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Dr. Deepali Jamgade
Dr.Pradeepa Chevala
Guided by: DR . S MANIMALA RAO
•PIERRE-CYPRIEN ORE’ (French Surgeon) used chloral hydrate
•ADOLF VON BAYER – On Saint Barbara’s Day discovered barbituric
acid. Coined the term Barbitute as acombination of Barbara and
urea. (no sedative properties)
•1n 1903 – Emil fischer discovered hexobarbital. Helmut Weese
studied it
•John Lundy of clinic of mayo studied sod .thiopental – balanced
•In 1941 – pearl harbour – many deaths with use of STP due to
cardiovascular depressant effects.
1956 - Replacements like
• HYDROXYDIONE (steroid; thrombophlebitis)
• ALTHESIN (mixture of alphaxolone and alphadolone; has rapid onset and
recovery; rejected because of hypersensitivty reactions)
• PROPANIDID (solubilized in Cremephor EL; rejected because of hypersensitivity
In 1973 – Etomidate – minimal hemodynamic depression . Used
use in pts with severe CVS disease
1962 – 1978
• Ketamine – unique as it does not cause CVS depression but post op
hallnications are present
• Benzodiazepines were studied for anxiolysis without same degree of sedation
as thiopentone ;1963 – diazepam 1978 - midazolam
• Propofol was discovered
• Alkylphenol compound with antiemetic properties and depressionof laryngeal
reflexes so easy placement of supraglottic airways
 What are i.v. induction agent ?
 Agent cause a rapid reversible loss of consciousness.
 TIME :- “one arm-brain (A→B)circulation time” this time
also depend on cardiac output and ejection fraction .
Normal A → B circulation time is 15-20 sec.
 They are used:
 To induce anaesthesia prior to other drugs being given to
maintain anaesthesia.
 To maintain anaesthesia for longer procedures by
intravenous infusion. To provide sedation. Use for day care
/ short / opd procedure
Drug conc. In CNS decreased and patient becomes awake (due to redistribution of
Repeat intermittent bolus Continuous sedation required
Unbound high lipid soluble and unionized drug crosses BBB quickly
Drug conc. Increases in VRG
Slowly sec. uptake by diffussion
to other tissue
Drug injected in vein reaches the blood
Some % bind to protein Rest % of drug free/unbound
Several factors :-
Route of administration
 Age ( ↓ with age )
 Lean body mass ( fat free ) (muscular > fatty
 ↓ in low cardiac output state( body
compensate to accordingly to maintain
cerebral perfusion )
 ↓ in Hypoprotenemia ( nutritional,
nephropathy , PIH )
 Rapid onset and offset
 Analgesia at subanesthetic dose
 Minimal cardio respiratory depression
 No emetic effect
 No excitatory and emergence phenomenon
 No interaction with N-M blocking agent
 No pain on injection
 No venous sequel ( venous thrombosis)
 No toxic effect on other organs
 No release of histamine ( bronchospasm )
 Water soluble formulation and long self life
 No hypersensitivity
 No stimulation of porphyria
 No adrenocortical suppression
Sedation ,
anterograde amnesia
, and anticonvulsant
ALPHA 2 – causes
anxiolysis ms.
 Major inhibitory Neuro-transmitter in the CNS
 Active GABA A receptor => Cl - influx =>
 Propofol & barbiturates slow GABA A receptor
 Benzodiazepines increase GABA A to receptor
 Ketamine acts at NMDA receptor
 These effects lead to sedative & hypnotic
 Increasing dose => sedation => hypnosis
 All iv anesthetics affect other organ systems
 Potential for respiratory depression
 Potential for CVS depression
 Potential for altered CBF/ICP
 Hypovolemia => severe hemodynamic effects
seen due to decreased blood pool
 Use lower doses!
Rapid onset and rapid offset , no excitatory
effect .
 Yellow amorphous powder , in atmosphere
of nitrogen
 Ultra short acting barbiturate.
 @C5
-aryl or alkyl group (hypnotic)
-phenyl gr. (anti convulsant)
 @ C2
-O2 (oxybarb.)
-Sulfur (thiobarbiturate)
 Replacement of oxygen at C2 with sulphur.
 Diluted to 2.5 % solution ,can be stored for
48 hr ↓refrigerator , Concentration >5 %
cause pain
 Highly Alkaline pH 10.5, contain 6 %
 ↓ in alkalinity cause ppt of solution , so
avoid to dilute in acidic solution , RL .
 Co-adm of vec, atra , midaz , alfentanil
form ppt in I.V. line and occlude the vein
 Sedation & Hypnosis by interaction with
inhibitory neurotransmitters GABA on GABAA
 GABA facilitatory & GABA mimetic action.
 GABAA receptor has 5 glycoprotein sub unit.
 Increases GABA mediated transmembrane conductance
of Cl– ion, Causes hyperpolarization & inhibition of
post synaptic neuron.
 At low concentrations, barbiturates enhance the effects of GABA,
decreasing the rate of dissociation of GABA from its receptor–
sedative-hypnotic effects of the barbiturates.
 At higher concentrations, the barbiturates directly activate the
chloride channels without the binding of GABA, acting as the
agonist itself.
 The GABA-mimetic effect at slightly higher concentrations may
be responsible for what is termed barbiturate anesthesia.
 Onset of action of i.v. injection - 10-20 sec.
peak 30-40 sec. duration for awakening 5-15 min.
 Prompt awakening after single i.v. inj. is due to rapid
redistribution to lean body tissue (muscle)
 Volume of distribution is 2.5 Lit. per Kg.
 Ultimate elimination due to hepatic metabolism.
 Effect site equilibration time is rapid.
Brain – 30 Sec. Muscle – 15 Min. Fat > 30 Min.
 Context sensitive half life is prolonged.
 Excretion-< 1% excreted unchanged in the
 Volume of distribution – 2.5L/Kg
 Rapid distribution half life – 8.5 Min
 Slow distribution half life – 62.7 Min
 Elimination Half Life 11.6 Hours
 Clearance(3.4ml/kg/min)
 Prolonged in obese
 Short in paediatric patient.
1) Redistribution
- Lipid solubility (most important factor)
High Lipid Solubility makes it to cross blood brain
barrier & lean body tissue rapidly.
- Protein Binding
Highly bound to albumin & other plasma protein 72 – 86% Binding.
Only unbound fraction crosses Blood-Brain-Barrier.
Only non-ionized part crosses BBB.
Thiopentone has pKA 7.6 so 61% of it is non-ionized at physiologic PH
-Conc. Gradient between CSF and Plasma
By liver microsomal enzymes mainly, Slightly in CNS & kidney. 10
– 24 % Metabolised each hour.
OXIDATION of Aryl, Alkyl or Phenyl moeity @ C5
DESTRUCTION of Barbituric ring
 Conjugation with glucoronide to hydroxythiopentol & carboxylic
acid derivatives to form water soluble metabolites.
 Excreted in urine
 Act on GABA a receptor lead to Cl influx –
hyperpolarisation of cell membrane -
↑threshold of excitability of post synaptic
neuron .
 This is highly lipid soluble drug cross BBB –
fast onset of axon
 AT plasma pH around 50 % unionized drug ; in
acidosis condition unionized % ↑; dose
requirement ↓
 Dose dependent↓ CBF, ↓ ICP, ↓ CMRO 2
 CPP= (MAP-ICP ) but { ↓ICP > ↓MAP } ; CPP
 Sedation and loss of consciousness
 retrograde amnesia and depression of vasomotor
 Induction and maintenance of anesthesia
 Rate of adm α onset
 Termination of effect take 5-10 min to awake (
after bolus )
 Awakening depend on :-
 Volume of distribution
 Plasma concentration
 Redistribution and Clearance
 Alteration in metabolism
 CNS sensitivity ↑ with age
 Pupil and eye :- initially pupil contract but then
dilate .
 Pupillary response is lost with surgical anaesthesia .
 loss of eyelash reflex is commonly used as endpoint
for adequate induction dose .
 Following traumatic brain injury, infusion of
thiopental to produce a “barbiturate coma” lowers
intracranial pressure and may improve neurological
 Anticonvulsant property
 Thiopental have no analgesic action and may be
antianalgesic in low dose .
 Burst suppression of EEG can be induced with high
doses when used in treatment of status epilepticus or
intractable rise in ICP following head injury .
 Dose related resp depression ,peak resp depression
after (1-1.5 min) after adm of bolus dose .
 More susceptible patient ch lung disease , Airway
 Apnea :- transient apnea for 25 sec only in 20 %
 Double apnea :- 1 st during adm of drug > transient
>after 4-5 breath 2 nd apnea last for longer period .
 during this period ventilation must be assessed –
controlled ventilation .
