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Map(), flatMap() and reduce()
are your new best friends:
simpler collections,
concurrency, and big data
Chris Richardson
Author of POJOs in Action
Founder of the original
Presentation goal
How functional programming simplifies your code
Show that
map(), flatMap() and reduce()
are remarkably versatile functions
About Chris
About Chris
Founder of a buzzword compliant (stealthy, social, mobile, big data, machine
learning, ...) startup
Consultant helping organizations improve how they architect and deploy
applications using cloud, micro services, polyglot applications, NoSQL, ...
Why functional programming?
Simplifying collection processing
Simplifying concurrency with Futures and Rx Observables
Tackling big data problems with functional programming
Functional programming is a programming paradigm
Functions are the building blocks of the application
Best done in a functional programming language
Functions as first class citizens
Assign functions to variables
Store functions in fields
Use and write higher-order functions:
Pass functions as arguments
Return functions as values
Avoids mutable state
Immutable data structures
Single assignment variables
Some functional languages such as Haskell don’t allow side-effects
Why functional programming?
"the highest goal of programming-
language design to enable good
ideas to be elegantly expressed"
Why functional programming?
More expressive
More intuitive - declarative code matches problem definition
Functional code is usually much more composable
Immutable state:
Less error-prone
Easy parallelization and concurrency
But be pragmatic
An ancient idea that has recently
become popular
Mathematical foundation:
Introduced by
Alonzo Church in the 1930s
Lisp = an early functional language
invented in 1958
garbage collection
dynamic typing
self-hosting compiler
tree data structures
(defun factorial (n)
(if (<= n 1)
(* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
My final year project in 1985:
Implementing SASL
sieve (p:xs) =
p : sieve [x | x <- xs, rem x p > 0];
primes = sieve [2..]
A list of integers starting with 2
Filter out multiples of p
Mostly an Ivory Tower technology
Lisp was used for AI
FP languages: Miranda, ML,
Haskell, ...
“Side-effects kills
kittens and puppies”
But today FP is mainstream
Clojure - a dialect of Lisp
A hybrid OO/functional language
A hybrid OO/FP language for .NET
Java 8 has lambda expressions
Java 8 lambda expressions are
functions x -> x * x
x -> {
for (int i = 2; i < Math.sqrt(x); i = i + 1) {
if (x % i == 0)
return false;
return true;
(x, y) -> x * x + y * y
An instance of an anonymous inner class that
implements a functional interface (kinda)
Why functional programming?
Simplifying collection processing
Simplifying concurrency with Futures and Rx Observables
Tackling big data problems with functional programming
Lot’s of application code
collection processing:
Mapping, filtering, and reducing
Social network example
public class Person {
enum Gender { MALE, FEMALE }
private Name name;
private LocalDate birthday;
private Gender gender;
private Hometown hometown;
private Set<Friend> friends = new HashSet<Friend>();
public class Friend {
private Person friend;
private LocalDate becameFriends;
public class SocialNetwork {
private Set<Person> people;
Typical iterative code - e.g. filtering
public class SocialNetwork {
private Set<Person> people;
public Set<Person> lonelyPeople() {
Set<Person> result = new HashSet<Person>();
for (Person p : people) {
if (p.getFriends().isEmpty())
return result;
Declare result variable
Modify result
Return result
Problems with this style of programming
Low level
Imperative (how to do it) NOT declarative (what to do)
Mutable variables are potentially error prone
Difficult to parallelize
Java 8 streams to the rescue
A sequence of elements
“Wrapper” around a collection (and other types: e.g., Files.lines())
Streams can also be infinite
Provides a functional/lambda-based API for transforming, filtering and aggregating
Much simpler, cleaner and declarative
public class SocialNetwork {
private Set<Person> people;
public Set<Person> peopleWithNoFriends() {
Set<Person> result = new HashSet<Person>();
for (Person p : people) {
if (p.getFriends().isEmpty())
return result;
Using Java 8 streams - filtering
public class SocialNetwork {
private Set<Person> people;
public Set<Person> lonelyPeople() {
.filter(p -> p.getFriends().isEmpty())
lambda expression
The filter() function
s1 a b c d e ...
s2 a c d ...
s2 = s1.filter(f)
Elements that satisfy predicate f
Using Java 8 streams - mapping
class Person ..
