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 Termination of pregnancy, either spontaneously
or intentionally
 Pregnancy termination prior to 20 weeks’
gestation or less than 500-g birthweight [who
&national centre for health statistics&centre for
disease control and prevention]
 Definition vary according to state laws for
reporting abortions, fetal deaths, and neonatal
 Word abortion derives from latin word aborii – to
 Before 8 wks –the ovum surrounded by villi with
the decidual covering is expelled out
intact,sometimes entire mass is accomodated in
cervical canal ,ext os fails to dilate k/as cervical
 b/w 8-14wks-expulsion of fetus occurs leaving
behind the placenta and membranes.a part of it
may be partially separated with brisk hege or
remains totally attached to uterine wall.
 Beyond 14 wks- process is similar to that of a
minilabour –expelsion of fetus-f/by expelsion of
placenta and membranes.
 Abortion occurring without medical or mechanical means
to empty the uterus is referred to as spontaneous
 Another widely used term is miscarriage
 Pathology
 Hemorrhage into the decidua basinalis, followed by
necrosis of tissues adjacent to the bleeding
 If early, the ovum detaches, stimulating uterine
contractions that result in its Expulsion
 Gestational sac is opened , fluid surrounding a small
macerated fetus or alternatively no fetus is visible →
blighted ovum-is also called as silent miscarriage –it’s a
sonographic diagnosis,there is absenceof fetal pole in a
gestational sac with a diameter of 3cm or more ,uterus is
to be evacuated if diagnosis is made.
 Pathology
 In later abortion, the retained fetus may undergo
 The skull bones collapse, the abdomen distends with
 stained fluid, and the internal organs degenerate
 The skin softens and peels off in utero or at the slightest
 When amnionic fluid is absorbed, the fetus may become
compressed and desiccated → fetal compressus
 The fetus become so dry and compressed that it
resembles parchment - a fetus papyraceous
 1-genetic
 A-autosomal trisomy-is the commonest(50%)
most common trisomy is trisomy 16(30%)
 B-polyploidy
 C-monosomy
 Structural chromosome rearrangement
 2-endocrine and metabolic factors(10-15%)
 Luteal phase defect ,thyroid disorders,DM
 Anatomical-1-cong malformation of uterus(3-
 2-cervical incompetence
 3-fibroid and uterine synechia
 Etiology
 Etiology
 The exact mechanism responsible for abortion are not
 In the first 3 months of pregnancy
 Death of the embryo or fetus nearly always precedes
spontaneous expulsion of the ovum
 Finding of the cause of early abortion involves ascertaining
 the cause of fetal death
 In subsequent months
 The fetus frequently does not die before expulsion
 Other explanations for its expulsion should be sought
 Aneuploid abortion
 Approximately 50 to 60 percent of embryos and early
 that are spontaneously aborted contain
chromosomal abnor-malities accounting for most of
early pregnancy wastage
 Jacobs and Hassold (1980)
 95 percent of chromosomal abnormalities
 d/t maternal gametogenesis error
 5 percent → d/t paternal error
 Aneuploid abortion - Autosomal trisomy
 The most frequently identified chromosomal
anomaly associated with first-trimester abortions
 Most trisomies result from isolated
nondisjunction , balanced structural
chromosomal rearrangements are present in one
partner in 2 to 4 percent of couples with a history
of recurrent abortions
 Autosomes 13, 16, 18, 21, and 22 – most
 Monosomy X
 The second frequent chromosomal abnormality
 Usually results in abortion
 Much less frequently in liveborn female infant (Turner
 Triploidy
 Associated with hydropic placental (molar)
 Incomplete (partial) hydatidiform moles may contain
triploidy or trisomy for only chromosome 16
 Tetraploid abortuses
 Rarely are liveborn and most often are aborted early in gestation
 Chromosomal structural abnormalities
 Identified only since the development of banding techniques,
infrequently cause abortionEuploid abortion
 Abort later in gestational than aneuploid
 Three fourths of aneuploid abortions occurred before8 weeks
 Euploid abortions peak at about 13 weeks
 The incidence of euploid abortions increased dramatically after maternal
age exceeded 35 years
 Infections (responsible for 5% of abortions)
 Uncommon causes of abortion in human
 Acc to AICOG infections are an uncommon cause
of early abortions.
 Listeria monocytogenes
 Clamydia trachomatis
 Mycoplasma hominis
 Ureaplasma urealyticum
 Toxoplasma gondii
 Spirochetes hardly cause abortion before 20th wk
becoz of effective thickness of placenta
 Chronic debilitating diseases
 In early pregnancy, fetuses seldom abort secondary to chronic wasting disease such as tuberculosis or
 Celiac sprue
 Cause both male and female infertility and recurrent abortions
 Endocrine abnormalities
 Hypothyroidism
 Iodine deficiency associated with excessive miscarriages
 Thyroid autoantibodies → incidence of abortion↑
 Diabetes mellitus
 The rates of spontaneous abortion & major congenital malformations
 Poor glucose control → incidence of abortion↑
 Progesterone deficiency
 Luteal phase defect
 Insufficient progesterone secretion by the corpus luteum or placenta
 Poor glucose control → incidence of abortion↑
 Nutrition
 Dietary deficiency of any one nutrients → not important cause
 Drug use and environmental factor
 Tobacco
 ↑ Risk for euploid abortion
 More than 14 cigarettes a day → the risk twofold greater ↑
 Smoking increases risk due to formation of carboxy haemoglobin and
 Decreased oxygen transfer to fetuses
 Alcohol
 Spontaneous abortion & fetal anomalies → result from frequent alcohol
use during the first 8 weeks of pregnancy
 Drinking twice a week → abortion rates doubled ↑
 Drinking daily → abortion rates tripled ↑
 Caffeine
 At least 5 cups of coffee per day → slightly increased risk of abortion
 Drug use and environmental factor
 Radiation
 In sufficient doses → abortifacient,in therapeutic doses given to
treat malignancy radiation is certainly abortifacient.acc to brent
exposure to < 5 rads does not increase risk for miscarriage.
 Contraceptives
 When intrauterine devices fail to prevent pregnancy → abortion↑
 Environmental toxins
 Anesthetic gases : exact fetal risk of chronic maternal exposure
is unknown
 Arsenic, lead, formaldehyde, benzene, ethylene oxide →
 Video display terminal & accompanying electromagnetic fields
 short waves & ultrasound do not increase the risk of abortion
 Immunological factors – two primary pathophysiological models are autoimmune theory –immunity against
self,and alloimmune theory-immunity against another. Autoimmune factors are-
 Recurrent pregnancy loss patients : 15%
 Antiphospholipid antibody : most significant
 Apla are
 1-lupus anticoagulant 2-anticardiolipin antibodies 3-beta glycoporin antibodies
 Antiphospholipid antibodies are a family of autoantibodies that bind to negatively charged
phospholipids;phospholipids-binding proteins or combination of two they also are found in women without
lupus.instead of causing miscarriage,they more likely are found with fetal death after mid pregnancy.