 ↓minute ventilation , ↓ sensitivity to raised CO2
 Airway reflexes preserved not suitable for LMA
insertion ,may cause coughing and laryngospasm
 C/I in St. asthmaticus
 When choosing an induction agent, the
primary goals are as follows:
(1) to preserve maternal blood pressure,
cardiac output, and uterine blood flow;
(2) to minimize fetal and neonatal
(3) to ensure maternal hypnosis and
Umbilical blood and maternal blood concentration equal by the time of delivery
At this dose fetal brain
suppression does not occur
Fetal CNS depression occur at
>= 8mg/kg
Haemodynamic effect unlikely at this dose in normal pregnant women
Within 30 sec drug can be found
in umbilical cord
Umbilical venous blood
concentration peaks in 1 min
Thiopental <4 mg/kg; prompt,reliable induction
Reach in maternal blood, induce
Readily cross the placenta
 First effect dose dependent peripheral
 - ve inotropic effect - ↓ Ca to myocardial fiber
 ↓BP
 ↓ CO (↓venous return , vasodilatation, -ve
inotropic effect , ↓CNS symp outflow )
 Tachycardia ( 10-36 %) Via baroreceptor
mediated symp reflex in response to ↓ CO & BP
 CAD patient on induction ↑HR - ↑myocardial
demand of O2
 ECG changes :-prolonged QT , flattened T wave
,vent arrhythmia
eg - acidotic patient ,long term dialysis ,
 Induction of anaesthesia
 Control convulsions
 Decreased ICP
 Neuroprotection
 Severe asthama
 porphyria
 Previous hypersensitivity
 Allergy to sulphur
 Stenotic valvular disease
 Severe hepatic disease
 Renal impairment
 Anticonvulsant
for rapid control of status epilepticus
dose 0.5 – 2 mg/kg. repeated as needed
 Treatment of increased intracranial pressure
 CMRO2 by 55%, CBF
dose 1 – 4 mg/kg i.v.
CPP is maintained
Rapid induction
Don’t sensitize
myocardium to
No nausea and vomiting
Other uses
Anticonvulsant In
psychiatric patient
Pharyngeal and
laryngeal reflex
persist →apnea –
controlled ventilation
Resp depression
Poor analgesic and
muscle relaxant
Gangrene and necrosis
Shivering and delirium
Stop injection
immediately ,
leave the canula insitu ,
and dilute with
immediate inj of saline
Give intra-arterial inj of
LA + vasodilator
Lidocaine 50 mg ( 5 ml of
1 %) + phenoxybenzamine
( α blocker)0.5 mg bolus
or 50-200 µg/min
Consider systemic
papaverine 40-80 mg
Consider sympathetic
block ( brachial plexus
block or stellate ganglion
block )
Start i.v heparin infusion
Give intra arterial
hydrocort Postpone
surgery Consult vascular
•diazepam was synthesised by Sternbach in 1959
•by Bell in 1961
•by Fryer and Walser in 1976
•existence of BZR was first discussed in Milan in 1971
•isolation and receptor-ligand interaction were demonstrated in
•this has resulted in the generation of a number of new ligands and
a specific antagonist
COMPOSITION milliliter of diazepam
solution (5 mg)
contains propylene
glycol 0.4 mL,
alcohol 0.1 mL,
benzyl alcohol
0.015 mL, and
acid in water for
(pH 6.2 to 6.9)
solution (1 or
5 mg/mL) contains
0.8% sodium chloride
and 0.01% disodium
with 1% benzyl
alcohol as a
The pH is adjusted to
3 with hydrochloric
acid and sodium
284.7 362
PKa 3.3 6.2
0.3 – 0.5 0.15 - 0.3
1 - 1.5 0.3 – 0.5
PROTEIN BINDING 96 -98 % 96 -98 %
0.2 - 0.5 6 - 8
MECHANISM Oxidation of methylene
group of diazepine ring;
Finally glucuronidation of
Oxidation at imidazole
And further glucuronidation
METABOLITES 1.Desmethyldiazepam
1. 1-hyddroxymidazolam
2. 4-hydroxymidazolam
(e.t1/2 21-37 hours)
Increased in cimetidine
use, old age , cirrhosis of
(e.t1/2 1-4 hours)
Increased in cimetidine
,erythromycin ,CC Blockers
, old age , cirrhosis of liver
(mainly by hepatic microsomal oxidation and glucoronide conjugation)
 Dose dependent↓ CBF, ↓
CMRO 2 (ratio maintained
by midazolam)
 Increase in seizure
initiation threshold
 20% - Anxiolysis
 30-50% - sedation
 60% - unconsciousness
 alpha activity is decreased
 increase in low voltage,
fast activity, especially beta
 the amplitude of somato-
sensory EP's is reduced
 "pre-anaesthetic" doses-
↓alveolar ventilation
 the peak onset of
ventilatory depression
following midazolam (0.15
-0.3 mg/kg) is at ~ 3 min
and lasts for ~ 15 mins
 in patients with
obstructive pulmonary
disease - respiratory
depression, CO2 retention
and narcosis
 decreases the MAC of
inhalational anaesthetics
 in "pre-anaesthetic" doses they decrease the BP and increase HR
 decrease peripheral resistance - flunitrazepam - midazolam
 decrease LV work and cardiac output - diazepam – lorazepam
 baroreceptor reflexes generally remain intact, though, there is
some depression
the hypotensive effect is minimal and usually less than that seen
with thiopentone
the effect is possibly slightly greater with midazolam and is dose
 in patients with elevated cardiac filling pressures, both
midazolam and diazepam produce a "nitroglycerine like" effect,
reducing preload and increasing cardiac output
 diazepam increases coronary blood flow in man, possibly by
increasing interstitial concentrations of adenosine
INDUCTION 0.3 – 0.5 mg/kg
(Given in 5 to 15
sec; induction in
39 sec)
0.05 – 0.15 mg/kg
(Given in 5 to 15
sec; induction in
28 sec)
MAINTAINENCE 0.1 mg/kg 0.05 mg/kg
SEDATION 2 mg 0.5 - 1 mg
 Better amnesia ( 1-2
 Smoother
haemodynamic course
(in healthy patients)
 Less opioid
 Less dosage required
if used with opioids
 Accumulate in blood
 Prolonged arousal time
compared to other I.v
induction agents
 In hemodynamically
compromised patients cvs
 Dosage affected by age,
sex , gender , obesity ,
enzyme induction ,
hepatic and renal diseases
 Longer context sensitive
half life.
 Ketamine is a phencyclidine derivative
 Rapid onset 30-60 sec ;
 high lipid soluble ( 5× thiopental )
 Hypnosis ,amnesia Dissociative anaesthesia , intense
analgesic ( SOMATIC > VISCERAL ), ,rapid clearance
 Cardio stimulation property
 Minimal effect on resp system
 Sympathomimetic effect
 IOA choice for ASA – IV and hemodynamic
compromised state the possibility of emergence
delirium limits the clinical usefulness of ketamine.
 Ketamine has advantages over Propofol and
etomidate in being water soluble
 NMDA Receptors antagonist :-
 Opioid Receptors:-
 Muscarinic Receptors:-
 The fact that ketamine produces anticholinergic
symptoms (emergence delirium, Bronchodilation,
sympathomimetics action) suggests that an
antagonist effect of ketamine at muscarinic
receptors is more likely than an agonist effect.
 Sodium Channels:- Consistent with its mild local
anesthetic-like properties, ketamine interacts
with voltage-gated sodium channels sharing a
binding site with local anesthetics
Induction of general anesthesia 0.5-2 mg/kg IV;
4-6 mg/kg IM
Maintenance of general
0.5-1 mg/kg IV with N2O 50% in
15-45 µg/kg/min IV with N2O 50-
70% in O2
30-90 µg/kg/min IV without N2O
Sedation and analgesia 0.2-0.8 mg/kg IV over 2-
3 min 2-4 mg/kg IM
Preemptive/preventive analgesia 0.15-0.25 mg/kg IV
Intra thecal ketamine 0.5-0.75 mg/kg
Emergence phenomenon (psychadelic effect) visual , auditory, propioceptive and
confusional illusion ,delirium and cortical blindness
Bodily detachment /
dissociative anesthesia
Preventive measures
LOC in 30-60 sec i.v and 2-4 min after i.m (end point Nystagmus in horizontal
Consciousness regain in (10-
Full orientation in (60-90)min
Ketamine water soluble; consider dose dependending factor
1-2mg/kg i.v and 4-6 mg/kg i.m Apnea rare but can be there
 ↑CMRO2, ↑ ICP(d/t ↑symp tone ),↑IOT,↑ CBF
(↑CBF> ↑CMRO2)
 Dissociative anaesthesia ( cataleptic state )
 Corneal , cough , swallow reflex +nt
 Amnesia not prominent as compare with BZD
↑muscle tone , purposeless movement , Ө wave
on EEG , petit mal type seizure activity in
 Primary site of axon in CNS thalamoneocortical
projection system .
