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20 – 22 June 2007
Metropolis Antwerp, Belgium
Improving Applications Design with a
Rich Domain Model
Chris Richardson
Author of POJOs in Action
About Chris
              Grew up in England
              Live in Oakland, CA
              Twenty years of software
              development experience
              –   Building object-oriented software
                  since 1986
              –   Using Java since 1996
              –   Using J2EE since 1999
              Author of POJOs in Action
              Speaker at JavaOne, JavaPolis,
              NFJS, JUGs, ….
              Chair of the eBIG Java SIG in
              Oakland (www ebig org)
              Run a consulting and training
              company that helps organizations
              build better software faster
Overall presentation goal

 Learn how to improve application design
  with truly object-oriented business logic
 Th ups and d
            d downs of OO design
                       f   d i
 Overview of the Domain Model pattern
 Domain model building blocks
 Common code smells
 Refactoring existing code
Designing business logic
 Spring promotes good design practices:
  – Dependency injection for loose coupling
  – AOP for handling cross cutting concerns
 But you must decide how to structure your
 business logic:
  – Domain Model pattern – object-oriented
  – Transaction Script pattern – procedural
 Choice of pattern impacts ease of:
  – Development testing maintainability ….
    Development, testing, maintainability,
Lots of procedural Java code
           Java is an object oriented language


Object-oriented design is a better way to tackle complexity


Many complex enterprise Java applications are written in a
                     procedural style
Example banking application
Example procedural design
Example procedural code
public class MoneyTransferServiceProceduralImpl implements MoneyTransferService {   public class Account {

public BankingTransaction transfer(String fromAccountId, String toAccountId,
             g                    (     g               ,     g            ,        p
                                                                                    public static final int NEVER = 1;
    double amount) throws MoneyTransferException {                                  public static final int ALLOWED = 2;
  Account fromAccount = accountDAO.findAccount(fromAccountId);
  Account toAccount = accountDAO.findAccount(toAccountId);                          private   int id;
  assert amount > 0;                                                                private   double balance;
  double newBalance = fromAccount.getBalance() - amount;                            private   int overdraftPolicy;
  switch (fromAccount.getOverdraftPolicy()) {                                       private   String accountId;
  case Account.NEVER:                                                               private   Date dateOpened;
    if (newBalance < 0)                                                             private   double requiredYearsOpen;
      throw new MoneyTransferException("In sufficient funds");                      private   double limit;
  case Account.ALLOWED:                                                             Account() {}
    Calendar then = Calendar.getInstance();
    Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();                                          public Account(String accountId, double balance, int
      double yearsOpened = now.get(Calendar.YEAR) - then.get(Calendar.YEAR);                         Date dateOpened, double requiredYearsOpen,
      int monthsOpened = now.get(Calendar.MONTH) - then.get(Calendar.MONTH);        double limit)
      if (monthsOpened < 0) {                                                        {….. }
              O     d
        monthsOpened += 12;                                                         public int getId() {return id;}
      yearsOpened = yearsOpened + (monthsOpened / 12.0);                            public String getAccountId() {return accountId;}
      if (yearsOpened < fromAccount.getRequiredYearsOpen()
          || newBalance < fromAccount.getLimit())                                   public void setBalance(double balance) { this.balance = balance; }
        throw new MoneyTransferException("Limit exceeded");
      break;                                                                        public double getBalance() { return balance; }
      throw new MoneyTransferException( Unknown overdraft type: "
                 MoneyTransferException("Unknown                                    public int getOverdraftPolicy() { return overdraftPolicy; }
          + fromAccount.getOverdraftPolicy());
                                                                                    public Date getDateOpened() {     return dateOpened; }
     fromAccount.setBalance(newBalance);                                            public double getRequiredYearsOpen() {
     toAccount.setBalance(toAccount.getBalance() + amount);                             return requiredYearsOpen; }
     TransferTransaction txn = new TransferTransaction(fromAccount, toAccount,
        amount, new Date());                                                        public double getLimit() {return limit; }
     bankingTransactionDAO.addTransaction(txn);                                     }
     return txn;
A seductive programming style
 Implementing new f
 I l     ti       functionality i easy
                      ti   lit is
  – Add a new transaction script
  – Add code to a new transaction script
 No need to do any real design, e.g.
  – Create new classes
  – Determine responsibilities
Unable to handle complexity
 Works well for simple business logic
  – E.g. the example wasn’t that bad
 But with complex business logic:
  – Large transaction scripts: 100s/1000s LOC
  – Difficult/impossible to understand, test, and maintain
 What’s worse: business logic has a habit of
  – New requirements ⇒ Add a few more lines to the
    transaction script
  – Many new requirements ⇒ big mess
Today – OO is growing in popularity
  – Plain Old Java Objects
  – Leverage OO features of Java
 O/R mapping frameworks for
 persisting POJO
     i ti POJOs:
  – Hibernate
  – Java Persistence API
  – …
 Spring AOP and AspectJ for
 handling cross-cutting
  –   Transaction management
  –   Security
  –   Logging
  –   Auditing
  –   …
 Th ups and d
            d downs of OO design
                       f   d i
 Overview of the Domain Model pattern
 Domain model building blocks
 Common code smells
 Refactoring existing code
Using the Domain Model Pattern
 Business l i spread amongst a collection of
 B i      logic      d         t    ll ti   f
 Many classes correspond to real world concepts:
 Order, Customer, …
 Many classes are true objects having both:
  – State – fields
  – Behavior – methods that act on the state
Procedural versus OO
An example domain model
Code Walkthrough
Benefits of the Domain Model Pattern
 Improved maintainability
  – The design reflects reality
  – The design is more modular
 Improved testability
  – Small classes that can be tested in isolation
 Improved reusability
  – Classes can be used in other applications
 Building a domain model
  – Creates shared understanding
  – Develops an ubiquitous language
Quantifiably simpler methods
 Procedural – few, longer, more   Object-oriented – more,
 complex methods                  simpler,
                                  simpler shorter methods
Drawbacks of the Domain Model pattern

