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Pain Management in
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Basic Neurophysiology of Pain Pathways
Pharmacological and Non-pharmacological
Interventions of Pain Pathways
Matching neurophysiology with pharmacology
Pathophysiology of Pain
When Pain becomes Chronic or Persistent Pain
Interventions of Chronic or Persistent Pain
Nursing Contributions to Pain Management
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Combination Analgesics
Multimodal analgesia
Multiple sites of action target multiple pain
Complementary pharmacokinetic activity
Potentially synergistic analgesic effect
Reduced adverse event profile with comparable
Raffa, RB, 2001
Pain Process
The neural mechanisms by which pain is perceived
involves a process that has four major steps:
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Facilitating Transduction
Biochemical mediators: “Chemical Soup”
Substance P
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Peripheral Excitatory Mediators
Substance Receptor Mechanism
Substance P
NK1 ↑ neuronal excitability, edema
? Sensitize nociceptors,
inflammation, edema
Bradykinin B2 (normal)
B1 (inflammation)
Sensitize nociceptors
↑ PG production
Histamine H1 C-fiber activation, edema,
Serotonin 5-HT3 C-fiber activation, release SP
α1 Sensitize nociceptors
Activate nociceptors
Peripheral sensitization
Peripheral opioid receptors
Management of histamine
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Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
Analgesic, antipyretic
Inhibits prostaglandin synthetase in the CNS, weak
peripheral anti-inflammatory activity
Serotonergic effect at descending pathway
Used to treat osteoarthritis
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Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
American Pain Society: Maximum dose 4,000
American Liver Foundation: 3,000 mg/day
Risk of hepatotoxicity with higher doses
Antidote – acetylcysteine (Mucomyst, Acetadote)
Transmission of pain
Defined as:
Projection of pain
into the
Central Nervous System
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A synapse contains three
the presynaptic terminal
the synaptic cleft
the receptive membrane
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The presynaptic terminal is the
axon terminal of the presynaptic
Here that the presynaptic
neuron releases
neurotransmitters which are
found in vesicles
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Peripheral Nerves:
Transmission of Action Potential
Hot peppers
May deplete & prevent re-
accumulation of substance P
in primary afferent neurons
responsible for transmitting
painful impulses from
peripheral sites to the CNS.
Absorption, distribution,
metabolism & excretion, half
life – unknown
May produce transient
burning with application,
usually disappears in 2-4
days, but may persist for
several weeks.
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The synaptic cleft is the narrow
intercellular space between
Neurotransmitters cross the
synaptic cleft and bind to specific
receptors on the postsynaptic
This will excite or inhibit the
postsynaptic neurons.The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings
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Muscle Pain
Correlated with Lactic acid levels
Lactic acid levels in the blood vessels of the muscle
influence neuronal noxious stimuli
What might that tell us about intervening with
muscle pain?
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Neuropathic Pain Features
Burning, prickling, tingling
May or may not be lancinating
May be associated with
– Allodynia
– Hyperalgesia
– Hyperethesia
– Referred Pain
– More intense at noc
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Local Anesthetic Agents
On-Q delivery
Synera patch (topical)
Emla: Lidocaine and Prilocaine 1:1 (topical)
LMX 4% lidocaine (topical)
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Local Anesthetics
Blocks conduction of nerve impulses by
decreasing or preventing an increase in
the permeability of excitable membranes
to Na+.
Inhibits depolarization of nerve
Blocks neuronal firing
Challapalli, V., et. al., 2005
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Lidoderm 5% Patch
Menthol generates
activity through:
Ca2+ channel blocking
Binding to kappa opioid
Stanos, S.P., 2007
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Methyl Salicylate Toxicity
Salicylic acid derivative (a.k.a. wintergreen oil,
sweet birch oil)
Lipid solubility increases toxicity
More toxic than aspirin
1 teaspoon (5ml) wintergreen oil contains 4,000 mg
30ml wintergreen oil is a fatal dose in adults
Risk of toxicity reduced with use for acute pain,
limited to a small area of dermal application
Chyka, P.A., et al., 2007
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1) Inhibit sustained high-frequency neuronal firing by
blocking Na+ channels after an action potential,
reducing excitability in sensitized C-nociceptors.
