SlideShare a Scribd company logo
A monitor (also called visual display unit) is an
electronic visual display for computers. The monitor
shows the display device, circuitry, and others. The
display device in modern monitors is typically thin film
transistor liquid display (TFT-LCD) thin panel, older
monitors use a cathode ray tube (CRT) about as deep as
the screen size.
RGB pixel array
Originally, computer monitors were used for data
processing while television receivers used for
entertainment. The common aspect ratio of televisions,
and then computer monitors, also changed from 4:3 to
16:9 (and 16:10).
19 Inch LG monitor
US PC keyboard
Dvorak Keyboard
Keyboard connected to
the CPU and Monitorkeyboard is a type writer style keyboard, which uses
an arrangement of buttons or keys, to act as
mechanical levers or electronic switches. Following
the decline of punch cards and paper tape,
interaction via teleprinter-style keyboards became
the main input device for computers.
Alphabetic Numeral
There are a number of different arrangements alphabetic,
numeric, and punctuation symbols on keys. they need special
layout for math , programming, or other purposes. United
States Keyboard layout is used as default operating systems:
Windows, Mac O SX and Linux. The common QWERTY-layout.
Printer is peripheral which produces a text or graphics of
documents stored in electronic form, usually on physical print
media like paper or transparencies. Many printers are used as
local peripherals, and attached by printer cable or, in most new
printers, a USB cable to computer which serves a document
Work printerIn addition, some modern printers directly interface to electronic
media as memory cards, or image capture devices as digital
cameras and scanners. Some printers combined with scanners or
fax machines in single unit, and can function as photocopiers.
Home Printer
In computing, image scanner often connected to just scanner ,a
device that optically scans images, printed text, handwriting, or
an object, and converts it to digital image. Examples found in
offices are variations of the desktop (or flatbed) scanner where t
document is placed on a glass window for scanning
Hand-held scanners, where the device is moved by hand, have
evolved from text scanning to 3D scanners used for industrial design,
reverse engineering, test and measurement, orthotics, gaming and
other applications. Mechanically driven scanners that move the
document are typically used for large-format documents, where a
flatbed design would be impractical.3D scanner work
A mouse is a pointing device that functions by detecting two-dimensional
motion relative to its supporting surface. Physically, a mouse consists of
an object held under one of the user's hands, with one or more buttons.
CPU (Central Processing Unit)
The central processing unit (CPU), is the 
hardware within a computer system which 
carries out the instructions of a computer 
program by performing the basic arithmetical, 
logical, and input/output operations of the 
system. The CPU plays a role to the brain in 
the computer. The CPU has been in use in the 
computer industry at since the early 1960s.The 
form, design, and implementation of CPUs 
changed dramatically since the earlier 
examples, but their fundamental operation 
remains much the same.
From above
From below
Floppy disk
is a CD rom that can save, but its square.
Is a component for saving files that have not 
many memory
DVD-ROM Compact Disk
A USB flash drive is a data storage device that 
includes flash memory with an integrated 
Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface. USB flash 
drives are typically removable and rewritable, 
and physically much smaller than a floppy disk. 
Most weight less than 30 g.
A floppy disk, or diskette, is a disk 
storage medium composed of a disk of 
thin and flexible magnetic 
storage medium, sealed in a rectangular 
plastic carrier lined with fabric that 
removes dust particles. They are read and 
written by a floppy disk drive (FDD).
 is a pre-pressed compact disc that 
contains data accessible to, but not 
writable by, a computer for data storage 
and music playback. The 1985 standard 
developed by Sony and Philips adapted 
the format to hold any form of binary data.
The Compact Disc, or CD for short, is 
an optical disc used to store digital 
data. It was originally developed to 
store and play back sound recordings 
only, but the format was later adapted 
for storage of data
Harddisk is components that is hard  
A hard disk drive (HDD) also hard drive, hard 
disk, or disk drive) is a device for storing and 
retrieving digital information, primarily 
computer data. It consists of one or more rigid 
(hence "hard") rapidly rotating discs (platters) 
coated with magnetic material, and with 
magnetic heads arranged to write data to the 
surfaces and read it from them.
Telefon era yang baru
Era telefon sebelum.
Telefon adalah alat komunikasi untuk menelfon siapa
saja dia jarak yang dekat atau jauh. Alexander
Graham Bell menciptkan telefon dan mencoba
menelfon ke Chicago dari NY. Sebelumnya, telefon
menggunakan kabel atau analog. Dan era telefon
yang baru, mungkin bisa mengggunakan wireless
atau bluetooth atau mereka tetap menggunakan kabel
yang lebih baik dengan jarak dan tempat yang lebih
ISDN(Integrated Services Digital Network)
German Stamp
Adalah perkataan,video,data,dan jaringan
servis di sirkuit tradisional dari jaringan
telefon umum.
