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Local Anaesthetics
Gaurav joshi
PG 1 Resident
Dept of Anaesthesia
Outline of discussion
 Introduction
 History
 Properties of Ideal LA
 Classification of LA
 Physiology,biochemistry &Mechanism of action of LA
 Factors affecting LA
 Metabolism
 Individual agents Lignocaine ,Bupivacaine, Levo
bupivacaine, Ropivacine
 Systemic effects and toxicity
 Treatment & prevention of toxicity
• Local anesthetics are drugs that produce a reversible
conduction blockade of impulses along central and
peripheral nerve pathways
• In addition to blockade of impulses, local anesthetics
can inhibit various receptors, enhance release of
glutamate, and depress the activity of certain
intracellular signaling pathways.
• When local anesthetics are given systemically , the
functions of cardiac, skeletal, and smooth muscle, as
well as transmission of impulses in the central and
peripheral nervous systems and within the specialized
conducting system of the heart, can all be altered.
• 1884- cocaine, 1st LA introduced by KarlKoller
& first used in opthalmology.
• HALSTED- used it to block nerve conduction.
• 1905- 1st synthetic LA – procaine itroducedby
• 1943-Lidocaine, 1st amide LA –LoFGREN.
Properties of Ideal local Anaesthetic:
Possess a specific and reversible action.
• They stabilize all excitable membrane including
motor neurones
• CNS is extremely sensitive to its action.
Non-irritant with no permanent damage to
No Systemic toxicity
• High therapeutic ratio.
Rapid onset and long duration
Active Topically or by injection
• Local Anesthetic Molecule contains a tertiary amine attached to a
substituted aromatic ring by an intermediate chain that almost always
contains either an ester or amide linkage
• The aromatic ring system gives a lipophilic character to its portion of the
molecule, whereas the tertiary amine is relatively hydrophilic, since it is
partially protonated and bears some positive charge in the physiologic pH
• Aromatic Ring – fat soluble (hydrophobic)
• Terminal Amine – water soluble (hydrophillic)
• Ampophoteric character
Local anaesthetics are classified on the basis of
chemical structure and on the duration of
• Chemically local anaesthetics consists of a benzene
ring separated from tertiary amide either by ester or
amide linkage. Based on this intermediate chain these
are classified as aminoesters and aminoamides.
• Short duration of action
• Less intense analgesia
• Higher risk of
hypersensitivity ESTER
linked LA s are rarely used.
• Hydrolyzed by Plasma
Cholinesterase in blood.
• Rarely used for Infiltration
• But useful for topical ana on
mucous membranes.
• Produce more intense and
longer lasting ana.
• Bind to alpha1 acid
glycoprotein in plasma
• Not hydrolyzed by Plasma
Cholinesterase, but in liver
• Rarely cause
hypersensitivity reactions-
no cross reactivity with
Chloroprocaine(shortest duration) Procaine
Lignocaine Mepivacaine Prilocaine
•Levo bupivacaine.
•Dibucaine(longest duration).
Physiology, biochemistry &
Mechanism of action of local
Physiochemical properties:
• These are very important for local anaesthetic
• Ionization:
• They are weak base and exist partly in
an unionized and partly in an ionized
• The proportion depend on:
– the pKa or dissociation constant
– The pH of the surrounding medium.
• Both ionizing and unionizing form are
important in producing local
 pKa is the pH at which the ionized and unionized form of an
agent are present in equal amounts.
The lower the pKa , the more the unionized form, the
greater the lipid solubility.
The higher the pKa , the more the ionized form and the
slower the lipid solubility
–Unionized form is able to cross the bi-
lipid nerve membrane.
–The ionized form then blocks
–Some of the unionized inside the cell
will become ionized depending upon
the pKa and the intracellular pH (lower
than extracellular)
–In general the amide type have lower
pKa, and greater proportion of the drug
is present in the lipid-soluble (unionized)
form at the physiological pH
–This produces faster onset of action
–The lower the pKa the faster the onset.
Partition coefficient:
–This measures the relative solubility of an
agent in fat and water.
–High numerical value means:
• High lipid-soluble
• less water-soluble.
–More fat solubility, means rapid crossing of
the lipid barrier of the nerve sheath.
–The greater partition coefficient, The faster
the onset
Protein binding:
–Local anaesthetic agents bind with:
• α1-acid glycoprotein, which possess high
affinity but low capacity.
• Albumin, with low affinity but high capacity
–The binding is simple, reversible and tend to
increase in proportion to the side chain.
–Lignocaine is 65% bound, Bupivacaine is
–The duration of action is related to the
degree of binding.
Vasodilatory ability:
–Most Local anaesthetics possess a
vasodilatory action on blood vessels
except Cocaine.
–It influence the duration of action of
the agent.
–Prilocaine is 50% bound to proteins
but has a longer duration than
Lignocaine (65%) since it possess no
strong vasodilatory effect.
–Affect the duration of action of the
Mechanism of Action
• conduction of nerve impulses is
mediated by action potential (AP)
generation along axon
• Cationic form of anesthetic binds
at inner surface of Na+channel –
preventing Na+influx (rising
phase of membrane potential)
which initiates AP → blockade of
nerve impulses (e.g., those
mediating pain)
Na +Na +
Mechanism – Other Targets
• Voltage dependent K+ channels
• Ca2+ Channels (L type)
• Possibly G-protein coupled receptors
Differential sensory/motor blockade:-
Sensory > motor at lower conc. of ropivacaine & bupivacaine
Useful when selecting an agent for ambulatory labour
analgesia or post op analgesia.
