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Mobile Design
Strategic Solutions         Theresa Neil

6AM    9AM     12PM   6PM   9PM     12AM
I work as a consultant,
               helping companies with
               their UX Strategy.

Theresa Neil
UX strategy is about designing for....



             PEOPLE’S NEEDS



My recent travel experience to Europe
Lufthansaʼs User Experience

Classic Web Site    Mobile Optimized Site   In Flight Entertainment

Native Tablet App   Kiosk                   Native Mobile Apps
Netflix in my house

                game room     office

               living room   kitchen
Netflix in my house

 and outside

                game room     office

               living room   kitchen
Netflixʼs User Experience

Classic Web Site   Hybrid Tablet Apps    Hybrid Mobile Apps

TV (Boxee)         Game Console (XBox)   Game Device (Playstation)
UX strategy is about aligning the purpose of a
product with the userʼs requirements at any given
time or in any given situation.
How do we do that?

1.Gain empathy and clarity on exactly what our customers
 go through when they interact with our service.

2.Identify key areas where we can improve their experience.

How do we do that?

1.Gain empathy and clarity on exactly what our customers
 go through when they interact with our service.

2.Identify key areas where we can improve their experience.

How do we do that?

1.Gain empathy and clarity on exactly what our customers
 go through when they interact with our service.

2.Identify key areas where we can improve their experience.

             Pain point
Pain point
                Pain point                           Pain point
                                  Pain point
                          Pain point

        Pain point

Starbuckʼs found that technology can
address some of these pain points,

 Locating    Ordering/Waiting    Paying
And recently added even more

              Reload card
What does your customerʼs journey look like?
Pain point
    Pain point
                    Pain point              Pain point

                              Pain point point

           Pain point

Where are your customerʼs
What does their pain points?journey look like?
Responsive Site       Native App

       What mobile solutions
        are available to help
       with these pain points?
         Web      And /Or    Installed

Optimized Sites       Hybrid App
Responsive Site       Native App

         Web      And /Or    Installed

Optimized Sites       Hybrid App
Responsive Web Site

Defined Web site responds to the environment using css media
queries. Typically achieved by using fluid grid layouts, like Responsive
Grid System, Bootstrap, from Twitter, or Foundation by Zurb.
Responsive Web Site

                       768 x 1024

   Cisco London 2012
Responsive Web Site

Ideal For
Informational Web Sites
Content Consumption Sites
  • Newspapers
  • Magazines
  • Blogs

                            Boston Globe
Weʼre going to deep dive into responsive
design a bit later...
Optimized Web Sites

Defined Multiple web sites, each optimized for a different form
factor, and different usage needs.

              At Home

           On The Go

       While Shopping

              At Work

   On Public Transport

                         0    25          50         75          100
Optimized Web Sites

Defined Multiple web sites, each optimized for a different form
factor, and different usage needs.

       Smartphone   80



                    At Home AM   To/From School/Work At School/Work   Out and About   At Home PM
Optimized Web Sites

Defined Multiple web sites, each optimized for a different form
factor, and different usage needs.
Optimized Web Sites

Some companies have three distinct sites...

                                              Mobile Web Site
                        Tablet Web Site
Classic Web Site
Optimized Web Sites

More often there are only two distinct sites.

Amazonʼs Classic Web Site & Tablet Site   Mobile Web Site
Optimized Web Sites

But this may change in moving forward:

In January, Adobe reported that tablet users spend
more than 50 percent more for each transaction at
an online retailer site compared to smartphone users
and 20 percent more than traditional computer users.
Optimized Web Sites
Optimized Web Sites

The mobile version is streamlined for core activities.

 jetBlueʼs Classic Web Site & Tablet Site   Mobile Web Site
Optimized Web Sites

Ideal For
SaaS products
Other web apps

After we look as responsive design, weʼll dig
into mobile optimized site design
Native Apps

Defined An application that has been developed for use on a
particular platform or device.

