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402      Int. J. Networking and Virtual Organisations, Vol. 10, Nos. 3/4, 2012

Hybrid artificial neural network and statistical model
for forecasting project total duration in earned value

         You Li* and Lu Liu
         School of Economics and Management,
         BeiHang University,
         Beijing 100191, China
         *Corresponding author

         Abstract: The paper proposes a new hybrid approach for forecasting project
         total durations in earned value management, which combines artificial neural
         network and random number simulation method to forecast the earned schedule
         indicator of each period one step further based on several nearest finished
         periods’ status and then employs statistical method to estimate the project total
         duration and its intervals in each period of the project. Experiment results and
         test show our hybrid model outperforms the classic method of earned value
         management in both aspects of interval estimation and point estimation.

         Keywords: project management; earned value management; EVM; artificial
         neural network; ANN; earned schedule; ES; forecasting.

         Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Li, Y. and Liu, L. (2012)
         ‘Hybrid artificial neural network and statistical model for forecasting project
         total duration in earned value management’, Int. J. Networking and Virtual
         Organisations, Vol. 10, Nos. 3/4, pp.402–413.

         Biographical notes: You Li is a PhD student of information systems in the
         School of Economics & Management at the BeiHang University of China. His
         research focuses on decision support systems, complex social networks and
         project management. He is working on papers employing complex social
         network theory and project management methods to study the social network
         effects on the decision process.

         Lu Liu is a Professor of Information Systems in the School of Economics &
         Management at the BeiHang University of China. She is the Director of the
         R&D Center of Management and Information Systems. She is a member of the
         General Council of China Association of Information Systems (CNAIS). Her
         research area is e-commerce, including: web mining and decision support,
         knowledge management, recommendation systems, trust and credibility in e-
         commerce. Her papers have been published in journals such as Expert Systems
         with Applications, System Research and Behavioral Science, The Journal of
         Information and Knowledge Management Systems.

Copyright © 2012 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Hybrid artificial neural network and statistical model                        403

1   Introduction and overview

Earned value management (EVM) is a convenient and effective method of project
management. It cuts a project into several equal basic periods (generally the basic time
unit, e.g., month or day), and puts the cumulative planned workload (scaled in money
unit) into each period as planned value (PV); as the project is performing, the actual
finished PV of each period is filled into earned value (EV); plus the actual cost (AC) of
each period and several related derived indicators, e.g., CPI, SPI, CV, SV, etc., EVM
builds up a framework to weigh and forecast a project performance status. However, with
the development of EVM, researchers find that EVM performs poorly in the aspect of
weighing project schedule because the indicator SPI is defined by EV/PV and SV is
defined by EV – PV which makes them approach to 1 and 0 respectively in the latter part
of the project even if its performance is behind the planned schedule. This is
unacceptable when forecast the project total duration cause the result generally
approaches to the planned duration no matter if a project’s performance is good or bad
(Vandevoorde and Vanhoucke, 2006; Lipke et al., 2008); besides, the two indicators
cannot reflect the project performance status properly. Based on EVM, Lipke et al.
develops earned schedule (ES) method that it scales the workload in time unit and solves
the above problem, which is an extension to EVM. Based on ES method, Lipke et al.
(2008) apply statistical methods and their well established schedule performance
analysing technique-IEACt to predict total cost and total duration of a project.
    Based on IEACt, the paper proposes a new hybrid method for project total duration
forecasting, which combines artificial neural network (ANN), random number simulation
method and statistical method. Experiments and test results show our hybrid method
outperforms the classic IEACt method in aspect of forecasting accuracy.
    The paper’s structure is arranged as follows: Section 2 is a brief introduction to EVM,
and then our hybrid model is put force and experiments are carried out in Section 3,
Section 4 is accuracy test for the comparison of our hybrid model and classic IEACt and
conclusions are drawn in Section 5.

2   Review of EVM

An understanding of EVM is assumed in this paper. For convenience, we list the basic
EVM terminology including ES that portrays the project status and forecasts the total
We need to make an explanation that PV, EV, AC, ES with the performance indicators
CPI and SPI are all cumulative expressions in default situations, that is to say for each
period, these values are calculated by the cumulative values. The periodic expressions
can easily obtained by the difference of the adjacent two cumulative values. In this paper,
we denote periodic expressions of above terminology by adding suffix p and period
suffix t, e.g., the EV value of the 5th period itself is denoted by EVp,5. Earned schedule
framework is a recent extension to EVM, designed for providing reliable and useful
schedule performance information (Lipke et al., 2008; Cioffi, 2006). In earned schedule
framework, the basic metric is ES, which means the schedule duration earned, can be
calculated as follows:
404       Y. Li and L. Liu

       ESt = i + ( EVt − PVi ) ( PVi +1 − PVi )                                             (1)

In the above definition, the tth ES is described as the workload of already finished (i, time
unit) plus a linear interpolation value which is the amount of ES accrued within the
increment of i from PVi to PVi+1. Compared with EVM metrics, ES is specially designed
to cover the needs for time scale forecasting, which in traditional EVM metrics SPI
approximates to 1 no matter the performance of EV when a project is nearly finished;
hence the indicator SPI could not reflect the project performance properly. However, in
ES metrics, ES is calculated by the periodic actual finished proportion of planned
workload, wherever the project is performing, ES could properly express the performance
status of a project.
Table 1        Basic EVM and ES terminology

                                 EVM                                    ES
 Status                    Earned value (EV)                   Earned schedule (ES)
                           Actual cost (AC)                      Actual time (AT)
                        Schedule variance (SV)           Schedule variance (time) (SV(t))
                            SV = EV – PV                        SV(t) = ES – AT
                   Schedule performance index (SPI)     Schedule performance index (time)
                            SPI = EV / PV                            (SPI(t))
                                                                 SPI(t) = ES / AT
                     Cost performance index (CPI)
                          Cost variance (CV)
 Forecasting        Independent estimate at complete   Independent estimate at complete time
                                (IEAC)                              (IEAC(t))
                          IEAC = BAC / CPI                    IEAC(t) = PD / SPI(t)
                                                          IEAC(t) = AT + (PD – ES) / PF

3     Methodology

According to the ES theory, the project total duration could be estimated by independent
estimate at completion time (IEAC(t)), it has two forms, short form and long form
       IEACt = PD / SPI (t )                                                                (2)

       IEACt = AT + ( PD − ES ) / PFt                                                       (3)

Where AT is the actual time, i.e., the current time; and PFt is the performance factor
which is generally SPI(t) for duration forecasting. IEACt provides us a convenient
forecasting method for project total duration. However, there is an underlying
assumption: the performance of future unfinished part of the project is equal to the
cumulative indicator SPI of finished part, i.e., the current SPI(t). Based on SPI(t), Lipke
et al. (2008) propose a statistical calculation method (Lipke et al., 2008; Lipke, 2002;
National Institute of Standards and Technology E-handbook of Statistical Methods,
2006), we summarise it as follows:
Hybrid artificial neural network and statistical model                                 405

