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Motivation and 
General Psychology
• Getting away from it all by going on a vacation from all 
sensory input for a few hours is relaxing. 
• People feel hunger due to contractions (“pangs”) in the 
• Fashion magazines can contribute to eating disorders 
among women. 
• Money can’t buy you happiness. 
• You may be able to fool a lie detector by biting your 
tongue or squiggling your toes.
• The psychology of motivation is concerned with the why 
of behavior. 
• Why do we eat? 
• Why do some of us strive to get ahead? 
• Why do some of us ride motorcycles at breakneck 
• Why are some people aggressive?
• The state in which an organism experiences an 
inducement or incentive to do something. 
• A hypothetical state within an organism that 
propels the organism toward a goal. 
• “Hypothetical state” because motives are not 
seen and measured directly. 
• Inferred from behavior. 
• Motives may take the form of needs, drives, and 
incentives, which are also inferred from behavior. 
• A state of deprivation 
• Physiological and psychological 
• Needs gives rise to drives. 
Physiological needs 
• Oxygen 
• Food 
• Drink 
• Pain avoidance 
• Proper temperature 
• Elimination of waste 
Psychological needs 
• Achievement 
• Power 
• Self-esteem 
• Social approval 
• Belonging
• A condition of arousal in an organism that is 
associated with a need. 
• Physiological drives are the counterparts of physiological 
• Drives arouse us to action and tend to be stronger when 
we have been deprived longer. 
• Ex. We are hungrier when we haven’t eaten for 10 hours 
than 1 hour. 
• An object, person, or situation perceived as capable of 
satisfying a need or as desirable for its own sake. 
• Ex. Money, food, a sexually attractive person, social 
approval, attention 
• Notes that many animals are neurally “prewired--”that is, 
born with preprogrammed tendencies—to respond to 
certain situations in certain ways. 
• Spiders spin webs instinctively. Bees “dance” 
instinctively to communicate the location of food to other 
• Species-specific behaviors are also called instincts and 
are inborn. 
The Evolutionary 
• An inherited disposition to activate specific behavior 
patterns that are designed to reach certain goals. 
• William James (1890) numbered love, sympathy, and 
modesty as social instincts. 
• William McDougall (1908) compiled 12 “basic” 
instincts, including hunger, sex, and self-assertion. 
• Drive-reduction theory is the view that organisms learn to engage 
in behaviors that have the effect of reducing drives. 
• According to Clark Hull (1930), primary drives such as hunger, 
thirst, and pain trigger arousal (tension) activate behavior. 
• We learn to engage in behaviors that reduce the tension. 
• We also acquire drives—called acquired drives—through 
• Ex. We may acquire a drive for money because money enables us to 
obtain food, drink, and homes, which protect us from crime and 
extremes of temperature. 
Drive-Reductionism and 
• Sensations of hunger motivate us to 
act in ways that will restore the bodily 
• This tendency to maintain a steady 
state is called homeostasis. 
Drive-Reductionism and 
• In the case of stimulus motives, organisms seek to 
increase stimulation. 
• A classic study conducted at McGill University in 
Montreal during the 1950s suggests the importance of 
sensory stimulation and activity. 
The Search for 
• Stimulus motives provide an evolutionary advantage. 
• Animals that are active and motivated to explore and 
manipulate their environment are more likely to survive. 
• Ex. If you know where the nearest tall tree is, you’re more 
likely to escape a leopard and transmit your genes to future 
The Search for 
• How much stimulation do you crave in your everyday life? You will 
have an idea after you complete the following questionnaire, which 
lists some items from a scale designed to assess your sensation-seeking 
tendencies. Circle A or B in each pair or statements. 
Do You Seek Out Sensation?
1. A. I would like a job that requires a lot of travelling. 
B. I would prefer a job in one location. 
2. A. I am invigorated by a brisk, cold day. 
B. I can’t wait to get indoors on a cold day. 
3. A. I get bored seeing the same old faces. 
B. I like the comfortable familiarity of everyday friends. 
4. A. I would prefer living in an ideal society in which everyone was 
safe, secure, and happy. 
B. I would have preferred living in the unsettled days of history. 
5. A. I sometimes like to do things that are a little frightening. 
B. A sensible person avoids activities that are dangerous. 
Do You Seek Out Sensation?
6. A. I would not like to be hypnotized. 
B. I would like to have the experience of being hypnotized. 
7. A. The most important goal of life is to live it to the fullest and to 
experience as much as possible. 
B. The most important goal of life is to find peace and happiness. 
8. A. I would like to try parachute jumping. 
B. I would never want to try jumping out of a plane, with or 
without a parachute. 
9. A. I enter cold water gradually, giving myself time to get used to it. 
B. I like to dive or jump right into the ocean or a cold pool. 
10. A. When I go on a vacation, I prefer the comfort of a good room 
and bed. 
B. When I go on a vacation, I prefer the change of camping out. 
Do You Seek Out Sensation?
11. A. I prefer people who are emotionally expressive, even if they are 
a bit unstable. 
B. I prefer people who are calm and even-tempered. 
12. A. A good painting should shock or jolt the senses. 
B. A good painting should give one a feeling of peace and security. 
13. A. People who ride motorcycles must have some kind of 
unconscious need to hurt themselves. 
B. I would like to drive or ride a motorcycle. 
Do You Seek Out Sensation?
Give yourself one point for each 
of the following responses: 
• 1A 
• 2A 
• 3A 
• 4B 
• 5A 
• 6B 
• 7A 
• 8A 
• 9B 
• 10B 
• 11A 
• 12A 
• 13B 
• Find your total score by 
adding up the number of 
points and then use the 
following scoring key: 
• 0-3 very low sensation seeking 
• 4-5 low 
• 6-9 average 
• 10-11 high 
• 12-13 very high 
Do You Seek Out Sensation?
• Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) suggest that human 
behavior is not just mechanical and aimed toward 
survival and the reduction of tension. 
• He believed that people are also motivated by a conscious 
desire for personal growth. 
• We are separated from other animals by our capacity for 
self-actualization, or self-initiated striving to become 
what we believe we are capable of being. 
Humanistic Theory
• Maslow’s ordering of 
needs from most basic 
(physiological needs 
such as hunger and 
thirst) to most elaborate 
and sophisticated (self-actualization). 
Hierarchy of needs
A state of self-fulfillment 
The need to develop a 
sense of self-worth 
Love and Belongingness 
The need to obtain and give affection 
(intimate relationships, social groups, 
Safety Needs 
The need for a safe and secure environment 
(housing, clothing, crime) 
Physiological Needs 
The primary drives: needs for water, food, sleep, elimination, 
warmth, pain avoidance, and sex 
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
• According to cognitive-dissonance theory, people are 
generally motivated to hold consistent beliefs and to 
justify their behavior. 
• That is why we are generally more likely to appreciate 
what we must work to obtain. 
Cognitive Perspectives 
on Motivation
• We need food to survive, but for many of us, food means more than 
• Food is a symbol of family togetherness and caring. 
• We associate food with the nurturance of the parent-child 
relationship and with visits home on holidays. 
• Friends and relatives offer us food when we enter their homes, and 
saying no may be viewed as a personal rejection.
