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In this unit I will be researching, creating and organising an event for the public with my
class mates by working as team. Within this unit I will be covering different aspects of how
to create an event including staging the event for the public, feasibility test, research , aims
and objects of events and making a conclusion of the overall product.
What Is an Event?
An event is something which people will attend to once in their life time which would off
appealed to them. An event can be large or small depending on what sort of event it is, some
events can be on a one time occasion whereas other events can occur more frequently for
example every fortnight or monthly. Some events can be held open to the public where as
other events can be based for specific groups and have set opening and closing dates. A good
example of this would be meetings that are made for shareholders which will participate
every year. This is called an annual general meeting. There are several types of events that
can be hold, for example openings for specific products can be events where the public can
visit. As you can below these are all the different types of events that can be held for
different purposes. It is possible that some events can fall into more than one section. For
example the Olympics is a sporting event as well as worldwide. These are a few examples of
different types of events that can occur and the categories which they would be classed under:
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Why are Events Held?
Events are held for a variety of different reasons. Most events are held for large social
occasions and most of these will fall into the following categories:
 Celebration: a large percentage of events are
held to celebrate a certain occasion,
achievements, milestones or historical and
religious events. Examples of this could be
weddings, birthdays, staff leaving parties,
Christmas, prom, graduation, Easter and St
Patrick’s Day. Weddings are one of the most
popular events that are celebrated for example
this is when two people have been together
for such a long time they make a commitment
where friends and family are invited, these event can take place all round the world as
well as abroad. Easter is celebrate by Christians where Jesus was resurrected and
came back to life people give Easter eggs and eat hot cross bun for this event as well
as attending to church where they have longer ceremonies for these occasions.
 Raise Funds: a large majority of events are put in
place to raise money for different causes which can
include charity work or money for a good cause. Race
for life is an event which is held every year in
different places across the UK which is to raise
money for cancer research. People who participate in
the event usually run for someone they know who has pass away from cancer so they
support the cause and raise money to help others in the same situation. Whereas some
events are held by clubs or schools to help raise money for new equipment or
activities within the club. For example a car boot sale can help raise money for a club
which wants to buy new equipment for the customers. Larger and popular events will
usually raise more money that small events.
 Provide Recreation or Entertainment: many events that are
held are to provide customers with recreation and
entertainment. This can reach a large audience for example this
can vibe individuals, common interests, communities or world
audiences. Concerts, beer festivals, sporting events, sporting
events and school outings are all examples of these events.
These are also aimed to be big social occasions that provide
opportunities for people to meet that share the same interests
and to have an enjoyable time. However some of these events are usually televised for
example a football mach such as England can be shown in pub or at home so that
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other people can watch the event.
 Business Motives: businesses also organise events, many
of these events are to promote or sell new products that
the business have put on the market. There are several
reasons why businesses events are varied. Some events
such as AGM and press conferences are held out of
obligation. However the business can hold events
internally which involve the staff such as weekend team
building or staff Christmas parties. Business can also
stage events which are created to make money. For
example boxing promoter’s stage boxing contests between some of the top fighters in
the world. Revenue will then increase from this as admission fees will need to be paid
and refreshments will be bought which will result in the business making revenue.
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Section A
Choice of event
Ideas and research
Short-listed suggestions
Final decision
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My Event – DBS Olympics
DBS 2012 is my choice of event. The main idea of the event is to involve a wide audience of
DBS to participate in the mini Olympics for a fun and enjoyable day with the school and
families. This will include team races, individual, pairs and non sporting events for the
students, parents and teachers at DBS. This will work by having entries that sign up for the
event in teams of 8-14. Each team will pick a team name and different activities for
individuals to participate in. This will then result the participants being selected into 4
different teams which will be under the categories of countries. Each race will have points for
positions that the opponents come in. The team with the most points will win a prize as well
as second and third. However the country with the most points overall will also win a small
prize at the end ceremony.
Put this into bullet point form:
The reason why I have chosen to do this event is because
 it can involve a wide range of ages and both sexes’
which gives me a large target market. This means I
will be able to sell the idea to a wider audience
than an event which can be based only at one or
the other.
 it brings the students, teachers and parents closer
towards the business (DBS).
 Its brings a good reputation for school as they are
trying to involve their customers by doing
something fun where other parents can meet new
people and children will be able to have a fun day
with their friends.
 This is also good for the children’s health as they will be participating in exercise.
Therefore the parents may believe that the idea of the event will also be beneficial for
their children if the event goes as planned this should give DBS a good recognition
and word for the customers to tell other parents which can then result in more children
visiting or joining the school.
 This is beneficial towards the school in the long run. It also is another way to
celebrate and praise the customers who enter for their hard work in taking place.
My Target Market
For this event I need to look at the appropriate way which will work for teams and ages. For
example it would unfair to race a child against an adult, therefore when people sign up in
their groups the need at least one participate which is stated in each group. There will be
events that are based for children, some for adults and teachers and others for all. This is
important that this goes correctly or the event won’t have a good effect on the customers as it
would like it be. Therefore this is what I am going to include on the signing up form.
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Ages That Should Participate In Each Team
Adults of Any Age
The only problem of this would be certain groups would not have the correct ages to sign in a
team. Therefore I have decided to categorise different activities for different ages. If the team
do not have anyone to participate in the event then they will be able to score 1 point which
would be the same for others who didn’t come 1st, 2nd or 3rd. This should ensure fairness of
marking. This will also apply to the other events where this problem occurs. However the
countries will be divided up equally in categories of ages and gender. Entries will just have to
mark if they do not have a team member in a certain category within their group.
Races will be divided by gender, so the team will have to have a good amount of both men
and women so that they can gain extra points. One reason for choosing the target market is
so parents who have children that are boys and girls can both participate as well as mum and
dad and other entries amongst the school.
The event is also open for friends to sign up brings and bring to participate in the event so
that the target market stretches across a large scale of Dubai which can result in different
schools being involved. I’m basing to do this on a weekend where parents and school pupils
are free from school work and full time work. For example if sixth form are going to
participate in this event at the weekend other friends which they usually see who don’t attend
DBS may join so that they are with their friends and participating in an event.
This shows that my target audience is to a extremely wid. However, if I looked to include any
younger ages it would be very complicated organising events that can involve them
throughout the day. This doesn’t mean parents can’t bring them along to come and watch.
Objectives and Aims
What is an aim?
For my event I need to create aims and objectives so that the event will run smoothly and my
main achievements are met. If I want this to be successful then I need to create objectives
which will help my event become successful, therefore the objectives which I create need to
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 S - Specific
 M - Measureable
 A – Achievable
 R - Realistic
 T – Timed
Aims for my Event
 To provide an enjoyable and popular event for staff, students and parents at DBS.
 To raise awareness for DBS and the Applied Team.
 To ensure the smooth and efficient running of a leisure event
 To create a highly successful leisure event that will build on the previous year’s event.
1. to provide an enjoyable and popular event for staff, students and parents at DBS
 By marketing and advertising the event suitably so that it will attract potential
 By offering good prizes for the customers which take part.
 Having a professional venue which has adequate facilities and space.
 Involving all ages and customers within the school.
2. To raise awareness for DBS and Applied
 Advertising and relating that the event is for DBS and staged by the applied students.
 Presentations selling our event to the students and staff within the school.
 Contacting parents via letters and leaflets, so they can learn about our leisure event.
3. To ensure a smooth and efficient running leisure event
 By having a good team effort through the production and staging of the event
 Good communication between the team members.
 Appropriate allocation of job roles between the team.
 By setting appropriate dates when certain jobs need to be finished. (Creating a time
line of dates)
4. To create a highly successful leisure event, which will build up on the previous
year’s event
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0% 0%
How regularly do you do sport?
Daily Weekly Every 2 Weeks Monthly Rarely
 By involving a variety of ages throughout the school years.
 To keep up to date with progress
 Ensure deadlines are being met
 Good standard of work effort put in by all members of the team throughout the
production and staging of the event.
Additional Secondary Objectives
 Learn new skills that can be used later on in life
 Gain a better bond with team throughout this experience.
Primary Research
For my event it is important that I conduct a good amount of research that comes from the
potential customers of my event. This is so I can see what the customers will like and how I
can please the majority of people. By doing this it should result in a larger amount of people
participating and a more specific event which will satisfy more people’s needs. Therefore to
achieve this I have decided to conduct three different types of primary research that should
give me a better and wider idea of what my potential customers would like to have in my
event. I have chosen to do the following types of primary research:
 Questionnaire – the reasoning behind why I have chose this is because I can receive
feedback from different ages and staff within the school as these are the people who I
aim to participate in my event.
 Observation – by doing this I will observe the amount of people that do not participate
in core physical education over the period of two weeks. This will show give me an
insight to my feasibility for the event and so see how many students do not enjoy
participating in physical education.
 Online Survey – the reason to why I have decided to do this is so that I can contact
children parents of the school and see what they would like as these are also another
target market for my event. This will then give me a wide amount of research so that I
evaluate the feasibility and satisfy my potential customers before organising the event
if it goes forward.
Firstly I conducted a questionnaire to find out what my potential target market would like so
that I could fit my event for others
purposes. (Appendix 1) then I evaluated
my results into graphs and pie charts to
see an overall response from this section
of primary research.
Questionnaire Results Evaluated
For my first question I asked how much
exercised each person did over a period
of time. As you can see from the results,
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0% 0% 0%
What is your favourite type of athletic sport?
Running (100m, 200m,
400m, 800m 1800m)
Long Jump
Would you like to have non sporting
the majority of people exercised at least once a week. 15 people said that they exercised once
a week whether it was being in school or out of school. There was a lower percentage of
students who exercised monthly which is good for my event and no students said they only
exercised once a month. 2 people I questioned did say they exercised daily which is
extremely good results of my event.
This is question 2 of my
questionnaire, as you can see
this was to find out what the
most popular sporting event
was for each individual
customer. The most popular
event with 40% was running,
however this is because it
included different lengths
which could have appealed to
more people. On the other
hand the second most popular
was relay (team events). This
shows that most students enjoy working in a team, which is why I have chosen for the
customers of my event to sign up as a team. 20% voted javelin as their favourite sport which
then was followed by long jump and hurdles. No one voted for discus which means that this
may not be a good choice to involve in my event as it won’t appeal to many people. Also
someone voted for high jump which I now may consider instead of discus.
I was pleased to receive this answer from
the people I questioned. This is because 16
people voted that they would like the event
to have non sporting activities such as tug
of war, ‘welly’ throwing, egg and spoon
and so on.
This means that people who don’t initially
enjoy sport can also take part as there are
activities for them to participate in as well
as sporting one for others. 4 people who I
questioned said no, however I would like to
hold different types of games where smaller children and non sporty people can join in as this
gives me a larger target market.
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Would you like to have a mini
Olympics at DBS?
Yes (Why?) No (Why?)
What prizes would appeal to you the most?
Money Shopping Vouchers Free Meal at Restaurant Other
This was one of the most important questions for
my questionnaire the reason for this is because if
people chose that they didn’t want a DBS 2012
Olympics then this would mean the event
wouldn’t be feasible as people would not want to
participate. However by asking 20 people 17
people agreed and said they would like to take
part in this event which is a good response.
However 3 people did say no the reasoning for
this was because they said they do not enjoy
sport and would not participate in this as we
have a sports day which is around the same time
of the year. Whereas the reason for why people said they would like this event was so they
can do a sporting event with and against their friends groups where they are able to win
prizes. So overall this was a good response for the question.
For this question I asked what prizes they would like to receive if they won one of the top
places. 9 people said that they would prefer a free meal voucher for them and their team to go
out than an amount of
money as it would be unfair
to split between a certain
amounts of people.
Although 8 people did say
they would like to receive
money they may have not
thought of that
disadvantage. 3 people
voted to have a shopping
voucher for a prize these
were girls that chose this as
it would be more appealing
to them then boys. In
conclusion of this it would be good if I get my correct sponsor so that I can fulfil the
customers need by supplying a free
meal at a restaurant for the
winning team.
For this answer I receive nearly an
even amount of results. This was
not what I wanted however this
shows that I may have to change
the day for my event. The reason
to why people said no was because
Would you participate if the
event was on a Saturday /
Yes No (Why)
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This pie chart shows whether people
would be more interested to take part if
it was for charity
Yes No
This chart shows how much each
customer is willing topay.
Unwilling 5DHS 10DHS More
10% 0%
This bar graphshows what the best
type of advertising is tomy target
Posters Newspaper Leaftlet Radio Magazine Other
they may have a party or event with family which could come up unexpected. However 11
people said they would attend and get their friends to come do it with them, which is a good
response for my event. However the people who said no said they were more likely being
able to attend if the event is on a Saturday than a Friday which is useful primary research for
my report.
As you can see from this chart it shows how much each customer is willing to pay to enter
the event. I was surprised to see that people are willing to spend 10DHS to enter the event
which is good news for my team. However 8 people did say they were only willing to pay 5
DHS which means that I am stuck in the
middle of deciding on which cost to set for
an entry price. I was also happy that 3
people say they would be willing to pay
more, I asked them the reason for this and
they said if profits go to charity they would
be willing to pay a higher entry fee in-
between 15 and 20DHS. Therefore I need to
conclude all of my findings and decide on a
price which will suit most customers’
This was one of the hardest feedbacks I
received from my whole questionnaire, as
you can see 50% of people said yes and 50%
also said no. Therefore I will have to decide
for myself whether I think it will be a good
idea to run this for charity or not. However I
came to the conclusion this shouldn’t be
decided until average costs are settled so I
can see if I have enough money to breakeven
and make profit because if I don’t I will not
be able to raise money for charity as well.
Lastly I asked my
customers what type of
advertising attracts them
the most as you can see
from my results over half
of the customers said that
posters catch their
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attention the most. This is because they are in school and no not have a lot of time to
read newspapers or leaflets. However 4 people said they enjoy listening to the radio
on the way to and from school which is where they hear about events in Dubai that
can attract them to go. However 2 girls both did say they like to see advertisements in
magazine however I don’t think this would be the best for magazines depending on
the purpose and type of magazine it would be advertised in. Therefore this means I
will need to advertise my event if it goes forward by posters across the school.
As part of conducting primary research I also decided to do observation within my school
to see how many children didn’t participate in physical education over a period of 2
weeks with different age groups starting from 5 years of age to 18. The results are shown
Age Number of People Who Did NOT Participate
Year 3 3
Year 4 3
Year 5 2
Year 6 5
Year 7 1
Year 8 5
Year 9 3
Year 10 6
Year 11 2
Year 12 4
Year 13 5
As you can see from this it shows what age group had the most students that didn’t
participate in physical education over the last 2 weeks (this means 2 separate lessons).
The reason why I have done this is so that I can see if there are a high percentage of
students who do not participate in physical education. If there was, then my event
wouldn’t be the best idea for this target market, as it shows that people will not be
interested in taking part in a sporting event.
However one of the disadvantages of doing this could be the person who did not
participate because they forgot their kit or because of an injury which means numbers
would rise. I asked 3 people in the year 13 group why they didn’t participate in physical
education to have better depth for my research. One student said they had forgotten their
kit, another student said they didn’t have the correct shoes with them and another student
just disliked sport. Therefore some of these results for students not participating could be
for other reasons. I need to bare this in mind when analysing my results.
Overall, out of the course of 2 weeks, there were a total of 39 absences for people did not
participate in physical education. On some occasions these students were the same over
the 2 week period which is not a high percentage considering the amount of students
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within a year group. The year groups with the larger amount of absences were year 6, 10
and 13.
At the beginning of making and planning what event I would like to do I didn’t want
sponsors as I thought it wasn’t relevant. However, depending on the costing of the venue and
other facilities this may not be able to be successful unless I have sponsorship money from
businesses.. Therefore I needed to think of appropriate sponsors who would be interested in
my type of event. As a result of this I chose certain companies which are situated in the UAE
that would possibly be able to sponsor my event.
These are the companies that I have researched about which would possibly sponsor
my event:
 Gatorade - Gatorade is a brand of sports-themed food and beverage
products, built around its signature product: sporting drinks. Gatorade is
currently manufactured by PepsiCo which is also located in Dubai and distributed in
over 80 countries.
 Nandos - Nando's was founded in 1987, Nando's operates in thirty
countries on five continents. Nando's specializes in chicken dishes
with either lemon or herb, medium, hot, extra hot or extra extra
hot Peri-Peri marinades. There are 4 different Nando’s restaurants in
 Fitness First - Fitness First is the largest privately owned health club
group in the world. It comprises 540 Fitness First clubs worldwide
reaching over 1.7 million members in 21 countries. There are over 7
different Fitness First Gyms in Dubai.
 Zaks –this is the main supplier for school uniforms for most schools
across Dubai, they provide DBS with school uniform and they aim to
maintain the look and feel of discipline throughout the school.
My main priority is to achieve Gatorade and Nandos to sponsor my event the reasoning
behind this is because Gatorade is one of the most famously known sports drinks, the
reason the energy drink was made is for people doing sport in hot conditions. This is
suitable for Dubai. The drink is well known across the UAE and worldwide and also
supplies different drinks which are suitable to be sold at the event for people who are
participating in sport and need to keep hydrated. Gatorade supply drink flavours so that
more customers will enjoy the drink of their choice this is why I believe they are a
suitable sponsor for my event.
Nandos is my other main choice to be an event sponsor as it is one of the most popular
dining restaurants in Dubai where many people attend for the food. To a have a well
known sponsor like Nandos for example, this can result in the prizes being well known
and used by the customers if they enjoy the businesses services. Nandos is extremely well
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known business across the UAE and worldwide which should hopefully attract more
customers to participate if they know they could win a free meal for two people.