Typically native apps are coded with:
Objective C for Apple
Java for Android and BlackBerry
C# or Visual Basic for Windows 7.5

But there are also other options:
Ruby Motion
MonoTouch and MonoDroid
Adobe AIR

                                             Adobe Flex 4.5 Showcase Apps
Native Apps

 Xamarian MWC 2012 App   C#, MonoTouch, MonoDroid
Native Apps

 Angry Birds
Native Apps

Native Apps

Ideal For
Software (productivity tools)
Many Enterprise Apps

Benefits over Hybrid
Better Performance

                            Keynote (like PPT for Apple)
After lunch weʼll look at design patterns and
anti-patterns for native applications
Hybrid Apps

Defined A ʻnative wrappedʼ web application. Products like Titanium and
PhoneGap create a native wrapper that lets the Javascript (or Ruby or
Python) access OS dependent operations.
Hybrid Apps

Development Frameworks
Most support HTML5 and CSS3 so you can create custom UIs for
different platforms.
But Beware
Some frameworks offer a ʻdrag and dropʼ IDE that force all of your apps
to look like identical, regardless of the target OS/device.
Hybrid Apps

Hybrid Apps

 NBC-Built with Titanium

IPad & iPhone apps are nice, but not
shoehorned onto an Android phone.*
This is not a limitation of Titanium, just a poor design
decision by NBC.
Hybrid Apps

Differences Across Devices


Interaction Paradigms


Hybrid Apps

LinkedIn does a great job of designing and developing for multiple
mobile platforms
Hybrid Apps

Ideal For
Software (productivity tools)
Enterprise Apps
Video Players

Performance                                                        Facebook

Benefits over Native
Possibly lower costs
Before weʼre done, weʼll weigh in on the native
vs hybrid debate
Responsive Site       Native App

          Letʼs deep dive into
         each of these options

         Web      And /Or    Installed

Optimized Sites       Hybrid App
Responsive Site       Native App

         Web      And /Or    Installed

Optimized Sites       Hybrid App
Responsive Deep Dive

What is Responsive?
Layout Patterns
Mobile First Segue
Navigation Patterns
Sketching/ Wireframing/Prototyping
Visual Design
Why Responsive?

Future Proof
Will work on devices that aren’t even created yet

Cost Savings
By reducing duplication and simplifying maintenance

It is not a fad, it is the new best
practice for web sites
Why Responsive?

Future Proof
Will work on devices that aren’t even created yet

Cost Savings
By reducing duplication and simplifying maintenance

It is not a fad, it is the new best
practice for web sites

 Notice I didʼt say “best practice for web apps”
People are frequently consuming web content from
a device other than a laptop/desktop. A responsive
design will work across devices, providing people
with the content they seek.
Responsive Grid Systems

The design adapts itself to the to the user’s behavior based on
screen size, platform and orientation, by using a series of grids.

                                                 The most common are
                                                 grids are:
                                                 12 column
                                                 10 column

                                                 But you can also find:
                                                 24 column
                                                 18 column
                                                 8 column, etc..

                                                 Or make your own.
Media Queries

With responsive web design, you can set a baseline
(mobile) experience first, then progressively enhance
or adapt your layout as device capabilities change.

This is accomplished by setting resolution “break points”
and applying a different set of layout rules and media
assets to each. A break point can be thought of as a
conditional statement that determines if a device meets
specific criteria like a minimum width of 600 pixels. If that
condition is true, then the browser applies a different set
of layout rules.
Responsive Design: Layout Patterns

 Mostly Fluid                           Column Drop   Layout Shifter

Tiny Tweaks                            Off Canvas
Layout Patterns: Mostly Fluid

                         I dubbed this pattern "mostly fluid" because the
                         core structure of the layout really doesn't
                         change until the smallest screen width. Instead,
                         the design mostly relies on fluid grids to adapt
                         to a variety of screen sizes.
                                                              -- Luke W
Layout Patterns: Column Drop

            This pattern starts with a multi-column layout and
            ends up with a single column layout, dropping
            columns along the way as screen sizes get
            narrower. The overall size of elements in this
            layout tend to stay consistent.       -- Luke W
Layout Patterns: Layout Shifter

                This pattern does the most to adapt across
                different screen sizes. That is, different layouts
                are used on large, medium, and small screens.
                Because this inherently requires more work, it
                seems to be less popular.       -- Luke W
Layout Patterns: Tiny Tweaks

             Simple sites with a single column layout, multi-device adaptation
             can just be a few tiny tweaks to font sizes and image layout
                                                                  -- Luke W
Layout Patterns: Off Canvas

             This pattern advantage of space off the screen to keep
             content or navigation hidden until either a larger screen
             size allows it to be visible or a user takes action to expose
             it. This pattern is showing up in a sites and apps.
                                                                    -- Luke W
Responsive Design: More Layouts

  Mondrain          Basic Gallery
Responsive Design: More Layouts

  Mondrain          Basic Gallery
Responsive Design: More Layouts

  Featured Items    Column Flip
Responsive Design: More Layouts

  Featured Items    Column Flip
Responsive Design: More Layouts

                     Last five patterns courtesy of
                     Joshua Johnson

  Feature Shuffle
Responsive Design: More Layouts

                     Last five patterns courtesy of
                     Joshua Johnson

  Feature Shuffle
Whatʼs the pattern?
Whatʼs the pattern?
Mobile First is...