 Women with both a history of early fetal loss and high antibody levels may have a 70% miscarriage recurrence
 LCA (lupus anticoagulant), ACA (anticardiolipin Ab)
 Reduce prostacyclin production
 → facilitating thromboxane dominant milieu → thrombosis
 Prostacyclin : produced by vascular endothelial cell
 → potent vasodilator & inhibit platelet aggregation
 Thromboxane A2 : produced by platelets
 → vasoconstrictor & platelet aggregator
 Strong association with
 Decidual vasculopathy , placental infarction, fetal growth restriction
 Early-onset preeclampsia, recurrent abortion, fetal death
 Mechanism of pregnancy loss in women with apla are
 1-inhibition of trophoblast function and differentiation
 2-activation of complement pathway
 3-Release of local inflammatory mediators
 4- thrombosis of uteroplacental vascular bed
 IMMUNE FACTORS-cytokines are immune molecules .its
response may be due to T helper 1orT helper2.
 Th1 response is-prodn of IL2,interferon,TNF,
 TH2 response is prodn of antiinflammatory cytokines
 Successful pregnancy is the result of predominantly TH2
Cytokine response,women with recurrent miscarriage have
more th1 response.
 Immunological factors – alloimmune factors
 Allogeneity
 Genetic dissimilarities between animals of the same species,normal
pregnancy requires formation of blocking factors that prevent maternal
rejection of foreign fetal antigens that are paternally derived.
 Human fetus is allogenic transplant tolerated by mother, a woman will
not produce these serum blocking factors if she has HLAs similar to her
 Several test for diagnosis of alloimmune factors
 Maternal & paternal HLA comparison
 Maternal serum test for blocking antibodies
 : blocking antibodies to paternal antigens
 : ig G origin
 Maternal serum test for antipaternal antibodies
 : cytotoxic antibodies to paternal leukocyte
 Inherited thrombophilia
 Many studies of aggregated thrombophilias
 These are genetically determined abnormal clotting factors that can cause pathological
thrombosis from an imbalance between clotting and anticoagulation pathway.
 The most widely studied include resistance to activated protein c caused by factor V Leiden
mutationor another decreased or absent antithrombin 3 activity,prothrombin gene
mutation,and mutation in gene for methylene tetra hydrofolate reductase that causes elevated
serum levels of homocysteine- hyperhomocysteinemia.
 → excessive recurrent abortions
 Laparotomy
 Surgery performed during early pregnancy,
 → no evidence of tncreased abortion,if performed prior to10 wks gestation ovary with
corpus luteum is removed then supplemental progesterone is indicated.
 If 8-10 wks-only one inj of i/m 17- hydroxyprogesterone caproate 150mg is required ,if 6-
8wks then two additional doses should be given one and
 Peritonitis increases the likelihood of abortion
 Physical trauma
 Major abdominal trauma → abortion↑
 Uterine defects – acquired uterine defects
 Uterine leiomyoma : usually do not cause abortion
 Placental implantation over or in contact with myoma
 → placental abruption, abortion, preterm labor ↑
 → location is more important than size
 Uterine synechiae (Asherman syndrome)
 Partial or complete obliteration of the uterine cavity by
adherence of uterine wall
 Cause : destruction of large areas of endometrium by
 → insufficient endometrium to support implantation &
 → recurrent abortion, amenorrhea, hypomenorrhea
 Uterine defects – acquired uterine defects
 Uterine synechiae-asherman syndrome –usually result
from destruction of large areasof endometrium by
 Diagnosis of uterine synechiae
 Hysterosalpingogram → characteristic multiple filling
 Hysteroscopy → most accurate & direct diagnosis
 Treatment of uterine synechiae
 Lysis of adhesions via hysteroscopy
 Prevention of adherence : IUD
 Promotion of endometrial proliferation
 : Continuous high-dose estrogen (60-90 days)
 1-Uterine defects – developmental uterine defects,Mostly
responsible for 2nd triamester abortion
 Consequence of abnormal mullerian duct formation or fusion
 Spontaneously
 Induced by in utero exposure to DES (diethylstilbestrol)
 Causes of fetal loss are
 1-reduced intrauterine vol
 2-reduced expansile property of ut
 3- reduced placental vascularity when implanted over the
 4-increased uterine irritability and contractility
 2- uterine fibroid-mainly submucus variety causes distortion or
partial obliteration of uterine cavity
 Fibroid causes decreased vascularity at implantation site,red
degeneration of fibroid & increased uterine irritability.
 Incompetent cervix
 Painless dilatation of cervix in the 2nd or early in the 3rd
 → prolapse & ballooning of membranes into vagina
 → rupture of membrane & expulsion of immature fetus
 Unless effectively treated, tends to repeat in each
 Diagnosis in nonpregnant women
 Hysterography
 Pull-through techniques of inflated Foley catheter balloons
 Acceptance without resistance at the internal os of
specifically sized cervical dilators
 The use of transvaginal ultrasound in pregnant women
 Cervical length - shortening
 Funneling
 Incompetent cervix – Treatment
 The operation is performed to surgically
 Reinforcement of weak cervix by some type of purse string
 ( Cerclage )
 Prophylactic surgery : generally performed between 12 &
 Should be delayed until after 14 weeks’ gestation
 → Early abortion due to other factors will be completed
 The more advanced the pregnancy, the more likely the risk that
surgical intervention stimulate preterm labor or membrane
 Usually do not perform after about 23 weeks
 Incompetent cervix – Preoperative evaluation
 Sonography
 : Confirm living fetus & exclude major fetal
 Cervical cytology
 Cultures for gonorrhea, chlamydia, group B
 Obvious cervical infections → treatment is given
 For at least a week before & after surgery →
sexual intercourse should be restricted
 Incompetent cervix – Cerclage procedures
 Types of operations commonly used
 McDonald
 Modified Shirodkar
 → 85~90% success rate
 Incompetent cervix – Complications
 High incidence when performed much after 20
 Membranes ruptures
 Chorioamnionitis
 Intrauterine infection
 Urgent removal of suture
 Operation fails
 Signs of imminent abortion or delivery
 Little is known in the genesis of spontaneous abortion
 Chromosomal translocations in sperm can lead to abortion
 Common causes of miscarriage
 First trimester-
 1-genetic factors
 2-endocrine disorders –LPD,diabetes,thyroid disorders
 3-immunological (autoimmune&alloimmune)
 4-infection
 5-unexplained
 Causes of 2nd triamester abortions
 1-anatomical abnormalities
 A-cervical incompetence cong/acquired
