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The University Of Lahore
Manual Muscle Testing of Hip
Presented To:
Dr. Asif Wattoo
Presented By:
Ambreen Sadaf
 Hip Flexion
 Hip Extension
 Hip Abduction
 Hip Adduction
Learning Objectives
 Range of motion
 Muscles
 Origin
 Insertion
 Nerve supply
 Action
 Procedure for MMT
Hip Flexion
Range of motion:
0 to 120
 Psoas major
 Iliacus
Accessory muscles:
 Rectus Femoris (RF)
 Sartorius
 Tensor fasciae latae
 Pectineus
Psoas Major
 L1-L5 vertebrae
(transverse processes).
 T12-L5 vertebral
bodies (sides) and their
intervertebral discs.
 Femur (lesser
Nerve Supply:
 Lumbar plexus, spinal
nerves (ventral rami)
 L1 also cited.
 Powerful hip flexion.
 Trunk flexion.
 Iliac fossa (upper2/3).
 Iliac crest (inner lip).
 Sacroiliac and iliolumbar
 Sacrum (upper lateral surface).
 Femur (lesser trochanter via
insertion on tendon on the psoas
and shaft below the lesser
Nerve supply:
 Lumbar plexus,
Femoral nerve
 Hip flexion.
 Flexes pelvis on femur.
Procedure for MMT
Position of Patient:
 Short sitting with thighs fully supported on table
and legs hanging over the edge.
 Patient may use arms to provide trunk stability by
grasping table edge or with hands on table at each
Position of Therapist :
 Standing next to limb to be tested.
 Contoured hand to give resistance over distal thigh
just proximal to the knee joint.
 The therapist places one
hand on the distal thigh and
proximal knee, and applies
resistance in a downward
direction as the patient
actively flexes at the hip.
Instructions to Patient:
 “Lift your leg off the table
and don’t let me push it
MMT for Grade 5 (Normal), Grade 4 (Good)
Grade 3 (Fair)
Grade 5 (Normal):
 Thigh clears table.
 Patient tolerate maximal
Grade 4 (Good):
 Hip flexion holds against strong to
moderate resistance.
Grade 3 (Fair):
 Patient completes test range without
MMT for Grade 2 (Poor)
Position of Patient:
 Side lying with affected leg down, trunk, pelvis and
legs are straight.
 Upper leg is supported.
 Lowermost limb may be flexed for stability.
Position of Therapist:
 Standing behind patient.
 Cradle test limb in one arm with hand support under
the knee.
 Opposite hand maintains trunk alignment at hip.
 Patient flexes supported hip.
 Knee is permitted to flex to prevent hamstring
Instructions to patient:
 “Bring your knee up toward your chest.”
Grade 2 (Poor):
 Patient complete the range of motion in side-lying
MMT for Grade 1 (Trace) & 0 (Zero)
Position of Patient:
 Supine lying, both legs are extended and test limb is
supported by therapist under calf with hand behind
Position of Therapist:
 Standing at side limb to be tested.
 Test limb is supported by therapist under calf with
hand behind knee.
 Free hand palate the muscle just distal to the
inguinal ligament on the medial side of the
 Patient attempts to flex hip.
Instructions to patient:
 “Try to bring your knee up to your nose.”
Grade 1 (Trace):
 Palpable contraction but no visible movement.
Grade 0 (Zero):
 No palpable contraction of muscle.
Hip Extension
Range of motion:
0 to 20 degree
 Gluteus Maximus
 Semitendinosus
 Semimembranosus
 Biceps Femoris (long
Accessory muscles:
 Adductor Magnus
 Gluteus Medius
Gluteus Maximus
 Ilium (posterior gluteal
 Iliac crest (posterior
 Sacrum (dorsal surface
of lower part)
 Coccyx (side)
 Sacrotuberosus ligament
 Aponeurosis over
gluteus medius.
 Femur (gluteal tuberosity)
 Lliotibial tract of fascia lata.
Nerve Supply:
 Inferior gluteal nerve L5-S2
 Powerful hip extension.
 Hip external (lateral) rotation.
 Hip abduction (upper fibers).
 Hip adduction (lower fibers).
 Ischial tuberosity (upper
area, inferomedial
impression via tendon
shared with biceps
 Aponeurosis (between the
two muscles).
 Tibia (proximal medial
shaft) pes anserinus.
Nerve Supply:
 Sciatic nerve
(tibial division) L5-S2.
 Knee flexion.
 Knee internal rotation.
 Hip extension.
 Hip internal rotation
 Ischial tuberosity
 Tibia (medial condyle,
posterior aspect)
 Oblique popliteal
ligament of knee joint
 Aponeurosis over distal
muscle (variable).
Nerve Supply:
 Sciatic nerve
(tibial division) L5-S2.
 Knee flexion.
 Knee internal rotation.
 Hip extension.
 Hip internal rotation
Biceps Femoris (long head)
 Ischial tuberosity
impression via tendon
shared with
 Sacrotuberosus
 Fibula (head)
 Tibia (lateral condyle)1
 Aponeurosis
Nerve Supply:
 Sciatic nerve (tibial division) L5-S2.
 Knee flexion (only the short head is a pure knee
 Knee external rotation.
 Hip extension an external rotation (long head).
Procedure for MMT of all hip muscles
Position of Patient:
 Prone position.
 Arms may be overhead or abducted to hold sides of
the table.
Position of Therapist :
 Standing at side of limb to be tested at the level of
 The hand providing resistance is placed on the
posterior leg just above the ankle.
 The opposite hand may be used to stabilize or
maintain pelvis alignment in the area of the posterior
superior spine of ilium.
 Patient extends hip through entire available range of
 Resistance is given straight downward toward the
Instructions to Patient:
 “Lift your leg off the table as high as you can without
bending your knee”.
MMT for Grade 5 (Normal), Grade 4 (Good)
Grade 3 (Fair)
 Grade 5 (Normal):
 Patient completes available range.
 Patient holds test position against
maximal resistance.
 Grade 4 (Good):
 Patient completes available range against strong to
moderate resistance.
 Grade 3 (Fair):
 Patient completes range and holds test position without
MMT for Grade 2 (Poor)
Position of Patient:
 Side lying with test limb upper most.
 Knee straight and supported by therapist.
 Lowermost limb is flexed for stability.
Position of Therapist:
 Standing behind patient at thigh level.
 Therapist supports test limb just below the knee,
cradling the leg.
 Opposite hand is placed over the pelvic crest to
maintain pelvic and hip alignment.
 Patient extends hip through full range of motion.
Instructions to patient:
 “Bring your leg back toward me keeping your knee
Grade 2 (Poor):
 Patient completes range of
extension motion in
side-lying position.
MMT for Grade 1 (Trace) & 0 (Zero)
Position of Patient:
 Prone
Position of Therapist:
 Standing on side to be tested at the level of hips.
 Palpate hamstrings at the Ischial tuberosity.
 Palate the Gluteus Maximus with deep finger
pressure over the buttocks and also over the upper
and lower fibers.
 Patient attempts to extend hip in prone position or
tries to squeeze buttocks together.
Instructions to patient:
 “Try to lift your leg from the table.” OR “Squeeze
your buttocks together.”
Grade 1 (Trace):
 Palpable contraction of Gluteus Maximus but no
visible joint movement.
Grade 0 (Zero):
 No palpable contraction of muscle.
Hip extension test to Isolate Gluteus
Position of Patient:
 Prone with knee flexed to 90 degree.
Position of Therapist:
 Standing on side to be tested at the level of pelvis.
 Hand for resistance is contoured over the posterior
thigh just above the knee.
 The opposite hand may stabilize or maintain pelvis
 For Grade 3 test, the knee may need to be supported
in flexion (by cradling at the ankle).
 Patient extends hip through available range,
maintaining knee flexion.
