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Submitted By:-
Swati Ghansela
Enrollment No.- 05940202115
Roll No.- 5
1) I was lost in crowd
 When I was a kid, I was with my mother. Suddenly I
was left behind because of heavy crowd and I was
lost in crowd.
 I kept standing there only, and kept waiting for my
mother to come.
 My mother always says that ‘‘if by chance you are
lost anywhere be on that place where you left
 And then after some time my mother found me , after
that I always follow my mother’s instruction.
2) My First Karate Fight
 At the age of 11 my first state level karate
fight was with a girl who was taller and elder
than me, I was scared to fight with her
 But when the fight started I used techniques
instead of showing power
 And then I won the fight, which increased my
confidence level for the next fights.
3) Cooking Food at first time
 Once I was alone at my home and some relative
arrived at my premises
 I was making pulse for them but I was trying that
first time so it became very salty. I was very
afraid that how would I serve this to my guests.
 So I called my mother, she advised me to put a
small piece of dough into it and then stir it for
some time.
 Suddenly it became normal and I served it.
 All appraised my cooking.
1. Why in our metro cities crime against
women is increasing day by day?
 We need to change our rules and regulations,
for punishing a criminal
 Girls should become strong even to fight for
their justice and right
 The Indian government should be proactive
2. Why unemployment is a big problem?
 Now a day students have bachelors, post
graduation and professional degrees, but there
is a huge fight for job among all
 Because of this, at this young age, students are
in depression and they feel so much of
pressure that they feel death is a easier path
 Our leaders should find a way, to increase
employment in our country to increase
opportunities for young generations.
3. Why people are destroying the
monuments by writing on the wall of
 People should understand that, these
monuments are Indian heritage, they tells u
story about great Indian history
 They teaches u many lessons about life and
way of living
 They are the main attraction of foreigners in
terms of tourism.
 They should not spoil walls of the monuments.
Teaching and Learning:-
1. Shouldn't we teach ethics, human behavior
and culture as a subject?
2. Only Science, Maths ,Social studies are main
subjects? What about other activities?
3. Why the motive of the teacher in class is
always to complete syllabus ASAP
irrespective of whether the students
understanding or not?
 Learning:-
1. Why students have to learn according to the
teacher, why not he would learn in a way he
understands better??
2. Is theoretical knowledge of an instrument
sufficient for students to make them use that
instrument in future?
1) School Experience
 At my childhood I decided to become a
teacher and was most inspired by my science
 I found interest in each and every topic which
is related to science
 I have participated in science exhibitions
many times
 I opted for PCMB at my secondary school
which was a step towards my goal
 The educational experience I had in my
school was great.
2) College Experience
 I have done my graduation from ARSD
college DU
 There I got deep understanding of chemistry
 I was a member of ‘Chem. Crown Society',
which was only for chemistry students
 I participated in different events organized by
the society
 In the span of 3 years I gain various
knowledge from that society and my teachers
 And finally I passed my bachelors degree with
1st div.
3) B.Ed Experience
 Now I am pursuing B.Ed with a hope that I
will become a good teacher one day
 Thought the schedule is very hectic but I am
gaining good knowledge from my respected
 The experience up to till date is quite good and
hopping for the best in future.
 I will become a good teacher
 I will get a chance to work with highly
professional teachers
 I will get to learn different skills from my
colleagues and my teachers.
 My expectation is that I will get a very good
job after this course
 This course will groom me as a better person
 My expectation is to improve in the areas I am
Academic Non- Academic
10th - 2008 1st div
12th – 2010 1st div
B.Sc – 2013 1st div
M.Sc- 2015 2nddiv
B.Ed – 2015-17
Karate Coach
Kashmir 10km
Horse riding
training camp
Rock -
School College
8th Std.- 1st in
Yoga Compt.
9th Std.- 1st in
Dance Compt.
10th Std-
passed with
Playing cricket with
friends, Enjoying
Festivals with friends
Trip to
Manesar with
B.Sc M.ScNon
Convocation of M.Sc Degree
 I got my post graduation degree, that means a
lot for me.
 It motivates me at each and every point of time
 I have given my 7 years for this degree. When
I was in my 11th class I decided to go for
chemistry and now after 7 years I have my
 This always motivated me and proves that I
can achieve anything if I want it from core of
my heart.
