look for spont. Resp DC ventilation Evaluate color >100 Observe and Monitor Oxygen Pink  or  Peripheralcyanosis   Blue 15-30 sec Overview of Resuscitation American Heart Association PPV 100% O2 None  or Gasping
Failure to breath after birth PO2 falls immediately to near zero Acidosis Asphyxia Brain damage  or Aggravation of an existing CNS injury
Triangle of Resuscitation Most common treatment Least  common  treatment Keep dry & warm Suction & stimulation Oxygen Establish effective ventilation  Bag &mask Tracheal Intubation Chest compressions Drugs
ABCD of Neonatal Resuscitation D rugs +
Injection of  Vit-K
PHYSIOLOGY OF ASPHYXIA- APNEA PRIMARY  APNEA:   With decrease of oxygen, rapid breathing starts. If asphyxia continues, the respiratory movements cease, the  HR   falls, and the infant enters  a period of apnea known as  primary apnea.   If given O2 and stimulations during this period, it will induce breathing SECONDARY APNEA:  With continuation of asphyxia, the infant develops deep gasping  breathing, the HR   fall, and BP begins  to fall. Respiration becomes weaker until the infant take a last gasp and enters a period called  secondary  apnea.   In this period, the HR, BP, oxygen in blood (PaO2)  fall  further. The infant is unresponsive to  stimulation, and artificial ventilation with oxygen (PPV) is started.
FETAL AND NEWBORN PHYSIOLOGY  ADAPTATION When born, his  Liquid  habitat became airborne and his  nutrition  will come from different ways and  sources.  The oxygen  given by his mother  through the placenta, now comes through a mixture in  the air, by a new process;  the pulmonary respiration. The organic elements and minerals will not come anymore via maternal circulation, it will come through  the complex process of digestion, absorption and assimilation. Also excretion, becomes a vital part of  these complex processes.
The   1 st   breath begin after the NB leaves the vaginal canal, requiring a:  1-Lung expansion is due:  to a large negative intra-thoracic pressure followed, by a strong cry sufficient to open  the adhesion between the alveolar walls humidified by the amniotic liquid. 2-Pressure of 15-25 cm/H2O is necessary for this expansion. For the subsequent respiration,  it is needed a pressure of 1/3 to ¼ of the first. 3-The umbilicus clamping  ↑  BP, and massive stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system  With the onset of Respiration and lung expansion,   pulmonary vascular   resistance   ↓  with the gradual  transition from fetal to adult circulation, with the closure of foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus   Also: the first respiration is done through the: - The sensorial stimuli   represented by being exposed to a colder air than  the one inside the uterus.  -Difference between  intrauterine pressure  and  atmospheric pressure  -Complete  reabsorption of the lung fluid   -Adequate   quantity of surfactant in the alveoli , preventing atelectasia In the premature, areas of atelectasia are common and persist for a longer period .
-At birth, alveoli are filled with  “fetal lung fluid”.   -It  takes a certain amount of pressure in the lungs to overcome the fluid forces and open the alveoli for the first time.  -Around 1/3 of fetal lung fluid is removed during vaginal  delivery as  the chest is squeezed    lung fluid exits trough the nose and mouth.  -Remaining fluid passes through the alveoli into lymphatics surrounding the lungs. How quickly fluid leaves the lungs, depends  on the force of the first few breaths. The first few breaths of most newborn infants are extremely powerful, expanding the alveoli and replacing the lung fluid with air.
Neonatal Hypotonia
TORCH  INFECTIONS Is an acronym for:  Toxoplasmosis,  Others-Syphilis, Varicella, EBV, Coxsackie Rubella  CMV  Herpes simplex, Hepatitis B
Toxoplasmosis:  Transplacental infection by Toxoplasma gondii during pregnancy.  parasite found in cats feces contaminate water and food.  S/S: Fetus may grow slowly and born prematurely. Newborns may have: chorioretinitis, microcephaly, intracranial calcifications, jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly.  Later sequela: blindness, deafness, mental retardation, seizures.  Dx:   IgM Elisa titers    suggest infection in 75% of cases.  TX: Pregnants should avoid raw meat and cat litter  Transmission may be prevented if mother takes Spiramycin. Pyrimethamine and Sulfonamides can be taken later if fetus is infected Infected newborns are treated with: Pyrimethamine, sulfadiazine and Leucovorin. Inflamation of the heart, lungs or eyes is treated with corticoids.
Rubella:  Transplacental infection with the Rubella virus during pregnancy.  High risk during first trimester. S/S:   Microcephaly, cataracts, Cardio Ds. (PDA, Pulmonary artery stenosis),  deafness,  mental retardation, IUGR, cloudy cornea (cataract, glaucoma), hepatosplenomegaly,  Bluish red spots, bruising Dx:   Elevation of antibody titers, viral cultures. Tx:   Immunization before pregnancy Immunoglobulin injection, if pregnant women had contact with infected person
CMV:   Transplacental infection or infected maternal secretions at delivery  Patients are asymptomatic at birth. Newborn may become infected if breastmilk contains the virus, or in a blood transfusion S/S: 10% congenital infected have symptoms:  Prematurity,  IUGR,  jaundice,  microcephaly,  chorioretinitis ,  periventricular calcifications,   petecchia with thrombocytopenia Symptomatic CMV has 20% mortality rate.  90% survivors will have: mental retardation, hearing loss, visual defects, seizures. Dx: Elisa test: CMV IgM or IgG antibodies  Isolate virus Cx: urine, CSF, saliva, amniotic fluid or placenta. Histological Exam:   “owl’s eye”  enlarged intranuclear inclusion cells PCR to detec viral DNA in CSF.  X-Ray: Skull- calcifications Lab: thrombocytopenia, elevation of transaminases, conjugated hyperbilirubinemia. Tx:   Gancyclovir- suppress replication, not erradicate virus. Repeated hearing test (sensorineural hearing loss in more than 65% survivors
Neonatal Herpes Simplex Virus Caused by HSV type-2, transmitted via infected vaginal tract. S/S: 1-4 weeks of birth: rash of fluid filled blisters appear.  Later: Kerato-conjunctivitis, seizures-(temporal lobe predilection), lethargy, weakness,  decrease muscle tone,  Resp. distress, pneumonitis Dx:   Culture or PCR  of scrapings from lesions (vesicles).  Positive culture or PCR of CNS fluid, Pleocytosis, or elevated protein: possible HSV Ds. Tx:   Acyclovir IV.  Eye infections is treated with Acyclovir IV and Trifluridine drops Perform cesarean in women with active lesions Varicella:  Seen in 2% of pregnancies when mother contracts varicella in the 1 st   trimester of pregnancy Clinical features: Limb hypoplasia, Cutaneous scars  CNS abnormalities: Cortical Atrophy, Mental Retardation, Encephalitis Ocular Abnormalities: Microphthalmia, Cataract, Chorioretinitis  DX:  positive maternal Hx of varicella, physical findings Tx:  Acyclovir IV,  Multispecialists
Neonatal Hepatitis B infection Acquired during delivery from mothers that are asymptomatic HBV carriers  Main risk is infant becoming carrier, resulting in chronic hepatitis and increasing the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. DX:   HBsAg serology Tx:   Infants of infected mothers should receive Hep-B immuno-globulin and  Hep-B vaccine  within 12 hours after delivery.  Screen all pregnant women for HBsAg
Congenital Syphilis Transplacental infection with Treponema pallidum during pregnancy, if mother acquires syphilis during pregnancy,or if she has been wrongly treated for syphilis in the past. Newborns often asymptomatics 3-12 weeks: jaundice, hemolytic anemia, coriza “snuffles, macular-papular rash palms/soles (flat copper colored rash) Permanent stigma: saddle nose deformity, saber shins ( periostitis, osteochondritis),  Hutchinson’s teeth, intermittent fever, frontal bossing, painless joints  effusions, may run from nose mucus, pus or blood. Hepatosplenomegaly DX:  Rapid plasma reagin (RPR) titers Fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption test (FTA-ABS) Treponemas can be seen on Darkfield microscopy from scrappings of lesions or body fluids TX:   penicillin G
HIV Materno-fetal transmission during pregnancy or to the newborn during delivery, or after birth through breastfeeding SS:   persistent trush, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly,  severe  diarrhea, FTT,  poor weight gain, recurrent viral and bacterial infections DX:   PCR to detect viral nucleic acid in peripheral blood (HIV DNA by PCR) Elisa test for detection of antibodies, confirmation with Western-Blot TX:   Nutritional support, Antiretroviral  therapy ZDV-Zidovudine, and antibiotics  for specific  infections.  Pneumocystis (carini) Jiroveci tx: TMX-SMX, IV Pentamidine
Need a break?
SEPSIS Definitions: Presence of pathogenic organisms or toxins in the blood or tissues, and the systemic response to them. Bacteremia:  Is the presence of bacteria in the bloodstream detected by blood cultures. Etiology: G-:   E. coli,  K. pneumoniae,  P. aeroginosa, Proteus, Neisseria meningitidis. G+:  S. aureus, S.pneumoniae, S. pyogenes, Enterococci. Others:  Fungi (2-3%), viral, rickettsia, protozoa. Most commons in the first 4 weeks of life are:  G-B Streptococcus Gram negative (E.coli) Lysteria monocytogenes Hx. of hospitalization:   S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, klebsiela, S. epidermidis Older infants and children:  S. pneumonia, N. meningitides, H. influenza-B Risk Factors: G-/Septicemia:   Increases with diabetes,  burns, urinary or GI infection,  immunosuppressive diseases G+:   Usage of  IV catheters, mechanical devices, IV drug use, burns. Fungal Septicemia:  Immunosuppressed, prolong use of antibiotics. Splenectomized patients:  S. pneumoniae,  H. influenza, N. meningitidis
Sepsis/ Meningitis:  Etiologic agents: Neonates:   Streptococcus agalacteae (#1) ,Escherichia coli (#2) Listeria monocytogenes (#3),  Staph aureus, Candida albicans Children :  Streptococcus  pneumoniae  (#1 in greater than 5 years) Hemophilus influenzae type B (#1 in less than 5 years) Neisseria meningitidis, salmonella typhimurium Treatment: Neonates:  Ampicillin + Aminoglycosides Ampicillin+ Cefotaxime (Claforan) Children:  Cefotaxime (Claforan) +/- Vancomycin Ceftriaxone (Rocephin) +/- Vancomycin
STAGES OF SEPSIS Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS)   Is a response to an inflammation or injury that can be infectious or  noninfectious defined by having  several sign and symptoms.:  Two or more of the following: -Temperature of > 38oC or < 360C -Heart rate of > 100 BPM -Respiratory rate of > 20 or Paco2 < 32 torricelli. -WBC count >12.000/mm3  or < 4.000,  or 10% immature forms (bands) Sepsis SIRS plus a culture-documented infection Severe Septic Shock Sepsis plus organ dysfunction, hypotension (despite fluid resuscitation-decrease of systolic BP< 90mm),  hypoperfusion, plus organ dysfunction (including acidosis, oliguria, acute mental status changes)
S/S:  Fever or hypothermia , Chills, Altered Mental status,  cold/clammy extremities, and oliguria Assess chest:  tachypnea , rales, dyspnea, increase RR. Assess circulation:  HR, BP, Skin color, capillary refill,  tachycardia Assess mental status:  level of alertness, confusion, agitation Presence of petecchia/purpura:  Meningococcemia or DIC If SIRS is identified and reversed early, the subsequent inflammatory cascade can often be avoided.  This damage result in increased cardiac output, peripheral vasodilation, increased tissue oxygen consumption, and a hypermetabolic state (shock).  If SIRS is not identified and reversed early, cardiac output may fall, peripheral vascular resistance may increase, and shunting of blood may ensue (shock). This results in resultant tissue hypoxia, end-organ dysfunction, metabolic acidosis, end-organ injury and/or failure, and death.
LAB  WORK-UP: CBC with platelets: Elevated WBC count w/ increased band  left  shift or leukopenia. Thrombocytopenia: DIC Lytes:  metabolic acidosis Glucose:  Hypoglycemia Blood Culture/Sensitivity Urinalysis / Urine culture  Culture from sputum, Lumbar (CSF) and skin ABG: Monitor acid-base status BUN/ Creatinine Lumbar Puncture:  R/O meningitis PT, PTT, Fibrinogen:  Monitor DIC Chest X-Ray/ MRI/ Cat-Scan/ Ultrasound
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Therapy of Septic Shock ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
PHENYLKETONURIA (PKU)-PHENYALANINE Autosomal  recessive disease, there is an enzyme deficiency of phenylalanine hydroxylase  with failure in converting  phenylalanine in  tyrosine Incidence:   1:12000  live births. Accumulation of Phenylalanine: -Classic PKU: > 20 mg/dl  -Atypical PKU: 12-20 mg/dl  -Can result from deficiency of cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) Symptoms:  Development delay,  Mental retardation,  Seizures,  Eczema, blue eyes, Hyperactivity,  Aggressive behavior, Blond hair,  Musty/Mousy Odor Treatment:  -Phenylalanine restricted diet instituted by 3 weeks of age. -Frequent monitoring of blood levels and diet adjustments -Cofactor defects require BH4 replacement Early Tx   prevents mental retardation and neurological abnormalities
PKU- Phenylketonuria
CONGENITAL HYPOTHYROIDISM   Usually cause by a genetic malformation/functioning of the thyroid gland.  90% due to dysgenesis. Also, error in hormone synthesis, secretion, metabolism.  Other causes:   maternal  iodine deficiency, maternal antithyroid  medication or fetal  exposure to iodine, radiation therapy.  Incidence:   1:3500-5000 live births. S/S:   head circumference  ↑ ,  large fontanel,  abdominal distention,  lethargic and poor  feeding,  jaundice,  umbilical hernia, constipation, macroglossia,  pale cold and  mottled skin,  poor cry,  poor motor development, edema of extremities.
Lab:   TSH elevated- assess functional capacity of thyroid gland,  TSH  decreased- Pituitary involvement.  Decreased  T4, T3 and Free T4 Antithyroid antibody Treatment:   L-Thyroxine is used to maintain T4 levels in the upper half of the normal range.  L-Thyroxine:  Neonates: 10-15ug/kg/day  Children:  4ug/kg/day Check T4 and Free T4 to monitor therapy every 6 months.  Treatment within first 2 months of life is to prevent mental retardation and complications of the disease.  If Tx delayed, IQ= 55
MAPLE  SYRUP URINE DISEASE Autosomal  recessive  disease  caused by deficiency of decarboxylase  that initiates the degradation of  three branched-chain  amino acids:  leucine,  isoleucine  and  valine.  Incidence:   1:200,000 live births   S/S:   Infants appear normal at birth. If untreated, by the end of  1-2  week will develop:  Feeding intolerance (poor feeding), vomiting, typical  urine odor “ burnt sugar” or ”maple syrup” Hallmark of Ds:   Depression of CNS, alternating hypotonia/  hypertonia/seizure
It progresses to severe ketoacidosis and death. If survive the Neonatal period will have:  Mental retardation Neurological Impairment Development Profound depression of CNS Lab:   Large increases of those amino-acids in plasma, hypoglycemia, presence of  ketonuria  Tx :   Diet avoiding those amino-acids, increase fluids, CH,  glucose.  Correct acidosis disturbance  Hemo/Peritoneal dialysis is life saving during acidotic crises
GALACTOSEMIA  Autosomal recessive disease due to deficiency of the enzyme  Galactose 1-Phosphate uridyl-transferase.  Is due to ingestion of Galactose (Lactose) Incidence:   1: 40,000 live births Symptoms:   It happens always when the infant is fed with milk:  no symptoms at birth, but jaundice, diarrhea, and vomiting  makes  the baby fails to gain weight   FTT.   If not detected immediately, it results in:  *Liver failure (Hypoglycemia, Bilirubinemia ), Hepatosplenomegaly  *Renal Tubular disorder (Acidosis, Glicosuria, albuminuria)  *Lethargy, Feeding Intolerance, Failure to Thrive, Cataracts *Learning disorders in older children-mental retardation *25% will develop sepsis in first 1-2 weeks if untreated (E.coli)    death
Screening:  Neonatal heel screening Positive Clinitest  in urine for reducing substances.  If positive, remove galactose from diet. Diagnosis:  Demonstrating reduction in Erythrocytes of:  galactose-1-phosphate uridyl-transferase Treatment:  *Is to avoid ingestion of  galactose  *Evaluate for sepsis and treat immediately, to prevent complications of  mental retardation, cataracts and cirrhosis
SICKLE CELL DISEASE Autosomal recessive disease where  Valine   is subtituted for  Glutamic acid  at codon 6 on the  B-globin chain of the Hb  Normal red blood cells contain hemoglobin A.  Patients with sickle cell ds. have RBC containing mostly hemoglobin S, an abnormal type of hemoglobin.  These RBC become sickle-shaped (crescent-shaped), having difficulty passing through small blood vessels.  The most common types of sickle cell disease are 3 forms of genotypes:  HbSS Ds  (sickle cell anemia),  HbSC Ds  (sickle-Hb C Ds),  HbS-B   Sickle Beta Thalassemia.  Incidence:  1:500 ( in the Black population) live births.