Lebih dipentigkan ISDN, sistem telefon
diperlihatkan dengan cara mengirim kan
suara, dengan servis yang special untuk
FacsimileDikatakan lebih mudah (Facsimile)
adalah transmisi lewat telepon dari bahan cetak dipindai (teks dan gambar),
biasanya ke nomor telepon terhubung ke printer atau perangkat output lainnya.
The kertas nyata discan pindah ke Bitmap dan mengirimkan melalui sistem telepon
Fiber Optic
An optical fiber junction box
Sebuah serat optik (atau serat optik) adalah serat, fleksibel
transparan terbuat dari kaca (silika) atau plastik, sedikit lebih tebal
dari rambut manusia. Berfungsi sebagai Waveguide, atau "pipa
cahaya", untuk mengirimkan cahaya antara kedua ujung serat.
Bidang ilmu terapan dan teknik berkaitan dengan desain dan
aplikasi serat optik dikenal sebagai serat optik ..
Leatsed Line
Sebuah leased line adalah kontrak pelayanan antara penyedia dan pelanggan, dimana
penyedia setuju untuk memberikan garis simetris telekomunikasi yang
menghubungkan dua atau lebih lokasi dalam pertukaran untuk sewa bulanan (maka
sewa jangka).
Hal ini kadang-kadang dikenal sebagai "Sirkuit Swasta" atau "Data Line" di Inggris.
Nirkabel telekomunikasi adalah transfer
informasi antara dua atau lebih titik yang tidak
terhubung secara fisik. Jarak bisa pendek
seperti remote control televisi atau sejauh
ribuan bahkan jutaan kilometer untuk ruang
dalam komunikasi radio.
((KOMUNIKASI))…..Satelit komunikasi adalah sebuah satelit buatan yang ditempatkan di
angkasa dengan tujuan telekomunikasi. Satelit komunikasi yang modern menggunakan
orbit bumi renda dengan tipe tipe orbit yang lain
BIDANG ELEKTRONIKA….. Antena adalah transformator struktur transmisi antara
gelombang ruang bebas atau sebaliknya.
Telepon genggan atau handphone HP adalah perangkat telekomunikasi
elektronik yang mempunyai kemampuan dasar yang sama dengan telpon
konvensional saluran tetap, namun dapat dibawa kemana-mana
(portable,mobile) dan tidak perlu disambungkan dengan jaringan kabel,
Server adalah sebuah sistem komputer yang menyediakan jenis layanan tertentu dalam
sebuah jaringan komputer.
Server didukung dengan prosesor yang bersifat scalable dan RAM yang besar, juga
dilengkapi dengan sistem operasi khusus, yang disebut sistem operasi jaringan
Klien dalam ilmu komputer adalah sebuah aplikasi atau yang mengakses sebuah sistem
layanan yang berada di sistem atau komputer lain yang dikenal dengan server melalui
jaringan komputer. Istilah ini pertama kali diaplikasikan ke perangkat tambahan yang di
waktu itu tidak dapat menjalankan programnya sendiri, tetapi dapat berinteraksi dengan
komputer lain melalui jaringan
Peruter atau penghala yg sering disebut ROUTER dalam bahasa inggris adalah sebuah
alat yang mengirimkan paket data melalui sebuah jaringan atau internet menuju
tujuannya, melalui sebuah proses yang dikenal sebagai penghalaan.
Modem stands for MOdulator
DEmulator comes from a part
that converts the signal
information into a carrier
signal or CARRIER and ready
to be delivered, while the
demodulator is the part that
separates the information
signal birisi data or
messages from the received
signal carrier so that the
information can be received
Internet User
Internet user is the user that use the computer, internet user is a user
using an internet playing learning or studying with it.
‘My Own Words”
Hacker and Cracker
Hacker is the person who vandalized a system, steal data belonging to others via the internet and have
the ability to analyze the weaknesses of a system or site.
Middle IT is a term for those who provide a useful contribution to the computer network, creating a small
program and give it to the people on the internet.
Highly IT is proffesional hacker is a computer or IT group, they may consist instead of a computer
Engineers, pengaturcara and so have a high knowledge in a computer system.
Type Hackers
White Hat hackers in the English term white hat is: focus on the action how to protect a system, which
contradicts with the black hat is more focused on how the action through the system.
Black Hat hacker hackers referring to those who break through the security of computer systems
without permission, usually for the purpose of accessing computers connected to the network.
Advantages: can be extended to a variety of places, can do programming, not just theory, to learn
Disadvantages: arrogant, can steal passwords, corrupt the system
Positives: perfecting a system
Hacker and Cracker
Cracker: It is called fatherly them into other people's systems and crackers is more
"destructive", usually a computer network, posted by-pass the password or license computer
programs, computer security against the deliberate, men deface (change the web home
page) belonging to the another even up to delete other people's data, steal data.
Is play or played by role in the evolution of the internet by
developing recommendations, standards, and technology;
deploying infra structure and services; and addressing other
major issues.
