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Lecturer :
Dian ekawati, M.Pd
Arranged by :
Hafidzotul millah (1152100024)
Karsilah (1152100035)
Khujatul Khaji (1152100036)
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb Alhamdulillahhirobil'alamin gratitude we pray
that the presence of Allah SWT has given grace and guidance to us all, so that we
can finish this paper “Story Telling” .Furthermore we would like to thank the
lecturer for the course of language english who always provide direction and
guidance to facilitate the preparation of this paper. And to friends who have given
us the spirit and encouragement so that this paper can be resolved. Hopefully this
paper can be useful to readers in general and we beg criticism and suggestions for
better progress.
Wassamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
of Mach 2015
TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................................iii
CHAPTER I..........................................................................................................................1
B.Problem Formulation.........................................................................................3
CHAPTER II.........................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER III......................................................................................................10
B.Advice ..........................................................................................................................10
A. The Background of the Analysis
Story telling is an art that has mental, social and educational benefits on
children. People of all ages love stories. Children are great fans of stories and love
to listen to them. Storytelling literally means reading out stories to them or just
telling a story from the memory to them. It is becoming a lost art today as many
parents find very little time to spend with kids as the hustle and bustle of life
demands them to reserve more time for the needs of life.
But any parent can preserve few stories for kids and spend a bit of time for
them to tell them stories. Most of the parents ignore the importance of storytelling
and are unaware of the advantages of storytelling. Let us see what all ways
storytelling helps kids to learn and grow.
Children are born into a media soaked environment today. They have
numerous television channels and entertainment programs to get them engaged
with entertainment. Parents switch on cartoon channels and keep children before
them for hours. But, many a times they forget the disadvantages, such fast-paced
visual media bring onto kids. Television cartons and other entertainment programs
block the mental development of kids to greater extends.
All the television programs are designed for elder people, not for kids.
Children may lose thinking capacities and analyzing powers if they are exposed to
television, several hours a day. Children are slow to grasp and slow to think; thus
they need entertainments specially designed for them. Storytelling is an activity
that can transfer emotions and feelings and also can boost thinking capacity.
Storytelling has tremendous benefits for classroom learning, from
Wikipedia Storytelling is the conveying of events in words, sound and/or images,
often by improvisation or embellishment. Stories or narratives have been shared in
every culture as a means of entertainment, education, cultural preservation and
instilling moral values. Crucial elements of stories and storytelling include plot,
characters and narrative point of view. The term 'storytelling' is used in a narrow
sense to refer specifically to oral storytelling and also in a looser sense to refer to
techniques used in other media to unfold or disclose the narrative of a story.
From the National Storytelling Association, Story is a Most dictionaries
define a story as a narrative account of a real or imagined event or events. Within
the storytelling community, a story is more generally agreed to be a specific
structure of narrative with a specific style and set of characters and which includes
a sense of completeness. Through this sharing of experience we use stories to pass
on accumulated wisdom, beliefs, and values. Through stories we explain how
things are, why they are, and our role and purpose. Stories are the building blocks
of knowledge, the foundation of memory and learning. Stories connect us with our
humanness and link past, present, and future by teaching us to anticipate the
possible consequences of our actions.
Telling It is the live, person-to-person oral and physical presentation of a
story to an audience. "Telling" involves direct contact between teller and listener.
It mandates the direct presentation of the story by the teller. The teller's role is to
prepare and present the necessary language, vocalization, and physicality to
effectively and efficiently communicate the images of a story. The listener's role
is to actively create the vivid, multi-sensory images, actions, characters, and
events the reality of the story in their mind based on the performance by the teller,
and on their past experiences, beliefs, and understandings. The completed story
happens in the mind of the listener, unique and personal for each individual.
B. Problem Formulation
A. What method of storytelling?
B. How steps to tell the story for children?
C. What is benefit of storytelling?
C. Destination
1. Knowing to method of storytelling.
2. Knowing how to steps to tell the story for children.
3. Knowing is benefit of storytelling.
A. Menthod Of Storytelling
Children love stories,they make interesting images in the minds when
listening to a story. Teaching by story telling is one of the best method of teaching
,the teacher can employ in any lesson presentation.Oxford Dictionary defines,'' A
story is a narrative of real or fictional events told inorder to amuse interests or
illustrates something.'' A Story is therefore the action of narrating real or fictious.
