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Odontogenic Cysts
Dr. Amin Abusallamah
A. Types of Flaps.
B. Surgical removal the of the cyst .
• A cyst is an epithelium-lined sac
containing fluid or semisolid material.
In the formation of a cyst, the epithelial
cells first proliferate and later undergo
degeneration and liquefaction. The
liquefied material exerts equal pressure
on the walls of the cyst from within.
• Cysts grow by expansion and thus
displace the adjacent teeth by pressure.
May can produce expansion of the
cortical bone. On a radiograph, the
radiolucency of a cyst is usually
bordered by a radiopaque periphery of
dense sclerotic bone. The radiolucency
may be unilocular or multilocular
• Odontogenic cysts are those which
arise from the epithelium associated
with the development of teeth. The
source of epithelium is from the
enamel organ, the reduced enamel
epithelium, the cell rests of Malassez or
the remnants of the dental lamina.
• Radicular cyst
• Residual cyst
• Dentigerous cyst (follicular)
• Primordial cyst
• Lateral periodontal cyst
• Odontogenic keratocyst
• Calcifying odontogenic cyst (Gorlin cyst)
Radicular cyst
• A periapical cyst develops from a preexisting
periapical granuloma, which is a focus of chronically
inflamed granulation tissue in bone located at the
apex of a nonvital tooth.
• Periapical granulomas are initiated and maintained
by the degradation products of necrotic pulp tissue
• The periapical cyst is lined by non
keratinized stratified squamous
epithelium of variable.
Transmigration of inflammatory
cells through the epithelium is
common, with large numbers of
(PMNs) and fewer numbers of
lymphocytes involved.
• The underlying supportive
connective tissue may be
focally or diffusely infiltrated
with a mixed inflammatory
cell population.
Clinical features
• Frequency:It is most common cystic lesion of jaw
comprising about approximately 52% of jaw cystic lesions.
• Age: found in 4th & 5th decades of life.
• Sex: It is more common in males 58% than females.
• Race: White patients more than Black patients.
• Site: It occurs with frequency of 60% occurs in maxillary
anterior region. Most commonly at apices of teeth.
Radiographic features
• Location: In most cases the epicenter of a radicular cyst is
located approximately at the apex of a nonvital tooth.
• Periphery and shape: The periphery usually has a well
defined cortical border. It will become ill-defined if infected.
• Internal structure: In most radicular cysts is radiolucent.
• Effects on surrounding structures: If a radicular cyst is
large, displacement and resorption of the roots of adjacent
Differential Diagnosis
• Periapical abscess. Ill defined margin.
• Apical granuloma. may be difficult and in some cases impossible.
A round shape, a well-defined cortical border, and a size greater
than 2 cm in diameter are more characteristic of a cyst.
• Early stage of periapical cemental dysplasia. tooth are vital.
• Apical scar.
• Periapical surgical defect.
Enucleation with preservation of tooth and RCT
with follow-up
Extraction with curettage
Residual cyst
• When the necrotic tooth is extracted but the cyst lining is
incompletely removed, a residual cyst may from months to
years after the develop initial extirpation If either or the a
residual cyst original periapical cyst remains
untreated, continued growth can cause significant bone
resorption and weakening of the mandible or maxilla.
Same like Radicular or periapical cyst
Clinical features
• A Residual cyst is a cyst that develops
• after incomplete removal of the original cyst.
• Usually asymptomatic.
• Unilocular, round or oval, well--defined, usually well
• It can cause bone expansion and displacement of the adjacent
Radiographic features
• Location: In both jaw but more in the mandible. Found at
periapical location, in place of an extracted tooth.
• Periphery and shape: The periphery usually has a well defined
cortical border.
• Internal structure: In most cases the internal structure of
radicular cysts is radiolucent.
• Effects on surrounding structures: large cyst , displacement
and resorption of the roots of adjacent teeth may occur.
Differential Diagnosis
• Keratocyst: residual cyst has greater potential for
expansion compared with a keratocyst.
