SlideShare a Scribd company logo

This page shows the blogs that I have under my email address, it also gives me the
information concerning the viewing figures for each of the blogs and tells me how many posts
feature in each of the blogs. For this A2 coursework, the blog that I have used is the one
entitle Shelbie A2 Media. Therefore, once on this screen I click the link to this to show me the
information specifically relating to my A2 media blog.

From this screen I can edit the template for my blog in order to select one which I think
matches in with the information that I am going to post onto the blog. This screen also
shows me what the blog will look like on both a desktop and mobile version. Therefore,
allowing me to see if the template works well on all devices.

This then takes you to an overview of the A2 media blog including information such as
published comments and the page views for each day on my blog. Once on this screen I
can change the features of my blog such as the design and layout in order for it to look
more attractive to anybody viewing the posts on the blog.

After I have selected a template for the blog, I can change the layout in order to suit
my coursework better. From this page I can change features such as adding film
based news stories that scroll down the side of my blog and are therefore directly
linked to my coursework. I can also add a title to the blog from this page and add
information such as what the contents of the blog is about.
Down the right hand side of the page, I can select posts which shows me all of the posts that I
have made in order to create my blog. These range in the different aspects of planning, production
and evaluation. I have also tagged these posts together in order for them to have easy navigation
on the home page as when you select a tag such as Planning it will show up only the planning
elements of the coursework.

Once you click on a specific post you can edit the information that is placed on it. Within this post I
was able to post an image of a one of my ancillary products and this allowed the people that view
my blog to see the key features of it.

On blogger you can add information from other sites such as Slide share power
points. You can do this by retrieving the embed code from the website then
entering the HTML section of the blog post. In order to do this you go on the
website you wish to embed the information from and click the embed button (in
slide share this is placed above your PowerPoint). Once you have done this you
can copy this link and paste it into the HTML section of the blogger post. This will
allow you to embed the information from the PowerPoint on to the blog.
Once, I had embedded the information onto the HTML section of the blog post, I
was able to click the preview button on the posts page.

This allows me to see what the post will look like once I have published it onto
my blog. Therefore allowing me to identify if all of the features will work correctly
and also allow me to check for any mistakes in the uploads.
Once, I have checked this on the preview section of the blog I can then go back
to the posts page and click the publish button. This will allow me publish the
work in order for anybody who views my blog to view the contents of the post.

The use of this technology allowed me to upload all of my work in one easily accessible place. Therefore, making it easy for me to view the
information of the research, planning, production and evaluation together. Therefore, making sure I keep the same links clear between all of
the work that I have completed. It also allows me to reach a large global audience as people around the world can view the information that I
have uploaded onto blogger.

I have used wallwisher as a source of audience feedback. To start the wall I first logged
into my account and click the create a new wall feature on the website. This allowed me to
start with a blank sheet that I could build on as a format to gain responses from my target
audience on the progress that my work is making.

From this point I can then change the layout of the page. This allows me to
choose between a freeform or a stream layout . This allows me to change the
way in which people’s responses are placed onto the wall, which I can upload to
my blog.

After having made my wall I was able to change the features of it such as changing the
name and adding an image that relates to the title of the wall. This therefore, configures the
basic features of the walls layout.
Before embedding the wallwisher onto my blog page I can also change the privacy
setting in order to sort out the selection of people who can view the walllwisher. I can
either do this through features such as a hidden link for through making a password
that I could email to people that I would like to respond to the blog. I have no done
this as I would like to gain feedback from a wide-range of people within the target
market. Once you have made all of the changes that you want to make to the basic
features of the blog you can click onto the wall and post any questions you would
like people to answer in order to give you the responses that you would like the
information to be about. When you have done this you can then embed it to your

Following this I can then select a background for the page, this can be one of the preloaded ones such as the city landscape on the print screen or can be one you have
uploaded yourself. On the wall wishers that I have used I have used my own backgrounds
such as a film reel in order to relate it to my research.

To embed the information onto
the blog you can click the
share/export then copy the
embed code onto the HTML
section of the blog.

The use of wallwisher allowed me to gain feedback for the separate parts of my production work. Therefore
allowing us to change any points that the audience feel to be unconventional for the Thriller film format and
keep the sections which the audience liked within the production work. It also allowed me to gain responses
from a larger number of people within the target audience as I can link the wallwisher to the blog and this
therefore allows me to receive feedback from a large variety of audiences.

