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The World Without Us

           I had a dream, which was not all a dream…
                            From “Darkness” by Lord Byron

1   Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
Some Comments on the book
      This is one of the grandest thought experiments of our time, a tremendous
       feat of imaginative reporting!"--Bill McKibben, author of The End of Nature and
       Deep Economy: The Wealth of Communities and The Durable Future
     “The imaginative power of The World Without Us is compulsive and nearly
       hypnotic--make sure you have time to be kidnapped into Alan Weismans
       alternative world before you sit down with the book, because you wont
       soon return. This is a text that has a chance to change people, and so make
       a real difference for the planet.”--Charles Wohlforth, author of L.A. Times Book
       Prize-winning The Whale and the Supercomputer
     “Alan Weisman offers us a sketch of where we stand as a species that is
       both illuminating and terrifying. His tone is conversational and his affection
       for both Earth and humanity transparent.”--Barry Lopez, author of Arctic
      “An exacting account of the processes by which things fall apart. The scope
       is breathtaking...the clarity and lyricism of the writing itself left me with
       repeated gasps of recognition about the human condition. I believe it will
       be a classic.”--Dennis Covington, author of National Book Award finalist
       Salvation on Sand Mountain
     “Fascinating, mordant, deeply intelligent, and beautifully written, The World
       Without Us depicts the spectacle of humanitys impact on the planet Earth
       in tragically poignant terms that go far beyond the dry dictates of science.
       This is a very important book for a species playing games with its own
       destiny.”--James Howard Kunstler, author of The Long Emergency
2   Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
Some Readers Say….
      1. This is a charming book on a macabre subject: if every person on earth died tomorrow
       what would happen to the works of man? Using New York as an example the author
       details the slow, inevitable destruction of the subways, bridges, buildings, the return of
       the forests and the animals, and the disposition of those things that never seem to go
       away: poisonous heavy metals, plastic, and radioactive waste.
      2. It's a fascinating read of well-reasoned speculation.
       3. This is an oddly hopeful book. Hopeful because it offers compelling evidence that life
       on earth will outlive human tampering with the ecosystem, yet odd because it also
       demonstrates that the world won't miss us much. In fact, it's pretty clear that, on
       balance, the world would be better off without us.
     4. This should be required reading for every graduating high school and/or college
       student. The real world they're inheriting!
     5. Anyone believing that the rats and cockroaches would be locked in a struggle for
       dominance of the Earth will find themselves reconsidering, for instance, since these
       species' success in much of the world stems from their association with humanity.
    6. The appalling insight is that most of the legacy that we will leave once our cities have
        crumbled will be filth and pollution

3   Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
Other readers say…
       7. The basic premise of this book is a hypothetical examination of what would happen to the earth if
        human beings were to suddenly vanish. (If only.) Some chapters are better than others, but overall,
        this is a really interesting read. Some parts are uplifting, like the brief time it would take Manhattan
        to return to wilderness. The author's descriptions are quite beautiful and riveting. Then other
        chapter's make me want to put a gun in my mouth, like the one on all those abandoned nuclear
        power plants, and the giant plastic gyres in the ocean.

        8. There is no single unifying narrative in this book, it is rather a series of essays of some imaginative
        science writing. Weisman takes us to Bialowieza Puszcza, a protected land on the border of Poland
        and Belarus. This is Europe's last primeval or old growth forest - the stuff of fairy tales - with trees
        150 feet tall and 10 feet in diameter, covered with scary looking moss. Before there were humans, all
        of Europe was covered with this kind of forest, and, presumably, would be again if humans vanished.

       9. Life's ability to survive in these circumstances is the upside of Weisman's story. On the downside,
        however, he makes some ominous predictions. For example, since the end of World War II humans
        have been producing tons of plastic material. Plastics are not biodegradable unless they are
        incinerated. Weisman claims that much of this plastic material ultimately finds its way into the
        oceans and ends up killing fish and other sea creatures at an alarming rate. He predicts that these
        creatures are doomed whether humans disappear or not - more likely if they don't disappear.