Why is it important to know if I have sickle cell trait? Sickle cell trait is inherited from one’s parents, like hair or eye color.  If one parent has sickle cell trait there is a 50% (one in two) chance with each pregnancy of having a child with sickle cell trait. If both parents have sickle cell trait there is a 25% (one in four) chance with each pregnancy of having a child with sickle cell disease.  When affects one chromossome, the heterozygous condition    S.C. Trait When affects both chromossomes, the homozygous condition    S.C. Ds When one chromossome makes HbS and the other makes no hemoglobin (B-thalassemia trait)    HbS-B. Sickle cell Ds is a lifelong illness that result in serious health problems.  For this reason, trait awareness is very important.
Hemoglobin A:   Is a normal Hb that exist after birth. It is a tetramer with 2 alpha and 2 Beta chain  (A2B2) Hemoglobin A2:   Is a minor component of the Hb found in RBC after birth, and consist of 2 alpha and 2 Delta chains  (A2d2).  Less than 3% of total Hb Hemoglobin F:   Is the predominant Hb during fetal development. The molecule is a tretamer of 2 alpha and 2 Gamma chains  (a2g2).   Hemoglobin S:   Is the predominant Hb in people with sickle cell disease. The alpha chain is normal. The disease-producing mutation exists in the beta chain, giving the molecule the structure,  (a2bS2).  People who have one sickle mutant gene and one normal beta gene have  sickle cell trait  which is benign.  Hemoglobin C:   Results from a mutation in the beta globin gene and is the predominant Hb found in people with Hb C disease  (a2bC2).
S/S:  -Appears at about 6 months of age when HbF is substituted by HbS -Early signs are delayed: growth and development, fever, infections Hallmark is Fever   Characterized by:   hemolisis, vascular occlusion, infection.  Hand/foot  Syndrome- Dactylitis:   -Most common age: 6 months to 3 years ( range 3 months – 5 years) -Often the first clinical manifestation -Symmetrical painful swelling of hands/feet. Refuses to bear weight. Fever Sudden and massive splenic sequestration:   (acute blood trapping  in spleen resulting in fall in Hb due to sickling).  Leading cause of death in children under 5 years.  S/S:  spleen enlarged and tender, Hct ↓ by 25%,  platelets under 100.000,  ↑ in Reticulocytes,  pallor, anemia (hemolysis), fatigue Due to Splenic dysfunction by intravascular  sickling of red cells, this is  accentuated by:  Hypoxia, Dehydration  and  Acidosis
Bacterial Infection:   Acute Chest Syndrome (Pneumonia): - Seen in more than 50% of Sickle cell patients.  -Leading cause of mortality in sickle Cell disease Sepsis: Younger children:  S. pneumoniae  Older children:  G-/Salmonella Symptoms : Varying degrees of  Fever, Cough, Chest/Back pain Tachypnea, ↑ RR, Flaring, Grunting, Hypoxemia  Painful Vaso-Occlusive crises:   Pain in large joints, muscle, abd. pain, back pain, knee, shoulder, elbow.  Priapism Seen in children after the age of 3-4 years Swelling, tenderness, decrease of ROM at site of pain. Pain triggers:  stress, infection, menses, trauma, change of weather.  Aplastic Crisis:  Decrease of RBC production due to decrease of HB/Retic Count. Parvovirus B-19 (mc)  Anemia (hemolysis), Fatigue .  Other Ds:   Meningitis, Osteomyelitis (Salmonella), Sepsis (mcc-death)
LAB: Hemoglobin Electrophoresis is  definitive  diagnosis: Absence of hemoglobin A  Presence of hemoglobin S with mild elevation of hemoglobin F Sickle cell anemia: Hgb-S 85-98% Hgb-F  2-20% Hgb A2  2-4%  Sickle Cell trait has the abnormal Hgb-S of 40% and Hgb-A of 60% in RBC.  It rarely causes any medical problems, and do not develop sickle cell DS CBC:  low Hb (6-10gm/dL)/Ht  presence of sickle cells/  Howell-Jolly Bodies  on peripheral smear Reticulocytes:  elevated  X-Ray:  evidence of osteolysis,  periostitis,  bone reabsoption. Bone Scan:  differentiate  bone infarction from  osteomyelitis Chemistry:  LDH- ↑ ,  AST-  ↑   Unconjugated bilirubin-  ↑
Tx: * Hydroxyurea- decrease number and severity of crises.  *Pain:  NSAID’S or narcotics (Demerol or Morphine Sulfate)  *VOC- fluids (Hydration), Oxygen, warmth. *Blood transfusion during aplastic or sequestration crises (fall in Hb)  *Ceftriaxone,  Cefuroxime:  S. Pneumonia, H. influenza *Erythromycin:  Mycoplasma Pneumonia *PCN prophylaxis  *Pneumoccocal vaccine, influenza virus vaccine, Hib/ Hep-B vaccine specially in patients  with splenectomy *Bone marrow transplantation.  *Genetic counseling
CONGENITAL ADRENAL HYPERPLASIA (CAH) Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is a group of genetic disorders, characterized by  inadequate synthesis of  cortisol (glucocorticoid), aldosterone  (mineralocorticoid), or both  because of an autosomal recessive genetic defect in one of the adrenal enzymes.  In the most common form , 21- hydroxylase deficiency  accumulate and are shunted into adrenal androgens.  The consequent excess androgen secretion causes varying degrees of virilization in external genitals of affected female fetuses; no defects are discernible in external genitals of male fetuses.   Complete 21- hydroxylase deficiency, the salt-wasting form, accounts for 75% of  deficiency cases. The salt-wasting form  is the most severe form of 21-hydroxylase deficiency;  aldosterone is not secreted and salt is lost, leading to hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, and increased plasma renin activity.  Partial 21- hydroxylase deficiency causes a less severe, non–salt-losing form, in which aldosterone levels are normal or only slightly decreased. *Incidence:   1:10,000/15,000 Live Births
S/S:  Non-Salt losing:  Males:  External genitalia ambiguous:  incompletely virilized   Testes are rudimentar.  Absence of  Wolffian duct structures:  (seminal vesicle, epididymus, vasa deferens) Premature sexual development:  Penis and scrotal enlargement, acne, hyperpigmentation of genitals, appearance of pubic hair, voice deepening  Females:   External genitalia virilized (clitoris enlargement, labial fusion, acne, pubic and axillary hair development, deep voice)  Ovaries present, testes are absent, present  Mullerian structures (uterus, fallopian tube, upper vagina)
Salt Losing:  FTT,  dehydration,  anorexia,  vomiting.  Cardiovascular collapse.  Female infants with  salt-wasting form will have :  ambiguous external genitals,  clitoral enlargement,  fusion of the labia majora,  urogenital sinus rather than urethral / vaginal openings  reproductive function may be impaired as they reach adulthood,  they may have labial fusion  anovulatory cycles or amenorrhea. Some males   infants have normal sexual development,  are fertile as adults, but others have Leydig cell dysfunction, and decreased testosterone, and impaired spermatogenesis.   Manifest as adrenal crisis:   lethargy, hypotension, hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, shock  as well as virilization.
Screening:  Levels of 17-hydroxyprogesterone   elevated   Levels of  17-ketosteroids   elevated  Serum testosterone  ( elevated) Aldosterone   (decreased) Serum cortisol   (low) hyponatremia,  hyperkalemia, hypoglycemia Treatment: -Glucocorticoid therapy: cortisone acetate IM 2-3 days  -Mineralocorticoid therapy:  fludrocortisone acetate (Florinef)  -Surgical correction of female virilization  -Prevent salt-losing crisis - Na supplementation -Refer to an  Endocrinologist and a Geneticist.
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LAB:   Sweat chloride above 60mEq/L is positive  Pulmonary Function test Sputum culture,  Lytes,  CBC  CXR: Hyperinflation, peribronchial thickening, atelectasis, bronchiectasis  Stool trypsin levels ( trypsin deficiency) Detection of  Delta F-508 genotype by DNA analysis Treatment:   Genetic Counseling Treat specific pathology with ATB of broad spectrum Diet: high caloric intake diet with nutritional supplement Vitamins,  Inhalations,  Physical Therapy, Oxygen Pancreatic enzymes (enteric coated)  Mucolitic: N-acetyl cysteine DNAse inhaled-thin the mucus plug Lung transplantation/ Gene therapy
CLASSIFICATION: Infants are classified as: Preterm  (< 37- 6/7 weeks gestation)   Term   (37- 6/7- 41- 6/7weeks gestation) Postterm   (42 weeks gestation) WEIGHT- GESTATIONAL AGE ASSESSTMENT *Preterm Infants:  Less than 37 weeks *Term Infant:  37-42 weeks *Post Term Infant:  Greater than 42 weeks *Extremely Low Birth Weight:  Less than 1000g *Very Low Birth Weight:  Less than 1500g *Low Birth Weight:  Less than 2500g *Average Term Weight:  2800-3500g *Large Birth Weight for Term:  Over 4000g
Small for Gestational Age (SGA):   Is a 2 standard deviations below mean weight for gestational age or below the 10th percentile.  Concern:  ↑caloric need, ↑mortality, ↑ri sk for malformation/infection Symmetric:   Growth retardation of all parameters  HC=Wt=Length (33% of SGA) Genetic:   Small maternal size, Congenital Abnormalities Chromosomal Abnormalities (trisomies 21,18,13,Turner) Intrauterine infections:  Torch (CMV), Tbc, Malaria Environmental:  Drugs (heroin, Ethanol, Diphenylhydantoin) Smoking, X-Rays Asymmetric:   HC=Length > weight (55% of SGA) Uteroplacental insufficiency due to  HTN, Pre-eclampsia, Renal Ds ↑  age above 35 years, multiple gestation Combined:   12% of SGA. Drugs, Smoking, Placental insufficiency.
Small for Gestational Age: *IUGR Type I:  From conception to 24 weeks maternal HTN/DM/drugs, fetal infections *IUGR Type II:  From 24 to 32 weeks placental insufficiency *IUGR Type III: After 32 weeks maternal malnutrition / hypoxemia, placental infarct
Intrauterine growth retardation.  This term baby weighed only 1.7 kg.  The head appears disproportionately large for the thin, wasted body.  This resulted from placental insufficiency late in pregnancy. Hypoglycemia may be a complication
Appropriate for Gestational Age (AGA) Large for Gestational Age (LGA):   Define as 2 standard deviations above mean weight for gestational age or above the 90th percentile.  Can be seen in infants of diabetic mothers, in constitutionally large infants with large parents,  Hydrops  fetalis,  Beckwith’s syndrome, Weight over 4000g  Complications:   Hypoglycemia, Increased rate of injury at birth
Large-for-gestational-age infant.  This infant of a diabetic mother weighed 5 kg at birth and exhibits the typical rounded facies.
Scarf sign.   The elbow cannot be drawn, with gentle traction on the upper extremity, across this term infant's chest (A). This is in contrast to the marked flexibility of a preterm infant of 29 weeks' gestation (B).
Heel-to-ear maneuver.   The position for assessing the heel-to-ear maneuver is demonstrated. The degree of extension seen is consistent with a 28- to 30-week infant.
Factors influencing  fetal growth
PREMATURITY  Child born before the 38 th   week of gestation from the  1 ST  day of the  LMP  It is responsible for most of the newborn diseases and mortality. Anatomical characteristics:  Weight:   Less than 2500g   Height:   Less than 45cm   HC:   Less than 32cm PREMATURITY  CAUSES: Maternal:   Age: Under 18 and above 35 years  Smoking Anomalies: Miomas, Adnexal tumors, Placental Insufficiency Placenta abruptio, Placenta previa  Infections: Toxoplasmosis, Syphilis, Rubella, CMV,UTI Chronic Disease: Anemia, Heart disease, Hypertension Drug abuse Precarious prenatal care Lower Socioeconomic status Deficient nutrition: protein ingestion lower than 50g/day Fetal:  twins,  genetic, polyhydramnio
Physiological Characteristics: Increase risk of infection: Due to immunologic immaturity Increase handling time Decrease transmission of maternal antibodies Increase risk of neonatal jaundice:  Due to hepatic immaturity:  Low amount of Vit-K Decrease elements of the prothrombinic complex Prolong jaundice Capilar fragility Increase risk of hemorrhagic disturbances Frequent hemorrhage, mainly in brain (germinal matrix and extend to ventricles) High risk of having developmental delay, cerebral palsy, or learning disorders. Increase frequency of respiratory disturbances:   Apnea,  asphyxia,  RDS due to pulmonary immaturity (lower # of alveoli)  Immaturity of respiratory centers Weakness of respiratory muscles  The area of brain that controls the breathing is so immature, that the newborns breathe inconsistently with short pauses in breathing, or present periods where breathing stops for 20 seconds or longer (apnea)
Increase risk in the  Fluid/electrolytic disturbances:  Renal immaturity, with difficult to regulate  amount of water and salt in body Decrease capacity of metabolites excretion Increased risk of metabolic disturbances:   Hypoglycemia,  acidosis,  hypocalcemia,  hypomagnesemia  Increase risk for desnutrition:   Suction and swallowing impaired  Digestion and absorption of fat and Vit (ADEK)  Protein and glucose levels are low (without regular feedings) Precarious body temperature control:   Due to immaturity of thermoregulatory centers. Larger corporeal area in relation to weight lose heat faster Absence of sweat Decrease of subcutaneous tissue Exposed to cold temperature, they generate extra body heat, increasing rate of metabolism, Decreasing their gain weight.
S/S:  -Small size -Large head in relation to size of body -Anterior and posterior fontanels wide open  -Bone separation in skull -Small facies and old age look (senile)  -Trunk large and elongated -Skin: Shiny, soft ,red and pink/red at beginning  -Visible veins under skin  -Short legs and thin, with few creases on soles of feet -Lanugo covering his body that give him a simian aspect  -Subcutaneous  fat tissue is scarce   -Absence of testicle in scrotum in boys, absence of labia majora not yet covering the labia minora in girls  -Reduced muscles tone   -General aspect of fragility, weak cry and scream, sleeps most of the time  -Weak suction, poor coordinated sucking and swallowing reflexes.
