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• This week was mainly focused on my research. I started with finding things about feminist theories to use in my
analysis. This was most of Monday morning when I was in the library trying to find different books which had
something about feminist theories. I ended up finding the book ‘Feminist film theory’ by Sue Thornham. There was a
chapter in there from Laura Mulvey explaining the Male Gaze, this was incredibly useful as I want to have the best
research I can do as this is normally my weakness on projects. I then started googling feminist fanzines, I came
across a fanzine called ‘Debate’, and this was created by Auckland university students every two weeks they create a
new fanzine on different subjects. This definitely caught my eye as it was the type of layout which I want to create
for my final major project. I am currently analysing the front cover, two double page spreads, a contents page and
the website. I am adding as much detail into it as I can so I have only researched one existing product at the time
being but I hope to analyse 3 existing products and hopefully more. After I have completed this existing product I
then want to try research a professional magazine, I want to research a magazine instead of a fanzine to see how
they are different and which style I prefer. With a published magazine I will most likely find out more about the
brand and what audience it appeals to rather than guessing that I have had to do with ‘Debate’. Looking back over
the past two days, I would have hoped I would have created more work than I have done, but when you take into
account that I had been to the library on Monday for most of the day and how I want to make a detailed existing
products I think it is going okay. By next Monday I want to start with my audience research so by the Thursday I will
have finished my research and will be prepared to start my idea generation. I don’t think I can improve the work
which I have completed this week, I just want to work quicker so when I come to my deadline I don’t have loads of
things to complete.
• This week I carried on with my research. From last week I had only completed one of my existing products with the
help of feminist theory books. I wanted to add as much detail as I could in the few days which I had. On Thursday, I
finished analysing ‘Debate’, realistically I felt as though I had enough research in without analysing the website. I think
just from this bit of research I learnt how to create a professional format for my product, ‘Debate’ has a clear and
simple layout this is something which I felt like my last project didn’t have. Over the weekend I went shopping to see if
I could find any feminist magazines which were published. As I previously stated last week I wanted to look at a
magazine and fanzines, I found a teen magazine which was very empowering for women, this was called ‘Teen
Breathe’. I also researched ‘That’s what she said’ fanzine. I think these products challenged me this week, I felt as
though I struggled to analyse all the different features of the products, I knew I needed to take a break from analysis
on Monday so I decided to create a survey for my primary research. I created 8 short and simple questions and sent it
to people my age (17-24 is the age I want to target for my product). I have done surveys before, the only thing which I
was a bit worried about was if I would get sensible answers which were relevant to my work. Luckily, all my answers
were very relevant when it comes to my planning and production I will refer back to the survey and see what people
are more attracted to. I think what would also be helpful in my primary research if I could contact a feminist club and
see what they find more appealing, I think this will develop my idea because these are the people who I am wanting to
appeal to. From the 3 existing products I have looked at, I know what style of illustrations I want to try create, I know
what contents and what colour theme I want to aim for. My research has been very helpful, for my client project my
illustrations were all completely different styles of graphics and this is something I want to try fix, from looking at
different fanzines with art work in, I know what I want to achieve. I don’t think my research has changed the way I
approach my project but I think this time I will think more carefully into what my audience would like, this seemed to
be the recurring theme in the existing products. Through the research which I have produced I hope I don’t come
across any problems which will need solving, I feel as though I have tried to think of everything which would appeal
the audience. I think the most successful section of my research would be the existing products, I have put so much
effort in and detail into this part of my research, this is something which I feel is crucial in research as I like to see what
is popular and how I can beat that with my product. In the next few days, I hope to finish my research all together, I
have to write up my survey as well as research some secondary research and production research. On Monday, I would
like to start some production experiments and learning new skills for my final major project.
• So far in my problem solving work, I have identified a wide range of problems. These vary to the software not working,
my solution for this problem was to reload the software and if this doesn’t work then I would move onto a different
computer. An extreme theoretical problem was not having the money to print my fanzine, this would have to be an
unforeseen problem but it is something which I still wanted a solution for, my solution wouldn’t be the best outcome
but I would just print it on normal A4 paper. I don’t think my problem solving issue has influenced my project but I
think it has made me more careful of my project. From my other projects, I have noticed that when I try interview
people they either take ages to reply back or they simply don’t after saying they would. I added this into my problem
solving work, I think this is something which has influenced the way I will interview. I want to see whether I can do it
face to face, this will probably be easier and I will be able to record the conversation, if they come back and say they
never said this I will have proof of them. I also think it will be good practice for when I go to university as I would need
to go out and interview people face to face. There are quite a lot of different experiments I could do to solve potential
production problems, one of these would be practicing with a recorder, and this will help as when I come to
conducting my interviews if I have any issue with my interview it would mean that I knew how to solve it. Another issue
which I may experience is if I am going to take my own images or just create some graphics, this is still unknown to me
so to solve this problem I am going to try practice with photography as well as a graphics tablet. I think these
experiments will help me if I come across any problems like this. Throughout my project, I will keep a weekly diary on
the pros and cons of the day, this will include any problems which I have come across and what have I done to fix this.
From the past if I have come across a problem in my project I soon find a way around it, this is why I think I am good
at solving problems. I think if I was really in a bind with a problem I could talk to my tutor, Dave, or speak to one of my
classmates and they will help me out. Next week, I am going to start on my experiments and learning different ways of
creating my fanzine.
• This week I have been focusing on experimenting with different techniques. I think overall it has gone quite well as I
have stayed on track and tried to do my very best. At the start of the week I was initially confused with the difference
between production research and experiments, I managed to come up with a solution. My production research links
into my experiments. Things which I researched I experimented in this section, for example I researched how to take a
good portrait photograph and then expanded on this more by using the tips in my research and experimented with
taking portrait photographs. I think this was the major problem of this week as I just got really confused with and I
didn’t know what to create. I think I still need to work on creating more experiments as I want to have as much
experience as possible when it comes to my production. I don’t want to make something and then waste time because
I don’t like it. Over the weekend and half term I will try do loads of experiments and google different tutorials, I would
like to learn more about InDesign so this will be something that I will look at. This week I wanted to learn how to use
graphics tablet, from the past I have always made my graphics using the mouse but I wanted to see whether it would
be easier to use the graphics tablet. At first I could not work the graphics tablet at all until I looked at a YouTube video
which explained everything, it turned out I had the tablet the wrong way round! After doing a few experiments I
decided I didn’t like drawing graphics with it as a struggled not to have a shaky line but I would like to see if I when I
do some typography experiments I might have handwritten titles for my fanzine. I also learnt how to make an image
look like an illustration by using the filter gallery on Photoshop, something which I would like to try is using the stamp
filter and colouring it so it looks more like an illustration. I think this week in general this week has been quite
productive, but I want to do more experiments to see what works and what doesn’t. Next week I start planning, this is
something which I generally look forward to as I can think of how I am going to conduct my interviews and what
theme of fanzine I will create, I think my favourite part of planning is creating a flat plan as I can see what my potential
fanzine will look like and how many pages it will include (this is something which depends on how many people I
interview). I think by the time planning comes round I hope to be ready, I want to add more experiments but hopefully
all of that will be completed by the time my planning starts. From today my website is completely up to date, the
research PowerPoint which I was struggling to finish because of the production research is finally up, this means that
my half term is dedicated to trying new experiments. I think the main priority is to finish all my experiments with detail
and precision.