This will result in me contacting the correct businesses and asking them to sponsor my event.
However, I will have to sell my event to these specific businesses so that they will be
interested in my idea. I would be asking each sponsor to at least sponsor my event with 5000
AED so that it can help fund my event and get more recognition from customers as they will
be familiar with the businesses who chose to sponsor me.
For my event I need to raise money so that it can go toward the cost of the venue, facilities,
prizes and any additional costs. Therefore a good way to achieve raising this money is by
holding different fundraising events within school time which should interest the students and
teachers to give money for our event. These are a few ideas of how I would like to fundraise
for the DBS 2012:
 Non uniform day
 Cake sales
 Ice cream/ pop sales
 Handmade bracelet sales
 Jeans day
 Sweet sale
 Goody bags for occasions.
It is extremely important that we raise money to fund our event; these are a few ideas of how
I would like to raise money for my event. The best idea and way to raise money is a non
uniform day the reason is for this is because all students would like to wear their own clothes
to school for a day which means this can involve all years and more students that trying to
sell a specific item. With a small donation of 5dhs this will be a good way to raise money for
the event without having to buy any raw materials. This is the same as jeans day. However
cake sales and sweet sales are also good ways of raising money. These are products which are
not sold within the school cafe; therefore people will be interested in buying this as they will
not be able to get this all the time. On the other hand sales like this can appeal to a smaller
target market which will mean it may not be as successful as a non uniform day. The more
fundraising that happens, the better success my event as it would help fulfil one of my
objectives: to make money!
Venue for DBS 2012 (Secondary Research)
My first part of research was to find a venue to stage the event. These are the stadiums in
Dubai which are multipurpose and hold athletic tracks and facilities for what I need.
 Zabeel Stadium
 Police Officers Club Stadium
 Al Rashid Stadium
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 Dubai Sports City
These are the only multipurpose stadiums which are in Dubai. For the event which I want to
hold it is important that the stadiums have the correct facilities for certain events to take place
for example javelin, and long jump will require space and a sand pit for these races to take
place. Without these it means that the types of races will be limited which can lead to less
customers being interested in participating in my event. My first choice for the event would
be to hold the event at the Police Officers Stadium as this is where DBS hold their yearly
sports day. This helps as DBS already has contacts with the school, an important plus for any
business looking to organise a venue.
Below is a brief explanation of each stadium including information about their facilities and
Zabeel Stadium
Zabeel Stadium is based as a football stadium within the UAE. The
capacity of the stadium was 18000 and is used by Al Wasl football
club (managed by Diego Maradona). This is not extremely far way
for most customers to travel as it is in the centre of Dubai. The
stadium was opened in 1974 which makes the venue only 38 years
old. The pitch area is made of grass and the venue has recently been
renewed with a larger capacity which now makes the venue’s
capacity 25000. This is also the first air conditioned venue in the
UAE. This venue supplies all the facilities that I would need to run my event. For example
they have facilities such as:
 Athletics track
 Long jump
 Hurdles
 Tennis courts
 Football pitch
 Basketball arena
 Javelin and discuss area.
Police Officers Club Stadium
The Police Officers Stadium is where DBS hold
their yearly sports day event. Therefore this
would be familiar to most students, teachers and
parents of DBS. This would be my first choice to
hold my event. However the company does not
own their own website therefore details about
their venue is very brief. The venue can be found
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behind Sheik Rashid road which is near Al Wasl’s Sports Club. This is also a multipurpose
stadium which holds facilities for:
 Athletics track
 Long jump
 Hurdles
 Javelin and discuss area
 Football Pitch
This stadium is commonly used by many schools in Dubai for sporting events. The capacity
for the stadium is 7500 which is more than plenty for my amount of customers I aim to stage
the event to.
Al Rashid Stadium
This stadium is located by Al-Rasheed Road in Dubai.
This is another stadium which has no located website or
information for customers to browse through therefore
there is limited information that can be found about this
venue. The capacity for this venue is 12000 which is
again more people than I expect to stage my event to.
However there are no lists of facilities that this venue
supplies for customers. I will need to conduct further
research involving, finding a contact number or email where I will have to enquire about
additional information that I would need if I decide to choose this event.
Dubai Sports City
This is one of the largest
venues at Dubai Sports
City, with a capacity of
60,000 seats for a multi-
purpose outdoor stadium.
The stadium includes facilities such as:
 Football Pitch
 Rugby Pitch
 Track & Field for athletics (Which includes other athletic events such as javelin and
long jump)
Dubai sports city has a wide range of information on their website. It shows stadiums that are
indoor as well as outdoor. However to fulfil the needs for my event the stadium will need to
be a multipurpose and outdoor, as facilities such as track and field have to be included which
is only found on their outdoor stadium. Source:
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As my first choice for the venue was the Police Officers Club Stadium, I chose to contact Mr
Wright who deals with sports day internally within the school to inquire contact details so
that I could talk to them. However once speaking to him he advised me not to use this venue
for the event as it is not an easy and fast process to book at this venue. As it would involve
me having a meeting with a general police officer before any ideas of cost could be brought
up. This would be unrealistic for the time frame that I have set to achieve to inquire costs and
bookings. On the other hand by doing this it could jeopardise the DBS sports day which is not
what the school would like. Mr Wright therefore suggested different venues which are listed
The next step for my event is to contact the relevant venues which I believe would benefit the
customers and myself to host this DBS 2012 event. I have narrowed down my venues to
Dubai Motor City Stadium, Police Officers Club Stadium and Al Wasl Sports Club (Zabeel
Stadium). The reasons to why I have narrowed my choices down to these three venues is
because these are in the best areas from the school itself and also supply the correct facilities
and have the best mount of information and contact details so that I can get hold of the
venues if I choose to use this as my final decision.
As you can see here these are the three businesses that I contacted to find out about how
much their venues would cost and if they were available to be booked by Christmas time.
Above shows the three venues which I was most interested in to use for my final event. The
reasons why I didn’t choose the other two locations was because the facilities were limited
which would stop me being able to hold certain events that may attract to potential customers.
The other reasons why I chose to eliminate these options was the lack of information and
contact information that I could find on the internet and by talking to people. Therefore, I
came to the conclusion that these would not be the best two choices to hold a successful
event. There is a print screen of an email which is sent to Sports City’s business. (Appendix
After 2 days I still had no reply from any of the venues therefore I decided to email the
companies again (Appendix 1.1) there is another example of my second email which I sent to
Sports City Stadium. I would have thought that I would have had a reply within this time.
After my second email I still received no feedback of information from any of the events
therefore I decided to contact the business via phone. This was still unsuccessful as many of
the businesses did not answer their emails or phone calls. I tried calling the venue 2 times
each day over a period of 3 days. I had more success with Al Wasl, however they would put
me on hold for 20 minutes at a time and then cut the phone call off. This was one of the most
frustrating parts of researching and booking my event. This resulted in me having no venue
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for my event and no costing so I could conduct how much our team would be able to
fundraise, therefore my event is not feasible to run.
Licences Needed for the Event
By researching the internet I needed to find what licences were needed to hold my event, this
is a vital element for the business as if laws and licenses are not given this can result in the
event being shut down or fined money which is the last thing that the team needs when trying
to stage a successful event which represents our school. The UAE does not hold many laws
as this is how the country is run however licenses are still needed when events are taken
place. This is the information that I found out when I collected a leaflet about licenses needed
in the UAE:
“If you are hiring a venue to put on an event, check that the venue has a ‘Premises Licence’
or a ‘Club Premises Certificate’ issued by the City. The licence must cover the activities you
are organising, for example, some premises are licensed for music and dancing but not for
stage and film shows. Your event will also have to take place in the premises’ licensed
opening hours. Also if you are holding an event at a venue that does not have a ‘Premises
licence’ or a ‘Club Premises Certificate’ that covers your activities, you will need to serve a
‘Temporary Event Notice (TEN)’ on the Council and the Police at least 10 days before the
event. TENs can cover events that last up to 96 hours and involve no more than 499 people”
(Source: Licenses of Dubai)
This means I need to contact the relevant venue when I find out about costs so see if they
have any additional licenses which are required and if they are available to book the event
with their costs. As there was no response for both of the appropriate venues this lead me to
having no relevant information about licenses for my event, which is another reason to why
my event is not feasible.
For my event I have evaluated all my information and research that I have collected to see
whether my event is feasible to go ahead. From my report you can see there are advantages
and disadvantages to running this type of event for DBS. In my opinion I think the event idea
and responses from students and teachers in the school were to a feasible standard where the
event could take place and go forward with a large success. However one of my
disadvantages is a main element to holding an event which would be the venue. With little
communication back from 3 different venues this had made my feasibility test fail as there
are no venues which I could get in contact with to follow up my idea. By having no venue
this puts the event to a holt as a venue is one of the vital points to holding an event.
By not having any response from my chosen venues this then gave me another reason to why
my event isn’t feasible as I could not ask what licenses I would need to make sure the event is
legal to be run with no problems. This was another disadvantage to my idea and research as
the internet did not provide this type of information for staging my event. Furthermore cost
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was one of my biggest issues and drawbacks to my event. By having a limited amount of
communication from my venues I could not question them about if staff would be available
and included within the event the same as refreshments and costing of the event. Therefore
with no communication from my chosen event this was a huge disadvantage to my idea as I
was not able to conclude any overall budget or costing that I would need for my event.
Overall my idea would not pass a feasibility test as it would not be appropriate or realistic to
carry out an event which has a high possibility of difficulties.
The Presentations
All of our ideas were presented to the class in a meeting which took place on Monday 17th
September. The idea of this was to be aware of what each team member could bring to the
table with their event idea and how it could work to become our event idea this year. During
this we needed to evaluate the advantages, disadvantages and overall conclusion about each
individual’s presentation within the group. By doing this Mr Bentley made minutes for each
presentation so that we could keep track of each presentation and evaluate the questions
which were brought up during the meeting.
Lauren Carson – DBS Mini Olympics
This was my presentation which I used to present my idea of a good successful event to the
class. My first slide was the logo which I created that could have been used for the event if
this went forward. Then I decided to discuss some background information about what the
event was and just a overall review of what would be included in the event and how this
could work. By selling this to the class I enhanced that the event could be placed to a large
target market which would result in us being able to sell tickets to a larger amount of people
which could increase revenue. I then gave an explanation to why I believe that we should
hold the event, by showing the positives which were evaluated and backed up with good
reasons so that I could persuade the other team members to be interested in my idea. These
included having a wide target market, prizes, ending ceremony and different team races
which can involve the students, parents and teachers within DBS.
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I later discussed my target market into more depth so that the team members could
understand how all ages could participate in the event. My following slides included
information about the sponsors which I contacted and would like to use for this type of event.
I gave some brief information so that the other team members within the group could
understand why my sponsors were relevant to this event. I discussed the aims and objectives
of my event. This included how they could be met so that the team members could see that
this event could be achievable for our idea. Later I discussed my issues with the venue. This
was one of my biggest disadvantages of my event idea and presentation as I had no response
from my venue ideas which lead to me having a lack of research for overall costing and
revenue. Therefore I had to discuss this with my other team members and how this was an
issue which may or may not be resolved.
I could have bought further research to the table such as overall costs and information about
charity. This was a lack of information that I had overall. It would have been better to show
the team how much profit we could of made or how many tickets we could of sold so that we
would of had a basic idea.
Lastly I explained the overall feasibility for my event and whether I believed it would work
and go forward. Within this slide I discussed the problems which my idea caused, these
included the lack of information about costs, venue and licenses which I would have needed
to persuade my team members to choose my idea. With this information I believe that my
presentation could have been better and more persuasive however without this element of
research it caused me to make an overall decision within the time period that my event was
not feasible to go forward.
Emily Playford – Golfing Tournament
Emily had chosen to research a golfing tournament for her idea of an event; this is known to
be a successful event within the school as various golfing tournaments are brought to Dubai
each year.
Basic Overview ofthe Event Idea
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The event idea included people within the school which were sixth form that could participate in a
golfing tournament at the weekend in February, with an entry fee and an ending ceremony which was
open to the public. (Parents or friends of the participants) she decided on Els Club Dubai which is
located in sports city as her venue to stage her event. Her chosen sponsors which she contacted were
Nandos, Taleem, Golf House and Reebok. She explained why she believed this should be the chosen
event as it can raise awareness for the DBS applied class, it is a fun and enjoyable day for the
customers who chose to participate and people who want to take part need no skills or experience. In
Emily’s presentation she showed her primary and secondary research which she had conducted over a
small period of time. This included how many people she surveyed, how much people were willing to
pay to take part in this event and how much the club hire was for her chosen venue. Her next slide
consisted of the costings which she had totalled. So she could explain to the team what her overall
revenue from the event would be that could go to our chosen charity. Lastly she then shared her
fundraising ideas and how she would like to raise money for her event to go forward.
The questions which were raised by the team after the presentation were:
Were there enough golfers to justify the event?
Are there any cheaper venue places to hold this?
Were any costs estimated?
 The idea is feasible and well planned out
 Popular idea which can attract parents and sixth form
 Good way to raise money for charity
 Wide range of venues looked at.
 Good fundraising ideas
 The golf club were charging a lot of money for the hiring of facilities, as Mr Bentley
suggested YAS Links which offer better facilities and hiring for a cheaper price.
 The target market is limited to people only interested in golf.
 More than 14 people should participate
How can we improve this event with further research?
We could improve this event by conducting more primary and secondary research. To
improve by conducting primary research this would involve asking a wider audience from
DBS if they would be interested in this event so that we could broaden the target market. The
secondary research element can be improved by contacting the suggested venue which would
give us a cheaper location to hold the event so that we save money and make a higher profit
that can go towards charity. Also it was suggested weather moving the event to November
when the ‘Race To Dubai’ is here so that it will bring more people to join our event as they
will be in the golfing spirit. Lastly this could be improved by having more players and an
organised shotgun start so that there is no confusion or waiting for players that are
participating. Overall the event idea could be feasible however with these limitations of a
low target market and price for customers to pay for the event this would most likely not be
as successful as the previous year’s DBS Factor as it appealed to a larger target market and
prices for people to participate were free and for other customers to watch were only 40 DHS.
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Harley Allison – DBS Football Tournament
Harley had chosen to research a football tournament for her idea of an event, which involved the
students of Dubai British School.
Basic Overviewofthe Event Idea
The event idea included people within the school to participate in a football tournament which would
take place in February. This included an entry fee per player per team and would end with a ceremony
with prizes. Harley decided to use IFA Sports Pitch as her venue for this event. She looked at another
venue which was Emirates English Speaking School, but settled with IFA. She planned on this being
a 7aside event with a target market of years 7’s to sixth form. The cost was explained within this
presentation showing that it would cost 100DHS for the use of referees and 450DHS per pitch per
hour from Saturday to Thursdays, and Fridays only costing 225DHS per hour per pitch on a Friday.
She later discussed who her chosen sponsors were and these included Adidas, Nike and Nandos. She
didn’t not have a reply from any of these in the short time period we had. Furthermore she then
evaluated the feasibility of her event and if it would be realistic to go ahead and then discussed her
objectives for the event and how they could be achieved so that this was successful.
 Good choice of venue
 Relative sponsors chosen
 Large target market
 Good overall idea
 Misunderstood the revenue and profit therefore we would only may 75DHS from the
 Mixed teams which would be unfair and a disadvantage for younger children
 Needed more the 6 teams in the tournament
 Pitching hours needed to be extended
The questions which were raised by the team after the presentation were:
Where the costing correct and if so could she explain?
How would the teams work together with the ages?
How did the use of the pitches work for the amount of matches being played?
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Howcan we improve this event with further research?
This could be improved by carrying out some more research into making the event feasible. By
changing the hours of when the pitches are booked out and turning the event into a daily activity this
could improve and make the tournament work. Moreover by having more than 6 teams being able to
enter with rounds such as quarter finals, semi finals and finals this will lead a more organised and well
thought way of being able to make this realistic. However the costing will need to be adjusted so that
money is made for charity and revenue of more than 75DHS is achieved. However this can be
overcome by more sponsors and fundraising across the school. The only problem which may occur to
make this more feasible would be to shorten the target market so that the ages that are participating do
not have an advantage over the others and so that it is a fair event. This event could be feasible with a
lot more thought about how this could run smoothly and fixing limitations however this is similar to
the golfing tournament the target market is very limited as most girls will not want to participate in a
football match against or with boys. Also with such a low amount of money being given to charity the
previous year’s event which was the DBS factor would be better than this which is not what we want
to happen as we want to raise awareness for applied and make sure that are event is better than the
previous years.
Scott Carson – Eclipse
Scott had chosen to research a themed nightclub evening for 21+ for his idea of an event; this is a
popular event within the UK and UAE as many performers visit Dubai to perform and is a popular
leisure activity amongst a large amount of people within the UAE.