• Stafne developmental salivary gland defect is located
below the mandibular canal
Enucleation if the lesion is small
Marsupialization if the lesion is large
Dentigerous cyst
• Dentigerous cyst develops from proliferation of the
enamel organ remnant or reduced enamel
• The supporting fibrous connective
tissue wall of the cyst is lined by
stratified squamous epithelium.
In an uninflamed dentigerous cyst
the epithelial lining is
nonkeratinized and tends to be
approximately four to six cell
layers thick.
• On occasion, numerous mucous
cells, ciliated cells, and
rarely, sebaceous cells may be found
in the lining of the epithelium. The
epithelium-connective tissue
junction is generally flat, although in
cases in which there is secondary
inflammation, epithelial byperplasia
may be noted.
Clinical features
• Dentigerous cysts are most commonly
seen in association with third molars
and maxillary canines, which are the
most commonly impacted teeth. The
highest incidence of dentigerous cysts
occurs during the second and third
decades. There is a greater incidence in
males, with a ratio of 1.6 to 1 reported.
Clinical features
• Symptoms are generally absent, with
delayed eruption being the most
common indication of dentigerous cyst
formation. This cyst is capable of
achieving significant size, occasionally
with associated cortical bone expansion
but rarely to a size that predisposes the
patient to a pathologic fracture.
Radiographic features
• Location: most common sites are mandibular third molar, maxillary
canine, maxillary third molar. Associated with the crown of an un-
erupted and displaced tooth.
• Periphery and shape: The periphery usually has a well defined
cortical border. Attached to the CEJ.
• Internal structure: most cases is radiolucent surrounding the crown.
• Effects on surrounding structures: Large cysts tend to expand the
outer plate (usually buccally).
Differential Diagnosis
• Hyperplastic follicle The size of the normal follicular space is 2
to 3 mm. If the follicular space exceeds 5 mm, a dentigerous
cyst is more likely.
• Odontogenic keratocyst ,does not expand the bone to the
same degree as a dentigerous cyst, is less likely to resorb
teeth, and may attach farther apically on the root instead of at
the cementoenamel junction.
Differential Diagnosis
• Ameloblastjc fibroma
• Cystic ameloblastoma The internal structure in both of them
• Adenomatoid odontogenic tumors
• Calcified odontogenic cysts Both can surround the crown and
root of the involved tooth. Evidence of a radiopaque internal
structure should be sought in these two lesions.
Marsupialization is strongly
recommended when tooth or
adjacent teeth prevented from as
Enucleation is an alternative treatment
with removal of tooth
Lateral periodontal
• The origin of this cyst is believed to be related to proliferation
of rests of dental lamina.
• The lateral periodontal cyst has been pathogcnetically linked
to the gingival cyst of the adult; t the former is believed to
arise from dental lamina remnants within bone, and the latter
from dental lamina remnants in soft tissue between the oral
epithelium and the periosteum (rests of Serres).
• The close relationship between the two
entities is further supported by their
similar distribution in sites containing a
higher concentration of dental lamina
rests, and their identical histology. By
contrast, periapical cysts are most
common at the apices of teeth, where
rests of Malassez are more plentiful.
Clinical features
• Age : Adults
• Location : Lateral periodontal membrane especially
mandibular , cuspid and premolar area
• Usually asypmtomatic ; associated tooth is vital ;origin from
rests of dental lamina ;
• some keratocysts are found in a lateral root position
;gingival cyst be soft tissue of adult may counterpart
Radiographic features
• Location: 50-75% of lateral periodontal cysts develop in the
mandible, mostly in a region extending from the lateral incisor
to the second premolar.
• Periphery and shape: well-defined radiolucency with a
prominent cortical boundary and a round or oval shape.
• Internal structure: usually is radiolucent.
• Effects on surrounding structures: Large cysts can displace
adjacent teeth and cause expansion
Differential Diagnosis
• Small OKC
• Mental foramen
• Small neurofibroma
• Radicular cyst at the foramen of an accessory pulp canal.
• The multiple (botryoid) cysts with a multilocular
appearance may resemble a small ameloblastoma.