• I think this week has been very productive but stressful. I think the realisation hit me on Monday at the fact that in
two weeks I need to have everything ready to start my production. On Monday, I started off with creating a
pagination, this took me longer than I initially thought it would because I wanted to have everything perfect.
However, when I was drafting out my layout I noticed that I had no idea what I wanted to add, this was a major
problem as I couldn’t carry on with my layout until I had done more research on what other fanzines included. I
looked at ‘Debate’ and ‘Grit’. These included word searches, reviews and famous Instagram accounts which
feminists should follow, I think these ideas gave me some creative hope, I decided to dedicate a double page
spread of Instagram accounts which displayed the best poetry which would relate to my audience as well as
creating a review page which would appeal to my teenage generation. I think after researching more I fixed my
problem and created a pagination which was detailed and creative. After this, I started doing style sheets with
celebrity illustrations which I could take inspiration of, I looked at different fonts and started to plan what fonts I
would use in my fanzine. Today, I started to look at different colour themes, I used the coolors website which
helped me generate some pastel colours. I also used the adobe website which used the illustrations which I
collected from my style sheet and found the specific colours on the images. I haven’t set a specific colour theme yet
but I would like to stick to my pastel colour theme to match the first fanzine. I have also started to plan my
interviews out, I have messaged 3 people wondering if they would like to take part in my interview process as well
as asking one of them if they could provide some poetry for one of my double page spreads. I think I still need to
work on my copy, but that will be completed throughout the production period.
• For my planning I want to create a second developed idea this will help me reach an overall judgement of what I
would want to create. This week was for creating my first developed idea and next week I will complete my second
idea. This isn’t a problem as such but I know if I don’t complete my planning by next week I will be going into
production with unfinished planning work. To help my organisation for my planning stage, after every day I will
create a list on what I still need to do, hopefully by next Thursday this will be minimal. I think from the past I am
quite good at planning especially when I put my mind to it, I like the planning stage as I can plan everything and
what my product is going to look like as well as the features which my fanzine will include. I think the reason
behind me being good at planning is mainly because of my pagination, this is the first I complete in my planning
document because then I can imagine what the articles are going to be like as well as the colour theme, typography
and illustrations are going to be like. I think the difficult part of planning for me is writing the copy, I think the
whole process of writing the copy is long and strenuous, sitting in front of a computer and typing the same thing
can seem quite tiring for me but with regular breaks I hope it isn’t as difficult as it normally is. Luckily, my website is
all up to date so throughout my planning period I don’t have to think about completing any outstanding work as it
all has been completed. Next week, I will start creating my second developed idea. However, throughout my
production I will always be planning so I plan to have a section in my PowerPoint for this section.
• This week is my last week before I am in production, on Monday I will be starting my production and I want to make sure
everything is completed by the time I hit Monday. However, I do think I am going to match this deadline as looking back
at all the work I have completed in the space of two days I believe that I am well planned and ready to start by Monday.
The things which I need to work on for Monday are my flat plans, on Monday I had aimed at creating a second
developed idea but throughout the day I realised that I didn’t need to do a second idea because I have enough
thorough planning already completed that I didn’t think I needed one, it wouldn’t do anything for my grade so I decided
that I would just add more detail into my first idea and get a spotless plan together for my first idea so for Monday I
have to finish off the flat plans and style sheets for these and then I will be ready to start my production. I am hoping
that my production schedule will keep me on track in my production as every week I am going to refer back and see
what my aim is for that week. I think this will be a good way on keeping my time management as if I put a week aside for
illustrations and another for my articles soon my whole product will be ready in the space of a few weeks. I think during
my production stages in the past sometimes my plans change or I have to alter something because it doesn’t look as
good as I thought it would be, this is why I want to refer back to my planning nearly every week to see how I have
planned this certain page with the fonts and colours. I will also keep track of anything that I change in my Problem
Solving PowerPoint as this will be good when it comes down to my evaluation. I have created my fanzine to look a
certain way and all those details are in my planning PowerPoint so I will refer back to this once or twice every week.
• Even today I had to revisit my problem solving PowerPoint because when I was creating my flat plans and style
sheets for the pages I noticed that my text was very shaky and didn’t look very professional at all, I found out that
using illustrator makes the lines smoother, I added this into my updated problems and including some examples. I
think this is a good example of the fact that you don’t stop researching, planning or experimenting during this
project and that is something that I really enjoy. As far as I can remember nothing has gone horrifically wrong
because of poor planning before, but I don’t want this to be the first project where it does go wrong this is why I
have added as much detail as I can so if anything does go wrong I do have a solution. I think the main thing which
has worked well in my planning is knowing my deadlines, I think a deadline is really important as it gives me a date
for when I need to have something completed, by planning the colours, fonts and titles it can help me reach my
deadline sooner that I thought. I think over this planning stage I have learnt so many new things, I now know how
to find a solution for something which has gone wrong but also I have learnt that there is no such thing as an
enough planning. There is always something to plan whether it is planning my interview questions or planning to
meeting up with something. As I have already stated next week is the start of my production, tomorrow I will finish
all the final details and post my planning PowerPoint on my website and then I will be ready.
