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Neuromarketing & Neuro-Design?
How to study the consumer’s emotional and decisional brain
What I declare
“maybe what I think”
“what and how
my deep brain
I can’t tell about ”
 Declarative Preferences
 Slow Decision System
 Weakly or un-correlated with Buyings
and Doings
 mainly meta-cognition, confabulation and the « No Button »
 Neuro-profile depends on thickness of
some deep brain areas
 Correlates with Big5 Personality Test
 Unconsciously Modulates people decision
e.g. big accumbens people are less influenced by
prestigious brand name
My Vision – 3 interacting World
 100% unconscious
 Fast Decision System
 Sex and Survival
“even to choose a jam jar!”
your proposals have to trigger there!
Frontal Cortex
Limbic brain
First human EEG
Libet’s exp on freewill 1983
First human brain functional MRI
Blind test
area more
activated by
 you’ll
choose Pepsi (
Cued test
No more preference
in the brain but
memory area is more
activated by Coca,
your Coke choice is
memory based and
not taste based !
D. Kahnemann
Nobel Price /
Economy 2002
0 to 5% SOM
in last 5 years
(invention - applied to marketing from)
 Functional MRI (1992 - 2008)
 Machine : 2,5 -10mln€
 EEG-ERP (1875 - 1961)
 Machine: 500€ -10 000€
Neuro - Tools?
and a lot of others neuro “looks like”
Others Behavioral stuff
 Eye Tracking (1950 - 1960)
 Facial Coding (1970-1979)
 Galvanic Skin Response (1900-
 ElectroMyoGraphy (1792-1961)
Cognitive Science
o IAT (1984-1998)
o Implicit Priming (1984-1998)
Management « Neuro Looks like »
o FRAP (e.g. SalesBrain)
Dry HeadSet EEG
< 100$ EEG
1-2 channels
EEG (from 12k€-50k€ /mission)
 12 to 48 for dry headset measurements
points each +/-16msec (scalp only)
 Could be Mobile, Mass Research feasible,
available nearly everywhere
 Should not be too expensive (price is often
over-estimated )
 Needs a lot of participants (30-50)
and a lot of repetitions
fMRI (from 25k€-100k€ /mission)
 Until 1Mln measurement points in the whole
brain (each 100ms to 2 sec)
 Full Access Deep Limbic and Decisional
Brain (Accumbens, Caudate N, Putamen,
Globus pal., Amygdala, Hippocampal, Insula…)
 Not Mobile, Expensive,
 Scare Resource & Few Specialists
 NO MASSIFICATION ( no full representative
Mirror + Eyestracker
3T fMRI Screen within the MRI
MRI Head Set, Joystick, Mouse.
What / Where / Why but How ?
From Brain Activation to Functions
EEG (from 12k€-50k€ /mission):
Great for Visual & Attention
 Vision
 Attention
 Global Engagement
 Conscious Emotions
 Pain / Surprise
fMRI (from 25k€-100k€ /mission)
Vision/ Perception/ Sensation
Cognition / Emotion / Decision
 Buying and Behavioral
 Unconscious/Conscious
 Empathy
 Trust
 Vision/ Attention
 Sex Appeal
 Memory
 Complexity / error detection
 Reading or Music processing
 Music
 Taste Appeal / Smell Appeal
 Danger
 Disgust
 Cost-Benefit (e.g. Price/Quality)
 Negative and Conscious Thoughts
 Branding Powerness
 …
EEG for
 Fast snapshot of Visual/awareness impact
 Local adaptation of existing commercials
 EEG + Eyestracker
 PoP/PoS
 Print Advertising
 fine-tuning of commercial / pack
fMRI for
 fMRI
 Brand & Product & Price Complex Interactions
 Ad and commercials Testing and Com (re)positioning,
 Product or Pack Design / Product taste or smell / Product R&D
 fMRI+ Eyestracker
 Shopper experience / Customer pathway
 Pack or Product Design (+3DVR)
 Shelf / PoP/PoS Design from scratch (+3DVR)
 Web Site and Digital Apps Usability
“ fMRI offers the most in-depth &
extensive cognitive/emotional
assessment available ”
ESOMAR /36 questions to help commission
About Beauty ?