I used Survey Monkey in order to gain audience feedback
on the sections of the production which allowed me to build
on their thought off what they believed the trailer should
feature. I logged into my Survey Monkey account and this
allows me to create and distribute survey based feedback
on my production work.

Once I was logged into my account the screen loads
showing me the details of all the previous surveys that I
have made in order to gain audience feedback for my
production work. From this screen I clicked on the create
survey button, which allows me create and customise my
audience feedback for my work.

Once I have clicked this I have the choose of either using an existing survey
as the template for my audience feedback or creating a new one. Once you
click Create New you can entitle your Survey with the theme that your
questions are going to take. You can also select the topic that the survey is
going to be based on in order to create easy navigation.

Once you have made a title for your survey a screen will load like the one
above. On this screen you will the options to edit the contents and the
design of your survey in order to suit the aims of your audience feedback.
You can edit the design of the survey through changing the
features such as the colour scheme of the survey. This is a
helpful feature of the software as it allows me to customise it in
order for it to match the colour schemes that I have used on my

Once you have edited the colour scheme setting of the blog, survey
monkey allows you to add a variety of question format in order to gain
feedback for the production section of the coursework.
The variety of question types include multiple choice questions and a
rating scale meaning that I can gain feedback for my work in a variety of
different manners.

Once I have made all the questions that I would like to receive feedback
for I can begin to export the information in order to start receiving the
feedback from the target audience. You can use a variety of methods to
gain this feedback from email to embedding it onto the website. I have
chosen this format as I believe this to be the most effective method of
gaining the feedback as all my information for my coursework is
already placed on the website.
Once I have done this I can configure the information in order to check if
all of the information is displayed in the correct way.
Once the survey is configured I was able to copy the embed code off of the page in order to embed the information into my blog. This allows me to
post the survey along with all of my other information relating to my media coursework. After having done this I was able to paste the survey onto
my blog. When I had published this I was able to gain the feedback that I needed to continue on my coursework.

Survey Monkey was an effective way of gaining feedback for my Media production work. From the
feedback on the Rough Cut of my film trailer I was able to build on the points that the audience believe to
be effective and remove any points that they found to be unconventional to the Thriller film genre.
Therefore allowing me to make my final film trailer as conventional and effective in representing the
genre as possible.

Within my media coursework I have used Popplet in order
to brainstorm any ideas or comparisons about the different
elements that I have used to produce my coursework.

Once you have edited the text size of
the popplet you can also edit the
colours of the bubbles. This also
allows me to further distinguish the key
features of the ideas on my blog.

Popplet allows me to create a mind map based around a key
central point and expand on this in order to list the ideas of my
coursework. I can expand the points of the coursework so that I
have listed the ideas of all of the key points.

Once you have edited all of the layout features of the blog you can start adding the
information that you wish to place on the blog. This can include media based information
such as a direct link to YouTube videos or Flickr images. This helps to make the work as
visual and aesthetically pleasing as possible. From this you can then build on you
information adding more text based information and links to all of the work that make up the
media coursework.
Once you have included all of the information
that you want to feature in your popplet you
can embed it to your blog. Like Wallwisher
the information on the Popplet is still editable
whilst it is posted in this format.
From Popplet, I also have the ability to change the features of the mind-map.
This can include points such as the font size and placement therefore
distinguishing one point from another as you create a more detailed mind-
This software allowed me to brainstorm the ideas which I found to be conventional to the Thriller film format
researching such films as Abduction and Scream. Therefore allowing me to identify the main points that the film
that I produced would include. It also allowed me to apply these to the production plan in order to make the film
trailer that I produced as conventional as possible. Additionally, in the evaluation section of the coursework this
allowed me to compare my ancillary products with the ones produced by companies such as Empire and Total
Film. This allowed me to pull apart the key elements of the products and note how they can be compared to the
form and genre of the production.

PowToon has allowed me to create visual presentation that summarise the key points
within my coursework. Once I have logged onto Blogger the dashboard opens showing
me the PowToon’s that I have created as part of my coursework. In order to create a
new PowToon I need to select the Create New button at the top of the list of

Once I have selected that I want to create a new presentation a window
appears asking what sort of presentation I want to produce. For my
coursework I have used the blank presentation version as it allows me to
make my animation and the music within it personal to my coursework.

