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Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media
Unit 15:
Print Based Advertising
St. Andrew’s Catholic School –
Center Number: 64135
Name: Tom Evenden
Candidate Number: 2048
Unit 15 Overview
Slide 25 … Regulatory Bodies
Slide 26 … Method - How else was Adele and the tour advertised?
Slide 27 … Method – Billboard
Slide 28 … Method – Shock Tactics
Slide 29 … Method – Release of the Poster and audio-visual
Slide 30 … Evaluation of Audio-Visual Advertisement
Slide 31 … Target Audience
Slide 32 … Target Audience
Slide 33 … Target Audience
Slide 34 … Target Audience
Slide 35 … Target Audience
Slide 36 … Representation
Slide 37 … Representation
Slide 38 … Representation
Slide 39 … Campaign Message
Slide 40 … Sponsorship
Slide 41 … How does this all appeal to the target audience?
Slide 42 … (M1) Advertisements produced in different media linked
Slide 43 … Similarities and Differences
Slide 44 … Conclusion
Slide 4 … Aims and Objectives
Slide 5 … Aims and Objectives (Continued)
Slide 6 … Target Audience
Slide 7 … Target Audience
Slide 8 … Target Audience
Slide 9 … Target Audience
Slide 10 … Target Audience
Slide 11 … Spending Power
Slide 12 … Representation
Slide 13 … Representation
Slide 14 … How are people being represented within the
Slide 15 … What kinds of stereotypes are being used?
Slide 16 … Consider why representations are used in advertising
and the appeal that they have in conveying meaning to the
Slide 17 … Campaign Message
Slide 18 … Logo
Slide 19 … Print-based Advertisements used in the campaign
Slide 20 … Print-based Advertisements used in the campaign and
Slide 21 … Legal & Ethical
Slide 22 … Legal & Ethical - Continued
Slide 23 … Public Interest
Slide 24 … Violence and Offence
Aims and Objectives
The advertising campaign for this is for
Adele’s 2016 Tour. It was created to
promote and create awareness for the
upcoming tour Adele will be doing in
March till November 2016 around
Europe and America.
For this advertisement picture, it clearly
conveys that the tour is about Adele due
to the fact that her face is the main
attraction over the image. The image is
also seen to be very exciting because it is
the same picture that Adele has for her
newest album ’25’ which connotes to
viewers that Adele will be including and
singing her new songs on her Tour.
Aims and Objectives (Continued)
To help advertise the campaign, a
website was put up over the internet on
26th November 2015.
Within the site, the day it had become
active, a video was put up, and over
YouTube, where Adele had finally
announced she was going to go on tour.
Later on, Adele tickets were available for
purchase for around the different
locations where Adele was holding her
Now available on the site are photos,
videos of the tour Adele has started.
There is also links to points where
Adele’s album is available for purchase
(for example ‘iTunes’).
Target Audience
This poster will help keep viewers excited
for the tour because of the fact that it
includes the exact picture on the poster as
the picture for Adele’s new album of 25.
The tour also helps viewers to become
‘social climbers’ because the poster
includes the website URL for Adele’s tour
where viewers can go online for more
This is helpful because then the viewers can
get even more information about Adele’s
tour in order to get some tickets to go and
see her. From here the website can convey
more pictures, videos and a note from
Adele herself in order to keep up the
excitement of the tour.
Through the use of this advertisement it
manages to ‘inform’ the public of what is
happening with Adele’s album and tour
where people can purchase the album,
book tickets and view photos and videos
linked to Adele. This is located towards
the bottom of the page where the viewer
can see where Adele will be touring
around the world. For example ‘
Belfast, UK’.
Target Audience
Socio-economic Needs
The tour is not certain which specific social class it is
aimed for. However the look of the poster looks like it is
aimed for ABC1E due to who it is, and what the music is
A – The poster links to the Grade A because the poster’s
content looks professional and managerial which ties into
what this social class is looking for.
B – The poster grabs the attention of the social class in
Grade B for similar reasons to Grade A because of the
presentation of the poster itself to make it eye-catching,
reliable and professional.
C1 – Grade C1 would be impressed by this poster due to
how this poster manages to inform the social class what
Adele is going to be doing with her tour and where she
will be holding it.
E – Non-working (Grade E) class would find themselves
attracted to the tour poster because of Adele herself. The
fact that this poster is advertising Adele, excites the social
class due to the genre of the music that Adele has written
for her fans. This poster will excite the class because of
the Artist – which is probably one of the reasons Adele’s
face was put in the picture.
Target Audience
Psychographic segmentation divides the
market into groups based on social class,
lifestyle and personality characteristics.
The tour is aimed for the ‘explorer’
group. This is because of the colours
used to help emphasize the energy the
poster has through the use of colour.
Although it is kept looking neat and
professional, the colours, such as red,
help make the poster more eye-catching
for viewers. Also the energy is conveyed
by having Adele’s picture on the poster.
This is due to the type of music Adele has
made which can excite the viewers
because of their love for her music.
Target Audience
Hartley’s 7 Subjectives
• Age: Anybody at any age can go. It is only recommended however that any
child who is under 12 years of age is accompanied by an adult if a child
would like to go to the concert.
• Gender: There is no restriction of gender for the tour as Adele writes her
songs for anyone.
• Class: There is no class required at the concert due to the fact that Adele
has not written any of her songs for a particular class.
• Nationality: The concert does not expect a nationality for specific people
as Adele has her songs written for the world. So the nationalities the
poster will consider is Europeans and Americans as these are in the
regions of where Adele will be travelling.
Target Audience
Pass along audience
Pass along audiences are viewers which will purchase items that
are second hand.
The posters will appeal to this range of viewers because they will
not have to purchase a copy, but acknowledge the existence of
the tour in order for viewers to get involved with the live
For example the viewers may find a free copy of a newspaper,
within the paper they may find an advertisement which is a
smaller copy of poster.
Spending Power
For the tour to make some money, the tour put
up a website. Within the website, when it first
started off, Adele had put up a video to announce
and advertise the tour.
Also, from the website, tickets were available for
purchase – this was the main area for fans to buy
their tickets to go to the tour.