 Resistance is given in a new straight downward
direction toward floor.
Instructions to Patient:
 “Lift your foot to the celling.” OR “lift your leg,
keeping your knee bent.”
MMT for Grade 5 (Normal), Grade 4 (Good)
Grade 3 (Fair)
Grade 5 (Normal):
 Patient completes available ROM.
 Patient holds end position against
maximal resistance.
Grade 4 (Good):
 Limb position can be held against heavy to
moderate resistance.
Grade 3 (Fair):
 Patient completes available range and holds end
position without resistance.
MMT for Grade 2 (Poor)
Position of Patient:
 Side lying with test limb upper most.
 Knee is flexed and supported by therapist.
 Lowermost hip and knee should be flexed for
Position of Therapist:
 Standing behind patient at thigh level.
 Therapist cradles uppermost leg with foreman and
hand under the flexed knee.
 Other hand is on pelvis to maintain posture
 Patient extends hip with supported knee flexed.
Instructions to patient:
 “Bring your leg back toward me keeping your knee
Grade 2 (Poor):
 Patient completes range of extension motion in
side-lying position.
MMT for Grade 1 (Trace) & 0 (Zero)
This test is identical to the Grades 1 and 0 tests
for aggregate hip extension.
Position of Patient:
 Prone
 Patient attempts to extend hip in prone or squeeze
the buttocks together, while the therapist palpates
the Gluteus Maximus.
Hip extension tests modified for hip
flexion tightness
Position of Patient:
 Patient stands with hip flexed and places torso prone
on the table.
 The arms are used to “hug” the table for support. The
knee of the non-test limb should be flexed to allow
the test limb to rest on the floor at the start of the test.
Position of Therapist:
 Stands at side of limb to be tested.
 Hand used to provide resistance is contoured over the
posterior thigh just above the knee.
 The opposite hand stabilizes the pelvis laterally to
maintain hip and pelvis posture.
 Patient extends hip through available range, but hip
extension range is less when the knee is flexed.
 Keeping the knee in extension will test all hip
extensor muscles, with the knee flexed.
 The Isolated Gluteus Maximus will be evaluated.
 Resistance is applied downward and forward.
Instructions to patient:
 “Lift your foot off the
floor as high as you can .”
MMT for Grade 5 (Normal), Grade 4 (Good)
Grade 3 (Fair)
 Grade 5 (Normal):
 Patient completes available range of hip extension.
 Patient holds end position against
maximal resistance.
 Grade 4 (Good):
 Patient completes available range of hip extension.
 Limb position can be held against heavy to moderate
 Grade 3 (Fair):
 Patient completes available range and holds end position
without resistance.
Supine Hip Extension Test
Position of Patient:
 Supine with heels off end of table.
 Arms folded across chest or abdomen.
 Hip range should be approximately 35 inches.
 Leg should be lifted at 65 degree of flexion during
the test.
Position of Therapist:
 Standing at end of table.
 Both hands are cupped
under the heel.
 Patient presses heel into therapist’s cupped hands,
attempting to maintain full extension of the limb as
the therapist raises the limb (approximately 35
inches) from the table.
 Opposite leg should be to relax.
Instructions to patient:
 “Don’t let me lift your leg from the table, keep your
hip locked tight.”
MMT for Grade 5 (Normal), Grade 4 (Good)
Grade 3 (Fair) & Grade 2 (Poor)
Grade 5 (Normal):
 Hip locks in neutral (full extension) throughout this
 Pelvis and back elevate as one locked unit as the
therapist raises the limb.
 The opposite limb will rise involuntarily, illustrating
a locked pelvis.
Grade 4 (Good):
 Hip flexes before pelvis and back elevate and lock
as the limb is raised by the therapist.
 Hip flexion should not exceed 30° before locking
 The other leg will rise involuntarily, but will have
some hip flexion because the pelvis is not fully
Grade 3 (Fair):
 Full elevation of the limb to the end of straight-leg
raising range (60° of hip flexion) with little or no
elevation of the pelvis, demonstrated by the other leg
remaining on the table.
 Therapist feels strong resistance throughout the test.
Grade 2 (Poor):
 Hip flexes fully with only minimal resistance.
 Therapist should check to ensure that the resistance
felt exceeds the weight
of the limb.
Hip Abduction
 Range of motion:
0 to 45
 Muscles:
 Gluteus Medius
 Gluteus Minimus
 Accessory muscles:
 Gluteus Maximus (upper fiber)
 Tensor fasciae latae (TFL)
 Obturator internus (thigh
 Gemellus superior (thigh
 Gemellus inferior (thigh
 Sartorius
Gluteus Medial
 Ilium (outer surface between crest and anterior and
posterior gluteal lines)
 Fascia (over upper part)
 Femur (greater trochanter,
lateral aspect).
Nerve Supply:
 Superior gluteal nerve (inferior branch) L4-S1.
 Hip abduction
(in all positions).
 Hip internal rotation
(anterior fibers).
 Hip external (lateral)
rotation (posterior fibers).
 Hip flexion (anterior fibers) and
hip extension (posterior fibers) as accessory
Gluteus Minimus
 Ilium (outer surface
between anterior and
posterior gluteal lines).
 Greater sciatic notch.
 Femur (greater
anterolateral ridge).
 Fibrous capsule of hip
Nerve Supply:
 Superior gluteal nerve (inferior branch) L4-S1.
 Hip abduction.
 Hip internal (medial)
Procedure for MMT
Position of Patient:
 Side-lying with test leg uppermost.
 Start test with the limb slightly extended beyond the
midline and the pelvis rotated slightly forward.
 Lowermost leg is flexed for stability.
Position of Therapist:
 Standing behind patient.
 Hand used to give resistance is contoured across the
lateral surface of the knee.
 The hand used to palpate the gluteus medius is just
proximal to the greater trochanter of the femur.
 No resistance for Grade 3.
 Patient abducts hip through the complete available
range of motion without flexing the hip or rotating it
in either direction.
 Resistance is given in a straight downward
Instructions to Patient:
 “Lift your leg up in the air. Hold it. Don’t let me
push it down.”
MMT for Grade 5 (Normal), Grade 4 (Good)
Grade 3 (Fair)
Grade 5 (Normal):
 Patient completes available range.
 Patient holds end position against
maximal resistance.
Grade 4 (Good):
 Patient completes available range.
 Holds against heavy to moderate resistance or with
resistance given at the knee.
Grade 3 (Fair):
 Patient completes ROM and holds end position
without resistance.
MMT for Grade 2 (Poor)
Position of Patient:
 Supine.
Position of Therapist:
 Standing on side of limb
being tested.
 One hand supports and lifts the limb by holding it
under the ankle to raise limb just enough to decrease
friction. This hand offers no resistance, nor should it
be used to offer assistance to the movement. On some
smooth surfaces, such support may not be necessary.
 The other hand palpates the gluteus medius just
proximal to the greater trochanter of the femur.
 Patient abducts hip through available range.
Instructions to Patient:
 “Bring your leg out to the side. Keep your kneecap
pointing to the ceiling.”
Grade 2 (Poor):
 Complete range of
motion with supine
with no resistance
and minimal to zero
MMT for Grade 1 (Trace) & 0 (Zero)
Position of Patient:
 Supine.
Position of Therapist:
 Standing at side of limb being tested at level of
 One hand supports the limb under the ankle just
above the malleoli.
 The hand should provide neither resistance nor
assistance to movement.
 Palpate the gluteus medius on the lateral aspect of
the hip just above the greater trochanter.
 Patient attempts to abduct hip.
Instructions to Patient:
 “Try to bring your leg out to the side.”
Grade 1 (Trace):
 Palpable contraction of gluteus medius but no
movement of the part.
Grade 0 (Zero):
 No palpable contraction.
Hip abduction from flexed position
Range of motion:
 Two-joint muscle. No specific
range of motion can be assigned
sole to the tensor.
