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ABSCESS -a local collection of pus in the tissue
ACIDOSIS -the depletion of alkaline reserve in the body
ACUTE -a sudden, poignant illness of short duration but with severe symptoms
ADDICTION -the state of being given up to some habit, as a drug habit
ADENITIS -inflammation of a gland
ADHESION -the normal joining of tissues by a fibrous band usually resulting from inflammation of injury
ADIPOSE -fatty
ADRENAL GLAND -a ductless gland at the upper end of the kidney
ALBUMIN -a protein substance found in animal and vegetable tissues
ALBUMINURIA -presence of albumin in the urine
ALIGNMENT -the state of being arranged in a line
-the passage leading from the mouth, the stomach and the intestines to the outer opening of
the rectum
ALLERGY -an exaggerated sensitivity of an individual to a substance
ALLEVIATE -to lessen or make easier to endure
ALOPECIA -loss of hair from skin where it normally appears
ALVEOLI -air cells of the lungs
AMBULATORY -walking or able to walk
AMENORRHEA -absence or abnormal stoppage of menstruation
AMNESIA -loss of memory
AMPUTATION -cutting of an extremity or other part of the body
ANALGESIC -relieving pain
ANAPHYLAXIS -increased susceptibility or hypersensitivity to a drug following its parenteral injection
ANASTOMOSIS -the joining together of two normally distinct spaces or organs
ANEMIA -deficient quantity or quality of the blood
ANESTHETIC -a substance that produces loss of feeling or sensation
ANGINA PECTORIS -paroxysmal thoracic pain
ANKYLOSIS -abnormal consolidation of a joint which prevents motion
ANOMALY -a deviation from the normal
ANOREXIA -lack or loss of appetite
ANOXIA -a decrease of oxygen below the normal level in the body tissues
ANTHELMINTIC -an agent that destroys worms
ANTIBODY -a specific blood substance that neutralizes foreign bodies
ANTIDOTE -a remedy that will counteract or remove the effect of poison
ANTI-EMETIC -an agent that prevents or relieves nausea and vomiting
ANTI-PYRETIC -an agent that relieves or reduces fever
ANTISEPTIC -a substance that inhibits the growth of microorganisms without necessarily destroying them
ANTISPASMODIC -an agent that relieves muscular pain
-substances found in the blood and other body fluids that counteract the harmful effect of
toxins or the poisons to which they are allied with
ANURIA -total suppression of urine
APATHY -indifference
APEX -the bp. Point or end of anything
APHAGIA -inability to swallow
ABNORMAL -contrary to the usual structure, positions, or condition
ABRASION -a scraping or rubbing off the skin
APHASIA -inability to express oneself by speech or writing
APHONIA -loss of voice
APNEA -a temporary cessation of breathing
APOPLEXY -a paralysis commonly referred to as ”stroke” resulting from cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
ARRHYTHMIA -absence of rhythm particularly in relation to the abnormality in the rhythm of the heart
-any one of the vessels through which the blood passes from the heart to all different parts of
the body
ARTHRITIS -joint inflammation
ARTICULATION -the junction between two or more bones of the skeleton
ASCITES -escape of serous fluid or gas from a cavity by means of suction
ASEPTIC -free from disease or germs
ASPHYXIA -suffocation
ASPIRATION -withdrawal of fluid or gas from a cavity by means of suction
ASSIMILATION -the process of changing food into living tissue
-a disease marked by difficulty in breathing due to spasmodic contractions of the bronchial
ATAXIA -irregularity of muscle coordination
ATONIC -lacking normal tone or strength
ATRESIA -a closing or congenital absence of a normal anatomic opening
ATROPHY -a decrease in size or wasting away of a cell, tissue, organ or part of the body
AUDIOMETER -an instrument to test the acuity of hearing
AURA -a subjective sensation experienced by a person prior to a seizure such as epileptic attack
AURAL -pertaining to the ear
AUSCULTATION -listening to sounds from within the body to determine abnormal conditions
BACTEREMIA -the presence of bacteria in the blood
BENIGN -doing no harm, not malignant
BILIARY -pertaining to bile, the liver, the gall bladder and the associated duct
BIOPSY -removal of a piece of a body tissue for diagnostic examination, usually microscopic
BLOOD PRESSURE -the pressure of the blood on the elastic walls to the arteries
BRADYCARDIA -abnormally slow heart action
BRIGHT’S DISEASE -a kidney disease accompanied by albumin in the urine
BRONCHITIS -inflammation of the bronchial tubes
BRONCHOSCOPE -a lighted instrument used for the examination of the interior of the bronchi
BUCCAL -pertaining to the cheek or mouth
CACHEXIA -a state of weakness and emaciation
CALCULUS -an abnormal concretion, usually composed of mineral salts, occurring within the body
CALLOSITY -a hardening and thickening of the skin
CANCER -exceedingly harmful. Usually rapid growth of cells
CARCINOMA -a cancer
CARDIAC -pertaining the heart
CARDIOGRAPH -an instrument for recording the action of the heart
-an individual who harbours in his body the specific organisms of a disease without manifesting
its symptoms and thus act as a distributor or transmitter of the infection
CARTILAGE -the bristle or white elastic substance attached to the bone surfaces at the joints
CAST -an appliance to render immovable, displaced or injured parts
CATHARTIC -a drug that stimulates the evacuation of intestinal waste, a purgative
CAUSALGIA -burning pain that may accompany nerve injury
CAVITY -a hollow space within the body or within one of its organ
CELL -the minute protoplasmic building unit of living matter
CEPHALIC -pertaining to the head
CERUMEN -earwax
CERVICAL -pertaining to the neck or cervix of any structure
CHANCRE -the primary lesion of syphilis
CHEMOTHERAPY -the use of chemical agents to treat disease
CHOLESTASIS -stoppage of bile flow
CHOREA -“St. Vitus Dance” a nervous disease characterized by involuntary jerking muscle movements
CHYLE -a fluid consisting of lymph and emulsified fats as the result of digestion in the intestine
CHYME -a thick greyish liquid that is a result of digestion on the intestine
CILIATED -provided with fringe or hair-like structures
CIRRHOSIS -chronic inflammation and degeneration of an organ especially the liver
CLAVICLE -the collar bone
COLIC -acute abdominal pain
COLITIS -inflammation of the colon
-a mental disturbance, usually temporary, marked by cerebral excitement, wandering speech,
illusions and hallucinations
DEMENTIA -deterioration of mental capacity
DEMULCENT -a bland, soothing medication or application
DENDRON -a branch of nerve cell
DEPILATORY -a preparation for removing superfluous hair
DEPRESSION -lowered mental and physical activity
DERMATOLOGY -a branch of medicine dealing with disease of skin and skeletal muscles
DERMIS -the true skin
DESQUAMATION -the shedding or scaling of the skin or cuticle
DIAGNOSIS -the recognition of a disease by its signs and symptoms
DIAPHORESIS -profuse perspiration
DIAPHRAGM -the muscular partition between the thoracic and abdominal cavities
DIARRHEA -abnormal frequency and fluidity of discharges from the intestines
-the generation of heat in the body tissues due to resistance by the tissues to high frequency
electric currents forced through them
-a clot or portion of a clot that has broken away from its site of origin and flows freely in the
circulatory until it lodges in a narrow vessel
EMBOLISM -an obstruction of a blood vessel by a clot of blood
-a graphic tracing of an electric current produced by the contractions of the heart veins of anal
EMBRYO -a term applied to the unborn child from conception to about the third month of pregnancy
EMESIS -the act of vomiting
EMETIC -an agent that causes vomiting
EMPYEMA -collection of pus in the body cavity
ENCEPHALITIS -inflammation of the brain
ENDOCRINE GLANDS -ductless glands, glands of internal secretion
ENTERITIS -inflammation of the intestines
ENUCLEATION -the surgical removal of the eyeball
ENURESIS -involuntary discharge of urine, usually during sleep
EPIDEMIC -widespread disease in the certain geographic region
EPIDERMIS -outermost layer of the skin
EPIGLOTTIS -a thin plate of yellow elastic cartilage that closes to protect the larynx during swallowing
EPILEPSY -a chronic disease marked by attacks of convulsions
-the active principle of the medulla of the adrenal ***, it acts to slow heart and increase blood
EPISTAXIS -nosebleed
EQUILIBRIUM -a state of balance
ERUCTATION -forceful expulsion of air from the stomach, known as belching
ERYTHEMA -redness of the skin due to congestion of the capillaries
-yellowish, circular, concave disks, found in the blood which contain haemoglobin and carry
ETHMOID -sieve-like
ETIOLOGY -the sum knowledge regarding the cause of the disease
EUPHORIA -a general feeling of comfort and well-being
EUSTACHIAN TUBE -the passage from the throat to the middle ear
EUTHANASIA -an easy or painless death often referred to as “mercy killing”
-the removal of abdominal organs, or the protrusion of the intestines through an abdominal
EXCORIATION -the removal of pieces of skin as a result of scratching or scraping
EXCRETED -thrown off, as waste matter, or by normal discharge
EXPECTORATION -spitting out mucus or other fluid from the lungs and the throat
EXPIRATION -exhaling air from the lungs, a term sometimes used to refer to death
-material that has escaped from the blood vessels and is deposited in the tissues or on tissue
FAINT -loss of consciousness due to insufficient blood in the brain
FATIGUE -weariness resulting from overexertion of the body or in the mind
FEBRILE -pertaining to fever
FECES -the residue from the digested food, which is discharged from the intestines