Soon after tickets were sold out. For fans who
were unable to pay the full amount, or reach the
site in time, a ‘Buy spare tickets’ feature was
brought to the website. From here fans could go
onto the site to pay less money for extra seats
that other fans could not go to.
The ticket exchange appeals to the target
audience due to the price range and exchange
feature itself. This is because the actual original
price could suit the more higher class of the
audiences and leave the exchange cheaper prices
for more of the lower target audiences. For
example 1 ticket is available for purchase in
section 112/Row U for a price of £96.50.
Laura Mulvey
The poster used for the tour can be
thought of as the ‘male gaze’ due to
the fact that Adele is on the poster.
This is because Adele is seen as a
particularly attractive person for
male viewers and this can help get
more and more tickets.
Male may gaze at Adele because she
looks attractive because of her eye-
liner and blusher to make her
cheekbones stand out.
The fact that Adele is looking at the
camera, directs the poster to
John Berger
This poster can be seen to the idea of ‘women appear’ because within the picture,
Adele is modeling for the image. As also seen in the image, Adele is wearing make up
for the poster to help her keep up her appearance.
This means that stereotypically this poster will attract the attention of the male
gender because of how Adele has represented herself in the image she chose to pick,
without causing offense.
How are people being represented
within the advertisements?
Within the image of Adele’s face is
seen to be relaxed. This gives the
impression to viewers that Adele’s
tour will be relaxing and enjoyable
due to how she will present her
music. The fact that Adele is looking
at the camera leaves viewers to think
that the tour is directed at
themselves as individuals which can
help appeal viewers to buy some
What kinds of stereotypes are being
Within the poster the use of colour
helps to appeal to the stereotypical
age range of the audience. This is
because it is a more grown up
looking poster to advertise the tour.
By using the three colours black,
white and red, it help to keep the
poster looking neat and professional.
This would help appeal to the target
audience because having a
professional look can help make the
tour seem more official to the public
and help want them to go out and
buy the tickets.
Consider why representations are used in advertising and the
appeal that they have in conveying meaning to the audience
All of these different types of advertising
are used to help keep audiences and fans
excited for new music that will be coming
as Adele had never done an official tour
before around the globe.
Not only having the tour, but the ways of
advertisements by appearing as a guest,
photos and videos all help appeal to fans
because Adele had not made many
appearances officially since 2013.
By having Adele come back, it helps to keep
fans entertained for millions of people
loved Adele in 2012 due to her fantastic
music. Adele has won 10 Grammys, 5 Brit
awards, 1 academy award, 12 Billboard
music awards, 1 MTV award, 1 Juno Award,
1 Kids Choice Award and a Golden Globe.
Campaign Message
Is there a slogan?
For the tour, there is no official slogan. This
is probably because not many tours do
actually use a slogan for their tour.
However, there is a unique selling point in
the poster. For example the use of colour
helps grab the attention of viewers.
For the hard-core fans, they will more
alerted because Adele’s picture is on the
The use of colour is very eye-catching.
Having black, , red as the main
colours helps to keep the poster looking
professional. For example, the red is very
eye-catching to get the attention of many
different people. The red can also was used
to convey where the locations are to
separate it from the dates.'s+tour
The tour has not got an official tour
logo. Instead, it seems that the logo
for Adele’s album ‘25’ has been used.
‘Adele 25’ was most likely picked as a
logo because this was her most latest
album which concludes the end to
her trilogy of ‘19’ (2008), ‘21’ (2011)
and ‘25’ (2015) which are going to be
included in the tour as well as Adele
has officially said “I believe in
Print-based Advertisements used in the campaign
Adele did many other forms of advertising, not just
below the line marketing, but also above the line.
Adele has a Facebook and Twitter page in order for
other users to follow or like her pages. This manages
to give the users the most recent message or ‘tweet’
from Adele so everyone can learn about her tour.
Facebook was one of the major ways in how people
found out Adele was going on tour as she had made
a video and posted it on her website and Facebook
Adele also had adverts made in order to keep people
excited. For example there was a snippet advert
where the first few lines of her hit song ‘Hello’ was
put up with no information. This seemed confusing
at first due to how Adele had already released her
album but then rumors had started over social sites
of what the advert was about until finally Adele
announced what she was doing.
Print-based Advertisements used in the
campaign and copyright
What were the main types of
advertisements for the tour?
The tour had been advertised mostly
through below the line marketing. This
means that the tour has been advertised
over on the internet.
For example, there has been an Adele
Facebook account set up for people to
like, share and get tickets.
The tour also includes T-shirt marketing.
The t-shirts have been made for the tour
for people who want to prove they are a
fan of Adele and keep it as a memory
that they went on Adele’s tour.
Is there any legal information on
the advert?
From looking at the poster itself as one
of the main ways of advertisement, there
is no clear legal information sited.
On Adele’s website, there is a privacy
policy link noted. The policy explains the
laws of England and Wales that are
adapted to the site and most likely the
tour within the site. The users of the site
who wish to sign up must make sure they
must abide by the laws, otherwise the
user is unable to sign up due to the
hazard that the laws may be broken.
Legal & Ethical
Firstly, model release is considered
important through print-based media
products. This is where a company will
create a form for a model to sign in order
for a photographer to take their picture.
The form manages to make sure that
both the model will know what he/she
will be doing, as well as the
photographer knowing exactly that the
model is completely comfortable with
what they are doing, and taking through
no legal issues.
Copyright is one of the most important
example that has to be considered.
Copyright arises automatically when a
work that qualifies for protection is
The work must be original. This means it
needs to originate with the author who
will have used some judgment or skill to
create the work. There is no need in the
UK to register copyright. When an idea is
committed to paper or another fixed
form, it can be protected by copyright.
For copyright to be allowed, the person
must be give the full permission to use
inspiring ideas from the certain
Intellectual Property is having the right
to protect and stop people stealing or
copying the product. This links to the
poster because the poster therefore
must have been given the rights to make
sure their the poster can not be copied
unless permission is given.
Libel is where defamation is expressed
through print, writing, pictures, signs etc.
This will link to defamation of print
because the poster is a printed product
to promote the tour. This has to be
considered in advertising. The tour has
taken this into consideration by
advertising over different platforms of
advertising (for example a website, a
social site account etc.) to make sure no
one can cause any defamation to the
advertisement – and get even more
popularity by putting advertisements
around many different places.
