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CARA à cara: Overcoming unfounded fear four ways online
Katherine Watson, Coastline Community College,
Rainmaker Digital online “Copyblogger” Brian Clark (2010) is one of numerous twenty-first
century writers to have suggested that common concepts can be non-threateningly understood
best, and their “real” meanings most effectively addressed, if those concepts are said to be not
much more than easily pronounceable, simple acronyms, ensembles of letters that each stand
for something that is part of a sensible whole. Further, and in like manner, self-help journalist
and teacher Dan Clark (2007) points out exemplarily that the notion of all-too-common fear can
be rendered into an acronym, so that it may more easily be faced, understood, and then
FEAR, according to both Clarks, comprises False Evidence Appearing Real, what B. Clark
states to be “performance-sapping unfounded worries….forty per cent of (which) never happen,
and…a mere eight per cent (of which) are real.” And D. Clark reminds his audiences that such
fearsome worries—and worries about worries—are best overcome through examination of their
components and their bases, through objective analysis--preferably across cultures--,and
through contextualization—preferably worldwide.
Internationally, the Office of the (United Nations) High Commissioner for Human Rights
( has conceived its own acronym for addressing that which underlies fear. That is, its
CARA program has grown out of an “inter-governmental and unlimited” pledge to achieve
dynamic inclusion among the world’s peoples in education for the activation of human rights;
education is seen as the key to the dissipation of “imaginary thinking”, fear, and want. And, in
the twenty-first century, much of this education can cross physical borders most easily online.
The OCHCR has noted that “fear and want”, in particular, comprise not only “legitimate
concerns” but demands for action, both on the ground and through cyberspace. The UN’s
Human Rights and Post-2015 Global Development Agenda’s CARA is composed of four
elements: Commitment, Accountability, Responsibility, and Action.
It is demonstrably evident that the FEAR immobilizing countries, cultures, and even our own
community colleges can be addressed and overcome through the application of CARA, in
person, face-to-face, with walls of brick and mortar, and across boundaries, through
cyberspace, online.
FEARS unfounded, progress grounded
Online “Copyblogger” Brian Clark has achieved success in social and popular psychology for
having called FEAR an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. Clark begins his argument
by reminding his audience that the animal kingdom has made good use of genuine fear; fear of
predators or of natural disasters has kept life going. This kind of fear has a foundation. It is
patently useful to survival. But then, Clark continues, there is another sort of fear, the sort that is
unfounded, that has no basis in fact, no evidence to sustain itself. This is, unfortunately and all
too often, the fear that immobilizes.
As professional speaker Dan Clark has put it, immobilizing fear lacks credible “story lines”; it has
no fact-based examples, illustrative tales, or support. As those who follow the Scientific Method
might say, this type of fear cannot be replicated reliably. It has no basis, and yet it survives.
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In institutions large and small, efforts to simplify, to regularize, and to streamline are often
accompanied by moves to make the complex and the irregular into an ever-surviving, fearsome
enemy. But in a twenty-first century dotted by irregularities and decorated by the complex, these
moves don’t just frustrate; they immobilize. Besides squelching creativity, they lead to a cycle of
increasing fear: Fear of non-acceptance for suggesting the irregular or the complex, followed by
fear of reprisal for trying the irregular or complex, followed by fear of bad performance reviews,
followed by fear of job loss and fear for economic, as well as social, survival. Fear of trying out
the different comprises fear of change, and this often leads to lack of genuine progress (Peine,
CARA against FEAR
The United Nations has since its inception called for the world’s countries to join together for
mutual progress. A 1951 “convention”, described as a “post-Second World War instrument”,
cited “well-founded fears” among the refugees from battle and stress, and it aimed to “lay down
basic minimum standards…includ(ing) access to the courts, to primary education, to work, and
the provision for documentation”, all of which were to be “accounted for” as they were put into
action. And in the twenty-first century, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon has been
promoting an acronymic program to ensure that UN conventions made internationally during
more than six decades can be retained without fear. This program is CARA: Commitment,
Accountability, Responsibility, Action. The four elements of CARA can each be described and
placed in context for higher education, and they dovetail demonstrably to the sort of fearless
innovative agenda that community colleges, in particular, tend to initiate, particularly online.
The United Nations’ CARA program began with a clarion call for commitment, made by Ban Ki-
moon in the early years of our present decade. UN Secretary General Moon feels that effective
action, the final element of CARA, will not occur unless and until prospective actors have signed
on to an agreement, have made a promise in writing, have taken a jointly agreed-upon “inter-
governmental and unlimited” pledge to achieve active inclusion among the world’s peoples in
educational programs, which will, in Moon’s belief, automatically activate human rights. Indeed,
as has been stated, it is education, according to the UN plan, that will best dissolve “imaginary
thinking”, fear, and want.
CARA commitment encompasses engagement, as United Nations and European Union writers
commonly translate the term from English. Commitment embraces persistence, an insistence to
resolve, or, as D. Clark (2010) would have it, “an unshakable retention of purpose.” In the mind
of European Commission Budget Director Kristalina Georgieva, commitment entails co-
participation among various sectors of society to delineate and specify common goals that all
can collaborate to achieve. It is a promise, a pact, conceived by many, agreed upon by all, to be
executed in concert, to be written down and signed. Indeed, the simple action of putting such a
pact out in the open will demonstrate evidence of real purpose; it will constitute a step toward
the dissolution of fear.
CARA comprises a modern iteration of the United Nations’ Dakar Initiative made in Senegal,
Africa, in 2000, when an “Education for All” framework first proposed in 1990 was crystallized
into a mandate holding that “every citizen in every society” must have access to learning
materials and be educated in how to use them. The Dakar Framework proposed six “collective
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commitments” or “joint goals” whose achievement would be measured for attainment by 2015.
These “commitments” included:
 Goal 1: Expand early childhood care and education
 Goal 2: Provide free and compulsory primary education for all
 Goal 3: Promote learning and life skills for young people and adults
 Goal 4: Increase adult literacy by 50 percent
 Goal 5: Achieve gender parity by 2005, gender equality by 2015
 Goal 6: Improve the quality of education
A “development index” was agreed upon among the 1100 participants at the Dakar meeting that
would assign objective, numerical values for the attainment of each goal, such as the obvious
and easily comprehensible one associated with Goal 1: If 100% of children below the age of 5
were receiving care and education in 2015, then the country in which that percentage held
would be cited as having attained the goal perfectly. Naturally, many countries would be hoping
between 2000 and 2015 to arrive at a much lower 12%, it was understood.