Basic Overviewofthe Event Idea
The event idea included people across Dubai who are aged 21 or over. This event is based to persuade
customers amongst the UAE to attend to a themed nightclub with a famous performer over different
seasonaloccasions in Dubai. His event Eclipse is a charitably music event that he chose to hold at
Trilogy which is located at Atlantis. The event is raise money for sport within the UAE. His charity
which he chose to raise money for is called Sport for Music Charity. The venue he chose had a
capacity of 1100 people with 2 rooms and a bar where drinks can be purchased. Within the
presentation Scott mentioned why this event should be carried through. These included to raise
awareness for a good cause,good life experience, a large industry and trade to get in and how it can
open a lot of doors by doing an event like this and working with promoters and acts which will be
organised to perform at the event.. Moreover Scott included his costs within his presentation and how
much it would be on average to hire the venue, DJ’s Promotion and more he also showed his
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workings out for revenue and profit which would go to charity. Lastly Scott included what he believed
was important when running this type of event which included elements of promoting so that people
would be persuade to choose his event other others that could be staged at similar times in Dubai,
build-up, regular contact and commitment from all team members so that this would be an successful
 Well thought out business idea.
 Strong amount of information about his chosen charity and how it could make a difference
with our help.
 Good choice of venue with a good reputation
 Dealwith Virgin for sponsorship
 Confusion over overheads on the costing
 Primary research that needs to come from external customers from DBS of correct age
 Holding an event which the team members are not old enough to participate in.
The questions which were raised by the team after the presentation were:
What were the overheads involved?
How will you attract people to choose your event other others?
Did you email Virgin?
How can we improve this event with further research?
We could improve this event by contacting the local authorities so see if this event is feasible to be
run by the team as our ages within the group are under 21. Also by conducting some primary research
which is external to DBS to find out if people would attend and be interested in a event like this so
that we would have a larger potential target market where more customers would be aware of this
event happening and which DJ or performer they would like to see. However the costings may need to
be slightly adjusted depending on if the event is sold out to the complete capacity that the venue
holds, because if we would need to sell a reasonable amount of tickets so that we make a good
revenue and profit. However sponsors and ticket prices for the event were realistic and feasible for
this to go forward which means that this could be a successfulevent in the future. However for the
period of time that we have to stage our event this would not be feasible at the time as the ages of
students within the school are below what the target market is therefore this would involve a lot of
advertising and promoting of this event out of school hours and out of the school location which
means it may be harder to keep in contact with people who would like to attend the event and could
cause a limited amount of people arriving, therefore with this previous year’s event they were able to
attract the customers within the school as well as participants friends and family come to the event to
watch the performers on stage which resulted in the event being sold out which gave them a high
revenue so that they were able to give to charity which would be another objective that our team
would like to reach.
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Amina Darwood – DBS Dance
Amina had chosen to research a DBS Dance show for the students of Dubai British School.
Basic Overviewofthe Event Idea
The event idea included people within the school to take part in a dance show, by having auditions to
finalise the acts for the show. This was aimed to take place in February 2013. Amina has chosen to
aim her event for Year 7,8,9,10,11 and sixth form. This is because more people can participate in this
event which gives her a larger target market. She talks about her chosen sponsor for the event in her
presentation these included Nandos, Nike and Adidas. Her reason behind choosing Nike and Adidas is
because of the clothing range they sell for dancing. Amina then discussed her possible venues for the
event. These included Ductac,Zabeelhall and DBS Sports hall. She claimed that Ductac was too
expensive and Zabeel capacity was too large for the event therefore she decided to choose the DBS
sports hall as her venue choice to stage the event. Moving on from this she then explained to us her
objectives for this type of event and how they could benefit us. However she seemed confused about
what her objectives were really about, as two seemed very similar. Costs were then brought up and
discussed however this also seemed like an unlikely event as the costs were predicated and not
researched as 2000 DHS for producing tickets is very expensive and unrealistic.
 Feasible idea
 Good choice of sponsors
 Objectives were incorrect and needed to be rethought for this idea to succeed.
 Little research on location for the event as was proven when presented
 Costs were made up as she didn’t not know who her lightening company was
 Incredibility high amount of money for ticket production.
The questions which were raised by the team after the presentation were:
 Who is the lighting company?
 Why is the production of tickets so high?
 What the capacity of DBS sports hall?
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 How much does Ductac costs?
How can we improve this event with further research?
We could improve this event by collecting a lot more correct research and information which is
needed to see whether if this event if feasible and realistic to run. For example the costs would need to
be researched as wellas primary research so that we could create an overall budget or revenue. This
would be followed by seeing how many people would like to participate in the event and how many
people would watch so that we could choose a suitable venue where we could hold enough for the
amount of people wanting to pay for a ticket and come to the event. We would also need to re think
the objectives and change them so that they are fit for purpose so our event can run more smoothly
where we can achieve an overall successfulevent. Overall this event is not feasible to be run as there
was a lack of information which would result in us having little knowledge of the idea before we even
started it which is taking a risk for the team and for the overall outcome of what the event would be
like. The previous year had a really successfulevent therefore by not achieving ours to the same
standards would not raise good awareness for DBS and the applied class. This would result in this not
being the final decision from my point of view of the class.
Kirsty Gordon – Teachers Vs Students Basketball Match
Kirsty had chosen to research a student’s Vs teacher’s basketballmatch for the internal customers of
Dubai British School.
Basic Overviewofthe Event Idea
The event idea included people within DBS to part in a student’s Vs teacher’s basketball match that
would take place in March on a school day. Kirsty aimed her target market for the event at all ages
within the school including sixth form and teachers. This gave us a large target market so more people
would be able to participate and watch the event if it went forward. Kirsty chose her venue for the
event to be held in the DBS Sports hall as all facilities were available as well as an area for people to
be able to sit and watch. This was a benefit for the event as the venue is free to use and convenient for
the people participating as changing rooms are also inside the hall as well as the venue is on the
school site. Kirsty explained that they have already held a basketball match like this at the school
which was successfultherefore this was another benefit if we agreed on staging this idea for our
event. Moreover Kirsty then discussed her sponsor for the event these were Costa Coffee,Nandos,
Gatorade and MPac. She suggested to the class that her father would be able to give us a sponsoring
from Costa coffee which was excellent news for the group as well as Gatorade replying but cannot
sponsor this event at that time of the year. Kirsty explaining the reasoning for why she had chose this
event to be in March is because of the basketball season starts therefore people who are interested in
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this will be more enthusiastic to take part. However there were no costs involved and a few
disadvantages brought up as the team were unsure if year 7’s would be on the same team as sixth form
etc along with holding this event in school hours where parents would be at work and unable to watch
the event. However the overall event idea could be feasible however, I don’t believe that it would be
as good as the previous year event idea as this is very limited to who can participate and watch. Also
there were no prizes or costing involved there is a lack of information which could show us that this
event will be more successfulthan the year before.
 Easy and cheap venue
 Successfulidea in the past
 Sponsors
 Wide target market
 No objectives discussed
 No costs discussed
 Confusion of the different ages being put together, is this fair?
 The time of the event taking place
The questions which were raised by the team after the presentation were:
 Are all ages playing together?
 Can you charge people to enter the sports hall for this event?
 Who did you speak to about the sports hall?
How can we improve this event with further research?
We could improve this event by changing the formation of how the ages and teams would
work, this may result in shortening the target market or grouping the ages which would
consist of a longer match which would result in changing the day and times for the event to
be staged. Moreover to make money for charity we would have to do more research and see if
you can charge pupils to enter the sports hall to watch this event as some people may be put
off by the idea as they pay to go to school as it is anyway. There wouldn’t be many changes
to this event as this is a easy event which can be staged with less complications than some of
the others.
Overall after being presented all of these ideas I believe that the talent show from the
previous years would be the best event idea that we could choose, the reasoning for this
would be the school are aware of this event and certain students look forward to this every
year which opens up our target market already. Both boys and girls can participate in this
event with any talent that they have. Parents and friends of people who participate are willing
to pay and watch the event which would mean the target market for selling our tickets too
would easily be achieved if there was a wide range of participants involved in the running of
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the event. Moreover this is a school tradition which can be successful and improved from the
years before which would definitely meet our aims and objectives to be able to raise
awareness for the DBS applied class and the school as a whole.
The Final Decision
Once we had a discussion about all 8 different possible events as a team we drew out the best
ideas and the ideas which we believed wouldn’t work. After discussing these option we were
left with two that we all agreed could have been a successful and positive choice, These were:
 Golf day
 Talent show
The final decision was quite simple for our team, we decided what we believed would be the
best way of choosing the final event we summed up the advantages and disadvantages and
the advantages of each event. This lead us to knowing that the golf day would of been more
successful leading to a higher revenue however everyone within the team had a larger interest
for the Talent show as it had a larger reputation from the previous years and this would be
easier to follow with guidance from our teacher and other sources. Therefore to decided what
we wanted we had a group vote and the majority of the whole class wanted to carry on the
reputation of the talent show for our choice of event. The Talent show is substantial as its
challenging but effective because it’s interesting. By continuing this tradition we have
realised that it broadens the target market for participants and customers which would come
and watch the event. This also would be good for each individual of the team as they would
be able to bring their own skills to the table whereas a golf event may lead to many of the
team members having a lack of skills or knowledge within the area.
These are the following reasons to why we chose the Talent Show as our event for this year:
 Reputation is high due to previous years
 Sufficient scope – enough detail for the exam board
 Firsthand experience from previous events
 Popular amongst students – attracts people
 Feasible
 Will raise money for charity
 Promotes image of school and applied course
 Manageable events
 Targets different age groups across the school
 Demand for event from students – considered enjoyable; attendance guaranteed
 Has become tradition of the school for the Applied A Level students to organise
 Proven success from previous years
 Scope to improve from previous years
 Choices of venue available
 Appropriate for a school event
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 High profit margin
 Less risky as has been done before
 Permission from Head Teacher granted
Aims and Objectives for the Event
What is an aim?
Most business will have aims and objectives so that they can reach their target goal. Aims are
what the business will want to achieve overall in the long term. Whereas objectives break
down the aim so that they can achieve what they are aiming for in the event.
For this event as a team we needed to create aims and objectives so that the event will run
smoothly and our main achievements are met. If we want this to be successful then we
needed to create objectives which will help the event become successful, therefore the
objectives which I create need to be SMART.
This then lead us to breaking these aims down into objectives so that we would have an easier
way of achieving our aims.
What is an objective?
Objectives are ways that businesses can achieve their aims of an event, this leads to each aim
having a set of objectives. As a team we decided that it would be appropriate to create
accurate objectives that would be able to fulfil our aims success. SMART is used to
remember the nature of our objectives.
 S - Specific
 M - Measureable
 A – Achievable
 R - Realistic
 T – Timed
These are the aims that us a team decided on being for our final event:
1. Raise money for charity
2. Increase awareness for the charity, school and applied course
3. Increase overall performance of event from last year
After we created our aims for the event these were the aims broken down into objectives:
Aim 1 – Raise money for charity
 To ensure successful fund raising events
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 Increase number of acts to ensure more ticket sales
 Increase sponsorship to at least 3 sponsors
 Increase advertising to ensure more ticket sales
 Produce a DVD/photographs of event to purchase
Aim 2 – Increase awareness for the charity, school and applied course
 Increase outside media coverage
 Increase promotion of event through fund raising events within school
 Increase awareness through assemblies, posters, school newsletter and internet
Aim 3 – Increase overall performance of event from last year
 Greater variety of acts - ages and style of acts
 Greater organisation and communication within the event team and outside
 Produce a DVD/photographs of event to purchase
 To increase audience satisfaction through overall service provided e.g. understand
problems from previous events and evaluation survey to assess level of enjoyment
 Good prizes for participants
 Adequate venue and facilities
Additional objectives:
 To learn new skills within event management
Criteria for Judging Success
As a team we conducted a criteria of what we believed would ensure us if we succeeded in
our event and how we would achieve this success. The following is what we chose as a team
that would indicate that we achieved our event successfully:
 Make a larger profit than last year, sufficient to donate to charity
 Wider variety of acts
 Higher number of participants than previous years
 Venue filled to capacity with all tickets sold
 Good organisation and communication from the event team with whole team
 Suitable location of venue
 Smooth running of event
 All deadlines are met
 Whole school community involved
 Entertainment for everyone with positive feedback from performers and the audience
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Throughout all aspects of running and creating the event, as a team we will be constantly
reminding ourselves of what aims and objectives we set to achieve to be sure that we succeed
in every way possible. As well as this we will also be looking at our criteria to make sure that
we increase and achieve our success of the final event. by creating this it can hopefully
create a positive and enjoyable event for everyone.
Chosen Charity For The Event
As a class we had to decide that the final profits from this event will be
donated to a charity of our choices. As a class this was a decision
whether we changed the charity which the previous years used or just
continued to use the same. When deciding this we conducted a
questionnaire which included the question which charity would you like
to see the profits go to. (See Appendix)
We had a variety of different answers from different people these are some of the most
popular charities that were suggested:
 Red Cross
 Support for workers
 Dubai Autism Centre
 Cancer Research
However after discussing as a team which charity to use we were informed that Dubai
Autism Centre deal with all paper work and do this for our benefit whereas the other charities
didn’t which would mean this can be more time consuming and more work for us as a team.
On the other hand, as many people also suggested continuing and using Dubai Autism Centre
this is what we did. Also we felt that it was important to continue to support this charity as it
is helping less able students an opportunity to be educated.
Dubai Autism Centre (DAC) is a non-profit organization within Dubai and provides its
students with a holistic intervention program that includes academics and various therapies –
behavioural, speech, occupational, music and play as well as professional medical care
As a team we felt that it is more important to increase the awareness of the charity as we
believe that all students and children across the UAE deserve equal opportunities to learn in
any learning environment by supporting the autistic children from one school community to
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Section B
Feasibility of the event
Market research
Marketing for the event
Contingency plans
Financial resources
Physical resources
Human resources
Administrative systems
Target customers
Event timescales
Legal aspects
Pre-Carry out the event
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Feasibility Stage
When sufficient research is not carried out and planning is not taken place there is an
increased risk of the project failing. Any business would ensure that they carried out some
form of research which can include primary or secondary to ensure that the event is not too
expensive for their budget, a high risk of failing or that there is a common interest in the
event which the business is trying to create. If an organisation receives negative feedback
then this opens their opportunities to change the event idea which is in place or drop the plans
before they have gone along with it.
What is a feasibility study?
As the name implies a feasibility study is an element which analyses the viability of an idea.
“The feasibility study focuses on helping answer the essential question of “should we proceed
with the proposed project idea?” All activities of the study are directed toward helping
answer this question.” (source: If a business has a project idea
and believes that it can work they will still do a feasibility study on the idea so that they have
research to show as evidence of how this will be achievable. However if a business decides
not to do this can goes ahead with their plans but however it is not feasible that can lead to
the idea failing and the business losing money and increasing problem for the employees,
managers and organisation itself.
These are some of the benefits to why businesses carry out feasibility studies within their
 Better time management of the actual event
 Costings – will it be within budget
 Permission likely
 Understand scope of the event e.g. theatre size
 Increase success of the event
 It helps to reduce risk and uncertainty.
 It eases people into their roles.
 The team thinks through their event logistics and resource needs in a logical sequence.
 It brings to light any unrealistic assumptions which may have been made, such as
costs of materials.
 It establishes whether the preparation period (timescale) is sufficient.
 It establishes whether the event could actually happen, or where changes need to be
made in order to make the project happen.
 It gives the business on outline of the event and when to set deadlines or targets to
Businesses have several different ways of carrying out feasibility studies, these can include
survey, interviews and financial costing.
34 | P a g e
Primary research
Throughout my report I will provide evidence of the different research we have produced as a
team to show if our event will be feasible.
Primary research is data which is created by the researcher for the first time, this means it if
fresh and first time collected information. This type of research does not include finding
information from books and the internet. It involves the individual and the team itself going
out of their comfort zone and collecting information by talking to customers or clients which
may later be used throughout the project. This can be achieved by sending out or asking
questionnaires to the potential customers of the event, testing on the public or holding
interviews. If the data is organised properly the primary research which is collected can then
be used to give opinions and answers to the questions that have been asked to the target
market. This can then support ideas and decision making amongst the team.
Secondary research
This is a type of research that has been undertaking by someone else or another company, this
can also be known as desk research. Many people use this type of research for feasibility
studies as it is able for them to gain contact numbers and brief information about what
companies they may be dealing with and background history so they can broaden their
knowledge beforehand. These are some examples of secondary research sources:
Examples of secondary research:
 Internet – for example search generators such as Google, Bing and Yahoo. By typing
key terms this can generate thousands of results of information
 Text books
 In house journals
 Newspapers
 TV documentaries
 Sales figures and own company and competitors
 Government publication
 Competitors websites and products
 Magazines
 Posters, leaflets and handouts
With technology advancing rapidly this makes it easier and faster to use the internet on many
computing and SMART android devices. This can make work and researching data less time
consuming than primary research which is good as it’s cheaper and most of the time free. The
internet is open 24 hours a day all year round therefore it is available to use whenever its
needed. Technology isn’t the only source to be used there is a wide range like books,
newspapers, magazines, TV documentaries, text books etc. The difference between primary
and secondary research is that primary can only cover a small area of data where as
secondary can cover to a wider scale which makes this more useful when needing to know
35 | P a g e
and broaden knowledge about a specific topic. The facts are normally 100% in new books
and the research could be done by a professional. There are also a wide range of sources to
use with are larger samples whereas primary research covers a smaller area.
Just as there are several disadvantages for primary research they are also disadvantages for
secondary research, as there are no first hand data such as questionnaires or interviews from
customers. This can then make the data less reliable as it may be old information and less up
to date. This can then make the data less accurate and can lead to the business increasing
more problems if they have researched false data via the internet. By doing secondary
research it is fast however sometimes it can be time consuming trying to find the specific
information that you would like which then slows the process down. Secondary research can
also include a lot of reading and researching on the topic by searching around.
