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Millennial Trends: Behaviors,
Attitudes & Interests of the
Sheila Marie “Shake” Guevarra-Hocson
Know that YOU need the
Principle One
Whoever comes is the
right person
Principle Two
Whenever it starts is
the right time
Principle Three
Whatever happens is
just a beginning
Principle Four
When it's over,
it's over
1. To know who are the millennials and what
are their common characteristics in order to
understand them.
2. To determine the strengths and weaknesses
of the millennials through their common
characteristics in order to manage, lead,
counsel and journey with them
Our Changing Times
• In Social Psychology, the kind of environment
that we have influence the type of behaviors
of the people.
• Each year, the world quickly changes around
us, what could be trendy this year might not
have the same impact in the years to come.
• In the ever changing world that we live in we
are called to journey with the millenials that
we serve to manage, lead and counsel them
for their psychological well being
• One must admit that there are challenges that
we can face in managing and counseling our
millenial counselees.
• With this session, we hope to allow ourselves
to fully understand the lives of the young
people that we serve, the world they live in
and how we can better use these things in
order for them to reach their fullest
Who are the Millennials?
• individuals who reached adulthood around
the turn of the 21st Century
• “Millennial cohorts”- consisting of individuals
born between 1982 and 2004 (Howe&
Strauss, 1991)
• born at the dawn of a new age  first digital
natives (Philippine Association of National
Research of Universum, Insead and
Head foundation
• Out of the 16, 000 millenials from 42 countries
• Study of Dean Ricardo Lim, Ph. D., Asian
Institute of Management pp 16-19.
Millennials across the borders
1. Millennials Online
• Generation Y is the most tech-savvy
and connected of all age groups
• Telefónica & Financial Times (2013)
surveyed more than 12,000
millennials across 27 countries in six
regions. On average, they spent 6
hours online everyday
Millennials across the borders
2. Millennials in the Community
• Being so connected has made
millennials more globalized through
• Majority of millennials reported they
were most anxious about the
economy, with social inequality
being their second-most concern
(Telefónica, 2013)
Millennials across the borders
• 36% of North American millennials, 59% of
Asian millennials and 70% of Latin
American millennials ranked climate
change as “very pressing” concern
• Majority of respondents from Latin
America, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe,
and the Middle East and Africa, were
optimistic about their countries’ futures,
while only minority of millennials in the
U.S. and in Western Europe felt confident
that their countries’ best days were ahead
of them
Millennials across the borders
• The World Economic Forum’s
Global Shapers 2015 Annual Survey
surveyed more than 1,000
millennials representing 125
countries and found that 85% of
millennials voted in national
elections, 68.9% in regional
elections and 71.2% voted for city
(From Developed to Developing Cultures: How Millennials
are Influencing the World, February 2016)
What are the common characteristics
of millennials?
1. Treated as special and important.
2. Has been the most wanted.
3. Every milestone was marked with celebrations and
4. They may carry a sense of entitlement about them
and have an expectation of frequent positive
5. They feel they are here to solve world problems that
older generations have failed to solve.
6. They crave attention.
What are the common characteristics
of millennials?
1. Highly protected as children.
2. They were sheltered.
3. As college students, they may expect faculty and
staff to shelter, protect, and nurture them – and
resolve their conflicts for them.
What are the common characteristics
of millennials?
1. They are motivated, goal-oriented, and
confident in themselves and the future.
2. They expect college to help launch them to
3. They have high levels of optimism and they feel
connected to their parents.
4. They are assertive and believe they are “right”.
In Canada the Millennial generation is called the
“Sunshine” generation
What are the common characteristics
of millennials?
1. They are group oriented rather than being individualists.
2. They may sacrifice their own identity to be part of the
3. They prefer egalitarian leadership, not hierarchies. They
are forming a tight-knit generation.
4. While they are group-oriented within their own cohort,
they may “politely” exclude other generations.
5. They do not want to stand out among their peers; they
want to be seen as part of the group.
6. They dislike selfishness and are oriented toward service
learning and volunteerism.
What are the common characteristics
of millennials?
1. Grade points are rising with this generation and crime is
falling. The focus on getting good grades, hard work,
involvement in extracurricular activities, etc. is resulting
in higher achievement levels.
2. They see college as the key to a high paying job and
success, and may miss the bigger picture of what a
college education is all about.
