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NodeJS: the good parts?
A skeptic’s view
Chris Richardson
Author of POJOs in Action
Founder of the original
Presentation goal
How a curmudgeonly
server-side Java developer
discovered an appreciation
for NodeJS and JavaScript
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Overview of NodeJS
Building a front-end server with NodeJS
Taming tangled asynchronous code with promises
What’s NodeJS?
Designed for DIRTy apps
Small but growing rapidly
NodeJS Hello World
$ node app.js
$ curl http://localhost:1337
Load a module
request handler
Dynamic, weakly-typed
Types are associated with values - not variables
Define new program elements at runtime
Weakly typed:
Leave out arguments to methods
Access non-existent object properties
Weird implicit conversions: 99 == “99”!
truthy and falsy values
Comprehensive tests are essential
JavaScript is object-oriented
> var fred = {name: “Fred”, gender: “Male”};
> console.log("reading age=" + fred.age);
reading age=undefined
> fred.age = 99;
> fred
{ name: 'Fred',
gender: 'Male',
age: 99 }
> delete fred.age
> fred
{ name: 'Fred', gender: 'Male' }
Unordered key-value pairs
Keys = properties
Add property
Delete property
JavaScript “classes”
function Person(name) { = name;
Person.prototype.sayHello = function () { console.log("Hello " +; };
var chris = new Person("Chris");
Looks like a
What’s that?!?!
This Java-like syntax is a mess
because JavaScript isn’t class
Looks familiar
JavaScript is a prototypal
a 99
a 100
b 200
Prototypal code
$ node
> var person = {};
> person.sayHello = function () { console.log("Hello " +; };
> var chris = Object.create(person, {name: {value: "Chris"}});
> var sarah = Object.create(person, {name: {value: "Sarah"}});
> chris.sayHello();
Hello Chris
> sarah.sayHello();
Hello Sarah
> chris.sayHello = function () { console.log("Hello mate: " +; };
> chris.sayHello();
Hello mate: Chris
Not defined
prototype properties
JavaScript is Functional
function makeGenerator(nextFunction) {
var value = 0;
return function() {
var current = value;
value = nextFunction(value);
return current;
var inc = makeGenerator(function (x) {return x + 1; });
> inc()
> inc()
Pass function as an
Return a function
Partial function application
> var join = require("path").join;
> join("/x", "y")
> var withinx = join.bind(undefined, "/x");
> withinx("y");
partially apply join
Created in a hurry with the
goal of looking like Java
The ‘Java...’ name creates expectations that it can’t satisfy
Fake classes: Hides prototypes BUT still seems weird
global namespace
scope of vars is confusing
Missing return statement = confusion
‘function’ is really verbose
‘this’ is dynamically scoped
JavaScript is the only way to
get things done in the
Stockholm syndrome
“Stockholm syndrome ... is a psychological
phenomenon in which hostages ... have
positive feelings toward their captors,
sometimes to the point of defending them...”
Martin Fowler once said:
"...I'm one of those who despairs that a
language with such deep flaws plays such an
important role in computation. Still the
consequence of this is that we must take
javascript seriously as a first-class language
and concentrate on how to limit the damage
its flaws cause. ...."
Use just the good parts
Use a better language that
compiles to JavaScript
Typed parameters and fields
Classes and interfaces (dynamic structural typing)
Class-based OO
Optional static typing
Bidirectional binding with DOM elements
CoffeeScript Hello World
http = require('http')
class HttpRequestHandler
constructor: (@message) ->
handle: (req, res) =>
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'})
res.end(@message + 'n')
handler = new HttpRequestHandler "Hi There from CoffeeScript"
server = http.createServer(handler.handle)
server.listen(1338, '')
console.log('Server running at')
Classes :-)
Bound method
About the Reactor pattern
Defined by Doug Schmidt in 1995
Pattern for writing scalable servers
Alternative to thread-per-connection model
Single threaded event loop dispatches events on
handles (e.g. sockets, file descriptors) to event handlers
Reactor pattern structure
Event Handler
Initiation Dispatcher
for each h in handlers
end loop
Synchronous Event
Separation of concerns - event handlers separated
from low-level mechanism
More efficient - no thread context switching
Simplified concurrency - single threaded
Non-pre-emptive - handlers can’t block/take a long
Difficult to understand and debug - inverted flow of
NodeJS event loop implements
the Reactor pattern
Application code
Event-driven architecture
NodeJS event loop
Basic networking/file-system/etc.