 Tensor fasciae latae (TFL).
Accessory muscles:
 Gluteus Medius
 Gluteus Minimus
Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL)
 Iliac crest (outer lips).
 Fasciae latae (deep).
 Anterior superior iliac
spine (lateral surface).
 Llliotibial tract
(between its 2 layers,
ending 1/3 of the way).
Nerve Supply:
 Superior gluteal nerve
(inferior branch) L4-S1
 Hip flexion.
 Hip internal rotation.
 Knee flexion.
 Knee external rotation.
 Knee extension with
external rotation.
Procedure for MMT
Position of Patient:
 Side-lying.
 Uppermost limb (test limb) is flexed to 45° and lies
across the lowermost limb
with the foot resting
on the table.
Position of Therapist:
 Standing behind patient at level of pelvis.
 Hand for resistance is placed on lateral surface of the
thigh just above the knee.
 Hand providing stabilization is placed on the crest of
the ilium.
 Patient abducts hip through approximately 30° of
motion. Resistance is given downward (toward
floor) from the lateral surface of the distal femur.
No resistance is given for the Grade 3 test.
Instructions to Patient:
 “Lift your leg and hold it. Don’t let me push it
MMT for Grade 5 (Normal), Grade 4 (Good)
Grade 3 (Fair)
Grade 5 (Normal):
 Completes available range.
 Holds end position against maximum resistance.
Grade 4 (Good):
 Completes available range.
 Holds against strong to moderate resistance.
Grade 3 (Fair):
 Completes movement.
 Holds end position but takes no resistance.
MMT for Grade 2 (Poor)
Position of Patient:
 Patient is in long-sitting position.
 Supporting trunk with hands placed behind body on
 Trunk may lean backward up to 45° from vertical.
Position of Therapist:
 Standing at side of limb to be tested.
 One hand supports the limb under the ankle, this
hand will be used to reduce friction with the surface
as the patient moves but should neither resist nor
assist motion.
 The other hand palpates the tensor fasciae latae on
the proximal anterolateral thigh where it inserts into
the Llliotibial band.
 Test:
 Patient abducts hip through 30° of range.
 Instructions to Patient:
 “Bring your leg out to the side.”
 Grade 2 (Poor):
 Completes hip abduction motion to 30°.
MMT for Grade 1 (Trace) & 0 (Zero)
Position of Patient:
 Long sitting.
Position of Therapist:
 One hand palpates the insertion of the tensor at the
lateral aspect of the knee.
 The other hand palpates the tensor on the
anterolateral thigh.
 Patient attempts to abducts hip.
 Instructions to Patient:
 “Try to move your leg out to the side.”
 Grade 1 (Trace):
 Palpable contraction of tensor fibers but no limb
Grade 0 (Zero):
 No palpable contractile activity.
Hip Adduction
Range of motion:
 0 to 15-20
 Adductor Magnus
 Adductor Brevis
 Adductor Longus
 Pectineus
 Gracilis
Accessory muscles:
 Obturator Externus
 Gluteus Maximus (lower)
Adductor Magnus
 Ischial tuberosity (inferolateral).
 Ischium (inferior ramus).
 Pubis (inferior ramus).
 Fibers from pubic ramus to femur
(gluteal tuberosity), often named
the Adductor minimus.
 Femur (linea aspera via
Aponeurosis, medial supracondylar
line, and adductor tubercle on
medial condyle).
Nerve Supply:
 Superior and medial fibers: Obturator nerve
(posterior division) L2-L4.
 Inferior fibers: Sciatic nerve (tibial division0 L2-L4.
 Hip adduction.
 Hip flexion (superior fibers, weak).
 Hip extension (inferior fibers).
 The role of the Adductor Magnus in rotation of the
hip is dependent on the position of the thigh.
Adductor Brevis
 Pubis (body and inferior ramus)
 Femur (via Aponeurosis to linea aspera).
Nerve Supply:
 Obturator nerve (posterior division) L2-L3 or L4.
 Hip flexion.
 Hip adduction.
Adductor Longus
 Pubis (anterior aspect between crest
and symphysis)
 Femur (linea aspera via Aponeurosis).
 Nerve Supply:
 Superior gluteal nerve (inferior branch) L4-S1
 Action:
 Hip flexion (accessory).
 Hip adduction.
 Hip rotation (depends on position of thigh).
 Hip external rotation (when hip is in extension,
 Pubic pectin
 Fascia of Pectineus
 Femur (on a line from lesser trochanter to line a
Nerve Supply:
 Femoral nerve L2-L3.
 Accessory Obturator never (when present) L3
 Hip flexion.
 Hip adduction.
 Origin:
 Pubis(body and inferior ramus )
 Ischial ramus
 Insertion:
 Tibia (medial shaft distal to condyle)
 Pes anserinus
 Deep fascia of leg.
 Nerve Supply:
 Obturator nerve (anterior division) (ventral rami) L2-L3
 Action:
 Hip adduction.
 Knee flexion.
 Knee internal (medial) rotation (accessory).
Procedure for MMT
 Position of Patient:
 Side lying with the test leg lowermost and resting
on the table.
 The uppermost leg is abducted to 25 degrees and
supported by the therapist.
 The therapist cradles the leg with the forearm, the
hand supporting the limb on the medial surface of
the knee.
 Position of Therapist:
 The therapist stands behind the patient at the knee
 The resistance hand is placed on the distal medial
femur of the test leg.
 Resistance is directed straight downward toward the
 Patient adducts hip until the lower limb contacts the
upper one.
Instructions to Patient:
 “Lift your bottom leg up to your top one. Hold it.
Don't let me push it down.”
For Grade3: “Lift your bottom leg up to your top
one. Don't let it drop.”
MMT for Grade 5 (Normal), Grade 4 (Good)
Grade 3 (Fair)
 Grade 5 (Normal):
 Completes full range, holds end position against maximal
 Grade 4 (Good):
 Completes full movement but tolerates strong to moderate
 Grade 3 (Fair):
 Completes full movement, holds end position but takes no
MMT for Grade 2 (Poor)
Position of Patient:
 Supine.
 The non-test limb is positioned in some abduction
to prevent interference with motion of the test limb.
Position of Therapist:
 Standing at side of test limb at knee level.
 One hand supports the ankle and elevates it slightly
from the table surface to decrease friction as the
limb moves across.
 The examiner uses this hand neither to assist nor to
resist motion.
 The opposite hand palpates the adductor mass on
the inner aspect of the proximal thigh .
 Patient adducts hip without rotation.
 Instructions to Patient:
 “Bring your leg in toward the other one.”
Grade 2 (Poor):
 Patient adducts limb through full range.
MMT for Grade 1 (Trace) & 0 (Zero)
Position of Patient:
 Supine.
Position of Therapist:
 Standing on side of test limb.
 One hand supports the limb under the ankle.
 The other hand palpates the adductor mass on the
proximal medial thigh.
 Patient attempts to adduct hip.
Instructions to Patient:
 “Try to bring your leg in.”
Grade 1 (Trace):
 Palpable contraction.
 No limb movement.
Grade 0 (Zero):
 No palpable contraction.
