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Massive Open Online 
A guide for 
Massive Open Online Course 
Johan Eddy Luaran 
i-Learn Center 
Universiti Teknologi MARA 
All right reserved. No part of this publication may reproduced or transmitted 
in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, 
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assive Open Online Course (MOOC) has spurred a discussion in the higher 
education community as to whether it can reform the teaching and learning in 
the aforementioned setting. MOOC, a term used to describe course offered 
fully online where user can obtain graduation certificate upon user’s completion of 
that particular course, offers an edge of education that has never been thought 
possible decades ago. 
For educators, the current constellation of change pressures and emerging trends 
represent an exciting opportunity. This exciting opportunity revolves around setting a 
framework of learner-driven pedagogy, extending knowledge to and from global 
classrooms and increasing access to learning. While there are unsettled views about 
what MOOC can do, the need for educators to embrace active experimentation about 
teaching and learning cannot be understated. 
This book is written with such intention, for educators who want to leverage on the 
open online courses to better themselves. This book serves as a guide for beginners 
who wish to explore the various platforms of MOOCs, namely Coursera, iversity, edX, 
ALISON, Canvas Network, Open Learning, Academic Earth, Future Learn, Peer to Peer 
University, Saylor.Org, and Udemy. There are two chapters that first introduce to the 
readers what MOOC is and how MOOC can serve as a medium of learning. Each 
chapter then starts by simply introducing the name of the MOOC platforms that 
follows with descriptions of the respective MOOC platforms. Readers will appreciate 
the inclusion of screenshots to ease their navigation in making the most out of the 
online resources. It is hoped that this book will provide a resource to advocate for the 
best possible ways to learn from the open world. 
Johan @ Eddy Luaran
CHAPTER 1 WHAT IS MOOCs?............................................................................... 1 
CHAPTER 2 MOOCs AS A MEDIUM OF LEARNING ............................................. 3 
CHAPTER 3 COURSERA ........................................................................................... 5 
CHAPTER 4 IVERSITY ........................................................................................... 15 
CHAPTER 5 edX ..................................................................................................... 27 
CHAPTER 6 ALISON ............................................................................................... 41 
CHAPTER 7 CANVAS NETWORK .......................................................................... 57 
CHAPTER 8 OPENLEARNING ............................................................................... 72 
CHAPTER 9 ACADEMIC EARTH ........................................................................... 85 
CHAPTER 10 FUTURE LEARN ............................................................................. 102 
CHAPTER 11 PEER TO PEER UNIVERSITY (P2PU) ........................................... 116 
CHAPTER 12 SAYLOR ......................................................................................... 136 
CHAPTER 13 UDEMY .......................................................................................... 148
A massive open online course or more commonly known as MOOC is an online 
course that is accessible via the web and offers unlimited participation. 
According to Educause (2014), a massive open online course (MOOC) is a 
model for delivering learning content online to any person who wants to take a 
course, with no limit on attendance. MOOC incorporates both the traditional 
and modern course materials for learning such as videos, readings, projects, 
assignments and many more. 
Other than that, learners can also participate in interactive user forums that 
are normally provided by MOOCs and these interactive forums help build a 
community for students, lecturers, professors, teachers and all of the users. 
MOOCs are a very new development that began to develop in 2012. Some of the 
early MOOCs emphasized open features and open licensing of content, 
structure and learning goals. Those features are to promote the reuse and 
remixing of resources. Despite that, some newer MOOCs use closed license for 
their course materials but still maintain free access for users from all over the 
Other than that, what is best about these MOOCs is that they do not always 
lead to formal qualifications and there are no entry requirements. Despite that, 
the courses offered are recognized internationally as most of these courses are 
offered by renowned universities and institutions from all over the globe such 
as Harvard, Yale and Stanford and other leading universities in the US, the UK, 
Europe and Asia. All of these renowned universities and institutions provide 
the best materials for learners to work with and the best courses that they can 
learn from. 
MOOCs offer university-level courses without the need to complete and entire 
programme of studies as they do it in the formal setting in the tertiary 
education. Learners of MOOCs are mostly independent learners and they are 
capable of studying independently and select courses from any institutions 
that are available online. Moreover, MOOCs are mostly video-based and 
interactions are mostly done through peer review and group discussion or 
group collaboration which will stimulate automated feedback through online 
assessments, quizzes and exams. This is very suitable especially for those who 
need to juggle their time between work and studies as MOOCs provide them to 
learn at their own paces unlike studying in the normal tertiary education 
There are many reasons as to why one should consider being part of MOOC. 
One of the reasons would be that most of the courses are free. Other than that, 
the lecture videos are also mostly very short that gets straight to the point and 
learners have the power to pause, play, rewind in case if they miss out any 
valuable information which they cannot do in normal lectures. In fact, the 
learning process can also be combined with one’s studies or jobs because 
learning via MOOC is very easy as the user is the one who controls the pace of 
his or her learning. Learning with MOOC saves time and definitely saves 
Last but not least, the courses offered by MOOCs are mostly accessible via 
gadgets such as computers, mobile phones, tabs and others and this makes 
the learning experience much more fun as learners can learn anytime and 
anywhere as it does not require them to be at a specific place to learn. 
Therefore, all that needs to be done now is to sign up with any MOOCs and 
never stop learning! 
As MOOCs have proven to be very useful to all learners out there, it is good if 
MOOCs can be implemented in today’s learning sessions be it at schools, or 
institutions. With the implementation of MOOCs in real-life learning, it will 
promote the usage of technology and also create independent learners along 
the way. There are many ways to implement MOOCs in the current learning 
The first method that MOOCs can be used in learning is that teachers can 
conduct online classes via MOOCs. All students can take up the same courses 
at home, do the same assignments and sit for the same online final exams. 
Teachers at school can use this as a side-learning whereby it is done at home 
but is discussed in class. Students learn on their own through the online 
courses and they can bring up their issues during class at school. This will not 
only be interesting but it will be fun for the students as many resources and 
methods are involved in the learning process. 
Other than that, teachers can also assign students to different online courses 
and that they are to complete those courses together in a specific amount of 
time. The objective of this is to later on share their different knowledge with 
each other and gain from each other. They can also share their final projects 
with one another and create a discussion out of the activity. This will not only 
create independent learners, but it will also create students with high creative 
and critical thinking skills. 
Technology has definitely changed the lives of many especially these days. 
Therefore, why not incorporate it into learning and make learning a much more 
fun and memorable experience for both students and teachers! 
Below are some of the websites that offer MOOCs: 
MOOCs Provider Website 
Canvas Network 
Open Learning 
Academic Earth 
Future Learn 
Peer to Peer University 
Saylor. Org 
Coursera is an educational platform that provides free course online and it is 
available for everyone from all around the world. This educational platform 
collaborates with top universities worldwide to offer the best possible courses 
to the users. There are many courses provided by the websites including 
Biology, Humanities, Social Sciences and many more. 
These courses take about six to ten weeks long with the aid of video lectures 
every week. Coursera provides quizzes, weekly exercises and many more to 
assess the students’ performances. With the use of Coursera, students will be 
able to learn at their own pace and still receive a higher education! 
 Users get to learn for free. 
 There is large variety of courses offered by Coursera 
 The assessments at the end of the course enable users to keep track of 
their progress.
There are many courses that you can choose from, for example, Child Nutrition 
and Cooking 2.0 by Stanford University as shown in the image below. 
You can also save time by straight away looking up for the course or university 
you intend to learn from as provided in the website. Refer to the image below. 
Other than searching for your desired courses manually, you can also sort out 
the findings according to the different categories below to make your search 
Once you’ve picked up a particular course, you can have an overview of the 
course as to what you will be learning, what are the learning methods involved 
and the assessments that need to be done. Other than that, you can also know 
your instructor and what qualifications he or she has. 
Once you’re sure of the course, you can start learning straight away! For 
example, as shown in the image below, the course that has been chosen is 
Child Nutrition and Cooking 2.0 by Stanford University. 
Once you have clicked the ‘Start Learning’ button, you will be directed to a 
page showing your course outline for the whole course in the next few weeks to 
come. This course heavily revolves on the use of short video clips to help you to 
understand easier! 
For deeper understanding, let’s take a closer look on the first part of the course 
that is ‘Why Home Cooking Matters’ and the details of it. 
Once you have watched the videos, you must take a mini test or quiz to check 
your understanding level of the topic before moving on as the topics will get 
harder. Once you’ve mastered the basics of the course, you can proceed to the 
next item on the course outline. 
Below is a sample of the quiz. The quiz may contain a certain number of 
questions and can be asked in the form of ‘True or False’ question, multiple 
choice questions and many more. Submit your answer once you’re done and 
proceed to the next big item on the course outline! 
Once you have completed all the items listed on the course outline and the 
quizzes, you are officially done with the course! If the course provides you with 
a completion certificate, do keep it with you for future use. Coursera is very 
convenient for users as it encourages users to learn in the easiest and best way 
possible from the comfort of their own homes. Explore the other courses 
provided by Coursera and start learning more! 
Iversity is a platform for Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) and offer 
opportunities to all users including students, professors, lecturers and many 
more to learn or even use this website as a platform to conduct online courses. 