Financial Feasibility
Financial feasibility is an aspect of the business which will always need to be assessed very
carefully as this will cover the income and expenditure for a range of event needs:
For example the business will need to consider what the starting up costs are, and what initial
purchases will be needed to be investigated promptly. Depending on the business this could
include licenses, permits, hall hire and raw materials. Financial feasibility will also include
the overall budget for the event and how this will be derived from each cost centre and will
cover all resources such as marketing, staffing, raw materials and contingences. Other aspects
that the business will need to consider are the total income which they desire to achieve
overall and where it will come from. This will include set targets which will include set
prices to cover costs, donations, sponsorship and more. Cash flow is another element which
will come under this finical feasibility the business will need to decide how this will be
handled and if they are ensuring that there is correct record keeping, so that they do not over
spend or over budget themselves. Some organisations depending on the event will have to
consider if there are any insurance costs for cancellation, accident or damage. Lastly the
business will need to look into if a budget is needed for unseen costs such as repairs, refunds,
damage lost and charges such as VAT. However in Dubai there are no VAT charges, which
results in this not being a major problem for our event.
36 | P a g e
•Raise money for charity
•Increase awareness for the charity, school and applied course
•Increase overall performance of event from last year
•These are the aims which we have chosen as a team above, we have also created suitable objectives for theseaims.
•On thecustomers behalf there should be a high demand as the show has a good repuatation, with a large enjoyment level. and
this show is also related to various TV Shows world wide.
• On theparticipants behalf this is good as they are able to show off their talents to the school and customers watching, it also
means they are competing against others with the chance to win prizes. this also shows they have been involed with the school.
•This is also good for theschools reputation and commuinty as a whole.
•Price - 40 Dhs for tickets, however many other financial aspects need to be covered.
•Product - A School Talent Show which is attractiveand enjoyable for the customers and particpants of thecommuinty.
•Place - Several locations have been looked at our three main venues included Madinat, Dubai British School and DUCTAC
•Promotion - We have created posters, leaftlets and have started fundraisers to raise money and awareness for the school and
applied team/event.
•School Loan, Sponsors such as Nandos, Costaand Taaleem
•One member of the team will be assigned to managing the finance of the event
•We will be using theapplied team in year 12 for staffing on theevent day
•Ttey will attend a few meeting so that they are aware of their job roles and how to undertake their jobs
•Teachers will be used to help staff theevent.
•Our team will also be staffing and helping the event so that all tasks run smoothly.
•Documents have been held on a join email account aswell as a privatewebpage.
•Important documents such as money, licenses as so on will be held within the school administrations office
•One member of the team will be selected to organise the administraion of theevent
•The event will be held on February 5th 2013.
•We will need to plan when auditions will be and when rehearsal will take place.
•We will need to plan fundraising events and prizes for contestents.
•We aim to acheive a beter profit that previous years for our charity.
•We need to research that theevent is staying within thelaw's of the UAE
•Any acts will need to acceptable and respectable within theUAE
Areas to Test at Feasibility Stage
Now we have chosen a suitable event for our project, we started to research the important
aspects that need focusing on. This is so we can plan how we can achieve this and relate it
back to our aims and objectives. The table below shoes all the aspects we will research and
complete for the talent show.
37 | P a g e
Market Research
Now we have chosen our final event to proceed with we can start our own research. This was
one of the first pieces of research that we carried out related to the talent show in order to see
what the customers wanted. Due to this I conducted a survey which was given to a selection
of students within Dubai British School:
Event Questionnaire
Applied Year 13 are conducting a talent show for our coursework which we are planning to
arrange for February 2013 , please could you take 2 minutes of your time to answer the
following questions.
1. Do you like shows such as The X-factor and Britain’s got talent?
Yes No
2. Did you attend the previous talent shows which have been held at the school, if so would you
go again? If you have not would you go this year?
Yes No
3. Would you be interested if DBS held a talent show?
Yes No
4. Would you like to participate or attend?
Participate Attend Neither
5. If you chose to participate, what act would you show?
 Singing
 Dancing
 Acting
 Comedy
 Drama
 Other (please specify)
6. How much would you spend to watch a talent show?
 20-30 AED
 31 -40 AED
 41 -50 AED
7. Would you like the show to be held on a weeknight or weekend?
 Weeknight
 Weekend
38 | P a g e
Yes No
Do you like shows such as The X-factor
and Britain’s got talent?
Yes No
Did you attend the previous talent
shows which have been held at the
school, if so would you go again? If you
have not would you go this year?
Yes No
Would you be interested if DBS held a
talent show?
Survey Results
These were the results that we received back
after asking 30 different students amongst Dubai
British School. As you can see from question 1.
19 people that we asked said that they liked
shows such as XFactor and Britain’s Got Talent.
Only 11 People disagreed and said they did not
like these shows or did not watch these due to
where they had been bought up. This was a good
response from our survey to continue and use
this idea for our final event.
The second question which we asked our
customers was whether they attended the
talent show the previous years and if they
would continue to come again and if they had
not been but would come this year. For this
we received that 21 people said they would
come again some being new comers that had
not attended before and some being previous
customers to the event. This then lead 9
people which said they would not attend.
Some being too that they wouldn’t if their
friends or family were not taking part and
others said it wasn’t at their highest interest.
Our third question was very similar to the previous
question which was asked. As you can see we
recorded 23 people that said they would be
interested in the show and 7 people which said
they wouldn’t be. Most of the people’s answers
were dependant on who would be participating
weather this would be friends or family members
or teachers from the previous years. Therefore this
could change later on when we hold auditions for
final acts.
39 | P a g e
Participate Attend Neither
Would you like to participate or attend?
Singing Dancing Acting Comedy Drama Other
If you chose participate what act would you
20-30 AED 31 -40 AED 41 -50 AED
How much would you spend to watch a
talent show?
The next question which we asked
students was whether they were
interested in participating or attending
the event. As you can see from these
results 9 people said they would like to
participate or audition, 15 students said
they would like to attend and 6 said
neither. This is not a bad ratio of answers
for this as it can help us adapt to
persuading more people to attend that are
currently not interested and it gives us an idea of how many loyal customers we have already and
number of auditions that we could potentially get.
As only 9 students said they were
interesting in participating in the
show this question could only
apply to them. The following
answers which we received was
the following :
5 Singing
2 Dancing
1 Acting
0 Comedy
1 Drama
and 0 Other
This was one of our toughest answers which we received as we want to move away from the talent
show being a singing contest each year as some people said it starts to become boring. Therefore we
needed to make sure that we could find other people with different talents when holding auditions.
However if this was not possible we would have to follow the same years and have more singers than
other acts which isn’t a problem but wouldn’t reach our aim to change the event to have its own
unique point this year.
This was an important question that we
needed to ask the customers of our event
as we were discussing as a team to
increase the prices of the tickets this
year to raise more money for the Dubai
autism centre. Therefore we asked
students what they would be willing to
pay for a ticket to the show. As you can
see from this bar chart 7 students said
they would pay 20-30, 10 students said
they would pay 30-40 which was around
the same prices as the year before and 13 students said they would be willing to pay 40-50 as the
cause is for a charity and they know that there money is going to help others which was a great
answer that we received from this survey as a team.
40 | P a g e
Weeknight Weekend
Would you like the show to be held on a
weeknight or weekend?
20 of the students that we asked said they
would prefer that the show was held on a
weeknight due to having plans and
commitments at the weekends which
would mean they would have less chance
of attending the show, whereas 10 people
said that they would like to have it on the
weekend as the show is usually late on
weeknights and this would involve having
school the next day.
Golf Day - Research
A first part of my primary research for the event was with my team researching a popular event in
Dubai called ‘The Race to Dubai Golf World Championship’ from this we asked 20 attendees that
visited the event for their opinions. We decided to use this to help us know the positive and negative
aspects of an event in general due to the public opinions as well as how we can apply this to our finial
1. Do you think this is a good location and why?
All people that we asked this question agreed and said that they believed it was a good location to
place the event, as it is in a large spacious area with a wide range of facilities and views that the
public can visit. The golf course is easy to access to be able to watch and the club house is
professional and clean for people to visit or apply if you are considering becoming a visitor. Overall
most people were happy with the location choice as it gives you a range of activities to participate in
the day and you can view the golf course from a wide range of places so that you do not miss any of
the golfing action. Relating this to our talent show went in February this shows us that it is important
that you choose the correct venue to hold an event as the public value where the event is being hosted
as well as the facilities that are included within the venue. As we are using DUCTAC for the event
this is one of the most spacious venues that we could afford to use with a wide range of facilities that
can be provided within the centre if not the mall.
Advantages Disadvantages
 The parking was really good and
close to the main gate for everyone.
 Jumeirah Golf estate has been very
well created.
 Taxi drivers were aware of the
 Spacious and wide amount of space.
 The location is set for directions right
next to a busy main roundabout that
holds a lot of traffic
 Traffic staff could have been more
41 | P a g e
Yes No
Bar Chart Showing - How Many Members of the
Public Would Still Attend the Golf Day if they Had
to Pay
2. What do you think ofthe services provided?
All 20 of the people which we asked this question to said the services provided were good as there
was a wide range of services that the public could visit or enquire about. Moreover some of the stalls
were able to give prizes or freebies to the public which would be able to draw in more attendees.
Some stalls offered products that the public could win if they entered (contributing in a quiz for
example.) some of the services that all 20 people were disappointed in was the small choice of food
offered to the public as well as the prices that they were charging for these services. The most
successfulservice that 15 of the attendees were impressed with was the bar due to the wide range of
beverages available charged at standard prices that they would expect to pay for these items. 7 people
that attended said that the best services provided was the free golf lessons or golf activities as it
related to the event and gave them the opportunity to be able to participate in what they attended the
event for.
Relating this to our event services provided would be inside of DUCTAC for example there are
refreshments available to be bought as well as toilets and general facilities and services that would be
needed inside a theatre. However this year we are giving the opportunity for the general public that
attend the public to have the chance of winning prizes that are worth over 1,000 DHS.
3. If this event was not free would you still have attended?
8 attendees said they would of not still visited the event if it was not free as they are not highly
interested in golf and they attend to socialise and visit the different stall or promotions that are
available within the venue. Some of the attendees said they attend to give their children a day out
experiencing the golf and the different activities that are available for them free of charge. Moreover
12 people that we asked said they would still attended if the event was not free as they are more than
willing to pay to see the golf as this was either interest of sport or hobby. They also said they would
still of attended as there is a wide variety of stalls that are available which offer free promotions that
they would be interested in.
Therefore relating this to our event, previous years have all charged for this event as it helps cover
costs and raises money for Dubai Autism Centre therefore we are able to charge money as the public
are willing to pay.
42 | P a g e
(7 days)
Word Of
Pie Chart Showing - Is This Considered a Good
Time of the Year to Hold This Event?
4. Is this a good time ofthe year to hold an event ifso why?
15 people said they wouldn’t agree that this was
a good time of the year to hold this type of
event as it is very hot in the day which leads to
most people feeling dehydrated also they said
that the venue does not provide enough places
that have shade therefore this would have to be
an improvement. Moreover 5 people said they
believe it was a good time of the year as it is
nice weather and is the correct time to hold
golfing event due to the golf championships.
Our event will not be outside however it has been arranged at a good time of the year (February) as
this is the middle of the school year and just before a holiday so a late night will not be a huge
problem for the people coming to watch the event. We had to choose this particular time because we
need to consider the time of year for students because of exams and holidays.
5. Howdid you find out about the event?
The answers that were provided from the questions shows me that there was a wide range of
marketing techniques used to promote this event, also I proved an example answer that showed that
the public had seen advertisements on roads that brought their attention to visiting the venue.
Moreover for our event as it is not on such a large scale will be using school newsletter, assemblies,
posters, ticket sales, website, t-shirts, fund raising and auditions to raise awareness for DBS Has
Talent this year. This will then ensure that more people are aware of the talent show and hopefully
buy tickets and attend.
I always drive past
the huge
(Billboard) by the
green community
round about ion the
way to work, always
catches my eye and
persuaded me to sign
up and attend this
43 | P a g e
“Such a wide range of
activities for my children,
all free of charge. All
stall were labelled helped
me out a lot!”
6. Do you think it is well organised and why?
There were a wide amount of information stall and informed staff which were
around the area at all times, this was good as it showed they were
organised and ready to help if directions were needed. As well as this
all areas were marked or names so that the customers were aware of
where they were going. There was also a large amount of activities for
children therefore the event had thought out its target market which is
good as accommodated for all ages. Most of the people that we asked
would agree that the event was regularly organised and well thought
through. They also provided maps for the public that wanted to view the
different pitches for the golf. For our talent shows, we will have fully informed staff by using
peers to help with the overall organisation, all job allocations will be given to the younger years as
well as our team itself. Before the show starts we will run sounds checks for all auditions and make
sure that everything is in order so that we limit mistakes.
Primary Research (Businesses)
1. What marketing do you use and why?
BMW– BMW used two different bike models to promote their products for the day as well as car
models placed around the course so that people are able to look at the products that they sell and how
it looks in person. This is their most used promotion at the event this weekend as it gives the chance
for the customer to see their newly ranged products that are on the market and ask any addition
information about them so they can find out about more.
Fitness First – the marketing they used this day was offering people free day passes for the course of
3 days. This is a good way to promote their products as this gives the chance for the public try out
their service so they will have a larger percentage of people joining if they have enjoyed their trial.
Fitness first was also marketing by offering free socks to people that come by and visit their stall for
information about their gyms and promotions which they are offering for the golf day. The reasoning
they stated that they use this method of promotion is so the customers are able to try their gym for free
of charge and this will bring more people to use the gym than paying for it when they haven’t already
tried therefore by doing this they will be able to see if they experience a good time at the business and
if this is achieved they may choose to become a member or visit more regularly than before.
Emirates – the promotion which emirates were using at the golf day was to offer the chance for one
member of the public to win a trip to Scotland with accommodation and free flights from emirates.
This type of promotion gives the opportunity for someone to take part in participating in a quiz and
winning their promotional prize. The reason emirates stated that they do this is as the winner will be
able to use emirate and experience their service which may mean the winner may use this airline of
they have a good experience when flying also this may encourage the winner to use the airline
company more often than before.
2. What type of marketing is most successful?
BMW– the most successfulmarketing that BMW use is by promoting their products at venue’s
44 | P a g e
where they are sponsoring so that the public are able to view the items in reallife as well as look and
ask for information from a trained employee if needed. They said when they sell promotions on new
cars or motorbikes are also one of their most popular marketing techniques as the public are always
looking at saving their money when it comes to buying newly ranges vehicles therefore BMW always
have first month offers on selected models that they sell.
Fitness First – fitness first believe their most successfulmarketing campaigns includes discounts on
membership fees at the beginning of the year or free trails to the public for example what they offered
at the golf day. The reason for this is people are looking at saving money on memberships at the
beginning of the year due to New Year resolutions. However offering free trials to the public also
mean more people are willing to give the business a try therefore they use this more often as they will
end up with more people joining or using the gym if they offer free trails so that the customer can give
it a go first before committing their money.
Emirates – emirates believe that their most popular marketing strategy is offering reduced prices on
their flights as most people will prefer to choose an airline which has new facilities such as emirates
and when offering prices which are lower than usual and around competitors prices they are able to
have more customer book flights with them. They do this at peak times of the years when people
don’t not fly to a large degree however if customer need to travel by airline emirates offer a good
service and by offering cheaper/reduced prices this is a huge benefit to customers and always ends up
with the business making more money and gaining more customers flying with their airline.
3. Why is it important to wear uniform/ company logo?
BMW– the reason we wear our logo around our events which we visit to sell and promote our
products is so that people are aware that we are working for the business and if they have any
questions they know who they can come and ask.
Fitness First - we wear our logo and company uniform so that it raises awareness that we are
involved in the business and so that customers know who to come and ask if they need information or
help about fitness first.
Emirates – we wear our business uniform as people who fly with our airline are aware of who we are
and if they have questions or need information about our business they are able to come and find us. It
also raises awareness for Emirates and brings good reputation to the business.
(Examples of business marketing leaflets and promotions can be found in appendix)
Dubai World Championship Website Review
This is the website of the event and how they keep
their customers informed and interested about the
latest news and updates of the golf. As you can see
the website is extremely colourful and holds a wide
range of information display across the site for the
customer to access. By using pictures this gives the
customers a chance to see the recent images that
have been taken at the event and how is
participating within the event this year. As you can
45 | P a g e
see their sponsors are also involved within the
website so that people can browse through what
they have to offer and can see the type of stands
and stalls that will be included in the event this
The website also includes a virtual tour of the golf
course so that the customers can see what they are
expecting and the type of golf course their players
are participating on. Moreover the website informs
the customers of the daily temperatures and the scoring board of where the players have come
throughout the tournament. The website does hold a lot of information and can be confusing to
navigate trough. Moreover it is not as easy to book tickets online as it involves a wide amount of
stages and verifying of email addresses and phone numbers to even be able to print them at home.