The historical development of story telling dates back to the times when
the societies began. Leaders of smallest social institutions,the family , such as
parents,grandparents or other outspoken community members were always
regarded as proficient good story tellers. The stories contributed to the moulding
of children's charaters as stories carried many social values.
The teacher and primary school teacher in particular has assumed this
important role of story telling. Since primary education is more concerned with
teaching of moral values story telling becomes a very important method of
teaching. Traditional folk stories ,therefore have great significance in the system
of modern education.
The qualities of a good story according to Jacinta and Regina(1980)should
have good morals were good behaviour is rewarded and evil deeds is punished
and should be short precise to the point and not complicated to the children's
cognitive conscience. Avoid stories with too many characters and too much
dialogue , but should be dramatic and create much excitement. Weird stories
which may frighten children should be avoided at all costs to promote a conducive
learning environment. A good story teller should have qualities that are abilities to
use gestures,facial expressions,make use of the language that suits the cognitive
level of the learners and to use appropriate aids ,like pictures ,audio-visual to
motivate pupils.
Moreover the story teller 's appearance should not attract more attention
than the story being told. The story teller must speak fluently ,using a clear voice
tone and the expressions must be changed spontaneously to suits the moods of the
story. When using the story in a lesson ,the teacher can use story telling in an
introduction and should be very short. In social and moral lessons story telling is
best appropriate for use in the book stage of the child book child approach. It is
necessary for the teacher to be observant of learners' reactions so as to take
necessary measures.
Story telling has more benefits as an effective method of instruction
,because it involves many mediums of communication for example use of
gestures,song and dance. It also moulds characters and provides enjoyment.
Stories broadens the knowledge of the children and the cultural beliefs and
activites. It also establishes good relationships among pupils and their teacher.
Story telling has also negative impacts as it can disadvantages learners ,if
the story teller doesn't have the required skills.Extensively use of the story telling
method tends to produce passive listeners who receive information without much
probing questioning to understand much better. It is also the poor method of
active participation by learners as it lessens the opportunity for them to learn by
B. Steps To Tell The Story To Childern.
Not everyone is great at story telling. If you are like me then you probably
have never had any drama lessons and the last time you read aloud was when you
were ten years of age. However reading to your child is important. It is so
important that it is a big factor in your child’s development of literacy skills.
It took me awhile to get good at reading to my daughter. Looking back I
was a little bit hopeless to begin with but have gotten a lot better. Lucky for me I
started reading to her when she was a newborn so my rusty story telling skills had
an opportunity to improve before she developed the ability to walk away from a
boring story telling session.
Here’s a list I’ve compiled of simple story telling techniques that I’ve
found useful when reading aloud to my daughter.
1. Create a story telling atmosphere
Firstly, ensure the child is comfortable and ready to hear the story. If your
child is still playing with a toy, or distracted you may find it harder to maintain
their attention for the whole book.
Involving the child in the decision making process also helps to focus their
attention to the task at hand. “It’s time to read a book now. Should we read
‘Where is the green sheep?’”. Otherwise if you are introducing a new book you
could say “I think we should read …….. tonight!”
Sometimes I give my daughter a choice of two titles – so once the decision
becomes her own, she is more attentive and willing to listen.
2. Win the audience with the first line
Capture your audience from the very beginning. Even before I begin to
read to my daughter I start to create the desired atmosphere for my first line. With
the closed book in front of us, I read the title of the book and open each page
slowly until I come to the first line.
When I begin to read I make sure that I put in extra effort on the first line.
Usually I begin with either a hushed voice with a slow pace or a louder voice at a
faster pace before going back to my normal reading voice for a particular book.
3. Read books with great rhyme, rhythm and pace
The best kids books stand out as they have amazingly simple rhyme,
rhythm and pace that make them so enjoyable for young children. When selecting
a book to read take note of the sentence length, the rhyming structure used and
think about how you vary the volume of your voice and the pace of your speech to
match the story. Slow your voice down when you read out dialog. Quicken your
pace when you describe actions.
Great children’s books make this easy for you. Authors such as Eric Carle,
Dr Seuss, Pamela Allen and Mem Fox have superbly written books that I would
highly recommend.