Other than that, with this website, professors are also able to extend their 
hand to thousands of students from all over the world. There are many 
different courses provided by Iversity such as medicine, biology, physics, law 
and many more. With Iversity, anyone from all over the globe is able to access 
education online for free. 
 Users get to learn online anywhere and anytime. 
 Money could be saved from paying for university enrollment. 
 Professors could conduct online classes which are much easier to handle 
and monitor. 
 Thousands of students can be reached by the professors just through 
 Users can also get completion certificates as a proof of their enrollment.
Signing up or logging in is made easier as Iversity allows their users to sign up 
via Facebook, Google account or even email. With that, there will be no extra 
hassle of coming up with new usernames and passwords.
Iversity provides many courses for the users and users can find for their 
respective desired courses as shown below. They can even filter the results 
according to the languages or search for the course manually in the ‘Search’ 
box provided as seen below. 
For example, if you decide to take up on an upcoming course as shown below, 
you have to keep yourself updated on the starting date of the course and what 
the course is all about. 
However, while waiting for the upcoming courses to start, you can still pursue 
the current courses that are provided to keep your time filled! Refer to the 
images below on the steps to enroll yourselves into the current courses and 
start learning straight away! 
In order to get the general idea of the whole course, do read the details 
provided on the page. 
Once you have enrolled yourself into the course, you will be directed to a page 
where you will see what you will be learning. This page is more or less like your 
course outlines. For a clearer understanding, refer to the image below which 
shows the first 4 chapters of the course. 
Firstly, let’s check out the first unit in the first chapter of ‘The DO School Start- 
Up Lab’ course provided by Iversity which is ‘How to MOCC’ with the DO 
School Start-Up Lab. 
Below are some images showing the materials provided for the first unit of the 
first chapter. The content of the first unit is a video and some other additional 
materials for further understanding. Make sure you get your basics right before 
moving on further into the chapters. 
Apart from keeping up with the chapters, you will also need to keep up with 
the announcements as shown below. You can update yourself with the latest 
worksheets which you can purchase at the website. 
Below are examples of worksheets that can be purchased from Iversity.
A discussion tab is also provided for users to discuss any problems or issues 
they face. 
You can constantly view your dashboard to keep up with the courses you plan 
to take up or currently doing. You can even take up a few courses at one go. 
Have fun learning! 
5 edX 
edX is a platform that provides users from all over the globe an opportunity to 
transform themselves by education through cutting-edge technologies , creative 
and innovative pedagogies and intensive courses. edX gathers hands with other 
institutional partners and carry out researches to further enhance their 
understanding on the students’ best way of learning and incorporate that into 
their courses. edX offers free courses for users to take up and learn online. 
This method of learning brings the learning experience to a whole new level and 
opens an even wider perspective towards learning. As it is online and free, 
anyone from all around the world can join and learn together with the others. 
 Students get to learn online for free. 
 All users; students and professors, get to gather on one similar platform 
to carry out teaching and learning processes. 
 Learning with edX saves time as it can be done online.
Refer to the examples shown below to sign up as member. 
Once you have successfully registered as a user, you will be directed to a new 
page as seen below. Do activate your account via the link sent to your email 
address to make full use of your account.
To make your search easier, you are able to filter your results as seen below. 
As an example, let’s explore one of the current courses that is offered by edX as 
shown below which is ‘Introduction to Linux’. For deeper understanding, refer 
to the examples below.
Once you have successfully registered for the course, you will be directed to a 
new page as seen below. For the purpose of this, we would go for the ‘Audit’ 
After you have selected the type of track as shown in the previous images, you 
will be directed to new page as seen below and you’re good to go! 
In order to start your course, click the ‘courseware’ tab as shown below. You 
will first be directed to the introduction. Under the ‘introduction’ tab, you will 
be briefed on many things such as the basics of the course, marking scheme 
and many more. 
Once you’re done reading he contents of the introduction, you can move on to 
the first chapter of the course and complete all of the units in order to move on 
to the next chapter. 
Move on to the next chapters till you reach the last chapter before sitting for 
the final exam. 
Once you have clicked the button as shown in the previous examples, you will 
be directed to a new page as shown below to start taking your final exam. Here 
is an example of the exam question. You will have two chances of getting your 
answers right. If you do not know the answer, you can skip to the next 
question and return to it later. 
When you have clicked the ‘grade my exam’ button, you will be directed to a 
new page under the ‘progress’ tab to view your grades as shown in the example 
Last but not least, view the ‘discussion’ tab to keep yourself updated with the 
latest discussions online on new problems or issues. You may also put forward 
any issues you would like to discuss on this page as seen below. When you’re 
done, just sign out or continue to a different course! 
Alison is one of the many online platforms that provide courses absolutely for 
free. Users are able to be certified at their own pace using Alison’s free, 
interactive multimedia. Alison basically provides approximately 600 courses for 
users to choose from such as Financial & Economic Literacy, Digital Literacy & 
IT Skills, Diploma courses and many more. Every course that is provided by 
Alison is standards-based and certified. With Alison, all you need to do is to 
decide what you want to study, select a course, get enrolled, study, take the 
assessments and lastly, get your cert and do it at your own pace! 
 Users get to learn at their own pace. 
 A completion certificate will be given upon completion of the course. 
 Alison offers a huge range of courses for users to choose from. 
 It is possible to conduct online classes with Alison. 
 The courses are free and save a lot of time and money.
Log on to 
In order to get started, you must first be an official member of Alison. If you are 
already an official member, do log in. If you’re not, you may sign up before 
getting started.
In order to make the log in process much easier, you can log in via your email, 
Facebook account, Yahoo and others. However, you can also opt for the 
traditional way of signing up as shown below. 
Once you have successfully signed up or logged in into your account, you must 
first verify your account via the link sent to your email address. After verifying 
your account, you are good to go! Search for the desired courses and start 
Below are some of the online courses offered by Alison.
If you click on the ‘Course’ tab at the top of the page, you could pick the way to 
sort out the results of your findings as to whether you only want diploma 
courses, or by different categories or even by subjects. In this case, the course 
will be chosen via subjects and the course chosen is English. Refer to the 
example below for some of the subjects offered. 
The chosen course for this example is ‘English Vocabulary and Pronunciation’. 
Once you have clicked on the ‘Start Course’ button as shown in the previous 
example, you will be directed to a new page as seen below. 
Read the short description of the course that you are about to take to get a 
clearer picture of what the course is all about. Click the ‘Start Now’ button 
when you are ready to learn! 
When you have already clicked the ‘Start Now’ button, you will be directed to a 
new page showing your course outline; the modules and assessment(s). Refer 
to the example below. 
When you click onto ‘Module 1’ as shown in the previous example, you will be 
directed to another page as shown below. All of the contents in this module 
must be completed before moving on to the next module to ensure a 
continuous learning experience. Hence, you need to start with the first content 
of Module 1. 
Watch a video on the first topic in Module 1 which is ‘Shopping vocabulary’. 
When you have finished watching the first video, you can move on to the next 
videos and complete Module 1. 
You can also click on the ‘Modules’, ‘Text’ and ‘Notes’ tab to aid your learning 
process as seen below.
When you have completed all of the modules, you will need to complete the 
assessment to check your understanding of the modules and to also earn 
yourself a certificate of completion. 
Below is an example of the assessment that you would have to take. Click the 
‘Next’ button to start answering the questions. 
Answer all of the questions till you reach the last question as shown below. If 
you score more than 80%, then congratulations! If not, do not be discouraged 
and try again to earn that certificate of completion at the very end. Make sure 
you do not stop at one course but continue on to many more as Alison has 
much more to offer. Good luck! 
Other than pursuing the courses as individuals, you can also conduct classes 
through Alison as shown in the example below. 
In order to continue, you must first choose a subscription plan. Once you have 
chosen one, you’re good to go! 
Canvas Network is a platform whereby teachers, learners and institutions 
define the world of open online learning. Canvas Network is very user friendly 
and is not complicated at all. It will make perfect sense to all of its users 
despite the fact that it is fully online. Other than that, Canvas Network is also a 
place when open online courses, communities, learners, teachers, professors 
and others gather to learn together and meet their goals. 
Canvas Network connects millions of learners online and therefore opens the 
doors to discussions and also to the sharing of knowledge among users. The 
best part of Canvas Network is that it is completely free of charge. It is also a 
very comprehensive online platform as it provides the users with such cohesive 
syllabuses, assignments, quizzes and study plans. It creates a very conducive 
learning environment for all of its users. 
 The users will be provided with study plans, study calendars, syllabus 
and many more to promote maximum learning experience. 
 The instructors can be reached all the time as they are actively involved 
in the process. 
 There are discussion forums that users can participate in. 
 It is free and users need not to fork out any money to learn. 
 Users can learn according to their own pace, needs and interests.
Log on to 
Canvas Network does not accept sign ups anymore at the moment. However, 
you can still learn their courses for free and sign up through those courses or 
sign up as a teacher if you wish to conduct a class on Canvas Network and 
they will contact you personally after that regarding your class.