3. They are pressured to decide early on a career – and
have been put on a career track orientation since grade
4. Their focus is more on the world of achievement rather
than personal development. The Boomer generation
made their mark in the humanities and arts, whereas the
Millennials prefer math and science fields
What are the common characteristics
of millennials?
1. Tightly scheduled as children and used to having every hour of
their day filled with structured activity.
2. This generation may have lost a sense of pure spontaneous play.
3. They may struggle with handling free time and time
management in general. In elementary, middle, and high school,
have had more hours of homework and less free time than any of
the previous generations.
4. They feel pressured to succeed. They’ve been pushed hard to
achieve, to avoid risks, and to take advantage of opportunities.
5. They may take on too much, and then think others should be
flexible with them when they want to negotiate scheduling
6. They think multi-tasking saves time and is a smart thing to do,
but aren’t usually aware of the poorer quality of results.
What are the common characteristics
of millennials?
1. Respectful to the point of not questioning authority.
2. They are civic-minded and believe the government knows
what’s best and will take care of them.
3. They fear being considered non-conformist. Their clothing,
music, and cultural markings will be very mainstream.
4. They value their parents’ opinions very highly.
5. They support and believe in social rules, and are more in
line with their parents’ values than most other generations
have been.
6. They are trying to invite rules and norms back into the
(Millennials Go To College (2003) by Neil Howe and William Strauss.)
Havighurst Model
Strengths that can be weaknesses of
the millennials
Strengths Turned weaknesses
They feel special and needed. They can act spoiled and conceited.
They own the world of technology. They expect quick and easy results.
They love community. They often won’t act outside of their clique.
They are the focus of their parents. They may be unable to cope with reality.
They are high on tolerance. They may often lack absolute values.
They’ve had a fairly easy life. The may lack stamina to finish school.
They catch on to new ideas quickly. They struggle with long-term commitment.
They can multi-task. They often can’t focus on one clear goal.
Bias for action and interaction. They’re too impatient to sit and listen long.
They want to be the best. They can get depressed when they aren’t
They plan to live a life of purpose. They often neglect tasks that seem trivial.
They are confident and assertive. They can come across careless and rude.
They hunger to change the world. They anticipate doing it quickly and easily.
Parenting in the 21st century comes with challenges
that parents even 20 years ago did not have to face that
also affects the behavior of the students
Some Challenges of a 21st century
1. Busyness- parenting takes time
2. Lack of Communication- they cannot keep track of their
3. OFW Syndrome
4. How to discipline a millennial child?
• Prof. Jocano, Jr. of UP stated that one of the most common practices of
Filipino parents with their children is the consistent accompaniment of
children with an elder, an old relative, a family friend or the traditional
yaya. According from Jocano, this practice is an excellent method for the
child to develop his/her interpersonal relationship or skills. However, the
reverse effect of this practice is the strong dependency of the children to
their parents until adulthood.
Study of Aguila
• Too much overprotection of the parents to their children can weaken the
children’s emotional, psychological, and even their moral backbone.
• Aguila says, “I do not see resilience in many of the young people today,
especially those who are born in well-off families. They are prone to
depression and become depressed at minor problems. You’d see cases of
a teenager who would lock himself in his room for days and not talk to
his parents for weeks just because he was snubbed by his barkada.”
• A misbehaving child is a discouraged child.
• Is based on a child’s mistaken interpretation of
1. Attention
2. Power
3. Revenge
4. Give-up
Most common reason for
Teacher-Advisers as
Second Parents
21st Century PARENTING
• ATTACHMENT PARENTING: The goal is to strengthen the
intuitive, psychological and emotional bond between the
primary caregiver. The parent seeks to create strong
emotional bonds by avoiding physical punishment and
modifying the child's behavior through interactions that
recognize the child's emotional needs and focuses on
holistic understanding of the child.
• CONCERTED CULTIVATION: A style of parenting that is
marked by the parents' attempts to foster their child's
talents through organized leisure activities, such as music
• EMOTION COACHING: This style of parenting lays out a loving, nurturing
path for raising happy, well-adjusted, well-behaved children by teaching the
child how to recognize and express the way he is feeling in an appropriate
• HISTORIC DEVELOPMENTAL MODEL: Also called the Child as Apprentice
model. As a child's independent capacities emerge, opportunities are
continuously presented at an age appropriate level. The child gains self-
worth simultaneous to the emergence of various competencies in an ever-
growing number of essential venues, as adulthood is approached. From the
initial highly dependent relationship with parents, high levels of
independence are attained seamlessly while special skills and abilities of the
child have emerged in a manner relevant to adult vocational choices and life
• NURTURANT PARENTING: A family model where children are expected to
explore their surroundings with protection from their parents.