4. Tell the story with FEELING!
Make sure you read to your children with feeling and passion! Convey the
mood and feelings of characters by using voice, eyes, face and arms. Your voice
can be loud, soft, high, low, fast or slow. Use pauses and silences to increase
tension. Use your eyes, face and arms to convey happiness, sadness, excitement
and fear.
5. Play Games with the book
Have fun when you read to your children by playing games with the
books. Talk about the story / illustrations – talk about illustrations by pointing out
different parts of the drawing or things that are happening on the page, parts of the
story.Play word games – teach your children to recognise different words by sight.
Get your children to look for certain words repeated through the book.
‘Look here’s the word ‘happy’ can you see it anywhere else on this page? Yes
that’s right! What about on the next page?’ Then you can advance this to ‘Happy
starts with ‘h’. Can you find any other words that start with ‘h’?’
6. Involve the audience in the story
It is much more fun for your children when they to get to participate in the
story telling experience. Not only is it more fun but it actually improves the ability
for your children to remember. One remarkable statistic is that children remember
60% of what they do, 30% of what they see and 10% of what they hear.
You can involve your children by getting them to conduct gestures, sound
effects or recite lines as you go through the story. Gestures – encourage your
children to use their hands, eyes, face, or feet. You can use your hands to clap, to
creep, to show something going up or down. You can use your face and eyes to
show a sad face, a happy face, to show surprise, anger or fear. Feet can stomp, run
or thump.
Sounds Effects – you and your children can make noises of things or
actions in the story that you read. Why not make a popping sound, or the sound of
the wind or waves. You can make animal sounds, the noise of a car, truck, plane
or a sneeze, cough, burp.
Reciting lines / words – get you children to participate in the telling of the story
by completing the last word of the sentence or even reading entire sentences.
7. Slow down for the ending
It is great to slow things down as you come to the end of a story. It makes
the story more satisfying for your children and make sure you follow your ending
with a silent pause. In fact many children books are designed so that you slow
down your delivery for the ending.
8. Watch a librarian conduct a reading class
Whenever I take my daughter to a reading session at the local library I end
up coming away with some ideas on how I can improve my story telling
techniques. It always amazes me how the librarians have the ability to keep a
group of twenty pre-school kids engaged and interested for half an hour.
C. The Benefit Of Storytelling For Kids
The most bulging benefit of storytelling is increased knowledge in
children. They get to know about various places, practices in life, relationships
etc., through stories. Most of the stories depict good and bad characters. Listening
to stories will help children to have an idea of accepted style of behaviors and
must to avoid acts. Stories also allow children to know about their own cultural
Differences between cultures and various lifestyles are introduced to kids
through stories. All the stories are informative to children, as being new to the
world; they may know very little things about the life in the world. Stories help
kids to visualize the plot and characters. Television programs block the
imagination power of viewers, but stories are great help in boosting creativity.
1) Instills Virtues In Your Child
Children all over the world love listening to stories. They want to know
more about their favorite characters and often try to emulate them. By telling your
child stories that come with a meaningful message, you can definitely inculcate
qualities like wisdom, courage, honesty, etc. from an early age into your little one.
2) Makes Them Aware Of Their Own Culture And Roots
Telling your children stories from your childhood and about various
activities and celebrations from your past will make them more familiar about the
different customs and traditions prevalent in your family. Sharing stories about
various family members will help them learn about their lineage better.
3) Enhances Verbal Proficiency
Reading out stories to your children helps in making them acquainted with
the language as well as in learning new words and phrases. This is also a great
way to teach your child new words and pronunciation on a regular basis.
4) Improves Listening Skills
Most children usually have a lesser attention span and find it difficult to
concentrate on something thing for long. Also, they end up talking more, rather
than listening. Storytelling for kids ensures that they are not only more attentive,
but are also keen to listen and understand.
5) Encourages Creativity And Imagination Power
Listening to a story helps a child imagine the characters, places, plot etc.
instead of seeing it on a visual medium. This also enhances creativity, making
them more imaginative and open to ideas and free thinking.