4   Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
Speculative Non-Fiction
     Weisman offers an unlikely premise: humans will
        suddenly disappear. He chooses not to explore the
        veracity of such a claim. It is hypothetical.
       Weisman looks at various aspects of our world to see
        how they have fared before us and with us.
       Weisman is particularly critical of human behavior
        over the past 200 years, when industry begins to
       Weisman draws unpleasant conclusions over the role
        of nuclear power plants, radiation and plastics.
       Weisman also notes the earth’s bludgeoning
        population growth, but offers a solution that few find
        practical. (See pgs. 271-272)

5   Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
Prelude and Chapter 1
     The prelude deals with the effects of an
      endangered human culture in South America.
      Conservation efforts keep the people alive, but
      they essentially lose their ability to live according
      to their own traditions. Why is this significant for
      the book?
     Chapter 1 calls itself “A Lingering Scent of Eden”.
      We saw another scientist, Dawkins, use a similar
      metaphor. Weisman is discussing a forest
      (Bialowieza Puszcza—the word means “primeval
      forest) at the borders of Poland and Belarus that
      faces extinction. What endangers the forest? Are
      there many forests left in Europe? Would a world
      without humans save this forest?

6   Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
The Forest

7   Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
Our Homes and Our Cities
                                       Chapter 3 uses Manhattan
     Chapter 2 shows how our             as a city under siege after
      homes will eventually               humans disappear.
      succumb to ruin.
                                         Water will be one of the
     Weisman explains the effect         most destructive forces.
      of climate on all types of
      housing materials:                 Bridges will decay and fall.
      teak, cement, drywall, wood-       All major highways will
      framed homes (typical in            crumble.
      many suburbs)tile and              Look at the subway!
      stainless steel.
     He opines that nature
      through beast and weather
      will reduce our homes to
      rubble within 100 years.
      Only tile and stainless steel
      will survive.

8   Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
9   Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
Chapter 4: The World Just Before Us
     An “ice age” is a time of extensive glacial activity that covers a relatively large area with ice.
       During the Ice Age, which ended a few thousand years ago, 30% of the land surface of
       the earth was covered by ice . In North America an ice sheet covered almost all of
       Canada and the northern United States.
        We know the extent of the Ice Age because the glaciers left features on the landscape
         similar to features we observe around glaciers today in Greenland and Antarctica. Most
         likely, Earth has endured a series of ice ages over millions, possibly billions of years.
        Animal bones are part of the geological record—the earliest fossils are found in parts of
         Africa. Later we emerge as a dominant species.
        Weisman believes a great dry spell occurred about 7 million years ago in Africa. Much of
         the world’s moisture was buried in the glaciers that covered Europe and North America.
         This changed the course of evolution, as certain species became extinct and others
         survived. (47)
        Scientist Kate Dewiler believes there were 2 dominant species that later on became a
         hybrid—us. She opines that this hybridization is an evolutionary force, similar to natural
         selection. (46)Post ice age created conditions for man to evolve, possibly from apes, who
         could function on two legs, but also used all 4.
        As chimpanzees have no real predators or each other, they are equipped with a gene of
         adaptability; they are able to live off all kinds of foods.(51)
        If man were to disappear, the chimpanzee would flourish, and other game, such as lions
         and elephants would augment.The r possible destruction could only happen if there
         were another ice age. Then the cycle would begin again.
10   Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
11   Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
Chapter 7: What Falls Apart                         Chapter 8: What Lasts
     Weisman uses the island of Cypress as the     Weisman uses Istanbul, of Turkey as a
       setting for his theories.                       setting for his theories.
     The decay of resorts off the shore seem to    Istanbul was once Constantinople, the
       predict what would happen to buildings if       capital city of the Eastern Roman
       humans disappeared.                             empire.
     The search for natural resources: Cypress     It still has many sturdy buildings from the
       gets much of their water from Turkey.           past—the Hagia Sophia, once an
     One portion of Cypress is Greek; the other        Orthodox church.
       is Turkish.                                 There are also a series of underground
     Cypress deliberately allows cheap                 caves that seem to be a city in itelf.
       manufacturering of resorts for British      The caves are man-made—their structure
       retirees. Those buildings are bound to          suggests that they served as
       fall apart.                                     defense, storage and shelters.
     Cypress construction shows us that many       As Turkey has suffered great economic
       modern resorts are made with the                depression, their buildings are poorly
       cheapest material. It cannot withstand          made—they actually sway on a windy
       the test of time.                               day.
     Metin Munir, a journalist, says: “You         An earthquake would destroy the many
       understand just what the Taoists mean           cities in Turkey, where the majority of
       when they say that soft is stronger than        the population live. But the
       hard.” (96) He is addressing the                underground caverns would be largely
       gradualism of decay in Varosha, the             unaffected.
       former resort of the Greek Cypriots,
       which now belongs to the Turkish
12   Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
Varosha, Cyprus                   Caves of Turkey