2) Blockade of Na+ channels and increase in synthesis
and activity of GABA, in inhibitory neurotransmitter,
in the brain.
3) Modulates Ca+ channel current and increases
synthesis of GABA.
Deglin, J.H. & Vallerand, A.H., 2001
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Antiepileptic Agents
Broad clinical actions in
the CNS:
Reduce seizures
Neuropathic pain
Bipolar disorder
Impulse dyscontrol
Three proposed
mechanisms of action:
Blockade of voltage gated
sodium channels
(↓ glutamate release)
Blockade of voltage gated
calcium channels – alpha 2
delta subunits (reduces
excessive neurotransmitter
Enhancement of GABA
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Lyrica Pregabalin
Schedule V
Sympathetic Chain ganglion
Substantia gelatinosa
Post synaptic jct
Contralateral spinothalamic
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Ascending Pain Pathways
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Impulses go through the postsynaptic junction
Cross the dorsal horn
To the spinothalamic tract
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Meperidine (Demerol)
Duration 2-3 hrs
PO doses 1/4 analgesic effect
 Toxic metabolite - normeperidine
dysphoria, irritability, seizures
t1/2 =12-15 hrs; not reversible with Narcan
Do not use Demerol for more than 48 hrs or at
doses >600 mg/24hr
Only indications: rigors, short term use, i.e.
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Reference: Am Family Physician, 71(7), 2005
FDA Indications: Severe pain, narcotic detoxification,
and temporary maintenance of narcotic addiction
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Accumulates with repeated dosing
85% protein bound
Slowly released up to 10 days after dose increase
Available in 10 mg tablet or oral solution, use of 40 mg
diskette no longer available for pain mgt use
Patient may be subjected to scrutiny, stigma &
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Federal Regulation
Prevention of withdrawal in opioid addiction
Special annual registration with DEA
Use only in an established addiction treatment
Maintenance patients may continue tx when
admitted to acute care facility
Treatment for pain
Any clinician licensed to prescribe Schedule II drugs
may prescribe methadone for pain
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Incomplete Cross-Tolerance
Inverse relationship with dosing
Monitor ekg for QT prolongation
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Schmittner, J., 2006
Clinical Indications for Electrocardiogram in
Patients Receiving Methadone
 History of long-QT syndrome or torsades de pointes
 Family history of long-QT syndrome or early sudden cardiac death
 Cardiac arrhythmia and heart block (2nd or 3rd degree AV block)
 Anorexia nervosa
 Frequent electrolyte depletion (K, Ca, Mg)
 HIV patients on multiple-antiretroviral therapy
 Methadone dosages greater than 150mg/day
 Initiation of a P-450 inhibitor
 Initiation of medications associated with QTc prolongation
 Presyncopal or syncope symptoms
 Unexplained tonic-clonic seizures with abnormal
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Routhier, D., et al., 2007The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings
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Methadone Black Box Warning
 Deaths during initiation and conversion from
other opioids
 Respiratory depression – chief hazard
 Use of concomitant sedatives including alcohol
 Self-titration – iatrogenic overdose
 QTc prolongation
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Key Teaching Points
Careful of mix up between long acting and short
acting with same mg amount (ex. MS Contin and
Remove old patch before new one put on
Safe disposal issues
Drinking, driving issues
Tell all of your healthcare providers everything that
you take, always
Careful about buying on the Intranet
Sleepers, sedatives
Teach S & S of withdrawal
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Key Teaching Points
Never take more or less than prescribed without
calling us
Only you take your pain medication, do not share!
Never alter the medication, i.e. splitting sustained
release medications
Keep in a safe place always!
Medication parties
Middle & High School students; #1 medicine cabinet
– Inciardi, J.A., et al., 2007
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Some of our biggest safety issues
Careful of look alike names and sustained release
versus immediate release
Only witness waste when you see it first, protect your
hard earned license
Careful of which line is which
PCA pumps; double check, double check and double
check-settings and syringe concentration, medication
and document
Instruct patient only to press button
ISMP, February 2007
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Descending Pathway
Anatomic path
From cerebral cortex
Brain stem
To dorsal horn
Pain inhibition
Enkephalin excites inhibitory interneurons in the dorsal
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Descending Pathway
Mediates voluntary and involuntary motor control
Regulates somatic sensory processing
Regulates the autonomic nervous system
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Coexisting CD and Pain
Unique experiences
Anatomic paths of the nervous system have
Addictive responses are altered by the physiological
presence of pain
Pain responses are altered by the physiological
presence of addiction.