 Requires object-oriented d i skills
 R    i    bj t i t d design kill
 Requires domain model to be
 transparently “mappable” to the data
  – E.g. nice database schema
  – Ugly schemas and data stored in other
    applications is a challenge
When to use it
 The b i
 Th business l i i reasonably complex
                logic is           bl l
 or you anticipate that it will be
 You have the skills to design one
 You can use an ORM framework
 Th ups and d
            d downs of OO design
                       f   d i
 Overview of the Domain Model pattern
 Domain model building blocks
 Common code smells
 Refactoring existing code
Domain model building blocks
 Roles k
 R l aka
 Benefits of roles:
  – Guide design
  – Help name objects
  – Aid understanding
 Roles (from Domain-
 Driven Design)
                          public class Account {
 Objects ith di ti t
 Obj t with a distinct     private int id;

 identity                  private double balance;

                           private OverdraftPolicy overdraftPolicy;

 Typically correspond      private String accountId;

                           private CalendarDate dateOpened;
 to real world concepts    Account() {

 Almost always             public void debit(double amount) throws MoneyTransferException {
                             assert amount > 0;
                             double originalBalance = balance;
 persistent                  double newBalance = balance - amount;
                             overdraftPolicy.beforeDebitCheck(this, originalBalance, newBalance);
                             balance = newBalance;
                             overdraftPolicy.afterDebitAction(this, originalBalance, newBalance);

                           public void credit(double amount) {
                             assert amount > 0;
                             balance += amount;
Value Objects
 Objects that are        public class CalendarDate {

                             private Date date;

 defined by the values       CalendarDate() {
 of their attributes         public CalendarDate(Date date) {
                      = date;

 Two instances with          }

                             public Date getDate() {

 identical values can        }
                               return date;

 b used  d                   public double getYearsOpen() {
                              Calendar then = Calendar.getInstance();
 interchangeably              Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();

                                 int yearsOpened = now.get(Calendar.YEAR) –

 Often immutable and                               then.get(Calendar.YEAR);
                                 int monthsOpened = now.get(Calendar.MONTH) -
 persistent                      if (monthsOpened < 0) {
                                   monthsOpened += 12;
 Part of an entityy              return yearsOpened + (monthsOpened/12.0);


 A cluster of related
 entities and values
 Behaves as a unit
 Has a root
 Has a bou da y
   as boundary
 Objects outside the
 aggregate can only
 reference the root
 Deleting the root
 removes everything
                                   public interface AccountRepository {
 Manages a collection of                Account findAccount(String accountId);
 objects                                void addAccount(Account account);

 Provides methods for:             }

 Adding an object
                                   public class HibernateAccountRepository implements AccountRepository {
 Finding object or objects
                                       private HibernateTemplate hibernateTemplate;
 Deleting objects                      public HibernateAccountRepository(HibernateTemplate template) {
                                         hibernateTemplate = template;
                                                      p         p
 Consists of an interface and an       }

 implementation class                  public void addAccount(Account account) {
 Encapsulates database access          }

 mechanism                             public Account findAccount(final String accountId) {
                                         return (Account) DataAccessUtils.uniqueResult(hibernateTemplate
 Keeps the ORM framework out                    "Account.findAccountByAccountId", "accountId",
 of the domain model                   }

 Similar to a DAO                  }
                                   public interface MoneyTransferService {
 Implements logic that cannot           BankingTransaction transfer(String fromAccountId,
 be put in a single entity                   String toAccountId, double amount)
                                             throws MoneyTransferException;

 Not persistent                    }

 Consists of an interface and an
 implementation class              public class MoneyTransferServiceImpl implements MoneyTransferService

 Service method usually:               private final AccountRepository accountRepository;

 Invoked (indirectly) by               p
                                       private final BankingTransactionRepository
                                                           g             p

 presentation tier                     public MoneyTransferServiceImpl(AccountRepository accountRepository,
                                          BankingTransactionRepository bankingTransactionRepository) {
 Invokes one or more                     this.accountRepository = accountRepository;
                                         this.bankingTransactionRepository = bankingTransactionRepository;
 repositories                          }