In internet, carding a violence example, or some not hacking is
used to be an activity that connected to the credit card.
Example like a commerce transaction and the payment using
credit card.
How to Share Information
1. Facebook 16. Gmail
2. Google+plus 17. ETC
3. OmG Yahoo 18. WhatsApp
4. Twitter 19. BBMessenger
5. Tumbl’r 20. Magazine
6. Friendster 21. MSN Weekly
7. Blogger 22. Palringo
8. Instagram 23. KiK Messenger
9. Youtube 24.
10. Email
11. Outlook
12. SMS
13. Phone Call
14. Letter
15. Mail
Historical ICT
Historical Period (3000 BC till 1400 AD)
The development of more advanced way of communicating in the history,
from the invention of the phonetic alphabet, Karta as the media writing, to
the way print books. Following the development of information that
occurred during mass history.
3000 BC The Sumerians discovered writing for the first time. The text is in the form of symbols
called pictographs.
2900 BC the ancient Egyptians had developed writing hieroglyphs to communicate.
2500 BC Abacus
This tool is considered as a first time digital calculations. Yet clearly the original source of this
abacus or, supposedly from Babylon, China, or Egypt.
1775 BC The Greeks introduced the system of writing from left to right using the phonetic
alphabet letter made based on sound speech.
1400 BC The Chinese began to write them on a piece of the history of animal bones.
1270 BC Syrian nation has made the Encyclopedia for the first time
900 BC The Chinese made the postal service system and the first post office
776 BC The Greeks use pigeons to send information
530 BC The Greeks also create a library for the first time
500 BC The Egyptians used papyrus as paper fiber trees
105 BC The Chinese discovered the paper. The man who found the paper was named Tsai Lun.
The paper is made from bamboo fibers are crushed, filtered, washed, flattened and then dried.
14 AD The Romans officially made the postal service system
37 AD Emperor Tiberius of Rome using the mirror as a tool to send a message (heliograph).
305 AD The Chinese created the first printing press made of slabs of wood carving. System done
using h wood and covered by ink.
Historical ICT
Modern Period (1400 AD till Now)
During this period, significant progress was made on the development of
information and communication technology. These developments during the
modern period.
The Modern Development of ICT tools
1450 AD The first newspaper in the world began to circulate in Europe, although not yet published in the daily
1455 M Johann Gutenberg developed the printing press that uses the letters of the iron plate and framed with wood
that can be changed
1560 M camera first images created with the name of the Camera Obscure
1642 M Pascal's Machine Aritmetique (The Pascaline) created by Blaise Pascal mathematician and philosopher of
the French. This tool is a machine tool with a mechanical calculation of the first, and to date still using modern
computer engineering tools.
1650 AD The first newspaper circulating in Germany
1714 M Henry Mill of England created the modern typewriter
1793 M Claude Chappe optical telegraph line to make long distance
1821 M microfon for the first time discovered by Charles Whaetstone
1830 M Agusta Lady Byron wrote the first computer program in collaboration with Charles Babbage's Analytical
engine uses ideas
1831 M Joseph Henry created the world's first electric lines
1837 M Samuel F.B. Morse with William Cook and Charles Whaetstone develop the telegraph and Morse code
1843 M Alexander Bain invented the first Fax
1861 M discovery tool called Kinematoskop to play slide
1876 M Thomas Alva Edison invented the first photocopy machine, Alexander Graham Bell claimed to have created
the telephone. In the same year, Dewey developed a system of recording Melvyl catalog of books to libraries around
the world called the Dewey Decimal System
1888 AD The creation of a roll of film to photograph by George Eastman
1910 M Thomas Alva Edison invented the world's first silent movie
1923 AD The discovery of the first television sets by Vladimir Kosma Zworykin
1934 M Joseph Begun developing Tape Recorder
1936 AD The first computer in the world with the name of the Z1 was invented by Konrad Zuse
1945 M Vannevar Bush developed a code of Hypertext
1946 M ENIAC 1 is the first digital computer developed
1957 M Soviet Union (RMusia) launched Sputnik as the first artificial earth satellite, whereas in
America are ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency)
1958 Chester Carlson M menciptkakan first copier with Xerox name
1963 M American system creates a zip code
1969 AD The birth of the ARPANET as a forerunner to the Internet
1971 M Diskette creation of the world's first
M 1972 Ray Tomlinson created the first e-mail program
1973 AD The birth of the internet protocol TCP / IP
1979 M Japan spearheaded the creation of the first wireless telephone network in the world
1980 M Company Sony, Japan made the world's first Walkman
1985 AD The discovery of a data storage disc (CD)
1992 M advent of the WWW by CERN (Particle Laboratory in Switzerland)
1999 AD The advent of the search engine giant in the world for free information that is
Historical ICT
History of Computers
The development is divided into 5 generation of computers, which are as follows. First Generation (1940 s.d. 1959)
This first generation of computers is characterized using vacuum tubes to
process and store data, fast heat and flammable, therefore thousands of vacuum
tubes required to run the entire operation of the computer, and also requires a
very large power. The first generation of computers is 100% electronic. First
generation computers were characterized by the fact that operating instructions
were made specifically for a particular task. Each computer has a program of
different binary-coded-called "machine language" (machine language). This
causes the computer is difficult to be programmed and the speed limit.
