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Steps to Create a
The IRP consists of 3 parts:
 The Project Plan:
 Provides an initial summary and outline of
the complete research process.
 The Project Diary:
 Is a record of an ongoing process; records
values, attitudes and feelings; reflects
honesty on problems encountered and their
solutions; records conversations, contacts,
readings and sources of secondary data;
and reflects the proposed timeline.
The IRP consists of 3 parts:
 The Product:
 Is to be research based and independent,
derived from a student’s own work. It may be
presented in a diversity of formats, such as
a written report, electronic presentation,
video presentation, oral report or multimedia
Step 1 -Picking a Topic
 The topic chosen for the focus of the IRP should be
related to the course content in one or more of the
following areas:
 Resource Management
 Individuals
 Groups
 Families
 Communities
 Choose a topic you are interested in.
If you don’t like your topic and are doing it because it
seems easy (or some other reason) you will be less likely
to want to work on it.
 Make sure the topic is focused & specific. If the topic
is too broad you can end up overwhelmed with
 Try to relate your topic to wellbeing, if possible.
Remember SPEEPS- social, physical, emotional,
economic, political and spiritual wellbeing. Wellbeing
is such a huge part of what CAFS is about. By picking a
topic related to wellbeing you will practice writing about it,
which will help for the trial and HSC exams.
 Resources need to be accessible locally and available
to you (primary and secondary resources)
 Your topic can be written as a hypothesis,
or as a research question.
 What is a hypothesis?
 A research topic is often written as a hypothesis.
It is a positive statement of what the
researcher expects to find out, or an idea that
he or she wants to test.
 Some examples of hypotheses in CAFS:
 -Bullying in schools is out of control
 -Australian sporting stars provide good role models
for teenagers
 -Working parents are the majority users of child
 -Gender-stereotyping is highly evident in the media
Some Examples”
 The media portrays unreal images of women
 The literacy level of migrants impacts on employment opportunities
 What are the influences of birth order on an individual’s behaviour?
 What are the effects of verbal bullying?
 The media encourages the sexualisation of children.
 The children of migrants are encouraged to follow their parent’s culture in preference to
following Australian culture.
 What are the impacts of domestic violence on children?
 What are the impacts of divorce on children?
 Are individuals who have been abused as children more likely to use drugs in
Step 2 – Be Organised
 Establish a system that works for you
and have the following items:
 A display folder
 IRP diary
 USB drive
 Document storage folders
 A folder on your desktop
 edmodo
Step 3 –Develop a research proposal
 This is due on 25th October
 The proposal:
 Defines the research question
 Identifies the method to be used
 Outline the time period for conducting the research
 You need to:
• Recognise the proposed research topic and related question and
• Explain why the topic was chosen.
• Identify possible secondary sources of data specific to your topic and
explain what they are about.
• Describe your choice of primary research methodologies that will be used
to collect data
• Briefly outline issues such as sampling, validity, reliability, and bias which
you may need to overcome.
• Develop a clear and realistic timeline of your research.
Things you will need to do from now
till you start the Product
 Need to develop questionnaires
 Need to interview people and hand out and get
back questionnaires
 Make telephone calls and arrange interviews
 Research the internet
 Visit the library and ask the librarian if she could
help you find 2 research papers in journals
based on your question
 Keep your questionnaires and info in a folder
 Always write in your diary!!!!!
Other questions that need to be
considered in your proposal
 Introduction outlining:
 Why you have chosen your research topic
 Your research question
 The research methods you will use
 Data needed outlining:
 The information you need to answer your question
including: statistics, descriptions and definitions,
literature to be reviewed
Other questions that need to be
considered in your proposal
 Research methods explaining:
 The data collection methods you will use e.g.
