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Components of Religion
• Sacred Story (history)
• Sacred Texts
• Sacred Community
• Sacred Spaces
• Sacred Beliefs
• Sacred Rituals
• Sacred Objects
• Sacred People
Religious Rituals
Ritual (aka Rite)
Any patterned, repeated, or predictable action.
Howell & Paris, 2019, p. 266
Rites of Intensification
Rituals in which elements of society,
beliefs, or behaviors are intensi
Howell & Paris, 2019, p. 267
Rites of Intensification
What are rituals Christians do to pray
or worship?
Rites of Intensification
What are rituals Jews do when they
Rites of Intensification
How would most Christians feel in this synagogue service?
Rites of Intensification
How would most Jews feel in this church service?
Rites of Affliction
Rituals directed at alleviating su
or resolving a problem. (Not rites that
cause su
ering but alleviate them)
Howell & Paris, 2019, p. 268
Christian Rites
What are rites Christians perform and
Jewish Rites
Kapporot — waving a chicken over
the heads of a household
Rites of Passage
Life-cycle rituals marking passage
from one life stage to another
Howell & Paris, 2019, p. 270
Christian Rites of Passage
What are the Christian Rites of
Howell & Paris, 2019, p. 270
Jewish Rites of Passage
Circumcision - entrance to covenant
Bar/Bat Mitzvah - Adulthood
Wedding - new household
Funeral - death
Howell & Paris, 2019, p. 270
Origins of Religion
Two Theories
1. Evolution of Religion
2. Original Monotheism
1. Evolution of Religion
1. Evolution of Religion
• Mana: spiritual forces
1. Evolution of Religion
• Mana: spiritual forces
• Animism: spirits in things
1. Evolution of Religion
• Mana: spiritual forces
• Animism: spirits in things
• Polytheism: many gods
1. Evolution of Religion
• Mana: spiritual forces
• Animism: spirits in things
• Polytheism: many gods
• Henotheism: favorite god
1. Evolution of Religion
• Mana: spiritual forces
• Animism: spirits in things
• Polytheism: many gods
• Henotheism: favorite god
• Monotheism: Only 1 God
What might be some problems with
The Theory of Evolution of Religion?
1. Evolution of Religion
• Mana: spiritual forces
• Animism: spirits in things
• Polytheism: many gods
• Henotheism: favorite god
• Monotheism: Only 1 God
• Secularism: No God
Karl Marx
Religion served a purpose in
the evolution of society
Karl Marx
As Society Evolves
Religion became unnecessary
Max Weber
The World has become disenchanted
The condition of the world
once science and the
Enlightenment have eroded the sway
of religion and superstition.
Is Judaism a
Primitive Religion?
God who demands blood sacri
War God who defeated his enemies
God who demands holiness
God punishes sin
Adolf Harnack
German Theologian
In the evolution of religion
Judaism represents Primitive Religion
1851 - 1930
Adolf Harnack
Judaism needs to fade away
1851 - 1930
Adolf Harnack
What did that mean for the Jews?
1851 - 1930
2. Primitive
Wilhelm Schmidt (1912)
Devolution of religion
Wilhelm Schmidt
Austrian Priest, and Linguist
Wilhelm Schmidt
Theory of Primitive Monotheism
Argument for Primitive Monotheism
1. Ubiquitous story of a Creator God, Creation, and Fall of Humans
2. Tied together parallel stories in most global cultures
3. Evolution of Monotheism has not been observed & documented
4. Devolution of religion is readily observed & documented
Ubiquitous story of pre-existent
Temple to the
Lord of Heaven
Ubiquitous story of a creation
story (and even a flood)
How Obatala Created the World
Religion is devolving, not evolving
Western Religion
Return to Primitive religion
Folk Religion
Formal Religion v.
Folk Religion
Institutional Religion is Established
• Established Texts (ex. Bible, Quran, Talmud)
• Established Leaders (ex. Rabbi, Priest, Buddhist Monk)
• Established Places of Worship (Synagogue, Mosque, Church
• Established Rituals or Ceremonies (ex. Communion, the Haj, Bar Mitzvah)
• Established Beliefs or Doctrines (ex. Nicaea Creed, Shema 6 Pillars of Islam)
Van Rheenen. (n.d) “Folk Religion” in Missiology Retrieved from
Folk religions synthesize popular beliefs and practices,
frequently animistic in nature, that are developed within
cultures to handle every day problems. Often, they co-
exist within formal religion and sometimes even with
secular humanism.