A different way of thinking
Mobile First is...

A different way of thinking

                         Agreement on what matters most
Mobile First is...

Knowing your users
Mobile First is...

Knowing your users

                     What they do and why they do it
Four critical (mobile) behaviors

Lookup/Find (urgent info, local): I need an answer to
something now—frequently related to my current location in
the world.

Explore/Play (bored, local): I have some time to kill and
just want a few idle time distractions.

Check In/Status (repeat/micro-tasking): Something
important to me keeps changing or updating and I want to
stay on top of it.

Edit/Create (urgent change/micro-tasking): I need to get
some- thing done now that can’t wait.
Mobile First is...

 About reduction

When I say “simple”, what I mean is: A product reduced to
its purest form of purpose or value.     --Francisco Inchauste
Mobile First results in...

A user experience focused on key tasks
Mobile First results in...

A user experience focused on key tasks

                              For the BBC thatʼs top
                              stories and most read
Mobile First thinking works for...

   Responsive Site     Native Apps

   Optimized Sites     Hybrid Apps
Mobile First thinking works for...

   Responsive Site     Native Apps

   Optimized Sites     Hybrid Apps
Responsive Navigation Patterns

Top Nav or “Do Nothing” Approach

One of the easiest-to-implement solutions for navigation is to simply
keep it at the top. Because of its ease of implementation, it’s found on
many (maybe even most) responsive sites right now.
                                                         -- Brad Frost
Where’s the content? Stacked tabs make the whole page about navigation.
Responsive Navigation Patterns

The footer anchor

This clever solution keeps the nav list at the footer of the site, while the header contains a
simple anchor link pointing to the footer nav. This approach clears up a lot of room for the
core content while still providing quick access to the navigation.
                                                                               -- Brad Frost
Responsive Navigation Patterns

The select menu

 One way of taming nav links gone wild is to transform a list of links into a select
 menu for small screens. This avoids the problems the top nav approach presents
 and is a clever way to save real estate.
                                                                        -- Brad Frost
 Select menus are for choosing your state or security question, not navigating a site.

 In my mind there’s only one form element that should ever be used for navigation and
 that’s search. -- Andy Clarke
Responsive Navigation Patterns

The toggle

 The menu slides open right in the header. It’s a good-looking approach
 and is relatively easy to implement. -- Brad Frost
How to implement
Responsive Navigation Patterns

The left nav flyout

The nav is accessed by a menu icon, which reveals a tray that slides in from the
left and moves the main content over to the right. -- Brad Frost
Sophisticated, lots of moving parts. Allow plenty of time for testing
across many devices.

Possible Solutions
Foundations framework offers 4 options for off canvas navigation
Responsive Navigation Patterns

Footer only

The footer-only navigation is similar to the footer anchor approach, only
without the anchor in the header. It follows the content-first, nav-second
model, however it requires mobile users to scroll all the way to the bottom in
order to navigate the site. -- Brad Frost
Responsive Navigation Anti- Patterns

Hide ʻn Cry

Removes a bunch of options. A big no,no. Don’t penalize people for visiting
your site on a mobile device.
Responsive Navigation Pattern

Pull Down
Responsive Frameworks

Responsive means:
fluid grid
flexible media
media queries

A responsive framework will therefore provide:
fluid grid
flexible media
media queries at common breakpoints
Responsive Frameworks
Responsive Frameworks
Responsive Frameworks
Responsive Frameworks
Responsive Frameworks
Responsive Frameworks
Responsive Frameworks
Responsive Frameworks
Responsive Toolkits

These toolkits provide basic styles to use as your
foundation (hence the term boilerplate)
Now can we start designing?
Responsive Design: Sketching

Sketch Sheets
Responsive Design: Wireframes

Stencil/ Template: Less Stencil for OmniGraffle
Responsive Design: Wireframes

 Photoshop PSD
Responsive Design Exercise


Static wireframes. This is something I feel we need to get away
from. There’s nothing from stopping talented UX designers from
designing these flexible systems in the browser itself.