       CL = ln index(cum) ± Z * σ           n * AF                                               (4)

       σ=    ∑ ( ln index   p (i ) − ln   indexc   )2 ( n − 1)                                   (5)

       AF = ( PD − ES ) ( PD − ES / n)                                                           (6)

       IEACt = PD exp (CL)                                                                       (7)

Where CL is the confidence limit, indexp refers to periodic index values and indexc refers
to cumulative index values. The index in our study refers to SPI, Z is the t distribution
value representing the level of confidence (95% in this paper), we use t distribution
instead of normal distribution because our data sample is less than 30. σ is the standard
deviation of SPI, n is the number of observations, and AF is the adjusted factors for finite
population, which is derived from the statistics formula (( N − n) / ( N −1)).
    In this paper, we adopt this statistical method. However, we make a little change:
employing long forms instead of short forms; meanwhile, we make an extension to the
IEACt assumption as follows (the current time is t):
Assumption 1: The schedule performance index of future unfinished part of the project is
not exactly equal to the current cumulative SPIc,t as classic IEACt does, but equal to a
forecasting value SPI c , t +1 , which could reflect the performance of unfinished part of the
project more properly than SPIc,t.
Assumption 2: The periodic EVp,t+1, ACp,t+1 and ESp,t+1 conform to normal distribution
respectively with parameters μ and σ2, where μ is the mean of the nearest T number of
periodic EVp,i, ACp,i, ESp,i (i = t – (T – 1,…,t) respectively, σ2 is their corresponding
deviation respectively.
The main idea of Assumption 2 lies in: we believe the performance of future unfinished
part of the project could be expressed by the nearest T number of EVp,i, ACp,i, ESp,i
(i = t – (T – 1,…,t) to it instead of the whole finished part from 1 to t, i.e., the latest
several periodic EV, AC, ES values could express better or have the greater possibility to
explain the future performance more than the whole finished periodic ones until t time.
Besides, we believe that for the periodic EV, AC, ES, the three metrics’ changing ranges
of future undone part (especially those of the next one period) have greater possibility to
fall in the regions formed by normal random numbers with the parameters of μ and σ2
respectively, instead of being simply equal to the means of t number of EV, AC, ES
respectively as traditional IEACt does.
    For this consideration, we cut the whole forecasting process into two stages:
In the first stage we employ ANN back propagation algorithm to forecast the
next periodic earned schedule ESp,t+1 just one step further, and make
   ∧            ∧
SPI c ,t +1 = ( ES p ,t +1 + ESc ,t ) / (t + 1) as the future performance of the project. In Stage 2,
we put the forecasting value into the statistical framework to perform interval estimations
for total duration; meantime, we make a replacement SPI c ,t +1 for PFt in formula (3) to
forecast the project total duration. The methodology of our hybrid model is summarised
as follows:
406        Y. Li and L. Liu

1     Suppose the current time is t(t ≥ 3), set T =3.
2     Based on the available finished t number of periodic EVp,i, ACp,i, ESp,i (i = t – (T –
      1,…,t), three groups of normal distribution random numbers EVp,R, ACp,R, ESp,R are
      generated with their own parameters of μ and σ2 respectively.
3     Regard EVp,R and ACp,R as the input nodes, ESp,R as the output node, with the help of
                              ∧                            ∧
      ANN to forecast ES p ,t +1 and then to obtain SPI c ,t +1 as the performance index of
      future unfinished part of the project.
4     Employ formula (3) to (6) to make interval estimation and point estimation of the
      project total duration standing at period t.
5     t = t + 1, loop Step (2) to (5) until the project is actually finished.

3.1 ANN forecasting procedure
Although traditional models outperform in terms of accurately describing the
phenomenon of long-term trends (Sallehuddin et al., 2009; Zou et al., 2007; Kayacan et
al., 2010; Yao et al., 2003), they require a large amount of observations to construct the
model. Unlike these forecasting requirements, forecasting within a project has much
fewer data, including the number of variables and observations. At the very beginning of
the project, we have only two to three month data and less than six indicators;
furthermore, related literatures suggest that detailed project analysis is a burdensome
activity. Thus, some widely used model like time series model and classic statistic
method do not match this type of forecasting.
     In this paper, we employ two input nodes – one hidden layer – one output node
architecture ANN to forecast ESp,t+1. Training a network is an essential factor for the
success of the neural networks (Satish Kumar, 2006). Among the several learning
algorithms available, back-propagation is the most popular and most widely implemented
learning algorithm of all neural networks paradigms. In this paper, the algorithm of
back-propagation is employed and in the following experiment.
     In order to construct the training set, based on the Assumption 2, we generate 1,000
normal distribution random numbers for the periodic EVp,t+1, ACp,t+1 and ESp,t+1
respectively. Each randomly selected corresponding ternary terms as a pattern (Satish
Kumar, 2006), then we have got 1,000 patterns as the training set. The 1,000 ternary
terms cover as much as possible combinations of periodic EV, AC and ES, which is a
simulation to actual performance situation. According to the cross validation theory, we
randomly select the learning set, the validate set and the test set from the training set,
where EVp,t+1, ACp,t+1 are the input nodes, ESp,t+1 is the output node, via pattern training
mode, after learning and validation, the test set is filled in the well-trained ANN, then the
                        ∧                                      ∧
forecasting value ES p ,t +1 is obtained and so does SPI c ,t +1 .
    In view of the random nature of our training set, for each forecasting value ES p ,t +1 ,
we repeat the above forecasting process 100 times, and calculate its average value as our
final forecasting value ES p ,t +1 . Since our ANN is not designed for the specific project,
the number of nodes in the hidden layer is not necessarily designed in details. We
Hybrid artificial neural network and statistical model                                   407

uniformly set it to 20. A real-life project data from Fabricom Airport system
(Vandevoorde and Vanhoucke, 2006) is employed as the experiment data, the brief
information of which is listed in Table 1. The whole model is programmed with
Matlab 7.11.
Table 2        The brief project data of Fabricom Airport system

 AT            1                 2             3       4           5               6          7
 PV        3023                 5508         7828    10098   12158             13951      14205
 EV        928                  1904         2467    3414     4472             7152       7476
 AC        1606                 2766         4324    6138     7888             9835       10135
               8                 9             10     11       12                  13         14
 PV       15933             17902            19967   22208   24286             26331      26658
 EV        9272             11441            13302   14699   15985             16753      17077
 AC       13217             14755            16656   18768   20897             23364      23664
               15                16            17     18       19                  20         21
 PV       28647             30989            33040   34909   36709             38016      38140
 EV       20318             23061            26588   28681   30135             31487      32526
 AC       26651             28437            30408   32012   34000             35554      37111
                   22                   23            24                25               26
  PV           38140                   38140         38140             38140            38140
  EV           33504                   34513         36489             37630            38140
  AC           38468                   39798         41155             42600            43983

