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Using Social Networking Techniques to Increase Your Global Influence
Your Website/ Blog
Your Website /Blog
  On the site or off the site, what’s the
 There are several factors leading up to
  making this decision.
Blog - Factors
  Branding requirements
 Intended use of the Blog
 Target Audience
 Focus of Blog
 Domain Name Selection
 Search Engine / SEO Requirements
 General Marketing Requirements
Branding Requirements
    If you are looking to reinforce your main brand, then keep all
    the information supporting it together and include the blog as
    part of your website rather than dilute it by dividing the
    content onto two separate sites.
    However, if you are considering a Product Blog to focus on
    and around a particular product or range, or you are looking
    at a sub-brand of some description, then these would benefit
    from having a separate domain and standalone image which
    would allow real focus and input from users and advocates.
Intended use of the Blog
    If you want to use the blog for something which
    complements the rest of your website, such as an FAQ
    section or an online media center, then integrating it in the
    website is ideal, as it will reinforce and support all your
    company’s activities.
    If, on the other hand, the blog needs to present you as an
    independent source of information and advice, then you
    would be better to distance it from your website, so that you
    can be seen as objective in this role rather than as part of
    the company which has interests in the area.
Target Audience
    If your blog and your website are designed to appeal to the
    same audience then, all other things being equal, it makes
    sense to combine them in one location which gives extra
    value to your readers and adds to the appeal of the website.
    However, if the blog deals with a specific area which is
    directed solely at a particular subset of your website’s target
    audience (or a different one altogether), then it would be
    better to maintain it on a separate domain rather than risk
    alienate customers not interested in that subject.
    The alternative, and better solution, is to create a series of
    specialist blogs which offer additional value to each
    individual group.
Focus of Blog
    By adding your blog to your website, it will not be able to
    stray too far from the general topics and direction that the
    website already has. As a result, you may be restricted in
    terms of what you can write about, as the blog will be closely
    connected with the information presented on the rest of the
     A separate domain will give independence from the original
    site and hence allow you greater freedom in terms of your
    stance and commentary on issues.
Domain Name Selection
    Setting up your blog on a separate domain will allow you to
    choose a new domain name which is specifically relevant to
    the blog’s aims and goals, and which adds to its SEO
    potential, for example by including your main keywords.
    On your current website, you would not have this flexibility
    although you would still be able to choose something
    relevant either as the subdomain or the directory, according
    to the set-up you select.
Search Engine / SEO
    Putting the blog on your website will add both content and
    value to it in the eyes of the main Search Engines and its
    development should increase its status and the number of
    incoming links to your website, as other blogs link to you.
    With a separate domain, however, you can set up all aspects
    properly from the start although you may have to go through
    Google’s “sandpit” which can restrict rankings over the first
    few months.
    The links that come into this separate domain can then be
    focused into your main site and will have additional value
    because they come from an external site with good quality
    and relevant content.
General Marketing
    You may not have the resources to fully market a totally
    separate blog which would effectively require its own
    marketing and promotional activities push.
    It would, however, create a whole new focus to the
    company’s activities which would potentially attract a new
    target audience.
     If, on the other hand, it sits on your current website, then it
    can benefit from the current marketing efforts used to
    promote the website and link from there.
    Whichever route you choose, you use, you should
    incorporate blog specific marketing as well as the more
    general online and offline elements as you promote your
Your Website/ Blog
This is where we sign
 up. Click the green
 box to get started.
Your business name

                                  Your preferred username

                               A password you can remember

     This is called a           Your email address. Click the
  “Captcha”. You must         check box underneath to get email
enter the text correctly in               updates
order to ensure you are
not cyber criminal trying
 to spam all of Twitter’s
 members. Type the two
     words correctly.
                                   Click here to continue
From here, we can choose
 one of the options to the
 left (should you have an
account with one) and find
contacts who may already
        be on Twitter
I chose Gmail. Enter in
 your Gmail username
and password. (This is
 completely safe) Then
    click Continue.
I selected my contacts.
Hit Continue and you
will be following these
You can invite
those who do not
  have a Twitter
 account. We’re
going to skip this
It will then
popular Peeps to
  follow. We’re
going to skip this
You are now
finished, and
Twitter takes
 you to your
  Let’s get it
How many
 Type you      How many     How many
                                         tweets you’ve
Tweets here    you follow   follow you      posted

tweets, @re
 plies, and
                                              The menu
tweets from
 those you                                    separates
 follow will                                 all functions
appear here.                                   going on
                                              with your

