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Narrative Essay About Basketball
The summer before seventh grade my mom and I were talking about school and what sports I was
going to play. I knew that I was definitely be playing basketball, but my mom kept bringing up
cross–country. She said she thought that I should try it because I have long legs, which is good for
running. I always thought running sounded boring because all you do is move one foot in front of
another. I decided to still try it because of my mom and because for all I knew it could be something
I really enjoy. I didn't enjoy much then, I didn't have many hobbies. I did like art, but not that much,
I only did it when I was really bored. I loved basketball, but even I knew I was completely horrible
at that. No other sports really appealed to me and that is why I was going to give running a chance,
because I was desperate for a hobby. On my first day of practice the first thing we had to do was
watch the concussion video. I didn't know you could get concussions from running, but you never
know and that is why they made us watch it. After that we didn't have much time left so they
decided to make us just run a half mile. Even though the half mile is only 800 meters, which feels
like nothing now, I hurt so bad and wanted nothing more than to walk. The only reason I kept
running was because I didn't want to be the one girl who can't even run a full half mile. It seemed
like forever but I could finally see the end and when I reached that destination I realized I had never
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Leadership And My Middle School Career
Leadership and I, we've brushed shoulders a lot. There are the times I've confronted it, like the time
I took the reigns on a School Club Project, and the times I've tried to avoid it, much like the times I
have tried, to no avail, to gain experience and "power" whilst avoiding it. And then there are times I
have tried to understand it with Google searches, Bing searches, Chrome searches, Wikepedia
searches, Dictionary searches, and even Leader inquiries. The conclusion I had reached: there was
no definition. Sure, there are the Google, Bing, Chrome, Wikepedia, and Leader definitions, but
these characteristics don't apply to everyone. In order to understand Leadership, you have to
understand a Leader. To understand a Leader, you have to ... Show more content on
At is in this way that I was invited to go to Bonstingl's Leaders for the Future© event, also referred
to as Enfield's First Invitational Youth Leadership Summit. On the first day of the event, we made
introductions and got to know the other teams, from both Enfield and Stafford. Then, Mr. Bonstingl
introduced us to the "Qualities of Leadership." Many of these describe the actions of Leaders, but
there were a few that involved the mind and perception. These are what really make up Leaders;
from here, a representative from the LEGO© corporation talked to us about the business world! We
proceeded, then, to talk (in our groups) about our schools. We spoke of the good, the bad, and the
ugly. Then, (you guessed it!) we talked about how to improve these. And how do you? In a school,
you have the students, the faculty, and the property. It is fairly safe to say that the property and
faculty aren't the problem. They've been here, and will be here, for (hopefully) a long time. This
then isolated the students. Again, it is pretty safe to say that it isn't the physicalities of the students;
this leaves the contaminant– their mindsets. If thought about, this unleashes a wealth of problems–
you cannot easily change someone's mindset. So, back to the drawing board. This is when this
question is asked: "What differentiates a successful student from an underperforming or
unsuccessful student?" The answer we came up with– Leadership. A
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Seventh Grade Fear
In the beginning of seventh grade at the jr.high my fear consumed me, but soon after I learned about
the school all the fear started to disappear. The worry that consumed me most was worrying about
my lock/combination. I worried about this because I have never used a combination lock before
seventh grade, I also worried that I would forget the combination. That started to fade in the first
couple of weeks though because I memorized my combination and learned I'm one of those people
who don't go to their lockers that much anyway. In addition my second biggest fear that consumed
me was missing the bus. This fear will franctly never fade because I am not a morning person and
when I say I'm not a morning person I mean it. It takes usually two to ... Show more content on ...
The best positive to me is being able to meet new people. I have meet a couple new people who are
now my best friends but I have come to realize that since they are in the eighth grade I will not be
able to see them next except for two of them because they ride my bus. The second most positive
thing of starting school is sports. I know that when it's time to go to school that means it's also sports
season. My two favorite sports to play are soccer and basketball because they are both very
competitive. The surprise that surprised me the most is that most of my teachers are awesome not
that strict and funny. The second to last positive thing would be is I know when we start school it's
close to christmas. I know that when we start school we are very close to christmas because we
usually start in August which is 4 months away from December. Additionally the last positive of
starting school is getting back on schedule. When you start school you have to get your brain back in
order for what to do when you are home for example chores, when to go to sleeping, and when you
are going to eat. Furthermore I hope you learned something about me or if you can relate to any of
these worries, surprises, and or positives about starting seventh
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Writing Is Good
Writing is Good It is September 2016 and I am not that interested in reading. I really am not feeling
this "reading" thing because I mostly only read for school and not for pleasure when I was younger.
Sure, I know how to read, but I am not into it. I have recently read some books for pleasure, but not
many tend to grab my attention and I tend to forget that I have checked out a book. I do not really
hate or dislike writing though. It is true that I mostly write for school, but I do not hate it.
In the summer of 2005, I was a five–year–old girl that loved to read books. One day, my mom is
drove me to the public library to pick out as many books as I wanted. She finally found a parking
spot that she liked and it is directly under a tree so the sun does not heat up the car to the point at
which it could fry an egg. I took my seat belt off, jumped out of the car, stopped, looked both ways
before I crossed the street, and raced to the alligator bench, stopped, and raced to the super cool and
super fun automatic doors and waited for my mom to catch up with me. Now that my mom had
caught up with me, we walked through those super cool and super fun automatic doors into the
building. If I looked to my left, there was a water fountain with delicious water and if I looked to the
right, there was a book drop. If I had any books, I put them in the book drop so the librarians could
put them back on the shelves with all the other books. We have finally arrived to where all the books
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Bad Fat Research Paper
Fat. Ugly. Two words that can cause a lot of pain. Two superficial remarks that people throw around
to describe others. Just hearing or looking at one of those words can bring someone to your mind
whether it be yourself or someone you know. The worst feeling is knowing that "fat" or "ugly" are
most likely the first and only words that comes to people's minds when they see you or describe you.
Everyone has so much more to offer in this world than how they appear. It is dismal that others can't
see past something on the surface which is something that I have tried to cope with since middle
school. I first started gaining weight when I moved to Washington in the seventh grade. Weight
started to add on due to a deep depression. I had to leave ... Show more content on
I learned that no one can tell me how to live my life or how I need to look in order to enjoy myself. I
can't say I never judge other people by how they look since I sometimes find myself staying away
from some people because of how they appear. I became more aware of how unfair I was being and
stopped doing that because I have no clue what their background is and why they are the way they
are since no one really knows what I have been through but judge me anyways. Now I do my best to
include everyone and try to get to know them on a better level before judging anyone. I believe that
everyone has felt at some point inadequate of deserving great things due to their appearance.
Judgement from other people is not a good enough reason to not live your life the way you want.
Sometimes it takes going through a difficult realization to learn you are only living for yourself.
Everyone goes through rough patches in life that can taint their outlook on everything, but it only
takes one change to make the difference. Look beyond the exterior because you will be surprised
what you might find out about
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School Needs Assessment Essay
This week, I reviewed my school's Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) and the School Needs
Assessment with my mentor. We focused on the data driven needs of the campus based on the
previous year's State Assessment results. The campus needed to do well enough on last year's
assessments so that it would be removed from both the state PEG list and the Improvement Required
list. When looking at assessment data and its effect on the schools Needs Assessment, it showed that
the areas that needed the most improvement from the previous year were being addressed in the CIP
for the coming year. According to the state regulations, the CIP must be reviewed and updated
yearly by the school's Improvement Committee.
The Campus Needs Assessment shows that ... Show more content on ...
This will be done so that student growth can be monitored more closely. The teachers now are given
two planning periods. This is to increase the efficiency of content planning of the teachers, as they
will use team planning to conduct professional Learning Community meetings for the campus
allowing teachers to maximize content planning time. In the conversation with the principal, he
explained there has not been a limit placed on the funds available for these needs on the campus. He
continued by saying that monies for this will be found and allocated as the need arises.
These changes on the campus have caused a major change to the schools culture, climate, and
communication on campus. The teachers have been able to plan more effectively and without
interruption due to staff meetings. This allows better classroom lessons to be developed by the
teachers, which helps the students to achieve greater success on assessments. The teachers feel that
material, which is supported through cross–curricular instruction, is being done in an effective
manner. Extra planning days on Saturdays has also helped the teachers to be better prepared for the
classroom in all subjects and grade levels. The student discipline has improved from previous years,
most discipline is handled by the teachers in team planning, allowing the administrators to deal with
the more serious cases of discipline on the campus. Administrators have also
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My First Day At Middle School
It was the beginning of August 2015. My stomach had a pit of worry in it. I felt as if I had food
poisoning. I knew it was nearly time to get up and get ready. My mom came into my dark bedroom
and shook me gently. However, being so worried, the gentle shook felt like an earthquake. She said
in a quiet and soothing tone,"Leah, it's time to get ready for your first day of Middle School!" There
is no way that I was going to go to Middle School! I drug my body out of bed. My body was limp
and it felt like I was having to pull a 300 pound weight. Nevertheless, I went and ate some breakfast.
For breakfast, my dad had made pancakes, bacon, and some cereal. I could taste the sweet and
sugary syrup. I ate fastly and started getting ready. My mom had just finished ironing my clothes so
they felt very warm and cozy. I then went and brushed my teeth. The toothpaste tasted very sour
after just eating. My hair was very knotty so it felt like I was brushing my hair with a pine cone.
When I went to put my shoes on, they were very stiff because they were new so it was hard to put
them on. I then had to get into the car to go to Middle School. When my car pulled up into the line
for me to get out, it was very hard for me to get out of the car. It felt like something was holding me
back. However, I got out, and went to my class. As I went into my class, it felt like all eyes were on
me. I felt like a deer in headlights. I took my seat and began to get ready for class to start. The room
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Seventh Grade And Girls
Typical love and romance is common through all ages whether your crush is smart, athletic, funny
,and pretty. All boys imagine to have that kind of girl someday,someone who is loving,caring,and
pretty. All of that is common in these two stories, Seventh Grade and Girls. This is about two boys,
of the age of thirteen, trying to get their crush's attention, but all doesn't go well when they show off
a little of the things they can't do when the things they can do don't get recognized too well.
Romance is a difficult thing to accomplish when the things you do are overly expressed by things
you don't know and can't do. In this story of Seventh Grade, it all started out when summer was over
and it was a new year of school and Victor had been trying ... Show more content on
They both differences by the age, setting and they would appeal to their crush's attention. They were
both the same when they were successful when they accepted to what they were going to ask in the
first place. One was a romance comedy and one wasn't. In all perspective in these two stories one
had a better way of expressing how they liked them while the other one started off and didn't even
try because they were shy. Although, the Girls had places when he would try but didn't have the gut
to do it. In all, these two stories had a differences and the same in both when it came to impressing
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Gary Soto
"Seventh Grade" by Gary Soto
In 7th grade Literature, we read the short story "Seventh Grade" about Victor who tries to be
someone he is not just to impress a girl. What kinds of things do students in seventh grade at MMS
do to impress other people (and not just someone of the opposite sex)? Tell me three things that you
or other peers do to try to impress others and explain each one. * The things that student would do to
impress someone at MMs. they would dress nice, get there hair or nails done, or by some fancy
thing they would love like perfume and coloune * They would make sure they are looking there best
to impress them.They wouldalso try to say something very clever to impress them.They cant smell
badwhen there talking so they ... Show more content on ...
They also do that so people will respect them. They also do it because they like to do it. The last
reason people try to impress people is because they can do it. They think just because they can
means they should. That is why people try to impress other people. * One thing people do in the
seventh grade to try to in press other seventh graders it they try to act all cool around other
people.As if they were around all there friends they dont act like there self.They would act like they
are ever thing and try to fight people.Another way they try to do is try to dress the best out of the
whole school. Like they would get the most exspensive clothes out of the whole school.Asif
someone had a $20 aeropostale jacket they other person would go and get a $50 hollister jaket to be
better than that person.Another way they would try to inpress someone would be they would act like
they hate school and dont do any of there work but in the long run they do care about there school
work and only act like that in frount of there friends.Like if they had a big text coming up and the
told there friends friends they diden't study and were going to make a bad grade but they did study
and they failed the test just to prove to there friends they diden't like school and diden't care about
there work. These are some ways people try to impress other people!!!!!!!!!! * Some kids at MMS
buy stuff that
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Observation Of Students At A Seventh Grade Math Classroom
Observation of Student While observing the students in my classroom, I focused on how engaging
and motivated they were. The eighth graders at Pine Forest did not have a good seventh grade math
teacher, so the students are very behind. They know that they are behind because Mrs. McLamb tells
them all the time. Instead of it discouraging them, it motivated the students to want to learn. They
know that they must catch up, so I saw the students trying their best to stay focused and be engaged.