 It was my first
experience of riding on
the roof top of the Taxi
in Hilly areas (8km)
 I was with my nephews
 It was an awesome
experience with lot of
 I enjoyed it very much.
Riding on the roof top of the Taxi in Uttarakhand
I see sky full of stars at
night in my hometown but
in Delhi the stars are hard
to find.
When I was a kid, there
was greenery all around
but now a day trees are
hard to find.
Before 2008, I used to see
Sparrows in my locality but
now, I do not see them.
 People approaching towards westernization
 Separation of parents leads to bad impact on
 Students now a day preferring technical
teaching methods over traditional teaching
One to One communication
 I have observed nature and discussed with my
 He said he used to see different species of bird
frequently in his childhood which is hard to
find now a day.
 Reason:- Global warming, Survival of the
One to many communication
 I have observed people around myself and
discussed On Westernization with my peer
 Westernization has greatly effected our
traditions, customs, our family, our respect
and love for others
 Westernization has given rise to nuclear
families resulting unsuccessful marriage life.
Is a physical, mental and
spiritual practice or
which originated in India.
Significance:- Stress
relief, Improved immunity,
Increased energy, better
flexibility and posture etc.
Is a practice in which an
individual trains the
mind or induces a mode
of consciousness.
Significance:- reduces
high blood pressure,
depression, anxiety
 Prevents loss of
hairs, graying,
reduce fat.
 Strengthens the
entire digestive
system and cures
and prevents
 Eliminates
unpleasant smells
from the body
Makes spine, waist and muscle more
flexible, it also prevents tuberculosis.
Promotes sleeps and anxiety.
Develops the lungs, gives you wind.
Improves the quality and circulation
of the blood.
 The system of education,
educating students in the
classroom requires some
changes, which need to be
 The education system
must involve certain
practices which can help
the students to deal with
their psychological
 Mindfulness generally
benefits the stress regarding
problems of the adults and
reduces conflict by helping
students get along better
with another which
ultimately leads to more
learning environment.
 Students should be aware of
the psychological changes
that taking place in their
body as well as brain, as this
will aware them of their own
distractions and make them
better and efficient in their
study due to their increased
focus and concentration.
Mindfulness:- The goal of any mindfulness technique is
to achieve a state of alert, focused relaxation by
deliberately paying attention to thoughts and sensations
without judgment.
Emotions:- Mindfulness allow emotions to be present
without judgment. Practice a steady and relaxed naming
of emotions: joy, anger, frustration.
Accept the presence of the emotions without judgment
and let them go.
Mental Health:- mindfulness improves mental health
including; depression, eating disorders, anxiety
disorders etc.
 Improves your concentration power, makes you
more focused towards your goal.
 Improves your emotional as well as mental
strength and intelligence.
 Improves learning, memory which helps in rapid
memory recall.
 Improves your capability and makes you work
effectively and efficiently under stress also.
 A mindful person is less distracted and more
 Improves your thought process and helps in
 People who are mindful are more aware of
their ethical principles and make their
decisions aligned to their values.
 Before making any decision, a mindful
individuals take time to think and reflect and
listen to their inner selves assessing their own
values and objectives.
 Mindfulness cognitive therapy helps in
preventing the depression relapse
especially for those who face major
depressive disorder.
 Helps in regulating mood as well as
anxiety disorders
 Generally reduces stress and anxiety.
 Reduce the sleeping time of an
 With time it decreases depression.
 Mindfulness and mindfulness
meditation focus mainly to aware an
individual of all incoming thoughts,
feelings and accepting them but not
getting attached or react to them.
Karate Championship
 Me and my friends participated
in a tournament
 There were many participants
from different states
 Firstly all contestants warmed up
before the competition
 Then all the participants were
divided according to their weight
categories and then fight was
between same weight contestants
 All the contestants of my group
won their fights.
 Individuals have different abilities. These abilities are
demonstrated in the roles the individuals play in a
 The following roles are suggested for a task:
a) Initiator- begins the activity and proposes the goals
b) Focuser- keeps the group’s attention focused on the
c) Coordinator- pulls ideas together
d) Problem solver- identifies difficulties and proposes
e) Information Guide- offers and requests facts, ideas
suggestions and information.