• What triggers your hunger driver? Are you only 
interested in eating when your blood sugar level falls, or 
do the sights and aromas of foods stimulate you to eat?
• Satiety – the state of being satisfied; 
Biological Influences on 
• Chewing and swallowing provide feelings of satiety. 
• An empty stomach leads to stomach contractions, which 
we call hunger pangs. 
• When we are deprived of food, the level of sugar in the 
blood drops. The drop in blood sugar is communicated to 
the hypothalamus, which stokes the hunger drive. 
Biological Influences on 
• Ventromedial nucleus (VMN) – a central area on the 
underside of the hypothalamus that appears to function as 
a stop-eating center. 
• Hyperphagic – characterized by excessive eating 
• Lateral Hypothalamus – an area at the side of the 
hypothalamus that appears to function as a start-eating 
• Aphagic – characterized by undereating 
Biological Influences 
on Hunger
• How many times have you been made hungry by the sight 
or aroma of food? 
• How many times have you eaten not because you were 
hungry but because you were at a relative’s home or 
hanging around a cafeteria or coffee shop? 
• Or because you felt anxious or depressed? 
• Or simply because you were bored?
• Watching television increases the amount of food we eat 
(Higgs & Woodward, 2009). 
• One reason is that watching television can distract us 
from bodily changes that signal fullness and from 
cognitive awareness of how much we have already eaten. 
• Watching television also interferes with memory 
formation of how much we have eaten, making us 
vulnerable to overeating at subsequent meals. 
Influences on 
• Being overweight runs in families. 
• Fatty tissues in the body also metabolizes (burns) food 
more slowly that muscle does. 
• We also live in an “obesogenic environment” (Apovian, 
2010; Heber, 2010). Foods high in sugar and fat are 
• Psychological factors, such as observational learning, 
stress, and emotional states, also “bombard” us and play a 
role in obesity. 
Factors in Becoming 
• To calculate your body mass index, follow these steps: 
• Indicate your weight in pounds: ____ pounds 
• Indicate your height in inches: ____ inches 
• Divide your weight (item 1) by your height (item 2), and write the 
outcome here: _________ 
• Divide the result above (item 3) by your height (item 2), and write the 
outcome here: _________ 
• Multiply the number above by 703, and write the product here: _______. 
This is your body mass index. 
Body Mass Index
• Example: 
• For a person who weighs 210 pounds and who is 6 feet tall, divide 210 
pounds by 72 inches, which equals 2.917. Then divide 2.917 by 72 
inches (item 3), which yields .041. Multiplying .041 (from item 4) by 
703 yields a BMI of 28.5. 
Body Mass Index
• Interpretation: 
• Underweight = les than 
• Normal weight = 18.5 
– 24.9 
• Overweight = 25 – 
• Obesity = BMI of 30 
or greater 
• Keep in mind that a 
BMI greater than 25 
may or may not be due 
to excess body fat. For 
example, professional 
athletes may have little 
fat but weigh more than 
the average person 
because they have 
greater muscle mass. 
Body Mass Index
• Are characterized by persistent, gross disturbances in eating 
• Eating disorders are upsetting and dangerous in themselves, of 
course, but they are also often connected with deep depression 
(Wilson et al., 2010). 
Eating Disorders
• A life-threatening eating disorder 
characterized by dramatic weight 
loss and a distorted body image. 
• Afflicts women during adolescence 
and young adulthood. 
• Severe weight loss can prevent 
ovulation and cause respiratory and 
cardiovascular problems. 
• Distortion of the body image— 
seeing oneself as heavier than one 
is—is a major feature of the 
Anorexia Nervosa
• An eating disorder characterized by 
repeated cycles of binge eating and 
• There are various methods of purging. Some 
people vomit. Other avenues include strict 
dieting or fasting, the use of laxatives, and 
engaging in demanding, prolonged exercise 
Bulimia Nervosa
• Many parents were obsessed with getting their children— 
especially their infants—to eat. 
• They also act out against their daughters—letting them know that 
they consider them unattractive and, prior to the development of 
the eating disorder, letting them know that they think they should 
lose weight (Cooper et al., 2001; Crittendan & Dallos, 2009). 
• One study found a history of childhood sexual abuse in about half 
of women with bulimia nervosa, as opposed to a rate of about 7% 
among women without the disorder (Deep et al., 1999). 
• The sociocultural climate also affects eating behavior. Slimness is 
idealized in the United States. 
Origins of the Eating Disorders
• Sex hormones can be said to fuel the sex drive. 
• The most common sexual problem among women is lack 
of sexual desire or interest, and the sex drive in women is 
also connected to testosterone levels (Downey, 2009). 
• Although men produce 7 to 10 times the testosterone 
produced by women, women produce androgens (“male” 
sex hormones) in the adrenal glands and the ovaries. 
Hormones and Sexual 
• Sex hormones promote the development of male and 
female sex organs and regulate the menstrual cycle. 
• They also have activating and organizing effects on 
sexual behavior. 
• They affect the sex drive and promote sexual response; 
these are activating effects. 
• Female mice, rats, cats, and dogs are receptive to males 
only during estrus, when female sex hormones are 
Hormones and 
Sexual Motivation
• Men show more interest in sex than women do (Fisher et al., 
• A survey of more than 1,000 undergraduates found that men 
reported being more interested than women in casual sex and 
multiple sex partners (Schmitt et al., 2012). 
• Women are more likely to want to combine sex with a romantic 
relationship (Fisher et al., 2012). 
• William Masters and Virginia Johnson (1966) found that the 
biological responses of males and females to sexual stimulation 
are quite similar. 
Sexual Response and Sexual 
• Masters and Johnson use the term sexual response cycle to 
describe the changes that occur in the body as men and women 
become sexually aroused. 
• They divide the sexual response cycle into four phases: 
excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. 
• The sexual response cycle is characterized by vasocongestion and 
• Erection, vaginal lubrication, and orgasm are all reflexes. That is, 
they occur automatically in response to adequate sexual 
Sexual Response and 
Sexual Behavior
• Is the swelling of the genital tissues with blood, causing 
erection of the penis and swelling of the area surrounding 
the vaginal opening. 
• The testes and the nipples swell as blood vessels dilate in 
these areas. 
• Is muscle tension, which causes grimaces, spasms in the 
hands and feet, and the spasms of orgasm. 
• The first phase of the sexual response cycle, which is 
characterized by muscle tension, increases in the heart 
rate, and erection in the male and vaginal lubrication in 
the female. 
Excitement Phase
• Erection 
• The scrotal skin thickens, 
becoming less baggy. 
• The testes increase in size 
and become elevated. 
• The nipples may erect in 
both male and female. 
• Heart rate and blood 
pressure in both sexes 
• Vaginal lubrication, which may 
start 10 to 30 seconds after 
sexual stimulation begins. 
• Vasocongestion swells the 
clitoris, flattens and spreads the 
vaginal lips, and expands the 
inner part of the vagina. 
• The breasts enlarge, and blood 
vessels near the surface become 
more prominent. 
Excitement Phase
• Second phase, which is characterized by increases in 
vasocongestion, muscle tension, heart rate, and blood 
pressure in preparation for orgasm. 
• The level of sexual arousal remains somewhat stable. 
Plateau Phase
• Because of vasocongestion, the 
circumference of the head of 
the penis increases somewhat. 