 Invokes one or more entities          public BankingTransaction transfer(String fromAccountId,
                                          String toAccountId, double amount) {
 Keep them thin                        }

 Use when a constructor is insufficient
  – Encapsulates complex object creation logic
  – Varying products
 Different kinds of factories
  –F t
    Factory classes
  – Factory methods
 Example: O d F t
 E    l OrderFactory
  – Creates Order from a shopping cart
  – Add li it
    Adds line items
Role of Spring 1
 Use the
 U th POJO programming model
                   i     d l
  – Minimize dependencies on infrastructure frameworks:
    your domain model might outlive them
  – Avoid @DoThisAnnotations: e.g. @Transactional
 Spring instantiates and wires together
  – Services, factories and repositories
 Dependency injection into entities
   p      y j
  – One option is @Configurable but it’s not POJO
  – Hibernate Interceptor/Manual injection is preferable
Role of Spring 2
 S i AOP for service-level crosscutting
           f     i l     l        tti
  – E g transaction management, security logging etc
    E.g.            management security,         etc.
 AspectJ for entity and value object crosscutting
  – E.g. tracking changes to fields
  – AJC/Load-time weaving has a cost
 Use Spring ORM in the repository
 implementation classes
 Th ups and d
            d downs of OO design
                       f   d i
 Overview of the Domain Model pattern
 Domain model building blocks
 Common code smells
 Refactoring existing code
Overview of code smells
 C d smell = something about th code
           ll      thi    b t the d
 that does not seem right
 Impacts ease of development and testing
 Some are non-OOD
 Some are the consequences of non-OOD
Long method
 Methods should be short      p
                              public class MoneyTransferServiceProceduralImpl implements MoneyTransferService {
                                               y                           p    p            y

                              public BankingTransaction transfer(String fromAccountId, String toAccountId,
                                  double amount) throws MoneyTransferException {
                                Account fromAccount = accountDAO.findAccount(fromAccountId);

 But business logic is          Account toAccount = accountDAO.findAccount(toAccountId);
                                assert amount > 0;
                                double newBalance = fromAccount.getBalance() - amount;

 concentrated in the            switch (fromAccount.getOverdraftPolicy()) {
                                case Account.NEVER:
                                  if (newBalance < 0)

 services ⇒ l
                                    throw new MoneyTransferException( In sufficient funds");
                                              MoneyTransferException("In            funds );

     i      long methods
                     th d         break;
                                case Account.ALLOWED:
                                  Calendar then = Calendar.getInstance();

 Long methods are difficult       Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();

                                    double yearsOpened = now.get(Calendar.YEAR) - then.get(Calendar.YEAR);
                                    int monthsOpened = now.get(Calendar.MONTH) - then.get(Calendar.MONTH);

 to:                                if (monthsOpened < 0) {
                                      monthsOpened += 12
                                           th O    d + 12;

 – Read and understand              yearsOpened = yearsOpened + (monthsOpened / 12.0);
                                    if (yearsOpened < fromAccount.getRequiredYearsOpen()
                                        || newBalance < fromAccount.getLimit())
                                      throw new MoneyTransferException("Limit exceeded");
 – Maintain                         break;
                                    throw new MoneyTransferException("Unknown overdraft type: "

 – Test                            }
                                        + fromAccount.getOverdraftPolicy());


 Fix:                              toAccount.setBalance(toAccount.getBalance() + amount);
                                   TransferTransaction txn = new TransferTransaction(fromAccount, toAccount,
                                      amount, new Date());
                                   return txn;
 – Splitting into smaller      }

Feature Envy
 Methods that are far     p
                          public class MoneyTransferServiceProceduralImpl implements MoneyTransferService {
                                           y                           p    p            y

                          public BankingTransaction transfer(String fromAccountId, String toAccountId, double amount) throws
                          MoneyTransferException {
                            Account fromAccount = accountDAO.findAccount(fromAccountId);

 too interested in data     Account toAccount = accountDAO.findAccount(toAccountId);
                            assert amount > 0;
                            double newBalance = fromAccount.getBalance() - amount;
                            switch (fromAccount.getOverdraftPolicy()) {

 belonging to other
       g g                  case Account.NEVER:
                              if (newBalance < 0)
                                throw new MoneyTransferException( In sufficient funds");
                                          MoneyTransferException("In            funds );

 classes                    case Account.ALLOWED:
                              Calendar then = Calendar.getInstance();
                              Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();

 Results in:                    double yearsOpened = now.get(Calendar.YEAR) - then.get(Calendar.YEAR);
                                int monthsOpened = now.get(Calendar.MONTH) - then.get(Calendar.MONTH);
                                if (monthsOpened < 0) {
                                  monthsOpened += 12
                                       th O    d + 12;

 – Poor encapsulation           }
                                yearsOpened = yearsOpened + (monthsOpened / 12.0);
                                if (yearsOpened < fromAccount.getRequiredYearsOpen()
                                    || newBalance < fromAccount.getLimit())