Popular (Folk) Religion — Ground Up
Formal (institutional) Religion — Top Down
Stan Meyer, PhD
Folk Religion
• Grass roots rituals and beliefs
• Meets a need that formal religion failed to meet
• Flexible and not codi
• Varies by region and practice
• No
xed institutions or creeds
• No
xed hierarchy or clergy
Folk Religion Over Time…
1. Fades Away
2. Merges with formal religion and becomes part of it
3. Evolves into a formal religion
Roman Catholic
Folk Religion
Origins of Mariology
Not found in
rst century
2nd century appears in art
Madonna of the Catacombs, Rome 3rd Century AD
Merging with
Catholic Practice
By 3rd Century merged with Roman
Madonna and Child Mt. Sinai Monastery, 3rd Century
2nd Nicaea Council
754 AD Veneration of Mary
Was codi
ed by the Council
Madonna and Child Mt. Sinai Monastery, 3rd Century
As the sacred and life-giving cross is everywhere set up as a symbol, so
also should the images of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, the holy angels, as
well as those of the saints…to be revered by all who might see them. For the
more they are venerated, the more they move to fervent memory of their role
models. Therefore, it is proper to venerate them.
Veneration of Mary
Veneration of Mary led to
specific roles of each saint
Dear Saint Christopher,
Protect me today in all my travels along
the road’s way. Give your warning sign if
danger is near so that I may stop while
the path is clear. Be at my window and
direct me through when the vision blurs
from out of the blue. Carry me safely to
my destined place, like you carried
Christ in your close embrace.
Folk Religion
in Judaism
Rabbi Yosei bar Yehuda says: Two angels accompany a person on
Shabbat evening from the synagogue to his home, one good angel
and one evil angel. And when he reaches his home and
nds a
lamp burning and a table set and his bed made, the good angel
says: May it be Your will that it shall be like this for another Shabbat.
And the evil angel answers against his will: Amen.
(B Shabbat 119b)
But…if a person’s home is not prepared for Shabbat in that manner,
the evil angel says: May it be Your will that it shall be so for another
Shabbat, and the good angel answers against his will: Amen.
(B Shabbat 119b)
“Shalom Aleichem”, Singing to the Guardian Angels
Folk Religion in
Evangelical Christianity
Touched by an Angel
1994 - 2003
CBS, 211 episodes
Identifying Folk Religion
Folk Religion
1. Oral traditions instead of written texts
2. Self-appointed leaders instead of formally ordained leaders
3. Local rituals instead of temples or sacred sites
4. Varying rituals instead of
xed rituals
5. Varying beliefs instead of canonized beliefs
Engaging devotees of folk religion
1. Oral traditions — cannot appeal to, or discuss meaning of a text like
you can with the Quran, Old Testament, or Bhagivad Gita
Engaging devotees of folk religion
1. Oral traditions
2. Self-appointed leaders — discuss practices and meaning of those
practices with the people, not ordained leaders.
Engaging devotees of folk religion
1. Oral traditions
2. Self-appointed leaders
3. Local rituals — easier access to observe the rituals in the community
Engaging devotees of folk religion
1. Oral traditions
2. Self-appointed leaders
3. Local rituals
4. Varying rituals — Expect rituals and practices to vary in the way
people do them, and how they understand them
Engaging devotees of folk religion
1. Oral traditions
2. Self-appointed leaders
3. Local rituals
4. Varying rituals
5. Varying beliefs — Expect people to hold personal interpretations of
the rituals, their own beliefs, and that these beliefs are not always held
tightly. The beliefs change over time.
Engaging devotees of folk religion
1. Oral traditions
2. Self-appointed leaders
3. Local rituals
4. Varying rituals
5. Varying beliefs — beliefs will vary from textbook to textbook, journal
article to journal article
How do you engage members of religion?
1. Oral traditions
2. Self-appointed leaders
3. Local rituals
4. Varying rituals
5. Varying beliefs
When do you forgo engaging it?