 For the same diameter, myelinated nerves will be blocked
before unmyelinated nerves
 Nerves that fire frequently are preferentially blocked over
nerves that fire infrequently.
Cm – Minimum Concentration
• Cm is the minimum concentration of a LA to
produce a conduction blockade
• Analogous to MAC for inhaled Anesthetics
• Factors Affecting Cm
– Nerve Fiber diameter (increases)
– Increased tissue pH (decreases)
– Increased rates of nerve firing (decreases)
– Length of nerve exposed to LA (longer better
• Unique to each LA
• Cm for motor neuron roughly 2X sensory
Fate & Metabolism:
Metabolism of Ester drugs:
• Metabolized in plasma by
peudocholinesterase enzyme, and some in the
Cocaine is only exception (liver mostly)
• People, who lack the enzyme, are at risk of an
overdose by the ester type local anaesthetic
• Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) is the major
metabolite of ester with no anaesthetic effect
– It is the agent responsible for ester allergies.
Amide Drugs:
• metabolized in the liver, except Prilocaine
which undergo some biotransformation in the
kidney and lungs.
• Some of the metabolites possess local
anaesthetic and sedative properties.
• Normal local anaesthetic dose in patient with
impaired liver function will result in relative
• Old age patient shows reduction in liver
»Reduce dose
Individual LA
Levo bupivacine
It is the most commonly used local anaesthetic
First synthesized by Lofgren and first used by Gordh.
Solution is very stable, not even decomposed by boiling.
Contains preservative methyl paraben.
pKa =7.8
It is also a class 1b antiarrhythmic drug.
Rapid onset of action and intermediate duration
of efficacy.
: 4% and 10%
: 1% and 2%
: 2%
:0. 5%(heavy)
: 1-2%
: 0.5%
• Surface (topical) analgesia
• Nerve blocks
• Urethral procedures(as jelly)
• Spinal
• Epidural
• Intravenous regional analgesia
(bier`s block)
Inflitration block
: 1-2%
• Without adrenaline
• With adrenaline
Without adrenaline
With adrenaline
: 45 to 60 minutes
: 2-3 hours
4.5 mg/kg(max 300 mg)
:7mg/kg(max 500 mg)
• The onset of action of about 45 to 90 sec
• t1/2 of lidocaine is biphasic and around 90–120 min in most
• metabolized(dealkylated) in the liver(95% )to
active metabolites mono ethyl glycine xylidide (MEGX)
• MEGX has a longer half-life than lidocaine, but less potent sodium
channel blocker.
• bound to the protein alpha1 acid glycoprotein.
• The oral bioavailability is 35% and the topical bioavailability is 3%.
• Lidocaine is excreted in the urine (90% as metabolites and 10% as
unchanged drug
• Systemic toxicity is much less than bupivicaine. CNS involvement
occurs at much lesser dose than CVS involvement.
• Lignocaine releases calcium from sacro-plasmic reticulum so
should not be used in patients with history of malignant
• Can cause cauda equina syndrome after continuous spinal.
Other uses…
• Used for treating ventricular tachycardia. Preservative free
lignocaine (xylocard 2%) is used intravenously in dose of 2 mg /kg.
• Intravenous xylocard is used to blunting cardiovascular response to
laryngoscopy and intubation.
long-acting amide and first produced as a pure
• It is less lipophilic than bupivacaine and is less
likely to penetrate large myelinated motor
fibres, resulting in a relatively reduced motor
• Thus, has a greater degree of motor sensory
• Enantiomers exist in two different spatial
• dextrorotatory (R+) &levorotatory (S-)
• R(+) and S(-) enantiomers have different
affinity for different ion channels of sodium,
potassium, and calcium;
• this results in a significant reduction in CNS
and cardiac toxicity of the S(-)enantiomer as
compared with the R(+)enantiomer.
• plasma concentration of depends on:-
- total dose administered
- route of administration
- haemodynamic and circulatory condition of
the patient
- vascularity of the administration site.
• When it was administered intravenously,its
pharmacokinetics were linear and dose
proportional up to 80 mg.
• The absorption of ropivacaine 150 mg from the
epidural space is complete and biphasic.
• The t1/2 of the initial phase 14 minutes,
• followed by a slower phase with a mean absorption
t1/2 of 4.2 hours.
• bound mainly to α1-acid glycoprotein.(94%)
• rapidly crosses the placenta .
• metabolised in the liver
• Excreated by kidney
• Infilteration - .2 – 0.5 % 200 mg
• PNB .5-1% 250 mg
• Epidural 0.5-1% 200 mg
• Labour pain 0.2 % 20-40 mg
• Caudal block 0.2% 2mg/kg
 Commonly used drug .
 It is a homologue of mepivacaine and is chemically related to
 The onset of action is rapid
 The duration of anesthesia is longer
 4 times more potent than lignocaine and mepivicaine.
 Available in 0.25% and .5 % solution & solution is very stable.
 It is highly toxic on the heart in overdose so it should not be
used in beir`s block
 Metabolised in liver
• Elimination half life is 3.5 hrs
• The very unique property of bupivacaine which make it local
anaesthetic of choice for post op pain relief and painless labour is it
wide sensory and motor blockade (means motor block will occur only
at higher concentrations making it LA of choice for labor analgesia)
• The drug crosses placenta barrier only a limited extent and its effect
on the baby is usually minimal.