 Gender stereotypes are over- generalization about the
characteristic of an entire group based on gender. While
gender stereotypes have been popularly perceived as
having negative connotations, they can also have
positive ones as well.
 They are of 2 types:-
1. Female gender stereotypes
2. Male gender stereotypes
 Women are supposed to
have ‘clean jobs’
 Women are not strong
as men
 Women are supposed to
make less money than
 Women are supposed to
cook and do housework
 Women don’t play
 All men enjoy working
on cars
 Men are not nurses, they
are doctors
 Men play games
 Men are in charge; they
are always at the top
 Men do not cook, sew,
or do crafts
 Men enjoy outdoor
activities such as
camping, fishing, and
 Objectives should be specified
 Selection of the group size depending on the task, age,
ability and availability of resources
 The students assigns to groups by different criteria like
leadership quality, interest, random assignment and
 The groups should be separated by arranging or re-
arranging the classroom
 Suitable materials should be available
 Explain specific task, group goal and criteria for success
to the groups.
 Teacher or the other student may be used as observer
 Child labour has been
an international
concern because it
damages, spoils and
destroys the future of
 Children are the hope
and future of a nation.
yet, there are millions
deprived children in
our country who have
never known a
normal, carefree
 The law in Indian soil says that any child
below age of 14 cannot be employed either in
a factory or office or restaurant.
 Causes of Child Labour
 Now what is the background of engaging child
 To have or increase the income of a poor
 To reduce the labour cost in a production
 Misc. reasons for engaging as domestic aid as
the children are less doubtful about dishonesty
or less liable to misbehave or be violent.
The solutions to the problem of Child Labour
 The Child labour laws need to be strictly enforced by
the Government.
 The general public need to be made aware of the
severe consequences of Child labour.
 An increase in employment opportunity for adults
would help in overcoming the problem of poverty
and child labour.
 Government should ensure that every child gets the
opportunity to go to school.
 The owners of factories and mines should take the
pledge of not engaging child in their place of
 The purpose of the film
is to motivate people
towards ‘‘ The law of
 The film tells to think
positively because your
thought attracts the
incident in our life.
Motive:- The theme of the
movie is motivational and
Action:- Narrators in the
film are sharing their
experiences by using
different gestures ,facial
expressions and examples
Repetition:- All the
scientists, philosophers are
repeating the ‘‘Laws of
Attraction’’ concept
The scene is:-
 A man was going for
some work on his
 When he reached at his
destination, he tied his
cycle with a heavy iron
chain on a pole and
went inside
 When he came back he
didn’t find his cycle at
that place. The chain
was broken.
Merci Shimoff MBA(Writer)
says :-
 If your thinking of an incident
to happen, you are again and
again thinking about that only
 Your thoughts attract that
incident in your life and this
becomes reality.
 If you are continuously
thinking about a thing that
surely takes place in future as
a real incident.
 Directed by:- Drew Heriot
 Produced by:- Rhonda Byrne (Executive
Producer), Paul Harrington (Producer)
 Release date:- March 26,2006
 The Secret, described as a self-help film,
 uses a documentary format to present a concept titled
‘‘Law of Attraction’’
 hypotheses posits that feelings and thoughts can attract
events, feelings, and experiences, from the workings of
the cosmos to interactions among individuals in their
physical, emotional, and professional affairs.
 The film also suggests that there has been a strong
tendency by those in positions of power to keep this
central principle hidden from the public.
 Habib Tanvir was a Hindi
and Urdu playwright. He
was also a great director,
actor, manager, poet, and
one of the most important
theatre personalities of post-
independence India.
 He was born in Raipur,
Chhattisgarh in 1923
 He directs Charandas Chor in
 And this proved to be
Tanvir’s masterpiece
Born :- uncertain ( either 1398
or 1440 CE) in Varanasi
Died :- uncertain ( either
1448or 1518 CE)
 Kabir was a 15th century
Indian Mystic poet and saint,
whose writings influenced
Hinduism’s Bhakti
movement and his verses are
found in Sikh’s scripture Adi
 He is known for being critical
of both Hinduism and Islam,
so during his lifetime he was
threatened by both Hindus
and Muslims for his views.