6) A Great Tool For Sharpening Memory
By using certain smart ideas, you can use storytelling to help increase your
child’s memory. Once you have read out the story, you can ask him to repeat the
same after a few days. Alternatively, you can ask him to describe the story up till
the present. This is a fun way to increase his memory and encourage
7) Broadens Horizon
Young children may not always be exposed to the different cultures and
countries of the world. Through the medium of storytelling, you can make him
familiar about the various places and cultures across the world. Try and include
stories from different countries and cultures to give your child a broader
understanding of the world.
8) Makes Academic Learning Easier
Storytelling for children is a stepping stone for academic learning. Many
children have the habit of learning by rote, without understanding the subject.
Storytelling, as a regular activity, can help children to enjoy and better understand
what they are reading. This helps them in learning their subjects better.
Sometimes, teaching school subjects as an interesting story (example, a boring
history lesson can be turned into an interesting historical story) can help them
understand better and fuel curiosity.
9) Better Communication
Sometimes, children are hesitant to ask a question, even though their mind
is filled with curiosity. Storytelling helps children in learning the art of asking the
right question. It also tells them how to strike a perfect conversation and makes
them more confident. Regular reading and listening can make them better orators
10) Helps To Face Difficult Situations With Ease
Difficult situations can often end up leaving children feeling confused.
Stories about various characters facing difficult situations can help them
understand this concept better. Try and tell stories that teach children that pain and
suffering are a part of life as much as happiness and fun times are. The right
stories can help your child become well-equipped to face life and various
A. Conclusion
Storytelling is a great activity of learning. At each phase of the
development of the story, kids ask questions. A proper teller can use tricks to
make them curios and encourage them to ask questions. Storytelling is the basic
training for academic learning. When they see images in the book and listen to the
stories, kids learn to associate between images and story and later imagination and
can increase the memory capacity of children by asking them to remember
the stories you have already read for them or asking them to remember where you
stopped the previous day. Always demand kids to share their contribution in the
stories. Ask them to narrate a possible climax or encourage them to create a new
story with the same characters in a story. Imagination is the key to creativity and
children can be trained in many ways to develop stronger skills of imagination.
B. Advice
Teacher need to take care of certain aspects when reading out stories for
children. If you want kids to listen actively and understand the story, you have to
read out the stories emotionally. Change the pitch of sound according to the
feelings and emotions depicted in the story. Use effective body language to
convey ideas in the exact way. Perfect storytelling is acting out a story.
Storytelling parents are found to have more emotional bond with the children. It
teaches the children to be creative and make them dynamic thoughts and action.
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Dini Panduan Bagi Orang Tua dalam MembinaPerilaku Anak Sejak Dini. Jakarta: PT.
Elex Media Komputindo
Handayani, Eko. 2007. Psikologi Perkembangan Anak. Universitas Terbuka.
Hildayani, Rini, Dkk.___.Metode Pengajaran di TK. Jakarta: Rineke Cipta.
Hurlock, Elizabeth B. 1978. Perkembangan Anak, Jilid 2. Jakarta: PT. Gelora
Aksara Pratama
Musfiroh,Takdiroatun,M.2005.Bercerita untuk Anak UsiaDini.Jakarta:
Mustakim, Muh. Nur. 2005. Peranan Cerita dalam Pembentukan Perkembangan
Anak TK. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Papalia
Moleong, lexy J. 2009.Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: PT Remaja
Nurbianii, Dhinie, Dkk. 2008. Metode Pengembangan Bahasa. Jakarta: Departemen
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Sujiono, Bambang dan Yuliani Nurani. 2005. Mencerdaskan Perilaku Anak Usia
Dini Panduan Bagi Orang Tua dalam MembinaPerilaku Anak Sejak Dini. Jakarta: PT.