questionnaires, interviews, observations, case
 How you will conduct you’re your research
including: number of individuals to be involved,
time and location
 Timeline
Develop a timeframe
Week of the Project Details of what to be done
1 – 10th October Start Diary and formulate a question
2 – 17th October Develop a research proposal
3 – 24th October Hand in a research proposal (26th) and investigate
secondary resources, take notes DIARY CHECK
4 – 31st October Develop a questionnaire, check with teacher
5 - 7th November Interview people and get back questionnaires
6 – 14th November Write literature review section of the report, collate
interview results
7 – 21st November Analyse date and produce tables, etc, (need to hand
up diary to Mr Bettiol) DIARY CHECK
8 – 28th November Write first draft and Have IRP proofread
9 – 5th December Write second draft of IRP (check acknowledgments,
bibliography and appendices)
10 – 12th December Hand in IRP and Diary.
Research Proposal
 Introduction – statement of the problem
 Literature review – background
 Rationale
 Methodology
 Timeline
 Significance – expected outcomes
 References
 Your proposal needs to be written/typed
just like a essay or research paper.
Step 4 – Write in your diary
 Your diary is a record of the steps you take during the
development of your IRP.
 Need to record:
 Details of methods used
 Important dates and people or places that can help in the
 Document research from beginning to the end.
 Records values, feelings and attitudes
 Reflects on honesty on problems encountered and their
 Records conversations, contacts, readings and sources of
secondary data.
 Reflects timeline.
 An example in text on page 166.
Step 5 – Use a variety of sources of
data – Primary and Secondary
 Your first step should be to search for
secondary sources for what has already
been written about your chosen topic.
 For example:
 edwards_etal.pdf
 Libraries are a good place to start, such as
your school, local library, TAFE or Uni
 Look at the Internet (Google), computer
programs, television, podcasts, books,
journals, magazines, newspapers, pamphlets,
 Search within these websites:
 ABC, SBS, Channel 9, Australian Bureau of
 This preliminary reading should help you
formulate the questions you want to ask in
your own research and is the beginning of
your literature review.
 As you find information, you should record
the name, source and publication details so
that it is available later when compiling your
 Later on in the research process you may
also use some of this secondary data for
comparison, discussion and analysis in your
Collecting and recording data
 Primary research – important but also time
consuming. It is carried out first hand by
researchers and may involve in undertaking
interviews, carrying out observations,
distributing and collecting questionnaires or
developing a case study.
 Secondary research – sources that are
gathered by someone else. The information
has been processed in some way.
Secondary sources are often used to
support or add to the findingsof primary
Quantitative and qualitative
 Research methodologies can be classified as
either quantitative or qualitative. Often a
combination of methodologies is used in a
research project.
 Quantitative research collects numerical data
and is sometimes referred to as research with
numbers. Focuses on measuring, collecting
and drawing relationships between facts
through statistics. The methodologies include
questionnaires, interviews and experiments.
 Qualitative research is concerned with
collecting information in a social context and
looks at interactions and relationships
between individuals and groups.
 Qualitative research is used to gain insight
into people's attitudes, behaviours, value
systems, concerns, motivations, aspirations,
culture or lifestyles.
 Includes observations, case studies,
interviews and questionnaires.
Step 6 – Consider ethics and issues
in research
 Privacy
 Respect for subjects of research
 Integrity of researcher
 Integrity of data
 HSC regulations
 Scholarship principles and practices
 Acknowledging sources
 Plagiarism
 Copyright
 Working with others
Step 7 – Research Methodology
 Depending on the purpose of the research,
particular research methodologies are used to
conduct it. Some methodologies are more
appropriate than others for studying particular
 The literature review helps to direct research to
be done.
 Survey
 Interviews
 Questionnaires
 Case Study
 Observation
Step 7a – Conduct a suitable
primary Research methodology
 Use either quantitative data or qualitative
 Survey
 A survey is the process of conducting a study
involving a number of individuals or subjects.
 A survey uses either interviews or
questionnaires, conducted among a few or
many people.
 Interview
 The researcher talks to various respondents in person or over the
telephone, asking them questions about a particular topic.