13   Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
Cyprus and North Cyprus (Turkish Occupied

     Constantinople, around the fall of the
     Western Roman Empire.
14   Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
This is a hotel with rooms in the
     actual caves!
     Pictures taken from the
15   Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
Chapter 9: Polymers are Forever
    This chapter is one of the most important in the book. It shows the gradual damage of plastic
     in the environment.
    It begins with a study of materials found in the sands at Plymouth Harbor in England.
    Plastic is everywhere; it even can be found in the depths of the ocean, consumed by the sea
     creatures lowest on the food chain—krill and plankton.
    Plastic is in cosmetics: many exfoliants found in bath and face scrubs are made of
     plastic, not organic material.
    Most plastics end up in ocean-fills, not land-fills. Plastic material litters the beaches which
     then goes out to the sea.
    Plastics do not biodegrade easily. See page126. Part of what is broken down becomes a
     lethal chemical.
    All plastic is a polymer, defined as “simple mechanical configurations of carbon and hydrogen
     atoms that link together to form chains.”(118) Cotton and rubber are polymers.
    Landfills contain “constructive debris and paper products. Newspapers don’t biodegrade
     when buried away from land and water.”(119) A year old newspaper can still be read.
     We are a “throwaway” society. The plastics we toss may be changed through geological
     perseverance that takes thousands of years. Geologic time is what changes
     landmasses, shifts plates in the ocean, alters the face of the world forever. Plastic can be
     recycled, but it cannot decay as organic matter.

16      Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
Polymer liquid crystals (PLCs) are a class of materials that combine the
     properties of polymers with those of liquid crystals. A liquid crystal polymer
     can be seen as a network of conventional LC molecules that are linked
     together by polymerization.
17   Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
18   Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
Chapter 10 The Petro Patch
•   Our relationship to petroleum—very
    complex. It begins with rubber.                      • Texas Petrochemical: pipelines begin in
                                                             Pasadena, a Houston suburb; they extend
•   Goodyear tires use a synthetic rubber. See
                                                             to Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi to the
    page 130. Weisman: “A tire can’t be melted
                                                             Northeast. They pipe refined gasoline,
    down and turned into something else.”
                                                             home-heating oil, diesel and jet fuel.
    (131) It cannot be recycled.
                                                         • Oil was discovered in Texas after the Gulf
•   Weisman: “In the United States, an average
                                                             hurricane in Galveston that killed 8000
    of one tire per citizen is discarded…that’s a
    third of a billion, just in one year. Then
    there’s the rest of the world.” (131)                • This is where oil refineries, chemical
                                                             plants, synthetic rubber and plastics
•   Tires contain carbon black filler—it gives
                                                             began production. Texas oil has been in
    strength and color.
                                                             decline since the seventies.
•   Burning tires release energy along with
                                                         • All oil refineries have a lot of complex
    “surprising amounts of oily soot that
                                                             equipment. Malfunctions cause
    contains some noxious components.” 131)
                                                             unfortunate results from hydrochloric acid
•   The largest plant that produces synthetic                leaks (Sterling Chemical) to liquid
    rubber is in Texas, owned by                             hydrocarbons geysers (BP—not the recent
    Goodyear.(Note—this is not the polymer                   oil spill) to explosions of plastics (again—
    called elastomer that is found in the                    BP) to hydrogen sulfide leaks (guess
    Amazonian Para tree, a natural                           who—BP).
                                                         • Much is run by computers, but it is man
•   Processing oil into gas and diesel is in high            that puts out the fires caused by these
    demand, but the problems go beyond                       explosions. See paragraph at the bottom
    supply.                                Susan Bertolino Mosaicpg. 137-138.)
                                                             of 852                                       19
According to British Petroleum, in 2009
the United States had an oil refinery
capacity of 17,688,000 barrels per day,
or 19.5% of the world’s total oil refinery