Now that the Dakar Initiative’s end year of 2015 is here, the UN Secretary General’s Global
Initiative on Education has set another, more qualitative goal, this time aiming for a 2030
completion date, “to ensure all children in youth have a quality, relevant, and transformative
education” (2015). To this end, the UN is calling for partnerships among governments, non-
governmental organizations (NGOs), and international businesses “to provide inclusive and
relevant education opportunities and support retention.” Mobile learning centers, staff training,
and community engagement are three of the several features of the plan. The United Nations-
sponsored international intergovernmental EDU (not an acronym) has disseminated video,
audio, and print materials openly online, with the hope that leaders at educational institutions in
multiple countries and at multiple levels, from elementary through secondary and beyond, might
collaborate with the aforementioned governments, businesses, and NGOs to conceive concrete,
achievable goals, particularly in education. As EDU documents state, education constitutes a
need that follows only those of safe food and shelter as vital to sustain humankind.
In the world of post-secondary education in the second decade of our current millennium,
CARA’s four elements are being realized through a new United Nations Academic Impact
(UNAI) “global initiative that aligns institutions of higher education with the United Nations in
furthering the realization of the purposes and mandate of the Organization through activities and
research in a shared culture of intellectual social responsibility” (unacademicimpact, 2015).
Universities and community colleges from the Black Sea Universities Network ( to
Vadodara, India to Connecticut to California, as well as the American Association of Community
Colleges, have become “partners” in the enterprise, signing on to interact globally online to
“ensure development”, for example, promising—committing themselves--to submit “activity
reports” generated by students, faculty, staff, and administrators. Indeed, admission to, and
participation in, the UNAI depends upon signed and received “commitments” that must be made
by actors from the administration on down through the ranks.
An exemplary member of the UNAI, New York’s Adelphi University, has since the early 2000’s
been working with the United Nations both as an NGO and as an academic institution, as UN
Department of Information documents state. Adelphi’s Levermore Global Scholars program has
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made “a commitment to promoting global awareness and bringing salient information about
international issues and the United Nations to the University community and the public.” This
commitment includes “providing a mechanism”, as Adelphi claims, by which students can
“commit themselves to the realization of…United Nations goals,” offering entrées into NGO
international affairs briefings at United Nations headquarters in New York City, for instance.
For its part, Connecticut’s Norwalk Community College, an initial signatory to the UNAI, has
made “a commitment to cultivating a keen sense of global citizenship,” as its Recognition
documents (2010) state. To that end, the school’s Student World Assembly has hosted
symposia on human rights as they are defined and pursued around the world, and it has held
colloquia on the particular crises in Darfur and Congo. Students have entertained presentations
on climate change and, as a result of what they have learned during those presentations, have
campaigned among themselves for “green” design to be pursued when new buildings are to be
put up.
As United Nations CARA documents state, commitments to any/all UN programs entail an
agreement to advance at least one of the Organization’s global initiatives, an inclusion of “time-
bound targets that can be measured for success”, and “an arrangement” to disclose openly and
in public all progress or lack of it. CARA calls upon participants to form partnerships, believing
that strength united is stronger, and promises made by one to another are easier to maintain
than are vows made alone. A real impact will be most effective when co-consultations transpire,
when each participant helps the other ones to “drive impact” for change, and when each can
measure easily and objectively its own and others’ progress. This last comprises evident mutual
accountability, which every promise of commitment demands.
As United Nations High Commission on Human Rights’ Pillay (2013) has written, and as has
just been implied, the ultimate element of CARA—action--cannot transpire until all parties to that
action have agreed mutually to take responsibility for what they do, to be “held to account.” This
resultant accountability, Pillay continues, “is often undermined by a lack of clarity about who
should be responsible—who should be held to account--for what” (2013:viii), and when
participants in an endeavor lack clarity about who is accountable and in what way, “inaccurate
assumptions may be made” that commonly and almost naturally lead to fear, as Hope (2010)
points out. In fact, Pillay writes, every human organization must include interdependent “duty
bearers”, to decide such a division of labor, even as they recognize that they have “an obligation
to take responsibility for their actions, to answer for them by explaining and justifying them to
those affected, and to be subject to some sort of enforceable sanction if their conduct or
explanation is found wanting.” When such obligations are put into writings and specified, given
measurable “analytics”, they define accountability, CARA maintains. Pillay summarizes by
stating that definitions of accountability in the social sciences and in the world of economic
development typically comprise “three constituent elements: responsibility, answerability, and
enforceability.” Pillay suggests that a “circle of accountability” should cover “all stages of a policy
cycle”, from initial planning, to budgeting, to implementation, monitoring, and evaluation, with
the last benefiting from clear, “real”, statistical analyses, most easily rendered conveniently
transparent online. Furthermore, “adequate means of redress” must be made straightforwardly
available, Pillay goes on, and a well-defined system for incorporating recommendations must be
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Pillay holds that two principal problems exist in making any organization, institution, or individual
“accountable”: For one, there is often a lack of clarity about who is to take responsibility, and
second, there is “an absence or underuse of mechanisms for reviewing and ensuring” that
responsibility has been taken and subsequent action pursued.
The aforementioned United Nations Academic Initiative invites participant colleges and
universities to go beyond an initial, rather idealistic theoretical commitment to UN goals;
institutions are called to account for themselves, too. For example, an annual “World Post Day”
appeals for specific, accountable, interactions among UNAI actors and the countries where they
are based to recognize and reinforce the power of each country’s postal sector in people’s and
businesses’ everyday lives, as well as the sector’s power locally and worldwide to influence
social and economic development. The UNAI activities take place on the ground and through
cyberspace, recognizing that “posting” things in modern times means distributing them
electronically as well as through traditional postal services. Another UNAI activity, “The Global
Diplomacy Lab”, summons participants to offer concrete, accountable, plans for international
communication, education, and development to be carried out during the next 70 years, once
again on the ground and through cyberspace.
UNAI participant University of Nairobi, Kenya, has proposed an accountable plan for
“humanity’s interdependence,” starting with what student essay-writing winner Chwala Wallace
has called a co-developed “moral ladder, set of guiding principles” to be conceived among the
world’s peoples as a joint project; when people participate in something, the idea goes, they are
more likely to attend to its progress and product. UNAI offers a healthy forum for such
UNAI institutions can most easily share accountability, as the April 2013, UNAI monthly
newsletter (2013) has stated, through active publication of institutional work and through
interactive communication done online. “Joint action…leading and coordinating” through
Webcasts, synchronous, and asynchronous connections among international members of the
UNAI provide Classroom Conversations, for example, “an ongoing interactive discussion forum”
rich in teachable moments.