HTTP DB driver ...
Getting notified: Callback
var fs = require("fs");
function statFile(path) {
fs.stat(path, function (err, stat) {
if (err) {
console.log("Stat failed: " + path, err);
throw err;
console.log("stat result=" + path, stat);
By convention: first
param is error object
By convention: Last
arg is a callback
Callbacks are
good for one
Getting notified: event
EventEmitter class - inherit or use
Listener registration methods:
on(eventName, listener)
once(eventName, listener)
Emitting events
emit(eventName, args...)
‘error’ event = special case: no listener print stack trace and
Good for
Event listener example
var fs = require("fs");
var readStream = fs.createReadStream("events.js", {encoding: "utf-8"});
// ReadStream << ReadableStream << EventEmitter
readStream.on('open', function (fd) {
console.log("opened with fd=", fd);
// Node v0.10 has readable instead: this is deprecated
readStream.on('data', function (data) {
console.log("data=", data);
Register listener
Register listener
Callback hell
function times2(x, callback) {
setTimeout(function () {
callback(x * 2)}, 500);
function plus3(x, callback) {
setTimeout(function (){
callback(x + 3)}, 500);
function displayResult(z) {
console.log("The result is=", z);
function plus3AndThenTimes2(x, callback)
plus3(x, function (y) {
times2(y, callback)
plus3AndThenTimes2(10, displayResults);
function sum(a, b, callback) {
setTimeout(function () {
callback(a + b);
}, 500);
function plus3PlusTimes2(x, callback) {
var p3, t2;
function perhapsDone() {
if (p3 & t2)
sum(p3, t2, callback);
plus3(x, function (y) {
p3 = y;
times2(x, function (y) {
t2 = y;
plus3PlusTimes2(10, displayResult);
times2(plus3(x)) times2(x) + plus3(x)
Long running computations
Long running computation blocks event loop for
other requests
Need to run outside of main event loop
Community: web workers threads
Built-in: NodeJS child processes
Using child processes
var child = require('child_process').fork('child.js');
function sayHelloToChild() {
child.send({hello: "child"});
setTimeout(sayHelloToChild, 1000);
child.on('message', function(m) {
console.log('parent received:', m);
function kill() {
setTimeout(kill, 2000);
process.on('message', function (m) {
console.log("child received message=", m);
process.send({ihateyou: "you ruined my life"})
Create child process
Send message to child
Core built-in modules
Basic networking
Thousands of community
developed modules
web frameworks, SQL/NoSQL
database, drivers, messaging, utilities...
What’s a module?
One or more JavaScript files
Optional native code:
Compiled during installation
JavaScript != systems programming language
Package.json - metadata including dependencies
exports.sayHello = function () {
Easy to install
$ npm install package-name
Easy to use
var http = require(“http”)
var server = http.createServer...
Core module OR
Path to file OR
module in node_modules
Module’s exports
Developing with NodeJS
Core modules
Community modules
Your modules
Application code
Lots of modules BUT...
Variable quality
Multiple incomplete MySQL drivers, e.g. without
connection pooling!
Often abandoned
To summarize
Reactor patternModules
Flawed and
Scalable yet
costly and
Rich but
variable quality
Alternative technologies
Atmosphere - portable event delivery
Netty - asynchronous I/O
SpringSource’s Reactor project
So why care about
Easy to write scalable network services
Easy to push events to the browser
Easy to get (small) stuff done
It has a role to play in modern
application architecture
Evolving from a monolithic
... to a micro-service architecture
Store front web application
shipping web application
inventory web application
accounting web application
View Controller
Presentation layer evolution....