• The testes are elevated into 
position for ejaculation (the 
process of propelling seminal 
fluid [semen] from the penis) 
and may reach 1 ½ times their 
unaroused size. 
• Vasocongestion swells the 
outer part of the vagina and the 
inner vagina expands further. 
• The clitoris withdraws beneath 
the clitoral hood and shortens. 
• Breathing becomes rapid, like 
• Heart rate may increase to 100 
to 160 beats per minute. 
• Blood pressure continue to rise. 
Plateau Phase
• Orgasm – the height or climax of sexual excitement, involving 
involuntary muscle contraction, release of sexual tensions, and 
usually, subjective feelings of pleasure. 
Orgasmic Phase
• Muscle contractions propel 
semen from the body. 
• Sensations of pleasure tend to 
be related to the strength of the 
contractions and the amount of 
seminal fluid. 
• The first three to four 
contractions are generally 
most intense and occur at 0.8- 
second intervals (5 
contractions every 4 seconds). 
• Manifested by three to fifteen 
contractions of the pelvic 
muscles that surround the 
vaginal barrel. 
• Blood pressure and heart rate 
reach a peak, with the heart 
beating up to 180 times per 
• Respiration may increase to 40 
breaths per minute. 
Orgasmic Phase
• The 4th phase, during which the body gradually returns to 
its prearoused state. 
• Men enter a refractory period during which they cannot 
experience another orgasm or ejaculate. 
• Women do not undergo a refractory period and therefore 
can become quickly rearoused to the point of repeated 
(multiple) orgasm if they desire and receive continued 
sexual stimulation. 
Resolution Phase
Oral Sex 
Premarital Sex
• Sexual self-stimulation 
• Some 94% of all males and 63% of all females have masturbated at least 
once, and among college students, the frequency ranges from “never” to 
“several times a day” (Laqueur, 2003, Polonsky, 2006). 
• Male masturbation is most common in the early teens and then declines, 
whereas females both begin and reach a maximum frequency later. 
• Most experts on sex view masturbation as a healthy and legitimate—and 
harmless—sexual activity. In addition, masturbation is seen as providing 
a means of learning about one’s own sexuality and a way of discovering 
changes in one’s body such as the emergence of precancerous lumps 
(Coleman, 2002; Levin, 2007). 
• Traditionally, women have been warned by society that 
“nice girls don’t do it”; men have been told that although 
premarital sex is okay for them, they should make sure 
they marry virgins. This view that premarital sex is 
permissible for males but not for females is called the 
double standard (Liang, 2007). 
Premarital Sex
• Organizing effect – the directional effect of sex 
hormones—for example, along typical male or female 
patterns of mating. 
• Sexual orientation – the directionality of one’s sexual 
and romantic interests; that is, whether one is sexually 
attracted to, and desires to form a romantic relationship 
with, members of the other gender or of one’s own 
Sexual Orientation
• Heterosexual – referring to people who are sexually aroused by, 
and interested in forming romantic relationships with, people of 
the other gender. 
• Homosexual – referring to people who are sexually aroused by, 
and interested in forming romantic relationships with, people of 
the same gender. 
• Males with a homosexual orientation are referred as gay males. 
• Homosexual females are referred to as lesbians 
• Bisexual people are attracted to both females and males. 
Sexual Orientation
• Transsexual – persons who believe they were born with the 
body of the other gender. 
• Transgenderism – encompasses not only transsexuals but also 
people who view themselves as a third gender. 
• Transvestites – who dress in the clothes of the other gender. 
Sexual Orientation
• Social-cognitive theorists look for the roles of factors such as 
reinforcement and observational learning. 
• Reinforcement of sexual behavior with members of one’s own 
gender—as in reaching orgasm with them when members of the 
other gender are unavailable—might affect one’s sexual orientation. 
• Childhood sexual abuse by someone of the same gender could lead 
to fantasies about sex with people of one’s own gender and affect 
sexual orientation. 
• Observation of others engaged in enjoyable male-male or female-female 
sexual encounters. 
Theories of the Origins of 
Sexual Orientation
• The act by which one person forces 
another person to submit to sexual 
• Most research suggests that there is 14 to 
25 percent chance that a woman will be a 
victim of a rape during her lifetime. 
• A national survey conducted at 35 
universities revealed the startling finding 
that one out of eight female college 
students reported having been raped. 
• Half if them said the rapists were first 
dates, casual dates, or romantic 
acquaintances—a phenomenon called 
date rape.
• In many cases, the rapist uses sex as a means of demonstrating 
power and control over the victim. In such cases, there is little that 
is sexually satisfying about a rape to the rapist; instead, the pleasure 
comes from forcing someone else to be submissive (Gowaty, 2003; 
Yamawaki, Darby, & Queiroz, 2007). 
• The repercussions of rape are devastating for the victims. During a 
rape, women experience fear, terror, and physical pain. Later, 
victims report shock, disbelief, panic, extreme anxiety, and 
suspiciousness—reactions that are sometimes intensified by 
implications that somehow the victim was to blame because of her 
style of dress or her presence in the wrong neighborhood. 
• Most widespread STI. 
• A disease that in women initially produces no symptoms 
and in men causes a burning sensation during urination 
and a discharge from the penis. 
• If left untreated, can lead to pelvic inflammation, urethral 
damage, arthritis, and even sterility. 
• Can be cured with antibiotics, most often with 
azithromycin or doxycycline. 
• A virus related to the cold sores that sometimes appear 
around the mouth. 
• Common among college-age students: 17% of 20- to 29- 
year-olds have the infection (Farrell, 2005). 
Genital Herpes
• Infection occurring in the vagina or penis. 
• Caused by a parasite, it is often without symptoms, 
especially in men. 
• Eventually, it can cause painful urination and intercourse, 
a discharge from the vagina, itching, and an unpleasant 
• Can be treated with antibiotics. 
• Often has no symptoms but can produce a burning 
sensation during urination or a discharge from the penis 
or vagina. 
• Can lead to fertility problems and, in women, pelvic 
inflammatory disease. 
• May affect the brain, the heart, and a developing fetus, 
and can even be fatal. 
• First reveals itself through a small sore at the point of 
sexual contact. 
• Caused by the human papilloma virus. 
• Are small, lumpy warts that form on or near the penis or 
• They look like small cauliflower bulbs. 
• They usually form about 2 months after exposure and can 
be treated with a drug called metronidazole. 
Genital Warts
• Acquired immune deficiency syndrome 
• Caused by a virus that destroys the body’s immune 
• Leading cause of death in the US among men 25 to 44 
years of age and the 3rd leading cause of death among 
women in that age range. 
• Many students persist in studying 
despite being surrounded by 
distractions. Many people strive 
relentlessly to get ahead, to “make it,” 
to earn large sums of money, to 
invent, to accomplish the impossible. 
Achievement Motivation
• Psychologist David McClelland (1958) helped pioneer the 
assessment of achievement motivation through evaluation of 
• One method involves the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), 
developed by Henry Murray. 
• The test contains cards with pictures and drawings that are subject 
to various interpretations. Individuals are shown one or more test 
cards and asked to construct stories about the pictured theme: to 
indicate what led up to it, what the characters are thinking and 
feeling, and what is likely to happen. 