private Set<Friend> friends = ...;
public Set<Hometown> hometownsOfFriends() {
.map(f -> f.getPerson().getHometown())
The map() function
s1 a b c d e ...
s2 f(a) f(b) f(c) f(d) f(e) ...
s2 =
Using Java 8 streams - friend of friends
using flatMap
class Person ..
public Set<Person> friendOfFriends() {
.flatMap(friend -> friend.getPerson()
.filter(f -> f != this)
maps and flattens
The flatMap() function
s1 a b ...
s2 f(a)0 f(a)1 f(b)0 f(b)1 f(b)2 ...
s2 = s1.flatMap(f)
Using Java 8 streams - reducing
public class SocialNetwork {
private Set<Person> people;
public long averageNumberOfFriends() {
.map ( p -> p.getFriends().size() )
.reduce(0, (x, y) -> x + y)
/ people.size();
} int x = 0;
for (int y : inputStream)
x = x + y
return x;
The reduce() function
s1 a b c d e ...
x = s1.reduce(initial, f)
f(f(f(f(f(f(initial, a), b), c), d), e), ...)
Adopting FP with Java 8 is
Simply start using streams and lambdas
Eclipse can refactor anonymous inner classes to lambdas
Why functional programming?
Simplifying collection processing
Simplifying concurrency with Futures and Rx Observables
Tackling big data problems with functional programming
Let’s imagine
that you are writing code to display the
products in a user’s wish list
The need for concurrency
Step #1
Web service request to get the user profile including wish list (list of product Ids)
Step #2
For each productId: web service request to get product info
Getting products sequentially terrible response time
Need fetch productInfo concurrently
Composing sequential + scatter/gather-style
operations is very common
Futures are a great abstraction for
composing concurrent operations
Worker thread or event-
driven code
Main thread
Composition with futures
Future 2
get Asynchronous
operation 2
operation 1
Future 1
But composition with basic futures is
Java 7 future.get([timeout]):
Blocking API client blocks thread
Difficult to compose multiple concurrent operations
Futures with callbacks:
e.g. Guava ListenableFutures, Spring 4 ListenableFuture
Attach callbacks to all futures and asynchronously consume outcomes
But callback-based code = messy code
We need functional futures!
Functional futures - Scala, Java 8 CompletableFuture
def asyncPlus(x : Int, y : Int) : Future[Int] = ... x + y ...
val future2 = asyncPlus(4, 5).map{ _ * 3 }
assertEquals(27, Await.result(future2, 1 second))
Asynchronously transforms
def asyncSquare(x : Int) : Future[Int] = ... x * x ...
val f2 = asyncPlus(5, 8).flatMap { x => asyncSquare(x) }
assertEquals(169, Await.result(f2, 1 second))
Calls asyncSquare() with
the eventual outcome of
Functions like map() are asynchronous
f2 = f1 map (someFn) Outcome1
Implemented using callbacks
class WishListService(...) {
def getWishList(userId : Long) : Future[WishList] = {
Scala wish list service
Java 8 Completable Futures let you write similar code
map { userProfile => userProfile.wishListProductIds}.
flatMap { productIds =>
val listOfProductFutures =
productIds map productInfoService.getProductInfo
map { products => WishList(products) }
Your mouse is your database
Erik Meijer
Introducing Reactive Extensions (Rx)
The Reactive Extensions (Rx) is a library for composing asynchronous and
event-based programs using observable sequences and LINQ-style query
operators. Using Rx, developers represent asynchronous data streams
with Observables , query asynchronous data streams using LINQ
operators , and .....
About RxJava
Reactive Extensions (Rx) for the JVM
Original motivation for Netflix was to provide rich Futures
Implemented in Java
Adaptors for Scala, Groovy and Clojure
Embraced by Akka and Spring Reactor:
RxJava core concepts
trait Observable[T] {
def subscribe(observer : Observer[T]) : Subscription
trait Observer[T] {
def onNext(value : T)
def onCompleted()
def onError(e : Throwable)
An asynchronous stream of items
Used to unsubscribe
Comparing Observable to...
Observer pattern - similar but adds
Iterator pattern - mirror image
Push rather than pull
Futures - similar
Can be used as Futures
But Observables = a stream of
multiple values
Collections and Streams - similar
Functional API supporting map(),
flatMap(), ...