I noticed while observing that a majority of the class was engaged. I honestly was not expecting this
in a math class at 7:30 in the morning. The first day I got there, one student said they had the best
math scores in the entire county. So, Mrs. McLamb pulled the up the previous test scores and
showed them they were third. I could tell the kids did not want to be third and wanted to be first.
They found a reason to learn, and I think that is very important. I did notice that students were not
taking notes. I found this odd because it was obvious that they wanted to learn but they never took
any notes. One of my days of observing, I got to observe a seventh–grade math classroom. I was
curious to see what the seventh grades are learning to ensure that they are not behind like the current
eighth graders. The teacher was making sure the students learned what they need to know to be
ready for eighth grade. The class I observed was a group of AIG students. Like the eighth–grade
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Analysis Of Mother Tongue By Amy Tan
Two Worlds – One Story
In "Mother Tongue," Amy Tan reflects on her childhood to describe how her mother contributed to
her understanding of language. Tan encounters numerous situations when she feels like she is judged
based on how her mother spoke "broken" English. Nevertheless, she overcame her teachers' opinion
that she should focus on math and sciences and became a writer. I have a similar experience because
I have lived in a different country for a long time, and I speak a different language with my family at
home. Although my experience is similar, there is a major aspect that make us different: Tan was
born in the USA, I was not.
I was born in Kawasaki, Japan. I have no memories of living there because when I was three, my
family ... Show more content on ...
While we lived in Japan, my mother did not let anyone in the family to speak in Japanese at home
because she feared that we would forget the language if we did not speak it regularly. On the first
day of school, my teacher introduced me to the class, saying that I was from America. For the first
few days, no one talked to me until one of my classmate asked, "Have you gotten used to this
I answered in fluent Japanese, "Yes, I really enjoy living here."
Hearing our conversation, everyone was surprised, "You can speak Japanese!" After that, my curious
classmates asked me many questions about the culture and the language in the US. In English class,
I was the teacher's assistant, trying to teach my class proper pronunciation. In the last year of
elementary school, my friends and I started talking about middle school. We all lived in the same
district, so I was hoping we could all go to the same middle school.
One month before graduating from elementary school, my mother got a call from my father. She
announced that my father got a new project in the United States, and that we were moving to North
Carolina; this meant that I was not going to the same middle school as my friends. Although the
room was filled with delicious smell dinner, I felt something wet running down my cheeks and all I
tasted was something salty like a fresh–squeezed lemonade filling my mouth. I cried to my mother
that I did not want to be separated from
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Character Analysis Of Gary O's Seventh Grade By Gary Soto
Even though Victor, a 7th grader from the story of "Seventh Grade" by Gary Soto, is trying to find
his way socially, academically and personally, he is motivated to get his "girl" but in doing this he
matures and develops. On the first day of seventh grade, Victor's personality is sheepish and shy.
When he was in his math room for his second period, he sat in the back because math was at his
weakest subject. On Victor's way to math class the narrator says "After English, Victor had math, his
weakest subject. He sat in the back by the window, hoping that he would not be called on. Victor
understood most of the problems, but some of the stuff looked like the teacher made it up as she
went along. It was confusing, like the inside of a watch. "(Soto 4). This illustrates that Victor is not
very good at math and does not want to try harder in math. It is important to notice that he has not
been able to grasp the knowledge of this class and is not willing to catch up. The moment Victor
develops is when Teresa asks if he can tutor her he this sparks that he knew he did not fail and
impressed her in French class. "The teacher beamed and said, "Très Bien. Parlez–vous français?"
Victor didn't know what to say. The teacher wets his lips and asked something else in French. The
room grew silent. Victor felt all eyes staring at him. He tried to bluff his way out by making noises
that sounded French. "La me vave me con le grandma," he said uncertainly. Mr. Bueller, wrinkling
his face in
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Photography Is My Destiny And Personal Legend
A Thousand Words Human beings are unlike anything else on this planet. Humans have built a
world for themselves and continue to push the limits of what is possible. I believe that my ultimate
"thread" in life is to capture humans living and existing in a way that only humans can. Being a
photographer is "what [I] have always wanted to accomplish" (Coelho 21). As beautiful and alive as
a flower or an old building is, so are humans. They are the reason that cameras exist and the reason
why photographers even have the possibility to make a living out of their passion. The late Alfred
Eisenstaedt, who famously photographed an affectionate couple on V–J Day in Times Square once
said, "It is more important to click with people than to click the shutter" (Stocks 1). The euphoria I
felt firsthand when taking pictures and the fact that I passionately relate to this quote is why I
believe that photography is my destiny and Personal Legend. I have been taking pictures for as long
as I can remember. It all started back when flip phones were all the rage and the only camera in my
house I could comfortably carry was my mom's small silver Sony Cyber–Shot. I took pictures of my
parents and, years later when she was born, my sister. To young me, capturing my family was the
only thing that mattered. One day, around Christmas, I got a delivery from a relative. I began
eagerly opening since that is one of the greatest thing could ever happen to a child, and to my
delight, it was my very own
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Personal Narrative: My School At Greendale High School
Being kind to each and every person you talk to can be challenging, but the impact that you may
have on them can be remarkable. School is one of the cruelest places for a pre–teen or teenager.
Girls and boys can single you out and laugh at you because you do not look the same. Many
children feel as if they are not as good as others. Three years ago I was in seventh grade at
Greendale Middle School. I had a significant amount of friends, but not all of them treated me with
kindness. Margaret, Makenzie, Jennifer, Alyssa, Autumn , and Shelby were all considered my close
friends. Even in third grade Margaret and Mackenzie were known as the popular girls in our school;
soon after I moved to Cincinnati I found out that they were not very welcoming. ... Show more
content on ...
Cheerleading tryouts were announced one week after school started and Margaret, as well as my
new friends asked me if I was going to tryout. I did not want to be singled out again, so I agreed to
tryout only if they were going to. When tryouts arrived I tried out with Margaret as my partner. Two
days later a blue colored envelope was handed to the students who tried out and mine began with, "
Congratulations, you have made the cheerleading squad." I was delighted to see these words printed
in black ink across the top of my letter. As the season continued I began to dread cheering, partly
because I did not enjoy being in front of a large crowd and the other part was because I did not know
some of the cheers. The football season ended and the basketball season commenced. Everything at
school was going superb and as winter came the cheerleaders began practicing for a cheerleading
competition, which would be hosted by a neighboring school. The night before the competition was
supposed to take place Margaret had asked if I wanted to stay the night with her, Mackenzie and a
few other friends. Later that evening I arrived at Margaret's house in leggings, and a sweatshirt. I
approached Margaret's house to find that the door was locked. I called Margaret too see if she had
gone anywhere, and then I heard a familiar sound, Margaret's phone was ringing in the living room
right inside the door. In the background of the ringing I could make out the sound of girls snickering
as the phone rang, and then went to voicemail. As I turned around toward the steps to leave the front
porch I heard a click as the lock on the door was twisted to the left. Behind the door revealed four
girls sitting on couches staring at me. I entered the doorway only for the girls to start making fun of
what I was wearing. Margaret then told
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Becoming A Writer: Self-Analysis
When I was in sixth grade, I thought I was destined to become a journalist, or sports reporter. I was
passionate about it, I loved doing it, and I loved having a teacher and parents that encouraged me to
keep doing more of it. But, even though I had this great opportunity in my sixth–grade class, I
would later have an experience in my middle school years that discouraged me from ever pursuing
those dreams My mother is a teacher, so I would ride to school with her early in the mornings and
spend time helping her and other teachers prepare for the day. Because of this, those teachers came
to know me and encourage me to do things that I normally wouldn't. They helped shape me into the
person I thought I wanted to become, but that all changed ... Show more content on
Since we were an honors class, they were typically harder and more though–provoking books, such
as Ender's Game and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. I don't think we ever once talked
about writing and how to develop our own writing styles, unlike what I experienced in sixth grade.
This continued into the next year, too. To this point, I still don't understand how grammar can be the
main curriculum taught throughout two years, but I do know that I strongly disliked that class. I
went from having a teacher that encouraged me to write for fun and whatever I wanted, to one that
only made writing a priority when we needed to do a project over it. The ONE writing project I
remember doing during those two years was a research assignment, in which we were expected to
write 10 pages about a topic we researched individually, as eighth graders. By then, I hadn't written
creatively to express myself in a while, so to go straight to a 10–page research paper was hard. I
received very harsh feedback from my teacher, with little to no encouraging words. I felt awful after
that, of course, because I was use to my writing being so highly
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Seventh Grade Concerns
When the seventh grade year started I had a lot of concerns.The reasons I had concerns are because
the seventh grade seems a lot more difficult than the six grade.My older sibling told me that the
seventh grade was tough but the first couple weeks of school was not that hard.I knew that was
nothing compared when we are working on stuff in the middle of the year.The first week of school
was rough.The thing is math is probably the hardest subject in all of my classes.The fears I had
going into the seventh grade is for me not to flunk my classes.A couple other of my other worries
are my friends in my classes some of friends are in my class some kids oh my football team but I
don't want to be mean but they aren't my best friends but I consider
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Overview of Common Core State Standards
Standards Initiative is an education initiative sponsored by the National Governors Association
(NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). The primary goal is to achieve
consistent content standards across the entire nation in order to ensure students are better prepared to
enter colleges and universities states as well and/or enter the workforce (Common Core State
Standards 2014). In the 1990s, a movement began across the United States whereby individual states
began writing academic standards which outlined the academic content students were expected to
know and be able to master at the end of each grade level. Subject specific assessments were also
designed and implemented in order to measure whether students were meeting those standards
(Gibbs, T. & Howley, A., 2000). In 1996, the nation's governors and various corporate leaders
founded Achieve, Inc., as a bipartisan effort to raise academic standards and graduation
requirements, improve assessments, and heighten academic accountability in all 50 states (Achieve,
Inc. 1996). An Achieve, Inc. 2004 report, titled, Ready or Not: Creating a High School Diploma
That Counts, stated that both employers and colleges were demanding more of high school
graduates than in the past. According to Achieve, Inc. (2004), "current high–school exit expectations
fall well short of [employer and college] demands." It was from this background
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A Ghost : A Short Story Of The Ghost
Hello, I am Brooke Hicks, a ghost who looks after her old school. I died from a bunny attack during
a science lab experiment. Long story but that is for another time. Well now I am going to tell you
about something happening at this school right now.
At this very school, Community House Middle School there was a substitute named Mrs. Mister.
Whichever class she substituted, even the very best, they never listened to her. Similar stories with
other substitutes, like Mr. Longbottom, Mrs. Mcdonald's, Ms. Woofgang, Mr. Fergus, Mr. Butterball,
Mrs. Twinkie, Mr. Pee Wee, Ms. FlufferNutter, and Mr. Wigglebottom. All of them were so tired of
teachers yelling at them say: "Why did none of my students complete any of their work?!"
"I tell them to but non–"
"No there is no excuses! I gave you work to assign to them! Now we are two days behind!"