For now, more attention will be given to ways to pursue or take up a course of 
your liking on Canvas network. In the picture shown below, a course entitled 
‘Project Management for Business Professionals’ will be used as an example. 
When you have clicked the button as shown in the previous example, you will 
be directed to another page pertaining the details of the course such as the 
course description, objectives, the instructor(s) and many more. Read through 
those details to ensure that you are interested in the course before taking it. 
Once you are sure that you are interested in the course and that you would 
want to enroll for it, simply follow the example below. 
When you’ve clicked the ‘Enroll’ button, you will need to enter some details as 
seen below. 
When you’ve clicked the link as shown in the previous example, you will 
directed to a new website that requires you to fill in some details before 
registering for good. Refer to the example below for a clearer picture. 
If you wish to start your course right away, you will be directed to the 
homepage of your course as shown below. 
We shall first take a look at the modules and what will you be learning for the 
entire course. 
As an example, we shall take a look at Topic 1.2 in Module 1 for a clearer 
Once you have finished reading Topic 1.2 and fully understand it, you must 
then take part in the discussion forum as shown in the module. 
As a student, it is important for you to constantly keep track of your syllabus 
so that you will not miss out anything. Canvas Network will help you with that! 
Just view your course syllabus constantly and make sure that you are updated 
with any datelines or new modules to learn. 
You will also be having assignments to be completed before the datelines given. 
Click on the ‘assignments’ tab as shown below to keep track of your 
You can also keep track of your grades as shown in the example below. 
Other than that, Canvas Network also provides you with a calendar to help you 
organize your study plan so that you won’t forget anything and have everything 
in order.
As you can see in the example below, Canvas Network is able to automatically 
save the important dates on your calendar. You can also add your own 
important event to your calendar simply by clicking on the date! 
Open Learning is basically a free online platform that provides courses for 
users to take up. This website was designed by Adam Brimo, Richard Buckland 
and David Collien who are professionals in designing courses which means the 
users are placed under professional care. 
Open Learning also promotes learning for the sake of learning as there are no 
assessments nor certificates upon the completion of the course as users would 
be learning for the knowledge and not certificates and grades. This will give the 
learners the freedom to study at their own pace and understand the course 
 The courses offered are free and the courses are highly sought after. 
 Users get to learn for free. 
 No grades or assessments given. 
 It is very user friendly and is easy for users to follow. 
 It gets users from all over the world to get in touch in a very cohesive and 
comprehensive manner to its news feed.
Log on to
Once you have signed up and become a registered member of Openlearnng, 
you could start searching for a course that you would like to pursue. All you 
need to do is to click on the ‘Find A Course’ button as shown in the example 
Once you have clicked on the ‘Find a Course’ button as shown in the previous 
example, you will be directed to a new page showing all of the courses that 
Openlearning has got to offer to you. In the example, we will select a course 
entitled ‘Free Photoshop & Training Tutorials’ as shown below. 
When you have officially joined the course, you will be directed to your 
homepage as shown in the example below. The homepage is basically where 
you could update yourself with the latest updates and announcements from 
Openlearning regarding the course. 
Click on the attachments to help you understand your course more!
On the left side of your page, click on the ‘Course Videos’ button to watch some 
videos on the course. 
There will be many course videos for you to watch. Make your way from the 
very basics of the course till the advanced. Understand each video for you to 
ace the course and get the most out of it! 
Let’s watch the first video of the course!
The next important part of this course would be the ‘News Feed’. The ‘News 
Feed’ is where other users from all over the globe share resources, materials, 
opinions, issues and many more with each other. It is very similar to 
Facebook’s news feed where you get to see what other people are posting about 
and you can actually comment on their postings. Other than that, you can 
even post and share resources with others! 
Besides the news feed, you can also join existing groups or create your own 
groups and get other users to join in. Refer to the examples below for a clearer 
Last but not least, do not keep the fun of learning all to yourself. Share around 
with your friends and get them to learn together with you! Refer to the example 
below on exactly how to do so. 
You can invite your friends via Facebook, Email or through Open Learning, 
that is if they already have an account. If not, get them to have one and you 
can learn together! 
You can even create your own course and get other users to learn from you!
Before you can start designing your own course, you will need to watch a 
tutorial video that is provided by OpenLearning as seen below. Although you 
could skip the video, it is recommended that you watch it just to give you a 
general idea on how to go about creating a course. 
Academic Earth is an online platform to conduct online courses for users from 
all over the world. Unlike other online educational websites, Academic Earth 
does not require any sign ups. Users only need to view the course and carry 
out all of the assignments and projects as listed out in the website. It is more of 
a self-learning experience and students will be independent in their learning 
Other than that, unlike any other online websites, Academic Earth also 
features an ongoing series of original videos. These videos are put on the 
website to tap the curiosity of the users and also to use it as a medium to 
launch meaningful discussions. Academic Earth believes that curiosity is a 
catalyst to make our world a better place with better learners! 
 Users get the opportunity to monitor their own learning process. 
 A large variety of courses are offered. 
 Courses offered are free and online. 
 The original videos provided will definitely help learning be more fun. 
 Academic Earth provides useful information on scholarships, internships 
and many more that would help the users later in the future.
Log on to
Once you have watched the introductory video as shown in the previous 
example and you understand what Academic Earth is all about, you can move 
on to the next step that is choosing the course that you would like to pursue. 
Refer to the example below. 
For this example, let’s try out Education courses! All you have to do is click on 
the ‘Courses’ button as shown in the example above and choose a course but 
in this case, it will be education courses. When you have selected ‘Education’, 
you will be directed to a new page. 
When you’ve clicked on the ‘Open Courses’ tab as shown above, you will be directed to 
a section on that very same page where they showcase all of the education courses 
that are offered. 
You will be directed to a page as seen below. Let’s take a look at the syllabus of 
the course! The course basically informs you on how will the course be carried 
out, assessments or assignments and the weightage that they carry in the 
course and many more. Refer to the example below. 
Other than that, you can also view some of the reading materials that have 
been recommended for users to understand the course more. The reading 
materials must either be bought, downloaded or others. The reading materials 
are organized according to weekly basis. 
This course also has assignments that need to be completed at the end of the 
course. In order to view the list of assignments that need to be done, just click 
on the ‘Assignments’ tab as shown in the example below. Similar to the reading 
materials, the assignments are also assigned on weekly basis. 
The courses also have projects that should be completed before the course can 
be completed. Take a look on the example below for a clearer picture. 
Apart from the courses, you can also view journals or magazines at the 
You can also view the grants and scholarships offered on the website.
The Internship column is really good for uses that are looking for places to do 
internships as this column informs them of the place and the datelines of the 
On the top of your page, there will be a column as shown below. Click on 
‘Playlists’ to view some of the playlist available on the website. There are a few 
lecture videos available under the playlist. 
Apart from playlists, there are also video electives for you to choose from.
Future Learn is an online platform that connects learners from all over the 
world with high quality educators, high quality courses and also with each 
other. Future Learn offers a wide selection of free high quality online courses 
that is from some of the world’s top universities and other leading institutions. 
Other than that, these online courses are accessible via mobiles, tablets and 
Future learn is a private company owned by The Open University and has 
gathered hand in hand with over 20 of the best UK and international 
universities, British library and British Museum to put forward the best online 
courses for learners from all over the globe. 
 Learners from all over the world get to unite on one uniform platform to 
 The courses are accessible via tablets and mobiles which makes it easier. 
 The website is very user friendly and uncomplicated. 
 The learning process is based on a weekly basis and this ensures a 
smooth learning experience.
Log on to 
Sign in or register first before you can start learning.
If you have clicked ‘Register’ as shown in the previous example, you will be 
directed to a page as shown below. Fill in all of the necessary details and click 
‘Register’ to complete and finalize your registration. 
When you have successfully registered as a member of Future Learn, you will 
be directed to the ‘Courses’ page immediately as shown in the example below. 
You can view the courses or filter them according to three categories which are 
‘New & Upcoming’ to view courses that are new and have not yet started, ‘In 
progress’ to view courses that are currently taking place or ‘Past’ to view 
courses that had already taken place and had ended. 
For this example, let’s view the courses that are currently taking place or in 
progress. Therefore, click on the ‘In progress’ tab as shown in the previous 
example to view those courses. We would take the first course shown on the 
page which is ‘Basic Science: Understanding Numbers’ as an example. Refer to 
the example below. 
Once you have watched the trailer of the course, it would be much clearer to 
you as to whether you have interests in the course in order to go through with 
it. However, just to get rid of any doubt you might have, you can read the 
course description, requirements and many more on the very same page to give 
you an even clearer picture of the course. 
When you are sure of the course, all you need to do is join the course. Click on 
the ‘Join this free course’ button at the bottom of the page to enroll! 
You will be directed to another page as shown below once your enrollment is 
Before you can start the course, why not share the information with your 
friends and get them to join in as well? Learning is always fun when you have 
company along with you! When you have already shared the information, just 
click ‘Next’ in order to move on to the next page. 
Once you have clicked on ‘Go to Course’ button as shown above, you will be 
directed to a new page showing the course with weekly progress. Take a look at 
the example below. 