 – Long methods                   throw new MoneyTransferException("Limit exceeded");
                                throw new MoneyTransferException("Unknown overdraft type: "
                                    + fromAccount.getOverdraftPolicy());

 Fix by moving                 }
                               toAccount.setBalance(toAccount.getBalance() + amount);

 methods to the class          TransferTransaction txn = new TransferTransaction(fromAccount, toAccount,
                                  amount, new Date());
                               return txn;

 that has the data
Data class
                            public class Account {
 Classes that are j t
 Cl         th t     just   public static final int NEVER = 1;
                            public static final int ALLOWED = 2;

 getters and setters        private
                                      int id;
                                      double balance;
                            private   int overdraftPolicy;

 No business logic -        private
                                      String accountId;
                                      Date dateOpened;
                                      double requiredYearsOpen;
                            private   double limit;

 it’s in the service        Account() {}

 Leads to:                  public Account(String accountId, double balance, int overdraftPolicy,

                             {….. }
                                            Date dateOpened, double requiredYearsOpen, double limit)

  – Feature envy            public int getId() {return id;}

                            public String getAccountId() {return accountId;}

 Fix by moving              public void setBalance(double balance) { this.balance = balance; }

                            public double getBalance() { return balance; }

 methods that act on        public int getOverdraftPolicy() { return overdraftPolicy; }

                            public Date getDateOpened() {     return dateOpened; }

 data into class            public double getRequiredYearsOpen() {       return requiredYearsOpen; }

                            public double getLimit() {return limit; }
Primitive Obsession
                        public class Account {
                          private Date dateOpened;
 Code uses built in
             built-in   }

 types instead of       public class Account {
                          private Date dateOpened;
 application classes    }

                        public class MoneyTransferServiceProceduralImpl implements
 C                      MoneyTransferService {

                        public BankingTransaction transfer(String fromAccountId, String
  – Reduces             toAccountId,
                            double amount) throws MoneyTransferException {
    understandability      Account fromAccount = accountDAO.findAccount(fromAccountId);
                           Account toAccount = accountDAO findAccount(toAccountId);
  – L
    Long methods
            h d            …
                            Calendar then = Calendar.getInstance();
  – Code duplication        then.setTime(fromAccount.getDateOpened());
                            Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();

  – Added complexity        double yearsOpened = now.get(Calendar.YEAR) -
                            int monthsOpened = now.get(Calendar.MONTH) –
 Fix by moving data                                   then.get(Calendar.MONTH);
                            if (monthsOpened < 0) {
 and code into new            yearsOpened--;
                              monthsOpened += 12;
 class                      }
                            yea sOpe ed
                            yearsOpened = yea sOpe ed + (monthsOpened / 12.0);
                                              yearsOpened     ( o t sOpe ed      0);
                            if (yearsOpened < fromAccount.getRequiredYearsOpen()
                                || newBalance < fromAccount.getLimit())
Switch Statements
                                 public class Account {
 Use of type codes and           public static final int NEVER = 1;
 switch statements instead       public static final int ALLOWED = 2;
 of polymorphism
 C                               public class MoneyTransferServiceProceduralImpl
                                 implements MoneyTransferService {
 – Longer methods
                                 public BankingTransaction transfer(String
 – Poor maintainability caused   fromAccountId, String toAccountId,
                                               ,     g             ,
   by d duplication
   b code d li i                      double amount) throws MoneyTransferException {
 – Increased code complexity        switch (fromAccount.getOverdraftPolicy()) {
                                    case Account.NEVER:
 Fix by introducing class             …
                                      b   k
 hierarchy and moving               case Account.ALLOWED:
 each part of switch                default:
 statement into a                   }
 overriding method               }
Data clumps
 Multiple fields or           public class A
                                bli l      Account {

 method parameters            public static final int NEVER = 1;
 that belong together
            g g               public static final int ALLOWED = 2;

 Consequences:                private   int id;
                              private   double balance;
 – Long methods               private   String accountId;
                              p i ate   Date dateOpened
 – Duplication
                              private int overdraftPolicy;
 Fix by:                      private double requiredYearsOpen;
 – Moving fields into their   private double limit;
   own class                  Account() {}
 – Eliminate resulting
   Feature Envy
 Th ups and d
           d downs of OO design
                      f    d i
 Overview of the Domain Model pattern
 Domain model b ildi bl k
 D    i    d l building blocks
 Common code smells
 Refactoring existing code
Transforming procedural code