21   Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
Chapter 12: The Fate of
the Ancient and Modern                    • What is the difference between
Wonders of the World                        an ancient and a modern
1.   The English Channel Tunnel—it is
     a train that moves from Folkstone
                                            wonder of the world—besides
     England to Coquelles, France. It
     cost over 21 billion dollars to
                                            time? Use this criteria to
     make.                                  answer:
2,. The Panama Canal----the land was
     once part of Colombia until
                                          • 1. Construction
     Panama had independence.
     President Roosevelt was              • 2. Durability
     instrumental in carving out this
     canal so that ships wouldn’t have
     to travel around the entire South
                                          • 3. Beauty
     American continent—it
     connected the Pacific Ocean to       • 4. Function
     the Atlantic.
3. Mount Rushmore: an attempt to          • 5. Material
     “immortalize the greatest
     American presidents in portraits
     every bit as imposing as that long
                                          • Weisman focuses on 3 marvels
     vanished wonder, the Colossus of
                                            of modern technology:

                                           Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852        22
English Channel Tunnel
Panama Canal
• Possibly one of the most
Chapter 13: The World                           fascinating chapters in the book.
Without War                                   • Weisman shows that war can
The DMZ is 151 miles long and 2.5 miles
Red-crowned cranes, white-naped crane
                                                actually help the environment in
and whooping cranes (endangered
species) live in a portion that was once
                                                one example.
                                              • As long as Korea remains
for rice paddies—now wetlands. They
come here to winter.
Saber-tooth tigers are rumored to be
living in the DMZ.
Since no humans live there, it is safe for
                                                divided, the Demilitarized Zone
most wildlife that might have
disappeared: “Asiatic black bears,
                                                (DMZ) will be a habitat to
Eurasian lynx, musk deer, Chinese water
deer, an endangered mountain goat               wildlife and plants that haven’t
known as the gotal and the nearly
vanished Amur leopard cling to what may
only be temporary life support.” (185)
                                                been seen in ages.
“If there were no agriculture trying to
feed 20 million humans in Seoul…pumps         • Few humans ever appear in this
that defy the very seasons would be
stilled. Wildlife would return and water
with it.”(189)
                                                area, so the area is a reminder of
This is a commentary on our food
industry—as billions of people demand
                                                what the wilderness might have
food, all living creatures and the land are
held in the balance.
                                                been. (190)
• Perhaps the most important story is
                                                that of Chernobyl in Russia. It had a
Chapter 15: Hot Legacy                          nuclear leak, but the then Soviet
The birth of nuclear energy—uranium in
every nuclear creation is highly unstable.
                                                press clamped down and gave the
                                                impression that it was a minor
Ultraviolet rays created the ozone level;
they became the shield against too much         problem. It wasn’t. The radiation
exposure to them. It’s a bit like getting
pneumonia: your lungs fill up with mucus
                                                from Chernobyl has brought
because white blood cells are fighting the
infection. But those same cells are
                                                radiation sickness, cancer and all
making you sick by creating mucus as a          sorts of problems to all living
way to bring down inflammation.
                                                creatures. Chernobyl shows us a
One form of radiation is ultraviolet rays,
let loose by nuclear fission in the testing
                                                worst-case scenario.
of nuclear weapons along with the
construction of nuclear reactors.             • See pages 214 to 218.
The invention of freon, also known as
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) became an
ozone destroyer.
Hydrochloroflourocarbons also hurt the
ozone layer (HCFC)—these polymers are
used today.
29   Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
30   Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
Chernobyl Accident
                                On 26 April 1986, the most serious accident in the history of
                                 the nuclear industry occurred at Unit 4 of the Chernobyl
                                 nuclear power plant in the former Ukrainian Republic of the
                                 Soviet Union. The explosions that ruptured the Chernobyl
                                 reactor vessel and the consequent fire that continued for 10
                                 days or so resulted in large amounts of radioactive materials
                                 being released into the environment.
                                The cloud from the burning reactor spread numerous types of
                                 radioactive materials, especially iodine and caesium
                                 radionuclides, over much of Europe. Radioactive iodine, most
                                 significant in contributing to thyroid doses, has a short half-
                                 life (8 days) and largely disintegrated within the first few
                                 weeks of the accident. Radioactive caesium-, which
                                 contributes to both external and internal doses, has a much
                                 longer half-life (30 years) and is still measurable in soils and
                                 some foods in many parts of Europe. The greatest deposits of
                                 radionuclides occurred over large areas of the Soviet Union
                                 surrounding the reactor in what are now the countries of
                                 Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine.
                               Unfortunately, reliable information about the accident and the
                                resulting dispersion of radioactive material was initially
                                unavailable to the affected people in what was then the Soviet
                                Union and remained inadequate for years following the
                                accident. This failure and delay led to widespread distrust of
                                official information and the mistaken attribution of many ill
31   Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852 health conditions to radiation exposure.
Pictures of Chernobyl after the meltdown