Hip External Rotation
Range of motion:
 0 to 45
 Obturator Externus
 Obturator internus
 Quadratus Femoris (may be absent)
 Piriformis
 Gemellus superior (may be absent)
 Gemellus Inferior
 Gluteus Maximus
Hip Extensors
 Accessory muscles:
 Sartorius
 Biceps Femoris (longhead)
 Gluteus medius (posterior)
 Psoas major
 Adductor Magnus (position-dependent)
 Adductor Longus
 Popliteal (tibia fixed)
Nerve Supply
Obturator Externus
 Obturator membrane (external surface)
 Ischium (ramus)
 Pubis (inferior ramus)
 Pelvis(lesser pelvic cavity, inner surface )
 Femur (trochanteric fossa )
Nerve Supply:
 L3-L4 Obturator nerve (posterior branch)
 Hip external (lateral) rotation
 Hip adduction (assist)
Obturator internus
 Pubis (inferior ramus)
 Ischium (ramus)
 Obturator fascia
 Obturator foramen (margin)
 Obturator membrane
 Upper brim of greater sciatic foramen
 Femur (greater trochanter, medial)
 Tendon fuses with gemelli
 Nerve Supply:
 L5-S1nerve to Obturator
internus of lumbosacral
 Action:
 Hip external (lateral)
 Abduction of flexed hip
Quadratus Femoris
 Ischial tuberosity (external aspect) .
 Femur(quadrate tubercle on trochanteric crest)
Nerve Supply:
 L5-S1 nerve to Quadratus Femoris (off lumbar
 Hip external (lateral ) rotation.
 Origin:
 Sacrum (anterior surface)
 Ilium (gluteal surface near posterior inferior iliac spine)
 Sacrotuberous ligament
 Capsule of sacroiliac joint
 Insertion:
 Femur(greater trochanter, medial side)
 Nerve Supply:
 S1-S2 spinal nerves (nerve to Piriformis)
 Action:
 Hip external (lateral) rotation
 Abducts the Hexed hip
Gemellus superior
 Ischium (spine, dorsal surface).
 Femur (greater trochanter, medial surface )
 Blends with tendon of Obturator internus )
Nerve Supply:
 L5-S1 nerve to Obturator internus (off lumbar
 Hip external (lateral ) rotation
 Hip abduction with hip flexed (accessory )
Gemellus Inferior
 Ischial tuberosity (upper part)
 Femur (greater trochanter, medial surface)
 Blends with tendon of Obturator internus
Nerve Supply:
 L5-S1 nerve to Quadratus Femoris (off lumbar
 Hip external (lateral) rotation
 Hip abduction with hip flexed (weak assist).
Gluteus Maximus
 Origin:
 Ilium (posterior gluteal line
and crest)
 Sacrum (dorsal and lower
 Coccyx (side)
 Sacrotuberous ligament
 Aponeurosis over gluteus
 Insertion:
 Femur (gluteal tuberosity)
 Lliotibial tract of fascia lata
Nerve Supply:
 Inferior gluteal nerve L5-
 Powerful hip extension.
 Hip external (lateral)
 Hip abduction (upper
 Hip adduction (lower
Procedure for MMT
Position of Patient:
 Short sitting. (Trunk may be supported by placing
hands flat or fisted at sides )
Position of Therapist:
 Sits on a low stool or kneels
 Beside limb to be tested. The hand that gives
resistance grasps the ankle just above the malleolus.
 Resistance is applied as a laterally directed force at
the ankle .
 Patient externally rotates
the hip.
 This is a test where it is
preferable for the examiner
to place the limb in the test
end position rather than to
ask the patient to perform
the movement.
Instructions to Patient :
“Don't let me turn your leg
MMT for Grade 5 (Normal), Grade 4 (Good)
Grade 3 (Fair)
Grade 5 (Normal):
 Holds at end of range against
maximal resistance.
Grade 4 (Good):
 Holds at end of range against
strong to moderate resistance.
Grade 3 (Fair):
 Holds end position but.
tolerates no resistance
MMT for Grade 2 (Poor)
 Position of Patient:
 Supine, Test limb is in internal rotation.
 Position of Therapist:
 Standing at side of limb to be tested.
 Test:
 Patient externally rotates hip in available range of
 One hand may be used to maintain pelvic alignment
at lateral hip.
 Instructions to Patient:
 “Roll your leg out.”
 Grade 2 (Poor):
 Completes external rotation range of motion.
 As the hip rolls past the midline, minimal resistance
can be offered to off set the assistance of gravity.
MMT for Grade 1 (Trace) & 0
 Position of Patient:
 Supine, with test limb placed in internal rotation.
 Position of Therapist: Standing at side of limb to be
tested .
 Test:
 Patient attempts to externally rotate hip.
 Instructions to Patient: “Try to roll your leg out.”
 Grade 1 (Trace) and Grade 0 (Zero):
 The external rotator muscles, except for the
Gluteus Maximus, are not palpable. If there is any
discernible movement (contractile activity), a grade
of 1 should be given; other wise, a grade of 0 is
assigned on the principle that when ever uncertainty
exists, the lesser grade should be awarded.
Hip Internal Rotation
Range of motion:
 0 to 45
 Gluteus Minimus (anterior fibers)
 Tensor fasciae latae
 Gluteus Medius (anterior fibers)
Accessory muscles:
 Semitendinosus
 Semimembranosus
 Adductor Magnus (position-dependent)
 Adductor Longus (position-dependent)
Gluteus Minimus (anterior fibers)
 Ilium (outer surface between anterior and inferior
gluteal lines)
 Greater sciatic notch
 Femur (greater trochanter, anterior aspect)
 Fibrous capsule of hip joint
Tensor fasciae latae
 Origin
 Iliac crest (outer lip )
 Fascia lata (deep )
 Anterior superior iliac spine (lateral surface )
 Insertion
 Lliotibial tract (between its two layers ending 1/3
down femur )
Gluteus Medius (anterior fibers)
 Origin
 Ilium (outer surface between crest and posterior
gluteal line )
 Gluteal fascia
 Insertion
 Femur (greater trochanter, lateral surface )
Procedure for MMT
 Position of Patient:
 Short sitting.
 Arms may be used for trunk support at sides or may
be crossed over chest.
 Position of Therapist:
 Sitting or kneeling in front of patient.
 One hand grasps the lateral surface of the ankle just
above the malleolus.
 Test:
 The limb should be placed in the end position of full
internal rotation by the examiner for best test
MMT for Grade 5 (Normal), Grade 4
Grade 3 (Fair)
 Grade 5 (Normal):
 Holds end position against
maximal resistance.
 Grade 4 (Good):
 Holds end position against strong
to moderate resistance.
 Grade 3 (Fair):
 Holds end position but takes no
MMT for Grade 2 (Poor)
Position of Patient:
 Supine, Test limb in partial external rotation.
Position of Therapist:
 Standing next to test leg.
 Palpate the gluteus medius proximal to the greater
trochanter and the tensor fasciae latae over the
anterolateral hip below the ASIS.
 Patient internally rotates hip through available
Instructions to Patient: “Roll your leg in toward
the other one.”
 Grade 2 (Poor):
 Completes the range of motion.
 As the hip rolls inward past the midline, minimal
resistance can be offered to off set the assistance of
MMT for Grade 1 (Trace) & 0
 Position of Patient:
 Supine, with test limb placed in external rotation.
 Position of Therapist:
 Standing next to test leg .
 Test:
 Patient attempts to internally rotate hip.
 Instructions to Patient : “Try to roll your leg in.”
 Grade 1 (Trace):
 Palpable contractile activity in either or both
 Grade 0 (Zero):
 No palpable contractile activity.
 MMT by Daniels and Worthinghams.
 Atlas of human body by Frank H Netter.
Mmt f0r hip
Mmt f0r hip

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Mmt f0r hip

  • 1.
  • 2. The University Of Lahore Topic: Manual Muscle Testing of Hip Presented To: Dr. Asif Wattoo Presented By: Ambreen Sadaf BSOT02153003
  • 3. Contents:  Hip Flexion  Hip Extension  Hip Abduction  Hip Adduction Learning Objectives  Range of motion  Muscles  Origin  Insertion  Nerve supply  Action  Procedure for MMT
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6. Hip Flexion Range of motion: 0 to 120 degree Muscles:  Psoas major  Iliacus Accessory muscles:  Rectus Femoris (RF)  Sartorius  Tensor fasciae latae (TFL)  Pectineus
  • 7. Psoas Major Origin:  L1-L5 vertebrae (transverse processes).  T12-L5 vertebral bodies (sides) and their intervertebral discs. Insertion:  Femur (lesser trochanter)
  • 8. Nerve Supply:  Lumbar plexus, spinal nerves (ventral rami) L2-L4.  L1 also cited. Action:  Powerful hip flexion.  Trunk flexion.