Elex Media Komputindo

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Makalah story telling

  • 1. STORY TELLING PAPER Lecturer : Dian ekawati, M.Pd Arranged by : Hafidzotul millah (1152100024) Karsilah (1152100035) Khujatul Khaji (1152100036) KINDERGARTEN EDUCATION DEPARTMENT TARBIYAH FACULTY AND TEACHERS TRAINING STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF SUNAN GUNUNG DJATI BANDUNG 2016
  • 2. FOREWORD Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb Alhamdulillahhirobil'alamin gratitude we pray that the presence of Allah SWT has given grace and guidance to us all, so that we can finish this paper “Story Telling” .Furthermore we would like to thank the lecturer for the course of language english who always provide direction and guidance to facilitate the preparation of this paper. And to friends who have given us the spirit and encouragement so that this paper can be resolved. Hopefully this paper can be useful to readers in general and we beg criticism and suggestions for better progress. Wassamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. Bandung,16th of Mach 2015 Writer ii
  • 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD........................................................................................................................ii TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................................iii CHAPTER I..........................................................................................................................1 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................1 B.Problem Formulation.........................................................................................3 CHAPTER II.........................................................................................................................3 DISCUSSION.......................................................................................................................3 CHAPTER III......................................................................................................10 CLOSING.............................................................................................................10 A.Conclusion.........................................................................................................10 B.Advice ..........................................................................................................................10 REFERENCES.....................................................................................................................11 iii
  • 4. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. The Background of the Analysis Story telling is an art that has mental, social and educational benefits on children. People of all ages love stories. Children are great fans of stories and love to listen to them. Storytelling literally means reading out stories to them or just telling a story from the memory to them. It is becoming a lost art today as many parents find very little time to spend with kids as the hustle and bustle of life demands them to reserve more time for the needs of life. But any parent can preserve few stories for kids and spend a bit of time for them to tell them stories. Most of the parents ignore the importance of storytelling and are unaware of the advantages of storytelling. Let us see what all ways storytelling helps kids to learn and grow. Children are born into a media soaked environment today. They have numerous television channels and entertainment programs to get them engaged with entertainment. Parents switch on cartoon channels and keep children before them for hours. But, many a times they forget the disadvantages, such fast-paced visual media bring onto kids. Television cartons and other entertainment programs block the mental development of kids to greater extends. All the television programs are designed for elder people, not for kids. Children may lose thinking capacities and analyzing powers if they are exposed to television, several hours a day. Children are slow to grasp and slow to think; thus they need entertainments specially designed for them. Storytelling is an activity that can transfer emotions and feelings and also can boost thinking capacity. Storytelling has tremendous benefits for classroom learning, from Wikipedia Storytelling is the conveying of events in words, sound and/or images, often by improvisation or embellishment. Stories or narratives have been shared in every culture as a means of entertainment, education, cultural preservation and 1
  • 5. instilling moral values. Crucial elements of stories and storytelling include plot, characters and narrative point of view. The term 'storytelling' is used in a narrow sense to refer specifically to oral storytelling and also in a looser sense to refer to techniques used in other media to unfold or disclose the narrative of a story. From the National Storytelling Association, Story is a Most dictionaries define a story as a narrative account of a real or imagined event or events. Within the storytelling community, a story is more generally agreed to be a specific structure of narrative with a specific style and set of characters and which includes a sense of completeness. Through this sharing of experience we use stories to pass on accumulated wisdom, beliefs, and values. Through stories we explain how things are, why they are, and our role and purpose. Stories are the building blocks of knowledge, the foundation of memory and learning. Stories connect us with our humanness and link past, present, and future by teaching us to anticipate the possible consequences of our actions. Telling It is the live, person-to-person oral and physical presentation of a story to an audience. "Telling" involves direct contact between teller and listener. It mandates the direct presentation of the story by the teller. The teller's role is to prepare and present the necessary language, vocalization, and physicality to effectively and efficiently communicate the images of a story. The listener's role is to actively create the vivid, multi-sensory images, actions, characters, and events the reality of the story in their mind based on the performance by the teller, and on their past experiences, beliefs, and understandings. The completed story happens in the mind of the listener, unique and personal for each individual. 2