                                         Setup Twitter on
                                           your mobile
Before we Tweet,
Click “Settings” in your menu
The design of you
General Settings                                              Twitter page
for your Account                                             (background)

                    Mobile Device   How Twitter notifies
Password Settings                                             You photo
                      Settings            you
Your name

                   A 160 character
 Contact Email

                    The City, State in
Local Time Zone
                    which you reside
of your business

                     Your language
                   Followers must be approved before they can view your
Click SAVE to      Tweets. Stay PUBLIC. Do not check this box, and you
save changes.      will get better exposure.
Click this checkbox
 to get a reminder if
you haven’t Tweeted
     in 24 hours.
Locate, and double-click your
      photo to choose.
Clicking the designs will
give you a live preview
 of the design. Select
    one, click SAVE
 CHANGES, and your
    design is saved.
Click HOME to
   go to you
 home page.
Now that we’ve
 personalized, let’s
send our first Tweet.
Type your Tweet,
and click UPDATE.
And that’s that! We’ve become Twitter users!
The next step
 Still the most popular Twitter client
 Consolidates Tweets, and delivers them
  to your desktop.
After installed,
 just type your
 Tweets in this
  box, and hit
ENTER. Simple
     as that.
 Similarities to Twhirl, but has search
Very intuitive. I use the search “web
  design” to see if business have
 posted a need for a web designer.
Don’t worry
    At the end of this presentation, we’ll
    show you how to set these social
    networks up to be updated all from one
    place. Well, most of them anyway. 
Don’t be frustrated
    It takes time to get started. But getting
    started is the key to success.
And so…
Twitter is the new big
 Everybody is using it!
 So how can you use it
  wisely and leverage?
Her are some tips to be successful
on Twitter and using it to market
    Above All, Keep It Personal
    Learn from others
    Get A Good Desktop Client
    Use Twitter On The Road
    Tracking The Results
    Follow And Be Followed
    Integrate Whenever Possible
    Don’t Over-Think It
…of Twitter. Now let’s move on
The fasting growing social network on the planet
Why Facebook?
  Many are finding that their
  customers, prospects, and employees
  are already on Facebook
 With the tools provided, there is a great
  opportunity to build business
 Let’s get started!
Let’s start with
Choose this box if
                      you operate in a
                      specific local or
                       regional area.

                     Choose this box if
                         you serve a
                      national or global
                     base, and/or want
Choose this box if
                     to solicit a specific
   you are an
 artist, band, or
  public figure.
Fill in your info and
If you already have a
 personal Facebook
   account, click the
   radio button that
  coincides with this
option. Facebook will
 use your previously
 entered information
to populate your new
page account info. If
  you do not have a
     page, choose
Since we similarly
did this with Twitter,
 we’ll just go on and
enter the information
Check your email and click the link enclosed to confirm.
This is the link.
You are now at your profile page.
                                          Clicking CREATE YOUR
                                        PROFILE will setup a personal
                                        profile if you do not have one.

                 You will see the same sort of settings as you did
                                    with Twitter.
Click the pencil to the right of each item and
        click EDIT to adjust settings.
Choose your age restriction if you
   want, and make your page
PUBLIC with the dropdown box.