"But they don'–"
"No more. I am reporting this to Ms. Brooks." That's how most go. But here is a wayyyyyyyyyy
over the top class. Ms. Nielsen's second block had Mrs.Mister. They had nerf guns and were ready
to fire. But of course Keya and Brooke were hiding in the female teachers bathroom. When
Ms.Mister came in the other kids were like"FIRE!!!!! SUBSTITUTES SUCK!!!!!" Mrs.Mister was
no match for those kids. She was so traumatized she couldn't tell Ms.Brooks. She nightmares for
months and couldn't open a door in her house unless she had a nerf gun. (Also Bobby Chicken was
in that class) Anyway, so all these substitutes got together and
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Seventh Grade Volleyball Research Paper
I've never wanted anything as bad as I wanted this. I've never put this much effort into anything as I
did this. I prepared myself for this one event that would be a big milestone for me. Seventh grade
volleyball tryouts. Volleyball was a family sport and my first love. I wasn't obsessed over the Jonas
brothers or Hannah Montana; I was madly in love with the game of volleyball. How it had a
physical strain as well as a mental strain. Volleyball isn't thought of as a mental game, but there's a
lot of thought that goes into it. The footwork that, if not done properly, could throw off your whole
performance in a set and cost the team valuable points. Constantly watching over your teammates
and learning how they play as well as keeping up with what you're ... Show more content on ...
I also benefitted from the coach knowing me. She wouldn't cut me from the team. There was no
doubt in my mind that my seventh grade year was going to be the best and I was going to make the
team. The school day had finally ended, and the loud siren indicating the end the class had gone off
temporarily deafening everyone in the building. I was super anxious walking down the hall to the
gym. I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom and change so I wouldn't waste time changing
in the locker room. When I had finally reached the gym I sat in the bleachers and tossed my bag
behind me. I closed my eyes and smelled the stench of the newly polished floor. I imagined being
out on the floor and a crowd of people behind me chanting my name. I was abruptly pulled out of
my daydream by my name being called by the coach. She asked me to help set up the net and get the
equipment. I was an expert at setting up the net. I did it with ease as the others watched in awe. As I
was setting up coach talked to the girls I guess she figured I had heard it before, so I didn't really
have to sit and listen to it
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Seventh Grade Rubrics
"Amazing feedback to your students in 2 hours. Powered by expert, on–demand graders."
For those who prefer high–quality feednack from real and dedicated teachers, Gradiate seems to be
the solution. But is it? Though Gradiate has its amazing parts, it doesn't grade as desirably as you'd
Although the feedback Gradiate gives is impressive and on a higher level, the feedback itself isn't
suitable for grade level. In my 7th grade class, my teacher expressed to our class how many students'
reviews were marked as "ungradeable", however were perfectly gradeable suing a seventh grade
rubric. For my classmates who do receive feedback, all agree the feedback is more suitable for say,
high schoolers. Its quite a shock for a student who gets a 4/4 on typical essays to receive a grade of a
1 or 2 out of 4 on Gradiate. Sure, Gradiate has qualified teachers, but maybe not qualified for varied
grade levels. ... Show more content on ...
Once, just to see how Gradiate works, I submitted a paper around 8. When I checked back around
11:30, my paper was still awaiting review. What concerns me about this is the fact that Gradiate is
sending this idea that they give impressive feedback within two hours, but in reality, Gradiate gives
feedback whenever they can, but not necessarily within 2 hours.
Gradiate definitely has its remarkable sides. However, I'd rate Gradiate a 2/5 due to the fact Gradiate
claims to give fast and reliable feedback, but in reality gives feedback when they can, and usually
the feedback isn't justifiable for grade
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I Loved The National Geographic And Discovery Channels And...
I always loved learning, I loved the national geographic and discovery channels and reading articles,
but I hated school with a passion. I despised getting up and in kindergarden I actually stabbed my
mom in the hand with a pencil in protest of writing my letters. I believe that 's when a lot of things
clicked, at least on my moms end. A lot of parents would have forced their kids to do well in school
mine, never did. I couldn't thank them enough for it. Elementary school was miserable for me, not a
lot of friends and I was no teachers pet. I showed little to no interest in what my teachers had to say.
From kindergarten to sixth grade my teachers told my mom I wouldn 't make it. Not in middle
school, and high school, probably shouldn 't count on that either. Year after year my mom took this
verbal beating from my teachers saying "she should be doing more", "there 's something wrong with
me" all my teachers suggested my mom get me tested for ADD and ADHD my mom put it off until
fourth grade when I got written up for writing "I hate school and I hate my teacher." she took me in
to get tested but to everyone 's surprise I did not have ADD or ADHD. So my mom took my to a
psychologist to figure out why I was so against school. In a short amount of time the psychologist
told my mom that no matter how hard anyone tried they could not force me to pay attention or do
the work, and that, that was okay, as long as I understood and accepted the consequences. From then
on All my mom
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Gary Soto Seventh Grade
In "Seventh Grade" by Gary Soto and "Charles" by Shirley Jackson I will identify and describe how
the setting was important to the plot. The setting in these two stories is very important for the plot
makes sense. If the two settings were not based in schools they would make no sense at all, the story
would have to be changed entirely. The setting was important in "Seventh Grade" because it was a
guy who had a huge crush at school and had taken a French class so he could get closer to her each
day. He one day embarrassed himself and made the girl he liked Teresa think he knew french and
wanted him to tutor her. The setting is import in this story because if it were not in a school it would
be kinda weird why this young man was following a ... Show more content on ...
Other than to maybe get herself out of trouble, but these things would not make sense to happening
somewhere else. See now these things happening in a grade school would make more sense, but the
alter ego, I've never heard of any student ever doing this myself and why to refrain from people
yelling at you for doing things that were wrong. See you see why the setting is important in this in
this story as it would make no sense whatsoever out in the everyday world. The text states "We had
a little trouble adjusting , the first week or so, she said primly, but now he's a fine little helper. With
occasional lapses, of course." this shows how they had trouble adjusting the first week, but now
she's a helper this is exactly what happened to Charles the first week of school. Another instance
when she notably has an alter ego is "We don't have any Charles in the kindergarten." This shows
Charles is someone that Laurie made up to get out of trouble. This is why the setting is good in this
story as well. It helps why Laurie the young girl who goes to the kindergarten does not want to get
in trouble from her parents because of her
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Foreshadowing In Seventh Grade
" Seventh Grade" In "Seventh Grade" there is a lot of foreshadowing. In the story there is a guy
named Victor and he admired a girl named Teresa. " Besides, Teresa, a girl he liked since they were
in catechism classes at Saint Theresa's was taking french to.'' " Teresa was going to be my girl this
year, he promised himself as he left the gym full of students in their new fall clothes. She was cute.
And really good in math, too, Victor thought as he walked down the hall to his homeroom." ( Solo
122 ) Victor had it all figured out, he was going to get the girl and have a great seventh grade year.
He is talking about the girl early in the story so the story must have to revolve around her.
Humiliation is probably the worst thing that can happen
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Seventh Grade Stress
In the beginning of this seventh grade I was worried about the stress of my grades. My first reason
of being stressed out about my grades is because I never have all good grades. My second worry is
about all the hard work. My reason for that is I usually never get all my work done because it's all
hard. My third reason is not having anyone I know in my class. My reason for this is one year I had
none of my classmates in my class. My fourth worry about seventh grade is getting in trouble a lot
because if I get in trouble a lot I will not be able to cheer. My fifth worry and my last is about my
homework. I usually never get homework but then when I have a lot of it I never get it done. I hope
my worries don't come true in my life.
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Niko Smith Character Analysis
It all started on May 23rd, 2003 Niko Smith was born on this day. He has a big brother named Seth
and his big sister's name is Maddie. His parents are Brad and Joan Smith and they expect great
things from him. Niko has had his bad days but really good days too. Most of all Niko has had the
greatest family that anyone could ever have. He has siblings that will look out for him no matter
how much they fight. His mom works to her heart's content to make her family happy, and his dad
makes sure to keep his family in order. This is how Niko's life has played out in thirteen years.
Niko plans in the future are he want to get somewhere in life and tell his family "I did it because of
you." His family is very supportive and very loving. His mom will treat everyone of his friends like
they are one of her own. Now on the other hand his dad will give you a hard time every now and
then but he'll still treat you nicely. His sister will cook for everyone and give you a warm stomach
before you leave. Now his brother he tends to show no emotion but will flash a smile every now and
then. Niko was born on May 23rd and was born into a loving and caring family. He was born a
month early so he had to stay in the hospital for awhile but got to come home to a house full of
aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings, ... Show more content on ...
Sixth grade was rough but Niko managed by filling up a jar of marbles to get dessert. During the
year he found out the importance of physical education. He did wrestling basketball, baseball, and
swimming. During the school year Niko and his friend Nauj Cobo were science partners the went to
the state science fair two years in a row. The six grade year was tricky. At Table Rock Grade School
they got beat by their opponents. A month after that they went to regionals and beat their opponent
and got to go to state. He learned that he could never give up because his partner believed in
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8th Grade Speeches
You! Yes, I'm talking to you. Do you like school? I know you shook your head and wrinkled your
face"no", How about grades? I used to hate grades and not care about them. In elementary school, I
didn't know what they were until fourth grade. I usually thought teachers checked our knowledge to
test and ignore the number of mistakes we made as long as we learned from them. I'll tell you what,
it's "NOTHING" like that, especially in middle school. Back then I didn't care about retakes or bad
grades, but then something shot me like a ray of sun into the person I am today.
Middle school was a major change for me; new friends, new educators, new schedule. I went to
Edison and it has been stunning, I was prepared to begin the year off huge. Amid my ... Show more
content on ...
I was anxious to see if my name was in even though I knew it wasn't it would still feel good to
know. When my teacher named everyone I was disappointed that my name wasn't announced so I
asked if I could get a drink, but I really went up to the counseling office. When I arrived, I asked the
counseling secretary if I should've been called. She looked me up on the computer and answered
"Sorry, but you can't be an honor student this year because of this D in math" I said "Is there
anything I could do to fix it?" "No, it's too late," she said. As she said those last words I left the
room and to my locker writing "ABOUR IS DUMB" on sticky notes and posting it everywhere
inside. I was so angry that I decided to not speak to anyone. I sprinted back down to chorus and
acted casual. The teacher didn't ask what took me so long; I was glad. End of my second year at
Edison was done. I wished to the bottom of my heart that if I could have changed anything I would
spend every second of the day of the math
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Khalil Research Paper
Khalil Abdellatif participated in three sports actively during his time in elementary and middle
school. Khalil played soccer, baseball, and basketball during his time afterschool and weekends.
Khalil's father thought it would be a great idea to play sports because he was never exposed to many
sports as a child due to his parent's belief towards them. Additionally, Khalil's father thought it
would be a great incentive to be active. Khalil would be exposed to sports no matter which season of
the year it was. Aside from school, sports would be the only thing Khalil really focused on.
At the beginning, Khalil was pretty horrible at all three sports he participated in. Soccer had been
the first sport Khalil played because flyers were going all ... Show more content on
As soon as Khalil started playing on the travel team he would have his own private coach because
he really wanted to pursue his dreams of becoming a professional baseball player. Khalil was able to
improve his techniques in the game by seventh grade. Khalil would constantly ask his parents to
take him to baseball games so he could watch his favorite players play. By fall of his eighth grade
year Khalil made a tough decision to stop playing baseball as active and focus on his school work
and his drama productions. Anytime Khalil had free time he would go to the park with his friends to
play and talk. Basketball had become a sport Khalil was getting good at but he never thought he
would be good enough for a team. So instead of joining a team Khalil just went to the park with his
friends and just played games with them. Khalil's father also found a love for basketball and Khalil's
father became an avid fan of LeBron James. After seeing how exciting the game of basketball is he
tried and tried to pursue Khalil to join back on a team so he can watch his son play.
In conclusion, Khalil shares a big place in his heart for both of the sports he plays. These sports that
Khalil played impacted him in many ways. It helped him not only become a team player but a strong
leader. It also made Khalil live by the saying that "Life is a sport. Make it count" –Nike. Sports help
create some of
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Seventh Grade Assessment
In seventh grade, I needed to take a math exam to determine if I could take Algebra I, a high school
credit class, my eighth–grade school year. This was very significant to me because I had wanted to
prepare myself for high school material. I practiced with tutors and teachers in my school my entire
seventh grade year to take and pass the exam the summer before eighth grade year. May came along,
and everyone who had registered for the test needed to take it. I took it, and passed it with a
proficient grade. Eighth grade year came along, and I was officially registered for Algebra I. We
received our books, and were officially introduced to our Algebra I teacher. Towards the end of the
first nine weeks, however, our class received bad news,
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Learning New Vocabulary At Parkview Middle School
The participants of this study were the twelve students enrolled in my second period and sixth
period language arts classes at Parkview Middle School. All students are classified with a disability.