As Pillay has pointed out, all UNAI endeavors must specify objective, replicable methods of
accountability and name the names of those responsible for conception and execution, as well.
Responsibility means answerability, the capacity to explain, to inform, to educate. While
accountability requires data collection, usually in the form of statistical analyses, responsibility
demands clear answers to questions. Indeed, as Hope (2010) has stated, “when nobody is clear
about who is responsible for what, and therefore who is going to take what action… fear of
having to take on responsibilities (often arises).”
Thus, after making commitments to perform some sort of action, and after setting up
mechanisms to make people, organizations, and institutions accountable to take on those
commitments, CARAwould have all participants in its program be trained in multiple ways, at
least in the basics, with a table of organization defining actions and actors. The table must be
made openly available, citing experts and their expertises that may be called upon as necessary
to respond to popular, “end-user” needs. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has stated that
“deepening synergies and partnerships” can broaden both the platform of response and the
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circle of respondents; that is, decision-making must be open, and all participants in an
enterprise must each take part. Responsibility cannot be sloughed off because of
“communication obstacles” or “institutional difficulties”; it must be both respected and reinforced.
The United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) program cites a “shared culture of intellectual
social responsibility” as a mandate. Professor Pedro Basualdo (2010), of UNAI participating
institution The University of Buenos Aires, defines CARA responsibility as “an attitude, a sense
of duty”, a “feeling (of) an intense ethical and moral obligation to take action”. Basualdo reminds
educators that responsibility does well to result from research, particularly demographic, and
from “beta-testing.” He cites the example of making people aware of how the combat against
AIDS around the world must be waged in a context of “culturally responsible awareness”: “To be
effective, antiretroviral compliance therapy should be administered several doses per day, at
certain times. In many African countries, however, the people have not the concept of time we
have in our western culture: many of them have not seen a clock in their lives…and it is the
world’s poorest communities—many of them in Africa—that actually bear the brunt of the fight
against HIV/AIDS” (2010:02). Western medical staff must themselves be educated in alternative
world views, Basualdo points out, if they are to educate others in how to shake off affliction. As
Basualdo suggests, interacting with people of varying worldviews requires continuous
questioning-answering, or responsibility, in its literal sense.
United Kingdom mental health expert and UNAI activist Hope (2010) writes that responsibility
operates on a two-way street; those who have the responsibility to deliver something must
indeed deliver it, and those who receive that something must indicate both that they have
received it and that they know what to do with it. “Practitioners take responsibility,” Hope states,
“…and “those in receipt of advice are responsible for what they do with it.” Hope asserts that
responsibility-taking is choice-making; responsibility should not be taken lightly, without full
awareness. Indeed, as UNAI Senegalese information sciences professor Alex Corenthin
emphasizes, in the twenty-first century environment of “free information for all”, it is the People
with a capital P who must remain ever diligent in the matter of responsibility, demanding that
those who claim ownership of information or its routes of transmission not shut users out.
As employes at institutions of higher education know, generating a sense of responsibility on
campus requires that faculty, staff, and students all walk both ways on Hope’s two-way street.
School personnel must do more than simply transmit information, course materials, and the like;
they must ensure that what is transmitted is understood. And for their part, students must
interact with institutional personnel, asking questions, submitting reports, reporting confusion
and “de-confusion.”
UNAI participant Independence Community College, in Kansas, has signed on to the Initiative to
pursue commitments and to take responsibility “as part of a whole…as problem solvers”,
according to Communication Studies associate professor Konye Ori. The school’s activities in
“addressing issues of poverty” and “promoting inter-cultural dialogue” take place on campus, in
the community, and online, with responsibility having the sense of one-to-one-to-many
Palmer (2015) holds that the UNAI has proven to be a crucible for CARA, and that responsibility
has come ever more often to be generated from within: “students indicate a strong interest to
learn more about concepts such as social entrepreneurship, environmental sustainability, and
corporate social responsibility.” Too, Palmer continues, “global social responsibility” is cited by
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nearly two thirds of students whose campuses participate in UNAI as their number one “feeling”
that they would like to exploit and explore through the UNAI. UNAI students at Canada’s
Polytechnique Montréal have reported taking charge of entrepreneurship and responsibility with
their fellows and have been asked by local businesses in Canada, as well as by other UNAI
participants outside the country, to share their experience: “By examining user flows and
consumption projections related to on-campus escalator use”, the Montréalais UNAI participants
found ways to “promote energy savings and sustainability…in a relatively straightforward way.”
By taking responsibility for their learning and executing a study locally that could be exploited
internationally, they have been able to produce a plan of simple replicable action.
Neither purpose nor desire nor economics can trump action. Beyond the promises that define
commitment, the statistical analyses comprising theoretical accountability, and the naming of
names to establish responsibility, CARA’s ultimate goal is action. As a United Nations program,
CARA would have action be truly global in at least two senses: Global, in the worldwide
international sense, on the one hand, and global in the complete, across-the-board,
transdisciplinary sense, on the other hand.
For the European Union, an initial CARA action has included the institution of a single, pan-
European “marketplace and platform” for everything digital. Having noted that only 2 in 3
European households have regular access to the Internet, and that only 1 in 5 are able to use
the Internet at least once a day for 15 minutes, the online journal Toute l’Europe has indicated
that many Europeans have been suffering not just from frustration born from failing connectivity
but more importantly from the “anti-competitive” practices of large corporations, often American
ones, each demanding that its subscribers deploy systems that are incompatible with those of
the next and each bulking up its data flow with unwieldy advertising. France’s Minister of
Economy, Industry, and Digital Relations has proposed that Europe “take action” to make itself
“a propitious provider of the pragmatic”, offering places and spaces, typically in old buildings
whose façades recall centuries past but whose interiors gleam with the bright blue eyes of WiFi.
An “investment program of risk-capital, adapted to the needs of small and medium-sized
enterprises with strong potential for return on investment”, has been launched, integrated into
the European Union’s Juncker Plan. Harmony with the Americans is proposed, and mutual
respect called for.