• OVERPARENTING: Parents who try to involve themselves in
every aspect of their child's life, often attempting to solve all
their problems and stifling the child's ability to act
independently or solve his own problems. A helicopter parent
is a colloquial, early 21st-century term for a parent who pays
extremely close attention to his or her children's experiences
and problems, and attempts to sweep all obstacles out of their
paths, particularly at educational institutions.
• Helicopter parents are so named because, like helicopters, they
hover closely overhead, especially during the late adolescence
to early adulthood years, when a level of independence and
self-sufficiency is normal. Modern communication technology
has promoted this style by enabling parents to keep watch over
their kids through cell phones, emails, and online grades.
• POSITIVE PARENTING: Consistent support, guiding them and supporting them for healthy
• SLOW PARENTING: Encourages parents to plan and organize less for their children, instead
allowing them to enjoy their childhood and explore the world at their own pace. Allowing the
child to develop their own interests and allowing them to grow into their own person, lots of
family time, allowing children to make their own decisions, limit electronics, simplistic toys.
• SPIRITUAL PARENTING: Respecting the child's individuality, making space for child to develop a
sense of their own beliefs through their personality and their own potentials.
• STRICT PARENTING: An authoritarian approach, places a strong value on discipline and following
inflexible rules as a means to survive and thrive in a harsh world. Focused on strict discipline,
demanding, with high expectations from the parents.
• Don’t even try to manage Millennials, the largest
generation in the workforce. Lead them. They
cannot be managed the way other generations
have been managed. They must be inspired and
enabled through BRAVE leadership
• Behaviors, Relationships, Attitudes, Values, and
• building those from the outside in through
context, purpose, strategy, message, and
A. Environment- Context
• With the Internet, information is always
available. But it is a raw, unfiltered, incomplete
flood that needs to be assessed and merged with
experience and skills to be practically useful
B. Values- Purpose
• Millennials are “primed to do well by doing
good.” For Millennials, work must have meaning.
They won’t commit to you or to the organization.
They will commit to a meaningful, good for
others cause.
C. Attitude- Strategy
• Millennials “have a wonderful ‘can-do’ attitude
and positive personal self-image”. This can be
utilized to everyone’s advantage by encouraging
them, being careful neither to squash their
ambitions nor put up artificial boundaries.
D. Relationships- Message
• Any communication with Millennials must be
wrapped in respect. You must say you respect
them. You must act with respect. You must truly
respect them. In general, they deserve your
respect. They have knowledge and skills that the
other generations can learn from.
Positive Discipline
Comparison of Counseling & Psychotherapy
• Developmental-
fosters coping skills
to facilitate
development and
prevent problems.
Remediative-aimed at
helping clients
overcome existing
problems such as
anxiety and
Client’s Problem
• Clients tend to have
problems of living
such as relationship
difficulties, or need
assistance with
specific problems
such as career choice
Client’s Problem
Client’s problems are
more complex and
may involve using
formal diagnostic
procedures to
determine if there is
a mental disorder
• The focus is on more
short-term goals
(resolution of
immediate concerns)
• The focus is on
short-and long-term
goals. Long-term
goals can involve
processes such as
helping client
overcome a mental
Treatment Approaches
• The treatment
program can include
approaches and
various counseling
strategies to assist
with the client’s
Treatment Approaches
• Psychotherapeutic
approaches are
complex. They utilize
strategies that relate
to conscious and
• Counseling services
can be provided in a
variety of settings
such as school,
churches, and
mental health clinics.
• Psychotherapy is
typically offered in
settings such as
private practice,
mental health care
centers and
Counseling Psychology & Clinical
Psychology (The Greystone Conference)
1.The Counseling Psychologist works with normal, convalescent
or recovered clients who do not require long-term treatment
because their problems are neither severe nor deep-seated.
2. The emphasis is on more typical (more normal) needs and
problems that can be dealt with monthly on a cognitive level.
3. The focus is not on reconstructuring personalities [as it is with
Clinical Psychology] but on drawing out and developing what
is already there and on helping clients use their own
4. Counseling Psychologists attach importance to the
roles of education and work in a client’s life.