FESTER -to suppurate superficially (as in a festering wound)
FETIC -having disagreeable odor
FETUS -a term applied to the unborn child after the third month of pregnancy
FEVER -abnormally high body temperature
FIBROUS -composed of oil or containing fiber
FLACCID -weak, lax, or lacking muscle tone
FLATUS -gas in the intestine or stomach
FLEX -to bend
FLUOROSCOPE -a device used for examining deep structures by means of the roentgen rays (x-ray)
FOREIGN BODY -any substance lodged in a place where it does not belong
FRACTURE -a break in the bone
FRICTION -rubbing
FUMIGATION -exposure to disinfecting fumes
FUNCTION -a normal action of a part of an organ or body
FUSION -the joining together of two adjacent parts or bodies
GAIT -a manner or style of walking
GALL -the bile
GANGRENE -the death of a part of a tissue
GASTRIC -pertaining to the stomach
GASTROENTOROLOGY -branch of medicine dealing with disease of the stomach or intestine
GASTROINTESTINAL -pertaining to the stomach or intestines
GAVAGE -passing food into the stomach through a tube
GENES -factors in the chromosomes that determine the hereditary characteristics
-the branch of medicine that deals with old age and its related disease, including the psycho-
social problems of senility
GERMICIDES -agents that kills germs
GERMS -pathogenic microorganism
GESTATION -the period of development of the individual from fertilization to birth
GLOMERULONEPHRITIS -renal disease with inflammation of the capillary loops in the glomeruli of the kidneys
GLOSSITIS -inflammation of the tongue
GLUTEAL -pertaining to the buttocks
GLYCOSURIA -presence of glucose or sugars in the urine
GOITER -an enlargement of the thyroid gland, causing a swelling in the front part of the neck
GONORRHEA -a contagious inflammatory condition of the genital mucous membrane
GRAFT -a piece of skin or other tissue from one part of the body which is implanted on another part
GRANULATION -the formation of fleshy tissue in the healing of wounds
GROIN -the lowest part of the abdominal wall where it joins the thigh
GYNECOLOGY -the science that treats diseases of women, particularly of the genital organs
HALLUCINATION -seeing, hearing, or feeling something when there is no objective stimulus
-disease by composing the body to the sun rays, particularly in the morning (between 6-
HEMATEMESIS -vomiting of blood
HEMATOLOGY -the study of blood
HEMATOMA -a clot of extravasted blood
HEMATURIA -discharge of blood in the urine
HEMIPLEGIA -paralysis of side of the body
-a disorder of Iron metabolism with excessive deposits of iron in the body tissues,
specially the liver, skin and pancreas (LSP*)
HEMOGLOBIN -the pigment of red blood cells that carries oxygen
HEMOPHILIA -a congenital condition characterized by delayed clotting of blood
HEMOPLYSIS -blood stained sputum or expectoration of blood
HEMORRHAGE -bleeding, an escape of blood from the arteries
HEMORRHOIDS -a distortion on the veins of the anal region
HEMOTHORAX -presence of blood in the pleural cavity
HEPATITIS -inflammation of the liver
HEREDITY -the inheritance of physical or mental characteristics from ancestors
HERNIA -the protrusion of a loop or knuckle of an organ or tissue through an abnormal opening
HERPES -fever blisters, cold sores
-an involuntary spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm caused by the irritation of the
phrenic nerve, which produced a sharp, respiratory cough
-abnormal hairness particularly in women (eg, Menoxidil, (Dilantin), Phenytoin for
-a chemical substance produced in an organ which is carried to an associated organ by the
bloodstream, influencing its functional activity
-distention of the pelvis and calyces of the kidney with urine, as a result of obstruction of
the ureters
HYDROTHERAPY -the use of water in the treatment of disease
HYDROTHORAX -the collection of watery fluid in the pleural cavity
HYPERALGESIA -increased sensitivity to pain
HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA -excess cholesterol in the blood
HYPEREMIA -excessive blood in the part of the body due to local or general relaxation of the arteries
HYPERGLYCEMIA -excess of glucose in the blood
HYPEROPIA -farsightedness
HYPERTENSION -chronic elevation of the blood pressure
HYPERTROPHY -a diseased enlargement of a part of the body or organ
HYPNOSIS -an artificially induced passive state resembling the trance
HYPNOTIC -an agent that produces sleep or drowsiness
HYPOCHONDRIA -a morbid anxiety about health
HYPODERMOCLYSIS -injection of fluids into the tissue under the skin
HYPOGLYCEMIA -an abnormally low amount of sugar in the blood
HYPOGONADISM -diminished activity of the testes and the ovaries
HYPOKALEMIA -a deficiency of potassium in the blood
HYPOMANIA -mania of the mild type
HYPOTENSION -chronic depression of the blood pressure
HYPOTHERMIA -a low body temperature which may be fatal
HYSTERIA -lack of emotional control or actions
HYSTERECTOMY -the surgical removal of the uterus
IDIOSYNCRACY -a personal peculiarity
ILEO-FEMORAL -pertaining to the ileum (last portion of the intestine) femur (thigh bone)
ILLUSION -a false impression or interpretation of sensory image
IMMOBILIZE -to prevent motion
IMMUNIZATION -protect against infection from any disease
IMPACTED -firmly wedged in place
INCISE -to cut
INCONTINENCE -the inability to control elimination of urine or feces
-the period of a disease between the implantation of pathogen and the manifestation of the
symptoms of the disease
INDURATION -hardening of tissue
-the invasion of the body by disease-producing agents with a resulting reaction to their
presence and their toxins
-a condition resulting from the irritation in any part of the body, marked by pain, heat,
redness and swelling
INHALATION -drawing air, vapors, fumes into the lungs
INHERENT -belonging to anything as a result of natural circumstance
INHIBITION -the partial or complete restraint of any process
INJECTION -forcing a liquid into a part of the body or into a body cavity
-introduction of virus or disease-producing microorganism into the body to give protection
against certain disease
INSECTICIDE -an agent that is destructive to insects
INSIDIOUS -coming on in a stealthily manner
INSOMNIA -sleeplessness
INSULIN -substance produced by the pancreas which aids in the breakdown of carbohydrates
INTELLECT -thinking ability or understanding
INTERMITTENT -occurring at intervals
INTRAVENOUS -situated within the vein
INTUBATION -the insertion of a tube, as into the larynx (in diphtheria) to introduce air
INTUSSUSCEPTION -the telescoping or prolapsing of one part of the intestine into an adjacent part
INUNCTION -application or rubbing of an ointment on the skin
IRRIGATION -washing out by a stream of water or a solution
IRRITANT -an agent that causes stimulation or undue sensitiveness to any part of the body
ISCHEMIA -lack of blood flow to the part of the body
ISTHMUS -a narrow structure connecting two larger parts
JAUNDICE -a yellowish discoloration of the skin due to bile
JURISPRUDENCE -the application of study of legal principles
KELOID -a scar on the skin consisting of dense tissues, found often in the Negro race
KERATITIS -inflammation of the cornea
KETONURIA -presence of ketone bodies in the urine
KETOSIS -increase of ketone bodies in the body tissue and fluid
KOPLIK’S SPOTS -bright red spots in the mouth and throat in the early stages of measles
-an abnormal increase in the thoracic curvature of the spine giving a “hunchback”
LACTEALS -lymph vessels in the intestines
LARYNGITIS -inflammation of the larynx
LATENT -a condition that is concealed or not manifested
LATERAL -pertaining to a side
LAVAGE -washing out of an organ, such as the stomach or bowel
LAXATIVE -mild cathartic that promotes evacuation of the intestines
-a transparent crystalline structure in the eye that converges or scatters light rays to focus
images on the retina
-small brownish pigmented areas on the skin due to an increase amount of melanin,
commonly known as “freckles”
LESION -a break in the body tissue such as a swore or wound
LETHARGY -a state of stupor, dullness, indifference, lack of feeling
-a disease of the blood-forming organs characterized by uncontrolled increase in the number
of leukocytes
LEUKOCYTOSIS -increase in the number of leukocytes
LEUKORRHEA -a whitish or yellowish viscid discharge from the vagina
LIGAMENT -a tough, fibrous band binding together bones supporting internal organs
LIGATE -to bind or tie with a ligature
LINIMENT -an oily preparation for rubbing on the skin
LIPOMA -a benign tumor composed of fatty tissues
LOCAL -limited to one part or place, not a general area
LOCHIA -vaginal discharge following childbirth
LORDOSIS -an abnormal increase in lumbar curvature of the spine, sometimes known as “swayback”
LUBRICANT -an oily substance that relieves irritation
LUMBAR REGION -that part of the back between the pelvis and the thorax
LUMEN -the cavity or channel within a tube or tubular region
-a skin disease with inflammation and red scaly patches that induces atrophy, superficial scar
formation and follicular plugging
LYMPH -clear, colorless fluid carried by vessels that return fluid from the body tissues of the heart
LYMPHOCYTES -lymph cells, a variety of leukocytes
LYMPHOMA -any malignant condition of the lymphoid tissues
MALAISE -a vague feeling of bodily discomfort
MALIGNANT -deadly, tending to go from bad to worse
-a deliberate feigning or exaggeration of the symptoms of illness or injury, usually to arouse
MALPRACTICE -injurious or faulty treatment that results in injury loss or damage
MANIA -a disordered mental state of extreme excitement
MASTICATE -to chew food.