  • 9. ILIACUS Origin:  Iliac fossa (upper2/3).  Iliac crest (inner lip).  Sacroiliac and iliolumbar ligaments.  Sacrum (upper lateral surface). Insertion:  Femur (lesser trochanter via insertion on tendon on the psoas and shaft below the lesser trochanter).
  • 10. Nerve supply:  Lumbar plexus, Femoral nerve L2-L4 Action:  Hip flexion.  Flexes pelvis on femur.
  • 11. Procedure for MMT Position of Patient:  Short sitting with thighs fully supported on table and legs hanging over the edge.  Patient may use arms to provide trunk stability by grasping table edge or with hands on table at each side. Position of Therapist :  Standing next to limb to be tested.  Contoured hand to give resistance over distal thigh just proximal to the knee joint.
  • 12. Test:  The therapist places one hand on the distal thigh and proximal knee, and applies resistance in a downward direction as the patient actively flexes at the hip. Instructions to Patient:  “Lift your leg off the table and don’t let me push it down”.
  • 13. MMT for Grade 5 (Normal), Grade 4 (Good) & Grade 3 (Fair) Grade 5 (Normal):  Thigh clears table.  Patient tolerate maximal resistance. Grade 4 (Good):  Hip flexion holds against strong to moderate resistance. Grade 3 (Fair):  Patient completes test range without resistance.
  • 14. MMT for Grade 2 (Poor) Position of Patient:  Side lying with affected leg down, trunk, pelvis and legs are straight.  Upper leg is supported.  Lowermost limb may be flexed for stability. Position of Therapist:  Standing behind patient.  Cradle test limb in one arm with hand support under the knee.  Opposite hand maintains trunk alignment at hip.
  • 15. Test:  Patient flexes supported hip.  Knee is permitted to flex to prevent hamstring tension. Instructions to patient:  “Bring your knee up toward your chest.” Grade 2 (Poor):  Patient complete the range of motion in side-lying position.
  • 16. MMT for Grade 1 (Trace) & 0 (Zero) Position of Patient:  Supine lying, both legs are extended and test limb is supported by therapist under calf with hand behind knee. Position of Therapist:  Standing at side limb to be tested.  Test limb is supported by therapist under calf with hand behind knee.  Free hand palate the muscle just distal to the inguinal ligament on the medial side of the sartorius.
  • 17. Test:  Patient attempts to flex hip. Instructions to patient:  “Try to bring your knee up to your nose.” Grade 1 (Trace):  Palpable contraction but no visible movement. Grade 0 (Zero):  No palpable contraction of muscle.
  • 18.
  • 19. Hip Extension Range of motion: 0 to 20 degree Muscles:  Gluteus Maximus  Semitendinosus  Semimembranosus  Biceps Femoris (long head) Accessory muscles:  Adductor Magnus (inferior)  Gluteus Medius (posterior)
  • 20. Gluteus Maximus Origin:  Ilium (posterior gluteal line).  Iliac crest (posterior medial)  Sacrum (dorsal surface of lower part)  Coccyx (side)  Sacrotuberosus ligament  Aponeurosis over gluteus medius.
  • 21. Insertion:  Femur (gluteal tuberosity)  Lliotibial tract of fascia lata. Nerve Supply:  Inferior gluteal nerve L5-S2 Action:  Powerful hip extension.  Hip external (lateral) rotation.  Hip abduction (upper fibers).  Hip adduction (lower fibers).
  • 22. Semitendinosus Origin:  Ischial tuberosity (upper area, inferomedial impression via tendon shared with biceps Femoris).  Aponeurosis (between the two muscles). Insertion:  Tibia (proximal medial shaft) pes anserinus.
  • 23. Nerve Supply:  Sciatic nerve (tibial division) L5-S2. Action:  Knee flexion.  Knee internal rotation.  Hip extension.  Hip internal rotation (accessory).
  • 24. Semimembranosus Origin:  Ischial tuberosity (superolateral impression). Insertion:  Tibia (medial condyle, posterior aspect)  Oblique popliteal ligament of knee joint  Aponeurosis over distal muscle (variable).
  • 25. Nerve Supply:  Sciatic nerve (tibial division) L5-S2. Action:  Knee flexion.  Knee internal rotation.  Hip extension.  Hip internal rotation (accessory).
  • 26. Biceps Femoris (long head) Origin:  Ischial tuberosity (inferomedial impression via tendon shared with semitendinosus).  Sacrotuberosus ligament. Insertion:  Fibula (head)  Tibia (lateral condyle)1  Aponeurosis
  • 27. Nerve Supply:  Sciatic nerve (tibial division) L5-S2. Action:  Knee flexion (only the short head is a pure knee flexor).  Knee external rotation.  Hip extension an external rotation (long head).
  • 28. Procedure for MMT of all hip muscles Position of Patient:  Prone position.  Arms may be overhead or abducted to hold sides of the table. Position of Therapist :  Standing at side of limb to be tested at the level of pelvis.  The hand providing resistance is placed on the posterior leg just above the ankle.  The opposite hand may be used to stabilize or maintain pelvis alignment in the area of the posterior superior spine of ilium.
  • 29. Test:  Patient extends hip through entire available range of motion.  Resistance is given straight downward toward the floor. Instructions to Patient:  “Lift your leg off the table as high as you can without bending your knee”.
  • 30. MMT for Grade 5 (Normal), Grade 4 (Good) & Grade 3 (Fair)  Grade 5 (Normal):  Patient completes available range.  Patient holds test position against maximal resistance.  Grade 4 (Good):  Patient completes available range against strong to moderate resistance.  Grade 3 (Fair):  Patient completes range and holds test position without resistance.
  • 31. MMT for Grade 2 (Poor) Position of Patient:  Side lying with test limb upper most.  Knee straight and supported by therapist.  Lowermost limb is flexed for stability. Position of Therapist:  Standing behind patient at thigh level.  Therapist supports test limb just below the knee, cradling the leg.  Opposite hand is placed over the pelvic crest to maintain pelvic and hip alignment.
  • 32. Test:  Patient extends hip through full range of motion. Instructions to patient:  “Bring your leg back toward me keeping your knee straight.” Grade 2 (Poor):  Patient completes range of extension motion in side-lying position.
  • 33. MMT for Grade 1 (Trace) & 0 (Zero) Position of Patient:  Prone Position of Therapist:  Standing on side to be tested at the level of hips.  Palpate hamstrings at the Ischial tuberosity.  Palate the Gluteus Maximus with deep finger pressure over the buttocks and also over the upper and lower fibers. Test:  Patient attempts to extend hip in prone position or tries to squeeze buttocks together.
  • 34. Instructions to patient:  “Try to lift your leg from the table.” OR “Squeeze your buttocks together.” Grade 1 (Trace):  Palpable contraction of Gluteus Maximus but no visible joint movement. Grade 0 (Zero):  No palpable contraction of muscle.
  • 35. Hip extension test to Isolate Gluteus Maximus Position of Patient:  Prone with knee flexed to 90 degree. Position of Therapist:  Standing on side to be tested at the level of pelvis.  Hand for resistance is contoured over the posterior thigh just above the knee.  The opposite hand may stabilize or maintain pelvis alignment.  For Grade 3 test, the knee may need to be supported in flexion (by cradling at the ankle).
  • 36. Test:  Patient extends hip through available range, maintaining knee flexion.  Resistance is given in a new straight downward direction toward floor. Instructions to Patient:  “Lift your foot to the celling.” OR “lift your leg, keeping your knee bent.”