 Depress cortical and thalamus function Stimulate
limbic and hippocampal function
 Associated with vivid dreaming , sense of floating of body,
illusion , ext sensory experience , excitement , confusion ,
euphoria , fear .
 Occur with ketamine due to depression of auditory and
visual relay nuclei .
 The loss of skin and musculoskeletal sensations results in a
decreased ability to perceive gravity, thereby producing a
sensation of bodily detachment or floating in space.
 These feature last for 1 hr.
 Factor affecting emergence reaction
 Age ( adult > child )
 Gender( female > male )
 Dose (↑)
 Concurrent drug ( BZD priming 5 min before ketamine )
 Preop counseling
 Sympathomimetic action ↑BP, ↑HR , ↑ CO
 ↑ SBP is 20 to 40 mm Hg, with a slightly increase in DBP, increases
progressively during the first 3 to 5 minutes after an intravenous
injection of ketamine and then decreases to predrug levels over
the next 10 to 20 minutes.
 ↑ myocardial O2 demand – provided by adequate CO &↓ coronary
vascular resistance .
 These effect are more apparent in 1 st bolus dose than 2 nd dose
 Ketamine ↑ pul artery pressure – caution use in left side stenotic
valvular lesion .
 Tachycardia and hypertension by ketamine can be prevented by
premedication with BZD or continuous inhalational agent
 Cautiously use in IHD
 Useful in pt of cong heart Ds even in whom propensity for R-L
shunt exist
 Min effect on central resp drive
 Transient (1-3 ) min ↓ in minute ventilation
 Large dose produce apnea
 Bronchial muscle relaxant { when given in patient of
bronchospasm – pul compliance increased }
 Bronchodilation make this a potentially useful drug for the
rapid intravenous induction of anesthesia in patients with
 Ketamine as effective as halothane
 Resp problem in children are due to ↑ secretion ( salivation
)-cause upper airway obstruction – laryngospasm
 Increase pulmonayl artery pressure
 Preserve cough and upper airway reflex so not useful with
 When choosing an induction agent, the
primary goals are as follows:
(1) to preserve maternal blood pressure,
cardiac output, and uterine blood flow;
(2) to minimize fetal and neonatal
depression; and
(3) to ensure maternal hypnosis and amnesia.
Fetal outcome same in both induction with ketamine or thio
Provide both analgesia and hypnosis,maternal awareness less as compared to
thiopentone alone
Ketamine rapidly cross the placenta and
at max conc in fetal blood in 1.5 to 2 mins
Large dose (>1 mg/kg) increased uterine
Ketamine excellent choice for i.v induction in LSCS at 1mg/kg
Rapid onset, sympathomimetic Best in hypovolemia and asthama patient
 increase HR,BP,CO
 In asthmatic
 For short procedure
 Combination with BZD
can use in cardiac
catheterization and
angiography .
 In OPD surgical
 Good analgesic property
 limb movement and
 Emergence phenomenon
in 50 %
 Hypertensive
 Increased ICP , IOT
 Uterine stimulation
 Schizophrenia ,
 Poor muscle relaxation
 CVS except IHD and Resp.
 Hemodynamic compromised (
pericarditis , cardiac
tamponade , CM , shock )
 Traumatic and septic shock
 As component in TIVA with
midaz and propofol provide
better hemodynamic stability
 In cancer patient ,
 Phantom or ischaemic limb
 Fibromyalgia , visceral pain
 Migraine
 ↑ ICP , SOL brain
 Large size Infarct
 Ophthalmic injury
 Vascular aneurysm
 Schizophrenia
 Most frequently use I.V. anaesthetic drug today
 Milky white ;
 pH 7.0 - 8.5 ;
 isotonic to plasma
 Fospropofol prodrug
 Stable at room temp ;
 Not light sensitive
 Dilution :- water insoluble ;
 Compatible in DNS Dilution cause cracking of emulsion ,
spontaneous degradation
 Concern regarding microbial growth in emulsion – disodium
edetate (0.005%) added to retard the bact. Growth
 Sedation in and outside of OT
 Concern regarding induction and emergence myoclonic ,jerk
 Painful injection in small vessel take care of it
 2,6 –di-isopropylphenol
 Rapid onset 15-45 sec and offset , rapid offset even
after prolonged infusion ( small context sensitive half
time )
 Metabolize in liver with Glucuronide and sulfate
conjugation .
 Extra hepatic metabolism + lung ; inactive
metabolite Mainly excreted by kidney
 Propofol causes the most marked fall in blood
pressure of all the induction drugs. This is mainly due
to systemic vasodilatation. There may be an
accompanying slight increase in heart rate. The fall
in blood pressure is dose dependent and is most
marked in the elderly and in shocked patients. This
can be minimized by slow injection – avoiding
inadvertent overdose.
 By the removal of Cremophor consists of 1%
(wt/ vol ) Propofol 10% soybean oil 2.25%
glycerol 1.2% purified egg phosphatide To
prevent microbial growth in the emulsion,
disodium edetate (0.005%) was added as a
retardant of bacterial growth.
 If a dilute solution of propofol is required, it
is compatible with 5% dextrose in water.
 Fospropofol (Aquavan)soon going to be
approved by FDA, a phosphorylated prodrug
of Propofol,
Clinical use Dose
Induction of general
•1-2.5mg/kg,dose reduced with increasing
age,induction dose in 2 yr(2.9mg/kg),in 6-
12 yr(2.2 mg/kg)
Maintainance of
general anaesthesia
100-200mcg/kg/min without N2O & opiates
50-150mcg/kg/min with n2O & opiate
Sedation(with little
analgesic & amnesic)
25-75 mcg/kg/min I.V.,concious sedation
Antiemetic 10-20mg I.V.can repeat every 5-10 min
orstart 10mcg/kg/min infusion
 Dose and therapeutic conc dependent action
 Hypnotic action by enhancing GABA induced chloride
 Onset with 2.5 mg/kg 15-30 sec with peak effect in 90-100
 Duration of hypnosis 5-10 min depending on redistribution
and Vd
 Subhypnotic dose – sedation and amnesia infusion
 Propofol have shown direct depressant effect on neuron of
spinal cord
 sense of well being ( ↑dopamine conc in nucleus
accumbence- phenomenon seen in drug abuser and
pleasure seeking behavior.
 Antiemetic action may be explained by ↓in serotonin level
 ↓ ICP , acutely ↓ IOP -(propofol >Thio )effective in
preventing raised IOP with scolin and intubation
 Neuroprotective role ↓ controversies ;due to
antioxidant axn by inhibiting lipid peroxidation
 Just or 1 hr after to ischemic insult produce
reduction in size of infarct at sedation dose @ 25-75
µg/kg/min as compared to awake control with
 Burst suppression @blood level > 8µg/ml –better
neurological outcome and less brain injury
 EEG effect – ( α → ϒ → Ө ) wave Seizure like activity
reported mainly on induction and emergence . Dose
dependent anticonvulsant activity +nt
 On induction dose and rate of adm dependent↓ BP
(25-40 %) in comparable dose (propofol >Thiopental)
 ↓ SBP and DBP , ↓ MAP
 ↓ CO, ↓ SV , ↓ SVR ( 15-25 %)
 HR ↓(-10 +_10 % ) to baseline; Propofol either may
reset or may inhibit the baroreflex, reducing the
tachycardia response to hypotension
 MAP ↓ ( -10-40 %)
 Propofol at high concentrations (10 µg/mL) abolishes
the inotropic effect of α but not β adrenoreceptor
stimulation, and enhances the lusitropic (relaxation)
effect of β stimulation
 CNS induced ↓ sympathetic drive on heart - cardio
 In patient with valvular lesion ↓( PA and PCWP ) – due
to ↓ pre and afterload .
 cardio depression ( bolus > infusion )
 Continuous Infusion cause significant ↓ in myocardial
blood flow and oxygen demand
 For better hemodynamic stability use one or more
additive induction agent ( fentanyl , Midazolam )with
propofol .
 Bradycardia-related Death:-Profound bradycardia
and asystole after the administration of Propofol
despite prophylactic Anticholinergics. thus suggesting
that Propofol induce a suppression of sympathetic
nervous system activity. The treatment of Propofol-
induced bradycardia may require the administration
of a β-agonist, such as isoproterenol.
 Profound resp depressant
 Apnea occur depend on dose , speed of injection,
concomitant premedication
 Occur in 25- 30 % cases ,may last for >30 sec ,may ↑by
adding opiate in premedication
 Apnea risk max in this agent than other
 Apnea precedes with marked ↓ TV and tachypnoea.
 A maintenance infusion (100 µg/kg/min) results in a 40%
↓TV and a 20% ↑ RR ,
 Propofol (50 to 120 µg/kg/min) also depresses the
Ventilatory response to hypoxia, presumably by a direct
action on carotid body chemoreceptor
 Reduces airway and pharyngeal reflexes- use with LMA
 Bronchoconstriction ( thiopental > propofol
),Bronchodilation prevent intraop wheeze.