Browser Web application
View Controller
...Presentation layer evolution
HTML 5 -
No elaborate, server-side web framework
NodeJS as an API gateway
Service 1
Service 2
Node JS
Service 3
Overview of NodeJS
Building a front-end server with NodeJS
Taming tangled asynchronous code with promises
Serving static content
Using low-level APIs
var http = require('http'), path = require('path'), mime = require('mime'), fs = require("fs");
var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
var filePath;
if (req.url == '/') {
filePath = 'public/index.html';
} else {
filePath = 'public' + req.url;
fs.exists(filePath, function (exists) {
if (exists) {
res.writeHead(200, {"content-type": mime.lookup(path.basename(filePath)) });
} else {
res.writeHead(404, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
res.write('Error 404: resource not found.');
server.listen(1337, '');
console.log('Server running at');
Uses file
Using the express web
var express = require('express')
, http = require('http')
, app = express()
, server = http.createServer(app)
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
RESTful web services
Implementing RESTful WS
with Express
var express = require('express'),
http = require('http'),
path = require('path');
var app = express();
var server = http.createServer(app);
app.get('/portfolio/:userId', function (req, res) {
var portfolio = retrievePortfolio(req.params.userId);
Easy URL
routing and
Proxying to backend server
express = require('express')
request = require('request')
app = express.createServer()
proxyToBackend = (baseUrl) ->
(req, res) ->
callback = (error, response, body) -> console.log("error=", error)
originRequest = request(baseUrl + req.url, callback)
app.get('/restaurant/*', proxyToBackend(''))'/orders', proxyToBackend(''))
app.get('/orders', proxyToBackend('''))
Returns a request handler
that proxies to baseUrl
Delivering events to the
NodeJS clock example
Increments every
@crichardson - Server side
var express = require('express')
, http = require('http')
, app = express()
, server = http.createServer(app)
, io = require('').listen(server)
app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
	 var counter = 0;
	 function tick() {
	 	 counter = counter + 1;
	 	 socket.emit('tick', counter);
	 setInterval(tick, 1000);
handle new
Send tick event to
browser every 1 sec
@crichardson - client side using the
knockout.js MVVM framework
var socket = io.connect(location.hostname);
function ClockModel() {
self.ticker = ko.observable(1);
socket.on('tick', function (data) {
ko.applyBindings(new ClockModel());
The event is <span data-bind="text: ticker"></span>
<script src="/"></script>
<script src="/knockout-2.0.0.js"></script>
<script src="/clock.js"></script>
Connect to
to tick event
Bind to model
Distributed NodeJS clock
Browser NodeJS NodeJS
AMQP Publisher
var amqp = require('amqp'),
amqpConnection = amqp.createConnection(...),
function tick() {
var message = { tick: };
tickTockExchange.publish("tickTock", message, {
mandatory: true,
contentType: "text/plain"
function () {
tickTockExchange ="tickTock",
options = {passive: false, type: 'fanout'});
tickTockExchange.on('open', function () { setInterval(tick, 1000) });
Connect to
Initialize timer
AMQP socket.iovar express = require('express')
, http = require('http')
, amqp = require(‘amqp’)
var amqpCon = amqp.createConnection(...);
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
function amqpMessageHandler(message, headers, deliveryInfo) {
var m = JSON.parse(;
socket.emit(‘tick’, m);
amqpCon.queue(“”, {},
function(queue) {
queue.bind(“tickTock”, “”);
Connect to
AMQP queue
Subscribe to
AMQP queue
Overview of NodeJS
Building a front-end server with NodeJS
Taming tangled asynchronous code with promises
Async code = callback hell
Sequential: A B C
Fork and join: A and B C
Code quickly becomes very messy
Simplifying code with
Promises (a.k.a. Futures)
Functions return a promise - no callback parameter
A promise represents an eventual outcome
Use a library of functions for transforming and
composing promises
Promises/A+ specification -
when.js (part of cujo.js by SpringSource) is a popular
Taming callback hell 1
function times2(x) {
var deferred = when.defer();
setTimeout(function () {