But Observables are asynchronous
Fun with observables
val every10Seconds = Observable.interval(10 seconds)
-1 0 1 ...
t=0 t=10 t=20 ...
val oneItem = Observable.items(-1L)
val ticker = oneItem ++ every10Seconds
val subscription = ticker.subscribe { (value: Long) => println("value=" + value) }
def getTableStatus(tableName: String) : Observable[DynamoDbStatus]=
Observable { subscriber: Subscriber[DynamoDbStatus] =>
Connecting observables to the outside
new DescribeTableRequest(tableName),
new AsyncHandler[DescribeTableRequest, DescribeTableResult] {
override def onSuccess(request: DescribeTableRequest, result: DescribeTableResult) = {
override def onError(exception: Exception) = exception match {
case t: ResourceNotFoundException =>
case _ =>
Called once per subscriber
Asynchronously gets information
about DynamoDB table
Transforming observables
val tableStatus : Observable[DynamoDbMessage] = ticker.flatMap { i =>"{}th describe table", i + 1)
Status1 Status2 Status3 ...
t=0 t=10 t=20 ...
+ Usual collection methods: map(), filter(), take(), drop(), ...
Calculating rolling average
class AverageTradePriceCalculator {
def calculateAverages(trades: Observable[Trade]):
Observable[AveragePrice] = {
case class Trade(
symbol : String,
price : Double,
quantity : Int
case class AveragePrice(
symbol : String,
price : Double,
Calculating average prices
def calculateAverages(trades: Observable[Trade]): Observable[AveragePrice] = {
map { case (symbol, tradesForSymbol) =>
val openingEverySecond =
Observable.items(-1L) ++ Observable.interval(1 seconds)
def closingAfterSixSeconds(opening: Any) =
Observable.interval(6 seconds).take(1)
tradesForSymbol.window(openingEverySecond, closingAfterSixSeconds _).map {
windowOfTradesForSymbol =>
windowOfTradesForSymbol.fold((0.0, 0, List[Double]())) { (soFar, trade) =>
val (sum, count, prices) = soFar
(sum + trade.price, count + trade.quantity, trade.price +: prices)
} map { case (sum, length, prices) =>
AveragePrice(symbol, sum / length, prices)
Create an Observable of per-symbol Observables
Create an Observable of per-symbol Observables
Why functional programming?
Simplifying collection processing
Simplifying concurrency with Futures and Rx Observables
Tackling big data problems with functional programming
Let’s imagine that you want to count
word frequencies
Scala Word Count
val frequency : Map[String, Int] =
.flatMap { _.split(" ") }.toList
frequency("THE") should be(11)
frequency("LIBERTY") should be(1)
But how to scale to a cluster of
Apache Hadoop
Open-source software for reliable, scalable, distributed computing
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
Efficiently stores very large amounts of data
Files are partitioned and replicated across multiple machines
Hadoop MapReduce
Batch processing system
Provides plumbing for writing distributed jobs
Handles failures
Overview of MapReduce
(K1,V, ....)*
(K2,V, ....)*
(K3,V, ....)*
MapReduce Word count - mapper
class Map extends Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, IntWritable> {
private final static IntWritable one = new IntWritable(1);
private Text word = new Text();
public void map(LongWritable key, Text value, Context context) {
String line = value.toString();
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line);
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
context.write(word, one);
(“Four”, 1), (“score”, 1), (“and”, 1), (“seven”, 1), ...
Four score and seven years
Hadoop then shuffles the key-value
MapReduce Word count - reducer
class Reduce extends Reducer<Text, IntWritable, Text, IntWritable> {
public void reduce(Text key,
Iterable<IntWritable> values, Context context) {
int sum = 0;
for (IntWritable val : values) {
sum += val.get();
context.write(key, new IntWritable(sum));
(“the”, 11)
(“the”, (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ...))