1 2 3
golden ratio 1:1.618 is in our brain
beauty and esthetic is of course computed in our brain
The golden ratio
computing area
1 2
Cars and fMRI (Erk 2002)
Estetic value prediction:
Given by Obrito-frontal cortex
Sport car activates more Reward Circuitry
and gives an higher Self Image
(Striatum-sex and decision related)
Small CarSports Berline
Luxury cars (Schaefer & Rotte, 2007)
 Luxury goods activate more the reward and pleasure center (striatum)
 Porsche deactivate DLPFC, you can’t « think » it’s turns you sex-motional
(activation of the pleasure, you love it!)
 Opel brand deactivates the pleasure center and switch you on a rational
 you will dislike it
Same car with or
Putamen (striatum)
is activated by luxury
value of a brand
Product and Famous Expert makes You Buy ?
« expert »
Famous but non
« expert »
Caudate Nuclei
best predictor of ‘Well Known’ sucessfull association with a brand
The emotional value of the ’Star’ is then given
to the brand (via MOFC activation)
MOFC (conscious
positive emotion )
cost / benefit)
Some Car’s design activate
human face recognition area (ffa)
Guys, Do You prefer …
1 2
Sharp or Curved Design – 50% / 50% but …
Amygdala (fear area of the brain) is more activated
for sharp design (sharp= more injury risk)
- Small amigdala people are less sensible to anxiety and
will choose sharp one (i can manage risk  i’m a good
mate  attractive for sexual partner)
- Big amigdala people are more anxious and will
choose curved design
5°Les Interfaces Digitales, les Apps et Sites web convertir
un max et augmenter l’ergonomie des applis
Comprendre pour Optimiser...DIGITAL WORLD fMRI+EyesTracker
Which Popup* ?
Clic Intention
(eyes track reveal it is
to close Popup window!
Attention Memory
& Negative
Reading Errors
Category benchmarks
Demo? We look forward to welcome you in our fMRI facilities and office in Brussels / Washington / Maastricht / Barcelona / Bangkok
For Any question
26This test is a fast snapshot based on 4 people (2Fr+2NL)
fMRI session/ confidence level p<0,001 / december 2013/Maastricht @brain impact
Visual Impact FR + VL
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52
Attentional Impact FR+VL
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52
Primary Emotions FR+VL
Call to Action FR+VL
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52
 What is the scientific background of the team ?
 Neuro-blabla specialist or PhD in Neurosciences?
 Good fMRI analyst /designer have at least PhD level in neurosciences and sc.
 Good EEG/ERP Analyst should at least have a Master degree (neuro-
psychology, Ir…)and some sc publications
 Ethical accreditation (from State or University)
 or at least compliance with NMSBA code of ethics?
 fMRI : Insurance / clinical screening ?
 What is the Neuro-tools & software specifications
 EEG 8, 16, 32, 64 channels, dry or classical headset?
 < 16 channels (electrodes) = toys…..
 fMRI 1,5T/ 3Teslas/ 7Teslas or 9,4Teslas ,
 Screen system (HD, LD?), embedded eyes tracker
What you should care when ordering
Neuro Marketing Research
What you should care when ordering
Neuro Marketing Research
 Number of mission a year and # clients using this specific Neuro-
tool (even for big agencies)
 If #EEG or #fMRI < #other tools  they probably don’t control properly the
technic and will invite you to do GSR/ eyestracking …
 Repetition and Number of Participants
 EEG min 30 people X 20 repetitions od each tested material
 fMRI min 20 people X 5 repetitions (for Event/RFX design)
 Results
 Speak about “ Limbic' brain” or really measure and trigger it?
 How many human functions (brain curves),
 How are those brain curves computed
Network view (ok) / or buy button view (not ok)
 Data normalization between subject and mission ? (we all have different
 Statistic confidence level (EEG>95%, fMRI >99,999%)
 How many split data are included (sexe, age…),
price for additional one ?