MASTITIS -inflammation of the breast
MASTOIDITIS -inflammation of the mastoid bone
MATURATION -the process of ripening or becoming fully developed
MEATUS -an opening to some passageway in the body
-a dark green or black fecal substances in the intestine of the full green fetus or new born
MEDIAL -midline of the body or nearest to that midline
MEMBRANE -a thin layer of tissues covering a part or lining a body cavity
MENARCHE -the establishment of menstruation
MENINGES -the membranes that covers the brain and the spinal cord
MENINGITIS -inflammation of the meninges
NECROSIS -mental or psychic disorder characterized by fears, anxiety and compulsion
NEVUS -a congenital circumscribed discolored area of the skin, either vascular or nonvascular
NOCTURIA -excessive urination at night
NUTRITION -the process of using food for growth and development
OBESE -extremely fat
OBSTETRICS -branch of medicine dealing with pregnancy, labor and the puerperium
OINTMENT -a greasy semi-solid preparation for external use on the body
OLIGURIA -scanty secretion of urine
ONSET -the beginning of an illness when the first symptoms of disease appear
OOPHORECTOMY -the surgical removal an ovary or the ovaries
OPTHALMOLOGIST -a physician who specializes in the treatment of disorders of the eye
OPIATE -a drug containing or derivd from opium
OPTICIAN -one who grinds lenses and fits eyeglasses
OPTOMETRIST -one who measures vision and prescribesglasses for visual defects
ORAL -pertaining to the mouth
ORCHITIS -inflammaion of th testicles
ORGAN -a group of body tissues having a particular function
ORIFICE -the entrance or outlet of any body cavity
-branch of surgery that deals with the correction of deformities and chronic diseases of the
bones and joints
ORTHOPNEA -difficulty in breathing relieved only by sitting or standing erect
ORTHOSIS -straightening of a deformity
OSSEUS -bone-like structure; pertaining to the bone
OSTEOARTHRITIS -a degenerative joint disease
OSTEOMALACIA -bone degradation due to lack of calcium
OSTEOPOROSIS -a bone disorder caused by loss of minerals
OSTEOSCLEROSIS -a spongy bone formation in the labyrinth of the ear
PALLOR -paleness, absence of skin pigments
PALPITATION -unduly rapid or throbbing heartbeat that can be sensed by the patient
PALSY -loss of motion (paralysis) in a part of the body
PANCYTOPENIA -deficiency of all cell elements of the blood
PAPULE -a small, circumscribed elevation of the skin
PARACENTESIS -the surgical puncture of a body cavity for the aspiration of body fluids
PARALYSIS -loss of motion or impairment of sensation in a part of a body
PARAPLEGIA -paralysis of the lower part of the body
PARASITES -plants or animals that lives upon or within another organism
PARENTERAL -not through the alimentary canal i.e., by intravenous injection or IV route
PARESIS -slight or incomplete paralysis
PARIETAL -pertaining to the walls of a cavity
PAROXYSM -a sudden periodic attack or recurrence of symptoms of a diseases
PARTURITION -the act of giving birth to a child
PASSIVE -submissive or not produced by active birth
PATELLA -the kneecap
PATENCY -the condition of being freely open
PEDIATRICS -the branch of medicine that is concerned with children’s diseases
PELLAGRA -a deficiency disease or syndrome caused by lack of Niacin
-tapping a part of the body with short, sharp blows to elicit sounds or vibrations that
aid in diagnosis
PERICARDIUM -the double membrane that envelops the heart
PERIOSTEUM -a tough, fibrous membrane surrounding the bone
PERIPHERAL -pertaining to the outward part of the bone
PHYSICAL -pertaining to the body
-an inactive or non-medicinal substance given in place of a medication to gratify a
patient without his knowledge of its actual physiologic, therapeutic value
-organ developed in the uterus to which the embryo is attached via the umbilical
cord and from which it receives its nourishment
PODIATRIST -one who diagnosis and treats foot disorders
-an acute viral disease involving the spinal cord, commonly known as “infantile
POLLINOSIS -an allergic body reaction due to air-borne pollen
POLYCYTHEMIA -abnormal increase in the number of erythrocytes in the blood “Erythrocytosis”
POLYDEPSIA -excessive thirst
POLYMENORRHEA -abnormally frequent menstruation
POLYP -a small protruding growth on a pedicle extending from a mucous membrane
POLYPHAGIA -an abnormal craving for all kinds of food
POLYURIA -excessive urination
POSTPARTUM -after childbirth or delivery
POULTICE -a soft, moist hot mass applied to the skin
PRESBYOPIA -farsightedness associated with the impairment of vision due to the aging process
PRENATAL -existing or occurring before birth
PROCESS -a prominence or projection, as of the end of a bone
PROTOSCOPE -an instrument used for inspecting the rectum
PROGNOSIS -judging in advance the probable duration , course and termination of a disease
PROPHYLAXIS -prevention of a disease
PROSTHESIS -the replacement of a missing part of a body by an artificial substitute
PROSTRATION -extreme exhaustion
PROTHROMBIN -a substance thought to exist in the blood, which can changed to thrombin
PRURITIS -intense itching
PSYCHIATRIST -a physician who specializes in the treatment of disorders of the psyche or mind
PSYCHOLOGY -the science that deals with the mental process and their affects upon behavior
PSYCHOSIS -a mental disturbance in which there is personality disintegration and an escape into reality
PLOSIS -a drooping or sagging of an organ or part from the normal position
PUNCTURE -a small elevation of the skin filled with pus or lymph
PURULENT -consisting of or secreting pus
-a yellowish secretion formed in certain kinds of inflammation, consisting of albuminous
substance, a thin fluid, and leukocytes or their remains
PUSTULE -a small elevation of the skin filled with pus or lymph
PYELITIS -inflammation of the pelvis of the kidney
PYEMIA -the presence of pus forming organisms in the blood
PYLORUS -the opening of the stomach into the duodenal portion of the intestines
PYOGENIC -producing pus
PYROSIS -a burning sensation in the stomach and the esophagus commonly known as “heartburn”
PYURIA -the presence of pus in the urine
QUADRIPLEGIA -paralysis of all four extremities
-a period of detention or isolation as a result of suspected contagion of a communicable
-the first movements of the fetus felt in pregnancy usually occurring from the 16th
to the 16th
RADIALE -to diverge or spread from a common central point
RADIUM -a metallic element that gives off rays used in treating malignancies
RASH -a superficial eruption of the skin
REACTION -action in response to some influence or force
RECTUM -the distal portion of the large intestine between the sigmoid colon and the anal canal
RECUMBENT -lying down
RECUPERATE -to recover health or gain strength after an illness
RECURRENCE -the return of symptoms after their remission
REFLEX -an automatic response to a given stimulus
REGURGITATION -the return of food from the stomach soon after eating, without ordinary efforts of vomiting
-the restoration of an ill or injures patient to self-sufficiency or to gainful employment at his
highest attainable skill in the shortest possible time
RELAPSE -recurrence of former symptoms during convalescence
REMISSION -the lessening in severity or subsiding the symptoms of an illness
RESECTION -excision of a portion of an organ or structure such as bones
-the power of the body to overcome the ill effects of injurious agents, such as pathogenic
microorganisms, poisons, or irritants
-the holding or keeping within the body matters that are usually expelled, such as urine, as in
retention of urine
RHEUMATOLOGY -the study of diseases of muscle, tendon, joint, bones or nerves (rheumatic disease)
RHINITIS -inflammation of the mucus membrane lining the nasal cavity
RICKETTS -a disease due to vitamin D deficiency in the diet
RIGOR MORTIS -the stiffening of the muscles after death
RUBEOLA -measles
SAC -a bag-like organ or structure; a pouch
SACRUM -triangular bone of the lower spine
-a type of tumor, often malignant, composed of a substance like embryonic connective
SATURATED -pertaining to a solution in which no more of a substance can be dissolved
SCOLIOSIS -lateral curvature of the normally straight vertical line of the spine
SCURVY -a nutritional disease caused by an insufficient amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet
SEBACEOUS -pertaining to sebum
SEBORRHEA -an increase in the secretion of the sebaceous glands
SEBUM -an oily, fatty secretion from the sebaceous glands