PREMATURITY:  Delivery Room Management: Airway    Breathing    Circulation Oxygen (hood, cannula, CPAP, vent) Surfactant to avoid RDS Temp regulation (warmer, saran wrap, blankets, hat) Chest Compressions/ epi as needed NICU: Respiratory support as needed, using minimal O2 (prevent  ROP) Sepsis (ampicillin, gentamicin initially) Temperature (incubator with 40-60% humidity) Feeding (fortified breast milk) Anemia
TX: 1- Maintain infant temperature in Neutral Thermal range  Avoid Hyperthermia:   tachypnea, tachycardia, apnea Avoid Hypothermia:   ↑  O2 need   apnea, acidosis/hypoglycemia   2- Maintain a clear airway   Prevent Asphyxia 3- Control of vital  signs   Fall of temp- sepsis, raise of RR- RDS 4- Administer Vit K   Prevent hemorrhagic disease 5- Weight daily   Up gain-edema, lost weight-dehydration
6- Bathe daily and restrict handling   Minimize skin colonization 7- Obtain baseline of  Dextrotix   Monitor hypoglycemia 8- Obtain a baseline Hb/Ht   Monitor Anemia 9- Guthrie test at  1 st   day and at   time of discharge   Prevent Inborn Errors of Metabolism 10- Administer Vit. ADC / iron   Prevent Vit. Deficiency/anemia 11- Administer food trough NG   Prevent  malnutrition, increase calories. 12- Immunization: Influenza vaccine starting at 6 months of age. 2 doses. Heptavalent Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine: At 2 months (PREVNAR Synagis vaccine: RSV- once a month for 6 months
Premature Skin: Translucent paper-thin skin with a prominent venous pattern
Normal  Full Term  Infants All full term infants should be examined  6 hours later and daily. Evaluate for: malformations, establish normalcy of growth/function, document physical findings. Prenatal and delivery history should be reviewed. Measure  TC, HC,  Length (crown to heel),  Weight  Weight/Gestational Age: LGA, AGA, SGA  Newborn Screening for metabolic diseases: PKU-Phenylketonuria  Sickle Cell Disease Congenital Hypothyroidism  Maple Syrup Urine Galactosemia  Cystic Fibrosis  Plus other 35  test
Newborn  Physical Examination-Vital Signs Height:  Range of 48-52 cms (18- 20 inches)  Weight:  Range of 2800- 3500 kgs  ( 5 ½ -9 pounds) HC:  34-35 cm  TC:  32 cm Normal temp:  98.6F  Rectal 1 degree higher than axillar/oral  Pulse:  120-160 bpm.  Declines as the child grows BP:  After  3 years of age  Respiration:  40/60 newborn (abdominal breathing),  20/40 toddlers  HR:  100-160 bpm in the newborn.  120 when awake and 70/80 when asleep.  Heart murmur can be heard, but only 10% associated with heart ds. Check Femoral pulses
- Record  passage of first urine or stool. Failure to pass after 24-48  hrs,  suspect UTI anomalies  or intestinal obstruction (MECONIUM ILEUS) - Observe:   Jaundice, vomiting, dyspnea, cyanosis, tremors, convulsion,  lethargy, hypothermia, pallor, monitor temperature  - Hepatitis B prophylaxis:   If mother is Hepatitis-B antigen positive or active Hepatitis-B: IM injection of  hepatitis-B immune globulin plus hepatitis –B vaccine. First 12 hours  -Hypoglycemia:   Defined as blood glucose of < 40-45mg/dL. Requires oral or IV glucose.  Common in premature infants, infants who are small for gestational age, infants of diabetic  mother Cord Blood:  all infants at birth. Used for blood typing, Coombs testing if mother is Type O or Rh negative Newborn genetic screen for Inborn Errors of Metabolism:  PKU, Galactosemia, Congenital Hypothyroidism, Sickle Cell Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, CAH, performed at 48 hours of age.
HEAD:  Caput Succedaneum-   Diffuse edema of scalp soft tissue.  Not limited to area of bones. Cephalohematoma-  Accumulation of blood between  periosteum and bone. Usually appears in one or both parietals bones, occasionally over occipital bone.  Don’t cross suture line.  Subdural Hemmorrhage-   Mechanical Trauma, forceps Common in large infants Molding of the Head:   Temporary misshaping of cranium (sutures) Fontanels (ant (1-4 cm)-enlarged:  hypothyroidism, osteogenesis Imp.  Small:  craniostenosis (sutures), microcephaly Bulging:  ICP, meningitis, hydrocephalus Sunken:  Dehydration Posterior fontanel  ( less than 1 cm )  Craniotabes:  Small-softening of skull on sutures lines. disappears in days
Face–  dysmorphic features (Down, Treacher-Collins, Pierre-Robin, Trissomy 13-18, newborn  of diabetic mother, chromossomal Ds)  Forceps mark.  Facial nerve palsy  observed when smiles/cries Facial Assymetry: soft tissue swelling in nose, mouth, chin ,  due to uterus positioning Eyes–  Check pupillary size, reactivity to light, open symmetrically. Red reflex (leukocoria)- Cong. Glaucoma, cataract, Tumor   Conjunctiva: erythema, exudate, edema, jaundice.  Hypertelorism ( ↑ distance between orbits)   Bluish sclera: Thin sclera  Deep blue: osteogenesis Imperfecta  Subconjunctival hemmorrage- birth pressure Check Iris- Brushfield spots, colobomas, heterochromia. Retina: developed at birth, with immobile lens. Poor visual  acuity 20/400.  Acuity improves fast over 6 months. Fixation/follow objects at 6-8 weeks. Nose–  nose breathers (choanal atresia)- pass a catheter  purulent nose discharge at birth suggest congenital syphilis Flaring of alae nasi: sign of respiratory distress
Ears–   malformations, low set (treachers-collins), auricular pits (skin tags)  Ear canal should be patent, and TM should be  visible Asymmetry of ears, lipomas HEARING:  well developed at birth.  Neonates prefer speech sounds, human voices (hi-pitched). Will learn mothers voice and will prefer it to all others. Hearing test:  Otoacoustic emission test : Several clicks is sent to baby’s ears. The hair cells  inside the middle ear will capture the sound and send back an echo response  that is measured by the equipment. First test to be performed  Automated auditory brainstem response (AABR):  This test measures brainwave  response. It is a confirmatory test, but expensive test. SMELL:   well developed. can recognized nursing mother breast pads TASTE:   Prefer SWEET taste. Cry:   Awake:   Vigorous and loud when crying  Resting:   Rarely cries
Mouth Observe size, shape of mouth, tongue, palate integrity, uvula, gum cysts. Epstein pearls- epithelial cyst on the hard/soft palate margin  Clefts lip/palate (check shape, integrity)  Neonatal teeth (lower incisors), X-ray is needed to differentiate between:  Predeciduous teeth-  loose, roots are absent or poorly formed.  Remove to avoid aspiration True Deciduous teeth:  they should not be removed.  Micrognathia (Pierre-Robin, treacher’s Collins)  Esophageal atresia:  ↑  drooling frothy saliva Macroglossia (Big tongue)–Congenital or acquired: hemangioma,  ↓thyroid   Beckwith’s Syndrome  (macroglossia, gigantism, omphalocele, ↓ glycemia)   Pompe’s disease  (type II glycogen store disease) Microstomia:  Trisomy 18-21 Macrostomia:  Mucopolysaccharidosis Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Fish mouth, enlarge philtrium Ranulas: small bluish white swellings on the floor of the mouth, are benign mucous gland retention cysts
Neck:   Webbing- Turner Syndrome, Noonan’s Syndrome  Clefts and masses: Midline: thyroid glossal duct cysts,  Ant to SCM: Branchial cleft cyst.  Whitin SCM: hematoma, torticollis Post. to SCM: Cystic hygroma Sinus tracts- remnants of branchial clefts  Thyroid- Enlargement Short neck- Noonan’s, Turner, Palpate all muscles
Chest:   Observation: chest symmetry, Tachypnea, grunting,  sternal/intercostal retractions, pectus carinatum  pectus excavatum, Breast Clavicles – fractures (bruising, crepitus, tenderness) MC  Chest: ↑ AP diameter (barrel chest)-aspiration syndromes  Lungs:  Breath sounds-  ↓  breath sounds or absence with Resp. distress and shift of  mediastinum- pneumothorax,  atelectasis Expiratory grunting, flaring-hyaline membrane Ds.
Heart  Check for HR, PMI, murmurs, cyanosis, Pallor, BP , pulses  pulses: Hypoplastic left heart pulses are ↓at all sites. Aortic coarctation, pulses are ↓ in lower extremities Check for signs of CHF: Hepatomegaly, gallop. Tachypnea,  Rales/wheezing, tachycardia Murmurs:  infant pink, well perfused, no resp. distress with symmetric and palpable pulses (R. brachial pulse same  as femoral)- transitional murmur.  Soft, 1/6, LU midsternal border. If after 24  hours, murmur  persist, with a difference of pulse of 15mmhg (arm>leg)     cardiologyst.
Abdomen:   Check for softness, distention, bowel sounds, masses, diastesis recti, hernia, and abnormal shape, size or position of kidneys or other organs. Umbilicus – 2 arteries, 1 vein, Omphalocele, gastrochisis.  Umbilical hernia: Due to weakness of the umbilical ring musculature Scaphoid abdomen- Diaphragmatic hernia Excessive drooling- GI catheter : esophageal atresia. Abdominal masses: Wilm’s Tumor, neuroblastoma Liver- palpated 1-2 cms below costal margin. Spleen- Tip palpated at the costal margin  Kidneys- (left more than the right)  can be palpated. If not palpated, think about Agenesis or hipoplasia. Large kidney may be due to Tumor, obstruction, cystic disease. Meconium should pass up to 48 hours of life Patency of anus and presence of fistulas
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Extremities/Skeletal:  Check: fractures, absent fingers, congenital bands,  clubfoot- (Talipes equinovarus)  common in males, foot is turn downward  and inward, sole is directed medially. Metatarsus Varus-  Adduction of forefoot. Corrects spontaneously Palsies  (brachial plexus injury) Palmar/Simian creases:  Down Syndrome. Sometimes is a normal variant Polydactyly  (x-ray- bony structures)  Syndactyly  (3 rd /4 th  fingers and 2 nd /3 rd  toes- surgery older age)  Spine  – Sacral dimples, hair tufts (spina bifida), scoliosis, meningocele,  Kyphosis, Lordosis Hip dislocation:  Barlow test (adduct the hip)  Ortolani maneuver (abduct the hip) Affects more white females, affects more the left hip. 2 signs: shortening of leg, asymmetry of skin folds.
Neurologic:   Symmetry of movements, irritability, alertness, posture Muscle tone:  Hypotonia- Floppiness, head lag Hypertonia-  ↑   resistance when arms/legs are extended.  Tight clenched fists. Reflexes:  Moro, rooting, sucking, grasping, fencing, stepping, placing  Glabellar reflex (blink reflex)  Reflexes must be symmetrical.  Biceps jerk test C 5-6.  Knee jerk test L 2-4 Ankle jerk test S 1-2 Truncal innervation reflex test T2 trough S1 Anal wink test S4-5 Sensory abilities-  Hearing, smell  Movement - Check for spontaneous movements of limbs, trunk, face, neck  Fine tremor is normal,  Clonic movements are not normal, related to seizures.
Posture:  Term infants- Hips abducted and partially flexed and knees flexed Arms are abducted and flexed at the elbow. Fists are clenched with fingers covering the thumb Retina:  developed at birth, with immobile lens. Poor visual acuity 20/400  Acuity improves fast over 6 months, with fixation/tracking well  developed by 2 months. Cry:  high pitch- CNS Ds (hemorrhage) Weak cry-  Systemic Ds., Congenital  Neuromuscular disorder S/S of neurologic disorders; Sx of ICP: Bulging Ant. Fontanelle, dilated scalp veins, setting-sun eyes,  separated sutures Hypotonia/ Hypertonia/ Irritability/ Apathy Poor sucking and swallowing reflexes Shallow irregular respirations, Apnea Asymmetric or absent, depressed or exaggerated reflexes
Neurologic:   Symmetry of movements:  Injury to nerves of Brachial plexus:  excessive traction on neck Erb’s-Duchenne palsy :  -Injury of Superior brachial plexus (C5-C6) -Cannot abduct the arm at the shoulder, externally rotate the arm,  supinate the forearm  - “Waiter tip” position   -  wrist flexed .  -Absent Moro reflex on affected side Klumpke:   Injury of inferior brachial plexus (C7/8-T1) Paralyzed hand:  Wrist drop   Phrenic Nerve palsy:  Injury to C3, 4, 5    Diaphragmatic paralysis Respiratory distress
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First  Complete  Examination
Checking the Lungs
Checking Reflexes- SNC Damage
Neonate Posture
Skin:   White Infants:   Pink Color Black Infants:   Reddish Color with scrotum, labia minora pigmented Newborn Infant:   Vernix Caseosa: white-normal disappear in 12 hours Meconium-Fetal distress Green or yellow- Hemolitic disease Absence/Reduction- Post Maturity Term Infant Texture:   Skin very smooth (like velvet) Premature Infant texture:   Softer and Thinner, with wrinkles and  scarcity  of subcutaneous tissue. Post term Texture:   Dry and Scaly
Vernix Caseosa:  Soft white greasy cream made of sebum and desquamated epithelial cells covering the skin, mainly the  preterm. Protects the infant  I.U  during  delivery, against bruising. Lanugo:   Fine hair on shoulders, Ear, Back.  Occur in prematures Disappear within 2-3 weeks. The head hair are soft being abundant in some cases  Pallor:  Generalized Pallor may indicate Anoxia (slow pulse) or severe  anemia (rapid pulse).  Can be secondary to anemia, birth asphyxia,  shock, PDA, low Hb.
Cyanosis:  Central-   bluish skin, including tongue and lips:  Caused by low oxygen  saturation in blood. Associated with congenital heart or lung  Ds. Peripheral-   bluish skin with pink lips and tongue:  associated with methemoglobinemia.  Is when Hb oxidizes from ferrous to ferric form.  TX: use methylene blue Is also common in newborns, mainly in prematures in hemolytic Ds. Urgent treatment. Think Hypoxemia Plethora:   Associated with  Polycythemia (rosy red color. Order Hb) Jaundice (yellowish color):   Associated with elevated  bilirubin  > 5mg/dl
TRANSIENT BENIGN VASCULAR PHENOMENA: Cutis Marmorata:   Reticulated cyanosis or marbling of the skin involving the trunk and extremities.  Response to temperature of the place (vasomotor instability) Acrocyanosis:   Cyanosis in the extremity. If does not  disappear within 12 hours or with warming, think cyanotic congenital heart disease. associated with hypoxia Harlequin color:   Is a vasomotor instability, where lower half becomes bright red, and the upper half becomes pale.  Can be benign, transient and last  < 20 minutes or be a shunting of blood (pulmonary HTN or CoA).
BENIGN PUSTULAR DERMATOSES: Erythema toxicum:   Appears 2/3 day of age.  Erythematous macular-papular and vesicular rash. Disappear in a week or two. Wright’s stain shows sheets of Eos Transient Neonatal Pustular melanosis:  Vesico-pustules or ruptured vesico-pustules with a collarette of scales  in trunk or extremities. Last 48-72 hours Milia:   Pin-head size, yellow-white  epidermal cysts  found  in chin, nose, forehead.  Retention of sebum in the sebaceous glands. Stays 2 months. Miliaria:   Obstructed Eccrine  sweat glands . Pinpoint vesicles on forehead scalp and  skinfolds. Clear within a week.
Erythema Toxicum Neonatorum
SCALING DERMATOSES: Contact dermatitis:  Red, scaling rash involving the perineum, lower abdomen,  buttocks, thighs. Secondary staphyloccocal  Skin infection may occur. Candida:  Bright red rash with sharp borders, satellites red papules and pustules, involvement of skin creases.  Diagnosed  clinically or by KOH slide. Seborrheic dermatitis:  Salmon colored patches with greasy yellow scales beginning in intertriginous areas, diaper, axillary and scalp (cradle  cap).