A royalties payment is made to the legal
owner of the poster if another person
would like to use it for generating
revenue. This would be relevant to the
owner of this poster in case somebody
else would like to have legal ownership
of this poster for their own purposes.
Legal & Ethical - Continued
Public Interest
Public interest is when a idea has the welfare of the
public in mind which is approved through promotion.
This is one of the most important considerations to
consider. This is because everything relies on the
public’s view in this idea due to the poster being
designed for the public.
Acknowledging that Adele was a huge hit when
releasing her album ‘21’ and ’25’, the designers most
likely took the public’s thoughts into consideration so
the poster could be more eye-catching with Adele’s
face on the poster – particularly with the same ‘25’
album picture on the poster.
Additionally, this was taken into consideration for
various other different ways in advertising (for
example Adele had a Facebook page so viewers could
like, comment and subscribe).
From all of this marketing, there was most likely a
huge loss of money through every way they were
advertising. However, the more advertising there
was, the more people knew about the tour and
therefore managed to buy tickets to see her (which
was why all of the UK tickets were sold out in the
first week!). This would manage for Adele’s tour to
win back their money – and even make a profit.
Violence and Offence
To make sure the tour can be advertised in a positive
way, the poster must not be offensive to it’s target
This is because it may anger some of the viewers and
therefore lead to some or even no tickets being sold. This
would be terrible for the tour because a lot of money
would be wasted into getting the tour off the ground and
unable to win their money back, or get a profit, due to
the poster looking offensive.
This was seen in 1990 when singer Madonna did a world
tour at Wembley Stadium. The poster included the
information, such as dates and locations, but was
offensive to women due to the picture included (image
right). This managed to raise a lot of offence to women
because of how the poster was inappropriate for a world
tour poster. The poster was later taken down and
changed due to the fuss that many people had with what
Madonna had used for her image.
Luckily, Adele’s tour poster has not received any offence
of the look of the poster. This was most likely because of
how simple Adele has kept the look of the poster.
Regulatory Bodies
The Advertising Standards Authority
(ASA) is the main manager of all
known adverts in social media. ASA
are responsible to any complaints
from people and to make any
necessary changes to the reports.
ASA are also responsible for
companies’ advertisements to follow
their rules and regulations. For
example if a advert is discovered
where it is on the verge of the UK
Advertising Codes, they will take off
the advertisement completely.
Ofcom is a communications manager
in the UK. The company manages
radio, television, mobiles, postal
services etc. so that people can get
the best communication service and
are protected from scams and sharp
Ofcom also manages to keep to the
Communications Act (2003) in order
to remain under the law and keep
the trust of their customers.
Ofcom is funded from fees from the
industry as well as a grant-in-aid
from the Government.
Method - How else was Adele and the tour
The tour was not only advertised over one
print-based product, but also other different
Adele’s first advertisement was over on her
website where Adele had put together a video
to advertise where her tour was going.
Adele also did some advertisement of her
album within America by performing on
Saturday Night Live, The Late Late Show with
James Corden and visiting the famous chat-
show The Ellen Show.
Furthermore, Adele had her own show at the
beginning of the year with the BBC where
Adele performed, pranked and chatted with
Graham Norton.
All of these performances and chats helped
Adele to be brought back to be known and
further inform audiences about her tour.
Method – Billboard
Adele has also used the method of advertising on billboards around different locations. This is another form
of above the line marketing. The table below conveys the price of how much billboards would cost:
Price (per billboard) 1 month 3 months 6 months 12 months
London 6 sheet (3ft x 6ft) £300 £825 £1,500 £2,700
Regional 6 sheet (3ft x 6ft) £250 £675 £1,200 £2,100
London 16 sheet (6’6ft x 10 ft) £500 £1,425 £2,700 £5,100
Regional 16 sheet (6’6ft x 10ft) £400 £1,125 £2,100 £3,900
London 32 sheet (13.5ft x 10ft) £550 £1,575 £3,000 £5,700
Regional 32 sheet (13.5ft x 10ft) £450 £1,275 £2,400 £4,500
London 48 sheet (20ft x 10ft) £700 £1,950 £3,750 £7,200
Regional 48 sheet (20ft x 10ft) £650 £1,800 £3,450 £6,600
London 96 sheet (40ft x 10ft) £1,400 £3,900 £7,500 £14,400
Regional 96 sheet (40ft x 10ft) £1,300 £3,600 £6,900 £13,200
London Square (10ft x 10ft rear illuminated
price per face)
£650 £1,875 £3,600 £6,900
Method – Shock Tactics
Adele had many shock tactics but the
main shock was that Adele was
actually going to go on tour.
For the hardcore fans, they would know
that Adele does not like to perform
live due to her stage fright.
In August of 2015, the Daily Mail
released a article that Adele was not
going to perform live and that she
turned down an 80 million offer to go
on tour around the world.
This was then later conveyed a lied when
Adele released her poster and audio-
visual alongside the verbal code from
the audio-visual “I have been bluffing
this whole time and am so relived
that I am finally able to tell you I am,
of course, coming on tour.”
Method – Release of the Poster and
Both the poster and the audio-
visual were released on the
same day.
The audio visual was released on
the morning of November 26th
2015 (six days after she
released her album ‘25’) with
the posters being put up later
on the same day.
This was most likely done
because it managed to allow
fans to see both
advertisements and get ready
to buy tickets to see Adele – as
she does not do many
concerts or tours.
Evaluation of Audio-Visual Advertisement
Adele announced her tour though social media and on her website. Adele created a video
explaining she was “of course, coming on tour” and where she was going with it. The video
was released on Facebook and her official website.
To help keep viewers entertained, the clip involved out-takes of Adele preparing her
announcement. This helped hardcore fans feel relaxed around Adele because they will
know that Adele can really be very clumsy and silly.