This can link to our event that we are hosting as it is equally important that we can update and keep
our participants and customers involved in information via the internet. Therefore we decided that it
would be important to create a Facebook page where the
customers are able to view when tickets are on sale, the
prizes that can be won and rehearsaltimes for the people
taking part and so on. By doing this is leads more
customers being aware of what is happening and when it is
happening. This is important as we need as many potential
customers as possible to raise money for the Dubai Autism
The reason to why we didn’t create a website is because it
is too time consuming for the event which we have in place
for the upcoming few months. This may cost more money
and we only need to keep in contact with the customers and
students/teachers at Dubai British School. Therefore by
making a Facebook page this is an easier form of contact as
more students and teachers use social networking sites due to talking to their friends or family which
may be abroad etc,they will also be notified with recent adding’s to the page and we can see how
many people view our posts which is ideal as we can get the message across and know what has been
viewed and what hasn’t. This will become more useful closer to the time of the event it will also
involve us adding auditioned participants that have been put through to the final so they can be
updated with information about the day and what they need to bring as well as meeting which will
happen more regularly in January time.
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Laurens final event

  • 1. 1 | P a g e Introduction In this unit I will be researching, creating and organising an event for the public with my class mates by working as team. Within this unit I will be covering different aspects of how to create an event including staging the event for the public, feasibility test, research , aims and objects of events and making a conclusion of the overall product. What Is an Event? An event is something which people will attend to once in their life time which would off appealed to them. An event can be large or small depending on what sort of event it is, some events can be on a one time occasion whereas other events can occur more frequently for example every fortnight or monthly. Some events can be held open to the public where as other events can be based for specific groups and have set opening and closing dates. A good example of this would be meetings that are made for shareholders which will participate every year. This is called an annual general meeting. There are several types of events that can be hold, for example openings for specific products can be events where the public can visit. As you can below these are all the different types of events that can be held for different purposes. It is possible that some events can fall into more than one section. For example the Olympics is a sporting event as well as worldwide. These are a few examples of different types of events that can occur and the categories which they would be classed under:
  • 2. 2 | P a g e Why are Events Held? Events are held for a variety of different reasons. Most events are held for large social occasions and most of these will fall into the following categories:  Celebration: a large percentage of events are held to celebrate a certain occasion, achievements, milestones or historical and religious events. Examples of this could be weddings, birthdays, staff leaving parties, Christmas, prom, graduation, Easter and St Patrick’s Day. Weddings are one of the most popular events that are celebrated for example this is when two people have been together for such a long time they make a commitment where friends and family are invited, these event can take place all round the world as well as abroad. Easter is celebrate by Christians where Jesus was resurrected and came back to life people give Easter eggs and eat hot cross bun for this event as well as attending to church where they have longer ceremonies for these occasions.  Raise Funds: a large majority of events are put in place to raise money for different causes which can include charity work or money for a good cause. Race for life is an event which is held every year in different places across the UK which is to raise money for cancer research. People who participate in the event usually run for someone they know who has pass away from cancer so they support the cause and raise money to help others in the same situation. Whereas some events are held by clubs or schools to help raise money for new equipment or activities within the club. For example a car boot sale can help raise money for a club which wants to buy new equipment for the customers. Larger and popular events will usually raise more money that small events.  Provide Recreation or Entertainment: many events that are held are to provide customers with recreation and entertainment. This can reach a large audience for example this can vibe individuals, common interests, communities or world audiences. Concerts, beer festivals, sporting events, sporting events and school outings are all examples of these events. These are also aimed to be big social occasions that provide opportunities for people to meet that share the same interests and to have an enjoyable time. However some of these events are usually televised for example a football mach such as England can be shown in pub or at home so that
  • 3. 3 | P a g e other people can watch the event.  Business Motives: businesses also organise events, many of these events are to promote or sell new products that the business have put on the market. There are several reasons why businesses events are varied. Some events such as AGM and press conferences are held out of obligation. However the business can hold events internally which involve the staff such as weekend team building or staff Christmas parties. Business can also stage events which are created to make money. For example boxing promoter’s stage boxing contests between some of the top fighters in the world. Revenue will then increase from this as admission fees will need to be paid and refreshments will be bought which will result in the business making revenue.
  • 4. 4 | P a g e Section A Choice of event Ideas and research Short-listed suggestions Final decision
  • 5. 5 | P a g e My Event – DBS Olympics DBS 2012 is my choice of event. The main idea of the event is to involve a wide audience of DBS to participate in the mini Olympics for a fun and enjoyable day with the school and families. This will include team races, individual, pairs and non sporting events for the students, parents and teachers at DBS. This will work by having entries that sign up for the event in teams of 8-14. Each team will pick a team name and different activities for individuals to participate in. This will then result the participants being selected into 4 different teams which will be under the categories of countries. Each race will have points for positions that the opponents come in. The team with the most points will win a prize as well as second and third. However the country with the most points overall will also win a small prize at the end ceremony. Put this into bullet point form: The reason why I have chosen to do this event is because  it can involve a wide range of ages and both sexes’ which gives me a large target market. This means I will be able to sell the idea to a wider audience than an event which can be based only at one or the other.  it brings the students, teachers and parents closer towards the business (DBS).  Its brings a good reputation for school as they are trying to involve their customers by doing something fun where other parents can meet new people and children will be able to have a fun day with their friends.  This is also good for the children’s health as they will be participating in exercise. Therefore the parents may believe that the idea of the event will also be beneficial for their children if the event goes as planned this should give DBS a good recognition and word for the customers to tell other parents which can then result in more children visiting or joining the school.  This is beneficial towards the school in the long run. It also is another way to celebrate and praise the customers who enter for their hard work in taking place. My Target Market For this event I need to look at the appropriate way which will work for teams and ages. For example it would unfair to race a child against an adult, therefore when people sign up in their groups the need at least one participate which is stated in each group. There will be events that are based for children, some for adults and teachers and others for all. This is important that this goes correctly or the event won’t have a good effect on the customers as it would like it be. Therefore this is what I am going to include on the signing up form.
  • 6. 6 | P a g e Ages That Should Participate In Each Team 5-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-18 Adults of Any Age The only problem of this would be certain groups would not have the correct ages to sign in a team. Therefore I have decided to categorise different activities for different ages. If the team do not have anyone to participate in the event then they will be able to score 1 point which would be the same for others who didn’t come 1st, 2nd or 3rd. This should ensure fairness of marking. This will also apply to the other events where this problem occurs. However the countries will be divided up equally in categories of ages and gender. Entries will just have to mark if they do not have a team member in a certain category within their group. Races will be divided by gender, so the team will have to have a good amount of both men and women so that they can gain extra points. One reason for choosing the target market is so parents who have children that are boys and girls can both participate as well as mum and dad and other entries amongst the school. The event is also open for friends to sign up brings and bring to participate in the event so that the target market stretches across a large scale of Dubai which can result in different schools being involved. I’m basing to do this on a weekend where parents and school pupils are free from school work and full time work. For example if sixth form are going to participate in this event at the weekend other friends which they usually see who don’t attend DBS may join so that they are with their friends and participating in an event. This shows that my target audience is to a extremely wid. However, if I looked to include any younger ages it would be very complicated organising events that can involve them throughout the day. This doesn’t mean parents can’t bring them along to come and watch. Objectives and Aims What is an aim? For my event I need to create aims and objectives so that the event will run smoothly and my main achievements are met. If I want this to be successful then I need to create objectives which will help my event become successful, therefore the objectives which I create need to be SMART.
  • 7. 7 | P a g e  S - Specific  M - Measureable  A – Achievable  R - Realistic  T – Timed Aims for my Event  To provide an enjoyable and popular event for staff, students and parents at DBS.  To raise awareness for DBS and the Applied Team.  To ensure the smooth and efficient running of a leisure event  To create a highly successful leisure event that will build on the previous year’s event. Objectives: 1. to provide an enjoyable and popular event for staff, students and parents at DBS  By marketing and advertising the event suitably so that it will attract potential customers.  By offering good prizes for the customers which take part.  Having a professional venue which has adequate facilities and space.  Involving all ages and customers within the school. 2. To raise awareness for DBS and Applied  Advertising and relating that the event is for DBS and staged by the applied students.  Presentations selling our event to the students and staff within the school.  Contacting parents via letters and leaflets, so they can learn about our leisure event. 3. To ensure a smooth and efficient running leisure event  By having a good team effort through the production and staging of the event  Good communication between the team members.  Appropriate allocation of job roles between the team.  By setting appropriate dates when certain jobs need to be finished. (Creating a time line of dates) 4. To create a highly successful leisure event, which will build up on the previous year’s event
  • 8. 8 | P a g e 10% 75% 15% 0% 0% How regularly do you do sport? Daily Weekly Every 2 Weeks Monthly Rarely  By involving a variety of ages throughout the school years.  To keep up to date with progress  Ensure deadlines are being met  Good standard of work effort put in by all members of the team throughout the production and staging of the event. Additional Secondary Objectives  Learn new skills that can be used later on in life  Gain a better bond with team throughout this experience. Primary Research For my event it is important that I conduct a good amount of research that comes from the potential customers of my event. This is so I can see what the customers will like and how I can please the majority of people. By doing this it should result in a larger amount of people participating and a more specific event which will satisfy more people’s needs. Therefore to achieve this I have decided to conduct three different types of primary research that should give me a better and wider idea of what my potential customers would like to have in my event. I have chosen to do the following types of primary research:  Questionnaire – the reasoning behind why I have chose this is because I can receive feedback from different ages and staff within the school as these are the people who I aim to participate in my event.  Observation – by doing this I will observe the amount of people that do not participate in core physical education over the period of two weeks. This will show give me an insight to my feasibility for the event and so see how many students do not enjoy participating in physical education.  Online Survey – the reason to why I have decided to do this is so that I can contact children parents of the school and see what they would like as these are also another target market for my event. This will then give me a wide amount of research so that I evaluate the feasibility and satisfy my potential customers before organising the event if it goes forward. Firstly I conducted a questionnaire to find out what my potential target market would like so that I could fit my event for others purposes. (Appendix 1) then I evaluated my results into graphs and pie charts to see an overall response from this section of primary research. Questionnaire Results Evaluated For my first question I asked how much exercised each person did over a period of time. As you can see from the results,
  • 9. 9 | P a g e 40% 20% 10% 30% 0% 0% 0% What is your favourite type of athletic sport? Running (100m, 200m, 400m, 800m 1800m) Javelin Long Jump 80% 20% Would you like to have non sporting events? Yes No the majority of people exercised at least once a week. 15 people said that they exercised once a week whether it was being in school or out of school. There was a lower percentage of students who exercised monthly which is good for my event and no students said they only exercised once a month. 2 people I questioned did say they exercised daily which is extremely good results of my event. This is question 2 of my questionnaire, as you can see this was to find out what the most popular sporting event was for each individual customer. The most popular event with 40% was running, however this is because it included different lengths which could have appealed to more people. On the other hand the second most popular was relay (team events). This shows that most students enjoy working in a team, which is why I have chosen for the customers of my event to sign up as a team. 20% voted javelin as their favourite sport which then was followed by long jump and hurdles. No one voted for discus which means that this may not be a good choice to involve in my event as it won’t appeal to many people. Also someone voted for high jump which I now may consider instead of discus. I was pleased to receive this answer from the people I questioned. This is because 16 people voted that they would like the event to have non sporting activities such as tug of war, ‘welly’ throwing, egg and spoon and so on. This means that people who don’t initially enjoy sport can also take part as there are activities for them to participate in as well as sporting one for others. 4 people who I questioned said no, however I would like to hold different types of games where smaller children and non sporty people can join in as this gives me a larger target market.
  • 10. 10 | P a g e 85% 15% Would you like to have a mini Olympics at DBS? Yes (Why?) No (Why?) 40% 15% 45% 0% What prizes would appeal to you the most? Money Shopping Vouchers Free Meal at Restaurant Other This was one of the most important questions for my questionnaire the reason for this is because if people chose that they didn’t want a DBS 2012 Olympics then this would mean the event wouldn’t be feasible as people would not want to participate. However by asking 20 people 17 people agreed and said they would like to take part in this event which is a good response. However 3 people did say no the reasoning for this was because they said they do not enjoy sport and would not participate in this as we have a sports day which is around the same time of the year. Whereas the reason for why people said they would like this event was so they can do a sporting event with and against their friends groups where they are able to win prizes. So overall this was a good response for the question. For this question I asked what prizes they would like to receive if they won one of the top places. 9 people said that they would prefer a free meal voucher for them and their team to go out than an amount of money as it would be unfair to split between a certain amounts of people. Although 8 people did say they would like to receive money they may have not thought of that disadvantage. 3 people voted to have a shopping voucher for a prize these were girls that chose this as it would be more appealing to them then boys. In conclusion of this it would be good if I get my correct sponsor so that I can fulfil the customers need by supplying a free meal at a restaurant for the winning team. For this answer I receive nearly an even amount of results. This was not what I wanted however this shows that I may have to change the day for my event. The reason to why people said no was because 55% 45% Would you participate if the event was on a Saturday / weekend? Yes No (Why)
  • 11. 11 | P a g e 50%50% This pie chart shows whether people would be more interested to take part if it was for charity Yes No 0% 40% 45% 15% This chart shows how much each customer is willing topay. Unwilling 5DHS 10DHS More 70% 0% 0% 20% 10% 0% This bar graphshows what the best type of advertising is tomy target market. Posters Newspaper Leaftlet Radio Magazine Other they may have a party or event with family which could come up unexpected. However 11 people said they would attend and get their friends to come do it with them, which is a good response for my event. However the people who said no said they were more likely being able to attend if the event is on a Saturday than a Friday which is useful primary research for my report. As you can see from this chart it shows how much each customer is willing to pay to enter the event. I was surprised to see that people are willing to spend 10DHS to enter the event which is good news for my team. However 8 people did say they were only willing to pay 5 DHS which means that I am stuck in the middle of deciding on which cost to set for an entry price. I was also happy that 3 people say they would be willing to pay more, I asked them the reason for this and they said if profits go to charity they would be willing to pay a higher entry fee in- between 15 and 20DHS. Therefore I need to conclude all of my findings and decide on a price which will suit most customers’ expectations. This was one of the hardest feedbacks I received from my whole questionnaire, as you can see 50% of people said yes and 50% also said no. Therefore I will have to decide for myself whether I think it will be a good idea to run this for charity or not. However I came to the conclusion this shouldn’t be decided until average costs are settled so I can see if I have enough money to breakeven and make profit because if I don’t I will not be able to raise money for charity as well. Lastly I asked my customers what type of advertising attracts them the most as you can see from my results over half of the customers said that posters catch their
  • 12. 12 | P a g e attention the most. This is because they are in school and no not have a lot of time to read newspapers or leaflets. However 4 people said they enjoy listening to the radio on the way to and from school which is where they hear about events in Dubai that can attract them to go. However 2 girls both did say they like to see advertisements in magazine however I don’t think this would be the best for magazines depending on the purpose and type of magazine it would be advertised in. Therefore this means I will need to advertise my event if it goes forward by posters across the school. Observations As part of conducting primary research I also decided to do observation within my school to see how many children didn’t participate in physical education over a period of 2 weeks with different age groups starting from 5 years of age to 18. The results are shown below: Age Number of People Who Did NOT Participate Year 3 3 Year 4 3 Year 5 2 Year 6 5 Year 7 1 Year 8 5 Year 9 3 Year 10 6 Year 11 2 Year 12 4 Year 13 5 As you can see from this it shows what age group had the most students that didn’t participate in physical education over the last 2 weeks (this means 2 separate lessons). The reason why I have done this is so that I can see if there are a high percentage of students who do not participate in physical education. If there was, then my event wouldn’t be the best idea for this target market, as it shows that people will not be interested in taking part in a sporting event. However one of the disadvantages of doing this could be the person who did not participate because they forgot their kit or because of an injury which means numbers would rise. I asked 3 people in the year 13 group why they didn’t participate in physical education to have better depth for my research. One student said they had forgotten their kit, another student said they didn’t have the correct shoes with them and another student just disliked sport. Therefore some of these results for students not participating could be for other reasons. I need to bare this in mind when analysing my results. Overall, out of the course of 2 weeks, there were a total of 39 absences for people did not participate in physical education. On some occasions these students were the same over the 2 week period which is not a high percentage considering the amount of students