Nature of Animism
The attribution of a soul to plants, inanimate objects,
and natural phenomena. the belief in a supernatural
power that organizes and animates the material universe
Oxford Dictionary
Animism, belief in innumerable spiritual beings
concerned with human affairs and capable of
helping or harming human interests.
Park, G. Kerlin (2020, October 29). Animism. Encyclopedia Britannica.
Theory of Animism
Theorized Animism is the most basic,
primitive form of religion, that religions
evolve from
Sir Edward Tylor (1832 - 1917)
McClenon, James. (1998). “Edward Tylor” in William Swatos Ed. Encyclopedia of religion and society. Sage Publication. Retrieved from
Theory of Animism
Taylor studied ancient religions of
Mexico and published theories in
Researches into the Early History of
Mankind and Development of
Civilization (1865), and his book
Primitive Culture (1871)
Sir Edward Tylor (1832 - 1917)
McClenon, James. (1998). “Edward Tylor” in William Swatos Ed. Encyclopedia of religion and society. Sage Publication. Retrieved from
Theory of Animism
1. There is a soul that survives death
2. There are spirits and deities inhabiting things
and animals
Sir Edward Tylor (1832 - 1917)
McClenon, James. (1998). “Edward Tylor” in William Swatos Ed. Encyclopedia of religion and society. Sage Publication. Retrieved from
Tyler’s Theory how Animism Developed
1. Human attempted to explain dreams, trances, apparitions, visions,
unconsciousness, and death.
2. If humans have souls, then so do living & moving things
3. If souls exist, then so must other spirits as well
4. If other spirits exist, then there must be hierarchies & spiritual world
5. If there are hierarchies, the there must be deities in charge.
How did Animist practices develop?
1. If souls live on as departed ancestors, and
2. If spirits and deities control our world,
3. Then there should be rituals to communicate with ancestors & spirits
4. There should be rituals to venerate deities, and
5. Spirits & Deities must have sacred places where they live, and
6. Only sacred people are allowed to communicate with them.
What are common animist practices?
1. Funeral rites: to honor departed ancestors
2. Rituals to help lingering ancestors move on
3. Shamanistic rituals: To communicate with spirits
4. Fetishism: Veneration to articles representing spirit entities of animals,
trees, and objects in nature
5. Veneration of deities who control the world
Physical World
Physical World
Spiritual World
Spiritual World
Gods Spirits
Ancestors Animal Spirits
Physical World
Spiritual World
Spiritual World
Thin line
Gods Spirits
Ancestors Animal
Spiritual World
Spiritual World
Friends on the Other Side. (2009). The Princess and the Frog. Disney Studios
Themes in Animism
• Dreams & Trances - people dream of dead relatives & believe they’re
still alive, and believe that the dream state is a spiritual realm & their
dead relatives are trying to communicate with them.
Swancutt, Katherine. (15 June 2019). Animism. Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology.
Example of Dreams & Trances
• Student trance- is the student day dreaming, zoned out, or soul
Themes in Animism
• Dreams & Trances
• Spiritual & Physical Worlds - A spiritual world intersects the physical
world in which spirits, ancestors, and gods live.
Swancutt, Katherine. (15 June 2019). Animism. Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology.
• Extraordinary events are explained spiritually
• House inexplicably burns down - someone angered the spirits of
the property who burned the house down. Maybe it was built over an
ancestral sacred site.
Themes in Animism
• Dreams & Trances
• Spiritual & Physical Worlds
• Animated things have souls - Things that move (rivers, animals, wind)
have souls and are imbued with humanlike qualities.
Swancutt, Katherine. (15 June 2019). Animism. Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology.
Themes in Animism
• Dreams & Trances
• Spiritual & Physical Worlds
• Animate things possess souls
• Animal Spirits - Animal spirits display their personalities according to
how they act toward humans (ex. A deer gives itself up to be hunted).
Swancutt, Katherine. (15 June 2019). Animism. Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology.
Themes in Animism
• Dreams & Trances
• Spiritual & Physical Worlds
• Animate things possess souls
• Animal Spirits
• Sacred Spaces - Places where the spiritual world intersects the physical
and special people can communicate or interact with it.
Swancutt, Katherine. (15 June 2019). Animism. Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology.
• Hunting - Native Americans ask the animal spirit to guide their hunt,
and then thank the spirit before killing it.
• Sacred Trees - Animist societies revere a sacred tree (mountain,
volcano, lake) and forbid touching them.