Below the video, there will be a guide prepared for you. Refer to the example 
below for a clearer understanding. 
Once you have finished watching all of the videos and have read all of the 
articles, you’re ready to sit for the quiz for the week! However, keep in mind 
that the quiz does not grade you but only as a catalyst for you to learn more 
and better. 
Below is an example of Question 1 of the quiz. Answer all questions correctly 
until you reach the end. Once you finish everything for the week, continue 
doing it for the rest of the weeks until you complete the course and receive your 
Peer 2 Peer University or also commonly known as P2PU is the basis for an 
open education projects that organizes learning outside of classrooms or in 
other words, online learning. Learners are also given recognition for their 
achievements. P2PU creates a model for lifelong learning alongside traditional 
formal higher education. Using the Internet as the main source to share and 
distribute materials online, P2PU open the doors to learners from all over the 
world to learn online and therefore providing low-cost education opportunities. 
P2PU exercises the concept of openness whereby it enables more people to 
participate in the learning processes actively. The model and technology that 
P2PU uses are open to enable others to experiment with it so that they will 
remain accountable to their purpose and community. P2PU is peer learning 
and learning by peers for peers. 
 Learners can connect as a community to create and participate in the 
best online courses. 
 Learners can be creative and contribute to the community by creating 
projects and receive badges 
 Learners can learn courses together with their friends by inviting them to 
join along.
Log on to 
Click on the ‘Login’ button at the top right corner of the page to log in into your 
account or to sign up for a new account.
Once you have successfully signed in or created a new account, you will be 
redirected to the homepage as shown below. Let’s take a look at the blog first! 
The blogs are used to deliver news and updates from P2PU. 
Click on one of the blogs to take a look at the latest news and updates. As an 
example, let’s take a look at the first link listed on the blog section of P2PU 
entitled ‘Retention-Why MOOC provides can’t have it both ways’. Refer to the 
example below. 
MOOCs are basically platforms where all online courses gather. P2PU has its 
own MOOCs whereby if you be a part of it, you will be constantly updated on 
the course of your choice. 
The lab reports are to reflect on the educational experiments done and ways to 
improve their ways of presenting the reports to the world. 
P2PU encourages learners to participate actively in the learning process and 
also the improvement of the courses. One example would be the ‘badge system’ 
as seen below whereby learners need to submit a project to receive a badge 
which they can be very proud of! 
Below is an example of a project that needs to be completed by learners in 
order to receive a badge from P2PU. 
Other than that, you can also view some of the schools that are involved with 
P2PU. It brings the modern twists to community based peer learning 
experience for K-12 teachers and the students. 
Last but not least, P2PU also offers courses. You can click on ‘Find a Course’ 
as shown below to look for a specific course. However, for this example, we 
would click on ‘Find a course’ and look at what P2PU has got to offer to all 
learners out there! 
For this example, we shall take the first course listed on the community picks 
list as seen below which is ‘Crowdsourced Art: A participatory Exercise in 
Collaboration and Collective Creativity’. 
Once you’re directed to a new page, do read the ‘Course Overview’ and others 
before moving on to make sure that you still have your interests in the course. 
When you have successfully enrolled for the course, you will be directed to 
another page as seen in this example below. Click on the ‘content’ button to 
start learning. View the contents of each week to fully understand the course. 
Other than that, P2PU also has a ‘Discussion’ tab at the top of the page as 
shown in the example below. Just click on it and post any problems, issues or 
opinions that you might want to share with the other learners from all over the 
globe. Learning is much more fun when you have others to share your opinions 
You can also view who are your course mates and the organizers by clicking on 
the ‘People’ tab. 
Other than taking up courses, you can also design your own courses for other 
people to sign up for! All you need to do is simply by clicking ‘Create a Course’ 
button at the top of the page and fill in all the necessary details. Get all the 
materials ready and you’re good to go. Good luck! 
Saylor is an online website that offers tuition-free courses that were created by 
professional and credentialed educators. Their partnerships with colleges, 
universities and business make truly affordable credentials a reality. 
Other than that, the students also share the opportunity of owning their 
education and learn at their own pace. Saylor’s syllabus goes by units and this 
gives the chance for students to master each and every single unit at their own 
paces. There are also discussions and forums that learners can participate in 
to put forward any opinions or issues they might have with their courses. Last 
but not least, the final exam will grade the students according to the units and 
show their overall achievement. 
 Learners get to learn online and for free 
 Learners can participate in discussions and forums to put forward any 
opinions or issues. 
 The website is very user friendly and is easy to use. 
 Learners learn at their own paces.
Log on to
Once you have successfully signed up for an account, you will be directed to 
your portfolio page as shown below. Click the ‘Add a Course’ button to start 
selecting courses for you! 
When you’ve clicked the ‘Add a Course’ button, you will be directed to the 
‘Course Catalog’ page. As seen in the picture below, we will take the first course 
listed on the page as an example. 
Let’s take a look at the course simply by clicking the ‘View the Course’ button. 
You will then view a page that looks like what is shown in the example below. 
Click every ‘show’ button to view all of the contents of the course. 
These are some of the contents of the course that all learners should read 
before moving on further. 
Scroll down on the same page and you’ll see the units as shown below.
You can also participate in their forums and discussions by clicking on the 
discussion tab at the left side of your portfolio page. Refer to the example below 
for a clearer picture. 
Read and master all of the units and you’ll be ready to sit for the final exam. 
Answer all 50 questions and click the ‘Submit all and finish’ button at the 
bottom of the page one you are done. 
Once you submit, you will be directed to another page showing your score or 
grades and the scores are shown according to units as shown below. Once 
you’re done with this course, move on to another and never stop learning with 
Udemy is an online marketplace that has over 3 million students learning and 
taking their courses. The courses offered are large in variety that covers from 
photography, science, languages and many more. Each and every one of those 
courses are taught by expert instructors and is available on-demand. 
Udemy offers free courses and also courses that come with fees. Either way, 
they are all very good courses and learners can definitely benefit from all of the 
courses. Udemy is also accessible via tablets, phones and other gadgets which 
mean that learning can take place anytime and anywhere. Students can learn 
new skills and they can learn it at their own paces which will make their 
learning experiences memorable. 
 Students are trained by expert instructors. 
 Students can engage with one another and help each other through the 
learning process. 
 Udemy is available via gadgets which make learning easily accessible for 
 Learners can also be instructors when they are already expert at their 
courses or if they have new knowledge to share with other students.
Log on to
Once you have successfully signed up, you will be directed to your homepage 
as shown below. 
In order to search or browse for courses of your choice, follow the example 
below and start searching! For this example, we would take up the ‘language’ 
course and see how it is done. Once you’ve clicked the ‘language’ button, you 
can choose any languages of your choice. However, in this case, English 
language is chosen. 
Below are some of the courses that are offered under the English language. We 
would take the third course listed here as an example which Is ‘Master Polite 
English’. However, do take note that not all courses are free. Refer to the 
example below. 
Once you click on the course as shown in the previous example, you will then 
be directed to the homepage of the course itself as shown below. Before you 
start enrolling, it would be useful for you to watch the introductory video that 
is placed on the top left hand corner of the page and read the details about the 
course. Refer to the examples. 
Scroll down on the same page and get more information about the course to 
help you decide as to whether you would be interested in the course or not.
Scroll down on the same page and take a look at the curriculum as that will be 
the syllabus that you will be learning. 
Once you have read all of the details on the course, you can start learning by 
clicking the ‘Start Learning Now’ button as shown below. 
When you have clicked the ‘Continue to Course’ button, you can start watching 
the lecture videos and tart learning! 
Towards the right hand side of the video, you will see a little column. Click on 
each and every tabs in the column to see how you can participate more actively 
in the lecture. 
Watch all of the lecture videos and make sure that you understand all of them. 
Other than that, you can also participate in active discussion at your course 
Other than that, you can also get to know other students that are currently 
taking the same course as you are! 
Besides being a student, you can also be an instructor and share your 
knowledge with many other students! 
Scroll down and read the ‘Course Roadmap’ to guide you to successfully create 
a course. 
Look up on how to submit your course for review and how to publish your 
course once it is approved of. Good luck!

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Massive Open Online Course: A Guide for Beginners

  • 1. Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) A guide for BEGINNERS
  • 2. Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Johan Eddy Luaran i-Learn Center Universiti Teknologi MARA 2013
  • 3. All right reserved. No part of this publication may reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recorded or by any storage information or retrival system, without the prior written permission from the author.