  • 6. B. Problem Formulation A. What method of storytelling? B. How steps to tell the story for children? C. What is benefit of storytelling? C. Destination 1. Knowing to method of storytelling. 2. Knowing how to steps to tell the story for children. 3. Knowing is benefit of storytelling. . 3
  • 7. CHAPTER II DISCUSSION A. Menthod Of Storytelling Children love stories,they make interesting images in the minds when listening to a story. Teaching by story telling is one of the best method of teaching ,the teacher can employ in any lesson presentation.Oxford Dictionary defines,'' A story is a narrative of real or fictional events told inorder to amuse interests or illustrates something.'' A Story is therefore the action of narrating real or fictious. The historical development of story telling dates back to the times when the societies began. Leaders of smallest social institutions,the family , such as parents,grandparents or other outspoken community members were always regarded as proficient good story tellers. The stories contributed to the moulding of children's charaters as stories carried many social values. The teacher and primary school teacher in particular has assumed this important role of story telling. Since primary education is more concerned with teaching of moral values story telling becomes a very important method of teaching. Traditional folk stories ,therefore have great significance in the system of modern education. The qualities of a good story according to Jacinta and Regina(1980)should have good morals were good behaviour is rewarded and evil deeds is punished and should be short precise to the point and not complicated to the children's cognitive conscience. Avoid stories with too many characters and too much dialogue , but should be dramatic and create much excitement. Weird stories which may frighten children should be avoided at all costs to promote a conducive learning environment. A good story teller should have qualities that are abilities to use gestures,facial expressions,make use of the language that suits the cognitive level of the learners and to use appropriate aids ,like pictures ,audio-visual to motivate pupils. 3
  • 8. Moreover the story teller 's appearance should not attract more attention than the story being told. The story teller must speak fluently ,using a clear voice tone and the expressions must be changed spontaneously to suits the moods of the story. When using the story in a lesson ,the teacher can use story telling in an introduction and should be very short. In social and moral lessons story telling is best appropriate for use in the book stage of the child book child approach. It is necessary for the teacher to be observant of learners' reactions so as to take necessary measures. Story telling has more benefits as an effective method of instruction ,because it involves many mediums of communication for example use of gestures,song and dance. It also moulds characters and provides enjoyment. Stories broadens the knowledge of the children and the cultural beliefs and activites. It also establishes good relationships among pupils and their teacher. Story telling has also negative impacts as it can disadvantages learners ,if the story teller doesn't have the required skills.Extensively use of the story telling method tends to produce passive listeners who receive information without much probing questioning to understand much better. It is also the poor method of active participation by learners as it lessens the opportunity for them to learn by doing. B. Steps To Tell The Story To Childern. Not everyone is great at story telling. If you are like me then you probably have never had any drama lessons and the last time you read aloud was when you were ten years of age. However reading to your child is important. It is so important that it is a big factor in your child’s development of literacy skills. It took me awhile to get good at reading to my daughter. Looking back I was a little bit hopeless to begin with but have gotten a lot better. Lucky for me I started reading to her when she was a newborn so my rusty story telling skills had an opportunity to improve before she developed the ability to walk away from a boring story telling session. 4
  • 9. Here’s a list I’ve compiled of simple story telling techniques that I’ve found useful when reading aloud to my daughter. 1. Create a story telling atmosphere Firstly, ensure the child is comfortable and ready to hear the story. If your child is still playing with a toy, or distracted you may find it harder to maintain their attention for the whole book. Involving the child in the decision making process also helps to focus their attention to the task at hand. “It’s time to read a book now. Should we read ‘Where is the green sheep?’”. Otherwise if you are introducing a new book you could say “I think we should read …….. tonight!” Sometimes I give my daughter a choice of two titles – so once the decision becomes her own, she is more attentive and willing to listen. 