Achievement Motivation
• Classic studies find that people with high achievement motivation earn 
higher grades than people with comparable learning ability but lower 
achievement motivation. They are more likely to earn high salaries and be 
promoted than less motivated people with similar opportunities (Story et 
al., 2009). 
• McClelland (1965) used the TAT to sort college students into groups— 
students with high achievement motivation and students with low 
achievement motivation. 
• 83% of college graduates with high achievement motivation found jobs in 
occupations characterized by risk, decision making, and the chance for 
great success, such as business management, sales, or self-employment. 
• 70% chose nonentrepreneurial positions showed low achievement 
Achievement Motivation
• Performance goals are 
usually met through 
extrinsic rewards such 
as praise and income. 
• Tangible rewards 
• Learning goals usually 
lead to intrinsic 
rewards, such as self-satisfaction. 
• Enhancing knowledge 
and skills 
Achievement Motivation
• A state of feeling that has cognitive, physiological, and 
behavioral components. 
• Strong emotions are associated with arousal of the autonomic 
nervous system (ANS).The greater the arousal, the more intense 
the emotion. 
• Fear, which usually occurs in response to a threat, involves 
cognitions that one is in danger as well as arousal of the 
sympathetic nervous system (e.g., rapid heartbeat and breathing, 
sweating, muscle tension). 
• As a response to a social provocation, anger involves cognitions 
that the provocateur should be paid back, arousal of both the 
sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, and 
tendencies to attack. 
Components of Emotions 
Sympathetic arousal 
Sympathetic and 
Belief that one is in danger 
Frustration or belief that one 
is being mistreated. 
Thoughts of helplessness, 
hopelessness, worthlessness 
Attack tendencies 
Inactivity, possible 
Autonomic Nervous System
The Expression of Emotion 
• Happiness and sadness are found in all cultures, but do people 
around the world express emotions in the same way? 
• Smiling is apparently a universal sign of friendliness and approval. 
• Baring the teeth, as noted by Charles Darwin (1872) in the 19th 
century, may be a universal sign of anger. 
• There is no perfect one-to-one relationship between facial 
expressions and emotions (Matsumoto et al., 2008). 
• Facial expressions sometimes occur in the absence of the emotion 
they are thought to accompany (Porter & ten Brinke, 2008). 
• The voice, posture, and gestures also provide clues to what people 
are feeling and are about to do (Campos, 2000).
• Deals with positive emotions such as happiness and love, 
optimism and hope, and joy and sensual pleasures. 
• Are some people just “born happy,” or do life experiences 
determine happiness? What factors interfere with happiness? 
• David Lykken (2001) believe that genetic factors play a powerful 
role in happiness. They note that happiness tends to run in families 
and that we tend to have a more or less stable level of happiness 
throughout much of our lives. 
Positive Psychology
• Which life experiences contribute to happiness? 
• Despite the saying “Money can’t buy you happiness,” people tend to 
be happier when they live in affluent societies and earn decent 
incomes (W. Johnson & Krueger, 2006). 
• Chinese students tend to think of happiness in terms of feelings of 
contentment, inner harmony, personal achievement, physical 
wellness, spiritual enhancement, hopefulness about the future, 
generosity, and self-development (Lu, 2001). 
Positive Psychology
• People who are married or in enduring 
relationships tend to be happier than 
loners (Waite et al., 2009) 
• Happy people are also more open to 
new experiences and new relationships 
(Demir & Weitekamp, 2007). 
• People at any income level can make 
themselves miserable when they 
compare themselves to people with 
more (Cheung & Leung, 2008). 
Positive Psychology
• Happiness also tends to be accompanied by optimism—a cognitive 
bias toward assuming that things will work out (Ho et al., 2010). 
• Happy people often believe in their ability to effect change and then 
try harder. 
• They are also willing to pat themselves when things go wrong— 
attitudes that contribute to self-esteem, another factor in happiness. 
Positive Psychology
• Facial expressions reflect emotional states, and our ability to “read” 
these expressions enables us to interact appropriately with other 
• It is known that various emotional states give rise to certain patterns 
of electrical activity in the facial muscles and in the brain (Davis et 
al., 2009). 
• But can it work the other way around? 
The Facial-Feedback Hypothesis
• Argues that facial expressions 
can also affect our emotional 
state; that is, the causal 
relationship between emotions 
and facial expressions can also 
work in the opposite direction. 
• The view that stereotypical 
facial expressions can 
contribute to stereotypical 
The Facial-Feedback Hypothesis
• Smiling is usually a response to 
feeling good within, but 
experimental research into the 
facial-feedback hypothesis 
suggests that the act of smiling can 
also enhance our moods. 
The Facial-Feedback Hypothesis
Arousal and 
Appraisal of 
Arousal and 
Events trigger 
specific arousal 
patterns and actions. 
Emotions result from 
our appraisal of our 
body responses. 
Experiencing the 
specific emotion
External Stimulus 
Processing by Brain 
Arousal and 
the emotion 
Events are first 
processed by the 
brain. Body patterns 
of arousal, action, 
and our emotional 
responses are then 
External Stimulus 
Cognitive Appraisal 
Interpretation of arousal 
according to situation 
Experiencing the emotion 
Events and arousal 
are appraised by the 
individual. The 
emotional response 
stems from the 
person’s appraisal of 
the situation and his 
or her level of 
• Lying, for better or worse, is a part of life. 
• People admit to lying in 14% of their emails, 27% of their face-to-face 
interactions, and 37% of their phone calls (Hancock, 2007). 
• Political leaders lie to get elected. 
• When people communicate with online “matches” men are most 
likely to lie about their personal assets and their goals for a 
relationship (Hall et al., 2010). 
• Women are most likely to lie about their weight (Hall et al., 2010). 
• Most people lie to their lovers, usually about other relationships 
(Toma et al., 2008). 
The Polygraph: Just What Do Lie 
Detectors Detect?
• People also lie about their qualifications to get jobs, and of course 
some people lie about whether or not they have committed a crime. 
• Facial expressions often offer clues to deceit, but some people can 
lie with a straight face—or a smile. 
• The American Polygraph Association claims that use of the 
polygraph is 85% to 95% accurate. 
• In one experiment, people were able to reduce the accuracy of 
polygraph-based judgments to about 50% by biting their tongues (to 
produce pain) or pressing their toes against the floor (to tense 
muscles) while being interrogated (Honts & Handler, 2011). 
The Polygraph: Just What Do Lie 
Detectors Detect?
1. __________ are hypothetical states that activate behavior and direct 
organisms toward goals. 
2. A(n) __________ is an object, person, or situation that is perceived as 
capable of satisfying a need. 
3. Drives help the body maintain a steady state, a tendency that is called 
4. Maslow argued that people have a hierarchy of needs, the highest of 
which is the need for ____________. 
5. _________ nervosa is a life-threatening eating disorder characterized by 
dramatic weight loss and a distorted body image. 
6. Masters and Johnson divide the sexual response cycle into four phases: 
the ________, plateau, orgasm, and resolution phase. 
7. Sex hormones have activating and _________ effects on sexual behavior. 
8. McClelland used Thematic _________ Test to measure achievement 
9. Students with __________ goals are mainly motivated by factors such as 
good grades, rewards from parents, and the prospect of landing a good 
10. According to the James-Lange theory, emotions have specific patterns of 
arousal and ___________.