About MapReduce
Very simple programming abstract yet incredibly powerful
By chaining together multiple map/reduce jobs you can process very large amounts of
data in interesting ways
e.g. Apache Mahout for machine learning
Mappers and Reducers = verbose code
Development is challenging, e.g. unit testing is difficult
It’s disk-based, batch processing slow
Scalding: Scala DSL for MapReduce
class WordCountJob(args : Args) extends Job(args) {
TextLine( args("input") )
.flatMap('line -> 'word) { line : String => tokenize(line) }
.groupBy('word) { _.size }
.write( Tsv( args("output") ) )
def tokenize(text : String) : Array[String] = {
text.toLowerCase.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9s]", "")
Expressive and unit testable
Each row is a map of named fields
Apache Spark
Part of the Hadoop ecosystem
Key abstraction = Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDD)
Collection that is partitioned across cluster members
Operations are parallelized
Created from either a Scala collection or a Hadoop supported datasource - HDFS, S3 etc
Can be cached in-memory for super-fast performance
Can be replicated for fault-tolerance
REPL for executing ad hoc queries
Spark Word Count
val sc = new SparkContext(...)
.flatMap { _.split(" ")}
Expressive, unit testable and very fast
Functional programming enables the elegant expression of good ideas in a wide
variety of domains
map(), flatMap() and reduce() are remarkably versatile higher-order functions
Use FP and OOP together
Java 8 has taken a good first step towards supporting FP

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Map, Flatmap and Reduce are Your New Best Friends: Simpler Collections, Concurrency, and Big Data (#oscon)

  • 1. Map(), flatMap() and reduce() are your new best friends: simpler collections, concurrency, and big data Chris Richardson Author of POJOs in Action Founder of the original @crichardson
  • 2. @crichardson Presentation goal How functional programming simplifies your code Show that map(), flatMap() and reduce() are remarkably versatile functions
  • 4. @crichardson About Chris Founder of a buzzword compliant (stealthy, social, mobile, big data, machine learning, ...) startup Consultant helping organizations improve how they architect and deploy applications using cloud, micro services, polyglot applications, NoSQL, ...
  • 5. @crichardson Agenda Why functional programming? Simplifying collection processing Simplifying concurrency with Futures and Rx Observables Tackling big data problems with functional programming
  • 6. @crichardson Functional programming is a programming paradigm Functions are the building blocks of the application Best done in a functional programming language
  • 7. @crichardson Functions as first class citizens Assign functions to variables Store functions in fields Use and write higher-order functions: Pass functions as arguments Return functions as values
  • 8. @crichardson Avoids mutable state Use: Immutable data structures Single assignment variables Some functional languages such as Haskell don’t allow side-effects
  • 9. @crichardson Why functional programming? "the highest goal of programming- language design to enable good ideas to be elegantly expressed"
  • 10. @crichardson Why functional programming? More expressive More intuitive - declarative code matches problem definition Functional code is usually much more composable Immutable state: Less error-prone Easy parallelization and concurrency But be pragmatic
  • 11. @crichardson An ancient idea that has recently become popular
  • 13. @crichardson Lisp = an early functional language invented in 1958 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 garbage collection dynamic typing self-hosting compiler tree data structures (defun factorial (n) (if (<= n 1) 1 (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
  • 14. @crichardson My final year project in 1985: Implementing SASL sieve (p:xs) = p : sieve [x | x <- xs, rem x p > 0]; primes = sieve [2..] A list of integers starting with 2 Filter out multiples of p
  • 15. Mostly an Ivory Tower technology Lisp was used for AI FP languages: Miranda, ML, Haskell, ... “Side-effects kills kittens and puppies”
  • 17. @crichardson But today FP is mainstream Clojure - a dialect of Lisp A hybrid OO/functional language A hybrid OO/FP language for .NET Java 8 has lambda expressions
  • 18. @crichardson Java 8 lambda expressions are functions x -> x * x x -> { for (int i = 2; i < Math.sqrt(x); i = i + 1) { if (x % i == 0) return false; } return true; }; (x, y) -> x * x + y * y An instance of an anonymous inner class that implements a functional interface (kinda)
  • 19. @crichardson Agenda Why functional programming? Simplifying collection processing Simplifying concurrency with Futures and Rx Observables Tackling big data problems with functional programming
  • 20. @crichardson Lot’s of application code = collection processing: Mapping, filtering, and reducing
  • 21. @crichardson Social network example public class Person { enum Gender { MALE, FEMALE } private Name name; private LocalDate birthday; private Gender gender; private Hometown hometown; private Set<Friend> friends = new HashSet<Friend>(); .... public class Friend { private Person friend; private LocalDate becameFriends; ... } public class SocialNetwork { private Set<Person> people; ...