Historical ICT
The characteristics of the first generation computers are:
The program is in machine language,
Using the concept of program storage,
The components used are vacuum tubes,
large physical size and thus require a big power, and
Can be stored on magnetic tape and disk magnetig.
For example, the IBM 701 computer made in 1953 is a
large commercial computers, while IBM 705 which was
made in 1959 used in the industry.
Historical ICT
In 1948, the invention of the transistor greatly influenced the
development of computers. The transistor replaced the vacuum tube
in televisions, radios, and computers. As a result, the size of electric
machines is reduced drastically. The transistor used in computers
began in 1956. Other findings in the form of magnetic core memory-
second generation computers smaller, faster, more reliable, and more
energy efficient than its predecessor. The first machine that utilizes
this new technology is the supercomputer. IBM makes supercomputer
named Stretch, and Sprery-Rand makes a computer named LARC.
These computers, both developed for atomic energy laboratories,
could handle large amounts of data, a capability much in demand by
atomic scientists.
The second generation of computers replacing the machine language
to assembly language. Assembly language is a language that uses to
replace the binary code.
Historical ICT
- Jean Hoerni developed the planar transistor. This
technology enables the development of millions and even
billions of transistors incorporated into a small piece of
silicon crystal.
- USSR (Russia at that time) sputnik launch of the first
artificial earth satellite who served as a spy. In return the
U.S. formed Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA)
under the authority of the Department of Defense to
develop scientific knowledge in the field of Information
Technology and the Military.
Historical ICT
1958 Chester Carlson M made the first copier with Xerox name
1963 M American system creates a zip code
1969 AD The birth of the ARPANET as a forerunner to the Internet
1971 M Diskette creation of the world's first
M 1972 Ray Tomlinson created the first e-mail program
1973 AD The birth of the internet protocol TCP / IP
1979 M Japan spearheaded the creation of the first wireless telephone network in the
1980 M Company Sony, Japan made the world's first Walkman
1985 AD The discovery of a data storage disc (CD)
1992 M advent of the WWW by CERN (Particle Laboratory in Switzerland)
1999 AD The advent of the search engine giant in the world for free information that
In 1948, the invention of the transistor greatly influenced the development of computers. The
transistor replaced the vacuum tube in televisions, radios, and computers. As a result, the size
of electric machines is reduced drastically. The transistor used in computers began in 1956.
Other findings in the form of magnetic core memory-second generation computers smaller,
faster, more reliable, and more energy efficient than its predecessor. The first machine that
utilizes this new technology is the supercomputer. IBM makes supercomputer named Stretch,
and Sprery-Rand makes a computer named LARC. These computers, both developed for atomic
energy laboratories, could handle large amounts of data, a capability much in demand by
atomic scientists.? Second generation computers replaced the machine language to assembly
language. Assembly language is a language that uses singkatansingkatan to replace the binary
code. The second generation of computers is a computer which used transistors. They also
have components that can be associated with the computer at this time such as printers,
storage, disk, memory, operating system, and programs. One important example of this is the
computer in the IBM 1401 that is widely accepted in the industry.? Several programming
languages began to appear at that time. Programming language Common Business-Oriented​​
Language (COBOL) and FORTRAN (Formula Translator) came into common use. These
languages replaced cryptic binary machine code with words, sentences, and mathematical​​
formulas are more easily understood by humans. This makes it easy for someone to program a
The characteristics of the second generation of computers include:
 The capacity of the main memory is large enough,
 The components used are transistors are much smaller than
vacuum tubes,
 Using magnetic tape and magnetic disk-shaped removable disk,
 Have the ability to process real-time and time-sharing,
 Process operations faster,
 The orientation on business applications and techniques.
For example, a computer PDP-5 and PDP-8 made in 1963 was the​​
first commercial minicomputer. In addition, there is the computer
IBM 7070, IBM 1400, NCR 300, and so on.
Third Generation Computers (1965 s.d. 1970)
Other third-generation development is the use of the operating system
(operating system) which allows the engine to run many different programs at
once with a central program that monitored and coordinated the computer's
The characteristics of the third generation computers, among others:
 component used is IV (Integrated Circuits) consisting of hundreds or
thousands of transistor-shaped hybrid integrated circuits and monolithic
integrated circuits,
 Process operations much faster and more precise, computer memory capacity
is much greater,
 The physical size is much smaller thus more efficient use of electricity,
 Using magnetic disks that are random access,
 Can perform multiprocessing and multiprogramming,
 input-output equipment development experience using visual display
terminals, and
 Can perform data communication from one computer to another computer.