 Timing
 EEG : 2-3 weeks
 fMRI: 3-5 weeks
 fMRI with university lab: 15-50 weeks
 E.g. Price for 1 mission (e.g. 3 TVcopy or 5 Pack/design or 10 Webpages)
 EEG (16-32channels, 30people, 3-6 curves)
 Local specialist : 10-15k€
 Big Five Market Research Agencies : 30-70k€
 fMRI (3Teslas MRI, 20 people, 16 curves)
 Local specialist : 25k€,
 Local Agency with abroad fMRI facilities in Asia, Europe, USA, Brazil : 35k€
 Global (10 countries) Neuromarketing Agency : 50k€-100k€
What you should care when ordering
Neuro Marketing Research
Neuromarketing Who’s who
Milan, Italy
Technology: EEG, eye tracking
AAT Research Ltd
Mosta, Malta
Technology: EEG, GSR, eye tracking, virtual reality tracking
Brussels, Belgium
Technology: fMRI, EEG, eye tracking, IAT priming test, 3D virtual reality
Rome, Italy
Technology: EEG
Rome, Italy
Technology: EEG, thermography, fMRI, eye tracking, 3D virtual reality
Bscomunicacio marketing online y neuromarketing
Barcelona, Spain
Bucharest, Romania
Technology: EEG, GSR, IAT
Technology: eye tracking
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Technology: biometrics
Brand Names: Hormonal Quotient®, Sensory Lab®,
Exakti Intelligence
Helsinki, Finland
Technology: EEG
Eye Square
Berlin, Germany
Technology: EEG, eye tracking, GSR
London, UK
Technology: EEG, eye tracking
Goli Neuromarketing
Malaga, Spain
Technology: EEG, eye tracking, galvanic skin response
Gruppe Nymphenburg Consult AG
Munich, Germany
Technology: EEG, eye tracking, biometrics
Brand names: Limbic®, Limbic® Map, Limbic® Types, Limbic®
Human Mind and Brain
Technology: EEG, eye tracking, GSR
Berlin, Germany
Technology: EEG, eye-tracking, IAT
Madrid, Spain
Technology: fMRI, EEG, ET, biometrics, face reading
ISA – Institute of Sensory Analysis
Warsaw, Poland
Technology: fMRI, EEG, eye tracking, olfactometer, GSR, EMG
Brussels, Belgium
Technology: eeg
Ankara, Turkey
Technology: EEG, eye tracking
Mindlab International
Brighton, UK
Technology: EEG, eye tracking, biometrics
Mindware Lab
Moscow, Russia
Technology: EEG, eye tracking, biometrics
Mountainview Learning
London, UK
Technology: fMRI, EEG, EMG, MEG, GSR
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Technology: fMRI
Brand names: 3D Brain Rating™, 3D Mind Mapping™
Austria, Germany, Switzerland, UK
Technology: SST
Technology: EEG, EMG, eye-tracking, ECG, GSR
Wien, Austria
Technology: fMRI
Neurons Inc.
Copenhagen, Denmark
Technology: mobile EEG, stationary EEG, eye tracking, GSR, facial coding,
Brand names: Neuromarketing Omnibus™, NeuroGaming™, eye2D2™
London, UK
Technology: fMRI, EEG, biometric measures, psychophysics
Nielsen NeuroFocus Europe
London, UK
Technology: EEG, eye-tracking, GSR
nViso SA
Lausanne, Switzerland
Technology: 3D facial imaging
Brand name: nvPlayer™
Realeyes Data Services
London, UK
Technology: eye tracking, facial coding
Milano, Italy
Techonolgy: PainProbe (voice layering analysis)
Brand names: NeuroMap™, PAINProbes™
Belfast, Ireland
Techonolgy: GSR
Leeds, UK
Technology: EEG, eye tracking
Synergon Consulting
Bucharest, Romania
Technology: biometrics,
Brand names: BrainPerform™, ConsumerBrain™, Synetiq
Budapest, Hungary
Technology: EEG
The Neuromarketing Labs
Stuttgart, Germany
Technology:, EEG, eye tracking, biometrics, IAT
Istanbul, Turkey
