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Neuraxial anesthesia(Spinal,
Epidural & Caudal block)
Dr. Tenzin Yoezer
anesthesia in
 Studies have shown – reduces postop morbidity when used alone
or in combination with GA
 Less convincing studies – it is associated reduced periop
 Reduces the incidence of venous thrombosis, PE, cardiac
complication, bleeding and transfusion, vascular graft occlusion,
pneumonia, respiratory depression in the Upper abdominal and
thoracic surgery
 Allows earlier return of bowel function
 Propose mechanism: avoidance of large dose of anesthetics and
opioids, reduces hypercoagulable state, increases tissue blood
flow, improving oxygenation from decreased splinting, enhances
persistalsis, suppressing neuroendocrine stress hormone
 SA needs little or no sedation – reduces postop
delirium and cognitive dysfunction
Dural sacextends :
adult –S2
child –S3
Blood supply of spinal cord
Supplied by 2 arteries:
a) Single spinal artery – arises from vertebral artery
Supplies anterior 2/3
b) Paired posterior spinal arteries – supplies posterior 1/3
Receives additional supply from intercostal artery from
thoracic and lumbar
0ne important radicular artery arising from aorta– artery of
Adamkiewz/ arteria radicularis magna
Typically unilateral and nearly arises from left side
Provides major supply to anterior spinal cord
Injury to this artery – anterior spinal artery syndrome
Mechanism of action
• Principal action is at nerve root
• Blockade of posterior nerve root – somatic and visceral sensation
• Anterior nerve root blockade – motor and autonomic outflow
Somatic blockade
• Interrupts afferent transmission and abolishes efferent impulses
• Smaller and myelinated fibers – easily blocked
• Differential blockade – size and character of fiber, conc. of L A
• Judged by temperature sensitivity 2 segment cephalic whereas
sensation block(pain ,light touch) is usually several more cephalic
than motor blockade
 Sympathetic outflow – thoracolumbar
 Exist from T1 – L2
 Small and myelinated B fiber
 Parasympathetic outflow – craniosacral
 Neuraxial doesn't’t block vagus nerve
 Physiological response to neuraxial blockade is result
of decreased sympathetic tone or unopposed
parasympathetic tone, or both.
 Variable BP drop and decrease in HR
 Determined by level of block
 More cephalic – more extensive sympathetic block
 Vasomotor tone is primarily determined by sympathetic fibers
from T5- L1
 Blocking those fibers – vasodilation of venous capacitance vessels
and pooling of blood in lower extremities and viscera.
 Effect of arterial vasodilation may be minimized by compensatory
vasoconstriction above the block
 High spinal – blocks compensatory vasoconstriction and blocks
cardiac sympathetic accelerator fibers (T1 – T4)
 Unopposed vagal tone – sudden cardiac arrest
 Left uterine displacement in preganant woman
 Head-down position – autotransfusion
 IVF bolus 5-10 mL/kg
 Phenyephrine – direct alpha adrenergic,
 Vasoconstriction, increase SVR, reflexively increase
 Ephedrine – direct and indirect beta adrenergic effect
 Increase heart contractility and HR,vasocontriction
 Epinephrine – 2-5 mcg bolus
 vasopressor
 Minimal physiological alteration – diaphragm is innervated by C3-
 Even with high thoracic – Vt is unchanged.