For example, IBM S/30. NOVA, CDC 3000, PDP-11, and so forth.

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ICT Systems

  • 2. Monitor A monitor (also called visual display unit) is an electronic visual display for computers. The monitor shows the display device, circuitry, and others. The display device in modern monitors is typically thin film transistor liquid display (TFT-LCD) thin panel, older monitors use a cathode ray tube (CRT) about as deep as the screen size. RGB pixel array Originally, computer monitors were used for data processing while television receivers used for entertainment. The common aspect ratio of televisions, and then computer monitors, also changed from 4:3 to 16:9 (and 16:10). 19 Inch LG monitor
  • 3. Keyboard US PC keyboard Dvorak Keyboard Keyboard connected to the CPU and Monitorkeyboard is a type writer style keyboard, which uses an arrangement of buttons or keys, to act as mechanical levers or electronic switches. Following the decline of punch cards and paper tape, interaction via teleprinter-style keyboards became the main input device for computers. Alphabetic Numeral There are a number of different arrangements alphabetic, numeric, and punctuation symbols on keys. they need special layout for math , programming, or other purposes. United States Keyboard layout is used as default operating systems: Windows, Mac O SX and Linux. The common QWERTY-layout.
  • 4. Printer Printer is peripheral which produces a text or graphics of documents stored in electronic form, usually on physical print media like paper or transparencies. Many printers are used as local peripherals, and attached by printer cable or, in most new printers, a USB cable to computer which serves a document source. Work printerIn addition, some modern printers directly interface to electronic media as memory cards, or image capture devices as digital cameras and scanners. Some printers combined with scanners or fax machines in single unit, and can function as photocopiers. Home Printer
  • 5. Scanner In computing, image scanner often connected to just scanner ,a device that optically scans images, printed text, handwriting, or an object, and converts it to digital image. Examples found in offices are variations of the desktop (or flatbed) scanner where t document is placed on a glass window for scanning Hand-held scanners, where the device is moved by hand, have evolved from text scanning to 3D scanners used for industrial design, reverse engineering, test and measurement, orthotics, gaming and other applications. Mechanically driven scanners that move the document are typically used for large-format documents, where a flatbed design would be impractical.3D scanner work
  • 6. Mouse A mouse is a pointing device that functions by detecting two-dimensional motion relative to its supporting surface. Physically, a mouse consists of an object held under one of the user's hands, with one or more buttons.
  • 7. CPU (Central Processing Unit) The central processing unit (CPU), is the  hardware within a computer system which  carries out the instructions of a computer  program by performing the basic arithmetical,  logical, and input/output operations of the  system. The CPU plays a role to the brain in  the computer. The CPU has been in use in the  computer industry at since the early 1960s.The  form, design, and implementation of CPUs  changed dramatically since the earlier  examples, but their fundamental operation  remains much the same. From above From below
  • 8. Floppy disk is a CD rom that can save, but its square. Flashdisk Is a component for saving files that have not  many memory DVD-ROM Compact Disk A USB flash drive is a data storage device that  includes flash memory with an integrated  Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface. USB flash  drives are typically removable and rewritable,  and physically much smaller than a floppy disk.  Most weight less than 30 g. A floppy disk, or diskette, is a disk  storage medium composed of a disk of  thin and flexible magnetic  storage medium, sealed in a rectangular  plastic carrier lined with fabric that  removes dust particles. They are read and  written by a floppy disk drive (FDD).  is a pre-pressed compact disc that  contains data accessible to, but not  writable by, a computer for data storage  and music playback. The 1985 standard  developed by Sony and Philips adapted  the format to hold any form of binary data. The Compact Disc, or CD for short, is  an optical disc used to store digital  data. It was originally developed to  store and play back sound recordings  only, but the format was later adapted  for storage of data
  • 11. Telephone Telefon era yang baru Era telefon sebelum. Telefon adalah alat komunikasi untuk menelfon siapa saja dia jarak yang dekat atau jauh. Alexander Graham Bell menciptkan telefon dan mencoba menelfon ke Chicago dari NY. Sebelumnya, telefon menggunakan kabel atau analog. Dan era telefon yang baru, mungkin bisa mengggunakan wireless atau bluetooth atau mereka tetap menggunakan kabel yang lebih baik dengan jarak dan tempat yang lebih jauh.
  • 12. ISDN(Integrated Services Digital Network) German Stamp Adalah perkataan,video,data,dan jaringan servis di sirkuit tradisional dari jaringan telefon umum. Lebih dipentigkan ISDN, sistem telefon diperlihatkan dengan cara mengirim kan suara, dengan servis yang special untuk data
  • 13. FacsimileDikatakan lebih mudah (Facsimile) adalah transmisi lewat telepon dari bahan cetak dipindai (teks dan gambar), biasanya ke nomor telepon terhubung ke printer atau perangkat output lainnya. The kertas nyata discan pindah ke Bitmap dan mengirimkan melalui sistem telepon
  • 14. Fiber Optic TOSLINK Fiber An optical fiber junction box Sebuah serat optik (atau serat optik) adalah serat, fleksibel transparan terbuat dari kaca (silika) atau plastik, sedikit lebih tebal dari rambut manusia. Berfungsi sebagai Waveguide, atau "pipa cahaya", untuk mengirimkan cahaya antara kedua ujung serat. Bidang ilmu terapan dan teknik berkaitan dengan desain dan aplikasi serat optik dikenal sebagai serat optik ..