  • 4. Preface assive Open Online Course (MOOC) has spurred a discussion in the higher education community as to whether it can reform the teaching and learning in the aforementioned setting. MOOC, a term used to describe course offered M fully online where user can obtain graduation certificate upon user’s completion of that particular course, offers an edge of education that has never been thought possible decades ago. For educators, the current constellation of change pressures and emerging trends represent an exciting opportunity. This exciting opportunity revolves around setting a framework of learner-driven pedagogy, extending knowledge to and from global classrooms and increasing access to learning. While there are unsettled views about what MOOC can do, the need for educators to embrace active experimentation about teaching and learning cannot be understated. This book is written with such intention, for educators who want to leverage on the open online courses to better themselves. This book serves as a guide for beginners who wish to explore the various platforms of MOOCs, namely Coursera, iversity, edX, ALISON, Canvas Network, Open Learning, Academic Earth, Future Learn, Peer to Peer University, Saylor.Org, and Udemy. There are two chapters that first introduce to the readers what MOOC is and how MOOC can serve as a medium of learning. Each chapter then starts by simply introducing the name of the MOOC platforms that follows with descriptions of the respective MOOC platforms. Readers will appreciate the inclusion of screenshots to ease their navigation in making the most out of the online resources. It is hoped that this book will provide a resource to advocate for the best possible ways to learn from the open world. Johan @ Eddy Luaran
  • 5. Contents CHAPTER 1 WHAT IS MOOCs?............................................................................... 1 CHAPTER 2 MOOCs AS A MEDIUM OF LEARNING ............................................. 3 CHAPTER 3 COURSERA ........................................................................................... 5 CHAPTER 4 IVERSITY ........................................................................................... 15 CHAPTER 5 edX ..................................................................................................... 27 CHAPTER 6 ALISON ............................................................................................... 41 CHAPTER 7 CANVAS NETWORK .......................................................................... 57 CHAPTER 8 OPENLEARNING ............................................................................... 72 CHAPTER 9 ACADEMIC EARTH ........................................................................... 85 CHAPTER 10 FUTURE LEARN ............................................................................. 102 CHAPTER 11 PEER TO PEER UNIVERSITY (P2PU) ........................................... 116 CHAPTER 12 SAYLOR ......................................................................................... 136 CHAPTER 13 UDEMY .......................................................................................... 148
  • 6. A massive open online course or more commonly known as MOOC is an online course that is accessible via the web and offers unlimited participation. According to Educause (2014), a massive open online course (MOOC) is a model for delivering learning content online to any person who wants to take a course, with no limit on attendance. MOOC incorporates both the traditional and modern course materials for learning such as videos, readings, projects, assignments and many more. Other than that, learners can also participate in interactive user forums that are normally provided by MOOCs and these interactive forums help build a community for students, lecturers, professors, teachers and all of the users. MOOCs are a very new development that began to develop in 2012. Some of the early MOOCs emphasized open features and open licensing of content, structure and learning goals. Those features are to promote the reuse and remixing of resources. Despite that, some newer MOOCs use closed license for their course materials but still maintain free access for users from all over the globe. Other than that, what is best about these MOOCs is that they do not always lead to formal qualifications and there are no entry requirements. Despite that, the courses offered are recognized internationally as most of these courses are offered by renowned universities and institutions from all over the globe such as Harvard, Yale and Stanford and other leading universities in the US, the UK, Europe and Asia. All of these renowned universities and institutions provide the best materials for learners to work with and the best courses that they can learn from. MOOCs offer university-level courses without the need to complete and entire programme of studies as they do it in the formal setting in the tertiary education. Learners of MOOCs are mostly independent learners and they are capable of studying independently and select courses from any institutions that are available online. Moreover, MOOCs are mostly video-based and interactions are mostly done through peer review and group discussion or group collaboration which will stimulate automated feedback through online assessments, quizzes and exams. This is very suitable especially for those who need to juggle their time between work and studies as MOOCs provide them to learn at their own paces unlike studying in the normal tertiary education institutions. 1 CHAPTER 1 WHAT IS MOOCs?
  • 7. There are many reasons as to why one should consider being part of MOOC. One of the reasons would be that most of the courses are free. Other than that, the lecture videos are also mostly very short that gets straight to the point and learners have the power to pause, play, rewind in case if they miss out any valuable information which they cannot do in normal lectures. In fact, the learning process can also be combined with one’s studies or jobs because learning via MOOC is very easy as the user is the one who controls the pace of his or her learning. Learning with MOOC saves time and definitely saves money. Last but not least, the courses offered by MOOCs are mostly accessible via gadgets such as computers, mobile phones, tabs and others and this makes the learning experience much more fun as learners can learn anytime and anywhere as it does not require them to be at a specific place to learn. Therefore, all that needs to be done now is to sign up with any MOOCs and never stop learning! 2 References (massive-open-online-courses)/
  • 8. As MOOCs have proven to be very useful to all learners out there, it is good if MOOCs can be implemented in today’s learning sessions be it at schools, or institutions. With the implementation of MOOCs in real-life learning, it will promote the usage of technology and also create independent learners along the way. There are many ways to implement MOOCs in the current learning process. The first method that MOOCs can be used in learning is that teachers can conduct online classes via MOOCs. All students can take up the same courses at home, do the same assignments and sit for the same online final exams. Teachers at school can use this as a side-learning whereby it is done at home but is discussed in class. Students learn on their own through the online courses and they can bring up their issues during class at school. This will not only be interesting but it will be fun for the students as many resources and methods are involved in the learning process. Other than that, teachers can also assign students to different online courses and that they are to complete those courses together in a specific amount of time. The objective of this is to later on share their different knowledge with each other and gain from each other. They can also share their final projects with one another and create a discussion out of the activity. This will not only create independent learners, but it will also create students with high creative and critical thinking skills. Technology has definitely changed the lives of many especially these days. Therefore, why not incorporate it into learning and make learning a much more fun and memorable experience for both students and teachers! 3 CHAPTER 2 MOOC AS A MEDIUM OF LEARNING
  • 9. 4 Below are some of the websites that offer MOOCs: MOOCs Provider Website Coursera iversity edX ALISON Canvas Network Open Learning Academic Earth Future Learn Peer to Peer University Saylor. Org Udemy
  • 10. 5 CHAPTER 3 COURSERA WHAT IS COURSERA? Coursera is an educational platform that provides free course online and it is available for everyone from all around the world. This educational platform collaborates with top universities worldwide to offer the best possible courses to the users. There are many courses provided by the websites including Biology, Humanities, Social Sciences and many more. These courses take about six to ten weeks long with the aid of video lectures every week. Coursera provides quizzes, weekly exercises and many more to assess the students’ performances. With the use of Coursera, students will be able to learn at their own pace and still receive a higher education! FEATURES OF COURSERA  Users get to learn for free.  There is large variety of courses offered by Coursera  The assessments at the end of the course enable users to keep track of their progress.
  • 12. There are many courses that you can choose from, for example, Child Nutrition and Cooking 2.0 by Stanford University as shown in the image below. You can also save time by straight away looking up for the course or university you intend to learn from as provided in the website. Refer to the image below. 7
  • 13. Other than searching for your desired courses manually, you can also sort out the findings according to the different categories below to make your search easier! 8
  • 14. Once you’ve picked up a particular course, you can have an overview of the course as to what you will be learning, what are the learning methods involved and the assessments that need to be done. Other than that, you can also know your instructor and what qualifications he or she has. Once you’re sure of the course, you can start learning straight away! For example, as shown in the image below, the course that has been chosen is Child Nutrition and Cooking 2.0 by Stanford University. 9
  • 15. Once you have clicked the ‘Start Learning’ button, you will be directed to a page showing your course outline for the whole course in the next few weeks to come. This course heavily revolves on the use of short video clips to help you to understand easier! 10
  • 16. For deeper understanding, let’s take a closer look on the first part of the course that is ‘Why Home Cooking Matters’ and the details of it. 11
  • 17. Once you have watched the videos, you must take a mini test or quiz to check your understanding level of the topic before moving on as the topics will get harder. Once you’ve mastered the basics of the course, you can proceed to the next item on the course outline. 12
  • 18. Below is a sample of the quiz. The quiz may contain a certain number of questions and can be asked in the form of ‘True or False’ question, multiple choice questions and many more. Submit your answer once you’re done and proceed to the next big item on the course outline! 13
  • 19. Once you have completed all the items listed on the course outline and the quizzes, you are officially done with the course! If the course provides you with a completion certificate, do keep it with you for future use. Coursera is very convenient for users as it encourages users to learn in the easiest and best way possible from the comfort of their own homes. Explore the other courses provided by Coursera and start learning more! 14 Reference
  • 20. 15 CHAPTER 4 IVERSITY WHAT IS IVERSITY? Iversity is a platform for Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) and offer opportunities to all users including students, professors, lecturers and many more to learn or even use this website as a platform to conduct online courses. Other than that, with this website, professors are also able to extend their hand to thousands of students from all over the world. There are many different courses provided by Iversity such as medicine, biology, physics, law and many more. With Iversity, anyone from all over the globe is able to access education online for free. FEATURES OF IVERSITY  Users get to learn online anywhere and anytime.  Money could be saved from paying for university enrollment.  Professors could conduct online classes which are much easier to handle and monitor.  Thousands of students can be reached by the professors just through Iversity.  Users can also get completion certificates as a proof of their enrollment.
  • 21. 16 GET STARTED Signing up or logging in is made easier as Iversity allows their users to sign up via Facebook, Google account or even email. With that, there will be no extra hassle of coming up with new usernames and passwords.