5. The Counseling Psychologist’s role is essentially
educational, developmental and preventive rather
than medical or remedial. This role calls not only for
identifying, removing or circumventing obstacles to
normal development but also for helping individuals
achieve optimal development.
Dealing with Power Struggles
Self-Regulation skills
Building on Psychological Well Being
Through Life Wheel
Life Wheel
Building on Self-Efficacy and
Building on Resiliency and other
models p. 42
Psychological First Aid
CBT Techniques for Bullying and others
Case Study
Case Study #1 Source:
Henry is 11 years old and attends an Elementary School which is
located a few blocks from his home. He is in the sixth grade and is an
average student. Henry has always been a bit shy and somewhat
anxious around his peers. He just moved to this city 3 months ago
and has not yet made any friends at the new school, though he does
have a "best friend" at his old school. Henry is quite tall and thin for
his age and is very self-conscious about his appearance.
Over the past month, Henry has become increasingly withdrawn.
Several weeks ago he came home with a tear in his favorite jacket.
When his mother asked him what happened, he hurriedly said it was
an accident. He goes straight to his room after school and shuts the
door. His mother has noticed that he has become more irritable and
is often tearful, but when she tries to talk to him about this, he tells
her to go away. She is worried about him but, thinks this is a phase
he's going through because they've just moved to a new city, etc. She
also worries about making Henry too dependent on her if she gets
too involved in his problems.
You hear through others that Henry is being teased by his classmates
several times a week. In particular, two children -a girl and a
boy,make fun of the way he looks and have convinced most of his
classmates to avoid him at lunch.
Discussion Questions
• Does a problem exist? If so, what is it?
• How could you encourage Henry to talk about what is happening?
• Who are the people you may want to talk to about this problem?
• Who are the bullies? The victim? The witnesses?
• What are some of the warning signs Henry displays?
Ask your student these questions.
• Does it make you feel better to hurt other
people or take their things?
• Are you bigger and stronger than other
people your age? Do you sometimes use
your size and strength to get your way?
• Have you been bullied by someone in
the past and feel like you have to make
up for doing the same thing to others?
• Do you avoid thinking about how
other people might feel if you say or
do hurtful things to them?
Assessment & Diagnosis for Childhood,
Adolescent & other mental disorders
ICD 10
• The major international nosologic system
for the classification of mental disorders
can be found in the most recent version of
the International Classification of Diseases,
10th revision (ICD-10). The ICD-10 has
been used by (WHO) Member States since
1994. Chapter five covers some 300
"Mental and behavioural disorders." The
ICD-10's chapter five has been influenced
by APA's DSM-IV and there is a great deal
of concordance between the two. WHO
maintains free access to the disorders.
Below are the main categories of disorders:
F00-F09 Organic, including symptomatic, mental disorders
F10-F19 Mental and behavioral disorders due to
psychoactive substance use
F20-F29 Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders
F30-F39 Mood [affective] disorders
F40-F48 Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders
F50-F59 Behavioral syndromes associated with
physiological disturbances and physical factors
F60-F69 Disorders of adult personality and behavior
F70-F79 Mental retardation
F80-F89 Disorders of psychological development
F90-F98 Behavioral and emotional disorders with onset
usually occurring in childhood and adolescence
F99 Unspecified mental disorder
Bem’s Test
Game Addiction Test & Internet
Addiction Test
E. Behavior – Implementation
• Treat Millennials with the same respect
with which you want them to treat you.
Give them access to information. Forget
“need to know” limitations. They hunger to
know what’s going on and how their jobs fit
into the organization’s purpose – which
should have a component that betters the
o Work and personal. Get over this historical divide. The
two blur for Millennials. Accept it. Embrace it.
o Individual and group. Leverage Millennials’ bias to
work in networked teams. Encourage and applaud their
joint efforts.
o Face-to-face and electronic. Leverage and let them
leverage the electronic tools they are so familiar with.
Text and chat are as valid forms of communication for
this generation as were PowerPoint slides in darkened
rooms for Baby Boomers.
o Inspiring and enabling. Leadership is about inspiring
and enabling others. For Millennials, enabling is
inspiring. Do both. And do both together
Millennials 101

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Millennials 101

  • 1. Millennial Trends: Behaviors, Attitudes & Interests of the Youth Sheila Marie “Shake” Guevarra-Hocson
  • 3. Know that YOU need the HELP of OTHERS
  • 5. Principle One Whoever comes is the right person
  • 6. Principle Two Whenever it starts is the right time
  • 7. Principle Three Whatever happens is just a beginning
  • 8. Principle Four When it's over, it's over
  • 9. S 1. To know who are the millennials and what are their common characteristics in order to understand them. 2. To determine the strengths and weaknesses of the millennials through their common characteristics in order to manage, lead, counsel and journey with them
  • 12. • In Social Psychology, the kind of environment that we have influence the type of behaviors of the people.