 B-mullerian fusion defects (bicornuate/septate)
 C-uterine synechia
 D-uterine fibroid
 2-maternal medical illness
 3- unexplained
 Definition
 Any bloody vaginal discharge or bleeding during 1st half of
 Bleeding is frequently slight, but may persist for days or weeks
 One physiological cause of bleeding occurs near the time of
expected menses-implantation bleeding
 Cervical lesions ,cervical polyp
 Frequency
 Extremely common (one out of four or five pregnant women)
 Prognosis
 Approximately ½ will abort
 Risk of preterm delivery, low birthweight, perinatal death↑
 Risk of malformed infant does not appear to be increased
 Treatment : slight bleeding persists for weeks
 Vaginal sonography
 Serial serum quantitative hCG
 Serum progesterone
 → can help ascertain if the fetus is alive & its location
 Vaginal sonography
 Gestational sac(+) & hCG < 1000mIU/ml
 → gestation is not likely to survive
 → If any doubt(+), check the serum hCG level at intervals of
 → if not increase more than 65%, almost always hopeless
 Serum progesterone value < 5 ng/ml
 → dead conceptus
 Complete abortion
 Following complete detachment & expulsion of
the conceptus
 The internal cervical os closes
 Incomplete abortion
 Expulsion of some but not all of the products of
conception during 1st half of pregnancy
 The internal cervical os remains open & allows
passage of blood
 The fetus & placenta may remain entirely in utero
or may partially extrude through the dilated os
 → Remove retained tissue without delay
 Retention of dead products of conception in utero for
several weeks
 Many women have no symptoms except persistent
 Uterus remain stationary in size, but mammary
changes usually
 regress → uterus become smaller
 Most terminates spontaneously
 Serious coagulation defect occasionally develop after
prolonged retention of fetus
 Definition : Three or more consecutive spontaneous
 Clinical investigation of recurrent miscarriage
 Parental cytogenetic analysis
 Lupus anticoagulant & anticardiolipin antibodies assays
 Postconceptional evaluation
 Serial monitoring of ß–hCG from missed mens period
 ß–hCG>1500mIU/ml → USG
 Maternal serum α-fetoprotein assessment (GA16-18wks)
 Amniocentesis → fetal karyotype
 Prognosis
 Depends on potential underlying etiology & number of
prior losses
 The medical or surgical termination of pregnancy
before the time of fetal viability
 Classfication
 1-therapeutic
 2-elective[voluntary]
 Therapeutic abortion
 Termination of pregnancy before of fetal viability
for the purpose
 of saving the life of the mother
 Indication
 Continuation of pregnancy may threaten the life of
women or seriously impair her health
 Persistent heart disease after cardiac decompensation
 Advanced hypertensive vascular disease
 Invasive carcinoma of the cervix
 Pregnancy resulted from rape or incest
 Continuation of pregnancy is likely to result in the
birth of child with severe physical deformities or
mental retardation
 Elective (voluntary) abortion
 Interruption of pregnancy before viability at the
request of the women, but not for reasons of
impaired maternal health or
 fetal disease
 Counseling before elective abortion
 Continued pregnancy with its risks & parental
 Continued pregnancy with its risks & its
responsibilities of arranged adoption
 The choice of abortion with its risks
 Dilatation and curettage
 Performed first by dilating the cervix & evacuating the
product of conception
 Mechanically scraping out of the contents (sharp
 Vacuum aspiration (suction curettage)
 Both
 Before 14-15 weeks, D&C or vacuum aspiration should be
 After 16 weeks, dilatation & evacuation (D&E) is performed
 Wide cervical dilatation
 Mechanical destruction & evacuation of fetal parts
 Dilatation and curettage
 Hygroscopic dilators
 : swell slowly & dilate cervix → cervical trauma can be minimized
 Laminaria tents
 : stem of brown seaweed ( Laminaria digitata or japonica)
 → drawing water from proteoglycan complexes of cervix
 → dissociation allow the cervix to soften & dilate
 Insertion technique : tip rests just at the level of internal os
 Usually after 4-6hours, laminaria dilate the cervix sufficiently to allow
easier mechanical dilation & curettage
 May cause cramping pain
 → easily managed with 60 mg codeine every 3-4 hours
 Synthetic hygroscopic dilators such as lamicel and dilapan-s are also
 Prostaglandins-400mcg misoprost kept in vagina 4hrs before
termination causes more dilatation and less pain of insertion compare to
laminaria tent.
 Complications : uterine perforation
 2 important determinants
 Skill of the physician
 Position of the uterus (retroverted)
 Small defects by uterine sound or narrow dilator
 → often heal without complication
 Suction & sharp curettage
 → Considerable intra-abdominal damage risk↑
 → Laparotomy to examine abdominal content (safest
 Other complications – cervical incompetence or
uterine synechiae
 Menstrual aspiration
 Aspiration of endometrial cavity using a flexible cannula and
syringe within 1-3 weeks after failure to menstruate
 Several points at early stage of gestation
 Woman not being pregnant
 Implanted zygote may be missed by the curette
 Failure to recognize an ectopic pregnancy
 Infrequently, a uterus can be perforated
 Manual vaccum aspiration-
 Office based procedure used for termination upto 12 wks,uses a
60ml syringe n canula .a vaccum is created in the syringe and
attached to canula which is inserted transcervically
 Oxytocin
 Successful induction of 2nd trimester abortion is
possible with high doses of oxytocin
administered in small volumes of IV fluids
 Satisfactory alternatives to PG E2 for
midtrimester abortion
 Laminaria tents inserted the night before
 Chance of successful induction is greatly
 Oxytocin
 Successful induction of 2nd trimester abortion is
possible with high doses of oxytocin
administered in small volumes of IV fluids
 Satisfactory alternatives to PG E2 for
midtrimester abortion
 Laminaria tents inserted the night before
 Chance of successful induction is greatly
 Prostaglandins
 Used extensively to terminate pregnancies, especially in the 2nd
 PG E1, E2, F2α
 Technique
 : Can act effectively on the cervix & uterus (86~95%
 Vaginal prostaglandin E2 suppository & prostaglandin E1
 As a gel through a catheter into the cervical canal & lowermost
 Injection into the amnionic sac by amniocentesis
 Parenteral injection
 Oral ingestion
 Intra-amnionic hyperosmotic solutions
 20-25% saline or 30-40% urea injected into amnionic sac
 → stimulate uterine contraction & cervical dilatation
 Action mechanism : prostaglandin mediated ?