 The rest of the options are very
straight forward, and can be done
        at a separate time.
Let’s talk about how to use it
Uses your Facebook!
    Facebook has 5 options for business to
    get connected with others.
     Ads
     Connect
     Pages
     Lexicon
     Share
     We’ll talk about the rest in a minute!
 Fastest   growing social network in the
 Facebook recognizes that engaging in
  business is part of everyday life
 There are several marketer friendly
  functions to enhance your experience
Pages and the Platform
    Every Facebook Page is a unique
    presence where users can become
    more deeply connected with your
    business or brand.
    Facebook’s platform provides you with
    tools to quickly create custom
    experiences for users
Other Uses
 Connect
 Lexicon
 Share
    Connect with Real People
     Reach over 175,000,000 active Facebook users.
     Attach social actions to your ads to increase relevance.
     Create demand for your product with relevant ads.

    Create Your Facebook Ad
     Quickly create image and text-based ads.
     Precisely target by age, gender, location, and more.
     Choose to pay per click (CPC) or impression (CPM).

    Optimize Your Ads
    Track your progress with real-time reporting.
    Gain insight about who’s clicking on your ad.
    Make modifications to maximize your results.
Ads cont.
    Take a few minutes to gather some items you'll need
    to create your Facebook Ad:
     Link
      ○ Decide whether you want to advertise your own web page
        or something on Facebook like a Page, Application, Group
        or Event.
     Ad message
      ○ Write clear, targeted ads with concise text that speaks
        directly to the audience you will reach. The title can have
        up to 25 characters, and the body can have up to 135
     Photo
      ○ Put an attractive and relevant image in your ad that is
        appropriate for the product or service being advertised.
        Image will be resized to fit in a 110px wide by 80px high
  Facebook users can connect to their
  Facebook account from your website
 This allows you to leverage Facebook's
  network to drive traffic to your site
  Research terms used across Facebook
  on all indexed pages.
 Allows you to specify terms that draw in
  large amounts of traffic.
    Drive New Traffic
     Let your visitors share your site with their
      friends on Facebook, bringing new users to
      it. Sites using Facebook Share include
      GamePro, Photobucket, and The New York
    By allowing users to share your website
    on their Facebook, you can use their
    profile to leverage even more traffic.
Facebook Best Practices
    • Assign an employee to create and manage your
    company’s Facebook Page.
    • Respond to messages and questions left on your
    Page’s discussion board and “Wall” within 24 hours.
    • Build a creative application using Facebook
    Platform to drive traffic to your Page.
    • Don’t fall victim to the mentality: “If I build it, they
    will come.”
    • Promote your Facebook Page outside of Facebook
    to attract more fans.
    • Don’t think of Facebook as a marketing channel to
    push company messages alone.
Tying Twitter to Facebook
    Want to link your Twitter account to
    Facebook so that your status updates sync?
    Easy, here’s how:
    Step 1: Search for “Twitter” in Facebook’s
    search field.
    Step 2: The first result should be the one you
    are looking for. It is the application “Twitter.”
    Click “view application”
    Step 3: Add the Twitter Facebook Application.
    Step 4: Choose your settings and add the
    Twitter Facebook Application to your profile.
Tying Twitter to Facebook
  Step 5: Enter your Twitter login
 Step 6: Choose to have Twitter update
  your Facebook status.
 Step 7: Allow and Authorize Access for
  Twitter to Facebook.
 Step 8: That’s it! Now every time you
  update your Twitter, your Facebook
  status will update automatically.
Lunch Time
Let’s Summarize and Get to the
 Facebook
 Tying them together
 Lunch Discussion
A little about other networks
  Ning is a social network on which you
  can build your own social network.
 Why is this a benefit?
     You choose your demographic
     You choose who can participate
     You set the tempo
     You are in control
A little about other networks
Why LinkedIn?
    Increase your visibility.
    Improve your connectability.
    Improve your Google PageRank.
    Enhance your search engine results.
    Perform blind, “reverse,” and company reference
    Increase the relevancy of your job search.
    Make your interview go smoother.
    Gauge the health of a company.
    Gauge the health of an industry.
    Track startups.
A List of Other Networks

  Networking and Connecting (LinkedIn, Naymz,
  Plaxo, Merchant Circle, Facebook, etc.)
 Blogging (Blogger, Wordpress, etc.)
 Micro-Blogging (Twitter, Tumblr., Jaiku,, Flickr, etc.)
 Resource Sharing (, SlideShare,
  FriendFeed, StumbleUpon, Etc)
 Others (Technorati ,
So, let’s wrap it up
and go over some
other info.
Have a stretch and a sip. We’ll get back to
work in a minute.