Technology: EEG, eye tracking
Walnut Group
London, UK
Technology: EEG, eye tracking, GSR
USA: Waltham, MA and Santa Clara, CA
Technology: biometrics, facial expression recognition
Brand names: Affdex™ , Q Sensor™
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Technology: EEG
Technology: EEG
New York, NY, USA
Technology: biometrics, latency response
Brand names: MindLink™, MindMeasure™,, MediaMindMeasure™
Ormond Beach, Florida, USA
Technology: eye tracking
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Technology: biometrics
Brand Names: Hormonal Quotient®, Sensory Lab, Endocrinography™
Disney Media & Advertising Lab
Austin, Texas, USA
Technology: biometrics (GSR, HR), facial coding, eye tracking, IAT
Brand Names: BioDial™
Emoxional (Sensory Logic)
Bogota, Columbia (provides services for Latin American Countries)
Technology: facial analysis, eye tracking, EEG, biometrics
Explorer Group
Ontario, Canada
Technology: EEG, eye tracking
Santiago, Chile
Technology: eye tracking
FGV Neuromarketing Laboratory
São Paulo, Brazil
FKF Applied Research
Washington, DC, USA
Technology: fMRI
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Technology: EEG, eye-tracking, facial EMG
Gallup & Robinson
Pennington, NJ, USA
Technology: Facial EMG
HCD Research
Flemington, NJ, USA
Technology: eye tracking, biometrics
Innerscope Research
Boston MA, USA
Technology: biometrics, eye tracking
Ipdois Neurobusiness
Sao Sebastiao, Brazil
Technology: EEG, eye tracking, facial reading
Lucid Systems
San Francisco, CA, USA
Merchant Mechanics
Hanover, New Hampshire, USA
Technology: fMRI, EMG, EEG, biometrics, facial coding
eye tracking, videographic observation
Brand names: RealThought®, Retail Forensics®
Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico
Technology: EEG, eye tracking
Bogota, Columbia
Santiago, Chile
Technology: EEG, GSR, eye tracking, facial coding
Mindsign Neuromarketing
San Diego, CA, USA
Technology: fMRI
MSW Research
Lake Success, NY, USA
Technology: EMG, EEG
New York, USA
Technology: EMG, EEG
Bogota, Coumbia
Technology: EMG, EEG
Nielsen NeuroFocus
Berkeley, CA, USA (also available in New York, Dallas, Cincinnati, Atlanta)
Technology: EEG, eye-tracking, biometrics
Technology: SST
Neurobusiness Intelligence
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Neurolab Brasil
Recife, Brazil
Mexico City, Mexic
Technology: EEG
NeuroSpire Inc.
Durham, NC, USA
Technology: EEG, eye-tracking
Olson Zaltman Associates
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Technology: metaphor analysis, IAT, biometrics
One to One Insight
Charlestown, MA, USA
Techonolgy: EEG, eye tracking
San Francisco, CA, USA
Techonolgy: PainProbe (voice layering analysis)
Brand name: NeuroMap™, PAINProbes™
Sands Research
El Paso, TX, USA (works on a global basis)
Technology: EEG with eye tracking, biometrics
(GSR and heart rate), fMRI
Brand Names: Neuro-Engagement Score (NES™),
Emotional Valance Score (EVS™)
Sensory Logic
Minneapolis, MN, USA
Technology: facial coding
Sentia Labs
Montevideo, Uruguay
Technology: EEG, eye tracking
True Impact Marketing
Mississauga, ON, Canada
Technology: fMRI, EEG, eye-tracking
Who’s who

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Neuro-design with a fMRI brain scanner, let's neuromarketing!