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Research on the adaptations of cells continue with the
recent discover of the cannabinoid receptor and the
subsequent searching and findings of the endogenous
Two endocannabinoids, anandamine and 2-
arachidonyl glycerol or 2-AG.
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Found in most brain function
Equal balance between endocannibinoids and their
receptors occur (Fride, 2005)
Role in brain plasticity leading to
long term effects on movement and coordination
habit formation
reward and addiction
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Figure 5. Concept map of endocannabinoids.
Opioid-Induced Pain Hypersensitivity
Opioids may produce abnormally heightened pain
May share mechanisms with antinociceptive
Possibly dose related?
Observed both with acute and chronic use
Current research indicates potential for targets for
new therapies
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Nursing Research in Pain Management
Peggy Compton, PhD, RN
Pain and Addiction
Christine Miaskowski, PhD, RN
Gender and Pain
Christine Kovach, PhD, RN
Elders and Pain
Margo McCaffrey, MSN, RN
“Pain is what the patient says it is”
Betty Morgan, PhD, RN
Pain and Addiction
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Nursing Research in Pain Management
Rosemary Polomano, PhD, RN
Pain, Rat lab
Keela Herr, PhD, RN
Geriatric Pain
Jo Eland, PhD, RN
Pediatric Pain
Donna Wong, PhD, RN
Smiley Faces, Faces Scale for Pain assessment
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What is Flare of Pain?
Same Pain as Chronic (Persistent) Pain
Same Location as Chronic (Persistent) Pain
Different Pain Intensity from Chronic (Persistent)
Temporary increase in pain intensity from a more
stable baseline pain with otherwise similar
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Pain Flare Study
2001-2002 Pain Flare Study
Descriptive study
N= 67
Location: University of Minnesota – Fairview Pain
Management Center
Survey mailed to 75 patients, 67 responses
IRB approval
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Pain Flare Study
Purpose of study
Describe the characteristics of and factors contributing
to pain flares in patients with chronic pain who receive
care from the nurse practitioner in Fairview Pain
Management Center
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Pain Flare definition: Same Pain, same location,
different intensity
This definition implies that
Pain flare should not represent new pathology
Patient has an ongoing pain problem that has been
relatively stable
No presumption of what baseline pain intensity was
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Studying flare gives meaning to the patients
experiences of flare of their pain
Gave patients a “voice”
Assurance that it is not permanent condition
Universality of flares in chronic pain
Pain intensity rating less important in chronic non-
malignant pain than changes in pain intensity
Once contributing factors to pain flares have been
resolved, chronic pain returns to baseline
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Envision the Future
Better pain control with fewer side effects
Genome pain management
Helping the brain erase persistent pain
Social Policy that enhances comprehensive approach
to pain management rather than reinforce procedures
to get rid of pain
Abuse deterrent opioid formulations that significantly
reduce diversion and are available for those who need
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This platform has been started by Parveen Kumar Chadha with
the vision that nobody should suffer the way he has suffered
because of lack and improper healthcare facilities in India. We
need lots of funds manpower etc. to make this vision a reality
please contact us. Join us as a member for a noble cause.
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Pain management

  • 1. Pain Management in Nursing The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 2. Objectives: Basic Neurophysiology of Pain Pathways Pharmacological and Non-pharmacological Interventions of Pain Pathways Matching neurophysiology with pharmacology Pathophysiology of Pain When Pain becomes Chronic or Persistent Pain Interventions of Chronic or Persistent Pain Nursing Contributions to Pain Management The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 3. Combination Analgesics Rationale Multimodal analgesia Multiple sites of action target multiple pain pathways Complementary pharmacokinetic activity Potentially synergistic analgesic effect Reduced adverse event profile with comparable efficacy Raffa, RB, 2001
  • 4. Pain Process The neural mechanisms by which pain is perceived involves a process that has four major steps: Transduction Transmission Modulation Perception The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 5.
  • 6. Facilitating Transduction Biochemical mediators: “Chemical Soup” Prostaglandins Bradykinins Serotonin Histamines Cytokines Leukotrienes Substance P Norepinephrine The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 7.