Get a pen and paper out, you’ll want to take
some notes.
Who uses social networks for
  Professional networking sites function as
  online meeting places for business and
  industry professionals
 65% of business professionals use some
  form of personal or professional social
 47% use social networks to connect with
  potential clients and market their skills
 55% use social networks to share best
  practices with colleagues
ROI for investing in
collaboration and social
  Improved Growth Through Innovation
 Faster Task Execution
 Improved Efficiency
 Increased Empowerment of Key
Improved Growth Through
  Faster response to customer issues
 Improved effectiveness of internal and
  external company communications
Faster Task Execution
  Locate the right person to do job
 Quicker access to best practices
 Ability to distribute and share
  information in resolving issues
Improved Efficiency
  Quickly identifying expertise already
  available in the company
 Reduced rework on overlapping projects
 Improve regulatory compliance
Increased Empowerment of
Key Resources
  Greater leverage of key talent
 Improved retention of younger
More than just connecting….get
to the people you need
    Get To The People You Need
     Start collaborating with team members and across company boundaries
    Get Them the Right Information
     Share data in different formats with minimal effort
     Have contacts only access the latest versions of files and presentations
    Get To Work!
     Improve the speed of decision-making through real-time collaboration on
       documents and presentations
    Find common connections
     A business network of companies and people who can connect and work
       together instantly
    Track the work you do together
     See the files you’ve shared with a company
     See the contacts that you have in that company
Going Global: Accessing New
  Expand beyond your current market
 Get the contacts you need
 Grow your revenue and reduce your
  operating costs
 Building electronic linkages with
  employees, suppliers and partners
So this is it…
Not really. This is only Session 1 of a 4 part
series. Please pre-register for the next