 He suggested that True God is
with the person who is on the
path of righteousness,
considered all creatures on
earth as his own self, and who
is passively detached from the
affairs of the world.
 To know god, Kabir
suggested that meditate the
mantra Rama Rama as he
was strongly influenced by
his teacher of Hindu Bhakti
Leader Ramananda.
Born:- 1861 Died:- 1941
 He was a Bengali polymath
who reshaped Bengali
literature and music as well
as Indian art with contextual
modernism in the late 19th
and early 20th century.
 He was the author of
Gitanjali and its profoundly
sensitive, fresh and beautiful
 He became the first
non-European to win
the Noble Prize in
Literature in 1913.
 He introduced new
prose and verse forms
and the use of colloquial
language into Bengali
literature thereby
freeing it from
traditional models based
on classical Sanskrit
 He is regarded as the
outstanding creative
artist of the modern
Indian subcontinent.
 The life we got by a virtue of birth in a family
or place.
 Society is divided into 2 sections:-
 1. Privilege section:-
 Rich children
 2. Deprived section:-
 Slum children, Street children
All these basic necessities of
life are easy for the rich to get,
A rich family's children have a
better foundation to make their
dream come true and do what
they want to do.
 who lives in slums
 They migrate with their
families from rural to
urban areas in search of
Street Children
Children living on the
They are sometimes
abandoned by their families
or have run away from abuse
or exploitation
Rural children
The children live in rural areas
with very limited sources and
They suffer with education
system, health issues and basic
 It is estimated that
more than 400,000
street children in India
 The education of
street children in India
is very poor and often
 Street children lack access
to nutritious food because
many are dependent on
leftovers from small
restaurants or hotels, food
stalls, or garbage bins
 Street children in India are
frequently exposed to abuse
and extortion because they
have no social status and no
adults to protect them.
Thank You!

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Understanding the Self

  • 1. Submitted By:- Swati Ghansela Enrollment No.- 05940202115 Roll No.- 5
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. 1) I was lost in crowd  When I was a kid, I was with my mother. Suddenly I was left behind because of heavy crowd and I was lost in crowd.  I kept standing there only, and kept waiting for my mother to come.  My mother always says that ‘‘if by chance you are lost anywhere be on that place where you left behind.’’  And then after some time my mother found me , after that I always follow my mother’s instruction.
  • 5. 2) My First Karate Fight  At the age of 11 my first state level karate fight was with a girl who was taller and elder than me, I was scared to fight with her  But when the fight started I used techniques instead of showing power  And then I won the fight, which increased my confidence level for the next fights.
  • 6. 3) Cooking Food at first time  Once I was alone at my home and some relative arrived at my premises  I was making pulse for them but I was trying that first time so it became very salty. I was very afraid that how would I serve this to my guests.  So I called my mother, she advised me to put a small piece of dough into it and then stir it for some time.  Suddenly it became normal and I served it.  All appraised my cooking.
  • 7. 1. Why in our metro cities crime against women is increasing day by day? Responses:-  We need to change our rules and regulations, for punishing a criminal  Girls should become strong even to fight for their justice and right  The Indian government should be proactive
  • 8. 2. Why unemployment is a big problem? Responses:-  Now a day students have bachelors, post graduation and professional degrees, but there is a huge fight for job among all  Because of this, at this young age, students are in depression and they feel so much of pressure that they feel death is a easier path  Our leaders should find a way, to increase employment in our country to increase opportunities for young generations.
  • 9. 3. Why people are destroying the monuments by writing on the wall of it? Responses:-  People should understand that, these monuments are Indian heritage, they tells u story about great Indian history  They teaches u many lessons about life and way of living  They are the main attraction of foreigners in terms of tourism.  They should not spoil walls of the monuments.
  • 10. Teaching and Learning:- 1. Shouldn't we teach ethics, human behavior and culture as a subject? 2. Only Science, Maths ,Social studies are main subjects? What about other activities? 3. Why the motive of the teacher in class is always to complete syllabus ASAP irrespective of whether the students understanding or not?