• This week was the start of my production, unfortunately none of my interviewees had gotten back to me when I started
my production on Monday. So instead of kicking my heels waiting for people to get back to me, I decided to message
more people on Instagram asking if they would like to be a part of my project. I messaged five people on Monday and
only one of them have gotten back to me. I knew this was going to be a problem initially, but I didn’t think it was
going to be so hard for people to respond. So, after messaging various Instagram pages, I started with creating my
titles. I wrote a big list of all the things which need to be completed, I created a list for all the titles which need to be
created and illustrations which need to be made. I created the ‘contents page’ title, using two colours I made the title
on illustrator as I found out in my planning that illustrator creates smoother lines compared to photoshop. When
creating this title, I noticed that the pencil was too big, and I ideally wanted it thinner so make it look more elegant and
detailed. I didn’t know much about illustrator and I wanted to know how to increase and decrease the brush size. I
found out that ‘[‘means to decrease the brush size and ‘]’ means to increase the brush size. All this is shown in my
problem solving including the extra research which I conducted. There wasn’t a specific reason why I chose the colours
in the titles but I thought it was very neutral for the audience, to be honest everything this week with my design
choices haven’t really had a reason more of an experiment that I can change if it clashes with anything. To finish off for
the day I created the wallpaper for the first page and the last page, looking back on it now I am not a big fan of it as I
feel like it looks very childish next week I will look more into creating a new wallpaper. On Thursday, I created another
two title illustrations in the first lesson, however I noticed that whenever I drew a curved line it became rounded and it
just looked very messy. Once again, I decided to google it and see if I can find an answer, it turned out because my
brush size was quite thin and there was only 1pt stroke on the title it somehow rounded it up, to solve this I created a
thinner line with a larger stroke- this solved my problem! I have tracked this in my problem solving. After solving this
problem, I started with finding more people to interview on Instagram. I think I emailed everyone at the right time as I
had five people come back to me from all over the world, by Thursday evening I had two answers sheets already. The
only thing I am disappointed with is not getting to interview anyone face to face, however if I do find someone in the
UK I will be very keen to go over as I have researched how to use the equipment and I would really like to use it.
Overall, I feel like my first week of production has been essential for finding problems and solutions! I would rather it
be in the first week then right at the end of production when I am trying to get everything finished.
• On my production schedule I stated that this week I wanted to ‘Try meet up with some of the interviewees,
find poems and create some illustrations.’ And to do that I would ‘Contact interviewees asking to meet them
in person if possible. Scroll through Instagram finding poems- contact the people to see whether I can use
them with credit. Create the poem illustrations as well as front cover illustrations.’ This was the aim of this
week, I have still been contacting people on Instagram to see if they will take part in my interview. The one
problem that I have faced is the location of the people who I have interviewed. At the start of my project, I had
this big idea that I would interview people all around the world and see what different role models they have
no matter what their gender is. I’m very proud to say this as I thought it was going to be impossible to find
people and to persuade them to do my interview but I have managed to do this idea. In my production
schedule it says that I would ‘Try meet up with some of the interviewees’ this is something which is impossible
when two of my interviewees are from India and the other one is from Massachusetts. But luckily, in my
problem solving knew this might have been a problem so I planned to do it all over email and Instagram, I
feel like this has worked out really well as I have taken the interview questions which I would have asked them
face to face into a word document and emailed it over to them. This has been my only problem throughout
this week, as I am still waiting to hear back from so many other interviewees I referred back to my production
schedule and decided that I would start making my illustrations for my front cover. This took a whole day
creating several celebrity role models. I think the only thing I got stuck on is who I could have on my front
cover, I used my knowledge of who I thought was my role model- Nelson Mandela, Malala Yousafzai and
Barack Obama. I then decided to research who people’s role models were, it came up with a list of people and
I decided to choose from this list- Angelina Jolie, Beyoncé, Ariana Grande and David Beckham.
• I drew the nine celebrities in one day with no problems at all. I really like my front cover as I think it’s eye-
catching, the illustrations are good (they have improved so much from doing my first fanzine) as well as the
colour scheme. I knew the colour scheme was going to be pastel themed as it is what I originally planned but
I noticed the rough sketch which I did for my pagination of my front cover is very similar. I think my front
cover will grab my audience’s attention as it is in the style which they preferred in my survey which I
conducted as well as the fact it looks very aesthetic. After creating my front cover, I asked for feedback on my
class mates. Originally the issue number was in the top right hand corner but they felt as though it didn’t
stand out enough and it need to be in front of some colour. With this feedback I decided I would see what a
white rectangle would look like beside the role model text, it was the kind of look which I was going for as it
stood out but not too much that it didn’t draw attention away from the illustrations. I asked my classmates
again what they thought, my classmates are the age group which I wanted to target so I wanted to know if
my front cover would grab their attention. Once again they said gave me more feedback expressing that it
would look better if it was underneath the role model text. I tried this out and it did look good! It stood out
but it also felt that it wasn’t so obvious it was just very subtle. I have received three interviews back at the
moment who have role models who are Michelle Obama, Shehla Rashid and Jacinda Ardern, on Wednesday I
created the three illustrations of these women which went very well. For the next few days I will keep to my
production schedule and look at different poems to create my poems feature as well as creating a big
illustration for that page. I think this week of production has been very positive, I like the fact that I have kept
up to date with my production schedule as well as this will be very helpful in my evaluation.
Michelle Obama Shehla RashidJacinda Ardern
• This week has consisted of finishing off my interview features. I started off with writing the interviews up, I
started off with the Michelle Obama interview, at first I was unsure with how to start my introduction but as
soon as I got the hang of it I carried on. I think the only problem I had in this section where the answers. The
answers which I received from some of my interviewees were very brief and quite blunt at times, to fix this
problem I decided to use two questions in one question. This was something which worked out well and meant
that my articles were full and descriptive. I then started on creating the quote illustration, I initially struggled
with thinking of how to represent the illustration, and once again I started off with Michelle Obama and
googling different silhouettes for ideas. I decided to draw a silhouette of Michelle Obama and add the quote
which I found in the middle. I wanted to have the colour of the illustration the same as the title to show that it
also matches and links together. Throughout this time I managed to get another response for an interview
where the person explained that her role model was Rosa Parks. I decided that this is something which I will do
on Wednesday not today as I had planned on starting my research on Michelle Obama, Shehla Rashid and
Jacinda Ardern. I started finding out loads of research and adding it into my research PowerPoint. This is
something which is critical for my articles as if I didn’t research the role models then I would have an unreliable
article. This was very easy as I find research is very simple. I think my audience will like an accurate article which
is based on facts alone with reliable sources. I started finding the rough basics on Wikipedia, it was originally
quite hard to hard information on Shehla Rashid as she isn’t very known. However, I started investigating more
by researching the organisations which she is involved with like the AISA (All India Students Association), this
helped a lot as I could learn more about the Indian politician and why she is someone’s role model. I learnt a lot
of things when researching these role models, I didn’t know that Michelle Obama had her two children from
• Once I had researched the three role models I then created my bibliography. I learnt how to do a
bibliography in my first year of college and now looking back is something which has been very helpful as I
can now look back at my bibliography and see where the information has come from. On Thursday, I wrote
my Michelle Obama history article with the information which I had collected the day before, I think writing
the article was very easy to write as all the information was fresh in my head. After writing my article I felt as
though I needed to have a break so instead I decided to create my fourth role model, Rosa Parks. At first, I
read my fourth interview, the interviewee had a role model of Rosa Parks. I created the illustration in the
same style as the other illustrations. This took me quite a short amount of time as I was used to creating the
vector style art. I chose the vector design choice as I thought it was something which I hadn’t created before,
I practiced it during my experiments and enjoyed it hence why I have created these illustrations in the same
style. I also think that it was something which would attract the audience as they are different and very
detailed. I still had a bit of time left so I decided to create a silhouette of Rosa parks with some birds flying in
the background, and the quote at the bottom. At first, I was unsure whether to keep the font on the quotes
the same, but I decided that it fits in really well and wanted to keep it. With the Rosa Parks quote illustration I
made the text wide and tall, so it looks different but still the same. At the end of every week I say that I will
try to get around to my poems page, but I always find something else to do. Next week, I will make sure I
have completed the poems page.