Target Audience
Hartley’s 7 Subjectives
• Age: This video most likely is to appeal more to people of 15 years of age and
older. This is due to the language Adele uses in her video. This may come down to
ages of 12 because the swear words have been censored so viewers don’t hear
what she has said
• Gender: There is no restriction of gender for the tour as Adele writes her songs for
• Class: There is no class required at the concert due to the fact that Adele has not
written any of her songs for a particular class. However, this video may appeal
more lower/middle class due to the type of language Adele uses and pronounces.
• Nationality: The concert does not expect a nationality for specific people as Adele
has her songs written for the world. The nationalities the video will consider is
Europeans and Americans as these are in the regions of where Adele will be
Target Audience
Pass along audience
Pass along audiences are viewers which will purchase items that
are second hand.
The video will easily appeal to this range of viewers because they
will not have to purchase the video, but acknowledge the
existence of the tour in order for viewers to get involved with the
live showing.
For example the viewers may have just been on Facebook when
the announcement was made.
Target Audience
This video will help keep viewers excited
for the tour because of the fact that it
includes that the tour has finally arrived.
The tour also helps viewers to become
‘social climbers’ because the video
includes the website URL for Adele’s tour
at the end of the clip where viewers can
go online for more information.
This is helpful because then the viewers
can get even more information about
Adele’s tour in order to get some tickets
to go and see her.
The video also manages to ‘inform’ the
public of what is happening with the
tour. For example Adele has different
shots of her pointing at the map she has
to convey to viewers exactly what
countries she is going to. For example
she uses a Harry Potter wand as a pointer
(which adds more humour to the video)
and points it at the UK located on the
Target Audience
Socio-economic Needs
The video is not certain which specific social class it
is aimed for. However the content of the video looks
like it is aimed for BC1DE:
B – The video grabs the attention of the social class
in Grade B because it is eye-catching and reliable.
C1 – Grade C1 would be impressed by this poster due
to how the video manages to inform the social class
what Adele is going to be doing with her tour and
where she will be holding it – in a new, fun way.
D – The video will appeal to Working Class because
the language will stereotypical appeal more to that
Social Class.
E – Non-working (Grade E) class would find
themselves attracted to the video because of Adele
herself. The fact that she is able to inform the tour in
a very humorous way excites the social class due to
the genre of the music that Adele has written for her
fans. This video will excite the class because of the
Artist – which is probably one of the reasons Adele
presented her tour instead of a tweet or advert with
her not in it at all.
Target Audience
Psychographic segmentation divides the
market into groups based on social class,
lifestyle and personality characteristics. The
video is aimed for the ‘explorers’ and
‘reformers’ group. This is because of the
energy, humour and sense of relaxation the
video brings to the viewers idea of the tour.
Although it at first looks neat and
professional, it turns into a silly, very funny,
video that reflects on Adele’s personality.
The video further helps to convey how
Adele is such a fun, funny person to be with
which can attract an even bigger audience
because it will illustrate how the tour could
be very fun and enjoyable.
Laura Mulvey
The video considered Laura Mulvey’s
‘male gaze’ ideology. For this, the
video had Adele present her tour.
This is because Adele is seen as a
particularly attractive person for
male viewers and this can help get
more and more tickets.
Male may gaze at Adele because she
looks attractive because of her eye-
liner and blusher to make her
cheekbones stand out as well as the
type of clothing she wears.
The fact that Adele is looking at the
camera, directs the video to viewers.
John Berger
This video can be seen to the idea of
‘women appear’ because within the
video, Adele is presenting for the video.
As also seen in the presentation, Adele is
wearing make up for the video to help
her keep up her appearance.
This means that stereotypically this video
will attract the attention of the male
gender because of how Adele has
represented herself in the image she
chose to pick, without causing offense.
Adele is represented as a funny,
silly and clumsy person in the
video. This was helpful to add
humour to the video and keep
audiences relaxed when
However, the video may be
offensive at times due to Adele’s
language. To resolve this, the
video has censored out the words
that people may find offensive
and allow viewers of a younger
age able to watch the video as
well – as well as this adding in
additional humour.
Campaign Message
There is no official slogan for tour in
the video. However, there is a message
at the end of the video to advertise
Adele’s website if the viewers are more
interested about the tour and would
like to purchase some tickets or get
more information about dates,
locations etc.
There was also some information in
the description (for people watching
the video on YouTube) for information
on dates if people had trouble
accessing the website.
In this video the unique selling point is
seen when she announces she is going
on tour as she has not been on a tour
since 2011, as Adele is known for
having stage-fright.
There has been no news on Adele having
a sponsor, which has lead some people
to think that Adele has most likely
decided to go against the idea.
Adele’s agents had discussed a possible
sponsorship with Apple but was declined
for unknown reasons – even though the
offer was three times more than what is
normally paid for a tour.
Adele had later been in an interview with
a British newspaper, The Guardian, and
humourously said that she was turning
down everything from books to clothes.
How does this all appeal to the
target audience?
This all appeals to the target audience
because the tour can acknowledge that
many people are unable to pay the
original price range of the tickets for the
tour and included an exchange feature in
order for every seat to be filled at each
By also including a website it allows
viewers to be kept updated with what is
new, as well as following Adele's pages
on Facebook and Twitter in order to get
(M1) Advertisements produced in
different media linked together
The poster and the audio-visual advertisement link together because they both help
to promote the tour.
For example, within both advertisements the locations are mentioned in the exact
same order to which country Adele will be travelling to.
This is helpful within these types of advertisements to give the fans of Adele a little
more understanding to when Adele will be travelling down to the certain countries.
However, the poster was made to look more professional for a higher social class. In
the video, it is advertised for more of a middle/non-working class. The fact that both
of these advertisements manage to convey where Adele is going, manages for nearly
all social classes to acknowledge that Adele is going on tour and therefore bring in a
wider audience for people who will want to go and see Adele live.
Similarities and Differences
• Both have Adele as the main attraction
• Adele is aware of the camera within
• Both advertise Adele’s website in order
for fans to find out more information
• Countries being visited are both
• The countries are in the exact same
order in the video and the poster.
Adele points to the locations on the
map in the order she is going around
when she goes out on tour
• Adele’s poster keeps the image black
and white with the font of red,
whereas the video is in full colour
• Adele is unable to give official dates of
when her tour is, whereas the poster
gives an official date
• Adele’s video does not mention her
new album of 25
• Adele’s poster is more serious
compared to the video where it is
more silly and funny to viewers
Similarities Differences
In conclusion, all of this
research has helped me to
understand all different ways
tours are advertised.