 Interviews are usually conducted on a one-to-one basis, but
sometimes the researcher might have a focus group where
approximately three to eight people come together and are
interviewed simultaneously.
 The respondents’ answers are recorded in some way; either on a
checklist, in brief notes taken by the researcher, or by an audio or
 The researcher and the respondent should be clear on the
purpose of conducting the interview, and the researcher needs to
be well prepared and plan clear, unambiguous questions.
 The researcher must be careful not to dominate the discussion or
bias the answers by over-interpreting them.
 A structured interview is quite formal, with predetermined
questions being asked in the same sequence to all respondents.
 An unstructured interview is informal and tends to be more
flexible. Respondents are able to express themselves more
freely through discussion of topic areas, rather than answering
specific questions.
 When planning and carrying out an interview
researchers need to:
1. Decide on what information is needed and from whom.
2. Plan and write the questions using broad-based
questions on a checklist.
3. Decide on the sample size and the method of collection.
4. Prepare the recording method for the interview.
5. Pilot the interview (practise it on someone similar).
6. Conduct the interviews among the respondents.
7. Analyse the results.
Do 1,2 and 3 from above
What are the advantages and disadvantages of carrying
out an interview?
 Gathering information from people using a planned set of
questions. The questionnaire may be oral, whereby a
researcher asks the respondents questions and records
the responses on a tally sheet, or written, whereby the
respondents record their own answers on the
questionnaire sheet.
 The questions may be closed - which limits possible
responses, or open -with the respondents able to express
opinions and make comments.
 Questionnaires can be used in many research situations.
They can be distributed to large populations and thus
provide a useful amount of data. They are reasonably
easy to interpret, especially those with closed questions.
They do require a lot of planning and preparation, however,
and respondents need to be made aware of the purpose of
the questionnaire.
When developing and conducting questionnaires
researchers need to:
1. Decide on what information is needed and from
2. Design the questionnaire, with a limited number of
questions and a combination of closed and open
questions where possible.
3. Decide on the sample size and the method of
4. Pilot the questionnaire.
5. Conduct the survey in the required population.
6. Analyse the results.
Do 1,2,3 from above
What are the advantages and disadvantages of conducting a
 Case Study
 The detailed investigation of one issue, such as a
person, an event, a community group or an institution.
A range of research techniques including interview,
observation and questionnaire may be used to
assemble the range of information needed about the
single issue.
 They are especially useful in finding out how and why.
 They usually require supporting research, and
generalisations are not often possible based on the
limited information gathered.
 They are often subjective and researchers can find it
difficult not to become involved and thus influence the
When developing a case study-based project
researchers need to:
1. Choose an appropriate topic to investigate and
a time period to cover it.
2. Decide on the appropriate research techniques
to use.
3. Plan and prepare the necessary materials for
collecting and recording data.
4. Carry out selected research techniques.
5. Collate the results collected.
6. Analyse the results.
 Observation
 Involves watching and recording what is seen.
 Can reveal a lot about group dynamics not always possible
with other methods.
 Participant observation involves the researcher taking
part in the group and observing from within. The
researcher has full access to the group and therefore gains
more knowledge and greater disclosure from members.
 Researchers tend to be subjective and are often biased,
and the researchers presence and actions may influence
the group’s dynamics if group members detect what the
researcher is there for and do not act naturally.
 Observations are time consuming.
 Non –participant observation involves the researcher
observing the group without participating. Researcher
more objective and finds it easier to record what is seen.
When developing an observation-based
project researchers need to:
1. Choose an appropriate site or group to
observe and a time period to cover it.
2. Decide what specifically to observe.
3. Design a data-recording sheet.
4. Conduct the observation.
5. Analyse the results.
Literature Review
 Involve researching books, articles, seminar papers,
websites or other secondary sources that contain material
about an issue. The ‘literature’ refers to any form of
information that has already been published in a particular
topic area.
 The aim of the literature review is to provide some
background information about the topic so that research
discussion makes more sense.