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The World Without Us

  • 1. The World Without Us I had a dream, which was not all a dream… From “Darkness” by Lord Byron 1 Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
  • 2. Some Comments on the book This is one of the grandest thought experiments of our time, a tremendous feat of imaginative reporting!"--Bill McKibben, author of The End of Nature and Deep Economy: The Wealth of Communities and The Durable Future  “The imaginative power of The World Without Us is compulsive and nearly hypnotic--make sure you have time to be kidnapped into Alan Weismans alternative world before you sit down with the book, because you wont soon return. This is a text that has a chance to change people, and so make a real difference for the planet.”--Charles Wohlforth, author of L.A. Times Book Prize-winning The Whale and the Supercomputer  “Alan Weisman offers us a sketch of where we stand as a species that is both illuminating and terrifying. His tone is conversational and his affection for both Earth and humanity transparent.”--Barry Lopez, author of Arctic Dreams “An exacting account of the processes by which things fall apart. The scope is breathtaking...the clarity and lyricism of the writing itself left me with repeated gasps of recognition about the human condition. I believe it will be a classic.”--Dennis Covington, author of National Book Award finalist Salvation on Sand Mountain  “Fascinating, mordant, deeply intelligent, and beautifully written, The World Without Us depicts the spectacle of humanitys impact on the planet Earth in tragically poignant terms that go far beyond the dry dictates of science. This is a very important book for a species playing games with its own destiny.”--James Howard Kunstler, author of The Long Emergency 2 Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
  • 3. Some Readers Say…. 1. This is a charming book on a macabre subject: if every person on earth died tomorrow what would happen to the works of man? Using New York as an example the author details the slow, inevitable destruction of the subways, bridges, buildings, the return of the forests and the animals, and the disposition of those things that never seem to go away: poisonous heavy metals, plastic, and radioactive waste. 2. It's a fascinating read of well-reasoned speculation. 3. This is an oddly hopeful book. Hopeful because it offers compelling evidence that life on earth will outlive human tampering with the ecosystem, yet odd because it also demonstrates that the world won't miss us much. In fact, it's pretty clear that, on balance, the world would be better off without us. 4. This should be required reading for every graduating high school and/or college student. The real world they're inheriting! 5. Anyone believing that the rats and cockroaches would be locked in a struggle for dominance of the Earth will find themselves reconsidering, for instance, since these species' success in much of the world stems from their association with humanity. 6. The appalling insight is that most of the legacy that we will leave once our cities have crumbled will be filth and pollution 3 Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
  • 4. Other readers say…  7. The basic premise of this book is a hypothetical examination of what would happen to the earth if human beings were to suddenly vanish. (If only.) Some chapters are better than others, but overall, this is a really interesting read. Some parts are uplifting, like the brief time it would take Manhattan to return to wilderness. The author's descriptions are quite beautiful and riveting. Then other chapter's make me want to put a gun in my mouth, like the one on all those abandoned nuclear power plants, and the giant plastic gyres in the ocean. 8. There is no single unifying narrative in this book, it is rather a series of essays of some imaginative science writing. Weisman takes us to Bialowieza Puszcza, a protected land on the border of Poland and Belarus. This is Europe's last primeval or old growth forest - the stuff of fairy tales - with trees 150 feet tall and 10 feet in diameter, covered with scary looking moss. Before there were humans, all of Europe was covered with this kind of forest, and, presumably, would be again if humans vanished.  9. Life's ability to survive in these circumstances is the upside of Weisman's story. On the downside, however, he makes some ominous predictions. For example, since the end of World War II humans have been producing tons of plastic material. Plastics are not biodegradable unless they are incinerated. Weisman claims that much of this plastic material ultimately finds its way into the oceans and ends up killing fish and other sea creatures at an alarming rate. He predicts that these creatures are doomed whether humans disappear or not - more likely if they don't disappear. 4 Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