• I started off with creating my poems page, over the weekend I was thinking about what illustration I was going to
create to add with the poems. I was flicking through my Instagram and saw that an illustrator had created a light bulb
with a poem inside, this made me think of creating a lightbulb illustration with a black city. When I created this, the
only problem I faced was whether to add a background to the lightbulb. I didn’t want a solid background colour,
instead I wanted a gradient. I created a purple and blue gradient background. I used an A4 page in Photoshop and
added the lightbulb in the middle and typed the poems which I researched into the document. I was really happy
with the result of the poems page as it felt as though it matched with my theme. I exported this as a JPEG and added
it into my InDesign booklet document. I then decided to add all of my interviews and history articles of my role
models into an InDesign document, this worked really well as the week before I had created all the titles so I just
simply placed the title at the top of the page and used the columns to place my text. I didn’t want my work to be
hyphenated so I went onto paragraph styles and unticked the hyphenate box. I think this made my interviews look
very professional. While I was adding all my interviews into InDesign documents I decided to send Dave and my mum
the copies of my articles to get them all checked out before I added them in InDesign. This was completely new to me
as in all my projects before I was the only who checked them but I wanted to see if they could be made better with
someone else’s eyes and knowledge on the article. I’m glad I sent them emails at this point as by the time I had
completed the interviews, I could add the history articles into the documents. When I was adding the text into the
columns, I kept noticing that I had too much text for the three columns. I knew I had experienced this problem in my
last FMP so I went back to my theory work and figured out how I overcame this problem. I used the character window
to make my text scrunch up so it can fit it all in, I don’t think this is very noticeable but I will find out next Thursday
when I print my work off and look for any mistakes. By Thursday afternoon, I had created all the role model articles
and history articles that I wanted to get done.
• At the start of this week, I was given feedback from people who had never seen my work before. All of my
feedback was positive and I was happy with all the comments that were made. The people who gave me
feedback were very impressed with the art work which I have made myself and there was a significant comment
of the article text. This is something which I will look at more in my final week of production when I print my
work off.
• I still have yet to decide whether I should interview myself and tell my readers who my role model is, this will be
decided over the weekend. Over the weekend, I need to write my Instagram account article as well as my first
article ‘why do we need role models’. By the time I get in on Monday I hope to have these two articles checked
and a decision made to whether to include my own interview.
• These are the things which are still left to do before next Thursday:
• Review Article, Why do we need role models article, Instagram accounts article, contents page, contributions
page, the page which needs to be filled and my back cover.
• The different drafts which I have created can be found in my research under the section of Copy.
• This is the last week of my production. The first thing I did was print my work off, I wanted to start this week with
getting all my feedback done. I printed my work off without having finished one page because I didn’t know what I
wanted for that page. Once printed off I went through the booklet, I asked Dave to go through it and see if there was
anything else that needed doing. He agreed with the things I wanted to fix and as well as suggesting more
improvements. He suggested to change the names at the bottom of the quote graphics this is something that I was
unsure about doing but I experimented and I think it works rather well. After I experimented I decided to write a list of
what needs to be improved and in which order I am going to do it in. I started off with the front cover, I wanted to
redo Beyoncé as I didn’t think she matched with the theme of the other illustrations. I also noticed that Arianna
Grande’s shoulder had yellow dots on the shoulder, I decided that they look weird, so I changed it. Once I had made
a better illustration, I decided to neaten the other ones up as well why I was making improvements. I rearranged the
illustrations as well so there were no plain white bits anywhere. I decided that even though my fanzine is called ‘Year
of Women’ I shouldn’t disqualify against the other gender on my 2nd page so instead of having “women should stick
together” it is now “we shall stick together”. Dave and I concluded that I needed to redesign my contents page, I
wanted to keep the gradient background to make it stand out. I made the text bolder, a new design for the bullet
point. I felt as though it still looked really plain, so I decided to draw a flowerpot to make it look aesthetic and less
plain. After this I edited the articles, fixing any spelling mistakes, making sure all the text lines up as best as it can and
making sure the fonts and sizes are all the same. The only thing I really wanted to change was the ‘Why do we need
role models’ illustrations especially superman, I felt it looked like it had just been taken straight off the internet and I
didn’t spend an hour making it, instead I decided to do another outlook on a role model.
• I think this looks best as it matches the other image at the top of the article. The only problem which I faced when
editing all the articles was getting all the articles to end on the same line, it was especially hard with the interviews
which I conducted as some people wrote quite a lot for the answers, but some people barely wrote anything. Using
the different character styles, I edited the text the best I could to make it end on the same line.
• On Thursday, I printed off my work once more with all the improvements made and the last page created. I asked a
different tutor to go through it and suggest some improvements that I could do to make my work the best it can be.
This tutor suggested to correct the photos on the film article as they don’t match the illustration style of the fanzine.
To do this, I used the filter gallery on Photoshop to create a vector art style on the images. All my edits from all my
drafts can be seen in my Production PowerPoint. I think if I could do this project, I would have liked to interview more
people and have more content but due to the amount of time I had to complete production I think I chose the best
option with having 5 interviews and a few articles.