  • 15. Leatsed Line Sebuah leased line adalah kontrak pelayanan antara penyedia dan pelanggan, dimana penyedia setuju untuk memberikan garis simetris telekomunikasi yang menghubungkan dua atau lebih lokasi dalam pertukaran untuk sewa bulanan (maka sewa jangka). Hal ini kadang-kadang dikenal sebagai "Sirkuit Swasta" atau "Data Line" di Inggris.
  • 16. Wireless Nirkabel telekomunikasi adalah transfer informasi antara dua atau lebih titik yang tidak terhubung secara fisik. Jarak bisa pendek seperti remote control televisi atau sejauh ribuan bahkan jutaan kilometer untuk ruang dalam komunikasi radio.
  • 17. Satelite ((KOMUNIKASI))…..Satelit komunikasi adalah sebuah satelit buatan yang ditempatkan di angkasa dengan tujuan telekomunikasi. Satelit komunikasi yang modern menggunakan orbit bumi renda dengan tipe tipe orbit yang lain
  • 18. Antenna BIDANG ELEKTRONIKA….. Antena adalah transformator struktur transmisi antara gelombang ruang bebas atau sebaliknya.
  • 19. Cellular Telepon genggan atau handphone HP adalah perangkat telekomunikasi elektronik yang mempunyai kemampuan dasar yang sama dengan telpon konvensional saluran tetap, namun dapat dibawa kemana-mana (portable,mobile) dan tidak perlu disambungkan dengan jaringan kabel, (nirkabel,Wireless)…
  • 21. Server Server adalah sebuah sistem komputer yang menyediakan jenis layanan tertentu dalam sebuah jaringan komputer. Server didukung dengan prosesor yang bersifat scalable dan RAM yang besar, juga dilengkapi dengan sistem operasi khusus, yang disebut sistem operasi jaringan
  • 22. Client Klien dalam ilmu komputer adalah sebuah aplikasi atau yang mengakses sebuah sistem layanan yang berada di sistem atau komputer lain yang dikenal dengan server melalui jaringan komputer. Istilah ini pertama kali diaplikasikan ke perangkat tambahan yang di waktu itu tidak dapat menjalankan programnya sendiri, tetapi dapat berinteraksi dengan komputer lain melalui jaringan
  • 23. Router Peruter atau penghala yg sering disebut ROUTER dalam bahasa inggris adalah sebuah alat yang mengirimkan paket data melalui sebuah jaringan atau internet menuju tujuannya, melalui sebuah proses yang dikenal sebagai penghalaan.
  • 24. Modem Modem stands for MOdulator DEmulator comes from a part that converts the signal information into a carrier signal or CARRIER and ready to be delivered, while the demodulator is the part that separates the information signal birisi data or messages from the received signal carrier so that the information can be received well
  • 26. Internet User Internet user is the user that use the computer, internet user is a user using an internet playing learning or studying with it. ‘My Own Words”
  • 27. Hacker and Cracker Hacker is the person who vandalized a system, steal data belonging to others via the internet and have the ability to analyze the weaknesses of a system or site. Middle IT is a term for those who provide a useful contribution to the computer network, creating a small program and give it to the people on the internet. Highly IT is proffesional hacker is a computer or IT group, they may consist instead of a computer Engineers, pengaturcara and so have a high knowledge in a computer system. Type Hackers White Hat hackers in the English term white hat is: focus on the action how to protect a system, which contradicts with the black hat is more focused on how the action through the system. Black Hat hacker hackers referring to those who break through the security of computer systems without permission, usually for the purpose of accessing computers connected to the network. Advantages: can be extended to a variety of places, can do programming, not just theory, to learn programming. Disadvantages: arrogant, can steal passwords, corrupt the system Positives: perfecting a system
  • 28. Hacker and Cracker Cracker: It is called fatherly them into other people's systems and crackers is more "destructive", usually a computer network, posted by-pass the password or license computer programs, computer security against the deliberate, men deface (change the web home page) belonging to the another even up to delete other people's data, steal data.
  • 29. Organization Is play or played by role in the evolution of the internet by developing recommendations, standards, and technology; deploying infra structure and services; and addressing other major issues.
  • 30. Carding In internet, carding a violence example, or some not hacking is used to be an activity that connected to the credit card. Example like a commerce transaction and the payment using credit card.