  • 1. 11 Neuromarketing & Neuro-Design? How to study the consumer’s emotional and decisional brain PR. ARNAUD PETRE NEUROMARKETING ASSOCIATION – CHAIRMAN (.BE) MANAGING DIRECTOR BRAIN IMPACT
  • 3. 10% What I declare “maybe what I think” ____________ 90% Non-conscious World “what and how my deep brain decide I can’t tell about ” NEUROMARKETING – MAIN PARADIGM
  • 4. « WHAT I SAY »  Declarative Preferences  Slow Decision System  Weakly or un-correlated with Buyings and Doings  mainly meta-cognition, confabulation and the « No Button » « WHAT I AM »  Neuro-profile depends on thickness of some deep brain areas  Correlates with Big5 Personality Test  Unconsciously Modulates people decision e.g. big accumbens people are less influenced by prestigious brand name My Vision – 3 interacting World « WHAT MY BRAIN WANTS ME TO DO »  100% unconscious  Fast Decision System  Sex and Survival “even to choose a jam jar!” your proposals have to trigger there! Frontal Cortex Limbic brain Accumbens 99% 1%
  • 5. 1924 First human EEG Libet’s exp on freewill 1983
  • 6. 1992 First human brain functional MRI Blind test preference area more activated by Pepsi)  you’ll choose Pepsi ( VMPFC activation) Cued test No more preference in the brain but memory area is more activated by Coca, your Coke choice is memory based and not taste based ! D. Kahnemann Nobel Price / Economy 2002
  • 7. 0 to 5% SOM in last 5 years
  • 8. 8 Neuro-tools (invention - applied to marketing from)  Functional MRI (1992 - 2008)  Machine : 2,5 -10mln€  EEG-ERP (1875 - 1961)  Machine: 500€ -10 000€ Neuro - Tools? and a lot of others neuro “looks like” Others Behavioral stuff  Eye Tracking (1950 - 1960)  Facial Coding (1970-1979)  Galvanic Skin Response (1900- 1965)  ElectroMyoGraphy (1792-1961) Cognitive Science o IAT (1984-1998) o Implicit Priming (1984-1998) Management « Neuro Looks like » o FRAP (e.g. SalesBrain) Dry HeadSet EEG < 100$ EEG 1-2 channels f MRI
  • 9. 9 FAQ EEG vs fMRI EEG (from 12k€-50k€ /mission)  12 to 48 for dry headset measurements points each +/-16msec (scalp only)  Could be Mobile, Mass Research feasible, available nearly everywhere  Should not be too expensive (price is often over-estimated )  NO UNCONSCIOUS EMOTIONAL OR DECISIONAL MEASUREMENTS  Needs a lot of participants (30-50) and a lot of repetitions fMRI (from 25k€-100k€ /mission)  Until 1Mln measurement points in the whole brain (each 100ms to 2 sec)  Full Access Deep Limbic and Decisional Brain (Accumbens, Caudate N, Putamen, Globus pal., Amygdala, Hippocampal, Insula…)  Not Mobile, Expensive,  Scare Resource & Few Specialists  NO MASSIFICATION ( no full representative sample)
  • 10. 10 Mirror + Eyestracker 3T fMRI Screen within the MRI MRI Head Set, Joystick, Mouse. What / Where / Why but How ?
  • 11. 11 From Brain Activation to Functions EEG (from 12k€-50k€ /mission): Great for Visual & Attention  Vision  Attention  Global Engagement  Conscious Emotions  Pain / Surprise fMRI (from 25k€-100k€ /mission) Vision/ Perception/ Sensation Cognition / Emotion / Decision  Buying and Behavioral Intention…  Unconscious/Conscious Emotions  Empathy  Trust  Vision/ Attention  Sex Appeal  Memory  Complexity / error detection  Reading or Music processing  Music  Taste Appeal / Smell Appeal  Danger  Disgust  Cost-Benefit (e.g. Price/Quality)  Negative and Conscious Thoughts  Branding Powerness  …
  • 12. 12 EEG for  EEG  Fast snapshot of Visual/awareness impact  Local adaptation of existing commercials  EEG + Eyestracker  PoP/PoS  Print Advertising  fine-tuning of commercial / pack fMRI for  fMRI  Brand & Product & Price Complex Interactions  Ad and commercials Testing and Com (re)positioning,  Product or Pack Design / Product taste or smell / Product R&D  fMRI+ Eyestracker  Shopper experience / Customer pathway  Pack or Product Design (+3DVR)  Shelf / PoP/PoS Design from scratch (+3DVR)  Web Site and Digital Apps Usability 12
  • 13. 13 ESOMAR - BEST OF ANY TOOL AVAILABLE “ fMRI offers the most in-depth & extensive cognitive/emotional assessment available ” ESOMAR /36 questions to help commission neuroscience/2011
  • 15. 15 golden ratio 1:1.618 is in our brain beauty and esthetic is of course computed in our brain 2 The golden ratio computing area