  • 37. MMT for Grade 5 (Normal), Grade 4 (Good) & Grade 3 (Fair) Grade 5 (Normal):  Patient completes available ROM.  Patient holds end position against maximal resistance. Grade 4 (Good):  Limb position can be held against heavy to moderate resistance. Grade 3 (Fair):  Patient completes available range and holds end position without resistance.
  • 38. MMT for Grade 2 (Poor) Position of Patient:  Side lying with test limb upper most.  Knee is flexed and supported by therapist.  Lowermost hip and knee should be flexed for stability. Position of Therapist:  Standing behind patient at thigh level.  Therapist cradles uppermost leg with foreman and hand under the flexed knee.  Other hand is on pelvis to maintain posture alignment.
  • 39. Test:  Patient extends hip with supported knee flexed. Instructions to patient:  “Bring your leg back toward me keeping your knee straight.” Grade 2 (Poor):  Patient completes range of extension motion in side-lying position.
  • 40. MMT for Grade 1 (Trace) & 0 (Zero) This test is identical to the Grades 1 and 0 tests for aggregate hip extension. Position of Patient:  Prone Test:  Patient attempts to extend hip in prone or squeeze the buttocks together, while the therapist palpates the Gluteus Maximus.
  • 41. Hip extension tests modified for hip flexion tightness Position of Patient:  Patient stands with hip flexed and places torso prone on the table.  The arms are used to “hug” the table for support. The knee of the non-test limb should be flexed to allow the test limb to rest on the floor at the start of the test. Position of Therapist:  Stands at side of limb to be tested.  Hand used to provide resistance is contoured over the posterior thigh just above the knee.  The opposite hand stabilizes the pelvis laterally to maintain hip and pelvis posture.
  • 42. Test:  Patient extends hip through available range, but hip extension range is less when the knee is flexed.  Keeping the knee in extension will test all hip extensor muscles, with the knee flexed.  The Isolated Gluteus Maximus will be evaluated.  Resistance is applied downward and forward. Instructions to patient:  “Lift your foot off the floor as high as you can .”
  • 43. MMT for Grade 5 (Normal), Grade 4 (Good) & Grade 3 (Fair)  Grade 5 (Normal):  Patient completes available range of hip extension.  Patient holds end position against maximal resistance.  Grade 4 (Good):  Patient completes available range of hip extension.  Limb position can be held against heavy to moderate resistance.  Grade 3 (Fair):  Patient completes available range and holds end position without resistance.
  • 44. Supine Hip Extension Test Position of Patient:  Supine with heels off end of table.  Arms folded across chest or abdomen.  Hip range should be approximately 35 inches.  Leg should be lifted at 65 degree of flexion during the test. Position of Therapist:  Standing at end of table.  Both hands are cupped under the heel.
  • 45. Test:  Patient presses heel into therapist’s cupped hands, attempting to maintain full extension of the limb as the therapist raises the limb (approximately 35 inches) from the table.  Opposite leg should be to relax. Instructions to patient:  “Don’t let me lift your leg from the table, keep your hip locked tight.”
  • 46. MMT for Grade 5 (Normal), Grade 4 (Good) Grade 3 (Fair) & Grade 2 (Poor) Grade 5 (Normal):  Hip locks in neutral (full extension) throughout this test.  Pelvis and back elevate as one locked unit as the therapist raises the limb.  The opposite limb will rise involuntarily, illustrating a locked pelvis.
  • 47. Grade 4 (Good):  Hip flexes before pelvis and back elevate and lock as the limb is raised by the therapist.  Hip flexion should not exceed 30° before locking occurs.  The other leg will rise involuntarily, but will have some hip flexion because the pelvis is not fully locked.
  • 48. Grade 3 (Fair):  Full elevation of the limb to the end of straight-leg raising range (60° of hip flexion) with little or no elevation of the pelvis, demonstrated by the other leg remaining on the table.  Therapist feels strong resistance throughout the test. Grade 2 (Poor):  Hip flexes fully with only minimal resistance.  Therapist should check to ensure that the resistance felt exceeds the weight of the limb.
  • 49.
  • 50. Hip Abduction  Range of motion: 0 to 45 degree  Muscles:  Gluteus Medius  Gluteus Minimus  Accessory muscles:  Gluteus Maximus (upper fiber)  Tensor fasciae latae (TFL)  Obturator internus (thigh flexed)  Gemellus superior (thigh flexed)  Gemellus inferior (thigh flexed)  Sartorius
  • 51. Gluteus Medial Origin:  Ilium (outer surface between crest and anterior and posterior gluteal lines)  Fascia (over upper part) Insertion:  Femur (greater trochanter, lateral aspect).
  • 52. Nerve Supply:  Superior gluteal nerve (inferior branch) L4-S1. Action:  Hip abduction (in all positions).  Hip internal rotation (anterior fibers).  Hip external (lateral) rotation (posterior fibers).  Hip flexion (anterior fibers) and hip extension (posterior fibers) as accessory function.
  • 53. Gluteus Minimus Origin:  Ilium (outer surface between anterior and posterior gluteal lines).  Greater sciatic notch. Insertion:  Femur (greater trochanter, anterolateral ridge).  Fibrous capsule of hip joint.
  • 54. Nerve Supply:  Superior gluteal nerve (inferior branch) L4-S1. Action:  Hip abduction.  Hip internal (medial) rotation.
  • 55. Procedure for MMT Position of Patient:  Side-lying with test leg uppermost.  Start test with the limb slightly extended beyond the midline and the pelvis rotated slightly forward.  Lowermost leg is flexed for stability. Position of Therapist:  Standing behind patient.  Hand used to give resistance is contoured across the lateral surface of the knee.  The hand used to palpate the gluteus medius is just proximal to the greater trochanter of the femur.  No resistance for Grade 3.
  • 56. Test:  Patient abducts hip through the complete available range of motion without flexing the hip or rotating it in either direction.  Resistance is given in a straight downward direction. Instructions to Patient:  “Lift your leg up in the air. Hold it. Don’t let me push it down.”
  • 57. MMT for Grade 5 (Normal), Grade 4 (Good) & Grade 3 (Fair) Grade 5 (Normal):  Patient completes available range.  Patient holds end position against maximal resistance. Grade 4 (Good):  Patient completes available range.  Holds against heavy to moderate resistance or with resistance given at the knee. Grade 3 (Fair):  Patient completes ROM and holds end position without resistance.
  • 58. MMT for Grade 2 (Poor) Position of Patient:  Supine. Position of Therapist:  Standing on side of limb being tested.  One hand supports and lifts the limb by holding it under the ankle to raise limb just enough to decrease friction. This hand offers no resistance, nor should it be used to offer assistance to the movement. On some smooth surfaces, such support may not be necessary.  The other hand palpates the gluteus medius just proximal to the greater trochanter of the femur.
  • 59. Test:  Patient abducts hip through available range. Instructions to Patient:  “Bring your leg out to the side. Keep your kneecap pointing to the ceiling.” Grading Grade 2 (Poor):  Complete range of motion with supine with no resistance and minimal to zero friction.
  • 60. MMT for Grade 1 (Trace) & 0 (Zero) Position of Patient:  Supine. Position of Therapist:  Standing at side of limb being tested at level of thigh.  One hand supports the limb under the ankle just above the malleoli.  The hand should provide neither resistance nor assistance to movement.  Palpate the gluteus medius on the lateral aspect of the hip just above the greater trochanter.
  • 61. Test:  Patient attempts to abduct hip. Instructions to Patient:  “Try to bring your leg out to the side.” Grading Grade 1 (Trace):  Palpable contraction of gluteus medius but no movement of the part. Grade 0 (Zero):  No palpable contraction.