 All research should begin by reviewing existing sources so
that the researcher can learn from the work of others and
focus on what needs to be researched.
 All the materials accessed as part of the literature review
must be referenced and included in the project’s
 Bring at least 3 sources to class
tomorrow which would help you write up
a Literature review. You will be starting
that in class tomorrow.
 Books
 Articles
 Seminar papers
 Websites
 Journals
The introduction should include:
 the nature of the topic under discussion (the
topic of your thesis)
 the parameters of the topic (what does it
include and exclude)?
 the basis for your selection of the literature
The Introduction
The Body
The body paragraphs could include relevant paragraphs
 historical background, including classic texts;
 possible approaches to the subject (empirical,
philosophical, historical, postmodernist, etc);
 definitions in use;
 current research studies;
 current discoveries about the topic;
 principal questions that are being asked;
 general conclusions that are being drawn;
 methodologies and methods in use;
 … and so on.
The Conclusion
The conclusion should include:
 A summary of major agreements and
disagreements in the literature
 A summary of general conclusions that are
being drawn.
 A summary of where your review sits in the
How to write the review
1. Divide a sheet of A4 paper into 3 sections. Label the sections
Introduction, Main body and Conclusion.
2. Under the heading Introduction, write a sentence to summarise
your research topic. Add a brief summary of the literature that
provides the background to your research and sets the scene.
3. Under Main body, decide how you'll organise your literature review:
perhaps by theme, methodology or chronologically.
4. Hint: think about how the previous research on your topic has
developed. How has the subject developed over time? What are the
important landmarks or key studies?
5. Think about how you will use the literature to support your
hypothesis, but where possible, also include literature that offers a
different view point.
6. Remember: don't just report what's been written. You need to be
critical and make judgements about the validity and worth of
previous research.
7. Under Conclusion, re-state your research proposal, and write a
couple of sentences about why your research is important and
relevant in the context of the existing research. Think about how
your research is unique and what it will add to the existing literature
in the area.
 Enabling programs are a common and successful strategy for improving
educational opportunities and subsequent success for disadvantaged students
in the USA (Tripodi 1994), UK (Davies & Parry 1993), New Zealand (James
1994) and Australia (Postle, Clarke & Bull 1997).
 In the USA these tend to be intensive summer programs offered prior to
enrolment for ‘at risk' ‘minority' students; while for the UK, New Zealand and
Australia they tend to be pre-enrolment programs that facilitate access to higher
education by mainly mature students who lack conventional entry qualifications,
generally because of a background of disadvantage. (A distinction will be
drawn here to smaller scale ‘bridging programs' that address only very specific
aspects of preparedness, for example, bridging Mathematics programs for
enhancing the Maths skills of students entering technical fields. Although these
often represent important equity initiatives, their tight focus and relatively short
duration serve to distinguish them from the broader and more intensive enabling
programs that are the focus of this paper.)
 In an extensive study of the Scottish Wider Access (SWAP) Programs, Munn,
Johnstone & Robinson (1994) noted that such access programs have been:
'remarkably successful in attracting traditionally under-represented groups in
higher education' (p.73).
Analysing and Interpreting data
 Analysis and interpretation of the data
collected is a very significant part of the
 It makes sense of the data and gives
meaning to the research findings. You need
to refer back to the research question to
help organise your data and focus your
 Analysing involves clarifying the data and
highlighting important points, trends, common
elements, unexpected outcomes and
relationships between factors.
 When analysing quantitative data this will
usually mean tabulating the data and
establishing the mean, median, mode and
range of research results.
Setting Out Your IRP
Cover page
Table of Contents
The remainder
 Abstract
 Acknowledgements
 Introduction (Approximately 250 words)
 Literature Review (Approximately 400 words)
 Methodology (Approximately 500 words)
 Results and Findings (How ever much it takes!)