deferred.resolve(x * 2)}, 500);
return deferred.promise;
times2(plus3(x)) Create a deferred
Return a promise
Eventually supply a value
function plus3AndThenTimes2(x) {
return plus3(x).then(times2);
Transform value in
function plus3(x) {
var deferred = when.defer();
setTimeout(function () {
deferred.resolve(x + 3) }, 500);
return deferred.promise;
Simpler, almost
synchronous-style code
Taming callback hell 2
function sum(a, b) {
var deferred = when.defer();
setTimeout(function () {
deferred.resolve(a + b);
}, 500);
return deferred.promise;
function plus3PlusTimes2(x) {
var p3 = plus3(x),
t2 = times2(x);
return when.join(p3, t2).spread(sum);
times2(x) + plus3(x)
Combine results
of two promises
Call with array
elements as
Calling non-promise code
var deferred = when.defer();
fs.stat(path, function (err, statInfo) {
if (err)
var promise = deferred.promise;
var nodefn = require("when/node/function");
var promise =, path)
Filesystem scanner example
Read contents of directory
Use stat to determine if directory or file
Recurse on directories
Merge the results
Read contents of directory
function findFilesInDir(dir) {
var directoryContents =, dir);
Returns promise containing
an array of file names
Create absolute paths
function findFilesInDir(dir) {
var directoryContents = ...
var toAbsolute = join.bind(undefined, dir)
var absolutePaths =, toAbsolute);
Partially apply
Use stat to determine if
directory or file
function findFilesInDir(dir) {
var directoryContents = ...
var absolutePaths = ...
var statTasks =, makeStatTask);
var statResults = parallel(statTasks);
function makeStatTask(path) {
return function () {
function makeStatInfo(stats) {
return {path: path, isdir: stats.isDirectory(),
ctime: stats.ctime};
return, path).then(makeStatInfo);
Execute stats in
Recurse on directories
function findFilesInDir(dir) {
var statResults = ...;
var listOfListsOfFiles =, processStatInfo);
function processStatInfo(statInfo) {
if (statInfo.isdir) {
return findFilesInDir(statInfo.path);
} else {
return [statInfo.path];
Map each stat
result to a list of
Flatten array of arrays of file
function findFilesInDir(dir) {
var listOfListsOfFiles = ...;
return when.reduce(listOfListsOfFiles,
concatenateLists, []);
function concatenateLists(currentResult, value, index, total)
return currentResult.concat(value);
JavaScript is a very flawed language
The asynchronous model is often unnecessary; very
constraining; and adds complexity
BUT despite those problems
Today, NodeJS is remarkably useful for building network-
focussed components
@crichardson - code and slides

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NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (jmaghreb, jmaghreb2013)NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (jmaghreb, jmaghreb2013)
NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (jmaghreb, jmaghreb2013)
Chris Richardson
NoSQL and JavaScript: a Love Story
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NoSQL and JavaScript: a Love Story
Alexandre Morgaut

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NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view (jax jax2013)

  • 1. @crichardson NodeJS: the good parts? A skeptic’s view Chris Richardson Author of POJOs in Action Founder of the original @crichardson
  • 2. @crichardson Presentation goal How a curmudgeonly server-side Java developer discovered an appreciation for NodeJS and JavaScript
  • 8. @crichardson vmc push About-Chris Developer Advocate Signup at
  • 9. @crichardson Agenda Overview of NodeJS Building a front-end server with NodeJS Taming tangled asynchronous code with promises
  • 12. @crichardson NodeJS Hello World app.js $ node app.js $ curl http://localhost:1337 Load a module request handler
  • 15. @crichardson Dynamic, weakly-typed Dynamic: Types are associated with values - not variables Define new program elements at runtime Weakly typed: Leave out arguments to methods Access non-existent object properties Weird implicit conversions: 99 == “99”! truthy and falsy values Comprehensive tests are essential