  • 5. Speculative Non-Fiction  Weisman offers an unlikely premise: humans will suddenly disappear. He chooses not to explore the veracity of such a claim. It is hypothetical.  Weisman looks at various aspects of our world to see how they have fared before us and with us.  Weisman is particularly critical of human behavior over the past 200 years, when industry begins to develop.  Weisman draws unpleasant conclusions over the role of nuclear power plants, radiation and plastics.  Weisman also notes the earth’s bludgeoning population growth, but offers a solution that few find practical. (See pgs. 271-272) 5 Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
  • 6. Prelude and Chapter 1  The prelude deals with the effects of an endangered human culture in South America. Conservation efforts keep the people alive, but they essentially lose their ability to live according to their own traditions. Why is this significant for the book?  Chapter 1 calls itself “A Lingering Scent of Eden”. We saw another scientist, Dawkins, use a similar metaphor. Weisman is discussing a forest (Bialowieza Puszcza—the word means “primeval forest) at the borders of Poland and Belarus that faces extinction. What endangers the forest? Are there many forests left in Europe? Would a world without humans save this forest? 6 Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
  • 7. The Forest 7 Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
  • 8. Our Homes and Our Cities  Chapter 3 uses Manhattan  Chapter 2 shows how our as a city under siege after homes will eventually humans disappear. succumb to ruin.  Water will be one of the  Weisman explains the effect most destructive forces. of climate on all types of housing materials:  Bridges will decay and fall. teak, cement, drywall, wood-  All major highways will framed homes (typical in crumble. many suburbs)tile and  Look at the subway! stainless steel.  He opines that nature through beast and weather will reduce our homes to rubble within 100 years. Only tile and stainless steel will survive. 8 Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
  • 9. 9 Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
  • 10. Chapter 4: The World Just Before Us An “ice age” is a time of extensive glacial activity that covers a relatively large area with ice. During the Ice Age, which ended a few thousand years ago, 30% of the land surface of the earth was covered by ice . In North America an ice sheet covered almost all of Canada and the northern United States.  We know the extent of the Ice Age because the glaciers left features on the landscape similar to features we observe around glaciers today in Greenland and Antarctica. Most likely, Earth has endured a series of ice ages over millions, possibly billions of years.  Animal bones are part of the geological record—the earliest fossils are found in parts of Africa. Later we emerge as a dominant species.  Weisman believes a great dry spell occurred about 7 million years ago in Africa. Much of the world’s moisture was buried in the glaciers that covered Europe and North America. This changed the course of evolution, as certain species became extinct and others survived. (47)  Scientist Kate Dewiler believes there were 2 dominant species that later on became a hybrid—us. She opines that this hybridization is an evolutionary force, similar to natural selection. (46)Post ice age created conditions for man to evolve, possibly from apes, who could function on two legs, but also used all 4.  As chimpanzees have no real predators or each other, they are equipped with a gene of adaptability; they are able to live off all kinds of foods.(51)  If man were to disappear, the chimpanzee would flourish, and other game, such as lions and elephants would augment.The r possible destruction could only happen if there were another ice age. Then the cycle would begin again. 10 Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852 
  • 11. 11 Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
  • 12. Chapter 7: What Falls Apart Chapter 8: What Lasts Weisman uses the island of Cypress as the Weisman uses Istanbul, of Turkey as a setting for his theories. setting for his theories. The decay of resorts off the shore seem to Istanbul was once Constantinople, the predict what would happen to buildings if capital city of the Eastern Roman humans disappeared. empire. The search for natural resources: Cypress It still has many sturdy buildings from the gets much of their water from Turkey. past—the Hagia Sophia, once an One portion of Cypress is Greek; the other Orthodox church. is Turkish. There are also a series of underground Cypress deliberately allows cheap caves that seem to be a city in itelf. manufacturering of resorts for British The caves are man-made—their structure retirees. Those buildings are bound to suggests that they served as fall apart. defense, storage and shelters. Cypress construction shows us that many As Turkey has suffered great economic modern resorts are made with the depression, their buildings are poorly cheapest material. It cannot withstand made—they actually sway on a windy the test of time. day. Metin Munir, a journalist, says: “You An earthquake would destroy the many understand just what the Taoists mean cities in Turkey, where the majority of when they say that soft is stronger than the population live. But the hard.” (96) He is addressing the underground caverns would be largely gradualism of decay in Varosha, the unaffected. former resort of the Greek Cypriots, which now belongs to the Turkish Cypriots. 12 Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