  • 13. Introduction • Each year, the world quickly changes around us, what could be trendy this year might not have the same impact in the years to come. • In the ever changing world that we live in we are called to journey with the millenials that we serve to manage, lead and counsel them for their psychological well being
  • 14. Introduction • One must admit that there are challenges that we can face in managing and counseling our millenial counselees. • With this session, we hope to allow ourselves to fully understand the lives of the young people that we serve, the world they live in and how we can better use these things in order for them to reach their fullest potentials.
  • 16. Who are the Millennials? • individuals who reached adulthood around the turn of the 21st Century • “Millennial cohorts”- consisting of individuals born between 1982 and 2004 (Howe& Strauss, 1991) • born at the dawn of a new age  first digital natives (Philippine Association of National Advertisers)
  • 17. Research of Universum, Insead and Head foundation • Out of the 16, 000 millenials from 42 countries
  • 18. • Study of Dean Ricardo Lim, Ph. D., Asian Institute of Management pp 16-19.
  • 19. Millennials across the borders 1. Millennials Online • Generation Y is the most tech-savvy and connected of all age groups • Telefónica & Financial Times (2013) surveyed more than 12,000 millennials across 27 countries in six regions. On average, they spent 6 hours online everyday
  • 20. Millennials across the borders 2. Millennials in the Community • Being so connected has made millennials more globalized through socialmedia • Majority of millennials reported they were most anxious about the economy, with social inequality being their second-most concern (Telefónica, 2013)
  • 21. Millennials across the borders • 36% of North American millennials, 59% of Asian millennials and 70% of Latin American millennials ranked climate change as “very pressing” concern • Majority of respondents from Latin America, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, and the Middle East and Africa, were optimistic about their countries’ futures, while only minority of millennials in the U.S. and in Western Europe felt confident that their countries’ best days were ahead of them
  • 22. Millennials across the borders • The World Economic Forum’s Global Shapers 2015 Annual Survey surveyed more than 1,000 millennials representing 125 countries and found that 85% of millennials voted in national elections, 68.9% in regional elections and 71.2% voted for city authorities. (From Developed to Developing Cultures: How Millennials are Influencing the World, February 2016)
  • 23. What are the common characteristics of millennials? A. SPECIAL 1. Treated as special and important. 2. Has been the most wanted. 3. Every milestone was marked with celebrations and praise. 4. They may carry a sense of entitlement about them and have an expectation of frequent positive feedback. 5. They feel they are here to solve world problems that older generations have failed to solve. 6. They crave attention.
  • 24. What are the common characteristics of millennials? B. SHELTERED 1. Highly protected as children. 2. They were sheltered. 3. As college students, they may expect faculty and staff to shelter, protect, and nurture them – and resolve their conflicts for them.
  • 25. What are the common characteristics of millennials? C. CONFIDENT 1. They are motivated, goal-oriented, and confident in themselves and the future. 2. They expect college to help launch them to greatness. 3. They have high levels of optimism and they feel connected to their parents. 4. They are assertive and believe they are “right”. In Canada the Millennial generation is called the “Sunshine” generation
  • 26. What are the common characteristics of millennials? D. TEAM-ORIENTED 1. They are group oriented rather than being individualists. 2. They may sacrifice their own identity to be part of the team. 3. They prefer egalitarian leadership, not hierarchies. They are forming a tight-knit generation. 4. While they are group-oriented within their own cohort, they may “politely” exclude other generations. 5. They do not want to stand out among their peers; they want to be seen as part of the group. 6. They dislike selfishness and are oriented toward service learning and volunteerism.