SEDATIVE -agent that allay activity and excitement
SEGMENTATION -the division into smaller parts, such as that which occurs in the zygote
SENILITY -a progressive feebleness of the body and mind generally associated with aging
SEPTICEMIA -a systemic disease produced by pathogenic bacteria in the blood
SEPTUM -a dividing wall between two cavities
-the clear portion of the blood; the clear liquid that separates from the blood after clotting;
serum (plural)
SHOCK -depression of the body functions due to the failure of the circulation
SINUS -a cavity
SMEAR -a specimen for microscopic study made by spreading infected material on the glass slide
SOMATIC -pertaining to the body
SOMNABULISM -sleep-walking
SORDES -the foul, dark matter that collects around the teeth and lips in low fevers
SPASM -a sudden muscular contraction
SPECIMEN -a sample
SPHINCTER -a circular muscle that closes a natural entrance or outlet to a cavity
SPLINT -an appliance for fixation of displaced or movable parts
SPUTUM -matter ejected from the respiratory tract through the mouth
STASIS -a stoppage or stagnation of the flow of fluid in any art of the body
STERILE -the absence of microorganisms
STETHOSCOPE -an instrument used to listen to internal body sounds
STIMULANT -any agent that produces an increase in the activity in the body or one of its parts
-small opening on a free surface, such as pore; an artificially created opening between a
body cavity and the surface of the body
STOOL -feces; solid to semi-solid waste matter
STRABISMUS -a squint; cross-eyed
STRICTURE -an abnormal narrowing of a passage
-a sudden paralysis of one or more parts of the body, also known as “apoplexy” or “cerebral
vascular accident (CVA)”
STUPOR -reduced responsiveness or partial consciousness
SUB-ACUTE -between an acute or chronic state, with some acute features
SUBCUTANEOUS -beneath the skin
SUPPRESSION -a sudden stoppage of a secretion
SUPPURATION -the formation of pus
SUSCEPTIBLE -having little resistance
SUTURE -a surgical stitch or seam; also the line junction of the cranial bones
SYMPATHECTOMY -an excision of a portion of a sympathetic nerve
SYMPTOM -functional evidence of a disease or of the patient’s condition
SYNCOPE -a temporary state of unconscious, commonly known as “fainting”
SYNDROME -a group of symptoms that occur together
SYNTHESIS -an artificial production of a compound
-a progressive nervous disorder resulting from degeneration of the posterior spinal cord
TACHYCARDIA -a rapid heartbeat
TACTILE -pertaining to touch
TAUT -tightly drawn
TENDON -fibrous tissue that attaches muscle of bone
TENSION -a stretch or strained condition
TEPID -moderately warm
TERMINAL -at the end
-“lockjaw”; an acute infectious disease producing a toxin that causes persistent spasm due to
disturbed calcium metabolism
TETANY -a condition of muscular spasm due to disturbed calcium metabolism
THERAPY -the treatment of disease
THORACOTOMY -a surgical incision of the wall of the thoracic cavity
THORAX -the chest
-the fibrin ferment of the blood; an enzyme present in shed blood but not circulating blood,
which converts fibrinogen to fibrin
THROMBOEMBOLISM -obstruction of a blood vessel with a thrombus that has broken off from its site of origin
THROMBOLYTIC -pertaining to or responsible for the breaking up of a clot (thrombus)
THROMBOPHLEBITIS -inflammation of a vein prior to development of a thrombus
THROMBUS -a clot in the blood vessel or in a cavity of the heart
TINNITUS -a ringing noise in the ear
TISSUE -a group of similar specialized cells united to perform a special function
TOLERANCE -the ability to endure the continued use of the drug
TONE -a normal vigor or lension
-the slight, continuous contraction of muscle; in skeletal muscle, tonus aid in maintaining
posture and returning blood to the heart
TOPICAL -pertaining to an external or local spot
-a device such as bandage, used to stop hemorrhage from an external wound by the
compression of one or more blood vessels
-general intoxication or poisoning due to absorptionof bacterial products (toxins) formed by
some local infection
TOXIC -pertaining to poison
TOXIN -any poisonous substance of microbe, vegetable, mineral, or animal origin
TRACHEOSTOMY -incision into the trachea, often for insertion of a tube to facilitate respiration
TRANSECTION -a cross-section made by cutting across a long axis
-the introduction of whole blood, plasma substitute, or other injectable solutions directly
into the bloodstream
TRANSMIT -to pass on
TRAUMA -a wound or injury
-an abnormal new growth of tissue having no physiologic use which grows independently on
its surrounding structures
TYMPANITIS -distension of the abdomen due to accumulation of gas
-an open sore on that external or internal surface of the body that causes the gradual
disintegration of the tissue
UMBILICUS -a small soar on the abdomen that makes the former attachment of the umbilical cord to the
UNCONSCIOUS -a lack of awareness of the environment with an incapability to react to sensory stimuli
-the end product of protein metabolism on the body and the chief nitrogenous substance
found in urine
UREMIA -an accumulation in the blood of substance that should have been eliminated in the urine
URINALYSIS -analysis of urine
-the branch of medicine that deals with the urinary system in the female and genitourinary
-hives; an allergic reaction of the skin characterized by weals, which are often accompanied
by severe itching
-the injection of killed or modified living organism for the purpose of treating or producing
immunity to certain infectious disease
-a membranous structure in an orifice of passage that allows passage of contents on one
direction only
VARICOSE VEIN -enlarge and twisted veins, usually occurring in the legs
VENIPUNCTURE -a puncture of the vein
VENISECTION -an incision of a vein
VERTIGO -a whirling sensation of oneself or of objects in the environment
VISCERA -the internal body organs, particularly referring to those in the abdominal cavity
VOID -to empty or cast out as waste matter
VOLATILE -tending to vaporize easily
VOLUNTARY -controlled by the will
VOMITUS -matter forcible expelled from the stomach through the mouth
WON -a sebaceous cyst
-a smooth, slightly elevated area on the skin, usually pale with a maddened periphery, which
is often attended by severe itching
WOUND -an injury to any body structure caused by physical means
-a yellowish pigmentation of the skin, often the result of the ingestion of excessive carotene
rich foods such as carrots and egg yolks
XEROSIS -abnormal dryness of the skin, conjunctive or mucous membranes
-a ray that is able to penetrate most substances, used to make photographic plates of parts
of the body and to treat diseases as well

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Medical terms commonly used in clinical pharmacy practice

  • 1. BATCH EBERS 2015 BSPh 4B MEDICAL TERMS COMMONLY USED IN CLINICAL PHARMACY PRACTICE A ABSCESS -a local collection of pus in the tissue ACIDOSIS -the depletion of alkaline reserve in the body ACUTE -a sudden, poignant illness of short duration but with severe symptoms ADDICTION -the state of being given up to some habit, as a drug habit ADENITIS -inflammation of a gland ADHESION -the normal joining of tissues by a fibrous band usually resulting from inflammation of injury ADIPOSE -fatty ADRENAL GLAND -a ductless gland at the upper end of the kidney ALBUMIN -a protein substance found in animal and vegetable tissues ALBUMINURIA -presence of albumin in the urine ALIGNMENT -the state of being arranged in a line ALIMENTARY CANAL -the passage leading from the mouth, the stomach and the intestines to the outer opening of the rectum ALLERGY -an exaggerated sensitivity of an individual to a substance ALLEVIATE -to lessen or make easier to endure ALOPECIA -loss of hair from skin where it normally appears ALVEOLI -air cells of the lungs AMBULATORY -walking or able to walk AMENORRHEA -absence or abnormal stoppage of menstruation AMNESIA -loss of memory AMPUTATION -cutting of an extremity or other part of the body ANALGESIC -relieving pain ANAPHYLAXIS -increased susceptibility or hypersensitivity to a drug following its parenteral injection ANASTOMOSIS -the joining together of two normally distinct spaces or organs ANEMIA -deficient quantity or quality of the blood ANESTHETIC -a substance that produces loss of feeling or sensation ANGINA PECTORIS -paroxysmal thoracic pain ANKYLOSIS -abnormal consolidation of a joint which prevents motion ANOMALY -a deviation from