• It is not used in topical anaesthesia.
• Injectable solution is 0.25% ,.5 % , 0.75 %.
• Bupivicaine has no severe interactions with other drugs
• Long acting local anaesthetic
• For nerve block
• Epidural
: 0.5%
:0.125 -0.5 %(depending
whether used for sensory block
or motor block)
• Spinal : 0.5 % (heavy)
• Without adrenaline
• With adrenaline
: 2-3 hours
: 3-5 hours
Addition of adrenaline has no effect on motor
blockade, it prolongs only duration of sensory
Without adrenaline
With adrenaline
:2.5mg/kg(max 175mg)
:3mg/kg (max 225mg)
Bupivacaine metabolism
•The possible pathways for bupivacaine
metabolism include aromatic hydroxylation, N-
dealkylation, amide hydrolysis, and
•The urinary excretion of bupivacaine and its
dealkylation and hydroxylation metabolites
account for >40% of the total anesthetic dose
 Rate of systemic absorption is dependent upon
 - dose and concentration of drug administered,
 -route of administration,
 -vascularity of the administration site,
 -the presence or absence of epinephrine in the preparation.
 Onset of action: 1-17 min
 Duration of action: 2-9 hr
 Time to peak plasma concentration (for peripheral, epidural or caudal
block): 30-45 min
 Protein binding: about 95%
 Metabolism: hepatic
 Excretion: renal (6% unchanged)
• Its far more cardiotoxic than lignocaine,it R component
contibutes more than S component
• It may cause dangerous and prolonged ventricular
dysrhythmias like tachycardia, extrasystole, cardiac
• Its high tissue binding and high protein binding makes
resuscitation after cardiac arrest proloned and very
• Absolutely contraindicated in biers block (IVRA)
• Recently introduced drug.
• it is the (S)-(–)-enantiomer of bupivacaine,
produces less vasodilation.
• Not used in topical anaesthesia.
• Less cardiotoxic than bupivicaine but higher than lignocaine.
• Neurotoxicity of levobupivicaine is also lesser than
• It is also contraindated in bier`s block and in severe
hypotension patients.
• Elimination half life is 2-2.6 hours
 Metabolised in liver excreated 70% by renal and 24 % in
 Dose is 2.5 mg/kg(without adrenaline).
 Duration of action is similar to bupivicaine.
 Lipid soluble & highly protein bound(97%)
 Onset of action – 8to 17 min
 Duration of action 3 to 4 hr.
 Rest pharmacology is similar to bupivicaine
Additives and modifiers
of LA activity
• Increasing dose: ↓latency of onset; ↑duration, ↑block
success, ↑[LA]
• Vasoconstrictors: ↑duration, ↑block success, ↓[LA]
• α2 agonists: ↑duration,↑[LA]
• Opioids: ↑duration; permit ↓LA dose
• Alkalinization (usually NaHCO3): ↓latency of onset,
• Pregnancy: ↑dermatomal spread, ↑LA potency, ↑free
blood ( doses should be decreased in patients in all
stages of pregnancy.)
• EMLA:- Eutectic mixture of local anaesthetics
– 2.5% lox + 2.5% prilocaine
– Diffuse through intact skin to block neuronal
transmission from dermal receptors
– Dose- 1-2 gm per 10 cm² area under occlusive dressing
– Used for skin graft harvesting, i.v.cannulation,
cauterising genital warts, circumcision
– To be applied 45-60 min prior to procedure
– Low frequency USG speeds the onset
– Side effects:- skin reactions like pruritus, edema,
erythema and rash may cause methemoglobinemia in
children<3 mth or patients on oxidising drugs like
sulphonamides, paracetamol, phenytoin, NTG.
– LA injected in the vicinity of peripheral nerve or plexus
– LA diffuse from mantle to core across a conc gradient
– Proximal anatomic structures are first to be anaesthetized
and first to regain sensation
– Sequence of onset & recovery in a mixed nerve depends
more on the anatomic location of the fibres
• LA is injected into the subarachnoid space. Injection
is made heavy by adding dextrose or light by adding
• Lignocaine, Bupivacaine the two agents most
commonly used regularly in anesthesia practice.
When the anesthetic in injected outside the dura, the
technique is known as Epidural anesthesia.
I V R A (Bier’s Block)
• Intravenous regional anesthesia
• Agent of choice- Lignocaine (Xylocaine )
• 20 to 40 ml of 0.5 % Lidocaine is used
• Used for only for Upper Limb orthopedic
surgeries and others on Up. Limb.