  • 17. 17 Cars and fMRI (Erk 2002) |17 Estetic value prediction: Given by Obrito-frontal cortex (sport>berline>small) Sport car activates more Reward Circuitry and gives an higher Self Image (Striatum-sex and decision related) Small CarSports Berline
  • 18. 18 |18 Luxury cars (Schaefer & Rotte, 2007)  Luxury goods activate more the reward and pleasure center (striatum)  Porsche deactivate DLPFC, you can’t « think » it’s turns you sex-motional (activation of the pleasure, you love it!)  Opel brand deactivates the pleasure center and switch you on a rational way  you will dislike it Same car with or Putamen (striatum) is activated by luxury value of a brand
  • 19. 19 |19 Product and Famous Expert makes You Buy ? Famous and « expert » Famous but non « expert »
  • 20. 2020   Caudate Nuclei best predictor of ‘Well Known’ sucessfull association with a brand The emotional value of the ’Star’ is then given to the brand (via MOFC activation) MOFC (conscious positive emotion ) (computes cost / benefit)
  • 21. 21 Some Car’s design activate human face recognition area (ffa)
  • 22. 22 Guys, Do You prefer … 1 2 Sharp or Curved Design – 50% / 50% but … Amygdala (fear area of the brain) is more activated for sharp design (sharp= more injury risk) - Small amigdala people are less sensible to anxiety and will choose sharp one (i can manage risk  i’m a good mate  attractive for sexual partner) - Big amigdala people are more anxious and will choose curved design 1 2
  • 23. 23 5°Les Interfaces Digitales, les Apps et Sites web convertir un max et augmenter l’ergonomie des applis Comprendre pour Optimiser...DIGITAL WORLD fMRI+EyesTracker
  • 24. 24 Which Popup* ? Clic Intention (eyes track reveal it is to close Popup window! 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Attention Memory Overload Visual Impact Positive Emotion Conscious & Negative Thoughts Reading Errors detection Category benchmarks *illustration
  • 25. 25 Demo? We look forward to welcome you in our fMRI facilities and office in Brussels / Washington / Maastricht / Barcelona / Bangkok For Any question
  • 26. 26 A FLOP STORY “Ik Bob Mee” 26This test is a fast snapshot based on 4 people (2Fr+2NL) fMRI session/ confidence level p<0,001 / december 2013/Maastricht @brain impact
  • 27. 27 Visual Impact FR + VL 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 benchmarks 27
  • 28. 28 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 Attentional Impact FR+VL 28 benchmarks
  • 29. 29 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 Primary Emotions FR+VL 29 benchmarks
  • 30. 30 Call to Action FR+VL 30 benchmarks 30 benchmarks 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52
  • 31. 31  What is the scientific background of the team ?  Neuro-blabla specialist or PhD in Neurosciences?  Good fMRI analyst /designer have at least PhD level in neurosciences and sc. publications  Good EEG/ERP Analyst should at least have a Master degree (neuro- psychology, Ir…)and some sc publications  Ethical accreditation (from State or University)  or at least compliance with NMSBA code of ethics?  fMRI : Insurance / clinical screening ?  What is the Neuro-tools & software specifications  EEG 8, 16, 32, 64 channels, dry or classical headset?  < 16 channels (electrodes) = toys…..  fMRI 1,5T/ 3Teslas/ 7Teslas or 9,4Teslas ,  Screen system (HD, LD?), embedded eyes tracker What you should care when ordering Neuro Marketing Research
  • 32. 32 What you should care when ordering Neuro Marketing Research  Number of mission a year and # clients using this specific Neuro- tool (even for big agencies)  If #EEG or #fMRI < #other tools  they probably don’t control properly the technic and will invite you to do GSR/ eyestracking …  Repetition and Number of Participants  EEG min 30 people X 20 repetitions od each tested material  fMRI min 20 people X 5 repetitions (for Event/RFX design)  Results  Speak about “ Limbic' brain” or really measure and trigger it?  How many human functions (brain curves),  How are those brain curves computed Network view (ok) / or buy button view (not ok)  Data normalization between subject and mission ? (we all have different brains)  Statistic confidence level (EEG>95%, fMRI >99,999%)  How many split data are included (sexe, age…), price for additional one ?