 Analysis and Discussion (Approx. 600 words)
 Summary and Conclusion (Approx. 300 words)
 Recommendations (approximately 100 words)
 Bibliography
 Appendix

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IRP for Dummies

  • 2. The IRP consists of 3 parts:  The Project Plan:  Provides an initial summary and outline of the complete research process.  The Project Diary:  Is a record of an ongoing process; records values, attitudes and feelings; reflects honesty on problems encountered and their solutions; records conversations, contacts, readings and sources of secondary data; and reflects the proposed timeline.
  • 3. The IRP consists of 3 parts:  The Product:  Is to be research based and independent, derived from a student’s own work. It may be presented in a diversity of formats, such as a written report, electronic presentation, video presentation, oral report or multimedia presentation.
  • 4. Step 1 -Picking a Topic  The topic chosen for the focus of the IRP should be related to the course content in one or more of the following areas:  Resource Management  Individuals  Groups  Families  Communities
  • 5.  Choose a topic you are interested in. If you don’t like your topic and are doing it because it seems easy (or some other reason) you will be less likely to want to work on it.  Make sure the topic is focused & specific. If the topic is too broad you can end up overwhelmed with information.  Try to relate your topic to wellbeing, if possible. Remember SPEEPS- social, physical, emotional, economic, political and spiritual wellbeing. Wellbeing is such a huge part of what CAFS is about. By picking a topic related to wellbeing you will practice writing about it, which will help for the trial and HSC exams.  Resources need to be accessible locally and available to you (primary and secondary resources)
  • 6.  Your topic can be written as a hypothesis, or as a research question.  What is a hypothesis?  A research topic is often written as a hypothesis. It is a positive statement of what the researcher expects to find out, or an idea that he or she wants to test.  Some examples of hypotheses in CAFS:  -Bullying in schools is out of control  -Australian sporting stars provide good role models for teenagers  -Working parents are the majority users of child care  -Gender-stereotyping is highly evident in the media
  • 7. Some Examples”  The media portrays unreal images of women  The literacy level of migrants impacts on employment opportunities  What are the influences of birth order on an individual’s behaviour?  What are the effects of verbal bullying?  The media encourages the sexualisation of children.  The children of migrants are encouraged to follow their parent’s culture in preference to following Australian culture.  What are the impacts of domestic violence on children?  What are the impacts of divorce on children?  Are individuals who have been abused as children more likely to use drugs in adulthood?
  • 8. Step 2 – Be Organised  Establish a system that works for you and have the following items:  A display folder  IRP diary  USB drive  Document storage folders  A folder on your desktop   edmodo
  • 9. Step 3 –Develop a research proposal  This is due on 25th October  The proposal:  Defines the research question  Identifies the method to be used  Outline the time period for conducting the research  You need to: • Recognise the proposed research topic and related question and hypothesis. • Explain why the topic was chosen. • Identify possible secondary sources of data specific to your topic and explain what they are about. • Describe your choice of primary research methodologies that will be used to collect data • Briefly outline issues such as sampling, validity, reliability, and bias which you may need to overcome. • Develop a clear and realistic timeline of your research.
  • 10. Things you will need to do from now till you start the Product  Need to develop questionnaires  Need to interview people and hand out and get back questionnaires  Make telephone calls and arrange interviews  Research the internet  Visit the library and ask the librarian if she could help you find 2 research papers in journals based on your question  Keep your questionnaires and info in a folder  Always write in your diary!!!!!
  • 11. Other questions that need to be considered in your proposal  Introduction outlining:  Why you have chosen your research topic  Your research question  The research methods you will use  Data needed outlining:  The information you need to answer your question including: statistics, descriptions and definitions, literature to be reviewed
  • 12. Other questions that need to be considered in your proposal  Research methods explaining:  The data collection methods you will use e.g. questionnaires, interviews, observations, case studies.  How you will conduct you’re your research including: number of individuals to be involved, time and location  Timeline
  • 13. Develop a timeframe Week of the Project Details of what to be done 1 – 10th October Start Diary and formulate a question 2 – 17th October Develop a research proposal 3 – 24th October Hand in a research proposal (26th) and investigate secondary resources, take notes DIARY CHECK 4 – 31st October Develop a questionnaire, check with teacher 5 - 7th November Interview people and get back questionnaires 6 – 14th November Write literature review section of the report, collate interview results 7 – 21st November Analyse date and produce tables, etc, (need to hand up diary to Mr Bettiol) DIARY CHECK 8 – 28th November Write first draft and Have IRP proofread 9 – 5th December Write second draft of IRP (check acknowledgments, bibliography and appendices) 10 – 12th December Hand in IRP and Diary.