1. Explain prenatal development and the role that sex hormones 
2. Explain the physical, cognitive, moral, social, and emotional 
development of children. 
3. Explain the physical, cognitive, moral, social, and emotional 
development of adolescents. 
4. Explain the features of emerging adulthood. 
5. Explain the physical, cognitive, moral, social, and emotional 
development of adults.
Prepared by: 
Mrs. Maria Angela L. Diopol

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Motivation and Emotion

  • 1. Motivation and Emotion SOSC 2 General Psychology
  • 2. • Getting away from it all by going on a vacation from all sensory input for a few hours is relaxing. • People feel hunger due to contractions (“pangs”) in the stomach. • Fashion magazines can contribute to eating disorders among women. • Money can’t buy you happiness. • You may be able to fool a lie detector by biting your tongue or squiggling your toes.
  • 4. • The psychology of motivation is concerned with the why of behavior. • Why do we eat? • Why do some of us strive to get ahead? • Why do some of us ride motorcycles at breakneck speeds? • Why are some people aggressive?
  • 5. • The state in which an organism experiences an inducement or incentive to do something. motivation
  • 6. • A hypothetical state within an organism that propels the organism toward a goal. • “Hypothetical state” because motives are not seen and measured directly. • Inferred from behavior. • Motives may take the form of needs, drives, and incentives, which are also inferred from behavior. motive
  • 7. • A state of deprivation • Physiological and psychological • Needs gives rise to drives. need
  • 8. Physiological needs • Oxygen • Food • Drink • Pain avoidance • Proper temperature • Elimination of waste products Needs Psychological needs • Achievement • Power • Self-esteem • Social approval • Belonging
  • 9. • A condition of arousal in an organism that is associated with a need. • Physiological drives are the counterparts of physiological needs. • Drives arouse us to action and tend to be stronger when we have been deprived longer. • Ex. We are hungrier when we haven’t eaten for 10 hours than 1 hour. drive
  • 10. • An object, person, or situation perceived as capable of satisfying a need or as desirable for its own sake. • Ex. Money, food, a sexually attractive person, social approval, attention incentive
  • 12. • Notes that many animals are neurally “prewired--”that is, born with preprogrammed tendencies—to respond to certain situations in certain ways. • Spiders spin webs instinctively. Bees “dance” instinctively to communicate the location of food to other bees. • Species-specific behaviors are also called instincts and are inborn. The Evolutionary Perspective
  • 13. • An inherited disposition to activate specific behavior patterns that are designed to reach certain goals. • William James (1890) numbered love, sympathy, and modesty as social instincts. • William McDougall (1908) compiled 12 “basic” instincts, including hunger, sex, and self-assertion. instinct
  • 14. • Drive-reduction theory is the view that organisms learn to engage in behaviors that have the effect of reducing drives. • According to Clark Hull (1930), primary drives such as hunger, thirst, and pain trigger arousal (tension) activate behavior. • We learn to engage in behaviors that reduce the tension. • We also acquire drives—called acquired drives—through experience. • Ex. We may acquire a drive for money because money enables us to obtain food, drink, and homes, which protect us from crime and extremes of temperature. Drive-Reductionism and Homeostasis
  • 15. • Sensations of hunger motivate us to act in ways that will restore the bodily balance. • This tendency to maintain a steady state is called homeostasis. Drive-Reductionism and Homeostasis
  • 16. • In the case of stimulus motives, organisms seek to increase stimulation. • A classic study conducted at McGill University in Montreal during the 1950s suggests the importance of sensory stimulation and activity. The Search for Stimulation
  • 17. • Stimulus motives provide an evolutionary advantage. • Animals that are active and motivated to explore and manipulate their environment are more likely to survive. • Ex. If you know where the nearest tall tree is, you’re more likely to escape a leopard and transmit your genes to future generations. The Search for Stimulation
  • 18. • How much stimulation do you crave in your everyday life? You will have an idea after you complete the following questionnaire, which lists some items from a scale designed to assess your sensation-seeking tendencies. Circle A or B in each pair or statements. Do You Seek Out Sensation?
  • 19. 1. A. I would like a job that requires a lot of travelling. B. I would prefer a job in one location. 2. A. I am invigorated by a brisk, cold day. B. I can’t wait to get indoors on a cold day. 3. A. I get bored seeing the same old faces. B. I like the comfortable familiarity of everyday friends. 4. A. I would prefer living in an ideal society in which everyone was safe, secure, and happy. B. I would have preferred living in the unsettled days of history. 5. A. I sometimes like to do things that are a little frightening. B. A sensible person avoids activities that are dangerous. Do You Seek Out Sensation?
  • 20. 6. A. I would not like to be hypnotized. B. I would like to have the experience of being hypnotized. 7. A. The most important goal of life is to live it to the fullest and to experience as much as possible. B. The most important goal of life is to find peace and happiness. 8. A. I would like to try parachute jumping. B. I would never want to try jumping out of a plane, with or without a parachute. 9. A. I enter cold water gradually, giving myself time to get used to it. B. I like to dive or jump right into the ocean or a cold pool. 10. A. When I go on a vacation, I prefer the comfort of a good room and bed. B. When I go on a vacation, I prefer the change of camping out. Do You Seek Out Sensation?
  • 21. 11. A. I prefer people who are emotionally expressive, even if they are a bit unstable. B. I prefer people who are calm and even-tempered. 12. A. A good painting should shock or jolt the senses. B. A good painting should give one a feeling of peace and security. 13. A. People who ride motorcycles must have some kind of unconscious need to hurt themselves. B. I would like to drive or ride a motorcycle. Do You Seek Out Sensation?
  • 22. SCORING Give yourself one point for each of the following responses: • 1A • 2A • 3A • 4B • 5A • 6B • 7A • 8A • 9B • 10B • 11A • 12A • 13B • Find your total score by adding up the number of points and then use the following scoring key: • 0-3 very low sensation seeking • 4-5 low • 6-9 average • 10-11 high • 12-13 very high Do You Seek Out Sensation?
  • 23. • Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) suggest that human behavior is not just mechanical and aimed toward survival and the reduction of tension. • He believed that people are also motivated by a conscious desire for personal growth. • We are separated from other animals by our capacity for self-actualization, or self-initiated striving to become what we believe we are capable of being. Humanistic Theory
  • 24. • Maslow’s ordering of needs from most basic (physiological needs such as hunger and thirst) to most elaborate and sophisticated (self-actualization). Hierarchy of needs
  • 25. Self-actualization A state of self-fulfillment Esteem The need to develop a sense of self-worth Love and Belongingness The need to obtain and give affection (intimate relationships, social groups, friends) Safety Needs The need for a safe and secure environment (housing, clothing, crime) Physiological Needs The primary drives: needs for water, food, sleep, elimination, warmth, pain avoidance, and sex Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
  • 26.
  • 27. • According to cognitive-dissonance theory, people are generally motivated to hold consistent beliefs and to justify their behavior. • That is why we are generally more likely to appreciate what we must work to obtain. Cognitive Perspectives on Motivation
  • 29. • We need food to survive, but for many of us, food means more than survival. • Food is a symbol of family togetherness and caring. • We associate food with the nurturance of the parent-child relationship and with visits home on holidays. • Friends and relatives offer us food when we enter their homes, and saying no may be viewed as a personal rejection.