For the consideration of S-curve and the scarcity nature of samples of available
cumulative ESc,i(i = 1, 2,…,t), we also employ the Grey Verhulst rolling model (Kayacan
et al., 2010) to forecast ESc,t+1, the rolling cycle is also set to 3 (which is equal to T of our
method). However, the relative error percentage is larger than that of ANN method. The
forecasting results of two frameworks are listed below for comparison, where the actual
value is the actual cumulative parameters ESc,t+1 in each period.
    The forecasting details are described as follows:
    Set T = 3
    At the very beginning of the forecasting, suppose only three month is performed, i.e.,
current time t = 3, so we have three true values for EVc,i, ACc,i, ESc,i (i = 1, 2, 3)
respectively, that is also mean we have got EVp,i, ACp,i, ESp,i (i = 1, 2, 3). Based on these
true values, we generate random numbers and training set according to the above
                                         ∧                                     ∧
framework, then forecast ES p ,t +1 just one step further, i.e., ES p ,4 , so the forecasting
           ∧            ∧
value ESc ,4 = ES p ,4 + ESc ,3 is naturally obtained. The comparative error percentage is
calculated by
       error % = ESc,t +1− ESc ,t +1 / ESc ,t +1 *100                                              (8)
408       Y. Li and L. Liu

Table 3     ES forecasting results of two models

                              GM(1,1) Verhurlst model                       ANN model
            Actual value
 AT                               ∧                                   ∧
              (ESc,t+1)                            Error (%)                          Error (%)
                               ESc ,t +1                           ESc ,t +1

 4            1.1573            0.86                  26             1.09               6.12
 5            1.5831            1.87                18.27            1.45               8.63
 6            2.7086            2.06                23.77            1.90              29.82
 7            2.8483            7.12                149.93           3.23              13.58
 8            3.6361            2.84                21.85            3.33               8.46
 9            4.6519            5.52                18.65            4.15              10.87
 10           5.6380            5.94                 5.44            5.21               7.54
 11           7.2859            6.49                10.94            6.25              14.28
 12           8.0264           10.30                28.36            8.03              0.008
 13           8.4165            8.24                 2.06            8.77               4.14
 14           8.5810            8.59                  0.1            9.12               6.32
 15           10.1566           8.64                14.94            9.27               8.74
 16           11.4105          11.51                 0.88           10.93               4.20
 17           13.7859          12.30                10.81           12.22              11.39
 18           15.0145          18.62                24.01           14.71               2.04
 19           15.6354          15.49                 0.91           15.96               2.08
 20           16.2428          15.90                 2.11           16.57               2.03
 21           16.7494          16.83                 0.50           17.16               2.43
 22           17.2483          17.16                 0.50           17.65               2.35
 23           17.7881          17.74                 0.28           18.13               1.90
 24           18.8778          18.37                 2.67           18.64               1.25
 25           19.7047          20.89                 6.01           19.75               0.23
 26             21             20.30                 3.33           20.56               2.10
 RMSE                                      1.41                                0.57
 MSE                                        2.0                                0.32
 MAPE(%)                                   16.19                               6.55
 MAD                                       0.89                                0.45

In the next forecasting process t = 4, we use the nearest T (= 3) true values of EVc,i, ACc,i,
ESc,i (i = 2, 3, 4) to forecast ESc ,5 . The process is performed until the project is finished.
We list the detail forecasting values of every forecasting period guided by two
forecasting frameworks based on the experiment project data in Table 3. To evaluate the
two forecasting metrics, four statistical test indexes [formula (9) to (12)] are carried out:
root mean square error (RMSE), mean square error (MSE), mean absolute percentage
error (MAPE), mean absolute deviation (MAD). In all the four aspects of basic
forecasting performance indexes, the designed ANN model outperforms the GM(1,1)
Hybrid artificial neural network and statistical model                          409

Verhurlst rolling model. Hence, in the first stage of forecasting, we employ ANN instead
of GM(1,1) Verhurlst rolling model.
       RMSE =
                       n   ∑ (observed − predicted )
                           t =1
                                         t                  t

       MSE =
               n   ∑ (observed − predicted )
                                     t              t
                   t =1

                            observedt − predictedt 100
       MAPE =      ∑              observedt
                   t =1

                           observedt − predictedt
       MAD =   ∑t =1

3.2 Statistical estimation for total duration
In Stage 2, for each period, we make use of the latest one step further forecasting value
   ∧                                                                ∧
ESc ,t +1 to calculate the schedule performance index SPI c,t +1 as the SPI of future
unfinished part, which is our Assumption 1. The benefit of doing this lies in:
    Firstly, the classic IEACt method regards the current SPIc,t as the SPI of future undone
part. In essence, this is a kind of simple averaging process because the current
SPIc,t = ESc,t/t, that is to say, SPIc,t is the average performance ability of all t periods
already finished. In comparison, SPI c,t +1 is a kind of fitting value by fitting the average
performance ability of the nearest T periods, which can better express the current
performance status of the project, which is an extension to SPIc,t as we employ random
number simulation method to construct a scene that can simulate the performance ability
trends (the trends are calculated by fitting many different ternary ties of EV, AC, ES,
which can cover more possible actual situations close to actual performance).
     Secondly, standing at the current period, due to the extra forecasting SPI c ,t +1 , the
sample number n in the formula increases compared to the classic based on n true
samples; besides, low error percentage forecasting could bring an effect that if we had
known the true value of the next period, according to the experiments provided by Lipke
et al. (2008), which proves that the logarithm of periodic indexes of SPI or CPI
approximates to a normal distribution and would become more and more stable after 30%
percent of the project. The above explanation enables our one step further forecasting to
produce an analogical effect as if we stood at the next period to forecast the total
duration, which has more possibilities to perform a comparatively better result in both
aspects of interval estimation and point estimation.
     Based on the above explanations, we draw the result of total duration forecasting both
in our hybrid method and the classic IEACt method from the 4th period to the 26th,
including both interval and point estimation. The details for each forecasting round are
listed in Table 4, and shown in Figure 1.
410       Y. Li and L. Liu