  • 33. 33  Timing  EEG : 2-3 weeks  fMRI: 3-5 weeks  fMRI with university lab: 15-50 weeks  E.g. Price for 1 mission (e.g. 3 TVcopy or 5 Pack/design or 10 Webpages)  EEG (16-32channels, 30people, 3-6 curves)  Local specialist : 10-15k€  Big Five Market Research Agencies : 30-70k€  fMRI (3Teslas MRI, 20 people, 16 curves)  Local specialist : 25k€,  Local Agency with abroad fMRI facilities in Asia, Europe, USA, Brazil : 35k€  Global (10 countries) Neuromarketing Agency : 50k€-100k€ What you should care when ordering Neuro Marketing Research
  • 34. 34 Neuromarketing Who’s who EUROPE 1to1lab Milan, Italy Technology: EEG, eye tracking AAT Research Ltd Mosta, Malta Technology: EEG, GSR, eye tracking, virtual reality tracking BRAIN IMPACT Brussels, Belgium Technology: fMRI, EEG, eye tracking, IAT priming test, 3D virtual reality BrainSigns Rome, Italy Technology: EEG BrainTrends Rome, Italy Technology: EEG, thermography, fMRI, eye tracking, 3D virtual reality Bscomunicacio marketing online y neuromarketing Barcelona, Spain BuyerBrain Bucharest, Romania Technology: EEG, GSR, IAT BVA France Technology: eye tracking DervalResearch Amsterdam, The Netherlands Technology: biometrics Brand Names: Hormonal Quotient®, Sensory Lab®, Exakti Intelligence Helsinki, Finland Technology: EEG Eye Square Berlin, Germany Technology: EEG, eye tracking, GSR Foviance London, UK Technology: EEG, eye tracking Goli Neuromarketing Malaga, Spain Technology: EEG, eye tracking, galvanic skin response Gruppe Nymphenburg Consult AG Munich, Germany Technology: EEG, eye tracking, biometrics Brand names: Limbic®, Limbic® Map, Limbic® Types, Limbic® Human Mind and Brain Poland Technology: EEG, eye tracking, GSR Incore Berlin, Germany Technology: EEG, eye-tracking, IAT INSIDEBRAIN Madrid, Spain Technology: fMRI, EEG, ET, biometrics, face reading ISA – Institute of Sensory Analysis Warsaw, Poland Technology: fMRI, EEG, eye tracking, olfactometer, GSR, EMG Haystack Brussels, Belgium Technology: eeg Minder Ankara, Turkey Technology: EEG, eye tracking Mindlab International Brighton, UK Technology: EEG, eye tracking, biometrics Mindware Lab Moscow, Russia Technology: EEG, eye tracking, biometrics Mountainview Learning London, UK Technology: fMRI, EEG, EMG, MEG, GSR NEURENSICS Amsterdam, The Netherlands Technology: fMRI Brand names: 3D Brain Rating™, 3D Mind Mapping™ Neuro-Insight Austria, Germany, Switzerland, UK Technology: SST NeuroBiomarketing Italy Technology: EEG, EMG, eye-tracking, ECG, GSR NEUROCONSULT Wien, Austria Technology: fMRI Neurons Inc. Copenhagen, Denmark Technology: mobile EEG, stationary EEG, eye tracking, GSR, facial coding, (eye2D2) Brand names: Neuromarketing Omnibus™, NeuroGaming™, eye2D2™ NeuroRelay Romania NeuroSense London, UK Technology: fMRI, EEG, biometric measures, psychophysics Nielsen NeuroFocus Europe London, UK Technology: EEG, eye-tracking, GSR nViso SA Lausanne, Switzerland Technology: 3D facial imaging Brand name: nvPlayer™ Realeyes Data Services London, UK Technology: eye tracking, facial coding SalesBrain Milano, Italy Techonolgy: PainProbe (voice layering analysis) Brand names: NeuroMap™, PAINProbes™ Sensum Belfast, Ireland Techonolgy: GSR SimpleUsability Leeds, UK Technology: EEG, eye tracking Synergon Consulting Bucharest, Romania Technology: biometrics, Brand names: BrainPerform™, ConsumerBrain™, Synetiq Budapest, Hungary Technology: EEG The Neuromarketing Labs Stuttgart, Germany Technology:, EEG, eye tracking, biometrics, IAT ThinkNeuro Istanbul, Turkey Technology: EEG, eye tracking Walnut Group London, UK Technology: EEG, eye tracking, GSR