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Going Social, Global Global

  • 1. Using Social Networking Techniques to Increase Your Global Influence
  • 3. Your Website /Blog On the site or off the site, what’s the  difference?  There are several factors leading up to making this decision.
  • 4. Blog - Factors Branding requirements   Intended use of the Blog  Target Audience  Focus of Blog  Domain Name Selection  Search Engine / SEO Requirements  General Marketing Requirements
  • 5. Branding Requirements If you are looking to reinforce your main brand, then keep all  the information supporting it together and include the blog as part of your website rather than dilute it by dividing the content onto two separate sites. However, if you are considering a Product Blog to focus on  and around a particular product or range, or you are looking at a sub-brand of some description, then these would benefit from having a separate domain and standalone image which would allow real focus and input from users and advocates.
  • 6. Intended use of the Blog If you want to use the blog for something which  complements the rest of your website, such as an FAQ section or an online media center, then integrating it in the website is ideal, as it will reinforce and support all your company’s activities. If, on the other hand, the blog needs to present you as an  independent source of information and advice, then you would be better to distance it from your website, so that you can be seen as objective in this role rather than as part of the company which has interests in the area.
  • 7. Target Audience If your blog and your website are designed to appeal to the  same audience then, all other things being equal, it makes sense to combine them in one location which gives extra value to your readers and adds to the appeal of the website. However, if the blog deals with a specific area which is  directed solely at a particular subset of your website’s target audience (or a different one altogether), then it would be better to maintain it on a separate domain rather than risk alienate customers not interested in that subject. The alternative, and better solution, is to create a series of  specialist blogs which offer additional value to each individual group.
  • 8. Focus of Blog By adding your blog to your website, it will not be able to  stray too far from the general topics and direction that the website already has. As a result, you may be restricted in terms of what you can write about, as the blog will be closely connected with the information presented on the rest of the website. A separate domain will give independence from the original  site and hence allow you greater freedom in terms of your stance and commentary on issues.
  • 9. Domain Name Selection Setting up your blog on a separate domain will allow you to  choose a new domain name which is specifically relevant to the blog’s aims and goals, and which adds to its SEO potential, for example by including your main keywords. On your current website, you would not have this flexibility  although you would still be able to choose something relevant either as the subdomain or the directory, according to the set-up you select.
  • 10. Search Engine / SEO Requirements Putting the blog on your website will add both content and  value to it in the eyes of the main Search Engines and its development should increase its status and the number of incoming links to your website, as other blogs link to you. With a separate domain, however, you can set up all aspects  properly from the start although you may have to go through Google’s “sandpit” which can restrict rankings over the first few months. The links that come into this separate domain can then be  focused into your main site and will have additional value because they come from an external site with good quality and relevant content.
  • 11. General Marketing Requirements You may not have the resources to fully market a totally  separate blog which would effectively require its own marketing and promotional activities push. It would, however, create a whole new focus to the  company’s activities which would potentially attract a new target audience. If, on the other hand, it sits on your current website, then it  can benefit from the current marketing efforts used to promote the website and link from there. Whichever route you choose, you use, you should  incorporate blog specific marketing as well as the more general online and offline elements as you promote your blog.
  • 14. Twitter 
  • 15.
  • 16. This is where we sign up. Click the green box to get started.
  • 17.
  • 18. Your business name Your preferred username A password you can remember This is called a Your email address. Click the “Captcha”. You must check box underneath to get email enter the text correctly in updates order to ensure you are not cyber criminal trying to spam all of Twitter’s members. Type the two words correctly. Click here to continue
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21. From here, we can choose one of the options to the left (should you have an account with one) and find contacts who may already be on Twitter
  • 22. I chose Gmail. Enter in your Gmail username and password. (This is completely safe) Then click Continue.
  • 23. I selected my contacts. Hit Continue and you will be following these folks.
  • 24. You can invite those who do not have a Twitter account. We’re going to skip this step.
  • 25. It will then recommend popular Peeps to follow. We’re going to skip this too.