 I id every procedural d i i a
                   d l design is
 domain model just trying to get out
 Incrementally transform a procedural
 design into an OO design
  – Small, localized changes
  – Something to do on Monday morning!
Refactoring to an OO design
 Transform a
 procedural design to
 an OO design by
             g y
 applying refactorings
  – Restructure the code
  – Without changing
 Essential cleanups for
 decaying code
Basic refactorings
 Extract Method
  – Eliminates long methods
 Move Method
  – Move a method to a
    different class (field or
  – Moves method to where
    the data i
    th d t is
 Push Down
  – Move a method into
  – Optionally leave an
    abstract method behind
  – Part of eliminating
    conditional logic
Compound refactorings
 A sequence of simpler refactorings
 Compose method
 – Apply Extract Method repeatedly
 – Use to replace long method with more readable shorter methods
 Replace Type Code With Strategy
 – Define GOF Strategy class for each type code
                    gy                 yp
 Replace Conditional With Polymorphism
 – Turn into part of a switch statement into an overriding method in
   a subclass
 Replace Data Value with Object
 – Move field into it’s own class
 – Eliminates Primitive Obsession
Refactoring procedural code

 Organizes the business logic as classes
 with state AND behavior
 Improves maintainability and testability
 Enabled by POJOs and non-invasive
 Incrementally apply by refactoring
                Use It!
For more information
   Buy my book ☺
    – Go to

   Send email:

   Visit my website:
http://www chrisrichardson net

   Talk to me about consulting
   and training

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Ενέργεια και ισχύς - ΦΩΤΟΒΟΛΤΑΪΚΑ
Σκίουροι Αναπαραγωγή
Σκίουροι  ΑναπαραγωγήΣκίουροι  Αναπαραγωγή
Σκίουροι Αναπαραγωγή
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Improving application design with a rich domain model (springone 2007)