the normal ANOREXIA -lack or loss of appetite ANOXIA -a decrease of oxygen below the normal level in the body tissues ANTHELMINTIC -an agent that destroys worms ANTIBODY -a specific blood substance that neutralizes foreign bodies ANTIDOTE -a remedy that will counteract or remove the effect of poison ANTI-EMETIC -an agent that prevents or relieves nausea and vomiting ANTI-PYRETIC -an agent that relieves or reduces fever ANTISEPTIC -a substance that inhibits the growth of microorganisms without necessarily destroying them ANTISPASMODIC -an agent that relieves muscular pain ANTITOXINS -substances found in the blood and other body fluids that counteract the harmful effect of toxins or the poisons to which they are allied with ANURIA -total suppression of urine APATHY -indifference APEX -the bp. Point or end of anything APHAGIA -inability to swallow ABNORMAL -contrary to the usual structure, positions, or condition ABRASION -a scraping or rubbing off the skin APHASIA -inability to express oneself by speech or writing APHONIA -loss of voice APNEA -a temporary cessation of breathing APOPLEXY -a paralysis commonly referred to as ”stroke” resulting from cerebrovascular accident (CVA) ARRHYTHMIA -absence of rhythm particularly in relation to the abnormality in the rhythm of the heart ARTERY -any one of the vessels through which the blood passes from the heart to all different parts of the body ARTHRITIS -joint inflammation ARTICULATION -the junction between two or more bones of the skeleton
  • 2. BATCH EBERS 2015 BSPh 4B ASCITES -escape of serous fluid or gas from a cavity by means of suction ASEPTIC -free from disease or germs ASPHYXIA -suffocation ASPIRATION -withdrawal of fluid or gas from a cavity by means of suction ASSIMILATION -the process of changing food into living tissue ASTHMA -a disease marked by difficulty in breathing due to spasmodic contractions of the bronchial tubes ATAXIA -irregularity of muscle coordination ATONIC -lacking normal tone or strength ATRESIA -a closing or congenital absence of a normal anatomic opening ATROPHY -a decrease in size or wasting away of a cell, tissue, organ or part of the body AUDIOMETER -an instrument to test the acuity of hearing AURA -a subjective sensation experienced by a person prior to a seizure such as epileptic attack AURAL -pertaining to the ear AUSCULTATION -listening to sounds from within the body to determine abnormal conditions B BACTEREMIA -the presence of bacteria in the blood BENIGN -doing no harm, not malignant BILIARY -pertaining to bile, the liver, the gall bladder and the associated duct BIOPSY -removal of a piece of a body tissue for diagnostic examination, usually microscopic BLOOD PRESSURE -the pressure of the blood on the elastic walls to the arteries BRADYCARDIA -abnormally slow heart action BRIGHT’S DISEASE -a kidney disease accompanied by albumin in the urine BRONCHITIS -inflammation of the bronchial tubes BRONCHOSCOPE -a lighted instrument used for the examination of the interior of the bronchi BUCCAL -pertaining to the cheek or mouth C CACHEXIA -a state of weakness and emaciation CALCULUS -an abnormal concretion, usually composed of mineral salts, occurring within the body CALLOSITY -a hardening and thickening of the skin CANCER -exceedingly harmful. Usually rapid growth of cells CARCINOMA -a cancer CARDIAC -pertaining the heart CARDIOGRAPH -an instrument for recording the action of the heart CARRIER -an individual who harbours in his body the specific organisms of a disease without manifesting its symptoms and thus act as a distributor or transmitter of the infection CARTILAGE -the bristle or white elastic substance attached to the bone surfaces at the joints CAST -an appliance to render immovable, displaced or injured parts CATHARTIC -a drug that stimulates the evacuation of intestinal waste, a purgative CAUSALGIA -burning pain that may accompany nerve injury CAVITY -a hollow space within the body or within one of its organ CELL -the minute protoplasmic building unit of living matter CEPHALIC -pertaining to the head CERUMEN -earwax CERVICAL -pertaining to the neck or cervix of any structure CHANCRE -the primary lesion of syphilis CHEMOTHERAPY -the use of chemical agents to treat disease CHOLESTASIS -stoppage of bile flow CHOREA -“St. Vitus Dance” a nervous disease characterized by involuntary jerking muscle movements CHYLE -a fluid consisting of lymph and emulsified fats as the result of digestion in the intestine CHYME -a thick greyish liquid that is a result of digestion on the intestine CILIATED -provided with fringe or hair-like structures CIRRHOSIS -chronic inflammation and degeneration of an organ especially the liver CLAVICLE -the collar bone COLIC -acute abdominal pain COLITIS -inflammation of the colon
  • 3. BATCH EBERS 2015 BSPh 4B D DELIRIUM -a mental disturbance, usually temporary, marked by cerebral excitement, wandering speech, illusions and hallucinations DEMENTIA -deterioration of mental capacity DEMULCENT -a bland, soothing medication or application DENDRON -a branch of nerve cell DEPILATORY -a preparation for removing superfluous hair DEPRESSION -lowered mental and physical activity DERMATOLOGY -a branch of medicine dealing with disease of skin and skeletal muscles DERMIS -the true skin DESQUAMATION -the shedding or scaling of the skin or cuticle DIAGNOSIS -the recognition of a disease by its signs and symptoms DIAPHORESIS -profuse perspiration DIAPHRAGM -the muscular partition between the thoracic and abdominal cavities DIARRHEA -abnormal frequency and fluidity of discharges from the intestines DIATHERMY -the generation of heat in the body tissues due to resistance by the tissues to high frequency electric currents forced through them E EMBOLUS -a clot or portion of a clot that has broken away from its site of origin and flows freely in the circulatory until it lodges in a narrow vessel EMBOLISM -an obstruction of a blood vessel by a clot of blood ELECTROCARDIOGRAM -a graphic tracing of an electric current produced by the contractions of the heart veins of anal region EMBRYO -a term applied to the unborn child from conception to about the third month of pregnancy EMESIS -the act of vomiting EMETIC -an agent that causes vomiting EMPYEMA -collection of pus in the body cavity ENCEPHALITIS -inflammation of the brain ENDOCRINE GLANDS -ductless glands, glands of internal secretion ENTERITIS -inflammation of the intestines ENUCLEATION -the surgical removal of the eyeball ENURESIS -involuntary discharge of urine, usually during sleep EPIDEMIC -widespread disease in the certain geographic region EPIDERMIS -outermost layer of the skin EPIGLOTTIS -a thin plate of yellow elastic cartilage that closes to protect the larynx during swallowing EPILEPSY -a chronic disease marked by attacks of convulsions EPINEPHRINE -the active principle of the medulla of the adrenal ***, it acts to slow heart and increase blood pressure EPISTAXIS -nosebleed EQUILIBRIUM -a state of balance ERUCTATION -forceful expulsion of air from the stomach, known as belching ERYTHEMA -redness of the skin due to congestion of the capillaries ERYTHROCYTES -yellowish, circular, concave disks, found in the blood which contain haemoglobin and carry oxygen ETHMOID -sieve-like ETIOLOGY -the sum knowledge regarding the cause of the disease EUPHORIA -a general feeling of comfort and well-being EUSTACHIAN TUBE -the passage from the throat to the middle ear EUTHANASIA -an easy or painless death often referred to as “mercy killing” EVISCERATION -the removal of abdominal organs, or the protrusion of the intestines through an abdominal wound EXCORIATION -the removal of pieces of skin as a result of scratching or scraping EXCRETED -thrown off, as waste matter, or by normal discharge EXPECTORATION -spitting out mucus or other fluid from the lungs and the throat EXPIRATION -exhaling air from the lungs, a term sometimes used to refer to death