  • 14. Research Proposal  Introduction – statement of the problem  Literature review – background  Rationale  Methodology  Timeline  Significance – expected outcomes  References  Your proposal needs to be written/typed just like a essay or research paper.
  • 15. Step 4 – Write in your diary  Your diary is a record of the steps you take during the development of your IRP.  Need to record:  Details of methods used  Important dates and people or places that can help in the research.  Document research from beginning to the end.  Records values, feelings and attitudes  Reflects on honesty on problems encountered and their solutions  Records conversations, contacts, readings and sources of secondary data.  Reflects timeline.  An example in text on page 166.  Momento
  • 16.
  • 17. Step 5 – Use a variety of sources of data – Primary and Secondary  Your first step should be to search for secondary sources for what has already been written about your chosen topic.  For example: rds_etal.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=0CRWCTVCWB1 7SQPJGB82&Expires=1318932943&Signature=c bJ2BP1ncpHzgp5hcyn%2FV8%2FiKi0%3D  edwards_etal.pdf
  • 18.  Libraries are a good place to start, such as your school, local library, TAFE or Uni  Look at the Internet (Google), computer programs, television, podcasts, books, journals, magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, etc  Search within these websites:  ABC, SBS, Channel 9, Australian Bureau of Statistics.  This preliminary reading should help you formulate the questions you want to ask in your own research and is the beginning of your literature review.
  • 19.  As you find information, you should record the name, source and publication details so that it is available later when compiling your bibliography.  Later on in the research process you may also use some of this secondary data for comparison, discussion and analysis in your results.
  • 20. Collecting and recording data  Primary research – important but also time consuming. It is carried out first hand by researchers and may involve in undertaking interviews, carrying out observations, distributing and collecting questionnaires or developing a case study.
  • 21.  Secondary research – sources that are gathered by someone else. The information has been processed in some way. Secondary sources are often used to support or add to the findingsof primary research.
  • 23. Quantitative and qualitative research  Research methodologies can be classified as either quantitative or qualitative. Often a combination of methodologies is used in a research project.  Quantitative research collects numerical data and is sometimes referred to as research with numbers. Focuses on measuring, collecting and drawing relationships between facts through statistics. The methodologies include questionnaires, interviews and experiments.
  • 24.  Qualitative research is concerned with collecting information in a social context and looks at interactions and relationships between individuals and groups.  Qualitative research is used to gain insight into people's attitudes, behaviours, value systems, concerns, motivations, aspirations, culture or lifestyles.  Includes observations, case studies, interviews and questionnaires.
  • 25. Step 6 – Consider ethics and issues in research  Privacy  Respect for subjects of research  Integrity of researcher  Integrity of data  HSC regulations  Scholarship principles and practices  Acknowledging sources  Plagiarism  Copyright  Working with others
  • 26. Step 7 – Research Methodology  Depending on the purpose of the research, particular research methodologies are used to conduct it. Some methodologies are more appropriate than others for studying particular topics.  The literature review helps to direct research to be done.  Survey  Interviews  Questionnaires  Case Study  Observation
  • 27. Step 7a – Conduct a suitable primary Research methodology  Use either quantitative data or qualitative data.  Survey  A survey is the process of conducting a study involving a number of individuals or subjects.  A survey uses either interviews or questionnaires, conducted among a few or many people.