  • 62. Hip abduction from flexed position Range of motion:  Two-joint muscle. No specific range of motion can be assigned sole to the tensor. Muscle:  Tensor fasciae latae (TFL). Accessory muscles:  Gluteus Medius  Gluteus Minimus
  • 63. Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL) Origin:  Iliac crest (outer lips).  Fasciae latae (deep).  Anterior superior iliac spine (lateral surface). Insertion:  Llliotibial tract (between its 2 layers, ending 1/3 of the way).
  • 64. Nerve Supply:  Superior gluteal nerve (inferior branch) L4-S1 Action:  Hip flexion.  Hip internal rotation.  Knee flexion.  Knee external rotation.  Knee extension with external rotation.
  • 65. Procedure for MMT Position of Patient:  Side-lying.  Uppermost limb (test limb) is flexed to 45° and lies across the lowermost limb with the foot resting on the table. Position of Therapist:  Standing behind patient at level of pelvis.  Hand for resistance is placed on lateral surface of the thigh just above the knee.  Hand providing stabilization is placed on the crest of the ilium.
  • 66. Test:  Patient abducts hip through approximately 30° of motion. Resistance is given downward (toward floor) from the lateral surface of the distal femur. No resistance is given for the Grade 3 test. Instructions to Patient:  “Lift your leg and hold it. Don’t let me push it down.”
  • 67. MMT for Grade 5 (Normal), Grade 4 (Good) & Grade 3 (Fair) Grade 5 (Normal):  Completes available range.  Holds end position against maximum resistance. Grade 4 (Good):  Completes available range.  Holds against strong to moderate resistance. Grade 3 (Fair):  Completes movement.  Holds end position but takes no resistance.
  • 68. MMT for Grade 2 (Poor) Position of Patient:  Patient is in long-sitting position.  Supporting trunk with hands placed behind body on table.  Trunk may lean backward up to 45° from vertical. Position of Therapist:  Standing at side of limb to be tested.  One hand supports the limb under the ankle, this hand will be used to reduce friction with the surface as the patient moves but should neither resist nor assist motion.  The other hand palpates the tensor fasciae latae on the proximal anterolateral thigh where it inserts into the Llliotibial band.
  • 69.  Test:  Patient abducts hip through 30° of range.  Instructions to Patient:  “Bring your leg out to the side.” Grading  Grade 2 (Poor):  Completes hip abduction motion to 30°.
  • 70. MMT for Grade 1 (Trace) & 0 (Zero) Position of Patient:  Long sitting. Position of Therapist:  One hand palpates the insertion of the tensor at the lateral aspect of the knee.  The other hand palpates the tensor on the anterolateral thigh. Test:  Patient attempts to abducts hip.
  • 71.  Instructions to Patient:  “Try to move your leg out to the side.” Grading  Grade 1 (Trace):  Palpable contraction of tensor fibers but no limb movement. Grade 0 (Zero):  No palpable contractile activity.
  • 72.
  • 73. Hip Adduction Range of motion:  0 to 15-20 degree Muscle:  Adductor Magnus  Adductor Brevis  Adductor Longus  Pectineus  Gracilis Accessory muscles:  Obturator Externus  Gluteus Maximus (lower)
  • 74.
  • 75. Adductor Magnus Origin:  Ischial tuberosity (inferolateral).  Ischium (inferior ramus).  Pubis (inferior ramus).  Fibers from pubic ramus to femur (gluteal tuberosity), often named the Adductor minimus. Insertion:  Femur (linea aspera via Aponeurosis, medial supracondylar line, and adductor tubercle on medial condyle).
  • 76. Nerve Supply:  Superior and medial fibers: Obturator nerve (posterior division) L2-L4.  Inferior fibers: Sciatic nerve (tibial division0 L2-L4. Action:  Hip adduction.  Hip flexion (superior fibers, weak).  Hip extension (inferior fibers).  The role of the Adductor Magnus in rotation of the hip is dependent on the position of the thigh.
  • 77. Adductor Brevis Origin:  Pubis (body and inferior ramus) Insertion:  Femur (via Aponeurosis to linea aspera). Nerve Supply:  Obturator nerve (posterior division) L2-L3 or L4. Action:  Hip flexion.  Hip adduction.
  • 78. Adductor Longus Origin:  Pubis (anterior aspect between crest and symphysis) Insertion:  Femur (linea aspera via Aponeurosis).  Nerve Supply:  Superior gluteal nerve (inferior branch) L4-S1  Action:  Hip flexion (accessory).  Hip adduction.  Hip rotation (depends on position of thigh).  Hip external rotation (when hip is in extension, accessory).
  • 79. Pectineus Origin:  Pubic pectin  Fascia of Pectineus Insertion:  Femur (on a line from lesser trochanter to line a aspera). Nerve Supply:  Femoral nerve L2-L3.  Accessory Obturator never (when present) L3 Action:  Hip flexion.  Hip adduction.
  • 80. Gracilis  Origin:  Pubis(body and inferior ramus )  Ischial ramus  Insertion:  Tibia (medial shaft distal to condyle)  Pes anserinus  Deep fascia of leg.  Nerve Supply:  Obturator nerve (anterior division) (ventral rami) L2-L3  Action:  Hip adduction.  Knee flexion.  Knee internal (medial) rotation (accessory).
  • 81. Procedure for MMT  Position of Patient:  Side lying with the test leg lowermost and resting on the table.  The uppermost leg is abducted to 25 degrees and supported by the therapist.  The therapist cradles the leg with the forearm, the hand supporting the limb on the medial surface of the knee.  Position of Therapist:  The therapist stands behind the patient at the knee level.  The resistance hand is placed on the distal medial femur of the test leg.  Resistance is directed straight downward toward the table.
  • 82. Test:  Patient adducts hip until the lower limb contacts the upper one. Instructions to Patient:  “Lift your bottom leg up to your top one. Hold it. Don't let me push it down.” For Grade3: “Lift your bottom leg up to your top one. Don't let it drop.”
  • 83. MMT for Grade 5 (Normal), Grade 4 (Good) & Grade 3 (Fair)  Grade 5 (Normal):  Completes full range, holds end position against maximal resistance.  Grade 4 (Good):  Completes full movement but tolerates strong to moderate resistance.  Grade 3 (Fair):  Completes full movement, holds end position but takes no resistance.
  • 84. MMT for Grade 2 (Poor) Position of Patient:  Supine.  The non-test limb is positioned in some abduction to prevent interference with motion of the test limb. Position of Therapist:  Standing at side of test limb at knee level.  One hand supports the ankle and elevates it slightly from the table surface to decrease friction as the limb moves across.  The examiner uses this hand neither to assist nor to resist motion.  The opposite hand palpates the adductor mass on the inner aspect of the proximal thigh .
  • 85. Test:  Patient adducts hip without rotation.  Instructions to Patient:  “Bring your leg in toward the other one.” Grading Grade 2 (Poor):  Patient adducts limb through full range.
  • 86. MMT for Grade 1 (Trace) & 0 (Zero) Position of Patient:  Supine. Position of Therapist:  Standing on side of test limb.  One hand supports the limb under the ankle.  The other hand palpates the adductor mass on the proximal medial thigh. Test:  Patient attempts to adduct hip. Instructions to Patient:  “Try to bring your leg in.”
  • 87. Grading Grade 1 (Trace):  Palpable contraction.  No limb movement. Grade 0 (Zero):  No palpable contraction.
  • 88.
  • 89. Hip External Rotation Range of motion:  0 to 45 degree Muscle:  Obturator Externus  Obturator internus  Quadratus Femoris (may be absent)  Piriformis  Gemellus superior (may be absent)  Gemellus Inferior  Gluteus Maximus
  • 91. Cont..  Accessory muscles:  Sartorius  Biceps Femoris (longhead)  Gluteus medius (posterior)  Psoas major  Adductor Magnus (position-dependent)  Adductor Longus  Popliteal (tibia fixed)
  • 93. Obturator Externus Origin:  Obturator membrane (external surface)  Ischium (ramus)  Pubis (inferior ramus)  Pelvis(lesser pelvic cavity, inner surface ) Insertion:  Femur (trochanteric fossa ) Nerve Supply:  L3-L4 Obturator nerve (posterior branch) Action:  Hip external (lateral) rotation  Hip adduction (assist)
  • 94.