  • 16. @crichardson JavaScript is object-oriented > var fred = {name: “Fred”, gender: “Male”}; undefined > “Fred” > console.log("reading age=" + fred.age); reading age=undefined undefined > fred.age = 99; 99 > fred { name: 'Fred', gender: 'Male', age: 99 } > delete fred.age true > fred { name: 'Fred', gender: 'Male' } Unordered key-value pairs Keys = properties Add property Delete property
  • 17. @crichardson JavaScript “classes” function Person(name) { = name; } Person.prototype.sayHello = function () { console.log("Hello " +; }; var chris = new Person("Chris"); chris.sayHello(); Looks like a constructor?!? What’s that?!?! This Java-like syntax is a mess because JavaScript isn’t class based Looks familiar
  • 18. @crichardson overrides JavaScript is a prototypal language __proto__ a 99 __proto__ a 100 b 200 inherited Prototype X Y
  • 19. @crichardson Prototypal code $ node > var person = {}; undefined > person.sayHello = function () { console.log("Hello " +; }; [Function] > var chris = Object.create(person, {name: {value: "Chris"}}); undefined > var sarah = Object.create(person, {name: {value: "Sarah"}}); undefined > chris.sayHello(); Hello Chris undefined > sarah.sayHello(); Hello Sarah undefined > chris.sayHello = function () { console.log("Hello mate: " +; }; [Function] > chris.sayHello(); Hello mate: Chris undefined Not defined here prototype properties
  • 20. @crichardson JavaScript is Functional function makeGenerator(nextFunction) { var value = 0; return function() { var current = value; value = nextFunction(value); return current; }; } var inc = makeGenerator(function (x) {return x + 1; }); > inc() 0 > inc() 1 Pass function as an argument Return a function closure
  • 21. @crichardson Partial function application > var join = require("path").join; undefined > join("/x", "y") '/x/y' > var withinx = join.bind(undefined, "/x"); undefined > withinx("y"); '/x/y' > partially apply join
  • 22. @crichardson Created in a hurry with the goal of looking like Java The ‘Java...’ name creates expectations that it can’t satisfy Fake classes: Hides prototypes BUT still seems weird global namespace scope of vars is confusing Missing return statement = confusion ‘function’ is really verbose ‘this’ is dynamically scoped
  • 23. @crichardson JavaScript is the only way to get things done in the browser
  • 24. @crichardson Stockholm syndrome “Stockholm syndrome ... is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages ... have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending them...”
  • 25. @crichardson Martin Fowler once said: "...I'm one of those who despairs that a language with such deep flaws plays such an important role in computation. Still the consequence of this is that we must take javascript seriously as a first-class language and concentrate on how to limit the damage its flaws cause. ...."
  • 27. @crichardson Use a better language that compiles to JavaScript TypeScript Typed parameters and fields Classes and interfaces (dynamic structural typing) Dart Class-based OO Optional static typing Bidirectional binding with DOM elements
  • 28. @crichardson CoffeeScript Hello World http = require('http') class HttpRequestHandler constructor: (@message) -> handle: (req, res) => res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}) res.end(@message + 'n') handler = new HttpRequestHandler "Hi There from CoffeeScript" server = http.createServer(handler.handle) server.listen(1338, '') console.log('Server running at') Classes :-) Bound method
  • 30. @crichardson About the Reactor pattern Defined by Doug Schmidt in 1995 Pattern for writing scalable servers Alternative to thread-per-connection model Single threaded event loop dispatches events on handles (e.g. sockets, file descriptors) to event handlers
  • 31. @crichardson Reactor pattern structure Event Handler handle_event(type) get_handle() Initiation Dispatcher handle_events() register_handler(h) select(handlers) for each h in handlers h.handle_event(type) end loop handle Synchronous Event Demultiplexer select() owns notifies uses handlers
  • 32. @crichardson Benefits: Separation of concerns - event handlers separated from low-level mechanism More efficient - no thread context switching Simplified concurrency - single threaded
  • 33. @crichardson Drawbacks: Non-pre-emptive - handlers can’t block/take a long time Difficult to understand and debug - inverted flow of control