  • 22. Iversity provides many courses for the users and users can find for their respective desired courses as shown below. They can even filter the results according to the languages or search for the course manually in the ‘Search’ box provided as seen below. 17
  • 23. For example, if you decide to take up on an upcoming course as shown below, you have to keep yourself updated on the starting date of the course and what the course is all about. 18
  • 24. However, while waiting for the upcoming courses to start, you can still pursue the current courses that are provided to keep your time filled! Refer to the images below on the steps to enroll yourselves into the current courses and start learning straight away! In order to get the general idea of the whole course, do read the details provided on the page. 19
  • 25. Once you have enrolled yourself into the course, you will be directed to a page where you will see what you will be learning. This page is more or less like your course outlines. For a clearer understanding, refer to the image below which shows the first 4 chapters of the course. 20
  • 26. Firstly, let’s check out the first unit in the first chapter of ‘The DO School Start- Up Lab’ course provided by Iversity which is ‘How to MOCC’ with the DO School Start-Up Lab. 21
  • 27. Below are some images showing the materials provided for the first unit of the first chapter. The content of the first unit is a video and some other additional materials for further understanding. Make sure you get your basics right before moving on further into the chapters. 22
  • 28. Apart from keeping up with the chapters, you will also need to keep up with the announcements as shown below. You can update yourself with the latest worksheets which you can purchase at the website. 23
  • 29. 24 Below are examples of worksheets that can be purchased from Iversity.
  • 30. A discussion tab is also provided for users to discuss any problems or issues they face. 25
  • 31. You can constantly view your dashboard to keep up with the courses you plan to take up or currently doing. You can even take up a few courses at one go. Have fun learning! 26 Reference
  • 32. 27 CHAPTER 5 edX WHAT IS edX? edX is a platform that provides users from all over the globe an opportunity to transform themselves by education through cutting-edge technologies , creative and innovative pedagogies and intensive courses. edX gathers hands with other institutional partners and carry out researches to further enhance their understanding on the students’ best way of learning and incorporate that into their courses. edX offers free courses for users to take up and learn online. This method of learning brings the learning experience to a whole new level and opens an even wider perspective towards learning. As it is online and free, anyone from all around the world can join and learn together with the others. FEATURES OF edX  Students get to learn online for free.  All users; students and professors, get to gather on one similar platform to carry out teaching and learning processes.  Learning with edX saves time as it can be done online.
  • 34. 29 Refer to the examples shown below to sign up as member. Once you have successfully registered as a user, you will be directed to a new page as seen below. Do activate your account via the link sent to your email address to make full use of your account.
  • 35. 30 To make your search easier, you are able to filter your results as seen below. As an example, let’s explore one of the current courses that is offered by edX as shown below which is ‘Introduction to Linux’. For deeper understanding, refer to the examples below.
  • 36. 31
  • 37. Once you have successfully registered for the course, you will be directed to a new page as seen below. For the purpose of this, we would go for the ‘Audit’ track. 32
  • 38. After you have selected the type of track as shown in the previous images, you will be directed to new page as seen below and you’re good to go! 33
  • 39. In order to start your course, click the ‘courseware’ tab as shown below. You will first be directed to the introduction. Under the ‘introduction’ tab, you will be briefed on many things such as the basics of the course, marking scheme and many more. 34
  • 40. Once you’re done reading he contents of the introduction, you can move on to the first chapter of the course and complete all of the units in order to move on to the next chapter. Move on to the next chapters till you reach the last chapter before sitting for the final exam. 35
  • 41. 36
  • 42. Once you have clicked the button as shown in the previous examples, you will be directed to a new page as shown below to start taking your final exam. Here is an example of the exam question. You will have two chances of getting your answers right. If you do not know the answer, you can skip to the next question and return to it later. 37
  • 43. When you have clicked the ‘grade my exam’ button, you will be directed to a new page under the ‘progress’ tab to view your grades as shown in the example below. 38
  • 44. Last but not least, view the ‘discussion’ tab to keep yourself updated with the latest discussions online on new problems or issues. You may also put forward any issues you would like to discuss on this page as seen below. When you’re done, just sign out or continue to a different course! 39
  • 46. 41 CHAPTER 6 ALISON WHAT IS ALISON? Alison is one of the many online platforms that provide courses absolutely for free. Users are able to be certified at their own pace using Alison’s free, interactive multimedia. Alison basically provides approximately 600 courses for users to choose from such as Financial & Economic Literacy, Digital Literacy & IT Skills, Diploma courses and many more. Every course that is provided by Alison is standards-based and certified. With Alison, all you need to do is to decide what you want to study, select a course, get enrolled, study, take the assessments and lastly, get your cert and do it at your own pace! FEATURES OF ALISON  Users get to learn at their own pace.  A completion certificate will be given upon completion of the course.  Alison offers a huge range of courses for users to choose from.  It is possible to conduct online classes with Alison.  The courses are free and save a lot of time and money.
  • 47. 42 GET STARTED Log on to In order to get started, you must first be an official member of Alison. If you are already an official member, do log in. If you’re not, you may sign up before getting started.
  • 48. In order to make the log in process much easier, you can log in via your email, Facebook account, Yahoo and others. However, you can also opt for the traditional way of signing up as shown below. 43
  • 49. Once you have successfully signed up or logged in into your account, you must first verify your account via the link sent to your email address. After verifying your account, you are good to go! Search for the desired courses and start learning! 44 Below are some of the online courses offered by Alison.
  • 50. If you click on the ‘Course’ tab at the top of the page, you could pick the way to sort out the results of your findings as to whether you only want diploma courses, or by different categories or even by subjects. In this case, the course will be chosen via subjects and the course chosen is English. Refer to the example below for some of the subjects offered. The chosen course for this example is ‘English Vocabulary and Pronunciation’. 45
  • 51. Once you have clicked on the ‘Start Course’ button as shown in the previous example, you will be directed to a new page as seen below. Read the short description of the course that you are about to take to get a clearer picture of what the course is all about. Click the ‘Start Now’ button when you are ready to learn! 46
  • 52. When you have already clicked the ‘Start Now’ button, you will be directed to a new page showing your course outline; the modules and assessment(s). Refer to the example below. 47
  • 53. When you click onto ‘Module 1’ as shown in the previous example, you will be directed to another page as shown below. All of the contents in this module must be completed before moving on to the next module to ensure a continuous learning experience. Hence, you need to start with the first content of Module 1. 48
  • 54. Watch a video on the first topic in Module 1 which is ‘Shopping vocabulary’. When you have finished watching the first video, you can move on to the next videos and complete Module 1. 49 You can also click on the ‘Modules’, ‘Text’ and ‘Notes’ tab to aid your learning process as seen below.
  • 55. 50
  • 56. When you have completed all of the modules, you will need to complete the assessment to check your understanding of the modules and to also earn yourself a certificate of completion. 51
  • 57. Below is an example of the assessment that you would have to take. Click the ‘Next’ button to start answering the questions. 52
  • 58. Answer all of the questions till you reach the last question as shown below. If you score more than 80%, then congratulations! If not, do not be discouraged and try again to earn that certificate of completion at the very end. Make sure you do not stop at one course but continue on to many more as Alison has much more to offer. Good luck! 53
  • 59. Other than pursuing the courses as individuals, you can also conduct classes through Alison as shown in the example below. 54
  • 60. In order to continue, you must first choose a subscription plan. Once you have chosen one, you’re good to go! 55
  • 62. 57 CHAPTER 7 CANVAS NETWORK WHAT IS CANVAS NETWORK? Canvas Network is a platform whereby teachers, learners and institutions define the world of open online learning. Canvas Network is very user friendly and is not complicated at all. It will make perfect sense to all of its users despite the fact that it is fully online. Other than that, Canvas Network is also a place when open online courses, communities, learners, teachers, professors and others gather to learn together and meet their goals. Canvas Network connects millions of learners online and therefore opens the doors to discussions and also to the sharing of knowledge among users. The best part of Canvas Network is that it is completely free of charge. It is also a very comprehensive online platform as it provides the users with such cohesive syllabuses, assignments, quizzes and study plans. It creates a very conducive learning environment for all of its users. FEATURES OF CANVAS NETWORK  The users will be provided with study plans, study calendars, syllabus and many more to promote maximum learning experience.  The instructors can be reached all the time as they are actively involved in the process.  There are discussion forums that users can participate in.  It is free and users need not to fork out any money to learn.  Users can learn according to their own pace, needs and interests.
  • 63. 58 GETTING STARTED Log on to Canvas Network does not accept sign ups anymore at the moment. However, you can still learn their courses for free and sign up through those courses or sign up as a teacher if you wish to conduct a class on Canvas Network and they will contact you personally after that regarding your class.