Pediatric Lect1
Pediatric Lect1
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Pediatric Lect1

  • 3. Preconception Care: Intention to prevent congenital anomalies. Prevention of neural tube defects by folic acid supplementation. Glucose control in DM resulting in lower incidence of abnormalities. Proper nutrition, exercise, smoking cessation, abstinence from Alcohol Protection from radiation (x rays), and drugs to avoid teratogenicity Infection control: STD and rubella Tx, hepatitis immunity status
  • 4. Prenatal Care GYN-Menstrual History / Parental medical history: DM, Htn, Cardiac, Thyroid, Anemia, Genetic disease, Habits: Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs, Diet, Activities, Caffeine intake, Meds Obstetric History: -Dates of all pregnancies including termination, spontaneous abortion -Outcome and gestational length of pregnancy -Neonatal complications, Rh incompatibility, Malformations -Weight, Apgar score, and number of live born infants. -Types of delivery: vaginal delivery, forceps, C-section, Breech Complications: Shoulder dystocia, premature labor, placenta previa, post-partum hemorrhage
  • 5. Laboratory Evaluation-Baseline -CBC (Ht/Hb), U/A (protein, glucose, C/S), ABO blood type, Rh type -VDRL/RPR test, Cervical culture for GC and Chlamydia -Rubella antibody titer, Hepatitis B surface antigen, CMV titers, Toxoplasmosis antibody test - Hemoglobin electrophoresis for risk groups: Sickle cell in African American, B-thalassemia in Mediterranean -Tay-Sachs, Gaucher, Kanavan, Newman-Pick testing in Jews -HIV antibody testing if suspected ( patient authorization)
  • 6. During Pregnancy 1. 10 weeks. Chorionic Villus Sampling (TAY-SACHS) 2. 15-18 weeks. Serum triple-screen for NTD (AFP, beta-HCG, estriol) or Serum quadruple by adding Inhibin. AFP down, B-HCG up, Estriol Down = DOWN Syndrome or chromosomal defect AFP elevated levels = Fetal neural tube defects 3. 15 -19 weeks. Amniocentesis (karyotypic/cong ab,), TAY-SACH TEST U/S ↑ 35 Y (risk of genetic or chromosomal disorders) 4. 26 weeks. Blood glucose screen (one hour Glucola test). 5. 26-32 weeks. Ht / Hb (Iron def.) and L/S ratio 2:1 (fetal lung maturity) 6. 34-36 weeks. Consider GC, Chlamydia, Herpes, Syphilis screening in high-risk women. 7. 36-37 weeks. Screening for G-B Streptococcus
  • 7. Fetal Assessment Alfa feto-protein: increase: NTD, anencephaly, renal agenesis decrease: IUGR, Chromosomal Trisomies 13-18-21 Amniotic Fluid Volume Estimation: Oligohydramnio: (Less than 500 ml of fluid) ↓ of the amniotic fluid. Rupture of the membranes is the most common cause. Other causes include: Placental Insufficiency, Associated with renal or urologic abnormalities, IUGR, lung hypoplasia, premature rupture of membranes. Polyhydramnio: (More than 2L of fluid). Excess of amniotic fluid. It is associated with diabetes, CNS defects such as: Anencephaly, Neural Tube Defects. Suggestive of GI anomalies such as Upper Intestinal obstruction like: Duodenal atresia, tracheo-esophageal fistula.
  • 10. Chorionic Villus Sampling: Done in the first trimester for genetic studies. The cells obtained are identical to those of the fetus, grown and analyzed. Complications include pregnancy loss and limb abnormalities. Amniocentesis: Amniotic Fluid (20 ml) is withdrawn under US guidance, and is analyzed for prenatal diagnosis of karyotypic abnormalities such as: congenital defects, fetal lung maturity, and NTD. Complications include pregnancy loss, amniotic fluid leakage, fetal injury This process is indicated for: Women over 35 y. of age: ↑ risk of malformations- 21, 18, 13 trissomy Women who had a child with a chromossomal abnormality. To rule out Inborn Errors of Metabolism
  • 13. Test of Fetal Lung Maturity Lecithin: Sphingomyelin (L:S) Ratio Lecithin: phosphatidylcholine measured in the amniotic fluid, being the active component of surfactant. Is manufactured by alveolar type II cells. Sphingomyelin is a phospholipid, found in body tissues other than lungs. The L:S ratio compares levels of lecithin which increases in late gestation, to levels of Sphingomyelin that remains constant. The L:S ratio is 1:1 by 31-32 weeks, and 2:1 by 35 weeks gestation. L:S-2:1 Lungs are mature (98% accuracy). L:S-1.5-1.9 50% will develop Respiratory Distress Syndrome L:S-1-1.5 73% will develop Respiratory Distress Syndrome
  • 14. Human embryo of 7 weeks
  • 15. Beyond 8 weeks, the Embryo is called Fetus
  • 16. Critical Periods of Human Development
  • 17. OBSTETRIC COMPLICATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH FETAL OR NEONATAL RISK Vaginal Bleeding: In the 1 st or early in 2 nd trimester. due to threatened or actual spontaneous abortion Vaginal bleeding with Continuous Pregnancy: Fetus at risk for congenital or chromosomal disorders . Premature Rupture of Membranes: Occurs in absence of labor. Associated with risk of maternal or fetal infection: G-B Strep, E.coli, lysteria Prolonged Rupture of the Membranes: Greater than 24 Hours. Associated with risk of maternal or fetal infection: G-B Strep, E.coli, lysteria Toxemia of Pregnancy or Pre-Eclampsia: Is probably of vascular etiology that may result in: Maternal HTN, IUGR IU asphyxia. Vaginal Bleeding that is painless: Is not associated with labor. Occur in late 2nd or in the 3rd trimester. Often is Placenta Previa -
  • 18. Abnormalities of Placenta: Large infarcts: Associated with mal-nutrition. Placenta Previa: Premature separation of placenta and impairment of fetal O2 Large Placenta: Associated with erythroblastosis fetalis and maternal diabetes. Amniom Nodosum: Associated with hypoplastic lung and polycystic kidneys Small Placenta: Associated with SGA infant. Amniotic Fluid: Clear: Normal Dark Green: Meconium stained. Consider recent IU anoxia Yellow: Intrauterine anoxia episode of 10 days previously Clots: Placental hemorrhage Light Green: Bile stained. Consider intestinal obstruction. Brown-Hazel: Fetal death
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  • 24. Malformation abnormality of embryonic morphogenesis of tissue. It usually results from genetic, chromosomal, or teratogenic influences. Malformations often require surgical intervention. Deformation represents a change in shape, form, or position of a normal body part or organ due to exposure to mechanical or extrinsic forces. Majority of deformations respond to medical therapy alone Disruption represents a defect caused by a breakdown in a normal body part or organ. A classic example is the combination of clefting, constriction bands, and limb reduction defects associated with the presence of amniotic bands . Dysplasia is characterized by abnormal organization of cells within tissue, which usually has a genetic basis. An example is achondroplasia, the most frequent form of skeletal dysplasia. Each of these categories can have a sequence associated with it. Sequence refers to a recognizable pattern of multiple anomalies that occurs when a single problem in morphogenesis cascades, resulting in secondary and tertiary errors in morphogenesis and a corresponding series of structural alterations. Pierre-Robin Association An association is a pattern of malformations that occurs together too frequently to be due to random chance alone, but for which no specific etiology is yet recognized. Mosaicism Presence of two or more genetically different cell lines in the same individual, where one is normal. Karyotype test to detect abnormal numbers of chromosomes and deletions, translocations, large enough to be seen by light microscopy. FISH Fluorescence in situ hybridization: Hybridization of a fluorescently tagged DNA probe to chromosome, allow a detection of submicroscopy deletions and duplications classifications of structural anomalies
  • 26. TRYSSOMY 21- DOWN SYNDROME Is a syndrome consisting of multiple abnormalities. It is the most common autosomal chromosomal abnormality. Incidence: 1:600 live births Male : Female ratio is 1.3:1 Maternal age: 15-29 years  1/1500 30-34 years  1/800 35-39 years  1/250 40-44 years  1/100 Over 45 years  1/50 Genetics: 90-92% of cases are due to chromossomal non-disjunction (failure to segregate during meiosis) in the maternal DNA and 3% in the paternal DNA 4% due to Translocation between chromossome 21 and 14 1% Mosaic
  • 28. S/S: General: Short stature, Hypotonia , mongoloid facies, Head: Brachicephaly w/ a flattened occiput , Microcephaly, delay closure of fontanels Eyes: Upward palpebral fissures, inner epichantal folds, Brushfields spots (specking of the iris), lens opacities, cataracts, nystagmus Ears: Small, prominent, low-set Nose: Small, flat or depressed nasal bridge Mouth: Palate high and narrow Tongue: Macroglossia, open mouth, protrusion of the tongue (small mandible and maxilla) Teeth: Missing in 50%, small, hypoplastic, irregular placement Neck: Short appearance, sometimes webbed, atlanto-axial instability Heart: Assess for murmurs, arrhythmias (AV canal), cyanosis. CHD, VSD Abdomen: Diastesis recti, ↑ frequency of duodenal/esophageal atresia Genital: in Males: small penis, cryptorchidism Extremities: Hands with short metacarpals and broad phalanges. 5th finger with hypoplasia of the mid phalanx (clinodactily) , syndactily Simian crease (single transverse palmar crease). Wide gap between 1st and 2nd toe (sandal Gap) Skin: Infant: Cutis marmorata, velvety skin. Adolescent: Coarse, dry skin Neurology: Poor Moro reflex, mental retardation, Developmental delay.
  • 29. Increased risk for: Leukemia, hypothyroidism, cataracts, Otitis media LAB: -Prenatal karyotyping via amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling. -Chromossomal karyotype on cultured lymphocytes from peripheral blood. You do it postnatally, if you suspect Down -Auditory brain stem evoked response at 6 months of life. Vision at 4 Y. -TSH, T4 Imaging: Fetal U/S: Polyhydramnio ECHO/ CX-Ray: R/O cardiac disease TX: *Supportive *Genetic counseling *Referral to specialists
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  • 39. TRYSSOMY 13- PATAU’S SYNDROME 1/7000 live births Highly lethal within the first 3 months of life. Survival after 6 month is 5% S/S: General: prenatal/postnatal growth retardation, Developmental Delay Head/Face: Severe brain abnormalities ( holoprosencephaly ) ( failure of the forebrain to divide properly) Scalp defect (aplasia cutis congenita) Microphaltmia, corneal abnormalities Cleft lip/palate Microcephaly Deafness Low set of ears Chest: Congenital heart disease (ASD, VSD, PDA), missing ribs. Extremities: Overlapping of fingers / toes, polydactily, hypoplastic and hyperconvex nails Others anomalies: Cystic kidneys, hooked penis Dx: Karyotype study with FISH analysis Most children die in the first year. Survivors are retarded
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  • 42. Trisomy 13 at age 7 years (survival beyond the first year is uncommon).  He is deaf and legally blind.
  • 43. TRYSSOMY 18 - EDWARDS TRYSSOMY Incidence: 1:5000 live births Highly lethal within the first 3 months of life. 10% survive the 1 st year Only 5% live up to 1 year of life S/S: Prenatal/postnatal growth deficiency, premature birth, Developmental Delay Head/face: Small and premature appearance, Microcephaly Narrow nose and hypoplastic nasal alae Narrow bifrontal diameter, Prominent occiput Micrognathia , Cleft lip/palate, low set of ears Chest: Congenital heart disease (ASD,VSD, PDA). Short sternum, Extremities: Clinodactily, clenched hands with overlapping 2 nd -5 th fingers , hypoplastic nails rocker-bottom feet Dx: Karyotype study with FISH analysis 50% die in first week, 99% die by 1 year
  • 44. Overlapping fingers Rocker bottom feet
  • 45. Trisomy 18 (Edwards syndrome), exhibiting characteristic facial features, short sternum, overlapping fingers with clenched fists, and a left-sided clubfoot
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  • 48. TURNER SYNDROME 45X, XO (mosaic) Karyotype. Absence of one X chromosome 1/2000 births Clinical manifestations: Short Stature, Low hairline, webbed neck, underdeveloped breasts wide hypoplastic nipples, horseshoe kidney, Shield (broad) chest Heart: CoA, bicuspid aortic valve and high BP. Neonates: Carpal/pedal edema can reappear in adolescence (lymphedema) Primary amenorrhea: No estrogen production with ↑ gonadotropins  ovarian failure. Delayed puberty  gonadal failure, sterility, Infantile uterus, sparse pubic and axillary hair Mental development is normal, having problems in the spatial perceptual ability Dx: Chromossomic (Karyotype) study. Often, the missing sex chromosome is paternally derived EKG, Renal US, Hearing screening Tx: Girls with Turner syndrome should receive appropriate hormone therapy during adolescence such as Growth hormone, and estrogens replacement to ensure normal sexual characteristics
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  • 51. Turner Syndrome Webbed neck – spaced nipples
  • 53. Turner Syndrome Webbed neck – Low ear implantation
  • 54. Turner Syndrome - Carpopedal edema
  • 55. KLINEFELTER SYNDROME 47, XXY karyotype (80%) Incidence of 1/1000in males Postpubertal males signs appears: Male Infertility  from hypogonadism with hypospermia or aspermia. (Seminiferous tubular function is lost, causing infertility) Small and soft testes, gynecomastia , small penis Tall stature with intelligence in the normal range, may have educational/psychological problems Long limbs, Scoliosis may develop during adolescence. Behavioral problems may be more common than in the population at large Dx: Gonadotropins levels are elevated unless normal levels of testosterone are produced. TX: Testosterone replacement injections : promotes secondary sexual characteristics.
  • 56. A, Relatively narrow shoulders, increased carrying angle of arms, female distribution of pubic hair and normal penis but with small scrotum due to small testicular size. B, Small testes and penis. C, Gynecomastia
  • 58. FRAGILE X SYNDROME Fragile X syndrome is a X-linked condition caused by allelic expansion (mutation) of a trinucleotide repeat disorder CGG in the FMR1 gene. Incidence: 1 / 4000 S/S: Developmental delay: speech delay, poor motor coordination, learning disabilities Behavioral disorder: Disciplinary problems, temper tantrums, hyperactivity, mood disorders, schizoid personality, and significant disturbances in affect, socialization, and communication Cognitive impairment: Decrease IQ 28-49 range Head/Face: Macrocephaly, Long Face, Large forehead, Prominent ears, Prominent mandible, Flattened nasal bridge Hyperextensible joints, Velvety skin Mitral Valve Prolapse Macroorchidism( adolescence) Dx : DNA molecular genetic test: Southern blot analysis of DNA extracted from cells, usually in blood Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of DNA, is done with less blood Tx: Early intervention, including speech and language therapy and occupational therapy. Stimulants, antidepressants, and antianxiety drugs may be beneficial for some children
  • 59. Fragile X Syndrome. A and B, Note the long, wide, and protruding ears, elongated face, and flattened nasal bridge. C, Macro-orchidism in adult man with fragile X syndrome.
  • 60. fragile X syndrome.  Note the prominent and elongated ears and long face.
  • 62. PRADER-WILLI SYNDROME A chromosome deletion of 15q11-q13 including the Prader-Willi critical region of the paternally derived chromosome 15 (majority of cases). Maternal uniparental disomy (UPD) child inherits both copies of chromosome 15 from mother S/S: Newborn: hypotonia, history of decreased fetal movement in utero poor sucking and swallowing  FTT baby's cry may be weak Mental retardation motor development/speech is delayed Infancy Hypotonia Hyperphagia  Morbid Obesity (trunk, buttocks, proximal limbs) Facies: bifrontal diameter is narrow, the eyes are often described as &quot;almond shaped,&quot; strabismus is not unusual. Skin: Hypopigmentation, hair blonde to light brown, blue eyes Extremities: Hands and feet are small from birth Short stature Genitals: Penis and testes are hypoplastic in males. Menarche in females is delayed or absent, and menses, when present, are sparse and irregular. Gonadotropic hormone levels are reduced in both sexes. Infertility is the rule. Lab: High resolution karyotype, Methylation studies, Appropriate DNA FISH probes Tx: Supportive, multispecialty
  • 63. Prader-Willi syndrome. A, This patient demonstrates the marked obesity characteristic of Prader-Willi syndrome. Excess fat is distributed over the trunk, buttocks, and proximal extremities. B and C, Small hands (and feet) and a hypoplastic penis and scrotum are other typical features.