Enucleation with preservation of
adjoining teeth
• There is general agreement that OKCs develop from dental
lamina remnants in the mandible and maxilla. However, an
origin of this cyst From extension of basal cells of the
overlying oral epithelium has also been suggested.
• Genetic
• The epithelial lining is uniformly thin, generally ranging from 8
to 10 cell layers thick.
• The basal layer exhibits a characteristic palisaded pattern with
polarized and intensely stained nuclei of uniform diameter.
The luminal epithelial cells are parakeratinized and produce an
uneven or corrugated profile.
• Additional histologic features that may
occasionally be encountered include
budding of the basal cells into the C.T
wall and microcyst formation.
• The fibrous connective tissue
component of the cyst wall is often free
of inflammatory cell infiltrate and is
relatively thin.
Clinical features
• Age: Any age , especially adults
• Location : Mandibular molar ramus area favored ; may be
found dentigerous , in position of lateral root , periapical , or
primordial cyst
• OKCs are relatively common jaw cysts They occur at any age
and have a peak incidence within the second and third
Radiographic features
• Location : The most common is the posterior body of the
mandible (90% posterior to the canines)and ramus (more
than 50%). This type of cyst occasionally has the same
pericoronal position asdentigerous cyst.
• Periphery and shape Usually : with a cortical border unless
become secondarily infected. The cyst may have a smooth
(round or oval shape), or it may have a scalloped outline.
Radiographic features
• Internal structure
• most commonly is radiolucent.
• The cystic cavity contain keratin.
• In some cases curved internal septa may be present, giving
the lesion a multilocular Appearance.
Radiographic features
• The effects on surrounding structures : It grow along the
internal aspect of the jaws, causing minimal expansion except
for the upper ramus and coronoid process, where
considerable expansion may occur. OKCs can displace and
resorbe teeth but to a slightly lesser degree than dentigerous
cysts. The inferior alveolar nerve canal may be displaced
inferiorly. In the maxilla this cyst can invaginate and occupy
the entire maxillary antrum
Differential Diagnosis
• Dentigerous cyst OKC
• Ameloblastoma, AB has a greater propensity to expand.
• Odontogenic myxoma, multilocular with fine straight septa.
• A simple bone cyst often has a scalloped margin and minimal
bone expansion.
• several OKCs are found, these cysts may constitute part of a
basal cell nevus syndrome.
Wide (local) surgical excision for prevent the
Marsupialization - the surgical opening of the
(KCOT) cavity and a creation of a marsupial-
like pouch, so that the cavity is in contact with
the outside for an extended period.
odontogenic cyst
(Gorlin cyst)
• COGs are believed to be derived from odontogenic epithelial
remnants within the gingiva or within the mandible or maxilla.
• Most COCs present as well-
delineated cystic proliferations with
a fibrous connective tissue wall lined
by odontogenic epithelium.
Intraluminal epithelial proliferation
occasionally obscures the cyst
lumen, thereby producing the
impression of a solid tumor.
• The basal epithelium may focally be quite prominent, with
hyperchromatic nuclei and a cuboidal to columnar pattern.
Above the basal layer are more loosely arranged epithelial
cells, sometimes resembling the stellate reticulum of the
enamel organ. The most prominent and unique microscopic
feature is the presence of ghost cell keratinization.
• The ghost cells are anucleate and
retain the outline of the
cell membrane. These cells
undergo dystrophic mineralization
characterized by fine basophilic
granularity, which may eventually
result in large sheets of calcined
material On occasion.
Clinical features
• Age: Any age
• Location : Maxilla favored ; gingiva second most common site
• No distinctive age gender, gender, or locationLucent to mixe
d radiographic patterns
Radiographic features
• COCs may present as unilocular or multilocular radiolucencies
with discrete, welldemarcated margins. Within the
radiolucency there may be scattered, irregularly sized
calcifications. Such opacities may produce a salt-and-pepper
type of pattern, with an equal and diffuse distribution. In
some cases mineralization may develop to such an extent that
the radiographic margins of the lesion are difficult to
Differential Diagnosis
• Dentigerous cyst,
• OKC,
• Ameloblastoma. In later stages ,
• Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor,
• Ameloblastic fibroodontoma
Surgical Enucleation is the preferred
Principle of Treatment
1. local anesthesia.