 Small decrease in vital capacity – loss of abdominal muscles
 But have to outweigh the advantages in severe chronic lung disease
– reply on intercostal and abdominal muscles
 In high spinal – impairs intercostal and abdominal muscles
 - impairs effective cough and clearing of secretion
 Surgery above umbilical – instead of SA, thoracic epidural with
diluted LA and opioids may be helpful
 Epidural analgesia – improves pulmonary outcome by reducing
incidence of pneumonia and respiratory failure, improves
oxygenation, decreases duration of ventilatory support
 Neuraxial block-induced sympathectomy allows vagal
 Leads to active peristalsis
 Therefore improves operative condition during
intestinal surgery when used adjunct to GA
 Post op epidural analgesia – earlier return of GI
 ** reduced hepatic blood flow due to decrease MAP
 Little effect on kidney function – RBF is maintained
with autoregulation
 Urinary retention – blockade of both sympathetic and
parasympathetic outflow of lumbosacral
 Thus need urinary catheter/ minimal use of fluid
 Surgical trauma and activation of somatic and visceral afferent
nerve – activation of systemic neuroendocrine stress response
 Releases adrenocorticotropic hormones, cortisol, epinephrine,
norepinephrine, vasopressin, RAS
 With neuraxial blockade:
 Partial suppression – major invasive abdominal/thoracic
 Total blockade – lower extremities surgery
 Lack of consent
 Infection at the site of injection
 Coagulopathy/bleeding diathesis
 Severe hypovolemia
 Increase ICP
 Sepsis
 Uncooperative
 Preexisting neurology deficit
 Demyelinating lesion
 Stenotic valvular heart lesions
 LVO obstruction(hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy)
 Severe spinal deformity
• Prior back surgery
• Complicated surgery
• Prolong operation
• Major blood loss
• Maneuvers that
compromise respiration
Neuraxial blockade in the setting of Anti-cogulant and antiplatelet
American society if reginal and Pain medicine issue guideline
Incidence of epidural haematoma – 1:150,000
 Ticlopidine – 14 days
 Clopidogrel – 7days
 Prasugrel – 7-10 days
 Ticagrelor – 5 days
 Abiciximab – 48 hr
 Eptifibatide – 8 h
 Metabolite of clopidogrel and prasugrel inhits P2Y12
receptors – inhibits platelet aggregation
 Mini-dose SC prophylaxis – not CI
Patient position
Sitting – “angry cat back”
Lateral decubitus –
fetal position
Buie’s(Jacknife) position
 Baricty of anesthetic solution
 Position of the patient
 During injection
 Immediately after injection
 Drug dose: large dose more cephalic
 Site of injection
 Age
 Curvature of the spine
 Drug volume
 Intra-abdominal pressure
 Needle direction: cephalic vs lateral/caudad
 Patient height
 pregnancy
Position of the spine
• With normal spine anatomy: apex of
thoracolumbar curvature is T4
• In supine position hyperbaic solution
produce block below T4
• “Glass spine effect”
 Specific gravity of CSF = 1.003 to 1.008 at 37oC
 Hyperbaracity = adding glucose
 Hypobaricity = adding steril water/fentanyl
 Lumbar CSF inversely correlates with dermatomes
 Increase abdominal pressure – decrease CSF– greater
dermatomal spread
 Eg: epidural vein engorgement, pregnancy, ascites,
large abdominal tumor, obesity
 Age related low volume CSF
 Kyphoscolosis – low volume CSF
Spinal anesthetic agents
Epidural anesthesia
 Performed at lumbar, thoracic, cervical, sacral(caudual
 Content of epidural space:
 Nerve root - travel in the space laterally
 Fatty connective tissue
 Lymphatics
 Venous (Batsons) plexus
 Septa/connective tissue bands – reason for unilateral
Angulation of epidural needle
Note that acute angle (30 -50oC
is required for thoracic whereas only
slightly cephalid orientation is required
for cervical and lumbar
 Volume and conc. in epidural is larger- high chance of
toxicity if given intrathecally or intravascular if full
dose given
 To safegaurd – test dose / increamental dose
 Classic test dose: 3 mL of 1.5% lidocaine with 1:200,00
epiephrine(0.005 mg/mL)
 Intravacular injection: tachycardia, increasing size of T
Caudad block
 Dosage – 0.5 -1 mg/kg of 0.125% to .25% bupi/ ropi with
or without epinephrin
 ***Armitage formula: 0.25% 0f bupi
 0.5 mL/kg for lumbosacral
 1 mL/kg for thoraco-lumbar
 1.25 mL/kg for mid thoraci
 Opiods, morphine can be included
 Anorectal surgery:
 15-20mL of 1.5% to 2% lidocaine with or without epi
 May add 50-100mcg Fentanyl
 **Avoid caudal block in Pionidal cyst- risk of infection
levelof block
 Is not predictable as SA
 Generally in Aduly 1-2 mL of LA per segment block is
 Eg: to achieve T4 sensory level from L4/5 would
injection require 12-24 mL
 For segmental or analgesic block, less volume is
levelof block
 1) Age – dose requirement decreases with age (probably
due to age related decrease in the size of compliance of
epidural space)
 2) Height – shorter require 1mL/segment, taller
 3) Gravity
 4) Additive to LA –
 Opioids affects quality of block than duration
 Epinephrine 5mcg/mL prolongs duration by decreasing
vascular absorption and reduces peak systemic blood