  • 22. @crichardson Typical iterative code - e.g. filtering public class SocialNetwork { private Set<Person> people; ... public Set<Person> lonelyPeople() { Set<Person> result = new HashSet<Person>(); for (Person p : people) { if (p.getFriends().isEmpty()) result.add(p); } return result; } Declare result variable Modify result Return result Iterate
  • 23. @crichardson Problems with this style of programming Low level Imperative (how to do it) NOT declarative (what to do) Verbose Mutable variables are potentially error prone Difficult to parallelize
  • 24. @crichardson Java 8 streams to the rescue A sequence of elements “Wrapper” around a collection (and other types: e.g., Files.lines()) Streams can also be infinite Provides a functional/lambda-based API for transforming, filtering and aggregating elements Much simpler, cleaner and declarative code
  • 25. @crichardson public class SocialNetwork { private Set<Person> people; ... public Set<Person> peopleWithNoFriends() { Set<Person> result = new HashSet<Person>(); for (Person p : people) { if (p.getFriends().isEmpty()) result.add(p); } return result; } Using Java 8 streams - filtering public class SocialNetwork { private Set<Person> people; ... public Set<Person> lonelyPeople() { return .filter(p -> p.getFriends().isEmpty()) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); } predicate lambda expression
  • 26. @crichardson The filter() function s1 a b c d e ... s2 a c d ... s2 = s1.filter(f) Elements that satisfy predicate f
  • 27. @crichardson Using Java 8 streams - mapping class Person .. private Set<Friend> friends = ...; public Set<Hometown> hometownsOfFriends() { return .map(f -> f.getPerson().getHometown()) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); }
  • 28. @crichardson The map() function s1 a b c d e ... s2 f(a) f(b) f(c) f(d) f(e) ... s2 =
  • 29. @crichardson Using Java 8 streams - friend of friends using flatMap class Person .. public Set<Person> friendOfFriends() { return .flatMap(friend -> friend.getPerson() .map(Friend::getPerson) .filter(f -> f != this) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); } maps and flattens
  • 30. @crichardson The flatMap() function s1 a b ... s2 f(a)0 f(a)1 f(b)0 f(b)1 f(b)2 ... s2 = s1.flatMap(f)
  • 31. @crichardson Using Java 8 streams - reducing public class SocialNetwork { private Set<Person> people; ... public long averageNumberOfFriends() { return .map ( p -> p.getFriends().size() ) .reduce(0, (x, y) -> x + y) / people.size(); } int x = 0; for (int y : inputStream) x = x + y return x;
  • 32. @crichardson The reduce() function s1 a b c d e ... x = s1.reduce(initial, f) f(f(f(f(f(f(initial, a), b), c), d), e), ...)
  • 33. @crichardson Adopting FP with Java 8 is straightforward Simply start using streams and lambdas Eclipse can refactor anonymous inner classes to lambdas
  • 34. @crichardson Agenda Why functional programming? Simplifying collection processing Simplifying concurrency with Futures and Rx Observables Tackling big data problems with functional programming
  • 35. @crichardson Let’s imagine that you are writing code to display the products in a user’s wish list
  • 36. @crichardson The need for concurrency Step #1 Web service request to get the user profile including wish list (list of product Ids) Step #2 For each productId: web service request to get product info But Getting products sequentially terrible response time Need fetch productInfo concurrently Composing sequential + scatter/gather-style operations is very common
  • 37. @crichardson Futures are a great abstraction for composing concurrent operations
  • 38. @crichardson Worker thread or event- driven code Main thread Composition with futures Outcome Future 2 Client get Asynchronous operation 2 set initiates Asynchronous operation 1 Outcome Future 1 get set
  • 39. @crichardson But composition with basic futures is difficult Java 7 future.get([timeout]): Blocking API client blocks thread Difficult to compose multiple concurrent operations Futures with callbacks: e.g. Guava ListenableFutures, Spring 4 ListenableFuture Attach callbacks to all futures and asynchronously consume outcomes But callback-based code = messy code See We need functional futures!