  • 64. Prader-Willi syndrome (note the inverted V-shaped upper lip, small hands, and truncal obesity).
  • 65. ANGELMAN SYNDROME Angelman syndrome are disorders that derive from abnormalities of imprinted genes. The critical region of chromosome 15q11-q13 for Angelman syndrome is located adjacent to the Prader Willi critical region. Paternal UPD (uniparental disomy) child inherits both copies of chromosome 15 from father Incidence of 1 in 15,000 to 1 in 20,000 live births. S/S: Neuro: Developmental delay, Hypotonia Severe cognitive deficits; speech is impaired or absent Spontaneous laughter Major motor seizures are common. Gait is ataxic, with toe-walking (abnormal puppet-like gait) Jerky arm movements/hand flapping. Head/Face: Microbrachycephaly Maxillary hypoplasia Large mouth Prognathism Short stature (in adults)
  • 66. Dx: Because of complexity of the diagnostic process, families of children suspected should be referred for genetic evaluation and diagnostic testing DNA methylation  analysis identifies approximately 80% of AS and is the single most sensitive test for AS. If DNA methylation  analysis is normal, UBE3A sequence analysis is the next appropriate diagnostic test. If the DNA methylation  analysis is positive, the next step is FISH analysis. If the FISH analysis is normal, studies using DNA polymorphism analysis can be used to distinguish UPD (uniparental disomy).
  • 69. Marfan Syndrome Is a genetic disorder of connective tissue that is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. The site of the genetic abnormality or mutation is the Fibrillin gene on chromosome 15. S/S: Eyes: Subluxation of the lens usually displaced in an upward direction. Myopia and astigmatism are common risk for developing glaucoma, cataracts, and retinal detachment in adulthood. Iridodonesis (tremulosness of the Iris) Musculoskeletal: arachnodactyly, joint hyperextensibility due to ligamentous laxity tall stature with long, thin extremities an arm span that exceeds height pectus excavatum or carinatum Pes planus and thoracolumbar kyphoscoliosis The incidence of hernias, both inguinal and femoral Heart: Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) progressing to mitral insufficiency Aortic aneurysm (changes in the root and ascending aorta) Acute aortic dissection before 10y. Presence of a high arched palate is common. Marfan individuals are of normal intelligence, an occasional patient may have learning disabilities. Dx: Clinical, Echo/MRI, Multispeciaty, Slit-Lamp Tx: Beta-Blockers, Elective aortic repair, Bacterial Endocarditis prophylaxis, bracing/surgery for scoliosis Angiotensin II receptor blockers (restore the walls of aorta)
  • 70. A and B- prominent arachnodactyly of both fingers and toes. clubbing due to associated cardiopulmonary problems and the flattening of the arch of his foot. C- severe pectus carinatum D- significant kyphosis and joint contractures, long arms.
  • 71. A young man with Marfan syndrome, showing long limbs and narrow face.
  • 73. NOONAN SYNDROME Noonan syndrome is an autosomal dominant, mutations in PTPN11 —a gene on chromosome 12q24.1. genetic disorder that shares a number of clinical features with Turner syndrome . present in 1 in 1000 to 1 in 2500. is seen in both males and females S/S: Head/face webbing of the neck, Hypertelorism, epicanthus, downward slanted palpebral fissures, ptosis, micrognathia, ears are low set and posteriorly rotated. Hair can be coarse and curly, and the posterior hairline is often low. High-frequency sensorineural hearing loss is common. Chest/Heart: pectus carinatum or pectus excavatum, congenital heart disease ( pulmonary stenosis, ASD), septal hypertrophy, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is found in 20% and can be severe as to necessitate cardiac transplant Musculoskeletal: short stature, clinodactyly , cubitus valgus, IQ is 86. Verbal IQ tends to be better than performance IQ. intelligence are usually normal. Coagulation abnormalities (factors XI/XII) are found in approximately one third of cases. Puberty can be delayed. Cryptorchidism, small testes when present in males, can result in sterility. Females are fertile. Dx: Clinical, Chromosomal studies Tx: Human growth hormone has resulted in improvement in growth velocity , specialties
  • 74. Note the widely spaced eyes, low-set ears, webbing of the neck, shield chest, pectus, and increased carrying angle of the arms.
  • 75. CORNELIA DELANGE SYNDROME Most cases are the result of autosomal dominant mutations in the NIPBL gene on chromosome 5p13 S/S: Intrauterine growth retardation, persistent postnatal failure to thrive, moderate to severe cognitive impearment Head/Facies: Microcephaly with a flat occiput and low hairline Long eyelashes, medial fusion of eyebrows (synophrys), facial hirsutism, Small nose with anteverted nostrils; long philtrum; micrognathia Downturned upper lip with cupid's-bow shape Heart: Congenital heart disease Extremities: small hands and feet, hypoplastic limbs, and even phocomelia. Skin: Hirsutism is generalized and distinctive Cutis marmorata is a frequent feature. Genitals Males: hypospadias with cryptorchidism is common Females: may have a bicornuate uterus. Most affected adults are short in stature. Dx: Chromosomal analysis Prognosis: survival and normal development is poor
  • 76. A and B, Facial features seen in an infant and an older child include finely arched heavy eyebrows, long eyelashes, small upturned nose, long smooth philtrum, and Cupid's-bow mouth. C, Small hands, hypoplastic proximally placed thumb, and short fifth finger with mild clinodactyly Cornelia de Lange Syndrome
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  • 78. Williams Syndrome: wide-set eyes, upturned nose, large maxilla, prominent philtrum, and pointed chin.
  • 79. Williams syndrome:   broad forehead, short palpebral fissures, low nasal bridge, anteverted nostrils, long philtrum, full cheeks, and large and often downturned mouth.
  • 80. MALFORMATION DUE TO AN INBORN ERRORS OF METABOLISM LYSOSOMAL STORAGE DISEASES Classification of Lysosomal Storage Disorders DISORDER CLASS UNDERLYING DEFECT Mucopolysaccharidoses Defective metabolism of glycosaminoglycans Sphingolipidoses and sulfatidoses Defective degradation of sphingolipids and their components Glycogen storage diseases Defective degradation of glycogen Oligosaccharidoses Defective degradation of the glycan portion of glycoproteins Mucolipidoses Defective degradation of acid mucopolysaccharides, sphingolipids and/or glycolipids
  • 81. MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDOSES TYPE DISORDER ENZYME DEFICIENCY MPS I Hurler syndrome α-l-iduronidase  Hurler-Scheie syndrome   Scheie syndrome  MPS II Hunter syndrome Iduronate sulfatase MPS III Sanfilippo disease   Type A Heparan N -sulfatase  Type B α- N -acetylglucosaminidase  Type C Heparan- N -acetyltransferase MPS IV Morquio disease   Type A N -Acetylgalactosamine-6 sulfate sulfatase  Type B β-Galactosidase MPS VI Maroteaux- Lamy disease Arylsulfatase B MPS VII Sly disease β-Glucuronidase
  • 82. MPS-I HURLER MPS type I is due to a mutation in the gene that codes for α-L-iduronidase (located on chromosome 4p16.3), which results in impaired degradation of dermatan and heparan sulfate S/S: Between 6-24 months (12 months), growth rate decreases and signs of developmental delay appears. Growth and Development ceases around 3 or 4 years, resulting in short stature with a shortened trunk, and progressive regression in cognitive abilities / milestones. Head/face: prominence of the forehead, broad nose with a flattened nasal bridge, enlargement and protrusion of the tongue, chronic hearing loss, corneal clouding , retinal degeneration or glaucoma; tonsillar / adenoidal hypertrophy predispose the child to URI , sleep apnea. Heart: Cardiomyopathy with asymmetric hypertrophy of the ventricular septum, Thickening of the aortic and mitral valves, which progress to valvular insufficiency. Abd: Hepatosplenomegaly results in a protuberant abdomen Skeletal: Dysostosis multiplex, progressive joint stiffness resulting in contractures. Hands are broad, fingers are short and clawed, Widening of the ribs into an oar shape Skin: Thickening of the skin with hirsutism Dx: Assay of skin fibroblasts for specific lysosomal hydrolases Tx: Enzyme replacement therapy
  • 83. Hurler syndrome. A, The coarsening of facial features includes prominence of the forehead, a flattened nasal bridge, short broad nose, and widening of the lips. Features appear puffy due to thickening of the skin. B, Progressive joint stiffness and contractures lead to clawing of the hand.
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  • 85. MPS II- HUNTER SYNDROME Hunter syndrome is inherited as an X-linked recessive trait. Mild and severe forms of the disorder result from changes (mutations) of a gene (IDS gene) that regulates production of the iduronate sulfatase enzyme, needed to brake complex sugars produced in the body. The IDS gene is located on the long arm (q) of chromosome X (Xq28). S/S: Initial symptoms starts at two to four years of age. progressive growth delays, resulting in short stature; Head/Face: Macrocephaly. delayed tooth eruption, progressive hearing loss, thickening of the lips, tongue, and nostrils Heart: thickening of the heart valves leading to a decline in cardiac function Lungs: Obstructive airway disease Abd: Hepatosplenomegaly, joint stiffness, with restriction of movements; Skeletal: short neck and broad chest Two clinical forms of Hunter syndrome have been recognized: Early-onset , more severe form (MPS IIA), profound mental retardation may be apparent by late childhood. Late-onset , mild form of the disease (MPS IIB), intelligence may be normal or only slightly impaired. Dx: Clinical Diagnosis by measuring the iduronate-2-sulfatase (I2S) enzyme Tx: No treatment, supportive
  • 86. Morquio Syndrome Morquio's syndrome is an autosomal recessive inheritance mucopolysaccharide storage disease. Error in Carbohydrate metabolism . It is a relatively rare dwarfism with serious consequences. Two forms are recognized, type A and type B. Type A is a deficiency of the enzyme N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfate sulfatase . Type B is a deficiency of the enzyme beta- galactosidase . S/S: Widely spaced teeth Corneal clouding Hearing loss Enlarged heart Abnormal skeletal development: Scoliosis Hyper mobile joints Large fingers Knock-knees, Short trunk with pectus carinatum Bell shaped chest (ribs flared) Severe growth retardation 82-115 cms Odontoid hypoplasia Compression of spinal cord Dwarfism The intelligence is normal . Dx: Biochemical markers: Type A: Increase urinary excretion of keratan sulfate/chondroitin-6-sulfate Type B: Increase urinary excretion of keratan sulfate Tx: Enzyme replacement therapy is not effective. Supportive
  • 87. NEUROFIBROMATOSIS Neurofibromatosis is an autosomal dominant disorder producing tumors along the course of nerves and occasionally resulting in soft tissue or bony deformity. Neurofibromatosis has 2 forms: Type 1 (von Recklinghausen's) is most prevalent, causing neurologic, cutaneous, orthopedic symptoms Type 2 accounts for 10% of cases, manifesting primarily as congenital bilateral acoustic neuroma. Genetics: NF1 gene has been localized to chromosome 17. NF2 gene has been localized to chromosome 22. affects about 1 in 3000 individuals. Neurofibromas are benign tumors consisting of Schwann cells and neural fibroblasts. There are 4 types: Cutaneous neurofibromas are soft and fleshy Subcutaneous neurofibromas are firm and nodular. Nodular plexiform neurofibromas may involve spinal nerve roots produce intraspinal / extraspinal masses Plexiform neurofibromas : diffuse thickening of nerve, present at birth in the orbital or temporal region of the face.  Causes overgrowth of an extremity and a deformity of the bone. There are 2 types of central (cranial nerve) neurofibromas: Optic gliomas, which may cause progressive blindness. NF-1 Acoustic neuromas (vestibular schwannomas), causes dizziness, ataxia, deafness, and tinnitus. NF-2
  • 88. S/S: NF-1 2 or more must be present to diagnose Café -au- Lait (need > 6) .5mm in diameter in prepubertal children, >15mm in postpubertal individuals Lesions are medium-brown, over the trunk, pelvis, and flexor creases of elbows Axillary or inguinal freckling Neurofibromas (2 or more) or 1 plexiform neurofibroma Lisch nodules (Iris hamartomas) Optic Glioma (visual loss with optic atrophy) Osseous lesion such as a sphenoid dysplasia, thinning of long bone cortex with / without pseudoarthrosis A first-degree relative (i.e., parent, sibling, or child) with NF-1, according to these criteria     Learning disabilities Increased risk for malignancy Short stature and macrocephaly Patients with NF-1 can be affected with various tumors of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves Hypertension in 10% NF-2 Bilateral acoustic neuromas. They cause hearing loss and unsteadiness, headache Bilateral 8th cranial (vestibulocochlear) nerve masses may be present. Family members may have gliomas, meningiomas, or schwannomas. Cataracts Dx: Clinical , DNA testing, Genetic counseling, MRI of Brain, X-Ray of Lower Extremities Tx: No treatment. Surgery, Irradiation, braces for scoliosis, psychological help
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  • 99. THALIDOMIDE Thalidomide is a sedative-hypnotic medication. The drug is a potent Teratogen. Severe birth defects may result if the drug is taken during pregnancy. Children were born with: Missing or malformed limbs( phocomelia) (bilateral) No ears or deafness Missing or extra fingers or toes Partial or total loss of sight Improper formation of the heart, kidney and other internal organs Improper formation of the anus and/or genitalia Cleft Palate Flattening of the bridge of the nose
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  • 108. CONGENITAL ANOMALIES Innumerable congenital anomalies, many of a minor nature, can be noted at birth. Although any single minor malformation may be of little medical consequence, the identification of three or more in a single infant may be a clue to more serious errors of morphogenesis The majority of minor external anomalies involve the hands, feet, and head
  • 111. Syndactyly. Cornelia de Lange Syndrome
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  • 115. Amniotic bands. A lower extremity amniotic band caused amputation of the toes and constriction around the lower leg.
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  • 119. DELIVERY ROOM RESUSCITATION PROCEDURES *Resuscitation begins before delivery. *Obstetric chart to be discussed with obstetrical team *Know what type of anesthesia is going to be used *Check if neonatal resuscitation equipment is working and ready *Check if resuscitation drugs are available and in place
  • 120. DELIVERY PROCEDURES FOR ALL NEWBORNS 1 -Suction Nose/Oropharinx- Suction the mouth first , then the nose before the infant take his first breath because suction of the nose first, induce gasping 2- Clamp AND CUT the umbilical cord, within 30-60 seconds of age. Milk the cord if it is necessary, before clamping it. 3- Place the newborn in a 15-degree Trendelemburg’s position in a warmed resuscitator with overhead radiant heater. Dry to avoid excessive heat loss, since chilling  acidosis. 4- EXAMINE THE CHILD-APGAR. Aspirate the mouth, pharynx, nose. The suction should not take more than 10 sec. Beware of direct vagal nerve stimulation by the catheter tip  vaso-vagal reflex with bradycardia and/or laryngeal spasm resulting into apnea, asphyxia and depression. 5- Once the Newborn is stabilize, and breathing vigorously: *Administer Vit-K 1 mg IM preventing hemorrhage in Newborn *Silver Nitrate 1% sol. or Erythromycin 0.5% ophtalmic oint. *ID- foot printing
  • 121. Milking the umbilical cord is not indicated in those cases: Materno-fetal blood incompatibility Prematurity Intracranial hemorrhage It is indicated in the following cases: C-section, placing the newborn in a lower level than the mother Premature placental separation Anemic newborns
  • 122. Exit of the Head and Beginning of Shoulder
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  • 130. THE APGAR SCORING SCALE *Simple assessment of intrapartum stress, cardio-pulmonary, and neurologic adaptation to a new independent life and an objective idea of how much resuscitation an infant will required at birth. *Evaluate the newborn at 1, 5 and 10 minutes after birth. *Causes of low Apgar: -Asphyxia -Prematurity -Maternal Drugs -Fetal Sepsis -Fetal CNS and Resp. Depression
  • 131. Apgar Scores The Apgar score should be assigned at 1, 5, 10 minutes Sign Score 0 Score 1 Score 2 Heart Rate Absent Below 100 Above 100 Respiratory Effort Absent Weak, irregular, or gasping Good, crying Muscle Tone Flaccid Some flexion of extremities Well flexed, or active movements of extremities Reflex Irritability No response Grimace or weak cry Good cry Color Blue all over, or pale Blue Extremities Body Pink Pink all over
  • 132. APGAR CLINICAL MANAGEMENT OF THE NEWBORN Apgar Score at 1 minute: 7-10 Normal Newborn 4- 6 Moderately depressed newborn 0- 3 Severely depressed newborn Normal Newborn: Brief suctioning and a slap/massage on the soles/back Moderately Depressed Newborn Infants: Oxygen, Positive pressure by bag and Mask, Efficient suctioning, Warm environment . Severely Depressed Newborn Infants: Keep in warm environment, efficient suctioning, oxygen. Maintain open airway, umbilical catheterization, IV line (fluid, drugs) Endotracheal intubation with artificial respiration or by Bag and mask. Cardiac massage, Usage of medications.