Disney Studios. (2015). “Lava”
Themes in Animism
• Dreams & Trances
• Spiritual & Physical Worlds
• Animate things possess souls
• Animal Spirits
• Sacred Spaces
• Sacred People (Shamans) - Humans with the ability to interact with the
spiritual world and communicate with spirits.
Swancutt, Katherine. (15 June 2019). Animism. Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology.
Themes in Animism
• Dreams & Trances
• Spiritual & Physical Worlds
• Animate things possess souls
• Animal Spirits
• Sacred Spaces
• Sacred People (Shamans)
• Ancestors - Departed family members still part of the community.
Swancutt, Katherine. (15 June 2019). Animism. Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology.
Moana, Song of the Ancestors
Components of Animism
Ritual practices believed to have e
ects on speci
c situations
Howell & Paris, 2019, p. 255
Mystical evil performed by a person without their knowledge
Howell & Paris, 2019, p. 256
Mystical evil performed by a person WITH their intention
Howell & Paris, 2019, p. 257
A behavior, artifact, or symbol that must be avoided to evade harm
Howell & Paris, 2019, p. 258
A person with access to, and in
uence in the spiritual world. Usually a
mediator between ancestors and living beings
Religious items containing powers to bridge gap between physical and
spiritual world
Howell & Paris, 2019, p. 261
Identify one religious system
you will research in your culture
Topic 5 Assignment
1. Identify one religious system in your culture you will research
2. Report on that system Friday in class, describing your paper
3. Write a report of that system
a. Part 1 Introduce the religious system
b. Part 2 Describe in speci
c detail ONE belief and ONE practice
c. Part 3 Write an ethnographic report on a video documentary (or visit a place of worship)
d. Part 4 Evaluate 2 religious challenges and barriers in explaining the gospel
e. Part 5 Propose 2 points of connection or bridges in explaining the gospel

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INT-450 Topic 5d Rituals Folk Religion Animism

  • 2. Components • Sacred Story (history) • Sacred Texts • Sacred Community • Sacred Spaces • Sacred Beliefs • Sacred Rituals • Sacred Objects • Sacred People
  • 4. Ritual (aka Rite) Any patterned, repeated, or predictable action. Howell & Paris, 2019, p. 266
  • 5. Rites of Intensification Rituals in which elements of society, beliefs, or behaviors are intensi fi ed Howell & Paris, 2019, p. 267
  • 6. Rites of Intensification What are rituals Christians do to pray or worship?
  • 7. Rites of Intensification What are rituals Jews do when they pray?
  • 8. Rites of Intensification How would most Christians feel in this synagogue service?
  • 9.
  • 10. Rites of Intensification How would most Jews feel in this church service?
  • 11.
  • 12. Rites of Affliction Rituals directed at alleviating su ff ering or resolving a problem. (Not rites that cause su ff ering but alleviate them) Howell & Paris, 2019, p. 268
  • 13. Christian Rites What are rites Christians perform and why?
  • 14. Jewish Rites Kapporot — waving a chicken over the heads of a household
  • 15. Rites of Passage Life-cycle rituals marking passage from one life stage to another Howell & Paris, 2019, p. 270
  • 16. Christian Rites of Passage What are the Christian Rites of Passage Howell & Paris, 2019, p. 270
  • 17. Jewish Rites of Passage Circumcision - entrance to covenant Bar/Bat Mitzvah - Adulthood Wedding - new household Funeral - death Howell & Paris, 2019, p. 270
  • 19. Two Theories 1. Evolution of Religion 2. Original Monotheism
  • 20. 1. Evolution of Religion
  • 21. 1. Evolution of Religion • Mana: spiritual forces
  • 22. 1. Evolution of Religion • Mana: spiritual forces • Animism: spirits in things
  • 23.
  • 24. 1. Evolution of Religion • Mana: spiritual forces • Animism: spirits in things • Polytheism: many gods
  • 25. 1. Evolution of Religion • Mana: spiritual forces • Animism: spirits in things • Polytheism: many gods • Henotheism: favorite god
  • 26. 1. Evolution of Religion • Mana: spiritual forces • Animism: spirits in things • Polytheism: many gods • Henotheism: favorite god • Monotheism: Only 1 God
  • 27. What might be some problems with The Theory of Evolution of Religion?