When I have selected the type of presentation that I wish to
make for my coursework I then have to name the presentation
and write any details in that I want to add. This supports the
navigation of the PowToon and links the coursework directly to
the themes within the animation.

After having named the presentation and added any necessary information for
the coursework, I can then begin to create the animation. From this screen I
have the ability to add all of the key features of the PowToon.

A key feature that I used within my animation was the use of sound. This
captures the audiences attention and as some of the sounds can be
linked to the Thriller film genre this links the animation to my film trailer.

After adding the sound to the animation I have the ability to
add the images to the animation meaning that I can add
pictures of the magazine and poster to the PowToon.
Once I have added the pictures to my coursework I order to make it as
visual as possible I then need to add text with all of the key pieces of
information. One of the text functions within PowToon is the use of a
handwriting animation. However, in order to make sure this work
correctly within your presentation you need to check that the timing is
correct at the bottom of the screen. You can do this by moving the
darker blue strip within the timings that works most effectively within
your coursework.

Another feature of PowToon that may be used within the PowToon animation is
the animation that are already uploaded to the website this includes the man
playing the guitar which is shown in the snapshot although you can select the
animation based on the topic of you PowToon.

At the top of the PowToon is the export feature of the
website that allows me to export the animation through
YouTube. This allows me to then upload my work to
the blog meaning that all of my files are together on my
blog page.
This animated video software allowed me to make visual presentation that
are more appealing to the target audiences. This is because it captures their
attention better and draws them into their product. It also allows me to
present my research in a more creative way with all of the key information in
a video. Additionally, because the PowToon is exported through YouTube
this means that I can easily upload the information onto my blog and
therefore, people within my target audience can easily view my work.

PowToon is also an effective
software in appealing to the
target audience as it is has
strong links to social media
format. This means that it
directly appeals to the target
audience of my variety of Thriller

I have used Prezi in order to create visual presentation that I can
upload directly to my blog. As they are designed to be uploaded in
this manner the Prezi is easily manoeuvrable in order to show the
main details. Once I have logged onto the website on the homepage
the site takes me straight to the list of all of my saved Prezi’s. This
means that I can see all of the previous animation that I have
created in order to upload the information.

Once I have chosen the Prezi that I have want to make my information
displayed through, I can then edit the information on the Prezi. I can do
this through using the different features already added to the page or I can
create new textboxes.

Prezi also allows me to add any images that I want to the Prezi page. This
means that I can add any links to my ancillary products so that my Prezi that I
have created links directly to my media coursework.

Once, I have logged on I have selected the button that says to
create a new Prezi. I have the choice of a variety of visual
presentation that I can edit in order to display my information
on the page.

After I have finished all of the details of my media coursework Prezi I can
then upload it to my blog. I have done this through retrieving the embed
code from under the finished Prezi. I can then paste it into the HTML
section of the blog.
Prezi has allowed me to create visual presentations that incorporate
all of the key information that I want to display onto the blog. Due to
an easy link to Blogger this means that once I had finished my work
I could easily upload it to my blog for the target audience to view.
This was especially helpful with the evaluation section of the
coursework as it allowed me to list all of the different elements
which I have combined to create my coursework.

Slideshare has allowed me to upload all of the work that I have
created in my coursework so that it is presentable upon my blog.
Firstly I opened the home page where it recommended any channels
or videos that I may be interested in. From this I clicked the Upload
button in the top right hand corner of the page.

From pressing the Upload button I was sent to a page were I had
the option of choosing to either upload a regular presentation or
subscribe to the premium version. From this I selected the
regular version as it fulfils all of the aims that I need to upload my
work onto my blog.
After doing this I selected a file that I wanted to upload. Then I
had to wait whilst it initialised the presentation.

When the file has uploaded I selected a name and details for the
work. This allows me to make the navigation to the file easy on
the Slideshare website as it includes all of the information.

Having uploaded the file I can then share it to my
blog. In order to do this I selected the embed
option and pasted it to the HTML section of my
blog entries.

Slideshare allowed me to upload my work so that it can easily be
presented onto my media coursework blog. As I can upload several files
using the Slideshare format this means that it acts as a place that I can
view all of my work on at once. It has been a useful tool in the
production of my coursework as I had all of the features uploaded in
one place where I can easily view the main features of the research,
planning, production and evaluation process.