 Proconvulsant Activity:-The majority of reported
Propofol-induced seizures during the induction of
anesthesia or emergence from anesthesia reflect
spontaneous excitatory movements of sub cortical
 Abuse Potential :-Intense dreaming activity, amorous
behaviour, and hallucinations have been reported
during recovery from the effects of Propofol.
 Bacterial Growth:-growth of Escherichia coli and
Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
 Pain on Injection:-As little as 0.2 mg/kg of lidocaine
(mixed with the propofol) is effective in reducing but
not eliminating this discomfort.
 Mini – Bier Block –APPLY tourniquet give 1mg /kg of
lidocaine 15-20 sec before propofol adm then remove
 Complication in prolonged infusion patient
 Propofol infusion syndrome(PIS) in (pediatric
> adult) patients receiving prolonged high-
dose infusions of Propofol (>75 µg/kg per
minute) for longer than 24 hours.
 Associated with :-
 metabolic acidosis,
 lipidaemia,
 cardiac arrhythmias
 Unexpected tachycardia
 Increase mortality
Significant bradycardia with scoline
Induction with propofol@1-2mg/kg
Marked decrease in B.P Decrease uteroplacental circulation
 Rapid induction
 Anti emetic effect
 Agent of choice for
day care surgery
 Induction apnoea
 Hypotension
 Dose dependant
 Dose dependant resp
 Pain during injection
 It is also euphorigenic
but does not have
residual psychotic
effects like Ketamine
 Etomidate is a carboxylated imidazole & prepared as a fat emulsion,
 its effects on GABA A receptors
 Etomidate A→B circulation time 1 min,
 The clearance of etomidate is about five times that for thiopental;
 Likewise, the context-sensitive half-time of etomidate is less likely to be
increased by continuous infusion, as compared with thiopental.
 Etomidate (0.2 to 0.4 mg/kg IV) IOC especially in the presence of an
unstable cardiovascular system.
 Involuntary myoclonic movements are common during the induction due
to alterations in the balance of inhibitory and excitatory influences on
the thalamocortical tract.
 Awakening after a single intravenous dose of etomidate is more rapid
than after barbiturates.
 The principal limiting factor in the clinical use of etomidate for the
induction of anesthesia is the ability of this drug to transiently depress
adrenocortical function
Clinical use Dose
Induction of general anaesthesia 0.2-0.6mg/kg I.V
Maintainance of general
10mcg/kg/min I.V. with N2o & an
Sedation & Analgesia Limited to periods of brief
sedation because of inhibition of
steriod synthesis
 ↓ CBF , ↓ CMR02 , ↓ ICP
 Myoclonus (spontaneous movements) occurs
in 50% to 80% of patients receiving etomidate
in the absence of premedication. etomidate-
induced Myoclonus appears to be
disinhibition of subcortical structures that
normally suppress extra pyramidal motor
 Cardiovascular stability (minimal changes in
heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output) is
characteristic of induction of anesthesia
using 0.3 mg/kg IV of etomidate So it may
differ from most other intravenous
anesthetics in that depressive effects on
myocardial contractility are minimal at the
concentrations needed for the production of
 The depressant effects of etomidate on
ventilation seem to be less than those of
barbiturates, although apnea may
occasionally accompany a rapid intravenous
injection of the drug.
 Limitation of etomidate Etomidate causes
adrenocortical suppression by producing a
dose-dependent inhibition of the conversion
of cholesterol to cortisol
consistency Emulsion milky
Sodium salts(6%
amorphous powder
Clear aquaous
solubility Lipid soluble Lipid soluble Lipid soluble
ph 7 10.5 of 2.5% 3.5-5.5
pka 11 7.6 7.5
Unionised % 99.97% 61% 55.7%
onset One arm –brain
time15-30 sec
10-15 30-60
peak 90-100 sec 90-100 sec 90-100sec
awakening 5-10 min 5-10 min 10-20 min
Rapid fall in
plasma conc.
After bolus
Redistribution &
redistribution redistribution
Protein binding 98% 85% 60%
Metabolism &
Destruction of
barbituric acid
metabolite Inactive pentabarbital Norketamine 20-
lung absent absent
20-30 3-4 12-14
sensitive half
infusion lasting
upto 8 hrs
<40 min <150min <40 min
ortical &
Induction 1-2.5 mg/kg 3-5 adult
5-6 children
6-7 infant
0.5-2 mg/kg
maintenance 50-
sedation 25-
analgesia 25-
Neuroprotective Reduce infarct
size when adm
immediately or
1 hr after
ischemic insult
Decrese 02
Preserve CPP
Free radical
perfusion in
- -- +
+ -- +
Upper airway
-- -- +
Salivation &
-- -- ++
antiemetic + -- -
Sk musle tone -- -- increase
relaxant -- -- +
BP Dec.25-40% dec increase
HR N /dec. Dec(10-36%) inc
CO Dec. dec inc
CMRO2 Dec. dec inc
CBF Dec. dec inc
ICP Dec. dec inc
ICP Dec. dec inc
APNEA ++dose
dependent (20-
++ Higher dose
Min ventilation dec dec inc
bronchodilation + -- +
anticonvulsant + + --
antipruritic + -- --
+ -- --
Pain on
++ + --
Hypotension ++ + --
apnea ++ + +/-
bronchospasm -- + --
+ + --
+ ++ --
 A patient with intestinal obstruction requires
an emergency laparotomy. Which induction
drug would you use?
 Any patient with intestinal obstruction must
be assumed to have a potentially full
 Traditionally a rapid sequence induction
would be performed with preoxygenation ,
cricoid pressure, thiopental and
 Thiopental is chosen due to its rapid, well
defined onset at a predetermined dose. This
is also the method of choice of induction for
caesarean section.
 A patient requires a burns dressing change.
Which induction drug would you use?
 Ketamine is an ideal drug to be used for
minor procedures.
 For burns dressing changes, a sub-
anaesthetic dose can be used. It will provide
sedation and analgesia, preserving the
protective airway reflexes.
 Ketamine is often combined with
benzodiazepine premedication to reduce the
dose requirement and emergence reactions,
and sometimes an anti-sialagogue (e.g.
glycopyrrolate, glycopyrronium bromide) to
reduce airway secretions
 A patient with a history of heart failure
requires a general anaesthetic. Which
induction drug would you choose?
 drug of choice would be etomidate due to its
limited effect on the cardiovascular system.
However some anaesthetists avoid etomidate all
together due to its effect on steroid synthesis.
 Ketamine could also be considered due to its
relative cardiovascular stability.
 Propofol and thiopental are also options, but
potentially cause more cardiac depression. The
important issue is that which ever induction drug
is used, the lowest possible dose is given, it is
given slowly and it is titrated to effect.
 Intra-arterial blood pressure monitoring should
be considered if available.
 A patient with porphyria comes for an
inguinal hernia repair and is requesting a
general anaesthetic. Which induction drug
would you use?
 A patient with porphyria comes for an inguinal hernia
repair and is requesting a general anaesthetic. Which
induction drug would you use?
 The porphyrias are a group of disease characterised
by overproduction and excretion of porphyrins
(intermediate compounds produced during
haemoprotein synthesis).
 Acute attacks may be precipitated by drugs, stress,
infection, alcohol, pregnancy and starvation.
 Propofol would be the ideal induction drug to use in
this case – being safe to use in patients with
 Thiopental and etomidate should be avoided as they
can precipitate a porphyric crisis
 An adult patient requires sedation on the
intensive care unit. Which of the induction
drugs would be appropriate to run as an
 A propofol infusion would be appropriate.
Midazolam could also be given in addition, or
as an alternative to propofol.
 Thiopental should be avoided due to
accumulation, and etomidate should be
avoided due its effect on adrenal steroid
hormone synthesis.

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Intravenous induction agents

  • 1. Dr. Deepali Jamgade Dr.Pradeepa Chevala Guided by: DR . S MANIMALA RAO
  • 2. 1872 •PIERRE-CYPRIEN ORE’ (French Surgeon) used chloral hydrate 1864 •ADOLF VON BAYER – On Saint Barbara’s Day discovered barbituric acid. Coined the term Barbitute as acombination of Barbara and urea. (no sedative properties) •1n 1903 – Emil fischer discovered hexobarbital. Helmut Weese studied it 1934 •John Lundy of clinic of mayo studied sod .thiopental – balanced anesthesia •In 1941 – pearl harbour – many deaths with use of STP due to cardiovascular depressant effects.