- Analgesia: lidocaine as continuous infusion to maintain a
plasma conc 1-2 ug/ml. effective in post op pain & stump
-Cough suppressant: i.v. lignocaine in perioperative period
-Anti arrythmic: i.v. lignocaine (class I B drug) used in a dose
of 1.5mg/Kg
-Anti epileptic: suppression of grand mal seizures
Side Effects - Allergy
• Rare Events
• <1% of all adverse reactions
• Often systemic toxicity is attributed to allergy
• Esters are more likely to cause allergy
• Allergy is usually due to preservatives
– methyl paraben (structurally similar to PABA)
– Sodium metabisulphite
• Antibodies are made to preservatives not LA
• Known allergies to Ester LA do not preclude use of Amide LA
• Allergy determination
– History
– Skin testing
– Intradermal testing
Local Toxicity
 Range of symptoms: patch numbness to muscle weakness
 Often blamed on positioning during delivery
Transient Radicular Irritation
Severe pain lower back, buttocks, posterior thigh
Develops within 24 hours of dosing
May require opiods
Recovery usually in one week
Lidocaine and Mepivicaine implicated – dose
Less problems with bupivicaine, ropivicaine,
Cauda Equina Syndrome
 When diffuse injury across the lumbosacral plexus producing various
degree of sensory anesthesia
 Bowel and bladder sphincter dysfunction
 Paraplegia
 It is associated with use of hyperbaric 5%Lidocaine for continous spinal
Anterior Spinal Artery Syndrome
 Consist of lower extremity paresis with a variable sensory deficit that is
usually diagnosed as the neuronal blockade resolves
 Etiology is uncertain,thrombosis or spasm of anterior spinal artery is
 Difficult to distinguish from epidural hematoma / abscess
 Risk Factors
 Advanced age
 Peripheral Vascular Disease
Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity
(LAST ) it can occur after administration of an excessive dose, with
rapid absorption,or an accidental intravenous injection.
 The management of this toxicity can be challenging,
 In the case of cardiac toxicity, prolonged resuscitation efforts
may be necessary .
 Systemic toxicity is typicaly manifested as central nervous
system (CNS) toxicity or cardiovascular toxicity .
 dose causing CNS symptoms is typically lower than the dose
and concentration result in cardiovascular toxicity.
 This is because the CNS is more susceptible to local anesthetic
toxicity than the cardiovascular system.
-symptoms appear 1-5 minutes after the injection, (30 sec to 60
- Initially, patients experience symptoms of central nervous
system (CNS) excitement are:
- Circum oral and/or tongue numbness
-Metallic taste
-Visual and auditory disturbances (difficulty focusing and
With higher doses,initial CNS excitation is often followed by a
rapid CNS depression,features of:
- Muscle twitching
-Respiratory depression and arrest
-Cardiovascular depression and collapse
Acid-base status plays an important role.
-Acidosis and hypercarbia amplify the CNS effects by overdosing( decrease the
plasma protein
binding) and exacerbate cardiotoxicity.
-Hypercarbia enhances cerebral blood flow; so more drug reach to the
cerebral circulation
 signs and symptoms of CVS toxicity are:
-Chest pain
-Shortness of breath
-cardiac arrest
 Monitor electrocardiogram, blood pressure, and arterial
oxygen saturation.
 Keep talking to the patient– both during and after drug
 Be conservative with local anesthetic (LA) dose in patients
with advanced age, poor cardiac function, conduction
abnormalities, or abnormally low plasma protein concentration.
 Gentle aspiration of the syringes before every injection.
 Monitor the patient after high-dose blocks for 30 minutes.
 Be prepared: A plan for managing systemic local anesthetic
toxicity should be established in facilities where local anesthetics
are used.
 Current recommendations are to have 20% lipid emulsion
stocked close to sites where local anesthetics are used.
 Consider infusing lipid emulsion early to help prevent cardiac
 USG guided nerve block– if available
Treatment of Systemic LA Toxicity
• Get help and call for 20% lipid emulsion.
• Perform airway management. Hyperventilate with 100%
• Abolish the seizures
• Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation
• Epinephrine-controversial; may have to use higher doses
then recommended in ACLS.
• Consider using vasopressin to support circulation
• Alert the nearest facility having cardiopulmonary bypass
Perform lipid emulsion treatment
(for a 70-kg adult patient):
- Bolus 1.5 mL/kg intravenously over 1 minute (about 100
-Continuous infusion 0.25 mL/kg per minute (about 500
mL over 30 minutes)
-Repeat bolus every 5 minutes for persistent
cardiovascular collapse.
-Double the infusion rate if blood pressure returns but
remains low.
-Continue infusion for a minimum of 30 minutes.
• It is lipid emulsion to treat severe, systemic
drug toxicity or poisoning.
• It was originally developed to treat local
anesthetic toxicity, also occur in other
situations where patients receive local
anesthetic injections.
• It also effective antidote for poisoning or
overdose caused by a wide array of other
(non-local anesthetic) lipophilic agents.
Proposed Mechanisms
• lipids reversing toxicity by increasing clearance from
cardiac tissue.
• This nonspecific, observed extraction of local
anesthetics from aqueous plasma or cardiac tissues
is termed a “lipid sink.”
• Another proposed mechanism is that lipids
counteract local anesthetic inhibition of myocardial
fatty acid oxidation, thereby enabling energy
production and reversing cardiac depression
technical failure to deliver the drug
insufficient dosage
Incorrect technique
injecting LA in a site of inflammation
genetic cause
Local anaesthetics

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Local anaesthetics

  • 1. Local Anaesthetics Gaurav joshi PG 1 Resident Dept of Anaesthesia SPMC,Bikaner
  • 2. Outline of discussion  Introduction  History  Properties of Ideal LA  Classification of LA  Physiology,biochemistry &Mechanism of action of LA  Factors affecting LA  Metabolism  Individual agents Lignocaine ,Bupivacaine, Levo bupivacaine, Ropivacine  Systemic effects and toxicity  Treatment & prevention of toxicity
  • 3. INTRODUCTION • Local anesthetics are drugs that produce a reversible conduction blockade of impulses along central and peripheral nerve pathways • In addition to blockade of impulses, local anesthetics can inhibit various receptors, enhance release of glutamate, and depress the activity of certain intracellular signaling pathways. • When local anesthetics are given systemically , the functions of cardiac, skeletal, and smooth muscle, as well as transmission of impulses in the central and peripheral nervous systems and within the specialized conducting system of the heart, can all be altered.