  • 40. @crichardson Functional futures - Scala, Java 8 CompletableFuture def asyncPlus(x : Int, y : Int) : Future[Int] = ... x + y ... val future2 = asyncPlus(4, 5).map{ _ * 3 } assertEquals(27, Await.result(future2, 1 second)) Asynchronously transforms future def asyncSquare(x : Int) : Future[Int] = ... x * x ... val f2 = asyncPlus(5, 8).flatMap { x => asyncSquare(x) } assertEquals(169, Await.result(f2, 1 second)) Calls asyncSquare() with the eventual outcome of asyncPlus()
  • 41. @crichardson Functions like map() are asynchronous someFn(outcome1) f2 f2 = f1 map (someFn) Outcome1 f1 Implemented using callbacks
  • 42. @crichardson class WishListService(...) { def getWishList(userId : Long) : Future[WishList] = { userService.getUserProfile(userId). Scala wish list service Java 8 Completable Futures let you write similar code Future[UserProfile] map { userProfile => userProfile.wishListProductIds}. flatMap { productIds => val listOfProductFutures = productIds map productInfoService.getProductInfo Future.sequence(listOfProductFutures) }. map { products => WishList(products) } Future[List[Long]] List[Future[ProductInfo]] Future[List[ProductInfo]] Future[WishList]
  • 43. @crichardson Your mouse is your database Erik Meijer
  • 44. @crichardson Introducing Reactive Extensions (Rx) The Reactive Extensions (Rx) is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences and LINQ-style query operators. Using Rx, developers represent asynchronous data streams with Observables , query asynchronous data streams using LINQ operators , and .....
  • 45. @crichardson About RxJava Reactive Extensions (Rx) for the JVM Original motivation for Netflix was to provide rich Futures Implemented in Java Adaptors for Scala, Groovy and Clojure Embraced by Akka and Spring Reactor:
  • 46. @crichardson RxJava core concepts trait Observable[T] { def subscribe(observer : Observer[T]) : Subscription ... } trait Observer[T] { def onNext(value : T) def onCompleted() def onError(e : Throwable) } Notifies An asynchronous stream of items Used to unsubscribe
  • 47. Comparing Observable to... Observer pattern - similar but adds Observer.onComplete() Observer.onError() Iterator pattern - mirror image Push rather than pull Futures - similar Can be used as Futures But Observables = a stream of multiple values Collections and Streams - similar Functional API supporting map(), flatMap(), ... But Observables are asynchronous
  • 48. @crichardson Fun with observables val every10Seconds = Observable.interval(10 seconds) -1 0 1 ... t=0 t=10 t=20 ... val oneItem = Observable.items(-1L) val ticker = oneItem ++ every10Seconds val subscription = ticker.subscribe { (value: Long) => println("value=" + value) } ... subscription.unsubscribe()
  • 49. @crichardson def getTableStatus(tableName: String) : Observable[DynamoDbStatus]= Observable { subscriber: Subscriber[DynamoDbStatus] => } Connecting observables to the outside world amazonDynamoDBAsyncClient.describeTableAsync( new DescribeTableRequest(tableName), new AsyncHandler[DescribeTableRequest, DescribeTableResult] { override def onSuccess(request: DescribeTableRequest, result: DescribeTableResult) = { subscriber.onNext(DynamoDbStatus(result.getTable.getTableStatus)) subscriber.onCompleted() } override def onError(exception: Exception) = exception match { case t: ResourceNotFoundException => subscriber.onNext(DynamoDbStatus("NOT_FOUND")) subscriber.onCompleted() case _ => subscriber.onError(exception) } }) } Called once per subscriber Asynchronously gets information about DynamoDB table
  • 50. @crichardson Transforming observables val tableStatus : Observable[DynamoDbMessage] = ticker.flatMap { i =>"{}th describe table", i + 1) getTableStatus(name) } Status1 Status2 Status3 ... t=0 t=10 t=20 ... + Usual collection methods: map(), filter(), take(), drop(), ...
  • 51. @crichardson Calculating rolling average class AverageTradePriceCalculator { def calculateAverages(trades: Observable[Trade]): Observable[AveragePrice] = { ... } case class Trade( symbol : String, price : Double, quantity : Int ... ) case class AveragePrice( symbol : String, price : Double, ...)