  • 3. 1956 - Replacements like • HYDROXYDIONE (steroid; thrombophlebitis) • ALTHESIN (mixture of alphaxolone and alphadolone; has rapid onset and recovery; rejected because of hypersensitivty reactions) • PROPANIDID (solubilized in Cremephor EL; rejected because of hypersensitivity reactions) In 1973 – Etomidate – minimal hemodynamic depression . Used use in pts with severe CVS disease 1962 – 1978 • Ketamine – unique as it does not cause CVS depression but post op hallnications are present • Benzodiazepines were studied for anxiolysis without same degree of sedation as thiopentone ;1963 – diazepam 1978 - midazolam 1977 • Propofol was discovered • Alkylphenol compound with antiemetic properties and depressionof laryngeal reflexes so easy placement of supraglottic airways
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.  What are i.v. induction agent ?  Agent cause a rapid reversible loss of consciousness.  TIME :- “one arm-brain (A→B)circulation time” this time also depend on cardiac output and ejection fraction . Normal A → B circulation time is 15-20 sec.  They are used:  To induce anaesthesia prior to other drugs being given to maintain anaesthesia.  To maintain anaesthesia for longer procedures by intravenous infusion. To provide sedation. Use for day care / short / opd procedure
  • 7. Drug conc. In CNS decreased and patient becomes awake (due to redistribution of drug) Repeat intermittent bolus Continuous sedation required Unbound high lipid soluble and unionized drug crosses BBB quickly Drug conc. Increases in VRG organs Slowly sec. uptake by diffussion to other tissue Drug injected in vein reaches the blood Some % bind to protein Rest % of drug free/unbound
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10. Several factors :- Route of administration  Age ( ↓ with age )  Lean body mass ( fat free ) (muscular > fatty )  ↓ in low cardiac output state( body compensate to accordingly to maintain cerebral perfusion )  ↓ in Hypoprotenemia ( nutritional, nephropathy , PIH )
  • 11.  Rapid onset and offset  Analgesia at subanesthetic dose  Minimal cardio respiratory depression  No emetic effect  No excitatory and emergence phenomenon  No interaction with N-M blocking agent  No pain on injection  No venous sequel ( venous thrombosis)  No toxic effect on other organs  No release of histamine ( bronchospasm )  Water soluble formulation and long self life  No hypersensitivity  No stimulation of porphyria  No adrenocortical suppression
  • 13.  Major inhibitory Neuro-transmitter in the CNS = GABA  Active GABA A receptor => Cl - influx => Hyperpolarisation  Propofol & barbiturates slow GABA A receptor dissociation  Benzodiazepines increase GABA A to receptor coupling  Ketamine acts at NMDA receptor  These effects lead to sedative & hypnotic effects
  • 14.  Increasing dose => sedation => hypnosis  All iv anesthetics affect other organ systems  Potential for respiratory depression  Potential for CVS depression  Potential for altered CBF/ICP  Hypovolemia => severe hemodynamic effects seen due to decreased blood pool  Use lower doses!
  • 15. Rapid onset and rapid offset , no excitatory effect .  Yellow amorphous powder , in atmosphere of nitrogen  Ultra short acting barbiturate.  @C5 -aryl or alkyl group (hypnotic) -phenyl gr. (anti convulsant)  @ C2 -O2 (oxybarb.) -Sulfur (thiobarbiturate) @C1-  Replacement of oxygen at C2 with sulphur.  Diluted to 2.5 % solution ,can be stored for 48 hr ↓refrigerator , Concentration >5 % cause pain  Highly Alkaline pH 10.5, contain 6 % NaHCO3  ↓ in alkalinity cause ppt of solution , so avoid to dilute in acidic solution , RL .  Co-adm of vec, atra , midaz , alfentanil form ppt in I.V. line and occlude the vein
  • 16.  Sedation & Hypnosis by interaction with inhibitory neurotransmitters GABA on GABAA receptor.  GABA facilitatory & GABA mimetic action.  GABAA receptor has 5 glycoprotein sub unit.  Increases GABA mediated transmembrane conductance of Cl– ion, Causes hyperpolarization & inhibition of post synaptic neuron.
  • 17.  At low concentrations, barbiturates enhance the effects of GABA, decreasing the rate of dissociation of GABA from its receptor– sedative-hypnotic effects of the barbiturates.  At higher concentrations, the barbiturates directly activate the chloride channels without the binding of GABA, acting as the agonist itself.  The GABA-mimetic effect at slightly higher concentrations may be responsible for what is termed barbiturate anesthesia.
  • 18.  Onset of action of i.v. injection - 10-20 sec. peak 30-40 sec. duration for awakening 5-15 min.  Prompt awakening after single i.v. inj. is due to rapid redistribution to lean body tissue (muscle)  Volume of distribution is 2.5 Lit. per Kg.  Ultimate elimination due to hepatic metabolism.  Effect site equilibration time is rapid. Brain – 30 Sec. Muscle – 15 Min. Fat > 30 Min.  Context sensitive half life is prolonged.
  • 19.  Excretion-< 1% excreted unchanged in the urine  Volume of distribution – 2.5L/Kg  Rapid distribution half life – 8.5 Min  Slow distribution half life – 62.7 Min  Elimination Half Life 11.6 Hours  Clearance(3.4ml/kg/min)  Prolonged in obese patient,elderly,pregnancy.  Short in paediatric patient.
  • 20. 1) Redistribution - Lipid solubility (most important factor) High Lipid Solubility makes it to cross blood brain barrier & lean body tissue rapidly. - Protein Binding Highly bound to albumin & other plasma protein 72 – 86% Binding. Only unbound fraction crosses Blood-Brain-Barrier. -Ionization Only non-ionized part crosses BBB. Thiopentone has pKA 7.6 so 61% of it is non-ionized at physiologic PH -Conc. Gradient between CSF and Plasma
  • 21. 2)Metabolism By liver microsomal enzymes mainly, Slightly in CNS & kidney. 10 – 24 % Metabolised each hour. OXIDATION of Aryl, Alkyl or Phenyl moeity @ C5 N-DEALKYLATION DESULFURATION DESTRUCTION of Barbituric ring  Conjugation with glucoronide to hydroxythiopentol & carboxylic acid derivatives to form water soluble metabolites.  Excreted in urine
  • 22.  Act on GABA a receptor lead to Cl influx – hyperpolarisation of cell membrane - ↑threshold of excitability of post synaptic neuron .  This is highly lipid soluble drug cross BBB – fast onset of axon  AT plasma pH around 50 % unionized drug ; in acidosis condition unionized % ↑; dose requirement ↓  Dose dependent↓ CBF, ↓ ICP, ↓ CMRO 2  CPP= (MAP-ICP ) but { ↓ICP > ↓MAP } ; CPP preserve
  • 23.  Sedation and loss of consciousness  retrograde amnesia and depression of vasomotor centre.  Induction and maintenance of anesthesia  Rate of adm α onset  Termination of effect take 5-10 min to awake ( after bolus )  Awakening depend on :-  Volume of distribution  Plasma concentration  Redistribution and Clearance  Alteration in metabolism  CNS sensitivity ↑ with age
  • 24.  Pupil and eye :- initially pupil contract but then dilate .  Pupillary response is lost with surgical anaesthesia .  loss of eyelash reflex is commonly used as endpoint for adequate induction dose .  Following traumatic brain injury, infusion of thiopental to produce a “barbiturate coma” lowers intracranial pressure and may improve neurological outcome.  Anticonvulsant property  Thiopental have no analgesic action and may be antianalgesic in low dose .  Burst suppression of EEG can be induced with high doses when used in treatment of status epilepticus or intractable rise in ICP following head injury .
  • 25.  Dose related resp depression ,peak resp depression after (1-1.5 min) after adm of bolus dose .  More susceptible patient ch lung disease , Airway obst  Apnea :- transient apnea for 25 sec only in 20 % cases.  Double apnea :- 1 st during adm of drug > transient >after 4-5 breath 2 nd apnea last for longer period .  during this period ventilation must be assessed – controlled ventilation .  ↓minute ventilation , ↓ sensitivity to raised CO2  Airway reflexes preserved not suitable for LMA insertion ,may cause coughing and laryngospasm  C/I in St. asthmaticus
  • 26.  When choosing an induction agent, the primary goals are as follows: (1) to preserve maternal blood pressure, cardiac output, and uterine blood flow; (2) to minimize fetal and neonatal depression; (3) to ensure maternal hypnosis and amnesia.