Table 4      Total duration forecasting results of two models

                         IEAC(t)                                   Hybrid forecasting
          Value     Lower      Upper      Error%         Value     Lower      Upper      Error%
 4        78.749    61.466     96.033     202.882       77.049     66.197     87.902     196.344
 5        72.650    66.791     78.510     179.425       72.297     68.144     76.450     178.066
 6        67.011    63.319     70.704     157.736       66.660     61.446     71.873     156.384
 7        48.889    33.777     64.000     88.033        46.946     35.592     58.301      80.563
 8        52.582    42.362     62.801     102.237       50.822     42.796     58.848      95.470
 9        47.271    37.054     57.488     81.812        46.728     39.356     54.100      79.722
 10       41.880    31.784     51.976     61.078        41.129     34.171     48.087      58.190
 11       38.394    29.027     47.762     47.671        38.009     31.956     44.062      46.188
 12       32.894    24.065     41.723     26.517        32.253     27.130     37.376      24.051
 13       32.334    24.548     40.119     24.360        31.491     27.180     35.802      21.120
 14       33.142    26.277     40.006     27.467        32.683     28.977     36.388      25.703
 15       34.799    28.728     40.871     33.844        34.639     31.386     37.892      33.226
 16       31.497    25.948     37.045     21.141        31.071     28.480     33.662      19.504
 17       29.866    24.885     34.847     14.870        29.661     27.605     31.717      14.081
 18       26.236    21.980     30.492      0.907        25.993     24.695     27.291      0.028
 19       25.242    24.323     26.161      2.915        25.450     21.776     29.124      2.116
 20       25.538    24.814     26.262      1.777        25.719     22.458     28.980      1.080
 21       25.898    25.329     26.467      0.391        26.023     23.131     28.915      0.090
 22       26.454    23.878     29.030      1.746        26.329     25.885     26.774      1.266
 23       26.880    24.593     29.167      3.385        26.782     26.438     27.127      3.008
 24       27.224    25.216     29.232      4.709        27.158     26.902     27.414      4.454
 25       26.741    25.173     28.309      2.850        26.700     26.579     26.821      2.691
 26       26.676    25.500     27.852      2.599        26.639     26.602     26.677      2.459

Figure 1 The total duration forecasting result of two model (see online version for colours)
Hybrid artificial neural network and statistical model                           411

4     Tests

From Figure 1, we could easily observe that the interval estimation of our hybrid method
is better than the classic IEACt, as to the effect of two methods are similar in the aspect of
point estimation, paired t-test is carried out on forecasting accuracy (error%) to test the
hypotheses. The aim of this test is to check whether the means of forecasting values
obtained from our hybrid method are different from those of classic IEACt. Therefore, the
following hypotheses are proposed:
H01    There is no difference between the means of the classic IEACt and the proposed
       hybrid method (μ1 = μ2).
H11    There is a difference between the means of the classic IEACt method and the
       proposed hybrid method (μ1 > μ2 or μ1 < μ2).
H02    The means of IEACt lower boundary and that of the proposed hybrid method are
       equal (IEACt_lower = Hybrid_lower).
H12    The means of IEACt lower boundary and that of the proposed hybrid method are
       not equal (IEACt_lower > Hybrid_lower or IEACt_lower < Hybrid_lower).
H03    The means of IEACt upper boundary and that of the proposed hybrid method are
       equal (IEACt_upper = Hybrid_upper).

H13    The means of IEACt upper boundary and that of the proposed hybrid method are
       not equal (IEACt_upper > Hybrid_upper or IEACt_upper < Hybrid_upper).

From the test results, the 2-tailed Sig (μ1 ≠ μ2) is 2.8727460171483986E-4, the
corresponding H01 single-tailed Sig (μ1 > μ2) is 1.4363730085741993E-4, under 95%
confidence level the test is significance, so we reject the null hypothesis H01.
    Then, we test the interval estimation accuracy of two models, we compare the upper
and lower boundaries of two models respectively, the results are combined in Table 4.
    From the test results, the 2-tailed Sig (IEACt_lower ≠ Hybrid_lower) of two models’
lower boundaries is 0.0013633818441228292, hence the corresponding H02 single-tailed
Sig (IEACt_lower < Hybrid_lower is 0.0006816909220614146, under 95% confidence
level the test is significance, so we reject the null hypothesis H02.
    Similarly, the 2-tailed Sig (IEACt_upper ≠ Hybrid_upper) of two models’ upper
boundaries is 2.7602225137402837E-4, so the corresponding H03 single-tailed Sig
(IEACt_upper > Hybrid_upper) is 1.38011125687014185E-4, under 95% confidence
level the test is significance, so we reject the null hypothesis H03.
    To observe the test results, it is found that our hybrid model outperforms the
traditional IEACt in both aspects of the means of point estimation and interval estimation,
especially for the interval estimation, in the former part of the project, our model could
achieve much more accurate interval estimation than IEACt does.
412        Y. Li and L. Liu

Table 5       Paired t-test results of two model means

                                                 Paired differences
                                                                       95% confidence
                                                         Std.                                              Sig.
                                          Std.                          interval of the      t     df
                           Mean                         error                                           (2-tailed)
                                        deviation                         difference
                                                                      Lower      Upper
Pair 1    IEAC(t) –       1.936870      2.158306      .450038     1.003548      2.870191   4.304 22       0.000

Table 6       Paired t-test results of two model boundary means

                                             Paired differences
                                                                95% confidence interval                    Sig.
                                       Std.       Std. error                                 t     df
                        Mean                                       of the difference                    (2-tailed)
                                     deviation      mean
                                                                  Lower         Upper
Pair 1 IEAC_lo –      –1.480217      1.937407       .403977     –2.318015      –.642420    –3.664 22      .001
Pair 2 IEAC_up –      2.403217       2.667834       .556282     1.249559       3.556875    4.320   22     .000

5     Conclusions

In this paper, we propose a new hybrid model for project total duration forecasting With
the help of random number simulation and ANN non-linear fitting ability to simulate the
actual possible project performance combinations of EV, AC and ES, so as to better
forecast the performance factor SPI one step further to improve the traditional IEACt (in
which the latest SPI is regarded as PF of future unfinished part), then replace that of the
classic IEACt to forecast the total duration of the project. Forecasting results and tests
show that our hybrid method outperforms the classic IEACt in the both aspects of point
estimation and interval estimation. Of course, to make a proper T is not an easy task,
different projects due to their different changing trends of performance factor, T is
different; however, our model provides a new idea to better estimate the future
(especially the next one period) project performance index of SPI especially in the
beginning of a project when the true performance status indexes are scarce, which is also
the blind period of a project, because when the project approximates to an end, its
performance status is almost clear, and the forecasting for the total duration becomes less
significant. So our model provides a more effective SPI estimation method for the future
undone part of a project in its beginning period.
    Of course our model is far from perfect, since it is build on a hypothesis that the three
main metrics: EV, AC, ES of the next one period fall in the range of normal random
numbers generated by their respective nearest T number of finished periods’ ones, if the
above three metrics change too sharply against their nearest T ones respectively, the
model may not perform well. From Figure 1, we could observe that the advantages of our
method are mainly highlighted in the former and middle part of the whole project, as to
Hybrid artificial neural network and statistical model                              413

the final part, its prominent effect sharply decreases. This is because the normal random
numbers are a kind of simulation of possible actual combinations of performance status,
which is especially effective when the true performance indexes are scarce, with the
increase of true indexes this simulation becomes weaken; besides, when a project
approximates to its latter part, SPI tends to stabilisation, random numbers may disturb
this trend, under this circumstance, the traditional IEACt based on the average of all
history data could hit the bull’s-eye more easily.
    Future work could further extend some research on the final part of the project, since
there are sufficient number of the performance indicators, we could employ a hybrid
method of time-series and EVM to have a try.


The research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under
Grant No. 90924020 and the PhD Program Foundation of Education Ministry of China
under Contract No. 200800060005.