  • 11.  Learning:- 1. Why students have to learn according to the teacher, why not he would learn in a way he understands better?? 2. Is theoretical knowledge of an instrument sufficient for students to make them use that instrument in future?
  • 12.
  • 13. 1) School Experience  At my childhood I decided to become a teacher and was most inspired by my science teacher  I found interest in each and every topic which is related to science  I have participated in science exhibitions many times  I opted for PCMB at my secondary school which was a step towards my goal  The educational experience I had in my school was great.
  • 14. 2) College Experience  I have done my graduation from ARSD college DU  There I got deep understanding of chemistry  I was a member of ‘Chem. Crown Society', which was only for chemistry students  I participated in different events organized by the society  In the span of 3 years I gain various knowledge from that society and my teachers  And finally I passed my bachelors degree with 1st div.
  • 15. 3) B.Ed Experience  Now I am pursuing B.Ed with a hope that I will become a good teacher one day  Thought the schedule is very hectic but I am gaining good knowledge from my respected teachers  The experience up to till date is quite good and hopping for the best in future.
  • 16.  I will become a good teacher  I will get a chance to work with highly professional teachers  I will get to learn different skills from my colleagues and my teachers.
  • 17.  My expectation is that I will get a very good job after this course  This course will groom me as a better person  My expectation is to improve in the areas I am lacking.
  • 18.
  • 19. TIMELINE Experiences Academic Non- Academic Education Profession Experience Literary Travelling Sports 10th - 2008 1st div 12th – 2010 1st div B.Sc – 2013 1st div M.Sc- 2015 2nddiv B.Ed – 2015-17 Karate Coach Kashmir 10km Horse riding (2012) Military training camp (2014) Karate Yoga Rock - climbing Parasailing
  • 20. MIND MAPPING Happiest Moments School College 8th Std.- 1st in Yoga Compt. 9th Std.- 1st in Dance Compt. 10th Std- passed with Distinction Playing cricket with friends, Enjoying Festivals with friends Trip to Manesar with friends B.Sc M.ScNon Scholastic Scholastic
  • 22.  I got my post graduation degree, that means a lot for me.  It motivates me at each and every point of time  I have given my 7 years for this degree. When I was in my 11th class I decided to go for chemistry and now after 7 years I have my degree.  This always motivated me and proves that I can achieve anything if I want it from core of my heart.
  • 23.  It was my first experience of riding on the roof top of the Taxi in Hilly areas (8km)  I was with my nephews  It was an awesome experience with lot of risks.  I enjoyed it very much. Riding on the roof top of the Taxi in Uttarakhand 22.5.2015
  • 24.
  • 25.
  • 26. I see sky full of stars at night in my hometown but in Delhi the stars are hard to find. When I was a kid, there was greenery all around but now a day trees are hard to find. Before 2008, I used to see Sparrows in my locality but now, I do not see them.
  • 27.  People approaching towards westernization  Separation of parents leads to bad impact on children  Students now a day preferring technical teaching methods over traditional teaching methods.
  • 28. One to One communication  I have observed nature and discussed with my father.  He said he used to see different species of bird frequently in his childhood which is hard to find now a day.  Reason:- Global warming, Survival of the fittest
  • 29. One to many communication  I have observed people around myself and discussed On Westernization with my peer group  Westernization has greatly effected our traditions, customs, our family, our respect and love for others  Westernization has given rise to nuclear families resulting unsuccessful marriage life.
  • 30.
  • 31.
  • 32. Is a physical, mental and spiritual practice or discipline which originated in India. Significance:- Stress relief, Improved immunity, Increased energy, better flexibility and posture etc. Yoga
  • 33. Is a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness. Significance:- reduces high blood pressure, depression, anxiety
  • 34.
  • 35.  Prevents loss of hairs, graying, reduce fat.  Strengthens the entire digestive system and cures and prevents constipation.  Eliminates unpleasant smells from the body Makes spine, waist and muscle more flexible, it also prevents tuberculosis. Promotes sleeps and anxiety. Develops the lungs, gives you wind. Improves the quality and circulation of the blood.
  • 36.
  • 37.  The system of education, educating students in the classroom requires some changes, which need to be done.  The education system must involve certain practices which can help the students to deal with their psychological problems.