  • 4. BATCH EBERS 2015 BSPh 4B EXUDATE -material that has escaped from the blood vessels and is deposited in the tissues or on tissue surfaces F FAINT -loss of consciousness due to insufficient blood in the brain FATIGUE -weariness resulting from overexertion of the body or in the mind FEBRILE -pertaining to fever FECES -the residue from the digested food, which is discharged from the intestines FESTER -to suppurate superficially (as in a festering wound) FETIC -having disagreeable odor FETUS -a term applied to the unborn child after the third month of pregnancy FEVER -abnormally high body temperature FIBROUS -composed of oil or containing fiber FIMBRIATED -fringed FLACCID -weak, lax, or lacking muscle tone FLATUS -gas in the intestine or stomach FLEX -to bend FLUOROSCOPE -a device used for examining deep structures by means of the roentgen rays (x-ray) FOREIGN BODY -any substance lodged in a place where it does not belong FRACTURE -a break in the bone FRICTION -rubbing FUMIGATION -exposure to disinfecting fumes FUNCTION -a normal action of a part of an organ or body FUSION -the joining together of two adjacent parts or bodies G GAIT -a manner or style of walking GALL -the bile GANGRENE -the death of a part of a tissue GASTRIC -pertaining to the stomach GASTROENTOROLOGY -branch of medicine dealing with disease of the stomach or intestine GASTROINTESTINAL -pertaining to the stomach or intestines GAVAGE -passing food into the stomach through a tube GENES -factors in the chromosomes that determine the hereditary characteristics GERIATRICS -the branch of medicine that deals with old age and its related disease, including the psycho- social problems of senility GERMICIDES -agents that kills germs GERMS -pathogenic microorganism GESTATION -the period of development of the individual from fertilization to birth GLOMERULONEPHRITIS -renal disease with inflammation of the capillary loops in the glomeruli of the kidneys GLOSSITIS -inflammation of the tongue GLUTEAL -pertaining to the buttocks GLYCOSURIA -presence of glucose or sugars in the urine GOITER -an enlargement of the thyroid gland, causing a swelling in the front part of the neck GONORRHEA -a contagious inflammatory condition of the genital mucous membrane GRAFT -a piece of skin or other tissue from one part of the body which is implanted on another part GRANULATION -the formation of fleshy tissue in the healing of wounds GROIN -the lowest part of the abdominal wall where it joins the thigh GYNECOLOGY -the science that treats diseases of women, particularly of the genital organs H HALLUCINATION -seeing, hearing, or feeling something when there is no objective stimulus HELIOTHERAPY -disease by composing the body to the sun rays, particularly in the morning (between 6- 7am) HEMATEMESIS -vomiting of blood HEMATOLOGY -the study of blood HEMATOMA -a clot of extravasted blood HEMATURIA -discharge of blood in the urine
  • 5. BATCH EBERS 2015 BSPh 4B HEMIPLEGIA -paralysis of side of the body HEMACHROMATOSIS -a disorder of Iron metabolism with excessive deposits of iron in the body tissues, specially the liver, skin and pancreas (LSP*) HEMOGLOBIN -the pigment of red blood cells that carries oxygen HEMOPHILIA -a congenital condition characterized by delayed clotting of blood HEMOPLYSIS -blood stained sputum or expectoration of blood HEMORRHAGE -bleeding, an escape of blood from the arteries HEMORRHOIDS -a distortion on the veins of the anal region HEMOTHORAX -presence of blood in the pleural cavity HEPATITIS -inflammation of the liver HEREDITY -the inheritance of physical or mental characteristics from ancestors HERNIA -the protrusion of a loop or knuckle of an organ or tissue through an abnormal opening HERPES -fever blisters, cold sores HICCUP -an involuntary spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm caused by the irritation of the phrenic nerve, which produced a sharp, respiratory cough HIRSUTISM -abnormal hairness particularly in women (eg, Menoxidil, (Dilantin), Phenytoin for anticonvulsant) HORMONES -a chemical substance produced in an organ which is carried to an associated organ by the bloodstream, influencing its functional activity HYDRONEPHROSIS -distention of the pelvis and calyces of the kidney with urine, as a result of obstruction of the ureters HYDROTHERAPY -the use of water in the treatment of disease HYDROTHORAX -the collection of watery fluid in the pleural cavity HYPERALGESIA -increased sensitivity to pain HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA -excess cholesterol in the blood HYPEREMIA -excessive blood in the part of the body due to local or general relaxation of the arteries HYPERGLYCEMIA -excess of glucose in the blood HYPEROPIA -farsightedness HYPERTENSION -chronic elevation of the blood pressure HYPERTROPHY -a diseased enlargement of a part of the body or organ HYPNOSIS -an artificially induced passive state resembling the trance HYPNOTIC -an agent that produces sleep or drowsiness HYPOCHONDRIA -a morbid anxiety about health HYPODERMOCLYSIS -injection of fluids into the tissue under the skin HYPOGLYCEMIA -an abnormally low amount of sugar in the blood HYPOGONADISM -diminished activity of the testes and the ovaries HYPOKALEMIA -a deficiency of potassium in the blood HYPOMANIA -mania of the mild type HYPOTENSION -chronic depression of the blood pressure HYPOTHERMIA -a low body temperature which may be fatal HYSTERIA -lack of emotional control or actions HYSTERECTOMY -the surgical removal of the uterus I IDIOSYNCRACY -a personal peculiarity ILEO-FEMORAL -pertaining to the ileum (last portion of the intestine) femur (thigh bone) ILLUSION -a false impression or interpretation of sensory image IMMOBILIZE -to prevent motion IMMUNIZATION -protect against infection from any disease IMPACTED -firmly wedged in place INCISE -to cut INCONTINENCE -the inability to control elimination of urine or feces INCUBATION -the period of a disease between the implantation of pathogen and the manifestation of the symptoms of the disease INDURATION -hardening of tissue INFECTION -the invasion of the body by disease-producing agents with a resulting reaction to their presence and their toxins INFLAMMATION -a condition resulting from the irritation in any part of the body, marked by pain, heat, redness and swelling
  • 6. BATCH EBERS 2015 BSPh 4B INHALATION -drawing air, vapors, fumes into the lungs INHERENT -belonging to anything as a result of natural circumstance INHIBITION -the partial or complete restraint of any process INJECTION -forcing a liquid into a part of the body or into a body cavity INOCULATION -introduction of virus or disease-producing microorganism into the body to give protection against certain disease INSECTICIDE -an agent that is destructive to insects INSIDIOUS -coming on in a stealthily manner INSOMNIA -sleeplessness INSULIN -substance produced by the pancreas which aids in the breakdown of carbohydrates INTELLECT -thinking ability or understanding INTERMITTENT -occurring at intervals INTRAVENOUS -situated within the vein INTUBATION -the insertion of a tube, as into the larynx (in diphtheria) to introduce air INTUSSUSCEPTION -the telescoping or prolapsing of one part of the intestine into an adjacent part INUNCTION -application or rubbing of an ointment on the skin IRRIGATION -washing out by a stream of water or a solution IRRITANT -an agent that causes stimulation or undue sensitiveness to any part of the body ISCHEMIA -lack of blood flow to the part of the body ISTHMUS -a narrow structure connecting two larger parts J JAUNDICE -a yellowish discoloration of the skin due to bile JURISPRUDENCE -the application of study of legal principles K KELOID -a scar on the skin consisting of dense tissues, found often in the Negro race KERATITIS -inflammation of the cornea KETONURIA -presence of ketone bodies in the urine KETOSIS -increase of ketone bodies in the body tissue and fluid KOPLIK’S SPOTS -bright red spots in the mouth and throat in the early stages of measles KYPHOSIS -an abnormal increase in the thoracic curvature of the spine giving a “hunchback” appearance L LACTEALS -lymph vessels in the intestines LARYNGITIS -inflammation of the larynx LATENT -a condition that is concealed or not manifested LATERAL -pertaining to a side LAVAGE -washing out of an organ, such as the stomach or bowel LAXATIVE -mild cathartic that promotes evacuation of the intestines LENS -a transparent crystalline structure in the eye that converges or scatters light rays to focus images on the retina LENTIGO -small brownish pigmented areas on the skin due to an increase amount of melanin, commonly known as “freckles” LESION -a break in the body tissue such as a swore or wound LETHARGY -a state of stupor, dullness, indifference, lack of feeling LEUKEMIA -a disease of the blood-forming organs characterized by uncontrolled increase in the number of leukocytes LEUKOCYTOSIS -increase in the number of leukocytes LEUKORRHEA -a whitish or yellowish viscid discharge from the vagina LIGAMENT -a tough, fibrous band binding together bones supporting internal organs LIGATE -to bind or tie with a ligature LINIMENT -an oily preparation for rubbing on the skin LIPOMA -a benign tumor composed of fatty tissues LOCAL -limited to one part or place, not a general area LOCHIA -vaginal discharge following childbirth LORDOSIS -an abnormal increase in lumbar curvature of the spine, sometimes known as “swayback”