France, in particular, has set forth a plan of action to attain five Internet-related goals; the idea is
that the modern era of rapid change—the continuous movement and mutation of people, things,
and ideas-- demands fast, effective information technology. The five goals include: development
of pan-European 5G, the Internet of objects (things), cloud computing, big data, and
The first line of action defined in all United Nations programs entails “ratification and
implementation” of program agendas. France has called for “European champions” to unite to
pursue its five goals actively in an area “whose domestic market is at least the size of that of the
United States.”
Noting that connectivity, interactivity, intellectual, economic, and social problems and progress
are all “interconnected”, the UNAI points out that “progress on all fronts” must take place
simultaneously. Each institutional member of the UNAI “(is) expected to show support of one of
ten United Nations principles by undertaking one activity per year which tangibly supports and
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furthers the realization of the principles.” For example, South Carolina’s UNAI member Benedict
College has joined the United Nations Youth Assembly to promote and provide opportunities for
students to travel abroad, learn in foreign institutions, and return to South Carolina to integrate
their learned experiences into their home curriculum. Environmental engineering and computer
sciences majors traveled to Africa, for example, to see how their chosen fields of study can be
put into genuine action in places of need. Connecticut’s Norwalk Community College
administration has responded to its UNAI student group suggestions “to add ‘green’ elements to
new building designs”: Ncc’s new Center for Science, Health and Wellness, built by
Mitchell/Giurgola Architects and Dirtworks, has been LEED Gold certified, made in “the
vernacular of this area of Connecticut.” And Newark, New Jersey’s Essex County College has
responded to the Sierra Leone expatriates who make up the largest community outside their
own African nation to push for improved development, education, and communication,
beginning with a New Jersey-Sierra Leone joint publishing venture of the online version of
Cocorioko, a forty-two year old populist newspaper venture to educate Africans everywhere by
starting with headlines. “Social mobilization will bring victory (over the Ebola virus) within reach,”
states a recent article in Cocorioko, reminding readers that “adhering to the health protocols and
medical regulations” of the United Nations and of Doctors without Borders entails continued,
attentive action, taken without fear.
And like Cocorioko, other transnationally oriented but non-United Nations-sponsored
organizations have been sponsoring CARA-style action as well. The international ONE Campus
has recruited students and faculty in a free-access, non-governmental, online-based set of
activities germinating from the grassroots and aiming up through societies and their
governments and out into the world. For instance, ONE’s “Poverty is Sexist” and “Electrify
Africa” campaigns have, in the first case, attracted international medical worker interest to
reduce infant death while improving women’s health and, in the second case, caught the
attention of the United States Congress to “plug in” the many countries making up the all-too-
Dark Continent. Yet another ONE campaign, Uganda’s Dwelling Places, has found thousands of
homes for those rendered homeless through poverty and strife, while also giving education and
life skills.
CARA actions seem to have triggered a fortunate chain reaction, spurring (inter)action across
FEARless care: CARA everywhere
CARA, like FEAR, is a pronounceable word; it can mean “dear” as an adjective, or it can mean
“a caress”, in both cases a tender expression guaranteed to eliminate fear.
The United Nations’ CARA program incorporates educational endeavors cited by Unesco and
the UNAI that have become most accessible, exploitable, and productive online. For instance, a
free Unesco-originated “Global Civics Academy”, hosted by the Brookings Institution’s Hakan
Altinay and uniting seminar presenters from around the world who have posted lectures
asynchronously and always accessible online, exemplifies the “global” perspective that the
UNAI fosters: Global Trade, Global Finance, Global Public Health, Global Public Goods, and the
Values in/for an International World comprise some of the topics covered. And the France-
based UNAI International Association of Universities (IAU) provides an “open portal” inviting
institutions to post online programs in sustainable development for free access: A “Professional
training programme on education for sustainable development” (developed in Zurich,
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Switzerland), a “World Education Forum” (hosted in Korea), and “Carbon Footprint Calculator”
(initiated in Italy) are just three IAU ongoing projects. The IAU wishes to “offer an opportunity to
gain knowledge, share work with others, and talk to others from around the world,” aiming to
make all participants into student learners. Education, as the IAU states, plays a crucial role in
enlightening areas where suspicion and ignorance have squelched the human spirit into fear
and silence.
As Sierra Leone’s Cocorioko newspaper has written, “when the patience of students (runs) out
for the archaic and non-performing, …(awareness), knowledge, and news must give birth to a
new spirit.” And as UNAI Classroom Conversations state, “silence, invisibility, and fear will not
go away unless we talk…and provide students with knowledge and tools.” From the
aforementioned IAU consortium to Norway’s University of Bergen, where an online-enriched
international program has been launched to “Save Aramaic Languages” that are falling into
disuse as relics of liturgy and ancient texts but that remain alive in the Turoyo tongue of the
Middle East and Europe, to a technologically advanced technique to save Holy Land cultural
heritage through QR technology-enhanced tourist guides created by Bethlehem’s Birzeit
University, UNAI participant schools are supplanting False Evidence with real, well-
communicated, transparently available data. And in these ways, what appears real is clearly
becoming real..
Basualdo, P. (2010). Individual global responsibility. Retrieved 8 October, 2015
Clark, B. (2010). Is F.E.A.R. holding you back? Copyblogger.
Clark, D. (2007). The thrill of teaching. Springville, UT: Cedar Fort, Inc.
Clark, D. (2010). Four steps on the stairway to heaven. Brigham Young University
Corenthin, A. (2013). Faire de la souveraineté numérique. Retrieved
EDU. (2015). EDU Intergovernmental Organization. Retrieved
Georgieva, K. (2015). Nous allons battre les Etats-Unis. http://www.onmap-
Hope, R. (2010). Responsibility and accountability best practice guide. Mental Health Division,
Department of Health, United Kingdom. London: Department of Health. Retrieved 9 October,
Norwalk Community College. (2010). NCC joins United Nations Academic Impact. Recognition
document. Retrieved
Palmer, D. (2015). Handbook of research on business ethics and corporate responsibilities. IGI
Global. Retrieved
10 | P a g e,
Peine, J. (2007). The Educator’s Professional Growth Plan. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, Sage
Pillay, N. (2013). Who will be accountable? United Nations High Commission for Human Rights.
Toute l’Europe (2015).
UNAI. (2015).
UNAI Newsletter. (2013). UNAI observes international day of happiness. April, 2013. Retrieved
UNAI Prezi. (2015). Prezi presentation.
United Nations Business (2015). Commitments.