  • 64. For now, more attention will be given to ways to pursue or take up a course of your liking on Canvas network. In the picture shown below, a course entitled ‘Project Management for Business Professionals’ will be used as an example. When you have clicked the button as shown in the previous example, you will be directed to another page pertaining the details of the course such as the course description, objectives, the instructor(s) and many more. Read through those details to ensure that you are interested in the course before taking it. 59
  • 65. 60
  • 66. Once you are sure that you are interested in the course and that you would want to enroll for it, simply follow the example below. When you’ve clicked the ‘Enroll’ button, you will need to enter some details as seen below. 61
  • 67. When you’ve clicked the link as shown in the previous example, you will directed to a new website that requires you to fill in some details before registering for good. Refer to the example below for a clearer picture. 62
  • 68. If you wish to start your course right away, you will be directed to the homepage of your course as shown below. 63
  • 69. 64
  • 70. We shall first take a look at the modules and what will you be learning for the entire course. 65 As an example, we shall take a look at Topic 1.2 in Module 1 for a clearer understanding.
  • 71. Once you have finished reading Topic 1.2 and fully understand it, you must then take part in the discussion forum as shown in the module. 66
  • 72. As a student, it is important for you to constantly keep track of your syllabus so that you will not miss out anything. Canvas Network will help you with that! Just view your course syllabus constantly and make sure that you are updated with any datelines or new modules to learn. 67
  • 73. You will also be having assignments to be completed before the datelines given. Click on the ‘assignments’ tab as shown below to keep track of your assignments. 68
  • 74. 69 You can also keep track of your grades as shown in the example below. Other than that, Canvas Network also provides you with a calendar to help you organize your study plan so that you won’t forget anything and have everything in order.
  • 75. As you can see in the example below, Canvas Network is able to automatically save the important dates on your calendar. You can also add your own important event to your calendar simply by clicking on the date! 70 Reference
  • 76. 71 CHAPTER 8 OPEN LEARNING WHAT IS OPEN LEARNING? Open Learning is basically a free online platform that provides courses for users to take up. This website was designed by Adam Brimo, Richard Buckland and David Collien who are professionals in designing courses which means the users are placed under professional care. Open Learning also promotes learning for the sake of learning as there are no assessments nor certificates upon the completion of the course as users would be learning for the knowledge and not certificates and grades. This will give the learners the freedom to study at their own pace and understand the course thoroughly. FEATURES OF OPEN LEARNING  The courses offered are free and the courses are highly sought after.  Users get to learn for free.  No grades or assessments given.  It is very user friendly and is easy for users to follow.  It gets users from all over the world to get in touch in a very cohesive and comprehensive manner to its news feed.
  • 77. 72 GET STARTED Log on to
  • 78. Once you have signed up and become a registered member of Openlearnng, you could start searching for a course that you would like to pursue. All you need to do is to click on the ‘Find A Course’ button as shown in the example below. 73
  • 79. Once you have clicked on the ‘Find a Course’ button as shown in the previous example, you will be directed to a new page showing all of the courses that Openlearning has got to offer to you. In the example, we will select a course entitled ‘Free Photoshop & Training Tutorials’ as shown below. 74
  • 80. When you have officially joined the course, you will be directed to your homepage as shown in the example below. The homepage is basically where you could update yourself with the latest updates and announcements from Openlearning regarding the course. 75 Click on the attachments to help you understand your course more!
  • 81. On the left side of your page, click on the ‘Course Videos’ button to watch some videos on the course. There will be many course videos for you to watch. Make your way from the very basics of the course till the advanced. Understand each video for you to ace the course and get the most out of it! 76
  • 82. 77 Let’s watch the first video of the course!
  • 83. The next important part of this course would be the ‘News Feed’. The ‘News Feed’ is where other users from all over the globe share resources, materials, opinions, issues and many more with each other. It is very similar to Facebook’s news feed where you get to see what other people are posting about and you can actually comment on their postings. Other than that, you can even post and share resources with others! 78
  • 84. Besides the news feed, you can also join existing groups or create your own groups and get other users to join in. Refer to the examples below for a clearer picture. 79
  • 85. Last but not least, do not keep the fun of learning all to yourself. Share around with your friends and get them to learn together with you! Refer to the example below on exactly how to do so. You can invite your friends via Facebook, Email or through Open Learning, that is if they already have an account. If not, get them to have one and you can learn together! 80
  • 86. 81 You can even create your own course and get other users to learn from you!
  • 87. Before you can start designing your own course, you will need to watch a tutorial video that is provided by OpenLearning as seen below. Although you could skip the video, it is recommended that you watch it just to give you a general idea on how to go about creating a course. 82
  • 89. 84 CHAPTER 9 ACADEMIC EARTH WHAT IS ACADEMICEARTH? Academic Earth is an online platform to conduct online courses for users from all over the world. Unlike other online educational websites, Academic Earth does not require any sign ups. Users only need to view the course and carry out all of the assignments and projects as listed out in the website. It is more of a self-learning experience and students will be independent in their learning process. Other than that, unlike any other online websites, Academic Earth also features an ongoing series of original videos. These videos are put on the website to tap the curiosity of the users and also to use it as a medium to launch meaningful discussions. Academic Earth believes that curiosity is a catalyst to make our world a better place with better learners! FEATURES OF ACADEMIC EARTH  Users get the opportunity to monitor their own learning process.  A large variety of courses are offered.  Courses offered are free and online.  The original videos provided will definitely help learning be more fun.  Academic Earth provides useful information on scholarships, internships and many more that would help the users later in the future.
  • 90. 85 GET STARETD Log on to
  • 91. Once you have watched the introductory video as shown in the previous example and you understand what Academic Earth is all about, you can move on to the next step that is choosing the course that you would like to pursue. Refer to the example below. For this example, let’s try out Education courses! All you have to do is click on the ‘Courses’ button as shown in the example above and choose a course but in this case, it will be education courses. When you have selected ‘Education’, you will be directed to a new page. 86
  • 92. When you’ve clicked on the ‘Open Courses’ tab as shown above, you will be directed to a section on that very same page where they showcase all of the education courses that are offered. 87
  • 93. You will be directed to a page as seen below. Let’s take a look at the syllabus of the course! The course basically informs you on how will the course be carried out, assessments or assignments and the weightage that they carry in the course and many more. Refer to the example below. 88
  • 94. Other than that, you can also view some of the reading materials that have been recommended for users to understand the course more. The reading materials must either be bought, downloaded or others. The reading materials are organized according to weekly basis. 89
  • 95. This course also has assignments that need to be completed at the end of the course. In order to view the list of assignments that need to be done, just click on the ‘Assignments’ tab as shown in the example below. Similar to the reading materials, the assignments are also assigned on weekly basis. 90
  • 96. The courses also have projects that should be completed before the course can be completed. Take a look on the example below for a clearer picture. 91
  • 97. 92
  • 98. 93
  • 99. Apart from the courses, you can also view journals or magazines at the homepage. 94
  • 100. 95 You can also view the grants and scholarships offered on the website.
  • 101. The Internship column is really good for uses that are looking for places to do internships as this column informs them of the place and the datelines of the internships. 96
  • 102. 97
  • 103. On the top of your page, there will be a column as shown below. Click on ‘Playlists’ to view some of the playlist available on the website. There are a few lecture videos available under the playlist. 98
  • 104. 99 Apart from playlists, there are also video electives for you to choose from.
  • 106. 101 CHAPTER 10 FUTURE LEARN WHAT IS FUTURE LEARN? Future Learn is an online platform that connects learners from all over the world with high quality educators, high quality courses and also with each other. Future Learn offers a wide selection of free high quality online courses that is from some of the world’s top universities and other leading institutions. Other than that, these online courses are accessible via mobiles, tablets and desktops. Future learn is a private company owned by The Open University and has gathered hand in hand with over 20 of the best UK and international universities, British library and British Museum to put forward the best online courses for learners from all over the globe. FEATURES OF FUTURE LEARN  Learners from all over the world get to unite on one uniform platform to learn  The courses are accessible via tablets and mobiles which makes it easier.  The website is very user friendly and uncomplicated.  The learning process is based on a weekly basis and this ensures a smooth learning experience.
  • 107. 102 GET STARTED Log on to Sign in or register first before you can start learning.