Epidural agents
• Following initial 1-2mL/segment, repeated dose
on fixed interval until desired dose is achieved
• Once some regression in sensory level has
occurred – 1/3 or ½ of initial activation dose is
reinjected at incremental dose
• Previously chlorprocaine with bisulfite was
associated with neurotoxicity, with EDTA severe
backache(?local hypocalcemia)
• Surgical anesthesia – 0.5% Bupivacaine
• 0.75% Bupi no longer used in obstetric – cardiac
arrest after accidental IV injection
• 0.0625% Bupi fro Labour analgesia
• Ropivacaine produces less motor block than at
Bupi at similar conc maintaining satisfactory
sensory block
 LA solution is acidic for cheamically stable and
 Addition of epinephrine makes more acidic than palin
 Weak bases – primarily exist as ionic form
 Onset of action is slow with low pH
 Need incharged ion to cross lipid membrane
 Addition of NaHCO2 (1mEq/10mL) speeds onset
 With Bupivacaine above pH 6.8, NaHCO2 precipitates
and thus not added
 1) False epidural space –
 Soft ligament
 Entry into paraspinous muscle
 Intrathecal
 Subdural
 Intravenous
 2) Unilateral block – withdraw 1-2 cm
 Reinject and turn pt to unblocked side
 3) Segmental sparing – due to septation
 Additional LA and turning to unblocked side
 4) Sacral sparing – large nerve root of L5, S1, S2 and delay
 Elevate the bed and reinject the LA
 5) Visceral pain during traction despite good block –visceral
fibers that travel with vagus nerve isresponsible
Caudual block
 Commonly employed to peadiatric surgery with GA in
surgeries below diaphragm –mainly to avoid toxic
effect from GA
 In adult used in anorectal surgery
 Needle/catheter penetrates sacrococcygeal ligament
 Dural sac extends till S1 in adult and S3 in infants (
high chance of intrathecal injection)
 Large survey shows low incidence of serious
 ASA closed claim project data over 20yr(1980 – 1999):
 Regional anesthesia accounts for 18% liability
 Temporary/nondisabling -13%
 Permanent nerve injury – 10%
 Permanenant brain damage – 8%
 Other permanent injuries – 4%
 Majority of claim involved lumbar epidural (42%),
spinal anesthesia (34%).
 Occurs mostly in obstetric patients
associated with
placed drug
 1) High neural blockade
 can occur both in SA and EA
 Casues:
 Excessive dose
 Failure to reduce standard doses in selected pts ( elderly,
pregnant, obese, short stature)
 Unusual sensitivity/ speed of LA
 Clinical features:
 Dyspnea,numbness or weakness of UL, nausea,
 Mx:
 Reassurance to pt
 O2
 Treatment of bradycardia and hypotension
 SA ascending into cervical levels cases severe
hypotension, bradycardia, and respiratory insufficiency
 Unconsciousness, apnea, and hypotension resulting
from high level of anesthesia are referred to as “HIGH
SPINAL”, or when it extends to cranial nerves –
 Apnea is result of severe sustained hypotension and
medullary hypoperfusion
 Mx of high/total spinal:
 Supporting ventilation
 Supplementing oxygen
 Supporting circulation- fluids, vasopressors, fluid
 Intubation if necessary/ indicated
 High incidence -1:1500
 Many cases were preceded by bradycardia.
 Many cases in young and healthy pts
 Prevention:
 Correction of hypovolemia
 Prompt treatment of hypovolemia and bradycardia
 Blockade of S2-4 roots – decrease urinary bladder tone
and inhibits voiding reflex
 Other complications:
 6) Anterior spinal artery syndrome
 7) Horner syndrome
associated with
needle or
catheter insertion
 1) Inadequate anesthesia or analgesia
 Inversely proportional to experience
 Movement of needle during injection
 Incomplete entry of needle opening into the space
 Injection of LA solution into nerve root sleeve
 CNS – tinnitus, metallic test, circumoral
numbness,seizure, unconscious
 CVS – hypotension, arrhythmias, depressed contractility
 Common in epidural and caudual since SA uses small dose
 Prevention:
 Aspirating before injection
 Test dose
 Incremental dose
 Mx- ACLS
 20% Lipid emulsion (1.5 mL/kg bolus, 0.25 mL/kg/min or
15 mL/kg/h)
 Rank of LA potency is same rank in producing seizure and
cardiac toxicty
 Levobupivacaine, Ropivacaine, Bupivacaine, Tetracaine
>lidocaine, mepivacaine >chloroprocaine
 Accidental injection into intrathecal during epidural and
 4) Subdural injection
 Can happen during several attempts for EA
 Onset is 15- 30 minutes ( compared to rapid onset in
intrathecal) and is patchy block
 Can manifest as high spinal block
 5) Back ache
 Due to tissue trauma while inserting needle
 Bruising and local inflammatory response with or without
reflex muscle spasm
 Usually mild and self limiting
 May last for few weeks – subsides by PCM, NSAIDs
 Have to consider epidural haematoma or abscess
 *** majority of the population has chronic backache
 More perplexing /distressing
 Must rule out epidural hematoma and abscess
 Nerve Root or Cord(if above L1 in adult and L3 in
children) may be injured
 Most resolve spontaneously but, some are permanent
 If sustained paresthesia during procedure – immediately
withdraw needle.