  • 27. What are the common characteristics of millennials? E. ACHIEVING 1. Grade points are rising with this generation and crime is falling. The focus on getting good grades, hard work, involvement in extracurricular activities, etc. is resulting in higher achievement levels. 2. They see college as the key to a high paying job and success, and may miss the bigger picture of what a college education is all about. 3. They are pressured to decide early on a career – and have been put on a career track orientation since grade school. 4. Their focus is more on the world of achievement rather than personal development. The Boomer generation made their mark in the humanities and arts, whereas the Millennials prefer math and science fields
  • 28. What are the common characteristics of millennials? F. PRESSURED 1. Tightly scheduled as children and used to having every hour of their day filled with structured activity. 2. This generation may have lost a sense of pure spontaneous play. 3. They may struggle with handling free time and time management in general. In elementary, middle, and high school, have had more hours of homework and less free time than any of the previous generations. 4. They feel pressured to succeed. They’ve been pushed hard to achieve, to avoid risks, and to take advantage of opportunities. 5. They may take on too much, and then think others should be flexible with them when they want to negotiate scheduling conflicts. 6. They think multi-tasking saves time and is a smart thing to do, but aren’t usually aware of the poorer quality of results.
  • 29. What are the common characteristics of millennials? G. CONVENTIONAL 1. Respectful to the point of not questioning authority. 2. They are civic-minded and believe the government knows what’s best and will take care of them. 3. They fear being considered non-conformist. Their clothing, music, and cultural markings will be very mainstream. 4. They value their parents’ opinions very highly. 5. They support and believe in social rules, and are more in line with their parents’ values than most other generations have been. 6. They are trying to invite rules and norms back into the culture. (Millennials Go To College (2003) by Neil Howe and William Strauss.)
  • 31. Strengths that can be weaknesses of the millennials Strengths Turned weaknesses They feel special and needed. They can act spoiled and conceited. They own the world of technology. They expect quick and easy results. They love community. They often won’t act outside of their clique. They are the focus of their parents. They may be unable to cope with reality. They are high on tolerance. They may often lack absolute values. They’ve had a fairly easy life. The may lack stamina to finish school. They catch on to new ideas quickly. They struggle with long-term commitment. They can multi-task. They often can’t focus on one clear goal. Bias for action and interaction. They’re too impatient to sit and listen long. They want to be the best. They can get depressed when they aren’t They plan to live a life of purpose. They often neglect tasks that seem trivial. They are confident and assertive. They can come across careless and rude. They hunger to change the world. They anticipate doing it quickly and easily.
  • 32. Parenting in the 21st century comes with challenges that parents even 20 years ago did not have to face that also affects the behavior of the students
  • 33. Some Challenges of a 21st century parent 1. Busyness- parenting takes time 2. Lack of Communication- they cannot keep track of their kids 3. OFW Syndrome 4. How to discipline a millennial child?
  • 34. • Prof. Jocano, Jr. of UP stated that one of the most common practices of Filipino parents with their children is the consistent accompaniment of children with an elder, an old relative, a family friend or the traditional yaya. According from Jocano, this practice is an excellent method for the child to develop his/her interpersonal relationship or skills. However, the reverse effect of this practice is the strong dependency of the children to their parents until adulthood.
  • 35. Study of Aguila • Too much overprotection of the parents to their children can weaken the children’s emotional, psychological, and even their moral backbone. • Aguila says, “I do not see resilience in many of the young people today, especially those who are born in well-off families. They are prone to depression and become depressed at minor problems. You’d see cases of a teenager who would lock himself in his room for days and not talk to his parents for weeks just because he was snubbed by his barkada.”
  • 37. WHY DO CHILDREN MISBEHAVE? • A misbehaving child is a discouraged child. Why?
  • 38. MISBEHAVIOR: • Is based on a child’s mistaken interpretation of how to find BELONGING & SIGNIFICANCE!
  • 39. 4 GOALS OF MISTAKEN BEHAVIOR: 1. Attention 2. Power 3. Revenge 4. Give-up
  • 40. Most common reason for misbehavior: 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 ATTENTION OTHER BEHAVIORS
  • 42. 21st Century PARENTING • ATTACHMENT PARENTING: The goal is to strengthen the intuitive, psychological and emotional bond between the primary caregiver. The parent seeks to create strong emotional bonds by avoiding physical punishment and modifying the child's behavior through interactions that recognize the child's emotional needs and focuses on holistic understanding of the child. • CONCERTED CULTIVATION: A style of parenting that is marked by the parents' attempts to foster their child's talents through organized leisure activities, such as music lessons.