Ten students are classified with an emotional disability, one is classified other health impaired and
one is classified with autism. The participants included nine male students and three female
students. Three students were enrolled in sixth grade, three in seventh grade and six students were
enrolled in eighth grade. Three students were African American, one Hispanic, and eight white
Data Collection
The data was collected during the study were included the following: A Likert survey on
preconceptions of learning new vocabulary (administered on a Google Forum in the student's
Google classroom using their chromebooks) A VKS pre–test over the seven target words of
evidence, conclusion, counterargument, argument, cite, inference and introduction given on paper)
one final vocabulary quiz (administered on a Google forum on Google classroom using student's
chromebooks) and student reflections on strategies based on a Likert scale (administered on on
Google forums on Google classroom using student 's chromebooks) All data was kept anonymous
except for the vocabulary quiz which was counted as a grade.
I examined my student's preconceptions about their ability to learn new words. I taught seven
content area words (argument, counter–argument, cite, inference,
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Seventh Grade Narrative
My education has always been something that I've struggled with throughout my life. By the
seventh grade, I had already failed two times. I was held back in the first grade, when I lived in
North Miami, for not being mature enough to advance into the second grade. My third grade year, I
attended a school Natural Bridge in North Miami. The staff didn't like the fact that I had refused to
go to church ceremonies and I also didn't like praying to Mother Mary on the rosary every morning.
The school told my mother that I was a troubled child and that I was failing the third grade. Illegally,
the school made a deal with my mother, they'd pass me to the fourth grade if she removed me from
their school. During the middle of my sixth grade year, my mother sent me to live with my father,
she stated that she could no longer take care of me. Once I moved in with my father I attended a new
school in Cleveland and ended up failing that year. I was confused and lost; the kids were learning a
different criterion than I had. ... Show more content on ...
I was going to be in the sixth grade all over again! It was difficult for me to see all of my new
friends moving up to the seventh grade without me. It bugged me that I was two years older than all
the other kids. It was embarrassing! Later on that summer, I received the news that my catholic
school was closing down and that a new school was opening up at the same location. I found out
that the new school was a decent School; I'd be attending that school in the next school year. It was a
whole new school all over again, and I wasn't happy about that. I was furious, and I just shut down,
the change was overwhelming for me to
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My Experience : My Personal Experience In The Middle School
Middle school is about hitting puberty, getting your first real boyfriend/ girlfriend, or even just
making friends to begin your journey through life with. But for me, middle school was a wake up
call to how awful life could really be. To begin the Dark Ages, sixth grade was full of fashion
mistakes. Things like wearing my soccer warm–up to school every day and those I'm–a–girl–but–
I'm–secretly–a–boy sport shorts. In seventh grade, I was eaten alive by my insecurities. Causing me
to cake my face full of foundations, concealers, and powders, all to cover up the acne that plagued
my face. And quite honestly, I don't remember anything significant about the eighth grade, other
than the field trips I always third–wheeled on. Maybe I can't remember anything important about
that time in my life because everything just blurred together with a common theme; sadness. I
walked into the gym, hoping to instantly spot my friends. I didn't have to look far before I spotted
them at our usual spot in the corner, a place where even though during this time it was considered
"recess" we always just ate our lunch. There were words being spoken, but I just couldn't
concentrate on anything. My gaze was placed on scratches that rested upon my best friend's wrist.
At first I was curious, but soon that curiosity molded into fear; what had she done? Deep down I
knew she had issues but I told myself to forget about it; I didn't want to assume anything. So with
that I just decided to not bring it up,
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The Spiritual Autobiography And Theater Classes
Spiritual Autobiography I grew up in a somewhat Christian home. God was mentioned and I knew
about God from a young age due to the Mother's day out program I attended at a local church. We
typically attended church once or twice a year, never on Christmas or Easter, for fear of being "those
people" that only came for holidays. Growing up, I lived with my mother, who is chronically
disabled with Multiple Sclerosis, and my grandmother. My parents separated when I was two but I
still saw my dad regularly. I was also very close with my aunt, a flight attendant with no kids whose
favorite saying was, "No moms, no rules". I grew up as an only child and the youngest in my family,
circumstances that easily made me the center of attention. I took dance lessons and theater classes, I
began preschool at the most prestigious private elementary school in town. Before beginning school
I recall not knowing anyone that did not love me, however I had little thought that God loved me
most of all. I began preschool at a private school, something I relished greatly. I was described as
socially and academically ahead and loved the school atmosphere with its challenges and
opportunities for success. I stayed at that school through kindergarten and enjoyed it thoroughly. My
kindergarten teacher predicted that I would be an actress, or perhaps an attorney. During these early
years in my life I feel that my ego was greatly inflated. My life was full of accolades and devoid of
criticism, something
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Seventh Grade Summary
In the story " Seventh Grade," Victor, the main character, learns that taking risks sometimes pays off
through his embarrassing moments at school. Victor pretends to know french and says a bunch of
gibberish like "La me vave me con le grandma," in a french accent to sound like he knows french
and she says after class "I didn't know you knew French," she said. "That was good." by pretending
to know french Teresa asks him if he could help her with french. "Teresa asked him if he would help
her with her French." Victor taking a risk by pretending to know french payed off because Teresa
wants him to teach her french. He has a crush on her and he gets to spend time with her because he
pretended to know french. "Yeah, well, I picked up a
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My Experience : My Life In Middle School
I saw my mom just looking at me smiling. I walked up to her and started to cry, she hugged me so
hard and told me she was so proud of the type of woman I grew up to be. Even more tears fell down
my cheeks, my brother walked in and told me that the cars were packed and it was time to go. I gave
my mom one last hug and got into the car. As we drove off I looked back at my house and realized
now that my life as a Kutztown student really started right now, that this journey started so long ago
and I've gotten so far. Extra, Extra, read all about it WOW, First time in a while this has happened in
the district. sixth grade wasn't in middle schools; huge budget cuts lead to most of my teachers
leaving or they were fired and eighth grade was being put into a new school called the Citadel. As an
upcoming sixth grader, I was confused, we being split and shoved into 4 different schools depending
what you were interested in. I hated that idea it was a waste of time and energy, but I put it behind
me because I couldn't wait to start science in this new school. Yes, school is all about learning about
the four main subjects, but I didn't really care about that, my heart was more towards just one of
them, science. And then after a while, art. One of the first days of class my science teacher, Mr.
Adam, showed us a clip of a show that taught students about the different parts of science using
experiments and diagrams. The host had Bowties in all sorts of colors and pattern and he was just
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National Honor Society Book Report
I've participated in 3 sports teams since freshman year. I tried out for and joined Cross–Country in
August of 2015 and was put on the Freshman–Sophomore team. This year I made it to the 2016
IHSA 2A Cross Country Sectional Champions. I tried out for and joined the women's basketball
team in October of 2015 and this year I was nominated for and became captain of the Junior Varsity
team. I tried out for and joined Track & Field in March of 2015 and I have been on the Varsity team
since freshman year. I participate in the 100 and 200 meter dashes, low and high hurdles, long jump,
triple jump, and shot put. I made it to the 2017 Indoor City Championships for long and triple jump.
I am in Key Club, African–Culture and Dance, Recycling Club, Science Olympiad, and Latin Honor
Society. I have recorded 161 service learning hours from volunteering at the Swedish Covenant
Hospital, the Chicago Public Library, the Bank of America Chicago Marathon, and ... Show more
content on ...
Adults and peers have described me as dependable, fair, honest, trustworthy, intelligent, empathetic,
respectful, and friendly and I do my best to live by these characteristics. One of my main mottos is
to treat others the way you want to be treated. I am by no means a perfect person and I try to accept
help and criticism whenever it is offered in an effort to keep improving upon my character. I am a
reliable student, sister, daughter, and friend. I believe I would learn a lot from being a member of
this program because being surrounded by peers with similar moral and academic character would
allow me to do even more to make my community a better place. This would be a perfect
opportunity to benefit from any experiences this program has to offer me and make a positive
impact on my school and
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My First Day In School
This past year from when I was a "little" seventh grader to now has been quite interesting. The first
day of school was on my birthday and I started off sick. Yeah, it wasn't very pleasant. I missed the
first three days of school. When I was better, I was very scared and nervous for all the new teachers
and classes. I knew most of the seventh and eighth grade teachers, but I had never been in their class
before. Soon, I learned that they were all extremely nice and loved to teach. I had tried to memorize
my schedule before, so I wouldn't go to the wrong class. My first class was art, and then math,
science, lunch, P.E., language arts, quest, and finally social studies. I remember Mr. Munford told us
that he hopes we would be a pretty good class. I think our class turned out pretty well. I was
involved in many fun activities last year. One of them was "FCA" which stands for "fellowship of
christian athletes." "FCA" was extremely fun because we met on Friday mornings before school and
we got to eat doughnuts and things like that and then we would talk about different things that
involved with Christians. Another activity I was involved in was C.L.O.W.N. troupe it was pretty
funny seeing everybody's clown costumes. The "veteran" clowns had to help train the new clowns
that joined that year. All the clowns had to create a presentation to present to little kids. Our
presentation for the year was about sharing and having good manners. We never got to go to the
other schools and
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Seventh Grade Summary
The story "Seventh Grade" is centered around a boy named Victor, and his first day of seventh
grade. The setting throughout the whole story is at a school. He is very calm entering this school
year. However, don't let his relaxed tone confuse you. He does want something this school year.
Well, I should say someone. As stated in the story, Victor wants her to "Be mine" this school year.
This girl is Teresa. At the beginning of the story, Victor saw his best friend, Michael, in the hall.
They greeted each other Raza–Style (In the manner that Mexican Americans greet each other).
Victor noticed a definite change in Michael. ""How come you're making a face?" asked Victor." He
defended, " "Belinda Reyes walked by a while ago and looked at ... Show more content on ...
This is my face."" Michael is the one that started scowling. Victor noticed it was the same face the
models in the GQ magazine made. Apparently, this face made girls notice you. Victor eventually
started making this face as well. Michael noticed Belinda Reyes looking at him. Our main character,
Victor is bilingual. Bilingual means you speak two languages. In this case, English and Spanish are
spoken. Victor wants to travel to France one day. Therefore, he chose to take French, unlike his
friend, Michael. "Spanish. I ain't so good at it, even if I'm Mexican." Michael told Victor."" A bell
rung and sent the kids to class. While on his way to homeroom, Victor practiced scowling. When he
arrived to class, emergency cards were handed out and a bulletin was given for the students to give
to their parents. Even though the principal was talking over the intercom, Victor had his mind on
Teresa. ""This is my lucky year" he thought, "She's more than likely in my French, Science and
English class."" Ding, ding. The bell sounded and sent the students to their classes. Teresa remained
talking to the teacher. Victor decided to linger around as
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Seventh Grade Analysis
The main conflict in "Seventh Grade" is internal because it takes place in Victor's mind. I know this
because in the passage Victor struggles for confidence to impress a girl named Teresa. In the
"Melting Pot" the conflicts are external because they take place between different groups of people
in a neighborhood who do not get along because of their culture.
In "Seventh Grade" a boy named Victor is about to attend his first day of school, during his day he
tries his very best to run into her, he also pretended to speak French, and now she wants him to be
her tutor, so now he REALLY has to study so she does not find out he is lying. He tried his best all
day to impress Teresa, a girl he has liked since they were in catechism classes at
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Essay On Being Latina
Without a doubt, being Latina has had the most positive effect on my life. I had always felt a little
disconnected because of small things like not being able to speak Spanish as well or having lighter
skin. I grew up in a home where family always came first and learned to always ensure that
everyone around you has everything that they need. I feel lucky that I was able to grow up with such
strong morals because of my culture. Last year, I became very proud of being part of such a
beautiful community through the current political climate and the Latino Student Union. I realized
how passionate I was about equality and rights. I recognized how unfair things are for minorities.
Being Latina has helped me realize the potential I have.
Despite only being in high school for two years, the friends that I have made have greatly impacted
who I am as a person. Whenever I am struggling, my friends are the first people I turn to for advice.