  • 26. You are now finished, and Twitter takes you to your homepages. Let’s get it personalized!
  • 27. How many Type you How many How many tweets you’ve Tweets here you follow follow you posted Your tweets, @re plies, and The menu tweets from which those you separates follow will all functions appear here. going on with your Twitter network. Setup Twitter on your mobile devices
  • 29. Click “Settings” in your menu bar.
  • 30.
  • 31. The design of you General Settings Twitter page for your Account (background) Mobile Device How Twitter notifies Password Settings You photo Settings you
  • 32. Your name Username A 160 character Contact Email bio. Address The City, State in Local Time Zone which you reside of your business Your Your language Website Followers must be approved before they can view your Click SAVE to Tweets. Stay PUBLIC. Do not check this box, and you save changes. will get better exposure.
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36. Click this checkbox to get a reminder if you haven’t Tweeted in 24 hours.
  • 37.
  • 38. Locate, and double-click your photo to choose.
  • 40.
  • 41. Clicking the designs will give you a live preview of the design. Select one, click SAVE CHANGES, and your design is saved.
  • 42. Click HOME to go to you home page.
  • 43. Now that we’ve personalized, let’s send our first Tweet.
  • 44. Type your Tweet, and click UPDATE.
  • 45. And that’s that! We’ve become Twitter users!
  • 47. Twhirl   Still the most popular Twitter client  Consolidates Tweets, and delivers them to your desktop.
  • 48. After installed, just type your Tweets in this box, and hit ENTER. Simple as that.
  • 49. TweetDeck   Similarities to Twhirl, but has search capability.
  • 50. Very intuitive. I use the search “web design” to see if business have posted a need for a web designer.
  • 51. Don’t worry At the end of this presentation, we’ll  show you how to set these social networks up to be updated all from one place. Well, most of them anyway. 
  • 52. Don’t be frustrated It takes time to get started. But getting  started is the key to success.
  • 54. Twitter is the new big thing… Everybody is using it! So how can you use it wisely and leverage?
  • 55. Her are some tips to be successful on Twitter and using it to market Above All, Keep It Personal  Learn from others  Get A Good Desktop Client  Use Twitter On The Road  Tracking The Results  Follow And Be Followed  Integrate Whenever Possible  Don’t Over-Think It 
  • 56. THE END …of Twitter. Now let’s move on
  • 57. The fasting growing social network on the planet
  • 58. Why Facebook? Many are finding that their  customers, prospects, and employees are already on Facebook  With the tools provided, there is a great opportunity to build business  Let’s get started!
  • 61. Choose this box if you operate in a specific local or regional area. Choose this box if you serve a national or global customer base, and/or want Choose this box if to solicit a specific you are an product. artist, band, or public figure.
  • 62. Fill in your info and click CREATE PAGE
  • 63. If you already have a personal Facebook account, click the radio button that coincides with this option. Facebook will use your previously entered information to populate your new page account info. If you do not have a Facebook page, choose accordingly.
  • 64. Since we similarly did this with Twitter, we’ll just go on and enter the information accordingly.
  • 66. Check your email and click the link enclosed to confirm.
  • 67. This is the link.
  • 68. You are now at your profile page.
  • 70. Click FACEBOOK Clicking CREATE YOUR PROFILE will setup a personal profile if you do not have one. You will see the same sort of settings as you did with Twitter.
  • 73. Click the pencil to the right of each item and click EDIT to adjust settings.
  • 74. Choose your age restriction if you want, and make your page PUBLIC with the dropdown box. Click SAVE CHANGES. The rest of the options are very straight forward, and can be done at a separate time.
  • 75. Let’s talk about how to use it
  • 76. Uses your Facebook! Facebook has 5 options for business to  get connected with others.  Ads  Connect  Pages  Lexicon  Share  We’ll talk about the rest in a minute!
  • 77. Power  Fastest growing social network in the world  Facebook recognizes that engaging in business is part of everyday life  There are several marketer friendly functions to enhance your experience
  • 78. Pages and the Platform Every Facebook Page is a unique  presence where users can become more deeply connected with your business or brand. Facebook’s platform provides you with  tools to quickly create custom experiences for users
  • 79. Other Uses Ads   Connect  Lexicon  Share
  • 80. Ads Connect with Real People   Reach over 175,000,000 active Facebook users.  Attach social actions to your ads to increase relevance.  Create demand for your product with relevant ads. Create Your Facebook Ad   Quickly create image and text-based ads.  Precisely target by age, gender, location, and more.  Choose to pay per click (CPC) or impression (CPM). Optimize Your Ads  Track your progress with real-time reporting.  Gain insight about who’s clicking on your ad.  Make modifications to maximize your results. 
  • 81. Ads cont. Take a few minutes to gather some items you'll need  to create your Facebook Ad:  Link ○ Decide whether you want to advertise your own web page or something on Facebook like a Page, Application, Group or Event.  Ad message ○ Write clear, targeted ads with concise text that speaks directly to the audience you will reach. The title can have up to 25 characters, and the body can have up to 135 characters.  Photo ○ Put an attractive and relevant image in your ad that is appropriate for the product or service being advertised. Image will be resized to fit in a 110px wide by 80px high box.