  • 95. Obturator internus Origin:  Pubis (inferior ramus)  Ischium (ramus)  Obturator fascia  Obturator foramen (margin)  Obturator membrane  Upper brim of greater sciatic foramen Insertion:  Femur (greater trochanter, medial)  Tendon fuses with gemelli
  • 96. Cont..  Nerve Supply:  L5-S1nerve to Obturator internus of lumbosacral plexus  Action:  Hip external (lateral) rotation.  Abduction of flexed hip (assist).
  • 97. Quadratus Femoris Origin:  Ischial tuberosity (external aspect) . Insertion:  Femur(quadrate tubercle on trochanteric crest) Nerve Supply:  L5-S1 nerve to Quadratus Femoris (off lumbar plexus) Action:  Hip external (lateral ) rotation.
  • 98. Piriformis  Origin:  Sacrum (anterior surface)  Ilium (gluteal surface near posterior inferior iliac spine)  Sacrotuberous ligament  Capsule of sacroiliac joint  Insertion:  Femur(greater trochanter, medial side)  Nerve Supply:  S1-S2 spinal nerves (nerve to Piriformis)  Action:  Hip external (lateral) rotation  Abducts the Hexed hip
  • 99. Gemellus superior Origin:  Ischium (spine, dorsal surface). Insertion:  Femur (greater trochanter, medial surface )  Blends with tendon of Obturator internus ) Nerve Supply:  L5-S1 nerve to Obturator internus (off lumbar plexus) Action:  Hip external (lateral ) rotation  Hip abduction with hip flexed (accessory )
  • 100. Gemellus Inferior Origin:  Ischial tuberosity (upper part) Insertion:  Femur (greater trochanter, medial surface)  Blends with tendon of Obturator internus Nerve Supply:  L5-S1 nerve to Quadratus Femoris (off lumbar plexus). Action:  Hip external (lateral) rotation  Hip abduction with hip flexed (weak assist).
  • 101. Gluteus Maximus  Origin:  Ilium (posterior gluteal line and crest)  Sacrum (dorsal and lower aspects)  Coccyx (side)  Sacrotuberous ligament  Aponeurosis over gluteus medius  Insertion:  Femur (gluteal tuberosity)  Lliotibial tract of fascia lata
  • 102. Cont.. Nerve Supply:  Inferior gluteal nerve L5- S2 Action:  Powerful hip extension.  Hip external (lateral) rotation.  Hip abduction (upper fibers).  Hip adduction (lower fibers).
  • 103. Procedure for MMT Position of Patient:  Short sitting. (Trunk may be supported by placing hands flat or fisted at sides ) Position of Therapist:  Sits on a low stool or kneels  Beside limb to be tested. The hand that gives resistance grasps the ankle just above the malleolus.  Resistance is applied as a laterally directed force at the ankle .
  • 104. Cont.. Test:  Patient externally rotates the hip.  This is a test where it is preferable for the examiner to place the limb in the test end position rather than to ask the patient to perform the movement. Instructions to Patient : “Don't let me turn your leg out.”
  • 105. MMT for Grade 5 (Normal), Grade 4 (Good) & Grade 3 (Fair) Grade 5 (Normal):  Holds at end of range against maximal resistance. Grade 4 (Good):  Holds at end of range against strong to moderate resistance. Grade 3 (Fair):  Holds end position but. tolerates no resistance
  • 106. MMT for Grade 2 (Poor)  Position of Patient:  Supine, Test limb is in internal rotation.  Position of Therapist:  Standing at side of limb to be tested.  Test:  Patient externally rotates hip in available range of motion.  One hand may be used to maintain pelvic alignment at lateral hip.  Instructions to Patient:  “Roll your leg out.”
  • 107. Grading  Grade 2 (Poor):  Completes external rotation range of motion.  As the hip rolls past the midline, minimal resistance can be offered to off set the assistance of gravity.
  • 108. MMT for Grade 1 (Trace) & 0 (Zero)  Position of Patient:  Supine, with test limb placed in internal rotation.  Position of Therapist: Standing at side of limb to be tested .  Test:  Patient attempts to externally rotate hip.  Instructions to Patient: “Try to roll your leg out.”
  • 109. Grading  Grade 1 (Trace) and Grade 0 (Zero):  The external rotator muscles, except for the Gluteus Maximus, are not palpable. If there is any discernible movement (contractile activity), a grade of 1 should be given; other wise, a grade of 0 is assigned on the principle that when ever uncertainty exists, the lesser grade should be awarded.
  • 110.
  • 111. Hip Internal Rotation Range of motion:  0 to 45 degree Muscle:  Gluteus Minimus (anterior fibers)  Tensor fasciae latae  Gluteus Medius (anterior fibers)
  • 112. Cont.. Accessory muscles:  Semitendinosus  Semimembranosus  Adductor Magnus (position-dependent)  Adductor Longus (position-dependent)
  • 113. Gluteus Minimus (anterior fibers) Origin  Ilium (outer surface between anterior and inferior gluteal lines)  Greater sciatic notch Insertion  Femur (greater trochanter, anterior aspect)  Fibrous capsule of hip joint
  • 114. Tensor fasciae latae  Origin  Iliac crest (outer lip )  Fascia lata (deep )  Anterior superior iliac spine (lateral surface ) insertion  Insertion  Lliotibial tract (between its two layers ending 1/3 down femur )
  • 115. Gluteus Medius (anterior fibers)  Origin  Ilium (outer surface between crest and posterior gluteal line )  Gluteal fascia  Insertion  Femur (greater trochanter, lateral surface )
  • 116. Procedure for MMT  Position of Patient:  Short sitting.  Arms may be used for trunk support at sides or may be crossed over chest.  Position of Therapist:  Sitting or kneeling in front of patient.  One hand grasps the lateral surface of the ankle just above the malleolus.
  • 117. Cont..  Test:  The limb should be placed in the end position of full internal rotation by the examiner for best test results.
  • 118. MMT for Grade 5 (Normal), Grade 4 (Good) & Grade 3 (Fair)  Grade 5 (Normal):  Holds end position against maximal resistance.  Grade 4 (Good):  Holds end position against strong to moderate resistance.  Grade 3 (Fair):  Holds end position but takes no resistance.
  • 119. MMT for Grade 2 (Poor) Position of Patient:  Supine, Test limb in partial external rotation. Position of Therapist:  Standing next to test leg.  Palpate the gluteus medius proximal to the greater trochanter and the tensor fasciae latae over the anterolateral hip below the ASIS. Test:  Patient internally rotates hip through available range. Instructions to Patient: “Roll your leg in toward the other one.”
  • 120. Grading  Grade 2 (Poor):  Completes the range of motion.  As the hip rolls inward past the midline, minimal resistance can be offered to off set the assistance of gravity.
  • 121. MMT for Grade 1 (Trace) & 0 (Zero)  Position of Patient:  Supine, with test limb placed in external rotation.  Position of Therapist:  Standing next to test leg .  Test:  Patient attempts to internally rotate hip.  Instructions to Patient : “Try to roll your leg in.”
  • 122. Grading  Grade 1 (Trace):  Palpable contractile activity in either or both muscles.  Grade 0 (Zero):  No palpable contractile activity.
  • 123. References  MMT by Daniels and Worthinghams.  Atlas of human body by Frank H Netter.  0px-Anterior_Hip_Muscles_2.PNG.  terstock124562680jpg.jpg.           