I learned from them that I always put others first even when it may cause a large amount of stress
later on, am very talkative about the things I am ... Show more content on ...
As I got older, the feelings of anxiety grew more intense until everything seemed to come crashing
down all at once. Eventually, I decided that I had had enough of constantly feeling suffocated from
my anxiety. I began to do lots of research and would do projects on anything and everything
involving mental health. Remembering how awful I felt everyday, I decided that I would do
everything I could to help others with their mental health. I would constantly check in with my
friends to make sure that they were okay and that they were taking care of themselves. I became a
more caring and sympathetic person from something that had total control over my life. I do not
think I would be the person I am today if I had not dealt with those feelings of anxiety and
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Narrative Essay About Basketball

  • 1. Narrative Essay About Basketball The summer before seventh grade my mom and I were talking about school and what sports I was going to play. I knew that I was definitely be playing basketball, but my mom kept bringing up cross–country. She said she thought that I should try it because I have long legs, which is good for running. I always thought running sounded boring because all you do is move one foot in front of another. I decided to still try it because of my mom and because for all I knew it could be something I really enjoy. I didn't enjoy much then, I didn't have many hobbies. I did like art, but not that much, I only did it when I was really bored. I loved basketball, but even I knew I was completely horrible at that. No other sports really appealed to me and that is why I was going to give running a chance, because I was desperate for a hobby. On my first day of practice the first thing we had to do was watch the concussion video. I didn't know you could get concussions from running, but you never know and that is why they made us watch it. After that we didn't have much time left so they decided to make us just run a half mile. Even though the half mile is only 800 meters, which feels like nothing now, I hurt so bad and wanted nothing more than to walk. The only reason I kept running was because I didn't want to be the one girl who can't even run a full half mile. It seemed like forever but I could finally see the end and when I reached that destination I realized I had never been ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Leadership And My Middle School Career Leadership and I, we've brushed shoulders a lot. There are the times I've confronted it, like the time I took the reigns on a School Club Project, and the times I've tried to avoid it, much like the times I have tried, to no avail, to gain experience and "power" whilst avoiding it. And then there are times I have tried to understand it with Google searches, Bing searches, Chrome searches, Wikepedia searches, Dictionary searches, and even Leader inquiries. The conclusion I had reached: there was no definition. Sure, there are the Google, Bing, Chrome, Wikepedia, and Leader definitions, but these characteristics don't apply to everyone. In order to understand Leadership, you have to understand a Leader. To understand a Leader, you have to ... Show more content on ... At is in this way that I was invited to go to Bonstingl's Leaders for the Future© event, also referred to as Enfield's First Invitational Youth Leadership Summit. On the first day of the event, we made introductions and got to know the other teams, from both Enfield and Stafford. Then, Mr. Bonstingl introduced us to the "Qualities of Leadership." Many of these describe the actions of Leaders, but there were a few that involved the mind and perception. These are what really make up Leaders; from here, a representative from the LEGO© corporation talked to us about the business world! We proceeded, then, to talk (in our groups) about our schools. We spoke of the good, the bad, and the ugly. Then, (you guessed it!) we talked about how to improve these. And how do you? In a school, you have the students, the faculty, and the property. It is fairly safe to say that the property and faculty aren't the problem. They've been here, and will be here, for (hopefully) a long time. This then isolated the students. Again, it is pretty safe to say that it isn't the physicalities of the students; this leaves the contaminant– their mindsets. If thought about, this unleashes a wealth of problems– you cannot easily change someone's mindset. So, back to the drawing board. This is when this question is asked: "What differentiates a successful student from an underperforming or unsuccessful student?" The answer we came up with– Leadership. A ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Seventh Grade Fear In the beginning of seventh grade at the jr.high my fear consumed me, but soon after I learned about the school all the fear started to disappear. The worry that consumed me most was worrying about my lock/combination. I worried about this because I have never used a combination lock before seventh grade, I also worried that I would forget the combination. That started to fade in the first couple of weeks though because I memorized my combination and learned I'm one of those people who don't go to their lockers that much anyway. In addition my second biggest fear that consumed me was missing the bus. This fear will franctly never fade because I am not a morning person and when I say I'm not a morning person I mean it. It takes usually two to ... Show more content on ... The best positive to me is being able to meet new people. I have meet a couple new people who are now my best friends but I have come to realize that since they are in the eighth grade I will not be able to see them next except for two of them because they ride my bus. The second most positive thing of starting school is sports. I know that when it's time to go to school that means it's also sports season. My two favorite sports to play are soccer and basketball because they are both very competitive. The surprise that surprised me the most is that most of my teachers are awesome not that strict and funny. The second to last positive thing would be is I know when we start school it's close to christmas. I know that when we start school we are very close to christmas because we usually start in August which is 4 months away from December. Additionally the last positive of starting school is getting back on schedule. When you start school you have to get your brain back in order for what to do when you are home for example chores, when to go to sleeping, and when you are going to eat. Furthermore I hope you learned something about me or if you can relate to any of these worries, surprises, and or positives about starting seventh ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Writing Is Good Writing is Good It is September 2016 and I am not that interested in reading. I really am not feeling this "reading" thing because I mostly only read for school and not for pleasure when I was younger. Sure, I know how to read, but I am not into it. I have recently read some books for pleasure, but not many tend to grab my attention and I tend to forget that I have checked out a book. I do not really hate or dislike writing though. It is true that I mostly write for school, but I do not hate it. In the summer of 2005, I was a five–year–old girl that loved to read books. One day, my mom is drove me to the public library to pick out as many books as I wanted. She finally found a parking spot that she liked and it is directly under a tree so the sun does not heat up the car to the point at which it could fry an egg. I took my seat belt off, jumped out of the car, stopped, looked both ways before I crossed the street, and raced to the alligator bench, stopped, and raced to the super cool and super fun automatic doors and waited for my mom to catch up with me. Now that my mom had caught up with me, we walked through those super cool and super fun automatic doors into the building. If I looked to my left, there was a water fountain with delicious water and if I looked to the right, there was a book drop. If I had any books, I put them in the book drop so the librarians could put them back on the shelves with all the other books. We have finally arrived to where all the books ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Bad Fat Research Paper Fat. Ugly. Two words that can cause a lot of pain. Two superficial remarks that people throw around to describe others. Just hearing or looking at one of those words can bring someone to your mind whether it be yourself or someone you know. The worst feeling is knowing that "fat" or "ugly" are most likely the first and only words that comes to people's minds when they see you or describe you. Everyone has so much more to offer in this world than how they appear. It is dismal that others can't see past something on the surface which is something that I have tried to cope with since middle school. I first started gaining weight when I moved to Washington in the seventh grade. Weight started to add on due to a deep depression. I had to leave ... Show more content on ... I learned that no one can tell me how to live my life or how I need to look in order to enjoy myself. I can't say I never judge other people by how they look since I sometimes find myself staying away from some people because of how they appear. I became more aware of how unfair I was being and stopped doing that because I have no clue what their background is and why they are the way they are since no one really knows what I have been through but judge me anyways. Now I do my best to include everyone and try to get to know them on a better level before judging anyone. I believe that everyone has felt at some point inadequate of deserving great things due to their appearance. Judgement from other people is not a good enough reason to not live your life the way you want. Sometimes it takes going through a difficult realization to learn you are only living for yourself. Everyone goes through rough patches in life that can taint their outlook on everything, but it only takes one change to make the difference. Look beyond the exterior because you will be surprised what you might find out about ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. School Needs Assessment Essay This week, I reviewed my school's Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) and the School Needs Assessment with my mentor. We focused on the data driven needs of the campus based on the previous year's State Assessment results. The campus needed to do well enough on last year's assessments so that it would be removed from both the state PEG list and the Improvement Required list. When looking at assessment data and its effect on the schools Needs Assessment, it showed that the areas that needed the most improvement from the previous year were being addressed in the CIP for the coming year. According to the state regulations, the CIP must be reviewed and updated yearly by the school's Improvement Committee. The Campus Needs Assessment shows that ... Show more content on ... This will be done so that student growth can be monitored more closely. The teachers now are given two planning periods. This is to increase the efficiency of content planning of the teachers, as they will use team planning to conduct professional Learning Community meetings for the campus allowing teachers to maximize content planning time. In the conversation with the principal, he explained there has not been a limit placed on the funds available for these needs on the campus. He continued by saying that monies for this will be found and allocated as the need arises. These changes on the campus have caused a major change to the schools culture, climate, and communication on campus. The teachers have been able to plan more effectively and without interruption due to staff meetings. This allows better classroom lessons to be developed by the teachers, which helps the students to achieve greater success on assessments. The teachers feel that material, which is supported through cross–curricular instruction, is being done in an effective manner. Extra planning days on Saturdays has also helped the teachers to be better prepared for the classroom in all subjects and grade levels. The student discipline has improved from previous years, most discipline is handled by the teachers in team planning, allowing the administrators to deal with the more serious cases of discipline on the campus. Administrators have also ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. My First Day At Middle School It was the beginning of August 2015. My stomach had a pit of worry in it. I felt as if I had food poisoning. I knew it was nearly time to get up and get ready. My mom came into my dark bedroom and shook me gently. However, being so worried, the gentle shook felt like an earthquake. She said in a quiet and soothing tone,"Leah, it's time to get ready for your first day of Middle School!" There is no way that I was going to go to Middle School! I drug my body out of bed. My body was limp and it felt like I was having to pull a 300 pound weight. Nevertheless, I went and ate some breakfast. For breakfast, my dad had made pancakes, bacon, and some cereal. I could taste the sweet and sugary syrup. I ate fastly and started getting ready. My mom had just finished ironing my clothes so they felt very warm and cozy. I then went and brushed my teeth. The toothpaste tasted very sour after just eating. My hair was very knotty so it felt like I was brushing my hair with a pine cone. When I went to put my shoes on, they were very stiff because they were new so it was hard to put them on. I then had to get into the car to go to Middle School. When my car pulled up into the line for me to get out, it was very hard for me to get out of the car. It felt like something was holding me back. However, I got out, and went to my class. As I went into my class, it felt like all eyes were on me. I felt like a deer in headlights. I took my seat and began to get ready for class to start. The room ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Seventh Grade And Girls Typical love and romance is common through all ages whether your crush is smart, athletic, funny ,and pretty. All boys imagine to have that kind of girl someday,someone who is loving,caring,and pretty. All of that is common in these two stories, Seventh Grade and Girls. This is about two boys, of the age of thirteen, trying to get their crush's attention, but all doesn't go well when they show off a little of the things they can't do when the things they can do don't get recognized too well. Romance is a difficult thing to accomplish when the things you do are overly expressed by things you don't know and can't do. In this story of Seventh Grade, it all started out when summer was over and it was a new year of school and Victor had been trying ... Show more content on ... They both differences by the age, setting and they would appeal to their crush's attention. They were both the same when they were successful when they accepted to what they were going to ask in the first place. One was a romance comedy and one wasn't. In all perspective in these two stories one had a better way of expressing how they liked them while the other one started off and didn't even try because they were shy. Although, the Girls had places when he would try but didn't have the gut to do it. In all, these two stories had a differences and the same in both when it came to impressing their ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Gary Soto "Seventh Grade" by Gary Soto In 7th grade Literature, we read the short story "Seventh Grade" about Victor who tries to be someone he is not just to impress a girl. What kinds of things do students in seventh grade at MMS do to impress other people (and not just someone of the opposite sex)? Tell me three things that you or other peers do to try to impress others and explain each one. * The things that student would do to impress someone at MMs. they would dress nice, get there hair or nails done, or by some fancy thing they would love like perfume and coloune * They would make sure they are looking there best to impress them.They wouldalso try to say something very clever to impress them.They cant smell badwhen there talking so they ... Show more content on ... They also do that so people will respect them. They also do it because they like to do it. The last reason people try to impress people is because they can do it. They think just because they can means they should. That is why people try to impress other people. * One thing people do in the seventh grade to try to in press other seventh graders it they try to act all cool around other people.As if they were around all there friends they dont act