Loxia Studio’s allows me to create visual presentation that make the blog
look as visual and aesthetically pleasing as possible. I can embed these
presentations onto my blog and they link all of the sections of my
coursework together through using images from the different sections of
my production.

Loxia Studio’s has a variety of different animation types that you
can choose from in order to present your images. One animation
that you can select is a 3D cube that rotate on the blog therefore
attracting the audiences attention to the variety of different sections
in my production work.

Once, I have chosen the animation type that I want to make I can
select the images that I wish to use. I have chosen all my images
from my production work and therefore this links my film work
directly to my ancillary products.

Once I have added all of the images that I want to include in the
animation then need to configure the setting of the images. This
includes the size of the animation and whether I want the image to fit
or fill the area. Once I have done this I can also change the
background colour of the animation.
This 3D animated software allowed me to create a visual
presentation that combined all of the images that I have taken in the
course of producing a Thriller film trailer. It is a very visual format
that links my work together and is appealing to the target audience
through its aesthetical value.

Through the use of the Share button within iMovie which is located at the option at the top
of the screen you can directly export you video to YouTube. These means that I can link
my work to Blogger and therefore my work can be viewed by a wide-ranging audience.
When you upload your work this way it will ask you if you have an existing account or if
you need to make one. I logged on using my Google Account.

I can then choose a specific video to upload t onto my blog. I order to do this I need to
scroll down to the bottom of my video and click on the share button on YouTube. Having
done this I selected a method of sharing the video’s information. I choose embed and
then this allows me to copy and paste the embed code into my blog.

Having done this I can view the video that I have created on my blog.

Once I have logged onto my YouTube account and my video has been uploaded I can view
all of my video that I have uploaded. This therefore shows me all of my videos that I have
made in the process of my media coursework. This also allows me to how I have match my
planning work to the production work that I have created and also how I have evaluated all of
the sections together.
Through using YouTube, I was able to upload and present my work. This
allowed me to view all of my video’s together in a creative and visual
manner. In addition, to using it in this manner I was able to view film
trailers from the production company that I feel suited our Thriller film
production. This ensured that when we was creating our Thriller film
trailer we kept all the conventional features of the genre as well as the

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Media Evaluation Question 4 - Technology 1