  • 43. • EMOTION COACHING: This style of parenting lays out a loving, nurturing path for raising happy, well-adjusted, well-behaved children by teaching the child how to recognize and express the way he is feeling in an appropriate way. • HISTORIC DEVELOPMENTAL MODEL: Also called the Child as Apprentice model. As a child's independent capacities emerge, opportunities are continuously presented at an age appropriate level. The child gains self- worth simultaneous to the emergence of various competencies in an ever- growing number of essential venues, as adulthood is approached. From the initial highly dependent relationship with parents, high levels of independence are attained seamlessly while special skills and abilities of the child have emerged in a manner relevant to adult vocational choices and life interests. • NURTURANT PARENTING: A family model where children are expected to explore their surroundings with protection from their parents.
  • 44. • OVERPARENTING: Parents who try to involve themselves in every aspect of their child's life, often attempting to solve all their problems and stifling the child's ability to act independently or solve his own problems. A helicopter parent is a colloquial, early 21st-century term for a parent who pays extremely close attention to his or her children's experiences and problems, and attempts to sweep all obstacles out of their paths, particularly at educational institutions. • Helicopter parents are so named because, like helicopters, they hover closely overhead, especially during the late adolescence to early adulthood years, when a level of independence and self-sufficiency is normal. Modern communication technology has promoted this style by enabling parents to keep watch over their kids through cell phones, emails, and online grades.
  • 45. • POSITIVE PARENTING: Consistent support, guiding them and supporting them for healthy development. • SLOW PARENTING: Encourages parents to plan and organize less for their children, instead allowing them to enjoy their childhood and explore the world at their own pace. Allowing the child to develop their own interests and allowing them to grow into their own person, lots of family time, allowing children to make their own decisions, limit electronics, simplistic toys. • SPIRITUAL PARENTING: Respecting the child's individuality, making space for child to develop a sense of their own beliefs through their personality and their own potentials. • STRICT PARENTING: An authoritarian approach, places a strong value on discipline and following inflexible rules as a means to survive and thrive in a harsh world. Focused on strict discipline, demanding, with high expectations from the parents.
  • 46. • Don’t even try to manage Millennials, the largest generation in the workforce. Lead them. They cannot be managed the way other generations have been managed. They must be inspired and enabled through BRAVE leadership • Behaviors, Relationships, Attitudes, Values, and Environment • building those from the outside in through context, purpose, strategy, message, and implementation
  • 47. A. Environment- Context • With the Internet, information is always available. But it is a raw, unfiltered, incomplete flood that needs to be assessed and merged with experience and skills to be practically useful B. Values- Purpose • Millennials are “primed to do well by doing good.” For Millennials, work must have meaning. They won’t commit to you or to the organization. They will commit to a meaningful, good for others cause.
  • 48. C. Attitude- Strategy • Millennials “have a wonderful ‘can-do’ attitude and positive personal self-image”. This can be utilized to everyone’s advantage by encouraging them, being careful neither to squash their ambitions nor put up artificial boundaries. D. Relationships- Message • Any communication with Millennials must be wrapped in respect. You must say you respect them. You must act with respect. You must truly respect them. In general, they deserve your respect. They have knowledge and skills that the other generations can learn from.
  • 49. OFNR
  • 51. Comparison of Counseling & Psychotherapy Counseling Focus: • Developmental- fosters coping skills to facilitate development and prevent problems. Psychotherapy Focus: Remediative-aimed at helping clients overcome existing problems such as anxiety and depression
  • 52. Comparison Client’s Problem • Clients tend to have problems of living such as relationship difficulties, or need assistance with specific problems such as career choice Client’s Problem Client’s problems are more complex and may involve using formal diagnostic procedures to determine if there is a mental disorder
  • 53. Comparison Goals • The focus is on more short-term goals (resolution of immediate concerns) Goals • The focus is on short-and long-term goals. Long-term goals can involve processes such as helping client overcome a mental disorder.
  • 54. Comparison Treatment Approaches • The treatment program can include preventative approaches and various counseling strategies to assist with the client’s concerns. Treatment Approaches • Psychotherapeutic approaches are complex. They utilize strategies that relate to conscious and unconscious processes.
  • 55. Comparison Setting • Counseling services can be provided in a variety of settings such as school, churches, and mental health clinics. Setting • Psychotherapy is typically offered in settings such as private practice, mental health care centers and hospitals.