 Complications of hypertonic saline
 Death
 Hyperosmolar crisis (early into maternal circulation)
 Cardiac failure
 Septic shock
 Peritonitis
 Hemorrhage
 Water intoxication
 Hyperosmotic urea : less likely to be toxic
 Antiprogesterone RU 486
 Oral agent used alone in combination with oral PG to effect
abortions in early gestation
 High receptor affinity for progesterone binding site
 → Block progesterone action
 Abortion rate
 Single 600mg dose prior 6 weeks → 85%
 Addition of oral, vaginal or injected PG → over 95%
 If given within 72 hours
 Also highly effective as emergency postcoital contraception
 Progressively less effective after 72 hours
 Side effects
 Nausea, vomiting, & gastrointestinal cramping
 Major risk → hemorrhage is a risk if abortion is incomplete
 Septic abortion
 Most often associated with criminal abortion
 Metritis is usual outcome, but parametritis,
peritonitis, endocarditis, and septicemia may all
 Management
 Prompt evacuation of products of conception
 Broad-spectrum IV antimicrobials
 Any abortion associated with clinical
evidences ofinfection of the uterus and its
contents is called septic abortion.
 Criterias are
 1-temp of atleast 100.4degree faranhite for
24hrs or more
 2-offensive or purulent vaginal discharge
 3-other evidences of infection such as lower
abdominal pain and tenderness
 10% abortions are septic either due to
incomplete or due to illegal
 Due to endogenous microorganisms present
in vagina these are
 Anaerobic-bacteroides,anaerobic
strepto,c.welchi and tetani.
 Aerobic-
hemolytic streptococcus(usually
exogenous),methcillin resistant
 History of unsafe termination by an unauthorized person
mostly concealed
 Women looks sick and anxious
 Temp> 38 c
 Chills &rigors
 Persistent tachycardia >90bpm
 Hypothermia (endotoxic shock)<36c
 Abdominal or chest pain
 Tachypnea RR >20/min.
 Impaired mental state
 Diarrhea and or vomitting
 Renal angle tenderness
 Pelvic examinations- offensive,purulent vaginal
discharge,uterine tenderness,boggy feel in the POD(PELVIC
 Grade 1-infection is localised to uterus
 Grade2-beyond the uterus to parametrium ,tubes,ovaries or pelvic
 Grade 3-generalised peritonitis ,endotoxic shock ,or jaundice,or renal
 1-hvs
 2-culture in aerobic and anaerobic media
 3- sensitivity towards antibiotics
 4-smer for gram+ or gram_
 5-cbc ,haemogram,ABO cross match
 6-usg for rpocs any foreign body or pelvic abscess
 Blood culture,serum lectrolytes,CRP,coagulation profileserum lactate
greater than or equal to 4mmol/l indicates tissue hypoperfusion.
 Plain xray abdomen to rule out any bowel injury xray chest for cases
with pulmonary complications.
 Haemorrhage
 Injury may occur to uterus or adjacent bowel
 Spread of infection may lead to
 1-generalised peritonitis
 2-endotoxic shock
 3-acute renal failure ATN –common with
 4-lungs-atelactass,ARDS,thrombophlebitis
 Mainly occurs with grade 3.
 Remote complications are 1-chr debility,2-chr
pelvic pain and backache ,3-dyspareunia,4-
ectopic pregnancy,5-sec infertility due to tual
 Hospitalization
 To take hvs
 Vaginal examination
 Assessment of case
 Inv protocols
 Principles of m/m are
 To control sepsis
 To remove the source of infection
 To give supportive therapy to bring back normal
homeostatic and cellular metabolism
 To assess the response of treatment
 Grade 1-
 Antibiotics
 Prophylactic anti gasgangrene serum of
8000units anti tetanus serum of 3000 units
i/m are givenif there is a history of
 Analgesics and sedatives
 Evacuation should be performed within 24
hrs of antibiotic therapy
 Blood transfusion to improve anemia and
body resistance
 Grade 2-broad spectrum antibiotics
 Analgesic,AGS,ATS,blood transfusion
 Clinical monitoring CVP to be > 8mhg
 Surgery- evacuation of uterus
 Posterior colpotomy
 Grade 3as grade 2except surgery
 Active surgery-injury to ut,bowel injury,presence
of foreign body in abdomen,unresponsive
peritonitis,septic shock or oliguria not
responding to conservative m/m,uterus too big
to be safely evacuated per vaginum.
 Features of organ dysfunctio1-persistent hypotension
 2-oliguria
 Serum creat>44.2micromol/l
 Coagulation abnormalities (inr >1.5)
 Thrombocytopenia
 Hyperbilirubinemia
 Pao2<40kpa
 Serum lactate >4mmol/l
 Indications for ICUm/m
 Persistent hypotention,persistently raised serum
 pulmonary edema,mechanical ventilation
 Renal dialysis
 Impaired cosciousness
 Multiorgan failure,hypothermia,acidosis
 Following provisions are laid down
 Continuation of pregnancy would involve serious
risk of life or grave injury to the physical and
mental health of pregnant women
 There is a substantial risk of child being born
with serious physical and mental abnormalities
so as to be handicapped in life
 When pregnancy is caused by rape both in cases
of major and minor girl and in mentally
imbalanced women
 Pregnancy caused as a result of failure of
 Indications for terminations under MTP act
 To save life of mother (therapeutic or medical indications)
 1-cardiac ds grade 3 and grade4 with h/o decompensation in prev pregnancy 0r in between
 Chr glomerulonephritis
 Malignant hypertension
 Intractable hyperemesis
 Cervical or breast malignancy
 DM with retinopathy
 Epilepsy or psychiatric illness with advice of a psychiatrist
 Social indicationa-this is almost sole indication and is covered under the provision to prevent
grave injury to the physical and mental health of the pregnant women
 In80% cases it is limited to parous womenhaving unplanned pregnancy with low socioeconomic
 Pregnancy caused by rape or unwanted pregnancy caused due to failure of any contraceptive
 Eugenic-this is under the provision of sustantial risk of child being born with serous physical
and mental abnormalities so as to be handicapped in life the indication is rare
 1- structural anencephaly,chromosomal downs syndromeor genetic hemophilia
 2-fetus is likely to be deformed due to action of teratogenic drugs warfarin or radiation
exposure >10 rad in early preg.
 Rubella infection is an indication for termination
 Recommendations
 In revised rules rmp is qualified to perform an mtp provided
 1-one has assisted atleast 25 mtp in an authorised centre and
having a certificate
 2-one has got 6 months house surgeon training in ob gy
 3-one has got diploma or degree in ob gy.
 Termination can only be performed in hospitals,established or
maintained by govt or places approved by gov.
 Pregnancy can only be terminated on the written consent of the
women. Husband s consent is not required.
 Pregnancy in a minor girl or lunatic cannot be terminated without
written consent of parents or legal guardian.
 Termination is permitted up to 20 wks of pregnancy.when preg
exceeds 12 wks opinion of two medical practitioners is required.
 The abortion has to be performed confidentially and o be
reported to director of health services in prescribed form.

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Seminar savita

  • 1.