  • 13. 13 | P a g e within a year group. The year groups with the larger amount of absences were year 6, 10 and 13. Sponsors At the beginning of making and planning what event I would like to do I didn’t want sponsors as I thought it wasn’t relevant. However, depending on the costing of the venue and other facilities this may not be able to be successful unless I have sponsorship money from businesses.. Therefore I needed to think of appropriate sponsors who would be interested in my type of event. As a result of this I chose certain companies which are situated in the UAE that would possibly be able to sponsor my event. These are the companies that I have researched about which would possibly sponsor my event:  Gatorade - Gatorade is a brand of sports-themed food and beverage products, built around its signature product: sporting drinks. Gatorade is currently manufactured by PepsiCo which is also located in Dubai and distributed in over 80 countries.  Nandos - Nando's was founded in 1987, Nando's operates in thirty countries on five continents. Nando's specializes in chicken dishes with either lemon or herb, medium, hot, extra hot or extra extra hot Peri-Peri marinades. There are 4 different Nando’s restaurants in Dubai.  Fitness First - Fitness First is the largest privately owned health club group in the world. It comprises 540 Fitness First clubs worldwide reaching over 1.7 million members in 21 countries. There are over 7 different Fitness First Gyms in Dubai.  Zaks –this is the main supplier for school uniforms for most schools across Dubai, they provide DBS with school uniform and they aim to maintain the look and feel of discipline throughout the school. My main priority is to achieve Gatorade and Nandos to sponsor my event the reasoning behind this is because Gatorade is one of the most famously known sports drinks, the reason the energy drink was made is for people doing sport in hot conditions. This is suitable for Dubai. The drink is well known across the UAE and worldwide and also supplies different drinks which are suitable to be sold at the event for people who are participating in sport and need to keep hydrated. Gatorade supply drink flavours so that more customers will enjoy the drink of their choice this is why I believe they are a suitable sponsor for my event. Nandos is my other main choice to be an event sponsor as it is one of the most popular dining restaurants in Dubai where many people attend for the food. To a have a well known sponsor like Nandos for example, this can result in the prizes being well known and used by the customers if they enjoy the businesses services. Nandos is extremely well
  • 14. 14 | P a g e known business across the UAE and worldwide which should hopefully attract more customers to participate if they know they could win a free meal for two people. This will result in me contacting the correct businesses and asking them to sponsor my event. However, I will have to sell my event to these specific businesses so that they will be interested in my idea. I would be asking each sponsor to at least sponsor my event with 5000 AED so that it can help fund my event and get more recognition from customers as they will be familiar with the businesses who chose to sponsor me. Fundraising For my event I need to raise money so that it can go toward the cost of the venue, facilities, prizes and any additional costs. Therefore a good way to achieve raising this money is by holding different fundraising events within school time which should interest the students and teachers to give money for our event. These are a few ideas of how I would like to fundraise for the DBS 2012:  Non uniform day  Cake sales  Ice cream/ pop sales  Handmade bracelet sales  Jeans day  Sweet sale  Goody bags for occasions. It is extremely important that we raise money to fund our event; these are a few ideas of how I would like to raise money for my event. The best idea and way to raise money is a non uniform day the reason is for this is because all students would like to wear their own clothes to school for a day which means this can involve all years and more students that trying to sell a specific item. With a small donation of 5dhs this will be a good way to raise money for the event without having to buy any raw materials. This is the same as jeans day. However cake sales and sweet sales are also good ways of raising money. These are products which are not sold within the school cafe; therefore people will be interested in buying this as they will not be able to get this all the time. On the other hand sales like this can appeal to a smaller target market which will mean it may not be as successful as a non uniform day. The more fundraising that happens, the better success my event as it would help fulfil one of my objectives: to make money! Venue for DBS 2012 (Secondary Research) My first part of research was to find a venue to stage the event. These are the stadiums in Dubai which are multipurpose and hold athletic tracks and facilities for what I need.  Zabeel Stadium  Police Officers Club Stadium  Al Rashid Stadium
  • 15. 15 | P a g e  Dubai Sports City These are the only multipurpose stadiums which are in Dubai. For the event which I want to hold it is important that the stadiums have the correct facilities for certain events to take place for example javelin, and long jump will require space and a sand pit for these races to take place. Without these it means that the types of races will be limited which can lead to less customers being interested in participating in my event. My first choice for the event would be to hold the event at the Police Officers Stadium as this is where DBS hold their yearly sports day. This helps as DBS already has contacts with the school, an important plus for any business looking to organise a venue. Below is a brief explanation of each stadium including information about their facilities and venue. Zabeel Stadium Zabeel Stadium is based as a football stadium within the UAE. The capacity of the stadium was 18000 and is used by Al Wasl football club (managed by Diego Maradona). This is not extremely far way for most customers to travel as it is in the centre of Dubai. The stadium was opened in 1974 which makes the venue only 38 years old. The pitch area is made of grass and the venue has recently been renewed with a larger capacity which now makes the venue’s capacity 25000. This is also the first air conditioned venue in the UAE. This venue supplies all the facilities that I would need to run my event. For example they have facilities such as:  Athletics track  Long jump  Hurdles  Tennis courts  Football pitch  Basketball arena  Javelin and discuss area. Source: Police Officers Club Stadium The Police Officers Stadium is where DBS hold their yearly sports day event. Therefore this would be familiar to most students, teachers and parents of DBS. This would be my first choice to hold my event. However the company does not own their own website therefore details about their venue is very brief. The venue can be found
  • 16. 16 | P a g e behind Sheik Rashid road which is near Al Wasl’s Sports Club. This is also a multipurpose stadium which holds facilities for:  Athletics track  Long jump  Hurdles  Javelin and discuss area  Football Pitch This stadium is commonly used by many schools in Dubai for sporting events. The capacity for the stadium is 7500 which is more than plenty for my amount of customers I aim to stage the event to. Al Rashid Stadium This stadium is located by Al-Rasheed Road in Dubai. This is another stadium which has no located website or information for customers to browse through therefore there is limited information that can be found about this venue. The capacity for this venue is 12000 which is again more people than I expect to stage my event to. However there are no lists of facilities that this venue supplies for customers. I will need to conduct further research involving, finding a contact number or email where I will have to enquire about additional information that I would need if I decide to choose this event. Source: Dubai Sports City This is one of the largest venues at Dubai Sports City, with a capacity of 60,000 seats for a multi- purpose outdoor stadium. The stadium includes facilities such as:  Football Pitch  Rugby Pitch  Track & Field for athletics (Which includes other athletic events such as javelin and long jump) Dubai sports city has a wide range of information on their website. It shows stadiums that are indoor as well as outdoor. However to fulfil the needs for my event the stadium will need to be a multipurpose and outdoor, as facilities such as track and field have to be included which is only found on their outdoor stadium. Source:
  • 17. 17 | P a g e As my first choice for the venue was the Police Officers Club Stadium, I chose to contact Mr Wright who deals with sports day internally within the school to inquire contact details so that I could talk to them. However once speaking to him he advised me not to use this venue for the event as it is not an easy and fast process to book at this venue. As it would involve me having a meeting with a general police officer before any ideas of cost could be brought up. This would be unrealistic for the time frame that I have set to achieve to inquire costs and bookings. On the other hand by doing this it could jeopardise the DBS sports day which is not what the school would like. Mr Wright therefore suggested different venues which are listed above. The next step for my event is to contact the relevant venues which I believe would benefit the customers and myself to host this DBS 2012 event. I have narrowed down my venues to Dubai Motor City Stadium, Police Officers Club Stadium and Al Wasl Sports Club (Zabeel Stadium). The reasons to why I have narrowed my choices down to these three venues is because these are in the best areas from the school itself and also supply the correct facilities and have the best mount of information and contact details so that I can get hold of the venues if I choose to use this as my final decision. As you can see here these are the three businesses that I contacted to find out about how much their venues would cost and if they were available to be booked by Christmas time. Above shows the three venues which I was most interested in to use for my final event. The reasons why I didn’t choose the other two locations was because the facilities were limited which would stop me being able to hold certain events that may attract to potential customers. The other reasons why I chose to eliminate these options was the lack of information and contact information that I could find on the internet and by talking to people. Therefore, I came to the conclusion that these would not be the best two choices to hold a successful event. There is a print screen of an email which is sent to Sports City’s business. (Appendix 1.1) After 2 days I still had no reply from any of the venues therefore I decided to email the companies again (Appendix 1.1) there is another example of my second email which I sent to Sports City Stadium. I would have thought that I would have had a reply within this time. After my second email I still received no feedback of information from any of the events therefore I decided to contact the business via phone. This was still unsuccessful as many of the businesses did not answer their emails or phone calls. I tried calling the venue 2 times each day over a period of 3 days. I had more success with Al Wasl, however they would put me on hold for 20 minutes at a time and then cut the phone call off. This was one of the most frustrating parts of researching and booking my event. This resulted in me having no venue
  • 18. 18 | P a g e for my event and no costing so I could conduct how much our team would be able to fundraise, therefore my event is not feasible to run. Licences Needed for the Event By researching the internet I needed to find what licences were needed to hold my event, this is a vital element for the business as if laws and licenses are not given this can result in the event being shut down or fined money which is the last thing that the team needs when trying to stage a successful event which represents our school. The UAE does not hold many laws as this is how the country is run however licenses are still needed when events are taken place. This is the information that I found out when I collected a leaflet about licenses needed in the UAE: “If you are hiring a venue to put on an event, check that the venue has a ‘Premises Licence’ or a ‘Club Premises Certificate’ issued by the City. The licence must cover the activities you are organising, for example, some premises are licensed for music and dancing but not for stage and film shows. Your event will also have to take place in the premises’ licensed opening hours. Also if you are holding an event at a venue that does not have a ‘Premises licence’ or a ‘Club Premises Certificate’ that covers your activities, you will need to serve a ‘Temporary Event Notice (TEN)’ on the Council and the Police at least 10 days before the event. TENs can cover events that last up to 96 hours and involve no more than 499 people” (Source: Licenses of Dubai) This means I need to contact the relevant venue when I find out about costs so see if they have any additional licenses which are required and if they are available to book the event with their costs. As there was no response for both of the appropriate venues this lead me to having no relevant information about licenses for my event, which is another reason to why my event is not feasible. Conclusion For my event I have evaluated all my information and research that I have collected to see whether my event is feasible to go ahead. From my report you can see there are advantages and disadvantages to running this type of event for DBS. In my opinion I think the event idea and responses from students and teachers in the school were to a feasible standard where the event could take place and go forward with a large success. However one of my disadvantages is a main element to holding an event which would be the venue. With little communication back from 3 different venues this had made my feasibility test fail as there are no venues which I could get in contact with to follow up my idea. By having no venue this puts the event to a holt as a venue is one of the vital points to holding an event. By not having any response from my chosen venues this then gave me another reason to why my event isn’t feasible as I could not ask what licenses I would need to make sure the event is legal to be run with no problems. This was another disadvantage to my idea and research as the internet did not provide this type of information for staging my event. Furthermore cost
  • 19. 19 | P a g e was one of my biggest issues and drawbacks to my event. By having a limited amount of communication from my venues I could not question them about if staff would be available and included within the event the same as refreshments and costing of the event. Therefore with no communication from my chosen event this was a huge disadvantage to my idea as I was not able to conclude any overall budget or costing that I would need for my event. Overall my idea would not pass a feasibility test as it would not be appropriate or realistic to carry out an event which has a high possibility of difficulties. The Presentations All of our ideas were presented to the class in a meeting which took place on Monday 17th September. The idea of this was to be aware of what each team member could bring to the table with their event idea and how it could work to become our event idea this year. During this we needed to evaluate the advantages, disadvantages and overall conclusion about each individual’s presentation within the group. By doing this Mr Bentley made minutes for each presentation so that we could keep track of each presentation and evaluate the questions which were brought up during the meeting. Lauren Carson – DBS Mini Olympics This was my presentation which I used to present my idea of a good successful event to the class. My first slide was the logo which I created that could have been used for the event if this went forward. Then I decided to discuss some background information about what the event was and just a overall review of what would be included in the event and how this could work. By selling this to the class I enhanced that the event could be placed to a large target market which would result in us being able to sell tickets to a larger amount of people which could increase revenue. I then gave an explanation to why I believe that we should hold the event, by showing the positives which were evaluated and backed up with good reasons so that I could persuade the other team members to be interested in my idea. These included having a wide target market, prizes, ending ceremony and different team races which can involve the students, parents and teachers within DBS.
  • 20. 20 | P a g e I later discussed my target market into more depth so that the team members could understand how all ages could participate in the event. My following slides included information about the sponsors which I contacted and would like to use for this type of event. I gave some brief information so that the other team members within the group could understand why my sponsors were relevant to this event. I discussed the aims and objectives of my event. This included how they could be met so that the team members could see that this event could be achievable for our idea. Later I discussed my issues with the venue. This was one of my biggest disadvantages of my event idea and presentation as I had no response from my venue ideas which lead to me having a lack of research for overall costing and revenue. Therefore I had to discuss this with my other team members and how this was an issue which may or may not be resolved. I could have bought further research to the table such as overall costs and information about charity. This was a lack of information that I had overall. It would have been better to show the team how much profit we could of made or how many tickets we could of sold so that we would of had a basic idea. Lastly I explained the overall feasibility for my event and whether I believed it would work and go forward. Within this slide I discussed the problems which my idea caused, these included the lack of information about costs, venue and licenses which I would have needed to persuade my team members to choose my idea. With this information I believe that my presentation could have been better and more persuasive however without this element of research it caused me to make an overall decision within the time period that my event was not feasible to go forward. Emily Playford – Golfing Tournament Emily had chosen to research a golfing tournament for her idea of an event; this is known to be a successful event within the school as various golfing tournaments are brought to Dubai each year. Basic Overview ofthe Event Idea
  • 21. 21 | P a g e The event idea included people within the school which were sixth form that could participate in a golfing tournament at the weekend in February, with an entry fee and an ending ceremony which was open to the public. (Parents or friends of the participants) she decided on Els Club Dubai which is located in sports city as her venue to stage her event. Her chosen sponsors which she contacted were Nandos, Taleem, Golf House and Reebok. She explained why she believed this should be the chosen event as it can raise awareness for the DBS applied class, it is a fun and enjoyable day for the customers who chose to participate and people who want to take part need no skills or experience. In Emily’s presentation she showed her primary and secondary research which she had conducted over a small period of time. This included how many people she surveyed, how much people were willing to pay to take part in this event and how much the club hire was for her chosen venue. Her next slide consisted of the costings which she had totalled. So she could explain to the team what her overall revenue from the event would be that could go to our chosen charity. Lastly she then shared her fundraising ideas and how she would like to raise money for her event to go forward. The questions which were raised by the team after the presentation were: Were there enough golfers to justify the event? Are there any cheaper venue places to hold this? Were any costs estimated? Advantages  The idea is feasible and well planned out  Popular idea which can attract parents and sixth form  Good way to raise money for charity  Wide range of venues looked at.  Good fundraising ideas Disadvantages  The golf club were charging a lot of money for the hiring of facilities, as Mr Bentley suggested YAS Links which offer better facilities and hiring for a cheaper price.  The target market is limited to people only interested in golf.  More than 14 people should participate How can we improve this event with further research? We could improve this event by conducting more primary and secondary research. To improve by conducting primary research this would involve asking a wider audience from DBS if they would be interested in this event so that we could broaden the target market. The secondary research element can be improved by contacting the suggested venue which would give us a cheaper location to hold the event so that we save money and make a higher profit that can go towards charity. Also it was suggested weather moving the event to November when the ‘Race To Dubai’ is here so that it will bring more people to join our event as they will be in the golfing spirit. Lastly this could be improved by having more players and an organised shotgun start so that there is no confusion or waiting for players that are participating. Overall the event idea could be feasible however with these limitations of a low target market and price for customers to pay for the event this would most likely not be as successful as the previous year’s DBS Factor as it appealed to a larger target market and prices for people to participate were free and for other customers to watch were only 40 DHS.
  • 22. 22 | P a g e Harley Allison – DBS Football Tournament Harley had chosen to research a football tournament for her idea of an event, which involved the students of Dubai British School. Basic Overviewofthe Event Idea The event idea included people within the school to participate in a football tournament which would take place in February. This included an entry fee per player per team and would end with a ceremony with prizes. Harley decided to use IFA Sports Pitch as her venue for this event. She looked at another venue which was Emirates English Speaking School, but settled with IFA. She planned on this being a 7aside event with a target market of years 7’s to sixth form. The cost was explained within this presentation showing that it would cost 100DHS for the use of referees and 450DHS per pitch per hour from Saturday to Thursdays, and Fridays only costing 225DHS per hour per pitch on a Friday. She later discussed who her chosen sponsors were and these included Adidas, Nike and Nandos. She didn’t not have a reply from any of these in the short time period we had. Furthermore she then evaluated the feasibility of her event and if it would be realistic to go ahead and then discussed her objectives for the event and how they could be achieved so that this was successful. Advantages  Good choice of venue  Relative sponsors chosen  Large target market  Good overall idea Disadvantages  Misunderstood the revenue and profit therefore we would only may 75DHS from the event.  Mixed teams which would be unfair and a disadvantage for younger children  Needed more the 6 teams in the tournament  Pitching hours needed to be extended The questions which were raised by the team after the presentation were: Where the costing correct and if so could she explain? How would the teams work together with the ages? How did the use of the pitches work for the amount of matches being played?