  • 34. @crichardson NodeJS event loop implements the Reactor pattern
  • 35. @crichardson Application code Event-driven architecture NodeJS event loop Basic networking/file-system/etc. HTTP DB driver ... Event listener Callback function One time events Recurring events
  • 36. @crichardson Getting notified: Callback example var fs = require("fs"); function statFile(path) { fs.stat(path, function (err, stat) { if (err) { console.log("Stat failed: " + path, err); throw err; } console.log("stat result=" + path, stat); }); }; By convention: first param is error object By convention: Last arg is a callback Callbacks are good for one time notifications
  • 37. @crichardson Getting notified: event listeners EventEmitter class - inherit or use Listener registration methods: on(eventName, listener) once(eventName, listener) Emitting events emit(eventName, args...) ‘error’ event = special case: no listener print stack trace and exit! Good for recurring events
  • 38. @crichardson Event listener example var fs = require("fs"); var readStream = fs.createReadStream("events.js", {encoding: "utf-8"}); // ReadStream << ReadableStream << EventEmitter readStream.on('open', function (fd) { console.log("opened with fd=", fd); }); // Node v0.10 has readable instead: this is deprecated readStream.on('data', function (data) { console.log("data=", data); }); Register listener Register listener
  • 39. @crichardson Callback hell function times2(x, callback) { setTimeout(function () { callback(x * 2)}, 500); } function plus3(x, callback) { setTimeout(function (){ callback(x + 3)}, 500); } function displayResult(z) { console.log("The result is=", z); } function plus3AndThenTimes2(x, callback) { plus3(x, function (y) { times2(y, callback) }) } plus3AndThenTimes2(10, displayResults); function sum(a, b, callback) { setTimeout(function () { callback(a + b); }, 500); } function plus3PlusTimes2(x, callback) { var p3, t2; function perhapsDone() { if (p3 & t2) sum(p3, t2, callback); }; plus3(x, function (y) { p3 = y; perhapsDone(); }); times2(x, function (y) { t2 = y; perhapsDone(); }); } plus3PlusTimes2(10, displayResult); times2(plus3(x)) times2(x) + plus3(x)
  • 40. @crichardson Long running computations Long running computation blocks event loop for other requests Need to run outside of main event loop Options: Community: web workers threads Built-in: NodeJS child processes
  • 41. @crichardson Using child processes var child = require('child_process').fork('child.js'); function sayHelloToChild() { child.send({hello: "child"}); } setTimeout(sayHelloToChild, 1000); child.on('message', function(m) { console.log('parent received:', m); }); function kill() { child.kill(); } setTimeout(kill, 2000); process.on('message', function (m) { console.log("child received message=", m); process.send({ihateyou: "you ruined my life"}) }); parent.js child.js Create child process Send message to child
  • 43. Core built-in modules Basic networking HTTP(S) Filesystem Events Timers ...
  • 44. @crichardson Thousands of community developed modules web frameworks, SQL/NoSQL database, drivers, messaging, utilities...
  • 45. @crichardson What’s a module? One or more JavaScript files Optional native code: Compiled during installation JavaScript != systems programming language Package.json - metadata including dependencies exports.sayHello = function () { console.log(“Hello”); } foo.js
  • 46. @crichardson Easy to install $ npm install package-name
  • 47. @crichardson Easy to use var http = require(“http”) var server = http.createServer... Core module OR Path to file OR module in node_modules Module’s exports
  • 48. @crichardson Developing with NodeJS modules Core modules Community modules Your modules Application code
  • 49. @crichardson Lots of modules BUT... Variable quality Multiple incomplete MySQL drivers, e.g. without connection pooling! Often abandoned ...
  • 50. @crichardson To summarize NodeJS JavaScript Reactor patternModules Flawed and misunderstood Scalable yet costly and often unnecessary Rich but variable quality
  • 51. @crichardson Alternative technologies Atmosphere - portable event delivery Netty - asynchronous I/O Vert.x SpringSource’s Reactor project ...