  • 27. Umbilical blood and maternal blood concentration equal by the time of delivery At this dose fetal brain suppression does not occur Fetal CNS depression occur at >= 8mg/kg Haemodynamic effect unlikely at this dose in normal pregnant women Within 30 sec drug can be found in umbilical cord Umbilical venous blood concentration peaks in 1 min Thiopental <4 mg/kg; prompt,reliable induction Reach in maternal blood, induce patient Readily cross the placenta
  • 28.  First effect dose dependent peripheral vasodilatation  - ve inotropic effect - ↓ Ca to myocardial fiber  ↓BP  ↓ CO (↓venous return , vasodilatation, -ve inotropic effect , ↓CNS symp outflow )  Tachycardia ( 10-36 %) Via baroreceptor mediated symp reflex in response to ↓ CO & BP  CAD patient on induction ↑HR - ↑myocardial demand of O2  ECG changes :-prolonged QT , flattened T wave ,vent arrhythmia eg - acidotic patient ,long term dialysis , Cirrhosis
  • 29. Indications  Induction of anaesthesia  Control convulsions  Decreased ICP  Neuroprotection Contraindications  ABSOLUTE  COPD  Severe asthama  porphyria  Previous hypersensitivity  Allergy to sulphur PRECAUTIONS :  Stenotic valvular disease  Severe hepatic disease  Renal impairment
  • 30.  Anticonvulsant for rapid control of status epilepticus dose 0.5 – 2 mg/kg. repeated as needed  Treatment of increased intracranial pressure  CMRO2 by 55%, CBF dose 1 – 4 mg/kg i.v. CPP is maintained
  • 31. ADVANTAGE :- Rapid induction Don’t sensitize myocardium to adrenaline No nausea and vomiting Other uses Anticonvulsant In psychiatric patient Narcoanalysis DISADVANTAGE :- Pharyngeal and laryngeal reflex persist →apnea – controlled ventilation Resp depression Hypotension Poor analgesic and muscle relaxant Gangrene and necrosis Shivering and delirium
  • 32. Stop injection immediately , leave the canula insitu , and dilute with immediate inj of saline Give intra-arterial inj of LA + vasodilator Lidocaine 50 mg ( 5 ml of 1 %) + phenoxybenzamine ( α blocker)0.5 mg bolus or 50-200 µg/min infusion. Consider systemic papaverine 40-80 mg Consider sympathetic block ( brachial plexus block or stellate ganglion block ) Start i.v heparin infusion Give intra arterial hydrocort Postpone surgery Consult vascular surgeon
  • 33. •diazepam was synthesised by Sternbach in 1959 DIAZEPAM •by Bell in 1961 OXAZEPAM, •by Fryer and Walser in 1976 MIDAZOLAM •existence of BZR was first discussed in Milan in 1971 •isolation and receptor-ligand interaction were demonstrated in 1977 •this has resulted in the generation of a number of new ligands and a specific antagonist BENZODIAZEPINE RECEPTOR (BZR)
  • 34. DIAZEPAM MIDAZOLAM COMPOSITION milliliter of diazepam solution (5 mg) contains propylene glycol 0.4 mL, alcohol 0.1 mL, benzyl alcohol 0.015 mL, and sodium benzoate/benzoic acid in water for injection (pH 6.2 to 6.9) solution (1 or 5 mg/mL) contains 0.8% sodium chloride and 0.01% disodium edetate, with 1% benzyl alcohol as a preservative. The pH is adjusted to 3 with hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide
  • 36. DIAZEPAM MIDAZOLAM EQUIVALENT DOSE (mg) 0.3 – 0.5 0.15 - 0.3 VOLUME OF DISTRIBUTION (L/KG) 1 - 1.5 0.3 – 0.5 PROTEIN BINDING 96 -98 % 96 -98 % CLEARANCE (ml/kg/min) 0.2 - 0.5 6 - 8
  • 37. DIAZEPAM MIDAZOLAM MECHANISM Oxidation of methylene group of diazepine ring; Finally glucuronidation of metabolite Oxidation at imidazole ring; And further glucuronidation METABOLITES 1.Desmethyldiazepam 2.Oxazepam 3.temazepam 1. 1-hyddroxymidazolam 2. 4-hydroxymidazolam ELIMINATION Kidney (e.t1/2 21-37 hours) Increased in cimetidine use, old age , cirrhosis of liver Kidney (e.t1/2 1-4 hours) Increased in cimetidine ,erythromycin ,CC Blockers , old age , cirrhosis of liver (mainly by hepatic microsomal oxidation and glucoronide conjugation)
  • 38.
  • 39. CNS EFFECTS RESPIRATORY EFFECTS  Dose dependent↓ CBF, ↓ CMRO 2 (ratio maintained by midazolam)  Increase in seizure initiation threshold  20% - Anxiolysis  30-50% - sedation  60% - unconsciousness SLEEP CYCLE-  alpha activity is decreased  increase in low voltage, fast activity, especially beta  the amplitude of somato- sensory EP's is reduced  "pre-anaesthetic" doses- ↓alveolar ventilation  the peak onset of ventilatory depression following midazolam (0.15 -0.3 mg/kg) is at ~ 3 min and lasts for ~ 15 mins  in patients with obstructive pulmonary disease - respiratory depression, CO2 retention and narcosis  decreases the MAC of inhalational anaesthetics
  • 40.  in "pre-anaesthetic" doses they decrease the BP and increase HR  decrease peripheral resistance - flunitrazepam - midazolam  decrease LV work and cardiac output - diazepam – lorazepam  baroreceptor reflexes generally remain intact, though, there is some depression the hypotensive effect is minimal and usually less than that seen with thiopentone the effect is possibly slightly greater with midazolam and is dose related  in patients with elevated cardiac filling pressures, both midazolam and diazepam produce a "nitroglycerine like" effect, reducing preload and increasing cardiac output  diazepam increases coronary blood flow in man, possibly by increasing interstitial concentrations of adenosine
  • 41.  INTRAVENOUS SEDATION  ORAL SEDATION  INDUCTION OF ANAESTHESIA DIAZEPAM MIDAZOLAM INDUCTION 0.3 – 0.5 mg/kg (Given in 5 to 15 sec; induction in 39 sec) 0.05 – 0.15 mg/kg (Given in 5 to 15 sec; induction in 28 sec) MAINTAINENCE 0.1 mg/kg 0.05 mg/kg SEDATION 2 mg 0.5 - 1 mg
  • 42. ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES  Better amnesia ( 1-2 hours)  Smoother haemodynamic course (in healthy patients)  Less opioid requirement  Less dosage required if used with opioids  Accumulate in blood  Prolonged arousal time compared to other I.v induction agents  In hemodynamically compromised patients cvs depression.  Dosage affected by age, sex , gender , obesity , enzyme induction , hepatic and renal diseases  Longer context sensitive half life.
  • 43.
  • 44.  Ketamine is a phencyclidine derivative  Rapid onset 30-60 sec ;  high lipid soluble ( 5× thiopental )  Hypnosis ,amnesia Dissociative anaesthesia , intense analgesic ( SOMATIC > VISCERAL ), ,rapid clearance  Cardio stimulation property  Minimal effect on resp system  Sympathomimetic effect  IOA choice for ASA – IV and hemodynamic compromised state the possibility of emergence delirium limits the clinical usefulness of ketamine.  Ketamine has advantages over Propofol and etomidate in being water soluble
  • 45.  NMDA Receptors antagonist :-  Opioid Receptors:-  Muscarinic Receptors:-  The fact that ketamine produces anticholinergic symptoms (emergence delirium, Bronchodilation, sympathomimetics action) suggests that an antagonist effect of ketamine at muscarinic receptors is more likely than an agonist effect.  Sodium Channels:- Consistent with its mild local anesthetic-like properties, ketamine interacts with voltage-gated sodium channels sharing a binding site with local anesthetics
  • 46. Induction of general anesthesia 0.5-2 mg/kg IV; 4-6 mg/kg IM Maintenance of general anesthesia 0.5-1 mg/kg IV with N2O 50% in O2 15-45 µg/kg/min IV with N2O 50- 70% in O2 30-90 µg/kg/min IV without N2O Sedation and analgesia 0.2-0.8 mg/kg IV over 2- 3 min 2-4 mg/kg IM Preemptive/preventive analgesia 0.15-0.25 mg/kg IV Intra thecal ketamine 0.5-0.75 mg/kg
  • 47. Emergence phenomenon (psychadelic effect) visual , auditory, propioceptive and confusional illusion ,delirium and cortical blindness Bodily detachment / dissociative anesthesia Preventive measures LOC in 30-60 sec i.v and 2-4 min after i.m (end point Nystagmus in horizontal gaze) Consciousness regain in (10- 20)min Full orientation in (60-90)min Ketamine water soluble; consider dose dependending factor 1-2mg/kg i.v and 4-6 mg/kg i.m Apnea rare but can be there
  • 48.  ↑CMRO2, ↑ ICP(d/t ↑symp tone ),↑IOT,↑ CBF (↑CBF> ↑CMRO2)  Dissociative anaesthesia ( cataleptic state )  Corneal , cough , swallow reflex +nt  Amnesia not prominent as compare with BZD ↑muscle tone , purposeless movement , Ө wave on EEG , petit mal type seizure activity in hippocampus  Primary site of axon in CNS thalamoneocortical projection system .  Depress cortical and thalamus function Stimulate limbic and hippocampal function
  • 49.  Associated with vivid dreaming , sense of floating of body, illusion , ext sensory experience , excitement , confusion , euphoria , fear .  Occur with ketamine due to depression of auditory and visual relay nuclei .  The loss of skin and musculoskeletal sensations results in a decreased ability to perceive gravity, thereby producing a sensation of bodily detachment or floating in space.  These feature last for 1 hr.  Factor affecting emergence reaction  Age ( adult > child )  Gender( female > male )  Dose (↑)  Concurrent drug ( BZD priming 5 min before ketamine )  Preop counseling
  • 50.  Sympathomimetic action ↑BP, ↑HR , ↑ CO  ↑ SBP is 20 to 40 mm Hg, with a slightly increase in DBP, increases progressively during the first 3 to 5 minutes after an intravenous injection of ketamine and then decreases to predrug levels over the next 10 to 20 minutes.  ↑ myocardial O2 demand – provided by adequate CO &↓ coronary vascular resistance .  These effect are more apparent in 1 st bolus dose than 2 nd dose .  Ketamine ↑ pul artery pressure – caution use in left side stenotic valvular lesion .  Tachycardia and hypertension by ketamine can be prevented by premedication with BZD or continuous inhalational agent  Cautiously use in IHD  Useful in pt of cong heart Ds even in whom propensity for R-L shunt exist
  • 51.  Min effect on central resp drive  Transient (1-3 ) min ↓ in minute ventilation  Large dose produce apnea  Bronchial muscle relaxant { when given in patient of bronchospasm – pul compliance increased }  Bronchodilation make this a potentially useful drug for the rapid intravenous induction of anesthesia in patients with asthma.  Ketamine as effective as halothane  Resp problem in children are due to ↑ secretion ( salivation )-cause upper airway obstruction – laryngospasm  Increase pulmonayl artery pressure  Preserve cough and upper airway reflex so not useful with LMA
  • 52.  When choosing an induction agent, the primary goals are as follows: (1) to preserve maternal blood pressure, cardiac output, and uterine blood flow; (2) to minimize fetal and neonatal depression; and (3) to ensure maternal hypnosis and amnesia.