  • 1. 20 – 22 June 2007 Metropolis Antwerp, Belgium
  • 2. Improving Applications Design with a Rich Domain Model Chris Richardson Author of POJOs in Action
  • 3. About Chris Grew up in England Live in Oakland, CA Twenty years of software development experience – Building object-oriented software since 1986 – Using Java since 1996 – Using J2EE since 1999 Author of POJOs in Action Speaker at JavaOne, JavaPolis, NFJS, JUGs, …. Chair of the eBIG Java SIG in Oakland (www ebig org) ( Run a consulting and training company that helps organizations build better software faster
  • 4. Overall presentation goal Learn how to improve application design with truly object-oriented business logic
  • 5. Agenda The Th ups and d d downs of OO design f d i Overview of the Domain Model pattern Domain model building blocks Common code smells Refactoring existing code
  • 6. Designing business logic Spring promotes good design practices: – Dependency injection for loose coupling – AOP for handling cross cutting concerns But you must decide how to structure your business logic: – Domain Model pattern – object-oriented – Transaction Script pattern – procedural Choice of pattern impacts ease of: – Development testing maintainability …. Development, testing, maintainability,
  • 7. Lots of procedural Java code Java is an object oriented language object-oriented AND Object-oriented design is a better way to tackle complexity YET Many complex enterprise Java applications are written in a procedural style
  • 10. Example procedural code public class MoneyTransferServiceProceduralImpl implements MoneyTransferService { public class Account { p public BankingTransaction transfer(String fromAccountId, String toAccountId, g ( g , g , p public static final int NEVER = 1; ; double amount) throws MoneyTransferException { public static final int ALLOWED = 2; Account fromAccount = accountDAO.findAccount(fromAccountId); Account toAccount = accountDAO.findAccount(toAccountId); private int id; assert amount > 0; private double balance; double newBalance = fromAccount.getBalance() - amount; private int overdraftPolicy; switch (fromAccount.getOverdraftPolicy()) { private String accountId; case Account.NEVER: private Date dateOpened; if (newBalance < 0) private double requiredYearsOpen; throw new MoneyTransferException("In sufficient funds"); private double limit; break; case Account.ALLOWED: Account() {} Calendar then = Calendar.getInstance(); then.setTime(fromAccount.getDateOpened()); Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); public Account(String accountId, double balance, int overdraftPolicy, double yearsOpened = now.get(Calendar.YEAR) - then.get(Calendar.YEAR); Date dateOpened, double requiredYearsOpen, int monthsOpened = now.get(Calendar.MONTH) - then.get(Calendar.MONTH); double limit) if (monthsOpened < 0) { {….. } yearsOpened--; O d monthsOpened += 12; public int getId() {return id;} } yearsOpened = yearsOpened + (monthsOpened / 12.0); public String getAccountId() {return accountId;} if (yearsOpened < fromAccount.getRequiredYearsOpen() || newBalance < fromAccount.getLimit()) public void setBalance(double balance) { this.balance = balance; } throw new MoneyTransferException("Limit exceeded"); break; public double getBalance() { return balance; } default: throw new MoneyTransferException( Unknown overdraft type: " MoneyTransferException("Unknown public int getOverdraftPolicy() { return overdraftPolicy; } + fromAccount.getOverdraftPolicy()); public Date getDateOpened() { return dateOpened; } } fromAccount.setBalance(newBalance); public double getRequiredYearsOpen() { toAccount.setBalance(toAccount.getBalance() + amount); return requiredYearsOpen; } TransferTransaction txn = new TransferTransaction(fromAccount, toAccount, amount, new Date()); public double getLimit() {return limit; } bankingTransactionDAO.addTransaction(txn); } return txn; }
  • 11. A seductive programming style Implementing new f I l ti functionality i easy ti lit is – Add a new transaction script – Add code to a new transaction script No need to do any real design, e.g. – Create new classes – Determine responsibilities p
  • 12. Unable to handle complexity Works well for simple business logic – E.g. the example wasn’t that bad But with complex business logic: – Large transaction scripts: 100s/1000s LOC – Difficult/impossible to understand, test, and maintain What’s worse: business logic has a habit of growing – New requirements ⇒ Add a few more lines to the transaction script – Many new requirements ⇒ big mess
  • 13. Today – OO is growing in popularity POJOs – Plain Old Java Objects – Leverage OO features of Java O/R mapping frameworks for persisting POJO i ti POJOs: – Hibernate – Java Persistence API – … Spring AOP and AspectJ for handling cross-cutting concerns: – Transaction management – Security – Logging – Auditing – …
  • 14. Agenda The Th ups and d d downs of OO design f d i Overview of the Domain Model pattern Domain model building blocks Common code smells Refactoring existing code
  • 15. Using the Domain Model Pattern Business l i spread amongst a collection of B i logic d t ll ti f classes Many classes correspond to real world concepts: Order, Customer, … Many classes are true objects having both: – State – fields – Behavior – methods that act on the state
  • 19. Benefits of the Domain Model Pattern Improved maintainability – The design reflects reality – The design is more modular Improved testability – Small classes that can be tested in isolation Improved reusability – Classes can be used in other applications Building a domain model g – Creates shared understanding – Develops an ubiquitous language
  • 20. Quantifiably simpler methods Procedural – few, longer, more Object-oriented – more, complex methods simpler, simpler shorter methods
  • 21. Drawbacks of the Domain Model pattern Requires object-oriented d i skills R i bj t i t d design kill Requires domain model to be transparently “mappable” to the data – E.g. nice database schema – Ugly schemas and data stored in other applications is a challenge
  • 22. When to use it The b i Th business l i i reasonably complex logic is bl l or you anticipate that it will be You have the skills to design one You can use an ORM framework
  • 23. Agenda The Th ups and d d downs of OO design f d i Overview of the Domain Model pattern Domain model building blocks Common code smells Refactoring existing code
  • 24. Domain model building blocks Roles k R l aka stereotypes Benefits of roles: – Guide design – Help name objects – Aid understanding Roles (from Domain- Domain Driven Design)