This is useful because then I
can use these ideas to make
my own version of a tour
advertisement. To make my
advertisement even better, I
can can use my understanding
of the negatives from the
poster to correct them in my

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  • 1. – Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media Unit 15: Print Based Advertising St. Andrew’s Catholic School – Center Number: 64135 Name: Tom Evenden Candidate Number: 2048 Unit 15 Overview
  • 2.
  • 3. Contents: Slide 25 … Regulatory Bodies Slide 26 … Method - How else was Adele and the tour advertised? Slide 27 … Method – Billboard Slide 28 … Method – Shock Tactics Slide 29 … Method – Release of the Poster and audio-visual Slide 30 … Evaluation of Audio-Visual Advertisement Slide 31 … Target Audience Slide 32 … Target Audience Slide 33 … Target Audience Slide 34 … Target Audience Slide 35 … Target Audience Slide 36 … Representation Slide 37 … Representation Slide 38 … Representation Slide 39 … Campaign Message Slide 40 … Sponsorship Slide 41 … How does this all appeal to the target audience? Slide 42 … (M1) Advertisements produced in different media linked together Slide 43 … Similarities and Differences Slide 44 … Conclusion Slide 4 … Aims and Objectives Slide 5 … Aims and Objectives (Continued) Slide 6 … Target Audience Slide 7 … Target Audience Slide 8 … Target Audience Slide 9 … Target Audience Slide 10 … Target Audience Slide 11 … Spending Power Slide 12 … Representation Slide 13 … Representation Slide 14 … How are people being represented within the advertisements? Slide 15 … What kinds of stereotypes are being used? Slide 16 … Consider why representations are used in advertising and the appeal that they have in conveying meaning to the audience Slide 17 … Campaign Message Slide 18 … Logo Slide 19 … Print-based Advertisements used in the campaign Slide 20 … Print-based Advertisements used in the campaign and copyright Slide 21 … Legal & Ethical Slide 22 … Legal & Ethical - Continued Slide 23 … Public Interest Slide 24 … Violence and Offence
  • 4. Aims and Objectives The advertising campaign for this is for Adele’s 2016 Tour. It was created to promote and create awareness for the upcoming tour Adele will be doing in March till November 2016 around Europe and America. For this advertisement picture, it clearly conveys that the tour is about Adele due to the fact that her face is the main attraction over the image. The image is also seen to be very exciting because it is the same picture that Adele has for her newest album ’25’ which connotes to viewers that Adele will be including and singing her new songs on her Tour.
  • 5. Aims and Objectives (Continued) To help advertise the campaign, a website was put up over the internet on 26th November 2015. Within the site, the day it had become active, a video was put up, and over YouTube, where Adele had finally announced she was going to go on tour. Later on, Adele tickets were available for purchase for around the different locations where Adele was holding her shows. Now available on the site are photos, videos of the tour Adele has started. There is also links to points where Adele’s album is available for purchase (for example ‘iTunes’).
  • 6. Target Audience Maslow This poster will help keep viewers excited for the tour because of the fact that it includes the exact picture on the poster as the picture for Adele’s new album of 25. The tour also helps viewers to become ‘social climbers’ because the poster includes the website URL for Adele’s tour where viewers can go online for more information. This is helpful because then the viewers can get even more information about Adele’s tour in order to get some tickets to go and see her. From here the website can convey more pictures, videos and a note from Adele herself in order to keep up the excitement of the tour. Katz Through the use of this advertisement it manages to ‘inform’ the public of what is happening with Adele’s album and tour where people can purchase the album, book tickets and view photos and videos linked to Adele. This is located towards the bottom of the page where the viewer can see where Adele will be touring around the world. For example ‘ Belfast, UK’.
  • 7. Target Audience Socio-economic Needs The tour is not certain which specific social class it is aimed for. However the look of the poster looks like it is aimed for ABC1E due to who it is, and what the music is about. A – The poster links to the Grade A because the poster’s content looks professional and managerial which ties into what this social class is looking for. B – The poster grabs the attention of the social class in Grade B for similar reasons to Grade A because of the presentation of the poster itself to make it eye-catching, reliable and professional. C1 – Grade C1 would be impressed by this poster due to how this poster manages to inform the social class what Adele is going to be doing with her tour and where she will be holding it. E – Non-working (Grade E) class would find themselves attracted to the tour poster because of Adele herself. The fact that this poster is advertising Adele, excites the social class due to the genre of the music that Adele has written for her fans. This poster will excite the class because of the Artist – which is probably one of the reasons Adele’s face was put in the picture.
  • 8. Target Audience Psychographic segmentation divides the market into groups based on social class, lifestyle and personality characteristics. The tour is aimed for the ‘explorer’ group. This is because of the colours used to help emphasize the energy the poster has through the use of colour. Although it is kept looking neat and professional, the colours, such as red, help make the poster more eye-catching for viewers. Also the energy is conveyed by having Adele’s picture on the poster. This is due to the type of music Adele has made which can excite the viewers because of their love for her music. Psychographics
  • 9. Target Audience Hartley’s 7 Subjectives • Age: Anybody at any age can go. It is only recommended however that any child who is under 12 years of age is accompanied by an adult if a child would like to go to the concert. • Gender: There is no restriction of gender for the tour as Adele writes her songs for anyone. • Class: There is no class required at the concert due to the fact that Adele has not written any of her songs for a particular class. • Nationality: The concert does not expect a nationality for specific people as Adele has her songs written for the world. So the nationalities the poster will consider is Europeans and Americans as these are in the regions of where Adele will be travelling.
  • 10. Target Audience Pass along audience Pass along audiences are viewers which will purchase items that are second hand. The posters will appeal to this range of viewers because they will not have to purchase a copy, but acknowledge the existence of the tour in order for viewers to get involved with the live showing. For example the viewers may find a free copy of a newspaper, within the paper they may find an advertisement which is a smaller copy of poster.