  • 31. How to Share Information 1. Facebook 16. Gmail 2. Google+plus 17. ETC 3. OmG Yahoo 18. WhatsApp 4. Twitter 19. BBMessenger 5. Tumbl’r 20. Magazine 6. Friendster 21. MSN Weekly 7. Blogger 22. Palringo 8. Instagram 23. KiK Messenger 9. Youtube 24. 10. Email 11. Outlook 12. SMS 13. Phone Call 14. Letter 15. Mail
  • 32. Historical ICT Historical Period (3000 BC till 1400 AD) The development of more advanced way of communicating in the history, from the invention of the phonetic alphabet, Karta as the media writing, to the way print books. Following the development of information that occurred during mass history.
  • 33. Events 3000 BC The Sumerians discovered writing for the first time. The text is in the form of symbols called pictographs. 2900 BC the ancient Egyptians had developed writing hieroglyphs to communicate. 2500 BC Abacus This tool is considered as a first time digital calculations. Yet clearly the original source of this abacus or, supposedly from Babylon, China, or Egypt. 1775 BC The Greeks introduced the system of writing from left to right using the phonetic alphabet letter made based on sound speech. 1400 BC The Chinese began to write them on a piece of the history of animal bones. 1270 BC Syrian nation has made the Encyclopedia for the first time 900 BC The Chinese made the postal service system and the first post office 776 BC The Greeks use pigeons to send information 530 BC The Greeks also create a library for the first time 500 BC The Egyptians used papyrus as paper fiber trees 105 BC The Chinese discovered the paper. The man who found the paper was named Tsai Lun. The paper is made from bamboo fibers are crushed, filtered, washed, flattened and then dried. 14 AD The Romans officially made the postal service system 37 AD Emperor Tiberius of Rome using the mirror as a tool to send a message (heliograph). 305 AD The Chinese created the first printing press made of slabs of wood carving. System done using h wood and covered by ink.
  • 34. Historical ICT Modern Period (1400 AD till Now) During this period, significant progress was made on the development of information and communication technology. These developments during the modern period. The Modern Development of ICT tools
  • 35. event 1450 AD The first newspaper in the world began to circulate in Europe, although not yet published in the daily 1455 M Johann Gutenberg developed the printing press that uses the letters of the iron plate and framed with wood that can be changed 1560 M camera first images created with the name of the Camera Obscure 1642 M Pascal's Machine Aritmetique (The Pascaline) created by Blaise Pascal mathematician and philosopher of the French. This tool is a machine tool with a mechanical calculation of the first, and to date still using modern computer engineering tools. 1650 AD The first newspaper circulating in Germany 1714 M Henry Mill of England created the modern typewriter 1793 M Claude Chappe optical telegraph line to make long distance 1821 M microfon for the first time discovered by Charles Whaetstone 1830 M Agusta Lady Byron wrote the first computer program in collaboration with Charles Babbage's Analytical engine uses ideas 1831 M Joseph Henry created the world's first electric lines 1837 M Samuel F.B. Morse with William Cook and Charles Whaetstone develop the telegraph and Morse code 1843 M Alexander Bain invented the first Fax 1861 M discovery tool called Kinematoskop to play slide 1876 M Thomas Alva Edison invented the first photocopy machine, Alexander Graham Bell claimed to have created the telephone. In the same year, Dewey developed a system of recording Melvyl catalog of books to libraries around the world called the Dewey Decimal System
  • 36. Event 1888 AD The creation of a roll of film to photograph by George Eastman 1910 M Thomas Alva Edison invented the world's first silent movie 1923 AD The discovery of the first television sets by Vladimir Kosma Zworykin 1934 M Joseph Begun developing Tape Recorder 1936 AD The first computer in the world with the name of the Z1 was invented by Konrad Zuse 1945 M Vannevar Bush developed a code of Hypertext 1946 M ENIAC 1 is the first digital computer developed 1957 M Soviet Union (RMusia) launched Sputnik as the first artificial earth satellite, whereas in America are ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) 1958 Chester Carlson M menciptkakan first copier with Xerox name 1963 M American system creates a zip code 1969 AD The birth of the ARPANET as a forerunner to the Internet 1971 M Diskette creation of the world's first M 1972 Ray Tomlinson created the first e-mail program 1973 AD The birth of the internet protocol TCP / IP 1979 M Japan spearheaded the creation of the first wireless telephone network in the world 1980 M Company Sony, Japan made the world's first Walkman 1985 AD The discovery of a data storage disc (CD) 1992 M advent of the WWW by CERN (Particle Laboratory in Switzerland) 1999 AD The advent of the search engine giant in the world for free information that is
  • 37. Historical ICT History of Computers The development is divided into 5 generation of computers, which are as follows. First Generation (1940 s.d. 1959) This first generation of computers is characterized using vacuum tubes to process and store data, fast heat and flammable, therefore thousands of vacuum tubes required to run the entire operation of the computer, and also requires a very large power. The first generation of computers is 100% electronic. First generation computers were characterized by the fact that operating instructions were made specifically for a particular task. Each computer has a program of different binary-coded-called "machine language" (machine language). This causes the computer is difficult to be programmed and the speed limit.