  • 28.  Interview  The researcher talks to various respondents in person or over the telephone, asking them questions about a particular topic.  Interviews are usually conducted on a one-to-one basis, but sometimes the researcher might have a focus group where approximately three to eight people come together and are interviewed simultaneously.  The respondents’ answers are recorded in some way; either on a checklist, in brief notes taken by the researcher, or by an audio or video-recording.  The researcher and the respondent should be clear on the purpose of conducting the interview, and the researcher needs to be well prepared and plan clear, unambiguous questions.  The researcher must be careful not to dominate the discussion or bias the answers by over-interpreting them.  A structured interview is quite formal, with predetermined questions being asked in the same sequence to all respondents.  An unstructured interview is informal and tends to be more flexible. Respondents are able to express themselves more freely through discussion of topic areas, rather than answering specific questions.
  • 29.  When planning and carrying out an interview researchers need to: 1. Decide on what information is needed and from whom. 2. Plan and write the questions using broad-based questions on a checklist. 3. Decide on the sample size and the method of collection. 4. Prepare the recording method for the interview. 5. Pilot the interview (practise it on someone similar). 6. Conduct the interviews among the respondents. 7. Analyse the results. Do 1,2 and 3 from above What are the advantages and disadvantages of carrying out an interview?
  • 30. Questionnaire  Gathering information from people using a planned set of questions. The questionnaire may be oral, whereby a researcher asks the respondents questions and records the responses on a tally sheet, or written, whereby the respondents record their own answers on the questionnaire sheet.  The questions may be closed - which limits possible responses, or open -with the respondents able to express opinions and make comments.  Questionnaires can be used in many research situations. They can be distributed to large populations and thus provide a useful amount of data. They are reasonably easy to interpret, especially those with closed questions. They do require a lot of planning and preparation, however, and respondents need to be made aware of the purpose of the questionnaire. 
  • 31.
  • 32. When developing and conducting questionnaires researchers need to: 1. Decide on what information is needed and from whom. 2. Design the questionnaire, with a limited number of questions and a combination of closed and open questions where possible. 3. Decide on the sample size and the method of collection. 4. Pilot the questionnaire. 5. Conduct the survey in the required population. 6. Analyse the results. Do 1,2,3 from above What are the advantages and disadvantages of conducting a questionnaire?
  • 33.  Case Study  The detailed investigation of one issue, such as a person, an event, a community group or an institution. A range of research techniques including interview, observation and questionnaire may be used to assemble the range of information needed about the single issue.  They are especially useful in finding out how and why.  They usually require supporting research, and generalisations are not often possible based on the limited information gathered.  They are often subjective and researchers can find it difficult not to become involved and thus influence the findings.
  • 34. When developing a case study-based project researchers need to: 1. Choose an appropriate topic to investigate and a time period to cover it. 2. Decide on the appropriate research techniques to use. 3. Plan and prepare the necessary materials for collecting and recording data. 4. Carry out selected research techniques. 5. Collate the results collected. 6. Analyse the results.
  • 35.  Observation  Involves watching and recording what is seen.  Can reveal a lot about group dynamics not always possible with other methods.  Participant observation involves the researcher taking part in the group and observing from within. The researcher has full access to the group and therefore gains more knowledge and greater disclosure from members.  Researchers tend to be subjective and are often biased, and the researchers presence and actions may influence the group’s dynamics if group members detect what the researcher is there for and do not act naturally.  Observations are time consuming.  Non –participant observation involves the researcher observing the group without participating. Researcher more objective and finds it easier to record what is seen.
  • 36. When developing an observation-based project researchers need to: 1. Choose an appropriate site or group to observe and a time period to cover it. 2. Decide what specifically to observe. 3. Design a data-recording sheet. 4. Conduct the observation. 5. Analyse the results.