  • 2.  Termination of pregnancy, either spontaneously or intentionally  Pregnancy termination prior to 20 weeks’ gestation or less than 500-g birthweight [who &national centre for health statistics&centre for disease control and prevention]  Definition vary according to state laws for reporting abortions, fetal deaths, and neonatal deaths  Word abortion derives from latin word aborii – to miscarry
  • 4.  Before 8 wks –the ovum surrounded by villi with the decidual covering is expelled out intact,sometimes entire mass is accomodated in cervical canal ,ext os fails to dilate k/as cervical miscarriage.  b/w 8-14wks-expulsion of fetus occurs leaving behind the placenta and membranes.a part of it may be partially separated with brisk hege or remains totally attached to uterine wall.  Beyond 14 wks- process is similar to that of a minilabour –expelsion of fetus-f/by expelsion of placenta and membranes.
  • 5.  Abortion occurring without medical or mechanical means to empty the uterus is referred to as spontaneous  Another widely used term is miscarriage  Pathology  Hemorrhage into the decidua basinalis, followed by necrosis of tissues adjacent to the bleeding  If early, the ovum detaches, stimulating uterine contractions that result in its Expulsion  Gestational sac is opened , fluid surrounding a small macerated fetus or alternatively no fetus is visible → blighted ovum-is also called as silent miscarriage –it’s a sonographic diagnosis,there is absenceof fetal pole in a gestational sac with a diameter of 3cm or more ,uterus is to be evacuated if diagnosis is made.
  • 6.  Pathology  In later abortion, the retained fetus may undergo maceration  The skull bones collapse, the abdomen distends with blood-  stained fluid, and the internal organs degenerate  The skin softens and peels off in utero or at the slightest tough   When amnionic fluid is absorbed, the fetus may become compressed and desiccated → fetal compressus  The fetus become so dry and compressed that it resembles parchment - a fetus papyraceous
  • 7.  1-genetic  A-autosomal trisomy-is the commonest(50%) most common trisomy is trisomy 16(30%)  B-polyploidy  C-monosomy  Structural chromosome rearrangement  2-endocrine and metabolic factors(10-15%)  Luteal phase defect ,thyroid disorders,DM  Anatomical-1-cong malformation of uterus(3- 38%)  2-cervical incompetence  3-fibroid and uterine synechia
  • 9.
  • 10.  Etiology  The exact mechanism responsible for abortion are not apparent  In the first 3 months of pregnancy  Death of the embryo or fetus nearly always precedes spontaneous expulsion of the ovum  Finding of the cause of early abortion involves ascertaining  the cause of fetal death  In subsequent months  The fetus frequently does not die before expulsion  Other explanations for its expulsion should be sought
  • 11.  Aneuploid abortion  Approximately 50 to 60 percent of embryos and early fetuses  that are spontaneously aborted contain chromosomal abnor-malities accounting for most of early pregnancy wastage  Jacobs and Hassold (1980)  95 percent of chromosomal abnormalities  d/t maternal gametogenesis error  5 percent → d/t paternal error
  • 12.
  • 13.  Aneuploid abortion - Autosomal trisomy  The most frequently identified chromosomal anomaly associated with first-trimester abortions  Most trisomies result from isolated nondisjunction , balanced structural chromosomal rearrangements are present in one partner in 2 to 4 percent of couples with a history of recurrent abortions  Autosomes 13, 16, 18, 21, and 22 – most commom
  • 14.  Monosomy X  The second frequent chromosomal abnormality  Usually results in abortion  Much less frequently in liveborn female infant (Turner syndrome)  Triploidy  Associated with hydropic placental (molar) degeneration  Incomplete (partial) hydatidiform moles may contain triploidy or trisomy for only chromosome 16
  • 15.  Tetraploid abortuses  Rarely are liveborn and most often are aborted early in gestation  Chromosomal structural abnormalities  Identified only since the development of banding techniques, infrequently cause abortionEuploid abortion  Abort later in gestational than aneuploid  Three fourths of aneuploid abortions occurred before8 weeks  Euploid abortions peak at about 13 weeks  The incidence of euploid abortions increased dramatically after maternal age exceeded 35 years
  • 16.  Infections (responsible for 5% of abortions)  Uncommon causes of abortion in human  Acc to AICOG infections are an uncommon cause of early abortions.  Listeria monocytogenes  Clamydia trachomatis  Mycoplasma hominis  Ureaplasma urealyticum  Toxoplasma gondii  Spirochetes hardly cause abortion before 20th wk becoz of effective thickness of placenta
  • 17.  Chronic debilitating diseases  In early pregnancy, fetuses seldom abort secondary to chronic wasting disease such as tuberculosis or carcinomatosis  Celiac sprue  Cause both male and female infertility and recurrent abortions  Endocrine abnormalities  Hypothyroidism  Iodine deficiency associated with excessive miscarriages  Thyroid autoantibodies → incidence of abortion↑  Diabetes mellitus  The rates of spontaneous abortion & major congenital malformations  Poor glucose control → incidence of abortion↑  Progesterone deficiency  Luteal phase defect  Insufficient progesterone secretion by the corpus luteum or placenta  Poor glucose control → incidence of abortion↑
  • 18.  Nutrition  Dietary deficiency of any one nutrients → not important cause  Drug use and environmental factor  Tobacco  ↑ Risk for euploid abortion  More than 14 cigarettes a day → the risk twofold greater ↑  Smoking increases risk due to formation of carboxy haemoglobin and  Decreased oxygen transfer to fetuses  Alcohol  Spontaneous abortion & fetal anomalies → result from frequent alcohol use during the first 8 weeks of pregnancy  Drinking twice a week → abortion rates doubled ↑  Drinking daily → abortion rates tripled ↑  Caffeine  At least 5 cups of coffee per day → slightly increased risk of abortion
  • 19.  Drug use and environmental factor  Radiation  In sufficient doses → abortifacient,in therapeutic doses given to treat malignancy radiation is certainly abortifacient.acc to brent exposure to < 5 rads does not increase risk for miscarriage.  Contraceptives  When intrauterine devices fail to prevent pregnancy → abortion↑  Environmental toxins  Anesthetic gases : exact fetal risk of chronic maternal exposure is unknown  Arsenic, lead, formaldehyde, benzene, ethylene oxide → abortifacient  Video display terminal & accompanying electromagnetic fields  short waves & ultrasound do not increase the risk of abortion
  • 20.  Immunological factors – two primary pathophysiological models are autoimmune theory –immunity against self,and alloimmune theory-immunity against another. Autoimmune factors are-  Recurrent pregnancy loss patients : 15%  Antiphospholipid antibody : most significant  Apla are  1-lupus anticoagulant 2-anticardiolipin antibodies 3-beta glycoporin antibodies  Antiphospholipid antibodies are a family of autoantibodies that bind to negatively charged phospholipids;phospholipids-binding proteins or combination of two they also are found in women without lupus.instead of causing miscarriage,they more likely are found with fetal death after mid pregnancy.  Women with both a history of early fetal loss and high antibody levels may have a 70% miscarriage recurrence rate.  LCA (lupus anticoagulant), ACA (anticardiolipin Ab)  Reduce prostacyclin production  → facilitating thromboxane dominant milieu → thrombosis  Prostacyclin : produced by vascular endothelial cell  → potent vasodilator & inhibit platelet aggregation  Thromboxane A2 : produced by platelets  → vasoconstrictor & platelet aggregator  Strong association with  Decidual vasculopathy , placental infarction, fetal growth restriction  Early-onset preeclampsia, recurrent abortion, fetal death
  • 21.  Mechanism of pregnancy loss in women with apla are  1-inhibition of trophoblast function and differentiation  2-activation of complement pathway  3-Release of local inflammatory mediators (cytokines,interlukins)  4- thrombosis of uteroplacental vascular bed  IMMUNE FACTORS-cytokines are immune molecules .its response may be due to T helper 1orT helper2.  Th1 response is-prodn of IL2,interferon,TNF,  TH2 response is prodn of antiinflammatory cytokines IL4,6,10  Successful pregnancy is the result of predominantly TH2 Cytokine response,women with recurrent miscarriage have more th1 response.