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  • 1. 402 Int. J. Networking and Virtual Organisations, Vol. 10, Nos. 3/4, 2012 Hybrid artificial neural network and statistical model for forecasting project total duration in earned value management You Li* and Lu Liu School of Economics and Management, BeiHang University, Beijing 100191, China E-mail: E-mail: *Corresponding author Abstract: The paper proposes a new hybrid approach for forecasting project total durations in earned value management, which combines artificial neural network and random number simulation method to forecast the earned schedule indicator of each period one step further based on several nearest finished periods’ status and then employs statistical method to estimate the project total duration and its intervals in each period of the project. Experiment results and test show our hybrid model outperforms the classic method of earned value management in both aspects of interval estimation and point estimation. Keywords: project management; earned value management; EVM; artificial neural network; ANN; earned schedule; ES; forecasting. Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Li, Y. and Liu, L. (2012) ‘Hybrid artificial neural network and statistical model for forecasting project total duration in earned value management’, Int. J. Networking and Virtual Organisations, Vol. 10, Nos. 3/4, pp.402–413. Biographical notes: You Li is a PhD student of information systems in the School of Economics & Management at the BeiHang University of China. His research focuses on decision support systems, complex social networks and project management. He is working on papers employing complex social network theory and project management methods to study the social network effects on the decision process. Lu Liu is a Professor of Information Systems in the School of Economics & Management at the BeiHang University of China. She is the Director of the R&D Center of Management and Information Systems. She is a member of the General Council of China Association of Information Systems (CNAIS). Her research area is e-commerce, including: web mining and decision support, knowledge management, recommendation systems, trust and credibility in e- commerce. Her papers have been published in journals such as Expert Systems with Applications, System Research and Behavioral Science, The Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems. Copyright © 2012 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
  • 2. Hybrid artificial neural network and statistical model 403 1 Introduction and overview Earned value management (EVM) is a convenient and effective method of project management. It cuts a project into several equal basic periods (generally the basic time unit, e.g., month or day), and puts the cumulative planned workload (scaled in money unit) into each period as planned value (PV); as the project is performing, the actual finished PV of each period is filled into earned value (EV); plus the actual cost (AC) of each period and several related derived indicators, e.g., CPI, SPI, CV, SV, etc., EVM builds up a framework to weigh and forecast a project performance status. However, with the development of EVM, researchers find that EVM performs poorly in the aspect of weighing project schedule because the indicator SPI is defined by EV/PV and SV is defined by EV – PV which makes them approach to 1 and 0 respectively in the latter part of the project even if its performance is behind the planned schedule. This is unacceptable when forecast the project total duration cause the result generally approaches to the planned duration no matter if a project’s performance is good or bad (Vandevoorde and Vanhoucke, 2006; Lipke et al., 2008); besides, the two indicators cannot reflect the project performance status properly. Based on EVM, Lipke et al. develops earned schedule (ES) method that it scales the workload in time unit and solves the above problem, which is an extension to EVM. Based on ES method, Lipke et al. (2008) apply statistical methods and their well established schedule performance analysing technique-IEACt to predict total cost and total duration of a project. Based on IEACt, the paper proposes a new hybrid method for project total duration forecasting, which combines artificial neural network (ANN), random number simulation method and statistical method. Experiments and test results show our hybrid method outperforms the classic IEACt method in aspect of forecasting accuracy. The paper’s structure is arranged as follows: Section 2 is a brief introduction to EVM, and then our hybrid model is put force and experiments are carried out in Section 3, Section 4 is accuracy test for the comparison of our hybrid model and classic IEACt and conclusions are drawn in Section 5. 2 Review of EVM An understanding of EVM is assumed in this paper. For convenience, we list the basic EVM terminology including ES that portrays the project status and forecasts the total duration. We need to make an explanation that PV, EV, AC, ES with the performance indicators CPI and SPI are all cumulative expressions in default situations, that is to say for each period, these values are calculated by the cumulative values. The periodic expressions can easily obtained by the difference of the adjacent two cumulative values. In this paper, we denote periodic expressions of above terminology by adding suffix p and period suffix t, e.g., the EV value of the 5th period itself is denoted by EVp,5. Earned schedule framework is a recent extension to EVM, designed for providing reliable and useful schedule performance information (Lipke et al., 2008; Cioffi, 2006). In earned schedule framework, the basic metric is ES, which means the schedule duration earned, can be calculated as follows:
  • 3. 404 Y. Li and L. Liu ESt = i + ( EVt − PVi ) ( PVi +1 − PVi ) (1) In the above definition, the tth ES is described as the workload of already finished (i, time unit) plus a linear interpolation value which is the amount of ES accrued within the increment of i from PVi to PVi+1. Compared with EVM metrics, ES is specially designed to cover the needs for time scale forecasting, which in traditional EVM metrics SPI approximates to 1 no matter the performance of EV when a project is nearly finished; hence the indicator SPI could not reflect the project performance properly. However, in ES metrics, ES is calculated by the periodic actual finished proportion of planned workload, wherever the project is performing, ES could properly express the performance status of a project. Table 1 Basic EVM and ES terminology EVM ES Status Earned value (EV) Earned schedule (ES) Actual cost (AC) Actual time (AT) Schedule variance (SV) Schedule variance (time) (SV(t)) SV = EV – PV SV(t) = ES – AT Schedule performance index (SPI) Schedule performance index (time) SPI = EV / PV (SPI(t)) SPI(t) = ES / AT Cost performance index (CPI) Cost variance (CV) Forecasting Independent estimate at complete Independent estimate at complete time (IEAC) (IEAC(t)) IEAC = BAC / CPI IEAC(t) = PD / SPI(t) IEAC(t) = AT + (PD – ES) / PF 3 Methodology According to the ES theory, the project total duration could be estimated by independent estimate at completion time (IEAC(t)), it has two forms, short form and long form respectively: IEACt = PD / SPI (t ) (2) IEACt = AT + ( PD − ES ) / PFt (3) Where AT is the actual time, i.e., the current time; and PFt is the performance factor which is generally SPI(t) for duration forecasting. IEACt provides us a convenient forecasting method for project total duration. However, there is an underlying assumption: the performance of future unfinished part of the project is equal to the cumulative indicator SPI of finished part, i.e., the current SPI(t). Based on SPI(t), Lipke et al. (2008) propose a statistical calculation method (Lipke et al., 2008; Lipke, 2002; National Institute of Standards and Technology E-handbook of Statistical Methods, 2006), we summarise it as follows:
  • 4. Hybrid artificial neural network and statistical model 405 CL = ln index(cum) ± Z * σ n * AF (4) σ= ∑ ( ln index p (i ) − ln indexc )2 ( n − 1) (5) AF = ( PD − ES ) ( PD − ES / n) (6) IEACt = PD exp (CL) (7) Where CL is the confidence limit, indexp refers to periodic index values and indexc refers to cumulative index values. The index in our study refers to SPI, Z is the t distribution value representing the level of confidence (95% in this paper), we use t distribution instead of normal distribution because our data sample is less than 30. σ is the standard deviation of SPI, n is the number of observations, and AF is the adjusted factors for finite population, which is derived from the statistics formula (( N − n) / ( N −1)). In this paper, we adopt this statistical method. However, we make a little change: employing long forms instead of short forms; meanwhile, we make an extension to the IEACt assumption as follows (the current time is t): Assumption 1: The schedule performance index of future unfinished part of the project is not exactly equal to the current cumulative SPIc,t as classic IEACt does, but equal to a ∧ forecasting value SPI c , t +1 , which could reflect the performance of unfinished part of the project more properly than SPIc,t. Assumption 2: The periodic EVp,t+1, ACp,t+1 and ESp,t+1 conform to normal distribution respectively with parameters μ and σ2, where μ is the mean of the nearest T number of periodic EVp,i, ACp,i, ESp,i (i = t – (T – 1,…,t) respectively, σ2 is their corresponding deviation respectively. The main idea of Assumption 2 lies in: we believe the performance of future unfinished part of the project could be expressed by the nearest T number of EVp,i, ACp,i, ESp,i (i = t – (T – 1,…,t) to it instead of the whole finished part from 1 to t, i.e., the latest several periodic EV, AC, ES values could express better or have the greater possibility to explain the future performance more than the whole finished periodic ones until t time. Besides, we believe that for the periodic EV, AC, ES, the three metrics’ changing ranges of future undone part (especially those of the next one period) have greater possibility to fall in the regions formed by normal random numbers with the parameters of μ and σ2 respectively, instead of being simply equal to the means of t number of EV, AC, ES respectively as traditional IEACt does. For this consideration, we cut the whole forecasting process into two stages: In the first stage we employ ANN back propagation algorithm to forecast the next periodic earned schedule ESp,t+1 just one step further, and make ∧ ∧ SPI c ,t +1 = ( ES p ,t +1 + ESc ,t ) / (t + 1) as the future performance of the project. In Stage 2, we put the forecasting value into the statistical framework to perform interval estimations ∧ for total duration; meantime, we make a replacement SPI c ,t +1 for PFt in formula (3) to forecast the project total duration. The methodology of our hybrid model is summarised as follows:
  • 5. 406 Y. Li and L. Liu 1 Suppose the current time is t(t ≥ 3), set T =3. 2 Based on the available finished t number of periodic EVp,i, ACp,i, ESp,i (i = t – (T – 1,…,t), three groups of normal distribution random numbers EVp,R, ACp,R, ESp,R are generated with their own parameters of μ and σ2 respectively. 3 Regard EVp,R and ACp,R as the input nodes, ESp,R as the output node, with the help of ∧ ∧ ANN to forecast ES p ,t +1 and then to obtain SPI c ,t +1 as the performance index of future unfinished part of the project. 4 Employ formula (3) to (6) to make interval estimation and point estimation of the project total duration standing at period t. 5 t = t + 1, loop Step (2) to (5) until the project is actually finished. 3.1 ANN forecasting procedure Although traditional models outperform in terms of accurately describing the phenomenon of long-term trends (Sallehuddin et al., 2009; Zou et al., 2007; Kayacan et al., 2010; Yao et al., 2003), they require a large amount of observations to construct the model. Unlike these forecasting requirements, forecasting within a project has much fewer data, including the number of variables and observations. At the very beginning of the project, we have only two to three month data and less than six indicators; furthermore, related literatures suggest that detailed project analysis is a burdensome activity. Thus, some widely used model like time series model and classic statistic method do not match this type of forecasting. In this paper, we employ two input nodes – one hidden layer – one output node architecture ANN to forecast ESp,t+1. Training a network is an essential factor for the success of the neural networks (Satish Kumar, 2006). Among the several learning algorithms available, back-propagation is the most popular and most widely implemented learning algorithm of all neural networks paradigms. In this paper, the algorithm of back-propagation is employed and in the following experiment. In order to construct the training set, based on the Assumption 2, we generate 1,000 normal distribution random numbers for the periodic EVp,t+1, ACp,t+1 and ESp,t+1 respectively. Each randomly selected corresponding ternary terms as a pattern (Satish Kumar, 2006), then we have got 1,000 patterns as the training set. The 1,000 ternary terms cover as much as possible combinations of periodic EV, AC and ES, which is a simulation to actual performance situation. According to the cross validation theory, we randomly select the learning set, the validate set and the test set from the training set, where EVp,t+1, ACp,t+1 are the input nodes, ESp,t+1 is the output node, via pattern training mode, after learning and validation, the test set is filled in the well-trained ANN, then the ∧ ∧ forecasting value ES p ,t +1 is obtained and so does SPI c ,t +1 . ∧ In view of the random nature of our training set, for each forecasting value ES p ,t +1 , we repeat the above forecasting process 100 times, and calculate its average value as our ∧ final forecasting value ES p ,t +1 . Since our ANN is not designed for the specific project, the number of nodes in the hidden layer is not necessarily designed in details. We