  • 7. BATCH EBERS 2015 BSPh 4B LUBRICANT -an oily substance that relieves irritation LUMBAR REGION -that part of the back between the pelvis and the thorax LUMEN -the cavity or channel within a tube or tubular region LUPUS ERYTHOMATOSUS -a skin disease with inflammation and red scaly patches that induces atrophy, superficial scar formation and follicular plugging LYMPH -clear, colorless fluid carried by vessels that return fluid from the body tissues of the heart LYMPHOCYTES -lymph cells, a variety of leukocytes LYMPHOMA -any malignant condition of the lymphoid tissues M MALAISE -a vague feeling of bodily discomfort MALIGNANT -deadly, tending to go from bad to worse MALINGERING -a deliberate feigning or exaggeration of the symptoms of illness or injury, usually to arouse sympathy MALPRACTICE -injurious or faulty treatment that results in injury loss or damage MANIA -a disordered mental state of extreme excitement MASTICATE -to chew food. MASTITIS -inflammation of the breast MASTOIDITIS -inflammation of the mastoid bone MATURATION -the process of ripening or becoming fully developed MEATUS -an opening to some passageway in the body MECONIUM -a dark green or black fecal substances in the intestine of the full green fetus or new born infant MEDIAL -midline of the body or nearest to that midline MEMBRANE -a thin layer of tissues covering a part or lining a body cavity MENARCHE -the establishment of menstruation MENINGES -the membranes that covers the brain and the spinal cord MENINGITIS -inflammation of the meninges N NECROSIS -mental or psychic disorder characterized by fears, anxiety and compulsion NEVUS -a congenital circumscribed discolored area of the skin, either vascular or nonvascular NOCTURIA -excessive urination at night NUTRITION -the process of using food for growth and development O OBESE -extremely fat OBSTETRICS -branch of medicine dealing with pregnancy, labor and the puerperium OINTMENT -a greasy semi-solid preparation for external use on the body OLIGURIA -scanty secretion of urine ONSET -the beginning of an illness when the first symptoms of disease appear OOPHORECTOMY -the surgical removal an ovary or the ovaries OPTHALMOLOGIST -a physician who specializes in the treatment of disorders of the eye OPIATE -a drug containing or derivd from opium OPTICIAN -one who grinds lenses and fits eyeglasses OPTOMETRIST -one who measures vision and prescribesglasses for visual defects ORAL -pertaining to the mouth ORCHITIS -inflammaion of th testicles ORGAN -a group of body tissues having a particular function ORIFICE -the entrance or outlet of any body cavity ORTHOPEDICS -branch of surgery that deals with the correction of deformities and chronic diseases of the bones and joints ORTHOPNEA -difficulty in breathing relieved only by sitting or standing erect ORTHOSIS -straightening of a deformity OSSEUS -bone-like structure; pertaining to the bone OSTEOARTHRITIS -a degenerative joint disease OSTEOMALACIA -bone degradation due to lack of calcium
  • 8. BATCH EBERS 2015 BSPh 4B OSTEOPOROSIS -a bone disorder caused by loss of minerals OSTEOSCLEROSIS -a spongy bone formation in the labyrinth of the ear P PALLOR -paleness, absence of skin pigments PALPITATION -unduly rapid or throbbing heartbeat that can be sensed by the patient PALSY -loss of motion (paralysis) in a part of the body PANCYTOPENIA -deficiency of all cell elements of the blood PAPULE -a small, circumscribed elevation of the skin PARACENTESIS -the surgical puncture of a body cavity for the aspiration of body fluids PARALYSIS -loss of motion or impairment of sensation in a part of a body PARAPLEGIA -paralysis of the lower part of the body PARASITES -plants or animals that lives upon or within another organism PARENTERAL -not through the alimentary canal i.e., by intravenous injection or IV route PARESIS -slight or incomplete paralysis PARIETAL -pertaining to the walls of a cavity PAROXYSM -a sudden periodic attack or recurrence of symptoms of a diseases PARTURITION -the act of giving birth to a child PASSIVE -submissive or not produced by active birth PATELLA -the kneecap PATENCY -the condition of being freely open PEDIATRICS -the branch of medicine that is concerned with children’s diseases PELLAGRA -a deficiency disease or syndrome caused by lack of Niacin PERCUSSION -tapping a part of the body with short, sharp blows to elicit sounds or vibrations that aid in diagnosis PERICARDIUM -the double membrane that envelops the heart PERIOSTEUM -a tough, fibrous membrane surrounding the bone PERIPHERAL -pertaining to the outward part of the bone PHYSICAL -pertaining to the body PLACEBO -an inactive or non-medicinal substance given in place of a medication to gratify a patient without his knowledge of its actual physiologic, therapeutic value PLACENTA -organ developed in the uterus to which the embryo is attached via the umbilical cord and from which it receives its nourishment PODIATRIST -one who diagnosis and treats foot disorders POLIOMYELITIS -an acute viral disease involving the spinal cord, commonly known as “infantile paralysis” POLLINOSIS -an allergic body reaction due to air-borne pollen POLYCYTHEMIA -abnormal increase in the number of erythrocytes in the blood “Erythrocytosis” POLYDEPSIA -excessive thirst POLYMENORRHEA -abnormally frequent menstruation POLYP -a small protruding growth on a pedicle extending from a mucous membrane POLYPHAGIA -an abnormal craving for all kinds of food POLYURIA -excessive urination POSTPARTUM -after childbirth or delivery POULTICE -a soft, moist hot mass applied to the skin PRESBYOPIA -farsightedness associated with the impairment of vision due to the aging process PRENATAL -existing or occurring before birth PROCESS -a prominence or projection, as of the end of a bone PROTOSCOPE -an instrument used for inspecting the rectum PROGNOSIS -judging in advance the probable duration , course and termination of a disease PROPHYLAXIS -prevention of a disease PROSTHESIS -the replacement of a missing part of a body by an artificial substitute PROSTRATION -extreme exhaustion PROTHROMBIN -a substance thought to exist in the blood, which can changed to thrombin PRURITIS -intense itching PSYCHIATRIST -a physician who specializes in the treatment of disorders of the psyche or mind PSYCHOLOGY -the science that deals with the mental process and their affects upon behavior
  • 9. BATCH EBERS 2015 BSPh 4B PSYCHOSIS -a mental disturbance in which there is personality disintegration and an escape into reality PLOSIS -a drooping or sagging of an organ or part from the normal position PUNCTURE -a small elevation of the skin filled with pus or lymph PURULENT -consisting of or secreting pus PUS -a yellowish secretion formed in certain kinds of inflammation, consisting of albuminous substance, a thin fluid, and leukocytes or their remains PUSTULE -a small elevation of the skin filled with pus or lymph PYELITIS -inflammation of the pelvis of the kidney PYEMIA -the presence of pus forming organisms in the blood PYLORUS -the opening of the stomach into the duodenal portion of the intestines PYOGENIC -producing pus PYROSIS -a burning sensation in the stomach and the esophagus commonly known as “heartburn” PYURIA -the presence of pus in the urine Q QUADRIPLEGIA -paralysis of all four extremities QUARANTINE -a period of detention or isolation as a result of suspected contagion of a communicable disease QUICKENING -the first movements of the fetus felt in pregnancy usually occurring from the 16th to the 16th week R RADIALE -to diverge or spread from a common central point RADIUM -a metallic element that gives off rays used in treating malignancies RASH -a superficial eruption of the skin REACTION -action in response to some influence or force RECTUM -the distal portion of the large intestine between the sigmoid colon and the anal canal RECUMBENT -lying down RECUPERATE -to recover health or gain strength after an illness RECURRENCE -the return of symptoms after their remission REFLEX -an automatic response to a given stimulus REGURGITATION -the return of food from the stomach soon after eating, without ordinary efforts of vomiting REHABILITATION -the restoration of an ill or injures patient to