  • 22.
  • 23.  Immunological factors – alloimmune factors  Allogeneity  Genetic dissimilarities between animals of the same species,normal pregnancy requires formation of blocking factors that prevent maternal rejection of foreign fetal antigens that are paternally derived.  Human fetus is allogenic transplant tolerated by mother, a woman will not produce these serum blocking factors if she has HLAs similar to her husband.  Several test for diagnosis of alloimmune factors  Maternal & paternal HLA comparison  Maternal serum test for blocking antibodies  : blocking antibodies to paternal antigens  : ig G origin  Maternal serum test for antipaternal antibodies  : cytotoxic antibodies to paternal leukocyte
  • 24.  Inherited thrombophilia  Many studies of aggregated thrombophilias  These are genetically determined abnormal clotting factors that can cause pathological thrombosis from an imbalance between clotting and anticoagulation pathway.  The most widely studied include resistance to activated protein c caused by factor V Leiden mutationor another decreased or absent antithrombin 3 activity,prothrombin gene mutation,and mutation in gene for methylene tetra hydrofolate reductase that causes elevated serum levels of homocysteine- hyperhomocysteinemia.  → excessive recurrent abortions  Laparotomy  Surgery performed during early pregnancy,  → no evidence of tncreased abortion,if performed prior to10 wks gestation ovary with corpus luteum is removed then supplemental progesterone is indicated.  If 8-10 wks-only one inj of i/m 17- hydroxyprogesterone caproate 150mg is required ,if 6- 8wks then two additional doses should be given one and  Peritonitis increases the likelihood of abortion  Physical trauma  Major abdominal trauma → abortion↑
  • 25.  Uterine defects – acquired uterine defects  Uterine leiomyoma : usually do not cause abortion  Placental implantation over or in contact with myoma  → placental abruption, abortion, preterm labor ↑  → location is more important than size  Uterine synechiae (Asherman syndrome)  Partial or complete obliteration of the uterine cavity by adherence of uterine wall  Cause : destruction of large areas of endometrium by curettage  → insufficient endometrium to support implantation & menstruation  → recurrent abortion, amenorrhea, hypomenorrhea
  • 26.  Uterine defects – acquired uterine defects  Uterine synechiae-asherman syndrome –usually result from destruction of large areasof endometrium by curettage.  Diagnosis of uterine synechiae  Hysterosalpingogram → characteristic multiple filling defects  Hysteroscopy → most accurate & direct diagnosis  Treatment of uterine synechiae  Lysis of adhesions via hysteroscopy  Prevention of adherence : IUD  Promotion of endometrial proliferation  : Continuous high-dose estrogen (60-90 days)
  • 27.  1-Uterine defects – developmental uterine defects,Mostly responsible for 2nd triamester abortion  Consequence of abnormal mullerian duct formation or fusion  Spontaneously  Induced by in utero exposure to DES (diethylstilbestrol)  Causes of fetal loss are  1-reduced intrauterine vol  2-reduced expansile property of ut  3- reduced placental vascularity when implanted over the septum  4-increased uterine irritability and contractility  2- uterine fibroid-mainly submucus variety causes distortion or partial obliteration of uterine cavity  Fibroid causes decreased vascularity at implantation site,red degeneration of fibroid & increased uterine irritability.
  • 28.  Incompetent cervix  Painless dilatation of cervix in the 2nd or early in the 3rd trimester  → prolapse & ballooning of membranes into vagina  → rupture of membrane & expulsion of immature fetus  Unless effectively treated, tends to repeat in each pregnancy  Diagnosis in nonpregnant women  Hysterography  Pull-through techniques of inflated Foley catheter balloons  Acceptance without resistance at the internal os of specifically sized cervical dilators  The use of transvaginal ultrasound in pregnant women  Cervical length - shortening  Funneling
  • 29.
  • 30.  Incompetent cervix – Treatment  The operation is performed to surgically  Reinforcement of weak cervix by some type of purse string suture  ( Cerclage )  Prophylactic surgery : generally performed between 12 & 16weeks  Should be delayed until after 14 weeks’ gestation  → Early abortion due to other factors will be completed  The more advanced the pregnancy, the more likely the risk that surgical intervention stimulate preterm labor or membrane rupture  Usually do not perform after about 23 weeks
  • 31.  Incompetent cervix – Preoperative evaluation  Sonography  : Confirm living fetus & exclude major fetal anomalies  Cervical cytology  Cultures for gonorrhea, chlamydia, group B streptococci  Obvious cervical infections → treatment is given  For at least a week before & after surgery → sexual intercourse should be restricted
  • 32.  Incompetent cervix – Cerclage procedures  Types of operations commonly used  McDonald  Modified Shirodkar  → 85~90% success rate
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36.  Incompetent cervix – Complications  High incidence when performed much after 20 weeks  Membranes ruptures  Chorioamnionitis  Intrauterine infection  Urgent removal of suture  Operation fails  Signs of imminent abortion or delivery
  • 37.  Little is known in the genesis of spontaneous abortion  Chromosomal translocations in sperm can lead to abortion  Common causes of miscarriage  First trimester-  1-genetic factors  2-endocrine disorders –LPD,diabetes,thyroid disorders  3-immunological (autoimmune&alloimmune)  4-infection  5-unexplained  Causes of 2nd triamester abortions  1-anatomical abnormalities  A-cervical incompetence cong/acquired  B-mullerian fusion defects (bicornuate/septate)  C-uterine synechia  D-uterine fibroid  2-maternal medical illness  3- unexplained
  • 38.