  • 28. 1. Evolution of Religion • Mana: spiritual forces • Animism: spirits in things • Polytheism: many gods • Henotheism: favorite god • Monotheism: Only 1 God • Secularism: No God
  • 29. Karl Marx Religion served a purpose in the evolution of society
  • 30. Karl Marx As Society Evolves Religion became unnecessary
  • 31. Max Weber The World has become disenchanted
  • 32. Disenchantment The condition of the world once science and the Enlightenment have eroded the sway of religion and superstition.
  • 33. Is Judaism a Primitive Religion? God who demands blood sacri fi ces War God who defeated his enemies God who demands holiness God punishes sin
  • 34. Adolf Harnack German Theologian In the evolution of religion Judaism represents Primitive Religion 1851 - 1930
  • 35. Adolf Harnack Judaism needs to fade away 1851 - 1930
  • 36. Adolf Harnack What did that mean for the Jews? 1851 - 1930
  • 37. 2. Primitive Monotheism Wilhelm Schmidt (1912) Devolution of religion
  • 39. Wilhelm Schmidt 1931 Theory of Primitive Monotheism
  • 40. Argument for Primitive Monotheism 1. Ubiquitous story of a Creator God, Creation, and Fall of Humans 2. Tied together parallel stories in most global cultures 3. Evolution of Monotheism has not been observed & documented 4. Devolution of religion is readily observed & documented
  • 41. Ubiquitous story of pre-existent creator
  • 42. Temple to the Lord of Heaven
  • 43. Ubiquitous story of a creation story (and even a flood)
  • 44. How Obatala Created the World
  • 45. Religion is devolving, not evolving
  • 46. Western Religion Return to Primitive religion
  • 49. Institutional Religion is Established • Established Texts (ex. Bible, Quran, Talmud) • Established Leaders (ex. Rabbi, Priest, Buddhist Monk) • Established Places of Worship (Synagogue, Mosque, Church • Established Rituals or Ceremonies (ex. Communion, the Haj, Bar Mitzvah) • Established Beliefs or Doctrines (ex. Nicaea Creed, Shema 6 Pillars of Islam)
  • 50. Van Rheenen. (n.d) “Folk Religion” in Missiology Retrieved from Folk religions synthesize popular beliefs and practices, frequently animistic in nature, that are developed within cultures to handle every day problems. Often, they co- exist within formal religion and sometimes even with secular humanism.
  • 51. Popular (Folk) Religion — Ground Up Formal (institutional) Religion — Top Down Stan Meyer, PhD
  • 52. Folk Religion • Grass roots rituals and beliefs • Meets a need that formal religion failed to meet • Flexible and not codi fi ed • Varies by region and practice • No fi xed institutions or creeds • No fi xed hierarchy or clergy
  • 53. Folk Religion Over Time… 1. Fades Away 2. Merges with formal religion and becomes part of it 3. Evolves into a formal religion
  • 55. Origins of Mariology Not found in fi rst century 2nd century appears in art Madonna of the Catacombs, Rome 3rd Century AD
  • 56. Merging with Catholic Practice By 3rd Century merged with Roman Catholicism. Madonna and Child Mt. Sinai Monastery, 3rd Century
  • 57. Formalization 2nd Nicaea Council 754 AD Veneration of Mary Was codi fi ed by the Council Madonna and Child Mt. Sinai Monastery, 3rd Century
  • 58. As the sacred and life-giving cross is everywhere set up as a symbol, so also should the images of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, the holy angels, as well as those of the saints…to be revered by all who might see them. For the more they are venerated, the more they move to fervent memory of their role models. Therefore, it is proper to venerate them.
  • 60. Veneration of Mary led to specific roles of each saint
  • 61. Dear Saint Christopher, Protect me today in all my travels along the road’s way. Give your warning sign if danger is near so that I may stop while the path is clear. Be at my window and direct me through when the vision blurs from out of the blue. Carry me safely to my destined place, like you carried Christ in your close embrace. Amen
  • 63. Rabbi Yosei bar Yehuda says: Two angels accompany a person on Shabbat evening from the synagogue to his home, one good angel and one evil angel. And when he reaches his home and fi nds a lamp burning and a table set and his bed made, the good angel says: May it be Your will that it shall be like this for another Shabbat. And the evil angel answers against his will: Amen. (B Shabbat 119b)
  • 64. But…if a person’s home is not prepared for Shabbat in that manner, the evil angel says: May it be Your will that it shall be so for another Shabbat, and the good angel answers against his will: Amen. (B Shabbat 119b)
  • 65. “Shalom Aleichem”, Singing to the Guardian Angels
  • 66.