  • 6. Hybrid artificial neural network and statistical model 407 uniformly set it to 20. A real-life project data from Fabricom Airport system (Vandevoorde and Vanhoucke, 2006) is employed as the experiment data, the brief information of which is listed in Table 1. The whole model is programmed with Matlab 7.11. Table 2 The brief project data of Fabricom Airport system AT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PV 3023 5508 7828 10098 12158 13951 14205 EV 928 1904 2467 3414 4472 7152 7476 AC 1606 2766 4324 6138 7888 9835 10135 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 PV 15933 17902 19967 22208 24286 26331 26658 EV 9272 11441 13302 14699 15985 16753 17077 AC 13217 14755 16656 18768 20897 23364 23664 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 PV 28647 30989 33040 34909 36709 38016 38140 EV 20318 23061 26588 28681 30135 31487 32526 AC 26651 28437 30408 32012 34000 35554 37111 22 23 24 25 26 PV 38140 38140 38140 38140 38140 EV 33504 34513 36489 37630 38140 AC 38468 39798 41155 42600 43983 For the consideration of S-curve and the scarcity nature of samples of available cumulative ESc,i(i = 1, 2,…,t), we also employ the Grey Verhulst rolling model (Kayacan et al., 2010) to forecast ESc,t+1, the rolling cycle is also set to 3 (which is equal to T of our method). However, the relative error percentage is larger than that of ANN method. The forecasting results of two frameworks are listed below for comparison, where the actual value is the actual cumulative parameters ESc,t+1 in each period. The forecasting details are described as follows: Set T = 3 At the very beginning of the forecasting, suppose only three month is performed, i.e., current time t = 3, so we have three true values for EVc,i, ACc,i, ESc,i (i = 1, 2, 3) respectively, that is also mean we have got EVp,i, ACp,i, ESp,i (i = 1, 2, 3). Based on these true values, we generate random numbers and training set according to the above ∧ ∧ framework, then forecast ES p ,t +1 just one step further, i.e., ES p ,4 , so the forecasting ∧ ∧ value ESc ,4 = ES p ,4 + ESc ,3 is naturally obtained. The comparative error percentage is calculated by ∧ error % = ESc,t +1− ESc ,t +1 / ESc ,t +1 *100 (8)
  • 7. 408 Y. Li and L. Liu Table 3 ES forecasting results of two models GM(1,1) Verhurlst model ANN model Actual value AT ∧ ∧ (ESc,t+1) Error (%) Error (%) ESc ,t +1 ESc ,t +1 4 1.1573 0.86 26 1.09 6.12 5 1.5831 1.87 18.27 1.45 8.63 6 2.7086 2.06 23.77 1.90 29.82 7 2.8483 7.12 149.93 3.23 13.58 8 3.6361 2.84 21.85 3.33 8.46 9 4.6519 5.52 18.65 4.15 10.87 10 5.6380 5.94 5.44 5.21 7.54 11 7.2859 6.49 10.94 6.25 14.28 12 8.0264 10.30 28.36 8.03 0.008 13 8.4165 8.24 2.06 8.77 4.14 14 8.5810 8.59 0.1 9.12 6.32 15 10.1566 8.64 14.94 9.27 8.74 16 11.4105 11.51 0.88 10.93 4.20 17 13.7859 12.30 10.81 12.22 11.39 18 15.0145 18.62 24.01 14.71 2.04 19 15.6354 15.49 0.91 15.96 2.08 20 16.2428 15.90 2.11 16.57 2.03 21 16.7494 16.83 0.50 17.16 2.43 22 17.2483 17.16 0.50 17.65 2.35 23 17.7881 17.74 0.28 18.13 1.90 24 18.8778 18.37 2.67 18.64 1.25 25 19.7047 20.89 6.01 19.75 0.23 26 21 20.30 3.33 20.56 2.10 RMSE 1.41 0.57 MSE 2.0 0.32 MAPE(%) 16.19 6.55 MAD 0.89 0.45 In the next forecasting process t = 4, we use the nearest T (= 3) true values of EVc,i, ACc,i, ∧ ESc,i (i = 2, 3, 4) to forecast ESc ,5 . The process is performed until the project is finished. We list the detail forecasting values of every forecasting period guided by two forecasting frameworks based on the experiment project data in Table 3. To evaluate the two forecasting metrics, four statistical test indexes [formula (9) to (12)] are carried out: root mean square error (RMSE), mean square error (MSE), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), mean absolute deviation (MAD). In all the four aspects of basic forecasting performance indexes, the designed ANN model outperforms the GM(1,1)
  • 8. Hybrid artificial neural network and statistical model 409 Verhurlst rolling model. Hence, in the first stage of forecasting, we employ ANN instead of GM(1,1) Verhurlst rolling model. n 1 RMSE = n ∑ (observed − predicted ) t =1 t t 2 (9) n 1 MSE = n ∑ (observed − predicted ) t t 2 (10) t =1 n observedt − predictedt 100 MAPE = ∑ observedt × n (11) t =1 n observedt − predictedt MAD = ∑t =1 n (12) 3.2 Statistical estimation for total duration In Stage 2, for each period, we make use of the latest one step further forecasting value ∧ ∧ ESc ,t +1 to calculate the schedule performance index SPI c,t +1 as the SPI of future unfinished part, which is our Assumption 1. The benefit of doing this lies in: Firstly, the classic IEACt method regards the current SPIc,t as the SPI of future undone part. In essence, this is a kind of simple averaging process because the current SPIc,t = ESc,t/t, that is to say, SPIc,t is the average performance ability of all t periods ∧ already finished. In comparison, SPI c,t +1 is a kind of fitting value by fitting the average performance ability of the nearest T periods, which can better express the current performance status of the project, which is an extension to SPIc,t as we employ random number simulation method to construct a scene that can simulate the performance ability trends (the trends are calculated by fitting many different ternary ties of EV, AC, ES, which can cover more possible actual situations close to actual performance). ∧ Secondly, standing at the current period, due to the extra forecasting SPI c ,t +1 , the sample number n in the formula increases compared to the classic based on n true samples; besides, low error percentage forecasting could bring an effect that if we had known the true value of the next period, according to the experiments provided by Lipke et al. (2008), which proves that the logarithm of periodic indexes of SPI or CPI approximates to a normal distribution and would become more and more stable after 30% percent of the project. The above explanation enables our one step further forecasting to produce an analogical effect as if we stood at the next period to forecast the total duration, which has more possibilities to perform a comparatively better result in both aspects of interval estimation and point estimation. Based on the above explanations, we draw the result of total duration forecasting both in our hybrid method and the classic IEACt method from the 4th period to the 26th, including both interval and point estimation. The details for each forecasting round are listed in Table 4, and shown in Figure 1.
  • 9. 410 Y. Li and L. Liu Table 4 Total duration forecasting results of two models IEAC(t) Hybrid forecasting AT Value Lower Upper Error% Value Lower Upper Error% 4 78.749 61.466 96.033 202.882 77.049 66.197 87.902 196.344 5 72.650 66.791 78.510 179.425 72.297 68.144 76.450 178.066 6 67.011 63.319 70.704 157.736 66.660 61.446 71.873 156.384 7 48.889 33.777 64.000 88.033 46.946 35.592 58.301 80.563 8 52.582 42.362 62.801 102.237 50.822 42.796 58.848 95.470 9 47.271 37.054 57.488 81.812 46.728 39.356 54.100 79.722 10 41.880 31.784 51.976 61.078 41.129 34.171 48.087 58.190 11 38.394 29.027 47.762 47.671 38.009 31.956 44.062 46.188 12 32.894 24.065 41.723 26.517 32.253 27.130 37.376 24.051 13 32.334 24.548 40.119 24.360 31.491 27.180 35.802 21.120 14 33.142 26.277 40.006 27.467 32.683 28.977 36.388 25.703 15 34.799 28.728 40.871 33.844 34.639 31.386 37.892 33.226 16 31.497 25.948 37.045 21.141 31.071 28.480 33.662 19.504 17 29.866 24.885 34.847 14.870 29.661 27.605 31.717 14.081 18 26.236 21.980 30.492 0.907 25.993 24.695 27.291 0.028 19 25.242 24.323 26.161 2.915 25.450 21.776 29.124 2.116 20 25.538 24.814 26.262 1.777 25.719 22.458 28.980 1.080 21 25.898 25.329 26.467 0.391 26.023 23.131 28.915 0.090 22 26.454 23.878 29.030 1.746 26.329 25.885 26.774 1.266 23 26.880 24.593 29.167 3.385 26.782 26.438 27.127 3.008 24 27.224 25.216 29.232 4.709 27.158 26.902 27.414 4.454 25 26.741 25.173 28.309 2.850 26.700 26.579 26.821 2.691 26 26.676 25.500 27.852 2.599 26.639 26.602 26.677 2.459 Figure 1 The total duration forecasting result of two model (see online version for colours)