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  • 135. Failure to breath after birth PO2 falls immediately to near zero Acidosis Asphyxia Brain damage or Aggravation of an existing CNS injury
  • 136. Triangle of Resuscitation Most common treatment Least common treatment Keep dry & warm Suction & stimulation Oxygen Establish effective ventilation Bag &mask Tracheal Intubation Chest compressions Drugs
  • 137. ABCD of Neonatal Resuscitation D rugs +
  • 138. Injection of Vit-K
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  • 141. PHYSIOLOGY OF ASPHYXIA- APNEA PRIMARY APNEA: With decrease of oxygen, rapid breathing starts. If asphyxia continues, the respiratory movements cease, the HR  falls, and the infant enters a period of apnea known as primary apnea. If given O2 and stimulations during this period, it will induce breathing SECONDARY APNEA: With continuation of asphyxia, the infant develops deep gasping breathing, the HR  fall, and BP begins to fall. Respiration becomes weaker until the infant take a last gasp and enters a period called secondary apnea. In this period, the HR, BP, oxygen in blood (PaO2) fall further. The infant is unresponsive to stimulation, and artificial ventilation with oxygen (PPV) is started.
  • 142. FETAL AND NEWBORN PHYSIOLOGY ADAPTATION When born, his Liquid habitat became airborne and his nutrition will come from different ways and sources. The oxygen given by his mother through the placenta, now comes through a mixture in the air, by a new process; the pulmonary respiration. The organic elements and minerals will not come anymore via maternal circulation, it will come through the complex process of digestion, absorption and assimilation. Also excretion, becomes a vital part of these complex processes.
  • 143. The 1 st breath begin after the NB leaves the vaginal canal, requiring a: 1-Lung expansion is due: to a large negative intra-thoracic pressure followed, by a strong cry sufficient to open the adhesion between the alveolar walls humidified by the amniotic liquid. 2-Pressure of 15-25 cm/H2O is necessary for this expansion. For the subsequent respiration, it is needed a pressure of 1/3 to ¼ of the first. 3-The umbilicus clamping ↑ BP, and massive stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system With the onset of Respiration and lung expansion, pulmonary vascular resistance ↓ with the gradual transition from fetal to adult circulation, with the closure of foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus Also: the first respiration is done through the: - The sensorial stimuli represented by being exposed to a colder air than the one inside the uterus. -Difference between intrauterine pressure and atmospheric pressure -Complete reabsorption of the lung fluid -Adequate quantity of surfactant in the alveoli , preventing atelectasia In the premature, areas of atelectasia are common and persist for a longer period .
  • 144. -At birth, alveoli are filled with “fetal lung fluid”. -It takes a certain amount of pressure in the lungs to overcome the fluid forces and open the alveoli for the first time. -Around 1/3 of fetal lung fluid is removed during vaginal delivery as the chest is squeezed  lung fluid exits trough the nose and mouth. -Remaining fluid passes through the alveoli into lymphatics surrounding the lungs. How quickly fluid leaves the lungs, depends on the force of the first few breaths. The first few breaths of most newborn infants are extremely powerful, expanding the alveoli and replacing the lung fluid with air.
  • 146. TORCH INFECTIONS Is an acronym for: Toxoplasmosis, Others-Syphilis, Varicella, EBV, Coxsackie Rubella CMV Herpes simplex, Hepatitis B
  • 147. Toxoplasmosis: Transplacental infection by Toxoplasma gondii during pregnancy. parasite found in cats feces contaminate water and food. S/S: Fetus may grow slowly and born prematurely. Newborns may have: chorioretinitis, microcephaly, intracranial calcifications, jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly. Later sequela: blindness, deafness, mental retardation, seizures. Dx: IgM Elisa titers  suggest infection in 75% of cases. TX: Pregnants should avoid raw meat and cat litter Transmission may be prevented if mother takes Spiramycin. Pyrimethamine and Sulfonamides can be taken later if fetus is infected Infected newborns are treated with: Pyrimethamine, sulfadiazine and Leucovorin. Inflamation of the heart, lungs or eyes is treated with corticoids.
  • 148. Rubella: Transplacental infection with the Rubella virus during pregnancy. High risk during first trimester. S/S: Microcephaly, cataracts, Cardio Ds. (PDA, Pulmonary artery stenosis), deafness, mental retardation, IUGR, cloudy cornea (cataract, glaucoma), hepatosplenomegaly, Bluish red spots, bruising Dx: Elevation of antibody titers, viral cultures. Tx: Immunization before pregnancy Immunoglobulin injection, if pregnant women had contact with infected person
  • 149. CMV: Transplacental infection or infected maternal secretions at delivery Patients are asymptomatic at birth. Newborn may become infected if breastmilk contains the virus, or in a blood transfusion S/S: 10% congenital infected have symptoms: Prematurity, IUGR, jaundice, microcephaly, chorioretinitis , periventricular calcifications, petecchia with thrombocytopenia Symptomatic CMV has 20% mortality rate. 90% survivors will have: mental retardation, hearing loss, visual defects, seizures. Dx: Elisa test: CMV IgM or IgG antibodies Isolate virus Cx: urine, CSF, saliva, amniotic fluid or placenta. Histological Exam: “owl’s eye” enlarged intranuclear inclusion cells PCR to detec viral DNA in CSF. X-Ray: Skull- calcifications Lab: thrombocytopenia, elevation of transaminases, conjugated hyperbilirubinemia. Tx: Gancyclovir- suppress replication, not erradicate virus. Repeated hearing test (sensorineural hearing loss in more than 65% survivors
  • 150. Neonatal Herpes Simplex Virus Caused by HSV type-2, transmitted via infected vaginal tract. S/S: 1-4 weeks of birth: rash of fluid filled blisters appear. Later: Kerato-conjunctivitis, seizures-(temporal lobe predilection), lethargy, weakness, decrease muscle tone, Resp. distress, pneumonitis Dx: Culture or PCR of scrapings from lesions (vesicles). Positive culture or PCR of CNS fluid, Pleocytosis, or elevated protein: possible HSV Ds. Tx: Acyclovir IV. Eye infections is treated with Acyclovir IV and Trifluridine drops Perform cesarean in women with active lesions Varicella: Seen in 2% of pregnancies when mother contracts varicella in the 1 st trimester of pregnancy Clinical features: Limb hypoplasia, Cutaneous scars CNS abnormalities: Cortical Atrophy, Mental Retardation, Encephalitis Ocular Abnormalities: Microphthalmia, Cataract, Chorioretinitis DX: positive maternal Hx of varicella, physical findings Tx: Acyclovir IV, Multispecialists
  • 151. Neonatal Hepatitis B infection Acquired during delivery from mothers that are asymptomatic HBV carriers Main risk is infant becoming carrier, resulting in chronic hepatitis and increasing the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. DX: HBsAg serology Tx: Infants of infected mothers should receive Hep-B immuno-globulin and Hep-B vaccine within 12 hours after delivery. Screen all pregnant women for HBsAg
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  • 153. Congenital Syphilis Transplacental infection with Treponema pallidum during pregnancy, if mother acquires syphilis during pregnancy,or if she has been wrongly treated for syphilis in the past. Newborns often asymptomatics 3-12 weeks: jaundice, hemolytic anemia, coriza “snuffles, macular-papular rash palms/soles (flat copper colored rash) Permanent stigma: saddle nose deformity, saber shins ( periostitis, osteochondritis), Hutchinson’s teeth, intermittent fever, frontal bossing, painless joints effusions, may run from nose mucus, pus or blood. Hepatosplenomegaly DX: Rapid plasma reagin (RPR) titers Fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption test (FTA-ABS) Treponemas can be seen on Darkfield microscopy from scrappings of lesions or body fluids TX: penicillin G
  • 154. HIV Materno-fetal transmission during pregnancy or to the newborn during delivery, or after birth through breastfeeding SS: persistent trush, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, severe diarrhea, FTT, poor weight gain, recurrent viral and bacterial infections DX: PCR to detect viral nucleic acid in peripheral blood (HIV DNA by PCR) Elisa test for detection of antibodies, confirmation with Western-Blot TX: Nutritional support, Antiretroviral therapy ZDV-Zidovudine, and antibiotics for specific infections. Pneumocystis (carini) Jiroveci tx: TMX-SMX, IV Pentamidine
  • 156. SEPSIS
  • 157. SEPSIS Definitions: Presence of pathogenic organisms or toxins in the blood or tissues, and the systemic response to them. Bacteremia: Is the presence of bacteria in the bloodstream detected by blood cultures. Etiology: G-: E. coli, K. pneumoniae, P. aeroginosa, Proteus, Neisseria meningitidis. G+: S. aureus, S.pneumoniae, S. pyogenes, Enterococci. Others: Fungi (2-3%), viral, rickettsia, protozoa. Most commons in the first 4 weeks of life are: G-B Streptococcus Gram negative (E.coli) Lysteria monocytogenes Hx. of hospitalization: S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, klebsiela, S. epidermidis Older infants and children: S. pneumonia, N. meningitides, H. influenza-B Risk Factors: G-/Septicemia: Increases with diabetes, burns, urinary or GI infection, immunosuppressive diseases G+: Usage of IV catheters, mechanical devices, IV drug use, burns. Fungal Septicemia: Immunosuppressed, prolong use of antibiotics. Splenectomized patients: S. pneumoniae, H. influenza, N. meningitidis
  • 158. Sepsis/ Meningitis: Etiologic agents: Neonates: Streptococcus agalacteae (#1) ,Escherichia coli (#2) Listeria monocytogenes (#3), Staph aureus, Candida albicans Children : Streptococcus pneumoniae (#1 in greater than 5 years) Hemophilus influenzae type B (#1 in less than 5 years) Neisseria meningitidis, salmonella typhimurium Treatment: Neonates: Ampicillin + Aminoglycosides Ampicillin+ Cefotaxime (Claforan) Children: Cefotaxime (Claforan) +/- Vancomycin Ceftriaxone (Rocephin) +/- Vancomycin
  • 159. STAGES OF SEPSIS Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) Is a response to an inflammation or injury that can be infectious or noninfectious defined by having several sign and symptoms.: Two or more of the following: -Temperature of > 38oC or < 360C -Heart rate of > 100 BPM -Respiratory rate of > 20 or Paco2 < 32 torricelli. -WBC count >12.000/mm3 or < 4.000, or 10% immature forms (bands) Sepsis SIRS plus a culture-documented infection Severe Septic Shock Sepsis plus organ dysfunction, hypotension (despite fluid resuscitation-decrease of systolic BP< 90mm), hypoperfusion, plus organ dysfunction (including acidosis, oliguria, acute mental status changes)
  • 160. S/S: Fever or hypothermia , Chills, Altered Mental status, cold/clammy extremities, and oliguria Assess chest: tachypnea , rales, dyspnea, increase RR. Assess circulation: HR, BP, Skin color, capillary refill, tachycardia Assess mental status: level of alertness, confusion, agitation Presence of petecchia/purpura: Meningococcemia or DIC If SIRS is identified and reversed early, the subsequent inflammatory cascade can often be avoided. This damage result in increased cardiac output, peripheral vasodilation, increased tissue oxygen consumption, and a hypermetabolic state (shock). If SIRS is not identified and reversed early, cardiac output may fall, peripheral vascular resistance may increase, and shunting of blood may ensue (shock). This results in resultant tissue hypoxia, end-organ dysfunction, metabolic acidosis, end-organ injury and/or failure, and death.
  • 161. LAB WORK-UP: CBC with platelets: Elevated WBC count w/ increased band left shift or leukopenia. Thrombocytopenia: DIC Lytes: metabolic acidosis Glucose: Hypoglycemia Blood Culture/Sensitivity Urinalysis / Urine culture Culture from sputum, Lumbar (CSF) and skin ABG: Monitor acid-base status BUN/ Creatinine Lumbar Puncture: R/O meningitis PT, PTT, Fibrinogen: Monitor DIC Chest X-Ray/ MRI/ Cat-Scan/ Ultrasound
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  • 165. PHENYLKETONURIA (PKU)-PHENYALANINE Autosomal recessive disease, there is an enzyme deficiency of phenylalanine hydroxylase with failure in converting phenylalanine in tyrosine Incidence: 1:12000 live births. Accumulation of Phenylalanine: -Classic PKU: > 20 mg/dl -Atypical PKU: 12-20 mg/dl -Can result from deficiency of cofactor tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) Symptoms: Development delay, Mental retardation, Seizures, Eczema, blue eyes, Hyperactivity, Aggressive behavior, Blond hair, Musty/Mousy Odor Treatment: -Phenylalanine restricted diet instituted by 3 weeks of age. -Frequent monitoring of blood levels and diet adjustments -Cofactor defects require BH4 replacement Early Tx  prevents mental retardation and neurological abnormalities
  • 167. CONGENITAL HYPOTHYROIDISM Usually cause by a genetic malformation/functioning of the thyroid gland. 90% due to dysgenesis. Also, error in hormone synthesis, secretion, metabolism. Other causes: maternal iodine deficiency, maternal antithyroid medication or fetal exposure to iodine, radiation therapy. Incidence: 1:3500-5000 live births. S/S: head circumference ↑ , large fontanel, abdominal distention, lethargic and poor feeding, jaundice, umbilical hernia, constipation, macroglossia, pale cold and mottled skin, poor cry, poor motor development, edema of extremities.