2. Types of Flaps.
3. Surgical removal the of the cyst .
Local anesthesia
Types of Flaps
1. Trapezoidal flap.
• Advantage : Provides excellent
access, allows surgery to be performed
on more than two teeth, produces no
tension in the tissues allows easy
reapproximation of the flap to its original
• Disadvantages: Produces a defect in the
Types of Flaps
2. Triangular Flap.
• Advantage : Ensures an adequate blood
supply, satisfactory visualization, very
good stability .
• Disadvantages: Limited access to long
roots, tension is created when the flap is
held with a retractor, and it causes a
defect in the attached gingiva.
Types of Flaps
3. Envelope Flap.
• Advantage : Avoidance of vertical
incision and easy reapproximation to
original position
• Disadvantages: Difficult reflection
(mainly palatally), great tension with a risk
of the ends tearing, limited visualization
in apicoectomies, limited
access, possibility of injury of palatal
vessels and nerves, defect of attached
Types of Flaps
4. Semilunar Flap.
• Advantage : Small incision and easy
reflection, no recession of gingivae
around the prosthetic restoration.
• Disadvantages: The incision being
performed right over the bone lesion due to
miscalculation, scarring in the anterior
area, difficulty of reapproximation , limited
access and visualization, tendency to tear.
Surgical removal the of the cyst
• Enucleation: This technique involves complete removal of
the cystic sac and healing of the wound by primary intention.
This is the most satisfactory method of treatment of a cyst
and is indicated in all cases where cysts are involved, whose
wall may be removed without damaging adjacent teeth and
other anatomic structures.
Surgical removal the of the cyst
• The surgical procedure for treatment of a cyst with
enucleation includes the following steps:
1. Reflection of a mucoperiosteal flap.
2. Removal of bone and exposure of part of the cyst.
3. Enucleation of the cystic sac.
4. Care of the wound and suturing.
Surgical removal the of the cyst
Panoramic radiograph showing an
extensive radicularlesion at the region
of teeth 22, 23, 24
Clinical photograph of case
Surgical removal the of the cyst
Removal of maxillary cyst, with labial access. Incision for creating a trapezoidal flap.
Reflection of flap and exposure of surgical field.
Surgical removal the of the cyst
Removal of bone at the labial aspect respective to the lesion.
Osseous window created to expose part of the lesion.
Surgical removal the of the cyst
Removal of cyst from bony cavity, using hemostat and curette.
Surgical field after removal of lesion.
Surgical removal the of the cyst
Operation site after placement of sutures.
Panoramic radiograph and clinical photograph taken 2 months after the surgical procedure.
Surgical removal the of the cyst
• Marsupialization This method is usually employed for the
removal of large cysts and entails opening a surgical window
at an appropriate site above the lesion. In order to create the
surgical window, initially a circular incision is made, which
includes the mucoperiosteum, the underlying perforated
(usually) bone, and the respective wall of the cystic sac
Surgical removal the of the cyst
• Marsupialization: After this procedure, the contents of the cyst
are evacuated, and interrupted sutures are placed around the
periphery of the cyst, suturing the mucoperiosteum and the cystic
wall together . Afterwards, the cystic cavity is irrigated with saline
solution and packed with iodoform gauze ,which is removed a week
later together with the sutures. During that period, the wound
margins will have healed, establishing permanent communication.
Irrigation of the cystic cavity is performed several times
daily, keeping it clean of food debris and avertinga potential
Surgical removal the of the cyst
Marsupialization method. Circular incision includes mucosa and periosteum.
Exposure of buccal cortical plate and removal of portion of bone with round bur
of osseous
window with
Surgical removal the of the cyst
Exposure of cyst
after removal of
Suturing of wound
margins with
cystic wall
Surgical removal the of the cyst
Packing of cystic
cavity with
iodoform gauz
Cystic cavity after
insertion of

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Odontogenic cysts

  • 3. INTRODUCTION • A cyst is an epithelium-lined sac containing fluid or semisolid material. In the formation of a cyst, the epithelial cells first proliferate and later undergo degeneration and liquefaction. The liquefied material exerts equal pressure on the walls of the cyst from within.