  • 13. Varosha, Cyprus Caves of Turkey 13 Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
  • 14. Cyprus and North Cyprus (Turkish Occupied Zone. Constantinople, around the fall of the Western Roman Empire. 14 Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
  • 15. This is a hotel with rooms in the actual caves! Pictures taken from the 15 Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
  • 16. Chapter 9: Polymers are Forever  This chapter is one of the most important in the book. It shows the gradual damage of plastic in the environment.  It begins with a study of materials found in the sands at Plymouth Harbor in England.  Plastic is everywhere; it even can be found in the depths of the ocean, consumed by the sea creatures lowest on the food chain—krill and plankton.  Plastic is in cosmetics: many exfoliants found in bath and face scrubs are made of plastic, not organic material.  Most plastics end up in ocean-fills, not land-fills. Plastic material litters the beaches which then goes out to the sea.  Plastics do not biodegrade easily. See page126. Part of what is broken down becomes a lethal chemical.  All plastic is a polymer, defined as “simple mechanical configurations of carbon and hydrogen atoms that link together to form chains.”(118) Cotton and rubber are polymers.  Landfills contain “constructive debris and paper products. Newspapers don’t biodegrade when buried away from land and water.”(119) A year old newspaper can still be read.  We are a “throwaway” society. The plastics we toss may be changed through geological perseverance that takes thousands of years. Geologic time is what changes landmasses, shifts plates in the ocean, alters the face of the world forever. Plastic can be recycled, but it cannot decay as organic matter. 16 Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
  • 17. Polymer liquid crystals (PLCs) are a class of materials that combine the properties of polymers with those of liquid crystals. A liquid crystal polymer can be seen as a network of conventional LC molecules that are linked together by polymerization. 17 Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
  • 18. 18 Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
  • 19. Chapter 10 The Petro Patch • Our relationship to petroleum—very complex. It begins with rubber. • Texas Petrochemical: pipelines begin in Pasadena, a Houston suburb; they extend • Goodyear tires use a synthetic rubber. See to Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi to the page 130. Weisman: “A tire can’t be melted Northeast. They pipe refined gasoline, down and turned into something else.” home-heating oil, diesel and jet fuel. (131) It cannot be recycled. • Oil was discovered in Texas after the Gulf • Weisman: “In the United States, an average hurricane in Galveston that killed 8000 of one tire per citizen is discarded…that’s a people. third of a billion, just in one year. Then there’s the rest of the world.” (131) • This is where oil refineries, chemical plants, synthetic rubber and plastics • Tires contain carbon black filler—it gives began production. Texas oil has been in strength and color. decline since the seventies. • Burning tires release energy along with • All oil refineries have a lot of complex “surprising amounts of oily soot that equipment. Malfunctions cause contains some noxious components.” 131) unfortunate results from hydrochloric acid • The largest plant that produces synthetic leaks (Sterling Chemical) to liquid rubber is in Texas, owned by hydrocarbons geysers (BP—not the recent Goodyear.(Note—this is not the polymer oil spill) to explosions of plastics (again— called elastomer that is found in the BP) to hydrogen sulfide leaks (guess Amazonian Para tree, a natural who—BP). substance.) • Much is run by computers, but it is man • Processing oil into gas and diesel is in high that puts out the fires caused by these demand, but the problems go beyond explosions. See paragraph at the bottom supply. Susan Bertolino Mosaicpg. 137-138.) of 852 19
  • 20. According to British Petroleum, in 2009 the United States had an oil refinery capacity of 17,688,000 barrels per day, or 19.5% of the world’s total oil refinery capacity .
  • 21. 21 Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