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  • 1. 1 | P a g e CARA à cara: Overcoming unfounded fear four ways online Katherine Watson, Coastline Community College, Rainmaker Digital online “Copyblogger” Brian Clark (2010) is one of numerous twenty-first century writers to have suggested that common concepts can be non-threateningly understood best, and their “real” meanings most effectively addressed, if those concepts are said to be not much more than easily pronounceable, simple acronyms, ensembles of letters that each stand for something that is part of a sensible whole. Further, and in like manner, self-help journalist and teacher Dan Clark (2007) points out exemplarily that the notion of all-too-common fear can be rendered into an acronym, so that it may more easily be faced, understood, and then overcome. FEAR, according to both Clarks, comprises False Evidence Appearing Real, what B. Clark states to be “performance-sapping unfounded worries….forty per cent of (which) never happen, and…a mere eight per cent (of which) are real.” And D. Clark reminds his audiences that such fearsome worries—and worries about worries—are best overcome through examination of their components and their bases, through objective analysis--preferably across cultures--,and through contextualization—preferably worldwide. Internationally, the Office of the (United Nations) High Commissioner for Human Rights ( has conceived its own acronym for addressing that which underlies fear. That is, its CARA program has grown out of an “inter-governmental and unlimited” pledge to achieve dynamic inclusion among the world’s peoples in education for the activation of human rights; education is seen as the key to the dissipation of “imaginary thinking”, fear, and want. And, in the twenty-first century, much of this education can cross physical borders most easily online. The OCHCR has noted that “fear and want”, in particular, comprise not only “legitimate concerns” but demands for action, both on the ground and through cyberspace. The UN’s Human Rights and Post-2015 Global Development Agenda’s CARA is composed of four elements: Commitment, Accountability, Responsibility, and Action. It is demonstrably evident that the FEAR immobilizing countries, cultures, and even our own community colleges can be addressed and overcome through the application of CARA, in person, face-to-face, with walls of brick and mortar, and across boundaries, through cyberspace, online. FEARS unfounded, progress grounded Online “Copyblogger” Brian Clark has achieved success in social and popular psychology for having called FEAR an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. Clark begins his argument by reminding his audience that the animal kingdom has made good use of genuine fear; fear of predators or of natural disasters has kept life going. This kind of fear has a foundation. It is patently useful to survival. But then, Clark continues, there is another sort of fear, the sort that is unfounded, that has no basis in fact, no evidence to sustain itself. This is, unfortunately and all too often, the fear that immobilizes. As professional speaker Dan Clark has put it, immobilizing fear lacks credible “story lines”; it has no fact-based examples, illustrative tales, or support. As those who follow the Scientific Method might say, this type of fear cannot be replicated reliably. It has no basis, and yet it survives.
  • 2. 2 | P a g e In institutions large and small, efforts to simplify, to regularize, and to streamline are often accompanied by moves to make the complex and the irregular into an ever-surviving, fearsome enemy. But in a twenty-first century dotted by irregularities and decorated by the complex, these moves don’t just frustrate; they immobilize. Besides squelching creativity, they lead to a cycle of increasing fear: Fear of non-acceptance for suggesting the irregular or the complex, followed by fear of reprisal for trying the irregular or complex, followed by fear of bad performance reviews, followed by fear of job loss and fear for economic, as well as social, survival. Fear of trying out the different comprises fear of change, and this often leads to lack of genuine progress (Peine, 2007). CARA against FEAR The United Nations has since its inception called for the world’s countries to join together for mutual progress. A 1951 “convention”, described as a “post-Second World War instrument”, cited “well-founded fears” among the refugees from battle and stress, and it aimed to “lay down basic minimum standards…includ(ing) access to the courts, to primary education, to work, and the provision for documentation”, all of which were to be “accounted for” as they were put into action. And in the twenty-first century, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon has been promoting an acronymic program to ensure that UN conventions made internationally during more than six decades can be retained without fear. This program is CARA: Commitment, Accountability, Responsibility, Action. The four elements of CARA can each be described and placed in context for higher education, and they dovetail demonstrably to the sort of fearless innovative agenda that community colleges, in particular, tend to initiate, particularly online. Commitment The United Nations’ CARA program began with a clarion call for commitment, made by Ban Ki- moon in the early years of our present decade. UN Secretary General Moon feels that effective action, the final element of CARA, will not occur unless and until prospective actors have signed on to an agreement, have made a promise in writing, have taken a jointly agreed-upon “inter- governmental and unlimited” pledge to achieve active inclusion among the world’s peoples in educational programs, which will, in Moon’s belief, automatically activate human rights. Indeed, as has been stated, it is education, according to the UN plan, that will best dissolve “imaginary thinking”, fear, and want. CARA commitment encompasses engagement, as United Nations and European Union writers commonly translate the term from English. Commitment embraces persistence, an insistence to resolve, or, as D. Clark (2010) would have it, “an unshakable retention of purpose.” In the mind of European Commission Budget Director Kristalina Georgieva, commitment entails co- participation among various sectors of society to delineate and specify common goals that all can collaborate to achieve. It is a promise, a pact, conceived by many, agreed upon by all, to be executed in concert, to be written down and signed. Indeed, the simple action of putting such a pact out in the open will demonstrate evidence of real purpose; it will constitute a step toward the dissolution of fear. CARA comprises a modern iteration of the United Nations’ Dakar Initiative made in Senegal, Africa, in 2000, when an “Education for All” framework first proposed in 1990 was crystallized into a mandate holding that “every citizen in every society” must have access to learning materials and be educated in how to use them. The Dakar Framework proposed six “collective