  • 4. HISTORY • 1884- cocaine, 1st LA introduced by KarlKoller & first used in opthalmology. • HALSTED- used it to block nerve conduction. • 1905- 1st synthetic LA – procaine itroducedby Einhorn. • 1943-Lidocaine, 1st amide LA –LoFGREN.
  • 5. Properties of Ideal local Anaesthetic: Possess a specific and reversible action. • They stabilize all excitable membrane including motor neurones • CNS is extremely sensitive to its action. Non-irritant with no permanent damage to tissues. No Systemic toxicity • High therapeutic ratio. Rapid onset and long duration Active Topically or by injection
  • 6. BASIC STRUCTURE • Local Anesthetic Molecule contains a tertiary amine attached to a substituted aromatic ring by an intermediate chain that almost always contains either an ester or amide linkage • The aromatic ring system gives a lipophilic character to its portion of the molecule, whereas the tertiary amine is relatively hydrophilic, since it is partially protonated and bears some positive charge in the physiologic pH range
  • 7. STRUCTURE:- • Aromatic Ring – fat soluble (hydrophobic) • Terminal Amine – water soluble (hydrophillic) • Ampophoteric character
  • 8. CLASSIFICATION Local anaesthetics are classified on the basis of chemical structure and on the duration of action.
  • 9. BASED ON CHEMICAL STRUCTURE • Chemically local anaesthetics consists of a benzene ring separated from tertiary amide either by ester or amide linkage. Based on this intermediate chain these are classified as aminoesters and aminoamides.
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  • 12. E S T E R S • Short duration of action • Less intense analgesia • Higher risk of hypersensitivity ESTER linked LA s are rarely used. • Hydrolyzed by Plasma Cholinesterase in blood. • Rarely used for Infiltration anesthesia • But useful for topical ana on mucous membranes. A M I D E S • Produce more intense and longer lasting ana. • Bind to alpha1 acid glycoprotein in plasma • Not hydrolyzed by Plasma Cholinesterase, but in liver • Rarely cause hypersensitivity reactions- no cross reactivity with ESTER L A s.
  • 13. BASED ON DURATION OF ACTION AND POTENCY SHORT DURATION, LOW POTENCY Chloroprocaine(shortest duration) Procaine INTERMEDIATE DURATION, INTERMEDIATE POTENCY Lignocaine Mepivacaine Prilocaine cocaine
  • 14. LONG DURATION, HIGH POTENCY •Bupivacaine. •Levo bupivacaine. •Tetracaine •Etidocaine •Dibucaine(longest duration). •Ropivacaine .
  • 15. Physiology, biochemistry & Mechanism of action of local anesthetics
  • 16. Physiochemical properties: • These are very important for local anaesthetic activity. • Ionization: • They are weak base and exist partly in an unionized and partly in an ionized form. • The proportion depend on: – the pKa or dissociation constant – The pH of the surrounding medium. • Both ionizing and unionizing form are important in producing local anaesthesia.
  • 17.  pKa is the pH at which the ionized and unionized form of an agent are present in equal amounts. The lower the pKa , the more the unionized form, the greater the lipid solubility. The higher the pKa , the more the ionized form and the slower the lipid solubility
  • 18. –Unionized form is able to cross the bi- lipid nerve membrane. –The ionized form then blocks conduction. –Some of the unionized inside the cell will become ionized depending upon the pKa and the intracellular pH (lower than extracellular)
  • 19. : –In general the amide type have lower pKa, and greater proportion of the drug is present in the lipid-soluble (unionized) form at the physiological pH –This produces faster onset of action –The lower the pKa the faster the onset.
  • 20. Partition coefficient: –This measures the relative solubility of an agent in fat and water. –High numerical value means: • High lipid-soluble • less water-soluble. –More fat solubility, means rapid crossing of the lipid barrier of the nerve sheath. –The greater partition coefficient, The faster the onset
  • 21. Protein binding: –Local anaesthetic agents bind with: • α1-acid glycoprotein, which possess high affinity but low capacity. • Albumin, with low affinity but high capacity –The binding is simple, reversible and tend to increase in proportion to the side chain. –Lignocaine is 65% bound, Bupivacaine is 95% –The duration of action is related to the degree of binding.
  • 22. Vasodilatory ability: –Most Local anaesthetics possess a vasodilatory action on blood vessels except Cocaine. –It influence the duration of action of the agent. –Prilocaine is 50% bound to proteins but has a longer duration than Lignocaine (65%) since it possess no strong vasodilatory effect. –Affect the duration of action of the agent
  • 23. Mechanism of Action • conduction of nerve impulses is mediated by action potential (AP) generation along axon • Cationic form of anesthetic binds at inner surface of Na+channel – preventing Na+influx (rising phase of membrane potential) which initiates AP → blockade of nerve impulses (e.g., those mediating pain)
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  • 26. Mechanism – Other Targets • Voltage dependent K+ channels • Ca2+ Channels (L type) • Possibly G-protein coupled receptors
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  • 29. Differential sensory/motor blockade:- Sensory > motor at lower conc. of ropivacaine & bupivacaine Useful when selecting an agent for ambulatory labour analgesia or post op analgesia.  For the same diameter, myelinated nerves will be blocked before unmyelinated nerves  Nerves that fire frequently are preferentially blocked over nerves that fire infrequently.