  • 52. @crichardson So why care about NodeJS? Easy to write scalable network services Easy to push events to the browser Easy to get (small) stuff done It has a role to play in modern application architecture
  • 53. @crichardson Evolving from a monolithic architecture.... WAR Shipping Service Accounting Service Inventory Service StoreFrontUI
  • 54. @crichardson ... to a micro-service architecture Store front web application shipping web application inventory web application Accounting Service StoreFrontUI accounting web application Shipping Service Inventory Service
  • 56. @crichardson Browser Web application RESTful EndpointsModel View Controller ...Presentation layer evolution JSON-REST HTML 5 - JavaScript No elaborate, server-side web framework required Event publisher Events Static content
  • 57. @crichardson NodeJS as an API gateway Browser Service 1 Service 2 Message Bus HTML 5/ Java Script client Events RESTful WS Server application server Node JS Service 3 RESTful WS
  • 58. @crichardson Agenda Overview of NodeJS Building a front-end server with NodeJS Taming tangled asynchronous code with promises
  • 60. @crichardson Using low-level APIs var http = require('http'), path = require('path'), mime = require('mime'), fs = require("fs"); var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) { var filePath; if (req.url == '/') { filePath = 'public/index.html'; } else { filePath = 'public' + req.url; } fs.exists(filePath, function (exists) { if (exists) { res.writeHead(200, {"content-type": mime.lookup(path.basename(filePath)) }); fs.createReadStream(filePath).pipe(res); } else { res.writeHead(404, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); res.write('Error 404: resource not found.'); res.end(); } }); } ); server.listen(1337, ''); console.log('Server running at'); Uses file extension Cool!
  • 61. @crichardson Using the express web framework var express = require('express') , http = require('http') , app = express() , server = http.createServer(app) ; app.configure(function(){ app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public')); }); server.listen(8081);
  • 63. @crichardson Implementing RESTful WS with Express var express = require('express'), http = require('http'), path = require('path'); var app = express(); var server = http.createServer(app); app.get('/portfolio/:userId', function (req, res) { var portfolio = retrievePortfolio(req.params.userId); res.json(portfolio); }); Easy URL routing and destructuring
  • 64. @crichardson Proxying to backend server express = require('express') request = require('request') app = express.createServer() proxyToBackend = (baseUrl) -> (req, res) -> callback = (error, response, body) -> console.log("error=", error) originRequest = request(baseUrl + req.url, callback) req.pipe(originRequest) originRequest.pipe(res) app.get('/restaurant/*', proxyToBackend(''))'/orders', proxyToBackend('')) app.get('/orders', proxyToBackend(''')) Returns a request handler that proxies to baseUrl
  • 67. @crichardson - Server side var express = require('express') , http = require('http') , app = express() , server = http.createServer(app) , io = require('').listen(server) ; app.configure(function(){ app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public')); }); server.listen(8081); io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) { var counter = 0; function tick() { counter = counter + 1; socket.emit('tick', counter); }; setInterval(tick, 1000); }); handle new connection Send tick event to browser every 1 sec initializes
  • 68. @crichardson - client side using the knockout.js MVVM framework var socket = io.connect(location.hostname); function ClockModel() { self.ticker = ko.observable(1); socket.on('tick', function (data) { self.ticker(data); }); }; ko.applyBindings(new ClockModel()); <html> <body> The event is <span data-bind="text: ticker"></span> <script src="/"></script> <script src="/knockout-2.0.0.js"></script> <script src="/clock.js"></script> </body> </html> clock.js Connect to Subscribe to tick event Bind to model Update model
  • 69. @crichardson Distributed NodeJS clock example Browser NodeJS NodeJS RabbitMQ ProducerConsumer
  • 70. @crichardson AMQP Publisher var amqp = require('amqp'), amqpConnection = amqp.createConnection(...), tickTockExchange; function tick() { var message = { tick: }; tickTockExchange.publish("tickTock", message, { mandatory: true, contentType: "text/plain" }); }; amqpConnection.on('ready', function () { tickTockExchange ="tickTock", options = {passive: false, type: 'fanout'}); tickTockExchange.on('open', function () { setInterval(tick, 1000) }); }); Connect to AMQP Ensure exchange exists Publish message Initialize timer