  • 38.  Mindfulness generally benefits the stress regarding problems of the adults and reduces conflict by helping students get along better with another which ultimately leads to more learning environment.  Students should be aware of the psychological changes that taking place in their body as well as brain, as this will aware them of their own distractions and make them better and efficient in their study due to their increased focus and concentration.
  • 39. Mindfulness:- The goal of any mindfulness technique is to achieve a state of alert, focused relaxation by deliberately paying attention to thoughts and sensations without judgment. Emotions:- Mindfulness allow emotions to be present without judgment. Practice a steady and relaxed naming of emotions: joy, anger, frustration. Accept the presence of the emotions without judgment and let them go. Mental Health:- mindfulness improves mental health including; depression, eating disorders, anxiety disorders etc.
  • 40.  Improves your concentration power, makes you more focused towards your goal.  Improves your emotional as well as mental strength and intelligence.  Improves learning, memory which helps in rapid memory recall.  Improves your capability and makes you work effectively and efficiently under stress also.
  • 41.  A mindful person is less distracted and more focussed.  Improves your thought process and helps in decision-making.  People who are mindful are more aware of their ethical principles and make their decisions aligned to their values.  Before making any decision, a mindful individuals take time to think and reflect and listen to their inner selves assessing their own values and objectives.
  • 42.  Mindfulness cognitive therapy helps in preventing the depression relapse especially for those who face major depressive disorder.  Helps in regulating mood as well as anxiety disorders  Generally reduces stress and anxiety.  Reduce the sleeping time of an individual.  With time it decreases depression.  Mindfulness and mindfulness meditation focus mainly to aware an individual of all incoming thoughts, feelings and accepting them but not getting attached or react to them.
  • 43.
  • 44. Karate Championship  Me and my friends participated in a tournament  There were many participants from different states  Firstly all contestants warmed up before the competition  Then all the participants were divided according to their weight categories and then fight was between same weight contestants  All the contestants of my group won their fights.
  • 45.  Individuals have different abilities. These abilities are demonstrated in the roles the individuals play in a group  The following roles are suggested for a task: a) Initiator- begins the activity and proposes the goals b) Focuser- keeps the group’s attention focused on the task c) Coordinator- pulls ideas together d) Problem solver- identifies difficulties and proposes solutions e) Information Guide- offers and requests facts, ideas suggestions and information.
  • 46.  Gender stereotypes are over- generalization about the characteristic of an entire group based on gender. While gender stereotypes have been popularly perceived as having negative connotations, they can also have positive ones as well.  They are of 2 types:- 1. Female gender stereotypes 2. Male gender stereotypes
  • 47.  Women are supposed to have ‘clean jobs’  Women are not strong as men  Women are supposed to make less money than men  Women are supposed to cook and do housework  Women don’t play sports
  • 48.  All men enjoy working on cars  Men are not nurses, they are doctors  Men play games  Men are in charge; they are always at the top  Men do not cook, sew, or do crafts  Men enjoy outdoor activities such as camping, fishing, and hiking
  • 49.  Objectives should be specified  Selection of the group size depending on the task, age, ability and availability of resources  The students assigns to groups by different criteria like leadership quality, interest, random assignment and talent  The groups should be separated by arranging or re- arranging the classroom  Suitable materials should be available  Explain specific task, group goal and criteria for success to the groups.  Teacher or the other student may be used as observer
  • 50.  Child labour has been an international concern because it damages, spoils and destroys the future of children.  Children are the hope and future of a nation. yet, there are millions deprived children in our country who have never known a normal, carefree childhood.
  • 51.  The law in Indian soil says that any child below age of 14 cannot be employed either in a factory or office or restaurant.  Causes of Child Labour  Now what is the background of engaging child labour,  To have or increase the income of a poor family  To reduce the labour cost in a production organization  Misc. reasons for engaging as domestic aid as the children are less doubtful about dishonesty or less liable to misbehave or be violent.
  • 52. The solutions to the problem of Child Labour are:  The Child labour laws need to be strictly enforced by the Government.  The general public need to be made aware of the severe consequences of Child labour.  An increase in employment opportunity for adults would help in overcoming the problem of poverty and child labour.  Government should ensure that every child gets the opportunity to go to school.  The owners of factories and mines should take the pledge of not engaging child in their place of business.