like there self.They would act like they are ever thing and try to fight people.Another way they try to do is try to dress the best out of the whole school. Like they would get the most exspensive clothes out of the whole school.Asif someone had a $20 aeropostale jacket they other person would go and get a $50 hollister jaket to be better than that person.Another way they would try to inpress someone would be they would act like they hate school and dont do any of there work but in the long run they do care about there school work and only act like that in frount of there friends.Like if they had a big text coming up and the told there friends friends they diden't study and were going to make a bad grade but they did study and they failed the test just to prove to there friends they diden't like school and diden't care about there work. These are some ways people try to impress other people!!!!!!!!!! * Some kids at MMS buy stuff that ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Observation Of Students At A Seventh Grade Math Classroom Observation of Student While observing the students in my classroom, I focused on how engaging and motivated they were. The eighth graders at Pine Forest did not have a good seventh grade math teacher, so the students are very behind. They know that they are behind because Mrs. McLamb tells them all the time. Instead of it discouraging them, it motivated the students to want to learn. They know that they must catch up, so I saw the students trying their best to stay focused and be engaged. I noticed while observing that a majority of the class was engaged. I honestly was not expecting this in a math class at 7:30 in the morning. The first day I got there, one student said they had the best math scores in the entire county. So, Mrs. McLamb pulled the up the previous test scores and showed them they were third. I could tell the kids did not want to be third and wanted to be first. They found a reason to learn, and I think that is very important. I did notice that students were not taking notes. I found this odd because it was obvious that they wanted to learn but they never took any notes. One of my days of observing, I got to observe a seventh–grade math classroom. I was curious to see what the seventh grades are learning to ensure that they are not behind like the current eighth graders. The teacher was making sure the students learned what they need to know to be ready for eighth grade. The class I observed was a group of AIG students. Like the eighth–grade students, ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Analysis Of Mother Tongue By Amy Tan Two Worlds – One Story In "Mother Tongue," Amy Tan reflects on her childhood to describe how her mother contributed to her understanding of language. Tan encounters numerous situations when she feels like she is judged based on how her mother spoke "broken" English. Nevertheless, she overcame her teachers' opinion that she should focus on math and sciences and became a writer. I have a similar experience because I have lived in a different country for a long time, and I speak a different language with my family at home. Although my experience is similar, there is a major aspect that make us different: Tan was born in the USA, I was not. I was born in Kawasaki, Japan. I have no memories of living there because when I was three, my family ... Show more content on ... While we lived in Japan, my mother did not let anyone in the family to speak in Japanese at home because she feared that we would forget the language if we did not speak it regularly. On the first day of school, my teacher introduced me to the class, saying that I was from America. For the first few days, no one talked to me until one of my classmate asked, "Have you gotten used to this school?" I answered in fluent Japanese, "Yes, I really enjoy living here." Hearing our conversation, everyone was surprised, "You can speak Japanese!" After that, my curious classmates asked me many questions about the culture and the language in the US. In English class, I was the teacher's assistant, trying to teach my class proper pronunciation. In the last year of elementary school, my friends and I started talking about middle school. We all lived in the same district, so I was hoping we could all go to the same middle school. One month before graduating from elementary school, my mother got a call from my father. She announced that my father got a new project in the United States, and that we were moving to North Carolina; this meant that I was not going to the same middle school as my friends. Although the room was filled with delicious smell dinner, I felt something wet running down my cheeks and all I tasted was something salty like a fresh–squeezed lemonade filling my mouth. I cried to my mother that I did not want to be separated from ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Character Analysis Of Gary O's Seventh Grade By Gary Soto Even though Victor, a 7th grader from the story of "Seventh Grade" by Gary Soto, is trying to find his way socially, academically and personally, he is motivated to get his "girl" but in doing this he matures and develops. On the first day of seventh grade, Victor's personality is sheepish and shy. When he was in his math room for his second period, he sat in the back because math was at his weakest subject. On Victor's way to math class the narrator says "After English, Victor had math, his weakest subject. He sat in the back by the window, hoping that he would not be called on. Victor understood most of the problems, but some of the stuff looked like the teacher made it up as she went along. It was confusing, like the inside of a watch. "(Soto 4). This illustrates that Victor is not very good at math and does not want to try harder in math. It is important to notice that he has not been able to grasp the knowledge of this class and is not willing to catch up. The moment Victor develops is when Teresa asks if he can tutor her he this sparks that he knew he did not fail and impressed her in French class. "The teacher beamed and said, "Très Bien. Parlez–vous français?" Victor didn't know what to say. The teacher wets his lips and asked something else in French. The room grew silent. Victor felt all eyes staring at him. He tried to bluff his way out by making noises that sounded French. "La me vave me con le grandma," he said uncertainly. Mr. Bueller, wrinkling his face in ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Photography Is My Destiny And Personal Legend A Thousand Words Human beings are unlike anything else on this planet. Humans have built a world for themselves and continue to push the limits of what is possible. I believe that my ultimate "thread" in life is to capture humans living and existing in a way that only humans can. Being a photographer is "what [I] have always wanted to accomplish" (Coelho 21). As beautiful and alive as a flower or an old building is, so are humans. They are the reason that cameras exist and the reason why photographers even have the possibility to make a living out of their passion. The late Alfred Eisenstaedt, who famously photographed an affectionate couple on V–J Day in Times Square once said, "It is more important to click with people than to click the shutter" (Stocks 1). The euphoria I felt firsthand when taking pictures and the fact that I passionately relate to this quote is why I believe that photography is my destiny and Personal Legend. I have been taking pictures for as long as I can remember. It all started back when flip phones were all the rage and the only camera in my house I could comfortably carry was my mom's small silver Sony Cyber–Shot. I took pictures of my parents and, years later when she was born, my sister. To young me, capturing my family was the only thing that mattered. One day, around Christmas, I got a delivery from a relative. I began eagerly opening since that is one of the greatest thing could ever happen to a child, and to my delight, it was my very own ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Personal Narrative: My School At Greendale High School Being kind to each and every person you talk to can be challenging, but the impact that you may have on them can be remarkable. School is one of the cruelest places for a pre–teen or teenager. Girls and boys can single you out and laugh at you because you do not look the same. Many children feel as if they are not as good as others. Three years ago I was in seventh grade at Greendale Middle School. I had a significant amount of friends, but not all of them treated me with kindness. Margaret, Makenzie, Jennifer, Alyssa, Autumn , and Shelby were all considered my close friends. Even in third grade Margaret and Mackenzie were known as the popular girls in our school; soon after I moved to Cincinnati I found out that they were not very welcoming. ... Show more content on ... Cheerleading tryouts were announced one week after school started and Margaret, as well as my new friends asked me if I was going to tryout. I did not want to be singled out again, so I agreed to tryout only if they were going to. When tryouts arrived I tried out with Margaret as my partner. Two days later a blue colored envelope was handed to the students who tried out and mine began with, " Congratulations, you have made the cheerleading squad." I was delighted to see these words printed in black ink across the top of my letter. As the season continued I began to dread cheering, partly because I did not enjoy being in front of a large crowd and the other part was because I did not know some of the cheers. The football season ended and the basketball season commenced. Everything at school was going superb and as winter came the cheerleaders began practicing for a cheerleading competition, which would be hosted by a neighboring school. The night before the competition was supposed to take place Margaret had asked if I wanted to stay the night with her, Mackenzie and a few other friends. Later that evening I arrived at Margaret's house in leggings, and a sweatshirt. I approached Margaret's house to find that the door was locked. I called Margaret too see if she had gone anywhere, and then I heard a familiar sound, Margaret's phone was ringing in the living room right inside the door. In the background of the ringing I could make out the sound of girls snickering as the phone rang, and then went to voicemail. As I turned around toward the steps to leave the front porch I heard a click as the lock on the door was twisted to the left. Behind the door revealed four girls sitting on couches staring at me. I entered the doorway only for the girls to start making fun of what I was wearing. Margaret then told ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Becoming A Writer: Self-Analysis When I was in sixth grade, I thought I was destined to become a journalist, or sports reporter. I was passionate about it, I loved doing it, and I loved having a teacher and parents that encouraged me to keep doing more of it. But, even though I had this great opportunity in my sixth–grade class, I would later have an experience in my middle school years that discouraged me from ever pursuing those dreams My mother is a teacher, so I would ride to school with her early in the mornings and spend time helping her and other teachers prepare for the day. Because of this, those teachers came to know me and encourage me to do things that I normally wouldn't. They helped shape me into the person I thought I wanted to become, but that all changed ... Show more content on ... Since we were an honors class, they were typically harder and more though–provoking books, such as Ender's Game and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. I don't think we ever once talked about writing and how to develop our own writing styles, unlike what I experienced in sixth grade. This continued into the next year, too. To this point, I still don't understand how grammar can be the main curriculum taught throughout two years, but I do know that I strongly disliked that class. I went from having a teacher that encouraged me to write for fun and whatever I wanted, to one that only made writing a priority when we needed to do a project over it. The ONE writing project I remember doing during those two years was a research assignment, in which we were expected to write 10 pages about a topic we researched individually, as eighth graders. By then, I hadn't written creatively to express myself in a while, so to go straight to a 10–page research paper was hard. I received very harsh feedback from my teacher, with little to no encouraging words. I felt awful after that, of course, because I was use to my writing being so highly ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Seventh Grade Concerns When the seventh grade year started I had a lot of concerns.The reasons I had concerns are because the seventh grade seems a lot more difficult than the six grade.My older sibling told me that the seventh grade was tough but the first couple weeks of school was not that hard.I knew that was nothing compared when we are working on stuff in the middle of the year.The first week of school was rough.The thing is math is probably the hardest subject in all of my classes.The fears I had going into the seventh grade is for me not to flunk my classes.A couple other of my other worries are my friends in my classes some of friends are in my class some kids oh my football team but I don't want to be mean but they aren't my best friends but I consider ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Overview of Common Core State Standards COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS INITIATIVE OVERVIEW The Common Core State Standards Initiative is an education initiative sponsored by the National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). The primary goal is to achieve consistent content standards across the entire nation in order to ensure students are better prepared to enter colleges and universities states as well and/or enter the workforce (Common Core State Standards 2014). In the 1990s, a movement began across the United States whereby individual states began writing academic standards which outlined the academic content students were expected to know and be able to master at the end of each grade level. Subject specific assessments were also designed and implemented in order to measure whether students were meeting those standards (Gibbs, T. & Howley, A., 2000). In 1996, the nation's governors and various corporate leaders founded Achieve, Inc., as a bipartisan effort to raise academic standards and graduation requirements, improve assessments, and heighten academic accountability in all 50 states (Achieve, Inc. 1996). An Achieve, Inc. 2004 report, titled, Ready or Not: Creating a High School Diploma That Counts, stated that both employers and colleges were demanding more of high school graduates than in the past. According to Achieve, Inc. (2004), "current high–school exit expectations fall well short of [employer and college] demands." It was from this background ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. A Ghost : A Short Story Of The Ghost Hello, I am Brooke Hicks, a ghost who looks after her old school. I died from a bunny attack during a science lab experiment. Long story but that is for another time. Well now I am going to tell you about something happening at this school right now. At this very school, Community House Middle School there was a substitute named Mrs. Mister. Whichever class she substituted, even the very best, they never listened to her. Similar stories with other substitutes, like Mr. Longbottom, Mrs. Mcdonald's, Ms. Woofgang, Mr. Fergus, Mr. Butterball, Mrs. Twinkie, Mr. Pee Wee, Ms. FlufferNutter, and Mr. Wigglebottom. All of them were so tired of teachers yelling at them say: "Why did none of my students complete any of their work?!" "I tell them to but non–" "No there is no excuses! I gave you work to assign to them! Now we are two days behind!" "But they don'–" "No more. I am reporting this to Ms. Brooks." That's how most go. But here is a wayyyyyyyyyy over the top class. Ms. Nielsen's second block had Mrs.Mister. They had nerf guns and were ready to fire. But of course Keya and Brooke were hiding in the female teachers bathroom. When Ms.Mister came in the other kids were like"FIRE!!!!! SUBSTITUTES SUCK!!!!!" Mrs.Mister was no match for those kids. She was so traumatized she couldn't tell Ms.Brooks. She nightmares for months and couldn't open a door in her house unless she had a nerf gun. (Also Bobby Chicken was in that class) Anyway, so all these substitutes got together and ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Seventh Grade Volleyball Research Paper I've never wanted anything as bad as I wanted this. I've never put this much effort into anything as I did this. I prepared myself for this one event that would be a big milestone for me. Seventh grade volleyball tryouts. Volleyball