 Stop injection immediately if there is pain
 7) Dural puncture/leak
 Diplopia
 Tinnitus
 Needle or Cather trauma to epidural vein
 Incidence of Spinal hematoma – 1: 150,000
 For epidural hematoma – 1: 220,000
 Onset is sudden ( compared to epidural abscess)
 Red flag symptoms:
 Sharp back ache and leg pain with motor weakness or
sphincter dysfunction, or both
 If suspected: urgent CT/ MRI
 Neurological consultation
 Outcome – good neurological outcome in prompt
surgical decompression
 Prevention: avoid neuraxail with coagulopathy,
significant thrombocytopenia, platelet dysfunction,
those on fibrinolytic or thrombolytic therapy
 Due to contamination of the equipment, solution or
organism tracked in from the skin
 Indwelling catheter may colonize with skin organism
 Strict aseptic technique- esp in obstetric where family
members want to see the procedure
 Family members should also wear mask and gown
10) Epidural
 Spinal epidural abscess is rare but potentially
devastating complication
 Incidence varies from 1:6500 to 1:500,000 epidural
 Most commonly seen in epidural catheter
 There are 4 classic stages of EA:
 1st stage – back pain that is intensified by percussion
over the spine
 2nd stage – nerve root or radicular pain
 3rd stage – motor and sensory deficit or sphincter
 4th stage – paraplegia or paralysis
Prognosis correlates with degree if neurological dysfunction at the time of diagnosis
Clue – fever and back pain after epidural anesthesia
Once suspected, remove epidural catheter and tip send for culture
Injection site – examined for signs of infection: pus if present for culture
Blood culture
If highly suspicious start antibiotic that covers staphylococcus ( aureus and
MRI/CT spine to rule out
Urgent consultation with neurosurgical and infectious specialist
Surgery – in addition to pus drainage, laminectomy
Minimizing catheter manipulation and maintaining closed system
Using micropore(0.22um) bacterial filter
Removing after defined time( some clinician remove after 4 days)
 Risk of shearing and breaking of epidural catheter if
withdrawn through needle
 If catheter breaks off within space – observe the
 If superficial – remove surgically
C) Complication
 1) LAST
 Excessive absorption of LA from epidural or caudal
 Rare if appropriate dose is administered
 2) Transient neurological symptoms(TNS)
 Also referred as transient radicular irradiation
 Characterized by back pain radiating to leg without sensory or motor
deficit, occurring after resolution of SA and resolving within few days
 Commonly associated with hyperbaric lidocaine (12%), tetracaine(2%),
Bupivacaine(1%), mepivacaine, prilocaine, procaine, subarachnoid
 Pathogenesis – conc dependent neurotoxicity of LA
 Incidence is greatest among outpatient, particularly male pt
undergoing surgery in lithotomy position.