2. Win the audience with the first line Capture your audience from the very beginning. Even before I begin to read to my daughter I start to create the desired atmosphere for my first line. With the closed book in front of us, I read the title of the book and open each page slowly until I come to the first line. When I begin to read I make sure that I put in extra effort on the first line. Usually I begin with either a hushed voice with a slow pace or a louder voice at a faster pace before going back to my normal reading voice for a particular book. 3. Read books with great rhyme, rhythm and pace The best kids books stand out as they have amazingly simple rhyme, rhythm and pace that make them so enjoyable for young children. When selecting a book to read take note of the sentence length, the rhyming structure used and think about how you vary the volume of your voice and the pace of your speech to match the story. Slow your voice down when you read out dialog. Quicken your pace when you describe actions. Great children’s books make this easy for you. Authors such as Eric Carle, Dr Seuss, Pamela Allen and Mem Fox have superbly written books that I would highly recommend. 5
  • 10. 4. Tell the story with FEELING! Make sure you read to your children with feeling and passion! Convey the mood and feelings of characters by using voice, eyes, face and arms. Your voice can be loud, soft, high, low, fast or slow. Use pauses and silences to increase tension. Use your eyes, face and arms to convey happiness, sadness, excitement and fear. 5. Play Games with the book Have fun when you read to your children by playing games with the books. Talk about the story / illustrations – talk about illustrations by pointing out different parts of the drawing or things that are happening on the page, parts of the story.Play word games – teach your children to recognise different words by sight. Get your children to look for certain words repeated through the book. ‘Look here’s the word ‘happy’ can you see it anywhere else on this page? Yes that’s right! What about on the next page?’ Then you can advance this to ‘Happy starts with ‘h’. Can you find any other words that start with ‘h’?’ 6. Involve the audience in the story It is much more fun for your children when they to get to participate in the story telling experience. Not only is it more fun but it actually improves the ability for your children to remember. One remarkable statistic is that children remember 60% of what they do, 30% of what they see and 10% of what they hear. You can involve your children by getting them to conduct gestures, sound effects or recite lines as you go through the story. Gestures – encourage your children to use their hands, eyes, face, or feet. You can use your hands to clap, to creep, to show something going up or down. You can use your face and eyes to show a sad face, a happy face, to show surprise, anger or fear. Feet can stomp, run or thump. 6
  • 11. Sounds Effects – you and your children can make noises of things or actions in the story that you read. Why not make a popping sound, or the sound of the wind or waves. You can make animal sounds, the noise of a car, truck, plane or a sneeze, cough, burp. Reciting lines / words – get you children to participate in the telling of the story by completing the last word of the sentence or even reading entire sentences. 7. Slow down for the ending It is great to slow things down as you come to the end of a story. It makes the story more satisfying for your children and make sure you follow your ending with a silent pause. In fact many children books are designed so that you slow down your delivery for the ending. 8. Watch a librarian conduct a reading class Whenever I take my daughter to a reading session at the local library I end up coming away with some ideas on how I can improve my story telling techniques. It always amazes me how the librarians have the ability to keep a group of twenty pre-school kids engaged and interested for half an hour. C. The Benefit Of Storytelling For Kids The most bulging benefit of storytelling is increased knowledge in children. They get to know about various places, practices in life, relationships etc., through stories. Most of the stories depict good and bad characters. Listening to stories will help children to have an idea of accepted style of behaviors and must to avoid acts. Stories also allow children to know about their own cultural roots. Differences between cultures and various lifestyles are introduced to kids through stories. All the stories are informative to children, as being new to the world; they may know very little things about the life in the world. Stories help kids to visualize the plot and characters. Television programs block the imagination power of viewers, but stories are great help in boosting creativity. 7
  • 12. 1) Instills Virtues In Your Child Children all over the world love listening to stories. They want to know more about their favorite characters and often try to emulate them. By telling your child stories that come with a meaningful message, you can definitely inculcate qualities like wisdom, courage, honesty, etc. from an early age into your little one. 2) Makes Them Aware Of Their Own Culture And Roots Telling your children stories from your childhood and about various activities and celebrations from your past will make them more familiar about the different customs and traditions prevalent in your family. Sharing stories about various family members will help them learn about their lineage better. 3) Enhances Verbal Proficiency Reading out stories to your children helps in making them acquainted with the language as well as in learning new words and phrases. This is also a great way to teach your child new words and pronunciation on a regular basis. 