Development diary

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Development diary

  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. • This week was mainly focused on my research. I started with finding things about feminist theories to use in my analysis. This was most of Monday morning when I was in the library trying to find different books which had something about feminist theories. I ended up finding the book ‘Feminist film theory’ by Sue Thornham. There was a chapter in there from Laura Mulvey explaining the Male Gaze, this was incredibly useful as I want to have the best research I can do as this is normally my weakness on projects. I then started googling feminist fanzines, I came across a fanzine called ‘Debate’, and this was created by Auckland university students every two weeks they create a new fanzine on different subjects. This definitely caught my eye as it was the type of layout which I want to create for my final major project. I am currently analysing the front cover, two double page spreads, a contents page and the website. I am adding as much detail into it as I can so I have only researched one existing product at the time being but I hope to analyse 3 existing products and hopefully more. After I have completed this existing product I then want to try research a professional magazine, I want to research a magazine instead of a fanzine to see how they are different and which style I prefer. With a published magazine I will most likely find out more about the brand and what audience it appeals to rather than guessing that I have had to do with ‘Debate’. Looking back over the past two days, I would have hoped I would have created more work than I have done, but when you take into account that I had been to the library on Monday for most of the day and how I want to make a detailed existing products I think it is going okay. By next Monday I want to start with my audience research so by the Thursday I will have finished my research and will be prepared to start my idea generation. I don’t think I can improve the work which I have completed this week, I just want to work quicker so when I come to my deadline I don’t have loads of things to complete. WEEK TWO
  • 5.
  • 6. • This week I carried on with my research. From last week I had only completed one of my existing products with the help of feminist theory books. I wanted to add as much detail as I could in the few days which I had. On Thursday, I finished analysing ‘Debate’, realistically I felt as though I had enough research in without analysing the website. I think just from this bit of research I learnt how to create a professional format for my product, ‘Debate’ has a clear and simple layout this is something which I felt like my last project didn’t have. Over the weekend I went shopping to see if I could find any feminist magazines which were published. As I previously stated last week I wanted to look at a magazine and fanzines, I found a teen magazine which was very empowering for women, this was called ‘Teen Breathe’. I also researched ‘That’s what she said’ fanzine. I think these products challenged me this week, I felt as though I struggled to analyse all the different features of the products, I knew I needed to take a break from analysis on Monday so I decided to create a survey for my primary research. I created 8 short and simple questions and sent it to people my age (17-24 is the age I want to target for my product). I have done surveys before, the only thing which I was a bit worried about was if I would get sensible answers which were relevant to my work. Luckily, all my answers were very relevant when it comes to my planning and production I will refer back to the survey and see what people are more attracted to. I think what would also be helpful in my primary research if I could contact a feminist club and see what they find more appealing, I think this will develop my idea because these are the people who I am wanting to appeal to. From the 3 existing products I have looked at, I know what style of illustrations I want to try create, I know what contents and what colour theme I want to aim for. My research has been very helpful, for my client project my illustrations were all completely different styles of graphics and this is something I want to try fix, from looking at different fanzines with art work in, I know what I want to achieve. I don’t think my research has changed the way I approach my project but I think this time I will think more carefully into what my audience would like, this seemed to be the recurring theme in the existing products. Through the research which I have produced I hope I don’t come across any problems which will need solving, I feel as though I have tried to think of everything which would appeal the audience. I think the most successful section of my research would be the existing products, I have put so much effort in and detail into this part of my research, this is something which I feel is crucial in research as I like to see what is popular and how I can beat that with my product. In the next few days, I hope to finish my research all together, I have to write up my survey as well as research some secondary research and production research. On Monday, I would like to start some production experiments and learning new skills for my final major project. WEEK THREE
  • 8. • So far in my problem solving work, I have identified a wide range of problems. These vary to the software not working, my solution for this problem was to reload the software and if this doesn’t work then I would move onto a different computer. An extreme theoretical problem was not having the money to print my fanzine, this would have to be an unforeseen problem but it is something which I still wanted a solution for, my solution wouldn’t be the best outcome but I would just print it on normal A4 paper. I don’t think my problem solving issue has influenced my project but I think it has made me more careful of my project. From my other projects, I have noticed that when I try interview people they either take ages to reply back or they simply don’t after saying they would. I added this into my problem solving work, I think this is something which has influenced the way I will interview. I want to see whether I can do it face to face, this will probably be easier and I will be able to record the conversation, if they come back and say they never said this I will have proof of them. I also think it will be good practice for when I go to university as I would need to go out and interview people face to face. There are quite a lot of different experiments I could do to solve potential production problems, one of these would be practicing with a recorder, and this will help as when I come to conducting my interviews if I have any issue with my interview it would mean that I knew how to solve it. Another issue which I may experience is if I am going to take my own images or just create some graphics, this is still unknown to me so to solve this problem I am going to try practice with photography as well as a graphics tablet. I think these experiments will help me if I come across any problems like this. Throughout my project, I will keep a weekly diary on the pros and cons of the day, this will include any problems which I have come across and what have I done to fix this. From the past if I have come across a problem in my project I soon find a way around it, this is why I think I am good at solving problems. I think if I was really in a bind with a problem I could talk to my tutor, Dave, or speak to one of my classmates and they will help me out. Next week, I am going to start on my experiments and learning different ways of creating my fanzine. WEEK FOUR
  • 9.