  • 1.
  • 2. WWW.BLOGGER.COM This page shows the blogs that I have under my email address, it also gives me the information concerning the viewing figures for each of the blogs and tells me how many posts feature in each of the blogs. For this A2 coursework, the blog that I have used is the one entitle Shelbie A2 Media. Therefore, once on this screen I click the link to this to show me the information specifically relating to my A2 media blog. From this screen I can edit the template for my blog in order to select one which I think matches in with the information that I am going to post onto the blog. This screen also shows me what the blog will look like on both a desktop and mobile version. Therefore, allowing me to see if the template works well on all devices. This then takes you to an overview of the A2 media blog including information such as published comments and the page views for each day on my blog. Once on this screen I can change the features of my blog such as the design and layout in order for it to look more attractive to anybody viewing the posts on the blog. After I have selected a template for the blog, I can change the layout in order to suit my coursework better. From this page I can change features such as adding film based news stories that scroll down the side of my blog and are therefore directly linked to my coursework. I can also add a title to the blog from this page and add information such as what the contents of the blog is about.
  • 3. Down the right hand side of the page, I can select posts which shows me all of the posts that I have made in order to create my blog. These range in the different aspects of planning, production and evaluation. I have also tagged these posts together in order for them to have easy navigation on the home page as when you select a tag such as Planning it will show up only the planning elements of the coursework. Once you click on a specific post you can edit the information that is placed on it. Within this post I was able to post an image of a one of my ancillary products and this allowed the people that view my blog to see the key features of it. On blogger you can add information from other sites such as Slide share power points. You can do this by retrieving the embed code from the website then entering the HTML section of the blog post. In order to do this you go on the website you wish to embed the information from and click the embed button (in slide share this is placed above your PowerPoint). Once you have done this you can copy this link and paste it into the HTML section of the blogger post. This will allow you to embed the information from the PowerPoint on to the blog.
  • 4. Once, I had embedded the information onto the HTML section of the blog post, I was able to click the preview button on the posts page. This allows me to see what the post will look like once I have published it onto my blog. Therefore allowing me to identify if all of the features will work correctly and also allow me to check for any mistakes in the uploads. Once, I have checked this on the preview section of the blog I can then go back to the posts page and click the publish button. This will allow me publish the work in order for anybody who views my blog to view the contents of the post. The use of this technology allowed me to upload all of my work in one easily accessible place. Therefore, making it easy for me to view the information of the research, planning, production and evaluation together. Therefore, making sure I keep the same links clear between all of the work that I have completed. It also allows me to reach a large global audience as people around the world can view the information that I have uploaded onto blogger.
  • 5. PADLET/WALLWISHER I have used wallwisher as a source of audience feedback. To start the wall I first logged into my account and click the create a new wall feature on the website. This allowed me to start with a blank sheet that I could build on as a format to gain responses from my target audience on the progress that my work is making. From this point I can then change the layout of the page. This allows me to choose between a freeform or a stream layout . This allows me to change the way in which people’s responses are placed onto the wall, which I can upload to my blog. After having made my wall I was able to change the features of it such as changing the name and adding an image that relates to the title of the wall. This therefore, configures the basic features of the walls layout. Before embedding the wallwisher onto my blog page I can also change the privacy setting in order to sort out the selection of people who can view the walllwisher. I can either do this through features such as a hidden link for through making a password that I could email to people that I would like to respond to the blog. I have no done this as I would like to gain feedback from a wide-range of people within the target market. Once you have made all of the changes that you want to make to the basic features of the blog you can click onto the wall and post any questions you would like people to answer in order to give you the responses that you would like the information to be about. When you have done this you can then embed it to your blog. Following this I can then select a background for the page, this can be one of the preloaded ones such as the city landscape on the print screen or can be one you have uploaded yourself. On the wall wishers that I have used I have used my own backgrounds such as a film reel in order to relate it to my research. To embed the information onto the blog you can click the share/export then copy the embed code onto the HTML section of the blog.
  • 6. WALLWISHER FEEDBACK The use of wallwisher allowed me to gain feedback for the separate parts of my production work. Therefore allowing us to change any points that the audience feel to be unconventional for the Thriller film format and keep the sections which the audience liked within the production work. It also allowed me to gain responses from a larger number of people within the target audience as I can link the wallwisher to the blog and this therefore allows me to receive feedback from a large variety of audiences.
  • 7. SURVEY MONKEY I used Survey Monkey in order to gain audience feedback on the sections of the production which allowed me to build on their thought off what they believed the trailer should feature. I logged into my Survey Monkey account and this allows me to create and distribute survey based feedback on my production work. Once I was logged into my account the screen loads showing me the details of all the previous surveys that I have made in order to gain audience feedback for my production work. From this screen I clicked on the create survey button, which allows me create and customise my audience feedback for my work. Once I have clicked this I have the choose of either using an existing survey as the template for my audience feedback or creating a new one. Once you click Create New you can entitle your Survey with the theme that your questions are going to take. You can also select the topic that the survey is going to be based on in order to create easy navigation. Once you have made a title for your survey a screen will load like the one above. On this screen you will the options to edit the contents and the design of your survey in order to suit the aims of your audience feedback.