 Less incidence among other than lithotomy position
 3) Cauda equina syndrome
Morgan and Makill

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Neuraxial anaesthesia (Spinal, epdiural and caudal anesthesia)

  • 1. Neuraxial anesthesia(Spinal, Epidural & Caudal block) Dr. Tenzin Yoezer KGUMSB
  • 2. Roleofneuraxial anesthesia in anesthetic practice  Studies have shown – reduces postop morbidity when used alone or in combination with GA  Less convincing studies – it is associated reduced periop mortality  Reduces the incidence of venous thrombosis, PE, cardiac complication, bleeding and transfusion, vascular graft occlusion, pneumonia, respiratory depression in the Upper abdominal and thoracic surgery  Allows earlier return of bowel function  Propose mechanism: avoidance of large dose of anesthetics and opioids, reduces hypercoagulable state, increases tissue blood flow, improving oxygenation from decreased splinting, enhances persistalsis, suppressing neuroendocrine stress hormone
  • 3. Theelderlysick patient  SA needs little or no sedation – reduces postop delirium and cognitive dysfunction
  • 6. Dural sacextends : adult –S2 child –S3
  • 7. Blood supply of spinal cord Supplied by 2 arteries: a) Single spinal artery – arises from vertebral artery Supplies anterior 2/3 b) Paired posterior spinal arteries – supplies posterior 1/3 Receives additional supply from intercostal artery from thoracic and lumbar 0ne important radicular artery arising from aorta– artery of Adamkiewz/ arteria radicularis magna Typically unilateral and nearly arises from left side Provides major supply to anterior spinal cord Injury to this artery – anterior spinal artery syndrome
  • 8. Mechanism of action • Principal action is at nerve root • Blockade of posterior nerve root – somatic and visceral sensation • Anterior nerve root blockade – motor and autonomic outflow Somatic blockade • Interrupts afferent transmission and abolishes efferent impulses • Smaller and myelinated fibers – easily blocked • Differential blockade – size and character of fiber, conc. of L A • Judged by temperature sensitivity 2 segment cephalic whereas sensation block(pain ,light touch) is usually several more cephalic than motor blockade
  • 9. Autonomic blockade  Sympathetic outflow – thoracolumbar  Exist from T1 – L2  Small and myelinated B fiber  Parasympathetic outflow – craniosacral  Neuraxial doesn't’t block vagus nerve  Physiological response to neuraxial blockade is result of decreased sympathetic tone or unopposed parasympathetic tone, or both.
  • 10. Cardiovascular manifestation  Variable BP drop and decrease in HR  Determined by level of block  More cephalic – more extensive sympathetic block  Vasomotor tone is primarily determined by sympathetic fibers from T5- L1  Blocking those fibers – vasodilation of venous capacitance vessels and pooling of blood in lower extremities and viscera.  Effect of arterial vasodilation may be minimized by compensatory vasoconstriction above the block  High spinal – blocks compensatory vasoconstriction and blocks cardiac sympathetic accelerator fibers (T1 – T4)  Unopposed vagal tone – sudden cardiac arrest
  • 11. Mxof hypotension andbradycardia  Left uterine displacement in preganant woman  Head-down position – autotransfusion  IVF bolus 5-10 mL/kg  Phenyephrine – direct alpha adrenergic,  Vasoconstriction, increase SVR, reflexively increase bradycardia  Ephedrine – direct and indirect beta adrenergic effect  Increase heart contractility and HR,vasocontriction  Epinephrine – 2-5 mcg bolus  vasopressor
  • 12. Pulmonary manifestation  Minimal physiological alteration – diaphragm is innervated by C3- C5  Even with high thoracic – Vt is unchanged.  Small decrease in vital capacity – loss of abdominal muscles  But have to outweigh the advantages in severe chronic lung disease – reply on intercostal and abdominal muscles  In high spinal – impairs intercostal and abdominal muscles  - impairs effective cough and clearing of secretion  Surgery above umbilical – instead of SA, thoracic epidural with diluted LA and opioids may be helpful  Epidural analgesia – improves pulmonary outcome by reducing incidence of pneumonia and respiratory failure, improves oxygenation, decreases duration of ventilatory support
  • 13. GI manifestation  Neuraxial block-induced sympathectomy allows vagal dominance  Leads to active peristalsis  Therefore improves operative condition during intestinal surgery when used adjunct to GA  Post op epidural analgesia – earlier return of GI function  ** reduced hepatic blood flow due to decrease MAP
  • 14. Urinarytract manifestation  Little effect on kidney function – RBF is maintained with autoregulation  Urinary retention – blockade of both sympathetic and parasympathetic outflow of lumbosacral  Thus need urinary catheter/ minimal use of fluid
  • 15. Metabolicand endocrine  Surgical trauma and activation of somatic and visceral afferent nerve – activation of systemic neuroendocrine stress response  Releases adrenocorticotropic hormones, cortisol, epinephrine, norepinephrine, vasopressin, RAS  With neuraxial blockade:  Partial suppression – major invasive abdominal/thoracic surgery  Total blockade – lower extremities surgery
  • 16. Clinical considerationto SA&EA ABSOLUTE CI CONTROVERSIAL  Lack of consent  Infection at the site of injection  Coagulopathy/bleeding diathesis  Severe hypovolemia  Increase ICP RELATIVE CI  Sepsis  Uncooperative  Preexisting neurology deficit  Demyelinating lesion  Stenotic valvular heart lesions  LVO obstruction(hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy)  Severe spinal deformity • Prior back surgery • Complicated surgery • Prolong operation • Major blood loss • Maneuvers that compromise respiration
  • 17. Neuraxial blockade in the setting of Anti-cogulant and antiplatelet agent American society if reginal and Pain medicine issue guideline Incidence of epidural haematoma – 1:150,000
  • 18. Oralantiplatelet drugs  Ticlopidine – 14 days  Clopidogrel – 7days  Prasugrel – 7-10 days  Ticagrelor – 5 days  Abiciximab – 48 hr  Eptifibatide – 8 h  Metabolite of clopidogrel and prasugrel inhits P2Y12 receptors – inhibits platelet aggregation
  • 19. StandardUFH  Mini-dose SC prophylaxis – not CI 
  • 20.