  • 23. 23 | P a g e Howcan we improve this event with further research? This could be improved by carrying out some more research into making the event feasible. By changing the hours of when the pitches are booked out and turning the event into a daily activity this could improve and make the tournament work. Moreover by having more than 6 teams being able to enter with rounds such as quarter finals, semi finals and finals this will lead a more organised and well thought way of being able to make this realistic. However the costing will need to be adjusted so that money is made for charity and revenue of more than 75DHS is achieved. However this can be overcome by more sponsors and fundraising across the school. The only problem which may occur to make this more feasible would be to shorten the target market so that the ages that are participating do not have an advantage over the others and so that it is a fair event. This event could be feasible with a lot more thought about how this could run smoothly and fixing limitations however this is similar to the golfing tournament the target market is very limited as most girls will not want to participate in a football match against or with boys. Also with such a low amount of money being given to charity the previous year’s event which was the DBS factor would be better than this which is not what we want to happen as we want to raise awareness for applied and make sure that are event is better than the previous years. Scott Carson – Eclipse Scott had chosen to research a themed nightclub evening for 21+ for his idea of an event; this is a popular event within the UK and UAE as many performers visit Dubai to perform and is a popular leisure activity amongst a large amount of people within the UAE. Basic Overviewofthe Event Idea The event idea included people across Dubai who are aged 21 or over. This event is based to persuade customers amongst the UAE to attend to a themed nightclub with a famous performer over different seasonaloccasions in Dubai. His event Eclipse is a charitably music event that he chose to hold at Trilogy which is located at Atlantis. The event is raise money for sport within the UAE. His charity which he chose to raise money for is called Sport for Music Charity. The venue he chose had a capacity of 1100 people with 2 rooms and a bar where drinks can be purchased. Within the presentation Scott mentioned why this event should be carried through. These included to raise awareness for a good cause,good life experience, a large industry and trade to get in and how it can open a lot of doors by doing an event like this and working with promoters and acts which will be organised to perform at the event.. Moreover Scott included his costs within his presentation and how much it would be on average to hire the venue, DJ’s Promotion and more he also showed his
  • 24. 24 | P a g e workings out for revenue and profit which would go to charity. Lastly Scott included what he believed was important when running this type of event which included elements of promoting so that people would be persuade to choose his event other others that could be staged at similar times in Dubai, build-up, regular contact and commitment from all team members so that this would be an successful event. Advantages  Well thought out business idea.  Strong amount of information about his chosen charity and how it could make a difference with our help.  Good choice of venue with a good reputation  Dealwith Virgin for sponsorship Disadvantages  Confusion over overheads on the costing  Primary research that needs to come from external customers from DBS of correct age  Holding an event which the team members are not old enough to participate in. The questions which were raised by the team after the presentation were: What were the overheads involved? How will you attract people to choose your event other others? Did you email Virgin? How can we improve this event with further research? We could improve this event by contacting the local authorities so see if this event is feasible to be run by the team as our ages within the group are under 21. Also by conducting some primary research which is external to DBS to find out if people would attend and be interested in a event like this so that we would have a larger potential target market where more customers would be aware of this event happening and which DJ or performer they would like to see. However the costings may need to be slightly adjusted depending on if the event is sold out to the complete capacity that the venue holds, because if we would need to sell a reasonable amount of tickets so that we make a good revenue and profit. However sponsors and ticket prices for the event were realistic and feasible for this to go forward which means that this could be a successfulevent in the future. However for the period of time that we have to stage our event this would not be feasible at the time as the ages of students within the school are below what the target market is therefore this would involve a lot of advertising and promoting of this event out of school hours and out of the school location which means it may be harder to keep in contact with people who would like to attend the event and could cause a limited amount of people arriving, therefore with this previous year’s event they were able to attract the customers within the school as well as participants friends and family come to the event to watch the performers on stage which resulted in the event being sold out which gave them a high revenue so that they were able to give to charity which would be another objective that our team would like to reach.
  • 25. 25 | P a g e Amina Darwood – DBS Dance Amina had chosen to research a DBS Dance show for the students of Dubai British School. Basic Overviewofthe Event Idea The event idea included people within the school to take part in a dance show, by having auditions to finalise the acts for the show. This was aimed to take place in February 2013. Amina has chosen to aim her event for Year 7,8,9,10,11 and sixth form. This is because more people can participate in this event which gives her a larger target market. She talks about her chosen sponsor for the event in her presentation these included Nandos, Nike and Adidas. Her reason behind choosing Nike and Adidas is because of the clothing range they sell for dancing. Amina then discussed her possible venues for the event. These included Ductac,Zabeelhall and DBS Sports hall. She claimed that Ductac was too expensive and Zabeel capacity was too large for the event therefore she decided to choose the DBS sports hall as her venue choice to stage the event. Moving on from this she then explained to us her objectives for this type of event and how they could benefit us. However she seemed confused about what her objectives were really about, as two seemed very similar. Costs were then brought up and discussed however this also seemed like an unlikely event as the costs were predicated and not researched as 2000 DHS for producing tickets is very expensive and unrealistic. Advantages  Feasible idea  Good choice of sponsors Disadvantages  Objectives were incorrect and needed to be rethought for this idea to succeed.  Little research on location for the event as was proven when presented  Costs were made up as she didn’t not know who her lightening company was  Incredibility high amount of money for ticket production. The questions which were raised by the team after the presentation were:  Who is the lighting company?  Why is the production of tickets so high?  What the capacity of DBS sports hall?
  • 26. 26 | P a g e  How much does Ductac costs? How can we improve this event with further research? We could improve this event by collecting a lot more correct research and information which is needed to see whether if this event if feasible and realistic to run. For example the costs would need to be researched as wellas primary research so that we could create an overall budget or revenue. This would be followed by seeing how many people would like to participate in the event and how many people would watch so that we could choose a suitable venue where we could hold enough for the amount of people wanting to pay for a ticket and come to the event. We would also need to re think the objectives and change them so that they are fit for purpose so our event can run more smoothly where we can achieve an overall successfulevent. Overall this event is not feasible to be run as there was a lack of information which would result in us having little knowledge of the idea before we even started it which is taking a risk for the team and for the overall outcome of what the event would be like. The previous year had a really successfulevent therefore by not achieving ours to the same standards would not raise good awareness for DBS and the applied class. This would result in this not being the final decision from my point of view of the class. Kirsty Gordon – Teachers Vs Students Basketball Match Kirsty had chosen to research a student’s Vs teacher’s basketballmatch for the internal customers of Dubai British School. Basic Overviewofthe Event Idea The event idea included people within DBS to part in a student’s Vs teacher’s basketball match that would take place in March on a school day. Kirsty aimed her target market for the event at all ages within the school including sixth form and teachers. This gave us a large target market so more people would be able to participate and watch the event if it went forward. Kirsty chose her venue for the event to be held in the DBS Sports hall as all facilities were available as well as an area for people to be able to sit and watch. This was a benefit for the event as the venue is free to use and convenient for the people participating as changing rooms are also inside the hall as well as the venue is on the school site. Kirsty explained that they have already held a basketball match like this at the school which was successfultherefore this was another benefit if we agreed on staging this idea for our event. Moreover Kirsty then discussed her sponsor for the event these were Costa Coffee,Nandos, Gatorade and MPac. She suggested to the class that her father would be able to give us a sponsoring from Costa coffee which was excellent news for the group as well as Gatorade replying but cannot sponsor this event at that time of the year. Kirsty explaining the reasoning for why she had chose this event to be in March is because of the basketball season starts therefore people who are interested in
  • 27. 27 | P a g e this will be more enthusiastic to take part. However there were no costs involved and a few disadvantages brought up as the team were unsure if year 7’s would be on the same team as sixth form etc along with holding this event in school hours where parents would be at work and unable to watch the event. However the overall event idea could be feasible however, I don’t believe that it would be as good as the previous year event idea as this is very limited to who can participate and watch. Also there were no prizes or costing involved there is a lack of information which could show us that this event will be more successfulthan the year before. Advantages  Easy and cheap venue  Successfulidea in the past  Sponsors  Wide target market Disadvantages  No objectives discussed  No costs discussed  Confusion of the different ages being put together, is this fair?  The time of the event taking place The questions which were raised by the team after the presentation were:  Are all ages playing together?  Can you charge people to enter the sports hall for this event?  Who did you speak to about the sports hall? How can we improve this event with further research? We could improve this event by changing the formation of how the ages and teams would work, this may result in shortening the target market or grouping the ages which would consist of a longer match which would result in changing the day and times for the event to be staged. Moreover to make money for charity we would have to do more research and see if you can charge pupils to enter the sports hall to watch this event as some people may be put off by the idea as they pay to go to school as it is anyway. There wouldn’t be many changes to this event as this is a easy event which can be staged with less complications than some of the others. Conclusion Overall after being presented all of these ideas I believe that the talent show from the previous years would be the best event idea that we could choose, the reasoning for this would be the school are aware of this event and certain students look forward to this every year which opens up our target market already. Both boys and girls can participate in this event with any talent that they have. Parents and friends of people who participate are willing to pay and watch the event which would mean the target market for selling our tickets too would easily be achieved if there was a wide range of participants involved in the running of
  • 28. 28 | P a g e the event. Moreover this is a school tradition which can be successful and improved from the years before which would definitely meet our aims and objectives to be able to raise awareness for the DBS applied class and the school as a whole. The Final Decision Once we had a discussion about all 8 different possible events as a team we drew out the best ideas and the ideas which we believed wouldn’t work. After discussing these option we were left with two that we all agreed could have been a successful and positive choice, These were:  Golf day  Talent show The final decision was quite simple for our team, we decided what we believed would be the best way of choosing the final event we summed up the advantages and disadvantages and the advantages of each event. This lead us to knowing that the golf day would of been more successful leading to a higher revenue however everyone within the team had a larger interest for the Talent show as it had a larger reputation from the previous years and this would be easier to follow with guidance from our teacher and other sources. Therefore to decided what we wanted we had a group vote and the majority of the whole class wanted to carry on the reputation of the talent show for our choice of event. The Talent show is substantial as its challenging but effective because it’s interesting. By continuing this tradition we have realised that it broadens the target market for participants and customers which would come and watch the event. This also would be good for each individual of the team as they would be able to bring their own skills to the table whereas a golf event may lead to many of the team members having a lack of skills or knowledge within the area. These are the following reasons to why we chose the Talent Show as our event for this year:  Reputation is high due to previous years  Sufficient scope – enough detail for the exam board  Firsthand experience from previous events  Popular amongst students – attracts people  Feasible  Will raise money for charity  Promotes image of school and applied course  Manageable events  Targets different age groups across the school  Demand for event from students – considered enjoyable; attendance guaranteed  Has become tradition of the school for the Applied A Level students to organise  Proven success from previous years  Scope to improve from previous years  Choices of venue available  Appropriate for a school event
  • 29. 29 | P a g e  High profit margin  Less risky as has been done before  Permission from Head Teacher granted Aims and Objectives for the Event What is an aim? Most business will have aims and objectives so that they can reach their target goal. Aims are what the business will want to achieve overall in the long term. Whereas objectives break down the aim so that they can achieve what they are aiming for in the event. For this event as a team we needed to create aims and objectives so that the event will run smoothly and our main achievements are met. If we want this to be successful then we needed to create objectives which will help the event become successful, therefore the objectives which I create need to be SMART. This then lead us to breaking these aims down into objectives so that we would have an easier way of achieving our aims. What is an objective? Objectives are ways that businesses can achieve their aims of an event, this leads to each aim having a set of objectives. As a team we decided that it would be appropriate to create accurate objectives that would be able to fulfil our aims success. SMART is used to remember the nature of our objectives.  S - Specific  M - Measureable  A – Achievable  R - Realistic  T – Timed These are the aims that us a team decided on being for our final event: 1. Raise money for charity 2. Increase awareness for the charity, school and applied course 3. Increase overall performance of event from last year After we created our aims for the event these were the aims broken down into objectives: Aim 1 – Raise money for charity  To ensure successful fund raising events
  • 30. 30 | P a g e  Increase number of acts to ensure more ticket sales  Increase sponsorship to at least 3 sponsors  Increase advertising to ensure more ticket sales  Produce a DVD/photographs of event to purchase Aim 2 – Increase awareness for the charity, school and applied course  Increase outside media coverage  Increase promotion of event through fund raising events within school  Increase awareness through assemblies, posters, school newsletter and internet Aim 3 – Increase overall performance of event from last year  Greater variety of acts - ages and style of acts  Greater organisation and communication within the event team and outside organisations  Produce a DVD/photographs of event to purchase  To increase audience satisfaction through overall service provided e.g. understand problems from previous events and evaluation survey to assess level of enjoyment  Good prizes for participants  Adequate venue and facilities Additional objectives:  To learn new skills within event management Criteria for Judging Success As a team we conducted a criteria of what we believed would ensure us if we succeeded in our event and how we would achieve this success. The following is what we chose as a team that would indicate that we achieved our event successfully:  Make a larger profit than last year, sufficient to donate to charity  Wider variety of acts  Higher number of participants than previous years  Venue filled to capacity with all tickets sold  Good organisation and communication from the event team with whole team participation  Suitable location of venue  Smooth running of event  All deadlines are met  Whole school community involved  Entertainment for everyone with positive feedback from performers and the audience
  • 31. 31 | P a g e Throughout all aspects of running and creating the event, as a team we will be constantly reminding ourselves of what aims and objectives we set to achieve to be sure that we succeed in every way possible. As well as this we will also be looking at our criteria to make sure that we increase and achieve our success of the final event. by creating this it can hopefully create a positive and enjoyable event for everyone. Chosen Charity For The Event As a class we had to decide that the final profits from this event will be donated to a charity of our choices. As a class this was a decision whether we changed the charity which the previous years used or just continued to use the same. When deciding this we conducted a questionnaire which included the question which charity would you like to see the profits go to. (See Appendix) We had a variety of different answers from different people these are some of the most popular charities that were suggested:  Red Cross  Support for workers  Dubai Autism Centre  Cancer Research However after discussing as a team which charity to use we were informed that Dubai Autism Centre deal with all paper work and do this for our benefit whereas the other charities didn’t which would mean this can be more time consuming and more work for us as a team. On the other hand, as many people also suggested continuing and using Dubai Autism Centre this is what we did. Also we felt that it was important to continue to support this charity as it is helping less able students an opportunity to be educated. Dubai Autism Centre (DAC) is a non-profit organization within Dubai and provides its students with a holistic intervention program that includes academics and various therapies – behavioural, speech, occupational, music and play as well as professional medical care As a team we felt that it is more important to increase the awareness of the charity as we believe that all students and children across the UAE deserve equal opportunities to learn in any learning environment by supporting the autistic children from one school community to another.
  • 32. 32 | P a g e Section B Feasibility of the event Market research Marketing for the event Contingency plans Financial resources Physical resources Human resources Administrative systems Target customers Event timescales Legal aspects Pre-Carry out the event
  • 33. 33 | P a g e Feasibility Stage When sufficient research is not carried out and planning is not taken place there is an increased risk of the project failing. Any business would ensure that they carried out some form of research which can include primary or secondary to ensure that the event is not too expensive for their budget, a high risk of failing or that there is a common interest in the event which the business is trying to create. If an organisation receives negative feedback then this opens their opportunities to change the event idea which is in place or drop the plans before they have gone along with it. What is a feasibility study? As the name implies a feasibility study is an element which analyses the viability of an idea. “The feasibility study focuses on helping answer the essential question of “should we proceed with the proposed project idea?” All activities of the study are directed toward helping answer this question.” (source: If a business has a project idea and believes that it can work they will still do a feasibility study on the idea so that they have research to show as evidence of how this will be achievable. However if a business decides not to do this can goes ahead with their plans but however it is not feasible that can lead to the idea failing and the business losing money and increasing problem for the employees, managers and organisation itself. These are some of the benefits to why businesses carry out feasibility studies within their organisations:  Better time management of the actual event  Costings – will it be within budget  Permission likely  Understand scope of the event e.g. theatre size  Increase success of the event  It helps to reduce risk and uncertainty.  It eases people into their roles.  The team thinks through their event logistics and resource needs in a logical sequence.  It brings to light any unrealistic assumptions which may have been made, such as costs of materials.  It establishes whether the preparation period (timescale) is sufficient.  It establishes whether the event could actually happen, or where changes need to be made in order to make the project happen.  It gives the business on outline of the event and when to set deadlines or targets to achieve. Businesses have several different ways of carrying out feasibility studies, these can include survey, interviews and financial costing.
  • 34. 34 | P a g e Primary research Throughout my report I will provide evidence of the different research we have produced as a team to show if our event will be feasible. Primary research is data which is created by the researcher for the first time, this means it if fresh and first time collected information. This type of research does not include finding information from books and the internet. It involves the individual and the team itself going out of their comfort zone and collecting information by talking to customers or clients which may later be used throughout the project. This can be achieved by sending out or asking questionnaires to the potential customers of the event, testing on the public or holding interviews. If the data is organised properly the primary research which is collected can then be used to give opinions and answers to the questions that have been asked to the target market. This can then support ideas and decision making amongst the team. Secondary research This is a type of research that has been undertaking by someone else or another company, this can also be known as desk research. Many people use this type of research for feasibility studies as it is able for them to gain contact numbers and brief information about what companies they may be dealing with and background history so they can broaden their knowledge beforehand. These are some examples of secondary research sources: Examples of secondary research:  Internet – for example search generators such as Google, Bing and Yahoo. By typing key terms this can generate thousands of results of information  Text books  In house journals  Newspapers  TV documentaries  Sales figures and own company and competitors  Government publication  Competitors websites and products  Magazines  Posters, leaflets and handouts Advantages With technology advancing rapidly this makes it easier and faster to use the internet on many computing and SMART android devices. This can make work and researching data less time consuming than primary research which is good as it’s cheaper and most of the time free. The internet is open 24 hours a day all year round therefore it is available to use whenever its needed. Technology isn’t the only source to be used there is a wide range like books, newspapers, magazines, TV documentaries, text books etc. The difference between primary and secondary research is that primary can only cover a small area of data where as secondary can cover to a wider scale which makes this more useful when needing to know
  • 35. 35 | P a g e and broaden knowledge about a specific topic. The facts are normally 100% in new books and the research could be done by a professional. There are also a wide range of sources to use with are larger samples whereas primary research covers a smaller area. Disadvantages Just as there are several disadvantages for primary research they are also disadvantages for secondary research, as there are no first hand data such as questionnaires or interviews from customers. This can then make the data less reliable as it may be old information and less up to date. This can then make the data less accurate and can lead to the business increasing more problems if they have researched false data via the internet. By doing secondary research it is fast however sometimes it can be time consuming trying to find the specific information that you would like which then slows the process down. Secondary research can also include a lot of reading and researching on the topic by searching around. Financial Feasibility Financial feasibility is an aspect of the business which will always need to be assessed very carefully as this will cover the income and expenditure for a range of event needs: For example the business will need to consider what the starting up costs are, and what initial purchases will be needed to be investigated promptly. Depending on the business this could include licenses, permits, hall hire and raw materials. Financial feasibility will also include the overall budget for the event and how this will be derived from each cost centre and will cover all resources such as marketing, staffing, raw materials and contingences. Other aspects that the business will need to consider are the total income which they desire to achieve overall and where it will come from. This will include set targets which will include set prices to cover costs, donations, sponsorship and more. Cash flow is another element which will come under this finical feasibility the business will need to decide how this will be handled and if they are ensuring that there is correct record keeping, so that they do not over spend or over budget themselves. Some organisations depending on the event will have to consider if there are any insurance costs for cancellation, accident or damage. Lastly the business will need to look into if a budget is needed for unseen costs such as repairs, refunds, damage lost and charges such as VAT. However in Dubai there are no VAT charges, which results in this not being a major problem for our event.