  • 30. Cm – Minimum Concentration • Cm is the minimum concentration of a LA to produce a conduction blockade • Analogous to MAC for inhaled Anesthetics • Factors Affecting Cm – Nerve Fiber diameter (increases) – Increased tissue pH (decreases) – Increased rates of nerve firing (decreases) – Length of nerve exposed to LA (longer better block) • Unique to each LA • Cm for motor neuron roughly 2X sensory neuron
  • 31. Fate & Metabolism: Metabolism of Ester drugs: • Metabolized in plasma by peudocholinesterase enzyme, and some in the liver. Cocaine is only exception (liver mostly) • People, who lack the enzyme, are at risk of an overdose by the ester type local anaesthetic • Para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) is the major metabolite of ester with no anaesthetic effect – It is the agent responsible for ester allergies.
  • 32. Amide Drugs: • metabolized in the liver, except Prilocaine which undergo some biotransformation in the kidney and lungs. • Some of the metabolites possess local anaesthetic and sedative properties. • Normal local anaesthetic dose in patient with impaired liver function will result in relative overdosage. • Old age patient shows reduction in liver function »Reduce dose
  • 34. LIGNOCAINE (XYLOCAINE, LIDOCAINE) It is the most commonly used local anaesthetic First synthesized by Lofgren and first used by Gordh. Solution is very stable, not even decomposed by boiling. Contains preservative methyl paraben. pKa =7.8
  • 35. It is also a class 1b antiarrhythmic drug. Rapid onset of action and intermediate duration of efficacy.
  • 36. CONCENTRATION USED : 4% and 10% : 1% and 2% : 2% :0. 5%(heavy) : 1-2% : 0.5% • Surface (topical) analgesia • Nerve blocks • Urethral procedures(as jelly) • Spinal • Epidural • Intravenous regional analgesia (bier`s block) Inflitration block : 1-2%
  • 37. DURATION OF EFFECT • Without adrenaline • With adrenaline DOSE : Without adrenaline With adrenaline : 45 to 60 minutes : 2-3 hours : 4.5 mg/kg(max 300 mg) :7mg/kg(max 500 mg)
  • 38. Pharmacokinetics • The onset of action of about 45 to 90 sec • t1/2 of lidocaine is biphasic and around 90–120 min in most patients • metabolized(dealkylated) in the liver(95% )to active metabolites mono ethyl glycine xylidide (MEGX) • MEGX has a longer half-life than lidocaine, but less potent sodium channel blocker. • bound to the protein alpha1 acid glycoprotein. • The oral bioavailability is 35% and the topical bioavailability is 3%. • Lidocaine is excreted in the urine (90% as metabolites and 10% as unchanged drug
  • 39. • Systemic toxicity is much less than bupivicaine. CNS involvement occurs at much lesser dose than CVS involvement. • Lignocaine releases calcium from sacro-plasmic reticulum so should not be used in patients with history of malignant hyperthermia. • Can cause cauda equina syndrome after continuous spinal. Other uses… • Used for treating ventricular tachycardia. Preservative free lignocaine (xylocard 2%) is used intravenously in dose of 2 mg /kg. • Intravenous xylocard is used to blunting cardiovascular response to laryngoscopy and intubation.
  • 40. Ropivacaine long-acting amide and first produced as a pure enantiomer. • It is less lipophilic than bupivacaine and is less likely to penetrate large myelinated motor fibres, resulting in a relatively reduced motor blockade. • Thus, has a greater degree of motor sensory differentiation.
  • 41. • Enantiomers exist in two different spatial configurations, • dextrorotatory (R+) &levorotatory (S-) • R(+) and S(-) enantiomers have different affinity for different ion channels of sodium, potassium, and calcium; • this results in a significant reduction in CNS and cardiac toxicity of the S(-)enantiomer as compared with the R(+)enantiomer.
  • 42. PHARMACOKINETICS • plasma concentration of depends on:- - total dose administered - route of administration - haemodynamic and circulatory condition of the patient - vascularity of the administration site. • When it was administered intravenously,its pharmacokinetics were linear and dose proportional up to 80 mg.