  • 68. Touched by an Angel 1994 - 2003 CBS, 211 episodes
  • 70. Folk Religion 1. Oral traditions instead of written texts 2. Self-appointed leaders instead of formally ordained leaders 3. Local rituals instead of temples or sacred sites 4. Varying rituals instead of fi xed rituals 5. Varying beliefs instead of canonized beliefs
  • 71. Engaging devotees of folk religion 1. Oral traditions — cannot appeal to, or discuss meaning of a text like you can with the Quran, Old Testament, or Bhagivad Gita
  • 72. Engaging devotees of folk religion 1. Oral traditions 2. Self-appointed leaders — discuss practices and meaning of those practices with the people, not ordained leaders.
  • 73. Engaging devotees of folk religion 1. Oral traditions 2. Self-appointed leaders 3. Local rituals — easier access to observe the rituals in the community
  • 74. Engaging devotees of folk religion 1. Oral traditions 2. Self-appointed leaders 3. Local rituals 4. Varying rituals — Expect rituals and practices to vary in the way people do them, and how they understand them
  • 75. Engaging devotees of folk religion 1. Oral traditions 2. Self-appointed leaders 3. Local rituals 4. Varying rituals 5. Varying beliefs — Expect people to hold personal interpretations of the rituals, their own beliefs, and that these beliefs are not always held tightly. The beliefs change over time.
  • 76. Engaging devotees of folk religion 1. Oral traditions 2. Self-appointed leaders 3. Local rituals 4. Varying rituals 5. Varying beliefs — beliefs will vary from textbook to textbook, journal article to journal article
  • 77. How do you engage members of religion? 1. Oral traditions 2. Self-appointed leaders 3. Local rituals 4. Varying rituals 5. Varying beliefs
  • 78. When do you forgo engaging it?
  • 80. The attribution of a soul to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena. the belief in a supernatural power that organizes and animates the material universe Oxford Dictionary
  • 81. Animism, belief in innumerable spiritual beings concerned with human affairs and capable of helping or harming human interests. Park, G. Kerlin (2020, October 29). Animism. Encyclopedia Britannica.
  • 82. Theory of Animism Theorized Animism is the most basic, primitive form of religion, that religions evolve from Sir Edward Tylor (1832 - 1917) McClenon, James. (1998). “Edward Tylor” in William Swatos Ed. Encyclopedia of religion and society. Sage Publication. Retrieved from
  • 83. Theory of Animism Taylor studied ancient religions of Mexico and published theories in Researches into the Early History of Mankind and Development of Civilization (1865), and his book Primitive Culture (1871) Sir Edward Tylor (1832 - 1917) McClenon, James. (1998). “Edward Tylor” in William Swatos Ed. Encyclopedia of religion and society. Sage Publication. Retrieved from
  • 84. Theory of Animism 1. There is a soul that survives death 2. There are spirits and deities inhabiting things and animals Sir Edward Tylor (1832 - 1917) McClenon, James. (1998). “Edward Tylor” in William Swatos Ed. Encyclopedia of religion and society. Sage Publication. Retrieved from
  • 85. Tyler’s Theory how Animism Developed 1. Human attempted to explain dreams, trances, apparitions, visions, unconsciousness, and death. 2. If humans have souls, then so do living & moving things 3. If souls exist, then so must other spirits as well 4. If other spirits exist, then there must be hierarchies & spiritual world 5. If there are hierarchies, the there must be deities in charge.
  • 86. How did Animist practices develop? 1. If souls live on as departed ancestors, and 2. If spirits and deities control our world, 3. Then there should be rituals to communicate with ancestors & spirits 4. There should be rituals to venerate deities, and 5. Spirits & Deities must have sacred places where they live, and 6. Only sacred people are allowed to communicate with them.