  • 39.  Definition  Any bloody vaginal discharge or bleeding during 1st half of pregnancy  Bleeding is frequently slight, but may persist for days or weeks  One physiological cause of bleeding occurs near the time of expected menses-implantation bleeding  Cervical lesions ,cervical polyp  Frequency  Extremely common (one out of four or five pregnant women)  Prognosis  Approximately ½ will abort  Risk of preterm delivery, low birthweight, perinatal death↑  Risk of malformed infant does not appear to be increased
  • 40.
  • 41.  Treatment : slight bleeding persists for weeks  Vaginal sonography  Serial serum quantitative hCG  Serum progesterone  → can help ascertain if the fetus is alive & its location  Vaginal sonography  Gestational sac(+) & hCG < 1000mIU/ml  → gestation is not likely to survive  → If any doubt(+), check the serum hCG level at intervals of 48hrs  → if not increase more than 65%, almost always hopeless  Serum progesterone value < 5 ng/ml  → dead conceptus 
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 44.  Complete abortion  Following complete detachment & expulsion of the conceptus  The internal cervical os closes  Incomplete abortion  Expulsion of some but not all of the products of conception during 1st half of pregnancy  The internal cervical os remains open & allows passage of blood  The fetus & placenta may remain entirely in utero or may partially extrude through the dilated os  → Remove retained tissue without delay
  • 45.  Retention of dead products of conception in utero for several weeks  Many women have no symptoms except persistent amenorrhea  Uterus remain stationary in size, but mammary changes usually  regress → uterus become smaller  Most terminates spontaneously  Serious coagulation defect occasionally develop after prolonged retention of fetus
  • 46.  Definition : Three or more consecutive spontaneous abortions  Clinical investigation of recurrent miscarriage  Parental cytogenetic analysis  Lupus anticoagulant & anticardiolipin antibodies assays  Postconceptional evaluation  Serial monitoring of ß–hCG from missed mens period  ß–hCG>1500mIU/ml → USG  Maternal serum α-fetoprotein assessment (GA16-18wks)  Amniocentesis → fetal karyotype  Prognosis  Depends on potential underlying etiology & number of prior losses
  • 47.  The medical or surgical termination of pregnancy before the time of fetal viability  Classfication  1-therapeutic  2-elective[voluntary]  Therapeutic abortion  Termination of pregnancy before of fetal viability for the purpose  of saving the life of the mother
  • 48.  Indication  Continuation of pregnancy may threaten the life of women or seriously impair her health  Persistent heart disease after cardiac decompensation  Advanced hypertensive vascular disease  Invasive carcinoma of the cervix  Pregnancy resulted from rape or incest  Continuation of pregnancy is likely to result in the birth of child with severe physical deformities or mental retardation
  • 49.  Elective (voluntary) abortion  Interruption of pregnancy before viability at the request of the women, but not for reasons of impaired maternal health or  fetal disease  Counseling before elective abortion  Continued pregnancy with its risks & parental responsibilities  Continued pregnancy with its risks & its responsibilities of arranged adoption  The choice of abortion with its risks
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 52.  Dilatation and curettage  Performed first by dilating the cervix & evacuating the product of conception  Mechanically scraping out of the contents (sharp curettage)  Vacuum aspiration (suction curettage)  Both  Before 14-15 weeks, D&C or vacuum aspiration should be performed  After 16 weeks, dilatation & evacuation (D&E) is performed  Wide cervical dilatation  Mechanical destruction & evacuation of fetal parts
  • 53.  Dilatation and curettage  Hygroscopic dilators  : swell slowly & dilate cervix → cervical trauma can be minimized  Laminaria tents  : stem of brown seaweed ( Laminaria digitata or japonica)  → drawing water from proteoglycan complexes of cervix  → dissociation allow the cervix to soften & dilate  Insertion technique : tip rests just at the level of internal os  Usually after 4-6hours, laminaria dilate the cervix sufficiently to allow easier mechanical dilation & curettage  May cause cramping pain  → easily managed with 60 mg codeine every 3-4 hours  Synthetic hygroscopic dilators such as lamicel and dilapan-s are also available  Prostaglandins-400mcg misoprost kept in vagina 4hrs before termination causes more dilatation and less pain of insertion compare to laminaria tent.
  • 54.
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  • 56.  Complications : uterine perforation  2 important determinants  Skill of the physician  Position of the uterus (retroverted)  Small defects by uterine sound or narrow dilator  → often heal without complication  Suction & sharp curettage  → Considerable intra-abdominal damage risk↑  → Laparotomy to examine abdominal content (safest action)  Other complications – cervical incompetence or uterine synechiae
  • 57.  Menstrual aspiration  Aspiration of endometrial cavity using a flexible cannula and syringe within 1-3 weeks after failure to menstruate  Several points at early stage of gestation  Woman not being pregnant  Implanted zygote may be missed by the curette  Failure to recognize an ectopic pregnancy  Infrequently, a uterus can be perforated  Manual vaccum aspiration-  Office based procedure used for termination upto 12 wks,uses a 60ml syringe n canula .a vaccum is created in the syringe and attached to canula which is inserted transcervically
  • 58.
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  • 62.  Oxytocin  Successful induction of 2nd trimester abortion is possible with high doses of oxytocin administered in small volumes of IV fluids  Satisfactory alternatives to PG E2 for midtrimester abortion  Laminaria tents inserted the night before  Chance of successful induction is greatly enhanced
  • 63.  Oxytocin  Successful induction of 2nd trimester abortion is possible with high doses of oxytocin administered in small volumes of IV fluids  Satisfactory alternatives to PG E2 for midtrimester abortion  Laminaria tents inserted the night before  Chance of successful induction is greatly enhanced
  • 64.  Prostaglandins  Used extensively to terminate pregnancies, especially in the 2nd T  PG E1, E2, F2α  Technique  : Can act effectively on the cervix & uterus (86~95% effectiveness)  Vaginal prostaglandin E2 suppository & prostaglandin E1 (misoprostol)  As a gel through a catheter into the cervical canal & lowermost uterus  Injection into the amnionic sac by amniocentesis  Parenteral injection  Oral ingestion
  • 65.  Intra-amnionic hyperosmotic solutions  20-25% saline or 30-40% urea injected into amnionic sac  → stimulate uterine contraction & cervical dilatation  Action mechanism : prostaglandin mediated ?  Complications of hypertonic saline  Death  Hyperosmolar crisis (early into maternal circulation)  Cardiac failure  Septic shock  Peritonitis  Hemorrhage  DIC  Water intoxication  Hyperosmotic urea : less likely to be toxic
  • 66.  Antiprogesterone RU 486  Oral agent used alone in combination with oral PG to effect abortions in early gestation  High receptor affinity for progesterone binding site  → Block progesterone action  Abortion rate  Single 600mg dose prior 6 weeks → 85%  Addition of oral, vaginal or injected PG → over 95%  If given within 72 hours  Also highly effective as emergency postcoital contraception  Progressively less effective after 72 hours  Side effects  Nausea, vomiting, & gastrointestinal cramping  Major risk → hemorrhage is a risk if abortion is incomplete
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  • 71.  Septic abortion  Most often associated with criminal abortion  Metritis is usual outcome, but parametritis, peritonitis, endocarditis, and septicemia may all occur  Management  Prompt evacuation of products of conception  Broad-spectrum IV antimicrobials
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  • 73.  Any abortion associated with clinical evidences ofinfection of the uterus and its contents is called septic abortion.  Criterias are  1-temp of atleast 100.4degree faranhite for 24hrs or more  2-offensive or purulent vaginal discharge  3-other evidences of infection such as lower abdominal pain and tenderness  10% abortions are septic either due to incomplete or due to illegal
  • 74.  Due to endogenous microorganisms present in vagina these are  Anaerobic-bacteroides,anaerobic strepto,c.welchi and tetani.  Aerobic- ecoli,klebsialla.pseudomonas,staph,beta hemolytic streptococcus(usually exogenous),methcillin resistant staphylococcus.