  • 43. • The absorption of ropivacaine 150 mg from the epidural space is complete and biphasic. • The t1/2 of the initial phase 14 minutes, • followed by a slower phase with a mean absorption t1/2 of 4.2 hours. • bound mainly to α1-acid glycoprotein.(94%) • rapidly crosses the placenta . • metabolised in the liver • Excreated by kidney
  • 44. Usage • Infilteration - .2 – 0.5 % 200 mg • PNB .5-1% 250 mg • Epidural 0.5-1% 200 mg • Labour pain 0.2 % 20-40 mg • Caudal block 0.2% 2mg/kg
  • 45. BUPIVACAINE  Commonly used drug .  It is a homologue of mepivacaine and is chemically related to lidocaine  The onset of action is rapid  The duration of anesthesia is longer  4 times more potent than lignocaine and mepivicaine.  Available in 0.25% and .5 % solution & solution is very stable.  It is highly toxic on the heart in overdose so it should not be used in beir`s block  Metabolised in liver • Elimination half life is 3.5 hrs
  • 46. • The very unique property of bupivacaine which make it local anaesthetic of choice for post op pain relief and painless labour is it wide sensory and motor blockade (means motor block will occur only at higher concentrations making it LA of choice for labor analgesia) • The drug crosses placenta barrier only a limited extent and its effect on the baby is usually minimal. • It is not used in topical anaesthesia. • Injectable solution is 0.25% ,.5 % , 0.75 %. • Bupivicaine has no severe interactions with other drugs • Long acting local anaesthetic
  • 47. CONCENTRATION USED • For nerve block • Epidural : 0.5% :0.125 -0.5 %(depending whether used for sensory block or motor block) • Spinal : 0.5 % (heavy)
  • 48. DURATION OF EFFECT • Without adrenaline • With adrenaline : 2-3 hours : 3-5 hours Addition of adrenaline has no effect on motor blockade, it prolongs only duration of sensory block. DOSE Without adrenaline With adrenaline :2.5mg/kg(max 175mg) :3mg/kg (max 225mg)
  • 49. Bupivacaine metabolism •The possible pathways for bupivacaine metabolism include aromatic hydroxylation, N- dealkylation, amide hydrolysis, and conjugation. •The urinary excretion of bupivacaine and its dealkylation and hydroxylation metabolites account for >40% of the total anesthetic dose
  • 50. Pharmacokinetics  Rate of systemic absorption is dependent upon  - dose and concentration of drug administered,  -route of administration,  -vascularity of the administration site,  -the presence or absence of epinephrine in the preparation.  Onset of action: 1-17 min  Duration of action: 2-9 hr  Time to peak plasma concentration (for peripheral, epidural or caudal block): 30-45 min  Protein binding: about 95%  Metabolism: hepatic  Excretion: renal (6% unchanged)
  • 51. • Its far more cardiotoxic than lignocaine,it R component contibutes more than S component • It may cause dangerous and prolonged ventricular dysrhythmias like tachycardia, extrasystole, cardiac arrest • Its high tissue binding and high protein binding makes resuscitation after cardiac arrest proloned and very difficult. • Absolutely contraindicated in biers block (IVRA) Toxicity
  • 52. LEVOBUPIVICAINE • Recently introduced drug. • it is the (S)-(–)-enantiomer of bupivacaine, produces less vasodilation. • Not used in topical anaesthesia. • Less cardiotoxic than bupivicaine but higher than lignocaine. • Neurotoxicity of levobupivicaine is also lesser than bupivicaine. • It is also contraindated in bier`s block and in severe hypotension patients. • Elimination half life is 2-2.6 hours
  • 53.  Metabolised in liver excreated 70% by renal and 24 % in faecal  Dose is 2.5 mg/kg(without adrenaline).  Duration of action is similar to bupivicaine.  Lipid soluble & highly protein bound(97%)  Onset of action – 8to 17 min  Duration of action 3 to 4 hr.  Rest pharmacology is similar to bupivicaine
  • 54. Additives and modifiers of LA activity • Increasing dose: ↓latency of onset; ↑duration, ↑block success, ↑[LA] • Vasoconstrictors: ↑duration, ↑block success, ↓[LA] • α2 agonists: ↑duration,↑[LA] • Opioids: ↑duration; permit ↓LA dose • Alkalinization (usually NaHCO3): ↓latency of onset, ↑potency • Pregnancy: ↑dermatomal spread, ↑LA potency, ↑free blood ( doses should be decreased in patients in all stages of pregnancy.)
  • 56. • EMLA:- Eutectic mixture of local anaesthetics – 2.5% lox + 2.5% prilocaine – Diffuse through intact skin to block neuronal transmission from dermal receptors – Dose- 1-2 gm per 10 cm² area under occlusive dressing – Used for skin graft harvesting, i.v.cannulation, cauterising genital warts, circumcision – To be applied 45-60 min prior to procedure – Low frequency USG speeds the onset – Side effects:- skin reactions like pruritus, edema, erythema and rash may cause methemoglobinemia in children<3 mth or patients on oxidising drugs like sulphonamides, paracetamol, phenytoin, NTG.
  • 57. PERIPHERAL NERVE BLOCKS:- – LA injected in the vicinity of peripheral nerve or plexus – LA diffuse from mantle to core across a conc gradient – Proximal anatomic structures are first to be anaesthetized and first to regain sensation – Sequence of onset & recovery in a mixed nerve depends more on the anatomic location of the fibres
  • 58. SPINAL ANAESTHESIA • LA is injected into the subarachnoid space. Injection is made heavy by adding dextrose or light by adding saline. • Lignocaine, Bupivacaine the two agents most commonly used regularly in anesthesia practice.
  • 59. EPIDURAL ANAESTHESIA: When the anesthetic in injected outside the dura, the technique is known as Epidural anesthesia.
  • 60. I V R A (Bier’s Block) • Intravenous regional anesthesia • Agent of choice- Lignocaine (Xylocaine ) • 20 to 40 ml of 0.5 % Lidocaine is used • Used for only for Upper Limb orthopedic surgeries and others on Up. Limb.