  • 53. Fetal outcome same in both induction with ketamine or thio Provide both analgesia and hypnosis,maternal awareness less as compared to thiopentone alone Ketamine rapidly cross the placenta and at max conc in fetal blood in 1.5 to 2 mins Large dose (>1 mg/kg) increased uterine tone Ketamine excellent choice for i.v induction in LSCS at 1mg/kg Rapid onset, sympathomimetic Best in hypovolemia and asthama patient
  • 54.  ADVANTAGE  increase HR,BP,CO  In asthmatic  For short procedure  Combination with BZD can use in cardiac catheterization and angiography .  In OPD surgical procedure  Good analgesic property  DISADVANTAGE  limb movement and Nystagmus  Emergence phenomenon in 50 %  Hypertensive  Increased ICP , IOT  Uterine stimulation  Schizophrenia , psychosis  Poor muscle relaxation
  • 55.  INDICATION  CVS except IHD and Resp. disorder  Hemodynamic compromised ( pericarditis , cardiac tamponade , CM , shock )  Traumatic and septic shock  As component in TIVA with midaz and propofol provide better hemodynamic stability  In cancer patient , neuropathy  Phantom or ischaemic limb pain  Fibromyalgia , visceral pain  Migraine  CONTRAINDICATION  ↑ ICP , SOL brain  Large size Infarct  Ophthalmic injury  IHD  Vascular aneurysm  Schizophrenia
  • 56.  Most frequently use I.V. anaesthetic drug today  Milky white ;  pH 7.0 - 8.5 ;  isotonic to plasma  Fospropofol prodrug  Stable at room temp ;  Not light sensitive  Dilution :- water insoluble ;  Compatible in DNS Dilution cause cracking of emulsion , spontaneous degradation  Concern regarding microbial growth in emulsion – disodium edetate (0.005%) added to retard the bact. Growth  Sedation in and outside of OT  Concern regarding induction and emergence myoclonic ,jerk  Painful injection in small vessel take care of it
  • 57.  2,6 –di-isopropylphenol  Rapid onset 15-45 sec and offset , rapid offset even after prolonged infusion ( small context sensitive half time )  Metabolize in liver with Glucuronide and sulfate conjugation .  Extra hepatic metabolism + lung ; inactive metabolite Mainly excreted by kidney  Propofol causes the most marked fall in blood pressure of all the induction drugs. This is mainly due to systemic vasodilatation. There may be an accompanying slight increase in heart rate. The fall in blood pressure is dose dependent and is most marked in the elderly and in shocked patients. This can be minimized by slow injection – avoiding inadvertent overdose.
  • 58.  By the removal of Cremophor consists of 1% (wt/ vol ) Propofol 10% soybean oil 2.25% glycerol 1.2% purified egg phosphatide To prevent microbial growth in the emulsion, disodium edetate (0.005%) was added as a retardant of bacterial growth.  If a dilute solution of propofol is required, it is compatible with 5% dextrose in water.  Fospropofol (Aquavan)soon going to be approved by FDA, a phosphorylated prodrug of Propofol,
  • 59. Clinical use Dose Induction of general anaesthesia •1-2.5mg/kg,dose reduced with increasing age,induction dose in 2 yr(2.9mg/kg),in 6- 12 yr(2.2 mg/kg) Maintainance of general anaesthesia 100-200mcg/kg/min without N2O & opiates 50-150mcg/kg/min with n2O & opiate Sedation(with little analgesic & amnesic) 25-75 mcg/kg/min I.V.,concious sedation Antiemetic 10-20mg I.V.can repeat every 5-10 min orstart 10mcg/kg/min infusion
  • 60.  Dose and therapeutic conc dependent action  Hypnotic action by enhancing GABA induced chloride current  Onset with 2.5 mg/kg 15-30 sec with peak effect in 90-100 sec.  Duration of hypnosis 5-10 min depending on redistribution and Vd  Subhypnotic dose – sedation and amnesia infusion @2mg/kg/hr  Propofol have shown direct depressant effect on neuron of spinal cord  sense of well being ( ↑dopamine conc in nucleus accumbence- phenomenon seen in drug abuser and pleasure seeking behavior.  Antiemetic action may be explained by ↓in serotonin level .
  • 61.  ↓ ICP , acutely ↓ IOP -(propofol >Thio )effective in preventing raised IOP with scolin and intubation response  Neuroprotective role ↓ controversies ;due to antioxidant axn by inhibiting lipid peroxidation  Just or 1 hr after to ischemic insult produce reduction in size of infarct at sedation dose @ 25-75 µg/kg/min as compared to awake control with intralipid.  Burst suppression @blood level > 8µg/ml –better neurological outcome and less brain injury  EEG effect – ( α → ϒ → Ө ) wave Seizure like activity reported mainly on induction and emergence . Dose dependent anticonvulsant activity +nt
  • 62.  On induction dose and rate of adm dependent↓ BP (25-40 %) in comparable dose (propofol >Thiopental)  ↓ SBP and DBP , ↓ MAP  ↓ CO, ↓ SV , ↓ SVR ( 15-25 %)  HR ↓(-10 +_10 % ) to baseline; Propofol either may reset or may inhibit the baroreflex, reducing the tachycardia response to hypotension  MAP ↓ ( -10-40 %)  Propofol at high concentrations (10 µg/mL) abolishes the inotropic effect of α but not β adrenoreceptor stimulation, and enhances the lusitropic (relaxation) effect of β stimulation  CNS induced ↓ sympathetic drive on heart - cardio depression
  • 63.  In patient with valvular lesion ↓( PA and PCWP ) – due to ↓ pre and afterload .  cardio depression ( bolus > infusion )  Continuous Infusion cause significant ↓ in myocardial blood flow and oxygen demand  For better hemodynamic stability use one or more additive induction agent ( fentanyl , Midazolam )with propofol .  Bradycardia-related Death:-Profound bradycardia and asystole after the administration of Propofol despite prophylactic Anticholinergics. thus suggesting that Propofol induce a suppression of sympathetic nervous system activity. The treatment of Propofol- induced bradycardia may require the administration of a β-agonist, such as isoproterenol.
  • 64.  Profound resp depressant  Apnea occur depend on dose , speed of injection, concomitant premedication  Occur in 25- 30 % cases ,may last for >30 sec ,may ↑by adding opiate in premedication  Apnea risk max in this agent than other  Apnea precedes with marked ↓ TV and tachypnoea.  A maintenance infusion (100 µg/kg/min) results in a 40% ↓TV and a 20% ↑ RR ,  Propofol (50 to 120 µg/kg/min) also depresses the Ventilatory response to hypoxia, presumably by a direct action on carotid body chemoreceptor  Reduces airway and pharyngeal reflexes- use with LMA  Bronchoconstriction ( thiopental > propofol ),Bronchodilation prevent intraop wheeze.