  • 36. 36 | P a g e Aims and Objectiv es •Raise money for charity •Increase awareness for the charity, school and applied course •Increase overall performance of event from last year •These are the aims which we have chosen as a team above, we have also created suitable objectives for theseaims. Custome rs/Partic ipants •On thecustomers behalf there should be a high demand as the show has a good repuatation, with a large enjoyment level. and this show is also related to various TV Shows world wide. • On theparticipants behalf this is good as they are able to show off their talents to the school and customers watching, it also means they are competing against others with the chance to win prizes. this also shows they have been involed with the school. •This is also good for theschools reputation and commuinty as a whole. Marketi ng •Price - 40 Dhs for tickets, however many other financial aspects need to be covered. •Product - A School Talent Show which is attractiveand enjoyable for the customers and particpants of thecommuinty. •Place - Several locations have been looked at our three main venues included Madinat, Dubai British School and DUCTAC •Promotion - We have created posters, leaftlets and have started fundraisers to raise money and awareness for the school and applied team/event. Physical Resource s •Lighting •Sound •Stage •Seating •Prizes •Venue •Presenter Finance •School Loan, Sponsors such as Nandos, Costaand Taaleem •One member of the team will be assigned to managing the finance of the event Staffing •We will be using theapplied team in year 12 for staffing on theevent day •Ttey will attend a few meeting so that they are aware of their job roles and how to undertake their jobs •Teachers will be used to help staff theevent. •Our team will also be staffing and helping the event so that all tasks run smoothly. Administ ration •Documents have been held on a join email account aswell as a privatewebpage. •Important documents such as money, licenses as so on will be held within the school administrations office •One member of the team will be selected to organise the administraion of theevent Timescale and Targets •The event will be held on February 5th 2013. •We will need to plan when auditions will be and when rehearsal will take place. •We will need to plan fundraising events and prizes for contestents. •We aim to acheive a beter profit that previous years for our charity. Legal Aspects •We need to research that theevent is staying within thelaw's of the UAE •Any acts will need to acceptable and respectable within theUAE Areas to Test at Feasibility Stage Now we have chosen a suitable event for our project, we started to research the important aspects that need focusing on. This is so we can plan how we can achieve this and relate it back to our aims and objectives. The table below shoes all the aspects we will research and complete for the talent show.
  • 37. 37 | P a g e Market Research Now we have chosen our final event to proceed with we can start our own research. This was one of the first pieces of research that we carried out related to the talent show in order to see what the customers wanted. Due to this I conducted a survey which was given to a selection of students within Dubai British School: Event Questionnaire Applied Year 13 are conducting a talent show for our coursework which we are planning to arrange for February 2013 , please could you take 2 minutes of your time to answer the following questions. 1. Do you like shows such as The X-factor and Britain’s got talent? Yes No 2. Did you attend the previous talent shows which have been held at the school, if so would you go again? If you have not would you go this year? Yes No 3. Would you be interested if DBS held a talent show? Yes No 4. Would you like to participate or attend? Participate Attend Neither 5. If you chose to participate, what act would you show?  Singing  Dancing  Acting  Comedy  Drama  Other (please specify) 6. How much would you spend to watch a talent show?  20-30 AED  31 -40 AED  41 -50 AED 7. Would you like the show to be held on a weeknight or weekend?  Weeknight  Weekend
  • 38. 38 | P a g e 0 5 10 15 20 Yes No Do you like shows such as The X-factor and Britain’s got talent? Series1 0 10 20 30 Yes No Did you attend the previous talent shows which have been held at the school, if so would you go again? If you have not would you go this year? Series1 0 10 20 30 Yes No Would you be interested if DBS held a talent show? Series1 Survey Results These were the results that we received back after asking 30 different students amongst Dubai British School. As you can see from question 1. 19 people that we asked said that they liked shows such as XFactor and Britain’s Got Talent. Only 11 People disagreed and said they did not like these shows or did not watch these due to where they had been bought up. This was a good response from our survey to continue and use this idea for our final event. The second question which we asked our customers was whether they attended the talent show the previous years and if they would continue to come again and if they had not been but would come this year. For this we received that 21 people said they would come again some being new comers that had not attended before and some being previous customers to the event. This then lead 9 people which said they would not attend. Some being too that they wouldn’t if their friends or family were not taking part and others said it wasn’t at their highest interest. Our third question was very similar to the previous question which was asked. As you can see we recorded 23 people that said they would be interested in the show and 7 people which said they wouldn’t be. Most of the people’s answers were dependant on who would be participating weather this would be friends or family members or teachers from the previous years. Therefore this could change later on when we hold auditions for final acts.
  • 39. 39 | P a g e 0 5 10 15 20 Participate Attend Neither Would you like to participate or attend? Series1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Singing Dancing Acting Comedy Drama Other (please specify) If you chose participate what act would you show? Series1 0 5 10 15 20-30 AED 31 -40 AED 41 -50 AED How much would you spend to watch a talent show? Series1 The next question which we asked students was whether they were interested in participating or attending the event. As you can see from these results 9 people said they would like to participate or audition, 15 students said they would like to attend and 6 said neither. This is not a bad ratio of answers for this as it can help us adapt to persuading more people to attend that are currently not interested and it gives us an idea of how many loyal customers we have already and number of auditions that we could potentially get. As only 9 students said they were interesting in participating in the show this question could only apply to them. The following answers which we received was the following : 5 Singing 2 Dancing 1 Acting 0 Comedy 1 Drama and 0 Other This was one of our toughest answers which we received as we want to move away from the talent show being a singing contest each year as some people said it starts to become boring. Therefore we needed to make sure that we could find other people with different talents when holding auditions. However if this was not possible we would have to follow the same years and have more singers than other acts which isn’t a problem but wouldn’t reach our aim to change the event to have its own unique point this year. This was an important question that we needed to ask the customers of our event as we were discussing as a team to increase the prices of the tickets this year to raise more money for the Dubai autism centre. Therefore we asked students what they would be willing to pay for a ticket to the show. As you can see from this bar chart 7 students said they would pay 20-30, 10 students said they would pay 30-40 which was around the same prices as the year before and 13 students said they would be willing to pay 40-50 as the cause is for a charity and they know that there money is going to help others which was a great answer that we received from this survey as a team.
  • 40. 40 | P a g e 0 5 10 15 20 25 Weeknight Weekend Would you like the show to be held on a weeknight or weekend? Series1 20 of the students that we asked said they would prefer that the show was held on a weeknight due to having plans and commitments at the weekends which would mean they would have less chance of attending the show, whereas 10 people said that they would like to have it on the weekend as the show is usually late on weeknights and this would involve having school the next day. Golf Day - Research A first part of my primary research for the event was with my team researching a popular event in Dubai called ‘The Race to Dubai Golf World Championship’ from this we asked 20 attendees that visited the event for their opinions. We decided to use this to help us know the positive and negative aspects of an event in general due to the public opinions as well as how we can apply this to our finial event. 1. Do you think this is a good location and why? All people that we asked this question agreed and said that they believed it was a good location to place the event, as it is in a large spacious area with a wide range of facilities and views that the public can visit. The golf course is easy to access to be able to watch and the club house is professional and clean for people to visit or apply if you are considering becoming a visitor. Overall most people were happy with the location choice as it gives you a range of activities to participate in the day and you can view the golf course from a wide range of places so that you do not miss any of the golfing action. Relating this to our talent show went in February this shows us that it is important that you choose the correct venue to hold an event as the public value where the event is being hosted as well as the facilities that are included within the venue. As we are using DUCTAC for the event this is one of the most spacious venues that we could afford to use with a wide range of facilities that can be provided within the centre if not the mall. Advantages Disadvantages  The parking was really good and close to the main gate for everyone.  Jumeirah Golf estate has been very well created.  Taxi drivers were aware of the location.  Spacious and wide amount of space.  The location is set for directions right next to a busy main roundabout that holds a lot of traffic  Traffic staff could have been more helpful.
  • 41. 41 | P a g e 0 5 10 15 Yes No Bar Chart Showing - How Many Members of the Public Would Still Attend the Golf Day if they Had to Pay 2. What do you think ofthe services provided? All 20 of the people which we asked this question to said the services provided were good as there was a wide range of services that the public could visit or enquire about. Moreover some of the stalls were able to give prizes or freebies to the public which would be able to draw in more attendees. Some stalls offered products that the public could win if they entered (contributing in a quiz for example.) some of the services that all 20 people were disappointed in was the small choice of food offered to the public as well as the prices that they were charging for these services. The most successfulservice that 15 of the attendees were impressed with was the bar due to the wide range of beverages available charged at standard prices that they would expect to pay for these items. 7 people that attended said that the best services provided was the free golf lessons or golf activities as it related to the event and gave them the opportunity to be able to participate in what they attended the event for. Relating this to our event services provided would be inside of DUCTAC for example there are refreshments available to be bought as well as toilets and general facilities and services that would be needed inside a theatre. However this year we are giving the opportunity for the general public that attend the public to have the chance of winning prizes that are worth over 1,000 DHS. 3. If this event was not free would you still have attended? 8 attendees said they would of not still visited the event if it was not free as they are not highly interested in golf and they attend to socialise and visit the different stall or promotions that are available within the venue. Some of the attendees said they attend to give their children a day out experiencing the golf and the different activities that are available for them free of charge. Moreover 12 people that we asked said they would still attended if the event was not free as they are more than willing to pay to see the golf as this was either interest of sport or hobby. They also said they would still of attended as there is a wide variety of stalls that are available which offer free promotions that they would be interested in. Therefore relating this to our event, previous years have all charged for this event as it helps cover costs and raises money for Dubai Autism Centre therefore we are able to charge money as the public are willing to pay.
  • 42. 42 | P a g e Newspaper (7 days) Posters Internet Family Word Of Mouth Costa Coffee Shop Radio Yes 25% No 75% Pie Chart Showing - Is This Considered a Good Time of the Year to Hold This Event? 4. Is this a good time ofthe year to hold an event ifso why? 15 people said they wouldn’t agree that this was a good time of the year to hold this type of event as it is very hot in the day which leads to most people feeling dehydrated also they said that the venue does not provide enough places that have shade therefore this would have to be an improvement. Moreover 5 people said they believe it was a good time of the year as it is nice weather and is the correct time to hold golfing event due to the golf championships. Our event will not be outside however it has been arranged at a good time of the year (February) as this is the middle of the school year and just before a holiday so a late night will not be a huge problem for the people coming to watch the event. We had to choose this particular time because we need to consider the time of year for students because of exams and holidays. 5. Howdid you find out about the event? The answers that were provided from the questions shows me that there was a wide range of marketing techniques used to promote this event, also I proved an example answer that showed that the public had seen advertisements on roads that brought their attention to visiting the venue. Moreover for our event as it is not on such a large scale will be using school newsletter, assemblies, posters, ticket sales, website, t-shirts, fund raising and auditions to raise awareness for DBS Has Talent this year. This will then ensure that more people are aware of the talent show and hopefully buy tickets and attend. I always drive past the huge advertisement (Billboard) by the green community round about ion the way to work, always catches my eye and persuaded me to sign up and attend this year!
  • 43. 43 | P a g e “Such a wide range of activities for my children, all free of charge. All stall were labelled helped me out a lot!” 6. Do you think it is well organised and why? There were a wide amount of information stall and informed staff which were around the area at all times, this was good as it showed they were organised and ready to help if directions were needed. As well as this all areas were marked or names so that the customers were aware of where they were going. There was also a large amount of activities for children therefore the event had thought out its target market which is good as accommodated for all ages. Most of the people that we asked would agree that the event was regularly organised and well thought through. They also provided maps for the public that wanted to view the different pitches for the golf. For our talent shows, we will have fully informed staff by using peers to help with the overall organisation, all job allocations will be given to the younger years as well as our team itself. Before the show starts we will run sounds checks for all auditions and make sure that everything is in order so that we limit mistakes. Primary Research (Businesses) 1. What marketing do you use and why? BMW– BMW used two different bike models to promote their products for the day as well as car models placed around the course so that people are able to look at the products that they sell and how it looks in person. This is their most used promotion at the event this weekend as it gives the chance for the customer to see their newly ranged products that are on the market and ask any addition information about them so they can find out about more. Fitness First – the marketing they used this day was offering people free day passes for the course of 3 days. This is a good way to promote their products as this gives the chance for the public try out their service so they will have a larger percentage of people joining if they have enjoyed their trial. Fitness first was also marketing by offering free socks to people that come by and visit their stall for information about their gyms and promotions which they are offering for the golf day. The reasoning they stated that they use this method of promotion is so the customers are able to try their gym for free of charge and this will bring more people to use the gym than paying for it when they haven’t already tried therefore by doing this they will be able to see if they experience a good time at the business and if this is achieved they may choose to become a member or visit more regularly than before. Emirates – the promotion which emirates were using at the golf day was to offer the chance for one member of the public to win a trip to Scotland with accommodation and free flights from emirates. This type of promotion gives the opportunity for someone to take part in participating in a quiz and winning their promotional prize. The reason emirates stated that they do this is as the winner will be able to use emirate and experience their service which may mean the winner may use this airline of they have a good experience when flying also this may encourage the winner to use the airline company more often than before. 2. What type of marketing is most successful? BMW– the most successfulmarketing that BMW use is by promoting their products at venue’s
  • 44. 44 | P a g e where they are sponsoring so that the public are able to view the items in reallife as well as look and ask for information from a trained employee if needed. They said when they sell promotions on new cars or motorbikes are also one of their most popular marketing techniques as the public are always looking at saving their money when it comes to buying newly ranges vehicles therefore BMW always have first month offers on selected models that they sell. Fitness First – fitness first believe their most successfulmarketing campaigns includes discounts on membership fees at the beginning of the year or free trails to the public for example what they offered at the golf day. The reason for this is people are looking at saving money on memberships at the beginning of the year due to New Year resolutions. However offering free trials to the public also mean more people are willing to give the business a try therefore they use this more often as they will end up with more people joining or using the gym if they offer free trails so that the customer can give it a go first before committing their money. Emirates – emirates believe that their most popular marketing strategy is offering reduced prices on their flights as most people will prefer to choose an airline which has new facilities such as emirates and when offering prices which are lower than usual and around competitors prices they are able to have more customer book flights with them. They do this at peak times of the years when people don’t not fly to a large degree however if customer need to travel by airline emirates offer a good service and by offering cheaper/reduced prices this is a huge benefit to customers and always ends up with the business making more money and gaining more customers flying with their airline. 3. Why is it important to wear uniform/ company logo? BMW– the reason we wear our logo around our events which we visit to sell and promote our products is so that people are aware that we are working for the business and if they have any questions they know who they can come and ask. Fitness First - we wear our logo and company uniform so that it raises awareness that we are involved in the business and so that customers know who to come and ask if they need information or help about fitness first. Emirates – we wear our business uniform as people who fly with our airline are aware of who we are and if they have questions or need information about our business they are able to come and find us. It also raises awareness for Emirates and brings good reputation to the business. (Examples of business marketing leaflets and promotions can be found in appendix) Dubai World Championship Website Review This is the website of the event and how they keep their customers informed and interested about the latest news and updates of the golf. As you can see the website is extremely colourful and holds a wide range of information display across the site for the customer to access. By using pictures this gives the customers a chance to see the recent images that have been taken at the event and how is participating within the event this year. As you can
  • 45. 45 | P a g e see their sponsors are also involved within the website so that people can browse through what they have to offer and can see the type of stands and stalls that will be included in the event this year. The website also includes a virtual tour of the golf course so that the customers can see what they are expecting and the type of golf course their players are participating on. Moreover the website informs the customers of the daily temperatures and the scoring board of where the players have come throughout the tournament. The website does hold a lot of information and can be confusing to navigate trough. Moreover it is not as easy to book tickets online as it involves a wide amount of stages and verifying of email addresses and phone numbers to even be able to print them at home. This can link to our event that we are hosting as it is equally important that we can update and keep our participants and customers involved in information via the internet. Therefore we decided that it would be important to create a Facebook page where the customers are able to view when tickets are on sale, the prizes that can be won and rehearsaltimes for the people taking part and so on. By doing this is leads more customers being aware of what is happening and when it is happening. This is important as we need as many potential customers as possible to raise money for the Dubai Autism Centre. The reason to why we didn’t create a website is because it is too time consuming for the event which we have in place for the upcoming few months. This may cost more money and we only need to keep in contact with the customers and students/teachers at Dubai British School. Therefore by making a Facebook page this is an easier form of contact as more students and teachers use social networking sites due to talking to their friends or family which may be abroad etc,they will also be notified with recent adding’s to the page and we can see how many people view our posts which is ideal as we can get the message across and know what has been viewed and what hasn’t. This will become more useful closer to the time of the event it will also involve us adding auditioned participants that have been put through to the final so they can be updated with information about the day and what they need to bring as well as meeting which will happen more regularly in January time.