  • 8. You can edit the design of the survey through changing the features such as the colour scheme of the survey. This is a helpful feature of the software as it allows me to customise it in order for it to match the colour schemes that I have used on my blog. Once you have edited the colour scheme setting of the blog, survey monkey allows you to add a variety of question format in order to gain feedback for the production section of the coursework. The variety of question types include multiple choice questions and a rating scale meaning that I can gain feedback for my work in a variety of different manners. Once I have made all the questions that I would like to receive feedback for I can begin to export the information in order to start receiving the feedback from the target audience. You can use a variety of methods to gain this feedback from email to embedding it onto the website. I have chosen this format as I believe this to be the most effective method of gaining the feedback as all my information for my coursework is already placed on the website. Once I have done this I can configure the information in order to check if all of the information is displayed in the correct way.
  • 9. Once the survey is configured I was able to copy the embed code off of the page in order to embed the information into my blog. This allows me to post the survey along with all of my other information relating to my media coursework. After having done this I was able to paste the survey onto my blog. When I had published this I was able to gain the feedback that I needed to continue on my coursework. Survey Monkey was an effective way of gaining feedback for my Media production work. From the feedback on the Rough Cut of my film trailer I was able to build on the points that the audience believe to be effective and remove any points that they found to be unconventional to the Thriller film genre. Therefore allowing me to make my final film trailer as conventional and effective in representing the genre as possible.
  • 10. POPPLET Within my media coursework I have used Popplet in order to brainstorm any ideas or comparisons about the different elements that I have used to produce my coursework. Once you have edited the text size of the popplet you can also edit the colours of the bubbles. This also allows me to further distinguish the key features of the ideas on my blog. Popplet allows me to create a mind map based around a key central point and expand on this in order to list the ideas of my coursework. I can expand the points of the coursework so that I have listed the ideas of all of the key points. Once you have edited all of the layout features of the blog you can start adding the information that you wish to place on the blog. This can include media based information such as a direct link to YouTube videos or Flickr images. This helps to make the work as visual and aesthetically pleasing as possible. From this you can then build on you information adding more text based information and links to all of the work that make up the media coursework. Once you have included all of the information that you want to feature in your popplet you can embed it to your blog. Like Wallwisher the information on the Popplet is still editable whilst it is posted in this format. From Popplet, I also have the ability to change the features of the mind-map. This can include points such as the font size and placement therefore distinguishing one point from another as you create a more detailed mind-
  • 11. This software allowed me to brainstorm the ideas which I found to be conventional to the Thriller film format researching such films as Abduction and Scream. Therefore allowing me to identify the main points that the film that I produced would include. It also allowed me to apply these to the production plan in order to make the film trailer that I produced as conventional as possible. Additionally, in the evaluation section of the coursework this allowed me to compare my ancillary products with the ones produced by companies such as Empire and Total Film. This allowed me to pull apart the key elements of the products and note how they can be compared to the form and genre of the production.
  • 12. POWTOON PowToon has allowed me to create visual presentation that summarise the key points within my coursework. Once I have logged onto Blogger the dashboard opens showing me the PowToon’s that I have created as part of my coursework. In order to create a new PowToon I need to select the Create New button at the top of the list of animations. Once I have selected that I want to create a new presentation a window appears asking what sort of presentation I want to produce. For my coursework I have used the blank presentation version as it allows me to make my animation and the music within it personal to my coursework. When I have selected the type of presentation that I wish to make for my coursework I then have to name the presentation and write any details in that I want to add. This supports the navigation of the PowToon and links the coursework directly to the themes within the animation. After having named the presentation and added any necessary information for the coursework, I can then begin to create the animation. From this screen I have the ability to add all of the key features of the PowToon. A key feature that I used within my animation was the use of sound. This captures the audiences attention and as some of the sounds can be linked to the Thriller film genre this links the animation to my film trailer. After adding the sound to the animation I have the ability to add the images to the animation meaning that I can add pictures of the magazine and poster to the PowToon.
  • 13. Once I have added the pictures to my coursework I order to make it as visual as possible I then need to add text with all of the key pieces of information. One of the text functions within PowToon is the use of a handwriting animation. However, in order to make sure this work correctly within your presentation you need to check that the timing is correct at the bottom of the screen. You can do this by moving the darker blue strip within the timings that works most effectively within your coursework. Another feature of PowToon that may be used within the PowToon animation is the animation that are already uploaded to the website this includes the man playing the guitar which is shown in the snapshot although you can select the animation based on the topic of you PowToon. At the top of the PowToon is the export feature of the website that allows me to export the animation through YouTube. This allows me to then upload my work to the blog meaning that all of my files are together on my blog page.