  • 3. 3 | P a g e commitments” or “joint goals” whose achievement would be measured for attainment by 2015. These “commitments” included:  Goal 1: Expand early childhood care and education  Goal 2: Provide free and compulsory primary education for all  Goal 3: Promote learning and life skills for young people and adults  Goal 4: Increase adult literacy by 50 percent  Goal 5: Achieve gender parity by 2005, gender equality by 2015  Goal 6: Improve the quality of education A “development index” was agreed upon among the 1100 participants at the Dakar meeting that would assign objective, numerical values for the attainment of each goal, such as the obvious and easily comprehensible one associated with Goal 1: If 100% of children below the age of 5 were receiving care and education in 2015, then the country in which that percentage held would be cited as having attained the goal perfectly. Naturally, many countries would be hoping between 2000 and 2015 to arrive at a much lower 12%, it was understood. Now that the Dakar Initiative’s end year of 2015 is here, the UN Secretary General’s Global Initiative on Education has set another, more qualitative goal, this time aiming for a 2030 completion date, “to ensure all children in youth have a quality, relevant, and transformative education” (2015). To this end, the UN is calling for partnerships among governments, non- governmental organizations (NGOs), and international businesses “to provide inclusive and relevant education opportunities and support retention.” Mobile learning centers, staff training, and community engagement are three of the several features of the plan. The United Nations- sponsored international intergovernmental EDU (not an acronym) has disseminated video, audio, and print materials openly online, with the hope that leaders at educational institutions in multiple countries and at multiple levels, from elementary through secondary and beyond, might collaborate with the aforementioned governments, businesses, and NGOs to conceive concrete, achievable goals, particularly in education. As EDU documents state, education constitutes a need that follows only those of safe food and shelter as vital to sustain humankind. In the world of post-secondary education in the second decade of our current millennium, CARA’s four elements are being realized through a new United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) “global initiative that aligns institutions of higher education with the United Nations in furthering the realization of the purposes and mandate of the Organization through activities and research in a shared culture of intellectual social responsibility” (unacademicimpact, 2015). Universities and community colleges from the Black Sea Universities Network ( to Vadodara, India to Connecticut to California, as well as the American Association of Community Colleges, have become “partners” in the enterprise, signing on to interact globally online to “ensure development”, for example, promising—committing themselves--to submit “activity reports” generated by students, faculty, staff, and administrators. Indeed, admission to, and participation in, the UNAI depends upon signed and received “commitments” that must be made by actors from the administration on down through the ranks. An exemplary member of the UNAI, New York’s Adelphi University, has since the early 2000’s been working with the United Nations both as an NGO and as an academic institution, as UN Department of Information documents state. Adelphi’s Levermore Global Scholars program has
  • 4. 4 | P a g e made “a commitment to promoting global awareness and bringing salient information about international issues and the United Nations to the University community and the public.” This commitment includes “providing a mechanism”, as Adelphi claims, by which students can “commit themselves to the realization of…United Nations goals,” offering entrées into NGO international affairs briefings at United Nations headquarters in New York City, for instance. For its part, Connecticut’s Norwalk Community College, an initial signatory to the UNAI, has made “a commitment to cultivating a keen sense of global citizenship,” as its Recognition documents (2010) state. To that end, the school’s Student World Assembly has hosted symposia on human rights as they are defined and pursued around the world, and it has held colloquia on the particular crises in Darfur and Congo. Students have entertained presentations on climate change and, as a result of what they have learned during those presentations, have campaigned among themselves for “green” design to be pursued when new buildings are to be put up. As United Nations CARA documents state, commitments to any/all UN programs entail an agreement to advance at least one of the Organization’s global initiatives, an inclusion of “time- bound targets that can be measured for success”, and “an arrangement” to disclose openly and in public all progress or lack of it. CARA calls upon participants to form partnerships, believing that strength united is stronger, and promises made by one to another are easier to maintain than are vows made alone. A real impact will be most effective when co-consultations transpire, when each participant helps the other ones to “drive impact” for change, and when each can measure easily and objectively its own and others’ progress. This last comprises evident mutual accountability, which every promise of commitment demands. Accountability As United Nations High Commission on Human Rights’ Pillay (2013) has written, and as has just been implied, the ultimate element of CARA—action--cannot transpire until all parties to that action have agreed mutually to take responsibility for what they do, to be “held to account.” This resultant accountability, Pillay continues, “is often undermined by a lack of clarity about who should be responsible—who should be held to account--for what” (2013:viii), and when participants in an endeavor lack clarity about who is accountable and in what way, “inaccurate assumptions may be made” that commonly and almost naturally lead to fear, as Hope (2010) points out. In fact, Pillay writes, every human organization must include interdependent “duty bearers”, to decide such a division of labor, even as they recognize that they have “an obligation to take responsibility for their actions, to answer for them by explaining and justifying them to those affected, and to be subject to some sort of enforceable sanction if their conduct or explanation is found wanting.” When such obligations are put into writings and specified, given measurable “analytics”, they define accountability, CARA maintains. Pillay summarizes by stating that definitions of accountability in the social sciences and in the world of economic development typically comprise “three constituent elements: responsibility, answerability, and enforceability.” Pillay suggests that a “circle of accountability” should cover “all stages of a policy cycle”, from initial planning, to budgeting, to implementation, monitoring, and evaluation, with the last benefiting from clear, “real”, statistical analyses, most easily rendered conveniently transparent online. Furthermore, “adequate means of redress” must be made straightforwardly available, Pillay goes on, and a well-defined system for incorporating recommendations must be understood.