  • 4. INTRODUCTION • Cysts grow by expansion and thus displace the adjacent teeth by pressure. May can produce expansion of the cortical bone. On a radiograph, the radiolucency of a cyst is usually bordered by a radiopaque periphery of dense sclerotic bone. The radiolucency may be unilocular or multilocular
  • 5. INTRODUCTION • Odontogenic cysts are those which arise from the epithelium associated with the development of teeth. The source of epithelium is from the enamel organ, the reduced enamel epithelium, the cell rests of Malassez or the remnants of the dental lamina.
  • 6. CLASSIFICATION • Radicular cyst • Residual cyst • Dentigerous cyst (follicular) • Primordial cyst • Lateral periodontal cyst • Odontogenic keratocyst • Calcifying odontogenic cyst (Gorlin cyst)
  • 8. Causes • A periapical cyst develops from a preexisting periapical granuloma, which is a focus of chronically inflamed granulation tissue in bone located at the apex of a nonvital tooth. • Periapical granulomas are initiated and maintained by the degradation products of necrotic pulp tissue
  • 9. Histopathology • The periapical cyst is lined by non keratinized stratified squamous epithelium of variable. Transmigration of inflammatory cells through the epithelium is common, with large numbers of (PMNs) and fewer numbers of lymphocytes involved.
  • 10. Histopathology • The underlying supportive connective tissue may be focally or diffusely infiltrated with a mixed inflammatory cell population.
  • 11. Clinical features • Frequency:It is most common cystic lesion of jaw comprising about approximately 52% of jaw cystic lesions. • Age: found in 4th & 5th decades of life. • Sex: It is more common in males 58% than females. • Race: White patients more than Black patients. • Site: It occurs with frequency of 60% occurs in maxillary anterior region. Most commonly at apices of teeth.
  • 12. Radiographic features • Location: In most cases the epicenter of a radicular cyst is located approximately at the apex of a nonvital tooth. • Periphery and shape: The periphery usually has a well defined cortical border. It will become ill-defined if infected. • Internal structure: In most radicular cysts is radiolucent. • Effects on surrounding structures: If a radicular cyst is large, displacement and resorption of the roots of adjacent teeth.
  • 13.
  • 14. Differential Diagnosis • Periapical abscess. Ill defined margin. • Apical granuloma. may be difficult and in some cases impossible. A round shape, a well-defined cortical border, and a size greater than 2 cm in diameter are more characteristic of a cyst. • Early stage of periapical cemental dysplasia. tooth are vital. • Apical scar. • Periapical surgical defect.
  • 15. Treatment Enucleation with preservation of tooth and RCT with follow-up Or Extraction with curettage
  • 17. Causes • When the necrotic tooth is extracted but the cyst lining is incompletely removed, a residual cyst may from months to years after the develop initial extirpation If either or the a residual cyst original periapical cyst remains untreated, continued growth can cause significant bone resorption and weakening of the mandible or maxilla.
  • 19. Clinical features • A Residual cyst is a cyst that develops • after incomplete removal of the original cyst. • Usually asymptomatic. • Unilocular, round or oval, well--defined, usually well corticated. • It can cause bone expansion and displacement of the adjacent teeth.
  • 20. Radiographic features • Location: In both jaw but more in the mandible. Found at periapical location, in place of an extracted tooth. • Periphery and shape: The periphery usually has a well defined cortical border. • Internal structure: In most cases the internal structure of radicular cysts is radiolucent. • Effects on surrounding structures: large cyst , displacement and resorption of the roots of adjacent teeth may occur.
  • 21.
  • 22. Differential Diagnosis • Keratocyst: residual cyst has greater potential for expansion compared with a keratocyst. • Stafne developmental salivary gland defect is located below the mandibular canal
  • 23. Treatment Enucleation if the lesion is small Or Marsupialization if the lesion is large
  • 25. Causes • Dentigerous cyst develops from proliferation of the enamel organ remnant or reduced enamel epithelium.