  • 10. • This week I have been focusing on experimenting with different techniques. I think overall it has gone quite well as I have stayed on track and tried to do my very best. At the start of the week I was initially confused with the difference between production research and experiments, I managed to come up with a solution. My production research links into my experiments. Things which I researched I experimented in this section, for example I researched how to take a good portrait photograph and then expanded on this more by using the tips in my research and experimented with taking portrait photographs. I think this was the major problem of this week as I just got really confused with and I didn’t know what to create. I think I still need to work on creating more experiments as I want to have as much experience as possible when it comes to my production. I don’t want to make something and then waste time because I don’t like it. Over the weekend and half term I will try do loads of experiments and google different tutorials, I would like to learn more about InDesign so this will be something that I will look at. This week I wanted to learn how to use graphics tablet, from the past I have always made my graphics using the mouse but I wanted to see whether it would be easier to use the graphics tablet. At first I could not work the graphics tablet at all until I looked at a YouTube video which explained everything, it turned out I had the tablet the wrong way round! After doing a few experiments I decided I didn’t like drawing graphics with it as a struggled not to have a shaky line but I would like to see if I when I do some typography experiments I might have handwritten titles for my fanzine. I also learnt how to make an image look like an illustration by using the filter gallery on Photoshop, something which I would like to try is using the stamp filter and colouring it so it looks more like an illustration. I think this week in general this week has been quite productive, but I want to do more experiments to see what works and what doesn’t. Next week I start planning, this is something which I generally look forward to as I can think of how I am going to conduct my interviews and what theme of fanzine I will create, I think my favourite part of planning is creating a flat plan as I can see what my potential fanzine will look like and how many pages it will include (this is something which depends on how many people I interview). I think by the time planning comes round I hope to be ready, I want to add more experiments but hopefully all of that will be completed by the time my planning starts. From today my website is completely up to date, the research PowerPoint which I was struggling to finish because of the production research is finally up, this means that my half term is dedicated to trying new experiments. I think the main priority is to finish all my experiments with detail and precision. WEEK FIVE
  • 12. • I think this week has been very productive but stressful. I think the realisation hit me on Monday at the fact that in two weeks I need to have everything ready to start my production. On Monday, I started off with creating a pagination, this took me longer than I initially thought it would because I wanted to have everything perfect. However, when I was drafting out my layout I noticed that I had no idea what I wanted to add, this was a major problem as I couldn’t carry on with my layout until I had done more research on what other fanzines included. I looked at ‘Debate’ and ‘Grit’. These included word searches, reviews and famous Instagram accounts which feminists should follow, I think these ideas gave me some creative hope, I decided to dedicate a double page spread of Instagram accounts which displayed the best poetry which would relate to my audience as well as creating a review page which would appeal to my teenage generation. I think after researching more I fixed my problem and created a pagination which was detailed and creative. After this, I started doing style sheets with celebrity illustrations which I could take inspiration of, I looked at different fonts and started to plan what fonts I would use in my fanzine. Today, I started to look at different colour themes, I used the coolors website which helped me generate some pastel colours. I also used the adobe website which used the illustrations which I collected from my style sheet and found the specific colours on the images. I haven’t set a specific colour theme yet but I would like to stick to my pastel colour theme to match the first fanzine. I have also started to plan my interviews out, I have messaged 3 people wondering if they would like to take part in my interview process as well as asking one of them if they could provide some poetry for one of my double page spreads. I think I still need to work on my copy, but that will be completed throughout the production period. WEEK SIX
  • 13. • For my planning I want to create a second developed idea this will help me reach an overall judgement of what I would want to create. This week was for creating my first developed idea and next week I will complete my second idea. This isn’t a problem as such but I know if I don’t complete my planning by next week I will be going into production with unfinished planning work. To help my organisation for my planning stage, after every day I will create a list on what I still need to do, hopefully by next Thursday this will be minimal. I think from the past I am quite good at planning especially when I put my mind to it, I like the planning stage as I can plan everything and what my product is going to look like as well as the features which my fanzine will include. I think the reason behind me being good at planning is mainly because of my pagination, this is the first I complete in my planning document because then I can imagine what the articles are going to be like as well as the colour theme, typography and illustrations are going to be like. I think the difficult part of planning for me is writing the copy, I think the whole process of writing the copy is long and strenuous, sitting in front of a computer and typing the same thing can seem quite tiring for me but with regular breaks I hope it isn’t as difficult as it normally is. Luckily, my website is all up to date so throughout my planning period I don’t have to think about completing any outstanding work as it all has been completed. Next week, I will start creating my second developed idea. However, throughout my production I will always be planning so I plan to have a section in my PowerPoint for this section. WEEK SIX
  • 14.
  • 15. WEEK SEVEN • This week is my last week before I am in production, on Monday I will be starting my production and I want to make sure everything is completed by the time I hit Monday. However, I do think I am going to match this deadline as looking back at all the work I have completed in the space of two days I believe that I am well planned and ready to start by Monday. The things which I need to work on for Monday are my flat plans, on Monday I had aimed at creating a second developed idea but throughout the day I realised that I didn’t need to do a second idea because I have enough thorough planning already completed that I didn’t think I needed one, it wouldn’t do anything for my grade so I decided that I would just add more detail into my first idea and get a spotless plan together for my first idea so for Monday I have to finish off the flat plans and style sheets for these and then I will be ready to start my production. I am hoping that my production schedule will keep me on track in my production as every week I am going to refer back and see what my aim is for that week. I think this will be a good way on keeping my time management as if I put a week aside for illustrations and another for my articles soon my whole product will be ready in the space of a few weeks. I think during my production stages in the past sometimes my plans change or I have to alter something because it doesn’t look as good as I thought it would be, this is why I want to refer back to my planning nearly every week to see how I have planned this certain page with the fonts and colours. I will also keep track of anything that I change in my Problem Solving PowerPoint as this will be good when it comes down to my evaluation. I have created my fanzine to look a certain way and all those details are in my planning PowerPoint so I will refer back to this once or twice every week.
  • 16. WEEK SEVEN • Even today I had to revisit my problem solving PowerPoint because when I was creating my flat plans and style sheets for the pages I noticed that my text was very shaky and didn’t look very professional at all, I found out that using illustrator makes the lines smoother, I added this into my updated problems and including some examples. I think this is a good example of the fact that you don’t stop researching, planning or experimenting during this project and that is something that I really enjoy. As far as I can remember nothing has gone horrifically wrong because of poor planning before, but I don’t want this to be the first project where it does go wrong this is why I have added as much detail as I can so if anything does go wrong I do have a solution. I think the main thing which has worked well in my planning is knowing my deadlines, I think a deadline is really important as it gives me a date for when I need to have something completed, by planning the colours, fonts and titles it can help me reach my deadline sooner that I thought. I think over this planning stage I have learnt so many new things, I now know how to find a solution for something which has gone wrong but also I have learnt that there is no such thing as an enough planning. There is always something to plan whether it is planning my interview questions or planning to meeting up with something. As I have already stated next week is the start of my production, tomorrow I will finish all the final details and post my planning PowerPoint on my website and then I will be ready.
  • 17.