  • 71. @crichardson AMQP socket.iovar express = require('express') , http = require('http') , amqp = require(‘amqp’) ....; server.listen(8081); ... var amqpCon = amqp.createConnection(...); io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) { function amqpMessageHandler(message, headers, deliveryInfo) { var m = JSON.parse(; socket.emit(‘tick’, m); }; amqpCon.queue(“”, {}, function(queue) { queue.bind(“tickTock”, “”); queue.subscribe(amqpMessageHandler); }); }); Connect to AMQP queue Subscribe to AMQP queue Republish as event
  • 72. @crichardson Agenda Overview of NodeJS Building a front-end server with NodeJS Taming tangled asynchronous code with promises
  • 73. @crichardson Async code = callback hell Scenarios: Sequential: A B C Fork and join: A and B C Code quickly becomes very messy
  • 74. @crichardson Simplifying code with Promises (a.k.a. Futures) Functions return a promise - no callback parameter A promise represents an eventual outcome Use a library of functions for transforming and composing promises Promises/A+ specification - when.js (part of cujo.js by SpringSource) is a popular implementation
  • 75. @crichardson Taming callback hell 1 function times2(x) { var deferred = when.defer(); setTimeout(function () { deferred.resolve(x * 2)}, 500); return deferred.promise; } times2(plus3(x)) Create a deferred Return a promise Eventually supply a value function plus3AndThenTimes2(x) { return plus3(x).then(times2); } plus3AndThenTimes2(10). then(displayResult); Transform value in promise function plus3(x) { var deferred = when.defer(); setTimeout(function () { deferred.resolve(x + 3) }, 500); return deferred.promise; } Simpler, almost synchronous-style code
  • 76. @crichardson Taming callback hell 2 function sum(a, b) { var deferred = when.defer(); setTimeout(function () { deferred.resolve(a + b); }, 500); return deferred.promise; } function plus3PlusTimes2(x) { var p3 = plus3(x), t2 = times2(x); return when.join(p3, t2).spread(sum); } plus3PlusTimes2(10).then(displayResult); times2(x) + plus3(x) Combine results of two promises Call with array elements as arguments
  • 77. @crichardson Calling non-promise code var deferred = when.defer(); fs.stat(path, function (err, statInfo) { if (err) deferred.reject(err); else deferred.resolve(statInfo); } var promise = deferred.promise; var nodefn = require("when/node/function"); var promise =, path) Hides boilerplate code
  • 78. @crichardson Filesystem scanner example Read contents of directory Use stat to determine if directory or file Recurse on directories Merge the results
  • 79. @crichardson Read contents of directory function findFilesInDir(dir) { var directoryContents =, dir); ... } Returns promise containing an array of file names
  • 80. @crichardson Create absolute paths function findFilesInDir(dir) { var directoryContents = ... var toAbsolute = join.bind(undefined, dir) var absolutePaths =, toAbsolute); ... } Partially apply join()
  • 81. @crichardson Use stat to determine if directory or file function findFilesInDir(dir) { var directoryContents = ... var absolutePaths = ... var statTasks =, makeStatTask); var statResults = parallel(statTasks); ... } function makeStatTask(path) { return function () { function makeStatInfo(stats) { return {path: path, isdir: stats.isDirectory(), ctime: stats.ctime}; } return, path).then(makeStatInfo); }; } Execute stats in parallel
  • 82. @crichardson Recurse on directories function findFilesInDir(dir) { ... var statResults = ...; var listOfListsOfFiles =, processStatInfo); ... } function processStatInfo(statInfo) { if (statInfo.isdir) { return findFilesInDir(statInfo.path); } else { return [statInfo.path]; } } Map each stat result to a list of files
  • 83. @crichardson Flatten array of arrays of file paths function findFilesInDir(dir) { ... var listOfListsOfFiles = ...; return when.reduce(listOfListsOfFiles, concatenateLists, []); } function concatenateLists(currentResult, value, index, total) { return currentResult.concat(value); }
  • 84. @crichardson Summary JavaScript is a very flawed language The asynchronous model is often unnecessary; very constraining; and adds complexity BUT despite those problems Today, NodeJS is remarkably useful for building network- focussed components