  • 168. Lab: TSH elevated- assess functional capacity of thyroid gland, TSH decreased- Pituitary involvement. Decreased T4, T3 and Free T4 Antithyroid antibody Treatment: L-Thyroxine is used to maintain T4 levels in the upper half of the normal range. L-Thyroxine: Neonates: 10-15ug/kg/day Children: 4ug/kg/day Check T4 and Free T4 to monitor therapy every 6 months. Treatment within first 2 months of life is to prevent mental retardation and complications of the disease. If Tx delayed, IQ= 55
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  • 171. MAPLE SYRUP URINE DISEASE Autosomal recessive disease caused by deficiency of decarboxylase that initiates the degradation of three branched-chain amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. Incidence: 1:200,000 live births S/S: Infants appear normal at birth. If untreated, by the end of 1-2 week will develop: Feeding intolerance (poor feeding), vomiting, typical urine odor “ burnt sugar” or ”maple syrup” Hallmark of Ds: Depression of CNS, alternating hypotonia/ hypertonia/seizure
  • 172. It progresses to severe ketoacidosis and death. If survive the Neonatal period will have: Mental retardation Neurological Impairment Development Profound depression of CNS Lab: Large increases of those amino-acids in plasma, hypoglycemia, presence of ketonuria Tx : Diet avoiding those amino-acids, increase fluids, CH, glucose. Correct acidosis disturbance Hemo/Peritoneal dialysis is life saving during acidotic crises
  • 173. GALACTOSEMIA Autosomal recessive disease due to deficiency of the enzyme Galactose 1-Phosphate uridyl-transferase. Is due to ingestion of Galactose (Lactose) Incidence: 1: 40,000 live births Symptoms: It happens always when the infant is fed with milk: no symptoms at birth, but jaundice, diarrhea, and vomiting makes the baby fails to gain weight  FTT.  If not detected immediately, it results in: *Liver failure (Hypoglycemia, Bilirubinemia ), Hepatosplenomegaly *Renal Tubular disorder (Acidosis, Glicosuria, albuminuria) *Lethargy, Feeding Intolerance, Failure to Thrive, Cataracts *Learning disorders in older children-mental retardation *25% will develop sepsis in first 1-2 weeks if untreated (E.coli)  death
  • 174. Screening: Neonatal heel screening Positive Clinitest in urine for reducing substances. If positive, remove galactose from diet. Diagnosis: Demonstrating reduction in Erythrocytes of: galactose-1-phosphate uridyl-transferase Treatment: *Is to avoid ingestion of galactose *Evaluate for sepsis and treat immediately, to prevent complications of mental retardation, cataracts and cirrhosis
  • 175. SICKLE CELL DISEASE Autosomal recessive disease where Valine is subtituted for Glutamic acid at codon 6 on the B-globin chain of the Hb Normal red blood cells contain hemoglobin A. Patients with sickle cell ds. have RBC containing mostly hemoglobin S, an abnormal type of hemoglobin. These RBC become sickle-shaped (crescent-shaped), having difficulty passing through small blood vessels. The most common types of sickle cell disease are 3 forms of genotypes: HbSS Ds (sickle cell anemia), HbSC Ds (sickle-Hb C Ds), HbS-B Sickle Beta Thalassemia. Incidence: 1:500 ( in the Black population) live births.
  • 176. Why is it important to know if I have sickle cell trait? Sickle cell trait is inherited from one’s parents, like hair or eye color. If one parent has sickle cell trait there is a 50% (one in two) chance with each pregnancy of having a child with sickle cell trait. If both parents have sickle cell trait there is a 25% (one in four) chance with each pregnancy of having a child with sickle cell disease. When affects one chromossome, the heterozygous condition  S.C. Trait When affects both chromossomes, the homozygous condition  S.C. Ds When one chromossome makes HbS and the other makes no hemoglobin (B-thalassemia trait)  HbS-B. Sickle cell Ds is a lifelong illness that result in serious health problems. For this reason, trait awareness is very important.
  • 177. Hemoglobin A: Is a normal Hb that exist after birth. It is a tetramer with 2 alpha and 2 Beta chain (A2B2) Hemoglobin A2: Is a minor component of the Hb found in RBC after birth, and consist of 2 alpha and 2 Delta chains (A2d2). Less than 3% of total Hb Hemoglobin F: Is the predominant Hb during fetal development. The molecule is a tretamer of 2 alpha and 2 Gamma chains (a2g2). Hemoglobin S: Is the predominant Hb in people with sickle cell disease. The alpha chain is normal. The disease-producing mutation exists in the beta chain, giving the molecule the structure, (a2bS2). People who have one sickle mutant gene and one normal beta gene have sickle cell trait which is benign. Hemoglobin C: Results from a mutation in the beta globin gene and is the predominant Hb found in people with Hb C disease (a2bC2).
  • 178. S/S: -Appears at about 6 months of age when HbF is substituted by HbS -Early signs are delayed: growth and development, fever, infections Hallmark is Fever Characterized by: hemolisis, vascular occlusion, infection. Hand/foot Syndrome- Dactylitis: -Most common age: 6 months to 3 years ( range 3 months – 5 years) -Often the first clinical manifestation -Symmetrical painful swelling of hands/feet. Refuses to bear weight. Fever Sudden and massive splenic sequestration: (acute blood trapping in spleen resulting in fall in Hb due to sickling). Leading cause of death in children under 5 years. S/S: spleen enlarged and tender, Hct ↓ by 25%, platelets under 100.000, ↑ in Reticulocytes, pallor, anemia (hemolysis), fatigue Due to Splenic dysfunction by intravascular sickling of red cells, this is accentuated by: Hypoxia, Dehydration and Acidosis
  • 179. Bacterial Infection: Acute Chest Syndrome (Pneumonia): - Seen in more than 50% of Sickle cell patients. -Leading cause of mortality in sickle Cell disease Sepsis: Younger children: S. pneumoniae Older children: G-/Salmonella Symptoms : Varying degrees of Fever, Cough, Chest/Back pain Tachypnea, ↑ RR, Flaring, Grunting, Hypoxemia Painful Vaso-Occlusive crises: Pain in large joints, muscle, abd. pain, back pain, knee, shoulder, elbow. Priapism Seen in children after the age of 3-4 years Swelling, tenderness, decrease of ROM at site of pain. Pain triggers: stress, infection, menses, trauma, change of weather. Aplastic Crisis: Decrease of RBC production due to decrease of HB/Retic Count. Parvovirus B-19 (mc) Anemia (hemolysis), Fatigue . Other Ds: Meningitis, Osteomyelitis (Salmonella), Sepsis (mcc-death)
  • 180. LAB: Hemoglobin Electrophoresis is definitive diagnosis: Absence of hemoglobin A Presence of hemoglobin S with mild elevation of hemoglobin F Sickle cell anemia: Hgb-S 85-98% Hgb-F 2-20% Hgb A2 2-4% Sickle Cell trait has the abnormal Hgb-S of 40% and Hgb-A of 60% in RBC. It rarely causes any medical problems, and do not develop sickle cell DS CBC: low Hb (6-10gm/dL)/Ht presence of sickle cells/ Howell-Jolly Bodies on peripheral smear Reticulocytes: elevated X-Ray: evidence of osteolysis, periostitis, bone reabsoption. Bone Scan: differentiate bone infarction from osteomyelitis Chemistry: LDH- ↑ , AST- ↑ Unconjugated bilirubin- ↑
  • 181. Tx: * Hydroxyurea- decrease number and severity of crises. *Pain: NSAID’S or narcotics (Demerol or Morphine Sulfate) *VOC- fluids (Hydration), Oxygen, warmth. *Blood transfusion during aplastic or sequestration crises (fall in Hb) *Ceftriaxone, Cefuroxime: S. Pneumonia, H. influenza *Erythromycin: Mycoplasma Pneumonia *PCN prophylaxis *Pneumoccocal vaccine, influenza virus vaccine, Hib/ Hep-B vaccine specially in patients with splenectomy *Bone marrow transplantation. *Genetic counseling
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  • 187. CONGENITAL ADRENAL HYPERPLASIA (CAH) Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is a group of genetic disorders, characterized by inadequate synthesis of cortisol (glucocorticoid), aldosterone (mineralocorticoid), or both because of an autosomal recessive genetic defect in one of the adrenal enzymes. In the most common form , 21- hydroxylase deficiency accumulate and are shunted into adrenal androgens. The consequent excess androgen secretion causes varying degrees of virilization in external genitals of affected female fetuses; no defects are discernible in external genitals of male fetuses. Complete 21- hydroxylase deficiency, the salt-wasting form, accounts for 75% of deficiency cases. The salt-wasting form is the most severe form of 21-hydroxylase deficiency; aldosterone is not secreted and salt is lost, leading to hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, and increased plasma renin activity. Partial 21- hydroxylase deficiency causes a less severe, non–salt-losing form, in which aldosterone levels are normal or only slightly decreased. *Incidence: 1:10,000/15,000 Live Births
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  • 189. S/S: Non-Salt losing: Males: External genitalia ambiguous: incompletely virilized Testes are rudimentar. Absence of Wolffian duct structures: (seminal vesicle, epididymus, vasa deferens) Premature sexual development: Penis and scrotal enlargement, acne, hyperpigmentation of genitals, appearance of pubic hair, voice deepening Females: External genitalia virilized (clitoris enlargement, labial fusion, acne, pubic and axillary hair development, deep voice) Ovaries present, testes are absent, present Mullerian structures (uterus, fallopian tube, upper vagina)
  • 190. Salt Losing: FTT, dehydration, anorexia, vomiting. Cardiovascular collapse. Female infants with salt-wasting form will have : ambiguous external genitals, clitoral enlargement, fusion of the labia majora, urogenital sinus rather than urethral / vaginal openings reproductive function may be impaired as they reach adulthood, they may have labial fusion anovulatory cycles or amenorrhea. Some males infants have normal sexual development, are fertile as adults, but others have Leydig cell dysfunction, and decreased testosterone, and impaired spermatogenesis. Manifest as adrenal crisis: lethargy, hypotension, hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, shock as well as virilization.
  • 191. Screening: Levels of 17-hydroxyprogesterone elevated Levels of 17-ketosteroids elevated Serum testosterone ( elevated) Aldosterone (decreased) Serum cortisol (low) hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, hypoglycemia Treatment: -Glucocorticoid therapy: cortisone acetate IM 2-3 days -Mineralocorticoid therapy: fludrocortisone acetate (Florinef) -Surgical correction of female virilization -Prevent salt-losing crisis - Na supplementation -Refer to an Endocrinologist and a Geneticist.
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  • 195. LAB: Sweat chloride above 60mEq/L is positive Pulmonary Function test Sputum culture, Lytes, CBC CXR: Hyperinflation, peribronchial thickening, atelectasis, bronchiectasis Stool trypsin levels ( trypsin deficiency) Detection of Delta F-508 genotype by DNA analysis Treatment: Genetic Counseling Treat specific pathology with ATB of broad spectrum Diet: high caloric intake diet with nutritional supplement Vitamins, Inhalations, Physical Therapy, Oxygen Pancreatic enzymes (enteric coated) Mucolitic: N-acetyl cysteine DNAse inhaled-thin the mucus plug Lung transplantation/ Gene therapy
  • 197. CLASSIFICATION: Infants are classified as: Preterm (< 37- 6/7 weeks gestation) Term (37- 6/7- 41- 6/7weeks gestation) Postterm (42 weeks gestation) WEIGHT- GESTATIONAL AGE ASSESSTMENT *Preterm Infants: Less than 37 weeks *Term Infant: 37-42 weeks *Post Term Infant: Greater than 42 weeks *Extremely Low Birth Weight: Less than 1000g *Very Low Birth Weight: Less than 1500g *Low Birth Weight: Less than 2500g *Average Term Weight: 2800-3500g *Large Birth Weight for Term: Over 4000g
  • 198. Small for Gestational Age (SGA): Is a 2 standard deviations below mean weight for gestational age or below the 10th percentile. Concern: ↑caloric need, ↑mortality, ↑ri sk for malformation/infection Symmetric: Growth retardation of all parameters HC=Wt=Length (33% of SGA) Genetic: Small maternal size, Congenital Abnormalities Chromosomal Abnormalities (trisomies 21,18,13,Turner) Intrauterine infections: Torch (CMV), Tbc, Malaria Environmental: Drugs (heroin, Ethanol, Diphenylhydantoin) Smoking, X-Rays Asymmetric: HC=Length > weight (55% of SGA) Uteroplacental insufficiency due to HTN, Pre-eclampsia, Renal Ds ↑ age above 35 years, multiple gestation Combined: 12% of SGA. Drugs, Smoking, Placental insufficiency.
  • 199. Small for Gestational Age: *IUGR Type I: From conception to 24 weeks maternal HTN/DM/drugs, fetal infections *IUGR Type II: From 24 to 32 weeks placental insufficiency *IUGR Type III: After 32 weeks maternal malnutrition / hypoxemia, placental infarct
  • 200. Intrauterine growth retardation. This term baby weighed only 1.7 kg. The head appears disproportionately large for the thin, wasted body. This resulted from placental insufficiency late in pregnancy. Hypoglycemia may be a complication
  • 201. Appropriate for Gestational Age (AGA) Large for Gestational Age (LGA): Define as 2 standard deviations above mean weight for gestational age or above the 90th percentile. Can be seen in infants of diabetic mothers, in constitutionally large infants with large parents, Hydrops fetalis, Beckwith’s syndrome, Weight over 4000g Complications: Hypoglycemia, Increased rate of injury at birth
  • 202. Large-for-gestational-age infant. This infant of a diabetic mother weighed 5 kg at birth and exhibits the typical rounded facies.
  • 206. Scarf sign. The elbow cannot be drawn, with gentle traction on the upper extremity, across this term infant's chest (A). This is in contrast to the marked flexibility of a preterm infant of 29 weeks' gestation (B).
  • 209. Heel-to-ear maneuver. The position for assessing the heel-to-ear maneuver is demonstrated. The degree of extension seen is consistent with a 28- to 30-week infant.
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  • 211. Factors influencing fetal growth
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  • 214. PREMATURITY Child born before the 38 th week of gestation from the 1 ST day of the LMP It is responsible for most of the newborn diseases and mortality. Anatomical characteristics: Weight: Less than 2500g Height: Less than 45cm HC: Less than 32cm PREMATURITY CAUSES: Maternal: Age: Under 18 and above 35 years Smoking Anomalies: Miomas, Adnexal tumors, Placental Insufficiency Placenta abruptio, Placenta previa Infections: Toxoplasmosis, Syphilis, Rubella, CMV,UTI Chronic Disease: Anemia, Heart disease, Hypertension Drug abuse Precarious prenatal care Lower Socioeconomic status Deficient nutrition: protein ingestion lower than 50g/day Fetal: twins, genetic, polyhydramnio
  • 215. Physiological Characteristics: Increase risk of infection: Due to immunologic immaturity Increase handling time Decrease transmission of maternal antibodies Increase risk of neonatal jaundice: Due to hepatic immaturity: Low amount of Vit-K Decrease elements of the prothrombinic complex Prolong jaundice Capilar fragility Increase risk of hemorrhagic disturbances Frequent hemorrhage, mainly in brain (germinal matrix and extend to ventricles) High risk of having developmental delay, cerebral palsy, or learning disorders. Increase frequency of respiratory disturbances: Apnea, asphyxia, RDS due to pulmonary immaturity (lower # of alveoli) Immaturity of respiratory centers Weakness of respiratory muscles The area of brain that controls the breathing is so immature, that the newborns breathe inconsistently with short pauses in breathing, or present periods where breathing stops for 20 seconds or longer (apnea)
  • 216. Increase risk in the Fluid/electrolytic disturbances: Renal immaturity, with difficult to regulate amount of water and salt in body Decrease capacity of metabolites excretion Increased risk of metabolic disturbances: Hypoglycemia, acidosis, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia Increase risk for desnutrition: Suction and swallowing impaired Digestion and absorption of fat and Vit (ADEK) Protein and glucose levels are low (without regular feedings) Precarious body temperature control: Due to immaturity of thermoregulatory centers. Larger corporeal area in relation to weight lose heat faster Absence of sweat Decrease of subcutaneous tissue Exposed to cold temperature, they generate extra body heat, increasing rate of metabolism, Decreasing their gain weight.
  • 217. S/S: -Small size -Large head in relation to size of body -Anterior and posterior fontanels wide open -Bone separation in skull -Small facies and old age look (senile) -Trunk large and elongated -Skin: Shiny, soft ,red and pink/red at beginning -Visible veins under skin -Short legs and thin, with few creases on soles of feet -Lanugo covering his body that give him a simian aspect -Subcutaneous fat tissue is scarce -Absence of testicle in scrotum in boys, absence of labia majora not yet covering the labia minora in girls -Reduced muscles tone -General aspect of fragility, weak cry and scream, sleeps most of the time -Weak suction, poor coordinated sucking and swallowing reflexes.