  • 11. Spending Power For the tour to make some money, the tour put up a website. Within the website, when it first started off, Adele had put up a video to announce and advertise the tour. Also, from the website, tickets were available for purchase – this was the main area for fans to buy their tickets to go to the tour. Soon after tickets were sold out. For fans who were unable to pay the full amount, or reach the site in time, a ‘Buy spare tickets’ feature was brought to the website. From here fans could go onto the site to pay less money for extra seats that other fans could not go to. The ticket exchange appeals to the target audience due to the price range and exchange feature itself. This is because the actual original price could suit the more higher class of the audiences and leave the exchange cheaper prices for more of the lower target audiences. For example 1 ticket is available for purchase in section 112/Row U for a price of £96.50.
  • 12. Representation Laura Mulvey The poster used for the tour can be thought of as the ‘male gaze’ due to the fact that Adele is on the poster. This is because Adele is seen as a particularly attractive person for male viewers and this can help get more and more tickets. Male may gaze at Adele because she looks attractive because of her eye- liner and blusher to make her cheekbones stand out. The fact that Adele is looking at the camera, directs the poster to viewers.
  • 13. Representation John Berger This poster can be seen to the idea of ‘women appear’ because within the picture, Adele is modeling for the image. As also seen in the image, Adele is wearing make up for the poster to help her keep up her appearance. This means that stereotypically this poster will attract the attention of the male gender because of how Adele has represented herself in the image she chose to pick, without causing offense.
  • 14. How are people being represented within the advertisements? Within the image of Adele’s face is seen to be relaxed. This gives the impression to viewers that Adele’s tour will be relaxing and enjoyable due to how she will present her music. The fact that Adele is looking at the camera leaves viewers to think that the tour is directed at themselves as individuals which can help appeal viewers to buy some tickets.
  • 15. What kinds of stereotypes are being used? Within the poster the use of colour helps to appeal to the stereotypical age range of the audience. This is because it is a more grown up looking poster to advertise the tour. By using the three colours black, white and red, it help to keep the poster looking neat and professional. This would help appeal to the target audience because having a professional look can help make the tour seem more official to the public and help want them to go out and buy the tickets.
  • 16. Consider why representations are used in advertising and the appeal that they have in conveying meaning to the audience All of these different types of advertising are used to help keep audiences and fans excited for new music that will be coming as Adele had never done an official tour before around the globe. Not only having the tour, but the ways of advertisements by appearing as a guest, photos and videos all help appeal to fans because Adele had not made many appearances officially since 2013. By having Adele come back, it helps to keep fans entertained for millions of people loved Adele in 2012 due to her fantastic music. Adele has won 10 Grammys, 5 Brit awards, 1 academy award, 12 Billboard music awards, 1 MTV award, 1 Juno Award, 1 Kids Choice Award and a Golden Globe.
  • 17. Campaign Message Is there a slogan? For the tour, there is no official slogan. This is probably because not many tours do actually use a slogan for their tour. However, there is a unique selling point in the poster. For example the use of colour helps grab the attention of viewers. For the hard-core fans, they will more alerted because Adele’s picture is on the poster. The use of colour is very eye-catching. Having black, , red as the main colours helps to keep the poster looking professional. For example, the red is very eye-catching to get the attention of many different people. The red can also was used to convey where the locations are to separate it from the dates.'s+tour
  • 18. Logo The tour has not got an official tour logo. Instead, it seems that the logo for Adele’s album ‘25’ has been used. ‘Adele 25’ was most likely picked as a logo because this was her most latest album which concludes the end to her trilogy of ‘19’ (2008), ‘21’ (2011) and ‘25’ (2015) which are going to be included in the tour as well as Adele has officially said “I believe in trilogies”.
  • 19. Print-based Advertisements used in the campaign Adele did many other forms of advertising, not just below the line marketing, but also above the line. Adele has a Facebook and Twitter page in order for other users to follow or like her pages. This manages to give the users the most recent message or ‘tweet’ from Adele so everyone can learn about her tour. Facebook was one of the major ways in how people found out Adele was going on tour as she had made a video and posted it on her website and Facebook page. Adele also had adverts made in order to keep people excited. For example there was a snippet advert where the first few lines of her hit song ‘Hello’ was put up with no information. This seemed confusing at first due to how Adele had already released her album but then rumors had started over social sites of what the advert was about until finally Adele announced what she was doing.
  • 20. Print-based Advertisements used in the campaign and copyright What were the main types of advertisements for the tour? The tour had been advertised mostly through below the line marketing. This means that the tour has been advertised over on the internet. For example, there has been an Adele Facebook account set up for people to like, share and get tickets. The tour also includes T-shirt marketing. The t-shirts have been made for the tour for people who want to prove they are a fan of Adele and keep it as a memory that they went on Adele’s tour. Is there any legal information on the advert? From looking at the poster itself as one of the main ways of advertisement, there is no clear legal information sited. On Adele’s website, there is a privacy policy link noted. The policy explains the laws of England and Wales that are adapted to the site and most likely the tour within the site. The users of the site who wish to sign up must make sure they must abide by the laws, otherwise the user is unable to sign up due to the hazard that the laws may be broken.
  • 21. Legal & Ethical Firstly, model release is considered important through print-based media products. This is where a company will create a form for a model to sign in order for a photographer to take their picture. The form manages to make sure that both the model will know what he/she will be doing, as well as the photographer knowing exactly that the model is completely comfortable with what they are doing, and taking through no legal issues. Copyright is one of the most important example that has to be considered. Copyright arises automatically when a work that qualifies for protection is created. The work must be original. This means it needs to originate with the author who will have used some judgment or skill to create the work. There is no need in the UK to register copyright. When an idea is committed to paper or another fixed form, it can be protected by copyright. For copyright to be allowed, the person must be give the full permission to use inspiring ideas from the certain reference.