  • 30. • What triggers your hunger driver? Are you only interested in eating when your blood sugar level falls, or do the sights and aromas of foods stimulate you to eat?
  • 31. • Satiety – the state of being satisfied; fullness Biological Influences on Hunger
  • 32. • Chewing and swallowing provide feelings of satiety. • An empty stomach leads to stomach contractions, which we call hunger pangs. • When we are deprived of food, the level of sugar in the blood drops. The drop in blood sugar is communicated to the hypothalamus, which stokes the hunger drive. Biological Influences on Hunger
  • 33.
  • 34. • Ventromedial nucleus (VMN) – a central area on the underside of the hypothalamus that appears to function as a stop-eating center. • Hyperphagic – characterized by excessive eating • Lateral Hypothalamus – an area at the side of the hypothalamus that appears to function as a start-eating center. • Aphagic – characterized by undereating Biological Influences on Hunger
  • 35. • How many times have you been made hungry by the sight or aroma of food? • How many times have you eaten not because you were hungry but because you were at a relative’s home or hanging around a cafeteria or coffee shop? • Or because you felt anxious or depressed? • Or simply because you were bored?
  • 36. • Watching television increases the amount of food we eat (Higgs & Woodward, 2009). • One reason is that watching television can distract us from bodily changes that signal fullness and from cognitive awareness of how much we have already eaten. • Watching television also interferes with memory formation of how much we have eaten, making us vulnerable to overeating at subsequent meals. Psychological Influences on Hunger
  • 37. • Being overweight runs in families. • Fatty tissues in the body also metabolizes (burns) food more slowly that muscle does. • We also live in an “obesogenic environment” (Apovian, 2010; Heber, 2010). Foods high in sugar and fat are everywhere. • Psychological factors, such as observational learning, stress, and emotional states, also “bombard” us and play a role in obesity. Factors in Becoming Overweight
  • 38. • To calculate your body mass index, follow these steps: • Indicate your weight in pounds: ____ pounds • Indicate your height in inches: ____ inches • Divide your weight (item 1) by your height (item 2), and write the outcome here: _________ • Divide the result above (item 3) by your height (item 2), and write the outcome here: _________ • Multiply the number above by 703, and write the product here: _______. This is your body mass index. Body Mass Index
  • 39. • Example: • For a person who weighs 210 pounds and who is 6 feet tall, divide 210 pounds by 72 inches, which equals 2.917. Then divide 2.917 by 72 inches (item 3), which yields .041. Multiplying .041 (from item 4) by 703 yields a BMI of 28.5. Body Mass Index
  • 40. • Interpretation: • Underweight = les than 18.5 • Normal weight = 18.5 – 24.9 • Overweight = 25 – 29.9 • Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater • Keep in mind that a BMI greater than 25 may or may not be due to excess body fat. For example, professional athletes may have little fat but weigh more than the average person because they have greater muscle mass. Body Mass Index
  • 41. • Are characterized by persistent, gross disturbances in eating patterns. • Eating disorders are upsetting and dangerous in themselves, of course, but they are also often connected with deep depression (Wilson et al., 2010). Eating Disorders
  • 42. • A life-threatening eating disorder characterized by dramatic weight loss and a distorted body image. • Afflicts women during adolescence and young adulthood. • Severe weight loss can prevent ovulation and cause respiratory and cardiovascular problems. • Distortion of the body image— seeing oneself as heavier than one is—is a major feature of the disorder. Anorexia Nervosa
  • 43. • An eating disorder characterized by repeated cycles of binge eating and purging. • There are various methods of purging. Some people vomit. Other avenues include strict dieting or fasting, the use of laxatives, and engaging in demanding, prolonged exercise regimens. Bulimia Nervosa
  • 44. • Many parents were obsessed with getting their children— especially their infants—to eat. • They also act out against their daughters—letting them know that they consider them unattractive and, prior to the development of the eating disorder, letting them know that they think they should lose weight (Cooper et al., 2001; Crittendan & Dallos, 2009). • One study found a history of childhood sexual abuse in about half of women with bulimia nervosa, as opposed to a rate of about 7% among women without the disorder (Deep et al., 1999). • The sociocultural climate also affects eating behavior. Slimness is idealized in the United States. Origins of the Eating Disorders
  • 46. • Sex hormones can be said to fuel the sex drive. • The most common sexual problem among women is lack of sexual desire or interest, and the sex drive in women is also connected to testosterone levels (Downey, 2009). • Although men produce 7 to 10 times the testosterone produced by women, women produce androgens (“male” sex hormones) in the adrenal glands and the ovaries. Hormones and Sexual Motivation
  • 47. • Sex hormones promote the development of male and female sex organs and regulate the menstrual cycle. • They also have activating and organizing effects on sexual behavior. • They affect the sex drive and promote sexual response; these are activating effects. • Female mice, rats, cats, and dogs are receptive to males only during estrus, when female sex hormones are plentiful. Hormones and Sexual Motivation
  • 48. • Men show more interest in sex than women do (Fisher et al., 2012). • A survey of more than 1,000 undergraduates found that men reported being more interested than women in casual sex and multiple sex partners (Schmitt et al., 2012). • Women are more likely to want to combine sex with a romantic relationship (Fisher et al., 2012). • William Masters and Virginia Johnson (1966) found that the biological responses of males and females to sexual stimulation are quite similar. Sexual Response and Sexual Behavior
  • 49. • Masters and Johnson use the term sexual response cycle to describe the changes that occur in the body as men and women become sexually aroused. • They divide the sexual response cycle into four phases: excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. • The sexual response cycle is characterized by vasocongestion and myotonia. • Erection, vaginal lubrication, and orgasm are all reflexes. That is, they occur automatically in response to adequate sexual stimulation. Sexual Response and Sexual Behavior
  • 50. • Is the swelling of the genital tissues with blood, causing erection of the penis and swelling of the area surrounding the vaginal opening. • The testes and the nipples swell as blood vessels dilate in these areas. vasocongestion
  • 51. • Is muscle tension, which causes grimaces, spasms in the hands and feet, and the spasms of orgasm. myotonia
  • 53. • The first phase of the sexual response cycle, which is characterized by muscle tension, increases in the heart rate, and erection in the male and vaginal lubrication in the female. Excitement Phase
  • 54. Male • Erection • The scrotal skin thickens, becoming less baggy. • The testes increase in size and become elevated. • The nipples may erect in both male and female. • Heart rate and blood pressure in both sexes increases. Female • Vaginal lubrication, which may start 10 to 30 seconds after sexual stimulation begins. • Vasocongestion swells the clitoris, flattens and spreads the vaginal lips, and expands the inner part of the vagina. • The breasts enlarge, and blood vessels near the surface become more prominent. Excitement Phase
  • 55. • Second phase, which is characterized by increases in vasocongestion, muscle tension, heart rate, and blood pressure in preparation for orgasm. • The level of sexual arousal remains somewhat stable. Plateau Phase
  • 56. Male • Because of vasocongestion, the circumference of the head of the penis increases somewhat. • The testes are elevated into position for ejaculation (the process of propelling seminal fluid [semen] from the penis) and may reach 1 ½ times their unaroused size. Female • Vasocongestion swells the outer part of the vagina and the inner vagina expands further. • The clitoris withdraws beneath the clitoral hood and shortens. • Breathing becomes rapid, like panting. • Heart rate may increase to 100 to 160 beats per minute. • Blood pressure continue to rise. Plateau Phase
  • 57. • Orgasm – the height or climax of sexual excitement, involving involuntary muscle contraction, release of sexual tensions, and usually, subjective feelings of pleasure. Orgasmic Phase
  • 58. Male • Muscle contractions propel semen from the body. • Sensations of pleasure tend to be related to the strength of the contractions and the amount of seminal fluid. • The first three to four contractions are generally most intense and occur at 0.8- second intervals (5 contractions every 4 seconds). Female • Manifested by three to fifteen contractions of the pelvic muscles that surround the vaginal barrel. • Blood pressure and heart rate reach a peak, with the heart beating up to 180 times per minute. • Respiration may increase to 40 breaths per minute. Orgasmic Phase
  • 59. • The 4th phase, during which the body gradually returns to its prearoused state. • Men enter a refractory period during which they cannot experience another orgasm or ejaculate. • Women do not undergo a refractory period and therefore can become quickly rearoused to the point of repeated (multiple) orgasm if they desire and receive continued sexual stimulation. Resolution Phase
  • 60.