Establishing the grid system on paper to get the concept and
flow down is great, but I’m a strong proponent of moving into the
real environment as soon as humanly possible.
                                                  ---Brad Frost
Responsive Design: Prototyping

Responsive Wireframes- just an example
Responsive Design: Prototyping

Fluid Grids
Responsive Design: Prototyping

Gridpak Grid Generator
Validate the prototypes on the target devices with actual users
Responsive Visual Design

Look and Feel
Go simple with your mobile site. You don’t need a lot
of images, or CSS3 effects, they take time to load

Use standard mobile font sizes for easy reading

Advanced CSS Styles
Let the site gracefully degrade in older browsers

Responsive Images Next page...
Responsive Images

Have a clear image on any device, but not
download multiple images.

There are dozens of approaches for this,
Javascript, Server Side, combined approaches,
Image resizing services. None are perfect yet, but
they are evolving rapidly.
QA Testing Responsive Sites

Allocate more time and budget for QA and testing
responsive sites.

Emulators are helpful, but youʼll need to test on real

Md v e, J ly2 1
y eic s u 0 2
Mobile Optimized Deep Dive

Responsive vs Mobile Optimized Sites

Optimized Sites for Retail, Search, SaaS,
and Entertainment

Dos and Dontʼs for Mobile Sites
Responsive vs Optimized Sites

Web Sites              Web Apps

Informational          Search
Content Heavy          SaaS
  • Newspapers         Productivity Tools
  • Magazines          Retail
  • Blogs
  • Portfolios

Responsive             Optimized Site
Responsive vs Optimized Sites

Harvest Time Tracking & Invoicing SaaS
Responsive vs Optimized Sites

Harvest Time Tracking & Invoicing SaaS

          Is responsive design a good solution?
Responsive vs Optimized Sites

No, but a mobile optimized site could be.

Responsive vs Optimized Sites

And, it turns out it is a great solution!
Optimized Sites for SaaS

Basecamp File Sharing & Proj Mgmt

                         We could apply a responsive
                         layout pattern to Basecamp

                           Column Drop
Optimized Sites for SaaS

But Mobile First says to know your users

                  Basecamp userʼs needs fall into
                  these two categories:

                  A milepmditeprovides a solution for
                     o oti iz s
                     b e
                  these needs.
Optimized Sites for Productivity

Googleʼs suite of productivity tools are
optimized for the mobile web
Optimized Sites for Search

Bing offers a mobile web experience that is
distinct from their classic web site.

                               The mobile site offers
                               results relative to my
Optimized Sites for Retail

Optimized Sites for Entertainment

Walmartʼs Vudu Optimized for tablets
Mobile Web Doʼs and Dontʼs

Make content most important
Focus on performance
   Use Image Sprites

   Bundle & minify CSS and Javascipt files
   Limit or remove dependencies on heavy JS
   Use CSS3 for styling, rounded corners, text
Mobile Web Doʼs and Dontʼs

Port a web app 1-for-1
Add back buttons
Use large images and
size down
Go crazy special effects/
Mobile Optimized Site Redesign
Mobile Optimized Site Redesign

                                 More than 30 billion page views per month

                                 Craigslist users post more than 50 million
                                      new classified ads each month

                                 More than 200 million user postings in
                                          100 topical forums
Mobile Optimized Site Redesign

   Share your mobile first design*

* based on assumptions since we donʼt have real user data
Responsive Site       Native App

         Web      And /Or    Installed

Optimized Sites       Hybrid App
Native App Deep Dive

Native App vs Mobile Site
Native App vs Hybrid
Application Design Patterns
Design Anti-Patterns
Native App vs Mobile Site

 Native Apps                                           Mobile Sites
 Games                                                 Search
 Tools requiring:                                      SaaS
 • Complex Calculations                                Productivity Tools
 • Reporting/Charting                                  Retail
 • Native Functionality
 • Offline Access
At this point in time, native apps can target the specific
limitations and abilities of each individual device much
better than a website can while running inside a browser.
Evernoteʼs Strategy

Native Apps
Evernoteʼs Strategy

Because they provide the best UX
Evernoteʼs Strategy

Because they provide the best UX
Evernoteʼs Strategy

Because they provide the best UX
Evernoteʼs Strategy

Because they provide the best UX
Evernoteʼs Strategy

Because they provide the best UX
Evernoteʼs Strategy

Because they provide the best UX
When to go Native

Non Tech Considerations: Marketing
A presence in the mobile markets might make sense from a
marketing, competitive, or sales channel perspective.
When to go Native

Non Tech Considerations: Financial
Financial Times, Playboy and Walmart are using sites instead of
apps to avoid sharing revenues with app store owners.
Native App vs Hybrid

This isn’t black & white
With big players like LinkedIn and Facebook successfully
launching hybrids, it looked like a shift might be imminent.