was a family sport and my first love. I wasn't obsessed over the Jonas brothers or Hannah Montana; I was madly in love with the game of volleyball. How it had a physical strain as well as a mental strain. Volleyball isn't thought of as a mental game, but there's a lot of thought that goes into it. The footwork that, if not done properly, could throw off your whole performance in a set and cost the team valuable points. Constantly watching over your teammates and learning how they play as well as keeping up with what you're ... Show more content on ... I also benefitted from the coach knowing me. She wouldn't cut me from the team. There was no doubt in my mind that my seventh grade year was going to be the best and I was going to make the team. The school day had finally ended, and the loud siren indicating the end the class had gone off temporarily deafening everyone in the building. I was super anxious walking down the hall to the gym. I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom and change so I wouldn't waste time changing in the locker room. When I had finally reached the gym I sat in the bleachers and tossed my bag behind me. I closed my eyes and smelled the stench of the newly polished floor. I imagined being out on the floor and a crowd of people behind me chanting my name. I was abruptly pulled out of my daydream by my name being called by the coach. She asked me to help set up the net and get the equipment. I was an expert at setting up the net. I did it with ease as the others watched in awe. As I was setting up coach talked to the girls I guess she figured I had heard it before, so I didn't really have to sit and listen to it ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Seventh Grade Rubrics "Amazing feedback to your students in 2 hours. Powered by expert, on–demand graders." For those who prefer high–quality feednack from real and dedicated teachers, Gradiate seems to be the solution. But is it? Though Gradiate has its amazing parts, it doesn't grade as desirably as you'd think. Although the feedback Gradiate gives is impressive and on a higher level, the feedback itself isn't suitable for grade level. In my 7th grade class, my teacher expressed to our class how many students' reviews were marked as "ungradeable", however were perfectly gradeable suing a seventh grade rubric. For my classmates who do receive feedback, all agree the feedback is more suitable for say, high schoolers. Its quite a shock for a student who gets a 4/4 on typical essays to receive a grade of a 1 or 2 out of 4 on Gradiate. Sure, Gradiate has qualified teachers, but maybe not qualified for varied grade levels. ... Show more content on ... Once, just to see how Gradiate works, I submitted a paper around 8. When I checked back around 11:30, my paper was still awaiting review. What concerns me about this is the fact that Gradiate is sending this idea that they give impressive feedback within two hours, but in reality, Gradiate gives feedback whenever they can, but not necessarily within 2 hours. Gradiate definitely has its remarkable sides. However, I'd rate Gradiate a 2/5 due to the fact Gradiate claims to give fast and reliable feedback, but in reality gives feedback when they can, and usually the feedback isn't justifiable for grade ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. I Loved The National Geographic And Discovery Channels And... I always loved learning, I loved the national geographic and discovery channels and reading articles, but I hated school with a passion. I despised getting up and in kindergarden I actually stabbed my mom in the hand with a pencil in protest of writing my letters. I believe that 's when a lot of things clicked, at least on my moms end. A lot of parents would have forced their kids to do well in school mine, never did. I couldn't thank them enough for it. Elementary school was miserable for me, not a lot of friends and I was no teachers pet. I showed little to no interest in what my teachers had to say. From kindergarten to sixth grade my teachers told my mom I wouldn 't make it. Not in middle school, and high school, probably shouldn 't count on that either. Year after year my mom took this verbal beating from my teachers saying "she should be doing more", "there 's something wrong with me" all my teachers suggested my mom get me tested for ADD and ADHD my mom put it off until fourth grade when I got written up for writing "I hate school and I hate my teacher." she took me in to get tested but to everyone 's surprise I did not have ADD or ADHD. So my mom took my to a psychologist to figure out why I was so against school. In a short amount of time the psychologist told my mom that no matter how hard anyone tried they could not force me to pay attention or do the work, and that, that was okay, as long as I understood and accepted the consequences. From then on All my mom ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Gary Soto Seventh Grade In "Seventh Grade" by Gary Soto and "Charles" by Shirley Jackson I will identify and describe how the setting was important to the plot. The setting in these two stories is very important for the plot makes sense. If the two settings were not based in schools they would make no sense at all, the story would have to be changed entirely. The setting was important in "Seventh Grade" because it was a guy who had a huge crush at school and had taken a French class so he could get closer to her each day. He one day embarrassed himself and made the girl he liked Teresa think he knew french and wanted him to tutor her. The setting is import in this story because if it were not in a school it would be kinda weird why this young man was following a ... Show more content on ... Other than to maybe get herself out of trouble, but these things would not make sense to happening somewhere else. See now these things happening in a grade school would make more sense, but the alter ego, I've never heard of any student ever doing this myself and why to refrain from people yelling at you for doing things that were wrong. See you see why the setting is important in this in this story as it would make no sense whatsoever out in the everyday world. The text states "We had a little trouble adjusting , the first week or so, she said primly, but now he's a fine little helper. With occasional lapses, of course." this shows how they had trouble adjusting the first week, but now she's a helper this is exactly what happened to Charles the first week of school. Another instance when she notably has an alter ego is "We don't have any Charles in the kindergarten." This shows Charles is someone that Laurie made up to get out of trouble. This is why the setting is good in this story as well. It helps why Laurie the young girl who goes to the kindergarten does not want to get in trouble from her parents because of her ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Foreshadowing In Seventh Grade " Seventh Grade" In "Seventh Grade" there is a lot of foreshadowing. In the story there is a guy named Victor and he admired a girl named Teresa. " Besides, Teresa, a girl he liked since they were in catechism classes at Saint Theresa's was taking french to.'' " Teresa was going to be my girl this year, he promised himself as he left the gym full of students in their new fall clothes. She was cute. And really good in math, too, Victor thought as he walked down the hall to his homeroom." ( Solo 122 ) Victor had it all figured out, he was going to get the girl and have a great seventh grade year. He is talking about the girl early in the story so the story must have to revolve around her. Humiliation is probably the worst thing that can happen ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Seventh Grade Stress In the beginning of this seventh grade I was worried about the stress of my grades. My first reason of being stressed out about my grades is because I never have all good grades. My second worry is about all the hard work. My reason for that is I usually never get all my work done because it's all hard. My third reason is not having anyone I know in my class. My reason for this is one year I had none of my classmates in my class. My fourth worry about seventh grade is getting in trouble a lot because if I get in trouble a lot I will not be able to cheer. My fifth worry and my last is about my homework. I usually never get homework but then when I have a lot of it I never get it done. I hope my worries don't come true in my life. ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Niko Smith Character Analysis It all started on May 23rd, 2003 Niko Smith was born on this day. He has a big brother named Seth and his big sister's name is Maddie. His parents are Brad and Joan Smith and they expect great things from him. Niko has had his bad days but really good days too. Most of all Niko has had the greatest family that anyone could ever have. He has siblings that will look out for him no matter how much they fight. His mom works to her heart's content to make her family happy, and his dad makes sure to keep his family in order. This is how Niko's life has played out in thirteen years. Niko plans in the future are he want to get somewhere in life and tell his family "I did it because of you." His family is very supportive and very loving. His mom will treat everyone of his friends like they are one of her own. Now on the other hand his dad will give you a hard time every now and then but he'll still treat you nicely. His sister will cook for everyone and give you a warm stomach before you leave. Now his brother he tends to show no emotion but will flash a smile every now and then. Niko was born on May 23rd and was born into a loving and caring family. He was born a month early so he had to stay in the hospital for awhile but got to come home to a house full of aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings, ... Show more content on ... Sixth grade was rough but Niko managed by filling up a jar of marbles to get dessert. During the year he found out the importance of physical education. He did wrestling basketball, baseball, and swimming. During the school year Niko and his friend Nauj Cobo were science partners the went to the state science fair two years in a row. The six grade year was tricky. At Table Rock Grade School they got beat by their opponents. A month after that they went to regionals and beat their opponent and got to go to state. He learned that he could never give up because his partner believed in ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. 8th Grade Speeches You! Yes, I'm talking to you. Do you like school? I know you shook your head and wrinkled your face"no", How about grades? I used to hate grades and not care about them. In elementary school, I didn't know what they were until fourth grade. I usually thought teachers checked our knowledge to test and ignore the number of mistakes we made as long as we learned from them. I'll tell you what, it's "NOTHING" like that, especially in middle school. Back then I didn't care about retakes or bad grades, but then something shot me like a ray of sun into the person I am today. Middle school was a major change for me; new friends, new educators, new schedule. I went to Edison and it has been stunning, I was prepared to begin the year off huge. Amid my ... Show more content on ... I was anxious to see if my name was in even though I knew it wasn't it would still feel good to know. When my teacher named everyone I was disappointed that my name wasn't announced so I asked if I could get a drink, but I really went up to the counseling office. When I arrived, I asked the counseling secretary if I should've been called. She looked me up on the computer and answered "Sorry, but you can't be an honor student this year because of this D in math" I said "Is there anything I could do to fix it?" "No, it's too late," she said. As she said those last words I left the room and to my locker writing "ABOUR IS DUMB" on sticky notes and posting it everywhere inside. I was so angry that I decided to not speak to anyone. I sprinted back down to chorus and acted casual. The teacher didn't ask what took me so long; I was glad. End of my second year at Edison was done. I wished to the bottom of my heart that if I could have changed anything I would spend every second of the day of the math ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Khalil Research Paper Khalil Abdellatif participated in three sports actively during his time in elementary and middle school. Khalil played soccer, baseball, and basketball during his time afterschool and weekends. Khalil's father thought it would be a great idea to play sports because he was never exposed to many sports as a child due to his parent's belief towards them. Additionally, Khalil's father thought it would be a great incentive to be active. Khalil would be exposed to sports no matter which season of the year it was. Aside from school, sports would be the only thing Khalil really focused on. At the beginning, Khalil was pretty horrible at all three sports he participated in. Soccer had been the first sport Khalil played because flyers were going all ... Show more content on ... As soon as Khalil started playing on the travel team he would have his own private coach because he really wanted to pursue his dreams of becoming a professional baseball player. Khalil was able to improve his techniques in the game by seventh grade. Khalil would constantly ask his parents to take him to baseball games so he could watch his favorite players play. By fall of his eighth grade year Khalil made a tough decision to stop playing baseball as active and focus on his school work and his drama productions. Anytime Khalil had free time he would go to the park with his friends to play and talk. Basketball had become a sport Khalil was getting good at but he never thought he would be good enough for a team. So instead of joining a team Khalil just went to the park with his friends and just played games with them. Khalil's father also found a love for basketball and Khalil's father became an avid fan of LeBron James. After seeing how exciting the game of basketball is he tried and tried to pursue Khalil to join back on a team so he can watch his son play. In conclusion, Khalil shares a big place in his heart for both of the sports he plays. These sports that Khalil played impacted him in many ways. It helped him not only become a team player but a strong leader. It also made Khalil live by the saying that "Life is a sport. Make it count" –Nike. Sports help create some of ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Seventh Grade Assessment In seventh grade, I needed to take a math exam to determine if I could take Algebra I, a high school credit class, my eighth–grade school year. This was very significant to me because I had wanted to prepare myself for high school material. I practiced with tutors and teachers in my school my entire seventh grade year to take and pass the exam the summer before eighth grade year. May came along, and everyone who had registered for the test needed to take it. I took it, and passed it with a proficient grade. Eighth grade year came along, and I was officially registered for Algebra I. We received our books, and were officially introduced to our Algebra I teacher. Towards the end of the first nine weeks, however, our class received bad news, ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Learning New Vocabulary At Parkview Middle School The participants of this study were the twelve students enrolled in my second period and sixth period language arts classes at Parkview Middle School. All students are classified with a disability. Ten students are classified with an emotional disability, one is classified other health impaired and one is classified with autism. The participants included nine male students and three female students. Three students were enrolled in sixth grade, three in seventh grade and six students were enrolled in eighth grade. Three students were African American, one Hispanic, and eight white students. Data Collection The data was collected during the study were included the following: A Likert survey on preconceptions of learning new vocabulary (administered on a Google Forum in the student's Google classroom using their chromebooks) A VKS pre–test over the seven target words of evidence, conclusion, counterargument, argument, cite, inference and introduction given on paper) one final vocabulary quiz (administered on a Google forum on Google classroom using student's chromebooks) and student reflections on strategies based on a Likert scale (administered on on Google forums on Google classroom using student 's chromebooks) All data was kept anonymous except for the vocabulary quiz which was counted as a grade. Method I examined my student's preconceptions about their ability to learn new words. I taught seven content area words (argument, counter–argument, cite, inference, ... Get more on ...