  • 26. Histopathology • The supporting fibrous connective tissue wall of the cyst is lined by stratified squamous epithelium. In an uninflamed dentigerous cyst the epithelial lining is nonkeratinized and tends to be approximately four to six cell layers thick.
  • 27. Histopathology • On occasion, numerous mucous cells, ciliated cells, and rarely, sebaceous cells may be found in the lining of the epithelium. The epithelium-connective tissue junction is generally flat, although in cases in which there is secondary inflammation, epithelial byperplasia may be noted.
  • 28. Clinical features • Dentigerous cysts are most commonly seen in association with third molars and maxillary canines, which are the most commonly impacted teeth. The highest incidence of dentigerous cysts occurs during the second and third decades. There is a greater incidence in males, with a ratio of 1.6 to 1 reported.
  • 29. Clinical features • Symptoms are generally absent, with delayed eruption being the most common indication of dentigerous cyst formation. This cyst is capable of achieving significant size, occasionally with associated cortical bone expansion but rarely to a size that predisposes the patient to a pathologic fracture.
  • 30. Radiographic features • Location: most common sites are mandibular third molar, maxillary canine, maxillary third molar. Associated with the crown of an un- erupted and displaced tooth. • Periphery and shape: The periphery usually has a well defined cortical border. Attached to the CEJ. • Internal structure: most cases is radiolucent surrounding the crown. • Effects on surrounding structures: Large cysts tend to expand the outer plate (usually buccally).
  • 31.
  • 32. Differential Diagnosis • Hyperplastic follicle The size of the normal follicular space is 2 to 3 mm. If the follicular space exceeds 5 mm, a dentigerous cyst is more likely. • Odontogenic keratocyst ,does not expand the bone to the same degree as a dentigerous cyst, is less likely to resorb teeth, and may attach farther apically on the root instead of at the cementoenamel junction.
  • 33. Differential Diagnosis • Ameloblastjc fibroma • Cystic ameloblastoma The internal structure in both of them differentiate • Adenomatoid odontogenic tumors • Calcified odontogenic cysts Both can surround the crown and root of the involved tooth. Evidence of a radiopaque internal structure should be sought in these two lesions.
  • 34. Treatment Marsupialization is strongly recommended when tooth or adjacent teeth prevented from as or Enucleation is an alternative treatment with removal of tooth
  • 36. Causes • The origin of this cyst is believed to be related to proliferation of rests of dental lamina. • The lateral periodontal cyst has been pathogcnetically linked to the gingival cyst of the adult; t the former is believed to arise from dental lamina remnants within bone, and the latter from dental lamina remnants in soft tissue between the oral epithelium and the periosteum (rests of Serres).
  • 37. Histopathology • The close relationship between the two entities is further supported by their similar distribution in sites containing a higher concentration of dental lamina rests, and their identical histology. By contrast, periapical cysts are most common at the apices of teeth, where rests of Malassez are more plentiful.
  • 38. Clinical features • Age : Adults • Location : Lateral periodontal membrane especially mandibular , cuspid and premolar area • Usually asypmtomatic ; associated tooth is vital ;origin from rests of dental lamina ; • some keratocysts are found in a lateral root position ;gingival cyst be soft tissue of adult may counterpart
  • 39. Radiographic features • Location: 50-75% of lateral periodontal cysts develop in the mandible, mostly in a region extending from the lateral incisor to the second premolar. • Periphery and shape: well-defined radiolucency with a prominent cortical boundary and a round or oval shape. • Internal structure: usually is radiolucent. • Effects on surrounding structures: Large cysts can displace adjacent teeth and cause expansion
  • 40.
  • 41. Differential Diagnosis • Small OKC • Mental foramen • Small neurofibroma • Radicular cyst at the foramen of an accessory pulp canal. • The multiple (botryoid) cysts with a multilocular appearance may resemble a small ameloblastoma.