But Facebook has recently
rebuilt the iOS app with
Objective C, primarily to
improve the performance.
Hybrid Hopes

Another recent NYT article explains
Companies want the best of both worlds via hybrid apps, but so far the ideal
technology remains elusive.

                                                                                         “You are aiming for this mythical
                                                                                         single platform on which your
                                                                                         developers can write code in one
                                                                                         language and—as much as
                                                                                         possible— is usable across
                                                                                         multiple platforms.”

                                                                                          --Mike Summers, head of Viggle
Hybrids: Code Once & Reuse

Doesnʼt mean design once & reuse

                             The New York Times
                             should know better!
iPhone         Android
Boston Globeʼs Multiscreen Experience

Responsive Site                 Native Apps

                             ePaper apps
eBayʼs Cross Multiscreen Experience

Optimized Sites               Native Apps
Recent Project
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

The user journey got us thinking about many possible options
Responsive Site       Native App

         Web      And /Or    Installed

Optimized Sites       Hybrid App
Responsive Fundraising Site

Team in Training
Fundraising Page
Responsive Web Site
Responsive Donation Form
Hybrid Apps

     eCheckin App   Participant Tools
Mobile App Design Patterns

Search, Sort & Filter
Feedback & Affordance
App Patterns: Navigation

Springboard   List  Menu   Tab  Menu    Gallery

Dashboard     Metaphor     Mega  Menu
App Patterns: Navigation

Springboard   List  Menu   Tab  Menu    Gallery
Dashboard     Metaphor     Mega  Menu
App Patterns: Forms
App Patterns: Tables
App Patterns: Search
App Patterns: Search
App Patterns: Search
App Patterns: Search
App Patterns: Search
App Patterns: Search
App Patterns: Search
App Patterns: Search
App Patterns: Search
App Patterns: Search
App Patterns: Search
App Patterns: Search
App Patterns: Sort
App Patterns: Sort
App Patterns: Sort
App Patterns: Filter
App Patterns: Filter
App Patterns: Filter
App Patterns: Filter
App Patterns: Filter
App Patterns: Filter
App Patterns: Filter
App Patterns: Filter
Redesign Craigslist Search
App Patterns: Tools
App Patterns: Charts
App Patterns: Invitations
App Patterns: Feedback
App Patterns: Affordance
App Patterns: Help
Design Anti-Patterns: Novel Notions
Design Anti-Patterns: Novel Notions
Design Anti-Patterns: Novel Notions
Design Anti-Patterns: Metaphor Mismatch
Design Anti-Patterns: Metaphor Mismatch

Navigation disguised as filters
Design Anti-Patterns: Metaphor Mismatch

Filter controls done right
Design Anti-Patterns: Metaphor Mismatch
Design Anti-Patterns: Idiot Boxes
Design Anti-Patterns: Chart Junk
Design Anti-Patterns: Chart Junk
Design Anti-Patterns: Chart Junk
Design Anti-Patterns: Chart Junk
Design Anti-Patterns: Oceans of Buttons
Design Anti-Patterns: Oceans of Buttons
Design Anti-Patterns: Oceans of Buttons
Prototyping Mobile Apps

  Mobile Prototyping is essential

 The field is new, even experienced designers
 donʼt have the background and heuristics to
 lean on while making decisions.

Prototype Prototype Prototype Prototyp
Why Prototype?

Improve your design decision making

Communicate an idea

Gather user feedback

Explore the “unknowns”

Fine-tune an idea
Two Types of Prototyping

Broader mobile project     PROVIDES CONTEXT
Target mobile hardware is unknown
Design space is relatively uncharted

Focused mobile project            VALIDATION
Target mobile hardware is decided
Design space is relatively known
Prototyping Expert : Rachel Hinman
Prototyping Expert : Rachel Hinman
Prototyping exercise
Thank you             Follow me on Twitter @theresaneil

Check out my site & book
Mobile Design Pattern Gallery, OʼReilly 2012

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