  • 14. POWTOON This animated video software allowed me to make visual presentation that are more appealing to the target audiences. This is because it captures their attention better and draws them into their product. It also allows me to present my research in a more creative way with all of the key information in a video. Additionally, because the PowToon is exported through YouTube this means that I can easily upload the information onto my blog and therefore, people within my target audience can easily view my work. PowToon is also an effective software in appealing to the target audience as it is has strong links to social media format. This means that it directly appeals to the target audience of my variety of Thriller film.
  • 15. PREZI I have used Prezi in order to create visual presentation that I can upload directly to my blog. As they are designed to be uploaded in this manner the Prezi is easily manoeuvrable in order to show the main details. Once I have logged onto the website on the homepage the site takes me straight to the list of all of my saved Prezi’s. This means that I can see all of the previous animation that I have created in order to upload the information. Once I have chosen the Prezi that I have want to make my information displayed through, I can then edit the information on the Prezi. I can do this through using the different features already added to the page or I can create new textboxes. Prezi also allows me to add any images that I want to the Prezi page. This means that I can add any links to my ancillary products so that my Prezi that I have created links directly to my media coursework. Once, I have logged on I have selected the button that says to create a new Prezi. I have the choice of a variety of visual presentation that I can edit in order to display my information on the page. After I have finished all of the details of my media coursework Prezi I can then upload it to my blog. I have done this through retrieving the embed code from under the finished Prezi. I can then paste it into the HTML section of the blog.
  • 16. PREZI Prezi has allowed me to create visual presentations that incorporate all of the key information that I want to display onto the blog. Due to an easy link to Blogger this means that once I had finished my work I could easily upload it to my blog for the target audience to view. This was especially helpful with the evaluation section of the coursework as it allowed me to list all of the different elements which I have combined to create my coursework.
  • 17. SLIDESHARE Slideshare has allowed me to upload all of the work that I have created in my coursework so that it is presentable upon my blog. Firstly I opened the home page where it recommended any channels or videos that I may be interested in. From this I clicked the Upload button in the top right hand corner of the page. From pressing the Upload button I was sent to a page were I had the option of choosing to either upload a regular presentation or subscribe to the premium version. From this I selected the regular version as it fulfils all of the aims that I need to upload my work onto my blog. After doing this I selected a file that I wanted to upload. Then I had to wait whilst it initialised the presentation. When the file has uploaded I selected a name and details for the work. This allows me to make the navigation to the file easy on the Slideshare website as it includes all of the information. Having uploaded the file I can then share it to my blog. In order to do this I selected the embed option and pasted it to the HTML section of my blog entries.
  • 18. SLIDESHARE Slideshare allowed me to upload my work so that it can easily be presented onto my media coursework blog. As I can upload several files using the Slideshare format this means that it acts as a place that I can view all of my work on at once. It has been a useful tool in the production of my coursework as I had all of the features uploaded in one place where I can easily view the main features of the research, planning, production and evaluation process.
  • 19. LOXIA STUDIOS Loxia Studio’s allows me to create visual presentation that make the blog look as visual and aesthetically pleasing as possible. I can embed these presentations onto my blog and they link all of the sections of my coursework together through using images from the different sections of my production. Loxia Studio’s has a variety of different animation types that you can choose from in order to present your images. One animation that you can select is a 3D cube that rotate on the blog therefore attracting the audiences attention to the variety of different sections in my production work. Once, I have chosen the animation type that I want to make I can select the images that I wish to use. I have chosen all my images from my production work and therefore this links my film work directly to my ancillary products. Once I have added all of the images that I want to include in the animation then need to configure the setting of the images. This includes the size of the animation and whether I want the image to fit or fill the area. Once I have done this I can also change the background colour of the animation.
  • 20. LOXIA STUDIOS This 3D animated software allowed me to create a visual presentation that combined all of the images that I have taken in the course of producing a Thriller film trailer. It is a very visual format that links my work together and is appealing to the target audience through its aesthetical value.
  • 21. YOUTUBE Through the use of the Share button within iMovie which is located at the option at the top of the screen you can directly export you video to YouTube. These means that I can link my work to Blogger and therefore my work can be viewed by a wide-ranging audience. When you upload your work this way it will ask you if you have an existing account or if you need to make one. I logged on using my Google Account. I can then choose a specific video to upload t onto my blog. I order to do this I need to scroll down to the bottom of my video and click on the share button on YouTube. Having done this I selected a method of sharing the video’s information. I choose embed and then this allows me to copy and paste the embed code into my blog. Having done this I can view the video that I have created on my blog. Once I have logged onto my YouTube account and my video has been uploaded I can view all of my video that I have uploaded. This therefore shows me all of my videos that I have made in the process of my media coursework. This also allows me to how I have match my planning work to the production work that I have created and also how I have evaluated all of the sections together.
  • 22. YOUTUBE Through using YouTube, I was able to upload and present my work. This allowed me to view all of my video’s together in a creative and visual manner. In addition, to using it in this manner I was able to view film trailers from the production company that I feel suited our Thriller film production. This ensured that when we was creating our Thriller film trailer we kept all the conventional features of the genre as well as the form.