  • 18. WEEK EIGHT • This week was the start of my production, unfortunately none of my interviewees had gotten back to me when I started my production on Monday. So instead of kicking my heels waiting for people to get back to me, I decided to message more people on Instagram asking if they would like to be a part of my project. I messaged five people on Monday and only one of them have gotten back to me. I knew this was going to be a problem initially, but I didn’t think it was going to be so hard for people to respond. So, after messaging various Instagram pages, I started with creating my titles. I wrote a big list of all the things which need to be completed, I created a list for all the titles which need to be created and illustrations which need to be made. I created the ‘contents page’ title, using two colours I made the title on illustrator as I found out in my planning that illustrator creates smoother lines compared to photoshop. When creating this title, I noticed that the pencil was too big, and I ideally wanted it thinner so make it look more elegant and detailed. I didn’t know much about illustrator and I wanted to know how to increase and decrease the brush size. I found out that ‘[‘means to decrease the brush size and ‘]’ means to increase the brush size. All this is shown in my problem solving including the extra research which I conducted. There wasn’t a specific reason why I chose the colours in the titles but I thought it was very neutral for the audience, to be honest everything this week with my design choices haven’t really had a reason more of an experiment that I can change if it clashes with anything. To finish off for the day I created the wallpaper for the first page and the last page, looking back on it now I am not a big fan of it as I feel like it looks very childish next week I will look more into creating a new wallpaper. On Thursday, I created another two title illustrations in the first lesson, however I noticed that whenever I drew a curved line it became rounded and it just looked very messy. Once again, I decided to google it and see if I can find an answer, it turned out because my brush size was quite thin and there was only 1pt stroke on the title it somehow rounded it up, to solve this I created a thinner line with a larger stroke- this solved my problem! I have tracked this in my problem solving. After solving this problem, I started with finding more people to interview on Instagram. I think I emailed everyone at the right time as I had five people come back to me from all over the world, by Thursday evening I had two answers sheets already. The only thing I am disappointed with is not getting to interview anyone face to face, however if I do find someone in the UK I will be very keen to go over as I have researched how to use the equipment and I would really like to use it. Overall, I feel like my first week of production has been essential for finding problems and solutions! I would rather it be in the first week then right at the end of production when I am trying to get everything finished.
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  • 20. WEEK NINE • On my production schedule I stated that this week I wanted to ‘Try meet up with some of the interviewees, find poems and create some illustrations.’ And to do that I would ‘Contact interviewees asking to meet them in person if possible. Scroll through Instagram finding poems- contact the people to see whether I can use them with credit. Create the poem illustrations as well as front cover illustrations.’ This was the aim of this week, I have still been contacting people on Instagram to see if they will take part in my interview. The one problem that I have faced is the location of the people who I have interviewed. At the start of my project, I had this big idea that I would interview people all around the world and see what different role models they have no matter what their gender is. I’m very proud to say this as I thought it was going to be impossible to find people and to persuade them to do my interview but I have managed to do this idea. In my production schedule it says that I would ‘Try meet up with some of the interviewees’ this is something which is impossible when two of my interviewees are from India and the other one is from Massachusetts. But luckily, in my problem solving knew this might have been a problem so I planned to do it all over email and Instagram, I feel like this has worked out really well as I have taken the interview questions which I would have asked them face to face into a word document and emailed it over to them. This has been my only problem throughout this week, as I am still waiting to hear back from so many other interviewees I referred back to my production schedule and decided that I would start making my illustrations for my front cover. This took a whole day creating several celebrity role models. I think the only thing I got stuck on is who I could have on my front cover, I used my knowledge of who I thought was my role model- Nelson Mandela, Malala Yousafzai and Barack Obama. I then decided to research who people’s role models were, it came up with a list of people and I decided to choose from this list- Angelina Jolie, Beyoncé, Ariana Grande and David Beckham.
  • 21. WEEK NINE • I drew the nine celebrities in one day with no problems at all. I really like my front cover as I think it’s eye- catching, the illustrations are good (they have improved so much from doing my first fanzine) as well as the colour scheme. I knew the colour scheme was going to be pastel themed as it is what I originally planned but I noticed the rough sketch which I did for my pagination of my front cover is very similar. I think my front cover will grab my audience’s attention as it is in the style which they preferred in my survey which I conducted as well as the fact it looks very aesthetic. After creating my front cover, I asked for feedback on my class mates. Originally the issue number was in the top right hand corner but they felt as though it didn’t stand out enough and it need to be in front of some colour. With this feedback I decided I would see what a white rectangle would look like beside the role model text, it was the kind of look which I was going for as it stood out but not too much that it didn’t draw attention away from the illustrations. I asked my classmates again what they thought, my classmates are the age group which I wanted to target so I wanted to know if my front cover would grab their attention. Once again they said gave me more feedback expressing that it would look better if it was underneath the role model text. I tried this out and it did look good! It stood out but it also felt that it wasn’t so obvious it was just very subtle. I have received three interviews back at the moment who have role models who are Michelle Obama, Shehla Rashid and Jacinda Ardern, on Wednesday I created the three illustrations of these women which went very well. For the next few days I will keep to my production schedule and look at different poems to create my poems feature as well as creating a big illustration for that page. I think this week of production has been very positive, I like the fact that I have kept up to date with my production schedule as well as this will be very helpful in my evaluation.
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  • 23. Michelle Obama Shehla RashidJacinda Ardern
  • 24. WEEK TEN • This week has consisted of finishing off my interview features. I started off with writing the interviews up, I started off with the Michelle Obama interview, at first I was unsure with how to start my introduction but as soon as I got the hang of it I carried on. I think the only problem I had in this section where the answers. The answers which I received from some of my interviewees were very brief and quite blunt at times, to fix this problem I decided to use two questions in one question. This was something which worked out well and meant that my articles were full and descriptive. I then started on creating the quote illustration, I initially struggled with thinking of how to represent the illustration, and once again I started off with Michelle Obama and googling different silhouettes for ideas. I decided to draw a silhouette of Michelle Obama and add the quote which I found in the middle. I wanted to have the colour of the illustration the same as the title to show that it also matches and links together. Throughout this time I managed to get another response for an interview where the person explained that her role model was Rosa Parks. I decided that this is something which I will do on Wednesday not today as I had planned on starting my research on Michelle Obama, Shehla Rashid and Jacinda Ardern. I started finding out loads of research and adding it into my research PowerPoint. This is something which is critical for my articles as if I didn’t research the role models then I would have an unreliable article. This was very easy as I find research is very simple. I think my audience will like an accurate article which is based on facts alone with reliable sources. I started finding the rough basics on Wikipedia, it was originally quite hard to hard information on Shehla Rashid as she isn’t very known. However, I started investigating more by researching the organisations which she is involved with like the AISA (All India Students Association), this helped a lot as I could learn more about the Indian politician and why she is someone’s role model. I learnt a lot of things when researching these role models, I didn’t know that Michelle Obama had her two children from
  • 25. WEEK TEN • Once I had researched the three role models I then created my bibliography. I learnt how to do a bibliography in my first year of college and now looking back is something which has been very helpful as I can now look back at my bibliography and see where the information has come from. On Thursday, I wrote my Michelle Obama history article with the information which I had collected the day before, I think writing the article was very easy to write as all the information was fresh in my head. After writing my article I felt as though I needed to have a break so instead I decided to create my fourth role model, Rosa Parks. At first, I read my fourth interview, the interviewee had a role model of Rosa Parks. I created the illustration in the same style as the other illustrations. This took me quite a short amount of time as I was used to creating the vector style art. I chose the vector design choice as I thought it was something which I hadn’t created before, I practiced it during my experiments and enjoyed it hence why I have created these illustrations in the same style. I also think that it was something which would attract the audience as they are different and very detailed. I still had a bit of time left so I decided to create a silhouette of Rosa parks with some birds flying in the background, and the quote at the bottom. At first, I was unsure whether to keep the font on the quotes the same, but I decided that it fits in really well and wanted to keep it. With the Rosa Parks quote illustration I made the text wide and tall, so it looks different but still the same. At the end of every week I say that I will try to get around to my poems page, but I always find something else to do. Next week, I will make sure I have completed the poems page.