4) Improves Listening Skills Most children usually have a lesser attention span and find it difficult to concentrate on something thing for long. Also, they end up talking more, rather than listening. Storytelling for kids ensures that they are not only more attentive, but are also keen to listen and understand. 5) Encourages Creativity And Imagination Power Listening to a story helps a child imagine the characters, places, plot etc. instead of seeing it on a visual medium. This also enhances creativity, making them more imaginative and open to ideas and free thinking. 6) A Great Tool For Sharpening Memory By using certain smart ideas, you can use storytelling to help increase your child’s memory. Once you have read out the story, you can ask him to repeat the same after a few days. Alternatively, you can ask him to describe the story up till the present. This is a fun way to increase his memory and encourage concentration. 7) Broadens Horizon 8
  • 13. Young children may not always be exposed to the different cultures and countries of the world. Through the medium of storytelling, you can make him familiar about the various places and cultures across the world. Try and include stories from different countries and cultures to give your child a broader understanding of the world. 8) Makes Academic Learning Easier Storytelling for children is a stepping stone for academic learning. Many children have the habit of learning by rote, without understanding the subject. Storytelling, as a regular activity, can help children to enjoy and better understand what they are reading. This helps them in learning their subjects better. Sometimes, teaching school subjects as an interesting story (example, a boring history lesson can be turned into an interesting historical story) can help them understand better and fuel curiosity. 9) Better Communication Sometimes, children are hesitant to ask a question, even though their mind is filled with curiosity. Storytelling helps children in learning the art of asking the right question. It also tells them how to strike a perfect conversation and makes them more confident. Regular reading and listening can make them better orators too. 10) Helps To Face Difficult Situations With Ease Difficult situations can often end up leaving children feeling confused. Stories about various characters facing difficult situations can help them understand this concept better. Try and tell stories that teach children that pain and suffering are a part of life as much as happiness and fun times are. The right stories can help your child become well-equipped to face life and various situations. 9
  • 14. CHAPTER III CLOSING A. Conclusion Storytelling is a great activity of learning. At each phase of the development of the story, kids ask questions. A proper teller can use tricks to make them curios and encourage them to ask questions. Storytelling is the basic training for academic learning. When they see images in the book and listen to the stories, kids learn to associate between images and story and later imagination and visuals. can increase the memory capacity of children by asking them to remember the stories you have already read for them or asking them to remember where you stopped the previous day. Always demand kids to share their contribution in the stories. Ask them to narrate a possible climax or encourage them to create a new story with the same characters in a story. Imagination is the key to creativity and children can be trained in many ways to develop stronger skills of imagination. B. Advice Teacher need to take care of certain aspects when reading out stories for children. If you want kids to listen actively and understand the story, you have to read out the stories emotionally. Change the pitch of sound according to the feelings and emotions depicted in the story. Use effective body language to convey ideas in the exact way. Perfect storytelling is acting out a story. Storytelling parents are found to have more emotional bond with the children. It teaches the children to be creative and make them dynamic thoughts and action. 10
  • 15. REFERENCES Handayani, Eko. 2007. Psikologi Perkembangan Anak. Universitas Terbuka. Hildayani, Rini, Dkk.___.Metode Pengajaran di TK. Jakarta: Rineke Cipta. Hurlock, Elizabeth B. 1978. Perkembangan Anak, Jilid 2. Jakarta: PT. Gelora Aksara Pratama Musfiroh,Takdiroatun,M.2005.Bercerita untuk Anak UsiaDini.Jakarta: Depdiknas. Mustakim, Muh. Nur. 2005. Peranan Cerita dalam Pembentukan Perkembangan Anak TK. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Papalia Moleong, lexy J. 2009.Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosakarya. Nurbianii, Dhinie, Dkk. 2008. Metode Pengembangan Bahasa. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Sujiono, Bambang dan Yuliani Nurani. 2005. Mencerdaskan Perilaku Anak Usia Dini Panduan Bagi Orang Tua dalam MembinaPerilaku Anak Sejak Dini. Jakarta: PT. Elex Media Komputindo 11
  • 16. REFERENCES Handayani, Eko. 2007. Psikologi Perkembangan Anak. Universitas Terbuka. Hildayani, Rini, Dkk.___.Metode Pengajaran di TK. Jakarta: Rineke Cipta. Hurlock, Elizabeth B. 1978. Perkembangan Anak, Jilid 2. Jakarta: PT. Gelora Aksara Pratama Musfiroh,Takdiroatun,M.2005.Bercerita untuk Anak UsiaDini.Jakarta: Depdiknas. Mustakim, Muh. Nur. 2005. Peranan Cerita dalam Pembentukan Perkembangan Anak TK. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Papalia Moleong, lexy J. 2009.Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosakarya. Nurbianii, Dhinie, Dkk. 2008. Metode Pengembangan Bahasa. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Sujiono, Bambang dan Yuliani Nurani. 2005. Mencerdaskan Perilaku Anak Usia Dini Panduan Bagi Orang Tua dalam MembinaPerilaku Anak Sejak Dini. Jakarta: PT. Elex Media Komputindo 11