  • 53.
  • 54.  The purpose of the film is to motivate people towards ‘‘ The law of attraction’’  The film tells to think positively because your thought attracts the incident in our life.
  • 55. Motive:- The theme of the movie is motivational and inspirational Action:- Narrators in the film are sharing their experiences by using different gestures ,facial expressions and examples Repetition:- All the scientists, philosophers are repeating the ‘‘Laws of Attraction’’ concept
  • 56. The scene is:-  A man was going for some work on his bicycle.  When he reached at his destination, he tied his cycle with a heavy iron chain on a pole and went inside  When he came back he didn’t find his cycle at that place. The chain was broken.
  • 57. Merci Shimoff MBA(Writer) says :-  If your thinking of an incident to happen, you are again and again thinking about that only  Your thoughts attract that incident in your life and this becomes reality.  If you are continuously thinking about a thing that surely takes place in future as a real incident.
  • 58.  Directed by:- Drew Heriot  Produced by:- Rhonda Byrne (Executive Producer), Paul Harrington (Producer)  Release date:- March 26,2006
  • 59.  The Secret, described as a self-help film,  uses a documentary format to present a concept titled ‘‘Law of Attraction’’  hypotheses posits that feelings and thoughts can attract events, feelings, and experiences, from the workings of the cosmos to interactions among individuals in their physical, emotional, and professional affairs.  The film also suggests that there has been a strong tendency by those in positions of power to keep this central principle hidden from the public.
  • 60.
  • 61.  Habib Tanvir was a Hindi and Urdu playwright. He was also a great director, actor, manager, poet, and one of the most important theatre personalities of post- independence India.  He was born in Raipur, Chhattisgarh in 1923
  • 62.  He directs Charandas Chor in 1975  And this proved to be Tanvir’s masterpiece
  • 63. Born :- uncertain ( either 1398 or 1440 CE) in Varanasi Died :- uncertain ( either 1448or 1518 CE)  Kabir was a 15th century Indian Mystic poet and saint, whose writings influenced Hinduism’s Bhakti movement and his verses are found in Sikh’s scripture Adi Granth.
  • 64.  He is known for being critical of both Hinduism and Islam, so during his lifetime he was threatened by both Hindus and Muslims for his views.  He suggested that True God is with the person who is on the path of righteousness, considered all creatures on earth as his own self, and who is passively detached from the affairs of the world.  To know god, Kabir suggested that meditate the mantra Rama Rama as he was strongly influenced by his teacher of Hindu Bhakti Leader Ramananda.
  • 65. Born:- 1861 Died:- 1941  He was a Bengali polymath who reshaped Bengali literature and music as well as Indian art with contextual modernism in the late 19th and early 20th century.  He was the author of Gitanjali and its profoundly sensitive, fresh and beautiful verse.
  • 66.  He became the first non-European to win the Noble Prize in Literature in 1913.  He introduced new prose and verse forms and the use of colloquial language into Bengali literature thereby freeing it from traditional models based on classical Sanskrit  He is regarded as the outstanding creative artist of the modern Indian subcontinent.
  • 67.
  • 68.  The life we got by a virtue of birth in a family or place.  Society is divided into 2 sections:-  1. Privilege section:-  Rich children  2. Deprived section:-  Slum children, Street children
  • 69. All these basic necessities of life are easy for the rich to get, A rich family's children have a better foundation to make their dream come true and do what they want to do.
  • 70.  who lives in slums  They migrate with their families from rural to urban areas in search of livelihoods. Street Children Children living on the streets They are sometimes abandoned by their families or have run away from abuse or exploitation
  • 71. Rural children The children live in rural areas with very limited sources and facilities. They suffer with education system, health issues and basic needs.
  • 72.
  • 73.  It is estimated that more than 400,000 street children in India exist  The education of street children in India is very poor and often non-existent
  • 74.  Street children lack access to nutritious food because many are dependent on leftovers from small restaurants or hotels, food stalls, or garbage bins  Street children in India are frequently exposed to abuse and extortion because they have no social status and no adults to protect them.
  • 75.