  • 82. Connect Facebook users can connect to their  Facebook account from your website  This allows you to leverage Facebook's network to drive traffic to your site
  • 83. Lexicon Research terms used across Facebook  on all indexed pages.  Allows you to specify terms that draw in large amounts of traffic.
  • 84. Share Drive New Traffic   Let your visitors share your site with their friends on Facebook, bringing new users to it. Sites using Facebook Share include GamePro, Photobucket, and The New York Times. By allowing users to share your website  on their Facebook, you can use their profile to leverage even more traffic.
  • 85. Facebook Best Practices BEST PRACTICES  • Assign an employee to create and manage your  company’s Facebook Page. • Respond to messages and questions left on your  Page’s discussion board and “Wall” within 24 hours. • Build a creative application using Facebook  Platform to drive traffic to your Page. • Don’t fall victim to the mentality: “If I build it, they  will come.” • Promote your Facebook Page outside of Facebook  to attract more fans. • Don’t think of Facebook as a marketing channel to  push company messages alone.
  • 86. Tying Twitter to Facebook Want to link your Twitter account to  Facebook so that your status updates sync? Easy, here’s how: Step 1: Search for “Twitter” in Facebook’s  search field. Step 2: The first result should be the one you  are looking for. It is the application “Twitter.” Click “view application” Step 3: Add the Twitter Facebook Application.  Step 4: Choose your settings and add the  Twitter Facebook Application to your profile.
  • 87. Tying Twitter to Facebook Step 5: Enter your Twitter login  information.  Step 6: Choose to have Twitter update your Facebook status.  Step 7: Allow and Authorize Access for Twitter to Facebook.  Step 8: That’s it! Now every time you update your Twitter, your Facebook status will update automatically.
  • 89. Let’s Summarize and Get to the Rest Twitter   Facebook  Tying them together  Lunch Discussion
  • 90. A little about other networks
  • 91. Ning Ning is a social network on which you  can build your own social network.  Why is this a benefit?  You choose your demographic  You choose who can participate  You set the tempo  You are in control
  • 92.
  • 93.
  • 94.
  • 95. A little about other networks
  • 96.
  • 97.
  • 98.
  • 99. Why LinkedIn? Increase your visibility.  Improve your connectability.  Improve your Google PageRank.  Enhance your search engine results.  Perform blind, “reverse,” and company reference  checks. Increase the relevancy of your job search.  Make your interview go smoother.  Gauge the health of a company.  Gauge the health of an industry.  Track startups. 
  • 100. A List of Other Networks Networking and Connecting (LinkedIn, Naymz,  Plaxo, Merchant Circle, Facebook, etc.)  Blogging (Blogger, Wordpress, etc.)  Micro-Blogging (Twitter, Tumblr., Jaiku,, Flickr, etc.)  Resource Sharing (, SlideShare, FriendFeed, StumbleUpon, Etc)  Others (Technorati ,
  • 101. So, let’s wrap it up and go over some other info. Have a stretch and a sip. We’ll get back to work in a minute. Get a pen and paper out, you’ll want to take some notes.
  • 102. Who uses social networks for business? Professional networking sites function as  online meeting places for business and industry professionals  65% of business professionals use some form of personal or professional social network  47% use social networks to connect with potential clients and market their skills  55% use social networks to share best practices with colleagues
  • 103. ROI for investing in collaboration and social networking Improved Growth Through Innovation   Faster Task Execution  Improved Efficiency  Increased Empowerment of Key Resources
  • 104. Improved Growth Through Innovation Faster response to customer issues   Improved effectiveness of internal and external company communications
  • 105. Faster Task Execution Locate the right person to do job   Quicker access to best practices  Ability to distribute and share information in resolving issues
  • 106. Improved Efficiency Quickly identifying expertise already  available in the company  Reduced rework on overlapping projects  Improve regulatory compliance
  • 107. Increased Empowerment of Key Resources Greater leverage of key talent   Improved retention of younger employees
  • 108. More than just connecting….get to the people you need Get To The People You Need   Start collaborating with team members and across company boundaries Get Them the Right Information   Share data in different formats with minimal effort  Have contacts only access the latest versions of files and presentations Get To Work!   Improve the speed of decision-making through real-time collaboration on documents and presentations Find common connections   A business network of companies and people who can connect and work together instantly Track the work you do together   See the files you’ve shared with a company  See the contacts that you have in that company
  • 109. Going Global: Accessing New Markets Expand beyond your current market   Get the contacts you need  Grow your revenue and reduce your operating costs  Building electronic linkages with employees, suppliers and partners
  • 110. So this is it… Not really. This is only Session 1 of a 4 part series. Please pre-register for the next session.