  • 10. Hybrid artificial neural network and statistical model 411 4 Tests From Figure 1, we could easily observe that the interval estimation of our hybrid method is better than the classic IEACt, as to the effect of two methods are similar in the aspect of point estimation, paired t-test is carried out on forecasting accuracy (error%) to test the hypotheses. The aim of this test is to check whether the means of forecasting values obtained from our hybrid method are different from those of classic IEACt. Therefore, the following hypotheses are proposed: H01 There is no difference between the means of the classic IEACt and the proposed hybrid method (μ1 = μ2). H11 There is a difference between the means of the classic IEACt method and the proposed hybrid method (μ1 > μ2 or μ1 < μ2). H02 The means of IEACt lower boundary and that of the proposed hybrid method are equal (IEACt_lower = Hybrid_lower). H12 The means of IEACt lower boundary and that of the proposed hybrid method are not equal (IEACt_lower > Hybrid_lower or IEACt_lower < Hybrid_lower). H03 The means of IEACt upper boundary and that of the proposed hybrid method are equal (IEACt_upper = Hybrid_upper). H13 The means of IEACt upper boundary and that of the proposed hybrid method are not equal (IEACt_upper > Hybrid_upper or IEACt_upper < Hybrid_upper). From the test results, the 2-tailed Sig (μ1 ≠ μ2) is 2.8727460171483986E-4, the corresponding H01 single-tailed Sig (μ1 > μ2) is 1.4363730085741993E-4, under 95% confidence level the test is significance, so we reject the null hypothesis H01. Then, we test the interval estimation accuracy of two models, we compare the upper and lower boundaries of two models respectively, the results are combined in Table 4. From the test results, the 2-tailed Sig (IEACt_lower ≠ Hybrid_lower) of two models’ lower boundaries is 0.0013633818441228292, hence the corresponding H02 single-tailed Sig (IEACt_lower < Hybrid_lower is 0.0006816909220614146, under 95% confidence level the test is significance, so we reject the null hypothesis H02. Similarly, the 2-tailed Sig (IEACt_upper ≠ Hybrid_upper) of two models’ upper boundaries is 2.7602225137402837E-4, so the corresponding H03 single-tailed Sig (IEACt_upper > Hybrid_upper) is 1.38011125687014185E-4, under 95% confidence level the test is significance, so we reject the null hypothesis H03. To observe the test results, it is found that our hybrid model outperforms the traditional IEACt in both aspects of the means of point estimation and interval estimation, especially for the interval estimation, in the former part of the project, our model could achieve much more accurate interval estimation than IEACt does.
  • 11. 412 Y. Li and L. Liu Table 5 Paired t-test results of two model means Paired differences 95% confidence Std. Sig. Std. interval of the t df Mean error (2-tailed) deviation difference mean Lower Upper Pair 1 IEAC(t) – 1.936870 2.158306 .450038 1.003548 2.870191 4.304 22 0.000 Hybrid_forecast Table 6 Paired t-test results of two model boundary means Paired differences 95% confidence interval Sig. Std. Std. error t df Mean of the difference (2-tailed) deviation mean Lower Upper Pair 1 IEAC_lo – –1.480217 1.937407 .403977 –2.318015 –.642420 –3.664 22 .001 Hybrid_lo Pair 2 IEAC_up – 2.403217 2.667834 .556282 1.249559 3.556875 4.320 22 .000 Hybrid_up 5 Conclusions In this paper, we propose a new hybrid model for project total duration forecasting With the help of random number simulation and ANN non-linear fitting ability to simulate the actual possible project performance combinations of EV, AC and ES, so as to better forecast the performance factor SPI one step further to improve the traditional IEACt (in which the latest SPI is regarded as PF of future unfinished part), then replace that of the classic IEACt to forecast the total duration of the project. Forecasting results and tests show that our hybrid method outperforms the classic IEACt in the both aspects of point estimation and interval estimation. Of course, to make a proper T is not an easy task, different projects due to their different changing trends of performance factor, T is different; however, our model provides a new idea to better estimate the future (especially the next one period) project performance index of SPI especially in the beginning of a project when the true performance status indexes are scarce, which is also the blind period of a project, because when the project approximates to an end, its performance status is almost clear, and the forecasting for the total duration becomes less significant. So our model provides a more effective SPI estimation method for the future undone part of a project in its beginning period. Of course our model is far from perfect, since it is build on a hypothesis that the three main metrics: EV, AC, ES of the next one period fall in the range of normal random numbers generated by their respective nearest T number of finished periods’ ones, if the above three metrics change too sharply against their nearest T ones respectively, the model may not perform well. From Figure 1, we could observe that the advantages of our method are mainly highlighted in the former and middle part of the whole project, as to
  • 12. Hybrid artificial neural network and statistical model 413 the final part, its prominent effect sharply decreases. This is because the normal random numbers are a kind of simulation of possible actual combinations of performance status, which is especially effective when the true performance indexes are scarce, with the increase of true indexes this simulation becomes weaken; besides, when a project approximates to its latter part, SPI tends to stabilisation, random numbers may disturb this trend, under this circumstance, the traditional IEACt based on the average of all history data could hit the bull’s-eye more easily. Future work could further extend some research on the final part of the project, since there are sufficient number of the performance indicators, we could employ a hybrid method of time-series and EVM to have a try. Acknowledgements The research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 90924020 and the PhD Program Foundation of Education Ministry of China under Contract No. 200800060005. References Cioffi, D.F. (2006) ‘Designing project management: a scientific notation and an improved formalism for earned value calculations’, International Journal of Project Management, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp.289–302. Kayacan, E., Ulutas, B. et al. (2010) ‘Grey system theory-based models in time series prediction’, Expert System with Applications, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp.1784–1789. Lipke, W. (2002) ‘A study of the normality of earned value management indicators’, Meas. News, pp.1–16. Lipke, W. et al. (2008) ‘Prediction of project outcome the prediction of statistical methods to earned value management and earned schedule performance indexes’, International Journal of Project Management, doi:10.1016/j.ijproman.2008.2.009. National Institute of Standards and Technology E-handbook of Statistical Methods (2006) ‘Lognormal distribution’, available at eda3669.htm. Sallehuddin, R. et al. (2009) ‘Hybrid grey relational artificial neural network and auto regressive integrated moving average model for forecasting time-series data’, Applied Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp.443–486. Satish Kumar (2006) Neural Networks, pp.165–194, Tsinghua University Publishing Company, Beijing, China. Vandevoorde, S. and Vanhoucke, M. (2006) ‘A comparison of different duration forecasting methods using earned value metrics’, International Journal of Project Management, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp.289–302. Yao, A.W.L., Chi, S.C. et al. (2003) ‘An improved grey-based approach for electricity demand forecasting’, Electric Power System Research, Vol. 67, No. 3, pp.217–224. Zou, H.F. et al. (2007) ‘An investigation and comparison of artificial neural network and time series models for Chinese food grain price forecasting’, Neurocomputing, Vol. 70, Nos. 16– 18, pp.2913-2923.