  • 25. Entity public class Account { Objects ith di ti t Obj t with a distinct private int id; identity private double balance; private OverdraftPolicy overdraftPolicy; Typically correspond private String accountId; private CalendarDate dateOpened; to real world concepts Account() { } Almost always public void debit(double amount) throws MoneyTransferException { assert amount > 0; double originalBalance = balance; persistent double newBalance = balance - amount; overdraftPolicy.beforeDebitCheck(this, originalBalance, newBalance); balance = newBalance; overdraftPolicy.afterDebitAction(this, originalBalance, newBalance); } public void credit(double amount) { assert amount > 0; balance += amount; }
  • 26. Value Objects Objects that are public class CalendarDate { private Date date; defined by the values CalendarDate() { } of their attributes public CalendarDate(Date date) { = date; Two instances with } public Date getDate() { identical values can } return date; be b used d public double getYearsOpen() { Calendar then = Calendar.getInstance(); then.setTime(date); interchangeably Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); int yearsOpened = now.get(Calendar.YEAR) – Often immutable and then.get(Calendar.YEAR); int monthsOpened = now.get(Calendar.MONTH) - then.get(Calendar.MONTH); persistent if (monthsOpened < 0) { yearsOpened--; monthsOpened += 12; } Part of an entityy return yearsOpened + (monthsOpened/12.0); } }
  • 27. Aggregates A cluster of related entities and values Behaves as a unit Has a root Has a bou da y as boundary Objects outside the aggregate can only reference the root f Deleting the root removes everything
  • 28. Repositories public interface AccountRepository { Manages a collection of Account findAccount(String accountId); objects void addAccount(Account account); Provides methods for: } Adding an object public class HibernateAccountRepository implements AccountRepository { Finding object or objects private HibernateTemplate hibernateTemplate; Deleting objects public HibernateAccountRepository(HibernateTemplate template) { hibernateTemplate = template; p p Consists of an interface and an } implementation class public void addAccount(Account account) {; Encapsulates database access } mechanism public Account findAccount(final String accountId) { return (Account) DataAccessUtils.uniqueResult(hibernateTemplate .findByNamedQueryAndNamedParam( Keeps the ORM framework out "Account.findAccountByAccountId", "accountId", accountId)); of the domain model } Similar to a DAO }
  • 29. Services public interface MoneyTransferService { Implements logic that cannot BankingTransaction transfer(String fromAccountId, be put in a single entity String toAccountId, double amount) throws MoneyTransferException; Not persistent } Consists of an interface and an implementation class public class MoneyTransferServiceImpl implements MoneyTransferService { Service method usually: private final AccountRepository accountRepository; Invoked (indirectly) by p private final BankingTransactionRepository g p bankingTransactionRepository; y presentation tier public MoneyTransferServiceImpl(AccountRepository accountRepository, BankingTransactionRepository bankingTransactionRepository) { Invokes one or more this.accountRepository = accountRepository; this.bankingTransactionRepository = bankingTransactionRepository; repositories } Invokes one or more entities public BankingTransaction transfer(String fromAccountId, String toAccountId, double amount) { … Keep them thin } }
  • 30. Factories Use when a constructor is insufficient – Encapsulates complex object creation logic – Varying products Different kinds of factories –F t Factory classes l – Factory methods Example: O d F t E l OrderFactory – Creates Order from a shopping cart – Add li it Adds line items
  • 31. Role of Spring 1 Use the U th POJO programming model i d l – Minimize dependencies on infrastructure frameworks: your domain model might outlive them – Avoid @DoThisAnnotations: e.g. @Transactional Spring instantiates and wires together – Services, factories and repositories Dependency injection into entities p y j – One option is @Configurable but it’s not POJO – Hibernate Interceptor/Manual injection is preferable
  • 32. Role of Spring 2 Spring S i AOP for service-level crosscutting f i l l tti concerns: – E g transaction management, security logging etc E.g. management security, etc. AspectJ for entity and value object crosscutting concerns – E.g. tracking changes to fields – AJC/Load-time weaving has a cost g Use Spring ORM in the repository implementation classes
  • 33. Agenda The Th ups and d d downs of OO design f d i Overview of the Domain Model pattern Domain model building blocks Common code smells Refactoring existing code
  • 34. Overview of code smells Code C d smell = something about th code ll thi b t the d that does not seem right Impacts ease of development and testing Some are non-OOD Some are the consequences of non-OOD
  • 35. Long method Methods should be short p public class MoneyTransferServiceProceduralImpl implements MoneyTransferService { y p p y public BankingTransaction transfer(String fromAccountId, String toAccountId, double amount) throws MoneyTransferException { Account fromAccount = accountDAO.findAccount(fromAccountId); But business logic is Account toAccount = accountDAO.findAccount(toAccountId); assert amount > 0; double newBalance = fromAccount.getBalance() - amount; concentrated in the switch (fromAccount.getOverdraftPolicy()) { case Account.NEVER: if (newBalance < 0) services ⇒ l throw new MoneyTransferException( In sufficient funds"); MoneyTransferException("In funds ); i long methods th d break; case Account.ALLOWED: Calendar then = Calendar.getInstance(); then.setTime(fromAccount.getDateOpened()); Long methods are difficult Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); double yearsOpened = now.get(Calendar.YEAR) - then.get(Calendar.YEAR); int monthsOpened = now.get(Calendar.MONTH) - then.get(Calendar.MONTH); to: if (monthsOpened < 0) { yearsOpened--; monthsOpened += 12 th O d + 12; } – Read and understand yearsOpened = yearsOpened + (monthsOpened / 12.0); if (yearsOpened < fromAccount.getRequiredYearsOpen() || newBalance < fromAccount.getLimit()) throw new MoneyTransferException("Limit exceeded"); – Maintain break; default: throw new MoneyTransferException("Unknown overdraft type: " – Test } + fromAccount.getOverdraftPolicy()); fromAccount.setBalance(newBalance); Fix: toAccount.setBalance(toAccount.getBalance() + amount); TransferTransaction txn = new TransferTransaction(fromAccount, toAccount, amount, new Date()); bankingTransactionDAO.addTransaction(txn); return txn; – Splitting into smaller } methods