  • 37. Literature Review  Involve researching books, articles, seminar papers, websites or other secondary sources that contain material about an issue. The ‘literature’ refers to any form of information that has already been published in a particular topic area.  The aim of the literature review is to provide some background information about the topic so that research discussion makes more sense.  All research should begin by reviewing existing sources so that the researcher can learn from the work of others and focus on what needs to be researched.  All the materials accessed as part of the literature review must be referenced and included in the project’s bibliography.
  • 38. Homework  Bring at least 3 sources to class tomorrow which would help you write up a Literature review. You will be starting that in class tomorrow.  Books  Articles  Seminar papers  Websites  Journals
  • 39. The introduction should include:  the nature of the topic under discussion (the topic of your thesis)  the parameters of the topic (what does it include and exclude)?  the basis for your selection of the literature The Introduction
  • 40. The Body The body paragraphs could include relevant paragraphs on:  historical background, including classic texts;  possible approaches to the subject (empirical, philosophical, historical, postmodernist, etc);  definitions in use;  current research studies;  current discoveries about the topic;  principal questions that are being asked;  general conclusions that are being drawn;  methodologies and methods in use;  … and so on.
  • 41. The Conclusion The conclusion should include:  A summary of major agreements and disagreements in the literature  A summary of general conclusions that are being drawn.  A summary of where your review sits in the literature
  • 42. How to write the review 1. Divide a sheet of A4 paper into 3 sections. Label the sections Introduction, Main body and Conclusion. 2. Under the heading Introduction, write a sentence to summarise your research topic. Add a brief summary of the literature that provides the background to your research and sets the scene. 3. Under Main body, decide how you'll organise your literature review: perhaps by theme, methodology or chronologically. 4. Hint: think about how the previous research on your topic has developed. How has the subject developed over time? What are the important landmarks or key studies? 5. Think about how you will use the literature to support your hypothesis, but where possible, also include literature that offers a different view point. 6. Remember: don't just report what's been written. You need to be critical and make judgements about the validity and worth of previous research. 7. Under Conclusion, re-state your research proposal, and write a couple of sentences about why your research is important and relevant in the context of the existing research. Think about how your research is unique and what it will add to the existing literature in the area.
  • 43.  Enabling programs are a common and successful strategy for improving educational opportunities and subsequent success for disadvantaged students in the USA (Tripodi 1994), UK (Davies & Parry 1993), New Zealand (James 1994) and Australia (Postle, Clarke & Bull 1997).  In the USA these tend to be intensive summer programs offered prior to enrolment for ‘at risk' ‘minority' students; while for the UK, New Zealand and Australia they tend to be pre-enrolment programs that facilitate access to higher education by mainly mature students who lack conventional entry qualifications, generally because of a background of disadvantage. (A distinction will be drawn here to smaller scale ‘bridging programs' that address only very specific aspects of preparedness, for example, bridging Mathematics programs for enhancing the Maths skills of students entering technical fields. Although these often represent important equity initiatives, their tight focus and relatively short duration serve to distinguish them from the broader and more intensive enabling programs that are the focus of this paper.)  In an extensive study of the Scottish Wider Access (SWAP) Programs, Munn, Johnstone & Robinson (1994) noted that such access programs have been: 'remarkably successful in attracting traditionally under-represented groups in higher education' (p.73).
  • 44. Analysing and Interpreting data  Analysis and interpretation of the data collected is a very significant part of the research.  It makes sense of the data and gives meaning to the research findings. You need to refer back to the research question to help organise your data and focus your analysis.
  • 45.  Analysing involves clarifying the data and highlighting important points, trends, common elements, unexpected outcomes and relationships between factors.  When analysing quantitative data this will usually mean tabulating the data and establishing the mean, median, mode and range of research results.
  • 49. The remainder  Abstract  Acknowledgements  Introduction (Approximately 250 words)  Literature Review (Approximately 400 words)  Methodology (Approximately 500 words)  Results and Findings (How ever much it takes!)  Analysis and Discussion (Approx. 600 words)  Summary and Conclusion (Approx. 300 words)  Recommendations (approximately 100 words)  Bibliography  Appendix