  • 35. 35 AMERICA Affectiva USA: Waltham, MA and Santa Clara, CA Technology: biometrics, facial expression recognition Brand names: Affdex™ , Q Sensor™ Braintech Sao Paulo, Brazil Technology: EEG Brainsights Canada Technology: EEG Buyology New York, NY, USA Technology: biometrics, latency response Brand names: MindLink™, MindMeasure™,, MediaMindMeasure™ CSS/dataintelligence Ormond Beach, Florida, USA Technology: eye tracking DervalResearch Chicago, Illinois, USA Technology: biometrics Brand Names: Hormonal Quotient®, Sensory Lab, Endocrinography™ Disney Media & Advertising Lab Austin, Texas, USA Technology: biometrics (GSR, HR), facial coding, eye tracking, IAT Brand Names: BioDial™ Emoxional (Sensory Logic) Bogota, Columbia (provides services for Latin American Countries) Technology: facial analysis, eye tracking, EEG, biometrics Explorer Group Ontario, Canada Technology: EEG, eye tracking Eyeonmedia Santiago, Chile Technology: eye tracking FGV Neuromarketing Laboratory São Paulo, Brazil FKF Applied Research Washington, DC, USA Technology: fMRI Forebrain Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Technology: EEG, eye-tracking, facial EMG Gallup & Robinson Pennington, NJ, USA Technology: Facial EMG HCD Research Flemington, NJ, USA Technology: eye tracking, biometrics Innerscope Research Boston MA, USA Technology: biometrics, eye tracking Ipdois Neurobusiness Sao Sebastiao, Brazil Technology: EEG, eye tracking, facial reading Lucid Systems San Francisco, CA, USA Merchant Mechanics Hanover, New Hampshire, USA Technology: fMRI, EMG, EEG, biometrics, facial coding eye tracking, videographic observation Brand names: RealThought®, Retail Forensics® Mindketing Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico Technology: EEG, eye tracking Mindmetriks Bogota, Columbia MindResearch Santiago, Chile Technology: EEG, GSR, eye tracking, facial coding Mindsign Neuromarketing San Diego, CA, USA Technology: fMRI MSW Research Lake Success, NY, USA Technology: EMG, EEG Neuromatters New York, USA Technology: EMG, EEG Neurosketch Bogota, Coumbia Technology: EMG, EEG Nielsen NeuroFocus Berkeley, CA, USA (also available in New York, Dallas, Cincinnati, Atlanta) Technology: EEG, eye-tracking, biometrics Neuro-Insight USA Technology: SST Neurobusiness Intelligence Sao Paulo, Brazil Neurolab Brasil Recife, Brazil NeuroMarketing Mexico City, Mexic Technology: EEG NeuroSpire Inc. Durham, NC, USA Technology: EEG, eye-tracking Olson Zaltman Associates Pittsburgh, PA, USA Technology: metaphor analysis, IAT, biometrics One to One Insight Charlestown, MA, USA Techonolgy: EEG, eye tracking SalesBrain San Francisco, CA, USA Techonolgy: PainProbe (voice layering analysis) Brand name: NeuroMap™, PAINProbes™ Sands Research El Paso, TX, USA (works on a global basis) Technology: EEG with eye tracking, biometrics (GSR and heart rate), fMRI Brand Names: Neuro-Engagement Score (NES™), Emotional Valance Score (EVS™) Sensory Logic Minneapolis, MN, USA Technology: facial coding Sentia Labs Montevideo, Uruguay Technology: EEG, eye tracking True Impact Marketing Mississauga, ON, Canada Technology: fMRI, EEG, eye-tracking Who’s who