  • 87. What are common animist practices? 1. Funeral rites: to honor departed ancestors 2. Rituals to help lingering ancestors move on 3. Shamanistic rituals: To communicate with spirits 4. Fetishism: Veneration to articles representing spirit entities of animals, trees, and objects in nature 5. Veneration of deities who control the world
  • 90. Humans Gods Spirits Ancestors Animal Spirits Physical World Spiritual World Spiritual World Thin line
  • 92. Friends on the Other Side. (2009). The Princess and the Frog. Disney Studios
  • 93. Themes in Animism • Dreams & Trances - people dream of dead relatives & believe they’re still alive, and believe that the dream state is a spiritual realm & their dead relatives are trying to communicate with them. Swancutt, Katherine. (15 June 2019). Animism. Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology.
  • 94. Example of Dreams & Trances • Student trance- is the student day dreaming, zoned out, or soul traveling?
  • 95. Themes in Animism • Dreams & Trances • Spiritual & Physical Worlds - A spiritual world intersects the physical world in which spirits, ancestors, and gods live. Swancutt, Katherine. (15 June 2019). Animism. Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology.
  • 96. • Extraordinary events are explained spiritually
  • 97. Example • House inexplicably burns down - someone angered the spirits of the property who burned the house down. Maybe it was built over an ancestral sacred site.
  • 98. Themes in Animism • Dreams & Trances • Spiritual & Physical Worlds • Animated things have souls - Things that move (rivers, animals, wind) have souls and are imbued with humanlike qualities. Swancutt, Katherine. (15 June 2019). Animism. Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology.
  • 99. Themes in Animism • Dreams & Trances • Spiritual & Physical Worlds • Animate things possess souls • Animal Spirits - Animal spirits display their personalities according to how they act toward humans (ex. A deer gives itself up to be hunted). Swancutt, Katherine. (15 June 2019). Animism. Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology.
  • 100. Themes in Animism • Dreams & Trances • Spiritual & Physical Worlds • Animate things possess souls • Animal Spirits • Sacred Spaces - Places where the spiritual world intersects the physical and special people can communicate or interact with it. Swancutt, Katherine. (15 June 2019). Animism. Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology.
  • 101. Examples • Hunting - Native Americans ask the animal spirit to guide their hunt, and then thank the spirit before killing it. • Sacred Trees - Animist societies revere a sacred tree (mountain, volcano, lake) and forbid touching them.
  • 102. Disney Studios. (2015). “Lava”
  • 103. Themes in Animism • Dreams & Trances • Spiritual & Physical Worlds • Animate things possess souls • Animal Spirits • Sacred Spaces • Sacred People (Shamans) - Humans with the ability to interact with the spiritual world and communicate with spirits. Swancutt, Katherine. (15 June 2019). Animism. Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology.
  • 104. Themes in Animism • Dreams & Trances • Spiritual & Physical Worlds • Animate things possess souls • Animal Spirits • Sacred Spaces • Sacred People (Shamans) • Ancestors - Departed family members still part of the community. Swancutt, Katherine. (15 June 2019). Animism. Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology.
  • 105. Moana, Song of the Ancestors
  • 107. MAGIC Ritual practices believed to have e ff ects on speci fi c situations Howell & Paris, 2019, p. 255
  • 108. WITCHCRAFT Mystical evil performed by a person without their knowledge Howell & Paris, 2019, p. 256
  • 109. SORCERY Mystical evil performed by a person WITH their intention Howell & Paris, 2019, p. 257
  • 110. TABOO A behavior, artifact, or symbol that must be avoided to evade harm Howell & Paris, 2019, p. 258
  • 111. SHAMAN A person with access to, and in fl uence in the spiritual world. Usually a mediator between ancestors and living beings
  • 112. FETISH Religious items containing powers to bridge gap between physical and spiritual world Howell & Paris, 2019, p. 261
  • 113. Identify one religious system you will research in your culture
  • 114. Topic 5 Assignment 1. Identify one religious system in your culture you will research 2. Report on that system Friday in class, describing your paper 3. Write a report of that system a. Part 1 Introduce the religious system b. Part 2 Describe in speci fi c detail ONE belief and ONE practice c. Part 3 Write an ethnographic report on a video documentary (or visit a place of worship) d. Part 4 Evaluate 2 religious challenges and barriers in explaining the gospel e. Part 5 Propose 2 points of connection or bridges in explaining the gospel