  • 21. Patient position Sitting – “angry cat back” Lateral decubitus – fetal position Buie’s(Jacknife) position
  • 22. Factors influencinglevel ofspinalblock MOST IMPORTANT FACTORS  Baricty of anesthetic solution  Position of the patient  During injection  Immediately after injection  Drug dose: large dose more cephalic  Site of injection OTHER FACTORS  Age  CSF  Curvature of the spine  Drug volume  Intra-abdominal pressure  Needle direction: cephalic vs lateral/caudad  Patient height  pregnancy
  • 23. Position of the spine • With normal spine anatomy: apex of thoracolumbar curvature is T4 • In supine position hyperbaic solution produce block below T4 • “Glass spine effect”
  • 24.  Specific gravity of CSF = 1.003 to 1.008 at 37oC  Hyperbaracity = adding glucose  Hypobaricity = adding steril water/fentanyl  Lumbar CSF inversely correlates with dermatomes spread  Increase abdominal pressure – decrease CSF– greater dermatomal spread  Eg: epidural vein engorgement, pregnancy, ascites, large abdominal tumor, obesity  Age related low volume CSF  Kyphoscolosis – low volume CSF
  • 27. Epidural anesthesia  Performed at lumbar, thoracic, cervical, sacral(caudual block)  Content of epidural space:  Nerve root - travel in the space laterally  Fatty connective tissue  Lymphatics  Venous (Batsons) plexus  Septa/connective tissue bands – reason for unilateral block
  • 28. Angulation of epidural needle Note that acute angle (30 -50oC is required for thoracic whereas only slightly cephalid orientation is required for cervical and lumbar
  • 29. Epidural activation  Volume and conc. in epidural is larger- high chance of toxicity if given intrathecally or intravascular if full dose given  To safegaurd – test dose / increamental dose  Classic test dose: 3 mL of 1.5% lidocaine with 1:200,00 epiephrine(0.005 mg/mL)  Intravacular injection: tachycardia, increasing size of T wave
  • 31.  Dosage – 0.5 -1 mg/kg of 0.125% to .25% bupi/ ropi with or without epinephrin  ***Armitage formula: 0.25% 0f bupi  0.5 mL/kg for lumbosacral  1 mL/kg for thoraco-lumbar  1.25 mL/kg for mid thoraci  Opiods, morphine can be included  Anorectal surgery:  15-20mL of 1.5% to 2% lidocaine with or without epi  May add 50-100mcg Fentanyl  **Avoid caudal block in Pionidal cyst- risk of infection
  • 32. Factorsaffecting levelof block  Is not predictable as SA  Generally in Aduly 1-2 mL of LA per segment block is accepted  Eg: to achieve T4 sensory level from L4/5 would injection require 12-24 mL  For segmental or analgesic block, less volume is required
  • 33. Factorsaffecting levelof block  1) Age – dose requirement decreases with age (probably due to age related decrease in the size of compliance of epidural space)  2) Height – shorter require 1mL/segment, taller 2mL/segment  3) Gravity  4) Additive to LA –  Opioids affects quality of block than duration  Epinephrine 5mcg/mL prolongs duration by decreasing vascular absorption and reduces peak systemic blood volume
  • 34. Epidural agents • Following initial 1-2mL/segment, repeated dose on fixed interval until desired dose is achieved • Once some regression in sensory level has occurred – 1/3 or ½ of initial activation dose is reinjected at incremental dose • Previously chlorprocaine with bisulfite was associated with neurotoxicity, with EDTA severe backache(?local hypocalcemia) • Surgical anesthesia – 0.5% Bupivacaine • 0.75% Bupi no longer used in obstetric – cardiac arrest after accidental IV injection • 0.0625% Bupi fro Labour analgesia • Ropivacaine produces less motor block than at Bupi at similar conc maintaining satisfactory sensory block
  • 35. LApH adjustment  LA solution is acidic for cheamically stable and bacteriostatic  Addition of epinephrine makes more acidic than palin  Weak bases – primarily exist as ionic form  Onset of action is slow with low pH  Need incharged ion to cross lipid membrane  Addition of NaHCO2 (1mEq/10mL) speeds onset  With Bupivacaine above pH 6.8, NaHCO2 precipitates and thus not added