  • 61. OTHER USES:- - Analgesia: lidocaine as continuous infusion to maintain a plasma conc 1-2 ug/ml. effective in post op pain & stump pain. -Cough suppressant: i.v. lignocaine in perioperative period -Anti arrythmic: i.v. lignocaine (class I B drug) used in a dose of 1.5mg/Kg -Anti epileptic: suppression of grand mal seizures -Bronchodilation
  • 62. Side Effects - Allergy • Rare Events • <1% of all adverse reactions • Often systemic toxicity is attributed to allergy • Esters are more likely to cause allergy – PABA • Allergy is usually due to preservatives – methyl paraben (structurally similar to PABA) – Sodium metabisulphite • Antibodies are made to preservatives not LA • Known allergies to Ester LA do not preclude use of Amide LA • Allergy determination – History – Skin testing – Intradermal testing
  • 63. Local Toxicity Neurotoxicity  Range of symptoms: patch numbness to muscle weakness  Often blamed on positioning during delivery Transient Radicular Irritation Severe pain lower back, buttocks, posterior thigh Develops within 24 hours of dosing May require opiods Recovery usually in one week Lidocaine and Mepivicaine implicated – dose dependent Less problems with bupivicaine, ropivicaine, tetracaine
  • 64. Cauda Equina Syndrome  When diffuse injury across the lumbosacral plexus producing various degree of sensory anesthesia  Bowel and bladder sphincter dysfunction  Paraplegia  It is associated with use of hyperbaric 5%Lidocaine for continous spinal anaesthesia Anterior Spinal Artery Syndrome  Consist of lower extremity paresis with a variable sensory deficit that is usually diagnosed as the neuronal blockade resolves  Etiology is uncertain,thrombosis or spasm of anterior spinal artery is possible  Difficult to distinguish from epidural hematoma / abscess  Risk Factors  Advanced age  Peripheral Vascular Disease
  • 65. Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity (LAST ) it can occur after administration of an excessive dose, with rapid absorption,or an accidental intravenous injection.  The management of this toxicity can be challenging,  In the case of cardiac toxicity, prolonged resuscitation efforts may be necessary .  Systemic toxicity is typicaly manifested as central nervous system (CNS) toxicity or cardiovascular toxicity .  dose causing CNS symptoms is typically lower than the dose and concentration result in cardiovascular toxicity.  This is because the CNS is more susceptible to local anesthetic toxicity than the cardiovascular system.
  • 66. -symptoms appear 1-5 minutes after the injection, (30 sec to 60 min) - Initially, patients experience symptoms of central nervous system (CNS) excitement are: - Circum oral and/or tongue numbness -Metallic taste -Lightheadedness -Dizziness -Visual and auditory disturbances (difficulty focusing and tinnitus) -Disorientation -Drowsiness
  • 67. With higher doses,initial CNS excitation is often followed by a rapid CNS depression,features of: - Muscle twitching -Convulsions -Unconsciousness -Coma -Respiratory depression and arrest -Cardiovascular depression and collapse Acid-base status plays an important role. -Acidosis and hypercarbia amplify the CNS effects by overdosing( decrease the plasma protein binding) and exacerbate cardiotoxicity. -Hypercarbia enhances cerebral blood flow; so more drug reach to the cerebral circulation
  • 68.  signs and symptoms of CVS toxicity are: -Chest pain -Shortness of breath -Palpitations -Lightheadedness -Diaphoresis -Hypotension -Syncope -arrythemia -cardiac arrest
  • 69. Prevention  Monitor electrocardiogram, blood pressure, and arterial oxygen saturation.  Keep talking to the patient– both during and after drug administration  Be conservative with local anesthetic (LA) dose in patients with advanced age, poor cardiac function, conduction abnormalities, or abnormally low plasma protein concentration.  Gentle aspiration of the syringes before every injection.  Monitor the patient after high-dose blocks for 30 minutes.  Be prepared: A plan for managing systemic local anesthetic toxicity should be established in facilities where local anesthetics are used.  Current recommendations are to have 20% lipid emulsion stocked close to sites where local anesthetics are used.  Consider infusing lipid emulsion early to help prevent cardiac toxicity.  USG guided nerve block– if available
  • 70. Treatment of Systemic LA Toxicity • Get help and call for 20% lipid emulsion. • Perform airway management. Hyperventilate with 100% oxygen. • Abolish the seizures • Perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation • Epinephrine-controversial; may have to use higher doses then recommended in ACLS. • Consider using vasopressin to support circulation • Alert the nearest facility having cardiopulmonary bypass capability.
  • 71. Perform lipid emulsion treatment (for a 70-kg adult patient): - Bolus 1.5 mL/kg intravenously over 1 minute (about 100 mL) -Continuous infusion 0.25 mL/kg per minute (about 500 mL over 30 minutes) -Repeat bolus every 5 minutes for persistent cardiovascular collapse. -Double the infusion rate if blood pressure returns but remains low. -Continue infusion for a minimum of 30 minutes.
  • 72. LipidRescue • It is lipid emulsion to treat severe, systemic drug toxicity or poisoning. • It was originally developed to treat local anesthetic toxicity, also occur in other situations where patients receive local anesthetic injections. • It also effective antidote for poisoning or overdose caused by a wide array of other (non-local anesthetic) lipophilic agents.
  • 73. Proposed Mechanisms • lipids reversing toxicity by increasing clearance from cardiac tissue. • This nonspecific, observed extraction of local anesthetics from aqueous plasma or cardiac tissues is termed a “lipid sink.” • Another proposed mechanism is that lipids counteract local anesthetic inhibition of myocardial fatty acid oxidation, thereby enabling energy production and reversing cardiac depression
  • 74. LOCAL ANAESTHETIC FAILURE technical failure to deliver the drug insufficient dosage Incorrect technique injecting LA in a site of inflammation genetic cause