  • 22. Chapter 12: The Fate of the Ancient and Modern • What is the difference between Wonders of the World an ancient and a modern 1. The English Channel Tunnel—it is a train that moves from Folkstone wonder of the world—besides England to Coquelles, France. It cost over 21 billion dollars to time? Use this criteria to make. answer: 2,. The Panama Canal----the land was once part of Colombia until • 1. Construction Panama had independence. President Roosevelt was • 2. Durability instrumental in carving out this canal so that ships wouldn’t have to travel around the entire South • 3. Beauty American continent—it connected the Pacific Ocean to • 4. Function the Atlantic. 3. Mount Rushmore: an attempt to • 5. Material “immortalize the greatest American presidents in portraits every bit as imposing as that long • Weisman focuses on 3 marvels vanished wonder, the Colossus of Rhodes. of modern technology: Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852 22
  • 25.
  • 26. • Possibly one of the most Chapter 13: The World fascinating chapters in the book. Without War • Weisman shows that war can The DMZ is 151 miles long and 2.5 miles wide. Red-crowned cranes, white-naped crane actually help the environment in and whooping cranes (endangered species) live in a portion that was once one example. • As long as Korea remains for rice paddies—now wetlands. They come here to winter. Saber-tooth tigers are rumored to be living in the DMZ. Since no humans live there, it is safe for divided, the Demilitarized Zone most wildlife that might have disappeared: “Asiatic black bears, (DMZ) will be a habitat to Eurasian lynx, musk deer, Chinese water deer, an endangered mountain goat wildlife and plants that haven’t known as the gotal and the nearly vanished Amur leopard cling to what may only be temporary life support.” (185) been seen in ages. “If there were no agriculture trying to feed 20 million humans in Seoul…pumps • Few humans ever appear in this that defy the very seasons would be stilled. Wildlife would return and water with it.”(189) area, so the area is a reminder of This is a commentary on our food industry—as billions of people demand what the wilderness might have food, all living creatures and the land are held in the balance. been. (190)
  • 27.
  • 28. • Perhaps the most important story is that of Chernobyl in Russia. It had a Chapter 15: Hot Legacy nuclear leak, but the then Soviet The birth of nuclear energy—uranium in every nuclear creation is highly unstable. press clamped down and gave the impression that it was a minor Ultraviolet rays created the ozone level; they became the shield against too much problem. It wasn’t. The radiation exposure to them. It’s a bit like getting pneumonia: your lungs fill up with mucus from Chernobyl has brought because white blood cells are fighting the infection. But those same cells are radiation sickness, cancer and all making you sick by creating mucus as a sorts of problems to all living way to bring down inflammation. creatures. Chernobyl shows us a One form of radiation is ultraviolet rays, let loose by nuclear fission in the testing worst-case scenario. of nuclear weapons along with the construction of nuclear reactors. • See pages 214 to 218. The invention of freon, also known as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) became an ozone destroyer. Hydrochloroflourocarbons also hurt the ozone layer (HCFC)—these polymers are used today.
  • 29. 29 Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
  • 30. 30 Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852
  • 31. Chernobyl Accident  On 26 April 1986, the most serious accident in the history of the nuclear industry occurred at Unit 4 of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the former Ukrainian Republic of the Soviet Union. The explosions that ruptured the Chernobyl reactor vessel and the consequent fire that continued for 10 days or so resulted in large amounts of radioactive materials being released into the environment.  The cloud from the burning reactor spread numerous types of radioactive materials, especially iodine and caesium radionuclides, over much of Europe. Radioactive iodine, most significant in contributing to thyroid doses, has a short half- life (8 days) and largely disintegrated within the first few weeks of the accident. Radioactive caesium-, which contributes to both external and internal doses, has a much longer half-life (30 years) and is still measurable in soils and some foods in many parts of Europe. The greatest deposits of radionuclides occurred over large areas of the Soviet Union surrounding the reactor in what are now the countries of Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine.  Unfortunately, reliable information about the accident and the resulting dispersion of radioactive material was initially unavailable to the affected people in what was then the Soviet Union and remained inadequate for years following the accident. This failure and delay led to widespread distrust of official information and the mistaken attribution of many ill 31 Susan Bertolino Mosaic 852 health conditions to radiation exposure.
  • 32. Pictures of Chernobyl after the meltdown