  • 38. Historical ICT The characteristics of the first generation computers are: The program is in machine language, Using the concept of program storage, The components used are vacuum tubes, large physical size and thus require a big power, and Can be stored on magnetic tape and disk magnetig. For example, the IBM 701 computer made in 1953 is a large commercial computers, while IBM 705 which was made in 1959 used in the industry.
  • 39. Historical ICT In 1948, the invention of the transistor greatly influenced the development of computers. The transistor replaced the vacuum tube in televisions, radios, and computers. As a result, the size of electric machines is reduced drastically. The transistor used in computers began in 1956. Other findings in the form of magnetic core memory- second generation computers smaller, faster, more reliable, and more energy efficient than its predecessor. The first machine that utilizes this new technology is the supercomputer. IBM makes supercomputer named Stretch, and Sprery-Rand makes a computer named LARC. These computers, both developed for atomic energy laboratories, could handle large amounts of data, a capability much in demand by atomic scientists. The second generation of computers replacing the machine language to assembly language. Assembly language is a language that uses to replace the binary code.
  • 40. Historical ICT - Jean Hoerni developed the planar transistor. This technology enables the development of millions and even billions of transistors incorporated into a small piece of silicon crystal. - USSR (Russia at that time) sputnik launch of the first artificial earth satellite who served as a spy. In return the U.S. formed Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) under the authority of the Department of Defense to develop scientific knowledge in the field of Information Technology and the Military. 1957
  • 41. Historical ICT 1958 Chester Carlson M made the first copier with Xerox name 1963 M American system creates a zip code 1969 AD The birth of the ARPANET as a forerunner to the Internet 1971 M Diskette creation of the world's first M 1972 Ray Tomlinson created the first e-mail program 1973 AD The birth of the internet protocol TCP / IP 1979 M Japan spearheaded the creation of the first wireless telephone network in the world 1980 M Company Sony, Japan made the world's first Walkman 1985 AD The discovery of a data storage disc (CD) 1992 M advent of the WWW by CERN (Particle Laboratory in Switzerland) 1999 AD The advent of the search engine giant in the world for free information that is
  • 42. HISTORICAL I:C:T In 1948, the invention of the transistor greatly influenced the development of computers. The transistor replaced the vacuum tube in televisions, radios, and computers. As a result, the size of electric machines is reduced drastically. The transistor used in computers began in 1956. Other findings in the form of magnetic core memory-second generation computers smaller, faster, more reliable, and more energy efficient than its predecessor. The first machine that utilizes this new technology is the supercomputer. IBM makes supercomputer named Stretch, and Sprery-Rand makes a computer named LARC. These computers, both developed for atomic energy laboratories, could handle large amounts of data, a capability much in demand by atomic scientists.? Second generation computers replaced the machine language to assembly language. Assembly language is a language that uses singkatansingkatan to replace the binary code. The second generation of computers is a computer which used transistors. They also have components that can be associated with the computer at this time such as printers, storage, disk, memory, operating system, and programs. One important example of this is the computer in the IBM 1401 that is widely accepted in the industry.? Several programming languages began to appear at that time. Programming language Common Business-Oriented​​ Language (COBOL) and FORTRAN (Formula Translator) came into common use. These languages replaced cryptic binary machine code with words, sentences, and mathematical​​ formulas are more easily understood by humans. This makes it easy for someone to program a computer.
  • 43. HISTORICAL I:C:T The characteristics of the second generation of computers include:  The capacity of the main memory is large enough,  The components used are transistors are much smaller than vacuum tubes,  Using magnetic tape and magnetic disk-shaped removable disk,  Have the ability to process real-time and time-sharing,  Process operations faster,  The orientation on business applications and techniques. For example, a computer PDP-5 and PDP-8 made in 1963 was the​​ first commercial minicomputer. In addition, there is the computer IBM 7070, IBM 1400, NCR 300, and so on.
  • 44. HISTORICAL I:C:T Third Generation Computers (1965 s.d. 1970) Other third-generation development is the use of the operating system (operating system) which allows the engine to run many different programs at once with a central program that monitored and coordinated the computer's memory. The characteristics of the third generation computers, among others:  component used is IV (Integrated Circuits) consisting of hundreds or thousands of transistor-shaped hybrid integrated circuits and monolithic integrated circuits,  Process operations much faster and more precise, computer memory capacity is much greater,  The physical size is much smaller thus more efficient use of electricity,  Using magnetic disks that are random access,  Can perform multiprocessing and multiprogramming,  input-output equipment development experience using visual display terminals, and  Can perform data communication from one computer to another computer. For example, IBM S/30. NOVA, CDC 3000, PDP-11, and so forth.