self-sufficiency or to gainful employment at his highest attainable skill in the shortest possible time RELAPSE -recurrence of former symptoms during convalescence REMISSION -the lessening in severity or subsiding the symptoms of an illness RESECTION -excision of a portion of an organ or structure such as bones RESISTANCE -the power of the body to overcome the ill effects of injurious agents, such as pathogenic microorganisms, poisons, or irritants RETENTION -the holding or keeping within the body matters that are usually expelled, such as urine, as in retention of urine RHEUMATOLOGY -the study of diseases of muscle, tendon, joint, bones or nerves (rheumatic disease) RHINITIS -inflammation of the mucus membrane lining the nasal cavity RICKETTS -a disease due to vitamin D deficiency in the diet RIGOR MORTIS -the stiffening of the muscles after death RUBEOLA -measles S SAC -a bag-like organ or structure; a pouch SACRUM -triangular bone of the lower spine SARCOMA -a type of tumor, often malignant, composed of a substance like embryonic connective tissues SATURATED -pertaining to a solution in which no more of a substance can be dissolved SCOLIOSIS -lateral curvature of the normally straight vertical line of the spine SCURVY -a nutritional disease caused by an insufficient amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet SEBACEOUS -pertaining to sebum SEBORRHEA -an increase in the secretion of the sebaceous glands SEBUM -an oily, fatty secretion from the sebaceous glands
  • 10. BATCH EBERS 2015 BSPh 4B SEDATIVE -agent that allay activity and excitement SEGMENTATION -the division into smaller parts, such as that which occurs in the zygote SENILITY -a progressive feebleness of the body and mind generally associated with aging SEPTICEMIA -a systemic disease produced by pathogenic bacteria in the blood SEPTUM -a dividing wall between two cavities SERA -the clear portion of the blood; the clear liquid that separates from the blood after clotting; serum (plural) SHOCK -depression of the body functions due to the failure of the circulation SINUS -a cavity SMEAR -a specimen for microscopic study made by spreading infected material on the glass slide SOMATIC -pertaining to the body SOMNABULISM -sleep-walking SORDES -the foul, dark matter that collects around the teeth and lips in low fevers SPASM -a sudden muscular contraction SPECIMEN -a sample SPHINCTER -a circular muscle that closes a natural entrance or outlet to a cavity SPLINT -an appliance for fixation of displaced or movable parts SPUTUM -matter ejected from the respiratory tract through the mouth STASIS -a stoppage or stagnation of the flow of fluid in any art of the body STERILE -the absence of microorganisms STETHOSCOPE -an instrument used to listen to internal body sounds STIMULANT -any agent that produces an increase in the activity in the body or one of its parts STOMA -small opening on a free surface, such as pore; an artificially created opening between a body cavity and the surface of the body STOOL -feces; solid to semi-solid waste matter STRABISMUS -a squint; cross-eyed STRICTURE -an abnormal narrowing of a passage STROKE -a sudden paralysis of one or more parts of the body, also known as “apoplexy” or “cerebral vascular accident (CVA)” STUPOR -reduced responsiveness or partial consciousness SUB-ACUTE -between an acute or chronic state, with some acute features SUBCUTANEOUS -beneath the skin SUPPRESSION -a sudden stoppage of a secretion SUPPURATION -the formation of pus SUSCEPTIBLE -having little resistance SUTURE -a surgical stitch or seam; also the line junction of the cranial bones SYMPATHECTOMY -an excision of a portion of a sympathetic nerve SYMPTOM -functional evidence of a disease or of the patient’s condition SYNCOPE -a temporary state of unconscious, commonly known as “fainting” SYNDROME -a group of symptoms that occur together SYNTHESIS -an artificial production of a compound T TABES DORSALIS -a progressive nervous disorder resulting from degeneration of the posterior spinal cord column TACHYCARDIA -a rapid heartbeat TACTILE -pertaining to touch TAUT -tightly drawn TENDON -fibrous tissue that attaches muscle of bone TENSION -a stretch or strained condition TEPID -moderately warm TERMINAL -at the end TETANUS -“lockjaw”; an acute infectious disease producing a toxin that causes persistent spasm due to disturbed calcium metabolism TETANY -a condition of muscular spasm due to disturbed calcium metabolism THERAPY -the treatment of disease THORACOTOMY -a surgical incision of the wall of the thoracic cavity THORAX -the chest
  • 11. BATCH EBERS 2015 BSPh 4B THROMBIN -the fibrin ferment of the blood; an enzyme present in shed blood but not circulating blood, which converts fibrinogen to fibrin THROMBOEMBOLISM -obstruction of a blood vessel with a thrombus that has broken off from its site of origin THROMBOLYTIC -pertaining to or responsible for the breaking up of a clot (thrombus) THROMBOPHLEBITIS -inflammation of a vein prior to development of a thrombus THROMBUS -a clot in the blood vessel or in a cavity of the heart TINNITUS -a ringing noise in the ear TISSUE -a group of similar specialized cells united to perform a special function TOLERANCE -the ability to endure the continued use of the drug TONE -a normal vigor or lension TONUS -the slight, continuous contraction of muscle; in skeletal muscle, tonus aid in maintaining posture and returning blood to the heart TOPICAL -pertaining to an external or local spot TOURNIQUET -a device such as bandage, used to stop hemorrhage from an external wound by the compression of one or more blood vessels TOXEMIA -general intoxication or poisoning due to absorptionof bacterial products (toxins) formed by some local infection TOXIC -pertaining to poison TOXIN -any poisonous substance of microbe, vegetable, mineral, or animal origin TRACHEOSTOMY -incision into the trachea, often for insertion of a tube to facilitate respiration TRANSECTION -a cross-section made by cutting across a long axis TRANSFUSION -the introduction of whole blood, plasma substitute, or other injectable solutions directly into the bloodstream TRANSMIT -to pass on TRAUMA -a wound or injury TUMOR -an abnormal new growth of tissue having no physiologic use which grows independently on its surrounding structures TYMPANITIS -distension of the abdomen due to accumulation of gas U ULCER -an open sore on that external or internal surface of the body that causes the gradual disintegration of the tissue UMBILICUS -a small soar on the abdomen that makes the former attachment of the umbilical cord to the fetus UNCONSCIOUS -a lack of awareness of the environment with an incapability to react to sensory stimuli UREA -the end product of protein metabolism on the body and the chief nitrogenous substance found in urine UREMIA -an accumulation in the blood of substance that should have been eliminated in the urine URINALYSIS -analysis of urine UROLOGY -the branch of medicine that deals with the urinary system in the female and genitourinary tract URTICARIA -hives; an allergic reaction of the skin characterized by weals, which are often accompanied by severe itching V VACCINATION -the injection of killed or modified living organism for the purpose of treating or producing immunity to certain infectious disease VALVE -a membranous structure in an orifice of passage that allows passage of contents on one direction only VARICOSE VEIN -enlarge and twisted veins, usually occurring in the legs VENIPUNCTURE -a puncture of the vein VENISECTION -an incision of a vein VERTIGO -a whirling sensation of oneself or of objects in the environment VISCERA -the internal body organs, particularly referring to those in the abdominal cavity VOID -to empty or cast out as waste matter VOLATILE -tending to vaporize easily VOLUNTARY -controlled by the will VOMITUS -matter forcible expelled from the stomach through the mouth
  • 12. BATCH EBERS 2015 BSPh 4B W WON -a sebaceous cyst WEAL -a smooth, slightly elevated area on the skin, usually pale with a maddened periphery, which is often attended by severe itching WOUND -an injury to any body structure caused by physical means X XANTHOSIS -a yellowish pigmentation of the skin, often the result of the ingestion of excessive carotene rich foods such as carrots and egg yolks XEROSIS -abnormal dryness of the skin, conjunctive or mucous membranes X-RAY -a ray that is able to penetrate most substances, used to make photographic plates of parts of the body and to treat diseases as well