  • 52. @crichardson Calculating average prices def calculateAverages(trades: Observable[Trade]): Observable[AveragePrice] = { trades.groupBy(_.symbol). map { case (symbol, tradesForSymbol) => val openingEverySecond = Observable.items(-1L) ++ Observable.interval(1 seconds) def closingAfterSixSeconds(opening: Any) = Observable.interval(6 seconds).take(1) tradesForSymbol.window(openingEverySecond, closingAfterSixSeconds _).map { windowOfTradesForSymbol => windowOfTradesForSymbol.fold((0.0, 0, List[Double]())) { (soFar, trade) => val (sum, count, prices) = soFar (sum + trade.price, count + trade.quantity, trade.price +: prices) } map { case (sum, length, prices) => AveragePrice(symbol, sum / length, prices) } }.flatten }.flatten } Create an Observable of per-symbol Observables Create an Observable of per-symbol Observables
  • 53. @crichardson Agenda Why functional programming? Simplifying collection processing Simplifying concurrency with Futures and Rx Observables Tackling big data problems with functional programming
  • 54. @crichardson Let’s imagine that you want to count word frequencies
  • 55. @crichardson Scala Word Count val frequency : Map[String, Int] = Source.fromFile("gettysburgaddress.txt").getLines() .flatMap { _.split(" ") }.toList frequency("THE") should be(11) frequency("LIBERTY") should be(1) .groupBy(identity) .mapValues(_.length)) Map Reduce
  • 56. @crichardson But how to scale to a cluster of machines?
  • 57. @crichardson Apache Hadoop Open-source software for reliable, scalable, distributed computing Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) Efficiently stores very large amounts of data Files are partitioned and replicated across multiple machines Hadoop MapReduce Batch processing system Provides plumbing for writing distributed jobs Handles failures ...
  • 59. @crichardson MapReduce Word count - mapper class Map extends Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, IntWritable> { private final static IntWritable one = new IntWritable(1); private Text word = new Text(); public void map(LongWritable key, Text value, Context context) { String line = value.toString(); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { word.set(tokenizer.nextToken()); context.write(word, one); } } } (“Four”, 1), (“score”, 1), (“and”, 1), (“seven”, 1), ... Four score and seven years
  • 60. @crichardson Hadoop then shuffles the key-value pairs...
  • 61. @crichardson MapReduce Word count - reducer class Reduce extends Reducer<Text, IntWritable, Text, IntWritable> { public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<IntWritable> values, Context context) { int sum = 0; for (IntWritable val : values) { sum += val.get(); } context.write(key, new IntWritable(sum)); } } (“the”, 11) (“the”, (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, ...))
  • 62. @crichardson About MapReduce Very simple programming abstract yet incredibly powerful By chaining together multiple map/reduce jobs you can process very large amounts of data in interesting ways e.g. Apache Mahout for machine learning But Mappers and Reducers = verbose code Development is challenging, e.g. unit testing is difficult It’s disk-based, batch processing slow
  • 63. @crichardson Scalding: Scala DSL for MapReduce class WordCountJob(args : Args) extends Job(args) { TextLine( args("input") ) .flatMap('line -> 'word) { line : String => tokenize(line) } .groupBy('word) { _.size } .write( Tsv( args("output") ) ) def tokenize(text : String) : Array[String] = { text.toLowerCase.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9s]", "") .split("s+") } } Expressive and unit testable Each row is a map of named fields
  • 64. @crichardson Apache Spark Part of the Hadoop ecosystem Key abstraction = Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDD) Collection that is partitioned across cluster members Operations are parallelized Created from either a Scala collection or a Hadoop supported datasource - HDFS, S3 etc Can be cached in-memory for super-fast performance Can be replicated for fault-tolerance REPL for executing ad hoc queries
  • 65. @crichardson Spark Word Count val sc = new SparkContext(...) sc.textFile("s3n://mybucket/...") .flatMap { _.split(" ")} .groupBy(identity) .mapValues(_.length) .toArray.toMap } } Expressive, unit testable and very fast
  • 66. @crichardson Summary Functional programming enables the elegant expression of good ideas in a wide variety of domains map(), flatMap() and reduce() are remarkably versatile higher-order functions Use FP and OOP together Java 8 has taken a good first step towards supporting FP