  • 36. Failedepidural block  1) False epidural space –  Soft ligament  Entry into paraspinous muscle  Intrathecal  Subdural  Intravenous  2) Unilateral block – withdraw 1-2 cm  Reinject and turn pt to unblocked side  3) Segmental sparing – due to septation  Additional LA and turning to unblocked side  4) Sacral sparing – large nerve root of L5, S1, S2 and delay onset  Elevate the bed and reinject the LA  5) Visceral pain during traction despite good block –visceral fibers that travel with vagus nerve isresponsible
  • 38.  Commonly employed to peadiatric surgery with GA in surgeries below diaphragm –mainly to avoid toxic effect from GA  In adult used in anorectal surgery  Needle/catheter penetrates sacrococcygeal ligament  Dural sac extends till S1 in adult and S3 in infants ( high chance of intrathecal injection)
  • 39. Complicationof neuraxialblock  Large survey shows low incidence of serious compliction  ASA closed claim project data over 20yr(1980 – 1999):  Regional anesthesia accounts for 18% liability  Temporary/nondisabling -13%  Permanent nerve injury – 10%  Permanenant brain damage – 8%  Other permanent injuries – 4%  Majority of claim involved lumbar epidural (42%), spinal anesthesia (34%).  Occurs mostly in obstetric patients
  • 40. A)Complication associated with excessresponses toappropriately placed drug  1) High neural blockade  can occur both in SA and EA  Casues:  Excessive dose  Failure to reduce standard doses in selected pts ( elderly, pregnant, obese, short stature)  Unusual sensitivity/ speed of LA  Clinical features:  Dyspnea,numbness or weakness of UL, nausea, hypotension  Mx:  Reassurance to pt  O2  Treatment of bradycardia and hypotension
  • 41. 2)Highspinal 3)Totalspinal  SA ascending into cervical levels cases severe hypotension, bradycardia, and respiratory insufficiency  Unconsciousness, apnea, and hypotension resulting from high level of anesthesia are referred to as “HIGH SPINAL”, or when it extends to cranial nerves – ”TOTAL SPINAL”  Apnea is result of severe sustained hypotension and medullary hypoperfusion  Mx of high/total spinal:  Supporting ventilation  Supplementing oxygen  Supporting circulation- fluids, vasopressors, fluid  Intubation if necessary/ indicated
  • 42. 4)Cardiacarrest duringSA  High incidence -1:1500  Many cases were preceded by bradycardia.  Many cases in young and healthy pts  Prevention:  Correction of hypovolemia  Prompt treatment of hypovolemia and bradycardia
  • 43. 5)Urinary retention  Blockade of S2-4 roots – decrease urinary bladder tone and inhibits voiding reflex  Other complications:  6) Anterior spinal artery syndrome  7) Horner syndrome
  • 44. B)Complication associated with needle or catheter insertion  1) Inadequate anesthesia or analgesia  Inversely proportional to experience  Movement of needle during injection  Incomplete entry of needle opening into the space  Injection of LA solution into nerve root sleeve
  • 45. 2)Intravascular injection  CNS – tinnitus, metallic test, circumoral numbness,seizure, unconscious  CVS – hypotension, arrhythmias, depressed contractility  Common in epidural and caudual since SA uses small dose  Prevention:  Aspirating before injection  Test dose  Incremental dose  Mx- ACLS  20% Lipid emulsion (1.5 mL/kg bolus, 0.25 mL/kg/min or 15 mL/kg/h)  Rank of LA potency is same rank in producing seizure and cardiac toxicty  Levobupivacaine, Ropivacaine, Bupivacaine, Tetracaine >lidocaine, mepivacaine >chloroprocaine