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  • 27. WEEK ELEVEN • I started off with creating my poems page, over the weekend I was thinking about what illustration I was going to create to add with the poems. I was flicking through my Instagram and saw that an illustrator had created a light bulb with a poem inside, this made me think of creating a lightbulb illustration with a black city. When I created this, the only problem I faced was whether to add a background to the lightbulb. I didn’t want a solid background colour, instead I wanted a gradient. I created a purple and blue gradient background. I used an A4 page in Photoshop and added the lightbulb in the middle and typed the poems which I researched into the document. I was really happy with the result of the poems page as it felt as though it matched with my theme. I exported this as a JPEG and added it into my InDesign booklet document. I then decided to add all of my interviews and history articles of my role models into an InDesign document, this worked really well as the week before I had created all the titles so I just simply placed the title at the top of the page and used the columns to place my text. I didn’t want my work to be hyphenated so I went onto paragraph styles and unticked the hyphenate box. I think this made my interviews look very professional. While I was adding all my interviews into InDesign documents I decided to send Dave and my mum the copies of my articles to get them all checked out before I added them in InDesign. This was completely new to me as in all my projects before I was the only who checked them but I wanted to see if they could be made better with someone else’s eyes and knowledge on the article. I’m glad I sent them emails at this point as by the time I had completed the interviews, I could add the history articles into the documents. When I was adding the text into the columns, I kept noticing that I had too much text for the three columns. I knew I had experienced this problem in my last FMP so I went back to my theory work and figured out how I overcame this problem. I used the character window to make my text scrunch up so it can fit it all in, I don’t think this is very noticeable but I will find out next Thursday when I print my work off and look for any mistakes. By Thursday afternoon, I had created all the role model articles and history articles that I wanted to get done.
  • 28. WEEK ELEVEN • At the start of this week, I was given feedback from people who had never seen my work before. All of my feedback was positive and I was happy with all the comments that were made. The people who gave me feedback were very impressed with the art work which I have made myself and there was a significant comment of the article text. This is something which I will look at more in my final week of production when I print my work off. • I still have yet to decide whether I should interview myself and tell my readers who my role model is, this will be decided over the weekend. Over the weekend, I need to write my Instagram account article as well as my first article ‘why do we need role models’. By the time I get in on Monday I hope to have these two articles checked and a decision made to whether to include my own interview. • These are the things which are still left to do before next Thursday: • Review Article, Why do we need role models article, Instagram accounts article, contents page, contributions page, the page which needs to be filled and my back cover. • The different drafts which I have created can be found in my research under the section of Copy.
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  • 32. WEEK THIRTEEN- LAST WEEK OF PRODUCTION • This is the last week of my production. The first thing I did was print my work off, I wanted to start this week with getting all my feedback done. I printed my work off without having finished one page because I didn’t know what I wanted for that page. Once printed off I went through the booklet, I asked Dave to go through it and see if there was anything else that needed doing. He agreed with the things I wanted to fix and as well as suggesting more improvements. He suggested to change the names at the bottom of the quote graphics this is something that I was unsure about doing but I experimented and I think it works rather well. After I experimented I decided to write a list of what needs to be improved and in which order I am going to do it in. I started off with the front cover, I wanted to redo Beyoncé as I didn’t think she matched with the theme of the other illustrations. I also noticed that Arianna Grande’s shoulder had yellow dots on the shoulder, I decided that they look weird, so I changed it. Once I had made a better illustration, I decided to neaten the other ones up as well why I was making improvements. I rearranged the illustrations as well so there were no plain white bits anywhere. I decided that even though my fanzine is called ‘Year of Women’ I shouldn’t disqualify against the other gender on my 2nd page so instead of having “women should stick together” it is now “we shall stick together”. Dave and I concluded that I needed to redesign my contents page, I wanted to keep the gradient background to make it stand out. I made the text bolder, a new design for the bullet point. I felt as though it still looked really plain, so I decided to draw a flowerpot to make it look aesthetic and less plain. After this I edited the articles, fixing any spelling mistakes, making sure all the text lines up as best as it can and making sure the fonts and sizes are all the same. The only thing I really wanted to change was the ‘Why do we need role models’ illustrations especially superman, I felt it looked like it had just been taken straight off the internet and I didn’t spend an hour making it, instead I decided to do another outlook on a role model.
  • 33. WEEK THIRTEEN- LAST WEEK OF PRODUCTION • I think this looks best as it matches the other image at the top of the article. The only problem which I faced when editing all the articles was getting all the articles to end on the same line, it was especially hard with the interviews which I conducted as some people wrote quite a lot for the answers, but some people barely wrote anything. Using the different character styles, I edited the text the best I could to make it end on the same line. • On Thursday, I printed off my work once more with all the improvements made and the last page created. I asked a different tutor to go through it and suggest some improvements that I could do to make my work the best it can be. This tutor suggested to correct the photos on the film article as they don’t match the illustration style of the fanzine. To do this, I used the filter gallery on Photoshop to create a vector art style on the images. All my edits from all my drafts can be seen in my Production PowerPoint. I think if I could do this project, I would have liked to interview more people and have more content but due to the amount of time I had to complete production I think I chose the best option with having 5 interviews and a few articles.