  • 218. PREMATURITY: Delivery Room Management: Airway  Breathing  Circulation Oxygen (hood, cannula, CPAP, vent) Surfactant to avoid RDS Temp regulation (warmer, saran wrap, blankets, hat) Chest Compressions/ epi as needed NICU: Respiratory support as needed, using minimal O2 (prevent ROP) Sepsis (ampicillin, gentamicin initially) Temperature (incubator with 40-60% humidity) Feeding (fortified breast milk) Anemia
  • 219. TX: 1- Maintain infant temperature in Neutral Thermal range Avoid Hyperthermia: tachypnea, tachycardia, apnea Avoid Hypothermia: ↑ O2 need  apnea, acidosis/hypoglycemia 2- Maintain a clear airway Prevent Asphyxia 3- Control of vital signs Fall of temp- sepsis, raise of RR- RDS 4- Administer Vit K Prevent hemorrhagic disease 5- Weight daily Up gain-edema, lost weight-dehydration
  • 220. 6- Bathe daily and restrict handling Minimize skin colonization 7- Obtain baseline of Dextrotix Monitor hypoglycemia 8- Obtain a baseline Hb/Ht Monitor Anemia 9- Guthrie test at 1 st day and at time of discharge Prevent Inborn Errors of Metabolism 10- Administer Vit. ADC / iron Prevent Vit. Deficiency/anemia 11- Administer food trough NG Prevent malnutrition, increase calories. 12- Immunization: Influenza vaccine starting at 6 months of age. 2 doses. Heptavalent Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine: At 2 months (PREVNAR Synagis vaccine: RSV- once a month for 6 months
  • 221. Premature Skin: Translucent paper-thin skin with a prominent venous pattern
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  • 232. Normal Full Term Infants All full term infants should be examined 6 hours later and daily. Evaluate for: malformations, establish normalcy of growth/function, document physical findings. Prenatal and delivery history should be reviewed. Measure TC, HC, Length (crown to heel), Weight Weight/Gestational Age: LGA, AGA, SGA Newborn Screening for metabolic diseases: PKU-Phenylketonuria Sickle Cell Disease Congenital Hypothyroidism Maple Syrup Urine Galactosemia Cystic Fibrosis Plus other 35 test
  • 233. Newborn Physical Examination-Vital Signs Height: Range of 48-52 cms (18- 20 inches) Weight: Range of 2800- 3500 kgs ( 5 ½ -9 pounds) HC: 34-35 cm TC: 32 cm Normal temp: 98.6F Rectal 1 degree higher than axillar/oral Pulse: 120-160 bpm. Declines as the child grows BP: After 3 years of age Respiration: 40/60 newborn (abdominal breathing), 20/40 toddlers HR: 100-160 bpm in the newborn. 120 when awake and 70/80 when asleep. Heart murmur can be heard, but only 10% associated with heart ds. Check Femoral pulses
  • 234. - Record passage of first urine or stool. Failure to pass after 24-48 hrs, suspect UTI anomalies or intestinal obstruction (MECONIUM ILEUS) - Observe: Jaundice, vomiting, dyspnea, cyanosis, tremors, convulsion, lethargy, hypothermia, pallor, monitor temperature - Hepatitis B prophylaxis: If mother is Hepatitis-B antigen positive or active Hepatitis-B: IM injection of hepatitis-B immune globulin plus hepatitis –B vaccine. First 12 hours -Hypoglycemia: Defined as blood glucose of < 40-45mg/dL. Requires oral or IV glucose. Common in premature infants, infants who are small for gestational age, infants of diabetic mother Cord Blood: all infants at birth. Used for blood typing, Coombs testing if mother is Type O or Rh negative Newborn genetic screen for Inborn Errors of Metabolism: PKU, Galactosemia, Congenital Hypothyroidism, Sickle Cell Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, CAH, performed at 48 hours of age.
  • 236. HEAD: Caput Succedaneum- Diffuse edema of scalp soft tissue. Not limited to area of bones. Cephalohematoma- Accumulation of blood between periosteum and bone. Usually appears in one or both parietals bones, occasionally over occipital bone. Don’t cross suture line. Subdural Hemmorrhage- Mechanical Trauma, forceps Common in large infants Molding of the Head: Temporary misshaping of cranium (sutures) Fontanels (ant (1-4 cm)-enlarged: hypothyroidism, osteogenesis Imp. Small: craniostenosis (sutures), microcephaly Bulging: ICP, meningitis, hydrocephalus Sunken: Dehydration Posterior fontanel ( less than 1 cm ) Craniotabes: Small-softening of skull on sutures lines. disappears in days
  • 237. Face– dysmorphic features (Down, Treacher-Collins, Pierre-Robin, Trissomy 13-18, newborn of diabetic mother, chromossomal Ds) Forceps mark. Facial nerve palsy observed when smiles/cries Facial Assymetry: soft tissue swelling in nose, mouth, chin , due to uterus positioning Eyes– Check pupillary size, reactivity to light, open symmetrically. Red reflex (leukocoria)- Cong. Glaucoma, cataract, Tumor Conjunctiva: erythema, exudate, edema, jaundice. Hypertelorism ( ↑ distance between orbits) Bluish sclera: Thin sclera Deep blue: osteogenesis Imperfecta Subconjunctival hemmorrage- birth pressure Check Iris- Brushfield spots, colobomas, heterochromia. Retina: developed at birth, with immobile lens. Poor visual acuity 20/400. Acuity improves fast over 6 months. Fixation/follow objects at 6-8 weeks. Nose– nose breathers (choanal atresia)- pass a catheter purulent nose discharge at birth suggest congenital syphilis Flaring of alae nasi: sign of respiratory distress
  • 238. Ears– malformations, low set (treachers-collins), auricular pits (skin tags) Ear canal should be patent, and TM should be visible Asymmetry of ears, lipomas HEARING: well developed at birth. Neonates prefer speech sounds, human voices (hi-pitched). Will learn mothers voice and will prefer it to all others. Hearing test: Otoacoustic emission test : Several clicks is sent to baby’s ears. The hair cells inside the middle ear will capture the sound and send back an echo response that is measured by the equipment. First test to be performed Automated auditory brainstem response (AABR): This test measures brainwave response. It is a confirmatory test, but expensive test. SMELL: well developed. can recognized nursing mother breast pads TASTE: Prefer SWEET taste. Cry: Awake: Vigorous and loud when crying Resting: Rarely cries
  • 239. Mouth Observe size, shape of mouth, tongue, palate integrity, uvula, gum cysts. Epstein pearls- epithelial cyst on the hard/soft palate margin Clefts lip/palate (check shape, integrity) Neonatal teeth (lower incisors), X-ray is needed to differentiate between: Predeciduous teeth- loose, roots are absent or poorly formed. Remove to avoid aspiration True Deciduous teeth: they should not be removed. Micrognathia (Pierre-Robin, treacher’s Collins) Esophageal atresia: ↑ drooling frothy saliva Macroglossia (Big tongue)–Congenital or acquired: hemangioma, ↓thyroid Beckwith’s Syndrome (macroglossia, gigantism, omphalocele, ↓ glycemia) Pompe’s disease (type II glycogen store disease) Microstomia: Trisomy 18-21 Macrostomia: Mucopolysaccharidosis Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Fish mouth, enlarge philtrium Ranulas: small bluish white swellings on the floor of the mouth, are benign mucous gland retention cysts
  • 240. Neck: Webbing- Turner Syndrome, Noonan’s Syndrome Clefts and masses: Midline: thyroid glossal duct cysts, Ant to SCM: Branchial cleft cyst. Whitin SCM: hematoma, torticollis Post. to SCM: Cystic hygroma Sinus tracts- remnants of branchial clefts Thyroid- Enlargement Short neck- Noonan’s, Turner, Palpate all muscles
  • 241. Chest: Observation: chest symmetry, Tachypnea, grunting, sternal/intercostal retractions, pectus carinatum pectus excavatum, Breast Clavicles – fractures (bruising, crepitus, tenderness) MC Chest: ↑ AP diameter (barrel chest)-aspiration syndromes Lungs: Breath sounds- ↓ breath sounds or absence with Resp. distress and shift of mediastinum- pneumothorax, atelectasis Expiratory grunting, flaring-hyaline membrane Ds.
  • 242. Heart Check for HR, PMI, murmurs, cyanosis, Pallor, BP , pulses pulses: Hypoplastic left heart pulses are ↓at all sites. Aortic coarctation, pulses are ↓ in lower extremities Check for signs of CHF: Hepatomegaly, gallop. Tachypnea, Rales/wheezing, tachycardia Murmurs: infant pink, well perfused, no resp. distress with symmetric and palpable pulses (R. brachial pulse same as femoral)- transitional murmur. Soft, 1/6, LU midsternal border. If after 24 hours, murmur persist, with a difference of pulse of 15mmhg (arm>leg)  cardiologyst.
  • 243. Abdomen: Check for softness, distention, bowel sounds, masses, diastesis recti, hernia, and abnormal shape, size or position of kidneys or other organs. Umbilicus – 2 arteries, 1 vein, Omphalocele, gastrochisis. Umbilical hernia: Due to weakness of the umbilical ring musculature Scaphoid abdomen- Diaphragmatic hernia Excessive drooling- GI catheter : esophageal atresia. Abdominal masses: Wilm’s Tumor, neuroblastoma Liver- palpated 1-2 cms below costal margin. Spleen- Tip palpated at the costal margin Kidneys- (left more than the right) can be palpated. If not palpated, think about Agenesis or hipoplasia. Large kidney may be due to Tumor, obstruction, cystic disease. Meconium should pass up to 48 hours of life Patency of anus and presence of fistulas
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  • 245. Extremities/Skeletal: Check: fractures, absent fingers, congenital bands, clubfoot- (Talipes equinovarus) common in males, foot is turn downward and inward, sole is directed medially. Metatarsus Varus- Adduction of forefoot. Corrects spontaneously Palsies (brachial plexus injury) Palmar/Simian creases: Down Syndrome. Sometimes is a normal variant Polydactyly (x-ray- bony structures) Syndactyly (3 rd /4 th fingers and 2 nd /3 rd toes- surgery older age) Spine – Sacral dimples, hair tufts (spina bifida), scoliosis, meningocele, Kyphosis, Lordosis Hip dislocation: Barlow test (adduct the hip) Ortolani maneuver (abduct the hip) Affects more white females, affects more the left hip. 2 signs: shortening of leg, asymmetry of skin folds.
  • 246. Neurologic: Symmetry of movements, irritability, alertness, posture Muscle tone: Hypotonia- Floppiness, head lag Hypertonia- ↑ resistance when arms/legs are extended. Tight clenched fists. Reflexes: Moro, rooting, sucking, grasping, fencing, stepping, placing Glabellar reflex (blink reflex) Reflexes must be symmetrical. Biceps jerk test C 5-6. Knee jerk test L 2-4 Ankle jerk test S 1-2 Truncal innervation reflex test T2 trough S1 Anal wink test S4-5 Sensory abilities- Hearing, smell Movement - Check for spontaneous movements of limbs, trunk, face, neck Fine tremor is normal, Clonic movements are not normal, related to seizures.
  • 247. Posture: Term infants- Hips abducted and partially flexed and knees flexed Arms are abducted and flexed at the elbow. Fists are clenched with fingers covering the thumb Retina: developed at birth, with immobile lens. Poor visual acuity 20/400 Acuity improves fast over 6 months, with fixation/tracking well developed by 2 months. Cry: high pitch- CNS Ds (hemorrhage) Weak cry- Systemic Ds., Congenital Neuromuscular disorder S/S of neurologic disorders; Sx of ICP: Bulging Ant. Fontanelle, dilated scalp veins, setting-sun eyes, separated sutures Hypotonia/ Hypertonia/ Irritability/ Apathy Poor sucking and swallowing reflexes Shallow irregular respirations, Apnea Asymmetric or absent, depressed or exaggerated reflexes
  • 248. Neurologic: Symmetry of movements: Injury to nerves of Brachial plexus: excessive traction on neck Erb’s-Duchenne palsy : -Injury of Superior brachial plexus (C5-C6) -Cannot abduct the arm at the shoulder, externally rotate the arm, supinate the forearm - “Waiter tip” position - wrist flexed . -Absent Moro reflex on affected side Klumpke: Injury of inferior brachial plexus (C7/8-T1) Paralyzed hand: Wrist drop Phrenic Nerve palsy: Injury to C3, 4, 5  Diaphragmatic paralysis Respiratory distress
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  • 250. First Complete Examination
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  • 262. SKIN
  • 264. Skin: White Infants: Pink Color Black Infants: Reddish Color with scrotum, labia minora pigmented Newborn Infant: Vernix Caseosa: white-normal disappear in 12 hours Meconium-Fetal distress Green or yellow- Hemolitic disease Absence/Reduction- Post Maturity Term Infant Texture: Skin very smooth (like velvet) Premature Infant texture: Softer and Thinner, with wrinkles and scarcity of subcutaneous tissue. Post term Texture: Dry and Scaly
  • 265. Vernix Caseosa: Soft white greasy cream made of sebum and desquamated epithelial cells covering the skin, mainly the preterm. Protects the infant I.U during delivery, against bruising. Lanugo: Fine hair on shoulders, Ear, Back. Occur in prematures Disappear within 2-3 weeks. The head hair are soft being abundant in some cases Pallor: Generalized Pallor may indicate Anoxia (slow pulse) or severe anemia (rapid pulse). Can be secondary to anemia, birth asphyxia, shock, PDA, low Hb.
  • 267. LANUGO
  • 268. Cyanosis: Central- bluish skin, including tongue and lips: Caused by low oxygen saturation in blood. Associated with congenital heart or lung Ds. Peripheral- bluish skin with pink lips and tongue: associated with methemoglobinemia. Is when Hb oxidizes from ferrous to ferric form. TX: use methylene blue Is also common in newborns, mainly in prematures in hemolytic Ds. Urgent treatment. Think Hypoxemia Plethora: Associated with Polycythemia (rosy red color. Order Hb) Jaundice (yellowish color): Associated with elevated bilirubin > 5mg/dl
  • 269. TRANSIENT BENIGN VASCULAR PHENOMENA: Cutis Marmorata: Reticulated cyanosis or marbling of the skin involving the trunk and extremities. Response to temperature of the place (vasomotor instability) Acrocyanosis: Cyanosis in the extremity. If does not disappear within 12 hours or with warming, think cyanotic congenital heart disease. associated with hypoxia Harlequin color: Is a vasomotor instability, where lower half becomes bright red, and the upper half becomes pale. Can be benign, transient and last < 20 minutes or be a shunting of blood (pulmonary HTN or CoA).
  • 270. BENIGN PUSTULAR DERMATOSES: Erythema toxicum: Appears 2/3 day of age. Erythematous macular-papular and vesicular rash. Disappear in a week or two. Wright’s stain shows sheets of Eos Transient Neonatal Pustular melanosis: Vesico-pustules or ruptured vesico-pustules with a collarette of scales in trunk or extremities. Last 48-72 hours Milia: Pin-head size, yellow-white epidermal cysts found in chin, nose, forehead. Retention of sebum in the sebaceous glands. Stays 2 months. Miliaria: Obstructed Eccrine sweat glands . Pinpoint vesicles on forehead scalp and skinfolds. Clear within a week.
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  • 274. MILIA
  • 276. SCALING DERMATOSES: Contact dermatitis: Red, scaling rash involving the perineum, lower abdomen, buttocks, thighs. Secondary staphyloccocal Skin infection may occur. Candida: Bright red rash with sharp borders, satellites red papules and pustules, involvement of skin creases. Diagnosed clinically or by KOH slide. Seborrheic dermatitis: Salmon colored patches with greasy yellow scales beginning in intertriginous areas, diaper, axillary and scalp (cradle cap).