  • 75.  History of unsafe termination by an unauthorized person mostly concealed  Women looks sick and anxious  Temp> 38 c  Chills &rigors  Persistent tachycardia >90bpm  Hypothermia (endotoxic shock)<36c  Abdominal or chest pain  Tachypnea RR >20/min.  Impaired mental state  Diarrhea and or vomitting  Renal angle tenderness  Pelvic examinations- offensive,purulent vaginal discharge,uterine tenderness,boggy feel in the POD(PELVIC ABSCESS)
  • 76.  Grade 1-infection is localised to uterus  Grade2-beyond the uterus to parametrium ,tubes,ovaries or pelvic peritonium  Grade 3-generalised peritonitis ,endotoxic shock ,or jaundice,or renal failure  INVESTIGATIONS-1-  1-hvs  2-culture in aerobic and anaerobic media  3- sensitivity towards antibiotics  4-smer for gram+ or gram_  5-cbc ,haemogram,ABO cross match  6-usg for rpocs any foreign body or pelvic abscess  Blood culture,serum lectrolytes,CRP,coagulation profileserum lactate greater than or equal to 4mmol/l indicates tissue hypoperfusion.  Plain xray abdomen to rule out any bowel injury xray chest for cases with pulmonary complications.
  • 77.  Haemorrhage  Injury may occur to uterus or adjacent bowel  Spread of infection may lead to  1-generalised peritonitis  2-endotoxic shock  3-acute renal failure ATN –common with c.welchii  4-lungs-atelactass,ARDS,thrombophlebitis  Mainly occurs with grade 3.  Remote complications are 1-chr debility,2-chr pelvic pain and backache ,3-dyspareunia,4- ectopic pregnancy,5-sec infertility due to tual blockage
  • 78.  Hospitalization  To take hvs  Vaginal examination  Assessment of case  Inv protocols  Principles of m/m are  To control sepsis  To remove the source of infection  To give supportive therapy to bring back normal homeostatic and cellular metabolism  To assess the response of treatment
  • 79.  Grade 1-  Antibiotics  Prophylactic anti gasgangrene serum of 8000units anti tetanus serum of 3000 units i/m are givenif there is a history of interference  Analgesics and sedatives  Evacuation should be performed within 24 hrs of antibiotic therapy  Blood transfusion to improve anemia and body resistance
  • 80.  Grade 2-broad spectrum antibiotics  Analgesic,AGS,ATS,blood transfusion  Clinical monitoring CVP to be > 8mhg  Surgery- evacuation of uterus  Posterior colpotomy  Grade 3as grade 2except surgery  Active surgery-injury to ut,bowel injury,presence of foreign body in abdomen,unresponsive peritonitis,septic shock or oliguria not responding to conservative m/m,uterus too big to be safely evacuated per vaginum.
  • 81.  Features of organ dysfunctio1-persistent hypotension  2-oliguria  Serum creat>44.2micromol/l  Coagulation abnormalities (inr >1.5)  Thrombocytopenia  Hyperbilirubinemia  Pao2<40kpa  Serum lactate >4mmol/l  Indications for ICUm/m  Persistent hypotention,persistently raised serum lactate>4mmol/l,  pulmonary edema,mechanical ventilation  Renal dialysis  Impaired cosciousness  Multiorgan failure,hypothermia,acidosis
  • 82.  Following provisions are laid down  Continuation of pregnancy would involve serious risk of life or grave injury to the physical and mental health of pregnant women  There is a substantial risk of child being born with serious physical and mental abnormalities so as to be handicapped in life  When pregnancy is caused by rape both in cases of major and minor girl and in mentally imbalanced women  Pregnancy caused as a result of failure of contraceptive
  • 83.  Indications for terminations under MTP act  To save life of mother (therapeutic or medical indications)  1-cardiac ds grade 3 and grade4 with h/o decompensation in prev pregnancy 0r in between pregnancies  Chr glomerulonephritis  Malignant hypertension  Intractable hyperemesis  Cervical or breast malignancy  DM with retinopathy  Epilepsy or psychiatric illness with advice of a psychiatrist  Social indicationa-this is almost sole indication and is covered under the provision to prevent grave injury to the physical and mental health of the pregnant women  In80% cases it is limited to parous womenhaving unplanned pregnancy with low socioeconomic status.  Pregnancy caused by rape or unwanted pregnancy caused due to failure of any contraceptive device  Eugenic-this is under the provision of sustantial risk of child being born with serous physical and mental abnormalities so as to be handicapped in life the indication is rare  1- structural anencephaly,chromosomal downs syndromeor genetic hemophilia  2-fetus is likely to be deformed due to action of teratogenic drugs warfarin or radiation exposure >10 rad in early preg.  Rubella infection is an indication for termination
  • 84.  Recommendations  In revised rules rmp is qualified to perform an mtp provided  1-one has assisted atleast 25 mtp in an authorised centre and having a certificate  2-one has got 6 months house surgeon training in ob gy  3-one has got diploma or degree in ob gy.  Termination can only be performed in hospitals,established or maintained by govt or places approved by gov.  Pregnancy can only be terminated on the written consent of the women. Husband s consent is not required.  Pregnancy in a minor girl or lunatic cannot be terminated without written consent of parents or legal guardian.  Termination is permitted up to 20 wks of pregnancy.when preg exceeds 12 wks opinion of two medical practitioners is required.  The abortion has to be performed confidentially and o be reported to director of health services in prescribed form.