  • 8. Peripheral Excitatory Mediators (Pain) Substance Receptor Mechanism Substance P (SP) NK1 ↑ neuronal excitability, edema Prostaglandin (PG) ? Sensitize nociceptors, inflammation, edema Bradykinin B2 (normal) B1 (inflammation) Sensitize nociceptors ↑ PG production Histamine H1 C-fiber activation, edema, vasodilatation Serotonin 5-HT3 C-fiber activation, release SP Norepinephrine (NE) α1 Sensitize nociceptors Activate nociceptors
  • 9. Peripheral sensitization Peripheral opioid receptors Management of histamine The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 10. The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 12.
  • 13. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Analgesic, antipyretic Inhibits prostaglandin synthetase in the CNS, weak peripheral anti-inflammatory activity Serotonergic effect at descending pathway Used to treat osteoarthritis The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 14. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) American Pain Society: Maximum dose 4,000 mg/day, American Liver Foundation: 3,000 mg/day Risk of hepatotoxicity with higher doses Antidote – acetylcysteine (Mucomyst, Acetadote)
  • 15. Transmission of pain Defined as: Projection of pain into the Central Nervous System The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 16. Transmission A synapse contains three elements: the presynaptic terminal the synaptic cleft the receptive membrane The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 17.
  • 18. Transmission The presynaptic terminal is the axon terminal of the presynaptic neuron Here that the presynaptic neuron releases neurotransmitters which are found in vesicles The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21. Peripheral Nerves: Transmission of Action Potential αA δA C peripheral nerve myelin spinal cord K+ Na+
  • 22.
  • 23. Capsaicin Hot peppers May deplete & prevent re- accumulation of substance P in primary afferent neurons responsible for transmitting painful impulses from peripheral sites to the CNS. Absorption, distribution, metabolism & excretion, half life – unknown May produce transient burning with application, usually disappears in 2-4 days, but may persist for several weeks. The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 24.
  • 25. Transmission The synaptic cleft is the narrow intercellular space between neurons. Neurotransmitters cross the synaptic cleft and bind to specific receptors on the postsynaptic neurons This will excite or inhibit the postsynaptic neurons.The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28. Muscle Pain Correlated with Lactic acid levels Lactic acid levels in the blood vessels of the muscle influence neuronal noxious stimuli What might that tell us about intervening with muscle pain? The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 29.
  • 30. Neuropathic Pain Features Burning, prickling, tingling Shock-like May or may not be lancinating Paresthesia May be associated with – Allodynia – Hyperalgesia – Hyperethesia – Referred Pain – More intense at noc The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 31. Local Anesthetic Agents On-Q delivery Synera patch (topical) Emla: Lidocaine and Prilocaine 1:1 (topical) LMX 4% lidocaine (topical) The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 32. Local Anesthetics Blocks conduction of nerve impulses by decreasing or preventing an increase in the permeability of excitable membranes to Na+. Inhibits depolarization of nerve Blocks neuronal firing Challapalli, V., et. al., 2005 The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36. Mentholatum Menthol generates analgesic activity through: Ca2+ channel blocking activity Binding to kappa opioid receptors Stanos, S.P., 2007 The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 37. Methyl Salicylate Toxicity Salicylic acid derivative (a.k.a. wintergreen oil, sweet birch oil) Lipid solubility increases toxicity More toxic than aspirin 1 teaspoon (5ml) wintergreen oil contains 4,000 mg salicylate 30ml wintergreen oil is a fatal dose in adults Risk of toxicity reduced with use for acute pain, limited to a small area of dermal application Chyka, P.A., et al., 2007 The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 38. Anticonvulsants 1) Inhibit sustained high-frequency neuronal firing by blocking Na+ channels after an action potential, reducing excitability in sensitized C-nociceptors. 2) Blockade of Na+ channels and increase in synthesis and activity of GABA, in inhibitory neurotransmitter, in the brain. 3) Modulates Ca+ channel current and increases synthesis of GABA. Deglin, J.H. & Vallerand, A.H., 2001 The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 39. Antiepileptic Agents Broad clinical actions in the CNS: Reduce seizures Neuropathic pain Bipolar disorder Anxiety Schizophrenia Agitation Impulse dyscontrol Dementia Delirium Three proposed mechanisms of action: Blockade of voltage gated sodium channels (↓ glutamate release) Blockade of voltage gated calcium channels – alpha 2 delta subunits (reduces excessive neurotransmitter release) Enhancement of GABA actions The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 41. Modulation Sympathetic Chain ganglion Substantia gelatinosa Post synaptic jct Contralateral spinothalamic The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 42.