  • 5. 5 | P a g e Pillay holds that two principal problems exist in making any organization, institution, or individual “accountable”: For one, there is often a lack of clarity about who is to take responsibility, and second, there is “an absence or underuse of mechanisms for reviewing and ensuring” that responsibility has been taken and subsequent action pursued. The aforementioned United Nations Academic Initiative invites participant colleges and universities to go beyond an initial, rather idealistic theoretical commitment to UN goals; institutions are called to account for themselves, too. For example, an annual “World Post Day” appeals for specific, accountable, interactions among UNAI actors and the countries where they are based to recognize and reinforce the power of each country’s postal sector in people’s and businesses’ everyday lives, as well as the sector’s power locally and worldwide to influence social and economic development. The UNAI activities take place on the ground and through cyberspace, recognizing that “posting” things in modern times means distributing them electronically as well as through traditional postal services. Another UNAI activity, “The Global Diplomacy Lab”, summons participants to offer concrete, accountable, plans for international communication, education, and development to be carried out during the next 70 years, once again on the ground and through cyberspace. UNAI participant University of Nairobi, Kenya, has proposed an accountable plan for “humanity’s interdependence,” starting with what student essay-writing winner Chwala Wallace has called a co-developed “moral ladder, set of guiding principles” to be conceived among the world’s peoples as a joint project; when people participate in something, the idea goes, they are more likely to attend to its progress and product. UNAI offers a healthy forum for such participation. UNAI institutions can most easily share accountability, as the April 2013, UNAI monthly newsletter (2013) has stated, through active publication of institutional work and through interactive communication done online. “Joint action…leading and coordinating” through Webcasts, synchronous, and asynchronous connections among international members of the UNAI provide Classroom Conversations, for example, “an ongoing interactive discussion forum” rich in teachable moments. As Pillay has pointed out, all UNAI endeavors must specify objective, replicable methods of accountability and name the names of those responsible for conception and execution, as well. Responsibility Responsibility means answerability, the capacity to explain, to inform, to educate. While accountability requires data collection, usually in the form of statistical analyses, responsibility demands clear answers to questions. Indeed, as Hope (2010) has stated, “when nobody is clear about who is responsible for what, and therefore who is going to take what action… fear of having to take on responsibilities (often arises).” Thus, after making commitments to perform some sort of action, and after setting up mechanisms to make people, organizations, and institutions accountable to take on those commitments, CARAwould have all participants in its program be trained in multiple ways, at least in the basics, with a table of organization defining actions and actors. The table must be made openly available, citing experts and their expertises that may be called upon as necessary to respond to popular, “end-user” needs. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has stated that “deepening synergies and partnerships” can broaden both the platform of response and the
  • 6. 6 | P a g e circle of respondents; that is, decision-making must be open, and all participants in an enterprise must each take part. Responsibility cannot be sloughed off because of “communication obstacles” or “institutional difficulties”; it must be both respected and reinforced. The United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) program cites a “shared culture of intellectual social responsibility” as a mandate. Professor Pedro Basualdo (2010), of UNAI participating institution The University of Buenos Aires, defines CARA responsibility as “an attitude, a sense of duty”, a “feeling (of) an intense ethical and moral obligation to take action”. Basualdo reminds educators that responsibility does well to result from research, particularly demographic, and from “beta-testing.” He cites the example of making people aware of how the combat against AIDS around the world must be waged in a context of “culturally responsible awareness”: “To be effective, antiretroviral compliance therapy should be administered several doses per day, at certain times. In many African countries, however, the people have not the concept of time we have in our western culture: many of them have not seen a clock in their lives…and it is the world’s poorest communities—many of them in Africa—that actually bear the brunt of the fight against HIV/AIDS” (2010:02). Western medical staff must themselves be educated in alternative world views, Basualdo points out, if they are to educate others in how to shake off affliction. As Basualdo suggests, interacting with people of varying worldviews requires continuous questioning-answering, or responsibility, in its literal sense. United Kingdom mental health expert and UNAI activist Hope (2010) writes that responsibility operates on a two-way street; those who have the responsibility to deliver something must indeed deliver it, and those who receive that something must indicate both that they have received it and that they know what to do with it. “Practitioners take responsibility,” Hope states, “…and “those in receipt of advice are responsible for what they do with it.” Hope asserts that responsibility-taking is choice-making; responsibility should not be taken lightly, without full awareness. Indeed, as UNAI Senegalese information sciences professor Alex Corenthin emphasizes, in the twenty-first century environment of “free information for all”, it is the People with a capital P who must remain ever diligent in the matter of responsibility, demanding that those who claim ownership of information or its routes of transmission not shut users out. As employes at institutions of higher education know, generating a sense of responsibility on campus requires that faculty, staff, and students all walk both ways on Hope’s two-way street. School personnel must do more than simply transmit information, course materials, and the like; they must ensure that what is transmitted is understood. And for their part, students must interact with institutional personnel, asking questions, submitting reports, reporting confusion and “de-confusion.” UNAI participant Independence Community College, in Kansas, has signed on to the Initiative to pursue commitments and to take responsibility “as part of a whole…as problem solvers”, according to Communication Studies associate professor Konye Ori. The school’s activities in “addressing issues of poverty” and “promoting inter-cultural dialogue” take place on campus, in the community, and online, with responsibility having the sense of one-to-one-to-many communication. Palmer (2015) holds that the UNAI has proven to be a crucible for CARA, and that responsibility has come ever more often to be generated from within: “students indicate a strong interest to learn more about concepts such as social entrepreneurship, environmental sustainability, and corporate social responsibility.” Too, Palmer continues, “global social responsibility” is cited by
  • 7. 7 | P a g e nearly two thirds of students whose campuses participate in UNAI as their number one “feeling” that they would like to exploit and explore through the UNAI. UNAI students at Canada’s Polytechnique Montréal have reported taking charge of entrepreneurship and responsibility with their fellows and have been asked by local businesses in Canada, as well as by other UNAI participants outside the country, to share their experience: “By examining user flows and consumption projections related to on-campus escalator use”, the Montréalais UNAI participants found ways to “promote energy savings and sustainability…in a relatively straightforward way.” By taking responsibility for their learning and executing a study locally that could be exploited internationally, they have been able to produce a plan of simple replicable action. Action Neither purpose nor desire nor economics can trump action. Beyond the promises that define commitment, the statistical analyses comprising theoretical accountability, and the naming of names to establish responsibility, CARA’s ultimate goal is action. As a United Nations program, CARA would have action be truly global in at least two senses: Global, in the worldwide international sense, on the one hand, and global in the complete, across-the-board, transdisciplinary sense, on the other hand. For the European Union, an initial CARA action has included the institution of a single, pan- European “marketplace and platform” for everything digital. Having noted that only 2 in 3 European households have regular access to the