  • 61. SEXUAL BEHAVIORS Masturbation Oral Sex Premarital Sex
  • 62. • Sexual self-stimulation • Some 94% of all males and 63% of all females have masturbated at least once, and among college students, the frequency ranges from “never” to “several times a day” (Laqueur, 2003, Polonsky, 2006). • Male masturbation is most common in the early teens and then declines, whereas females both begin and reach a maximum frequency later. • Most experts on sex view masturbation as a healthy and legitimate—and harmless—sexual activity. In addition, masturbation is seen as providing a means of learning about one’s own sexuality and a way of discovering changes in one’s body such as the emergence of precancerous lumps (Coleman, 2002; Levin, 2007). Masturbation
  • 63. • Traditionally, women have been warned by society that “nice girls don’t do it”; men have been told that although premarital sex is okay for them, they should make sure they marry virgins. This view that premarital sex is permissible for males but not for females is called the double standard (Liang, 2007). Premarital Sex
  • 64. • Organizing effect – the directional effect of sex hormones—for example, along typical male or female patterns of mating. • Sexual orientation – the directionality of one’s sexual and romantic interests; that is, whether one is sexually attracted to, and desires to form a romantic relationship with, members of the other gender or of one’s own gender. Sexual Orientation
  • 65. • Heterosexual – referring to people who are sexually aroused by, and interested in forming romantic relationships with, people of the other gender. • Homosexual – referring to people who are sexually aroused by, and interested in forming romantic relationships with, people of the same gender. • Males with a homosexual orientation are referred as gay males. • Homosexual females are referred to as lesbians • Bisexual people are attracted to both females and males. Sexual Orientation
  • 66. • Transsexual – persons who believe they were born with the body of the other gender. • Transgenderism – encompasses not only transsexuals but also people who view themselves as a third gender. • Transvestites – who dress in the clothes of the other gender. Sexual Orientation
  • 67.
  • 68. • Social-cognitive theorists look for the roles of factors such as reinforcement and observational learning. • Reinforcement of sexual behavior with members of one’s own gender—as in reaching orgasm with them when members of the other gender are unavailable—might affect one’s sexual orientation. • Childhood sexual abuse by someone of the same gender could lead to fantasies about sex with people of one’s own gender and affect sexual orientation. • Observation of others engaged in enjoyable male-male or female-female sexual encounters. Theories of the Origins of Sexual Orientation
  • 70. Rape • The act by which one person forces another person to submit to sexual activity. • Most research suggests that there is 14 to 25 percent chance that a woman will be a victim of a rape during her lifetime. • A national survey conducted at 35 universities revealed the startling finding that one out of eight female college students reported having been raped. • Half if them said the rapists were first dates, casual dates, or romantic acquaintances—a phenomenon called date rape.
  • 71. • In many cases, the rapist uses sex as a means of demonstrating power and control over the victim. In such cases, there is little that is sexually satisfying about a rape to the rapist; instead, the pleasure comes from forcing someone else to be submissive (Gowaty, 2003; Yamawaki, Darby, & Queiroz, 2007). • The repercussions of rape are devastating for the victims. During a rape, women experience fear, terror, and physical pain. Later, victims report shock, disbelief, panic, extreme anxiety, and suspiciousness—reactions that are sometimes intensified by implications that somehow the victim was to blame because of her style of dress or her presence in the wrong neighborhood. Rape
  • 73. • Most widespread STI. • A disease that in women initially produces no symptoms and in men causes a burning sensation during urination and a discharge from the penis. • If left untreated, can lead to pelvic inflammation, urethral damage, arthritis, and even sterility. • Can be cured with antibiotics, most often with azithromycin or doxycycline. Chlamydia
  • 74. • A virus related to the cold sores that sometimes appear around the mouth. • Common among college-age students: 17% of 20- to 29- year-olds have the infection (Farrell, 2005). Genital Herpes
  • 75. • Infection occurring in the vagina or penis. • Caused by a parasite, it is often without symptoms, especially in men. • Eventually, it can cause painful urination and intercourse, a discharge from the vagina, itching, and an unpleasant odor. • Can be treated with antibiotics. Trichomoniasis
  • 76. • Often has no symptoms but can produce a burning sensation during urination or a discharge from the penis or vagina. • Can lead to fertility problems and, in women, pelvic inflammatory disease. Gonorrhea
  • 77. • May affect the brain, the heart, and a developing fetus, and can even be fatal. • First reveals itself through a small sore at the point of sexual contact. Syphilis
  • 78. • Caused by the human papilloma virus. • Are small, lumpy warts that form on or near the penis or vagina. • They look like small cauliflower bulbs. • They usually form about 2 months after exposure and can be treated with a drug called metronidazole. Genital Warts
  • 79. • Acquired immune deficiency syndrome • Caused by a virus that destroys the body’s immune system • Leading cause of death in the US among men 25 to 44 years of age and the 3rd leading cause of death among women in that age range. AIDS
  • 81. • Many students persist in studying despite being surrounded by distractions. Many people strive relentlessly to get ahead, to “make it,” to earn large sums of money, to invent, to accomplish the impossible. Achievement Motivation
  • 82. • Psychologist David McClelland (1958) helped pioneer the assessment of achievement motivation through evaluation of fantasies. • One method involves the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), developed by Henry Murray. • The test contains cards with pictures and drawings that are subject to various interpretations. Individuals are shown one or more test cards and asked to construct stories about the pictured theme: to indicate what led up to it, what the characters are thinking and feeling, and what is likely to happen. Achievement Motivation
  • 83.
  • 84.