  • 43. Ascending Pain Pathways Ascending fibers The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 44. Perception Review: Impulses go through the postsynaptic junction Cross the dorsal horn To the spinothalamic tract The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 45.
  • 46. The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 47. Meperidine (Demerol) Duration 2-3 hrs PO doses 1/4 analgesic effect  Toxic metabolite - normeperidine dysphoria, irritability, seizures t1/2 =12-15 hrs; not reversible with Narcan Do not use Demerol for more than 48 hrs or at doses >600 mg/24hr Only indications: rigors, short term use, i.e. endoscopy. The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 48. The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 49. Reference: Am Family Physician, 71(7), 2005 Methadone FDA Indications: Severe pain, narcotic detoxification, and temporary maintenance of narcotic addiction The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 50. Methadone Inexpensive Accumulates with repeated dosing 85% protein bound Slowly released up to 10 days after dose increase Available in 10 mg tablet or oral solution, use of 40 mg diskette no longer available for pain mgt use Patient may be subjected to scrutiny, stigma & misconceptions The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 51. Federal Regulation Prevention of withdrawal in opioid addiction Special annual registration with DEA Use only in an established addiction treatment program Maintenance patients may continue tx when admitted to acute care facility Treatment for pain Any clinician licensed to prescribe Schedule II drugs may prescribe methadone for pain The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 52. Methadone Incomplete Cross-Tolerance Inverse relationship with dosing Monitor ekg for QT prolongation The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 53. Schmittner, J., 2006 Clinical Indications for Electrocardiogram in Patients Receiving Methadone  History of long-QT syndrome or torsades de pointes  Family history of long-QT syndrome or early sudden cardiac death  Cardiac arrhythmia and heart block (2nd or 3rd degree AV block)  Anorexia nervosa  Frequent electrolyte depletion (K, Ca, Mg)  HIV patients on multiple-antiretroviral therapy  Methadone dosages greater than 150mg/day  Initiation of a P-450 inhibitor  Initiation of medications associated with QTc prolongation  Presyncopal or syncope symptoms  Unexplained tonic-clonic seizures with abnormal electroencephalogram The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 54. Routhier, D., et al., 2007The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 55. Methadone Black Box Warning  Deaths during initiation and conversion from other opioids  Respiratory depression – chief hazard  Use of concomitant sedatives including alcohol  Self-titration – iatrogenic overdose  QTc prolongation The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 56. Key Teaching Points Careful of mix up between long acting and short acting with same mg amount (ex. MS Contin and MSIR) Remove old patch before new one put on Safe disposal issues Drinking, driving issues Tell all of your healthcare providers everything that you take, always Careful about buying on the Intranet Sleepers, sedatives Teach S & S of withdrawal The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 57. Key Teaching Points Never take more or less than prescribed without calling us Only you take your pain medication, do not share! Never alter the medication, i.e. splitting sustained release medications Keep in a safe place always! Medication parties Middle & High School students; #1 medicine cabinet thefts – Inciardi, J.A., et al., 2007 The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 58. The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 59. Some of our biggest safety issues Careful of look alike names and sustained release versus immediate release Only witness waste when you see it first, protect your hard earned license Careful of which line is which PCA pumps; double check, double check and double check-settings and syringe concentration, medication and document Instruct patient only to press button ISMP, February 2007 The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 60. Descending Pathway Anatomic path From cerebral cortex Brain stem To dorsal horn Pain inhibition Enkephalin excites inhibitory interneurons in the dorsal horn The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 61.