  • 65.  Proconvulsant Activity:-The majority of reported Propofol-induced seizures during the induction of anesthesia or emergence from anesthesia reflect spontaneous excitatory movements of sub cortical origin.  Abuse Potential :-Intense dreaming activity, amorous behaviour, and hallucinations have been reported during recovery from the effects of Propofol.  Bacterial Growth:-growth of Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.  Pain on Injection:-As little as 0.2 mg/kg of lidocaine (mixed with the propofol) is effective in reducing but not eliminating this discomfort.  Mini – Bier Block –APPLY tourniquet give 1mg /kg of lidocaine 15-20 sec before propofol adm then remove tourniquet
  • 66.  Complication in prolonged infusion patient  Propofol infusion syndrome(PIS) in (pediatric > adult) patients receiving prolonged high- dose infusions of Propofol (>75 µg/kg per minute) for longer than 24 hours.  Associated with :-  metabolic acidosis,  lipidaemia,  cardiac arrhythmias  Unexpected tachycardia  Increase mortality
  • 67. Significant bradycardia with scoline Induction with propofol@1-2mg/kg Marked decrease in B.P Decrease uteroplacental circulation
  • 68. Advantages  Rapid induction  Anti emetic effect  TIVA  Agent of choice for day care surgery Disadvantages  Induction apnoea  Hypotension  Dose dependant bradycardia  Dose dependant resp depression  Pain during injection  It is also euphorigenic but does not have residual psychotic effects like Ketamine
  • 69.  Etomidate is a carboxylated imidazole & prepared as a fat emulsion,  its effects on GABA A receptors  Etomidate A→B circulation time 1 min,  The clearance of etomidate is about five times that for thiopental;  Likewise, the context-sensitive half-time of etomidate is less likely to be increased by continuous infusion, as compared with thiopental.  Etomidate (0.2 to 0.4 mg/kg IV) IOC especially in the presence of an unstable cardiovascular system.  Involuntary myoclonic movements are common during the induction due to alterations in the balance of inhibitory and excitatory influences on the thalamocortical tract.  Awakening after a single intravenous dose of etomidate is more rapid than after barbiturates.  The principal limiting factor in the clinical use of etomidate for the induction of anesthesia is the ability of this drug to transiently depress adrenocortical function
  • 70. Clinical use Dose Induction of general anaesthesia 0.2-0.6mg/kg I.V Maintainance of general anaesthesia 10mcg/kg/min I.V. with N2o & an opiate Sedation & Analgesia Limited to periods of brief sedation because of inhibition of steriod synthesis
  • 71.  ↓ CBF , ↓ CMR02 , ↓ ICP  Myoclonus (spontaneous movements) occurs in 50% to 80% of patients receiving etomidate in the absence of premedication. etomidate- induced Myoclonus appears to be disinhibition of subcortical structures that normally suppress extra pyramidal motor activity.
  • 72.  Cardiovascular stability (minimal changes in heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output) is characteristic of induction of anesthesia using 0.3 mg/kg IV of etomidate So it may differ from most other intravenous anesthetics in that depressive effects on myocardial contractility are minimal at the concentrations needed for the production of anesthesia.
  • 73.  The depressant effects of etomidate on ventilation seem to be less than those of barbiturates, although apnea may occasionally accompany a rapid intravenous injection of the drug.
  • 74.  Limitation of etomidate Etomidate causes adrenocortical suppression by producing a dose-dependent inhibition of the conversion of cholesterol to cortisol
  • 75. properties PROPOFOL THIOPENTONE KETAMINE chemistry ALKYLPHENOL THIOBARBITURATE ARYLCYCLOHEXYL AMINE consistency Emulsion milky white Sodium salts(6% sodium carbonate)yellow amorphous powder Clear aquaous solution solubility Lipid soluble Lipid soluble Lipid soluble ph 7 10.5 of 2.5% 3.5-5.5 pka 11 7.6 7.5 Unionised % 99.97% 61% 55.7% onset One arm –brain time15-30 sec 10-15 30-60 peak 90-100 sec 90-100 sec 90-100sec awakening 5-10 min 5-10 min 10-20 min Rapid fall in plasma conc. After bolus Redistribution & elimination redistribution redistribution
  • 76. properties PROPOFOL THIOPENTONE KETAMINE Protein binding 98% 85% 60% Metabolism & excretion LIVER Glucuronite sulphate KIDNEY LIVER Oxidation N-dealkylation Desulfuration Destruction of barbituric acid ring KIDNEY & BILE LIVER Norketamine Hydroxynorketam ine KIDNEY metabolite Inactive pentabarbital Norketamine 20- 30% Extrahepatic metabolism lung absent absent Clearance ml/kg/min 20-30 3-4 12-14
  • 77. properties PROPOFOL THIOPENTONE KETAMINE Content sensitive half time(for infusion lasting upto 8 hrs <40 min <150min <40 min MOA GABA GABA NMDA(thalamoc ortical & limbic) Induction 1-2.5 mg/kg 3-5 adult 5-6 children 6-7 infant 0.5-2 mg/kg maintenance 50- 150ug/kg/min 15- 45ug/kg/min sedation 25- 75ug/kg/min 0.2-0.8mg/kg analgesia 25- 75ug/kg/min Conscious sedation 0.2-0.8mg/kg
  • 78. properties PROPOFOL THIOPENTONE KETAMINE Neuroprotective Reduce infarct size when adm immediately or 1 hr after ischemic insult Decrese 02 demand Preserve CPP ROBINHOOD phenomenon Free radical scavenging Improve perfusion in incomplete cerebral ischemia Dissociative anasthesia - -- + Emergence reaction + -- + Upper airway reflexes -- -- + Salivation & lacrimation -- -- ++ antiemetic + -- - Sk musle tone -- -- increase relaxant -- -- +
  • 79. propeties PROPOFOL THIOPENTONE KETAMINE BP Dec.25-40% dec increase HR N /dec. Dec(10-36%) inc CO Dec. dec inc CMRO2 Dec. dec inc CBF Dec. dec inc ICP Dec. dec inc ICP Dec. dec inc APNEA ++dose dependent (20- 30%) ++ Higher dose Min ventilation dec dec inc bronchodilation + -- + anticonvulsant + + -- antipruritic + -- -- Chronic refractory headache + -- --
  • 80. properties PROPOFOL THIOPENTONE KETAMINE Pain on injection ++ + -- Hypotension ++ + -- apnea ++ + +/- bronchospasm -- + -- Allergic reaction + + -- thrombophlebit is + ++ --
  • 81.  A patient with intestinal obstruction requires an emergency laparotomy. Which induction drug would you use?
  • 82.  Any patient with intestinal obstruction must be assumed to have a potentially full stomach.  Traditionally a rapid sequence induction would be performed with preoxygenation , cricoid pressure, thiopental and suxamethonium.  Thiopental is chosen due to its rapid, well defined onset at a predetermined dose. This is also the method of choice of induction for caesarean section.
  • 83.  A patient requires a burns dressing change. Which induction drug would you use?
  • 84.  Ketamine is an ideal drug to be used for minor procedures.  For burns dressing changes, a sub- anaesthetic dose can be used. It will provide sedation and analgesia, preserving the protective airway reflexes.  Ketamine is often combined with benzodiazepine premedication to reduce the dose requirement and emergence reactions, and sometimes an anti-sialagogue (e.g. glycopyrrolate, glycopyrronium bromide) to reduce airway secretions
  • 85.  A patient with a history of heart failure requires a general anaesthetic. Which induction drug would you choose?
  • 86.  drug of choice would be etomidate due to its limited effect on the cardiovascular system. However some anaesthetists avoid etomidate all together due to its effect on steroid synthesis.  Ketamine could also be considered due to its relative cardiovascular stability.  Propofol and thiopental are also options, but potentially cause more cardiac depression. The important issue is that which ever induction drug is used, the lowest possible dose is given, it is given slowly and it is titrated to effect.  Intra-arterial blood pressure monitoring should be considered if available.
  • 87.  A patient with porphyria comes for an inguinal hernia repair and is requesting a general anaesthetic. Which induction drug would you use?
  • 88.  A patient with porphyria comes for an inguinal hernia repair and is requesting a general anaesthetic. Which induction drug would you use?  The porphyrias are a group of disease characterised by overproduction and excretion of porphyrins (intermediate compounds produced during haemoprotein synthesis).  Acute attacks may be precipitated by drugs, stress, infection, alcohol, pregnancy and starvation.  Propofol would be the ideal induction drug to use in this case – being safe to use in patients with porphyria.  Thiopental and etomidate should be avoided as they can precipitate a porphyric crisis
  • 89.  An adult patient requires sedation on the intensive care unit. Which of the induction drugs would be appropriate to run as an infusion?
  • 90.  A propofol infusion would be appropriate. Midazolam could also be given in addition, or as an alternative to propofol.  Thiopental should be avoided due to accumulation, and etomidate should be avoided due its effect on adrenal steroid hormone synthesis.