  • 108. If you have clicked ‘Register’ as shown in the previous example, you will be directed to a page as shown below. Fill in all of the necessary details and click ‘Register’ to complete and finalize your registration. 103
  • 109. When you have successfully registered as a member of Future Learn, you will be directed to the ‘Courses’ page immediately as shown in the example below. You can view the courses or filter them according to three categories which are ‘New & Upcoming’ to view courses that are new and have not yet started, ‘In progress’ to view courses that are currently taking place or ‘Past’ to view courses that had already taken place and had ended. 104
  • 110. For this example, let’s view the courses that are currently taking place or in progress. Therefore, click on the ‘In progress’ tab as shown in the previous example to view those courses. We would take the first course shown on the page which is ‘Basic Science: Understanding Numbers’ as an example. Refer to the example below. 105
  • 111. Once you have watched the trailer of the course, it would be much clearer to you as to whether you have interests in the course in order to go through with it. However, just to get rid of any doubt you might have, you can read the course description, requirements and many more on the very same page to give you an even clearer picture of the course. 106
  • 112. When you are sure of the course, all you need to do is join the course. Click on the ‘Join this free course’ button at the bottom of the page to enroll! You will be directed to another page as shown below once your enrollment is successful. 107
  • 113. Before you can start the course, why not share the information with your friends and get them to join in as well? Learning is always fun when you have company along with you! When you have already shared the information, just click ‘Next’ in order to move on to the next page. 108
  • 114. Once you have clicked on ‘Go to Course’ button as shown above, you will be directed to a new page showing the course with weekly progress. Take a look at the example below. 109
  • 115. 110
  • 116. Below the video, there will be a guide prepared for you. Refer to the example below for a clearer understanding. 111
  • 117. Once you have finished watching all of the videos and have read all of the articles, you’re ready to sit for the quiz for the week! However, keep in mind that the quiz does not grade you but only as a catalyst for you to learn more and better. 112
  • 118. Below is an example of Question 1 of the quiz. Answer all questions correctly until you reach the end. Once you finish everything for the week, continue doing it for the rest of the weeks until you complete the course and receive your certificate. 113
  • 120. CHAPTER 11 PEER TO PEER UNIVERSITY (P2PU) 115 WHAT IS PEER TO PEER UNIVERSITY? Peer 2 Peer University or also commonly known as P2PU is the basis for an open education projects that organizes learning outside of classrooms or in other words, online learning. Learners are also given recognition for their achievements. P2PU creates a model for lifelong learning alongside traditional formal higher education. Using the Internet as the main source to share and distribute materials online, P2PU open the doors to learners from all over the world to learn online and therefore providing low-cost education opportunities. P2PU exercises the concept of openness whereby it enables more people to participate in the learning processes actively. The model and technology that P2PU uses are open to enable others to experiment with it so that they will remain accountable to their purpose and community. P2PU is peer learning and learning by peers for peers. FEATURES OF PEER TO PEER UNIVERSITY  Learners can connect as a community to create and participate in the best online courses.  Learners can be creative and contribute to the community by creating projects and receive badges  Learners can learn courses together with their friends by inviting them to join along.
  • 121. 116 GET STARTED Log on to Click on the ‘Login’ button at the top right corner of the page to log in into your account or to sign up for a new account.
  • 122. 117
  • 123. Once you have successfully signed in or created a new account, you will be redirected to the homepage as shown below. Let’s take a look at the blog first! The blogs are used to deliver news and updates from P2PU. 118
  • 124. Click on one of the blogs to take a look at the latest news and updates. As an example, let’s take a look at the first link listed on the blog section of P2PU entitled ‘Retention-Why MOOC provides can’t have it both ways’. Refer to the example below. 119
  • 125. 120
  • 126. 121
  • 127. MOOCs are basically platforms where all online courses gather. P2PU has its own MOOCs whereby if you be a part of it, you will be constantly updated on the course of your choice. 122
  • 128. The lab reports are to reflect on the educational experiments done and ways to improve their ways of presenting the reports to the world. 123
  • 129. 124
  • 130. P2PU encourages learners to participate actively in the learning process and also the improvement of the courses. One example would be the ‘badge system’ as seen below whereby learners need to submit a project to receive a badge which they can be very proud of! 125
  • 131. Below is an example of a project that needs to be completed by learners in order to receive a badge from P2PU. Other than that, you can also view some of the schools that are involved with P2PU. It brings the modern twists to community based peer learning experience for K-12 teachers and the students. 126
  • 132. 127
  • 133. Last but not least, P2PU also offers courses. You can click on ‘Find a Course’ as shown below to look for a specific course. However, for this example, we would click on ‘Find a course’ and look at what P2PU has got to offer to all learners out there! 128
  • 134. For this example, we shall take the first course listed on the community picks list as seen below which is ‘Crowdsourced Art: A participatory Exercise in Collaboration and Collective Creativity’. 129
  • 135. Once you’re directed to a new page, do read the ‘Course Overview’ and others before moving on to make sure that you still have your interests in the course. 130
  • 136. When you have successfully enrolled for the course, you will be directed to another page as seen in this example below. Click on the ‘content’ button to start learning. View the contents of each week to fully understand the course. 131
  • 137. Other than that, P2PU also has a ‘Discussion’ tab at the top of the page as shown in the example below. Just click on it and post any problems, issues or opinions that you might want to share with the other learners from all over the globe. Learning is much more fun when you have others to share your opinions with! You can also view who are your course mates and the organizers by clicking on the ‘People’ tab. 132
  • 138. Other than taking up courses, you can also design your own courses for other people to sign up for! All you need to do is simply by clicking ‘Create a Course’ button at the top of the page and fill in all the necessary details. Get all the materials ready and you’re good to go. Good luck! 133
  • 140. 135 CHAPTER 12 SAYLOR WHAT IS SAYLOR? Saylor is an online website that offers tuition-free courses that were created by professional and credentialed educators. Their partnerships with colleges, universities and business make truly affordable credentials a reality. Other than that, the students also share the opportunity of owning their education and learn at their own pace. Saylor’s syllabus goes by units and this gives the chance for students to master each and every single unit at their own paces. There are also discussions and forums that learners can participate in to put forward any opinions or issues they might have with their courses. Last but not least, the final exam will grade the students according to the units and show their overall achievement. FEATURES OF SAYLOR  Learners get to learn online and for free  Learners can participate in discussions and forums to put forward any opinions or issues.  The website is very user friendly and is easy to use.  Learners learn at their own paces.
  • 141. 136 GET STARTED Log on to
  • 142. Once you have successfully signed up for an account, you will be directed to your portfolio page as shown below. Click the ‘Add a Course’ button to start selecting courses for you! 137
  • 143. When you’ve clicked the ‘Add a Course’ button, you will be directed to the ‘Course Catalog’ page. As seen in the picture below, we will take the first course listed on the page as an example. Let’s take a look at the course simply by clicking the ‘View the Course’ button. 138
  • 144. You will then view a page that looks like what is shown in the example below. Click every ‘show’ button to view all of the contents of the course. 139
  • 145. These are some of the contents of the course that all learners should read before moving on further. 140
  • 146. 141 Scroll down on the same page and you’ll see the units as shown below.
  • 147. You can also participate in their forums and discussions by clicking on the discussion tab at the left side of your portfolio page. Refer to the example below for a clearer picture. 142
  • 148. Read and master all of the units and you’ll be ready to sit for the final exam. 143
  • 149. Answer all 50 questions and click the ‘Submit all and finish’ button at the bottom of the page one you are done. 144
  • 150. Once you submit, you will be directed to another page showing your score or grades and the scores are shown according to units as shown below. Once you’re done with this course, move on to another and never stop learning with Saylor. 145
  • 152. 147 CHAPTER 13 UDEMY WHAT IS UDEMY? Udemy is an online marketplace that has over 3 million students learning and taking their courses. The courses offered are large in variety that covers from photography, science, languages and many more. Each and every one of those courses are taught by expert instructors and is available on-demand. Udemy offers free courses and also courses that come with fees. Either way, they are all very good courses and learners can definitely benefit from all of the courses. Udemy is also accessible via tablets, phones and other gadgets which mean that learning can take place anytime and anywhere. Students can learn new skills and they can learn it at their own paces which will make their learning experiences memorable. BEENFITS OF USING UDEMY  Students are trained by expert instructors.  Students can engage with one another and help each other through the learning process.  Udemy is available via gadgets which make learning easily accessible for students.  Learners can also be instructors when they are already expert at their courses or if they have new knowledge to share with other students.
  • 153. 148 GET STARTED Log on to
  • 154. 149
  • 155. Once you have successfully signed up, you will be directed to your homepage as shown below. 150
  • 156. In order to search or browse for courses of your choice, follow the example below and start searching! For this example, we would take up the ‘language’ course and see how it is done. Once you’ve clicked the ‘language’ button, you can choose any languages of your choice. However, in this case, English language is chosen. 151
  • 157. Below are some of the courses that are offered under the English language. We would take the third course listed here as an example which Is ‘Master Polite English’. However, do take note that not all courses are free. Refer to the example below. 152
  • 158. Once you click on the course as shown in the previous example, you will then be directed to the homepage of the course itself as shown below. Before you start enrolling, it would be useful for you to watch the introductory video that is placed on the top left hand corner of the page and read the details about the course. Refer to the examples. 153
  • 159. 154 Scroll down on the same page and get more information about the course to help you decide as to whether you would be interested in the course or not.
  • 160. Scroll down on the same page and take a look at the curriculum as that will be the syllabus that you will be learning. 155
  • 161. Once you have read all of the details on the course, you can start learning by clicking the ‘Start Learning Now’ button as shown below. 156
  • 162. When you have clicked the ‘Continue to Course’ button, you can start watching the lecture videos and tart learning! 157
  • 163. Towards the right hand side of the video, you will see a little column. Click on each and every tabs in the column to see how you can participate more actively in the lecture. 158
  • 164. 159
  • 165. Watch all of the lecture videos and make sure that you understand all of them. Other than that, you can also participate in active discussion at your course homepage. 160
  • 166. Other than that, you can also get to know other students that are currently taking the same course as you are! 161
  • 167. Besides being a student, you can also be an instructor and share your knowledge with many other students! 162
  • 168. 163
  • 169. Scroll down and read the ‘Course Roadmap’ to guide you to successfully create a course. 164 Look up on how to submit your course for review and how to publish your course once it is approved of. Good luck!