  • 46. 3)Totalspinal anesthesia  Accidental injection into intrathecal during epidural and caudal  4) Subdural injection  Can happen during several attempts for EA  Onset is 15- 30 minutes ( compared to rapid onset in intrathecal) and is patchy block  Can manifest as high spinal block  5) Back ache  Due to tissue trauma while inserting needle  Bruising and local inflammatory response with or without reflex muscle spasm  Usually mild and self limiting  May last for few weeks – subsides by PCM, NSAIDs  Have to consider epidural haematoma or abscess  *** majority of the population has chronic backache
  • 47. 6)Neurologicalinjury a)nerverootdamage b)Spinalcordinjury c)caudaequinal syndrome  More perplexing /distressing  Must rule out epidural hematoma and abscess  Nerve Root or Cord(if above L1 in adult and L3 in children) may be injured  Most resolve spontaneously but, some are permanent  If sustained paresthesia during procedure – immediately withdraw needle.  Stop injection immediately if there is pain  7) Dural puncture/leak  PDPH  Diplopia  Tinnitus
  • 48. 8) Epidural/spinal hematoma  Needle or Cather trauma to epidural vein  Incidence of Spinal hematoma – 1: 150,000  For epidural hematoma – 1: 220,000  Onset is sudden ( compared to epidural abscess)  Red flag symptoms:  Sharp back ache and leg pain with motor weakness or sphincter dysfunction, or both  If suspected: urgent CT/ MRI  Neurological consultation  Outcome – good neurological outcome in prompt surgical decompression  Prevention: avoid neuraxail with coagulopathy, significant thrombocytopenia, platelet dysfunction, those on fibrinolytic or thrombolytic therapy
  • 49. 9)Meningitis and arachnoiditis  Due to contamination of the equipment, solution or organism tracked in from the skin  Indwelling catheter may colonize with skin organism  Strict aseptic technique- esp in obstetric where family members want to see the procedure  Family members should also wear mask and gown
  • 50. 10) Epidural abscess  Spinal epidural abscess is rare but potentially devastating complication  Incidence varies from 1:6500 to 1:500,000 epidural  Most commonly seen in epidural catheter  There are 4 classic stages of EA:  1st stage – back pain that is intensified by percussion over the spine  2nd stage – nerve root or radicular pain  3rd stage – motor and sensory deficit or sphincter dysfunction  4th stage – paraplegia or paralysis
  • 51. Prognosis correlates with degree if neurological dysfunction at the time of diagnosis Clue – fever and back pain after epidural anesthesia Once suspected, remove epidural catheter and tip send for culture Injection site – examined for signs of infection: pus if present for culture Blood culture If highly suspicious start antibiotic that covers staphylococcus ( aureus and epidermis) MRI/CT spine to rule out Urgent consultation with neurosurgical and infectious specialist Surgery – in addition to pus drainage, laminectomy Prevention: Minimizing catheter manipulation and maintaining closed system Using micropore(0.22um) bacterial filter Removing after defined time( some clinician remove after 4 days)
  • 52. 11)Shearingof anepidural catheter  Risk of shearing and breaking of epidural catheter if withdrawn through needle  If catheter breaks off within space – observe the patient  If superficial – remove surgically
  • 53. C) Complication associatedwith drugtoxicity  1) LAST  Excessive absorption of LA from epidural or caudal  Rare if appropriate dose is administered  2) Transient neurological symptoms(TNS)  Also referred as transient radicular irradiation  Characterized by back pain radiating to leg without sensory or motor deficit, occurring after resolution of SA and resolving within few days  Commonly associated with hyperbaric lidocaine (12%), tetracaine(2%), Bupivacaine(1%), mepivacaine, prilocaine, procaine, subarachnoid ropivacaine  Pathogenesis – conc dependent neurotoxicity of LA  Incidence is greatest among outpatient, particularly male pt undergoing surgery in lithotomy position.  Less incidence among other than lithotomy position  3) Cauda equina syndrome