  • 36. Feature Envy Methods that are far p public class MoneyTransferServiceProceduralImpl implements MoneyTransferService { y p p y public BankingTransaction transfer(String fromAccountId, String toAccountId, double amount) throws MoneyTransferException { Account fromAccount = accountDAO.findAccount(fromAccountId); too interested in data Account toAccount = accountDAO.findAccount(toAccountId); assert amount > 0; double newBalance = fromAccount.getBalance() - amount; switch (fromAccount.getOverdraftPolicy()) { belonging to other g g case Account.NEVER: if (newBalance < 0) throw new MoneyTransferException( In sufficient funds"); break; MoneyTransferException("In funds ); classes case Account.ALLOWED: Calendar then = Calendar.getInstance(); then.setTime(fromAccount.getDateOpened()); Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); Results in: double yearsOpened = now.get(Calendar.YEAR) - then.get(Calendar.YEAR); int monthsOpened = now.get(Calendar.MONTH) - then.get(Calendar.MONTH); if (monthsOpened < 0) { yearsOpened--; monthsOpened += 12 th O d + 12; – Poor encapsulation } yearsOpened = yearsOpened + (monthsOpened / 12.0); if (yearsOpened < fromAccount.getRequiredYearsOpen() || newBalance < fromAccount.getLimit()) – Long methods throw new MoneyTransferException("Limit exceeded"); break; default: throw new MoneyTransferException("Unknown overdraft type: " + fromAccount.getOverdraftPolicy()); Fix by moving } fromAccount.setBalance(newBalance); toAccount.setBalance(toAccount.getBalance() + amount); methods to the class TransferTransaction txn = new TransferTransaction(fromAccount, toAccount, amount, new Date()); bankingTransactionDAO.addTransaction(txn); return txn; that has the data }
  • 37. Data class public class Account { Classes that are j t Cl th t just public static final int NEVER = 1; public static final int ALLOWED = 2; getters and setters private private int id; double balance; private int overdraftPolicy; No business logic - private private private String accountId; Date dateOpened; double requiredYearsOpen; private double limit; it’s in the service Account() {} Leads to: public Account(String accountId, double balance, int overdraftPolicy, {….. } Date dateOpened, double requiredYearsOpen, double limit) – Feature envy public int getId() {return id;} public String getAccountId() {return accountId;} Fix by moving public void setBalance(double balance) { this.balance = balance; } public double getBalance() { return balance; } methods that act on public int getOverdraftPolicy() { return overdraftPolicy; } public Date getDateOpened() { return dateOpened; } data into class public double getRequiredYearsOpen() { return requiredYearsOpen; } public double getLimit() {return limit; } }
  • 38. Primitive Obsession public class Account { private Date dateOpened; Code uses built in built-in } types instead of public class Account { private Date dateOpened; application classes } public class MoneyTransferServiceProceduralImpl implements Consequences: C MoneyTransferService { public BankingTransaction transfer(String fromAccountId, String – Reduces toAccountId, double amount) throws MoneyTransferException { understandability Account fromAccount = accountDAO.findAccount(fromAccountId); Account toAccount = accountDAO findAccount(toAccountId); accountDAO.findAccount(toAccountId); – L Long methods h d … Calendar then = Calendar.getInstance(); – Code duplication then.setTime(fromAccount.getDateOpened()); Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); – Added complexity double yearsOpened = now.get(Calendar.YEAR) - then.get(Calendar.YEAR); int monthsOpened = now.get(Calendar.MONTH) – Fix by moving data then.get(Calendar.MONTH); if (monthsOpened < 0) { and code into new yearsOpened--; monthsOpened += 12; class } yea sOpe ed yearsOpened = yea sOpe ed + (monthsOpened / 12.0); yearsOpened ( o t sOpe ed 0); if (yearsOpened < fromAccount.getRequiredYearsOpen() || newBalance < fromAccount.getLimit()) … }
  • 39. Switch Statements public class Account { Use of type codes and public static final int NEVER = 1; switch statements instead public static final int ALLOWED = 2; … of polymorphism Consequences: C public class MoneyTransferServiceProceduralImpl implements MoneyTransferService { – Longer methods public BankingTransaction transfer(String – Poor maintainability caused fromAccountId, String toAccountId, , g , by d duplication b code d li i double amount) throws MoneyTransferException { … – Increased code complexity switch (fromAccount.getOverdraftPolicy()) { case Account.NEVER: Fix by introducing class … break; b k hierarchy and moving case Account.ALLOWED: … each part of switch default: … statement into a } overriding method } …
  • 40. Data clumps Multiple fields or public class A bli l Account { t method parameters public static final int NEVER = 1; that belong together g g public static final int ALLOWED = 2; Consequences: private int id; private double balance; – Long methods private String accountId; private p i ate Date dateOpened dateOpened; – Duplication private int overdraftPolicy; Fix by: private double requiredYearsOpen; – Moving fields into their private double limit; own class Account() {} – Eliminate resulting } Feature Envy
  • 41. Agenda The Th ups and d d downs of OO design f d i Overview of the Domain Model pattern Domain model b ildi bl k D i d l building blocks Common code smells Refactoring existing code
  • 42. Transforming procedural code Inside I id every procedural d i i a d l design is domain model just trying to get out Incrementally transform a procedural design into an OO design – Small, localized changes – Something to do on Monday morning!
  • 43. Refactoring to an OO design Transform a procedural design to an OO design by g y applying refactorings Refactoring: – Restructure the code – Without changing behavior Essential cleanups for decaying code
  • 44. Basic refactorings Extract Method – Eliminates long methods Move Method – Move a method to a different class (field or parameter) – Moves method to where the data i th d t is Push Down – Move a method into subclasses – Optionally leave an abstract method behind – Part of eliminating g conditional logic …
  • 45. Compound refactorings A sequence of simpler refactorings Compose method – Apply Extract Method repeatedly – Use to replace long method with more readable shorter methods Replace Type Code With Strategy – Define GOF Strategy class for each type code gy yp Replace Conditional With Polymorphism – Turn into part of a switch statement into an overriding method in a subclass Replace Data Value with Object – Move field into it’s own class – Eliminates Primitive Obsession
  • 47. Summary Organizes the business logic as classes with state AND behavior Improves maintainability and testability Enabled by POJOs and non-invasive frameworks Incrementally apply by refactoring Use It!
  • 48. For more information Buy my book ☺ – Go to Send email: Visit my website: http://www chrisrichardson net Talk to me about consulting and training