  • 58.
  • 59. Seventh Grade Narrative My education has always been something that I've struggled with throughout my life. By the seventh grade, I had already failed two times. I was held back in the first grade, when I lived in North Miami, for not being mature enough to advance into the second grade. My third grade year, I attended a school Natural Bridge in North Miami. The staff didn't like the fact that I had refused to go to church ceremonies and I also didn't like praying to Mother Mary on the rosary every morning. The school told my mother that I was a troubled child and that I was failing the third grade. Illegally, the school made a deal with my mother, they'd pass me to the fourth grade if she removed me from their school. During the middle of my sixth grade year, my mother sent me to live with my father, she stated that she could no longer take care of me. Once I moved in with my father I attended a new school in Cleveland and ended up failing that year. I was confused and lost; the kids were learning a different criterion than I had. ... Show more content on ... I was going to be in the sixth grade all over again! It was difficult for me to see all of my new friends moving up to the seventh grade without me. It bugged me that I was two years older than all the other kids. It was embarrassing! Later on that summer, I received the news that my catholic school was closing down and that a new school was opening up at the same location. I found out that the new school was a decent School; I'd be attending that school in the next school year. It was a whole new school all over again, and I wasn't happy about that. I was furious, and I just shut down, the change was overwhelming for me to ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. My Experience : My Personal Experience In The Middle School Middle school is about hitting puberty, getting your first real boyfriend/ girlfriend, or even just making friends to begin your journey through life with. But for me, middle school was a wake up call to how awful life could really be. To begin the Dark Ages, sixth grade was full of fashion mistakes. Things like wearing my soccer warm–up to school every day and those I'm–a–girl–but– I'm–secretly–a–boy sport shorts. In seventh grade, I was eaten alive by my insecurities. Causing me to cake my face full of foundations, concealers, and powders, all to cover up the acne that plagued my face. And quite honestly, I don't remember anything significant about the eighth grade, other than the field trips I always third–wheeled on. Maybe I can't remember anything important about that time in my life because everything just blurred together with a common theme; sadness. I walked into the gym, hoping to instantly spot my friends. I didn't have to look far before I spotted them at our usual spot in the corner, a place where even though during this time it was considered "recess" we always just ate our lunch. There were words being spoken, but I just couldn't concentrate on anything. My gaze was placed on scratches that rested upon my best friend's wrist. At first I was curious, but soon that curiosity molded into fear; what had she done? Deep down I knew she had issues but I told myself to forget about it; I didn't want to assume anything. So with that I just decided to not bring it up, ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. The Spiritual Autobiography And Theater Classes Spiritual Autobiography I grew up in a somewhat Christian home. God was mentioned and I knew about God from a young age due to the Mother's day out program I attended at a local church. We typically attended church once or twice a year, never on Christmas or Easter, for fear of being "those people" that only came for holidays. Growing up, I lived with my mother, who is chronically disabled with Multiple Sclerosis, and my grandmother. My parents separated when I was two but I still saw my dad regularly. I was also very close with my aunt, a flight attendant with no kids whose favorite saying was, "No moms, no rules". I grew up as an only child and the youngest in my family, circumstances that easily made me the center of attention. I took dance lessons and theater classes, I began preschool at the most prestigious private elementary school in town. Before beginning school I recall not knowing anyone that did not love me, however I had little thought that God loved me most of all. I began preschool at a private school, something I relished greatly. I was described as socially and academically ahead and loved the school atmosphere with its challenges and opportunities for success. I stayed at that school through kindergarten and enjoyed it thoroughly. My kindergarten teacher predicted that I would be an actress, or perhaps an attorney. During these early years in my life I feel that my ego was greatly inflated. My life was full of accolades and devoid of criticism, something ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Seventh Grade Summary In the story " Seventh Grade," Victor, the main character, learns that taking risks sometimes pays off through his embarrassing moments at school. Victor pretends to know french and says a bunch of gibberish like "La me vave me con le grandma," in a french accent to sound like he knows french and she says after class "I didn't know you knew French," she said. "That was good." by pretending to know french Teresa asks him if he could help her with french. "Teresa asked him if he would help her with her French." Victor taking a risk by pretending to know french payed off because Teresa wants him to teach her french. He has a crush on her and he gets to spend time with her because he pretended to know french. "Yeah, well, I picked up a ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. My Experience : My Life In Middle School I saw my mom just looking at me smiling. I walked up to her and started to cry, she hugged me so hard and told me she was so proud of the type of woman I grew up to be. Even more tears fell down my cheeks, my brother walked in and told me that the cars were packed and it was time to go. I gave my mom one last hug and got into the car. As we drove off I looked back at my house and realized now that my life as a Kutztown student really started right now, that this journey started so long ago and I've gotten so far. Extra, Extra, read all about it WOW, First time in a while this has happened in the district. sixth grade wasn't in middle schools; huge budget cuts lead to most of my teachers leaving or they were fired and eighth grade was being put into a new school called the Citadel. As an upcoming sixth grader, I was confused, we being split and shoved into 4 different schools depending what you were interested in. I hated that idea it was a waste of time and energy, but I put it behind me because I couldn't wait to start science in this new school. Yes, school is all about learning about the four main subjects, but I didn't really care about that, my heart was more towards just one of them, science. And then after a while, art. One of the first days of class my science teacher, Mr. Adam, showed us a clip of a show that taught students about the different parts of science using experiments and diagrams. The host had Bowties in all sorts of colors and pattern and he was just ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. National Honor Society Book Report I've participated in 3 sports teams since freshman year. I tried out for and joined Cross–Country in August of 2015 and was put on the Freshman–Sophomore team. This year I made it to the 2016 IHSA 2A Cross Country Sectional Champions. I tried out for and joined the women's basketball team in October of 2015 and this year I was nominated for and became captain of the Junior Varsity team. I tried out for and joined Track & Field in March of 2015 and I have been on the Varsity team since freshman year. I participate in the 100 and 200 meter dashes, low and high hurdles, long jump, triple jump, and shot put. I made it to the 2017 Indoor City Championships for long and triple jump. I am in Key Club, African–Culture and Dance, Recycling Club, Science Olympiad, and Latin Honor Society. I have recorded 161 service learning hours from volunteering at the Swedish Covenant Hospital, the Chicago Public Library, the Bank of America Chicago Marathon, and ... Show more content on ... Adults and peers have described me as dependable, fair, honest, trustworthy, intelligent, empathetic, respectful, and friendly and I do my best to live by these characteristics. One of my main mottos is to treat others the way you want to be treated. I am by no means a perfect person and I try to accept help and criticism whenever it is offered in an effort to keep improving upon my character. I am a reliable student, sister, daughter, and friend. I believe I would learn a lot from being a member of this program because being surrounded by peers with similar moral and academic character would allow me to do even more to make my community a better place. This would be a perfect opportunity to benefit from any experiences this program has to offer me and make a positive impact on my school and ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. My First Day In School This past year from when I was a "little" seventh grader to now has been quite interesting. The first day of school was on my birthday and I started off sick. Yeah, it wasn't very pleasant. I missed the first three days of school. When I was better, I was very scared and nervous for all the new teachers and classes. I knew most of the seventh and eighth grade teachers, but I had never been in their class before. Soon, I learned that they were all extremely nice and loved to teach. I had tried to memorize my schedule before, so I wouldn't go to the wrong class. My first class was art, and then math, science, lunch, P.E., language arts, quest, and finally social studies. I remember Mr. Munford told us that he hopes we would be a pretty good class. I think our class turned out pretty well. I was involved in many fun activities last year. One of them was "FCA" which stands for "fellowship of christian athletes." "FCA" was extremely fun because we met on Friday mornings before school and we got to eat doughnuts and things like that and then we would talk about different things that involved with Christians. Another activity I was involved in was C.L.O.W.N. troupe it was pretty funny seeing everybody's clown costumes. The "veteran" clowns had to help train the new clowns that joined that year. All the clowns had to create a presentation to present to little kids. Our presentation for the year was about sharing and having good manners. We never got to go to the other schools and ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Seventh Grade Summary The story "Seventh Grade" is centered around a boy named Victor, and his first day of seventh grade. The setting throughout the whole story is at a school. He is very calm entering this school year. However, don't let his relaxed tone confuse you. He does want something this school year. Well, I should say someone. As stated in the story, Victor wants her to "Be mine" this school year. This girl is Teresa. At the beginning of the story, Victor saw his best friend, Michael, in the hall. They greeted each other Raza–Style (In the manner that Mexican Americans greet each other). Victor noticed a definite change in Michael. ""How come you're making a face?" asked Victor." He defended, " "Belinda Reyes walked by a while ago and looked at ... Show more content on ... This is my face."" Michael is the one that started scowling. Victor noticed it was the same face the models in the GQ magazine made. Apparently, this face made girls notice you. Victor eventually started making this face as well. Michael noticed Belinda Reyes looking at him. Our main character, Victor is bilingual. Bilingual means you speak two languages. In this case, English and Spanish are spoken. Victor wants to travel to France one day. Therefore, he chose to take French, unlike his friend, Michael. "Spanish. I ain't so good at it, even if I'm Mexican." Michael told Victor."" A bell rung and sent the kids to class. While on his way to homeroom, Victor practiced scowling. When he arrived to class, emergency cards were handed out and a bulletin was given for the students to give to their parents. Even though the principal was talking over the intercom, Victor had his mind on Teresa. ""This is my lucky year" he thought, "She's more than likely in my French, Science and English class."" Ding, ding. The bell sounded and sent the students to their classes. Teresa remained talking to the teacher. Victor decided to linger around as ... Get more on ...
  • 74.
  • 75. Seventh Grade Analysis The main conflict in "Seventh Grade" is internal because it takes place in Victor's mind. I know this because in the passage Victor struggles for confidence to impress a girl named Teresa. In the "Melting Pot" the conflicts are external because they take place between different groups of people in a neighborhood who do not get along because of their culture. In "Seventh Grade" a boy named Victor is about to attend his first day of school, during his day he tries his very best to run into her, he also pretended to speak French, and now she wants him to be her tutor, so now he REALLY has to study so she does not find out he is lying. He tried his best all day to impress Teresa, a girl he has liked since they were in catechism classes at ... Get more on ...
  • 76.
  • 77. Essay On Being Latina Without a doubt, being Latina has had the most positive effect on my life. I had always felt a little disconnected because of small things like not being able to speak Spanish as well or having lighter skin. I grew up in a home where family always came first and learned to always ensure that everyone around you has everything that they need. I feel lucky that I was able to grow up with such strong morals because of my culture. Last year, I became very proud of being part of such a beautiful community through the current political climate and the Latino Student Union. I realized how passionate I was about equality and rights. I recognized how unfair things are for minorities. Being Latina has helped me realize the potential I have. Despite only being in high school for two years, the friends that I have made have greatly impacted who I am as a person. Whenever I am struggling, my friends are the first people I turn to for advice. I learned from them that I always put others first even when it may cause a large amount of stress later on, am very talkative about the things I am ... Show more content on ... As I got older, the feelings of anxiety grew more intense until everything seemed to come crashing down all at once. Eventually, I decided that I had had enough of constantly feeling suffocated from my anxiety. I began to do lots of research and would do projects on anything and everything involving mental health. Remembering how awful I felt everyday, I decided that I would do everything I could to help others with their mental health. I would constantly check in with my friends to make sure that they were okay and that they were taking care of themselves. I became a more caring and sympathetic person from something that had total control over my life. I do not think I would be the person I am today if I had not dealt with those feelings of anxiety and ... Get more on ...