  • 85. • Classic studies find that people with high achievement motivation earn higher grades than people with comparable learning ability but lower achievement motivation. They are more likely to earn high salaries and be promoted than less motivated people with similar opportunities (Story et al., 2009). • McClelland (1965) used the TAT to sort college students into groups— students with high achievement motivation and students with low achievement motivation. • 83% of college graduates with high achievement motivation found jobs in occupations characterized by risk, decision making, and the chance for great success, such as business management, sales, or self-employment. • 70% chose nonentrepreneurial positions showed low achievement motivation. Achievement Motivation
  • 86. • Performance goals are usually met through extrinsic rewards such as praise and income. • Tangible rewards • Learning goals usually lead to intrinsic rewards, such as self-satisfaction. • Enhancing knowledge and skills Achievement Motivation
  • 88. • A state of feeling that has cognitive, physiological, and behavioral components. • Strong emotions are associated with arousal of the autonomic nervous system (ANS).The greater the arousal, the more intense the emotion. • Fear, which usually occurs in response to a threat, involves cognitions that one is in danger as well as arousal of the sympathetic nervous system (e.g., rapid heartbeat and breathing, sweating, muscle tension). • As a response to a social provocation, anger involves cognitions that the provocateur should be paid back, arousal of both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, and tendencies to attack. emotion
  • 89. EMOTION PHYSIOLOGICAL COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL Components of Emotions Fear Anger Depression Sympathetic arousal Sympathetic and parasympathetic arousal Parasympathetic arousal Belief that one is in danger Frustration or belief that one is being mistreated. Thoughts of helplessness, hopelessness, worthlessness Avoidance tendencies Attack tendencies Inactivity, possible self-destructive tendencies
  • 91. The Expression of Emotion • Happiness and sadness are found in all cultures, but do people around the world express emotions in the same way? • Smiling is apparently a universal sign of friendliness and approval. • Baring the teeth, as noted by Charles Darwin (1872) in the 19th century, may be a universal sign of anger. • There is no perfect one-to-one relationship between facial expressions and emotions (Matsumoto et al., 2008). • Facial expressions sometimes occur in the absence of the emotion they are thought to accompany (Porter & ten Brinke, 2008). • The voice, posture, and gestures also provide clues to what people are feeling and are about to do (Campos, 2000).
  • 92.
  • 93. • Deals with positive emotions such as happiness and love, optimism and hope, and joy and sensual pleasures. • Are some people just “born happy,” or do life experiences determine happiness? What factors interfere with happiness? • David Lykken (2001) believe that genetic factors play a powerful role in happiness. They note that happiness tends to run in families and that we tend to have a more or less stable level of happiness throughout much of our lives. Positive Psychology
  • 94. • Which life experiences contribute to happiness? • Despite the saying “Money can’t buy you happiness,” people tend to be happier when they live in affluent societies and earn decent incomes (W. Johnson & Krueger, 2006). • Chinese students tend to think of happiness in terms of feelings of contentment, inner harmony, personal achievement, physical wellness, spiritual enhancement, hopefulness about the future, generosity, and self-development (Lu, 2001). Positive Psychology
  • 95. • People who are married or in enduring relationships tend to be happier than loners (Waite et al., 2009) • Happy people are also more open to new experiences and new relationships (Demir & Weitekamp, 2007). • People at any income level can make themselves miserable when they compare themselves to people with more (Cheung & Leung, 2008). Positive Psychology
  • 96. • Happiness also tends to be accompanied by optimism—a cognitive bias toward assuming that things will work out (Ho et al., 2010). • Happy people often believe in their ability to effect change and then try harder. • They are also willing to pat themselves when things go wrong— attitudes that contribute to self-esteem, another factor in happiness. Positive Psychology
  • 97. • Facial expressions reflect emotional states, and our ability to “read” these expressions enables us to interact appropriately with other people. • It is known that various emotional states give rise to certain patterns of electrical activity in the facial muscles and in the brain (Davis et al., 2009). • But can it work the other way around? The Facial-Feedback Hypothesis
  • 98. • Argues that facial expressions can also affect our emotional state; that is, the causal relationship between emotions and facial expressions can also work in the opposite direction. • The view that stereotypical facial expressions can contribute to stereotypical emotions. The Facial-Feedback Hypothesis
  • 99. • Smiling is usually a response to feeling good within, but experimental research into the facial-feedback hypothesis suggests that the act of smiling can also enhance our moods. The Facial-Feedback Hypothesis
  • 100.
  • 102. James-Lange External stimulus Arousal and Action Appraisal of Arousal and Action Events trigger specific arousal patterns and actions. Emotions result from our appraisal of our body responses. Experiencing the specific emotion
  • 103. Cannon-Bard External Stimulus Processing by Brain Arousal and Action Experiencing the emotion Events are first processed by the brain. Body patterns of arousal, action, and our emotional responses are then triggered simultaneously.
  • 104. External Stimulus Cognitive Appraisal Physiological arousal Interpretation of arousal according to situation Experiencing the emotion Events and arousal are appraised by the individual. The emotional response stems from the person’s appraisal of the situation and his or her level of arousal.
  • 105. • Lying, for better or worse, is a part of life. • People admit to lying in 14% of their emails, 27% of their face-to-face interactions, and 37% of their phone calls (Hancock, 2007). • Political leaders lie to get elected. • When people communicate with online “matches” men are most likely to lie about their personal assets and their goals for a relationship (Hall et al., 2010). • Women are most likely to lie about their weight (Hall et al., 2010). • Most people lie to their lovers, usually about other relationships (Toma et al., 2008). The Polygraph: Just What Do Lie Detectors Detect?
  • 106. • People also lie about their qualifications to get jobs, and of course some people lie about whether or not they have committed a crime. • Facial expressions often offer clues to deceit, but some people can lie with a straight face—or a smile. • The American Polygraph Association claims that use of the polygraph is 85% to 95% accurate. • In one experiment, people were able to reduce the accuracy of polygraph-based judgments to about 50% by biting their tongues (to produce pain) or pressing their toes against the floor (to tense muscles) while being interrogated (Honts & Handler, 2011). The Polygraph: Just What Do Lie Detectors Detect?
  • 107. QUIZ
  • 108. 1. __________ are hypothetical states that activate behavior and direct organisms toward goals. 2. A(n) __________ is an object, person, or situation that is perceived as capable of satisfying a need. 3. Drives help the body maintain a steady state, a tendency that is called _________. 4. Maslow argued that people have a hierarchy of needs, the highest of which is the need for ____________. 5. _________ nervosa is a life-threatening eating disorder characterized by dramatic weight loss and a distorted body image. 6. Masters and Johnson divide the sexual response cycle into four phases: the ________, plateau, orgasm, and resolution phase. 7. Sex hormones have activating and _________ effects on sexual behavior. 8. McClelland used Thematic _________ Test to measure achievement motivation. 9. Students with __________ goals are mainly motivated by factors such as good grades, rewards from parents, and the prospect of landing a good job. 10. According to the James-Lange theory, emotions have specific patterns of arousal and ___________.
  • 109. 1. Explain prenatal development and the role that sex hormones play. 2. Explain the physical, cognitive, moral, social, and emotional development of children. 3. Explain the physical, cognitive, moral, social, and emotional development of adolescents. 4. Explain the features of emerging adulthood. 5. Explain the physical, cognitive, moral, social, and emotional development of adults.
  • 110. THANK YOU. Prepared by: Mrs. Maria Angela L. Diopol