  • 62. Descending Pathway Mediates voluntary and involuntary motor control Regulates somatic sensory processing Regulates the autonomic nervous system The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 63. The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 64. Coexisting CD and Pain Unique experiences Anatomic paths of the nervous system have commonalities Addictive responses are altered by the physiological presence of pain Pain responses are altered by the physiological presence of addiction. The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 65. The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 66. Endocannabinoids Research on the adaptations of cells continue with the recent discover of the cannabinoid receptor and the subsequent searching and findings of the endogenous cannabinoids. Two endocannabinoids, anandamine and 2- arachidonyl glycerol or 2-AG. The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 67. Endocannibinoids Found in most brain function Equal balance between endocannibinoids and their receptors occur (Fride, 2005) Role in brain plasticity leading to long term effects on movement and coordination habit formation reward and addiction The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 68. Figure 5. Concept map of endocannabinoids.
  • 69. Opioid-Induced Pain Hypersensitivity Opioids may produce abnormally heightened pain sensations May share mechanisms with antinociceptive tolerance Possibly dose related? Observed both with acute and chronic use Current research indicates potential for targets for new therapies The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 71. Nursing Research in Pain Management Peggy Compton, PhD, RN Pain and Addiction Christine Miaskowski, PhD, RN Gender and Pain Christine Kovach, PhD, RN Elders and Pain Margo McCaffrey, MSN, RN “Pain is what the patient says it is” Betty Morgan, PhD, RN Pain and Addiction The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 72. Nursing Research in Pain Management Rosemary Polomano, PhD, RN Pain, Rat lab Keela Herr, PhD, RN Geriatric Pain Jo Eland, PhD, RN Pediatric Pain Donna Wong, PhD, RN Smiley Faces, Faces Scale for Pain assessment The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 73. What is Flare of Pain? Same Pain as Chronic (Persistent) Pain Same Location as Chronic (Persistent) Pain Different Pain Intensity from Chronic (Persistent) Pain Temporary increase in pain intensity from a more stable baseline pain with otherwise similar characteristics. The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 74. Pain Flare Study 2001-2002 Pain Flare Study Descriptive study N= 67 Location: University of Minnesota – Fairview Pain Management Center Survey mailed to 75 patients, 67 responses IRB approval The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 75. Pain Flare Study Purpose of study Describe the characteristics of and factors contributing to pain flares in patients with chronic pain who receive care from the nurse practitioner in Fairview Pain Management Center The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 76. Conclusions Pain Flare definition: Same Pain, same location, different intensity This definition implies that Pain flare should not represent new pathology Patient has an ongoing pain problem that has been relatively stable No presumption of what baseline pain intensity was The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 77. Conclusions Studying flare gives meaning to the patients experiences of flare of their pain Gave patients a “voice” Assurance that it is not permanent condition Universality of flares in chronic pain Pain intensity rating less important in chronic non- malignant pain than changes in pain intensity Once contributing factors to pain flares have been resolved, chronic pain returns to baseline The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 78. Envision the Future Better pain control with fewer side effects Genome pain management Helping the brain erase persistent pain Social Policy that enhances comprehensive approach to pain management rather than reinforce procedures to get rid of pain Abuse deterrent opioid formulations that significantly reduce diversion and are available for those who need it. The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 79. This platform has been started by Parveen Kumar Chadha with the vision that nobody should suffer the way he has suffered because of lack and improper healthcare facilities in India. We need lots of funds manpower etc. to make this vision a reality please contact us. Join us as a member for a noble cause. The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 80. Our views have increased the mark of the 2,85,000  Thank you viewers  Looking forward for franchise, collaboration, partners. The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by
  • 81. Contact us:- 011-25464531, 9818569476 E-mail:- We are also available on Justdial New Delhi. Nursing Crusade Earlier Known as Nursing Hi Nursing The Nurses and attendants staff we provide for your healthy recovery for bookings Contact Us:- Brought to you by

Editor's Notes

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  2. <number> Reference: Polomano, R.C. (2010). Neurophysiology of Pain. In B. St. Marie (Ed.) Core Curriculum for Pain Management Nursing. Lenexa, KA: American Society for Pain Management Nursing, p. 68.
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  6. Ventral Posterior Lateral Nucleus projects to the primary somatic sensory cortex. Ventromedial Posterior Nucleus project to the insular cortex. Important in behavioral and autonomic responses to pain. Important to emotions and memories of pain. Mediates pain perception by projecting into the limbic system (our emotional center). Medial Dorsal Nucleus projects to the cingulate cortex, mediates the emotional responses to pain. Ref: PhD Dissertation, St. Marie, 2009 <number>
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