  • 22. Intellectual Property is having the right to protect and stop people stealing or copying the product. This links to the poster because the poster therefore must have been given the rights to make sure their the poster can not be copied unless permission is given. Libel is where defamation is expressed through print, writing, pictures, signs etc. This will link to defamation of print because the poster is a printed product to promote the tour. This has to be considered in advertising. The tour has taken this into consideration by advertising over different platforms of advertising (for example a website, a social site account etc.) to make sure no one can cause any defamation to the advertisement – and get even more popularity by putting advertisements around many different places. A royalties payment is made to the legal owner of the poster if another person would like to use it for generating revenue. This would be relevant to the owner of this poster in case somebody else would like to have legal ownership of this poster for their own purposes. Legal & Ethical - Continued
  • 23. Public Interest Public interest is when a idea has the welfare of the public in mind which is approved through promotion. This is one of the most important considerations to consider. This is because everything relies on the public’s view in this idea due to the poster being designed for the public. Acknowledging that Adele was a huge hit when releasing her album ‘21’ and ’25’, the designers most likely took the public’s thoughts into consideration so the poster could be more eye-catching with Adele’s face on the poster – particularly with the same ‘25’ album picture on the poster. Additionally, this was taken into consideration for various other different ways in advertising (for example Adele had a Facebook page so viewers could like, comment and subscribe). From all of this marketing, there was most likely a huge loss of money through every way they were advertising. However, the more advertising there was, the more people knew about the tour and therefore managed to buy tickets to see her (which was why all of the UK tickets were sold out in the first week!). This would manage for Adele’s tour to win back their money – and even make a profit.
  • 24. Violence and Offence To make sure the tour can be advertised in a positive way, the poster must not be offensive to it’s target audience. This is because it may anger some of the viewers and therefore lead to some or even no tickets being sold. This would be terrible for the tour because a lot of money would be wasted into getting the tour off the ground and unable to win their money back, or get a profit, due to the poster looking offensive. This was seen in 1990 when singer Madonna did a world tour at Wembley Stadium. The poster included the information, such as dates and locations, but was offensive to women due to the picture included (image right). This managed to raise a lot of offence to women because of how the poster was inappropriate for a world tour poster. The poster was later taken down and changed due to the fuss that many people had with what Madonna had used for her image. Luckily, Adele’s tour poster has not received any offence of the look of the poster. This was most likely because of how simple Adele has kept the look of the poster.
  • 25. Regulatory Bodies The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is the main manager of all known adverts in social media. ASA are responsible to any complaints from people and to make any necessary changes to the reports. ASA are also responsible for companies’ advertisements to follow their rules and regulations. For example if a advert is discovered where it is on the verge of the UK Advertising Codes, they will take off the advertisement completely. Ofcom is a communications manager in the UK. The company manages radio, television, mobiles, postal services etc. so that people can get the best communication service and are protected from scams and sharp practices. Ofcom also manages to keep to the Communications Act (2003) in order to remain under the law and keep the trust of their customers. Ofcom is funded from fees from the industry as well as a grant-in-aid from the Government.
  • 26. Method - How else was Adele and the tour advertised? The tour was not only advertised over one print-based product, but also other different ways. Adele’s first advertisement was over on her website where Adele had put together a video to advertise where her tour was going. Adele also did some advertisement of her album within America by performing on Saturday Night Live, The Late Late Show with James Corden and visiting the famous chat- show The Ellen Show. Furthermore, Adele had her own show at the beginning of the year with the BBC where Adele performed, pranked and chatted with Graham Norton. All of these performances and chats helped Adele to be brought back to be known and further inform audiences about her tour.
  • 27. Method – Billboard Adele has also used the method of advertising on billboards around different locations. This is another form of above the line marketing. The table below conveys the price of how much billboards would cost: Price (per billboard) 1 month 3 months 6 months 12 months London 6 sheet (3ft x 6ft) £300 £825 £1,500 £2,700 Regional 6 sheet (3ft x 6ft) £250 £675 £1,200 £2,100 London 16 sheet (6’6ft x 10 ft) £500 £1,425 £2,700 £5,100 Regional 16 sheet (6’6ft x 10ft) £400 £1,125 £2,100 £3,900 London 32 sheet (13.5ft x 10ft) £550 £1,575 £3,000 £5,700 Regional 32 sheet (13.5ft x 10ft) £450 £1,275 £2,400 £4,500 London 48 sheet (20ft x 10ft) £700 £1,950 £3,750 £7,200 Regional 48 sheet (20ft x 10ft) £650 £1,800 £3,450 £6,600 London 96 sheet (40ft x 10ft) £1,400 £3,900 £7,500 £14,400 Regional 96 sheet (40ft x 10ft) £1,300 £3,600 £6,900 £13,200 London Square (10ft x 10ft rear illuminated price per face) £650 £1,875 £3,600 £6,900
  • 28. Method – Shock Tactics Adele had many shock tactics but the main shock was that Adele was actually going to go on tour. For the hardcore fans, they would know that Adele does not like to perform live due to her stage fright. In August of 2015, the Daily Mail released a article that Adele was not going to perform live and that she turned down an 80 million offer to go on tour around the world. This was then later conveyed a lied when Adele released her poster and audio- visual alongside the verbal code from the audio-visual “I have been bluffing this whole time and am so relived that I am finally able to tell you I am, of course, coming on tour.”
  • 29. Method – Release of the Poster and audio-visual Both the poster and the audio- visual were released on the same day. The audio visual was released on the morning of November 26th 2015 (six days after she released her album ‘25’) with the posters being put up later on the same day. This was most likely done because it managed to allow fans to see both advertisements and get ready to buy tickets to see Adele – as she does not do many concerts or tours.
  • 30. Evaluation of Audio-Visual Advertisement Adele announced her tour though social media and on her website. Adele created a video explaining she was “of course, coming on tour” and where she was going with it. The video was released on Facebook and her official website. To help keep viewers entertained, the clip involved out-takes of Adele preparing her announcement. This helped hardcore fans feel relaxed around Adele because they will know that Adele can really be very clumsy and silly.
  • 31. Target Audience Hartley’s 7 Subjectives • Age: This video most likely is to appeal more to people of 15 years of age and older. This is due to the language Adele uses in her video. This may come down to ages of 12 because the swear words have been censored so viewers don’t hear what she has said • Gender: There is no restriction of gender for the tour as Adele writes her songs for anyone. • Class: There is no class required at the concert due to the fact that Adele has not written any of her songs for a particular class. However, this video may appeal more lower/middle class due to the type of language Adele uses and pronounces. • Nationality: The concert does not expect a nationality for specific people as Adele has her songs written for the world. The nationalities the video will consider is Europeans and Americans as these are in the regions of where Adele will be travelling.