  • 44. Causes • There is general agreement that OKCs develop from dental lamina remnants in the mandible and maxilla. However, an origin of this cyst From extension of basal cells of the overlying oral epithelium has also been suggested. • Genetic
  • 45. Histopathology • The epithelial lining is uniformly thin, generally ranging from 8 to 10 cell layers thick. • The basal layer exhibits a characteristic palisaded pattern with polarized and intensely stained nuclei of uniform diameter. The luminal epithelial cells are parakeratinized and produce an uneven or corrugated profile.
  • 46. Histopathology • Additional histologic features that may occasionally be encountered include budding of the basal cells into the C.T wall and microcyst formation. • The fibrous connective tissue component of the cyst wall is often free of inflammatory cell infiltrate and is relatively thin.
  • 47. Clinical features • Age: Any age , especially adults • Location : Mandibular molar ramus area favored ; may be found dentigerous , in position of lateral root , periapical , or primordial cyst • OKCs are relatively common jaw cysts They occur at any age and have a peak incidence within the second and third decades.
  • 48. Radiographic features • Location : The most common is the posterior body of the mandible (90% posterior to the canines)and ramus (more than 50%). This type of cyst occasionally has the same pericoronal position asdentigerous cyst. • Periphery and shape Usually : with a cortical border unless become secondarily infected. The cyst may have a smooth (round or oval shape), or it may have a scalloped outline.
  • 49. Radiographic features • Internal structure • most commonly is radiolucent. • The cystic cavity contain keratin. • In some cases curved internal septa may be present, giving the lesion a multilocular Appearance.
  • 50. Radiographic features • The effects on surrounding structures : It grow along the internal aspect of the jaws, causing minimal expansion except for the upper ramus and coronoid process, where considerable expansion may occur. OKCs can displace and resorbe teeth but to a slightly lesser degree than dentigerous cysts. The inferior alveolar nerve canal may be displaced inferiorly. In the maxilla this cyst can invaginate and occupy the entire maxillary antrum
  • 51.
  • 52. Differential Diagnosis • Dentigerous cyst OKC • Ameloblastoma, AB has a greater propensity to expand. • Odontogenic myxoma, multilocular with fine straight septa. • A simple bone cyst often has a scalloped margin and minimal bone expansion. • several OKCs are found, these cysts may constitute part of a basal cell nevus syndrome.
  • 53. Treatment Wide (local) surgical excision for prevent the recurrence or Marsupialization - the surgical opening of the (KCOT) cavity and a creation of a marsupial- like pouch, so that the cavity is in contact with the outside for an extended period.
  • 55. Causes • COGs are believed to be derived from odontogenic epithelial remnants within the gingiva or within the mandible or maxilla.
  • 56. Histopathology • Most COCs present as well- delineated cystic proliferations with a fibrous connective tissue wall lined by odontogenic epithelium. Intraluminal epithelial proliferation occasionally obscures the cyst lumen, thereby producing the impression of a solid tumor.
  • 57. Histopathology • The basal epithelium may focally be quite prominent, with hyperchromatic nuclei and a cuboidal to columnar pattern. Above the basal layer are more loosely arranged epithelial cells, sometimes resembling the stellate reticulum of the enamel organ. The most prominent and unique microscopic feature is the presence of ghost cell keratinization.
  • 58. Histopathology • The ghost cells are anucleate and retain the outline of the cell membrane. These cells undergo dystrophic mineralization characterized by fine basophilic granularity, which may eventually result in large sheets of calcined material On occasion.
  • 59. Clinical features • Age: Any age • Location : Maxilla favored ; gingiva second most common site • No distinctive age gender, gender, or locationLucent to mixe d radiographic patterns
  • 60. Radiographic features • COCs may present as unilocular or multilocular radiolucencies with discrete, welldemarcated margins. Within the radiolucency there may be scattered, irregularly sized calcifications. Such opacities may produce a salt-and-pepper type of pattern, with an equal and diffuse distribution. In some cases mineralization may develop to such an extent that the radiographic margins of the lesion are difficult to determine.
  • 61.