Internet, and that only 1 in 5 are able to use the Internet at least once a day for 15 minutes, the online journal Toute l’Europe has indicated that many Europeans have been suffering not just from frustration born from failing connectivity but more importantly from the “anti-competitive” practices of large corporations, often American ones, each demanding that its subscribers deploy systems that are incompatible with those of the next and each bulking up its data flow with unwieldy advertising. France’s Minister of Economy, Industry, and Digital Relations has proposed that Europe “take action” to make itself “a propitious provider of the pragmatic”, offering places and spaces, typically in old buildings whose façades recall centuries past but whose interiors gleam with the bright blue eyes of WiFi. An “investment program of risk-capital, adapted to the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises with strong potential for return on investment”, has been launched, integrated into the European Union’s Juncker Plan. Harmony with the Americans is proposed, and mutual respect called for. France, in particular, has set forth a plan of action to attain five Internet-related goals; the idea is that the modern era of rapid change—the continuous movement and mutation of people, things, and ideas-- demands fast, effective information technology. The five goals include: development of pan-European 5G, the Internet of objects (things), cloud computing, big data, and cybersecurity. The first line of action defined in all United Nations programs entails “ratification and implementation” of program agendas. France has called for “European champions” to unite to pursue its five goals actively in an area “whose domestic market is at least the size of that of the United States.” Noting that connectivity, interactivity, intellectual, economic, and social problems and progress are all “interconnected”, the UNAI points out that “progress on all fronts” must take place simultaneously. Each institutional member of the UNAI “(is) expected to show support of one of ten United Nations principles by undertaking one activity per year which tangibly supports and
  • 8. 8 | P a g e furthers the realization of the principles.” For example, South Carolina’s UNAI member Benedict College has joined the United Nations Youth Assembly to promote and provide opportunities for students to travel abroad, learn in foreign institutions, and return to South Carolina to integrate their learned experiences into their home curriculum. Environmental engineering and computer sciences majors traveled to Africa, for example, to see how their chosen fields of study can be put into genuine action in places of need. Connecticut’s Norwalk Community College administration has responded to its UNAI student group suggestions “to add ‘green’ elements to new building designs”: Ncc’s new Center for Science, Health and Wellness, built by Mitchell/Giurgola Architects and Dirtworks, has been LEED Gold certified, made in “the vernacular of this area of Connecticut.” And Newark, New Jersey’s Essex County College has responded to the Sierra Leone expatriates who make up the largest community outside their own African nation to push for improved development, education, and communication, beginning with a New Jersey-Sierra Leone joint publishing venture of the online version of Cocorioko, a forty-two year old populist newspaper venture to educate Africans everywhere by starting with headlines. “Social mobilization will bring victory (over the Ebola virus) within reach,” states a recent article in Cocorioko, reminding readers that “adhering to the health protocols and medical regulations” of the United Nations and of Doctors without Borders entails continued, attentive action, taken without fear. And like Cocorioko, other transnationally oriented but non-United Nations-sponsored organizations have been sponsoring CARA-style action as well. The international ONE Campus has recruited students and faculty in a free-access, non-governmental, online-based set of activities germinating from the grassroots and aiming up through societies and their governments and out into the world. For instance, ONE’s “Poverty is Sexist” and “Electrify Africa” campaigns have, in the first case, attracted international medical worker interest to reduce infant death while improving women’s health and, in the second case, caught the attention of the United States Congress to “plug in” the many countries making up the all-too- Dark Continent. Yet another ONE campaign, Uganda’s Dwelling Places, has found thousands of homes for those rendered homeless through poverty and strife, while also giving education and life skills. CARA actions seem to have triggered a fortunate chain reaction, spurring (inter)action across boundaries. FEARless care: CARA everywhere CARA, like FEAR, is a pronounceable word; it can mean “dear” as an adjective, or it can mean “a caress”, in both cases a tender expression guaranteed to eliminate fear. The United Nations’ CARA program incorporates educational endeavors cited by Unesco and the UNAI that have become most accessible, exploitable, and productive online. For instance, a free Unesco-originated “Global Civics Academy”, hosted by the Brookings Institution’s Hakan Altinay and uniting seminar presenters from around the world who have posted lectures asynchronously and always accessible online, exemplifies the “global” perspective that the UNAI fosters: Global Trade, Global Finance, Global Public Health, Global Public Goods, and the Values in/for an International World comprise some of the topics covered. And the France- based UNAI International Association of Universities (IAU) provides an “open portal” inviting institutions to post online programs in sustainable development for free access: A “Professional training programme on education for sustainable development” (developed in Zurich,
  • 9. 9 | P a g e Switzerland), a “World Education Forum” (hosted in Korea), and “Carbon Footprint Calculator” (initiated in Italy) are just three IAU ongoing projects. The IAU wishes to “offer an opportunity to gain knowledge, share work with others, and talk to others from around the world,” aiming to make all participants into student learners. Education, as the IAU states, plays a crucial role in enlightening areas where suspicion and ignorance have squelched the human spirit into fear and silence. As Sierra Leone’s Cocorioko newspaper has written, “when the patience of students (runs) out for the archaic and non-performing, …(awareness), knowledge, and news must give birth to a new spirit.” And as UNAI Classroom Conversations state, “silence, invisibility, and fear will not go away unless we talk…and provide students with knowledge and tools.” From the aforementioned IAU consortium to Norway’s University of Bergen, where an online-enriched international program has been launched to “Save Aramaic Languages” that are falling into disuse as relics of liturgy and ancient texts but that remain alive in the Turoyo tongue of the Middle East and Europe, to a technologically advanced technique to save Holy Land cultural heritage through QR technology-enhanced tourist guides created by Bethlehem’s Birzeit University, UNAI participant schools are supplanting False Evidence with real, well- communicated, transparently available data. And in these ways, what appears real is clearly becoming real.. REFERENCES Basualdo, P. (2010). Individual global responsibility. Retrieved 8 October, 2015 %202.pdf Clark, B. (2010). Is F.E.A.R. holding you back? Copyblogger. Clark, D. (2007). The thrill of teaching. Springville, UT: Cedar Fort, Inc. Clark, D. (2010). Four steps on the stairway to heaven. Brigham Young University Corenthin, A. (2013). Faire de la souveraineté numérique. Retrieved souverainete-numerique.html EDU. (2015). EDU Intergovernmental Organization. Retrieved Georgieva, K. (2015). Nous allons battre les Etats-Unis. http://www.onmap- Hope, R. (2010). Responsibility and accountability best practice guide. Mental Health Division, Department of Health, United Kingdom. London: Department of Health. Retrieved 9 October, 2015 %20New%20Ways%20of%20Working%20to%20a%20Creative,%20Capable%20Workforce.pdf Norwalk Community College. (2010). NCC joins United Nations Academic Impact. Recognition document. Retrieved Palmer, D. (2015). Handbook of research on business ethics and corporate responsibilities. IGI Global. Retrieved
  • 10. 10 | P a g e, +taking+responsibility,+UNAI&source=bl&ots=L2- Xlbb2pD&sig=V0D3d4VZZiM5xkHw0rQKTVEbcrY&hl=fr&sa=X&ved=0CDMQ6AEwAmoVChMI 2OTi4LbDyAIVjTyICh237guC#v=onepage&q=united%20nations%2C%20taking%20responsibilit y%2C%20UNAI&f=false Peine, J. (2007). The Educator’s Professional Growth Plan. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, Sage Publications. Pillay, N. (2013). Who will be accountable? United Nations High Commission for Human Rights. Toute l’Europe (2015). souhaite-changer-l-europe.html UNAI. (2015). UNAI Newsletter. (2013). UNAI observes international day of happiness. April, 2013. Retrieved f UNAI Prezi. (2015). Prezi presentation. 2015/ United Nations Business (2015). Commitments.