  • 32. Target Audience Pass along audience Pass along audiences are viewers which will purchase items that are second hand. The video will easily appeal to this range of viewers because they will not have to purchase the video, but acknowledge the existence of the tour in order for viewers to get involved with the live showing. For example the viewers may have just been on Facebook when the announcement was made.
  • 33. Target Audience Maslow This video will help keep viewers excited for the tour because of the fact that it includes that the tour has finally arrived. The tour also helps viewers to become ‘social climbers’ because the video includes the website URL for Adele’s tour at the end of the clip where viewers can go online for more information. This is helpful because then the viewers can get even more information about Adele’s tour in order to get some tickets to go and see her. Katz The video also manages to ‘inform’ the public of what is happening with the tour. For example Adele has different shots of her pointing at the map she has to convey to viewers exactly what countries she is going to. For example she uses a Harry Potter wand as a pointer (which adds more humour to the video) and points it at the UK located on the map.
  • 34. Target Audience Socio-economic Needs The video is not certain which specific social class it is aimed for. However the content of the video looks like it is aimed for BC1DE: B – The video grabs the attention of the social class in Grade B because it is eye-catching and reliable. C1 – Grade C1 would be impressed by this poster due to how the video manages to inform the social class what Adele is going to be doing with her tour and where she will be holding it – in a new, fun way. D – The video will appeal to Working Class because the language will stereotypical appeal more to that Social Class. E – Non-working (Grade E) class would find themselves attracted to the video because of Adele herself. The fact that she is able to inform the tour in a very humorous way excites the social class due to the genre of the music that Adele has written for her fans. This video will excite the class because of the Artist – which is probably one of the reasons Adele presented her tour instead of a tweet or advert with her not in it at all.
  • 35. Target Audience Psychographic segmentation divides the market into groups based on social class, lifestyle and personality characteristics. The video is aimed for the ‘explorers’ and ‘reformers’ group. This is because of the energy, humour and sense of relaxation the video brings to the viewers idea of the tour. Although it at first looks neat and professional, it turns into a silly, very funny, video that reflects on Adele’s personality. The video further helps to convey how Adele is such a fun, funny person to be with which can attract an even bigger audience because it will illustrate how the tour could be very fun and enjoyable. Psychographics
  • 36. Representation Laura Mulvey The video considered Laura Mulvey’s ‘male gaze’ ideology. For this, the video had Adele present her tour. This is because Adele is seen as a particularly attractive person for male viewers and this can help get more and more tickets. Male may gaze at Adele because she looks attractive because of her eye- liner and blusher to make her cheekbones stand out as well as the type of clothing she wears. The fact that Adele is looking at the camera, directs the video to viewers.
  • 37. Representation John Berger This video can be seen to the idea of ‘women appear’ because within the video, Adele is presenting for the video. As also seen in the presentation, Adele is wearing make up for the video to help her keep up her appearance. This means that stereotypically this video will attract the attention of the male gender because of how Adele has represented herself in the image she chose to pick, without causing offense.
  • 38. Representation Adele is represented as a funny, silly and clumsy person in the video. This was helpful to add humour to the video and keep audiences relaxed when watching. However, the video may be offensive at times due to Adele’s language. To resolve this, the video has censored out the words that people may find offensive and allow viewers of a younger age able to watch the video as well – as well as this adding in additional humour. #@?!
  • 39. Campaign Message There is no official slogan for tour in the video. However, there is a message at the end of the video to advertise Adele’s website if the viewers are more interested about the tour and would like to purchase some tickets or get more information about dates, locations etc. There was also some information in the description (for people watching the video on YouTube) for information on dates if people had trouble accessing the website. In this video the unique selling point is seen when she announces she is going on tour as she has not been on a tour since 2011, as Adele is known for having stage-fright.
  • 40. Sponsorship There has been no news on Adele having a sponsor, which has lead some people to think that Adele has most likely decided to go against the idea. Adele’s agents had discussed a possible sponsorship with Apple but was declined for unknown reasons – even though the offer was three times more than what is normally paid for a tour. Adele had later been in an interview with a British newspaper, The Guardian, and humourously said that she was turning down everything from books to clothes.
  • 41. How does this all appeal to the target audience? This all appeals to the target audience because the tour can acknowledge that many people are unable to pay the original price range of the tickets for the tour and included an exchange feature in order for every seat to be filled at each concert. By also including a website it allows viewers to be kept updated with what is new, as well as following Adele's pages on Facebook and Twitter in order to get involved.
  • 42. (M1) Advertisements produced in different media linked together The poster and the audio-visual advertisement link together because they both help to promote the tour. For example, within both advertisements the locations are mentioned in the exact same order to which country Adele will be travelling to. This is helpful within these types of advertisements to give the fans of Adele a little more understanding to when Adele will be travelling down to the certain countries. However, the poster was made to look more professional for a higher social class. In the video, it is advertised for more of a middle/non-working class. The fact that both of these advertisements manage to convey where Adele is going, manages for nearly all social classes to acknowledge that Adele is going on tour and therefore bring in a wider audience for people who will want to go and see Adele live.
  • 43. Similarities and Differences • Both have Adele as the main attraction • Adele is aware of the camera within both • Both advertise Adele’s website in order for fans to find out more information • Countries being visited are both conveyed • The countries are in the exact same order in the video and the poster. Adele points to the locations on the map in the order she is going around when she goes out on tour • Adele’s poster keeps the image black and white with the font of red, whereas the video is in full colour • Adele is unable to give official dates of when her tour is, whereas the poster gives an official date • Adele’s video does not mention her new album of 25 • Adele’s poster is more serious compared to the video where it is more silly and funny to viewers Similarities Differences
  • 44. Conclusion In conclusion, all of this research has helped me to understand all different ways tours are advertised. This is useful because then I can use these ideas to make my own version of a tour advertisement. To make my advertisement even better, I can can use my understanding of the negatives from the poster to correct them in my advertisement.

Editor's Notes

  1. Candidate name and number needed and center numver
  2. What does the colour red connote? How will the target audience access message? Choice of media poster -