  • 62. Differential Diagnosis • Dentigerous cyst, • OKC, • Ameloblastoma. In later stages , • Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, • Ameloblastic fibroodontoma
  • 63. Treatment Surgical Enucleation is the preferred therapy
  • 64. Principle of Treatment 1. local anesthesia. 2. Types of Flaps. 3. Surgical removal the of the cyst .
  • 66. Types of Flaps 1. Trapezoidal flap. • Advantage : Provides excellent access, allows surgery to be performed on more than two teeth, produces no tension in the tissues allows easy reapproximation of the flap to its original position. • Disadvantages: Produces a defect in the attachedgingiva
  • 67. Types of Flaps 2. Triangular Flap. • Advantage : Ensures an adequate blood supply, satisfactory visualization, very good stability . • Disadvantages: Limited access to long roots, tension is created when the flap is held with a retractor, and it causes a defect in the attached gingiva.
  • 68. Types of Flaps 3. Envelope Flap. • Advantage : Avoidance of vertical incision and easy reapproximation to original position • Disadvantages: Difficult reflection (mainly palatally), great tension with a risk of the ends tearing, limited visualization in apicoectomies, limited access, possibility of injury of palatal vessels and nerves, defect of attached gingiva
  • 69. Types of Flaps 4. Semilunar Flap. • Advantage : Small incision and easy reflection, no recession of gingivae around the prosthetic restoration. • Disadvantages: The incision being performed right over the bone lesion due to miscalculation, scarring in the anterior area, difficulty of reapproximation , limited access and visualization, tendency to tear.
  • 70. Surgical removal the of the cyst • Enucleation: This technique involves complete removal of the cystic sac and healing of the wound by primary intention. This is the most satisfactory method of treatment of a cyst and is indicated in all cases where cysts are involved, whose wall may be removed without damaging adjacent teeth and other anatomic structures.
  • 71. Surgical removal the of the cyst • The surgical procedure for treatment of a cyst with enucleation includes the following steps: 1. Reflection of a mucoperiosteal flap. 2. Removal of bone and exposure of part of the cyst. 3. Enucleation of the cystic sac. 4. Care of the wound and suturing.
  • 72. Surgical removal the of the cyst Panoramic radiograph showing an extensive radicularlesion at the region of teeth 22, 23, 24 Clinical photograph of case
  • 73. Surgical removal the of the cyst Removal of maxillary cyst, with labial access. Incision for creating a trapezoidal flap. Reflection of flap and exposure of surgical field.
  • 74. Surgical removal the of the cyst Removal of bone at the labial aspect respective to the lesion. Osseous window created to expose part of the lesion.
  • 75. Surgical removal the of the cyst Removal of cyst from bony cavity, using hemostat and curette. Surgical field after removal of lesion.
  • 76. Surgical removal the of the cyst Operation site after placement of sutures. Panoramic radiograph and clinical photograph taken 2 months after the surgical procedure.
  • 77. Surgical removal the of the cyst • Marsupialization This method is usually employed for the removal of large cysts and entails opening a surgical window at an appropriate site above the lesion. In order to create the surgical window, initially a circular incision is made, which includes the mucoperiosteum, the underlying perforated (usually) bone, and the respective wall of the cystic sac
  • 78. Surgical removal the of the cyst • Marsupialization: After this procedure, the contents of the cyst are evacuated, and interrupted sutures are placed around the periphery of the cyst, suturing the mucoperiosteum and the cystic wall together . Afterwards, the cystic cavity is irrigated with saline solution and packed with iodoform gauze ,which is removed a week later together with the sutures. During that period, the wound margins will have healed, establishing permanent communication. Irrigation of the cystic cavity is performed several times daily, keeping it clean of food debris and avertinga potential infection.
  • 79. Surgical removal the of the cyst Marsupialization method. Circular incision includes mucosa and periosteum. Exposure of buccal cortical plate and removal of portion of bone with round bur Enlargement of osseous window with rongeur
  • 80. Surgical removal the of the cyst Exposure of cyst after removal of bone Suturing of wound margins with cystic wall
  • 81. Surgical removal the of the cyst Packing of cystic cavity with iodoform gauz Cystic cavity after insertion of gauze