  • 56. Counseling Psychology & Clinical Psychology (The Greystone Conference) 1.The Counseling Psychologist works with normal, convalescent or recovered clients who do not require long-term treatment because their problems are neither severe nor deep-seated. 2. The emphasis is on more typical (more normal) needs and problems that can be dealt with monthly on a cognitive level. 3. The focus is not on reconstructuring personalities [as it is with Clinical Psychology] but on drawing out and developing what is already there and on helping clients use their own resources.
  • 57. 4. Counseling Psychologists attach importance to the roles of education and work in a client’s life. 5. The Counseling Psychologist’s role is essentially educational, developmental and preventive rather than medical or remedial. This role calls not only for identifying, removing or circumventing obstacles to normal development but also for helping individuals achieve optimal development.
  • 58. SFBT
  • 59. WDEP
  • 60. Dealing with Power Struggles
  • 62. Building on Psychological Well Being Through Life Wheel
  • 64.
  • 65. Building on Self-Efficacy and Resiliency
  • 66.
  • 67.
  • 68. Building on Resiliency and other models p. 42
  • 71. CISD
  • 73. CBT Techniques for Bullying and others
  • 74. Case Study Case Study #1 Source: Henry is 11 years old and attends an Elementary School which is located a few blocks from his home. He is in the sixth grade and is an average student. Henry has always been a bit shy and somewhat anxious around his peers. He just moved to this city 3 months ago and has not yet made any friends at the new school, though he does have a "best friend" at his old school. Henry is quite tall and thin for his age and is very self-conscious about his appearance. Over the past month, Henry has become increasingly withdrawn. Several weeks ago he came home with a tear in his favorite jacket. When his mother asked him what happened, he hurriedly said it was an accident. He goes straight to his room after school and shuts the door. His mother has noticed that he has become more irritable and is often tearful, but when she tries to talk to him about this, he tells her to go away. She is worried about him but, thinks this is a phase he's going through because they've just moved to a new city, etc. She also worries about making Henry too dependent on her if she gets too involved in his problems. You hear through others that Henry is being teased by his classmates several times a week. In particular, two children -a girl and a boy,make fun of the way he looks and have convinced most of his classmates to avoid him at lunch.
  • 75. Discussion Questions • Does a problem exist? If so, what is it? • How could you encourage Henry to talk about what is happening? • Who are the people you may want to talk to about this problem? • Who are the bullies? The victim? The witnesses? • What are some of the warning signs Henry displays?
  • 76. Ask your student these questions. • Does it make you feel better to hurt other people or take their things? • Are you bigger and stronger than other people your age? Do you sometimes use your size and strength to get your way?
  • 77. • Have you been bullied by someone in the past and feel like you have to make up for doing the same thing to others? • Do you avoid thinking about how other people might feel if you say or do hurtful things to them?
  • 80. Assessment & Diagnosis for Childhood, Adolescent & other mental disorders
  • 81. DSM V
  • 82. ICD 10 • The major international nosologic system for the classification of mental disorders can be found in the most recent version of the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD-10). The ICD-10 has been used by (WHO) Member States since 1994. Chapter five covers some 300 "Mental and behavioural disorders." The ICD-10's chapter five has been influenced by APA's DSM-IV and there is a great deal of concordance between the two. WHO maintains free access to the disorders. Below are the main categories of disorders:
  • 83. F00-F09 Organic, including symptomatic, mental disorders F10-F19 Mental and behavioral disorders due to psychoactive substance use F20-F29 Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders F30-F39 Mood [affective] disorders F40-F48 Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders F50-F59 Behavioral syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors F60-F69 Disorders of adult personality and behavior F70-F79 Mental retardation F80-F89 Disorders of psychological development F90-F98 Behavioral and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence F99 Unspecified mental disorder
  • 85. Game Addiction Test & Internet Addiction Test
  • 87. E. Behavior – Implementation • Treat Millennials with the same respect with which you want them to treat you. Give them access to information. Forget “need to know” limitations. They hunger to know what’s going on and how their jobs fit into the organization’s purpose – which should have a component that betters the world.
  • 88. o Work and personal. Get over this historical divide. The two blur for Millennials. Accept it. Embrace it. o Individual and group. Leverage Millennials’ bias to work in networked teams. Encourage and applaud their joint efforts. o Face-to-face and electronic. Leverage and let them leverage the electronic tools they are so familiar with. Text and chat are as valid forms of communication for this generation as were PowerPoint slides in darkened rooms for Baby Boomers. o Inspiring and enabling. Leadership is about inspiring and enabling others. For Millennials, enabling is inspiring. Do both. And do both together